#Even though neither wanted them to be mixed up with the mess they created
srvbryn · 4 months
JOHN DORY. "I miss you"
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This one is short! Like reallyyy short aye
Pairing: John Dory X gn!reader
(no mentioned of specific trolls tribe and appearance)
Warning: idk man none? Just some 'damn" and the word 'fucking'
Summary: John Dory and (name) were separated for several years for reasons they couldn't help.
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John Dory stood at the door of the dimly lit club, surveying the crowded room nervously.
Even though the sounds of laughter and music he was used to were all around him, his attention was fixed on the one person he hadn't seen in a long time - (name).
JD was used to being in the spotlight, but tonight his heart raced with anticipation and anxiety. Memories of their shared past flooded his mind, reminding him of the moments they couldn't hold onto.
The door opened, revealing (name) standing in the entryway, their eyes locking across the space. Time seemed to stop, and tension crackled through the air. Years of separation had left (name) with lines on her face that reflected the feelings John hid behind his self-assured exterior.
Unable to resist, JD approached, the distance between them closing with each step. The crowd faded into the background, leaving only the two of them in a bubble of unresolved history.
"Hey," John's voice cracked, betraying the composed image he usually projected.
"(Name)," he continued, his words carrying the weight of unspoken apologies and longing.
(Name)'s gaze softened, acknowledging the pain that had kept them apart for too long. The wounds were deep, but the connection remained unbroken.
They found a quiet corner, away from the pulsating music, where their words could be heard without the interference of the outside world.
John's blue skin reflected the dim lights of the club, his green eyes searching (name)'s face for any sign of forgiveness.
"I never wanted things to end like that," John confessed, his voice barely audible above the distant beats.
"(Name), I—" he paused, struggling to find the right words. (Name)'s hand on his shoulder silenced him, a gentle reassurance that spoke volumes.
"(Name), damn it, I messed up," John admitted, frustration evident in his voice. (Name) remained silent for a moment, assessing the sincerity in John's eyes.
"You think?" (Name) retorted, a bitter edge to their words. "You disappeared without a fucking explanation, John. Do you know what that feels like?"
"I know, and I'm sorry," John pleaded, a mix of regret and determination in his eyes. "(Name)" sighed, the tension in their shoulders easing slightly.
Talks that connected their past and present emerged throughout the evening. Their shared vulnerability and laughter blended together to create a tapestry of emotions that neither had felt in years. The warmth of rediscovery started to take the place of the separation's pain.
As the hours passed, they found themselves on the dance floor, moving to the rhythm of a song that held significance in their shared history.
John's green hair caught the occasional glint of colored lights, adding to the surreal atmosphere surrounding them.
(name) whispered, "I missed you, John."
The weight of those words hung in the air, finally breaking silence. John pulled (name) into a tight embrace, savoring the feeling.
"I miss you too"
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Fishy Friendships
Scott hated his scales.
Yes, he was surrounded by the sea. Yes, he lived on an island. Yes he had coral in his hair and clinging to his clothes. And yes, he was part of a duo called Mean Gills. All of those things are very fish related, but that didn't mean he wanted to become a fish!
He couldn't change it now, though. He'd fallen to sixteen hours. He'd become a yellow life.
And for some reason, that meant scales were now appropriate.
Staring at his reflection in the sea, Scott ran his hand through the water to disrupt the offending image shown by the water. Glistening blue scales slowly creeping in on his face. They stayed near his forehead, but also went down the side of his head. Luckily his hair could cover most of them, but he would always see them.
His chest ached for reasons he couldn't explain.
He wanted to go swimming. He yearned to swim. For no apparent reason.
Taking a deep breath, Scott dived underwater.
He remembered dying. He was swimming, swimming as fast as he could, desperate to get away. Jimmy was hot on his trail. If he didn't act fast, Scott knew he would die. So he kept swimming. He swam and swam and swam. His lungs burned. Every muscle in his body screamed in pain. Martyn was close, too. Scott reached out for him, calling out Martyn's name, but all that came out was a garbled mess. Water flew into his lungs. Scott begged Martyn to kill him. He'd watched, helpless, as Martyn and Jimmy fought, shoving, kicking, elbowing each other, all whilst trying to kill him. Scott remembered how both Jimmy and Martyn had called out for him for different reasons. He felt the sword plunge into his heart. He felt it as his time as a green life was gone.
And suddenly Scott was panicking. Flailing in the water, his garbled screams could be heard all the way from the Bad Boys' mansion.
