#Eric Ferguson
princessdreamie · 4 months
Hello are you writing DBH anymore? I read it all today. It’s interesting but I would appreciate more if you write the full name.😊😌
hey. Sorry for the late reply. Honestly, didn't expect anyone here reading them still lol. Anyway, i had some hectic weeks bc of family stuff and hit sick last week. But today part 27 will come out. Today i will post only 1 bc i still feel slightly under the weather. But i will see if i get 3 for tomorrow . fingers crossed
Also i dont know if you meant the name of the title or the names of the characters. But if it is the first one, i guess i can try writing the full thing at part number 28
Edit: just realized that i had not posted the actual part 27 in my box but wrote a totally different one at that HAHA!! Sorry i totally slept on that i have has already posted number 28 as well. But 2 parts (old 27 is now part 30) are out now. Sorry for the confusion 😅😅
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thelassoway · 3 months
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2012 Leap Day Episodes: Modern Family || 3.17 Leap Day Parks and Recreation || 4.16 Sweet Sixteen 30 Rock || 6.09 Leap Day
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ijungberg · 2 months
football article clippings from the 80s and 90s
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baggio is QPR target!, an article detailing QPR’s attempt to sign roberto baggio in 1995 // fergie must go, an article deriding a poor manchester united side during the 1980s // future stars, an article predicting the emergence of future liverpool legend steven gerrard // £25,000 a week for gunner bergkamp, an article announcing dutch football player dennis bergkamp as the highest-paid player in the premier league in 1995 // ooh aah, you’ve gone too far, a shoot! article on frenchman eric cantona ‘kung-fu’ kicking a crystal palace fan who yelled xenophobic abuse at him during the 94/95 premier league season
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warhead · 10 months
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krispyweiss · 24 days
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“A Great Loss:” Saxophonist David Sanborn Dies at 78
Saxophonist David Sanborn, who recorded smooth jazz as a solo artist and toured and recorded with David Bowie, Todd Rundgren, Steely Dan and others as a sideman, has died.
“May the great David Sanborn rest in love and peace,” Rundgren’s Spirit of Harmony Foundation said.
Sanborn, 78, died May 12 of complications from prostate cancer, said a post on his Facebook page. The saxophonist had continued performing since his 2018 diagnosis and “already had concerts scheduled into 2025,” the post read.
“David Sanborn was a seminal figure in contemporary pop and jazz music,” the announcement read. “It has been said that he put the saxophone back into rock ‘n’ roll.”
Fernando Perdomo echoed this sentiment, crediting Sanborn with “defin(ing) the sax’s role in pop and rock in the ’70s and ’80s.”
Questlove recalled being “floored” by a Sanborn show in Colorado, where the saxophonist made the drummer “feel like a complete amateur” despite playing an instrument that requires a significant amount of oxygen at altitude.
“He told me that since being diagnosed with cancer, he got a renewed vigor … and decided henceforth to play like his life depended on it,” Questlove said. “Amen, David. Rest in melody.”
Sanborn played Woodstock with the Butterfield Blues Band and went on to a career that included more than two dozen solo albums, gigs with the “Late Night with David Letterman” and “Saturday Night Live” bands and collaborations with Bowie, Rundgren, Paul Simon, James Taylor, Stevie Wonder, James Brown, B.B. King, Maynard Ferguson, Linda Ronstadt, Elton John and others.
“RIP, David S.,” Eric Clapton said.
The members of Spyro Gyra found themselves “shocked and beyond sad” at the news, while band leader Jay Beckenstein eulogized Sanborn as “a truly great saxophonist and musician, one of the most influential of my lifetime and an artist who had an extraordinary ability to play emotionally.
“Whatever he touched, whether jazz, gospel or pop, his approach was beautiful and powerful,” Beckenstein said. “A great loss."
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midnights-dragon · 1 year
wait i haven’t watched the show in a while, why is canon cam bad?
