#Especially because she is not above sacrifices
demonwield · 2 years
Lies, or Truth?
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     Just as the title says: DID AKAME LIE when she said she doesn’t know how to use her TRUMP CARD? This is something I’ve been thinking over tonight, and I think I’ve come to the conclusion: NO, she genuinely didn’t. 
     Why do I feel this? HOW could she not know? Well, let’s break it down. 
     Firstly, when Akame learned of the TRUMP CARD, it was in Gozuki’s final moments, as she stabbed him through with the blade, and SUBJECTED his heart to the curse. He didn’t tell her because even HE didn’t know, in fact his exact words are just this: This Teigu possesses a Trump Card...it involves discarding one’s humanity. I was never able to use it, but you might be able to... He didn’t know what it took to unleash the trump card at the time, so he DIDN’T TELL AKAME how to! 
     And he couldn’t use it on her, EITHER, because of this. 
          So how did AKAME learn it? 
               She didn’t. She was FIGURING IT OUT slowly, however.
     We move half way through the story, Akame and Kurome have decided to show up one on one: to end their Rivalry. One dies, neither leaves until this is over. Because that is how they must do things: IF EITHER IS TO DIE, IT MUST BE AT THE HANDS OF THE OTHER. The day prior, Tatsumi visits her as she’s mulling it all over, and she tells him the truth. She DOESN’T KNOW how her Trump Card works, how to activate it. . .but she feels that SOON the answer will be revealed to her.
          And it’s through killing KUROME she feels that will be done. 
          This Murasame has a secret, ultimate technique. But the way I am NOW, I can’t use it. To use the SECRET TECHNIQUE of a cursed blade such as this, I need to discard my humanity...that is what I was TAUGHT. Slaying, Carnage, and Bloodshed...only when your HEART EMBRACES the demon inside, can this technique be wielded...at least, that’s how I always interpreted it.
               ...I think the time for that may be NEAR.
     Akame came to this conclusion, that killing her sister would be the trigger, in her mind, because of Wave and her’s fight: where he told her --- No matter what the circumstances...for you to consider KILLING your own SISTER as a means of SAVING her...you’re fucking NUTS. And that clicked hard with her: because it’s that very reason, the resolve behind able to put her own SISTER who is her very world six feet under, in pieces, that allows ONLY SHE to claim Murasame’s handle. Should another touch the blade, the blade reacts viciously, destroying their arm from within, as we saw with one of the Rakshasa demons when he disarmed her: it decimated the bone, twisted his arm in a counter-clockwise motion, and made his entire arm UNMOVABLE until she snapped his neck in the same instance. 
          Claiming MURASAME is akin to a death sentence, for the BLADE chooses the master: not the other way around. 
     Tatsumi questions if she will try to TALK to Kurome first, and of course, Akame agrees. Because that is her sister. She loves her dearly, and she doesn’t WANT this. . .but her next answer is ever the same: But if I am unable, I will not HESITATE to kill her...That possibility ALSO exists. Because the mission must always come first: the saving of her nation. 
          To usher a NEW WORLD of PEACE and PROSPERITY. . .no matter who is lost in the process. 
               And ESDEATH and KUROME are the two strongest of the Jaegers. 
     It doesn’t stop there though: Akame also knows the risk that her TRUMP CARD could pose: If my heart should come to EMBRACE the DEMON WITHIN...and I become possessed by this CURSED BLADE...I would then become Night Raid’s target. At that time, I want you to KILL ME. Dying at the hands of Night Raid would be an honor. Akame doesn’t know what EMBRACING THE DEMON will do to her, and she has thought out every possible outcome...to ensure her allies are aware of the risks. 
          She did NOT KNOW what would transpire.
               It’s why when she KILLS TATSUMI, that she unleashes it’s power, and it’s such a destructive force. The unknowing of what you were doing would make it’s power ten fold: GREED can be a motive, LUST FOR POWER, all of this can be what drives someone to do heinous things. But Akame holds none of that. She simply wants to KILL ESDEATH...and save her friend. Save her NATION at every and all costs.
                    As she says later, before the Assault on the Empire: ...no matter what the outcome, this is my Final Battle. My duty is to BURY ESDEATH. If I can raise the probability of my success by even 1%, I will take whatever RISK! 
     If she truly knew beforehand, that KILLING TATSUMI or someone close to her, would bring about the end of this war so quickly. . .she’d not have hesitated, or wasted time. She’d have sacrificed anyone of Night Raid, because though she loves Night Raid, they all know the costs they face, and they all have SWORN to throw down their lives for the mission. 
          Her not knowing...is what made her so strong: it was Murasame’s Reaction to her embracing it’s POWER and ending Tatsumi’s life of her own choice, CUTTING HER TIES with him. (Yes he lives because she somehow WILLED her blade to claim Tyrant’s Life and not Tatsumi’s but yknow the effect is still there.)
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crownrots · 2 months
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#oc txt.#c: hattie#c: mary ellen#hattie being able to make it back to her own vault just in time to be with her mom in her final moments is 🤕#she’s not the overconfident self assured put together person she was when she left however long ago it was#and her mother isn’t the hyper independent stoic emotionally constipated woman that didn’t even hug her before she left#her mother really did believe that this colony that had supposedly been growing since she was a girl WAS her kids’ only hope at a future#they knew for years that the vault was running out of supplies and falling apart#she was getting older and really didn’t think a future above ground was for her or her husband or the other adults that had grown up there#it was for their kids.#bc the vault wasn’t going to be able to sustain them for much longer#it’s why she pushed her kids so hard and pushed them away even harder#bc it made sending them into that world ‘easier’#she wouldn’t miss them as much and they wouldn’t miss her#sending her twins up there (her first borns) years prior was HELL#and she dreaded the day hattie was old enough to be thrust out there and even debated whether or not she’d even go through with it#so seeing her now … especially in the state hattie is in when she returns#she feels guilty but at the same time proud? because despite it she knows hattie had and HAS what it takes to survive up there#and seeing tj??? she doesn’t know if the twins made it to the colony or whether the colony was even real operating ect ect#so she’d never get to see them with her grandkids if they had any#she at least gets a slice of what could have been if things were different#it’s good that hattie gets to tell her truth of everything#it’s good that hattie gets to reconcile and be the last thing she sees before she passes#it’s all mary ellen ever wanted … to see her girls again#and in her mind if hattie made it … then she knows the other two did too#and i think for hattie she was just on the cusp of giving up and throwing in the towel#but she’s got people relying on her and she’s not a quitter … was never allowed to be#and i think by now she’d be searching for them less for herself and more for her parents#the least she can do is find out if their sacrifices (and the sacrifices of everyone else) were warranted
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inbarfink · 7 months
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So the thing about Tak’s Holo-Disguise is that it specifically might not be an example of Tak using more advanced technology than Zim.
The implication in “The Nightmare Begins” is that Zim maybe also have access to Perfectly Realistic Human Disguises, probably similar to Tak’s Hologram - but he intentionally rejected them because he saw them as too ugly. He deliberately chose his shitty little costume because he thought that was the only one that looked ‘good’.
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And these terrible disguises are also pretty consistent with how the actual official Invaders disguise themselves. If anything, Zim’s got the best costume of the lot!
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So with Zim dismissing the more realistic disguises as being ‘ugly’ and ‘stinky’ and those being… basically the most common insults he throws at humans. ..I think the implication here is pretty clearly that Zim’s (and the actual Irken Invaders’) disguises are bad because he doesn’t want to look too human because Irken Imperial Indoctrination has taught him every other species in the universe is revolting and so he cannot stand the idea of looking too match like the people he is trying to infiltrate.
So it is interesting that the one Irken who actually uses their advanced technology to actually look like another species is Tak. Maybe she’s just being a bit of a show-off overachiever. So driven by the need to prove how competent of an Invader she can be she decided to suffer through the indignity of Using a Competent Disguise. 
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Or maybe there’s sort of an implication that Tak doesn’t really buy into Irken Ideology that much?
Like, obviously, she’s not, like,  some sort of anti-Imperial pro-alien advocate or anything. She’s still trying to gain the respect of the Tallest, she still wants to become an Invader, she is still willing to sacrifice an entire planet in order to achieve her goals. 
I’m thinking more, like, Zim is 100% a true believer in Irken Imperial Ideology. He wants to be an Invader at least in part so he could use his ‘amazingness’ to contribute to the conquests of the Irken Empire. And he legitimately believes the Tallests are superior beings worthy of his admiration. And he legitimately believes Irkens are superior to all other sapient beings in the universe in general and to humans especially.
Meanwhile, Tak’s main goals might just be to gain as much power and prestige as she can - no matter what or who stands in her way. If she lived in a society that valued dentists above all she would’ve become a dentist. But she was born in the Irken Empire, and the most prestigious not-height-dependent position available to her in Irken Society is the one of an Invader, so that’s what she dedicated her life to. Not out of any ideological commitment to help the Empire's conquests.
She tries to gain the Tallests’ favor because she knows she needs them to get ahead in life, not necessarily because she craves their tall, superior approval the way Zim does. She can kill a lot of non-Irkens on her way to ‘greatness’, but it’s more of a general callousness towards other people - rather than loyalty to the superiority of the Irken people. 
That might also explain why she’s the one Irken with the sense of individuality to customize her uniform
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And design her own version of the Irken Empire Flag, based on her own look.
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Because maybe she’s not trying to serve the Irken Empire, maybe she’s just trying to serve Tak.
