#EndohWrites Smut
xoxobluelock · 3 months
Milk and Honey: Chapter 1
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The sequel to the fic that @debbli's art + @schnooglepuffs's pickup line inspired, "Going Up, Going Down."
Explicit RyuSae, read on AO3.
Excerpt below 🔞
Blondie was whimpering and nodding more into Sae’s neck, his fingers squeaking down the mirror at Sae’s back as he fought to keep his footing, and Sae had too many delectable thoughts flying through his head: tears beading in golden lashes, precise eyeliner disintegrating into nothing but streaks and smears down feverish skin, pink irises rolling back; metal—body heat—on his tongue, between his teeth; replays of those sweet sounds, the things he’d do to hear them again; all the ways he could make a mess of this man. 
Starting now.
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xoxoendohwrites · 6 years
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“Just how much did you drink before coming down here??” “Sakura,” Kakashi murmured darkly, trailing his hands down her thighs as he knelt at her feet, “I’m still thirsty.”
Happy Swalloween, KakaSaku lovers! 👻🖤🎃 This is my first time contributing to the KS Fandom, though I’ve been meaning to ever since @tipsyraconteur‘s J’accuse! sucked me back in. This lovely little event—@thisisswalloween—was the perfect push, so thank you to the hosts. Hope ya'll enjoy these 5,119 unedited words of fluffy, teasing, dirty, wine-influenced, ninja-verse KS smut. 
Summary: Kakashi notices that his wife could use a little 'de-stressing' before hosting the hospital's first Halloween Benefit Gala. Good thing he has the perfect cure to what ails Konoha's new Chief of Surgery….
Read on FF.net | AO3
Jukebox: Ready for a blast from the past? ‘Cause I sure as hell wasn’t when these two gems got stuck in my head at a 🎃 party over the weekend—“Candyman” by Christina Aguilera + “I Kissed a Girl” by Katy Perry. Lawdy, those songs came out when I was in middle school!
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"Hey, quit it!" Sakura scolded, slapping the thieving hand away from the overflowing bowl. "Those are for the children, you overgrown twelve-year-old!"
Grinning like an idiot beneath his mask, Kakashi sidestepped the slap she'd aimed for the back of his head and held up his prize. Its vacuum-sealed cellophane glittered under the fluorescent lights as his other hand rose to tear it open.
Her green glare intensified, but she couldn't keep the corners of her mouth from rising with her favorite petname for the hokage: "Don't even think about it, old man. Not tonight!"
Before she could sling another insult or fist his way, he had two fingers tucked in his mask, lazily sliding along the seam. Clearly ready to take his pilfering to the next level.
Sakura stilled her eyes as they threatened to roll, instead shaking her head. "I mean it, Kakashi—not tonight!" She jabbed an accusing finger in his direction, switching the digit threateningly with each word: "Put. It. Back."
Utterly undeterred by her reprimands, Kakashi only escalated his daring heist:
He pried his mask up with those long, deadly fingers and started the gradual descent. A master of prolonging his ‘grand reveal,’ Kakashi slowly peeled it low enough to display the end of his scar, followed by his high cheekbones, that cocky grin of his, …and finally that little beauty mark—the moneymakers. Oh, but he didn't stop there. A tomcat with his canary, he smirked and began twirling the little white stick between his talented fingers, flipping his stolen goods around like one of his damned kunai.
Showoff, she thought, flattening the grin that threatened to surface at his favorite stupid party trick…and the sight of his striking face. Even now, every single time he shed that mask, she had to stop herself from melting to the floor. Instead, her hands—the ones capable of the most delicate, intricate procedures—met and cracked her knuckles, all menace. She just couldn't help herself. "Give it here, Hatake."
"Make me, Hatake," he quipped, sounding every bit the twelve-year-old.
But damn if he didn't look every inch the handsome man…. She bristled.
"Listen," Sakura warned, serious again, "you know I don't have time for your antics right now." She'd worked so hard to make this event a success, and there was still so much left to finish! Plus, neither of them were dressed! Her work outfit, sleek as it was, certainly didn't meet black-tie standards, ...and Kakashi didn’t even have his jonin vest on. "Come on, Benjamin Button! Put that back and go pretend you're interested in the hospital's finances or something."
"Make me," he echoed, fingers dancing dangerously over the perforated edge of the wrapper, crooked smirk widening to expose the gleam of a single canine.
Sakura huffed in exasperation. Kakashi had a playful streak in him—and it ran deep—but her husband was being far more obnoxious than usual tonight! Her hand landed on her hip in preparation to deliver one of her signature "You're the hokage, now act like it" speeches, but as she opened her mouth, …he sniggered.
Kakashi shrugged his shoulders theatrically and tsk-ed…at her. He nearly sang out his next taunt, "That tired tactic won't work, Sakuraaa!"
Oh, he knew just how to push her buttons.
Dammit, am I really that predictable?? She twisted the heel of her stiletto into the floor with a frustrated flush but shot a glance at the clock.
For she'd learned his pressure points just as well….
Fine, Kakashi. You asked for it….
A heartbeat later, her features and posture had softened drastically, and she slinked toward him. "You mean you'd really steal candy"—she widened her eyes and covered her heart—"…from sick children??" She gave him a scandalized gasp and clutched at her blouse, …covertly loosening a fastening or two. "Oh, Hokage-sama, I just can't believe my eyes!" She swooned for him, medical coat swishing dramatically behind her.
Sporting an obvious smirk and a devious twinkle in his eyes, he was visibly pleased to have roped her into his little game and distracted her from her duties. Yet his response came in a masterful deadpan: "Why else would I be listed in so many Bingo Books?" With that, Kakashi sank his teeth into the plastic, tore it off with a savage zeal only he could get away with, …and wrapped his lips around the bright red lollipop.
As much as she wanted to rip his smug little head off, …Sakura couldn't resist this idiot, her idiot, and he knew it. Her eyes closed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, but she didn't contain her smile. It would have been a pointless effort when he was trying so hard to get in her pants.
"Mmm…" he hummed loudly, obviously wanting her eyes back on him as his tongue went to town on the lolli behind his lips. "Oooh… Oh, Sakura! It's my favorite. You know how much I love the taste of…" he trailed off breathlessly, drawing out her torment.
Dammit. Don't say it. Don't you dare say it! she warned silently.
He smacked his lips for a sinful little pop around, "…Cherry."
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Of fucking course he grabbed a cherry one! Sakura groaned inwardly, blushing redder than the candy receiving Kakashi's most…painstaking…attention. She shook her head, trying to ignore the heat flaring in her stomach. Somehow, he managed to sound so damn cheeky—pornographic, even!—despite the globe of sugar stuffed in his stupid chipmunk cheek, clinking like glass against his teeth with every stupid word. How the hell was this juvenile display turning her on—how did he always?!
