#Empress of the Mu Empire
harrelltut · 1 year
1968 Gen X HIM [MICHAEL] 3 Immortal 9 [i9] Ether MÖNK-MODUS KINGS like Enigmatic MYSTIC [KEM = KEMETIC] ORACLE KING [OK] SOLOMON-MICHAEL of Marie's Heavenly ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] SOUL Prince MICHAEL of Ancient [MA] Ægiptian [ME] HITTITE SUN KING TUTANKHAMÚN's Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC Immortal 9 [i9] Ether GREAT Uncle... KING [UK] NEBUCHADNEZZAR’s HIGHLY INTELLIGENT [HI = HITTITE] 9 Ether [HE] Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Underworld [HU = HURRIAN] MONARCHY of MITANNI's Most Holiest [MH = JAH] 9 Ether Matriarchal Pharaohess [EMPRESS] HATSHEPSUT’s 1st Hieroglyphically INTELLIGENT [HI = HITTITE] ANUNNAQI [HA = HARRELL] GRANDSON… of Amenhotep’s PTOLEMAIC [GAP] KINGDOM of AMENHOTEP’S TOLTEC [KAT = SPHINX] EMPIRE of Ancient [SEA]... FUTURISTIC SUN_KING [Sunken] DOME Capitol [D.C.] MILITARY of Imhotep’s [MI = MICHAEL's] HIDDEN Underground [HU = HURRIAN] Labyrinth Portals 2 New [NU] Earth Territories [E.T.] of Paradisal Terrain on Ancient HITTITE [PTAH] MOTHERLAND [MU] CONTINENTS of HATHOR’s Materialized Afterlife [MA] Human SUN DNA/MOON RNA Spirit of MAYA’s QUEEN MÓO [MU] from Ægiptian American [ATLANTEAN] HOPI SUN EMPIRE City SAÏS Pharaoh THUTMOSE I… who Ancestrally Incarnated [A.i.] HATHOR’s Historically AUTONOMOUS [HA = HARRELL] Underground [HU = HURRIAN] ANUNNAQI [HA = HARRELL] SKY Kingdom Spirits [SERAPHIM]… who Immaculately MATERIALIZED [I’M] @ Highly Official… U.S. Ægiptian [HOUSE] Deutsch QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] LLC
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eye don't need nobody to tell me my own universally royal [Ur] 9 ether sky histories that predate you
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eye ancient omnipresent biblical occult scripture king tutankhamún
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eye tut [e.t.] II from 1968 gen x
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1968 gen x him [michael] ancient [ma] ægiptian [me] king tutankhamún dna of the Greatest 9 Ether MÖNK-MODUS KING SOLOMON GENERATION
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ancient 9 ether ægiptian sky hopi of antediluvian [ha = harrell] mu amurika [ma = atlantis]
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1968 gen x him [michael] esoteric [me] hopi of the ægiptian hittites-hurrians of atlantis [ha = harrells] and our lost [found] lemuria underneath america [luz]
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Highly 2023 Official... U.S. Ægiptian 2024 Deutsch MICHAEL HARRELL JR. = IMPERIAL MITANNI [I'M] MONARCH [I'M] MICHAEL HITTITE II in MAYA'S 2025 Luz ATLANTIS [L.A.]
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we underneath [wu] our pacific sky ocean
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Not gonna lie; I would probably sell the earth out to the Mu Empress from Atragon.
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consacro · 4 years
Historia Temporis
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Empress has asked me to compile theirs and Elmine’s catalog into a physical archive, I suppose the place to start would be the Pantheon we now call home. I worry this scroll will become quite long so I’ve taken the liberty to abridge the history and separate the keystone events into separate scrolls at a later date.
[Note 1: Discovery of Mew = The colonization of Pallet Town / Gen1] [Note 2: The years are based on how much time lapsed on their territory, which may or may not reflect the “normal” flow of time]
[3500 years before the discovery of Mew] In the beginning, the [RINGLEADER], a foul, heartless Allfather, created two entities. [NIGHT], and [MARIA]. Aptly its intention was to cause nightmares, hence the..names.
Night and Maria were a Darkrai and Cresselia, though due to the Allfather’s lack of ability, they didn’t have a strong natural ability. Night was able to cause nightmares, but only within a small radius around him. Likewise, Maria calmed terrors, but only within a radius.
They were created with the Allfather’s full exertion. They knew of its machinations, of its intent, what they were made from, for. They knew of the [CHIMERA GENE].
They lived among man, shepherding a young kingdom with leadership who dearly wished for the best.
The two lived and bonded with humans, serving as advisors and guardians.
[3450 years before the discovery of Mew] When the wars came, tensions grew, and the family they once guided were divided. Night and Maria both continued, in a vain attempt to reunite the family. It didn’t work, and through the generations they became closely guarded secrets of the now divided home.
[3000 years before the discovery of Mew] Humans are strange creatures. They recall what they want, forget what they want. There were many rumors. For the house of Night, he became a myth, a phantom that “only the king” could see.He retreated from the public eye. A wise decision on his part, if I must say.
Unfortunately Maria, in her overflowing love of man, remained public. Every few years her public image changed, but the name remained as a rumor mill. The king’s advisor, the king’s consort, the king’s concubine, a variety of titles followed her like a miasma. The king at the time was enamored with her, daring to keep her with him at all times, to bed her, to ask for her hand - but her heart belonged to another.
When this came to light, the king went mad, only knowing that her heart belonged to someone from the rivaling kingdom. That he was someone of the royal court.
War was waged, Maria was executed upon the two kings discovering she and Night were far from human. I believe this broke him, Night...Valentin. He mourned and in her dying breath, Maria begged him to carry on with her heart, she didn’t know what the Allfather had planned, just that they had to stop their creator.
Night fell into stasis this year.
[2000 years before the discovery of Mew] Night awoke from stasis. From first hand account, he didn’t know why. He didn’t know what compelled him to wake, but he did. He found out the reason why, though.
This was the year the Allfather began building the foundation for its demise. Ho-oh and Lugia were the earliest specimen it could replicate, so  it settled for them. Poor creatures. Shion and Souma oh, I apologize I believe their names now are [ARCHEL] and [EPOCH] - they retrieved a record from the Allfather after its demise, presented to the [EMPIRE OF SKIES] to safeguard.
When he awoke, Night altered his name, [VALENTIN].
He saw the notions the Allfather was performing, and began his own scheming. He offered the Allfather an out, to raise the children it crafted.
[100 years before the discovery of Mew] This seems to be the point at which [HOMURA] and [SIREN]’s eggs were crafted and set loose among man. They were discovered and cared for by priests in the region that would become Johto. It wasn’t until they hatched that Valentin was set in motion. The two Young Blood children were taken to a floating island hidden away from man, a heretical claim that would later become known as the Godless Lands.
[50 years before the discovery of Mew] The cruel Allfather learned of Valentin’s scheming, to teach them to live among man and abandon the Allfather. Furious, he was banished from the Godless Lands. Unfortunately for both him and Homura, this was also the turning point when Siren began to show signs of the Allfather’s influence.
After this year..Valentin was never seen in the Pantheon again..
[45 years after the discovery of Mew] Siren crafted the egg that would divide and become Archel and Epoch. She willed the creation, another subtle flag that she was beginning to fall. She abhorred fire types, by this point there were already signs that she hated Homura. It was only a matter of time.