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tgcg · 7 months
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part 2 of something specific
TG: remember when i told you about misogyny
TG: not even a droplet my man we decided to be equally anal about other stupid shit i guess
TG: if yall managed to get through that door and reign supreme over the human race for lip smackin eternity you know mens and womens would be macking on each other in various gender arrangements with gleeful wild abandon 
TG: itd be a goddamn utopia
TG: oh yeah like the friendship disease right
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azrielsdove · 6 months
Hi!! I was hoping I could request something for Azriel or Cassian. I saw this post somewhere about someone being super calm and content in prison, maybe she was taken along with the home carver because of her powers. I’m thinking she is kinda like an old god but instead her powers feed off sacrifice and while she doesn’t want that life, she’s too powerful to be free until Feyre/Rhys lets her out because Feyre thinks she won’t hurt anyone. Then she can find her mate with Az or Cass?? And it’s revealed that she hates her powers because the person has to matter to her for the sacrifice/power. and she could’ve been part of the war that Mor fought in and went kinda crazy after because she lost that person but is fine now that it’s been so long.
You can change whatever if you end up doing it, I just thought it was a cool concept. It also does not have to be that detailed lol but thank you if you do it!!
Old God: Cassian x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Some Alcohol
“No, Feyre. It’s too dangerous.” Rhys didn’t look up from the paperwork on his desk while he spoke.
“Have you gone down there recently? She is kind, Rhys. You said to not trust the Bone Carver as well, and look how beneficial he was to us!” Feyre was pacing angrily around the room, having formed an attachment to the Death Wielder.
“We were in war, that was a dire situation. You want to release her for no other reason than you think she won’t harm anyone.” Rhys ran a hand over his face, looking up to his mate. “The beings in the Prison are there for a reason, Feyre. We can not go around releasing whoever we please without justification.”
Feyre huffed, crossing her arms and facing her husband. “You should go speak to her, Rhys. Understand what I mean. Amren came from the Prison, did she not?”
“Amren is different.”
“How?!” Feyre did not like arguing with her mate, but something was telling her it was wrong to keep the so-called old god down there. Especially after the war, after the Bone Carver sacrificed himself to fight for them. She knew the Prison held some of the nastiest beings Prythian had to offer, and that trusting any of them was a risk. Yet something was different about this one, she just knew it.
“Amren got herself out of the Prison. You have no idea how powerful the Death Wielder is. She is unlike anything you have ever seen.” Rhys stood from his desk, crossing the room to hold Feyre’s hands in his own. “It is too risky.”
“So if the Death Wielder got herself out, that would be fine?” Feyre shot at him, upset that he wasn’t agreeing with her.
“That’s not what i’m saying.”
“That’s what you’re insinuating! She isn’t what you think. Please, Rhys, just go talk to her.” Feyre pleaded, holding tight onto his hands. He sighed, reaching up to brush a piece of her hair back.
“Alright. I will go tomorrow evening, and if what you say proves true we can further discuss a release.”
Rhys did not enjoy coming to the Prison. He especially did not enjoy coming here to meet with you.
Unfortunately, he would do anything to make his mate happy.
He reached the door to your cell, placing his hand on the heavy stone. He breathed in deeply as he stepped forward, walking through the door like it didn’t exist. He looked around the room, shocked at how bright it was.
“High Lord,” you spoke, standing to greet him. “What brings you down?”
Rhys carefully looked at you, watching for any signs of a trick. “The High Lady requests to have you released. Do you know why she would ask such a thing?”
You gave a small smile, having grown quite fond of Feyre. “She visits me rather often, your mate. Brings me things,” you gestured to the faelights above you, the warm pillows and blankets on the floor. “She is different than any other. Full of hurt, yes, but an undying hope runs through her veins.”
“Are you coming to care for her?” The question was an accusation, thinly veiled anger behind his words.
“If you are asking if I plan to sacrifice her to escape, High Lord, then you would be mistaken. You should know better than anyone that I do not revel in my power.” There was an infinite sadness in your voice, an age-old pain.
“How am I to trust you?”
You shrugged. “I wouldn’t expect you to. We saw what happened with the war 500 years ago, what I had to do to save so many. Those kind of choices do not come without consequences, High Lord.”
Rhysand pondered over your words, violet eyes reading every movement you made. “You sacrificed the love of your life to save everyone. That is not something to be frowned upon.”
You gave a sad smile. “Yet here I am, locked in this pit of despair with the worst Prythian has to offer. Do not credit me, High Lord. I was willing to let the world suffer. He convinced me to do it, to use him to activate my power. I did not wish to do so.”
Rhys hummed, seeming to understand the level of devotion you held for your old lover. “I could understand. I would do anything to protect Feyre. Do you understand what I mean?”
You did. He would not allow your release from this prison, not even if you may be a harmless being these days. He would rather you suffer needlessly down here for millennia than risk anything harming his mate.
Feyre was angry. No, she was furious. Rhys had informed her that he would not be releasing the Death Wielder, even if he had picked up nothing bad in their meeting. She left his office without speaking, upset that he was being so difficult.
However, Feyre was not so naive as to not think her husband would try to stop her. She had planned for this. After all, he had made her High Lady, his equal. She had every right to make the call herself.
She found Cassian easily, purchasing donuts at one of the bakeries in Velaris. “I need your help.” Feyre was straight to the point, eyeing her friend as he stopped mid-bite.
“Uh, okay?” He said, placing his donuts back into their bag. “With what?”
“I need you to take me to the Prison.”
He laughed.
Feyre scowled, glaring at the General. “I’m being serious, Cassian.” She stood tall, letting power radiate from her. “As your High Lady, I command it.”
His laughter ceased, face growing serious. “As you wish, then.” Cassian knew better than to question her any further.
The pair stood outside the gates of the Prison, the ominous darkness beckoning them in. “May I ask who we are here to see?” Cassian pried, wanting to be prepared for what they would encounter.
“The Death Wielder.” Feyre didn’t give him a chance to protest, marching down into the endless dark. Cassian followed dutifully, wondering why his High Lady was so determined to meet with her. Feyre pushed in without hesitation when they reached the door to her cell. Cassian went after, growing more curious by the second.
“High Lady,” you greeted, welcoming the female you almost considered a friend. Not that many had ever gotten close enough to you for such a title. Feyre greeted you by your name, something very few had ever called you. “The High Lord was here as well, i’m sure you know.”
You could feel the simmer of displeasure come from the High Lady. “Yes. I’ve chosen to disregard his opinion on this matter. I do not think it is right to keep you down here.”
You gave a soft smile, lightly surveying the room that had caged you for so long. “Ah, but this is my home now, isn’t it? Where I came from has long been gone, anyone I ever knew with it. What else is there for me? It is no harm to keep me here, truly.”
Feyre huffed, seemingly having an argument in her head. “I will never force you to leave, you know that. I simply believe there is more for you out there, out in my home.”
You moved closer to the young female, inspired by her endless hope for all that is good. “Who is to say your people would allow me to walk among them? The old gods are not favored in your time, especially not one who’s known for Death.” It was then that you noticed her companion, the long haired male standing in the shadows. You cocked your head, surveying him curiously. Something about him was…different than any others you had met.
“This is Cassian,” Feyre introduced, waving him forward. He came into the light, nodding his head to you.
“Cassian,” you mused, tasting the name on your tongue. You observed his armor, his wings, the strong power radiating from him. “The General. How do you feel about your High Lady’s idea?”
He seemed shocked that you would ask for his opinion, looking carefully between you and Feyre. “I trust what my High Lady thinks best.”
“The diplomatic answer,” you hummed, moving to look at him closer. “That is not what I asked. What would you, as an innocent in this world, think of someone like me wandering through your city?”
He blinked at you before clearing his throat. “I would not consider myself an innocent. If the High Lady deemed you safe, I would trust her. As would many in this court.”
You waved your hand dismissively. “You are all innocents to me.” You turned back to Feyre, a smile ghosting your lips. “Very well, High Lady. If you deem it fit, I will accept the release you are granting me.”
You stood with the General on the outskirts of Velaris, feeling uncomfortable for the first time in a long time. You had grown content in the Prison, safe from your power. Your deadly, terrible power.
“What would you like to do?” He was watching you, hand on one of his many blades. You felt vulnerable by that action, a reminder that you will always be perceived as Death herself.
“I do not know.” Your voice was quiet, a weakness pulling through that you did not enjoy. You were easily the most powerful being here, there was no reason to feel so small. Cassian noticed the change in you, the contrast from the ancient confidence he encountered in the Prison.
“Hey,” he soothed, releasing the hold on his weapons, “no one has to know who you are.” You wanted to give him a thankful smile, but the darkness in your mind was clouding around you.
“No,” you whispered, “they’ll know. Perhaps this was a mistake.” You turned to face the mountains behind you, feeling the dirt beneath your feet. It had been so long since you had seen the outside, since the fresh air had touched your skin. You startled when you felt gentle fingers around your wrist, whipping your head around to meet the kind eyes of the General.
“Come with me. My own friend Amren is like you, and she lives here happily.” There was a calm in his voice that washed away any apprehension you felt, something about him making you feel like you could trust what he said. “Stay with me.”
Your heart ticked at his words as he pulled you down to the glittering city below.
You had spent a few weeks with Cassian, learning all Velaris had to offer. The High Lord had come to find the two of you early on, angry that you allowed his wife to set you free.
“She is the High Lady, her word is as equal as yours, is it not?” You had asked, pointing out his hypocrisy. He had grumbled at your words, but allowed you to continue on.
“As long as you are with Cassian, I will accept that you roam free. Do not make me regret this,” he had threatened, still not trusting you.
You couldn’t blame him.
You knew he had an underlying fear that you were growing too close to Feyre, that you may grow close to Cassian. You didn’t know how to explain that you would never use them to activate your power, that you would never allow anyone to become that special to you again.
Unfortunately, you were growing worried yourself. Cassian drew you into him, a simmering desire to learn everything there was to know about the male. His stories captivated you, his jokes made you laugh in ways you never had. He pulled out the true version of you, the being beneath the danger.
You needed to stop this.
Cassian had a little cabin on the edge of the city, a cozy place he had leant to you. He stayed with you most nights, sleeping on the couch while you took the bed. You knew it was due to his High Lord commanding it, but a part of you wished he was staying for you. That he enjoyed being around you as much as you did around him.
