#Even if tying it all together could be said to be stretch...
wehaveagathering · 2 days
Just curious, what was the skate like irl? Who didn’t even finish/ who did better than the rest??
Oh, I love you for this question. Buckle up.
First of all, I think there are a bunch of misconceptions about what 👹Tort's Rope👹 actually is and how it works. I had not a clue how it worked until today, and literally a week ago I thought Torts was tying ropes to hockey players and having them drag each other around the ice... Not how it works.
So, John Tortorella's bag skate. First, the rope is marked in large sections and tied between two goals, placed a little closer together than usual. The players are split up into 4 groups of approximately 4 players each and sent to the four corners of the rink. When Torts blows his whistle, one player from each group completes 4 laps of the goals and returns to their corner; the next player up is sent off on his own laps, and so on and so forth. Once each player in each group has completed his first four laps, the two goals are widened to a new length marked on the rope and the first player is back up. It's not a test of time or speed; it's a test of endurance.
(Those numbers are rough estimates based off of what I saw today — it could be three laps, and I don't know how many reps they did. The actual schedule says 3x8 Lap which is the technical term for 👹Tort's Rope👹 but I thought I saw four laps. Eight reps sounds about right, too. Whatever! The actual numbers don't matter too much.)
What matters is that the player completes his laps and returns to his origination point, no matter how tired he is. His teammates can give him a pat on the back, or some tips and pointers, or they can stare into the blank void of space and consider a new career path. Whatever it is, he has to finish. So "not finishing" isn't really an option unless someone throws up or passes out or dies. And no one did that — so technically, everyone finished.
Some people certainly had an easier time than others. I noticed that Michkov and Bonk struggled quite a bit, and Jamie didn't look too thrilled either.
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Travis Ballinghoff.
Which kinda sucked, because I was really rooting for them. But holy shit, Michkov was struggling. Charlie O Connor actually said in the PHLY podcast today that he noticed Michkov kind of cut his final lap short at one point and that John Tortorella came over to him and was like yo. can't do that. And for the rest of the time he pulled through.
Egor Zamula kept getting yelled at. "Let's go, Z! Keep skating, Z!" He also kept getting lapped by Rasmus Ristolainen. Tyson Foerster had "kill me now" face (see Bonk above) but Foerster does tend to have a pretty expressive face. Sean Couturier kept getting help from TK, who skated right behind him for the most part and kept pushing him forward with his stick. He even admitted it.
It seemed to me that most of the guys from last year, the returning ones, were the ones that did the best. Farabee, Frost, Tippett, Hathaway, Poehling, Laughton — they all had a routine in between their laps that they used to help keep them going, whether it was motivatinal or physiological or psychological. Farabee and Hathaway skated up and down the rope, in the center of the lapping players. Tippett stretched on the boards. (He's flexible. 👀)
It was interesting to watch who was fast, though. Ronnie Attard looked like he was having the time of his fucking life, and he actually did very well! Carter Sotheran has resting happy face, but I can't imagine he was having any fun. Jett Luchanko was certainly winded, but pulled through with minimal painful expressions. (Erik Johnson went on the record to say Luchanko looked like he didn't even have to try.) Zayde Wisdom, Noah Cates and Cam York all paced themselves well. But everyone, no matter who it was, was slowing down by the second or third rep — very visibly. It looked awful.
And then — and then! — they had to do shuttles. This one was in groups of four — started at one end, raced to the other end, tight turn, back to the original spot. Then a group of four at the opposite end, who were waiting, would do the same, and the small groups would switch off. They must have done at least five reps. No one fared well on these. No one. They were all lagging by the second rep.
Anyway, to answer your question, it was loud, and it was cold, and hockey players are big. The tallest ones were like hovering a foot over me (looking at you, Matteo Mann, what the fuck are you so tall for??) and even Michkov at 5'11 looked fucking ginormous. And his group was right near me — him, Frost, Seeler, and Lycksell. Frost was tiring but I could see him grit his teeth and grind out his laps. I assume after the emotional pain of John Tortorella, Frosty can handle the physical pain too. After one of his laps was done he gave Michkov a lil side hug. It was really cute!
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Travis Ballinghoff.
Off topic, but stick "taps" — that's bad nomenclature, right there. A stick "tap" at the Vorhees TC sounds like a car backfiring.
At the end of every group's torture, they settled down for a circle stretch. TK went around the first one talking to guys and grinning and laughing. He looked like a leader. The second one Joel was going around making every guy give him a little fistbump. Then the third one was actually led by Spencer Gill, who I thought had done reasonably well, especially for having only just been drafted. He held his own.
Thank you for the ask!
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Warnings: HCs abound. No backgrounds. Zero happiness.
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Oops, I turned this into a whole series now..
[Apologies AU] “Apologies”  [You Are Here] “One Sneeze”   “Summer”   “A Walk in the Snow”   “The Swordsman” “Wonderful Gift” "Damnation" "Salvation" "Unstoppable" "Brightest Star"
[Apologies AU Masterpost] (Check ^ for Arc 2 + Extras)
[Original Text Post]
Dess wants to apologize too...
That said, who else here knew that Dark Matter Blade was originally designed side by side with a human version of himself?! (They said it was just to help conceptualize his actual form, but still...WOW!)
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Add in the fact that RtDL DX shows us (via the True Arena) that a victim of Dark Matter will lose more and more of their original form until they resemble nothing more than an eyeball with scraps of clothing and accessories and Dess’s brain started cooking.
"You know, his human form looks a little like Adeleine..."
While this is about as out there a HC as you can get, I do think it’s interesting in one of DMB’s cameo appearances (Super Kirby Clash) his eye is purple, just like Adeleine’s eyes.
(PS: Oh yes. For extra angst, you can imagine that DMB's protective older brother feelings come from half-remembered fragments of memories of his childhood with Adeleine...)
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marypaol · 4 months
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Strings And Knots
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
Summary: Reader makes a bracelet for Draco, and, surprisingly to her, it lasts throughout all their years of Hogwarts.
Warnings: Mention of death, war, murder, suffocation, air pollution, destruction, emotional/physical damage, but overall fluff! (Until the end it’s kinda sad but it ends quite well- just a sad mood.)
Note: I know I did the whole Divination thing wrong since they do it for every month but that’s okay. And I really love this one it’s gotta be in top five favorites! Maybe top three!
Request Requirements
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One: The Making
Year: First
Her fingers worked carefully on the thread, the rough texture feeling slightly scratchy against her fingertips. Her hands were red and almost dry, twisting them together before pulling the knot up, securing it as it joined the design she was creating.
She wanted it to be perfect, despite her just learning about a week ago, but each day she practiced a bit and she could tell she was slowly improving.
She grumbled when the strings tangled together and she once again separated the colors. She could use magic, her wand sitting on her bed on top of her Charms and Potions book, but she made it her personal mission not to use the wand, for she wanted it to be made by her very hands, that way the finishing product would be much more meaningful; to her and to him.
Her fingers burned and the tips turned red as she tied the finishing knot at the bottom, taking a pair of scissors afterward and snipping the axis thread, the extra string flying off the once was connected bracelet and landing on her robes. This time she did use the wand, pointing them at the strands and made them disappear with a flick of the tip.
“Good, you’re here, look what Potter is doing, hanging around that giant again; honestly, how could you tolerate-what are you doing?”
She was half listening, her fingers focusing on tying the bracelet she made around Draco’s wrist. He made a face she didn’t see, taking his arm to his eyes once she was finished.
“What’s this rubbish?” He snarled, eyes looking disgustingly at the thread on his wrist. The girl rolled her eyes, being used to his on-the-daily-attitude.
“It’s not rubbish,” she protested. “It’s a bracelet. A friendship bracelet to be exact.”
Draco still didn’t wipe the disturbed look off his face, looking down at the thread with uncertainty.
“Look, I have one too; just switched colors.” She said, showing her own by pulling up her robe sleeve, hoping to assure him that out of the two of them he wasn’t the only one wearing a bracelet.
He looked at hers, something in his eyes that she couldn’t read. “Well? What does it mean?” He asked, still looking at the strands on his arm.
The girl shrugged even though the meaning of them meant everything to her. “It represents friendship. Ya ever heard of it?” She asked, a teasing glint in her eyes as she looked at him.
He scowled. “Of course I’ve heard of friendship. We are friends, aren’t we?”
She smiled. “Yeah, why do you think I made it for you?”
Draco rolled his eyes. “Well I will admit I like being friends with you but I’m not sure about walking around with this on my wrist.”
The girl looked down at the bracelet she made herself, the strands not seeming so exciting and meaningful anymore, they seemed to be mocking her now, screaming at her that Draco wouldn’t want to wear some silly bracelet.
“Right…” She whispered, chest squeezing. Draco scoffed, leaning over and picking up her chin with his index finger. She looked at him, eyes uncertain and anxious.
“Doesn’t mean I won’t wear it- at least it matches my robes.” He stated, looking down at the green thread and then at the knitted badge of Slytherin on his chest, mouth twitching but she could tell it was his form of smiling. Her lips stretched wide, eyes sparkling. This time his grin broke, but it was small, nice and toothless.
Two: The Sighting
Year: Second
“Snape assigned another essay, I can’t believe it.” She complained with a light scowl in her voice, plopping her books down on the table beside the fireplace, sitting down on the emerald green couch, the surface silky beneath the skin of her hands. Draco grumbled in agreement to her protests, eyes scanning the paper of the Daily Prophet. She always thought it was interesting, him being so young and reading all those kind of grown up things about the Ministry. But it came with an upside: she could always get updates from him about what was currently going on in the Wizarding world. She leaned forward, finger tapping his knee lightly.
“Anything good today?” She asked, neck craning to meet his face behind the stack of papers, moving pictures all around the pages. He shook his head, folding the Prophet up carefully before throwing it onto the table, right next to her textbooks.
“No,” He replied. “And I bet there is, just wait till my father tells me. And that Chamber, he never tells me anything these days.”
It was her turn to agree with a complaint between the two of them.
“Well, there’s nothing we can do, right?” She tried to assure, but Draco wasn’t one for the ‘look on the bright side’ pep talk. She always knew that, but what she also knew was that it was worth a try.
“I wish there was something I could do.” Draco snarled, lips twitching irritably. She smiled lightly, getting off the couch and sitting the floor, pulling her parchment out with a quill and ink bottle.
“How ‘bout that essay, mm?” She hummed, voice smooth and he nodded, still looking like his head wasn’t with her. She watched him as he looked at of the window for a moment, the tallest one in the Common Room, the evening sun providing a warm glow to the space. His hand went to his head, lightly scratching his ear, when she then noticed the worn out thread on his wrist, green and slightly dirty, displaying its age. She smiled. “You’re wearing it.” She noted, and watched as his head snapped to her, eyes moving from the knotted strings to her face.
“Well we are friends, aren’t we?” He replied like it was a silly observation, shrugging half-heartedly but something brewed in her chest as he joined her, getting his things out for the essay they were about to write. It was something her young self wouldn’t be able to recognize, but it was similar to when her mother smiled at her in the morning, or how her father kissed her hair before leaving for work.
Her older self would know, oh yes, and that older mature young lady would call it love.
Three: The Teasing
Year: Third
“No.” Draco’s voice burst out as she hovered a very reactive ingredient over the cauldron, the potion brewing inside just the right temperature for him to add the alligator heart, dropping a few chunks inside. She grimaced in disgust.
“I was joking.” She then insisted.
“No you weren’t.” He instantly said, looking at her as a way to say “try me”.
She snorted, cutting up an herb he gave her. “I wasn’t actually gonna do it.” She tried to convince, yet he wouldn’t take her excuses, shaking his head.
“Yes you would; then we would end up like Seamus.” Draco responded and she chuckled, looking down at the herbs again so she failed to notice the soft smile on his lips.
“Got a friend, Malfoy? Who’s the lucky person?” Pansy’s voice suddenly broke out, and, the two Slytherins turning to her, saw her long skinny finger pointing at Draco’s wrist, a teasing glint on her face. Draco scowled at her, shooting her daggers with his grey eyes.
“Shut up Parkinson.” He spat, and she shut right up, cheeks flushing. “Not like you have any friends, bet you wish you did, don’t you?”
Pansy’s eyes glossed over but neither of them seemed to take care to it, yet the girl felt a small, very small I tell you, peck of empathy.
Pansy dismissed herself from the classroom right then, crying her eyes out.
The girl turned to Draco. “You didn’t have to be so harsh, ya know.” She whispered. She saw him look at her.
“Yeah I did. Surprised she didn’t say anything about yours.” He said softly, nudging her wrist that had the thread on it.
The girl scoffed quietly. “I’m a girl, it’s normal for us to have silly jewelry on.”
Draco’s pale eyebrow shot up. “‘Silly jewelry’?” He quoted. “So our friendship is silly now?”
The girl felt a pinch of regret hit her. She quickly shook her head. “No, I didn’t mean it like that.”
He still had an absence of a frown on his lips, but he believed the reassurance that she provided when she gave him a kind apologetic smile.
“Good.” She heard him mutter, most likely for her to not hear, but she thanked Merlin her ears picked up on it.
Four: The Admiring
Year: Forth
The Divination book was open in front of her, propped up against her bag that was lazily thrown on the table moments prior. The usual presence of Draco wasn’t met, since she was keeping herself busy while he attended Quidditch practice. The sun was still shining, though it was evening and after supper, through the green see-through curtains.
The Professor wanted them to write predictions on how their future would go, and all she came up with was that she would “experience a heart warming moment” and that “something she dearly loved would break”.
Her eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and just when she about decided to start making them up, the Common Room entrance opened, a certain platinum blonde coming into view, broomstick hung over his shoulder. His face was twisted with exhaustion, yet once his eyes met hers she saw a different expression in his eyes, relief perhaps, for she often didn’t know how to read his eyes, despite them being friends for four years.