[47 years after the discovery of Mew] [REIKA] and [HIBIKI] were crafted in the same years, though Homura’s method of creating his beasts was quite varied from Siren’s from my understanding.
Hibiki’s core component for being reborn was [TENACITY]
[50 years after the discovery of Mew] [AGEHA] was crafted this year, their core component from what Empress’ Room of Memories is suggested to be [FORTITUDE]
This is also the year the Allfather shackled the [REAPER] that would become known as Libra. The arbiters that acted as a safety valve and second family to an individual [REAPER] are incredibly important to maintain balance, and Libra only had one remaining after those events.
[52 years after the discovery of Mew] [KYOUMA] was crafted. There seems to be mixed feelings, as he wasn’t the first choice, but according to Homura, after seeing such a small, young soul, still latched onto life tooth and nail, he couldn’t ignore that [DRIVE] and made his decision.
[70 years after the discovery of Mew] This was the year that the [PATRAT DAY] occurred. It was a cold spring the day the Ilex forest burned down by Homura’s hand and brute forced Celebi into reverting the day. A terrible event, truthfully. Hibiki was the only survivor of the event, and Homura determined that it was time to separate interaction from humans.Up until this point the little ones were watched by the priests who found Homura and Siren when needed, often when the two traveled to the Whirl Islands.
[73 years after the discovery of Mew] Reika had found a recently passed child in the mountains she explored in. At her request, Homura breathed life back into the small Vulpix, a small price to pay to make a child happy. [CHALTIER] became linked to Homura’s vitality, though he quickly discovered he could alleviate the fatigue that Homura bore if he consumed the vitality of an outside source.
[85 years after the discovery of Mew] Oh dear..The Allfather’s tyranny through Siren began to sprout here. This is the year that Siren began performing unspeakable, cruel actions to Homura. Luck was on the ho-oh’s side, and he was able to escape death many, many times, but still had the unfortunate circumstance of being created into a heartless Pantheon. He did his best during this time to deflect attention away from the Young Blood Gods, and...well, for a long time it worked.
This was the same year that Siren banished Reika to an isolated mountain after months of shaming her. A tragedy, really. She was shamed for things that Siren herself had created her with.
The Pantheon, unlike many, is unable to alter their human veil. They were created as they were.
Archel and Epoch abandoned the Godless Lands at this time. They had fled to make a deal with the Allfather and escape Siren.
[90 years after the discovery of Mew] To my knowledge, this is the year Siren killed Ageha and was finally ended by Homura’s hand. Hibiki’s eye was lost in the dog fight, and Ageha’s death was the precursor to the brawl.
Kyouma was unharmed physically, but ..something...something in him changed that day. The drastic change from the quick-witted, untamed beast into a sedate shell...seeing it was jarring. I can’t imagine how it must have felt for Hibiki and Homura to experience it in person.
Not forgotten, Reika was retrieved from the mountain with the news of Siren’s fall, but..she wasn’t the same after. She wasn’t the same for a long time...
This was the year that Reika determined she no longer wished to be seen as [MALE]
[91 years after the discovery of Mew] The Allfather’s fury was immature and excessive. Homura hadn’t done as it wanted. Hadn’t devoured Siren’s heart to trigger the [CHIMERA GENE]. In a tantrum, it banished Homura to a limbo, sealed his power, his memories. He knew only the land and the constructed building was referred to as the [TOWER OF HEAVEN]
Chaltier survived with Reika, preying on humans at the base of the mountain they had to call home for several years. They had to survive. They had to survive. For their own sake. For Homura’s sake.
Hibiki and Kyouma took to the seas, barred from being near Homura, the risk of extinction for going against the Allfather’s wishes. Hibiki was convinced they weren’t strong enough, that they had to heed its words.
[150 years after the discovery of Mew] An Entei from an unknown Pantheon discovered the [TOWER OF HEAVEN]. For better or worse this began the gear of its demise..in another way. The Entei’s appearance triggered Homura’s memory to return and break the Allfeathers’ glamour on him and the island. This also allowed the Young Blood Gods to return to their guardian, slowly but surely.
I feel this was arguably the most eventful single year of the Pantheon. After the Entei broke the glamour, Hibiki and Kyouma, though remaining at sea, began to regularly return again.
In the same notion, Reika and Chaltier were spirited away to the [TOWER OF HEAVEN] and remained there, avoiding much of the outside world.
At the end of the year, Libra, along with Archel and Epoch were released from the Allfather’s hold and granted passage to enter the [TOWER OF HEAVEN]
[277 years after the discovery of Mew] The Allfather’s machinations have caused time to become out of joint. Visitors from another parallel became trapped here. [WILD] and [FULMINE] they were called. They were - and are, most certainly Great Old Ones with much knowledge. Goodness. I can’t wait to introduce myself and find out more about their lives.
The end of the year is when Hibiki and Kyouma discovered a floating shell that would become [TAPU YULA] as well.
[278 years after the discovery of Mew] I believe the pressure came to a head this year. This was the year that  Homura began the downfall of the Allfather. With the assistance of a Staraptor, he gained the Godkiller’s Spear.
[279 years after the discovery of Mew] It was also through this Staraptor that he obtained what Elmine has cataloged as [FAIRWEATHER ARMOR], a suit of armor designed to withstand the Allfather’s fury.
The end of the 279th year marked the beginning of the end for the Allfather. Homura was out of time, as the [CHIMERA GENE] would end him soon enough if he held off much longer.
[280 years after the discovery of Mew] They weren’t ready yet, but it was now or never. Even without being present, watching the memories of the earth, the fury and rage that erupted from Homura when the Allfather encountered [TAPU YULA] and struck their eye. He took the war to it, there were no two ways about it.
While Homura and the other Young Blood Gods entered the [DOMAIN OF KINGS] - I believe they refer to it as the “Void Zone” but the truth of the matter is, it’s an isolated veil where only Allfathers are meant to exist. As the [DISTORTION WORLD] belongs to [GIRATINA], [DOMAIN OF KINGS] belongs to [ARCEUS].
It didn’t stop them though. When they entered the Domain to dare the Allfather - it was a gamble. It was absolutely a winner take all gamble.
Impressively, Homura even deigned to enter the fight handicapped. His vitality was able to keep [TAPU YULA] alive through the eye implanted as a replacement. They fell into a long sleep though. The poor thing entered stasis without knowing if they - or their family..would ever come back.
[285 years after the discovery of Mew] It was only hours for the Young Blood, I believe. Five years passed in the mortal plane.
They were returned to the mortal plane victorious, though. The corpse of the Allfather offered a great deal of power, but they chose to let the rotten rot.
The [DOMAIN OF KINGS] had taken its toll on them though. Wild and Fulmine were nowhere to be seen, jettisoned back to their own parallel. Libra and Mu were absent as well, the [REAPER] finally freed from the chain and returning to his [HIVEMIND]. The poison of being there for so long caused the Young Blood to fall into a catatonic state.
This is the year the [SOVEREIGNS] came into sentience. The blood and bone of the Allfather gave sentience of the [EMPRESS OF STONE], the body of the Allfather raising the [EMPEROR OF THE SEAS], with the most..dangerous aspect of it...the soul and spirit of the Allfather, became [EMPIRE OF SKIES].
All of the Young Blood were taken. [EMPRESS OF STONE] crafted a safe haven, a [TEMPLE], though fundamentally akin to the now-destroyed [TOWER OF HEAVEN], it was deemed a sanctuary rather than a stockade.