Ooh boy, I could talk about this for ages. I’ll just list the main things. In the majority of the episodes in most of the seasons but primarily in the later half, Cam is toxic, controlling, manipulative, and just all-around a bad partner. He treats Mitchell terribly, from diminishing his trauma and belittling him to flat-out not caring when his own mother, Barb, and his sister, Pam, sexually assaulted Mitchell on multiple occasions.
He plays on Mitchell’s abandonment issues (such as keeping a packed suitcase to leave whenever he wants), he mocks Mitchell for not being romantic but scorns him when he does (‘Manny Get Your Gun’ is the biggest example of this), and openly scorns Mitchell for having boundaries (‘The Kiss’ comes to mind, but this happens in almost every episode). Additionally, there are so many scenes where he just appears to not care about Mitchell whatsoever; in ‘The Wild’, for example, when Mitchell is left outside alone in the middle of the woods at night, Cam doesn’t care at all, or in ‘Summer Lovin’ when his only priority is to shove Mitchell back into work rather than help him work through what’s really going on/what he’s struggling with.
The three worst things Cam has done, however, is 1) in s11 when he lied about Mitchell to their friend group and faked a breakup in order to gain sympathy for no reason other than his own ego, something I have had an ex do to me which makes it more personal, 2) in the episode ‘Mother!’ when Cam is shown to have befriended DeDe (who is portrayed as someone who abused Mitchell and Claire!!) and talked shit about Mitchell to her for their entire relationship, and 3) in the episode ‘Grab It’ when Cam forces Mitchell into a role on stage where he is non-consensually kissed by a girl and forces Mitchell to apologize for ‘ruining his play’ afterward (I’ve actually written a fix-it for several of these aforementioned situations, which you can find on my ao3, link in bio).
I won’t even go into detail about the ending of s11 for them, because I know some people are still watching it, but Mitchell was forced into that too, even when it was an awful situation that would bring good for no one other than - you guessed it - Cameron.
Some people might say that Mitchell is toxic, too. I wholeheartedly disagree, however. One example is, as previously listed, ‘Manny Get Your Gun’, when Mitchell is part of a flash mob to surprise Cam with a romantic gesture, but Cam is ungrateful and angry and just a douche overall.
When Mitchell tells Cam he is being sensitive, he is one hundred percent correct. On the flip side, when Mitchell is sexually assaulted by Cam’s mother and voices his discomfort to Cam, and Cam calls him sensitive - that is toxic. That is not okay. That is disgusting behavior.
I could go on and on and on about how Mitchell deserves so much better, how Cam is terrible, how the homophobia is so deeply rooted in the show’s writers that they made the one gay couple into one of the most manipulative and toxic relationships I’ve ever seen in media. I could also stress how bad this could be for someone in real life (i.e., ‘my favorite TV couple acts like this and so if my relationship is also like that, it must be healthy!’) or how terrible it is given what we know about Mitchell’s past with shitty boyfriends only to be thrust into this new environment with another toxic partner. But I believe I’ve given enough broad examples to this.
Unfortunately, this really can be blamed on the homophobia of the writers/network and of just bad writing itself; sitcoms often fall apart when going on too long, or relationships lose their charm with the audience. That’s my biggest issue with sitcoms, though- I guarantee that no one was laughing when Cam got angry at Mitchell because Cam’s sister assaulted him.
TLDR: Cam is manipulative and toxic and shitty, which is why I write fanfiction for them. Because Mitchell deserves better, and in the fleeting, rare episodes where Cam sticks to his pilot version rather than an awful partner, he is just as wonderful. Fanon Cam, my beloved; canon Cam, you can, disrespectfully, rot in hell
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brokehorrorfan · 3 months
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Bottleneck Gallery will release The Crow 24x36 screen prints by Matt Ferguson today, March 19, at 12pm EST. The standard edition is limited to 275 for $50, while the red variant is limited to 100 for $60.
Acrylic panel prints of the designs, limited to 30 each, will also be available for $125.
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sesiondemadrugada · 9 months
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Closed Circuit (John Crowley, 2013).
