#Eugene Martone
worldsaparted · 2 months
makeout session with daniel larusso ?? where it's very sweet and soft and passionate yet heated and heavy at the same time ?? if you're okay with it of course —♡
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yes of course! thank u for requesting <3
storage room - daniel larusso
as senior year nearly came to an end, every class became pointless. y/n sat in her own class, sighing in complete and utter boredom as she leaned her head against her arm, tapping her pencil with the other.
mr. wilson loved to go on rants about his own personal life, and he was doing so now - it was around 43 minutes into that where y/n’s view shifted from him to daniel who discreetly yet purposely walked past her classroom window. her eyes widened and her brows furrowed. ‘what?’ she mouthed, watching him point to the indoor hallways.
he fixed his hair, attempting to act natural as he walked by, and he then pulled out a piece of paper that he clearly had just put together. y/n’s eyes scanned the paper, her eyes squinted as she studied it. “meet me.” she read it aloud, in a small whisper under her breath and gave a tilt of her head before reluctantly nodding to daniel who held his hands together as if begging.
“mr wilson?”
so within five minutes, y/n was out of her classroom due to her terrible “period cramps” that she couldn’t seem to get rid of. she held her class books, glancing around in search for daniel and as she watched down the hallway - she was caught off guard by the storage room door cracking open, and she gave an awkward glance over just in case it was a staff member.
thankfully, it wasn’t. daniel fully opened it and held his hand out, pulling her in and shutting the door behind her. his eyes lit up at the sight of her, and y/n gave a quick smile before speaking up. “what happen-”
her question was cut off by daniel’s parted lips against hers, he helped her remove her backpack and placed it by his before continuing to kiss her, gently yet continuously. his lips unable to leave hers.
daniel’s hands met her waist, rubbing her sides as he kissed her, sighing against her lips in pure content. “i missed you.” he admitted, smiling into the kiss and he let out a soft groan once her hand met the back of his head to play with his hair.
y/n wanted to respond, but really - she couldn’t seem to do anything but kiss him back. her insides turned at the way his hands travelled her body, and the way his teeth bit her lower lip in order to give himself an entrance to her mouth.
daniel slipped his tongue in without any hesitation at all, and he was pleasantly surprised to feel hers clash with his own.
something about them nearly finishing their senior year together intensified everything. they were about to go out into the real world together, and nothing excited the two more than the thought of living with one another, being with one another.
he muttered casual i love you’s against her lips throughout the kiss that she reciprocated, and at one point - he did pull back. his hair was now disheveled, and her lipstick was slightly smeared against his lips - though still, they admired one another. daniel fixed her hair, pushing a strand back behind her ear. a smile crept onto his lips, and her face burned at the sight of him gazing at her like so.
this time, y/n leaned in. she pressed a desperate open mouthed kiss against his lips and daniel sighed into it, his hands grabbing her waist firmly before they travelled down to her ass, softly rubbing her and smiling as he did so.
y/n kept her hands firmly around his neck, keeping herself as close as she could. it was heavy, rough kisses that came from both of them, unable to really control the way they felt now. daniel took his left hand off of her to then slip under her blouse, and caress her back until his hand stopped at her bra clip. after a few seconds, his hands continued to roam under her shirt, and y/n’s lips left his to kiss a trail against his jawline, softly.
daniel groaned in pleasure, and he muttered the smallest, “don’t stop.” under his breath, and to that - y/n only continued, making her way down to his neck. he leaned down for her to get a better position. she was pinned against the shelves, and his head hung just over her shoulder, leaning against hers.
she kissed him tenderly, leaving small marks for him and only him to find. daniel wanted nothing more than to be at his house with her, or in his car - but they were stuck here and at that fact, he cursed himself.
he began to kiss her head, making his way down to the back of her neck, and he nibbled there, his hands rubbing her waist firmly, holding her against him.
soon, their kisses were cut off by the sounds of the school bell ringing, and they had both pulled away, groaning and staring at the door before slowly meeting eyes again.
“can i take you back to mine?” daniel asked, breathless. he earned a quick nod from his girlfriend, and immediately, he grabbed their bags, his hand clinging onto hers as he pulled her out of the room, ignoring the glances from their peers.
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angrypeacepoetry · 6 months
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Hes so beautiful oml😖
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sylvanian-cat · 3 months
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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑
PAIRING - Daniel Larusso x Reader
TAGS - Friend to lovers, kissing, violence but only hitting and punching, mentions of bruises and wounds from getting beat up, karate kid, angst, fluff, characters fall in love, heartbreak, characters break up, happy ending, slow burn
SUMMARY - You had been dreading the first day of senior year to arrive and it has finally came. Hopefully the day begins easier since you have a certain someone by your side. Although it might not end as you had expected.
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The first day of Senior year was hot and simmering - even in the early morning of a late summer Californian day. You quickly got dressed, saying goodbye to your mother on your way out of the door, and you made your way down the metal stairs of the apartment building.
“Hey y/n, you heading out too?”
Daniel’s familiar voice rang out in the open of the early morning breeze. The day was still dark but the morning sun still shined light on his figure, creating a halo-like glow on his head and making the metal of his bicycle shine like a diamond in the rough.
“Yeah, I was, are you riding your bicycle to school?”
Daniel quickly made his way down the stairs with his bicycle and wheeled towards the wooden gates where you two originally met in an uneventful way.
“I um- I usually walk with Freddy to school on days like these but I don't mind the new company”
He gave you a toothy grin, “Are ya real sure that you want to walk with me, even after what happened yesterday?”
At first, you were confused on what he meant but memories of last night flashed through your mind like a flipbook. You silently shuddered at the thought of Daniel lying in the course sand, bleeding from his cheek and a plum colored bruise forming onto his eye. You even forgot about the moment when Daniel had entered your bedroom, sitting awkwardly on your mattress and having to treat his wounds and bruises from the beating Johnny gave him. You turned to look at the cuts and marks that littered his face, you felt a little ashamed but you had to admit that he looked soo roguishly handsome. He seemed almost dangerous in a way but you knew that just by knowing him, that wasn’t the case.