He blooped down across from her, next to her bag so he was still in sight. His hand was now dug into his hair, eyes fluttering but he still was able to look at her. She stared longer than she should’ve, but the sight was too warming to her chest, watching his tired eyes gaze upon hers with such softness no one would ever be able to see but her.
She had her right arm on the table, flipping through the pages of the book with her other hand.
“Divination?” Draco asked, peering over at the work she had done. She nodded, and at that moment she yawn came over her.
“Yeah,” she said. “I’m about to start making it up at this point.”
Draco chuckled, reaching up and lazily rubbing his eye. “Agreed; kinda stupid really.”
She nodded once again, starting to get too tired to talk. She scanned the page that was open in front of her, spotting the sentence “you will witness a break up between two strangers” and thought that was good enough. The other predictions spoke to her but this one didn’t seem to do such, for she was at that point picking random ones out to write down. She was focused on writing, so such so that she didn’t notice Draco lay his arm down, close to her hand but the skin wasn’t close enough to brush. She also didn’t notice his grey eyes moving from his wrist to hers, the matching thread being admired scanned with his eyes.
She looked up them, feeling his finger tips brush her robe sleeve, and she met his eyes.
“What are you looking at?” She asked, eyebrows furrowing only to curve even deeper than before when he quickly responded, a little too quickly.
“Nothing.” He said shortly, taking his arm back. She held a confused expression but didn’t pry on the subject.
“Can we go to bed now?” He asked abruptly, trying to change the topic of conversation. She hummed, packing up her now finished work and putting it in her bag. She stood up, about to grab the bag when Draco beat her to it, his pale hand gripping the strap.
“Thanks.” She muttered, suddenly feeling a small flush appear over her cheeks.
“For what?” He asked, confused, like he didn’t know he just did a kind deed.
She scoffed at how oblivious he was. “For carrying my bag. You don’t have to do that.”
It was his turn to scoff, lips twitching in slight annoyance. “Well we are friends, aren’t we?”
Five: The Breaking
Year: Fifth
The Hogwarts Express seemed to vibrate underneath her, the engine coming to life as it was ready to ride on. Everyone was excited for the upcoming year, happiness flooding their features and chests.
She, however, grew worried when she didn’t have the usual company of her friend, not having seeing him yet. She didn’t spot him in the platform or while she was walking along the hallways of the train, going to their usual compartment. She was thinking he went with his other friends, perhaps he wanted to catch up with them.
But she couldn’t help but feel a little hurt, since he always at least met her before each year, in the same seats on the same train in the same compartment. Why was it different this year?
She looked out the window, miraculously thinking maybe he was running along the train’s side, yelling for it to stop so he could catch up. But of course that wouldn’t happen since the boy was always on time, so he must be on the train, just not with her.
The compartment door opened abruptly, causing her head to snap in the direction of the noise. Draco stood there, in a black suit, black tie, and black shoes. He strolled over to the seat and sat across from her, leaning his hands on the table in front of him. This all happened just in time as the train started churning, wheels turning and gaining speed as it headed off to the school.
“Where have you been?” She asked, unable to hide the worry in her voice.
“I was looking for something.” He answered simply, looking a little irritated.
“For what, exactly?” She asked, getting annoyed as well, the irritation brewing in her chest as he once again left her with no answers.
“I was looking for this.” He said sharply. He had slapped something on the table for her to see, the green thread immediately recognizable between his fingers. It was the same as it has always been, dirty as it went through the years but the knots stayed true. The only thing was that the bottom was broken, the knot becoming undone.
“Can’t wear it if it’s broken, right?”
She was half listening, still gazing at the strings that were on the table. She grabbed it gently between her fingers, caressing it like a baby and analyzed the damage.
“It fell off on my way here.” He explained, kind of annoyed that it did such thing at such an inconvenient time.
“I can fix it.” She said quietly, surprised he still possessed it. “I just can’t believe you still have it.”
“What, you don’t have yours?” He asked, looking a little hurt beneath the annoyance that she’s so surprised at that occurrence.
“Of course I do,” she started, and missed his eyes going to her arm to see if it was there, and she was telling the truth. “I just didn’t think you’d-“
Draco groaned, rubbing his head with his hand and looking at the window, grey eyes reflecting the sun’s warmth. “We are friends, aren’t we? Honestly…”
She looked down at the bracelet, the knots worn down and dirty, but the meaning stood true. She didn’t know what it was, but somehow her mind went back to her Forth Year, working on her Divination homework, and writing down “something she dearly loved would break.”
She supposed her made up predictions weren’t made up after all.
Six: The Decision
Year: Sixth
“This is stupid.” Draco’s voice blurted shortly, looking down at the homework in front of him, the essay’s words seeming to combine in his mind, creating an annoying jumble of ink.
“I know, but Slughorn insisted.” She reminded, causing his silver eyes to roll in the back of his head. He quill lazily sat on his hands, twirling it mindlessly out of boredom.
She noticed his robe sleeve rolled up at the action, wrist muscles twitching and moving as his fingers worked the quill.
The bracelet made of thread was not only repaired but still sitting on his wrist as good as ever, the green shining the meaning of it. Just looking at his made the feeling of her own on her skin a lot more noticeable, heart warming at the sight.
“Do you want me to make you a new one?” She asked, and when he turned to her she gestured to the strands that were getting older by the day.
His eyebrows furrowed deeply, displaying large amounts of confusion. “New one? Certainly not.” He replied. “This one’s just fine; don’t know what you’d think that, really.”
She smiled soft but it was unsure. “You sure? Cause I was thinking about making myself a new one.”
Draco scoffed but looked a little frustrated. “Scared of a little dirt?”
“No.” She replied. Draco then nodded towards her wrist.
“Then it stays. Mine’s as old as yours.”
Seven: The Pulling
Year: Seventh
The air was musty, ash seeping the air, suffocating the lungs of beings who breathed it in. Of course no one cared at the moment; the air pollution the last thing on their minds. The living breathing representation of evil was standing in front of them, laughing like what was happening was his dream come true. Because, realistically, it was. Deaths, damage, emotional and physical, destruction, all of it was part of his dream. To end it all and face the boy who lived, and all for what. Just so he can kill the boy who he was trying to murder ever since he was a baby?
It wasn’t that the girl was paying much attention as the living evil spoke, too busy staring at the ground that inc held healthy green grass, grass that her and Draco used to pick at while they complained about classes they had that day. Or any day for that matter. Sometimes his long skinny fingers would dig into her sides, wiggling until he heard the sound of her laughter, something he may never hear again because of the cold voice calling him.
His mother. His father. The living evil.
He stepped forward, ready to leave the cruelty of his peers and the burning stares he just knew where there. His head swam with so many emotions but he didn’t have time to look them through, just focusing on walking to the other side, the other side where evil doings were being performed. The other side that he didn’t have a choice but to be on.
He was gonna go, he really was, despite the soft tug he felt on his wrist, and, looking down, saw her index finger hooked underneath the thread of his bracelet as she pulled, the knots begging him to stay along with the maker of them. He met her eyes despite the emotions crashing his rib cage, threatening to get to his heart, but he held the gaze all the same.
“Stay.” She said softly, eyes swirling, knowing all those years with him weren’t for nothing. She didn’t last all those times with him as a child or teenager just for him to walk away.
“Why.” He muttered back, voice dry as ever so much so that he felt like his throat was filled with sand and he was speaking through the tiny rocks. She answered with a small smile, something so small making him plant his feet on the ground, making him stay away didn’t the living evil on the other side….making him have a choice.
“Well, we are friends, aren’t we?”
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dystopyx-blog · 1 month
Hi hi hun! Hope I’m not bugging you but I’d love to hear your opinion on the yandere Twst boys and who is willing to share darling/me/Yuu. I see so much sentiment about yanderes never sharing/teaming up but I just don’t get it. Some characters have such tight friendships, or fill what the other lacks, that I see them working together so well! Like sure you could divide them by dorm, kinda obvious, but then there are other less thought of team ups that could be fun. I’ve seen on here what’s dubbed as the number 2 squad (Leona, Jamil, and Vil) and I think that could be a relatively healthy (maybe a little competitive) team up. Others that come to mind, Jack and Vil, music club, and the four house husbands (Trey, Ruggie, Jamil, and Jade). Like teaming up means darling always has SOMEONE watching them. One may be better at comforting/calming darling, while another is more sly and can manipulate them better. There’s just so many fun combos you could play with! I’d love to hear what you think!
Remember to take care of yourself. Drink water, eat a snack, and stretch! Have a great day! 😊
Ty for the lovely ask, darl’ 🥺
Okay! Let's start with the team ups within each house!
Ace and Deuce -- obviously. They're your first friends in the school (aside from Grim, but he doesn't count), the only people they hang out with aside from you is each other. They bicker, but they also understand that it's more advantageous for them to work together. Ace still teases Deuce and I think both of them still Daydream of getting you to themselves, but you've taught them the magic of teamwork and, unfortunately, you taught them well.
Riddle and Trey -- Childhood friends. Like with what we know of their story, I feel that Trey in particular would be willing to share with Riddle. And they're pretty well balanced as a yandere team. With them there is no cut "good cop/bad cop." Yes, Riddle is strict, but he's also so very baby, yknow? With his raging mommy issues, I imagine he's the type who would love to be coddled by his darling. Trey is that older brother type, so of course he knows when and how to put his foot down, but he's also so so so sweet and gentle. Riddle is definitely more likely to dole out punishments, though.
Cater -- he doesn't need to teamup to have the power of numbers on his side.
All 5 -- Riddle doesn't just watch over you, but also the others lol. He creates a schedule and rules for the members of this yandere team to follow so they can work as a well oiled machine to care for and share you. Ace is the most likely to see you even when its not his scheduled time. Deuce is a suck up who always tries to earn your favor, VERY easy to manipulate and get favors from. Trey is very sweet, but incredibly difficult to manipulate. Cater is a schemer who would probably plan an escape with you to keep you to himself. And as I already said, Riddle is the one who keeps everyone in check.
Ruggie and Leona -- again, a fairly obvious one. Ruggie already works under Leona for table scraps, of course he'll work with him for you. Leona acts top dog in the relationship, and gets first dibs with you, but what that really means is that any time you're not with Leona, Ruggie is making up for lost time. Like in the Heartslabyul team up, Riddle makes sure to schedule breaks/alone time for you. You don't get that here, you are always with one of them. Your "alone time" is when Leona sleeps.
All 3 -- basically just Leona and Ruggie throwing Jack a bone (heheh). In this one you can technically get some sort of alone time, cuz if you talk it over with Jack, he'd be willing to give up some of his time with you to make sure you can rest up.
Octotrio -- or as I prefer, the seafood polycule. I already did a whole separate post just talking about them lol, but you got twins and childhood besties and they're also business partners, like these boys know how to work together and share.
HA fuckin unlikely. Even if Jamil does have the patience to share a darling with Kalim, I just -- like I'd feel too bad to write it. Like let him have this one thing, I am not going to make Jamil share his darling with Kalim, ESPECIALLY because darling would probably cozy up to Kalim more because delusional sunshine yanderes are the easiest to manipulate.
Rook and Vil -- these two barely even need to verbally communicate, when it comes to their darling they are on the same wavelength, which makes them a formidable team up. Like they got systems in place that just happen naturally, no need to discuss. For example, if you run away, Rook hunts you, Vil punishes you. They just work.
ALL 3 -- Vil lets Epel join in so long as he behaves. Epel would be the easiest to manipulate, but Vil keeps the both of you in check. Despite Epel's negative feelings towards Vil, Vil and Rook can turn Epel on you just as you turn Epel on them. Epel isn't completely stupid, if he finds out you're taking advantage of him, it will not be pretty or cute.
Ortho would definitely platonically help out. You make his big brother so happy, and you make the perfect older sister for him!!
Silver and Sebek -- calm n loud. Basically their relationship with Malleus but transferred into yanderes + darling.
A part of me can see Lilia teaming up with Silver but I don't like thinking about it for too long
All 4 -- The situation in the Diasomnia group is basically understood as you are with Malleus, but you are allowed to also see the other 3. Like the other three are side pieces. Malleus is sharing with his boys. You gotta share with your boys.
The Freshies -- Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek -- freshies gotta look out for each other, right? And that's what they're doing. Looking out for you.
The Discord Mods -- Azul and Idia. If Idia were to team up with any one person, I think it'd be Azul. Like in Azul's lab wear vignette, Azul was the only one Idia felt comfortable enough to ask for help from. I can imagine them scheming together in their club teehee.
The Overblotters -- they all realized they share one thing in common... no, not overblot, you! They all share you! They swear that you are their cure, the only thing to keep them stable. So you kinda have to stay with them, for safety reasons.
The House Wardens -- it's the overblotters but switch out Jamil with Kalim. And it makes all the difference, having the sunshine boy involved, istg. The housewardens deserve something nice, right? That something being you ofc.
The vice house wardens -- including Ruggie. A lot of them are very tired and just want quiet darling time, and the ones that aren't tired make darling feel tired enough to be quiet for quiet darling time.
Leona and Rook -- Leona did not consent to this, but there's not much he can do. Especially since Rook is happy not only to do most of the physical labor involved in caring for a darling, but also to stand by as Leona gets Darling time. It's weird and uncomfortable for everyone involved.
The light music club -- they spend most of their club time talking about you tbh. Also please don't listen to closely to any lyrics of the songs they write...
Basketball boys -- imagine going to their practice to support Ace. Ace brags to them about how close he is with you. But then now when Floyd isn't in the mood to ball, he'll chat it up with you. One day Floyd just asks "you what if we took them." And then they do.
These are just the basics, but I'd be happy to go into more detail on a group/pairing if asked to!
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vioartemis · 1 year
All I ever wanted
(g!p Sam Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: Sam and you had gotten into an argument, you decide to be petty and go to a party you know she told you not to go to... Warnings: (+18), smut, g!p Sam, unprotected sex, (let me know if I forgot something) Request is here :)) a/n: I uh never wrote g!p before so it might be really bad 💀 (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
A few hours ago, your girlfriend and you had a fight about one of her colleagues. Maybe you were a little jealous of Sam's coworker, and of the attention your girlfriend had been giving her lately.
