#Erased Backrooms
sewn-gums · 1 year
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I feel like these deserve to go on Tumblr
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gummybugg · 1 year
Happy WBW! What are some interesting foods or dishes in your world? Share as many as you like!
Happy late WBW to you :') This is such an interesting ask!
I feel like at some Point I mentioned how I hope to have food/drinks from my stories be recreated in Real Life, but I have yet to really get around to making many Cuisines in my stories! Things are out of order in my head, yes, but I do have One drink!
This Drink is based on a landmark in Crater City called Mars Lake, named after its rusty, Radioactive water. They say that if you take a Dip in the lake for longer than 30 minutes, you will not make it out alive!
A Cup of Mars Lake
blood orange liqueur (for the red color)
lemon juice (more sour!)
garnished with an orange peel
Do not ask for Measurements; we measure with our Hearts around here (Do not quote me on that)!
I would like to turn the question to you if you don't mind, I would love to hear what foods/dishes you have in your world(s)!
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
I love the backrooms idea momma!! Like you, from what you said, I like yanderes that don't harm their darlings out of malice, even if they're cruel in other ways. But that doesn't erase the predator x prey dynamic they can be sooo tasty.
I love the predator chasing their prey for more than just food reasons hehe. They think it’s playing or a way to court a mate and they’re all for it and once you’re captured? You’re at their mercy ❤️
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no-name-blu · 1 month
Back at it again to drop 20 random facts about Gameshow Host! Wally AU
Part 1
1. Wally is actually good at being manipulative. He learned from the best
2. Wally is a nerd who does math for fun
3. He reads the newspaper like the old man he is. But he mostly does it for the comics
4. Attempting to run away from the studio leads Home to drag him back, backrooms style. Unless Wally is unconscious, which will make things harder for Home.
5. Barnaby found him unconscious and tried to hide him for safety. Unfortunately Wally has a huge fears of trees and Barnaby hid him there. Making it harder for Wally to regain consciousness.
6. The fear of needles and sharp objects came from Home whenever he's going to erase his memories.
7. Wally is scared of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
8. Wally knows how he was created and he is traumatized by it. He wants to forget it.
9. Wally knows Home's origin but he is not allowed to tell anyone. I'm not allowed to say why.
10. Time is nothing but a fake graph people used to make it make sense. The AU takes place in the mid or late 70s but Wally can still know present times pop culture.
11. It was Wally's idea to make a gameshow. Why? He notices how it's mostly about exposing the contestants for entertainment. And he knows it's perfect for Home's needs.
12. Wally used to enjoy the deaths, but when he learns more about the contestant's life stories, he would question the morality of it all
13. He started being against the killings when he killed Poppy.
14. My other AUs are his brothers (Ride The Cyclone AU and Broken Theatre AU). He knows they exist but chances of them meeting is low. He really wishes he could see them one day.
15. If ever Wally is going to be replaced by someone else, he would have to die since he's no longer useful to Home.
16. The audience members are basically like the minions. Yes. Those yellow things.
17. Each of them got their own names and personality. They do have a backstory, surprise surprise. But I'm not allowed to tell.
18. Humans and puppets co-exist in this AU. Puppets have their own guts and blood.
19. When Wally look into someone's eyes, he can see their memories.
20. No matter what he says, Home is capable of love and friendship. The possibility of that is very very very very low
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katsona-the-katsequel · 5 months
Background Events: Persona Experimentation
Unethical experimentation on Persona Users has been happening since the beginning. But how has it evolved until now?
Warning: Some speculation will be involved.
TW: Human Experimentation
The Beginning
We don't have an exact date for when experiments related to Personas and the Collective Unconscious began. Phil and Nyarly's bet had been going for some time by the time IF took place. However, if we had to place a true beginning to the experiments, we would have to go with Stephen and the Demon Summoning Program. Along with Kyouji Kuzunoha, he's the only SMT character who's also canon to Persona. Makes sense, considering his weird transcendent nature. The tale may vary between franchises, but the Persona version goes like this:
By unknown means, Stephen managed to create the Terminal System to travel through computer networks. Since he's in a wheelchair in IF, then this Stephen also managed to connect to the Expanse (located in the Collective Unconscious) with the Terminal System. Since he didn't have a way to communicate with the demon who crossed and no Persona to defend himself, Stephen was was attacked and subsequentaly crippled. All of this had to have happened before 1996 for the timeline to make sense (Side Note: This also tells a lot about Stephen, since the incident had the perfect conditions for an Awakening).
The incident led Stephen to create the Demon Summoning Program, probably for personal use, since there was no upcoming war to prepare to (that Stephen could have known of). For some unknown reason, Stephen chose to upload the only copies of the program in the computers of Karukozaka High School. Was he an alumni? Did Stephen realize teens had more probability of connecting with the Expanse? Were Karu High's computers just that good? Who knows. Only Hazama and Tamaki took the program serious enough to use it, even if it was against each other. But that's a story for another time.
Like St. Hermelin would in a few months, Karu High briefly made the news before the entire incident was forgotten. That is highly suspicious on itself. My assumption is that there truly were some experimentation going on before this, amd they made sure to silence the press and make sure the students didn't snitch. Since Tamaki managed to hide among the student population as another victim (probably with Stephen's help), they never questioned her on her abilities nor disappeared her.
But who are they? Well...
The first formal organization seeking to gain a foothold in the Collective Unconscious was the Japanese branch of SEBEC, leadered by Takahisa Kandori. Their story goes like this:
When Kandori took over as head branch of SEBEC, they began to undertake the creation of a device capable of transporting matter from one place to another. Kind of like a portal. This had the main objective of helping to lower freight costs of imports and exports. Maybe even erasing them entirely. Key contributors were Setsuko Sonomura (an engineering specialist) and Dr. Nicholai (a scientist). Kandori kept the project so under wraps that those involved basically lived in the installations. Together they created the Dimension Variable Accelerator System, or DEVA System. However, they also pulled a Backrooms and accidentally connected to the Collective Unconscious.
It is probably at this point that Kandori awoke to his Persona, which was hijacked by the real Nyarlathotep. And thus, Kandori became a puppet in The Great Bet while believing he was achieving world domination or something like that. "But, Kati," I can hear you saying, "all of that was about the Collective Unconscious. Aside from Kandori, there were no Persona Users working with SEBEC".
Oh? OH? So quickly you forget about him?
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Takeda. The man, the myth, the barely remembered NPC. All we know about him is that he is Kandori's right-hand man, the head of security at SEBEC and a Persona User. We don't even know what his Persona is, only that its couldn't handle the combined forces of the St. Hermelin students. His existence does imply something deeper: SEBEC is already employing Persona Users to their cause. They probably didn't know much about the phenomena (understandable, since they had just finished the DEVA System) and didn't have a definitive way of figuring out who could be a User and who couldn't. For all they knew this could be random. And so, a not-so-stellar security guard rose to become the second-hand man of the main antagonist. Just because he had the same power as him.
As we know, Kandori and SEBEC failed. But what was the fate of the staff that worked on the DEVA System? What about the little knowledge of the Collective Unconscious they had?
New World Order
Due to Nyarly's meddling, the NWO was founded in 1979 after they found Kiyotada Sumaru's head. They might have had supernatural advice from an ancient head and the backup of one of the most powerful beings in the Persona Universe, but no real Persona Users. Not one of those people had their shit together. The closest thing they had was Chizuru Ishigami, who was a sorcerer (most probable given true power by the Rumor Curse). When the time was right, we can assume Nyarly guided them to the remnants of Kandori's fuck up. The NWO revived Kandori and began their recruitment of the now-lost scientists and inventors. The NWO gave more freedom to their researchers than SEBEC did, which eventually led to the beginning of true human experimentation.
We don't see the worst of it unless you play Tatsuya's Scenario, where the hints they leave us are enough to call for a second Doctors' Trial.
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Yikes. And this was only one known experiment.
Like SEBEC before them, the NWO also fell. But they weren't the only ones running supernatural and unethical experiments in 1999.
Kirijo Group
With the creation of the Dark Hour, demons shadows weren't only a danger of the Collective Unconscious anymore, at least, as far as the Kirijo Group knew. Now those in the know had to watch themselves every night to avoid being attacked by them. They couldn't always rely on the perfected version of the Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons. That must have been the moment when they began to hear rumors of supernatural events in Sumaru City, which led them to the crumbling NWO.
As it turns out, the entire Death Incident a couple of months ago left a huge vacancy for their supernatural research division. And these guys seem like they have fresh ideas that might just solve their self-created problem! A secret scramble must have taken place where the Nanjo and Kirijo Groups tried to covet all the info and personnel that had anything to do with the NWO. Those who weren't important enough to know the truth behind Kiyotada Sumaru's head and their self-proclaimed high-class greatness could have become the precursors of the Conspiracy.
And so, the Kirijo Group now had better scientists, inventors and researchers than before, and more willing to dab on unethical territory. With the need for defense, the former NWO scientists must have suggested they try to create their own Persona Users, like the ones who kept barging into their labs back in Sumaru. Thing is, no one there knew how a Persona User came to be. They did seem to have the power to control a shadow to do their bidding... maybe all they had to do was link (whatever that meant) a human with a shadow. The survivors of these experiments would become bodyguards for the Kirijo Group's excursions to Tartarus. No one would last long, though.
Skip a couple of years and the unexpected happened:
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A natural Persona Awakening.
Note was taken of the factors that had to do with the event: the User was a child and she had been in a highly stressful situation. This is how the Kirijo Group rounded up the 100 children they would experiment on to create Artificial Persona Users. All of them dying except for three: Takaya Sakaki, Jin Shirato and Chidori Yoshino (and Sho Minazuki). This violation to the Nuremberg Code probably fell to the side when Mitsuru found and recruited two natural Persona Users on her own. Nothing like flushing dozens of children's lives down the toilet.
We must remember that the Kirijo Group didn't know everything about Personas, and so believed that the stressful situation with a dash of fear of death was necessary every time the User wanted fo summon their Persona. And so Evokers were created. Better not think of the trial and error that led to those inventions. Nor the one that helped create Persona Suppressants.
Who cares if three failed lab rats ran away? Now the Kirijo Group had true Persona Users with them.
A lot happened after that, but that is a story for another day. What about the hypothetical precursors to the Conspiracy formed from the high-profile members of the NWO? The ones that fell through the cracks during the power vacuum?
The Antisocial Force
For once, this wasn't Nyarly's fault. The basic rich bitches would have remained basic rich bitches if it wasn't for Yaldabaoth. The creation of the Shadow Operatives and the less restrictive hold on Kirijo Group employees probably made all that Persona and Collective Unconscious experimentation more of an open secret in the science community. And like hypnosis, this is one secret that most didn't believe until they witnessed it themselves. Not all were skepticals, and those interested were recruited by Masayoshi Shido for the creation of the Antisocial Force.
They would be the new oppressive entity in this area, suppressing information and giving stitches to snitches. This wouldn't stop "Cognitice Psience" from becoming an increasingly popular field. Who knows what kind of experiments happened in and out of the Antisocial Force. They couldn't have been the only ones.
If there is one thing the new Kirijo Group managed to contain, was the knowledge of the creation of Persona Users. The Antisocial Force didn't even have the research from the original NWO scientists that would help them create Artificial Users. Yaldy had to put an already-Awakened Goro Akechi in Shido's path for them to have a User. And even with an actual User, they couldn't replicate the circumstances that could have helped create more. I doubt Akechi was very helpful with that, though. Can't have any potential substitutes for his job.