The Young Blood would remain in recovery for a very long time following this.
[669 years after the discovery of Mew] [TAPU YULA] awoke from stasis, choosing the name [RAHI] for themselves.
In the following two years they were cared for by the [SOVEREIGNS], though they also had to cope with the sudden absence of any semblance of family they knew.
Preceding Rahi’s awakening, [EMPRESS OF STONE] unearthed the meteorite that would become [IMPERIAL ELMINE],  and following that it discovered the remains of a [CELESTEELA] - repaired and breathed life into. She would become an extension, a steel doll that channeled Elmine and [EMPRESS OF STONE]’s power, [SASA].
[671 years after the discovery of Mew] [Beginning of this blog activity] The Young Blood now awaken, Though the mortal plane only saw their absence for 3 years, the [DISTORTION WORLD] found their absence for 12. The time elapsed at the [TEMPLE] is a total of 386 years.
[673 years after the discovery of Mew] Wild and Fulmine have returned? It seems they’re able to control the [WHEN] and [WHERE] for their being to be, rather than suffering at the mercy of an Allfather this time.
Libra and Mu have returned to their duties as a [REAPER], though he seems to have a much better relationship with [EMPRESS OF STONE] than he did with [RINGLEADER].
[EMPRESS OF STONE] found me as well...it found me..and gave me a purpose, gave me a second chance. It was gracious enough to grant my little ones a second chance as well...I can’t thank it enough for not leaving me to rot in the ruins...
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kachawo · 2 years
I'm in the middle of a lecture on Science and you know what's on my mind? That's right it's still Wei Wuxian.
The idea comes from here
So, the original story goes like this:
The daughter of a fallen Baron household, Li Yong, is a beautiful, intelligent and resolved girl.
She enters the capital and with it; the noble society in order to revive her family's name, using her study of medicine to do so.
You know the rest.
So the roles are this:
Male Leads:
1st- Jin Zixuan, the Crown Prince of the Jin Empire
2nd- Song Lan, the loyal bodyguard of the deceased sixth prince, Mo Xuanyu. And lover of the (dead) Xiao Xinghen.
3rd- Wen Xu, the son of the Archduke Wen Ruohan/ Antagonist
4th- Nie Mingjue, War General
Side Characters:
Overthrew the Wen Empire and took the mantle.
Jin Guangshan, Emperor
Ling Jian (Madame Jin), Empress
Jin Zixuan, Crown Prince
Jin Guangyao, Second Prince
Mo Xuanyu, 6th Prince
Jin Su(Qin Su), 1st Princess
(9 children in total: 7 princes and 2 princesses, others r ocs)
(13 concubines: Meng Shi (jgy mum), Mo Fan (mxy mum), Cai Yuan (js mum) others r ocs)
The Lan clan are known for the strong soldiers their military produces, and the geniuses that ascend to scholars.
Lan Wangji, Military General. (Li Yong's childhood best friend)
Lan Xichen, Scholar of the cultivation arts. (Head of Lan)
Lan Jingyi, young warrior under Song Lan's tutelage.
Nie Huaisang, Scholar of the Six Arts. (Deputy Head of Nie)
Nie Mingjue, War General.
Jiang Wanyin, Border General.
Jiang Yanli, Matriarch of Jiang. (Supposed Villainess)
Nmj, Jwy, n' Lwj are known as the three great generals.
QishanWen (antagonist)
Used to be the imperial family until they were overthrown. Wrh built up his clan and gained his noble title at a young age, but the wens are out of jin's control.
Wen Ruohan, Archduke
Wen Xu, heir to the title.
Wen Chao, just an asshole
Former baron household under the Wen clan. Defected and are now in hiding.
Wen Qing, she's studying medicine in the same academia LY's is in with the alias surname of 'Mu'.
Wen Ning, training soldier.
Luo Qingyang, the female lead's bodyguard in the original story, but wwx snatched her before the story started.
Song Lan, Mxy's bodyguard now and then.
Xiao Xingchen, Mxy's aid, lover of SL.
There's probably more but that's all I can think of rn.
This isn't based on any real monarchy, it's fiction no accuracy can be found in any of my posts lol.
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Slipping Through My Fingers - Epilogue
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter 
warnings: none 
an: i can’t - just enjoy, ok? 
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Two Years Later
All was quiet. Peaceful, warm. 
And she couldn’t stop staring, down at the precious, precious bundle in her arms. A wee little baby who had only known the world for two short days and already yearned towards the sky, her chubby hands grasping at the strands of light that danced through the window. 
Elide gently rocked the babe, humming an old Blackbeak folk tune her mother used to soothe her as a child. 
Stella blinked her slender eyes - having inherited her mother’s monolid shape - up at Elide and cocked her head to the side, settling down as Elide continued her song. 
“Oh, you like that one, do you?” Elide asked, smiling gently as she leaned down to kiss Stella’s brow. “You know, little one, my mama used to sing that to me when I was as itty bitty as you.” 
She heard the door to her hospital room open and knew, by the sound of his Chucks scuffing across the floor, that it was her husband. Elide turned away from the window and smiled at Lorcan, whose face remained neutral, but he could never hide the look in his eyes from her. “Well, hi there.” 
Elide smiled as he walked closer to her, “Hi to you, too.” 
He turned his dark gaze from hers to the child in her arms and with a little maneuvering, Lorcan managed to get Elide back in the hospital bed and pluck his daughter from her. She gently eased back onto the mattress, hissing slightly at the discomfort, but the sight of Lorcan so enamoured by their daughter had any pain slip sliding away. 
There was only one thing missing from this moment. “L, did you call Mia and Fen?” 
“Yeah, they’re on their way. Should be here in–” he was interrupted by a knock on the door and smiled, “I guess now.” He crossed over to her and passed Stella back to her, leaning down once Elide was comfortably cradling the babe and pressing his lips to hers for a brief moment. 
Lorcan opened the door and Elide craned to the side to see Nehemia and Kohana standing there. The seven-year old’s eyes found her and he pushed his father out of the way, racing over to her. “Hi, mom.” 
Her heart clenched and it was hard to breathe every time he called her that, never mind that he’d been using it for a year now - ever since he’d let it slip one late night, barely awake as Elide put him to bed and dutifully let Tigger pass her to curl up in his human’s arms. 
“Hi, baby,” she said, leaning over to kiss his cheek, still round and soft, “how was Mi-Mi and Fen’s?” 
“Fine,” he said flippantly, all too distracted by Stella Luna. “Is that my sister?” 
“It is indeed,” Elide replied, tilting the bundle so Ko could see her more clearly. 
“She’s so little.” 
“She’s a newborn, my love, that’s how big they are.” 
“Oh. Isn’t it dangerous if they’re so tiny? They could get squished, I think,” he told her, finally looking up with his big brown eyes. 
Lorcan laughed quietly as he shut the door and walked over to the bed, scooping their son up and carefully setting him down beside Elide. 
Kohana instinctively nestled against her, looking down at Stella. “Hi, Stella Luna.” The baby silently opened her eyes, her brilliant amber gaze staring right back at her brother. “I’m Kohana, but you can call me Ko or something else. I’m your big brother, ok? So I’m gonna protect you. We’re Ozuye, we’re warriors, you know. I’ll be there for you until you’re big and strong and then I’ll still be there, ‘cause we’re gonna be really good friends.” 