You were more than a little jealous, actually. You couldn't help it.
Even though Sam had told you she didn't give a damn about the girl, your insecurities couldn't stop telling you that maybe the girl likes your girlfriend in more than a just-coworkers way. I mean who wouldn't?
You had spent the last hours on the couch while Sam went to see her therapist. You were upset, even if it wasn't totally her fault. But still. She was giving this random girl more attention than she was giving you.
And that pissed you off.
"Hey, where are you going?" you ask Tara, seeing her exiting her room in a pirate costume
"I uh... I'm going to a party"
"What party? The OKB party Sam forbid us to go to?"
Tara rolled her eyes.
"Don't start to act like her Y/n, please. I'm an adult, I can-"
"I wasn't going to prevent you from going. Actually..." you stand up and stretch "Do you mind waiting for me so I can put on a costume?"
She looked at you with wide eyes. Until then, you were always on Sam's side.
"Uh, sure..."
She's still a little shocked by your behavior when you come back five minutes later, dressed in a homemade cowgirl costume; white shirt, opened to reveal your black bra, and denim shorts that covered only what had to be covered.
"You're going to the party... like that? Don't you think it's a little... you know..."
That's the moment Quinn chose to enter the living room. She whistled at the sight of you.
"I didn't think you were the kind of person to wear that, Y/n..." the redhead said "Were are you going?"
"OKB party" you replied, buttoning your shirt up
"The one Sam told you not to go to?"
"She's gonna be sooo mad..."
You didn't reply, tying your vest around your waist to cover you bottom half while you're not at the party.
"See you later Quinn" you simply said, putting your hat on your head before grabbing your keys and opening the door.
The party was great, everyone was having fun. You had left you vest to Anika and Mindy, who were sitting on a couch, and went dancing with Tara.
After a while you excused yourself and went in the kitchen to grab something to drink.
"Hey there beautiful" a voice said behind you, as a hand was placed on your shoulder
You turned around, and faced the guy, raising an eyebrow as you tried to figure out whether you knew him or not.
"What a pretty girl like you is doing here all alone, hm?"
"Just looking for something to drink" you said
"Here. I'm Frankie by the way"
The guy handed you a half full bottle, which you grabbed and poured yourself a glass.
"Thanks, Frankie"
You handed him the bottle and left the kitchen as soon as he grabbed it.
"Wait!" he said, making you roll your eyes "Why don't we stay together a little, hm? We could have fun..."
"I'm gonna have to pass"
"C'mon, don't be such a prude...!" he mumbled, grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer to him
"I'm not being a prude, I'm not interested. I have a girlfriend and love her very much. Let go of me now."
"I'm not implying any love, just a kiss. C'mon..."
He tried to kiss you, but a sudden punch in the face made him stumble away. Too busy trying to get rid of him, you hadn't noticed Sam.
She was mad. At you probably, but mostly at Frankie for now. He seemed to have had enough with that punch, and almost ran away with a bloody nose.
"What were you thinking?" Sam asked, turning to you "I told you not go to that party! It was not for you to go dressed like... that!"
"I don't need your permission, Sam! I'm not a child, I do what I want."
She didn't answer and just threw her sweater to you.
"Cover yourself up, we'll talk about that when we get home."
You were only now noticing the crowd that formed around you. The amount of pair of eyes looking at you made you a little self-conscious, and you quickly put Sam's sweater on. It was way too big for you.
As soon as you have her sweater on, you girlfriend grabbed your wrist and pulled out with her, outside of the house, where Tara and the others were already waiting.
"Sam-" Tara started
"We're going to talk about that at home." her sister answered, walking past her, still dragging you behind her
The rest of the group was forced to follow without questions, not wanting to get yelled at. But not you. You were in a kinda petty move tonight it appeared.
You had walked a few meters when you released your wrist from her grip. Immediately, she turned to face you.
"Stop trying to control us, Sam. You have to let us live our lives!" you said
"I'm not trying to control you, I just want to protect you, Y/n"
"Protect me from what? Sam, you can't live in the past like that, you need to move on!"
There's a silence between the two of you, soon broken by some random girl.
"Hey!" she said to Sam
Your girlfriend turned around, only for the girl to throw her soda on her.
"Murderer!" the girl continued
Chad and Tara pulled her back before she could push the girl away, but no one tried to hold you back. You took the opportunity to grab the girl's collar and punched her in the face.
You raised your arm to strike again, but you felt an arm wrapping around your waist, holding you back. Sam. You tried to break free, but she was too strong. The only thing you could do was glare at the other girl, who was running away.
Sam released you after the girl was out of sight, and took a look at your hand, worried you might have hurt yourself.
"... Thank you for defending me..." she said, her eyes not leaving your bruised hand "I thought..."
You shake your head, squeezing her hand gently.
"Just because we had a fight doesn't mean I'm gonna let anyone talk to you like that..."
Sam looked up, her dark eyes meeting yours.
"I'm... I'm sorry for this morning... I shouldn't have said all that..." you apologized "It's just..." you sighed "I was scared... I am scared you will lose interest and find someone better than me..."
Her expression softened at your words. She let go of your hand and cupped your cheeks, tilting your head up and pressing her lips on yours in a tender kiss.
"I will not lose interest in you, Y/n. You're all I ever wanted. I don't want anyone else"
You gave her a little smile before wrapping your arms around her and hugged her tight, whispering a 'thank you'. She hugged you back happily, caressing your hair.
"Let's go home, hm?"
You nodded, making the hug last a bit longer before letting go of her. She took your hand, giving you a warm smile, and you started to make your way home.
Once you reached the apartment, Sam and you went to your shared bedroom. As soon as you got in, she pressed another soft kiss on your lips.
"You know... I found it kinda hot when you punched that girl" she chuckled
"Well, if I'm being completely honest with you... I found it kinda hot too when you punched that guy" you replied with a smile
"You know what else I found hot tonight?" Sam asked, taking off 'your' hoodie "You in that costume"
She looked you up and down, biting her bottom lip as her eyes stopped on your bra, before going back up to your lips, against which she pressed her own in a passionate kiss.
Her hands are in your short's back pockets, grabbing your ass and pulling you close as her lips dip down to suck marks on your neck.
Your fingers were soon tangled in her soft hair, your other hand gripping her arm slightly.
"Sam…" you let out in a breath
"Hm?" she hummed against your skin, her lips now on your collarbone.
"Tara’s here, she might hear us…"
"We’ll have to keep quiet them, hm?"
Her lips came back to yours as her hands left your back pockets to take off your shirt, and the rest of your clothes.
You helped her getting rip off her clothes as well, and can’t help the wave of arousal that flooded through you at the sight of her semi hard cock, precum already forming at her tip.
"See what you do to me?" Sam said with a smirk, her hand trailing down to your pussy "My, my… seems like you’re ready for me already" her smirk grew wider "Now be a good girl and get on your hands and knees for me"
You complied, getting on all fours on the bed, exposing your already wet cunt to her. She positioned herself behind you, hands on your ass, caressing it gently as she looked at your center.
"Why are you only obedient when I'm about to fuck you, hm?"
"I told you not to go to this party, didn't I? And what did you do?"
Not so happy with your lack of answer, her fingers wrapped around your throat and she pulled you flush against her.
"What did you do?"
"I went to the party..." you said in a breath, trying to concentrate on something else than her front pressed against your back.
You could feel every curve of hers, from her hard nipples to her thick cock, passing by her well defined abs.
"That's right" she released your throat, causing you to fall back down on the bed "I think a punishment is needed. But as you already apologized... 6 should be enough to remind you not to disobey me"
A gasp left your throat as her hand landed on your right ass cheek. She leaned in, whispering right next to your ear.
"Remember, you have to keep quiet, or Tara might hear us..."
Not wanting to get caught in that position, you buried your face in the pillow just as Sam gave your ass another slap, harder than before. She waited a few second for the pain to disappear a bit and gave your ass a hard slap you were sure would leave a mark.
After she did the same on the other side, she rubbed your reddened skin softly to soothe the pain, planting a gentle kiss on the back of your neck.
"You did good, princess. Here comes your reward for being such a good girl..." she said gently, slipping her middle and ring fingers in your dripping cunt, eliciting a moan from you
She pumped her fingers in and out a few times before pulling them out and shoving them in her mouth. She loved the taste of you, always so sweet.
She positioned herself behind you again, lining herself up with you, before thrusting in slowly.
She started moving her hips slowly, almost teasingly. You tried to fuck her back, but she held you in place, gripping your hips tightly.
The slaps had gotten you so horny, you felt like you were already about to cum
She picked up her pace, bringing you closer to your release, and she could tel you were close, by the way your pussy tightened around her cock, and by how the pillow was having a hard time muffling the loud moans that escaped your throat.
But just as you were about to cum, she pulled out, causing you to let out a whine. She then flipped you over, so you were resting on your back.
"Why'd you stop...?"
"I want to see your pretty face when I make you cum"
Saying that, she thrusted back into you and began to move her hips at a steady pace, fucking you so good it didn't take more than a minute for you to release all over her cock with a loud moan, too lost in the pleasure to care about Tara hearing you anymore.
If you weren't so overwhelmed, you would have seen Sam biting her lip at the sight of you coming undone under her, and you would have felt her cock throbbing inside you as she fucked you through your orgasm.
As she continued to pound into you, she leaned in and wrapped her lips around your erect nipple, sucking on it, before flickering it with tongue. She had a wide grin on her face.
She leaned back again.
At this moment, all of her senses were occupied by you.
The sight of you, under her, skin glistening with sweat, back arched, head thrown back; the moans that slipped out of your mouth, the way you moaned her name, begging her to go faster, the sound of skin slapping; the smell of you all over her, everywhere in the room; the taste of you, still on her tongue from earlier; the way you felt around her, so tight, so warm, taking her in perfectly, almost as if you were meant to haver inside of you.
All of this drove her crazy. She wanted to make you feel so good the only thing you would remember would be her name. She wanted to make you hers. Because you were. hers. Hers to love, hers to kiss, hers to fuck. You were her soulmate; she was sure of that.
It's with that thought in mind that she came deep inside of you, filling you up with her warm seed. The feeling made you cum again, eyes rolling to the back of your head, moaning her name repeatedly like a mantra.
She pulled out after a few more lazy thrusts, watching as her cum drip from your hole onto the sheets with a wide grin. She laid beside you on the bed, wrapping her arms around your waist, pulling you close, and placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Is everything okay? Was I too harsh with the slaps...?"
"Not at all! It was perfect, Sam, really" you replied reassuringly, tilting your head up to kiss her on the lips "You're perfect. You're all I ever wanted, but better. Sometimes I feel like we're meant to be..." you confessed
"Really? I feel that too. Maybe... maybe we're soulmates"
"I didn't think you believed in soulmates...! But I'm glad you do. I hope we are. I hope we're soulmates. I-"
"You got cut off by Tara and Quinn's voices in the hall.
"And they say I'm loud..."
"Do you know how much it would cost to have the walls insulated?"
Sam chuckled as she heard the conversation, and you both blushed in embarrassment.
"I told you to keep quiet, baby..."
You rolled your eyes with a smile, and playfully smacked her arm.
You wished to have the chance to live more moments like this with her, laughing, smiling, crying even, as long as you were together.
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4unnyr0se · 3 months
Hi love your writing!! I havent touched HQ in 3 years but Im starting to love old characters I use to fall in love with like Asahi, Oikawa, Bokuto etc,,, so as my first req, could you pls write fem! Reader x Bokuto fluff in HS?
Like Bokuto trying to court the reader. How would that go? And how did he finally ask us out?
Feel free to ignore this if you dont like the idea! Ty for ur time 🤍❤️🤍
❥ young love at fukurodani | kotaro bokuto
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warnings: none that i can think of. this is pure fluff
MDNI | No 18+ content, I just don't want minors interacting with my blog
word count -> 1.6k
okay so aaaa this didn't rlly follow the ask bc all he does is ask reader to tutor him and then cute stuff happens but i can make a hc of it probably tonight or tomorrow?? also i wrote this when i was having tummy issues so im very sorry if its horrible. i love u!
got a request? my asks are open!
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Bokuto wasn’t one to get embarrassed that easily. Sure, he did embarrassing things but didn’t know they were embarrassing. They were part of his boyish charm, which people loved about him…right? Of course, they did. He was Kotaro Bokuto. He was Fukurodani’s ace, and the people loved him for it. So why, if he was so confident, did he get awkward and embarrassed around you, his pretty classmate?
Saying you were gorgeous was an understatement. He couldn’t find the right words to describe you to his friends, mainly Akaashi. “She’s just like, y’know? And I’m like, oh damn! She’s cute as fuck!” Boktuo would make various gestures with his hands as he and Akaashi sat on the steps leading to the gym, sipping cola from the vending machine. “What do I do, Akaashi? She’s so pretty, and I’m pretty too! The only problem is that everyone else in our year thinks so, too…do I even have a shot?”
Akaashi would offer him a pitiful smile, rubbing his back in assurance. “Well, isn’t she one of the smartest in our year?”
“Yeah, smart and pretty. She’s so fucking perfect, I wish you could see her.” he pouted.
“Well, the answer is simple,” Akaashi said, standing up and stretching his arms above his head. Ask her for help with homework; god knows you need it.”
“Hey! I got a 41 on my chemistry test!” Bokuto yelled at Akaashi as the setter entered the gym. But he did have a point, like always. Bokuto decided then and there that he would ask you to tutor him tomorrow, no matter how anxious he was. Anxiety was for suckers anyway.
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“Hey, wait up!” Bokuto ran after you as you exited your classroom, papers flying out of his messy bookbag that was riddled with stains from only God knows what. “I gotta ask you a question!”