Nah, the Antisocial Force's forte would never be Persona Users, but rather humanity's cognition.
So, what was the order of events?
Stephen created the Terminal System and began working on the Demon Summoning Program.
SEBEC began working on the DEVA System.
Stephen completed the Demon Summoning Program.
SEBEC finished the DEVA System and, after Kandori's Awakening, began to recruit Persona Users (at least one other than Kandori).
After SEBEC's fall, the New World Order recruited the staff that worked in the DEVA System.
The NWO began to experiment with demons and humans.
The Kirijo Group hired all the scientists and inventors from the NWO.
The Kirijo Group began to create Artificial Persona Users.
After Mitsuru's Awakening, the Kirijo Group focused on children experimentation.
The Antisocial Force began to recruit experts in cognitive psience for personal experiments.
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mixelation · 11 months
i took a cursed evening nap so now im up at early af o'clock. have some reborn au. minato pov, him being a dad and also a wife guy
takes place while kushina is in iwa
Minato arrived home close to midnight. All the lights were on. 
Maybe Naruto does need a babysitter, Minato thought, switching off the entrance hall light. Eight was old enough for a ninja in training to walk home alone and hang out for a few hours, but it was becoming obvious Naruto still wasn’t old enough to get himself to bed properly. 
Naruto would throw a fit if Minato walked back on his assessment that Naruto was mature enough to take care of himself. He’d been so proud of himself. Minato wished Kushina were here to discuss the idea. 
Naruto was, predictably, passed out on the couch, the TV still on at full volume. Minato switched it off, surveying the mess Naruto had left on the coffee table. Two comic books, half-read and left open. His textbook shoved aside with his homework, half done, pencils and his eraser strewn across the table. An empty instant ramen cup, because Minato had been having a lot of late nights and they’d gone through all the meals he’d prepped and frozen with Kushina before her departure. 
Minato closed and stacked the comic books, lined them up neatly with Naruto’s textbook and set his half-finished homework on top. He tossed a blanket over his son, who shifted and pressed his face further into the couch cushion. Minato watched him for a moment, empty ramen cup in hand. 
He felt guilty. Between a crisis with a patrol group disappearing near the Water Country border (now resolved), some drama with the Daimyo’s first son, Danzo trying to creep into ANBU control again, and the Iwa mission, he hadn’t seen Naruto awake in days. He didn’t want to get Naruto another babysitter. He wanted to come home and make dinner and check over his son’s homework and put him to bed himself. 
Minato would never, ever pull Kushina from a mission she wanted to do, but he always struggled with her away. Together they were such a good team for Naruto, but Minato could barely keep up when he was by himself. 
Minato moved to the kitchen, switching off the living room light as he went. When he tossed the instant ramen cup, there were two bell pepper cores in the bin, so at least Naruto had obeyed the rule that he had to have at least one fresh vegetable with his ramen. (He had, of course, picked the two orange peppers out of the multicolored pack.)
One of the peppers was still out on the counter, cut in half and abandoned with a paring knife on a cutting board. Minato sliced it into strips as he waited for water to boil for his own instant ramen. 
He sat down at the kitchen table and heard shuffling from the living room. Naruto appeared in the kitchen doorway a few moments later, hair mussed and eyes bleary with sleep. 
“Hey, kid,” Minato greeted. “Wanna sit with me?”
Naruto crawled into the chair next to him, hand automatically going for the plate of bell pepper pieces Minato had set out. 
Minato thought about chastizing him for not finishing his homework, or telling him he had to be more responsible or Minato would have to get a babysitter afterall. But Naruto was sleepy and Minato hadn’t had a real conversation with him in days, and this seemed unnecessarily cruel. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around this week,” Minato said instead. “Why don’t you come up to the office after class tomorrow?”
At first he wasn’t sure if Naruto was awake enough to hear him, as the kid just chewed, expressionless, for several seconds. 
“Are you going to make me sit in that backroom and do homework?” Naruto asked eventually, shooting Minato a betrayed look. 
“Well…” Minato said slowly. Ideally he’d have all his confidential meetings early, so that Naruto could sit with him while he did homework and Minato did boring nonclassified paperwork. But he couldn’t always guarantee that’s how his days would go. 
In some ways, it was easier when Naruto was a baby. He never had to worry about baby Naruto reading over his shoulder or sneaking into the vents to spy on meetings. But now Naruto was big enough to have his own ideas and opinions, to have goals and hobbies and personality quirks, and Minato loved watching him grow and learn so much, but this also meant he sometimes had to banish Naruto to a backroom. 
“Dad?” Naruto asked, squinting at him. 
“Ah, well, maybe?” Minato admitted. “But we could get take-out for dinner, and… sneak away for a bit for training…?”
The Water Country border thing was resolved now, so he should almost definitely be able to swing that, barring some new crisis. 
He smiled hopefully at Naruto, who still looked doubtful. Kushina was Naruto’s favorite parent for training, because Kushina was better at putting things in terms Naruto understood and was better at making things into games. But it wasn’t like Naruto didn’t like training with Minato, and Minato definitely had better and cooler kunai tricks. He just had to remember Naruto didn’t like hearing about the math behind them, nor did he really need to know the math no matter how interesting Minato thought it was. 
And Naruto definitely liked Minato pretending they were very sneakily evading ANBU and secret guards when he’d teleport them to a training field. 
“I want Ichiraku,” Naruto said finally. 
“Deal,” Minato agreed. “Now go brush your teeth and put on real pajamas.”
Naruto scampered off, and Minato hand washed his chopsticks and the cutting board and knife. He could get them both up early and cook a real breakfast and make Naruto finish his homework, and ask him how school was… 
Naruto knocked on his bedroom door some time later. 
“Umm…” Naruto started, tugging at the hem to his shirt nervously. “I’m too big for nightmares, you know… but, um…” 
Minato raised his eyebrows as Naruto continued to fidget. He’d left the kid alone for too many nights. 
I have to do better, Minato promised himself. I could at least send Kakashi by to check on him…
“Do you want to sleep with me tonight?” Minato asked when Naruto continued to bluster. 
“If you say so,” Naruto replied, ducking under his arm and making a beeline for Kushina’s side of the bed. 
Minato took a quick shower, and by the time he was out, Naruto was passed out, sprawled across the bed like it was his own. Minato rolled his eyes affectionately as he gently moved Naruto’s arm so he had enough room. He leaned over his son, giving him a quick peck on the temple. 
Minato laid awake for a bit, staring at the ceiling and listening to Naruto breathe. He missed Kushina. He missed giving her a kiss goodnight. 
“Can’t you just give me a note?” Naruto whined. Minato had set out his homework for him at the dining room table and assigned Naruto to finish it while he cooked. “Sensei would never question it…”
“So you want special treatment?” Minato asked, spatula in hand. 
“...no,” Naruto said after a beat. He scowled, but he picked up his pencil. 
Minato didn’t have time to make the most inspired lunch for Naruto, but he was at least able to send him to school with a complete homework set and a homemade bento. He needed to find time to do another mass meal prep. Naruto was old enough to help him now; he could make it a fun father-son thing…
The day was more relaxed than the previous one, in terms of problems he was juggling. Danzo came in early and did not admit to overexerting control and interfering in the ANBU roster, but he told Minato his handling of the border thing was “adequate if not soft-handed.” Which was… nice, for Danzo? What the hell was he supposed to do with that?
Maybe trying to force him to retire had been a bad idea. For one, it hadn’t worked. For another, a bunch of older admin and some pockets of ANBU had threatened to walk and that had gone directly to Danzo’s head. So. 
Ugh, Minato thought. Was he too soft?
A message from Kushina arrived late morning and cheered him up. It was an official missive from Iwa recognizing all three members of Team 4 had passed to the final stage of the exam. This was good news, but it also meant their mission would run another month. Iwa had very conspicuously not included the usual invitation for him as a Kage with participating genin to come in person and watch the tournament. Even though it was customary, that option had been off the table since they’d started negotiations. 
They also included a note from Kushina. It covered the front and back of a page: a long, rambling report of how the exam had gone and what their accommodations were like. Halfway through she started speculating what Iwa ramen shops might be like, and Minato pulled the old academy textbook that matched the cypher from a bottom drawer on his desk. It was his own copy, and it had a note in the back from Kushina calling him a nerd and threatening to punch him in the nose. He smiled absentmindedly at it before he flipped through it for the right page. They used this code so often he didn’t need it, but it never hurt to be thorough. 
Security high, Kushina had written. Nothing suspicious. 
She hadn’t gone into her actual, secret mission, because there was no guarantee an Iwa codebreaker wouldn’t find her note. Instead it read like a normal assessment about their public goal of passing the exam. The fact that she raised no alarm was good, though. Kushina was still confident. 
At the bottom she’d let her students write their own notes. Itachi had attempted to fit an actual report, written in tiny barely legible letters, followed by: Send regards to my brother. 
Eloquent as always, Minato thought. He could see Itachi’s eye twitching as Kushina wrote the report without his input. Ah, well, this was good practice for him. 
Deidara had written a cheeky note about finding out about Konoha hazard pay and insinuating this trip should qualify. Tori’s note was: You know the Junko vs Princess Hinamori fight? Like that. 
Minato frowned. Princess Hinamori was the main antagonist from Jiraiya’s latest book, who agreed to let Junko honor-fight her for the love interest’s release if Junko met her at her winter castle. Princess Hinamori’s court witch had then used several manipulative jutsu so that Junko lost all her supplies on her journey, forcing her to fight exhausted and without weapons. Junko had won anyway, after she broke into her lover’s cell and had two chapters worth of inspirational sex with him. (And then, after she won, she’d had a threesome with her lover and the beautiful handmaiden who’d snuck her food to help her recover from her trip.)
So… had Iwa not given them the promised weapons? And why was a twelve year old reading Icha Icha? Kushina didn’t seem worried, but now Minato was. 
By the time Naruto showed up, Minato had sent the report off for analysis and redacted a photocopy that he could give Naruto. Naruto, dragging his feet into the office with a look of great burden on his face, immediately perked up. 
“Iwa doesn’t sound very fun,” Naruto concluded after reading the letter, puzzling over Kushina’s messy handwriting in places. “And she has to stay there a whole month?”
“I miss her too,” Minato told him. “And she probably can’t list all the coolest stuff she’s doing. You’ve learned about how you can’t say everything in written communications, right?”
Naruto’s nose crinkled in thought. “Because, um… someone else could steal your letter.”
“That’s right,” Minato agreed. “You know your mom. She’ll find the coolest parts of Iwa and come home and tell us all about it. And just think, she’ll have a whole month's worth of stories.”
Naruto nodded very seriously. “Sasuke says there’s no way his brother could lose to Iwa-nin.”
Minato laughed. “Itachi is… special,” he agreed. 
“Itachi's a weirdo,” Naruto muttered. “He’s not going to come home and tell cool stories. Ugh, but Sasuke will talk about him like he did…”
Naruto whined, and Minato gently directed him at his homework. Minato had left organizing and reviewing D-ranks for the last task of his day, which was both boring and unimportant enough that it wouldn’t matter if Naruto spied on him. He cleared a portion of his own desk for Naruto to use, sitting across from him.  
Naruto did not have any written homework today, but he was meant to read a chapter of his history book. Upon questioning, Minato realized that Naruto had skipped reading the previous chapter. 
“It’s boring,” Naruto complained. “You’d think war could be cool, but the way the book talks about it is confusing.”