She bit down on her lip.
Because when the hokage wasn't using that sharp tongue of his to taunt her with perfect deadpan sarcasm or just straight stupid little jibes, …he was using it to thoroughly tease the length of her body. …To powerful effect. She could feel the flush creeping down her neck at the thought, teeth sinking further as she considered her options.
Perhaps bribery would shut him up.
Decided on a new strategy, Sakura sauntered over, heels clicking with every sway of her hips. She pushed him down into a nearby swivel chair. Leaning in close to accentuate her mysteriously undone buttons and the dark lace their absence revealed, raking her crimson nails over his shoulder, she yanked the lollipop out of his mouth. Green eyes held grey as she gave it a long, languid lick; smirking as his gaze somehow darkened further, as his hands landed on her waist to urge her closer. But as the sweet cherry hit her taste buds, she noticed there was something a bit odd about the flavor. She gave the sucker a good suck, then gasped, actually a bit scandalized this time: There was something decidedly not kid-friendly lingering on the candy. "You!" she accused, brandishing the lollipop at him. "Did you… Did you actually pregame my fundraiser?"
"Did you actually," he asked so sweetly, so innocently, …so mockingly, "expect me to spend my evening in a tux, judge a kid's costume contest, and then verbally pickpocket Konoha's assorted lords and ladies, …all while sober?"
Dammit, he’s got me there. Sakura rubbed the irritation from her face, dragging her hand a little too forcefully down her cheek. It wasn't like she'd been planning on downing two flutes of champagne the second she approved the setup or anything…. And he'd actually shown up early—no Icha Icha in sight! Hell, he probably would have strolled in two hours late with his face buried in the book if he hadn't been painfully aware of just how important this event was to her….
"It's not just a costume contest, it's to show the donors all the children we saved in the last year—to show them exactly why they should fork over the dough for the new wing!" She sighed and shook her head, getting her head back in the game. "Listen…," she whispered on his ear, "behave like an adult for the rest of the evening, and I'll make it…"—she paused for dramatic effect, letting him soak up her sultry, breathless tone—"worth your while." She treated the lolli to a hearty, wet suck and released it with her own devilish little pop. "'Kay?"
His hands tightened around her waist. "Oh, now we're talking, Doctor," he growled, eyes crinkling with mirth.
Sakura grinned around the candy. He'd taken the bait, and she could finally go back to work.
"But," he started, his signature roguishness back in full force, "I'm afraid the answer is still a 'nope.'"
"I think I'd rather behave… Oh, how did you put it?" Kakashi feigned confusion, raising his hand to tap thoughtfully on his sugary lips, …before turning them up an evil smile. "'Like an adult' right now, thanks."
All at once, he stood, hauled her by the ass to him, and buried his face in her hair, trailing wet kisses down her neck.
She let out trill of exasperation and slapped him away. "Kakashi, I'm serious!" she fumed, the lollipop stick bobbing rather un-seriously from her mouth.
He snorted. His heart beat solely to torment this woman he adored so much...but only when she truly needed some tormenting.
Sakura poked his chest, hard enough to both stop that heart of his and send him and his boots screeching backwards on the polished linoleum. "Enough already, I—!"
The distinct whirl of teleportation cut off her complaint.
"Oh, come on!" she growled around the sweet as they reappeared in her dim office, nearly stamping her feet. "What the hell are you—?!"
"Sakura." He silenced her with a finger to her sticky lips, his voice suddenly stern, suddenly sounding very much like a kage's. "You need to take a breath."
He pressed a little harder when her lips parted, clinking the lollipop against her clenched teeth.
Before she could object further, he’d hoisted her up on the massive Chief of Surgery's desk, smearing a line of pink sweetness down the back of her thigh, and planted his hands firmly on either side of her. He leaned down close, a few displaced files fluttering softly in the background….
Sakura shot daggers at him, pouting and grumbling around the lolli, crossing both sets of limbs, …unintentionally making her dress ride up even higher.
Part of him—the part that lived to relentlessly tease his wife—longed to point out just how much the maturity tables had turned, ...but he allowed himself only a quick elevation of the lips: He had goals, and time was never on his side.
"Show me the moronic few who are whispering about our marriage getting you ahead, and I'll staple your fucking novel of resume to their foreheads."
Sakura took in a sharp breath, lolli lolling. She hadn't even told him about the gossip.
"You're young, but you earned this promotion. And now you're going to take a few minutes to enjoy it…." He pressed in closer when she started, murmuring, "Sorry, Chief. Hokage's orders."
She bit her lip but stayed put. Perhaps he had a point, perhaps a quick makeout might be just what the doctor ordered….
But Kakashi had something a bit sweeter in mind.
Dark eyes boring so closely into hers, he grazed the flats of his nails all the way up, then back down her bare thighs, crossed so intractably tight; slow and deliberate torture, breathing hot and humid on her cheeks. He inched higher with every repetition, gradually increased the weight of his touch …until he felt her skin prickle under his, until her knees shook beneath his hands, until true desire dilated her eyes, until she sucked hard on the lollipop, until her candy-red mouth parted for a gasp, until her jaws crunched through half of that sugar crystal in retaliation, …until she finally—stubbornly—flung her limbs apart and her nails etched her need into the desk. Only then did he accept her reluctant invitation and press fully into her, wandering hands kneading the white flesh at her spread hips, the beginnings of her ass, …just beneath the lace band of her panties.
Every little thing she did sent his blood surging, rewired his circulatory system. He kissed sporadically up her neck, delighting in the rush of respiration he felt beneath his lips, and skimmed over her jawline. One hand crawled out from her dress and slid casually over her taut stomach and heaving breasts, finally reaching her neck as his lips met her chin. He ghosted upward another inch and took her candy-coated bottom lip between his teeth. He gave it a lingering lick before he carefully, thoroughly sucked the remaining sugar off, …finally releasing it with another 'Mmmm…'.
Her body reacted of its own accord, sounding a saccharine moan, splayed arms straining, jutting her spread hips into his.
Yet Kakashi retreated, holding her steady by the chin. He pressed his forehead to hers, breathing her in as he stared her down. "Do you trust me not to jeopardize your night?"
She breathed a yes.
"Then let me do this for you, baby."
She nodded infinitesimally against him and waited, anticipation coiling up her legs like hot vines.
Kakashi gave her a moment to pout and knit her brows, just a moment, before he grasped the cherry confection by the stem. Her mouth opened slightly, curiously. Leaning back just enough to take in the view, he gave the ball of sugar a twirl against her candy-dyed tongue, then carefully withdrew it from her sweet mouth. He dragged it over her bottom lip, methodically smearing the full crescent sticky-sweet. Her mouth and eyes widened at the sensation. She took in a ragged breath as Kakashi traced the globe over the arc of her cupid's bow, …as he meticulously painted her the perfect cherry kiss.