Stella gurgled quietly, still staring up at Ko like she knew what he was saying. “One day, I’m gonna teach you how to speak like us, but mom’s still learning and,” he dropped his voice to a quiet whisper, “she’s not very good yet.” 
Elide chuckled tearfully and looked up at Lorcan, who was discreetly wiping his eyes. He winked at her and mouthed Hormones.
That had her rolling her eyes and turning back to their children just in time to see Kohana pull something out of his hoodie. “This is Robert. He’s a hippo-po, see? He’s my favourite stuffy and he makes me feel loads better when I’m sad, but since I’m a big kid now, you get him, ok?” 
Stella looked at him seriously, as if she understood what Kohana was telling her and Elide didn’t doubt it for a second. Elide helped Ko open the swaddle slightly and put Robert down beside her. “There,” he said, leaning down to kiss Stella’s cheek. “He’ll take care of you.” 
Elide smiled and leaned down, kissing the top of Kohana’s head, “Thank you, baby.” 
“Mom, can I hold her?” Kohana asked, looking up at Elide, who nodded and helped him get situated, keeping her hands under Ko’s as Lorcan shifted the baby until Ko was holding her properly. 
“You’re doing so good,” she whispered to Ko, who smiled happily and started speaking in Lorcan’s native tongue to Stella. 
She only caught bits of it and her heart cracked in two when he said, “I have a different mama than you, but we have the same mom. It doesn’t matter ‘cause I’m still your big brother, even if we don’t always look the same.” 
Elide flicked her eyes to Lorcan, who was staring at their kids with an emotion she couldn’t name, but one she fully understood. He glanced up at her and reached out his hand, taking hers and squeezing once. I love you, he mouthed, something in his eyes flickering with joy when her smile echoed the statement. 
They stayed in their little bubble, one perfect little moment, until someone knocked on the door and opened it. It was Yrene, “Hey, guys. I need to take Stella Luna for some tests, is that alright?” 
Elide nodded, “Of course. Ko, sweetheart, can you say bye to Stella? She has to go for now.” 
Kohana’s eyes widened into near perfect circles, “Go? Why? Why does she have to go? She just got here.” 
Elide stifled her laugh and smiled, “The doctors need to make sure everything’s all good with her, alright?” 
Yrene wore a warm smile as she walked in and carefully took Stella from Kohana, “Wow, you’re a great baby holder, Kohana.” 
He wore a worried frown and held his hands out in case Yrene dropped Stella, “Be careful. She’s really little.” 
“I will be. Do you want to come with me? You can make sure nobody hurts your sister.” 
Kohana looked up at Lorcan and Elide for permission and they both nodded, letting him climb off the bed and take Yrene’s hand, walking out with her. After the door clicked shut, Elide patted the mattress beside her, “Come.” 
Lorcan huffed a laugh and did as she said, stretching his legs out and sitting still as Elide shifted until she was happy, her leg half hitched over his hip and one arm stretched across his waist. Elide pressed her face into his side, sighing once and settling down to sleep. 
She said something muffled and he didn’t quite catch it. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, Lorcan murmured, “What was that, E?” 
“I said, thank you,” she whispered, tilting her head back to look up at him. 
“What for?” 
an: and we’re done! im very emotional and im so happy that you guys loved this dumb lil story as much as me 🥺 and im so excited to show yall some lil tings i got in the works 👀 
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe​ @schmlip-scribble e​ @the-regal-warrior​ @empire-of-wildfire​ @rhysands-highlady​ @ttakeitbacknoww @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tswaney17​ @ourbooksuniverse​ @flora-and-fae​ @thesirenwashere​ @queenofxhearts​ @maastrash h​ @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @superspiritfestival @empress-ofbloodshed @queen-of-glass @sleeping-and-books @beccasophia95 @exersize-me-i-dare-u @thewayshedreamed @hizqueen4life @ifinallygavein @bat-wing-rhys @awkward-avocado-s @b00kworm @mu-si-ca-l @lovemollywho @tacmc @soitsgorgeous @staarligght @starrynightsbooks @keshavomit
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phanique · 3 years
Ancient Love Poetry Novel Differences
I will be updating this post with the differences between the novel and the drama. Do note that certain differences might be due to timeline changes so the novel has just yet to mention things instead.
I will go according to the chapters of the novels as a reference.
Chapter 1
- Gu Jun technically did marry Wu Huan but was busy finding ways to grow the egg that Wu Huan eventually left him and married Mu Guang
- The only people left of the God Realm after Hun Dun Zhi Jie was only Wu Huan, Mu Guang and Gu Jun (though Bo Xuan is already hinted)
Chapter 2-10
- Okay so technically the four main gods were said to have survived and are also somewhere in the Heavenly Realm
- Qing Mu in the novel when he met Hou Chi was definitely more cold where he only followed Hou Chi and Feng Ran as she had the same bracelet as him
- Qing Mu only met Hou Chi at Liao Wang Shan and not at the banquet so he did not use a sword to chase after Hou Chi
- Hou Chi thus also was kinder to Qing Mu in a sense
- Liao Wang Shan has a barrier set up that prevents most people from entering easily
- Yao Jie (Demon Realm? idk what they call it in the English translation) also has a barrier set up that immortals higher than Shang Jun also have a hard time entering
- When Qing Mu brought Hou Chi into the Demon Realm, she shrank to the size of her young self as her powers were too weak to withstand against the strength of the barrier of Demon Realm
- Feng Ran sort of ships them from the start, she was not worried when Hou Chi left with Qing Mu
- Hou Chi remained as her younger self for more than a month with Qing Mu as they travel through the Demon Realm
- What happened at the banquet where the two immortals lied remains the same but how it happened went slightly differently
- Feng Ran's back story is explained better in the novel
- Feng Ran also has not appeared before immortals in the Heavenly Empire for more than 8000 years (number might be wrong) so only some people knew how she looked like
(Not really a difference but technically Jing Jian and Hou Chi are half-siblings based on what they know so the novel did mention that a little more while the drama made me feel that they were more of strangers.)
Between Chapter 1-33ish
- Heavenly Empress did not appear that early in front of Hou Chi in the novel, she only appeared when Jing Zhao gave her Dragon Fire thing to Mu Qing to save him
- Jing Jian also did not go to the Demon Realm and got binded with Feng Ran
- Jing Jian technically became good friends with them when he went to train at Yuan Ling Zhao Zhe and met the 3 headed dragon
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chernobog13 · 3 years
The Mu warship speeds back to the underwater Mu Empire, pursued by the mighty Gotengo!
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Unknown to the crew of the Gotengo, the Empress of Mu has released their terrible god, Manda!
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The Mu warship escapes through an underwater gate into Mu.
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The Gotengo rushes to get inside before the gates shut!
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dangermousie · 3 years
Mousie do you have a favorite villain? I really liked the main villain from legend of fuyao he was really extra from what I remembered.
If you mean a bona fide “nah doesn’t get redeemed/explained away” villain? Yes.
I looooove the Dad in Fuyao, he was so delightfully evil, so dedicated to wrecking his unfortunate son/nephew (who was a good kid), it was delicious.
I am fond of Papa Wang in Monarch Industry because that man has FLAIR.
I am very fond of the terrifying, mesmerizing Bi Zhong Liang in Sparrow.