“We are going out tonight,” he informed you, tossing a dress onto the bed. You looked up at him in shock, unsure if he was joking or not. “It is time you let loose a little, enjoy yourself.” There was a teasing smile on his lips, a brightness in his eyes. You pulled the blood-red fabric to you, fingers trailing over the delicate fabric. You had never ‘gone out.’
“I don’t,” you started, looking up to him, “I’ve never, I, what if I embarrass you?” You tripped over your words, heat rising in your cheeks.
He gave a reassuring, slightly cocky smile. “You can’t be any worse than Az, trust me.”
You were nervous standing outside Rita’s, a cold intruder on a warm night. You hadn’t yet been around so many fae in such a tight setting, the worry that they would notice who you were drowning your mind. You tugged the bottom of your dress down a little, fidgeting with the hem. “Stop,” Cassian chided, grabbing your hand in his. “It’s going to be fine.”
He dragged you up the steps into the bustling bar, making his way through the crowd to a table in the back. His friends were all there, the High Lords stare cold as he noticed your hand in Cassian’s. You quickly pulled away from him, ignoring the look he sent you. He slid into the booth and you sat next to him, careful to keep your distance.
“Drinks?” The stunning blonde you immediately recognized asked, a knowing look in her eyes.
“She needs something strong, Mor.” Cassian answered for you, a laugh in his voice. You nodded in confirmation to the Morrigan, the sight of her bringing up memories of the war all those centuries ago. You were going to need several strong drinks.
“So, Death Wielder, how have you enjoyed your time in my court?” Rhysand asked, your title coming out like an insult.
“It is a very beautiful place, High Lord,” you answered honestly, having grown to quite enjoy the city.
“Hmm.” He leaned across the table, hands clasping in front of him. “And how have you been enjoying my brother?” You looked at him with wide eyes, taken aback by his accusation.
“That’s quite enough, Rhys. We are here to have a nice night, not interrogate our guests.” Feyre cut in, shooting you an apologetic look. Rhys mumbled something about not trusting you as he sat back in his seat.
Cassians hand found your knee, thumb rubbing soft circles into your skin. “Don’t listen to him,” he said, loud enough for High Lord to hear. “He doesn’t think I can handle myself around you.”
You flushed at his words, feelings running through you that you hadn’t felt in centuries. You were thankful that Mor chose that moment to return, gladly taking your drink from her. You busied yourself with it, allowing normal conversation to resume around the table.
Cassian did not move his hand.
You were feeling a pleasant buzz from the drink, a state of relaxation coming over you. You found yourself giggling at something Cassian said, leaning further into him. He smiled back at you, his hand sliding a little higher as your dress began to ride up. For the first time in 500 years, you were able to feel a sense of happiness.
“Better be careful, General,” came a slurring voice, all eyes turning to the fae that had approached the table. “Death here will be quick to sacrifice you next. You should know better than anyone that she lures her lovers into traps, killing them to make her power stronger.” You froze in place, terror spreading through your body.
Cassian moved the hand from your knee, a split-second heartbreak occurring inside you before you felt his arm wrap around your shoulders. “Maybe you shouldn’t speak on what you don’t know.” His voice was hard, causing the other male to take a step back. “Do you wish to continue telling me about things that you think I, General of the Night Court Armies, do not already know? Do you truly believe you know more than me?” The male slunk back, angry and embarrassed.
“Don’t say we didn’t try to warn you.” He shot out before disappearing into the crowd, leaving a thick silence over the group. You took the opportunity to slide out of the booth, taking off for the door. You heard a faint call of your name, along with Rhysand calling his brother back to the table. You pushed out of the building, sucking in deep mouthfuls of air. A horrible choking sensation was taking over your throat and lungs, a full panic controlling your body. You stumbled down the street, blind to the concerned expressions of the passerby.
You needed to go. You couldn’t stay here any longer, you couldn’t risk Rhysand putting you back in the Prison now that you knew free life again. You ripped the heels off your feet, discarding them where they landed. You began running, bare feet slapping the pavement below. You felt the skin tear as you ran, too soft for the rough ground.
You didn’t care.
You ran all the way to the cabin, lungs burning. You grabbed your few meager possessions, mostly clothes Cassian had bought you. You stuffed them into a small bag, not noticing the tears running down your face until they splashed onto the fabric. When was the last time you cried?
Loud, shaking sobs overtook your body. You sunk to the ground by the bed, curling your arms around your knees and burying your head. How could you be so stupid? You knew better than to fall for him, for anyone. You cursed yourself, the crushing weight of despair becoming too much to handle. You felt tendrils of your power come out, wrapping themselves around your skin. It burned where they touched, an anguished scream tearing from you.
A voice was yelling your name, holding tight to your arms. You cried harder, certain that the burning of your power must be hurting them too. “Leave me!” You screamed, the pain of the last 500 years ripping from your body. The voice calling for you was growing hectic, desperate. You couldn’t focus on anything except the tendrils of power on you, certain they were melting the skin off your bones.
You felt arms cradle your body, lifting you off the ground. You knew you were suddenly outside, a sensation like flying taking over. The wind was harsh against you, a welcome cold to the burning power suffocating you. You felt a jolt as whoever was carrying you hit the ground, more voices joining in the chaos. You heard one stick out above the rest, and then an endless darkness took over your mind.
Your head was heavy, your body was sore, and your throat was terribly dry. You pried your eyes open, wincing at the daylight flooding the room. You blinked a few times, looking around at what you could see. You didn’t recognize anything about the bedroom, but you did know the large male passed out in the chair next to the bed.
He shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be here. You needed to get out, get away from him. You forced yourself up, crying out in pain as you did. He shot up out of the chair and was at your side in a second. “No, lay back down,” he commanded, pushing you down gently.
“I need to go,” you croaked out, voice hoarse.
“Why do you think that?” He asked, looking at you like he already knew the answer.
You felt tears prick the corner of your eyes. “I don’t want to put you in danger.”
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. “Never,” he whispered into your hair, “will you hurt me.”
You couldn’t help the tears spilling out as you clutched onto his arms, wanting to stay here forever. “I killed him,” you sobbed, holding tighter onto Cassian.
“You didn’t,” he argued, “he sacrificed himself. For you, for all of Prythian and beyond. If we had lost that war, none of us would be here. He knew you didn’t want to do it, that you wouldn’t do it. He made that choice, not you.” You cried, shaking in his arms at the memory of your past love. He had been your heart, your soul. You will never forget the pain and anguish that came from losing him, all so you could use your power to its full extent.
A curse, your power was. Only able to be used if someone you loved died. Died for the sake of the power. You despised it, you despised the title it had earned you. Death Wielder. You had never wanted to be that, to become a horror story. To be classified as an ‘old god’, a force to be reckoned with. You had been a gentle spirit before the discovery of your power, before you were told how to use it.
You shook your head. “I won’t risk it, Cass. What if war comes again?”
“If it does, you will be better trained. Rhys has been doing some research while you were out, talking to some of the other High Lords. They believe your power is misunderstood.” You stilled, pulling back to look at him.
He nodded. “He believes you can access it without a sacrifice. With the way it was acting when I found you that night, I think he may be right.”
You remembered the horrible pain of your power then, looking down at your arms. You were surprised to see they were bare, no damage from the force of whatever you released. “It hurt me,” you said slowly, eyes moving back up to Cassian’s.
“He believes with proper training it won’t hurt. All we can do is try.” He raised a hand to your face, thumb brushing away the remaining tears. “I don’t think I can live without you.” Your breath caught at the honesty in his words.
“I don’t think I can live without you either,” you said, voice barely a whisper. His gaze flicked from your eyes to your lips, a heavy tension growing in the air.
“Please, may I kiss you?” He asked, voice soft.
You nodded.
He leaned down, cupping your face as his lips touched yours. The kiss was slow, hesitant. You hadn’t kissed anyone in over five centuries, certain you would be abysmal. Cassian lead you perfectly, bringing your head up to create a better angle. You sighed softly, lips parting just enough for his tongue to delve in. He took his time learning every inch he could reach, kissing you breathless and then some.
You pulled apart, gasping for air. Your eyes caught his blow-out ones, and a string of gold erupted between the two of you. Mate, mate, mate, sang around your head, everything except Cassian disappearing. You could tell he felt it too, hands tightening on you. He came closer again, lightly kissing your lips.
“Mine, aren’t you?” He said. You smiled, a real, true smile. You kissed him again, hands sliding under his shirt, needing to touch him.
“Yours, always.”
I hope I was able to pull off what you wanted!! It took me a while to figure out how to write this. Please let me know what you think <3
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antianakin · 3 months
My main problem with the idea of either non-Force sensitive people becoming Jedi or the whole "everyone is actually Force sensitive if you try hard enough" thing isn't that Force sensitivity is what makes the Jedi interesting, it's that this is what makes them JEDI.
There are TONS of characters in Star Wars who, if they were Force sensitive, would make excellent Jedi and I love quite a few of them. Just for a few quick examples off the top of my head: Bail and Breha Organa, Beru and Owen Lars, and Hera Syndulla (the Rebels version, not the Ahsoka show version). Sabine Wren, by the end of Rebels, would count on this list, as well (but not the Ahsoka show version). Jyn Erso and Bodhi Rook, especially by the end of Rogue One (Baze and Chirrut obviously would fit on this list, too, but they are already a part of their own religion that they might have chosen regardless of whether they were Force sensitive or not and I am choosing to respect that). Bix Calleen and Brasso from Andor. Greez from the Cal Kestis games maybe. And there's probably more that I am missing.
But the point I am making here is that none of these characters (bar Sabine in the Ahsoka show) are ever assumed to be Jedi. I don't think a SINGLE fan would ever try to argue with me that they ARE Jedi. And obviously it does not make any of them less interesting or enjoyable as characters to not be Jedi.