Someone dived into the water. One, no, two people had dived in. Scott couldn't tell who they were. They both looked too similar to each other. Maybe they were just one person. He couldn't tell.
He was being lifted up. Scott let them, no longer screaming in fear. The two people slowly swam up. He was getting closer and closer to breathing properly. Scott didn't even mind the water now. Even though he'd felt nothing but fear moments earlier. God he was a mess right now.
"Scott? Scott! Can you hear me?" He recognised one voice as Martyn's, but it was hard to make out the words. They all seemed to slur and mix, creating a weird linguistic concoction of nonsense.
"Scott, please. L-look at me. I'm sorry. Okay? I-i-if that helps, I'm s-sorry. Just-...please. Look at us, damnit!" Another voice cried out. This one was familiar too, but Scott couldn't place it.
His vision began to clear up.
Standing over him were Martyn and Jimmy.
"Please. Please just...acknowledge you can hear us. I-I need to know if you're alive. Your pulse is weird and-" Martyn's voice got caught in his throat.
Scott groaned. He tried to sit up, but Jimmy's gentle hands guided him back down. "H-hi," Scott offered weakly. Tears bubbled in Jimmy's eyes, and he hugged Scott tightly. Martyn was crying too, but instead was holding Scott's hand, squeezing it every few seconds.
No one moved for a while. Although Scott had recovered now, neither one of the men currently with him moved an inch. He resigned himself to watching the waves lap up at the edges of the Coral Isles. Night had crept up into the sky by now. He could hear the worried shouts of Grian and Joel off in the distance.
Reluctantly, Scott managed to crawl out of Jimmy's vice-like grip and just-...laid there. Not like there was much else to do. When he saw Joel and Grian, he gestured down to Jimmy with a simple thumbs-up directed towards them. The remainder of the Bad Boys visibly relaxed. The two dived into the sea with a faint splash and swam over at a slow pace. Scott knew they weren't slow swimmers. But it was excusable.
Jimmy had fallen asleep. With a nudge, he groggily blinked sleep out of his eyes and looked up at Scott.
"I'm sorry," he blurted out in an instant. "I'm sorry for trying to kill you and- and doing that, but I-I'm scared, I don't wanna die and we don't get a choice and-"
"It's...okay." Scott said in response. He didn't necessarily feel okay, but he could. He could learn to. For now, he'd just pretend.
"Timmy!" Grian clambered onto the island and tackled Jimmy with a hug. Joel followed soon after, slinging his arms around both of their shoulders. "Are you okay? You were gone for ages and we were worried but no death message appeared so-" Grian took a breath. "Sorry. I'm just worked up. Can we go home now?"
"Yeah, I'm exhausted after having to deal with Grian. Don't scare us like that again." Joel said in a playful tone. But it was clear to everyone that it was only there to maintain an act of confidence. In Joel's own, weird way, of course.
Jimmy looked to Scott for permission. He nodded, and Jimmy smiled at the others. As the Bad Boys left the Coral Isles, Jimmy dropped something on the ground.
"Wait, you-" Scott was about to tell him, but Jimmy smiled and shook his head. The Bad Boys disappeared.
Scott knelt down to pick up the item Jimmy dropped.
A poppy.
"You alright?" Martyn glanced up at Scott. He'd almost forgottten about his fellow Mean Gill!
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Is that-"
"Mm-hmm." Scott showed Martyn the poppy. "But, I don't know what it means anymore. So..." Scott walked to the edge of the Coral Isles. Memories flashed up in his mind, memories of him and Jimmy in the first of the Life Games spent together. Each one was closely tied to the poppy and the Pufferish of Peace. But since Jimmy lost the pufferish, Scott was going to lose the poppy.
"Are you sure?" Martyn hurriedly asked.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Scott threw the poppy into the sea.
"My place is with you. Here. On the Coral Isles. Not with him anymore." Scott smiled at Martyn and held out his hand. Martyn took it without hesitation.
It felt nice having a friend.
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coolcattime · 6 months
A Moment of Rest (A Mianite YTTD Snippet)
Written for Day 2 (AU/Post canon) of MCYT Yuri Week created by @mcyt-yuri-week
Content Warning: Contains discussion of off screen deaths and violence
Relationships: Captain Capsize/Sonja Firefoxx
Characters: Sonja Firefoxx, Captain Capsize, Spark Conway
The following takes place in the brief rest period between the end first Main Game and the beginning of the next set of sub games. At the current point in time, nine of the participants remain alive.