“Oh gosh Daniel, it totally escaped my mind about your bruise. I have some cream in my backpack if it’s still bothering you throughout the day- I brought it just in case it still-“
“Y/n - hey. Don’t worry about it, I feel fine. Besides, I feel like I owe ya after you rescued me yesterday. I don’t have much but maybe I can pay ya back. Does a lifetime of free rides on my bike sound good?” You smiled at his playful tactics.
The sun had fully risen over the horizon now and the sun was shining brighter than before. It shone on his face and made the color of his eyes turn into a melting honey brown color. He pulled his sunglasses down, you had been so distracted you didn’t even notice that you both had already began walking and had reached the stop sign where you needed to turn.
Daniel turned to face the sign in front of you, “My ma was freaking about my eye too, I tried to hide it with my sunglasses but-“ he paused and clicked his tongue, “she made me take ‘em off and show her what happened.” You turned to look at him, waiting for him to say anything more about his family life.
Thinking about it seemed strange but it was only because you wanted to know how his home life was- was his mother forgiving? Was she worried-mad about his large bruise? You barely met Daniel and you felt as if you already knew so much about his character. But at the same time, you felt as if there was still so much to learn about him. The single thought of him sharing that knowledge with you made your stomach twist and turn with that familiar feeling of butterflies. You turned the corner and you watched as peers your age began heading out of their doors before their mother’s would stop them and make them turn around and take a first day of school photo - ignoring their groans and moans before flashing the camera.
Daniel began talking, “I feel like we’ve talked about this stupid bruise enough anyways. How do the people here in California act?” He scoffed, “I feel like I’ve already experienced what a lot of them scumbags already act like...”
You quickly turned to face him. His sunglasses were still neatly perched atop of his nose and you wondered if Daniel was still upset about yesterday.
“I mean, the people here are either really rich or in between. Lots of the boys are stuck up though so I’d be careful around them. The girls aren’t as annoying as the boys so I guess that’s a plus.”
Daniel blew a raspberry, looking almost worried about the mention of the boys at your school being stuck up. But you knew what he was also thinking - they’re gonna cause me even more trouble.
“Anyways, umm how do you feel about yesterday? Are you still upset about what Johnny did?” you asked - being careful not to upset him. He let out a sigh and lifted the glasses off of his eyes.
“A lil bit. But I think I’m just gonna ignore him, ya know. Get out of his way so I don’t piss him off again? He’s probably just mad about something that doesn’t involve me.” He turned to look at you, shedding his face of ponder and replacing it with a shy smile that showed off his teeth and made his lips gleam with joy in the sun. He closed his eye for a moment before speaking again
“But that girl with the curly hair and blue eyes- was Ali her name?” He paused and let out a sigh, “She seemed real nice. I kinda wanna get to know her more.” He turned to look at you, his cheeks were coated with a slight pink blush and you realized what he was saying, what his intent was. Once the name Ali Mills leaves any boy’s mouth, it’s obvious what they want. You gave him a smile back, but unlike his, yours didn’t feel genuine. Those butterflies that bumbled and buzzed in your chest were gone. You felt as if you were sinking into a spiral. Confusion buzzed in your chest now like angry bees and your throat felt tight and sore.
Sometimes, you felt as if you lost a lot of things to Ali. It seemed silly and something only a jealous child would think of but the times when you did lose to Ali were far more than one.
Like when you harbored your feelings to your childhood crush in 6th grade just for him to tell you he wanted to confess to the beautiful blonde. Or that science fair in the beginning of high school where her erupting volcano had placed 1st. Which left her with a shiny golden trophy and you had been awarded a measly silver plaque. And that day in elementary when your teacher had hosted a spelling bee just for you to fall one mistake behind, awarding Ali the winner of the competition. These moments were small and almost useless when confronting the future but that same feeling of losing and being placed in second place felt extraordinarily big in the depths of your chest. You felt that same feeling of despair fill your stomach but you quickly dismissed it once Daniel began asking if you wanted to ride the rest of the path to school on his bike. You wanted to prepare yourself mentally before walking into this year's school day and you knew you could absolutely not do that with Daniel by your side. He pushed his sunglasses back down, began pedaling his blue bicycle, and gave you a wave goodbye before fading into the paved street and floral bushes.
The first day of school was always difficult. Having to adapt from a schedule where you could sleep all day and stay up all night to one where you had to get up early and listen to nonsense until the late afternoon. It seemed as if your class periods were useless since the only thing that the teachers talked about were introductions, how many kids they had, and whether they were going to be strict or not - however, most of the time they didn’t need to say that aloud for you to already know just by the way they acted. While your newly appointed teachers were going on about their rubics and the amount of divorces they’ve had, your mind was worlds away and was instead thinking about the boy from New Jersey. There would be moments where you would smile when thinking about how you wrapped your arms around his when riding his bicycle to the party. You didn’t mean to smile, it felt as if whenever his face popped in your head your lips would curl and your cheeks turned hot. When thinking about your other friends this usually wouldn’t happen. Of course there were moments when you had admired your girlfriends courage or intelligence but not like this before. The feeling was almost foreign. You just dismissed it, thinking that Daniel was such a good friend to the point where you admired him this much.
It felt nice when thinking about him - like when he looked up at you when you were applying creams on his bruises and cuts - how he sat awkwardly on your bed, whining about the pain. Or when he lifted you by the arms when he kicked the door down and quickly apologized.
The school bell interrupted cam like a blaring alarm thought that filled your mind with noise. You let out a sigh of relief when you realized that it was lunch already.