So if you're going to come at me with the accusation "How boring do you have to be to think the only reason the Jedi are interesting is because they're Force sensitive" then my rebuttal is this: Do you think all of the non-Jedi characters in Star Wars AREN'T interesting because they don't bear the title of Jedi? Does Sabine Wren suddenly become MORE interesting of a character when she's (theoretically) the exact same character, but now she gets to call herself a Jedi? Would Bodhi Rook or Brasso suddenly be more interesting characters if they called themselves Jedi but nothing else about them changed?
How boring do YOU have to be to think that the only interesting characters in Star Wars are those who call themselves Jedi? Personally, I really love that there are all of these characters out there with a bunch of different narrative paths open to them specifically because they AREN'T Jedi. Cassian Andor, Luthen Rael, Saw Gerrera, and Mon Mothma get to be REALLY intricate and morally ambiguous characters specifically because they are not Jedi at all. All the characters I listed above get to be these really lovely heroes for the little guy that showcase that you don't need to have cosmic powers and a laser sword and a fancy title to make a difference. There's a whole sort-of underlying side story within some of these stories about how the galaxy relied on the Jedi to solve all of their problems and how they're forced to step up and defend themselves for once after the Jedi are destroyed, leading to the introduction of all of these non-Force sensitive heroes, some more grey than others.
The Jedi are beacons of hope within the narrative, a model of selfless compassion to constantly strive towards. They are characters who consistently become their best selves through hard work and dedication. This is one of the MANY reasons I love them so much.
But I ALSO love that there are characters who AREN'T Jedi, characters who have no additional cosmic powers or knowledge, and have to figure out how to make the right choice instead of the easy choice ANYWAY, even when it's hard, even when it requires sacrifice. I love stories about the little people in the galaxy learning how to step up and emulate the Jedi when the Jedi are no longer there to be a bulwark between them and their own darkness. The beautiful tragedy of this entire side story lies in the galaxy learning the lessons the Jedi were trying so hard to teach them only after the Jedi themselves are gone due to the galaxy's selfishness. This is the bed the galaxy made for itself and now they have to lie in it. But they do! Eventually, person by person, they do.
And eventually, after many many years, just like their selfishness bore consequences, their selfless efforts also ultimately bring rewards in the form of the Jedi returning. And it's only once the Jedi and the people of the galaxy start fighting TOGETHER, the way they were always supposed to, that they're able to defeat the darkness. THAT'S the story. The Jedi and the people of the galaxy are in a symbiotic relationship with each other, a theme that doesn't work if you go for the concepts where everyone gets to be a Jedi. The Jedi are a specific group of people, they are the Force made manifest, they are beacons of hope, they are an ideal to work towards. This doesn't work with the "Jedi can also be people without Force sensitivity" or "everyone has Force sensitivity" concepts. It just doesn't.
So of course there are plenty of characters who aren't Force sensitive who follow Jedi philosophies or act in a way the Jedi would approve of. These people are the ones choosing to be in balance with the Jedi, which in turn is what brings balance to the entire galaxy.
If this interpretation of Star Wars and the Jedi comes off as boring to you, then, well, that sounds like a you problem and you're more than welcome to find a different corner of fandom to go spend time in and leave me to my corner.
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oldandcrusty · 11 months
What Avvar mage training tells us
Not enough people talk about the Avvar, which is a shame because they have some amazing history and practices. I find the way they handle mages to be especially enlightening and based as fuck.
So I made this post to summarise it!
In the above video, I captured two conversations with the Augur of Stone-Bear Hold, and Sigrid - the mage-in-training who went into a self-imposed exile. I'll summarise what mage training looks like for the Avvar, and then delve into the implications.
Augurs are the spiritual leaders of the Hold, but are not necessarily mages - though they often are.
Spirits are called 'gods' by the Avvar. The Avvar do also have named gods, and these appear to be particularly powerful spirits.
Mages among the Avvar bind themselves to a spirit in order to be trained - i.e., they become 'abominations' in the eyes of the chantry, which Dorian confirms in the video. This occurs at a young age, in Sigrid's case when she was a child.
The spirit becomes the mage's trainer. Years later, when the training is done, the mage releases the spirit in a ritual which requires only a small sacrifice (like a bird) and a vial of lyrium.
If a mage cannot release the spirit, then the situation is handled carefully. In Sigrid's case, she just didn't want to say goodbye to a good friend. She goes to the Augur after this, and he confirms that they are working on helping her overcome her loneliness.
If the reason is they are truly incapable of releasing the spirit (they are 'weak', though it's unclear what this means), then the Hold and spirits watches over them to prevent them from growing 'sick'. The Augur implies that if the mage does sicken and endangers themselves or the Hold, they are euthanised and pass away peacefully in their sleep. He says it is a very sad event.
What are the implications of this, then?
Reversing 'possession' can actually be really easy. We knew it was possible from DAO, but now we see that it need not require a massive amount of lyrium or blood magic. If the 'possession' does not happen in a state of extreme desperation/distress (which the Circle and Templars love to put mages in), then reversal is simple.
Mages who cannot release the spirit might 'sicken' - and I suspect that's what they tried to show with Anders. What 'sicken' means is not clarified by the Augur, but from our Anders experience we can piece together that the Augur means they grow mentally and physically unwell. But even this can be prevented or mitigated with proper care.
It appears to be very, very rare that mages among the Avvar turn into the types of abominations we fight in the games, because the Augur never even mentions it happening.
So, in conclusion: The Avvar treat their mages with the most humanity and compassion of everyone, resulting in very few instances of violent abominations.
(Note: tbh I have no idea wtf the Dalish mage training is like because the games contradict themselves even within the same clan, so I can't really draw comparisons to the Dalish, unfortunately.)
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Could i make a request for Cassian where him and reader aren't a thing yet but she has been in love with him for centuries but because she is so insecure and shy she doesnt have it in her to tell Cassian. So later on when nesta comes in, reader sees him spending a lot of time with nesta and reader thinks her chances are over with Cassian and is upset and starts isolating herself, not eating and getting weaker. The whole inner circle is confused by her change and worried, and finally when cassian realises, he comes in and tells reader he loves her and wants her only. They could end up being mates too...upto you!!
Forever yours.
Cassian x f!Reader.
Warnings; angst.
I had so much fun writing this! Hope you enjoy it.
“Give it back” you screamed as the five young boys held your diary. They were taller than you and you couldn’t reach it. You were in the middle of a circle they created with their bodies jumping to reach your diary as they laughed. 
“Come on, just get it shortie” one of them yelled.
“Please” your voice was breaking. The tallest one was shaking your diary above his head tearing some pages with the motion.
“If I were you I would give it back” a new voice sounded. The boys turned in the direction it came from. They were so tall that you couldn’t see who it was, just the top of his head since he was taller than them, black hair was the only thing you could see. 
“We’re not you though. But thanks for the advice” one of the boys snorted. 
“It’s not an advice, it’s a warning.” 
“What are you going to do about that bastard?” The tallest one said. 
You didn’t see anything else than a blur, he moved so fast… you only heard some cracking and groans. Three of the boys ran away while the other two including the one who had your diary were on the ground, blood was pouring down their noses. And then you saw him, a boy… he looked a bit older than you, black hair that reached his chin and the most beautiful hazel eyes you had ever seen. 
“I think this belongs to you” he smiled and gave you the diary. 
“Thank you” you smiled and hugged him.
And that was how you and Cassian met almost 500 years ago. You grew up in an Illyrian camp, and because you were high fae; the Illyrian kids loved to make fun of you and hurt you. One of the women found you one day in the woods and took you in. The lord of the camp felt pity for you and let her raise you there. You later on found out that the residents of the nearby village used to sacrifice their first born if it was a female to the cauldron in order to conceive a male next time. You didn’t know who your parents were and didn’t really care, if they were able to leave a baby in the woods then you didn’t want to meet them anyway. 
Cassian became your protector after the incident and as the years passed you fell in love with him. It was hard to be in love with someone like Cass, he is a stunning male in every way possible and gets a lot of attention from the females. The other reason why it is so hard is that he is so loud and outgoing while you are shy and quiet. You couldn’t see how it would work out for the two of you if you ever became something more than friends, so you kept your mouth shut and never revealed your feelings. He would never bother with a female like me. You always thought.
Then you moved to Velaris and Rhysand gave you some duties as a healer so you kept yourself occupied and didn’t really think about the whole situation with Cassian anymore.
Later on, Feyre burst into your life and everything changed for the better, you two became good friends and you strongly believed that she discovered your feelings about him, yet she never said anything so you weren’t sure. 
But even though Feyre’s arrival brought you so much joy, you couldn’t say the same about her sisters -especially Nesta. The oldest Archeron sister was something made out of the worst nightmare, she gave migraines to everyone in the inner circle and especially Rhysand. In order to create some peace Cassian approached her and helped her overcome her addictions and fears and finally embrace what she became when she emerged from the Cauldron. You had never felt more proud of him. 
The pride though didn’t last long as the jealousy crept in; Cassian would spend more and more time with Nesta and completely ignore you and the plans you made and even though you always thought you didn’t have a chance with him this time you were sure about that. How could you ever compete with her? She was absolutely gorgeous and talented, she moved gracefully as she grew up in a wealthy family -at least until they bankrupted- and she was confident and strong. You on the other hand felt like a joke in front of her… you didn’t feel as beautiful as her, you didn’t have her grace you were raised in an Illyrian camp for crying out loud and you weren’t confident at all. 
You believed that you could handle the pain and move on but things never go as we hope. 
At first you missed training and when Cassian didn’t even notice… you were devastated so you stopped eating too. This was not a decision you made, you just completely lost your appetite. You were getting weaker and thinner as the days went by and suddenly lost every ounce of energy for social interaction. You skipped the night outs and shopping trips with Mor, you stopped hanging out with everyone and missed every dinner. The rest of the inner circle seemed to notice that and tried to approach you but you brushed them off. 