“First, war is not cool,” Minato disagreed.
“I want to read about the war with Iwa,” Naruto said, flipping ahead in the book. Minato reached over and covered his hand to stop him. 
“It’s not going to make sense unless you read the chapters on the Second Shinobi War first,” he said. “Read that, and I’ll answer any questions you have when we go to Ichiraku.”
Naruto rolled his eyes, but he paged back to the chapter he’d skipped. 
They ended up at Ichiraku late, and Minato would have to go in for a few hours on Saturday morning, but it looked like he might actually get a free weekend. Small miracles. 
Naruto had been bored to tears by the causes and consequences of the Second Shinobi War, and he got grouchy when Minato quizzed him on it to make sure he understood. Naruto did have a lot of interested questions on the key battles section. Was Old Man Hiruzen really that strong? (Yes, he really was.) Were the Iwa Demolition Corps as scary as they sounded, and should he be worried about Mom? (Yes, they were scary, but Kushina was scarier, and she knew even more defensive fuinjutsu than Minato.) Why didn’t Konoha have a group of elite swordsmen like Kiri? 
“That’s a good question,” Minato said. “Hey, I think your mom met one in Iwa.”
“Awesome,” Naruto declared. 
Training right after a big meal was a bad idea, but they sat in the backyard with a plate of persimmon slices (a Naruto-approved orange fruit) and threw kunai at a target for a while. Naruto didn’t have a lot of natural talent with kunai, but at least for physical stuff, he’d never shied away from hard work. He reported gleefully that he’d finally broken into the top ten in his class for aim. 
“Sasuke better watch his ass!” Naruto declared after his second bullseye of the night.
“Language,” Minato reminded him. “Also, watch your elbow when you throw.”
Naruto barely fought him about going to bed on time. Minato spent a little time alone, leafing through the Princess Hinamori saga in bed. He thought the conclusion of this book was some of Jiraiya’s best writing, but the start of the book was slow. Kushina had hated it and never gotten through the first few chapters. Naruto really took after her… 
Minato sighed and set the book aside, leaned back against the bed’s headboard. Could he really go another month without Kushina? More than a month, even, because of travel time, and that was assuming everything on her side went smoothly. He hadn’t been away from her for that long since the war. 
He closed his eyes, concentrating on his Hiraishin marker network. He couldn’t sense what was around them or distinguish them by anything but geographical location, but he didn’t have any other markers that deep into Earth Country. There was Kushina’s, nestled into her bijuu seal and hidden, further away from him than she’d ever been… 
He was tempted to go check on her. It would be so easy to go see her, hold her, kiss her goodnight just for a moment. This was a stupid idea, of course, because spontaneously appearing in Iwa could ruin everything. Plus, Kushina had already communicated very strongly to him that she didn't want special treatment on missions. She’d vetoed both visits for goodnight and morning kisses years ago. 
And if he did it once, he knew it’d get harder and harder to resist in the future.  
He scooted down under his covers, rolled over and buried his face in Kushina’s pillow. It still smelled of the conditioner she used on her hair. 
Maybe when she was out of Earth Country on her way home, he could go to her. He knew she must miss him too. Surely no one would mind if he showed up. He could offer to teleport her genin home early, and then he could have all the time alone with her that he wanted… like Junko’s lover letting her ravish him as part of her victory… 
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csilis · 11 months
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Five Nights At Freddy's William Afton x F!Reader A/N: The continution of Until Death Do Us Part, but can be read separetely. And yes, this one is longer. But at least the characters are talking now.
You left him in that backroom, choking on his blood and dying, never looking back. Still, that night haunted your dreams in ways you could never imagine. There was deep inside a part of you that genuinely loved that man. A part that thought he was only just broken and needed to be mended. But you buried it deep, only letting that part’s guilt torment you in your dreams.
What you knew is that when the management found him in the morning they decided to seal off that room and forget that William Afton ever existed. You wished you could erase him from your life just like they did from theirs.
To avenge your little sister, Cassidy, you had to become a monster just like him. You had to dirty your hands, be his partner in crime. It was the only way to make him think you madly loved him. And when the perfect moment came you betrayed him and took your revenge.
After making peace with what you’ve done, you thought it was finally over. But fate is a funny thing after all. Forgetting that knowing him, he will definitely return one day, you spent the next ten years helping those who have been wronged by William. And boy, it was a long list.
But in the end you circled back to this shithole as you realised that since that day, you didn’t get any older. Like as if you stopped aging. So you went back to his old house for his research papers, thinking that you might find some kind of answers in them.
In his old house you found his son, Michael. He wasn’t looking like he used to be when you two briefly met all those years ago. But you could tell that he’s been through hell. Maybe even worse than that because now he was a ghost, possessing his own rotting body.
He was also surprised to see that you haven’t aged at all. But wasn’t that really when he heard your story of you taking your revenge.
“That fucker deserved it. Maybe even more” That was Michael’s honest reaction to your story. You could only laugh at his response. He then offended to help, thinking that you deserved the same peace just like everyone else.
After looking around, you two found his old notes about the why and how of his killing spree over the years. What started as a promise to put his own damned child back together ended up in the death of many others, so that he could make remnant out of them, thinking that will bring back the children he have lost. On the last pages of the notebook he even wrote about you. It wasn’t what you thought he would write. Professing eternal love so deep that he even thought about just quitting altogether to start a new life with you. But you knew it well that he was way too deep for that. 
Nevertheless you were surprised as you always thought he too played the part of a man madly in love with his woman. You thought this was a game where the one who fools the other sooner wins. But it was not the case. He genuinely loved you. That bastard! 
In the end what you two come up with that the remnant must be keeping you in the same age, making you some kind of immortal. But when that night you dreamt about your sister, you realised. Cassidy was the one keeping you this way, so when Afton comes back you will have the strength to put an end to this.
So you spent the next two decades trying to think of ways how to kill him for good. Send his soul to hell. Hell… that’s what you needed. To burn him until nothing remains.
Soon, 30 years have passed since your cursed wedding at the backroom of the Freddy Fazebear’s pizzeria. And when that same place is reopened as a horror attraction, you knew he will soon be back. So you and Michael signed up for the night guard job and planned how you two are gonna end it.
On the second night he was there and your heart started to beat faster even at the sight of him. Though you didn’t really see anything as he tried to hide from the cameras the best he could. 
“Do you wanna meet him?” Michael asked while looking at you. He knew the history you two shared more than anyone.
“Not now” you quietly said. You then pushed the button and the laughing of children could be heard in the next room, where William soon headed because of the programming of his suit.
“He looks so trapped in that suit. Hm… Let’s call this amalgamation Springtrap” came up Michael with the name idea as you two were sitting bored in the office.
“Fitting” you nod in agreement as you turn a page in your favourite book. Hours pass and you are still reading as Michael fell asleep on the desk, while watching the monitors. Noticing this, you put your book down, deciding it would be time to meet your cursed husband.
Walking past the monitors, you take note where he is now and continue your journey towards that way. Picking up the taser you confidently walked through the halls of the horror attraction.
When you close your eyes and go to sleep And it's down to the sound of a heartbeat
When you heard the song coming from the speakers throughout the whole building, you froze for a minute, only to realise that Michael was up and signalling this by playing the same song you've been dancing to with William on your first date.
"Fuck you Michael" you quietly stated as you composed yourself and took a deep breath as you turned right in the end of the corridor to come face to face with your husband.
He takes a good look at you, his mechanical eyes focusing on your unaged face. Even though 30 years has passed, you were still the same. Not like him. His suit rotted away, leaving even more wires and springs to be exposed. You could see through the holes how his flesh stuck to the metal, making him one with the suit.
You could hear the clancing of the gears as he tried to open his mouth, no doubt to speak to you. But it soon came to a halt as the rusty metal did not let him do what he wanted. However, he was William, so he continued anyway.
"It's been... been... a while" he finally managed to say, his quiet words loudly echoing between these walls. You did not say anything. He didn't deserved to hear your voice. "It took... took me long to... to realise. You are... the sister... the sister of Cas..."
"DON'T YOU DARE TO MENTION HER NAME!" you exploded, anger apparent on your cheeks as you held the taser higher and ignited it, electricity cracking between the two tiny metal rods. "She was just a child and you...!" you yelled, tears threatening too fall even after so many years. But you had to keep your shit together. "You gutted her like an animal and stuffed her into one of the suits" your voice dropped and became so calm that even William was suprised by it.
"So revenge... it is."
"The word revenge cannot even give you what I've planned for you. This time I will send your soul straight to hell and stay there to torture it until the end of time" you said, laughing leaving your lips as you took some steps towards him. You weren't afraid. From him? Never.
As you advanced towards William Afton, a sense of determination and purpose welled up within you. The past three decades had been a relentless pursuit of revenge, and now the moment of reckoning was at hand.
"That... that will be... heaven then" he smiled, or at least attempted to smile. "Because... I get to be with you... forever"
You couldn't believe the audacity of his words. Even now, he clung to the delusion that he could be with you for eternity. It was sickening.
"You are truly mad, Afton" you whispered, your voice dripping with contempt.
"Don't say... that you are... not..." he said and you had to admit that he was right. He infected you and now you were just as insane and bloodthirsty.
"I'm not saying it, love" you quietly answered, not even noticing that the part which still loved him was showing.
With a swift movement, you lunged at Springtrap, ready to push the taser into his suit, but your attempt was short-lived as he quckly grabbed your waist.
"You... can't... escape me" he wheezed, his words coming out in painful gasps. "We'll... be together... always..."
"Always, Afton?" you scoffed, your anger boiling over. "The only thing that will be eternal is your torment in the deepest, darkest pits of hell."
"I... I love... when you... determined like... like this" he whispered, pulling you close and giving you some kind of twisted kiss. And the worst part was... that you liked it.
You tell me that you want me You tell me that you need me
The song still went on and it made you even more unsure of your feelings right now. Conflicting emotions coursed through you. The memories of your twisted relationship with Afton, the years of seeking revenge, and the disturbing connection you still felt for him... it all clashed.
As the song played on, you found yourself grappling uncertainty. Afton's words and the sensation of his touch stirred something deep within you, a part of you that somehow loved him. But you couldn't allow that vulnerability to cloud your judgment.
So you had to trick him once again. So you kissed him back, knowing that this was the only way to get close enough to carry out your plan. As you deepened the kiss, you could see the surprise in Afton's mechanical eyes. He believed he had won you over with his twisted charm, but little did he know that this was your opportunity to get the upper hand. You could taste the desperation in his kiss, the longing for a love that could never be.
"You were always good at playing games, love. But the rules have changed since then..." Breaking away from the kiss, you reached for the taser with your free hand. You had to end this, for now at least. So you pressed the taser against his rotting flesh and activated it.
You watched him silently suffer from the electicity and twitch uncontollably. It felt great.
"You will... will be... back..." he whispered to you in pain. "Because you... you always come back... back to me" he then despite the pain managed to laugh before he shortcircuited and fell to the floor.
"Two down. Four more nights to go" you said turning around and going back into the office. You will make his life a living hell, here... and the other side too once you burned this fucking place down.
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Word counter: 1857 Characters: 10037
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
Hey— you!
I noticed the interests in your thing, what other series you didn’t mention there yet you like?