If we are going to go for tragic, nothing pings more for me than Yuan Hong as Yang Kang in Legend of Condor Heroes 2008 - he starts genuinely heroic and goes through seventeen kinds of hell and slowly becomes an antihero and then a villain but even when I hated him for the hell he put Hu Ge’s Guo Jing through, I could still pity him and I loved the way he worshipped the ground Liu Shi Shi’s Mu Nianci walked on. And then he ultimately finds redemption only...
My favorite villain in all of cdramas is Cao Cao as portrayed by Chen Jianbin in Three Kingdoms 2010. He is both the villain and the protagonist. He’s a horrifying person but he is so magnetic, so smart, so larger than life, that I root for him the entire drama (the man kills one of my biggest OTPs ever and I still love him.)
Though depending on the definition of a villain - if we allow protagonist who goes from hero to antihero to villain back to painful repentance - then hands down my favorite villain of any gender in any drama is Chen Xing Xu’s Li Chengyin in Goodbye My Princess for reasons I’ve mentioned in too many GMP posts. I love him, loathe him, pity him, am repulsed by him and root for him all at once. It’s a complicated broken character and a bravura performance.
If we are going to talk female villains, I am fond of the tragic villain heroine of Red Dust (played by Shu Qi), assassin trained by the bad guy, who she has to sleep with occasionally, but who finally wants more once she meets Wallace Huo’s scholar. She becomes a heroine and I love that.
If you want an unrepentant female villain, I am hella fond of the Empress in Tribes and Empires. Beautiful, intense, unhinged, trapped in a super toxic relationship with the Emperor she abused (and who is a monster himself) which gives me shudders.
My favorite female villain is probably Princess Royal played by Li Xiaoran in Joy of Life. She is gorgeous, smart, has a hell of unhealthy but scorching chemistry with Zhang Ruo Yun’s Fan Xian (her prospective son in law!) and is driven not by love or desire but by boredom, need for power, and a dark view of what is needed to survive. She is amazing.
(If Hao Yi Xing ever airs, and is halfway competently done, I am sure I will add Taxian Jun 1.0 to the list, but we shall see...)
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consacro · 5 years
I'm lazy and don't want to draw everyone a million times for icons so I'm gonna be using some fcs whoop
Homura // Kogitsunemaru (Touken Ranbu) Rahi // Nai (Karneval) Empress // Padparadscha (Houseki no Kuni) Lyre // Thor (God of War) Sirocco // Yagen Toushirou (Touken Ranbu) Reika // Lucio (Granblue Fantasy) Archel //  Higekiri (Touken Ranbu) Epoch // Afuro Terumi (Inazuma Eleven)  Hibiki // Gakupo (Vocaloid) Hachisuka Kotetsu (Touken Ranbu) Kyouma // Kazama Chikage (Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan) Gilgamesh (Fate) Val // Zaveid (Tales of Zestiria / Tales of Berseria) Akurooh (Dairoku: Ayakashimori) Libra // Gilbert Nightray (Pandora Hearts) Osamu Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs) Mu //   Caenis (Fate/Grand Order) Lucretia // Kirakishou (Rozen Maiden) Lucitania // Suigintou (Rozen Maiden) Elmine // Orpheus (Persona) Sasa // Olympia (Karakuri Circus) Ash Clad (Fairy Gone) Wild // Merlin (Fate) Fulmine // Senna (League of Legends) Vivette //  Midare Toushirou (Touken Ranbu)
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shyvioletcat · 3 years
Could we get a Rowans POV for that scene in chapter 14 where Aelin shows him her bump but they're interupted??
Very short insight to Rowan's reaction. Thanks for sending this in!
Here’s the link to the chapter
It Takes Two Masterlist
One thing lacking in the apartment was a dishwasher, meaning their dishes were washed by hand. The agreement before… everything, was you used it you washed it. But Rowan had taken up doing just about all of the dishes since his offer to help out. He didn’t mind that much really, he could see how much Aelin was struggling with the basic functionings of day to day life. A few extra plates and cups were nothing to him.
Rowan had just pulled off the rubber gloves and flicked a clean tea towel over his shoulder when he heard Aelin rush out from her room, saying his name a little breathlessly. He turned around to face her, his brain trying to figure out why she was so out of breath. Was something wrong? Did she need his help?
But all he saw was her standing there, wearing a dress that he noticed was unzipped up her side. There was a soft blush on her cheeks and there was a moment of hesitation where Rowan was about to ask what was wrong. But then she gave him a smile, there was something slightly nervous about it, but it lit up her face prettily all the same.
“I just…” she said, that smile inching wider, “I need to show someone.”
Rowan wasn’t following, so he just watched as she turned to the side then smoothed her hand over her stomach highlighting the small curve of her there. Something in his chest flipped at the sight of that little bump, a thrill of excitement and awe running through him. It was hard to believe what he was seeing. It was like he had felt when seeing that grey and blurry image at the hospital. More emotions passed through him now that he didn't really understand or was brave enough to acknowledge. Despite all his confusion, a small smile tugged at his lips.
“It’s really there,” Rowan said softly.
It was a stupid thing to say, but it was all he really could think of saying. Of course the baby was there. Aelin’s struggles were more than enough proof of it’s existence. Stupid answer or not, Aelin nodded with a renewed vibrancy about her he hadn’t seen in a while.
Neither of them said anything and the awkwardness was getting tangible when there was a knock on the door. Emrys must have arrived to pick Aelin up. Rowan was glad she was getting out of the apartment
“Can you get that?” Aelin asked. “I have to find something else to wear.”
She was gone before Rowan could answer, so he just dropped the tea towel onto the counter and did as she asked.
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gizkasparadise · 4 years
wow trying to edit that post was a nightmare. sorry yall. 
anonymous asked how bad “goodbye my princess” was. 
vague badness: enemy lovers that actually have consequences, betrayal/lying, jealousy, murder, suicide, dead family members dead family members everywhere, depression, the male love interest going a lil Unhinged, main character deaths (plural)
detailed spoilers (and legit, SPOILERS) under the cut
so you have to embrace that the male lead/chengyin is an absolute piece of shit. like he’s terrible. and he’s compelling. but he makes so many bad choices in pursuit of power / the throne of the li empire. so so many. now, he loves xiaofeng and it’s legit, but that ultimately brings more pain to her than if he didn’t.
Fucked Up Shit Chengyin Does: A Love (?) Story
-within the first 10 episodes, he + his soldiers have almost completely wiped out xiaofeng’s family + the danchi as a whole. her cousins die. her friends die. tangentially, her mother dies and her father goes insane. chengyin even beheads her beloved grandfather in front of her (he didn’t know she was there. but lmao. still.)
-did i mention that was on their wedding day? it was on their wedding day. said grandfather even gave her away. he went ahead with marrying xiaofeng even though he had no intention of abandoning his mission and thought idk love would fix it? chengyin what what what are you doing
-it’s unclear whether or not chengyin was going to tell her he was the double agent/the reason the li empire was able to wipe out the danchi, but there’s this like Significant pause between when xiaofeng wakes up from traumatically fainting after the danchi are defeated to her recognizing the li empire armor in his quarters where he doesn’t say anything and it is Sketch. definitely the implication that if he could he would hide his role in the defeat of the danchi from her and just Carry On as a Happily Married Couple
-she’s rightfully horrified by him when she makes the connection between him and the armor in his tent and tries to stab him, so he stabs himself harder which isnt awful but just fucked up like this is not a good relationship
-when gu jian (xiaofeng’s teacher/first love) comes to take her out of the li military camp, chengyin stops him and demands that he lets xiaofeng go because, quote, “They’re not over yet.” bro you just massacred damn near her entire family i think that’s a dealbreaker (to his credit he does let her leave but lmao it’s v clear he didn’t want to)
-there’s a semi-time skip and Plot Related Amnesia, so he and xiaofeng don’t remember their traumatic history, and both end up in the li empire b/c of xiaofeng’s marriage contract to one of their princes. one would think without the danchi backstory maybe they could have a better time. they don’t.