He bent back, and Sakura gazed up at him, verdant eyes so far from innocent, exhilaration and sweet longing written on her every feature. Moving just as slowly, just as deliberately, she pursed her lips together with another inviting little pop.
And he could take no more. Two hot breaths and one wicked grin later, and he replaced her lost lolli with his tongue.
Sakura snapped upward in an arc—one hand tangling roughly into his hair, the other twisting in the jonin shirt he insisted on wearing even as hokage—and demanded everything he could offer in a kiss. She yanked him down on top of her, showering her office floor in paperwork as his hands slapped against the lacquered wood with the force of his collapse. Desperate for any modicum of relief—just some damn friction!—she wound her legs around him, swallowing then overpowering his groans as he ground her into the desk. They spiraled into a mess of teeth and tongues and sweet cherry sugar, determined to savor every last trace of candy, groping blindly for zippers and buttons in the hunt for more heated skin.
Yet when a heavy thud interrupted their wild movements, both their eyes drawn to the source. The culprit was an ornate little desk clock; it was knocked on its side but still ticked away the seconds….
The concept of time hit them both like a bucket of ice water.
Shirtless and panting, Kakashi's hand stilled on his belt buckle. Damn it, what was he doing? His pants were staying on, this was her night.
Sakura, however, stiffened and disentangled herself from him, scooting back on the desk and opening her mouth for a frantic rebuttal: "Shit, the kids! We have to get changed and get back out there before they arrive!" She jolted upright and took him with her, her disheveled white-coat somehow clinging to one shoulder, the side zip of her dress revealing a gaping hole of skin.
Kakashi glanced at the sideways clock one more time. "We still have over half an hour," he drawled before hungrily dragging her back to him by the knees. Though he didn't have the time to tease her as ruthlessly as he would have liked, his stint behind the hokage desk had taught him just a thing or two about prioritizing…. "That's plenty for a little stress relief…with just enough left to get us party-ready." He wiggled his eyebrows, goading.
Yet the sincere distress on her flushed face stopped him in his tracks. That look was why he'd kidnapped her in the first place.
"I know this is your first big project as Chief, I know how important it is to show the board what you can do," Kakashi conceded, right hand skimming over her thigh, left cupping her rosy cheek. He stroked her skin as he considered his options: They could talk through her stress, …or he could obliterate it entirely with multiple orgasms. A wolfish grin landed on his face. His wife deserved the best of both worlds.
"I know this is big. But you've worked so hard for months, you've planned everything to…"—he paused to brazenly palm her sodden panties, breathing his next word in reverence—"…perfection." He groaned as her desire dampened his glove, circling her clit through the lace, thumb outlining her swollen bottom lip.
Sakura sucked it into her mouth, using his digit to stifle her own salacious little noise.
That was almost too much. "You…you have the best people on your team, you've delegated, you've—oh, fuck." He couldn't help but cut himself off. He'd slipped his hand fully into her panties, and the sensation of his fingers sliding so effortlessly against her wet folds...
She raked her teeth against his thumb, both hands wrapped around his wrist for leverage.
"Dammit, Sakura…" His cock jumped against his zipper. She was nearly dripping for him. "You want me, don't you, sweetheart?"
She nodded around his finger, writhing against him, plunging her nails into his forearm, …digging the points of her heels into his ass to draw him closer.
"Soon, princess, soon…," he murmured, trying desperately to ignore the waves of longing crashing against her seaglass eyes, the ceaseless suction of her lips…; to recall his purpose, to fucking collect himself. "Listen, you've done everything to ensure tonight will be perfect. Now you just need to sit back and watch it all unfold. But you're just strung so damn…"—he finally slid a single finger into her, nearly losing it as her body gripped him, pulled him in—"tight…." He grunted from deep in his chest, low and guttural, teasing her with shallow strokes, just to the edge of his fingerless glove. "So. Fucking. Tight." With her little moans vibrating through his left hand and his right coated in her slick lust, his words turned into a nonsensical hum on her forehead, savoring every sound as he moved inside her.
It was getting harder and harder to keep to his gameplan, to keep his reactions in check when hers were just so…. Groaning on her seal, he dug deep and found the wherewithal to go on, …in a way: "Sakura, you'll have all those bigwig donors wrapped around your little…"—he added another, reveling in her whine of his name, the sudden gush of desire on his skin—"finger…. Dammit, you're going to drown me if you get any wetter…." He bit down on the inside of his cheek, yearning for something—anything—to keep his mind off the drumming ache in his veins.
"Kakashi, …please," she pleaded, her lips dragging over his fingertip with every breathy syllable. “More.”
Hearing her beg, feeling her needy words on his skin… That did not help his cause. He closed his eyes and stilled, ignoring her muffled cry of disappointment, her insistent writhing. He breathed in. He breathed out.
When he started again, his voice was strained, tight with dogged resolve: "They'll be putty in your hands. You just need to…"—he slid in his ring finger, rasping a gravelly fuuuck this time as she bucked into his touch, scraped her nails and teeth over his skin—“…loosen up"—he hissed his lewd joke as she clenched around his fingers, both breathing raggedly now, both rocking into the other—“a bit first….” His belt buckle grated over wrist, and he realized he’d been undulating against—with—the hand he had working between her thighs, his cock hard past painful, longing to fuck her outright….
She released his thumb with a wet, frustrated whimper of please! and dropped her hands from his arm. One dove inside her dress, the other went to join his teasing fingers, trying to urge him deeper, to slide behind his wrist and stroke her clit—desperate to end the dizzying, rise-and-fall endless loop he had her on.
As he watched her fondle her breasts, as he denied her, ...Kakashi could feel his cockhead weeping for his wife. Fuck if he couldn’t do this all day… But that wasn’t an option. By some miracle, he regained his train of thought, words coming out thick: "Let me take care of you."
"God, yes! Just stop teasing me!"
Kakashi shook his head, a seductive taunt even in his refusal. He would, …but not yet. Instead, he moved slowly, making sure she took in his every movement:
Finally letting his wife’s fingers go where they pleased, Kakashi retracted both hands from her. He brought the right to his lips, not yet making contact, and let the familiar, heady scent of her desire overwhelm his senses; it made his mouth water, it clamped his free hand around the edge of the desk. Temptation parted his lips, and he slid his hand against his tongue; beginning with his slick, cotton-covered palm and ending with the tip of his wettest finger—eyes on hers all the while. He shuddered at her taste, muttering something like 'Fuck lollipops…', and sank a canine into the elastic fabric at his wrist.
Sakura was breathing hard and heavy with his display.