Oooh okay okay so im just gonna mention the medias i like / that stuck with me for long / have good knowledge of
Games :
Rain World - love the lore, the procedural animation, detailed bg and ecosystem
Hollow Knight - my first ever computer game, 112% full achievement it 3 times (twice pirated, once in steam), love the art style, mechanics, and lore
Ultrakill - Fulfilled the aggression i got from HK's godhome but 100x over. I love the simplicity over everything and the smooth rewarding combat mechanics. Also The OST
Genshin Impact - Mild interest in the lore, but i love the character, environment designs, and the OST, one of my 'go to for design ideas' media
Celeste - EVERYTHING ABOUT IT, the story the artstyle the music and THE MECHANICS, i love going nyoom and i love being able to conquer difficult things in games that is purely skill based
A Hat in Time - Very cute feels good games. Its old timey but in a good way. Love the characters, artstyle, and the BANGER OST
Inscryption - Aesthetics goals. I love the atmosphere, the sfx design, the story. I just really like how snappy and satisfying every move is
Stardew valley - comfort game :)
Project Moon Games (Lob Corp / Library of Ruina / Limbus Company) - I love Lob Corp in particular because of the monster designs and the batshit mechanics and lore, I love the other two because the lore is onpar with whatever homestuck got going on but like... it actually makes sense. TLDR its SCP but worse /pos
Resident Evil (Specifically RE7 above) - I like the horror vibes, character and environment designs inspos
OFF - Weirdcore but in a nice way. I love the sketchy artstyle
Oneshot - 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Funamusea Games (The Gray Garden / Wadanohara / Mogeko Castle) - Funny lil stories, mostly love it for the character designs since the artist makes alot of OCs
Animes :
Madoka Magica - AMAZING WRITING ANIMATION CHARACTER DEPTH OST EVERYTHING, What i strive for when writing characters, the collage facked up witches is also such an inspo
Ghibli Movies (HOWLS MOVING CASTLE, Spirited Away, The Cat Returns, Princess Mononoke) - Animation, Artstyle, Background art, Story inspirations. Theyre so feel good while also being illegally pretty and heartfelt
Kill la Kill - really fackin brash but i love the OST and the fluid lively animation, just a fun watch
Houseki No Kuni / Land of the Lustrous - Its really pretty, it has AMAZING WRITING, the 3d anime for it was SO GOOD, the manga broke me, aesthetics of all time
Saiki K - No reason in particular, the dude's just a constant mood
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun - I just really like the aesthetics and the artstyle its so pretty, aesthetic goals
Other medias :
Homestuck - I was there when [S] ACT 7 dropped. I know its like shitpost 70% of the time but it inspires me to see how it started and how it ended
Epithet Erased - I really like the art style and the simple yet lively tweening, the rare animations are really good too. I love the character designs alot
Wakfu - Animation, artstyle, and aesthetics goal. I never finished it and the story is a lil wonky but the artstyle stood out alot to me
The Owl House - The animation and characters and environment designs are so good. The story is really nice too they got to end it well despite being cut short.
Analogue Horror (Backrooms, Mandela Catalogue, Local 58, Gemini Home Entertainment) - I love the vibes and creative story telling. World building inspos
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Vylad Ro'meave?(Minecraft) vs Abed(Community)
Phineas(Phineas and Ferb) vs Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Remus and Logan (Sanders Sides)vs Aya(I Just Wanna Be Single)
Shigaraki Tomura(BNHA) vs Georgia Warr (Loveless)
Kyle Broflovski(South Park) vs Shadow the Hedgehog(Sonic)
Marco Diaz(Star vs The Forces of Evil) vs Juno McGuff(Juno)
K1-B0(Danganronpa) vs Bubby(hlvrai)
Lydia Martin(Teen Wolf) vs Mihashi Ren (Ookiku Furikabutte)
Alucard(Castlevania (games)) vs Teardrop(BFDI / BFB)
Friday(Hello from the hallowoods) vs Victor Vale(Villains Book Series)
Test Tube(Inanimate Insanity) vs Cerise Hood(Ever After High)
Phosphophyllite (Phos)(Land of the Lustrous) vs Abe Takaya(Ookiku Furikabutte (Oofuri))
Yoo Sangah(Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) vs Chell(Portal (Valve))
Barry (Pokemon) vs Paul (The Bible)
Ca Cupid(Monster High) vs Mera Chisato (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Red Son(Lego Monkie Kid) vs Hearthstone Alderman(Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard )
Onceler(Lorax) vs Hastune Miku(Vocaloid)
Fei Hargreeves(The Umbrella Academy) vs Aled Last(Radio Silence)
Cher(Clueless) vs Asterix(Asterix and Obelix)
Sakuko Kodama5&Takahashi Satoru4(Koisenu Futari) vs Death(Puss in Boots:The Last Wish)
Double Trouble(She-Ra Princess of Power) vs Suitcase(Inanimate Insanity)
Childe(Genshin Impact) vs Patrick Star(Spongebob)
Fujisaki Nozomi(Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!) vs Howl Jenkins(Howl’s Moving Castle)
Mei (Monkie Kid) vs Ichika Hoshino (Project SEKAI)
Kujou Sara (Genshin Impact) vs Abbi Singh (The Imperfects)
Takashi Natsume (Natsume’s Book of Friends) vs Tails(Sonic)
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney) vs Chara (Undertale)
Bakugou (BNHA) vs Donatello,Mikey,Raph,Leo (TMNT)
Corey Riffin(Grojband) vs Robin Goodfellow (Na Daoine Maithe *The Good People *)
Katarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess) vs Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Tsunami (Wings of Fire) vs Toy Foxy (FNAF 2)
Thalia Grace (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) vs Katsuya Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Zhu Chongba(She Who Became The Sun) vs Ling Chan (The Diviners)
Ruth (Covenant Webtoon) vs Mettaton (Undertale)
Percival King (Epithet Erased) vs PAC Man (Pac Man and The Ghostly Adventure)
Musa(Winx Club) vs Green Oak (Pokémon)
Link (Legend of Zelda) vs Moana (Moana)
Steve Morley (Sex Education) vs Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
Zim (Invader Zim) vs Dewey Duck (Ducktales 2017)
Sonic(Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Mater(Cars)
Din Song and Li Na Wang (Wish Dragon) vs Floofty Fizzlebean(Bugsnax)
Hiro Hamada(Big Hero 6) vs Ena(The Ena Series)
Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run) vs Jiang Cheng (Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed)
Percy(Legend of Vox Machina) vs Makoto Sunakawa(Ore Monogatari)
Shouto Todoroki(BNHA) vs Rey(Star Wars)
Giorno Giovanna (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Kusanagi Nene (Project SEKAI)
Olivier Mira Armstrong(Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Blanche(Wikidot!Backrooms)
Kusuke Saiki vs Kusuo Saiki vs Kuriko Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
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we need to talk about maggie.
ive thought on this slightly before, but im essentially erasing that post and going to go gung-ho into the depths of speculation on whether there may be more to maggie than meets the eye... because - well, something doesn't seem right, does it? and no, i don't think she's a demon. in fact, i think she's the opposite.
right - im just going to put it out there. i think maggie used to be an angel, and took the same kind of route that gabriel did. i think muriel may have been her mirror, where they similarly got Got by metatron, but the demotion-punishment threatened to gabriel actually worked. bear with me on this, and ill explain (in no particular order):
trapped in the coffeeshop
one of the major indicators to me is where nina and maggie are trapped in the coffeeshop. because even if it's close to closing time, it was light outside, and there were plenty of people still on the street. banging on the windows would have made someone notice. in fact, even when it's dark out, and that one passerby happens to go past, they actually acknowledge nina and maggie, but do nothing.
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maggie also remarks that she can see her shop has its door open, and that anyone could go in and rob it; in fact, seems strange that noone does. however, the thing that is eerie to me is the following:
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a scenario that potentially seems a bit familiar...
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however, i don't think maggie is consciously doing it. and tbh, i don't think aziraphale is consciously doing it either. both scenarios have massive implications for agency and free will, setting up scenarios where they are essentially in a curated environment where they can instigate a romantic interaction with the subject of their affections... and things get out of hand. but it does seem that aziraphale's power channelled through this motive is amplified, and it's potentially the same for maggie.
one thing i will remark is that aziraphale's magic certainly seems to at least affect maggie, but she does seem halfway compos mentis throughout it - acknowledging the oddity of it, but not thinking much further. now, if maggie has the same kind of ability, could aziraphale be similarly afflicted in kind? say, falsely recollects maggie's great-grandmother, or indeed anything else that maggie might hypothetically falsely recollect, a story she might have had implanted or spun subconsciously for herself? (a stretch, i know, but work with me here)
simple thing #1 - earrings
not each of these reasons are going to be insightful, so here; have a look at her earrings (i tried to get the best screencap possible, promise):
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(they look like angel wings) and again seem to echo the wing-theme in other gold jewellery we've seen:
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"say that to my face!"
im going to practically lift this directly off of my original maggie speculation post, but: there seems to be a theme of both the bookshop and the bentley now needing direct permission from either of aziraphale or crowley for other angels or demons to enter - the bentley one is explicit by means of shax needing aziraphale's permission to enter in ep4, but he also implies in ep2 that crowley likewise has the power of permission for the bookshop, even if crowley doesn't quite cotton on until maybe ep6.
regardless - the issue appears to be that the way that this is put across is that the bookshop in particular is theirs, and it's their permission that matters. but maggie slips up, invited in the demons in ep5, and so on it goes. now this could be easily explained by her own shop still being within the boundary line of the sanctuary, as her shop was originally carved out from a backroom of the bookshop.
but in which case, why would her power hold sway anyway, if she's a human? crowley couldn't give permission (or so he thought) for shax to enter the bookshop, so why would she be able to, if she were human? if she's not an angel, why would her permission to enter the sanctuary - specifically through the bookshop doorway and regardless of her shop being in the boundary - have any weight in the angel vs demon dynamic? it might be because she herself is under aziraphale's protection, but that seems a bit... unlikely? (she says, whilst speculating that maggie is in fact essentially a renegade angel)
simple thing #2 - drinking
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miscellaneous items
as i remarked in this LWA response, she seems to be the closest aziraphale has yet gotten to any human; something-something about crowley's line on angels and beehives
the misspelling of "urgency" seems like a rather in-your-face red herring pointing towards her being a demon. put simply, wouldn't be surprised if it were to essentially suggest the exact opposite instead
gabriel was originally sentenced to be memory-wiped and demoted to 38th scrivener, which people have speculated on as being potentially what happened to muriel, in their being 37th. gabriel however opts to leg it out of heaven, and gets wiped en route. could something similar have happened to maggie? after all-
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there are other bits and pieces that just vaguely don't seem right about maggie, which im sure i'll come back to at some stage. it might be that she was actually fully yeeted out of the BOL and so she's essentially now a human where the angel element of her 'never existed', but something went a bit screwy and she's still capable of some angelic power. it also - and i fully believe this too - might be that she is just genuinely reflective of certain pivotal moments that occur in s2, a walking embodiment of foreshadowing! but at the same time - i think there possibly might be some truth in others saying that there is something not quite right about maggie.
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fantasy-relax · 9 months
You feel that your fighting scenes are lacking so after playing with the children you go to the training grounds for inspiration. The middle daughter is quick to notice your presence.
"Want to see if you could enter? Oh mighty alpha! "
"No, I done fighting"
"done with it?"
She is interrupted by the trainer but her curiosity is touched. At the end she search for you and there you are sitting on the grass, writing and erasing in your journal. Before she can get close one of the male alpha apprentice get first, the talk starts tame but then she hear the mockery and insults to you, she interrupts with her temper barely contained.