-chengyin falls for xiaofeng again, but he knows the politics of court are Fucked Up and if he shows he cares about her they’ll target her. so he makes a girl who’s been in love with him since childhood (se se) his concubine and fake!dotes on her to have all the political schemes fall on her instead of xiaofeng. basically, he exploits the poor girl’s feelings to make her a meat shield. i think he calls her expendable at one point. on the flip side of things, he treats xiaofeng like absolute shit sometimes in order to protect her. which works, but gd what an asshole
-although their memories are gone, chengyin knows basic things about the events in western liang that others in the palace have told him: that he defeated the danchi and killed xiaofeng’s grandfather are among them. he doesn’t tell xiaofeng this, even when they’re officially engaged. she finds out on her own right before the wedding and confronts him. he’s essentially like Look I Didn’t Want You To Know and when that doesn’t do well he’s like Think of The Country and also I Love You and gets general pei to later take her to the memorial he built for her grandfather, complete with his armor set. which is kind of sweet but also kind of imperialist museum? and also he was the one that killed him??
-super jealous. when there’s rumors that general pei and xiaofeng are having an affair (they’re not), he maneuvers to publicly strong-arm pei into a marriage with his sister (aka an imperial princess aka a marriage he can’t turn down). it turned out alright, but the Motives were definitely not alright--emphasized by the stone cold stare down he gives xiaofeng after the announcement (she’s oblivious to it, because she’s not in love with pei, but chengyin doesn’t know that). part of it is a political maneuver, but it’s also p clear that it’s personal
-a doozy. so gu jian, chengyin’s cousin and accomplice in the Take Down the Danchi Fuckery, is in love with xiaofeng. he was also xiaofeng’s first love, but she doesn’t remember him because #amnesia.  throughout the second half of the show, gu jian’s been working as sort of a guardian for xiaofeng as she lives in the palace and trying to make amends for his part in the danchi massacre/trying to assuage his guilty conscience. at one point, he decides enough’s enough and he kidnaps xiaofeng in order to get her free from the palace. during this time, chengyin’s absolutely losing his shit because his beloved wife is gone and he knows gu jian’s the one that took her / has his suspicions about gu jian’s feelings for her.
while gu jian and xiaofeng are on the run, xiaofeng starts to get bits and pieces of her memory back--all of them surround a man named “xiaowu” aka chengyin’s alter-ego when they were together in west liang. because he’s a shit, gu jian says he’s xiaowu, and as a result xiaofeng believes he’s the one she used to be in love with. Complicated. even more complicated when, fleeing chengyin and palace soldiers, xiaofeng hits her head and COMPLETELY remembers everything.
needless to say, she doesn’t want to be around chengyin anymore. it’s super sad and fucked up, because while xiaofeng remembers everything, chengyin doesn’t. so here’s what chengyin knows:
-his wife was open and warm and they were in love even if he couldn’t always show it because #Intrigue
-wife gets kidnapped by his cousin, who he suspects is in love with her
-wife comes back from kidnapping, hating him and saying the only person she ever cared for was xiaowu -- which is NOT HIM
-his cousin claimed to be xiaowu
when gu jian tries to rescue xiaofeng again, he’s surrounded by palace guards and chengyin goes totally unhinged. he forces xiaofeng to watch as he orders his men to shoot the shit out of gu jian. she tries to look away but he won’t let her. he doesnt even care that a’du, xiaofeng’s best friend and the only one she really has left, is at risk of being shot as well. gu jian dies, and while xiaofeng knows he’s not xiaowu she remembers that they grew up together/at one point he was her beloved teacher and she’s devastated. she tries to starve herself but chengyin threatens to take a’du away forever if she does. it’s fucked up.
-xiaofeng tries to escape multiple times, and he won’t let her/re-captures her. it’s just. sad. really sad, esp since she can’t forgive him for what he did to her family
-after all this shit, west liang decides to rebel and chengyin decides to crush them. because killing one side of xiaofeng’s family tree wasn’t enough, apparently
-xiaofeng rides out to the middle of the battlefield--on one side is west liang, under control of her brother. on the other is li empire, under control of her husband. she threatens to kill herself unless chengyin meets two of her conditions: 1) that he’ll leave west liang the fuck alone for as long as he lives--chengyin agrees, and it’s clear he would say yes to anything she asks because he is freaking out. he even says that if she dies he’ll kill himself, too. which leads to wish 2) he has to live well
which feels like a mixture of selfless love and a little bit of a fuck you? she knows that making him survive after she dies is probably going to be what hurts him the most, but he swore to it. then she slits her own throat while he watches, and he runs by her side and is trying to keep her alive (which is fruitless). and then he’s shoved away from her by her brother, who takes her corpse back to west liang. chengyin grows old, and it’s clear the only thing he’s got is his empire and it’s a lonely fucking life. at some point, he abdicates to his nephew (implying he never had his own family) and goes back into the desert to “find xiaofeng” because he’s in denial that she’s dead and the vibe is that he’s definitely going to die alone out there
characters who die
-danchi: tömür/xiaofeng’s grandfather, he shi (a’du’s brother/xiaofeng’s friend), yi moyan (xiaofeng’s cousin), batu’er, a good freaking chunk
-west liang: consort/princess mingyuang, ashina yun/xiaofeng’s mother, qu wenchang/xiaofeng’s father goes insane
-li empire: zhao sese goes insane, crown prince #1/chengji, crown prince #2/chengye, the empress, the emperor, gao yuming, li yan, gao zhen, gu ruhui, chang’er, chai mu, ming yue
-main: xiaofeng, gu jian, a’du
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jawanaka · 4 years
2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 25 for the writing meta ask :)
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
In my current project I’m most looking forward to the epilogue, both as a milestone but also the way I hope to tie the story together and the scenes between the various character that I really want to write.
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Oh, hard to say. I want to write more confrontations between Emhyr and Ciri, so much so that I started to add flashbacks to my current fic just to accomodate them. I also really want to write Yennefer and Ciri just being mother and daughter, slice of life, not drama not angst just family fluff. Unfortunetly I’m terrible at fluff, hence why I write political drama instead.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
While I like writing both description and dialogue, I often find it hard to connect them. Most of the parts I’m proud tend to be dialogue, or monologue even. This piece for instance:
"I ran with a gang once, did Geralt tell you?” said Ciri “Down in Geso, smack dab in the middle of the Korath frontier, all while half of Nilfgaard were looking for me. What a merry gang of young highwaymen we were! Thieves, murderers, brigands. We would ride were we wanted, take what we desired, kill anyone who protested. Sometimes we killed just for the cheer joy of it, the power of holding a life in your hand." Her fist clenched around the flower pedal. "I’ve tried drinks aplenty, fisstech, elven drugs you wouldn't believe but that power? Greatest high I've ever had."
Triss sat still. "Geralt never told me."