You stopped walking and turned your heel, raising an eyebrow as the Fukurodani captain barreled towards you. “Hey, what’s up, Bokuto? How’s volleyball going? Are we headed to nationals?” you asked, placing a hand on your hip. God, even the way you held yourself was perfect. Were you an actual goddess, or was Bokuto just lovestruck?
Bokuto finally caught up to you, leaning against the hallway walls in an attempt to appear suave and put-together. His messy uniform didn’t help his cause, but he forgot to look neat today. And every day after that. “Uh, I was wondering if you understood what we were assigned in English yesterday? I don’t understand any of it to save my skin, hah,” He rubbed the back of his neck, looking down at his shoes. “Did you get what our teacher was saying?”
“Yeah, it was really simple. Just basic grammar and syntax structures. Was it complicated for you?” you tilted your head to the side.
“I don’t really get it. Wanna tutor me at my house today? I can get you snacks!” he offered you a crooked smile, leaning forward so his golden eyes peered into yours. “C’mon, please? The coach will kick my ass if I don’t get my grades up, and I have a game next week! Pretty please?” he folded his hands in prayer, his bottom lip in a childish pout.
You smiled and nodded, grabbing him off the wall. Bokuto blushed at the sudden contact, noticing how neat you kept your fingernails compared to his own. Yours were neatly polished to perfection while he bit his nails almost constantly, and being a wing spiker didn’t come with having good-looking nails. 
“Where’s your house? Is it walking distance?” you let go of his hand, much to Bokuto’s dismay. 
“Yeah, it’s about five minutes from here. Wanna stop at a convenience store on the way? I’m really hungry.” he rubbed his stomach as you two walked out the nearest exit, your messenger bag dangling over your shoulder. 
“Only if you’re paying,” you joked, rubbing his shoulder. Bokuto could have sworn his heart stopped right then and there. Were you actually flirting with him, or were you just really touchy? Either way, it was a win in his book. 
“Sure, I don’t mind. Anything for a pretty girl like yo-” Bokuto stopped his sentence, smacking his hand over his mouth. “I-I mean, why wouldn’t I mind? I’m a captain, after all. It’s my job to provide for my teammates!”
“But I’m not on any sports teams. I’m not your teammate.” you deadpanned, 
“You know what I mean!” Bokuto whined, wiping his forehead of the sweat that was slowly starting to gather. “Damn, it’s a hot one today. Why won’t they let the guys wear shorts? Do they want us to die of heat stroke or something?”
“I honestly have no idea,” you sighed, walking under the shade of the convenience store roof. “Wait a minute,” you instructed, placing your messenger bag on the hot pavement. You shrugged off your school blazer and wrapped it around your waist tightly in an attempt to cool you off. You also rolled up the sleeves of your white blouse, loosening your collar. “Sorry, I’m just really warm. At least we get to wear skirts, right?” you offered him a lopsided smile.
Bokuto’s heart pounded in his chest. “Uh, yeah, you girls are so lucky. Wearing skirts must feel awesome.”
“It’s awesome until you catch someone trying to look it up,” you mumbled in annoyance, hoisting your bag over your shoulders. 
“What the actual fuck? Who was it? I’ll murder them! I'll text Konoha too; he’ll definitely want in on it,” Bokuto clenched his fists together, walking into the store with you. “I’m sorry that happened to you, honestly.
You shrugged your shoulder and rummaged through the ice cream pin, choosing a passionfruit-flavored ice bar. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. I barely know you, anyways.”
“That doesn’t mean that I can’t protect you from jerks like that guy,” Bokuto angrily shoved his hands in his pockets, tapping his foot on the tile. He fished about 400 yen out of his pocket and handed it to the cashier, ushering you out of the shop as quickly as possible. 
“What was that for?” you asked, unwrapping the popsicle. 
“I didn’t like how he looked at you, that’s all.” Bokuto huffed. He made grabby motions for your bookbag, which you handed to him with a confused look on your features. “Let me carry that, please. You’re too pretty to carry heavy stuff around like that all day.”
You paused your walk and stared at Bokuto, blushing softly. “You think I’m pretty?” 
Bokuto slowly nodded and gave you a crooked smile, blushing in turn. “Yeah, I really do. I was afraid to tell you before, but now I’m all fired up. I wanna protect you from creeps, y’know?”
You popped the ice treat out of your mouth and stepped forward, smiling softly. “We barely know each other, and you want to keep me safe? We haven’t even hung out once.”
“We’re heading to my house right now, aren’t we?” Bokuto shrugged, his blush not fading. 
You chuckled and took another step forward, the tips of your noses brushing against each other. “Yeah, I guess we are,” you whispered, your lips dangerously close to his own. “You know, I always thought you were kind of cute. In the athletic kind of way, I suppose.”
Bokuto dropped the bags he held onto the hot concrete beneath you, praying they wouldn’t roll down the hill you were standing on. You two were in a remote location, and the tension was thick. ��You think I’m cute?” he tilted his head to the side, his eyelids dropping halfway. 
“Mhm,” you purred, your popsicle dripping from the intense heat. “Super cute.”
“Fuck,” Bokuto’s hands hovered above your waist, unsure of what you wanted him to do. “Uh, is it okay if I kiss you? Please, cutie?” he quietly pleaded, your lips basically touching at this point. 
You smiled and nodded, holding your melting popsicle behind your back. “Mhm, it’s okay.”
Bokuto smiled as his lips interlocked with yours for a minute, savoring the sweet passionfruit flavor that coated them. His hands squeezed your waist childishly, never wanting this moment between the two of you to end. This kiss was exactly how he dreamed it would be, soft and perfect. Just like you.
You pulled away after a bit and giggled, your popsicle having since fallen onto the heated pavement. Your sticky hands cupped his face, the pads of your thumbs running over his defined cheekbones. “You’re a good kisser,” you pecked his forehead bravely. “Like, a really good kisser.”
“Same to you, cutie,” his hands left your waist, choosing to instead secure your wrists. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that. So. Fucking. Long.”
 A chuckle escaped your lips as your hands fell to your waist again, intertwining your fingers with Bokuto’s. You had never notified it before, but he was much bigger than you. It made you feel safe and secure. Protected. “We should probably get to your house to study, shouldn’t we?” 
“Aw, I was having so much fun kissing you on the sidewalk!” Bokuto pretended to whine, kicking a loose pebble that was in his way. He easily picked up the bags with his spare hand and tossed them over his broad shoulder. 
“Tell you what,” you squeezed his hand. “For every question you get right, I’ll give you a kiss. Does that sound like a fair deal?”
“Hell yeah, it does!” Bokuto kissed you on the cheek in excitement. He practically skipped to his house with you in tow, excited for what the rest of the day would have in store.
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sadnymi · 3 months
Loml p3
[Part one][Part two]
[Mattheo riddle × reader] [TTPD Masterlist]
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"Y/N?" I called softly.
No response.
"Y/N," I called again, shaking her gently. "Y/N, wake up. Please, baby, wake up."
No response. Her body was limp in my arms, her chest no longer rising and falling. A numbness spread through me, colder than ice, more suffocating than the darkest abyss. I shook her harder, my voice rising in desperation.
"Y/N! You can’t do this to me! Please, wake up!"
My heart pounded erratically in my chest, the blood roaring in my ears. I held her closer, cradling her head against my shoulder, her lifeless form sagging against me.
"Y/N, you can't leave me," I whispered, my voice breaking. "You promised me forever. You promised to never leave. You can't break that promise now. Please, baby, come back to me."
But there was no answer. The silence was deafening, each second stretching into eternity. I pressed my forehead against hers, my tears falling onto her cold skin.
"Y/N, I love you," I said. "I love you more than anything in this world. Please, don't go. Don't leave me here alone."
Her hand, still entwined with mine, was growing colder by the moment. I squeezed it desperately, as if my touch alone could bring her back. But her fingers remained still, unmoving.
"Damn you," I screamed, lifting my head to glare at my father. "Damn you to hell! This is your fault! You did this!"
He stood in the doorway."It's better this way," he said coldly."You needed to be free of her."
"Free?" I spat, my voice hoarse with fury. "This isn't freedom. This is hell. You’ve condemned me to a living hell."
My father turned away, his silhouette dark against the dim light. "You'll understand in time," he said.
I looked down at her. I kissed her forehead, my lips lingering on her cold skin.
"No," I said, my voice trembling with fury and sorrow. "You will understand now. I know it's not love that ties you to me because you can't love. You don't even know what it means."
He turned back to me and for the first time in my life, I saw pain in my father's eyes. It was fleeting, a flash of something almost human before his mask of cold indifference slid back into place. He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.
"I'm just another one of your horcruxes, aren't I?" I spat, my voice filled with bitter realization. "That's why you care so much. That's why my life is important to you."
He shook his head. "Mattheo—"
"I figured it out at a very young age," I continued, ignoring his attempt to speak. "But I was just a kid who wanted to believe otherwise, to believe that you really did care about me."
His voice was barely a whisper, filled with an emotion I'd never heard from him before. "I do care, Mattheo."
"Care?" I scoffed, my anger boiling over. "If I die, you lose another horcrux. That's all I am to you, a piece of your soul."
I looked down at Y/N's lifeless body, my heart breaking all over again. "But now," I said, my voice hardening with resolve, "her life is going to be as important to you."
I raised my wand, my mind focusing on the ancient, forbidden spell.
"Animus Vinculum," I whispered, the words heavy with power. A golden light enveloped Y/N and me, tying our souls together in a bond that meant if one of us died, the other would follow.
My father lunged forward, his eyes wide with horror. "Stop!"
But it was too late. The spell was cast, and I felt a searing pain as the magic took hold. My father raised his wand, casting another spell I didn't recognize. A silvery light burst from his wand, intertwining with the golden glow of my own spell.
"Protego Vitae,".
The two spells collided, their energies merging and twisting around us. I could feel Y/N's life force flickering, the connection between us growing stronger. My father’s spell created a barrier, a protective shield around Y/N’s soul, intertwining it with mine but also stabilizing it.
I looked up at him, confusion and anger warring within me. "What have you done?"
I looked down at Y/N, and my heart nearly stopped when I saw her chest moving, her breaths shallow but steady.
Relief washed over me, my entire body trembling as I held her closer. I gently pushed her hair away from her face, my fingers brushing against her soft skin. With my other hand, I grasped hers, bringing it to my lips and kissing it tenderly.
"She’s coming back," I whispered, my voice trembling.
My father stood there, watching us. He met my gaze, the flicker of pain still present in his eyes. "I expect you to come back to the manor ," he said, his voice flat. Then, without another word, he turned and left.
I looked down at Y/N again, her body began to stir, the color slowly returning to her cheeks. Her breathing became steadier, stronger. I carefully lifted her in my arms, cradling her body against my chest. The reality of how close I had come to losing her made my chest ache.
Carrying her to the bed, I gently laid her down, smoothing the blankets around her. I knelt beside her, my hand never leaving hers, my eyes fixed on her peaceful face.
"I'm here, love," I whispered, my voice filled with resolve. "I'm never leaving you again."
Her breathing remained steady, her chest rising and falling rhythmically. I kissed her hand once more.
I carefully cleaned the blood from her face and neck. Her skin was warm under my fingertips, a sign of life that made my heart swell with relief.
I lay beside her the entire night, never letting go of her hand. The room was silent except for the soft, rhythmic sound of her breathing. I watched her intently, my eyes heavy with exhaustion but my heart unwilling to surrender to sleep. Eventually, fatigue won, and I drifted off, my hand still clasping hers.
I woke to a faint stirring beside me. Y/N's fingers twitched in mine, and her breathing quickened. I opened my eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep. She was beginning to wake, her body shifting restlessly.
"Y/N," I murmured, sitting up and leaning over her. "It's okay, love. I'm here."
Her eyes fluttered open, wide with panic. She gasped, her gaze darting around the room before settling on me. "Mattheo?" she whispered, her voice trembling. "I... I died."
"No, love," I said softly, my heart breaking at the fear in her eyes. "You didn't die. You're here with me. You're alive."
She shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "I felt it, Mattheo. I felt myself slipping away. How am I here?" She looked around wildly, her breathing ragged. “No, no, I remember... I thought I was dead... I thought I lost you.”
“You didn’t lose me,” I assured her, trying to keep my own voice steady. “I’m here, love. I’m here.”
She started to sob, her body trembling with the force of it. “I thought you broke your promise. I thought you left me.”
I cupped her face in my hands, my thumbs wiping away her tears. “I would never leave you. Never. I promised, and I meant it.”
“But it felt so real,” she cried, burying her face in her hands. “I was so scared.”
I pulled her hands away gently and placed them on my chest, right over my heart. “Feel that? I’m here. Alive. With you.”
She clung to me then, her fingers digging into my shirt."I thought... I thought you hated me. I thought you left me. I thought you broke your promise," she sobbed, each word a dagger to my heart. "But you're here. I knew you would never do this to me."
“I’m here,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around her tightly. “And I’m never going anywhere.”
She clambered onto my lap, holding me as if her life depended on it. I stroked her hair, pressing gentle kisses to the top of her head.
she pulled back slightly, her eyes searching mine. "But, How... how am I alive?" she asked, her voice still thick with emotion.
I took her face in my hands, my thumb brushing away a tear that escaped. "I couldn't let you go," I said, my voice breaking. "I cast a spell, an old and forbidden one, to bind our souls together. My father... he helped stabilize it."
My gaze steady and full of resolve. "It means that our lives are connected now. If one of us falters, the other will feel it.”
She looked up at me, her eyes wide with realization. "That spell... it could have killed you."
I nodded, my thumb brushing a tear from her cheek.
Her hands cupped my face, her forehead resting against mine. "Are our souls bonded now?" she whispered.
"Yes," I replied softly.
"Good," she said, a small smile breaking through her tears. "Because I would never live in a world where you're not a part of it."
I pulled back slightly, my lips still brushing hers. "I would have to go back."
She looked into my eyes, determination shining through her tears. "Take me with you."