"of course this pathetic alpha need the help of the weird omega!"
Her temper is flaring but before she could respond you do it without looking.
"of course this weird omega kick the ass of the stupid alpha talking shit, you should go to the medic I think your head is fucked up after that beating, or are you that imbecile?"
"you motherfucke-"
"if she have your face not thanks"
"Im gonna-"
"cry? Get lost before I make you eat dirt again"
The boy is gone cursing you, you get up and start walking, the brunette follows you.
"if you could defend yourself you should have done it"
"I don't give a shit about what he was saying I was tuning him out until you came"
" he will want revenge"
"Then I will talk with the captain, if he is like that as apprentice how he will be as a knight?"
"you should have punch him"
" I told you, I'm done with fighting"
"what do you mean by done with fighting?"
"that I done with fighting"
"hahaha you are soo funny, you are a alpha! You should be aggressive and savage, not a coward hiding in the corner!"
"*sigh* my lady I am a orphan, since I can remember I been fighting for food, for attention, for my life. I don't wish to fight, I can, I can fight like a rat trapped in a bucket with coal but if I don't need then I will rest, I deserve to rest.
You walk away and she let's you go, she can say anything about that, after all the woman that birthed her only give them enough food to not die and even then is was too little for the three, Bela will give up her portion most of the time to feed Dani and her; beatings and insults were pretty common too, shit they not even known how to talk. They only understood pain, hunger and hate until mother adopted them and showed them about love, trust and safety.
So how can she shame you for searching peace when thats all what she wants for her family?
The next time she sits with you after her practice:
" how are you doing oh talented writer!"
" I think I getting there"
You show her your writing
"nah, this is not what a knight or swordman do"
That's the routine for Cassandra and you, some days both of you will be in the grounds, you will make a scene and she will show you how a fight like that will go. You write a lot more of action scenes and the children are amazed (Cassandra stand up proud of herself in the back when her schedule allow her) her sisters roll their eyes laughing softly.
The moment that she know that she is in love:
Is after a tournament, she was so close to win but she lost her balance in the last moment, she still receives ovation and praise because she was the youngest participant and the only omega, but in her way to the backroom she hears it.
"oh she kick your ass!"
"dude I not gonna fight with a omega girl"
"yeah I was soft too with her"
"this is only temporary, a fancy thing, she will understand that she is not built for this."
"really, omegas only are good for breeding"
She sees red.
The next thing she knows is that she is in the arms of her Mom, her body hurts a lot more there is lot of blood too, in her hands (sharper now), in her face, in her teeth. She is forbidden to participate in more tournaments until she is 18 (she should be banned for life but you know, privilege) her mother scolds her for hours (alcina make sure that the boys suffer from misfortune too) and she is forbidden for practice too at last for a month, she stays in her room and she eats there, her sisters and mom leave her alone. Mia talk to her through the door if she wants to play fight but Cassandra says no, so she let's her be.
You go to see her but she screams at you, the third time that you go, you hear her crying so you opened the door (pick the lock) and enter. She looks at you with wild eyes and when she recognized you she scream at you to go away. You sit slowly in the floor with your hands were she can see.
"what do you feel?"
"I don't know that's why I asking"
"at who?"
"who Is them?"
"The stupid alphas, the stupid manthings, the stupid people that think of me as weak, I'm not weak"
"you are not"
" I train hard, I work hard, Im not some stupid girl that doesn't know the world! When my punishment ends I will show them!"
"show them what?"
" that I'm stronger than them"
"that will satisfy you?"
"of course"
"you value more what the stupid alphas, the stupid manthings, the stupid people are saying that what your family says?
"I don't-"
"you do, Cassandra what do you think about you?"
" I- I'm"
"...breath slowly, inside,1, 2,3 4 outside 1 2,3 4"
" I work hard"
"you are hardworking"
"I'm good with the sword"
"you are skilled"
"I'm protective"
" you are protective"
"I'm strong"
"you are strong"
"I'm an omega"
"you are one"
"I'm me"
"you are"
Silence reigns for a few seconds before you talk again.
"Scared people will try to make other afraid too, insecure people will try to make others insecure, they will talk and talk and talk, give them a inch a power over you and then you are trapped in their miserable world too"
She gets close to you.
" did you know what I did to them? "
"I'm a wild child, I can go feral at the drop of a hat, I'm slipping right now"
"Feral not mean violent, means that instinct is governing your mind, and instinct is not all about violence, so I think I will be fine."
She drops in your arms and you hug her, she feels a lot smaller like that. You hear her purring softly and feels her move slowly, she is scenting you let her be just answering with your own purr.
Both of you fall asleep like that, she is the first to wake up and she sees your face drool on your cheek and your arm around her and it hits her harder than any punch, she wants this, you shielding her from the cruel world but letting her fight back just to rest in your arms, like her mother and mom do. You will never have to fight again she will fight for you, you just need to rest.
After you wake up, you check on her after seeing that she is better you stand up.
"do want to help me with some scenes? I can't seem to found the angle"
"With pleasure"
She talks with her sisters, they are happy for her but they are worried about you using her: Bela make a full background of you and Daniela subtly interrogate you. After concluding that you are safe they talk about the middle sister more when they pass time with you.
Bela talk about the bravery of Cass, how she was the one ready to throw hands on anybody, not matter the difficulty. Her honesty and how she never brokes her promises. Truly will be a wonderful knight, truly will be a wonderful partner.
Daniela will talk about how Cass is a softy, really, always buying little trinkets just because remind her of them, how she Is the best storyteller because she actually is very sensitive , if Bela don't stop her Cass will have spoiled her rotten. She is a protector no harm will come to them as long as Cassandra is there. She is a caring sister and she will be a loving mother.
Cassandra will be a amazing wife and mate, don't you agree?
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
bad decisions - jjk | six
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Summer is spent in a technicolour haze of Purple Starfuckers, club lights, unorthodox gym routines, and enough glitter to open a craft shop. Jungkook doesn't quite know how, but he's always finding flecks of the metallic warpaint on his gym gear. Has a little laugh to himself whenever he does the laundry. Mutters, "Fucking Disco Ball." It's monsoon season by the time Hoseok and Danbi make their first appearance at the club without you. He texts you—boo, you whore—and waits in the backroom of the bar until he sees a reply come through. Busy tonight, your reply reads. It feels a little cold, but you don't mean for it to be. You're just a rush, and Jungkook nagging you is the last thing you need. JK: Busy doing what? You: none of your business x
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Bad Decision #6 - Wishing
warnings: i like to call this a montage chapter - it's gets us through the entire summer :) gym trips! dionysus nights! jungkook being sexy in the gym! dynamic and friendship solidified!
soundtrack: c'est la vie - ethan surman; my type - brb.; happiness - the 1975
wc: 6k
bd total wc: 370k (on-going)
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The scowl on your face as you reach the gym prevails. You've a coffee in one hand—iced americano, double shot—and the hood of your sweater is bunching around your shoulders. You lift it over your head, and push the swing door of the gym open with your shoulder, wanting to avoid the unwanted eyes of Jiyeong, just in case she's working.
You don't look over to the reception, but the lobby is empty, regardless. It's quiet, always a little less busy in the morning than it is in the evening.
You make your way to the gate of the gym. Punch in the code. Get it wrong. Tell the keypad to 'stop being a prick'.
You try again, exhaling a weighty sigh as you do so.
There's a whir as it works this time, hinges clicking open for you. The metallic clang of gym equipment and grunts of burly men cloud the air, battling with the voice in your head for the title of most annoying sound. Always have to win, don't you? Couldn't just take a loss!
It's a flaw; one that you'll admit to, but one that you wouldn't change for the world. A little bit of drive is good, even if you do drive yourself up the wall more often than not.
Hood up, a pair of leggings and a sweater on, black high-tops tied in bows around your ankles, you look like death warmed up. You haven't showered yet, and there's still glitter caught in your lashline, but you've a point to prove.
And so, just shy of midday, your feet stomp heavily up the stairs, as thunderous as the look on your face.
It's not that you're actually mardy or moody at all—you're just hanging like an absolute bitch.
Whatever Jungkook puts in those tiny purple shots is lethal. Writes you off every single time.
Admittedly, you had gone a little harder last night knowing that you didn't have work the following day, but that's beyond the point. Normally your hangovers aren't so bad, especially not when you drink water throughout the night—which, thanks to Jungkook, you had been.
Jungkook doesn't notice your arrival until you roll down onto the bench behind him. You're on your side, legs tucked up, just like you had been in your bed when his message had arrived in your inbox.
He's in shorts—black, finishing midway down his thigh—and a big baggy t-shirt. On his feet, he's matching with you. Black Chucks. The only difference is that he ties his around the front. His bows are double knotted and little lopsided, the white trims on the soles scuffed and well worn. He's got history in his hi-tops, and you wonder how it compares to yours.
There's a girl in another city who matches him, and it isn't you. You don't have the tiny 'J' scrawled into the rubber of your soles like she does. He's scratched out her initial on his sole.
Takes a little longer to erase it from his other soul, mind you. It's still there. Only faintly, but enough to make him trip over himself from time to time. S'why he always double knots. Harder to fall, that way.
There's concentration on his face, features perplexed as the weight he lifts forces him to exert more energy than he's fully ready for. His teeth are bared, face tight, brows tied in a pretty knot between his eyes. You can see why Jiyeong is so territorial. He's not a bad-looking bloke. Quite handsome, actually.
He exhales as he brings the weight down, resting it on the ground, chest heaving ever so slightly before he turns to look at you. His brows are still furrowed, but his eyes are soft as his body gets more comfortable and settles into a state of rest.
A breathly laugh graces his lips as he reaches for the towel by your head. He pays no mind to the fact your crown is resting upon it, whipping it from beneath you to dab at the sweat gathering on the back of his neck.
"I said bright and early," he smirks, knowing that you must be hating everything about this interaction.
"It's before twelve," you mumble, eyes closed, knowing that watching his dimples form would only make your tummy feel all light and vomit-inducing. You're too hungover for anything other than neutral sensations. "It is bright and early."
"You're basically asleep."
"The bet was that I'd be here, Jeon," you remind him, voice a grumble as you shuffle deeper into your position. "Not that I'd be doing anything useful."
You've a point. It's not one that he can argue against, and so instead he just shrugs and picks his water bottle up from beside the bench. He tosses a little back into his mouth, the stream of water running from the plastic opening and into his mouth with such precision that you're sure he must be an asshole deep down.
You don't buy the nice guy front. Only assholes look that good doing the bare minimum. You'll get to the bottom of his assholeness eventually, but not now. Not when you're this grouchy, and everything feels a little biased.
"C'mon," he says as he knocks his head to the side. "Treadmill. Walk with me. You'll feel better for it."
"I think I'll die," you tell him with so much certainty he can't help but laugh at you.
Still, he stands in front of you and waits for you to join him. Knocks his knee against yours. Kicks your shoe with his own.
He's patient, his eyes soft as they look down at what a sorry state you are. There's something about the way his lips purse gently that makes him feel like a safe bet.
You've no regrets for tumbling out of bed and catching the subway to meet him at the gym. Your head is killing, granted, but it would have been killing you at home, too. At least this way you can feel like you've actually done something productive despite the hangover.
"Trust me," he insists, holding out his palm. "It really will help."
And so you take his hand, letting him pull you up. They warm, and a little clammy, but you don't mind.