You groaned as you heard noise from the dining room, Rhysand once again decided to have a dinner party in the house of wind -your house. 
You couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t have those in the river house. You shut your bedroom’s door and laid on your bed. Maybe if you slept no one would try to bother you. 
Dining room 
“What are we going to do about y/n?” Rhysand asked with a worried look on his face.
Cassian glanced around in confusion.
“Why what’s wrong with her?” He was panicking. 
“Are you serious?” Mor exclaimed. “When was the last time she came to training? Or to dinner? Or anywhere?” 
“She has lost way too much weight” Azriel added. 
Cassian’s eyebrows were furrowed as he thought everything his friends said. He was trying so hard to help Nesta in order to keep his high lord and high lady -brother and sister at this point- happy that he didn’t notice what was happening to you. He started thinking about when he last saw you acting like your old self. It was a few days after Nesta appeared…that was the last time you smiled at him. And then he realised why.
He didn’t hear anything else they said, he just abruptly stood up and hurried off to your room. 
You heard footsteps down the hall and you shut your eyes again, making your breath even and parting your lips… hoping you would be able to trick whoever was coming to get you. There was a soft knock on your door and when you didn’t reply you heard it open.
Someone walked slowly towards your bed and sat down next to you. His musky scent with a little bit of spice made your heart beat faster.
You felt a hand caressing your cheek and his voice soft and melodic as he spoke.
“Doll, I know you’re not sleeping… I taught you this remember?” 
You wanted to cry, he always knew when you lied… it was like he knew every part of your soul and maybe he did… after all he taught you everything you now know, you grew up together. 
You opened your eyes and glanced at him. He was so beautiful, you just stared at him not sure what to say. Cassian pulled the duvet off you and scanned your body. 
“They were right you have lost way too much weight” he frowned. You only nodded.
“What is going on doll please talk to me”  he pleaded.
“Nothing I’m okay” you muttered and tried to turn your back on him to no avail since he grabbed your hip and laid you again on your back. 
“You don’t get to do this baby. Talk to me!” 
“I’m fine Cassian leave. Nesta is probably wondering where the hell you are.” You shouted, surprising both Cassian and you. 
“So that’s what this is all about. Nesta…” Cassian smiled once you confirmed his initial thoughts. 
“Are you in love with me?” He asked, the smile never leaving his face. 
You shook your head, you didn’t want to destroy your friendship. 
“That’s a shame, because I’m completely and utterly in love with you.” You gaped at him. “From the moment I saw that little short girl crying and jumping in that circle I knew that she was the one for me. And I promised to love and protect her until my last breath. And because of that promise I didn’t want to tell you that I’m in love with you just in case I ruined our friendship and you distanced yourself.” 
You didn’t know what to say, tears filled your eyes and he wiped away the few that escaped with his thumbs.
“Cass…” you whispered.
“I love you and only you forever” he whispered back and pressed his forehead against yours.
“I love you so much that it hurts” you replied.
And then he captured your lips with his own, the kiss soft yet needy. Sparkles erupted in your stomach and then you both froze.
You felt your chest tightening and then it snapped. You gasped and stared at Cassian wide-eyed… his eyes filled with tears and he chuckled.
“We are mates” you smiled.
“Yes we are, and I am the luckiest bastard on this world” he grinned and you slapped his chest. 
Everything was going to be alright you thought as you let your mate pull you in his strong arms. 
Princess chapter 3 coming tomorrow! Requests are open!
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coffee-master · 6 months
Ninjago Alternative Universe elemental change with Kai having Water and Nya having Fire powers:
Ok, so before you go hear me out.
#Sibling elemental change
I know it's hard to imagine Kai having water powers instead of fire. It probably would look as if didn't fit him. It's way easier to imagine Nya with Fire element I guess.
But I think it'd be interesting to see his character development with that power. The fact that his character wouldn't fit to his power and Especially adding to this Kai's fear of drowning and the fact that he hates water.
It'd be nice character development to see.
At the begining of the season it'd Kai who was kidnapped by skeletons.
Not because he was weaker than her or something. Kai would probably try to safe his sister and by coocidence got kidnapped instead of her. Just to make sure she was safe he prefered to sacrifice himself.
Nya would train why Master Wu and become a strong ninja of fire to rescue her brother. But also bonded with the other ninjas.
In the meantime she'd also think that Jay's flirting attempts are cute-
Later seasons would also have a big impact on Kai.
Kai was Nya's older brother. He practically raised her. So, the fact that she is a ninja fighting evil and risking her life every day would definitely made a big impact on him.
The fact that Nya is stronger than him, and he cannot protect or help her in any way, would cause frustration, anger, and above all, a sense of helplessness in him.
Kai would try to support the team in any way he could, but the helplessness would still make him feel down and be with him.
From time to time he'd act like a big brother.
He wouldn't like Jay's interest in Nya at first, but later would accept it, since she likes him so much.
There wouldn't be a phase of being a green ninja, because well he isn't a ninja.
Instead Nya would like to become one. Not because of the titel or anything, but becuase it'd mean to be better to improve. Nya wants perfection. She wants to be the best version of herself. So she works very hard to achieve that.
She wouldn't be annoying about becoming the green ninja like Kai- She would work hard to be the best.
In the meantime comes Lloyd.
Kai has way better relationship with him here compared to the cannon.
Suprisingly he isn't irritated by him, but just simply takes care with him. He plays kind of big role for young Lloyd.
Kai is patience with him and tries to teach him and be nice. Maybe it'd somehow remind him of rising his younger sister(?) Kai would spend time with him, shove comfort and some support that he needed and just act like a Big Brother towards him.
Their relationship would be pretty strong.
There would happen at slightly little drama between Kai, Nya & Lloyd. [BUT NOTHING TOO SERIOUS]
Nya would be probably a little annoyed why her brother is so nice towards him. She'd be irrited since Lloyd recently just acted like a brat. (He mostly made pranks like making Zane's costume pink and ect.-) And she doesn't understand Kai's indifference towards it.
But everything would resolve, when Nya safed Lloyd from vulcano and unlocked her true potential.
Bla bla.. to lazy to write next seasons.. But basically Kai would be a big support as a red Samurai, Lloyd's role model and he'd slowly come closer to the other teammates.
He wouldn't be just fire ninjas brother, but feel more like a part of the group.
Then the situation with the ghost would happen.
Sensei Wu would tell him about his Water Powers and that's were everything starts to break.
Kai has to learn how control water.
But the point is that Kai hates water.
Kai can't swim, is afraid of drowning and basicly is aquafobic-
This is the time where he has to overcome his fear to safe everyone.
This is the time when everything that he belived turned into a lie. That%'s the time when his life turned upside down and just everything is a mess.
He tries to deny it. He doesn't belive in it. He hates it.
He hates water.
But in the end he begins his training, because the life of the loved one's is WAY more important.
He starts training with master Wu. Nothing goes well, because of his character that is a completely opposite to this power.
Moreover he got a few panic attacts while being in the deep water that doesn't end well.
Kai hates this power. He doens't accept it as his. He doesn't accept it being part of him. He's basically forced to learn it because of the situation and persuading the master.
But in the end his able to overcome it.
By the talk with someone he's able to see the source of his fear. He finally sees the beauty of his power.
He takes a deep breath and immerses himself in the water, clearing his mind and he's calm.
He's part of the water and water is part of him.
Kai accepts this part of him and is able to control it.
Absolutely I hope that I've demonstrated the true potential of this idea, and how it could indeed turn into something really cool.
But seriously I hope that someone will notice it. A nice fic could come from it.
I also really tired not to add and lavashipping ideas here, because it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it could have been here something.
I don't know if I will ever write this or not. It's really hard to tell.
But if anyone wants to write this or something simliar to it then go on. I don't see a problem. The more us the better!
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flammenkobold · 9 months
One thing I am a bit obsessed about in TLT (aside from everything) is Harrow's arc about survival and living.
She is alive, she is surviving, against all odds.
But - crucially - never at all costs.
She shouldn't be alive, but she is. She wants to be alive, but she will not sacrifice the people around her to do so.
She cost 200 children, but she knows no matter what nothing she does will repay that debt - those lives.
When Gideon dies to save her (and Camilla) Harrow refuses the pay the price of becoming a full lyctor. She looked at the cost of becoming a lyctor and said no that is too much and I refuse to pay.
For all that she wanted to kill Gideon the First, when he is about to be killed by someone else she choses to help him over her own safety and this gives her the information she needs to protect herself against him without taking his life.
She calls, subconsciously, for help in the River and the ghosts of those she met and lost in Canaan house as well as Ortus come to her aid and still, even if her soul is on the line, once she becomes aware of what is going on she tells them to leave - only to find out that they could have left at any time and chose not to because they want to help her.
Her arc in Harrow the Ninth is a lot about surviving and about accepting that sometimes the price has already been paid and to accept that. But ultimately she find out that her refusal to pay might actually have paid off. Gideon's soul is still there - Gideon is still there. And so she goes I am not intending to die, but I am not going to let go of the chance to save Gideon and be with her again. There is a difference between keeping a slip of a dance card and saving the last dance. And it's made clear that she intends to find another way out of the mess she is in, that she has no intent to die herself but she can't, at this moment, return to the living without risking Gideon again.
And then we have her bits in Nona, sparse as they are, but she is back to finding her own way, she is back to fighting and then she places her life into the hands of Alecto. Alecto who gave Harrow the will to live in her darkest moment and if Alecto wants her dead then she is not going to fight her. And again this pays off, instead of killing her Alecto swears herself to Harrow.
And idk this feels so meaningful, especially in her own book, where she find herself in a world where people around her see the deaths of others as a necessary price to pay, where other people are often just considered small change or nothing worth at all - or at worst a liability to be eliminated - Harrow looks at the world and goes: yes I want to live, yes my life cost too much to throw it away, but the lives and souls of other people have value too. She survives, she fights for her life, but she never places her own life above everyone else.