"That your little sister is a bona-fide murderer? A petty thief like those Morvran decorate the trees with? I suppose he didn't." She took a deep breath, air heavy in her lungs as she slowly unclenched her fist. "The point Triss, is that those people I rode with were damaged. Evil little bastards all but not from birth, well, not most of them. They were, what did you call the people in the Putrid grove, the refuse thrown up onto the docks. Only they ended up in Geso and instead of begging or selling their bodies for scraps they became the very thing they had ran from. And so they did more evil and more evil until the local baron to rid himself of them brought in a man you don't even want to think about. And thus, the violence and evil spreads. That’s the logic of empire."
She looked at the sorceress, green eyes meeting blue. "I can never atone for the things I did in Geso, no matter how many hospitals I open or orphanages I fund. But if I can avoid restarting that cycle again I will do everything in my power to do so."
I’m tried to condense several really heavy parts of Ciri’s backstory into a single monologue and at the same time set up the central political program and conflict of her story (this being a future, post game, Ciri-as-empress political drama). Also I wanted to deal with the Rats storyline in the books in a somewhat even-handed manner, as most writers tend to either skew to close to positive (Ciri Mistle romance) or negative (book Ciri clearly looks back at them fondly). Basically i tried to cram ina  whole lot of things into this monologue and for once I think it worked.
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Right now I’m enjoying writing Iorveth, maybe a little to much. He has a small role to play in mu story and I’m wrrestling with putting him back in his box. But I love writing Ciri, both as a character and the themes of loss and redemption one can explore through her. Also I love writing Morvran, whose stuck up ness and raw dorkiness appeal to me
11. What do you envy in other writers?
A steady update schedule, ha! But seriously, I envy the ability to write short stories, not having to force yourself to a large lot but just write a small, self-contained story and yet fill it with resonance, pathos, emotion and meaning. Also, to make description and dialogue flow together seemlessly. Those are the two main things I envy
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
That part when you start with a rough mental outline, starts writing and suddenly the words just flow. Also just seeing my words online and seeing other peoples reactions to them.
Thanks @andordean for the ask!
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Slipping Through My Fingers - Five
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
warnings: none 
an: this chapter is ALSO a s h a w t y (wit a body ody ody) cause we gotta just flesh it out u kno ~development~ before the big ol shebang yerd? also spanish children’s songs go HARD. 
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“Alright, friends,” Elide said as she passed out a little packet of laminated letters to every student. “Today we’re going to start on our ABC’s. Who can tell me what ABC’s are?” 
“Ko-Ko knows!” Esther shouted, always cheerleading her quiet friend. The redheaded five-year old was practically bouncing in her seat. 
Elide bit down her smile and laugh, “Esther, remember our inside voices, ok? Kohana, do you want to share?” 
He glanced unsurely towards Esther and she nodded, encouraging him. “ABC is letters. Ah-phabet.” 
“Good job, Kohana, exactly. ABC’s are the letters that make our words,” she said, smiling at him. A little grin appeared on his face and Esther gave him a subtle high five. They were the cutest. “So, with our letters, friends, we’re going to learn the sounds they make!” 
The rest of the morning went swimmingly and Elide was pleased with herself, with the success of her lesson. She sent her kids off to recess after lunch, waving goodbye. A hand tugged on one of the deep pockets of her painter-overalls and she looked down to see Kohana standing there, worry creasing his brow. “Elide, I don’t want it to rain.” 
Elide glanced outside and saw the slight overcast. “Me neither. I don’t like the rain. Do you?” 
He nodded slowly and Esther popped out of the cubby room, decked out in the brightest, sparkliest gumboots, a polka-dotted raincoat, and a rain hat to match plopped onto her crazy curls as well. “I love the rain! We’re going to make soup, right, Ko-Ko?” 
Kohana looked up at Elide, his face brightening, “But I only like the rain sometime. I like the rain ‘cause me an’ my dad stay inside and we gots to watch a movie. Essie come over and watch movie too.”
“Oh, wow, I love movies! What’s your favourite?” 
“Like Space Jam. Dad likes MJ. I likes Buggsie Bunny, Essie likes Buggsie Bunny too. But she like other movie too.” 
“Oui, j’adore Buggsie Bunny!” 
Kohana giggled and Esther hooked her arm through his. “Bye bye, Elide!” She was dragging Kohana out behind her before Elide could wave good-bye. 
Rolfe smiled as Kohana and Esther raced each other to reach him, their little backpacks slapping against their backs. “Rolfe!” “Papi!” 
He waved to Elide, indicating he got the little ones as he crouched and hugged them. “What’s up, munchkins? How was school today?” 
“We learned letter sounds,” Kohana said, taking the hand Rolfe held out to him as he stood up, Esther taking his other hand. “ABC sounds.” 
“Was that fun?” 
“Yeah, but me and Essie already knowed that. A is ah, B is buh, C is cuh or kah. Blah.” 
Esther giggled and let go of Rolfe’s hand to jump in a shallow puddle, barely a splash under her boots. Quickly, she ran back to Kohana and her father, walking to Rolfe’s car. “We goin’ to uncle L shop?”
“You know it,” Rolfe said, easily buckling the two of them into their booster seats. “Are you little devils hungry? Want some chicken nuggets?” 
They squealed and nodded, babbling to each other as Rolfe slowly pulled out of the parking lot, turning onto the road that would take him to the nearest fast food place. 
Soon enough, Kohana and Esther were happily munching on their snacks and sipping from the drinks he’d gotten them. “So, how’s school going, guys?” Rolfe looked into the rearview mirror. “Es? Ko?” 
“Elide is so nice, papi. She lets me and Ko-Ko sit together all the time and we gets to be buddies for everything! I like playing time and Ko-Ko like reading time, so he sits on the mushroom and I sits with the dinosaurs and I talk and Ko-Ko looks at the books, right, Ko-Ko?” 
“Yup! I looked at a book with bears today,” Kohana said, looking pleased as he sipped on his apple juice. “Do you like bears, Rolfe?” 
“I do,” he hummed, winking at Esther, “but you wanna know what my favourite animal is?” They looked at him expectantly, their eyes wide wide open. “Sharks!” 
Esther giggled and Kohana stared, “Sharks are scary.” 
His bestest friend wiggled and began to sing a song about a shark that tried to trick the fish. “Tres pececitos se fueron a nadar, el más pequeñito se fue al fondo del mar… El tiburón le dijo ven acá…”
Rolfe watched his daughter show his nephew of sorts how to make a fish with his hands and the actions that went along with the song. 
When they got to the mechanic shop, Kohana and Esther strained under their restraints, their empty food containers discarded on the floor. Rolfe didn’t mind it, if anything he was beaming at Esther’s influence on Kohana. The kid was itching to act out, even in such a simple way. 
His serene behaviour was a worry for Lorcan. 
Rolfe quickly unbuckled them before they hurt themselves and they were off, weaving and racing through the shop. They sought out Malakai first, who was sitting behind the front desk - fashioned out of the front end of a ‘57 Chevrolet Bel Air - sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper. 
“Grampy!” They yelled in unison, launching themselves into his arms. At their voices, Ansel and Lorcan popped their heads out of the back office, smiling fondly at the sight. They strolled on out, Ansel wiping her hands on the pants of her navy blue coveralls. She had the sleeves tied around her waist and wore an old white wifebeater as her top. 