As their first day in this death game draws to a close, Capsize and Sonja sit together thinking about the events of the day. Despite neither wanting to think about the main game, Capsize feels the need to thank her new friend for her defence.
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Full AU Tag
Tom and Alyssa were both sleeping as peacefully as Capsize and Sonja assumed possible given the situation. Even if said sleep was fitful, it was surely better than nothing. They’d been here a day, and they'd watched three people die horribly. Even having only just met those who had died, it had been horrific, neither could imagine the full effect of the situation on the two they were watching over as they waited for the next floor to open. Neither particularly liked the silence that had settled since they had managed to coax Alyssa into getting some sleep, it let their minds wander too much into the reality that they found themselves in, but that wasn't really something they could avoid thinking about now. However, no matter how much she wanted to avoid thinking about it altogether, there was a certain part of the Main Game, beyond the horrifying deaths that had marked its end, that still itched in the mind of one of the two.
“I haven't thanked you yet," Capsize broke the silence, causing Sonja to abruptly be broken out of her own thoughts. She looked a little confused towards the other woman, not thinking of anything she needed to be thanked for, but it had been a hell of a day, maybe it’d slipped her mind. The singer avoided her eyes, drumming her fingers against her knee rhythmically wishing she had an actual instrument to focus her thoughts. “When everyone was accusing me of being a murderer, you defended me and I, uh, I really appreciate it.”
“You don’t need to thank me for that!” She spoke a little too loudly at first, causing a brief stir from Alyssa, before hushing herself. She didn’t mean to be loud; she just still couldn’t quite believe what a mess the Main Game had been, how little it took for everyone to start turning on each other. How quickly it had turned from everyone working together to trying to pick out the most useless of the group and people lying to save themselves. She’d barely wanted to show the version of the paper she’d pieced together from the shredder. Even with it having an obvious mistake, it still pointed towards Tom being a murderer, and she didn’t want to throw that landmine into the discussion. She’d been so glad when Tom brought out the scrap piece he’d found, when she saw how clearly it matched up with the tear line to show that he wasn’t a killer. The fact that it immediately pointed towards Capsize as the killer instead felt like a gut punch. “Them all turning on you, like you hadn’t spent the whole time helping, it was disgusting. Besides, it’s not like my defence did much.”
“You told them all it was bullshit, that’s good enough for me,” They both laughed, though it was a quiet and hollow feeling. Capsize wondered how close she was to getting voted up. What would’ve happened if Red hadn’t revealed himself as the murderer, as her brother? It felt repulsive to think about, the sort of thing she really didn’t want to think about because the entire situation was beyond messed up. She was happy to be alive but at the same time, they’d voted to kill someone. She’d voted to kill someone. Even if they’d been forced to, it still felt beyond uncomfortable. It was an odd mix, both were happy to be alive, but that came at the expense of two people who weren’t. No one had deserved to die, so how could they really be happy beyond the fact that they haven’t turned on each other?
“Well, I had to do something. You’ve been helping this whole time. You were willing to lose an arm for me. Even if you had killed someone, I can’t believe you were a bad person,” She honestly hadn’t been sure. Seeing the words ‘Dunbar … Murderer’ on the torn-up sheet was enough to make her question, but when she’d been locked in that deathtrap, when everything had seemed hopeless, Capsize had placed her arm in front of the arrows aimed at her, smiling as if risking her arm being shot point blank by multiple arrows was no big deal. Sonja’s mind had been set, regardless of what Capsize might’ve done outside of the game, she was a good person. Oh course, most of the others haven’t cared. “I owe you so much.”
‘It must be nice to just be able to see a pretty face assume morals based on that. Really, do you have any logical thoughts?’ She’d been dismissed just like that, treated like she was wrong for speaking emotionally. It wasn’t as if her point had been devoid of logic, she was just making a different point than the majority. It would’ve felt belittling if the situation hadn’t been so serious. Instead, it just made her blood boil and she’d yelled more. She was pretty sure she’d made the situation worse, lead to just more intense demands to Capsize to tell the truth. It hadn't mattered once Redbeard yelled over the lot of them to reveal his identity, but what if he hadn't been there? Why did everyone just decide guilty until proven innocent even despite previous actions?