"It's fucked up there, Y/N. It's dangerous. I can’t—"
"I don’t care," she interrupted. "Wherever you go, I go."
I stared into her eyes, my heart swelling with love and fear. I knew what awaited us, but I also knew I couldn't leave her behind. Not now, not ever.
I hesitated, my heart aching at the thought of putting her in danger again not again I can’t go through that again. “It's not safe."
"I'm strong," she insisted. "I can handle it."
"I know," I replied, my voice filled with both pride and fear.
She held my gaze, unwavering. "I trust you, Mattheo. I choose you. I'll always choose to be with you, anywhere."
A small, wry smile tugged at the corner of my mouth. "Well, in that case, I should probably mention that I might have also set the whole manor on fire."
Her eyes widened in surprise before she burst into laughter.
The world could crumble into ashes and flames, and I would let it, if it meant keeping her safe. My father, I know, now trembles with fear for her safety just as I do. But I won't leave her behind—I can't. I will return, but she will come with me.
If my father expects me to lead one day, I will. But I won’t wait for that day to be handed to me. I will seize it now. I will take the mantle, and with it, I will ensure that this conflict ends before it has a chance to begin. I will end the war before its first battle cry, before its first blood is shed.
For her, I will make the world bend to my will. For her, I will bring peace out of chaos. She is my world, and for her, I will reshape the future.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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pendarling · 2 months
A Discussion
Villain watched mournfully as Hero packed their clothes back into their bags and collected their items along with it too. It wasn't like Villain could keep Hero imprisoned forever in their home, but a piece of them wished they were able to keep Hero convinced to stay one more night.
With their jacket wrapped around their shoulders, Hero lifted the luggage. "I'll be off then." They leaned down to kiss Villain, who had laid on the couch with their arms crossed.
"You could quit your job." They said although they knew it wouldn't work. After all, Hero was a very dedicated citizen and remained loyal to their day job aside from all the hero work. "Or you could quit!" They called out as Hero moved toward the door to put on their shoes; Villain sat up, waiting eagerly for a response—anything to keep Hero in their arms.
"I can't quit my job, how else am I supposed to make a living?" They chuckled briefly and continued tying their shoes.
"No, I meant to stop all the hero stuff. It doesn't necessarily pay you to be good."
"Or..." Hero turned, "You could quit, and we can both work a normal day job."
Villain sighed, reluctant and partially annoyed that, once again, they failed to convince Hero to be anything but what they were now. "What if I..." They trailed off, hesitant at their next idea, "What if I were to kidnap you, then you would have to stay with me."
"And what about my apartment?" Hero's head tilted. "Who will be paying the bills in my absence?"
"Who cares about some shitty apartment, Hero. Everything you need is right here!" They pointed to the kitchen counter. "Look, you won't even bother to pick up the bowl that you brought because you know that next weekend, you'll wanna stay here with me instead."
Hero dismissed it with a shrug, still standing idly by the door, a smirk playing on their lips as they watched Villain's desperate attempts at getting them to stay, "Who says I'll be here next week? If I keep coming and going, someone will become a little suspicious."
Villain threw up their arms, "Let them be suspicious! Let them speculate!"
"My peers will call me a traitor. I need my friends to know they can trust me." Hero bit their lip. They had to admit that having a large group of heroes so tightly familiar with them was turning out to be an obstacle, but they couldn't simply leave either.
"Those hero friends of yours again," Villain leaned back with a loud scoff; they knew if anything, Villain hated them more than the world. Always on Villain's tail, ruining another plan. "Why do you always need their permission to do stuff. It's your life."
"You could have whatever you want," Their arms stretched out, then pointed to themselves, "I could get it for you."
"I know." Hero stepped closer, "It's just until this is all over."
"When?" They egged. Neither of them knew the timeframe when would come a time when it would be appropriate to be together, but throwing tghe question out there would give them something to think about. One way or another, they'd have to conclude.
The room fell into silence.
Hero rubbed their temple, "Okay, I'll text you later." They reached for the door; Villain jumped up and rushed to the door to wrap their arms around Hero one last time.
"I love you, honey."
"I love you too." They kissed shortly, "Don't stay up too late."
"You know I can't sleep without you next to me."
"Look at the stars, my love. I'll be underneath them too."
TAG LIST: @books-are-everything, @kurai-hono-blog, @iykyunho, @marvellousdaisy, @m3rakii, @crow-with-a-typewriter, @sceirlose, @90scliche, @wondergoddess475, @miaowmelodie, @jeremy-no, @smallville1x10, @artsandstoriesandstuff, @whatwhump, @0eggdealer, @yuki-0710, @silky-worm, @theforeverdyingperson, @rainbow-nesquix, @m4iloblu3, @prophecies-bestowed-upon-ye,
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xannytranny · 5 months
Challengers AU
Summary: You felt like you were on top of the world. Suddenly, it felt like your world flipped upside down. Torn between love for your sport and choosing the love of your life, you don't know what's up or down. AKA, a Challengers-esque AU but with basketball instead of tennis. 
Part 1
Pairings: You x OC; eventual You x Paige x Caitlin
Warnings: None (?), swearing, slightly toxic dynamics (?)
Second Person POV
Life was great. Your team won last year's NCAA championship, and against all odds, you guys were headed into this year's Sweet Sixteen. 
Life was great. You're going into your senior year, your last year of playing with your favorite people. You've gotten close to all the girls on the team, and they've essentially become your sisters. You're favorite, above all, was your girlfriend, Mackenzie. 
Life was great, and it was about to get even better. You and Mackenzie were talking to several WBNA, and both of you were slated to be within the top five picks. You guys may end up across the country from each other, but you'd make it work because this was your dream.
Life was great. So why the hell did it feel like a lie every time you said it?
First Person POV
I hop around lightly, bopping my head to the music blaring from my earbuds. I shake out my arms, pulling them across my chest to stretch. I sat on the locker room bench, dropping my head and closing my eyes to focus on breathing. I could feel a presence sitting next to me, but I ignored them until I finished my exercises. 
I open my eyes and pull out my earbuds, looking toward the new presence. When I see it's Mackenzie, I smile slightly, "Hey you."
"You alright?" She asks, nudging our knees together. 
I soften, nodding, "Just nervous, I guess." I shrug. 
Mackenzie scoffs, "Unlike me, this isn't your first Team US selection." Her tone sounds joking, but it still has that underlying bitterness I've come to associate with our conversations. I ignore it and shrug.
"Selection doesn't mean anything if you can't bring home a win," I tell her, frowning. 
"Would you relax? This is only for gold medals and participation trophies." She snaps at me. 
I roll my eyes, standing. "Can you just leave? I need to focus."
Mackenzie scoffs and turns to leave, mumbling under her breath. I ignore her, which seems to be a theme these days, and return to stretching. I stay like that until Coach comes to collect us. I don't acknowledge Mackenzie as we begin walking toward the tunnel, my mind only on the game that's about to happen. 
I jog out of the tunnel when I hear my name called. I wave to the crowds in the stands, then run down the line, slapping hands with my teammates. I join the line, greeting the rest of my teammates. Once the introductions are finished, I get into position for tip-off. 
Tying my hair back and getting low, I watch intently as the ref tosses the ball into the air. I grin as the ball is batted in my direction, catching it and taking off toward the basket. 
 Third Person POV
Caitlin and Paige sat side by side, watching the game. When they heard you were selected for the team, they knew they had to get tickets. You were everything they wanted to be as a basketball player, not to mention you were fucking hot. 
"Dude fucking look at her go," Paige nudged Caitlin, pointing toward where you just made a tough layup. 
Caitlin nudged her back, "I see her," She mumbled, not taking her eyes off you. 
In fact, neither one of them had taken their eyes off you since you came out of the tunnel. You were magnetic, electric, and just plain fun to watch. The entire stadium seemed to roar for you, and you basked in the attention readily, sending winks and kisses into the crowd. 
Only one thought was going through their mind as they watched you: I have to have her.
Alright, so this is the intro to the fic I posted about yesterday. Let me know what you guys are thinking.
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bowbowcherry · 1 year
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Toji making you squirt in your panties at a picnic.
Uh idk I had to write it down. Testing stuff out ig alot of my writeing is inspiredby my favorite fanfic writers n such anyways I wrote half on coffee n half not so probly a lil Wonkie. But make sure to like n reblog! Ty!!
Warning: smoking, sexual public stuff, squirting ofc, pantie kink?, tojis 30, overstim?, degradation, praise, fingering
1,517 words
Sitting between toji thighs, him leaning on his hands, legs stretched out as you eat your perfectly cut diagonal sandwich. Your little woven basket and red and white picnic blanket on perfectly trimmed grass and we can't forget the clear sunny skies with a nice flow of wind. Some other people ways away doing the same picnic things. Pretty little white sun dress ridden up your thighs were toji been eyeing.
Last night you were cuddled up with toji. Him spooning you from Behind on his mattress floor bed. Watching old romance movies and when you saw the picnic, eyes sparkling and wide, clenching the blanket more hard. as the actor sitting there her long dress around her. Picking out the food from the basket. While her suited lover looked at her with heavy love eyes. You could almost see hearts.
Toji already passed out behind, snoring. Your to caught up in the pretty romantic scene to notice. After that day you could not get it out of your head so you made up your mind and begged and whined to toji about it. He said no immediately the first time. But after a week of whining to him about the "corny" picnic he finally gives in.
So here you are all happy and shining eating away at your sandwich you take your 3rd big glub of juice. Toji swats a fly away from him, grumbling"Fucking bugs." The sun beaming down on him making him sweat. "God it's fucking hot!" He airs out the front of his shirt." Toji stop complaining, it's not even that hot out." He rolls his eyes, swatting more flies away.
He goes to reach for his stress reliever pulling the lung killers out but of course you grab onto his big hand. "Toji! This is supposed to be a picnic! No smoking allowed!" You scold him. He breathes in, clenching a little too hard on the smokes. He can just alomost feel a vain starting form on his head. He puts them away, grumbling.
You lean over getting a new one, turning around between his thighs being careful with the sandwich in your hand. You hold it up to his cracked lips. "Open up~" you coo with a smile on your face. He can't say he doesn't love that smile and will do anything to see it. The little crinkles in your eyes your glossed lips stretched upwards. your beautiful teeth, too the light makeup you wear. He can't help himself for it to go straight to his dick.
It starts to twitch alive, as he stares you down deep with his intense eyes as he takes a deep sinful bite into the made slice, breaking the perfect and untouch. In the corner of his vision he can see your thighs clench. "Toji.. " You breathlessly. A redness coming to your face. He chews and swallows the food. "Pretty good sandwich." He says to the corny interaction.
You turn over fast, almost falling with nerves. Starring to eat the rest of the slice. His big hands finds your fluffy soft thighs. You squeeze them together, your squirming as he leans down into your ear. "Wearing this little dress on purpose huh?~"He squeezes the skin then slides his hand up fingers fighting to get between those soft squishy thighs. Sandwich in your hand long forgotten, squeezing it. Your other hand on his thigh, clenching the thick muscle.
Warmth and nerves run up your legs and spine, You shiver squirming into his chest, Feeling your legs start to go jelly they mindlessly start to open for his fingers. "Good girl…" His fingers slowly trace up your thigh. "Doing this all in public, so nasty and gross huh? You wanna get caught with me playing with sloppy pussy?.absolutely shameful." He pulls your dress up more flashing your pretty panties. "T…toji. J-just touch my pussy already!" You whine your hip thrusts upwards you drop your sandwich grabbing onto his biceps.
That whine and begging going straight to hiscock it throbs trying to bob in his pants, his balls clenching up feeling a little heavier. He's fucking acheing to feel your tight warm gooy walls wrappedaround him. He slides a finger through your tight cover panties pussy. He leans down a little to see the wet spot he is spreading. He can see the fat outline of your lips, your clit starting to show as he circles the hardening clit. "She's getting all fat and swollen with need huh baby?" He circles it slowly around the chub. He dips his finger down rubbing your hole through the panties, making his way back up to the main attraction. Nipples hard and poking through your thin bra.
Your squirming and moaning softy to his slow torture of your oh so poor clit. The need and ache becoming so strong you need that pain pill. That finger to just rub that pain away. Your hips thrust mindless up against his finger trying to get some relief.
He taps your clit with his finger, your hips reacting to it by bucking up. "P- please j-just fucking rub my clit!"stuttering, out of breath from the aching torture. Blood rushing places, acheing driving you crazy your pussy clenching and pusleing for need. Getting all ready, wet and slick and swollen pussy feeling heavy. Your whole body slug against him.
"All out in public you know…what if someone walks by~.Your such a little freak huh." He reminds you. Leaning down to kiss your cheek moving to your ear and biteing softy. Your eyes roll in your head being in public adding to everything.
He starts to rub faster on your fat swollen chub. "You gonn' mess these panties up for me? Make it all nice and messy for me?" His pupils wide, eyes lidded. Everytime you flash him your panties being a little tease in public especially when you know he can't do anything like the brat you are. Fats lips outline by the pretty underwear you wear for him. He loves when you let him rub his cock between the coverd folds.
He rubs faster on your hard clit. Now using two fingers your moans getting louder your legs quivering. "Ah! Hah! Daddy!" Oh you're getting so close for him. His fat cock constantly throbbing and pulsating for that relief. "Baby reach around and squeeze my cock for daddy.." the arm on his biceps, wobbling and clumsy squeezing between you guys body to squeeze at his cloth dick.
He sighs in relief going faster on your chub"daddy! I-im gonna pee!!" His eyes roll back, fuck your gonna kill him. "Yeah? Wet these fucking panties. Hah.. fuck baby yeah you gonna squirt and make it all messy?" Your pussy clenching endlessly, his other hand coming to push down on your bladder. It's all to much your high peaking, on the edge. Then it all floods, letting out a loud moan your whole body going stiff. "Oooh!!! Tojiiii!!!" Nails dipping into thigh like claws. On cloud nine as he rubs really fast on your hard clit the squirt watering your thighs, panties ruined with wet juices. Your legs quivering and shaking. The wet warmth adding to the pleasure.