Throughout the day, Daniel had not been in any of your classes and the only times you would see him was when you would pass by him in the hallway, giving him a wave and smile before saying goodbye. You walked towards the cafeteria, having hope that maybe a certain someone would accompany you on your way there. Those thoughts left like a flash once you spotted the fluff of Daniel’s hair and Ali’s signature blue headband side by side in the lunch line. They were carrying wide smiles on their faces and laughing as if they knew each other for years. You felt slightly jealous, you weren’t sure why but you did.
You stalked behind a few kids hoping he wouldn’t see you and waited until Ali was finally out of view. Trying to seem calm, you walked towards Daniel sitting near a girl who was wearing a leather jacket and long shaggy hair. Her face was nameless but it surely was one of Ali’s friends. You plopped yourself right next to him and he turned to face you. He looked surprised at first but then erupted into a cheeky smile once he realized who you were.
“Hey y/n! I tried talking with ya after 4th period but the bell rang and the teachers here seem a lil strict about being late to class.” Daniel started picking at his food and then turned to look back at you. His smile wasn’t as bright as it was this morning when he greeted you and you wondered whether anything happened again with Johnny.
Oh Yes! - the soccer tryouts that Daniel had this morning. You almost totally forgot to ask him about that. You playfully nudged him in the shoulder and he stopped chewing his food to give you a meek look. You knew Daniel wouldn’t share this information himself - especially if it was something that was bothering him.
“So Daniel… How were soccer tryouts this morning? Did anything happen?” You scooted towards him a little closer, you tried hard not to focus on the way his thighs were touching yours and how your lips were a breath away from his ear- “Was Johnny there?” you whispered quietly into his ear.
He chuckled before turning to face you fully. He dropped his fork onto his tray before letting out an annoyed sighed. “Yeah, he was there all right.” He paused to look around the cafeteria before tuning back towards you “ya know, at first I didn’t know what his problem was. But I think I know what it is now.” He pursed his lip into a cute fishy pout before letting go and biting his lip, “I think he’s pissed that I kinda stole his lady. I talked to Ali today and she said that she and Johnny use to be ah thing before they broke up. Ali was there for cheerleading tryouts today in the field and I was there for soccer. I guess he um, saw me talking to her and started acting like a total douche.” He stopped biting his lip now but was now flailing his hands together, making gestures and movements that really showcased his annoyance towards Johnny. “He made one of his buddy’s trip me when I was dribbling the ball. I got so annoyed with him I wrestled him to the ground and started punching the guy” he let out a breath from his nose - looking like an annoyed bull steaming from the nose with anger. “The coach saw me and the idiot fighting and expelled me! Can you believe it y/n!? The guy that was making all these moves on me doesn’t get anything but when suddenly I wanna defend myself the coach starts to care.” He rolled his eyes and turned back to pick at his food. The whole time you nodded your head, listening to every detail he told you. It was obvious that Daniel was a hothead from New Jersey. The angrier he got, the more prominent his accent started to sound. He defended himself when he needed to but you giggled to yourself feeling that it was a bit funny how Daniel didn’t have much luck with wrestling boys to the ground.
You rubbed a comforting hand on his back - feeling the taunt muscles and warm skin beneath your fingers. You hoped it would soothe the anger that was seizing inside his chest. It worked for a bit since he turned to look at you and gave you a meek smile. His eyelashes casted a shadow over the hills of cheeks. You wanted to reach into his hair and push it back into the style it originally was before he started his rant about Johnny and his goons. You almost did until the loud school bell had rung and stopped you from doing so. You were a bit glad that you were saved by the bell but you also knew that this would be the last period you would have with Daniel. You two dumped your trays together and he walked you to class. You both waved each other goodbye and promised to see each other once the school day was over.
Once the first day was finally over, your whole body was tired and you felt like you could sleep for a million years. The heat in the afternoon was burning now and there was only a slight wind that would come and cool you down for a few seconds before leaving again. You had met with Daniel after your final class was over and he told you he had to leave to go into town since his mother was taking him out to dinner. You felt slightly disappointed but you pushed those feelings down and began walking back to the apartments.
Your bed had never felt as comfortable as it did today. You flopped onto your bed, letting out a sigh of relief and hearing the mattress springs croak under your body that was wrapped in a cool blanket. Your head was resting on top of a chilly pillow that relieved your headache from today's events.
When you finally awoke, the noise of crickets chirping and frogs croaking peacefully filled your senses. The moon’s rays shone onto your socks and filled your room, leaving its ray’s to be the only source of light in the darkness of your home. The air coming from your open window was cool and comforting.
Pieces of hair stuck to your sweaty forehead and you slipped your sandals on to get some fresh air on the apartment’s balcony. The nightdress you were wearing was clinging onto your skin and the cool breeze felt relaxing. You rested your head on top of your arms that were perched on top of the balcony’s bars.
Reseda may have been known for not being very glamorous or luxurious as LA or San Diego but just from this angle, you could see the green hills and city buildings with its bright fluorescent lights. For a moment, everything felt calm and peaceful. The noise of the slight breeze whispering in the night was serene.
So relaxing to the point where your eyes began to close and you almost fell into a small slumber.
That was until you suddenly heard the familiar sound of Daniel’s bicycle clicking on the pavement floor. You could almost feel your ears perk up just by the sound of it and you looked up to see Daniel walking towards the apartments.
You couldn’t quite place your finger on it but just by looking at him, he looked almost melancholic. His head had been hanging low and his figure was slouched into an awkward position.
The more time you focused on him the more obvious it seemed that Daniel was not okay. Suddenly in a flash of rage, Daniel quickly grabbedhis bicycle - placing it over his head before unexpectedly smashing it into the dumpster as hard as he could.
You were so dumbstruck by what you were seeing. Daniel himself was shoving his baby blue bicycle in the garbage bin. The same bicycle that always seemed to be with him wherever he went. Before you could even realize where your feet had token you, you were already at the bottom of the steps, running towards where Daniel was now pounding his fists into the apartment walls - not caring whether he would see you in your flimsy nightgown and sweaty stricken hair.