When you're finally on your feet, your eyes are level with his chest. He's broad, chest well defined even beneath the shirt. You try not to think about the fact you've seen him shirtless, but you can smell the scent of his laundry detergent, and it adds a whole new element to the enigma the Jeon Jungkook is. Looking at him, you'd imagine a scent of musk - something woody, maybe. Instead, he smells like fresh blooms, sweet peas under summer sun.
You don't let yourself linger for too long, fearful of him reading into the way you can't seem to keep your eyes off him. He's just new. Something shiny. Fresh. Excitement amongst the mundane of a city you've grown tired of.
He reaches down to pick up your half-empty coffee and takes a sip as he begins to walk away. "Tastes like shit."
You pull it back from him, and nudge his side. "Feels like crack cocaine. The Purple Starfuckers, man... they actually kill me."
"You're welcome."
Small talk peppers the walk down the steps—How are your friends? Get home alright? How was Jimin feeling in the morning? How long do you have to stay after closing time?—and flitters around the pair of you as you set your inclines. His is noticeably higher than yours, but you're not here to work out. You're here to win a bet—of which he keeps reminding you that you lost, and that you are, in fact, a loser.
You just tell him to fuck offin return.
He never does. Just smiles, beams all wide, teeth on display, nose a little scrunched, and says, "Sounds like something a loser would say."
Jungkook is easy to be around. His company, his humour, the anecdotes he tells. They're delivered freely, revealed without pressure. No diamonds are being formed, but there's enough of them in your eyes when you laugh with him, regardless.
You reduce the ease of your interactions to your perceived lack of expectations he has of you.
There's security that comes with fucking someone's housemate. You're no longer a viable sexual conquest, and therefore you don't have to worry about an ulterior motive for your exchanges with Jungkook. Jimin's been there, done that.
For Jungkook to be hanging out with you, you think he must actually like your company. It's mutual. Reciprocal. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
There's a clear line drawn in the sand between the two of you, as you walk forward on separate treadmills. He matches your speed—slow and lethargic—despite his marginally higher incline, before offering you his water.
You hold up your coffee, but he shakes his head. "It'll dehydrate you."
You'd left in such a rush (and without any intent on actually working out) so had neglected to bring any water with you. Never mind the fact you stopped by the coffee place inside the subway station. Force of habit.
You're chronically dehydrated as it is. Danbi has to remind you that you need water, not just iced americanos to get you through the day. Sometimes you listen. More often than not, you don't.
"Sure?" you ask, aware that you don't really know each other well enough to be sharing drinks yet (despite the fact he'd already helped himself to your coffee) but he just nods. Doesn't really see it as a big deal.
"Don't backwash," he tells you as you're mid-sip, and it almost makes you choke the water straight back into the bottle. You refrain, swallowing it down, coughing slightly as you recover from your shock.
"Christ. Too late," you joke as you pass it back, before he makes some crude remark about how you've basically kissed now, and that 'you can't have your way' with both him and Jimin.
"Fuck off," you laugh. "For starters, Jimin and I aren't like, a thing. It was a one-time hook-up."
"Well, I mean, he tried last night," you shrug, looking up to the mirror ahead, finding Jungkook's dark eyes already on you.
He doesn't look away as he says, "he did?"
"You served us, Jungkook," you remind him. Your memories of last night are far clearer than they were of the night you'd actually hooked up with Jimin. "He wasn't getting me drinks just to be kind."
"You don't know that," Jungkook pouts, though he's not sure why. He knows Jimin. He was definitely trying to get laid, but he's also his best friend, so he says, "He's a good guy."
"I don't doubt that," you agree, not wanting it to appear as if you're being over-critical of Jimin. You're the one who fucked him, after all. He's incredibly attractive, and you know that many people would consider themselves lucky to end their night with him, but you've fucked handsome men before. It doesn't really couldn't for all that much.
A fuck is just a fuck.
What we do in the dark has no bearing on who we are in the light of day.
"Sounds like you do," he assesses, but you dismiss it.
"Sounds like you're reading into it a little too much," you banter back, slowly learning that Jungkook likes to do that. He overanalyses. You do quite the opposite.
Jimin could have a noble peace prize for all you care. Doesn't mean you've any interest in fucking him again.
The conversation dwindles on, you gradually upping the pace of your treadmill to the point where Jungkook might consider it a brisk walk (though you'd argue it's a jog).
He's kind in the way he takes a second to think before he speaks, conscious of letting you finish your sentences, and also wanting to be sure of the words he articulates. Thoughtful. Mild-mannered. Nice, but not in a way that boring. Nice, in a way that feels safe.
By the time your legs begin to ache, the treadmills have been running for over forty-five minutes.
You've been too busy guessing the conversations between other strangers in the gym. Who they are; where they're going after their sessions. What they'd had for breakfast (and for some reason, Jungkook would guess 'egg whites' without fail for every single person) and what they'd be having for dinner.
He mimics their voices, and you laugh along, adding a narrative. So many lives have been lived by the people around you, and not a single one you get even remotely correct.
There's a burly man, bearded and broad, with a petite girl hanging on every word he says towards the far corner, and you decide that they're a couple.
Jungkook thinks they're siblings.
Makes it a little awkward when the guy starts squeezing the girl's ass mid-squat.
"Yep, no, maybe you're right," he cringes, face scrunching up, lip ring almost disappearing into his mouth as he does so. Unfortunately, he does also then begin to debate the prospect of them maybe being stepsiblings, at which point you threaten to push him off his treadmill.
"You watch too much porn," you tell him, and he can't even argue against it.
It's been a little while since his last situationship ended, and he's been avoiding bedding anyone new like the plague. Been keeping girls he thinks he could grow to like at arm's length. Safer that way.
"I watch a perfectly healthy amount of porn," he scoffs, but then bunches his face up, clearly not proud of himself for making such a declaration. He chooses to not share the fact that he and Jimin split a VPN bill for that purpose exactly.
You laugh with him, the topic moving along to the PG shows he watches instead, the Netflix shows you're both hooked on, and what you'd each chosen for your Vecna song (which also leads to him helplessly defending all of his Spotify playlists from your gruelling judgement ( Justin Bieber defined a generation and I won't listen to you talk shit about him.... And fuck off, Mad at Disney is cute! Cute! I'm never showing you my Spotify ever again. EVER.))
He mirrors you as you slow the pace of your treadmill, looking over to you after checking the time on the clock - 58:23. Longer than he'd expected you'd last. "Done?"
"Done," you nod.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like death?"
"Still," you nod. "Need a Vita500 and a nap."
"There's CU round the corner," he notes. "I'm now about to leave anyways. I'll come with you. You can get your vitamins, I'm gonna grab something to eat."
You nod, not minding in the slightest—but he mentioned food, and your stomach begins to grumble like King Kong atop the Empire State.
"Would die for convenience store ramyeon," you sigh, musing over one of the finest delicacies in life. Nothing beats instant jjajangmyeon, not even a home-cooked meal.
"Wanna grab some?" Jungkook asks a little mindlessly, not thinking much of the offer. "I'll eat with you."
And so he does. The comfort born in the confines of the gym is nurtured over cheap food and even cheaper shots at one another in the form of banter. He's a lot of fun, you think. It's a shame he's always stuck behind the bar and never able to let loose with you in the club.
He texts you midweek to let you know he can put you on the club guest list, if you want. Save paying entry and queuing. You'd be mad to say no - and so you spend the next few days convincing your friends that another night out is a good idea.
It's not. Hoseok somehow ends the night without his shoes, and you wake up with an ache in your lower back from a guy who'd tried to be all sexy in his bedroom last night, failing miserably. Human bodies aren't supposed to bend in the way he insisted on positioning you in.
You ignore the slight burn as you head to the gym though, ready to pretend like Jungkook's the bane of your life once more.
A routine is forming.
What started as a bet becomes a weekend guarantee: you will get shitfaced at Dionysus on a Saturday, and then you will chat shit with Jungkook on the treadmills for the duration of your Sunday morning.
He never lets you off the machines until the scowl that you inevitably arrive with transforms into a subtle smile. Some weeks it's quicker than others, but one thing is for certain; your scowl will always fade.
By week three, he's already by the treadmills when you arrive.
"No napping today," he teases with a soft smile, making light of the way you always curl up on the bench behind him as he does his final few reps. He's already done with them. Got to the gym fifteen minutes early to make sure he would be.
"Kook," you groan, dragging your feet a little and yet still heading in his direction towards the cardio area.
The way his body swings around to look at you, a single brow raised, is like something out of a kid's cartoon. He's so animated and full of energy that it's hard to believe he was at work until five that morning. "What did you just call me?"
"Shut up," you mumble, crossing your legs and sitting down on the treadmill belt. It's quiet—this time of day is never busy—so you don't feel bad for hogging a machine that no one would be using regardless. "Everyone calls you that."
He hops up on his treadmill and sets an incline, while you let your body flop down on yours.
"You're not everyone."
"Be impossible to be everyone," you mumble, eyes closed, body shuffling into a more comfortable position - until the treadmill jolts, moving ever so slowly beneath you. The way you get up is akin to a cat being confronted with a cucumber, a small yelp leaving your lips. "Jesus, Jungkook!"
He's smirking, as if hadn't been tampering with the buttons, shrugging. "Started by itself."
"You could have killed me."
"What a shame that would have been." He grins at you like a kid who just found a stash of candy. "C'mon! Up you get. I've got places to be. A life to live."
You scoff as you begin to walk forward, lowering the incline that he'd set it to. "You? A life? Seems unlikely."
"You know, you're incredibly hard to like," he assures you. You catch the challenge of his gaze in the mirror and simply shrug.
"Yet here you are, still trying to be my friend."
"Can't shake you off."
"You force me to come."
"I do no such thing."
"Ohhhh, disco baaaaall," you begin to imitate him, bringing your clasped hands to your heart as if you really are begging. You sound nothing like him, but it's kind of deliberate. The more ridiculous you sound, the more he'll laugh. "Pwetty pwease come to the gym and keep me company."
"I don't talk like that," he laughs at how whiney you sound. "And fuck off, I've never said that."
"So you don't mind if I leave?"
His hand reaches over and hooks into the hood of your sweater, as if you're a dog on a leash. His grip is tight. Ain't no way you're going nowhere.
"No, you're not allowed," he says sternly, but there's a smile on his face, voice dulcet as the command rolls off his tongue and sinks into your ear. "I'll get bored."
"See!" You laugh, and pay no notice to the fact his hand stays with an iron grip on the fabric of your sweater even after the joke has been made. He keeps it there.
"It's either I have you keep me company, or Jimin keep me company," he says with a shrug. "I've always got a second choice."
"Aw, but I'm your first choice. How cute."
"My god, I hate you," he says as he finally drops his grip on your hoodie, nudging your shoulder as you walk. He busies his hand, tampering with his incline, trying to make it seem like the touch was casual. Nothing to read into.
It's a debate the pair of you are able to have for hours; who hates who more, who hated who first, who's gonna hate who for longer.
It's not flirting as such, but it is a ruse. You deflect the fact that you actually really enjoy each other's company, using hatred as a measure of just how much you like one another. It's all very juvenile.
He tells you he hates you when you steal half of the cheese he buys for his instant ramyeon after the gym, and you tell him that you hate him every single time you show up at the gym. It's a win-win.
By the time week four comes around, you're surprised to find yourself considering signing up for another month.
You rarely use your membership - once a week, to be precise, and only for about an hour at a time. It does give you a luxury of freedom, though. Chances are you'll be able to find Jungkook there, no matter what time of day it is.