He stops pulling his hand away from your over sensitive pussy when the juices stop flowing from your pussy.
Your arm back on his other thigh for more grip. You hazly bring your eyes down from where your head was resting to the mess you made everywhere still on cloud nine. Cunt pulsing and clenching with the aftershock, legs shaking and jelly. Dark stains of your sin at the bottom of your dress and the blanket. Your whole panties soaked. All warm and sticky.
You can hear toji breathing heavily "so hot baby.. your so hot baby. Good job…" He mindlessly says starting at the mess.. he bites onto your neck his wet hand moving back down for another attack. He moves your now getting cold panties. You squeek when he dips his finger into, rubbing on your now sensitive shocked gummy walls. He sticks another in.
"O-ooh..t-toji..hah" you hazly breathe deeply. Your walls clench and grab at his fingers, sucking them in. His eyes rolls back. Slick slick slick comes from the slow deep fingering. He pushes a spot that makes you go crazy. Your eyes roll,your head throws back against his shoulder.
The slick gets louder and faster as he drives that spot, sending crazy pleasure through your body. " I know you have some more…" He's breathless. Watching, waiting for more juice. Then it comes faster this time from the over sensitive pussy. He spreads your legs wider, hitting that spot hard as he can, your pussy pushing and clenching around them. Your body shaking and flexing. You spray straight out that clear liquid. Wetting the blanket in a line, droplets getting places. He moves his other hand over your mouth as you scream. "Holy fuck.." He can't keep his eyes off it.
You in your own world as he takes his fingers from your clenching pussy. "Did such a good job little freak."
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awniie · 9 months
ʚ content: fem!reader, reader takes care of sick choso, reader wishes boyfriends spends more time with her, fluff ⠂°⠄🕯
ʚ summary: your bf choso loves being your big baby when he’s sick (all the time) ˎˊ˗
ʚ note: i want choso to be my big baby ♡
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You were sitting on the couch in the living room of your apartment. You’d been stationed there for hours, mindlessly scrolling on tiktok and instagram. You hadn’t done anything productive all day, not a great way to start off the new year but you’ll save that train of thought for another time. You didn’t want to be lazy alone, in fact you were supposed to spend the day rotting with your boyfriend, Choso Kamo.
Only a couple more minutes you thought, checking your messages app, waiting a text that would said “I’m here!”. You were supposed to be binge-watching the new season you and your boyfriend’s favorite historical drama at 5:30. Season 4 had just released and you were dying to start it now, but choso made you promise that you wouldn’t start it until he got back from visiting his brother Yuji who had just gotten a cold. “Please baby,” he’d beg you, tying the laces of his black prada boots. “I promise I’ll be back soon and we’ll watch it together.” You gave him an overdramatic sigh and pouted, to which he responded with a peck on your temple. You turned your head up go meet his lips to yours, drawing him into a deeper, more desperate kiss.
"Just be patient, okay? T's only for a couple hours." Choso whined as he pulled himself away from your lips. You couldn’t help but smile a little, you loved his whines, but right now what you’d love even more is for him to just postpone his 3rd visit to Yuji’s this week. You understand he was sick, but Choso was always at his brothers place. “I already lost my brothers before, I’m not trying to lose anymore.” He’d tell you matter-of-factly whenever you had something to say about his visits. You’d understand, to a degree, but sometimes he would come back home all sleepy-eyed and exhausted and you knew he probably spent a majority of his time fretting over his more-then-capable younger brother. You’d just wish he’d rely on you more instead of always trying so responsible.
But that was hours ago, and your boyfriend swore he’d been here in only a couple minutes. You stretch and pull up your black spandex shorts you’d been wearing along with a pink cropped hoodie from garage. ‘This boy better hurry up, or else I’m just gonna start it without him.’ You’d thought, fingers reaching towards the remote that had been waiting allllll day to be picked up.
Suddenly, and thank the Lord, you heard keys jingling from the outside door of your apartment, and heard the familiar sounds of the turning knob. You practically leaped out off the chair you’d been lounging on, and ran over to give your boyfriend the biggest, tightest hug. (Mostly for making you wait all day.) But when you wrapped your arms around choso’s muscular frame, You could feel how warm his body was, how shaky he was and the distinct smell of sickness.
“Cho’ are you okay-?” You questioned, slowly peeling your chest away from his so you could get a better look at him. His hair was coming undone, the spiky buns now loosened and practically gone. His eyes were somehow more heavy then usually and you noticed he was shivering a little.
“Mhm, I’m f-fine baby, jus’ a little tired. Can we go lay down on the couch, please?” Choso answered. He tried to keep his voice steady but it was obvious how pitiful he appeared. You led him down unto the couch, sitting him upright and draping him with the blanket. You placed your hand on your forehead, and almost gasped at how hot he was.
“Cho, you’re burning up, did Yuji get you sick?” You asked, while standing up from the couch and going to the kitchen. Ibuprofen wouldn’t heal any sickness, but I’d get rid of his fever at least. Choso started to follow after you, sniffling and breathing heavy. “No no, no. You stay there. You clearly sick, lemme grab you some medicine.” He indignantly continued after you. “‘M not sick. I’m just a little chilly, that’s all.”
“Yeah, okay whatever you said.” You retorted, grabbing the pill bottle from your white cabinet and shaking out two umber colored pills. You moved away from the counter, noticing your boyfriend seemingly disappeared. “Cho’ where’d you go-“ you cut off as you foot hit something large and definitely out of place. Your 5’9 boyfriend was on the floor curled up into a little ball, shivering and sniffling under the blanket. “Oh my goodness Cho- Okay let’s bring you back to the couch.” You instructed, awkwardly lifting him off the hardwood floors and back unto the couch. Now he was back on the upholstery, but he still needed his medicine. “Okay, Choso. I’m gonna need you to open your mouth so you can take this medicine, okay? It’s gonna make you feel a whole lot better.” You coaxed, brushing the escaped tendrils of hair from his heated face.
“Nooo, ‘M good. Don’t worry about me.” he mumbled, still a shaky, pathetic mess. You groaned at his stubbornness. “Cmon Cho. You’re obviously sick so can you please just take it.” In your hand were the pills and a glass of water that he clearly didn’t wanna take. He frowned and closed his eyes, refusing to take the medication. He was acting like a spoiled toddler, expression pouty and fake. “Choso. Stop acting like a baby and just take it, it’s just a pill!” You urged, not noticing the edge in your voice, but he did. He took that medicine so fast, gulping the water to chase it down. You smiled, even though were shocked at his sudden change in disposition. Deciding to give your boyfriend a reward, you gift him a smooch on the nose, brushing more hair out of his face. “Good boy, see that wasn’t so bad. Now you’ll feel so much better.” You promised. You sat yourself right next to him, allowing him to rest his head on your shoulders.
For the rest of the week, you were both surprisingly happy. Your boyfriend was finally getting some well needed rest, and you got to watch the new episodes of your show together (he didn’t have much a choice with you padding after him everywhere). Choso never knew how much he’d enjoy being the not responsible one for a change. You were making sure he ate, checking up on him, kissing and loving on him. He was hungry for the praises that seemed to come out of you with much more proficiently now that he was succumbed to illness. You followed him constantly, and he secretly loved the fussing and attention. He’d definitely had to catch a cold more often. Of course, he was still protective older brother to Yuji, but your boyfriend Choso loved being your big baby. ♡
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miaaluvspaige · 6 days
Title: Beneath the Surface
Parring : UConn Breanna Stewart x reader
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The gym buzzed with excitement as game day loomed over the University of Connecticut campus. Fans packed into the arena, eager to see the women’s basketball team dominate once again. For you, game days were usually filled with equal parts adrenaline and joy. As a cheerleader for UConn, you loved supporting the team, especially when your girlfriend, Breanna Stewart, was on the court, leading the charge.
Today, though, the excitement was tinged with a cloud of frustration that had been building between you and Breanna for days.
It all started a week ago. Breanna had been overwhelmed, the pressure of maintaining UConn's winning streak weighing heavily on her. She'd been pulling extra hours in the gym, drowning in practices and film sessions, and, in the process, she’d been distant. The few moments you’d managed to spend together felt rushed, her focus always elsewhere. It wasn’t like her, and you missed her—missed the connection you two always shared.
You had tried to be patient, to understand that basketball was her world, but after days of getting one-word responses and last-minute cancellations on plans, you couldn’t keep the feelings bottled up any longer.
Two Hours Before the Game
You found her in the locker room hallway, stretching in the quiet before her team would hit the court for warm-ups. Determined to clear the air, you walked up to her, your heart racing, knowing the conversation was overdue.
“Breanna, can we talk?” you asked, your voice soft but serious.
She glanced up from tying her shoes, looking slightly confused. “Right now? The game’s about to start in a couple of hours.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I just feel like we’ve been off lately. I haven’t seen you outside of practice in days, and I—”
She cut you off, her voice edged with frustration. “You know how important this game is. I don’t have time for this right now.”
The way she brushed you off stung, and you felt your own frustration bubble to the surface. “I’m not asking for hours, Bre. I’m asking for you to just *listen* for a second.”
Breanna exhaled sharply, standing up and crossing her arms over her chest. “You know how much pressure I’m under. You’re always saying you understand, but then you bring this up before a game? I thought you got it.”
“I *do* get it,” you said, your voice rising. “But it feels like I don’t even exist to you anymore. I’m your girlfriend, not some afterthought when you’re done with basketball.”
Breanna’s jaw tightened, and she shook her head. “This isn’t fair. I’m trying to do my best here, and you’re making this about you.”
The words hit hard, and you blinked back the sudden rush of emotion. “I’m not making it about me. I’m just saying I miss you, Bre. I miss *us*.”
For a second, the hurt was evident in her eyes, but it was quickly masked by her frustration. “We’ll talk after the game, okay? I need to focus right now.”
The dismissal felt like a slap, and the anger you’d tried to suppress flared. “Fine,” you snapped, turning on your heel and walking away before she could see the tears welling up in your eyes.
During the Game
The energy in the arena was electric as the game began. The crowd roared with every basket, the band played, and the cheer squad did its best to keep the energy alive. But even as you smiled and jumped with the team, your heart wasn’t in it. Your fight with Breanna weighed heavily on your mind.
You caught glimpses of her on the court, towering over opponents, every movement filled with the grace and determination that made her one of the best players in the country. But something was off. Her usual confidence wasn’t there. She missed easy shots, fumbled passes, and the look of frustration on her face only grew with each mistake.
You knew she wasn’t playing her best because of your fight. And as much as you were still hurt, the thought of her struggling out there, burdened by what had happened, tugged at your heart.
By halftime, UConn was down by ten points—a rare sight for the team. The players headed to the locker room, heads down, and you knew Breanna must be taking it the hardest.
Halftime: Making Things Right
You couldn’t take it anymore. Seeing her struggle on the court, knowing that you were partly the reason, made your heart ache. You slipped away from the other cheerleaders, determination pushing you toward the locker room.
When you found Breanna, she was alone in the hallway, sitting on the floor with her head in her hands. She looked up when she heard your footsteps, her eyes wide with surprise.
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out before she could say anything. “I didn’t mean to put all that on you right before the game. I know how much this means to you.”
Breanna stood slowly, her eyes searching yours. “No, I’m sorry,” she said, her voice quieter, more vulnerable. “I shouldn’t have pushed you away. You’re right. I’ve been so focused on basketball that I haven’t made time for us. And I hate that I made you feel like you don’t matter. You do. You’re everything to me.”
Tears welled up in your eyes again, but this time from relief. “I just want to be there for you. But I need you, too.”
Breanna stepped closer, gently cupping your face with her hands, her thumbs brushing away the tears that escaped. “I know. I promise I’ll do better. After this game, I’ll make it right. I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t,” you whispered, leaning into her touch.
She kissed you then, softly and slowly, as if making up for the days of distance. It was brief but filled with all the love and apologies that words couldn’t express.
When she pulled back, you gave her a reassuring smile. “Go win this game. I’ll be here cheering for you, like always.”
Breanna grinned, the fire in her eyes reigniting. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you said, feeling the weight lift from your heart as she headed back to the court.
**The Second Half: Redemption**
The second half was a completely different story. Breanna came out with a fierce intensity, hitting her shots with precision, blocking passes, and leading her team back from the brink. You watched with pride as she dominated the court, her confidence back and stronger than ever.
Every time she scored, she glanced your way, and each time, you met her gaze with a smile and a nod, silently cheering her on.
By the final buzzer, UConn had made an incredible comeback, winning by five points. The arena erupted into cheers, and you jumped up and down with your fellow cheerleaders, your heart swelling with pride and love for the girl who had given everything out there.
**After the Game**
Breanna found you after the game, still sweaty and exhausted but grinning from ear to ear. She didn’t hesitate to pull you into a tight hug, lifting you off the ground as she spun you around, the crowd’s noise fading into the background.
“You did it,” you laughed, holding onto her tightly.
“We did it,” she corrected, setting you down but keeping you close. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Always,” you whispered, leaning in for a quick kiss.
As the celebration swirled around you, Breanna held you close, both of you knowing that whatever challenges came your way—on or off the court—you’d face them together.
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dean-a-mean-tae · 6 months
The Shrinkage Is Real | Stray Kids Additional Member AU
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Nicholas, with the help of Minho and Chan, teaches the boys how to care for his hair.
WARNINGS: Cussing, normal banter between the boys, and description of the long and aching process called washing your hair.
Nicholas Ross Master List | Requested: Yes | This was requested last year, and I'm so sorry. I got inspiration from me needing to wash my hair tomorrow ;-;
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It was that time of the month filled with pain, shoulder and back aches, lightheadedness, and random gushes of liquid. One time, Nicholas got an ache on the back of his elbow. He didn't even know that could happen without hitting it. One of the hardest tasks of Nicholas's life needed to be completed again. 
Wash day.