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 months
Dune (2021)
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Even upon a rewatch, 2021’s Dune: Part One is spectacular. The memorable, foreboding score by Hans Zimmer, the costumes that bring this world to life, the scale of the action and the unique sets, ship & weapon designs all come together to complement a story of mythical scale. After seeing this film, two thoughts start competing for your brain’s attention. 1) If Frank Herbert’s Dune was adapted this successfully, then no work is unfilmable and 2) the sequel can’t come soon enough.
In 10191, the universe is ruled by an Emperor who assigns the exploitation of planets to powerful ruling houses. Interstellar travel is possible through “spice” a substance found exclusively on the harsh desert planet of Arrakis. For 80 years, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (Stellan Skarsgård) and his house have overseen the harvest of spice. Now, Duke Leto I (Oscar Isaac) of House Atreides is the new steward of Arrakis but only for as long as the flow of spice continues. This shift puts House Atreides, particularly the Duke’s son, Paul (Timothy Chalamet), in danger.
At 155 minutes, you’d think this movie would feel long, but it doesn’t. One of the reasons is that there’s a lot within to keep your mind busy. What’s a Freman? What’s a Kwisatz Haderach? What’s “the voice”? If director Denis Villeneuve tried to cram this story into 90, or even 120 minutes, it would move so quickly that all these questions would leave you in the dusty sands of Arrakis (that’s the planet, right?). By taking its time while moving at a good pace the film allows you - in time - to answer all of your questions. Since you understand what’s happening, you’re engaged. It helps that if you can’t remember what each name means, the visuals pick up the ball. The grotesque, scheming Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is clearly a villain. It's particularly obvious once you see his nephew, the psychotic and childish Glossu Rabban (Dave Bautista). You know you can’t trust the Bene Gesserit because their leader, Reverend Mother Mohiam (Charlotte Rampling) makes Paul take a painful, life-threatening test to prove he isn’t a threat himself. These are only a few of the many examples I could choose and they show how the story is both complex and easily digestible.
Even without the gripping story filled with backstabbings, political intrigue, violence, quests for revenge and harrowing struggles for survival, Dune would still have you tightly in its grip. Throughout, Paul’s psychic abilities give him visions. They foretell the future… sort of. They give hints of what’s coming but hints are not the same as clear answers. These all tie to this planet he’s on; a world that doesn’t end where the screen does. The details in the dialogue, sets and costumes make you wish the Harkonnens would just chill, and save their grudge for later. This way, you’d have time to see House Atreides befriend the Fremen and familiarize themselves with their customs.
There’s so much happening in this film that some of it you won’t “get” until later. For example, the early assassination attempt on Paul’s life. The would-be killer? A Harkonnen cutthroat, hidden in a bedroom wall. What kind of wealth, power and/or terrifying influence could persuade someone to take on that sort of assignment, knowing they would have to wait in darkness for weeks, slowly starving to death, just to kill a boy?
The passion within Dune is as clear as its ambition. You’re only getting half of a movie with it, but this choice feels like a necessity, rather than a Breaking Dawn-type of cash-grab or an attempt to start another franchise for a money-hungry studio. It certainly doesn’t feel presumptuous. Everything we see feels important; like it’s building up to not just one, but many bigger character arcs in a world that contains hundreds of stories. You know the threads that are left hanging will be tied up - that’s the kind of confidence all of the artists at work instill in you. Dune/Dune: Part One is a film that’s going to be remembered. (March 1, 2024)
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mariocki · 2 months
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Pathfinders in Space (ABC, 1960)
"Now, the remainder of us have fifteen hours of oxygen left. That leaves fifteen hours in which to complete our research here."
"Well, what's the good of all that if you can't come back with it?"
"The moon never destroys her treasures, Henderson. We shall leave a record and it'll be preserved in the vacuum of the caves. And the future expeditions you mentioned, they will find it."