You'd swung by one evening that week after work just to show him the painting someone did of breadfish, knowing that he'd be the only other person in the city who remembered something so ridiculous.
He'd been deadlifting at the time, a thick leather belt cinching the baggy shirt he'd been wearing, stopping you quite suddenly in your tracks.
Hands covered in paint, hair up, a pencil still tucked behind your ear, you're the most 'you' he thinks he's ever seen you.
Sure, he's seen you with your makeup all smudged after a night out, and he's seen you after far too many drinks deep, but he's never really had the luxury of a totally sober 'you'. The 'you' that other people get to indulge in.
The glitter on your lids is a little more subtle than he's used to—it's thinner, finer, a little pink in its hue—but still prettily in place. Sparkling under the harsh gym bulbs. It's nice to know you're a disco even in the daylight.
He finds himself holding the bar he's lifting for a little longer than expected. His eyes are on yours in the mirror. You've paused by the top of the stairs, eyes on his.
It had been the shock of how bloody tiny his waist is that had startled you first, the look in his eyes, second.
And it's that second surprise—a pleasant one—which stops you from doing anything else but staring. He's got car crash eyes, and you can't help but watch the disaster of the wreckage burn.
You can't even really take in the rest of his face, and it's a shame, for he's a sight to behold; lips ajar, the freckle beneath them covered by the shadow of his pout, brows furrowing together slowly.
The longer he looks at you, the more strained his expression becomes - until his eyes close, teeth clenching, body holding the weight until he can't support it for much longer. It drops, his body shaking as his chest heaves, the sound shattering the tension between the pair of you.
You feel bad for intruding; as if you've seen him in a way you were never supposed to. It's not like you walked in on him showering or anything as intimate as that, but it's been a while since a man has looked at you like, well, that.
Desire, passion? Sure, whatever. They'd looked at you with those in their eyes.
But Jungkook hadn't been looking at you with either of those wants. At least, not a want for you.
He'd been pushing himself. Proving himself.
And while he hadn't been proving himself to you, you're reminded why you don't fuck anyone face-to-face these days. Eye-contact. It's too much. Gets you all hot and bothered.
And so while his chest heaves, eyes looking you up and down, a little unsure of what the fuck just happened, you do the only thing you can: distract him.
Behind your back is the breadfish canvas, so you bring it around, hold it in the air and smile as brightly as you possibly can. "Please tell me you know what this is."
He takes a second. Tilts his head, and then realises exactly what it's meant to be - a loaf of bread with a fish head and tail tacked onto the end. He's not seen it since middle school. Was the only one of his friends who found it fucking hilarious - and the way you're beaming makes him think that you were probably just as strange as he was, growing up.
Your mutual childhood strangeness is proven right. Transcends in adulthood, apparently. He sends you voice notes of him singing the breadfish song on loop for three days straight. You block him on 4 separate occasions.
Doesn't stop him from making sure the DJ plays the song on Saturday night. He'll take the blocking if it means he gets to see your smile just as bright as your disco-ball eyes.
When Sunday comes, the look on Jungkook's face as you tell him your membership is due to expire is hard to read.
His eyes, for once, don't give much away.
He's forbearing as he says, "You can't use your memberships expiring as an excuse not to hang out anymore. I'll still force you on hangover walks."
His stoicism fades as he tries to hide a smile when you ask him to wait by the door of the gym lobby. You renew your membership. Just for another month. Just enough to keep him happy.
And so the routine continues. Saturday nights are reserved for Dionysus; Sunday mornings for the boy from behind the bar.
There's normally a gap of five or so hours between you saying goodbye at the club and hello at the gym.
Sometimes you go home from Dionysus with Hoseok and Danbi.
Other times, you end up in an apartment that's unfamiliar, with a man who's equally as unknown.
They're always nice enough.
Never nice enough to make you wanna stay the night.
On one occasion, you end up going home with another woman, instead. It's not unheard of, for you, just harder to come by. Your first experiences had been with women, and your dating history is littered with as many women as it is men. You don't subscribe to the idea of sexuality being a linear thing, far more content with just going with who feels right, not what feels right.
Naively, you'd put her on a pedestal, thinking you'd finally get a decent lay—but a drunk shag is a drunk shag. You still ended up leaving as soon as you could, orgasm not quite reached.
At this point, you figure it's a mental block. You never used to have this issue, but you also used to only fuck people you loved.
When the people you loved began to fuck you over, things changed.
You've too many rules now. Too many restrictions on yourself. You can never fully relax and actually enjoy sex for what it is.
The rules are never set in stone, but they always follow the same pattern.
Don't let yourself be vulnerable. Don't get fully naked. No kissing during sex. Absolutely no face-to-face fucking. Taken from behind, or not at all. You'll give oral, but the second some tries to reciprocate, you move it along.
How can you enjoy intimacy with another person when you won't let yourself be intimate?
There are just too many things that remind you still of him; things that will hurt your heart more than it already does when someone else takes his place.
And so sex isn't really sex anymore. It's a tool.
You use it to pretend like you're over everything that happened with your ex; as if you're in control of a situation that he created.
And so that's why Saturday nights are reserved for Dionysus: they're filling the space of date night. Sunday mornings in the gym? Filling the space of lazy morning fucks and brunch down by the lake near Hoseok's place.
Being busy with the gym stops you from making 11:11 wishes for him to show up at your door, and the nights in Dionysus stop you from looking for shooting stars to wish upon instead.
Instant noodles with a guy you barely know don't quite manage to make you forget about eggs benedict with the man you thought you might one day marry, but hey - it's something at least.
On the nights that Jungkook knows you don't go straight home, he checks up on you; will text when his shift is up, again when he gets home, and one final time when he wakes up. He doesn't care for the semantics that come with double messaging. He isn't trying to impress you.
He knows what you get up to in the dark. What you do is your prerogative. He's more concerned about the lack of trust and faith he has in the people you do it with. Despite this, not once does he berate you for it.
Even Hoseok's made a dumb remark here and there about the fact you're 'getting around', but if Jungkook's thought similar things, he doesn't let you know it. He's a good friend. One that you're lucky to have. Thank God you fucked his flatmate and not him, instead.
The illusion of you has slipped by this point, for Jungkook. He knows you too well to toy with what-ifs.
You feel secure in the fact he's not trying to get into your pants; a rarity for dudes these days.
Even Jimin took the hint after you turned him down, and has become a welcome addition to your nights out. He's fun to flirt with, but he knows nothing will happen, so he never pushes it too far - but is also happy to be your cover when another bloke is getting too touchy with you for your liking. He's been your 'boyfriend' a grand total of three times, now - only ever for a night.
You're not too familiar with Jungkook's other friends yet, but you sometimes get in on a round of shots with them. There are four usual suspects: Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi. All handsome, all perfectly nice. None of them stick to you like glue, though. Not Jungkook did.
Hoseok and Danbi have followed your lead, and consider the boys casual acquaintances; drinking partners for when they happen to be at the bar at the same time.
A dog walker by profession, Danbi always finds herself flirting with Taehyung, who tries his hardest to get a discount on her services. She always refuses.
Jungkook and Yeonjun have a running bet going to see how long it takes until he's paying full price, just for an excuse to see her outside of a club setting. They've had to reset the bet twice, because Danbi might just be the most stubborn woman to have ever graced the planet.
Summer is spent in a technicolour haze of Purple Starfuckers, club lights, unorthodox gym routines and enough glitter to open a craft shop.
Jungkook doesn't quite know how, but he's always finding flecks of the metallic warpaint on his gym gear. Has a little laugh to himself whenever he does the laundry. Mutters, "Fucking Disco Ball."
It's monsoon season by the time Hoseok and Danbi make their first appearance at the club without you.
He texts you—boo, you whore—and waits in the backroom of the bar until he sees a reply come through.
Busy tonight, your reply reads. It feels a little cold, but you don't mean for it to be. You're just a rush, and Jungkook nagging you is the last thing you need.
JK: Busy doing what?
You: none of your business x
Despite the kiss you end your sentence with (he can hear the way you say 'mwah' the same way you do whenever you know you're being a little cheeky), it still feels... off.
JK: Oddly defensive.
You: i'm always defensive :)
You: lemme know when you get home safe
It's a simple role reversal, but Jungkook isn't sure what to make of it. He's normally the one making sure you get home safe. Not the other way around. It's not a 'what-if' scenario that he's run through in his head before. He doesn't like it.
He likes being depended on. Has gotten used to you depending on him.
Pushing it to the back of his mind, he makes orders without much thought, too busy letting himself indulge in what-ifs. It's been a while since he's thought of any regarding you, but he's consumed by them, now. Where you are, who you're with. Why Danbi and Hoseok won't give him a straight answer when he asks. They say it's not their business, but the way Danbi gives Hoseok a grimace whenever the topic is mentioned would suggest she doesn't approve.
It's probably why you haven't told him. He wonders how bad it must be. Secrets aren't something really kept between the pair of you.
There are things he hasn't told you - parts of his past he'd rather keep buried - but he doesn't actively hide himself from you. He thought you did the same.
Apparently not.
He arrives home with no new message from you. It's five thirty, and even though he's a little pissed with the sudden change in your attitude towards him, he can't bring himself to take it out on you.
JK: I'm home, asshole.
JK: Dionysus ain't the same without a disco ball.
Tossing his phone down onto his sheets, Jungkook stares up at his ceiling. There's never been a complicated weight to your friendship, but he's also never been in the dark before.
Above him, origami birds dance in the light breeze coming from his aircon unit.
There's a dozen strung up from his paper folding phase six months ago, when he was trying to get his mind off of the girl whose initial had been scratched out of the soles of his shoes. Thought that if she came back, she'd find the birds endearing.
Kept them up just in case. Now, he just keeps them up as a reminder: You've gotta let wild birds fly away. Can't keep them caged up.
And it's funny, cause the strings the birds hang from feel like a cage for his thoughts, now. They get tangled in the spokes, your name wrapping around the bars. He can't keep you in a cage, either.
Can't expect you to be as you always have been with him, just because it's the 'norm'. Can't expect you not to have a life without him.
You: does your apartment need one?
JK: A disco ball? Don't think so?
Truthfully, he thinks a little disco ball would be fitting strung up with all of his birds.
You: gaaawd, ur such a boy
You: i'm asking if i can come over :(
He tries not to read into the unhappy face, but it has him sitting up, replying just as quickly as his heart is beating. There's something amiss, and he doesn't like it.
JK: Oh. Now?
You: no, next week
You: yes now, doofus
JK: It's 5am?
He doesn't know why he's being like this. Difficult. Perhaps he is a bit bitter. Petty.
You: this isn't a booty call lmao, chill out
You: i'll be there in 15
JK: Do I get a choice?
He's smiling as he sends the message, and hopes you'll read it in the tone he intends. He's bantering, trying to deflect from the heaviness he can feel in your text thread.
He's relieved when you reply just how he hoped you would.
You: no x
JK: See you in 15, db x
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rubberduckclawmachine · 11 months
TADC Theory (mild spoilers):
We know that all the main characters are humans,, with a few exceptions, these are my theories about what happened.