Only Hatake fucking Kakashi could turn taking off a single glove into a damn striptease: his teeth tugged at the fingerless thing, sliding it off inch by lazy inch, …finger by long finger. And Sakura was taking it all in, rapt as she pulled at a pebbled nipple, as she stoked the flames building behind her clit, stroke by fervent stroke…. She whined and spread her legs wider, stilettos clicking against the desk, dress already hiked up miles past indecent. Something flickered through her sight, something started to flare.
Because only Hatake fucking Kakashi could make her forget the suffocating, now-or-never weight of raking in enough cash to build the much-needed Pediatrics Wing—her first true project as Chief, her flagship, her baby, her dream ever since the war ended….
He finally dragged the last centimeter of glove off the length of his middle finger, and flung it away with a wink. Holding her eye, he gave his that finger one last lick. "Good to the last drop, sweetheart…."
Heat nearly consumed her, …nearly. He was going to kill her. Was he trying to kill her?? Her own touch had her burning up, but it wasn’t enough.
"Dammit, Kakashi! …Please!" She clamped her eyes shut in frustration and slapped both hands—one glistening, one dry—down on the desk.
He grinned. He had her right where he wanted her. But between the taste of her and his name on her lips, …he knew he had to keep his hands to himself for this next part. If he didn't, he'd never be able say what he needed to say. He drew in another steadying breath of air.
"Look at me, Sakura," he said softly, waiting until she did as he instructed. "You're ready for this. You've earned this. You helped revolutionize this hospital and transform it into the most sought-after in the great villages! You were the youngest, most effective Chief of Neuro Konoha has ever seen, and now…!" He groaned, more from the swelling in his chest than in his pants. "Sweetheart, just look at you: You're the youngest Chief of Surgery…probably anywhere, probably ever? Sakura, you amaze me."
Kakashi so rarely spoke like this, and it took her breath away. A different sort of heat welled up in her, soft and warm. He sounds just like he did when he proposed…. Sakura was suddenly keenly aware of her pulse, the pounding of her heart.
Kakashi could tell his peptalk was working. He could see her muscles loosen; he could sense her becoming more herself, blooming at honesty in his words. Encouraged, he continued: "Not to mention that you were trained and hand-selected by the best medical nin in the world, and then you surpassed even Lad—"
"So help me, Kakashi…!" Sakura cut him off with a breathless laugh. "If you say another woman's name—even my shishou's—while you've got me like this…!" She threw her arms out over the disaster that had once been her perfectly organized desk, then gestured at the bulge he was surreptitiously grinding against her leg.
Her husband only grinned lazily, innocently, …just waiting for it to hit her.
Realization and fresh indignation dawned on Sakura, but humor won out: "Poor thing…," she cooed, frowning with faux sympathy. "You must really believe I've got some student-teacher kink, huh?" She flicked his ear, tone hardening: "Now quit imagining a threeway, you old perv, and go back to my peptalk! It was working until you ruined it…."
"Fine, fine. I'll keep my fantasies to myself." He gave a hearty chuckle and an impish wiggle of his brows. "But remind me: who here has punched a demigod-alien-witch in the face?"
Sakura let out a belly laugh at that, arms barely keeping her sitting up. Her obnoxious, pervy old man…! She felt like she'd just shaken off a layer of rust in that fit of laughter. She felt truly light for the first time since the mad countdown to the gala started…two weeks ago. "J-just how much did you drink before coming down here?" she gasped through giggles.
"Sakura," he murmured darkly, running his hands down her thighs as he knelt at her dangling feet, "I'm still thirsty."
Her jaw fell with another moan of his name, levity forgotten. She felt his words in a deep twist of lust and fell back on the desk with a leaden thud, …but she glanced at the toppled clock.
He hauled her to the edge of the desk. "Let me do this for you, baby," he implored once more, kissing the inside of her knee, lips gliding upward with every word, "I'll make it quick this time, I promise."
Once Sakura nodded, he wasted no more time. He’d strung this out long enough. For both of them.
He yanked her panties down, now stretched flimsy and useless, and draped her milky legs around his shoulders. Exploiting his wife’s considerable flexibility, he looped his arms under her thighs and spread her wide for every one of his greedy senses to devour. He heard her whimper with his hot breath on her, his mouth so close to where she needed it. Groaning as the points of her heels scratched into his skin, as her fingers fisted his in hair, he bypassed any semblance of teasing and finally got the taste he'd sought after so fervently, sealing his lips to her little pearl.
Sakura arched into him like the black cats of the season, mewling with claws tangled in silver hair—still so close from his…peptalk. "Yes, 'Kashi, yes," she encouraged, breathless.
It was music to his ears as she quivered beneath him, as he gently lapped and sucked at her little bud. With the sounds of his own pleasure rumbling into her bundle of nerves, he had her stretched taut, ready to spring. Just one little push…
"I need you inside me again, please—fuck!"
He did as she commanded, and with just a slip of his fingers, he had her crumbling in his arms, stroking that one little spot in time with his tongue on her clit.
“Mmnnnh…! Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t—!”
She released his hair the second before her every neuron went haywire, before every muscle in her body convulsed, and mercifully unleashed her death-grip on the rim of the desk instead.
His shoulder blades, however, were not spared the wrath of her heels as her orgasm shook through her limbs. Yet the sting only compounded his sensation overload, bathing him in the intoxication of giving. He held her thrashing hips down, lightening the pressure of his wet caresses but not stopping until he’d given all she could take, until he’d had every shuddering breath from her lungs, until she'd ridden out every second of her high….
Finally, Sakura sank back onto the desk, utterly robbed of breath, bones, and words.
Finally, Kakashi allowed himself a shaky inhale of his own, the beautiful blend of extreme satisfaction…and his own untended need whorling inside him. He licked his lips. Because he wasn’t done—far from it: He loved having her like this, knowing he could bring her to edge over and over; basking in the scent, the taste of her need for him….
And now that he'd given his wife a little relief after all his torture, he decided he would savor her in the style he preferred: leisurely, unhurried, …self-indulgent. He reclaimed his hand—Sakura’s sated sigh jolting all the way through him, reveling in her shine on his fingers—and opened her for his mouth again. He roamed sedately over her clit and across her rosebud folds; each movement of his tongue on her body, each sound she made singing and singeing through him…. At last, he came to her entrance, lapping up her desire from the inside, drinking her in like it was the first time.
He could feel her winding up again, her heels pressing harder into his shoulders, her pants turning into gasps, the sting in his roots as she spun silver, …the subsequent pounding in his cock. Rumbling with anticipation, he let his thumb drag over her clit once, twice, …and she was gone, snapping like a bow string. And he was ready for her, greedily swallowing her pleasure as she pulsed around his tongue, whining his name like it was the only word she knew.
He’d never know a more beautiful sound.