#pathfinders in space#1960#children's television#classic tv#abc#malcolm hulke#eric paice#guy verney#peter williams#gerald flood#harold goldblatt#richard dean#gillian ferguson#stewart guidotti#pamela barney#irene sutcliffe#hugh evans#astor sklair#michael guest#the first sequel to the seminal (and sadly entirely lost) serial Target Luna; for reasons best known to the production team‚ despite being#a direct sequel with the same characters‚ every major role was recast for Pathfinders (and so sadly we don't get to see a young Michael#Craze). often described as a precursor to DW‚ and honestly that's hard to deny: this might be the first uk kids sci fi serial to really#nail that family friendly vibe‚ with enough interest for both children and adult viewers alike. it's a rare gift that it exists complete#and finally getting to it i found it a genuinely compelling series. it can be a little cheesy and a little silly in places (adorably‚ our#astronauts take a full tea service to the moon and regularly stop for tea) but i actually ended up learning some stuff about the moon from#this 64 yr old series. Gerald Flood's everyman journalist is a nicely constructed audience avatar but it's missing cheese expert Peter#Williams who gives the orders (and regularly imperils his own children). a lot of fun! well worth seeking out for old tv fans#also needless to say the various miniatures and fx work is frankly adorable.#and shoutout to Prof Mary Meadows‚ it's nice to have a kickass lady scientist in a show this old (and who remains cooler and more capable#than her male counterparts on more than one occasion).
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princessdreamie · 4 months
DBH part 29
While the kids had fun, the grown ups talked with under eachother over random stuff. Some ladies about their news purchases, the guys about their cars and what not.One of those kids ran to their parents complaining to go back home bc he finds it boring. E, who was talking to the kid's dad, kept his composition and left them alone for a bit. He started to hate the idea of coming here. None of the younger guests seem to enjoy eachothers company if they werent from the same social ladder. And that made him feel bad for his son. But after some back and forth wirh C he tries not to worry too much about if for the time being.
N all the while was talking to some of the lady guests and they seemed to get along. Then again N would just boast over her usless nonsense like always, so i dont really have anything for her to do more or less.
After some time a fight broke out between one of the rich kids and Se's normal friends. Nothing drastic, just some quarrel over some popular game or stuff like that. The big wig parents defent their own bastards while S tries her best to calm down the group. E came to her rescue and not long after that some of those parents left to not offend E after this whole ordeal.After the partyN & J drive the kiddos back home and talked about things they heard at the party. They got to know that Lo's dad was not allowed to see his son unless they got someone with the kid.
They feel bad for him but hope that he will be alright for his & Na's sake. They had gotten pretty close as of late and the others seem to be fine with him too. Maybe they could get Bu to become freinds with them in the future as well. Thats was N's wish at least.
Back at a certain lab roomSpeaking of which. Bu sat at the usual table as he did the last few months. None of the testings they went through made any progress. He just wants out. The boy had enough of this program but the only way he could get out was to do these tests. To which he completely failed. Even if he tried to cheat, he still gets back to his old ways and does the opposite the doctors want him to do.
Bu was aware that he could just pretend to do his best but somehow they always knew when he was faking it. Some of the lther residence in the lab learned to stay clear from him if they wanted to have a shot to go back home. So he had no friends (lackeys), or sister to make his plans work.
And thats what frustrated him. His plans wont come to fruition if he has to do things by himslef. So he had to wait for the perfect time to escape by himself.
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Eric Randall Matthews is the tritagonist of Boy Meets World. He is the older brother of Cory Matthews, Morgan Matthews, and Joshua Matthews, the eldest child of Amy Matthews and Alan Matthews.
Claire Ferguson is a friend of Shawn’s who was beaten by her father. Cory and Shawn tried to help her at first by letting her hide out at their places, but eventually they called the authorities. She moved to live with her aunt in the countryside of Vermont.
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gifsbymel · 10 months
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favorite series 2/∞
Modern family
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lavadorafangirl · 1 year
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🏳️‍🌈Day 13: Cam & Mitchell (Modern Family) 🤵🏻‍♂️🤵🏻‍♂️💙
Yeah... I don't know.
HAPPY PRIDEE🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 we are almost halfway through!🧡🧡
Remember: i'm drawing a lgbt canon couple daily for pride month, follow me or check my profile to see the rest!🏳️‍🌈 Thanks for the support!
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warhead · 1 year
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