Kingler - created the game along with the queen chess piece that was briefly teased
Caine - testing the code that somehow erased his memories and makes him thinks he’s an ai
Bubble - might be the same situation as Caine, like his intern or something
Gangle - peer pressured to try the “scary be game”
Jax - put on the headset as a dare or thought he needed to as it as be was the new trend
Zooble - an worker at the company pomni sees in her exit backrooms type area
Ragatha - A person not really good with technology and is shown that by being a 1990s girls doll so might’ve had a poor family with toys like that
The moon - your coworkers crazy wife type person but chained the coworker in the backroom exit area company she might know who Caine was
The sun - moons sibling
Kofmo - the office clown/ prankster
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Here is the bracket for the AroAce/A-spectrum Awesomeness Arena!
Round 1, Part 1:
Todd (BoJack Horseman) VS Ash (Pokémon)
Hunter (The Owl House) VS Toph (Avatar: The Last Air Bender)
Sonic (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise) VS Kris (Deltarune)
ENA (ENA) VS Lilith (The Owl House)
The Collector (The Owl House) VS Maki (Danganronpa Franchise)
Ruby (RWBY) VS Tails (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise)
Marcy (Amphibia) VS Light Yagami (Death Note)
Todoroki (My Hero Academia) VS LIng (The Diviners)
Sakuko (A Couple Without Falling In Love) VS Pit (Kid Icarus)
The Tin Man/Nick Chopper (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) VS Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Alix (Miraculous) VS John (Homestuck)
NNY (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) VS Max (Camp Camp)
Reyna (Riordan) VS Saiki K. (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.)
Kale (Monster Prom) VS Teardrop (Battle for Dream Island)
Phoenix (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) VS Senku (Dr. Stone)
Amethyst (Steven Universe) VS Jughead (Archie Comics)
Miya (SK8 The Infinity) Vs Percy (Epithet Erased)
Round 2, Part 1:
Piccolo (Dragon Ball) VS Riz (Dimension 20)
Finn (Adventure Time) VS Perry (Phineas And Ferb)
Caduceus (Critical Roll) VS Sasha (The Magnus Archives)
Merida (Brave) VS The Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who)
Jonathon (The Magnus Archives) VS Connor (Green Arrow)
Elatsoe (Elatsoe) VS Emma (Sidekick Squad)
Blanche / Entity 140 (Backrooms) VS Ralph (Plainview)
Big Man (Splatoon 3) VS Yelena (Black Widow)
Ike (Fire Emblem) VS Matt (Wii Sports)
Takahashi (A Couple Without Falling In Love) VS Kel (Omori)
Sans (Undertale) VS Papyrus (Undertale)
SpongeBob (Spongebob Square Pants) Vs Reigen (Mob Psycho 100)
Georgia (Loveless) VS Mr. Clean (Procter & Gamble)
Peridot (Steven Universe) VS Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries)
Jo (Little Woman) VS Luffy (One Piece)
Hiro (Big Hero 6) VS Waluigi (The Mario Franchise)
Round 1, Part 2:
Ash (Pokémon) VS Toph (Avatar: The Last Air Bender)
Sonic (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise) VS Kris (Deltarune) VS Lilith (The Owl House)
The Collector (The Owl House) VS Tails (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise)
Marcy (Amphibia) VS Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
Pit (Kid Icarus) VS The Tin Man/Nick Chopper (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
John (Homestuck) VS Max (Camp Camp)
Saiki K. (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.) VS Kale (Monster Prom)
Phoenix (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) VS Jughead (Archie Comics) VS Miya (SK8 The Infinity)
Round 2, Part 2
Riz (Dimension 20) VS Perry (Phineas And Ferb)
Sasha (The Magnus Archives) VS Merida (Brave)
Jonathon (The Magnus Archives) VS Emma (Sidekick Squad)
(Blanche / Entity 140 (Backrooms) VS Big Man (Splatoon 3)
Matt (Wii Sports) VS Takahashi (A Couple Without Falling In Love)
Papyrus (Undertale) VS SpongeBob (Spongebob Square Pants)
Georgia (Loveless) VS Peridot (Steven Universe)
Jo (Little Woman) VS Hiro (Big Hero 6)
Round 3, Part 1
Toph (Avatar: The Last Air Bender) VS Lilith (The Owl House
Tails (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise) VS Marcy (Amphibia)
Pit (Kid Icarus) VS Max (Camp Camp)
Saiki K. (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.) VS Jughead (Archie Comics)
Round 3, Part 2
Perry (Phineas And Ferb) VS Merida (Brave)
Jonathon (The Magnus Archives) VS Big Man (Splatoon 3)
Matt (Wii Sports) VS Papyrus (Undertale)
Georgia (Loveless) VS Hiro (Big Hero 6)
Round 4, Part 1
Toph (Avatar: The Last Air Bender) VS Tails (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise) VS Pit (Kid Icarus) VS Saiki K. (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.)
Round 4, Part 2
Merida (Brave) VS Jonathon (The Magnus Archives) VS Papyrus (Undertale) VS Georgia (Loveless)
Round 5, The Finale
Pit (Kid Icarus) VS Papyrus (Undertale)
I know little to nothing about a lot of these characters so please tell me if I made any mistakes.
If you have any fanart, propaganda or whatnot please put it in the asks.
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fictionkin-hell · 2 years
Straight to Hell! The Fictionkin section! Going down!↓↓↓
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Welcome to fictionkin hell! The name is obvious!
I’m Mod Vincent/🔪 (He/They/It) and the admin. Our other mods are Mod Phone Guy/☎️ (He/They/It), Mod Springs/🔋(They/It), Mod Cassidy/🦔 (He/They/It), Mod Daniil/🩸(He/Him + Neos), Mod Grover/🫧(She/He + Neos), Mod Trucy/💠(Any Pronouns), and Ghost Mod Columbina/👁(It/Its).
(There’s also Mod Payphone which is just when me and Phone Guy collaborate on a post. Probably gonna just have #mod collab instead for others.)
This blog is was created to give positivity towards the worst kins(though you can do regular kin + fictive requests too)! We all have guilt over our past lives and kinhate doesn’t help. While this blog is anti-kinhate this does NOT mean we support proshitting or anything related, general DNI here!! Learn from the mistakes of your past lives! Don’t repeat them!!
With that out of the way here are the main things we provide in fictionkin hell on the next floor. ↓↓↓
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We provide: Kin positivity, canon drawings, icons, wallpapers, general edits, Homestuck edits (PQ edits, talksprites, etc.), mood + stimboards, userboxes, names + neos suggestions, pendulum questions, tarot spreads, shufflemancies, canon/kin calls, timeline questions, music playlists, video playlists, care kits, and fashion kits!
(Sources w/ emojis after them are sources mods would really like to take, also please specify if you would like a video playlist because I’ll just assume you mean music unless specified. Also please put both character and source in your request. Check #extra info for extra questions.)
While we try to do any sources, do note that the main ones we know the best are: (color coded for each mod)
Five Nights At Freddy’s
Stardew Valley ☎️🔪
Team Fortress 2 🔪🩸
Silent Hill
My Little Pony 🔪
Traffic/Life Series
Little Nightmares 👁
Vocaloid 👁
Warrior Cats
Invader Zim
South Park ☎️
Don’t Starve
RPGmaker Horror Games
The Muppets 🫧
Genshin Impact 👁
Genloss ☎️
The Owl House 🔪
Ghosts BBC
Welcome Home
Emesis Blue 🔪
Slime Rancher
Portal 🔪
Left 4 Dead 🔪
Half-Life 🔪
Backrooms (wikidot) ☎️
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom
Legend of Zelda
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Hunter x Hunter
The Boys (TV)
Amanda the Adventurer
The Amazing World of Gumball
Lots of Horror Movies
House of Leaves
Rain World 👁
Parties are For Losers 👁
Qualia Automata 👁
Pathologic 🩸
Disco Elysium 🩸
Life is Strange
Sesame Street 🫧
Chonny Jash
Baldur's Gate 3 👁
Scott Pilgrim
Epithet Erased
Needy Streamer Overload 👁
Project Sekai 👁
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
Meet the Guards: Sarge
Scene: *Dimly lit backroom of an old church, a single table under a lamp sits two people*
Sarge: *A tall and muscular caucasian man wearing camo pants, a white shirt, and a stained brown jacket with military patches. He' grizzled, short hair beginning to gray. He's often compared by his allies to those Marine recruitment posters, specifically those of yelling drill sergeants.*
Interviewer: Can you kindly state your name and rank for the record please?
Sarge: *Ignites a cigarette, inhales deeply* Sgt. Gregory Sargent.
Interviewer: *Judging stare* Your name is Sergeant Sargent?
Sarge: *Growls as he exhales out smoke* Yeah, that’s right.
Interviewer: *Scribbles something down* Could you tell me what your profession was before your current role… Sergeant Sargent?
Sarge: Call me Sarge. Before this, I was the lead of a crew of contract killers. We took out targets for a fee, no questions asked. Whether they were corporate lackeys, politicians, scientists, warlords, or unfaithful millionaire husbands, we were equal opportunity terminators. You name it, we've dealt with it.
Interviewer: How is that any different from what you do now?
Sarge: *Takes another drag from his cigarette* The clients. And the targets.
Interviewer: Can you be more specific about your “targets”?
Sarge: *Annoyed look as he exhales* 
Interviewer: For the record. Please.
Sarge: *Breathes in some smoke again* We kill monsters. Things that wear human faces, but are anything but. Armed with blood sucking fangs, razor sharp claws, dark magic, some beyond this world and some from the depths beneath it. The same fucks your higher ups are after.
Interviewer: And what inspired this change in careers?
Sarge: Does it matter? Look, just point my squad in a direction, and we'll erase the problem. Simple as that-
Interviewer: The Church doesn’t simply give out contracts to just any group of armed mercenaries, Sgt. Sargent. Crusades are a serious, highly dangerous, and above all holy matter. The only reason we’re even having this discussion is because of your group’s highly “questionable” service record.
Interviewer: *Takes out large stacks of folders and flips a random one open* The Guard’s after action reports and mission debriefings often include words such as, “Unprofessional, hostilely uncooperative, criminally insane…”
Sarge: We’re not paid to be charming, we-
Interviewer: “... cowardly mindset, dangerously inept, repulsively unhygienic…”
Sarge: Now THAT one is all Nubby. I’m telling you, we-
Interviewer: “... a clear and present danger to not only public property, human life, and human decency, but to the very fabric of secrecy and subterfuge that is the Masquerade-”
Sarge: *Slams the table* AND YET, WE GET THE JOB DONE! *Takes out a cigarette and points it at the interviewer* Look, you can throw every derogatory term in your vocabulary at my idiots all day and they’d all probably be accurate, but we BOTH understand that the bottom line is they deliver results. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here. You NEED us.
Interviewer: What we need is a compelling reason to place our trust in you. If your sole motivation is money, what assurance do we have that the Vampiric Clans won't simply buy your loyalty? Who's to say they couldn’t convince you to simply walk away or even turn your guns against your kind? Why do you even bother hunting monsters in the first place?
Sarge: *Takes one last drag of his cigarette and presses it out on one of the folders* After all my years in the fight, I've witnessed the darkest depths of humanity. I've ended the lives of men and women responsible for acts so sinister and depraved that merely bearing witness can shatter most minds, including some of my own squad.
And that's just dealing with regular humans. Now, imagine what happens when you add a supernatural thirst for human blood to the equation. When you let them transform into savage beasts under the moon's light. When you allow them to be possessed by demons straight from hell. Or grant them magic powers to bend reality to their will. Humans are terrifying enough as it is. The last thing this world needs is for the Boogeyman to be real.
*Thanks for reading! This is another side thing that I'm trying out, so let me know if you're interested in more and want to meet the rest of the Guard!*
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