She haggles with death and imo so far she keeps winning.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 9 months
Why Jason Grace is The Most Tragic Character in the Riordanverse
*in no way is this trying to dial down Nico's own suffering, I'm just stating my case for Jason because godsdamn SOMEBODY needs to say it!*
@most-tragic-character-tournament here's propoganda i came out guns ablazing
List of why fans are saying Nico:
Lost his mother
lost years of his life
found out he was a demigod at age 10
lost sister at 10
rough relationship with his dad
closeted gay
crush is madly in love with somebody else
forced to come out
List of why Jason is more tragic:
Lost his mom to alcoholism/mental decline
Lost his ENTIRE FUCKING CHILDHOOD because Said Mom gave him up to Juno to be raised by a PACK OF WOLVES who would've EATEN HIM if he was WEAK FOR EVEN A SECOND - AS A FUCKING TWO YEAR OLD
Was a trained demigod FROM THE GET-GO (again, TWO YEARS OLD)
Was set up into a "perfect" relationship by Juno/Hera WHILE HAVING HIS MEMORIES TAKEN
Jason may not have had the awful forced outting Nico had to go through, but...that's not really his fault? Nobody has any control over their sexual identity, and Jason? Well. He never really got to explore it. Because that was taken from him too.
then. then his girlfriend breaks up with him - not because of any drama, or even a disagreement, but over a very valid point
their relationship didn't exactly start out very...honestly. Jason had been mind-wiped of all memories and Piper had fake ones implanted into her to make her think she liked Jason as more than a friend. sure. they had a pretty nice relationship, but when everything slowed down and they took a look at their lives?
Piper's the one who sees it first, and makes the decision. Jason is heartbroken, but understands - he even, dare I say, agrees that they should end the relationship. it was built on fake memories - you could say it was built on lies.
and now Jason has this opportunity to step back and analyze who he is and what he wants.
what he finds is depressing. everything he's had, everything's he's been up till now...
it's not him.
he never wanted to be raised by Lupa and her wolves.
he never wanted to be Jupiter's son
he never wanted to be the exalted leader Camp Jupiter praised him for
From day 1 his life was somebody else's. his first steps were under the tutelage of a wolf, not of the loving eyes of his sister
Camp Jupiter only ever saw him as the demigod to be praised and turn to above all others, even before he became praetor.
Jason's life...was never his own.
and now that he's away from all that pressure and expectation...he doesn't know who he is.
Son of Jupiter?
Champion of Juno?
Praetor of the Twelfth Legion?
Member of the Prophesized Seven?
Hero of Olympus?
no. he was never himself under these names.
he was never...Jason.
but maybe now he could start navigating his own life. without some god intervening for once. this would be good for him, and for Piper, to find their own way.
but then. then they talk to Herophile...and find out one of them will die. And Jason? Well, he's not going to let Piper be taken from the life she deserves. he may not be her boyfriend, her knight in shining armor, but he sure as HELL loves her - especially as a friend. And if there's one thing you should know about Jason? It's that he loves his friends.
so what does he do? He sacrifices himself. He duels Caligula himself, and urges Piper, Meg, and Apollo to Go, save yourselves! and -
he's stabbed. through the chest. the only thing he can do? Look to Apollo, to the blue gaze so much like his own drenched in horror, and ask; Remember. because he didn't get to live the life he wished, but maybe Apollo could - no, Apollo can, he can make the difference Jason wanted. Because he trusts Apollo.
Jason doesn't regret his sacrifice. he saved Piper from the prophecy, after all. He saved Apollo & Meg's lives too.
in fact, Jason didn't really mind dying. Because he didn't have much of a life either. And a life like that? shrug It's worth sacrificing for those who deserve theirs.
and as icing on the cake, remember who Jason's father is? The almighty, all-powerful Jupiter himself, King of the Gods?
he doesn't do a damn thing to help Jason. Not a single. Thing.
because Jupiter/Zeus doesn't care about his children. Especially his sons.
Zeus saved Thalia. But he didn't even try to save Jason.
Trying would have at least lessened the pain...
People like to claim Jason is a bland, boring character who's never suffered a minute in his life. That he's a golden retriever with no flaws.
Take a look up there and ask yourself - it that the life of a boy who knows no suffering?
Because it sure as hell don't look that way to me.
To me, it looks like Jason was a used, depressed young man who never got to choose his own path. Who's father abandoned him first to his wife's mercy, then to a cruel emperor's.
Jason Grace suffered.
and he never got to live that happy life he saw within the Fates.
Never got to get that family, those grandchildren he saw himself telling the story of the Argo II to.
Because The Fall of Jason Grace is a true, utter tragedy.
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sinsmockingbird · 7 months
Rahu's... huge. In all aspects. She's tough and rough, extremely strong and merciless. Compared to quite petite chief she looks almost like a wolf or even a bear whereas the chief might remind someone of a rabbit chased by a dangerous predator... Though, this predator is hers.
Rahu knows nothing about being gentle and affectionate, she doesn't know any appropriate ways and reasons to express her feelings. She doesn't even know what she feels! So she startles when on a mission you grab her arm and squeeze it in yours. Her breath hitches when on the way home you nuzzle against her like a cat, resting your head on her chest. Rahu's head's spinning when you kiss her for the first time and your kiss is something... Different. It's not a bloody and painful sacrifice she's used to making, it's soft, tender and warm. And addicting. She wants more, she wants you to kiss her more! Kiss her good morning and good night, before heading out to the battlefield and when she returns, during dinner and meetings, she's always here to feel your lips, to put her palm on your nape (is she gentle enough? or is she hurting you accidentally? she doesn't mean to, so if so please be patient...), she's determined to leave with your lipstick all over her.
She used to estimate your body as weak and helpless but now she considers it quite... suitable. She can hold you with one arm, it's no problem for her to just throw you over her shoulder and head to the destination carrying you like that. You're still quite fragile in her opinion, so her hands tremble a bit as she undresses you for the first time. No matter how much you encourage her to be harsher with you, she just... Cannot. At first, at least. Her hands are shaking, she's panting and waiting for you to let her do something. She won't do anything without your consent. Though, after a while she'll get used to it... And she'll be ruining this petite body daily and nightly, caressing it afterwards with all her affection and love.
She loves you, that's something to never doubt. Loves you more than anything. She's not asking much in return for her love, though. Just for you not to die too soon. No, you're not allowed to do that. Just... Don't. Please, don't leave her.
Ugh, ughhhhh! This is so fucking good I literally have no words, anon. People are def. delivering on giving me Rahu stuff because I'm not normal about her! This is so good I just need to add my thoughts onto it!
CW: Smut under the cut!
RAHU WAS nothing but cautious when with you for the longest time. Cautious with her kisses, cautious with the way she held you, and especially cautious in the way she touched you. She didn't want to hurt you whatsoever, you meant too much to her that she couldn't live with herself at the thought of doing something that hurt you.
But overtime, she became more comfortable with you, with having you in her hands. She learned what your body could and couldn't take so she wasn't as afraid of accidentally pushing over that without knowing. Becoming comfortable with you also comes an addiction for her -- an addiction to kiss you, to feel your body against hers and hear your beautiful moans.
Rahu needs you often, she needs you in her arms and under her so much. Almost every night she can't stop her hands from clinging to you and exploring your body, whimpers of needing you slipping past her lips. She won't do anything too extreme though, not until you give her verbal consent to continue.
And once you do she's touching you in all the right places, kissing every inch of your skin and pleasing you to her hearts content. Your pleasure goes above hers always, a reason why she wants to touch and taste you first before she even thinks about relieving the strain in her pants.
And once she makes you cum with her mouth, she'll free her huge, throbbing cock from her pants. She's so desperate that she's whining and sloppy with her next movements as she tries to push herself into you. She'll fail the first few times, instead rutting against your thigh until you guide her to your weeping cunt.
She's so relieved at the feeling of you wrapped around her length. She'll be sure to start gentle, to let you get adjusted to her huge size -- because she knows you need time to adjust to it even after all this time. But once you tell her to go rougher, she doesn't hesitate like she used to, knowing your smaller body can handle her.
So Rahu will fuck into you so deeply, losing herself more and more in her pleasure as she nears her climax. She can't stop, bot until she's filled you up with her seed. Even then she sometimes wants to go another round, and those are the times she'll cuddle you and fuck you gently, letting you rest while getting her needed relief.
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illululusion · 8 months
I have not been normal about nerdy prudes must die since it came out so it seems its time for me to write my analysis of 'the summoning'.
I will put a cut down here because holy shit i did not think i was this normal about them this is long. also spoilers for nerdy prudes must die!
Now the summoning is what I would consider the climax of the show.* The scene answers the big questions of the show. Not by just stating the answer like the mayor does, it shows us. it also shows us the oh so beloved oh moment of Steph knowing she loves Peter.
The scene also uses some form of chekov's gun multiple times.
We've been told that the school was built at what used to be a black altar. this scene shows what such a black altar allows someone to do. especially in combination with the book.
A literal chekov's gun, the gun Grace stole and then Steph got is heavily implied to be used. (finally)
As i've stated before the love situation. We knew Steph and Peter had something going for them but this only confirms it.
THE PHONE! Steph thinks her phone is the thing she cherishes most, which is not a big stretch, we've seen her be willing to suffer injury to protect her phone. (a lovely little detail)
they setup Grace using the book against dirty dudes.
I may be missing something whoops but yeah,
now the scène itself has a lovely buildup. First the three are in very low energy summoning the lords in black. The frightened energy is just seeping out of them, you know this is their last resort. Then the lords in black appear, from a pure darkness, with a high energy slightly discordant song (the piano and the guitar clash a slight bit). This stands in contrast with the slow piano music under the teens throughout the scene. Within this song the lords in black seem unsurprised by the situation, they seem elated even. They also clearly state they are not forces of good at most they can be considered gray ("us spawn of the Black and White") however the other pieces of lyrics are very much against that assumption.