“Daniel. oh my gosh. What happened?”
He immediately turned to face towards you and gave you an madden look. His teeth were mercilessly biting into his lip. His hands would profusely run through his brown locks before he would lean his head onto the concrete wall and close his eyes. He had even more cuts on his face than before and the bruise on his eye was more bruise than skin. The anger that was radiating off of him was overwhelming and you felt like you were walking into a dark cave with only a stick to poke the angry bear that was lurking inside.
“I don’t want to talk about it! I hate this bike, I hate this stupid stupid bike!” His voice was ridden with sadness and fear, it squeaked and croaked, it was clear as the tears on his eyelashes that he had been crying.
You wanted to cry just by looking at him. You weren’t an empath; you weren’t the type of person to call yourself an empath. But when you met Daniel, you had this strange connection with him that made everything he felt allow you to feel it too. It was a bit worrisome knowing that you already felt this connected to him only knowing him within a span of a week. But you were also grateful because it allowed you to grow closer to each other- a connection that was incomparable to your other friendships with girls you’ve known for years.
Daniel was pacing around now, his hands pulling at the roots of his hair. His bleeding lip was curled into an angry scowl. You wanted him to slow down, to tell you everything about what happened. He was moving like an angry busy bee- buzzing and rattling with his stinger pointed and ready to aim at whoever came near him. You grabbed onto his shoulders trying to calm him down, he pushed your hands away - you tried to ignore the sting of being rejected but then he pushed himself up against the wall, looking at you in the eyes with his eyebrows furrowed and nose twitching.
His hands were clenched impossibly tight - to the point of turning white. The sweat on his forehead was starting to dissolve into the cuts that were on his cheeks and nose, making the hair on his head stick to his forehead just like yours did.
You knew that this was the perfect time where he would be able to listen to you and understand what you were saying. He was like a tiger in a lion's den and you wanted to tread carefully, hoping that he wouldn’t panic and start attacking with claws and vicious words.
“Did Johnny do this to you?” your voice was quiet, barely above a whisper.
“YES, of course Johnny did this ta me! Who else would do it!?” His eyes shot open and they began looking at you with dark brown iris that were only filled with anger and fury.
“How did they hurt you Daniel? What did they do?”
“Johnny and his stupid Cobra Kai’s saw me riding my bike home, I was heading back from Dinner with my ma and they were flashing their stupid lights at me. They pushed me down the hill…they just watched as I fell and laughed! Do you know how humiliating that is!? I made a fool of myself and they all know it! They’re all gonna remember it and play it back in their heads for something funny to laugh at!”
He pushed his head back towards the wall, he swallowed hard and you watched how his Adam’s apples bobbed.
“Daniel why are you blaming this on yousrself? They’re going to keep coming after you and you know it’s because of Ali.”
He huffed and puffed, “well I don’t care if it’s about Ali or showing dominance! I hate this damn school anyways. And I hate everyone in it! My ma and me should have never moved up here to Reseda! I hate this boring old town too”
You weren’t really sure whether Daniel truly meant what he said when he told you that he hated the school and everyone in. Because if he did, that meant he hated you too and the friendship you two had quickly formed.
“You cant truly mean that Daniel”
You felt almost stupid for trying to calm down an angry man who was clearly derived in his overbearing feelings. But you weren’t really thinking what was logical, only on what needed to be fixed and who needed help.
He pushed himself off of the wall and began looking at you with an annoyed scowl. “Maybe I do really feel that way! You don’t say what I can or can’t feel! Ya know what actually? I don’t want your opinion at all.”
You stood there silent, watching as he crossed his arms over his chest and slouched. You felt confused. He quirked his head sideways, showing his diamond cut jaw that was harshly clenched. An angry hot breath huffed out of your nostrils, the feeling of a steaming hot kettle burned deep inside your chest. The kettle was ratting just ready to burst and pop off with boiling hot water and burn anyone who was in the way. Those butterflies that once buzzed with excitement and nervousness were now bumbling with fury and rage. He was making you angry and you knew if both of you were angry this situation should just lead to even more chaos. You hoped and silently prayed he really didn’t mean what he was saying but by the look on his face it seemed he was genuine about what he said.
“Daniel if you really believe that then I’ll leave-“
“Yeah I do really mean that. And maybe you should leave…”
His hands were clutching into his side, the blood on his forehead was dry and sticky. You wanted to tell him to come inside and calm down just a bit so you could fix the gash on his head but you knew that wouldn’t work. You started heading up the stairs, not turning back to see the look on his face. You felt silly for wanting to cry. It was almost shameful crying over a boy who told you he didn’t care about you but there was still a small part of hope that stood in the back of your mind that he said that in the heat of the moment - that he truly didn’t mean it.
You made your way to your apartment and silently closed the door, praying that your parents or anyone else didn't hear the commotion you and Daniel were making outside. You felt a little silly but you reached towards the curtains and pulled them back. You watched as Daniel slumped against the wall and then started his way up those same stairs you walked on. You watched as he made his way up the stairs but then the sudden memory of his bicycle popped into your mind like a lighting bolt. You turned to see the blue bicycle laying in the large metal trash bin - even though it was lifeless and had no emotions it looked almost depressing and pathetic.
You weren't even thinking when you did it, you blacked out and suddenly you were standing at the garbage bin desperately trying to take the large bike out of the waste. You weren’t really sure why you did it, the only thought that ran through your mind was mind numbing and seemed like a conspicuous object in an empty black hole of confusion and mixed emotions. Daniel won’t be able to make it to school in the mornings if his bike isn’t here. Luckily the bike wasn’t completely broken but the tires were now flat and the chain was all tangled and made an ugly cranking noise that did not seem normal. You weren’t an expert on bikes, you didn’t even know how to ride one yourself due to your parents never teaching you. But you knew someone who knew anything about almost everything and was also a great handyman.