“Hey, kiddos,” Ansel said and they hardly acknowledged her as Malakai withdrew two lollipops for them. She laughed and walked over to Rolfe, “Hello. How were the little ankle biters today?” 
“Esther sang a very educational song about not trusting sharks and they chowed down on some chicken nuggets and apple juice,” he told her, pulling her closer with a hand on her waist and a hand cupping her face. “How was your day?” Ansel kissed him softly. 
“Good, it was good. I think I figured out that engine block so,” she said, stepping back when Esther called for her. “Yes, my darling?” 
“I need help!” 
“That’s my cue,” Ansel quipped, saluting the two men as she went over to her daughter. 
Lorcan rubbed the back of his neck, “So how was he?” 
Rolfe nodded, “Good, he was good. He talks a lot about his teacher, you know? I think she’s really good for him. And Ess too.” Relief flashed over Lorcan’s face and Rolfe clapped his shoulder, “Hey, man, you’re doing a good job.” 
Lorcan opened his mouth to say something when his son crashed into his legs, one hand reaching up to tap Lorcan’s hip and the other holding Ko’s prized candy. “Hi, Dad!” 
Smiling, Lorcan leaned down and scooped him up, propping him on his hip. “Hey, kid.” 
“Look, Dad, gots a candy!” 
“Oh, cool, where’d you get that?” 
Lorcan raised his voice, “Well that’s funny, I could’ve sworn Grampy knew that candy makes you hyper and makes me want to cry later at home.” Kohana just shrugged and popped his lollipop back in his mouth while Malakai laughed loudly, the sound coming from his belly. “How was school?” 
“Learned ah-phabet sounds. I ‘ready know ah-phabet sounds,” Kohana said, resting his head against Lorcan’s shoulder. “Can I help you with a car?” 
“Always, bud,” Lorcan said, nodding at Rolfe and the others before carrying Kohana away. “Hungry?” 
“Nope, got chicky nuggies. And A-for-Apple juice,” Kohana babbled, subconsciously switching his language and kicking out his legs. “Look, até, gots frogs on my boots. I eated with Essie and then we ‘plashed in puddle and made soup-soup and Essie played with dinos and I looked at a book of bears. I like bears, do you like bears?” 
“I do like bears,” Lorcan replied, keeping his voice even even though internally he was ecstatic at the amount Kohana was talking right now. He didn’t know how much influence was Esther’s or Elide’s, but he thanked the gods for them, no matter the awkward and stilted relationship to the latter. “What else did you get up to?” 
Kohana shrugged and wiggled to be put down. Lorcan obliged and they walked together into Lorcan’s car bay. “Not much, Dad. Gots help Essie with inside voice, but Essie help me with outside voice. Much louder now, when we go outside, do you wanna hear my outside voice?” 
“Of course,” Lorcan replied, his heart cracking just a bit more. Kohana stuck his lollipop in his mouth and clambered onto the cushioned stool by the tool cart. Every morning, it was meticulously organized, but by the end of the day, it looked like a tornado had gone through it. Lorcan took the other stool by the open hood of one of his regular’s cars. Each repair was futile, merely putting off the inevitable, but the man tipped well, listened to Lorcan’s instructions and didn’t argue with anything he was told so, Lorcan had no complaints. 
He glanced into the engine, sussing out which tool he would need and then the reachability of his son’s arms, trying to decide what he could make do with. “K-Man, pass me that socket wrench, yeah?” 
“Here you go!” Kohana chirped, shoving off the cart with his two feet on the rolling stool after he grabbed the shiny tool. “Here you go, Dad.” 
Lorcan chuckled and kissed his son’s forehead, “Thank the Creator for you, kid.” 
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @empire-of-wildfire @rhysands-highlady @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tangledraysofsunshine @ttakeitbacknoww @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @superspiritfestival​ @empress-ofbloodshed​ @queen-of-glass​ @sleeping-and-books​ @beccasophia95​ @exersize-me-i-dare-u​ @thewayshedreamed​ @hizqueen4life​ @ifinallygavein​ @bat-wing-rhys​ @awkward-avocado-s​ @b00kworm​ @mu-si-ca-l​ @lovemollywho​ @tacmc​ @soitsgorgeous​ @staarligght​
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ussarchangel · 6 years
USS Archangel End of the Year Event
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Hey everyone. So in spite of our uncertainty about Tumblr we’ve decided to move forward with our End of the Year Event. USS Archangel is too awesome of a ship to be neglected any longer. We got a lot of great prompts narrowing it down to just 8 was quite a challenge still these are our favorites  as promised.
December 24th: It’s Christmas Eve and Michael must manage a grumpy captain, pregnancy scare, and Klingon aggressions all in one day.
December 25th: Michael tries to enjoy her first Christmas celebration as Empress of the Terran Empire
December 26th: Lorca returns to Tarsus IV for the anniversary of the massacre.
December 27th: Michael and Gabriel are expecting their first baby and Sylvia decides that Michael absolutely needs a baby shower, in the middle of the Beta Quadrant.
December 28th: The Discovery crew celebrates the end of the war.
December 29th: Pon Farr lands on the day of the annual Christmas party this cycle and while not Vulcan by birth, Michael is affected.
December 30th: Gabriel Lorca takes his fiancé, and First Officer, back home for her first Earth Christmas.
December 31st: First New Years after the end of the war. Michael contemplates the gaping hole left by MU Lorca and celebrates privately the trickster captain.
Pick any prompt you like, you can do one, two, three or all seven. Your fill can be fic, art, gif sets, vids, moodboards, playlist, knit, sculpture, etc... if you can imagine it can be a fill for this event. Just remember your fill must center Lorcham.
USS Archangel week will run from Dec. 24th- 31st. You can post your fill on or after the date of its prompt. Just don’t begin posting before your fill’s date and make sure USS Archangel and Lorcham tags.
We’ve also added a collection on Ao3: USS Archangel End of the Year Event 2018.
And now, let’s have fun! 
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locria-writes · 6 years
The shows you're blogging about look incredible and I really need to watch em.
i really only watch period c-dramas lmao and they’re pretty difficult to get into, but most of them are english subbed on viki!
i really recommend these shows
Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace / Ruyi Zhuan // not as a first drama, but it’s really good! don’t think of it as a normal harem scheming drama, and more of a study of a failed marriage
Step By Startling Step / Bu Bu Jing Xin // idk if it’s available of viki, but it’s so good! i always cry in the same spots! :D
Empresses in the Palace / Zhen Huan Zhuan // idk if the original 76 ep version eng sub is still online, and the netflix version sucks. but it’s the quintessential harem scheming drama and so frickin good
Secret of the Three Kingdoms / San Guo Ji Mi Zhi Qian Long Zai Yuan // i’m almost finished watching it and it’s pretty good. should really be called ‘liu ping getting roasted by fu shou and sima yi’
Boss and Me / Shan Shan Lai Le // not a period drama, but super cute modern romance
i haven’t either watched or seen enough to give a definitive answer, but i hear these are really good!
Nirvana in Fire / Lang Ya Bang
Tribes and Empires / Jiu Zhou Hai Shang Mu Yun Zhi
The Disguiser / Wei Zhuang Zhe
The Rise of Phoenixes / Huang Quan Yi Tian Xia
i don’t watch many english dramas, but i do really like these ones
The Crown
Boardwalk Empire
Downton Abbey
The Tudors
The Borgias
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consacro · 5 years
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