Let's look at some of the dialogue a bit more closely why not? I wont be looking at all of the dialogue because thats a bit too insane even for me.
"Out of the depths of Hell and back" Us spawn of the Black and White" "Cover our souls with robes of black" "And take up the arms of night"
This seems to me even like they chose to be in the black, they are from hell they're from the night.
"Nibbleline wants his sacrifice And Wiggly wants his wrath We dance around the pentagram And take all our kingdoms back"
The previous shows intent: sacrifice, wrath, getting what they deserve.
"You summon us once you summon us twice, You gamble it on a roll of the dice"
Now this is what predicts Grace's dirty dudes must die. it also seems to imply that Steph's father among others used the book foolishly, the chance of victory seemed to outweigh the risks.
"The devil has won it can't be undone The book has all but closed on your life"
Shows that the lords know the teens are in no position to bargain. They know theyre above them.
Wiggly: Don't be so formal, Stephie. We're all paly-wals here. I mean, look at us. We even hold court in your own tongue and form. Go Nighthawks! (Lords in Black laughing) Pokey: Our true forms would melt your minds. WIggly: Don't frighten them, Pokey, you nasty boy.
This is what we'll see more in this scene wiggly is the medium between the will of the lords in black and the teens. An interesting detail. This also seems to be Wiggly trying to make the teens be less guarded. THeyre showing some sort of "goodwill", like "hey we could easily kill you but we're throwing you a rock let's see what can happen.". Additionally, this also shows them being more powerful than the teens again.
"The Lords in Black will help you yes You stupid silly girl Why help you with the Jagerman When we can help the world!"
Once again a show of power, why even ask for help they're already there just show them what you can give them. They have got all the time for anything, theyre more powerfull than just stopping that jagerman.
"Steph: What about a bargain? We'll give you whatever you want. Just get rid of Jagerman!"
A show that the teens have no other choice. THe fact they have heard the lords in black say theyre from hell doesn't matter anymore. They're at a low point.
"Whatever we want we want we want Whatever we want we get Whatever you want you want you want Forever in our debt"
no other way to say this other than: "you fucked up kids"
Wiggly: "Oh, you'll hardly miss it. We just want what you cherish most."
hmmm understatements are fun. I love these paradoxical statements.
Wiggly: One of you must give up the thing you treasure above all else. Pokey: Do it, or die!
Once again a lovely power statement, though that's not what I found interesting. The interesting part about this is that they only ask for ONE of them fo give up what they cherish most. They could ask for way more, they've made that clear. So why ask for only one thing?
"We don't give a shit about your phone"
This is the one moment I feel like the lords in black loose their composure. My hypothesis? they don't like people lying to themselves when something is very clear.
"The Lords in Black the Lords in Black call us"
The chorus sing the lords in black call us, WHO ARE THE CHORUS I NEED TO KNOW.
"Out of the depths of hell and back Us spawn of the black and white Cover our souls with robes of black And take up the arms of night You summon us once you summon us twice You gamble it on a roll of the dice La la la la la la la la la la The devil has won it can't be undone The book has all but closed on your life"
JUSt one thing: A lovely circular closure to the scene.
OKAY thats the dialogue wooooo (theres more to be said about it probably but also I just My brain want to get to the next part.)
Okay Okay okay okay now for the fun part!
The lovely staging and costume and its so wonderfull.
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So in the above image we can see the lords in black as well as the teens. As i've stated before the lords in black like to make a show in power and the dynamics are very much powerless vs. allpowerfull.
Now what the positioning on the stage does is show this contrast as well. The lords in black are all over the stage standing, moving, dancing. High energy high standing. This while the teens are sitting on the floor, all together, they're as small as they can be in this setting. This shows how little power they have at this point.
The lighting as well as the costumes adds a lot as well:
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See the teens here? no special lighting aside from the effects of the lords. This is in incredible contrast with the lords. colourful and bright. This is similarly the case with their costumes, the teens all have quite plain clothes, nothing special for a costume definitely, we do have the more unique clothing to define each character** but that falls away once you look at the lords:
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Wiggly: bright green light (so much fun green isnt used in stage lighting often i am in love), Green clothing, a suit with glossy pants a crown and of course the wiggly doll in the back.
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Nibbly: SO PINk, but also fleshy pink somehow. the lighting isnt as obvious but it is still pink. here the sparkes return. The giant lolly. just the giant lolly.
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Blinky: Interesting choice to have the face as obscured as it is. once again i cant say the lighting is very obvious but it is there. The purple orange colour contrast makes them stand out. when in comparison to the others his costume isnt as showy.
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Tinky: HOLY SHIT THE EYESHADOW. which isnt visible because.... yes the lighting! yellow lighting! the outfit isn't as sparkly but because it is the brightest outfit of them all I doubt that would have been neccesary. It keeps the balance. I am also Biassed I love this getup.
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Pokey: once again: LIGHTING! blue! but also, Pokey I feel is the least obvious lord in black in the scene, the positioning on the side of the stage across from Tinky the yellow and blue contrast how fun. especially as Wiggly (green) is in the middle. just so good.
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I just wanted to add some more because look at how wiggly is so much higher in this scene, he needs to look down on the teens, but doesn't do that often, not even bothered to look at them wow. Also quick note wiggly seems the most bothered by the summoning, wonder why.
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And whenever all of the lords are singing with their discordant choreography, the lighting goes all disco and far brighter. A great detail to show they're individuals but are similar. see how the light is not green here? yeah that happens whenever all of the lords are speaking.
All in all I think Nerdy prudes must die is now in my top three favourite starkid shows. and I will be using the lords in black as inspiration in the play I'm in currently as well because this is exactly the type of thing we were looking for. and also I am not going to be able to think about anything but this show for ages.
I highly encourage anyone to give their opinions or whatever they noticed because I need it I would love to hear them. GO NIGHTHAWKS!
1* Now this comes at a relatively late time in the (already very long) show. At the 2 hour point we've been following our dear cast for around 4/5ths of the show. Now keep in mind this is doesn't matter much, but I think it's interesting that they chose to have the climax at this point. The play being as long as it is means they had to have been very confident in their ability to keep the viewers attention and especially with the slow buildup.
2** OH MY GOODNESS I JUST REALISED HOW WELL STEPH AND PETER's PALLETTES WORK TOGETHER. like theyre both earth tones. the green and brown fit together so well, and then you also have the patterns, different but still similar enough to not clash.
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mymanyfandomramblings · 7 months
Mabel's perspective in Sock Opera is equally, if not more sympathetic than Dipper's: An Essay
Most people generally wouldn't consider Mabel to have a terribly sympathetic plotline in Sock Opera, even those of us who don't necessarily feel that she's horribly selfish. I think that's because, from a narrative perspective, her plotline is (as it so often is) shafted in favour of Dipper's, and from a viewer's perspective, Dipper's makes more sense. We, as viewers want to know who the author is. We, as viewers, know that Gabe is inevitably going to turn out to be some variety of impossible, and we know that the Author of the Journals is a major mystery. However, from Mabel's perspective, none of this is true, because she doesn't have the luxury of knowing she is in a TV show. Even if you take out Gabe, her perspective still makes perfect sense.
At the beginning of summer, Dipper found this journal, and Mabel has generally been pretty happy to go along with his adventures as the journal has led them, but it's clear she doesn't have the same degree of fascination with it. Maybe she may have been a little intrigued by who the Author is, she's probably a bit curious, but not to the same extent. By the time of Sock Opera, she's probably reasonably ready for the Journal fixation to be over, considering that they nearly all got killed by a shapeshifter trying to find the author. She knows that trying to investigate the author is dangerous--Stan warned them away from the supernatural, they've all nearly died multiple times, but Dipper cannot be stopped. And now Dipper has decided to spend hours and hours and hours, forgoing sleep, sitting in front of a screen, typing in passwords. The fact that Mabel tries to drag him away from it is a good thing--anyone with a relative who spends excessive amounts of time in front of a computer can tell you that. Generally, having someone close to you become deeply fixated to the point of obsession with anything can be challenging, however in Mabel's case, Dipper has become obsessed to the point of prioritising getting into the laptop above anything, and this isn't just a regular hyperfixation: this is a hyperfixation that has nearly gotten them both (plus their loved ones) nearly killed multiple times in the last few weeks. It's absolutely the responsible, good thing for Mabel to do to not enable that behaviour.
And then if you add the puppet show back into the equation, then yes, it is kind of ridiculous of Mabel to put on a whole show of that kind of magnitude just for a boy (regardless of whether the boy deserves it), however, as viewers we must accept that this is, in fact, thoroughly within character for Mabel, who is kind of ridiculous. Any kind of production of that size is a huge commitment, especially if you've given yourself a week to work, and I'm not remotely bothered by the fact that Mabel has to get everyone involved on this. And to Mabel's credit, she does try to help Dipper as soon as he appears to her in puppet form, she just isn't immediately willing to stop the show. Back in high school, my drama class did a play that I mostly wrote, mostly managed and also had a small acting role in (yes, I was an overachiever in drama), and let me tell you, it would have taken a lot to have gotten me to call off the show halfway through, much less publicly sabotage it. A demon threatening the lives of one of my siblings? Probably yes. That probably would have done it. And Mabel does allow the thing that she poured blood, sweat and tears into to go literally up in flames in front of everyone, once she realises that's what she has to do (and personally, I don't think that there's anything wrong with not immediately being willing to drop everything for this. It's not like Dipper doesn't dig in his heels about doing what's best until the very last possible second). I don't know why people insist it's not 'technically a sacrifice', because while, yes, obviously Dipper's life was more important, and she 100% made the right choice, it's not easy to wreck something you worked hard on in front of people.
All this is to say that although it's easy to become irritated at Mabel during this episode because she's hindering Dipper's ability to figure out who the author is, it's also very easy not to realise that she has a thoroughly reasonable perspective, simply because the narrative puts greater emphasis and attention of Dipper's perspective.