You made your way towards Mr.Miyagi’s office hoping he would still be working late and taking care of his bonsais like he usually was. You made your way towards the small apartment and to your surprise, he was leaning onto the door frame watching as you made your way to his room. He looked almost suspicious when he saw you, he looked as if he had been caught eavesdropping.
You let out a sigh of relief, small beads of sweat rolled down your forehead and the melody of crickets and frogs were chirping and croaking lowly into the cool air of a Friday night, “Hi Mr. Miyagi. I hope you’re not busy but I was wondering if you could help me with a small problem?”
Previous Chapter (2/2)
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heartmartone · 3 months
ू♡ ࿔ ۪ Oh my goodness ! Imagine being Eugene Martone's doll ू♡ ࿔ ۪
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danielslaw · 2 years
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princesssarisa · 6 months
Opera on YouTube, Part 2
Le Nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro)
Glyndebourne Festival Opera, 1973 (Knut Skram, Ileana Cotrubas, Kiri Te Kanawa, Benjamin Luxon; conducted by John Pritchard; English subtitles)
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle studio film, 1976 (Hermann Prey, Mirella Freni, Kiri Te Kanawa, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau; conducted by Karl Böhm; English subtitles) – Acts I and II, Acts III and IV
Tokyo National Theatre, 1980 (Hermann Prey, Lucia Popp, Gundula Janowitz, Bernd Weikl; conducted by Karl Böhm; Japanese subtitles)
Théâtre du Châtelet, 1993 (Bryn Terfel, Alison Hagley, Hillevi Martinpelto, Rodney Gilfry; conducted by John Eliot Gardiner; Italian subtitles)
Glyndebourne Festival Opera, 1994 (Gerald Finley, Alison Hagley, Renée Fleming, Andreas Schmidt; conducted by Bernard Haitink; English subtitles)
Zürich Opera House, 1996 (Carlos Chaussón, Isabel Rey, Eva Mei, Rodney Gilfry; conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt; English subtitles)
Berlin State Opera, 2005 (Lauri Vasar, Anna Prohaska, Dorothea Röschmann, Ildebrando d'Arcangelo; conducted by Gustavo Dudamel; French subtitles)
Salzburg Festival, 2006 (Ildebrando d'Arcangelo, Anna Netrebko, Dorothea Röschmann, Bo Skovhus; conducted by Nikolas Harnoncourt; English subtitles) – Acts I and II, Acts III and IV
Teatro all Scala, 2006 (Ildebrando d'Arcangelo, Diana Damrau, Marcella Orasatti Talamanca, Pietro Spagnoli; conducted by Gérard Korsten; English and Italian subtitles)
Salzburg Festival, 2015 (Adam Plachetka, Martina Janková, Anett Fritsch, Luca Pisaroni; conducted by Dan Ettinger; no subtitles)
Carmine Gallone studio film, 1956 (Franca Duval dubbed by Maria Caniglia, Franco Corelli, Afro Poli dubbed by Giangiacomo Guelfi; conducted by Oliviero de Fabritiis; no subtitles)
Gianfranco de Bosio film, 1976 (Raina Kabaivanska, Plácido Domingo, Sherrill Milnes; conducted by Bruno Bartoletti; English subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 1978 (Shirley Verrett, Luciano Pavarotti, Cornell MacNeil; conducted by James Conlon; no subtitles)
Arena di Verona, 1984 (Eva Marton, Jaume Aragall, Ingvar Wixell; conducted by Daniel Oren; no subtitles)
Teatro Real de Madrid, 2004 (Daniela Dessí, Fabio Armiliato, Ruggero Raimondi; conducted by Maurizio Benini; English subtitles)
Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, 2011 (Angela Gheorghiu, Jonas Kaufmann, Bryn Terfel; conducted by Antonio Pappano; English subtitles)
Finnish National Opera, 2018 (Ausrinė Stundytė, Andrea Carè, Tuomas Pursio; conducted by Patrick Fournillier; English subtitles)
Teatro alla Scala 2019 (Anna Netrebko, Francesco Meli, Luca Salsi; conducted by Riccardo Chailly; Hungarian subtitles)
Vienna State Opera, 2019 (Sondra Radvanovsky, Piotr Beczala, Thomas Hampson; conducted by Marco Armiliato; English subtitles)
Ópera de las Palmas, 2024 (Erika Grimaldi, Piotr Beczala, George Gagnidze; conducted by Ramón Tebar; no subtitles)
Don Giovanni
Salzburg Festival, 1954 (Cesare Siepi, Otto Edelmann, Elisabeth Grümmer, Lisa della Casa; conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler; English subtitles)
Giacomo Vaccari studio film, 1960 (Mario Petri, Sesto Bruscantini, Teresa Stich-Randall, Leyla Gencer; conducted by Francesco Molinari-Pradelli; no subtitles)
Salzburg Festival, 1987 (Samuel Ramey, Ferruccio Furlanetto, Anna Tomowa-Sintow, Julia Varady; conducted by Herbert von Karajan; no subtitles)
Teatro alla Scala, 1987 (Thomas Allen, Claudio Desderi, Edita Gruberova, Ann Murray; conducted by Riccardo Muti; English subtitles)
Peter Sellars studio film, 1990 (Eugene Perry, Herbert Perry, Dominique Labelle, Lorraine Hunt Lieberson; conducted by Craig Smith; English subtitles)
Teatro Comunale di Ferrara, 1997 (Simon Keenlyside, Bryn Terfel, Carmela Remigio, Anna Caterina Antonacci; conducted by Claudio Abbado; no subtitles) – Act I, Act II
Zürich Opera, 2000 (Rodney Gilfry, László Polgár, Isabel Rey, Cecilia Bartoli; conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt; English subtitles)
Festival Aix-en-Provence, 2002 (Peter Mattei, Gilles Cachemaille, Alexandra Deshorties, Mirielle Delunsch; conducted by Daniel Harding; no subtitles)