Technically, he needed to wash it yesterday, but that wasn't happening with the crick in his neck. Thankfully, today was a good day. His back wasn't aching as bad, and his legs were feeling great. Maybe Nick could use today to teach the others how to do his hair. They had all known each other for years now. There were slight cultural differences, but all of them were quickly explained. 
Wash day was one of these differences. Having to plan the day to wash his hair instead of washing it whenever he showered. Starting at a certain time so he could finish by a certain point. Timing the breaks to stretch and eat. Running around to check he had everything so he wouldn't have to pause unless necessary, and still having to get up to get something.
It was a process. A painful process, when done by himself, that leads to healthy hair, when done properly.
Starting small, Nicholas got some of the boys to help him take down his braids. It was a fast process. Hilarious and fun, but still fast.
"It's so dirty," Jisung gagged as he looked at the root of Nicholas's hair where the younger had just taken out a braid. The hair was matted together and covered in dandruff particles.
"If you think that small piece is dirty, look at the towel," Nicholas huffed, wincing when Chan snagged a small tangle. He hummed in acknowledgment of his hyung's whispered apology. Everyone made some noise of disgust at the amount of dandruff on the towel and Nicholas's shirt.
"Besides the dirt, this is so exciting!" Hyunjin smiled, clapping his hands from the couch next to Jisung.
"Calm down," Minho said.
"Someone get me the detangler," Nick ordered. His hair was free of braids and sticking in weird directions. Looking in the floor mirror nearly made him laugh. His hair was sticking up from different members pulling at it to unbraid it.
He kind of looked like that doll from Rugrats.
"Um, which detangler? There's a cream and a weird thing," Jeongin mumbled, holding up two containers. His eyes strained as he read the labels aloud, "One says hair mayonnaise and the other says Cantu? What is Cantu?"
"Cantu is a brand," Minho answered, separating a section of Nicholas's hair and tying up the part he didn't need. He held his hand out to Jeongin, mumbling, "Hand me the mayonnaise."
"You're seriously putting mayonnaise in his hair?" Seungmin asked, watching Minho put a glob of the mayonnaise in Nick's hair before brushing it out. He twisted the piece before pulling another section from the bundle of hair atop the taller boy's head.
"What the hell is hair mayonnaise? Why not something else? Like dressing?" Jisung asked, rolling his eyes when some of the boys laughed at him.
"Yeah, Jisung, because Nicholas wants a salad on his head," Hyunjin scoffed as he rolled his eyes and shoved Jisung out of the way.
"The mayonnaise has a lot of ingredients in it. Maybe it gives his hair nutrients?" Jeongin answered, leaning down to look at the folded Nicholas. He frowned when the taller man shrugged.
"I've always used this because my mom used it when I was younger. It's just something to detangle and then immediately wash out."
Everyone nodded as they watched Minho work in silence. He used two fingers to pull a section of hair out before finger-working the hair mayonnaise through the strands. He had to search for the brush a few times after one of the boys would take it to admire it.
"Why do you keep taking it? It's a brush, not a magic wand," Minho said. His brows furrowed in concentration, brushing through the fifth clump of hair. 
"Hyung, how much hair do you have?" Felix asked.
"A lot."
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"Alright, we're done," Minho said, leaning against the couch. Nicholas smiled as he shook his head. The tips of his twists left mayonnaise residue on his neck and cheeks. Minho raised his arms against the twists released as they threw glops of hair product onto his shirt.
"How did you know how to do this?" Changbin asked as he carefully moved the towel on the floor to put away later. Minho shrugged, patting Nick's shoulder so he could stand. They both stretched and let out groans of satisfaction as pops rang throughout the room.
"We learned by watching and asking questions," Chan answered, using the towel to wipe his hands. Nicholas left for the bathroom as Chan answered the boys' questions.
He had his shampoo, conditioner, and a hair mask. Where the hell was his hair towel? Nick turned around and screamed at Jeongin and Hyunjin standing in the doorway. They screamed back before Nicholas waved at them to be quiet. He huffed, "Why are you following me?"
"We want you to teach us to wash your hair," Hyunjin answered, wrapping his arm around Jeongin's shoulders.
"This is going to be a long process."
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"I thought we were going to wash your hair," Hyunjin grumbled around a mouth full of his sandwich. Jeongin nodded from his spot at the table, a bowl of noodles in front of him.
Nicholas and Minho rolled their eyes, the younger washing his finished plate. Minho closed his chips as he spoke. "Trust me. You'll need to eat something before washing his hair. We started at 6 in the morning and after only taking down his hair it's already 9:20 something."
"I'm finished," Jeongin declared, dumping the last scoops of noodles and placing his bowl in the sink for Nicholas to wash. Hyunjin followed shortly after with a thank you. 
They sat at the counter as Nicholas finished the dishes and cleaned the sink before setting a table tray down. He gathered his hair products down before doing a mental checklist.
"You're missing your brush," Chan said, setting a detangler brush on the tray.
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"Wash my scalp! Not my forehead," Nicholas whined as Hyunjin's nails went a little too close to his eyebrow. Hyunjin giggled out an apology, moving back to Nick's scalp. Nicholas lay on the kitchen counter with his knees bent, head hanging into the sink, and a towel under his neck.
Jeongin had done the first shampoo, and now Hyunjin was doing the second. At some point, Felix had waddled his way into the kitchen, dwarfed by one of Nick's hoodies and holding one of the many plushies from his room. Not that Nicholas could see him.
"I thought you already finished his hair?" Felix whispered to Jeongin. The pair sat at the kitchen island, watching Hyunjin and Nicholas shout at each other about the water temperature.
"I did the first wash, Hyunjin is doing the second," Jeongin answered, leaning his head against his hyung's shoulder. He continued, "If you ask, Nick might let you put the conditioner in his hair or do the leave-in. Whichever one he does today."
"Nick said he can do the leave in," Hyunjin answered, turning to look at them before screeching when Nick smacked his face.
"Pay attention before you get soap in my eyes," He groaned as he squinted his eyes.
"It's not soap! It's shampoo!"
"It's another form of soap!"
"It's for your hair! It's shampoo," Hyunjin shouted.
"Right, soap for your hair. Hair soap," Nick grinned, shrugging his shoulders in triumph. His joy didn't last long as Hyunjin sprayed him in the face.
"Please don't dirty the kitchen," Minho said, leaning against the doorway.
"Sorry, hyung," The boys at the sink whispered before side-eying each other.
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"You look bald," Jeongin smiled, smacking his hand on Nicholas's head before screeching when he squelched from the water. The curls stopped at his shoulders, which compared to how they usually were when stretched and dry, did look short.
"What hairstyle are you going for?" Seungmin asked, turning down the TV to hear Nick's response.
"Felix is gonna help me condition and stretch my hair. Then Minho is gonna twist or braid it." Nick placed a container of silk hair ties and the leave-in next to Felix before sitting in front of the younger male. 
"How do you stretch hair?" Changbin asked.
"Remember when Hyunjin pulled at one of Nick's curls and it seemed like it just kept going? He was stretching at the curl," Chan answered, from his place next to Nicholas. 
"What is this? Miss Jessie's," Jisung read, squinting at the label on the tube. Next to him, Minho huffed as he carefully placed the tube back into Felix's hands.
"You couldn't see the big words saying Leave-In Condish?" Minho asked. They watched Chan talk Felix through Nick's hair process. Take a chunk of wet hair, work the leave-in through it from root to end, and put the scrunchies on them. Making sure to evenly spread the scrunchies for maximum length and volume.
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Almost an hour later, Felix finished the last piece of Nick's hair. The boys couldn't help but laugh. With all the scrunchies holding bundles of his hair, Nicholas looked weird.
"You look like a poodle," Seungmin chuckled.
"Honestly, fuck you," Nick retorted, getting up and stretching.
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"Come on, Flippers! Your hair should be nearly dry by now," Minho shouted as he walked into the living room and glanced at the clock on the wall. 1:12. After this they could have a snack and admire the art that is Nicholas's hair.
A thud echoed with multiple footsteps followed, and Minho dived for the couch. Shortly after Minho sat down, Nicholas sat in front of him with Jeongin and Hyunjin crowding the pair. Felix and Jisung sat on the sides of Minho, the crate of hair supplies sitting in Felix's lap.
"Right now I'm going to do a protective style so he can sleep later," Minho explained, carefully taking the scrunchies off a section of Nick's hair. He took a rattail comb and parted the hair before twisting together different strands. 
Minho repeated this process until he got to the middle of Nick's head. He grabbed Nick's forehead and pulled him back, Minho whispered, "You need a break?"
"No, I just wanna get this over with," Nicholas answered, and they glanced at the clock. 2:00.
"You're halfway there," Chan said, before groaning when Changbin's character drove him off the map.
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Finally, with a head full of freshly done twists, Nicholas stood and stretched. His body popping and groaning from being moved. There were two wonky twists on the right side and three on the left side of his head, courtesy of Hyunjin and Jeongin practicing their twists on him like a mannequin. 
From 6:00 AM to 2:49 PM.
Wash day is a long process, but at least he got to spend this day with his friends. Snagging knaps, sore fingers, and stiff shoulders. All are perfectly seasoned with hair care products. Taking the time to teach them the importance of taking care of hair and how to care for it.
At least the boys would be prepared if they ever had a partner of color.
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Nicholas Ross Master list | ©️DEANAMEANTAE2024
TAGS LIST: @bada-lee-ily @jinnie-ret @hwxnghyynjin @foxilsdenn @rensahazard @mynameisnotlaura @lucianidealz @ziipzeepzop-eez @ilovejeongin007 You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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junipernight · 2 months
Yangvik Week 2024 - Days 2 and 4
Prompts: Touch Starved, Family, and Hair
“Alright, I’m ready,” said Yangchen, stepping out from behind the finned-caribou hide that partitioned the tent.
Kavik squinted at her. She was dressed in the blue furs of the water tribe, in a knee-length parka with a moon motif on the front panel. Her hair had been swept up and folded into a bun, with two strands on either side of her face hanging in braids and adorned with bone beads. Her arrows were completely covered by the warm mittens on her hands and the thick fringe over her forehead.
She looked every inch a Northern Water Tribe girl - even her eyes, normally a dark gray, seemed to have taken on a slightly icy hue, as if they were reflecting the arctic world around them—but there was something off about the disguise.
Kavik snapped his fingers as he figured it out. “You look like my gran-gran!” he said. Then his thoughts caught up with his mouth, and he said, “Wait, that didn’t come out right.”
Luckily, Yangchen seemed more amused than offended. “How was it supposed to come out, then?”
Kavik poked the bun at the nape of her neck. “Your hair. No one younger than my gran-gran wears their hair like that.”
Yangchen frowned. This had been her favorite way to do her hair, in one past life or another. She hadn’t even thought about it before tying her hair up—her fingers had remembered all on their own.
Thinking back on her time training in Agna Qel’a, however, she realized Kavik was right. She would stick out if she wore her hair like this, and it was very important that she blend in for the sake of the mission: Today, she was meeting Kavik’s extended family in Long Stretch.
And if everything went well, they would never suspect that “Ilagik” was the Avatar. 
Yangchen  peeked out the tent flap: the tundra greeted her, wide open and vibrant and abuzz with the frenetic energy of late summer. The sun was obscured by a light mist, but she could make out a bright spot low on the eastern horizon. “We have some time before we have to leave,” she said. “I can try again.”
“Let me help you,” Kavik offered.
Yangchen raised a skeptical eyebrow at him.
“My cousin taught me how to braid when I was little,” he said defensively, as if he were offended that she doubted him.
Yangchen shrugged, and flounced onto the nearest bedroll. “Ok then. You do it.”
Kavik took off his mittens and sat behind her. He pulled out the beads, untied the ribbons, and unpinned the fake fringe. Then he began to comb her hair. He started at the bottom, gently running his fingers through the strands and gently teasing apart tangles. Gradually he worked his way up to the roots of her hair.
Without meaning to, Yangchen leaned back into his touch, her eyes drifting shut. Having her hair brushed felt nice, nicer than she would have expected. It wasn’t an experience she was accustomed to; the last time someone had brushed her hair would have been back at the Western Air Temple. The older Air Nomad girls taught the younger ones how to deal with hair after they turned old enough; growing one’s hair out was an important marker of growing up. Yangchen didn’t remember whose hands had brushed her hair and taught her how to hold the comb, only that it hadn’t been Jetsun.
Yangchen winced. 
“Sorry,” said Kavik, thinking the motion had been in response to something he did.
Yangchen suddenly noticed that there wasn’t much braiding going on. “Are you playing with my hair?”
Kavik paused guiltily, “... maybe.”
“Keep doing it, it feels nice.”
Kavik was happy to oblige. He ran his hands through her hair some more, watching the silky strands slip through his fingers.
“Tell me about your cousin,” she said. “The one who taught you how to braid.”
Kavik began to separate her hair into sections. “I have a lot of cousins, but my favorite is Yuka. Every year, we used to see each other at fish camp, and we’d all go everywhere together like a pack of porcupine seals. Yuka is the oldest, and Kalyann and I used to think that cloudberries sprouted wherever she walked. She’s really smart, and she always had the best ideas for games.
“One summer, she was teaching my girl cousins how to braid their hair, and I cried until she let me learn too.”
Yangchen grinned as she imagined Kavik, baby-cheeked and innocent and tearful about being excluded.
“Real tears?” she inquired. “Or were you a master liar even then?”
“Very real tears,” Kavik assured her solemnly. . “I would never lie to Yuka.” 
Yangchen snorted, not believing him for a minute. “Will I get to meet Yuka?”
“I hope so. I heard she’s married now; hopefully she didn’t move away.”
“Do you mind if I use a little hair grease?” Kavik asked, holding up a small jar. 
“Umm...” Yangchen was willing to eat meat, if that was what was available. She was aware that the clothes she wore and the tent they were sheltered in were made from the hides of dead animals… hides which had been carefully waterproofed with the same animal fat Kavik now held up, no doubt. And yet, it still made her uncomfortable, the idea of rubbing cooked animal remains directly on her person.