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thewertsearch · 2 months
@manorinthewoods submitted: ~LOSS (8/11/23) So, long scenario inbound. What if you tossed all the Sburb players we've seen so far (with their powers, but somehow reworked to fit with the Locked Tomb's necromancy stuff) into Canaan House? (My pairings for this would be, in the form of necromancer"mage"/cavalier, Aradia and Sollux, Karkat and Terezi, Rose and Kanaya, John and Dave, Vriska and Tavros, Feferi and Eridan, Equius and Nepeta, and by elimination Jade and Gamzee. Make your own if you want, or throw out the whole system.) What would happen? Who would die? Would anybody achieve Lyctordom?
Oh, I like this one.
[Locked Tomb spoilers abound below. You have been warned.]
I’m mostly keeping your pairings, because I like them. A lot of Homestuck’s powers would break the setting of The Locked Tomb, so let’s just assume the necromancers have the typical abilities of their House, and that the cavaliers don’t have powers. Let’s also assume that the Seventh House is still being impersonated by a Lyctor.
Second House: Captain Karkat Vantas & Lieutenant Terezi Pyrope
A very well-balanced duo. I suspect Karkat would be a half-decent necromancer if if wasn’t for his self-doubt, and Cohort training would replace doubt with cold duty. His magic is particularly destructive, and causes enormous collateral. Bucking tradition, his cav is effectively the leader, as she’s the superior strategist by far.
Endgame: They get pretty far – but when push comes to shove, Karkat would rather die than kill his closest friend, even though she thinks it would be funny. They refuse Lyctorhood, and are murdered by the Seventh.
Third House: Crown Princess Vriska Serket & Prince Tavros Nitram
Vriska embodies the best and worst of both Tridentarii. She’s ruthless, she’s quick-witted, she demands your attention, and she’s not above taking shortcuts. Her cavalier is a lot nicer than the canon one, but just as unlucky.
Endgame: You already know Tavros is ending this story the same way Naberius did. Full Lyctorhood, and the birth of the most dangerous necrosaint the Houses have ever seen.
Fourth House: Baron John Egbert & Sir Dave Strider
These goobers are too nice for the story they’re in. John is enthusiastic, and Dave is dutiful, but they lack the aptitudes required to obtain any keys. If it came to it, Dave is probably the most likely cavalier to pull a Gideon, especially given the Fourth’s tradition of self-sacrifice. John doesn’t have Harrow’s resourcefulness, though, and wouldn’t be able to preserve Dave’s soul.
Endgame: Murdered by the Seventh.
Fifth House: Lady Aradia Megido & Sir Sollux Captor
They’d honestly crush it. Aradia is a born Fifth House spirit talker, and the only Homestuck character to actually be a necromancer. Sollux isn’t a physical fighter, but he declares a laser pistol as his offhand, and no one wants to argue with the creepy scion of the Fifth, so a laser pistol it stays. Since Aradia isn’t a historian, they’re not targeted by the Seventh House Lyctor, and manage to complete most of the theorem rooms before shit hits the fan.
Endgame: Partial Lyctorhood. Aradia eats half of Sollux’s soul, he keeps the other half.
Sixth House: Master Warden Rose Lalonde & Kanaya Maryam
Now we’re talking! A Rose trained on the Sixth would give Palamedes a run for his money, and her partnership with Kanaya would be second to none. Let’s say she still has a romantic history with the Seventh House scion (Feferi, in this case) but is no longer in love with her, having got over her when she and Kanaya became a couple. Palamedes delayed his confrontation with ‘Dulcinea’ due to his feelings, and Rose would confront Feferi much earlier.
Endgame: Can a learned witch of the Sixth defeat an ancient saint of the Seventh? Maybe, if she plays it smart, and makes the right alliances. Write it yourself – I’ve got a liveblog to finish!
Seventh House: Duchess Feferi Pexies & Eridan Ampora
D------EAD before the trials began, Feferi is being impersonated by a sea-dweller Lyctor whose motivations I can’t dig into too much, or I’ll actually start to write this fanfic. Let’s just say she has similar goals to Cytherea, and leave it at that.
Eighth House: Master Templar Equius Zahhak and Nepeta Lejion
Come on, Equius, Your god commands you. Commit the cardinal sin. Become a saint. You’re not going to disobey the emperor, are you?
Endgame: I have just enough respect for Equius that I don’t think he’d kill Nepeta, even if ordered to. They probably go out fighting, before the final confrontation.
Ninth House: Reverend Daughter Jade Harley & Gamzee Makara
Gamzee’s useless, but at least he pulls off the facepaint. Jade’s not going to get much use out of him, unless she’s willing to siphon – as a highblood, he’s probably got a pretty strong constitution. Anyway, Jade’s wolf skeleton constructs are impressive, but she’ll be more or less attempting the trials alone, and that’s a tall order.
Endgame: Not nearly as important as in canon, the Ninth House might survive for a while by not really being a threat to anyone. Jade’s likely to befriend the Second and the Fourth, and go out in a blaze of glory avenging their deaths.
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shorthaltsjester · 11 months
i do not want to dig a hole but i am too much of a laura bailey pc enjoyer to not make this post so:
selfishness ≠ a lack of kindness 
selfishness is a theme that has come up with all of laura's main campaign pcs. that doesn't mean that her characters are always making selfish choices or that they don't care about the rest of the people they're with or that they're not good. it's just that, for the most part, the first thing they're thinking of when they take action or make choices is themselves. 
in jester and vex both it is more typical and obvious selfishness. vex's developed because she needed it to keep herself and vax alive and as safe as possible and it grew into a behaviour that she had to actively work to avoid. it's evident in her greed, her theft of the broom, her reaction to her own death which relied heavily on i'm okay/i survived to which keyleth reminded her that she wasn't the only one who had to witness and reckon with her death. in jester's case, she grew up in an environment that literally trained her to make every decision based on two things - her mother's opinion and her own. so, when she's out in the world without marion for the first time, her choices are those that will benefit her and her actions are those that consider her own thoughts and not really many others' (aside from the traveler's). 
it isn't a criticism of either vex or jester to say that they are characters who act selfishly. in fact, i'd argue that to claim otherwise does a great disservice to exactly how immense both of their character arcs are. because the nuance of both jester and vex is that they are selfish, and they also hold extreme room for self-sacrifice and empathy. vex is much more brash than jester is, and jester is much more trusting than vex, but both of them are characters who begin with selfish impulses who grow with them. neither ever truly shed those impulses, but they use them in new ways, typically transforming them into impulses towards things that are in the best interest of the party. 
you may have noticed the lack of imogen in this post about laura bailey pcs and that's because of two reasons. one, we are an unknown amount of time into her story, i can't analyse her development the same way i can vex and jester's. two, imogen's selfishness isn't the blatant quasi-self-aware selfishness that we see in things like jester complaining about her lack of money to caleb or vex stealing a broom. instead, imogen's is very internal, like a lot of laura's character work with imogen. it is a bit similar to jester’s in the sense that it comes from a lack of awareness moreso than vex’s practiced behaviour, but imogen’s is a lot more tied to inherent beliefs she has about the world and the people in it.
as a consequence of her powers, imogen sees people's thoughts as their entirety, she holds it above their actions to be the truth of who they are - to act against what they think or to say something that doesn’t cohere with what they’ve thought is akin to lying, so for her to act empathetically is to act in tandem with what someone else’s thoughts are, not how they act, which is typically not all that wanted. the same as vex’s greed and jester’s naivety, this is a trait that makes narrative sense and it’s one i find quite compelling, especially when read in the vein of someone struggling through trauma that has made them assume that the world is against them. imogen’s cynicism is coherent cynicism, i can’t say that in a similar situation i wouldn’t have the same predisposition towards the world.
the part that is particularly self-interested comes in if you look at how imogen has actually been treated in the campaign (quite well) in comparison to the cynicism that she’s developed from her past (something that speaks to a world out to get her). certainly, a bunch of shitty things have happened to imogen in the time we’ve known her, but the same can be said for everyone in bell’s hells and pretty much everyone in exandria at this point in time. but, in a fight to save the aforementioned world, imogen’s focus was getting her mother back on her side. which, while very consistent with her character and a choice that i enjoy, is a very selfish one. the fun thing (to me, obviously) about imogen is that she has, more than most, an insight into the opinions of others and she also tends to seek others’ opinions out and genuinely engages with them and supports their choices. but she still very much acts towards what she thinks is best. it’s one reason i enjoy looking at the dynamic between her and orym as one between foils, as orym tends to be stalwart in his beliefs and doesn’t care too much for other’s opinions if he’s already sure of his own, but his actions tend to favour collaboration and protecting others.
as i mentioned earlier, imogen is a harder case to look at because she is still in the process of her story. however, the circlet is clearly influencing how she interacts with the world and in the wake of the solstice, the hostile reaction towards ruidusborn people has started to become more and more apparent and i’m interested to see what route that ends up leading imogen down and how it will influence her relationship with the rest of bell’s hells. (for better, i think, based on recent conversations, but if it's for worse i will be just as seated and excited).
all of this is just to say, please stop assuming that claiming a character has a trait you think is a bad one is criticism or a hate post. in light of the fact that i know that people who don’t believe this will continue to not believe this, i’ll encourage anyone confused about the ability of a character to be good and kind and selfish all at once to look to what the text itself says, specifically scanlan’s words to pelor when asked what vex means to him:
“Her name is Vex, and she is greedy and mean sometimes, and she can steal a lot. She’s a little bit not the greatest person, but her flaws highlight everything that is right about her, which is she does all these things to protect her friends and her family. She would give her life for any of us and for anyone who was truly in need. And she’s not perfect but she’s the most perfect of all of us.”
would you look at that... an ability to be a multitude of things, some in conflict with one another. i know that's hard for fandoms to believe, especially about female characters with agency, but i promise its true!
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