#Even after all these years
what part of my messages do u not get???? i am in love with u, u fool
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artphilosophie · 1 month
I just had a visceral memory of this line and just like that I am back in 2018 listening to the audiobook, all consuming nostalgia.
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dianagj-art · 5 months
Will I ever be able to talk to the kokiri as a filter Link without being heartbroken?
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thediebutterfly · 1 year
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My laptop is dying of old age, I can't play anything in it anymore, but I found this file full of old screenshots from my third or fourth playthrough and now I'm a little less frustrated with everything.
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thatotherman001 · 4 months
Sometimes I forget people actually see my stuff and actively enjoy my characters lmao
Getting fanart was and still is a super surreal experience for me, so I’m always super ecstatic and honored when ever someone draw my goofs without me having to ask first lol
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b00rad · 2 years
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blitzy-blitzwing · 3 months
It's so hard to find crossover fics with Batman. 😔
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ssinggtotheskyy · 2 years
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eternallyblight · 1 year
Highlights from Appetite for Distortion Podcast with Brendon Small
Listen to the podcast here
The tour, movie, and album being released around the same time was a deliberate decision. When Brendon started getting this project together around three years ago, he knew he's be putting together a record, a soundtrack, a movie, and a tour all within the same week.
How Brendon approaches writing the Dethalbum IV and creating Army of the Doomstar:
It's not him working. It's Dethklok literally telling him what to do. He's just a jerk with a guitar doing what Skwisgaar tells him to do. For vocals, he's doing what Nathan's telling him to do. When he's voicing them in the movie, those characters are taking over. He'll do the dialogue but they'll surprise him with improve.
Since Brendon's the scriptwriter and director, he's like an Angry God. He'll be like throwing them into ceiling fans or into a fire to see how they get out.
About Guns n'Roses and Snakes n'Barrels.
Slash has been on the show. Twice. (Birthdayface and Tributeklok) He's one of Brendon's favorite guitar players of all time.
Learning about heavy metal happens at an important age. For Brendon, he was around 13/14. He bought two distinct albums. Def Leppard's Hysteria and Guns N'Roses Appetite for Destruction. He was blown away to the astral plane of the music and aggressive guitar playing. It's still one of his favorite albums to this day. He'll take long walks listening to album front to back, top to bottom.
He thought that Pickles was like Dave Grohl. Like in a band like Guns n'Roses and Aerosmith like rock band before he was in Dethklok. There would be songs where Brendon used a top box to play.
One day, Slash was working on an animation at the same company Brendon worked at. There was a package that came with pedals from MXR Dunlop. Slash was there when that box came and they opened the box together and went through all these pedals. Slash looked at the pedals and pointed to Brendon which was one cool, which one he has and uses. Brendon even shows Slash's wall pedal that he also used on the record.
Now some fan questions.
Will Brendon ever release a studio version of Water Horsey Blues from Snakes n'Barrels I?
Brendon was surprised to hear the question. He's glad that people still listen to it all these years later. He wishes he had the time and resources to make music for these kinds of bands in the Metalocalypse universe. Like a Snakes n'Barrels record, a Dr. Rockzo record, even Toki's whimsical dream songs. But there's no plan as of yet.
Will Brendon ever plan on releasing the songs from Metalocalypse that didn't make it to the Dethklok albums. (please Brendon I'm on my knees.) Same answer. :,) He has no plan as of yet.
About the movie under the cut. Not spoiler heavy and mainly about the music.
Brendon does have a lot on his plate at the moment. He's got not one but two albums: Dethalbum IV and Army of the Doomstar Soundtrack.
To Brendon, the soundtrack album is really such an important storytelling part of the movie. As you watch the movie you'll hear the orchestra and synthesizer. (He got the Budapest Orchestra to play this score).
The movie, the narrative, the characters is one thing.
The Dethalbum IV, that's the brutality and the mystical.
Army of the Doomstar Soundtrack, the score, is the emotional center of the movie.
All three go together. If you plan on getting one, Brendon thinks you should get them all (the movie, ost, and album). They all do something completely different but they all come from the same central DNA.
Brendon is thankful to be able to complete the story. He's basically living the dream as the interviewer puts it.
Brendon's last words: It's fun to be creative on your own and make music for yourself to listen to. But the fact that this [Metalocalypse and Dethklok] came together in the way that it did, is because there's a fanbase out there. Without them, none of this would have happened. Thanks [for] everyone for being so vocal over the years and I'm excited for you to check it out.
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asianbutnotjapanese · 4 months
The hours I spent playing Frostpunk made me think of Himring and how it is possible it has a generator.
Like I'm sorry but elf or no elf there's no way you're living a happy life in that everlasting cold.
Maybe Maedhros will live because "his spirit burned like a white fire within" adding Feanor the roving furnace headcanon with it yea he will live.
But the others, they need a GENERATOR!! and who knows how to make it? Curufinwe jr. Certainly he knows a thing or two about keeping the heat on in the forge and the smelter.
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amarmeme · 6 months
How do people just talk about their OCs? I never know how to just state facts about these characters and it feels incredible that people know how to do so.
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neverceasetoamazeme · 6 months
I realized that I made a similar post like this back in 2019, and at that time I was neck deep in college stuff so I never really followed through.
Fast forward to 5 years later (holy moly) and I've graduated and started my career back in 2020. Needless to say, adulting sucks and I miss the easy days of just waiting for HTTYD movies and series seasons to come out.
With all the media that's being forced down our throats nowadays, I want to be more intentional with what I absorb so I think I really wanna hang around tumblr again and maybe tidy up this account, back to its former glory! Maybe not like before, but just to dust off the cobwebs and whatnot
I can't promise that I'll be online all the time since the real world still calls for me, but I definitely will be popping in and out every couple of days!
Like before, this will be a HTTYD blog and my other fandoms will be in @alittletooaddicted (kinda wanna update that username so I'll just keep y'all posted on that)
My feed has also become a bit scattered so I might need to clean that up as well.
If you're a HTTYD blog, I'd love to become mutuals with you! Additionally, if we're mutuals and used to communicate a lot back then, do say hello! I miss our exchanges back when I was still in high school hahahaha.
Looking forward to see how this little revival project goes!
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yallwildinrn · 11 months
Someone stop me I’m about to binge Lazytown
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rauther · 6 months
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hi ur feyd is my favourite so i drew some fanart <3 hope u dont mind x
i hate you. HATE you
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spacedlexi · 2 years
been rewatching atla recently and its wild to finally recognize Just How Much this show impacted me not only artistically but also just like.. fundamentally as a person
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