She was about to say yes anyway, for the disguise and because it wasn’t really a big deal, when Kavik surprised her.
“It’s from Taku,” he said, twisting open the lid. Instead of the stench of animal fat, a fruity and sweet aroma filled the air, taking her by surprise. “I think it’s some kind of fruit oil.”
Yangchen’s shoulders relaxed. “Sure.”
Kavik rubbed the grease onto his hands and began to massage it into her hair. Whatever fruit it was, it was familiar. The scent called her back to some other place, in some other lifetime, but Yangchen resisted, focusing on the soft patter of rain on the tent and the gentle tugging of her companion’s hands through her hair; he was massaging her scalp now, digging his fingers into the roots of her hair; this was even better than the brushing.
No one touched Yangchen anymore, outside of occasional bouts of physical combat. In the western air temple, she had grown up in close proximity to dozens of girls, with whom she’d had very little physical boundaries. Her sisters and she had piled on the same beds, and huddled for warmth during festivals at the northern temple, and tackled each other both on and off the air ball court. And of course Jetsun had always been her greatest source of comfort, holding her close and anchoring her to the present when she was wracked by the grief and anguish of a thousand past lives. After Jetsun had died and Yangchen had left the temple, she’d been left with almost no one. Just a lonely figure at the top of an air spout, suspended in front of  an audience.
(Except for Nu Jian, when she still had him. Nu Jian couldn’t hug her, but at least she could hug Nu Jian.)
When had Kavik become the exception to her isolation? When had Kavik become the one that casually lifted her up and spun her around?
She was almost sad when he finally began braiding her hair, but they did have somewhere to be, and a long ride ahead of them. 
Kavik froze a thin sheet of ice, and held it up to her when he was done.
“What do you think?” He asked.
Kavik had braided the bulk of her hair into one long braid and pulled it into a loop that dangled from the crown of her head. He’d also redone the face-framing qilliqti that she had tried to do before. Yangchen had struggled to thread the thin braids through the beads, and her earlier attempt had been frizzy because of it. The hair grease combined with Kavik's skill had made the braids sleek and elegant.
Yangchen turned to thank him, and then immediately dodged a greasy finger aimed right for her nose. Another greasy hand came at her, and she grabbed Kavik’s wrists.
“Stop that!” She laughed.
“But you like my hands,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I’m trying to give you a hug!”
“Oh!” It was Kavik’s turn to be surprised. “Okay.”
She hugged him. And then she directed his greasy hands back at his face.
(They were slightly late to dinner with Kavik’s parents.)
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johnny-coxville · 1 year
How about a really cute johnny and female reader (she's johnnys girlfriend but she doesn't do any of the stunts) fic where they're playing with the Super Mighty Glue for the third film and one of the other guys sticks the reader and Johnny together and he's really cute with it and finds it hilarious?
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Figured I might as well mix the two aspects of the asks ;P
Johnny x fem!reader fluff
Too Close!
The glue that rested inside the wooden drawer was saved for a rainy day. That day. Was today. Johnny opened the blinds in the bedroom, squinting at the bright sunlight. The rain beat down on the window, giving cool air through the cracks.
He turned his head to you, where you slept softly. He made his way back over to the bed and sat down. Scratching your head, and brushing the hair out of your face. You slowly woke up, greeted by a soft kiss from Johnny. You smiled and kissed his lips. Laying your head back down on the pillow. You stretched your arms and yawned.
“Time to get up sweetheart, heading to Bam’s. It’s raining so you’re being dragged along to watch a stunt. I swear it’s harmless.” He said rubbing your shoulder. You sighed. “Alright. But if you get hurt I’m not driving you to the hospital this time.” You muttered. Of course, this was a bluff you always got so scared when he’d do such a dangerous stunt.
You two got up and dressed. Johnny slipped into his blue and white long-sleeve. Looping the belt through his black jeans. Tying his signature skull and crutches Converse. You took one of his flannels, sporting a black t-shirt underneath. Leaving it unbuttoned. You never bothered putting on a raincoat.
Finishing with your shoes, he slipped his jacket on. Grabbing the hotel keycard and sliding it into his jacket pocket. Passing you the car keys, you both headed into the heavy rain. Driving through PA wasn’t your favorite thing, but at least it wasn’t California traffic.
Johnny chatted the entire way there. Finally pulling into Bam’s driveway, multiple cars had already been pulled up. You were honestly nervous. You really weren’t interested in whatever house-destroying antics they were going to get up to.
Johnny reassured you, their plans wouldn’t be putting themselves in danger. You simply rolled your eyes and got prepared to run through the rain. Entering Bam’s parents, you shook yourself dry. Being greeted by April as usual.
She led you to the kitchen where the entire gang sat. You knew this would be trouble. All sitting at the table, like rowdy little children. They greeted you and Johnny. Sat on the table were a few containers of super glue. You looked at it unsure, looking over to Johnny.
Kosick stood leaning against the kitchen counter, camera mounted on his arm. Along with a few of the other film crew, just relaxing, waiting for the action to start. You were giving quite an unsure look. What were they going to do? Glue their lips to each other's assholes? See how far they could run with glue stuck to their feet? It had to have been something extremely outlandish.
¨Don’t look too excited for this Cons.” Dave giggled. You smiled. He always called you Cons because he could never remember your actual name. Converse were the only shoes you and Johnny ever wore, so the name stuck. “Not really. I mean. It’s probably a lot better than most of the things you’ve done.” You said pulling a chair at the table.
Bam took the initiative and stood at the foot of the table. “I say Johnny and Cons do something together! She’s never in our stunts. There’s no way we could hurt her with some super glue.” Bam said pointing at you. April facepalmed. She loved you dearly, and always talked you out of a stunt, no matter how small and stupid it was.
You nodded your head. “What are your plans.” You said caving. What’s the worse that could happen? “Alright, so you’re going to want to take your shirt o-” Before Bam could even finish Johnny cut him off with a flat no. Tremaine in the corner gave a suggestion. “Wee-man and Preston first. Just to see how it works out.” He said pointing to the two guys who uncomfortably shuffled. Sighing Preston got out of his seat.
Wee-man follows behind and stands with his arms folded. Never really fond of actually having to do a stunt. “Shirt off. Both of you” Tremaine said stepping closer with his smaller camera equipment. “Fucking seriously?” Preston scoffed.
He discarded his shirt, annoyed, and stood waiting for the next move. Wee-man reluctantly removed his shirt and stood face-palming. “Wait wait wait, I wanna do the glue!” You shouted. Tremaine shrugged his shoulders. “Works with me.” He said giving the go for filming. Everyone began to shuffle into place. Getting out of their chairs. The camera began to roll.
“Hello, I’m Johnny Knoxville! And this isss Super Mighty Glue!” He said reading the name off the glue bottle. You stood with an excited smile. “Here we have two very willing and lovely participants.” He said presenting Preston and Wee-man, with incredibly annoyed faces. You snickered taking over the bit.
“Alright, Preston you’re on the bottom, and wee-man you’re on top.” You said helping Preston slide onto the counter. The guys were already hysterical. Once Preston was on the table, you lathered his stomach full of glue. It smelled awful but surely felt even more often to feel on the skin. Wee-man was assisted onto the table, Bam shoving him backward while he was trying to balance.
“Bam!” April screamed, hitting him in the shoulder. Wee-man’s ass now glued to Preston's stomach. “Hold on! Hold on! I got this.” Johnny said pulling out a stun gun. Before he could even take a few steps Wee-man started to scream and fight, painfully ripping himself off of Preston's stomach. Preston screamed in pain pushing himself off the table. Both men jumping around and screaming.
“Someone fucking lather up Knoxville. This shit hurts!” Wee-man screamed out. Johnny wanting to prove some kind of point, maybe that he was tough, laid on the table, pulling his shirt off. “Lather me up, baby!” He said rubbing his hands together.
You squeezed two different bottles of glue onto his chest, cringing at the glue glopping and running down him. You crossed around the counter cautiously not to be stuck to Johnny in some stupid way. Just as you were ready to put the glue down, Dunn hauled you up by your shirt. You couldn’t fight his grip, being picked up like some kind of toddler by their onesie. He pressed you directly against Johnny’s bare sticky body. Johnny found this hysterical, you definitely did not.
“No fucking way! Get me off of him!” You shout. Everyone laughing except April. Johnny was nearly in tears by this point laughing, carefully trying to slide off the table. Every time you tried to pull yourself off of him, he’d squeal in pain. Your t-shirt was basically infused into his skin. Your flannel awkwardly stuck to the sides of his body where glue had seeped down.
Aww’s and laughter were spread throughout the room. You rested an angry face on his shoulder as he held you against his chest. “She’s reaallyyy stuck to me, man!” Johnny said showing you off to the camera. Flopping his body around trying to detach you. “Definitely going to have to cut her off of me..” Johnny said scratching his head. Glue stuck to his fingers getting caught up in his hair.
Looking into the camera he cringed. Ripping his fingers out of his hair, he pulled hair straight from his scalp. “Yep. I’m done! Can someone just. Set my shirt on top of her hand so she can change..” Knoxville asked.
April let out a heavy sigh. “I’ve got it.” She said leaving the kitchen. Coming back with one of her t-shirts for you to wear. You kept trying to kick at his knees, nearly having Johnny buckle over a few times. Giggling each time you made a poor attempt. “I’m going to glue your beard to someone’s pubes Dunn. I fucking swear on it.” You said as April wrapped the shirt around your neck for you to use shortly.
He giggled in the corner shaking his head. Johnny carried you around the house, holding you close. You felt like a baby strapped to his dad’s chest. Once you were nearly in the bathroom you could hear the other guys hollering. Assuming one of them had continued the bit.
He closed the bathroom door and shuffled himself to the counter to grab the scissors. You let out a heavy sigh. He giggled to himself, making eye contact from time to time. “I swear I could kill him PJ” You said pulling yourself slightly back to let him cut through the fabric. Thankfully these weren’t “good clothes”. You’d be fuming.
Once he had gotten the shirt undone, he just tore the flannel off. You finally were let go, sitting on the bathroom counter. You stared at his now extremely patchy chest, covered almost entirely in your shirt. You shrugged, sliding your new shirt on.
“Pugs! Not Drugs!” Johnny read your shirt. “That’s fucking great.” He sighed trying to relax his laughter. April always provided the best shirts. Another one to the collection. Once you had managed to clean the shirt pieces off Johnny, you both walked out to the kitchen. Dunn’s beard glued completely to the side of Bam’s face.
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balanceoflightanddark · 5 months
The fire nation's defeat was technically Azula's fault.
Zuko and Iroh were branded traitors and failures. Azula was given specific instructions to capture them, dead or alive. Azula had them both red-handed in Ba Sing Se. Instead of doing what she was told, she asks for Zuko's help and she clears his name in return.
Now, it could be argued that without Zuko's help, she would've been pummeled into submission by Aang and Azula. Well, then after his usefulness was used up, she had a chance to pull yet another fast one and apprehend him without having to lie to Ozai.
Zuko acted suspiciously. He made Azula doubt that Aang really died and she began to think that Zuko may have had something to do with his survival. Instead of searching for proof of Aang's survival and informing her suspicions to Ozai, she puts unnecessary risk on herself and sets up a gambit that was ultimately pointless in more ways than one.
If Azula did what she was supposed to do, Zuko and Iroh would be dead or put in prison which leads to Zuko never finding out about the plans with the comet, Aang never finds a firebending sifu, the FN gains victory unopposed, and Azula can reign as Fire Lord.
In short, by choosing to lend Zuko a hand more than once, she indirectly did Team Avatar a huge favor.
Boom: Butterfly Effect.
The FN's MVP was also Team Avatar's MVP. I do enjoy the irony.
I wonder though, what would the Gaang's, Azula's Zuko's, Iroh's, Ozai's, and all of FN's reactions when realizing this epiphany?
It would break Azula.
...no seriously. It would break her.
While I think it would be a bit of a stretch to say that the defeat of the Fire Nation was her fault (cause there's no way in hell she could've seen bringing Zuko home would end up with his betrayal of Ozai), I do think she was hurting already with Zuko betraying her. If she was torn up about Mai and Ty Lee turning on her, I have no doubt she'd feel the same about Zuko regardless of what her relationship with him is right now. Add on to the fact that this is a girl that is hoisted with way too much responsibility than she is able to handle (being driven to become perfect at any cost), a revelation like this would destroy her.
And the fallout wouldn't be pretty. At all. It would probably rival her breakdown at Sozin's Comet, if not be worse. Hell, I think Zuko and Iroh would be a bit concerned for her. Zuko did seem somewhat regretful at her state after the Last Agni Kai and Iroh (while not Azula's biggest fan) probably wouldn't be that callous to brush her off.
Ozai would hate her though. Hate hate HATE her though. He puts on so much pressure for her to be perfect. What do you think the abusive piece of shit is going to do when he puts two and two together. Might even disown her on the spot, which will cause her to spiral even more. And she'd probably lose a lot of support in the Fire Nation for indirectly letting an unpopular successor on the throne, which would cause her to spiral even further.
...kind of why I don't really want to put the blame on the Fire Nation's defeat on her since the poor kid doesn't need that on top of her failures already. Besides, I think the defeat of the Fire Nation can better be laid on Ozai's feet. I mean, he was the one who banished Zuko and mistreated both him and Azula. If we want to go indirect, he set up a domino effect. And directly, he wasn't able to consolidate the Fire Nation's gains at the end of the war which led to a huge rebellion movement. And he certainly didn't seem to want to get involved with fighting Aang during the Day of the Black Sun which could've stacked the odds further against him when the firebending was turned back on. Mind you, this was before Zuko showed up. Like he was sipping tea while Azula was holding the Gaang off.
That being said, I could see him pass the buck off on Azula for the Fire Nation's defeat. Which would lead into the scenario I just outlined above.
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