Teatro Real de Madrid, 2006 (Carlos Álvarez, Lorenzo Regazzo, Maria Bayo, Sonia Ganassi; conducted by Victor Pablo Pérez; English subtitles)
Festival Aix-en-Provence, 2017 (Philippe Sly, Nahuel de Pierro, Eleonora Burratto, Isabel Leonard; conducted by Jérémie Rohrer; English subtitles)
Madama Butterfly
Mario Lanfranchi studio film, 1956 (Anna Moffo, Renato Cioni; conducted by Oliviero de Fabritiis; no subtitles)
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle studio film, 1974 (Mirella Freni, Plácido Domingo; conducted by Herbert von Karajan; English subtitles)
New York City Opera, 1982 (Judith Haddon, Jerry Hadley; conducted by Christopher Keene; English subtitles)
Frédéric Mitterand film, 1995 (Ying Huang, Richard Troxell; conducted by James Conlon; English subtitles)
Arena di Verona, 2004 (Fiorenza Cedolins, Marcello Giordani; conducted by Daniel Oren; Spanish subtitles)
Sferisterio Opera Festival, 2009 (Raffaela Angeletti, Massimiliano Pisapia; conducted by Daniele Callegari; no subtitles)
Vienna State Opera, 2017 (Maria José Siri, Murat Karahan; conducted by Jonathan Darlington; no subtitles)
Wichita Grand Opera, 2017 (Yunnie Park, Kirk Dougherty; conducted by Martin Mazik; English subtitles)
Teatro San Carlo, 2019 (Evgenia Muraveva, Saimir Pirgu; conducted by Gabriele Ferro; no subtitles)
Rennes Opera House, 2022 (Karah Son, Angelo Villari; conducted by Rudolf Piehlmayer; French subtitles)
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papichulo-com · 10 months
Yk, I always found it interesting how most of Ralph Macchio's characters have Italian-sounding last names. Jeremy Andretti, Chooch Bambalazi, Daniel LaRusso, Eugene Martone, Billy Gambini. I wonder if that was intentional with the directors or casting agents knowing Ralph is Italian once he was given the parts for these characters. Did they modify the names? Or were they always this way? Or was just the same coincidence happening over and over again?
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russolaw · 3 months
Chris (Naked in New York)/Ruben(Shootfighter)
Maz(Beer League)/Greg Tolan(Just One of the Guys)
Nick Conforth(Psych)/Derek Bagg(Psych)
Haddix(The Deuce)/Scott McCall(The Equalizer)
Billy Gambini(My Cousin Vinny)/Johnny Lawrence
Dom(Lost Cat Corona)/Greg Larsen(Python)
Chris/Scott McCall
Eddie Pilikian(Teachers)/Greg Tolan
Jack Lambert(Distant Thunder)/Scott McCall
Jeremy Andretti(Eight is Enough)/Greg Tolan
Logan Phelps(Psych)/Randy(A Tiger's Tale)
Frank Della Rocca Jr.(Too Much Sun)/Greg Tolan
Dom/Chas Osborne(Back to School)
Billy Gambini/Scott McCall
Billy Gambini/Greg Tolan
Bobby Bianchi(Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead)/Kim Fisher(Dreams of Gold)
Eugene Martone(Crossroads)/Kim Fisher
Frank Della Rocca Jr./Chas Osborne
Eugene Martone/Scott McCall
Daniel LaRusso/Chas Osborne
Frank Della Rocca Jr./Kim Fisher
Nick Conforth/Greg Larsen
Dom/Bulldog(High Voltage)
Archie Rodriguez(Ugly Betty)/Scott McCall
Maz/Scott McCall
Frankie(Happily Divorced)/Greg Tolan
Frank Della Rocca Jr./Scott McCall
Daniel LaRusso/Scott McCall
Eddie Pilikian/Chas Osbourne
Frank Della Rocca Jr./Bulldog
Jack Lambert/Clarence Mortner Jr.(The Greatest American Hero)
Frank Della Rocca Jr./Ruben
Frank Della Rocca Jr./Johnny Lawrence
Billy Gambini/Chas Osborne
Maz/Johnny Lawrence
Frank Della Rocca Jr./Rick (Hot Tub Time Machine)
Johnny Cade (The Outsiders)/Scott McCall
Eddie Pilikian/Greg Tolan
Eddie Pilikian/Scott McCall
Chooch Bambalazi/Clarence Mortner Jr.
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jcdlem · 1 year
daniel larusso johnny cade eugene martone
first time someones figured out my username and im honestly a lil surprised
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worldsaparted · 3 months
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stolen glances - daniel larusso
IN THE MIDDLE of the school hallways, Y/N found herself staring out at Daniel Larusso who was always entwined in something, or with someone.
The only times she had ever really spoken to Daniel were the times she would drop off treats with Mr. Miyagi for his help fixing her car. Since those have ended, she hadn’t seen Daniel anywhere other than school.
So she took advantage of it, everyday that he ran down that hallway, or greeted his friends, she watched. Discreetly, of course. She enjoyed seeing if he’d wear his shades or not, if he had a new black eye, and what his hair would look like.
As for Daniel, he never really took much notice to it. Not until Ali Mills, his good friend, pointed it out to him. “You oughta ask that girl out the way she’s been looking at you.” She laughed, sharing looks with the rest of her friends as they saw her swiftly walk by, clinging on to her books and fixing her hair that fell perfectly onto her shoulders.
“Who, L/N?” Daniel inquired, looking up from his shirt that he fixed to Y/N. Ali and the rest of the group nodded eagerly and watched as Daniel shook his head.
“Nah, she’s got her own thing going on.” And he was right, other than school, of community service - she was completely to herself.
So for weeks, it went on. Y/N slowly gave up on this childlike crush she held on Larusso, and as the end of their senior year came, the thought of him was almost completely out of her mind. She minded her own, and on this particular Friday, she continued doing that.