Once she stilled, he came up for air and rested his head on her quivering thigh, panting with her as she came down, watching her flushed breasts rise and fall. He caught his breath far before she did and trailed his wet lips along both her thighs, stroking a hand over her rumpled dress as her body became reacquainted with gravity, knowing she'd be hypersensitive after her second. When her breathing ultimately evened out, he unwrapped her legs from his neck with a final kiss before feeling around for some discarded article of clothing to dry his face.
Not his mask, …preferably.
"Ready to go fund that new hospital wing, princess?" he called out, patting his chin with his jonin-issue shirt, …silently ordering his cock to settle down. He’d gotten the gratification he needed, the rest would keep ‘til later.
"Almost," she murmured to the lamp by her face. "But first…," her voice grew louder as she lifted her head, "get your ass up here, Hatake."
His eyebrow quirked in question, but he only dabbed at his chin with dark cotton, back to using her thigh as pillow.
She sat up straight, every exposed inch of her skin dewy and flushed to compliment the color of her mussed sex-hair. "I said, get up here," she smirked, crooking a finger at him, nudging him with a heel. "I'm not going to let the hokage walk around my gala with a massive tent in his tuxedo."
Kakashi only shrugged from between her legs and went back to circling a finger around her clit, rather indifferent to the prospect of sporting a hard-on in front of the Land of Fire’s upper crust. Besides, his body would cooperate soon enough.
Sakura slapped the sole remaining folder off the huge desk. "See? Now there's plenty of room for two…." She smiled a satisfied, feline grin, purring her indecent invitation, "Maybe even…sixty-nine?"
Dammit. She sounded just like her husband….
As much as a third and final peak appealed to her, she also knew this would be the quickest way to gain her husband’s acquiescence.
Kakashi grinned wide, undaunted by the recharged pulsing in his cock, and drawled his reply, "We've only got fifteen minutes before this thing starts. Shouldn't you be getting dressed?" He nuzzled her leg and waggled a gloveless finger at her, ever teasing.
But his tongue flicked out to lick his lips, and Sakura knew she had him.
"And you think they wouldn't wait another five for the Hokage and the Chief?”
Evidently, his treatment for stress had worked even better than he'd hoped. He could have leapt into the air and clicked his heels together.
“After all, you had some very…”—eyes half lidded and fully satisfied, Sakura pretended to consider her words—“important business to take care of. Besides…" It was her turn for twinkling eyes and ravenous, knowing smiles. "Your wife wants a little taste of you." She flipped up on the desk, stealing his leg-pillow, arched her back, and shimmied out of her once-professional dress, all sex-kitten grace. She posed seductively for him, her head casually propped up on twined fingers, ankles crossed, heels and ass pointed toward the ceiling.
Her husband didn't hold back his leering eye-fuck. All she had on was her afterglow and a sheer black bra, her rosy hair all perfectly askew….
Then Sakura patted the wide swath of desk, scarlet nails tapping lightly on the wood.
How could he deny her when she’d asked so sweetly? His boots, pants, and boxer briefs flew off in a fit of kage-speed, but, once naked, he slammed on the brakes. Surely he had a few more seconds of teasing left in him, just a few…. Smirking down at her, Kakashi swaggered back over to the desk: his broad shoulders leading, the scarred x on his chest contouring his movements; his thick cock jutting out from his rigid stomach, giving an appetizing little jump with each deliberate step; watching her sated expression turn hungry all over again.
Once he got within arm's reach, however, his wife snatched up his hand and had him pinned beneath her in perfect 69 form—all before he could utter a single word of sarcasm. She grinned at the little ooof that left his lungs, but that was it. She had neither the patience nor the time to give him a taste of his own medicine. Besides, there was only one taste on her mind, and it was just a lick away….
And fuck lollipops!
He hissed as her lips reached his cock, as she kissed away the liquid beads on his thick head, as her tongue darted out to catch a dribble…before tracing the trail back to the source.
“Oh, fuuuuck…” His voice came out strangled, his neck arched from the desk when her tongue slid along his slit, when her talented hand began to wring him slowly. “Yes, Sakura, yes…” He was not going to last long, but that notion was far from troubling.
As she moaned on his shaft in return, he realized he must have closed his eyes the second her maddening mouth touched him. He flung them open to see his wife’s ass bobbing tantalizingly overhead as her hot tongue slid along the ridge of his head a second before her lips closed around him with sweet suction. His hands shot up to drown out his desperate groan with a smack across each pert cheek. Her excited moan rattling straight to his balls. Lips spread wide, she sank lower on his cock. His breath caught in his chest when she let her teeth graze so lightly over his throbbing shaft, leaving a trail of searing sparks in her wake. Fuck, it hurt so good.
“Nnnnn… Just like that, just like that…”
Kakashi was having trouble remembering the point of a 69. Hell, he was having trouble noticing anything but the sweet, sweet relief he was finally receiving after being so hard for so long. It was all he could do just keeping his hips still. So he laid there grunting wordlessly like a caveman, mindlessly kneading his wife’s ass while she sucked him hard….
But a little stiletto poke to his ear quickly resolved that.
“Oh, fuck—sorry!”
He was many things but a pillowprincess was not one of them. He pulled her back by the hips so he could reach her, determined to send one more endorphin rush through her system, …to taste the aphrodisiac of her orgasm one last time before his own—his thirst for her truly unquenchable. She cried out around his cock as he locked his lips to her clit, sucking and humming and spiraling. Thrusting lightly into her mouth, his fingers gripped her toned ass like a lifeline, guiding her undulations as she rode his tongue.
They lasted all of three minutes: Sakura fell first, sending Kakashi plummeting over the edge of sanity as she cried out her gratification around his cock. Head thrashing to the side, he pounded a fist on the desk with a shattered groan of her name, muscles spasming to pump out his pleasure, …spurt after long spurt. Greedy as her husband, Sakura drank him in, throat and tongue welcoming the evidence of his blinding release. She held him gently in her mouth as he came down, hard abdominals still twitching beneath her.
Finally, she slid off him to her stomach, catching a lone trickle on her thumb, and sucked it off with a final little pop.
Kage and Chief laid there a moment, head to feet, sprawled and panting on that desk, …as wrecked as Sakura's freshly-inaugurated office.
“You do have your tux, right?” she asked his foot.
“Mmhhhm. Hanging with your dress on the door.”
"We really ought to move now," she muttered, unmoving.
"You first," Kakashi retorted lazily and gave her ass a slap of encouragement, not even bothering to open his eyes…or to remove his hand.
She laughed, yet she still didn't move. “I’m sure Shizune will cover for us. She’ll just say we’re on a call that couldn’t wait and have the staff bring in a round of champagne for the adults…. Maybe a sugar rush for the kids...” She yawned, ruffling a few disheveled, pink tendrils; she curled her arms under her face. “And if we’re only a few minutes late, no one should make a fuss….”
“Mmmhhm,” he agreed, caught between overwhelming pride in his good work…and the sleepy siren song of oxytocin.