She held her binder in hand as she pushed the doors to the outside swiftly, passing up many people who spoke to their friends. It was often that Johnny Lawrence would berate her in first period for being such a school-obsessed girl, but she didn’t care, and never did. She took her homework out at lunch, to a spot under a tree and worked on it.
Out here, it was a lot more quiet, and that was just how she liked it.
Her nose was stuck in her science book, and her hand had been carefully moving to perfect her one pager for that class until a soccer ball had hit her notebook, knocking her books and pencil out of her hand. “Are you serious?” She sighed, gathering her belongings and cleaning up before taking the soccer ball, and standing up to return it. She made her way over, and looking up, she noticed that Daniel Larusso was making his way over to meet her in the middle. And he did.
“Hey..” he paused a bit as his eyes met hers, and it was quiet for a bit before she handed over the soccer ball. “I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s fine.”
His eyes searched hers as he held the soccer ball, tossing it from one hand to another and now - he took notice to the pretty specks upon her face, he knew she was a striking girl, but now that he was so close, it seemed as if the fact that she’d never give him such a chance left his mind.
“Well..” Y/N gestured to the soccer ball, and watched as he tossed it aside and back to his friends, a small welcoming smile overcoming his lips.
Y/N’s brows furrowed and she noticed as Daniel stuffed his hands into his pocket instinctively. “There’s an end the school year party tonight, you get invited?” As the question left his mouth, he knew it was stupid of him to ask. Y/N shook her head, and as much as she wanted to walk away - there was no chance she would.
“Well…” Another staring contest.
Daniel blinked his eyes after a few seconds, and he continued his sentence. “Why don’t you come with me?”
“Excuse me?” Y/N held back a laugh of disbelief, and Daniel nodded, insistently.
“Yeah, how ‘bout it?” There was a small pause, Y/N glanced back to her homework, and eventually turned back to Daniel.
“Hm, alright.” She sheepishly agreed, and another smile creeped onto Daniel’s face, and he clapped in triumph.
“Alright? Alright!” His hand touched her shoulder as his friends called him back, yelling his name. “Hey, I’ll get you around 7, sound good to you?”
“It does.” Y/N nodded, and with that he ran off.
Later that night, the two adolescents had both remembered that Daniel never even took her address down so at 7:20, he still wasn’t there. The girl began removing her makeup, a slight frown on her face the whole time until there was various knocks at the door, aggressive knocks at that.
She answered it, and there Daniel was. Panting, and holding up a paper with her address on it. “Asked Miyagi.”
After the short drive, they made it to the party. Daniel immediately put his hand on Y/N’s back and led her to the back. There was no doubt that people took these things serious, some were shotgunning their drinks, or chugging it to see who could finish the fastest. There were people in the corner of the house making out, people going upstairs and Daniel awkwardly gulped at the sight of that.
The two were only inside for so long, it was loud, humid, and extremely obnoxious. They sat on the stairs and as the music blared into their ears, Y/N leaned over, yelling into Daniel’s ear.
“Think I’m gonna go inside.” She began to prop herself up.
“I’ll come withya!” He yelled back, taking her hand and the two snuck to the back, shutting the door behind them and finally finding some peace. They sat on the edge of the pool, Y/N was criss crossed, and Daniel’s feet were in the pool.
“Sorry about this. Not an ideal place to get to know you.”
It was quiet between the two, Daniel apologized and Y/N hummed in response, but that was all for a while. That was all until he hesitantly laughed, “You know what’s funny..”
“My pals told me I should ask you out.”
“Excuse me?” Y/N furrowed her brows, looking over and Daniel’s eyes immediately widened.
“Woah! No! That’s not why I’m here.”
“I just - I couldn’t when they said to. Even though I definitely caught you staring a few times…” He glanced over at Y/N, watching as her cheeks burned, and she fixed her vision on the pool water. “I just didn’t believe you wanted anything to do with me.”
“Listen, Daniel - ”
“ - I was right to think so. Look at the stuff I’m bringing you to, and you probably just hate these.”
“You’re all about your future and I couldn’t even think of mine.” He scoffed, staring out at the pool.
“Will you be quiet?” Y/N spoke up, her voice raising a bit and she bit her lip, rolling her eyes a bit before speaking up. “I’ve been all about you since you got here, so whatever you’re thinking, just don’t.”
After that, silence overcame the two. Daniel’s expression of worry turned into a faint expression of excitement, and Y/N scolded herself quietly for confessing so easily.
“You what?” Daniel asked, pointing to his ear.
“You heard me, Larusso.”
“Not too well.” He sighed, and Y/N smiled a bit, watching him do the same as he looked up at her. His fairly sparkly brown eyes met hers, and suddenly, everything else around them ceased to exist. Daniel’s smile faded a bit, he nervously took her hand in his, and he leaned in. Slowly, he leaned in. His eyes searched hers constantly to make sure she was alright with this, and when their lips neared, he slightly stopped, and was greatly taken aback when Y/N had eagerly closed the gap. She pressed her parted lips against his closed ones, and leaned into the kiss.
Daniel took his hand to her knee, and the other to the back of her head to hold her there. Gently, he kissed her, and when they slowly pulled away, there were no words exchanged. None but timid laughs as they shared warm smiles.
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mumbojumbo84317 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to #RalphMacchio, best known for playing Daniel LaRusso in three #KarateKid films and in #CobraKai, a sequel television series. He also played Johnny Cade in #TheOutsiders, Jeremy Andretti in #EightIsEnough, Bill Gambini in #MyCousinVinny, Eugene Martone in #Crossroads, and Archie Rodriguez in #UglyBetty, and had a recurring role as Officer Haddix in #The #Deuce. The #Actor turned 61 today.
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sylvanian-cat · 8 months
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EUGENE MARTONE - Crossroads (1986)
Played by RALPH MACCHIO (my husband)
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heartmartone · 3 months
Me & eugene :
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itsawritblr · 2 years
How to write a fantastic pay-off.