With that, a sated, stress-free silence sank in the humid air….
Sakura broke the spell:
“Hey, ‘Kashi, can you undo the straps on my shoes?” she murmured to her elbow, wiggling the heel nearest his head. She hadn’t noticed before, but now she longed to stretch her toes and calves.
He rolled to his side, kissed both her ankles, and released the heels to thump to the floor.
But another noise piqued their shinobi ears.
It sounded like crackling, …like peeling? Like tape or some other adhesive slowly becoming…un-stuck? They pushed up in one motion, four suspicious eyes combing every wall, every corner….
It wasn’t her shoes—that didn’t add up—and they sensed no other presence. So… What. The. Hell?
A little vrrrp brought Kakashi's eyes upward just in time to witness it fall from the sky.
Still on her stomach, Sakura’s neck pivoted right as the long-forgotten thing landed…right next to her husband’s thoroughly satisfied cock.
For a moment, neither of them said a word, merely gaping.
Sakura’s incredulous whisper broke the silence: "Is that the…?" Realization dawned on her once again, and a strangled laugh erupted from her lungs; pure, lighthearted glee quickly overtook the confusion on her beautiful face. “Oh, my god! You-you just… You just threw it??” she wheezed, slapping a fist down on her desk as tears welled up in her jade eyes, …blurring her view of the half-eat cherry. “To the damned ceiling?!” She managed to drag herself to his chest to laugh directly in his unamused face. "Did you…did you plan this, too?!"
"If it had fallen there when I was still hard, maybe…,” Kakashi sulked, sticking his bottom lip out in a perfect, practiced pout while his evil wife cackled at and on him. “A man has his priorities, Sakura,” he sniffed, winding a reluctant arm around her heaving shoulders, …staring despondently at the tiny pink smudge on the acoustic tile overhead. “The trajectory of a piece of candy does not top the list when a man has his wife spread out on her desk like a page from Icha Icha!” He reached an even more reluctant hand down to pluck the sticky lolli off his silvery happy trail, grimacing as the molten candy goo tugged unpleasantly at still-sensitized area. “Owww…”
Sakura could no longer breathe properly, so overwhelmed with merriment was she.
Kakashi’s lip stuck out further. How quickly this wife of his had gone from begging him for release, wantonly whining his name over and over through the waves of pleasure he crashed down on her…to nearly howling in diabolical delight. Grumbling, and with more force than necessary, Kakashi flung the rejected lollipop into the metal trashbin somewhere on the opposite side of the desk; it hit with a resounding thunk—which, of course, only amplified the giggles in his ear.
But he knew how to put a lid on that….
Grumbling no more, Kakashi hauled his breathless wife on top of him. His hands wove into her tangled hair as he pulled her lips to his, quickly slipping his is tongue into her mouth before she could let out another laugh. Her mirth melted into a hum as he kissed her slowly, thoroughly: letting her taste the remnants of her sweet pleasure as he tasted his, …reminding her exactly how that damned cherry lollipop had ended up on the ceiling….
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Omg. I truly have ZERO shame. Also, this was supposed to be quickie but it turned a two-night marathon speedwrite. Story of my lifeeee. Alsoo I totally ran out of time, and you can probs tell where I started checking the clock.... ;) But it’s now past 11, and I am SO late for this Halloween party. I swear I'll go back and round out the ending / actually read it through and edit tomorrow! But for now… Please let me know if you liked it! Feedback is so helpful for writing. 💙 And as much as I love these two, I've never written KakaSaku before! Should I do more KS? Should I just keep to my lane and stick to my other Sakura pairings?? sfjlsdfjldskf 🙈 I hope you at least got a kick out of it, but if you didn't...let's just blame it on my thirst…for wine. 😅🍷
PS: Threw in a few "princesses" 'cause I got a random anon ask for that soooo, voila!
💋🍭🍒 11/06/18 UPDATE! 💋🍭🍒 
So juuust under a week after Halloween, I finally had the time to go back and finish this thing right. It only took another 2,000 words.... 😂 Sorry about that! Was not my best work, but I was feeling festive so I rushed to have it out by the 31st. Write tipsy, edit sober, amiright?
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xoxoendoh · 5 years
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After months of harassing Dumblr about my wrongfully purged content, ...they send me a stupid dancing mushroom gif. 🙃 I’m not kidding. It took months of this sort of nonsense:
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😂😂 But I’ll take it!
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xoxobluelock · 2 years
The Fairytale Ending Checklist
**Manga Spoilers**
Pairing: Shidou Ryusei / Itoshi Sae
Rating: Explicit
No one had ever wanted him wilder. No one had ever asked him to be more himself.
No one had kept up, matched him step for step, and pushed for more still. Pulled ahead, even, and reached back for him.
No one had expanded the edges of the savage freedom that could exist only within football; distilled that singular joy to its purest, most volatile state. No one had made him feel as alive, every cell fulfilled, as he had felt only hours ago beneath the night sky on the Blue Lock pitch.
No one had understood. — The natural progression of “Fall under my spell,” in bed and out. Shidou discovers he doesn’t mind being made to wait, giving in. As long as it’s for Sae. Or, the JFU put their prize U-20 player up in a suite; Sae and his little demon make good use of it during Blue Lock’s time off. (No actual magic. This gets very soft and self-indulgent very fast.)
AO3: The Fairytale Ending Checklist
Excerpt below:
“Behave,” Sae ordered softly, reaching in a caress, a welcome shackle closing sweetly around Shidou’s neck, heavy and comforting, warm. A chain he had no desire to fight. 
Sae’s intent eyes, the weight of his hand… It felt almost possessive. 
Sae had told him to dream….
But to Ego’s cameras, Sae’s touch could pass as a friendly pat on the shoulder. Only Shidou could sense the thumb stretching to slowly soothe down his neck to the hollow between his clavicles, the index finger dipping just beneath his collar…. Only Shidou could feel every cell beneath that hand explode to life. 
“Until we’re alone,” Sae murmured, the pressure at the perimeter of Shidou’s neck growing; just enough to have him shiver, to have what little was left in his lungs stutter out, as Sae’s voice dropped lower, “...my horny little demon.”
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xoxobluelock · 1 year
The Fairytale Ending Checklist: Chapter Three
RyuSae, Explicit, read on AO3.
Sae was reaching for him again, cupping his jaw this time. Shidou leaned into the warmth with a hum; barely managing to keep his eyes open against the simple, extraordinary bliss of Sae holding him so gently. To keep his eyes on Sae’s green.
The warmth went explosive as Sae traced his thumb over his bottom lip, pressing until Shidou opened on reflex, sliding in, catching on a lower canine, dragging his thumbprint down the honed edge, compelling Shidou’s pliant mouth all the wider.
Shidou took in a shaky breath around the welcome intrusion and gazed up at Sae. Waiting, attention rapt, for Sae’s swollen lips to move around another word.