I love The Blues.  My WIP novel involves The Blues.  So I love the flawed but still great and highly underrated 1986 movie Crossroads, starring Ralph Macchio and the late Joe Seneca.
One of the things I love and admire about it is how the screenplay sets up an excellent and thoroughly satisfying pay-off from the beginning.  Too few stories, in prose and in movies, know how to do this.  This is different than a Twist Ending.  This is when the story tells us something about the protagonist so we get to know him better, and this aspect of the protagonist is later crucial to the resolution of the story.  It’s not something pulled out suddenly to shock us and make us go “WHOA!”
In Crossroads, an elderly black man named Willie Brown recalls how, decades ago, he took Bluesman Robert Johnson’s advice and went to the crossroads to make a deal.
At the same time Eugene Martone is studying Classical Guitar at Julliard.  But his heart is with the Blues.  His instructor considers the Blues to be primitive and warns Eugene to stay away from it.  He can’t.  He switches back and forth between the two styles.
In a nutshell, Willie Brown convinces Eugene to help him return to the crossroads to break his deal with the Devil.  After several adventures in which Eugene grows as a musician and a person, they finally arrive.
Scratch challenges Eugene to a Cuttin’ Heads session with his star guitar player, Jack Butler.  If he can beat Jack, he and Willie go free.  If not, Scratch gets both their souls and drags them to Hell.
At first it seems the younger player can barely keep up with the man who’s sold his soul for his talent.  But then Eugene flips the outcome.
At Julliard, Eugene was condemned for mixing Blues riffs with his Mozart.  But it’s his Classical training that saves him.  He mixes Classical with his Blues.  He plays a piece influenced directly by Niccolo Paganini’s Caprice No. 5, which we heard him practicing earlier in the film.  To add irony, Paganini was known as “the Devil’s violinist,” hinted to have made a deal with the Devil.  Eugene plays music composed by a man who supposedly had a deal with Scratch in order to defeat a man who has a deal with Scratch.
Jack Butler obviously never learned Classical guitar.  The depth of his talent is only shredding Rock.  He’s unable to reproduce the Classical composition.  At last, he gives up.  Eugene and Willie win.
This is a perfect circle from the beginning, when Eugene was told to only stick to one genre, to Eugene’s love and practice in both musical styles saving he and his friend.  It’s not a Twist.  It makes absolute, almost inevitable sense, and is therefore very satisfying.
Twist Ending are more often than not for shock value, to make the reader or viewer gasp.  Sometimes there are enough hints so that we don’t feel the story pulled the surprise out of its ass, but it’s common to feel we were somehow not given enough info so that we could have guessed that this was coming.
Crossroads doesn’t spring it on us that Eugene knows how to play Paganini; we’ve known it all along.  We know he’s talented enough to switch from Blues to Classical.  It only makes sense that, when facing that he can’t shred like Butler, he falls back on what he can do, what we know he can do.  It’s not a shock, it’s a “Well fuck yeah, of course he can do that!”  And judging from what we see of cocky as shit Jack Butler, we immediately assess that he’s some guy who loves hard rock but probably never heard of Paganini.
I sure wish more stories would have endings like this.  Over the last 3 years I’ve read literal piles of novels, for adults and children, where the author writes a killer first chapter, stumbles in the middle, and falls on his or her face at the end.  It’s because writers listen too much to advice online, and in MFA writing classes, about how you must grab the reader by the throat in the first line of the first paragraph of the first page of the first chapter.  Hardly any instructor teaches, or knows how to teach, how to continue the plot to an end that makes the reader want to read or watch the story over and over.
A note about the Late Robert Judd as Scratch.  No one could have done the role better.  From Wikipedia, “’he's level-headed and all-business . . . it's a welcome respite from so many hammy portrayals by actors who feel the need to portray the Devil as some kind of unhinged lunatic.”
BTW, you can get a Eugene vs Jack Butler t-shirt. ;-)
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richpeoplenetworth · 1 year
Ralph Macchio's Estimated Wealth in 2023
Ralph Macchio, a renowned American actor, film director, songwriter, and TV producer, was born on November 4, 1961, in Huntington, New York, United States. His dedicated fan base often seeks information about his financial success. For those who admire Ralph Macchio, it's worth noting that his net worth in 2023 stands at an impressive $8.4 million, a testament to his hard work and dedication throughout his career.
Ralph Macchio is most celebrated for his iconic portrayal of Daniel LaRusso in the acclaimed Karate Kid film series and the popular television series Cobra Kai. His talent has also shone through in other memorable roles, including Eugene Martone in Crossroads, Archie Rodriguez in Ugly Betty, Johnny Cade in The Outsiders, Jeremy Andretti in Eight Is Enough, and Bill Gambini in My Cousin Vinny. His enduring success in the entertainment industry continues to captivate audiences across America.
What is Ralph Macchio's Net Worth in 2023?
The question of Ralph Macchio's net worth in 2023 has become a topic of much discussion lately. If you're also curious about Ralph Macchio's financial status, you'll be interested to know that his net worth in 2023 amounts to $8.4 million.
Now, you might be wondering how he amassed such wealth. It's worth noting that Ralph Macchio has earned his fortune through a multifaceted career, including acting, film directing, songwriting, and his social media presence. Below, we'll briefly outline the sources of Ralph Macchio's income.
Go here for income sources and social media links.
Ralph Macchio - A Brief Biography
Ralph Macchio, born on November 4, 1961, in Huntington, New York, United States, was raised by his parents in the vibrant city of New York. Hailing from an Italian descent, Ralph's passion for acting ignited at an early age. At the tender age of 3, he embarked on a journey in the world of performance arts by starting to learn tap dance.
He pursued his primary education within the confines of the Half Hollow Hills Central School District, where he accomplished a remarkable feat - graduating at the youthful age of 14. This early academic achievement marked a turning point in his life as he was soon discovered by a talent agent, heralding the beginning of his illustrious career.
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