“Watch the fangs, my little demon,” Sae murmured, tapping his thumbnail upward into the sharpest point in Shidou’s mouth, beckoning him fully agape, “or you won’t come tonight. Understand?”
Sae was threatening him—teasing him again—while plucking the knot to his Team Japan joggers, …while wearing the faintest smirk.
Something like a whine vibrated from his throat.
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xoxoendoh · 6 years
The Cherry Wood Armoire
Her hand froze before the mirror, just as she was about to paint across her Cupid’s bow. “You like my lips this color, Sasuke-kun?” she asked his rapt reflection, playing at scrutinizing the shade in her hand. The look on his face as he nodded his approval… She twisted the tube until the cherry pigment vanished, lowering the lipstick to the armoire: “Then come and make them red.”
Here I thought I could finally focus on updating Damned and Damask now that SasuSaku Month was over…. ;) Well, I tried to be a diligent little SasuSaku ff-writer…but my brain went to smut / skipped ahead like a dozen chapters of D&D…then I realized I was late for dinner and drinks…heard this song while out…and this is the result. ;) **This is a quickie / rough WIP (again, puns so intended) and hasn’t been edited!**
Prompt: lsdkfjlsdkfj… I have ADHD and can’t just simply update (where’s the fun in that??); got an anon ask for SasuSaku dirty talk; …and a belated SasuSaku Month Free Day! So there.
Rating: NC17 / so NSFW below the cut…like for real, though. **A bit (consensually!) rough.**
Read on FF.net here. 
Her hand froze just as she was about to paint across her Cupid’s bow.
She could see Sasuke intently observing her, her reflection from the bed. It was slow at first, but the mirror showed her that damn smirk as it spread across his face.
And she couldn’t help herself, not when he was sitting there half-naked with that cocky grin of his:
“You like my lips this color, Sasuke-kun?” she asked the mirror sweetly, playing at scrutinizing the shade in her hand.
The look on his face as he nodded his approval…
Sakura couldn’t stop the little gasp she let out at his hunger: she could taste his desire across the room; she could see it reflected in the silver. She showed him a licentious smile through the glass and twisted the tube until the vermilion pigment vanished, lowering the lipstick to the cherry wood of the armoire.
She could make him hard, make him wild-eyed with a subtle move of her body, with a simple string of words…. And it took her fucking breath away, the excitement. Her scarlet nails skidded across the polished wood, searching for something to take hold of.
Shakily, she inhaled as she stared into the mirror, into his dark eyes, never letting go of his gaze. With distinct purpose, making sure he saw her every move, she slowly replaced the lipstick’s cap and dropped it to the porcelain tray with the others.
She could see his eyes widen—slightly, barely—at her brazen challenge.
“Then come and make them red,” she breathed, sinking her teeth into the pink flesh she’d so nearly painted cherry.
Before her heart could beat, before she could find another way boil his blood, he had flashstepped behind her. All at once, she felt his heat: his right hand was ascending her throat, his left had landed firmly between legs to push her back into his arousal, to feel the evidence of her own beneath the lace. Sakura could see it all as it happened, and it was beautiful. Her teeth sunk further into her lip around her moan, as he jerked her hips into place, as he ground thoroughly against her. He parted her flimsy, floral robe and palmed her panties. A keen escaped the corner of her mouth as he slid over her clit. Eyes closing and legs spreading, she leaned flush against him, fully exposing her neck for his greedy hand, and dug her nails into the chest’s ornate border.
“Eyes open, Sakura,” he commanded, his other fingers finally playing at her jaw.
She obeyed and saw his long index finger run across the teeth she’d sunk into her bottom lip, already so red from the blood pooling under the pressure…. At the sight, she released her lip to moan loudly around the digit.
“Good girl,” he murmured to her hair, eyes half-lidded, and ground forcefully into her ass.
Her hands rose to stroke his forearm and clasp around his wrist. She kissed the tip and then along the length of his finger gently, slowly…. She ran a long lick over his knuckles, staring him down through the glass all the while. At the shuddering exhale she felt against her crown, she sucked the digit into her mouth, each of his nerve endings coming alive with the graze of her teeth against his skin.
In an instant, he’d retracted his hand from her grip and wound it in her hair, yanking her head to his opposite shoulder, the stinging pain mingling with the pleasure of his teasing touches between her legs.
He tch-ed and shook his head, eyes leaving the mirror to admire the arc of her neck on his skin, the way her tendons strained against his hold…. “Did I tell you to open your pretty mouth?”
“No,” she whispered with a thrill, each word out of his mouth, each touch on stroke of his fingers making her wetter.
The hand in her hair tightened, the fingers tracing over her clit stilled.
“’No’ what?” he demanded.
“No, Sasuke,” she offered.
Even in her current position, she managed to say it so innocently, so sweetly.
Because she wanted to play rough.
It was all he could do to keep the smirk from his face as she let out a strained gasp, as he slowly twisted his fistful of pink tendrils—the lustrous hair she grew so long for him. Such a shame he couldn’t fully indulge her then…. But he’d make do; he knew how to make the minutes count.
“You know better than that, Sakura,” he admonished in a growl, bending lower to suck on her extended neck as he untied her robe.
She did. She knew exactly what she was doing. She wanted him riled up and insatiable and imperious. She wanted to push him…. She loved it when he lost control…but she loved it more when he took it back…. And she’d barely scratched the surface this morning.
His hand slid over her abdomen, inching back toward her lace, and he bit down on her earlobe. Hard. “Say it.”
With the mirror, she could see it all. The fine, palatial silk hanging useless and bunched at her elbows; the flush of her fair skin; his mark on her neck; the red of her lips parting to sound her pleasure; his large hands going where they pleased on her body, one firmly entrenched in her blush waves; the way he loomed so tall over her; the dark desires in his eyes reflected in her own… And she couldn’t take it anymore. She had neither the patience nor the time to waste.
“Please, Sasuke-kun…” she corrected.
“Good girl,” he praised, punctuating the compliment with a tug and lazy suck on her lobe.
He released her hair, combing his fingers to the very end of her rosy strands, and stood her up. A doll for his delights… He slid the robe down her arms and tossed it on the bed. The damn sight of her pale skin glowing in the hazy morning light… He closed the small distance he’d allowed to discard the silk, and the feeling of her bare skin on his as he leaned into her…. He groaned right in her ear as he palmed up her body with both hands, pausing to grope at her pert breasts, another sound of appreciation blending with her own. She jutted her hips back to reunite with his, to grind and sway against his hard cock.
They said it in unison: “Fuck…”
It was so good, but it wasn’t enough. She needed to feel him, skin on skin.
As his hands were literally full—tugging at the dusky pink of her nipples, glorying in the fullness of her breasts—Sakura made to sneak hers between their bodies, to slip into his loose pants and finally grasp his cock…. But he snatched up her wrists before she’d even touched cotton. He knew what she wanted, and he’d let her have it…but only on his terms.
She whined in frustration, glowering at him through the glass.
“You’re going to pay for this tonight, beautiful,” he warned, voice low and gravelly with lust, and bit the back of her neck. He rose to recapture her reflected eyes as he planted her hands on edge of the armoire, lacing their fingers. “Let go of the dresser or close your eyes, and you won’t come,” he instructed, watching her green glare dilate with his words. “Not now, …not tonight,” he promised in wicked coo, leaving her hands with a final, firm press to yank her panties down.
She moaned raggedly as the skimp of lace slid down her legs, as she spread for him, as he held her eyes through the mirror.
“Do you hear me, Sakura?”
He slid the waistband of his sweatpants down, hissing as the precum on his cock caught the cool air, and kicked them to the side. Running a few strokes over his length, he crouched some for the ideal angle and slid his head against her, reveling in her slick folds.
He ground out, “Do. You. Hear. Me.”
His tone left no room for debate.
“Yes, Sasuke-kun. Please,” she whimpered, eyes low on the mirror to watch him torment her, fighting the instinct to move—to fuck—as he barely pushed into her, as he teased the sensitized nerves at her entrance. He’d only prolong the sweet agony of anticipation if she tried anything now. “Please…” she begged.
Again, he wove his free hand into her soft locks and pulled until she raised her pretty face where he wanted it, until her verdant eyes found his in the mirror.
“You’re going to watch me fuck you.”
Her whimper turned into a breathy fuck as he groaned as he drove into her, inch by inch. As her eyes widened, as her florid lips fell open, as her creamy back curved concave, as her ruby nails dented and scuffed the antique…
“Please, Sasuke-kun!” she urged, unable to withstand his taunting. “Please.”
“Good girl…”
He could hear the cocksure smirk in voice, he watched it crook upward as he finally thrust himself fully inside her, wet and hot and tight around him.
She cried out something unintelligible.
He bent his spine to envelop her form, one hand still claiming her hair at her nape, the other twining with hers on the wood. He could feel the tendons in her fingers strain and extend as she pushed off the armoire to meet his cock as he drove into her, could see her breasts bounce with the impact.
“Fuck. Just like that, Sakura,” he rumbled against her cheek. “Just like that…”
But he could see her lips losing their feverish hue. They were still rosy and parted in arousal, but he wanted them red.
He slowed his rhythm and, guiding her by the ponytail he’d formed in one hand, he turned her face to the side. He angled her lips to connect with his as his other hand climbed up her arm to reach the column of her neck. But he stopped just before they touched…. Watching her long lashes lower over the aching jade of her eyes, tasting her wanton moan in the air between them, feeling her hair grow taut in his hand as she tried to reach him—savoring her eagerness to kiss him while he moved inside her…
“You can close your eyes now,” he murmured, “but remember, Sakura: keep your hands where they are, or”—his threat was a whisper on her parted lips, each word punctuated with a forceful snap of his hips into hers—“You. Won’t. Come.”
Finally, he claimed her mouth as she cried into him.
She clawed at the cherry wood beneath her, determined not to lose her grip. Even as his teeth pulled her bottom lip into his mouth. Even as he sucked and swallowed her moan. Even as his tongue pushed against hers in time with his teasing, shallow thrusts. Even as he groaned his pleasure into her.
Without warning, he released her lips and turned her stunned face to the mirror. He let go of her neck and hair in favor of pinning her hands in place with his. He let go of his mocking pace in favor of pounding into her—finally fucking her.
It was all she could do to keep her eyes open against the blazing fire he was stoking within her. She could feel it spreading down her limbs, threatening to curl her toes and spine. She blinked around a shaky whimper, and then his dark eyes were spinning sanguine—predatory and blood-red—boring through his reflection and into hers. He was close, too, and he was daring her to close her eyes, to fail to appreciate the pornographic display in the mirror—to disobey. He bent to nibble on the neck she so prettily arched into shoulder, Sharingan memorizing and mesmerizing.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she chanted. “Please, don’t stop!”
She could feel her orgasm rising with the morning sun, hot and inevitable. Every sinewy muscle in her body was constricting under him, around him. Taut coils ready to spring…
Then he stopped—everything.
She whined, wordless in frustration, and ground into him. At her defiance, she felt an adamant yank on her hair. When had his hands left hers?
“Put it on, Sakura,” he ordered.
“Wha...?” She was confused by the command, brain steaming with lust and thwarted pleasure, pink head nearly lolling in his grip.
Impatient, he pried the fingers of her right hand from the edge of the dresser. Their sweaty skin squeaked against the lacquered cherry wood as he dragged her hand to the long-forgotten lipstick.
Oh, dirty boy… Despite herself, she couldn’t help the salacious grin that fell on her face.
She felt a fresh lick of the flames, felt herself tighten around his cock at the sound of his command and uncapped the maquillage. She felt more than the saw his Sharingan devour her movement. Leering at her, he nodded, all virile pride. As she touched the creamy cherry-red to her flushed lower lip, she felt him twitch inside her, barely keeping her grip on the cool chrome. She drew it slowly, so slowly over the full crescent he’d bitten red, and her eyes widened in disbelief. 
She heard a haughty heh behind her.
No wonder he loves it…!
The color was a perfect match. If not for the shine, it would have been seamless against her kiss-swollen lips.
“Finish,” he taunted as he cupped her chin, outlining her painted bottom lip with his thumb, “and I’ll let you finish.”
“Fuck,” she whined, struggling to keep her hand steady as she traced her upper lip. Finally, she pursed her glossy lips with a pop, batting her dark lashes at him.
His large hands rose to remove the lid and tube from hers, carefully rejoining them and placing the complete lipstick on the armoire.
“Fucking beautiful…” was all the warning she had before he had her pinned to that cherry wood armoire once more.
I’m late for yet another dinner ‘cause of this little one shot! Lol. 
Thank you for reading! That reblog/comment/review button is actually the “validate button”—so remember to hit it if you liked it! ;) 
One more note: This will likely end up quite different in D&D, probably much darker 'cause, ya know, that's the fic. ;)
@thepiestperson, thanks for the summary selection. 👌🏻 You da bomb.
“Not So Pure Endoh” strikes again @ladywithpurplehair @pain-somnia​
My other SSM18 submissions:
☀ No content warning: Gravitation, Day 2: Side by Side | Close to Lost, Day 4: Burn
☾ Barely NSFW:
Umbra, Day 11: Eclipse
☾ More smut, different Uchiha: Gratitude and Gratification, explicit ItaSaku
If you’re interested, you can read my other SasuSaku and ItaSaku work on FF.net or my fic-only blog!
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