“You don’t owe me anything. Just seriously, thank you,” She said, making sure to sound sincere as it was important to her that Sonja knew how much the defence had meant to her. She mulled over the whole argument that had happened. She’d felt so lost, nearly everyone turned on her so quickly, and she’d just floundered. But it had been nice to have someone still believe in her, still try and fight for her when it looked like she might’ve been the worst kind of person. And she remembered what had been yelled at Sonja, and wondered if she should say more, if there really was anything more that she could say on the topic without making assumptions. But Sonja decided to continue the conversation instead.
"Do you really think there's gonna be a way out of here? No more death or having to vote?" She asked carefully, not quite being sure if she herself believed such a thing possible. Capsize looked at her, at downcast eyes and hands playing with the fabric of her apron. She thought of the two they were watching over, of Alyssa screaming as she watched her dad be killed by the same collar still fixed around all of their necks, of Tom desperately trying to deny reality as the results of the Main Game were announced. It had been as horrible as the deaths themselves, hope sucking. She couldn't blame anyone for losing hope, but she couldn't. 
"Yeah, there has to be, I'm not dying in someone's idea of a sick joke. There's stuff I've still got to do," She spoke as if there was no doubt in her mind, like she had the whole thing figured out. Sonja looked more towards her and saw the same smile she had had during the death trap, one so reassuring that said despite reality that everything was going to be okay. And she wanted more than anything to believe that smile. "And, even if we are stuck in this mess, I'll keep on protecting you lot. So, you don't need to worry."
"You shouldn't place a burden like that on your shoulders."
"It’s not a burden..." Capsize paused, drumming her fingers on her leg again, wondering if she should actually say what she wanted to. She feared sounding too forward, that it'll be weird given the situation, but one of them could be dead tomorrow. She had enough regrets without adding another one born of cowardice. "And... we are both gonna get out of here. I know we will ‘cause, well, I was kinda hoping we could maybe go somewhere maybe grab a drink, a coffee, together just the two of us once we got out of here, so it'd really suck if we didn't."
Sonja hummed in response, it not quite clicking what had been said until after she had already done so, causing her to suddenly jolt at her own seeming indifference. She turned to see Capsize looking almost sheepish, an odd look for someone who had been bold and loud the whole time. And Sonja was almost sure she misheard because the pretty punk girl she'd met in a death game had just asked her out for coffee. She almost wanted to laugh because it almost felt like the world itself was playing a trick on her. Though she didn't, which was without a doubt good for Capsize's confidence as she already felt that she'd put her foot in her mouth. Sonja instead lent a little closer to her, taking her hand that was currently at rest and lacing her fingers between half-gloved ones. She looked at her with as much a smile as she could muster.
"I'd love to get coffee whenever we get out of here," She said. For the briefest moment, the two women looked at each other and it almost felt like they weren't in a live or death situation, like there was no chance of these being their last few days alive. They were so close to each other, close enough to hear the other's heartbeat. And maybe it was just the whole 'we might die soon thing', but they did lean even closer, close enough to feel breath on their face, to know what was about to happen. To lean even closer, their lips practically touching--
A loud clearing of a throat got them to jump away from each other with red faces. Sonja shrank inwards while Capsize glared with no end of annoyance at Spark who lent against a wall with a grin on his face. Did he seriously have to look so smug?
"Sorry to interrupt, but the next floor's open. Thought you might want some help carrying these two," He said, nodding towards Tom and Alyssa. The atmosphere was beyond awkward. Though it was certainly a no win situation for the man as, had he waited until they were done, the tension in the air would have certainly been worse. A groan left Capsize as she had to acknowledge he had a good reason for interrupting but didn't want to. She wanted to live in the previous moment, but it had already passed and flittered out of reach. She pressed her wrist against her forehead, forcing herself to take a breath, to collect her thoughts before speaking.
"You're definitely not sorry, but carry Tom and I'll consider forgiving you," Capsize said, bluntly but there was the slightest hint of levity in her tone. Spark counted himself lucky as he wasn't sure anyone else would've gotten a response so calm from her. He decided to take that as a compliment, even if it did look like she wanted to throttle him.
As Capsize scooped up Alyssa, and Spark figured out the best way to move Tom without waking him, Sonja fidgeted. Now wasn't the time to be embarrassed, and she wasn't, not really, but she couldn't help but worry about the detective telling the others what he had interrupted.
"Hey Spark, you, err," She started, sorting through her head for the right phrasing. "You aren't going to tell anyone that we were gonna--"
"That you were going to kiss?" Spark asked, an eyebrow raised. Sonja squeaked and Capsize grimaced in preparation for the answer. But he shook his head and laughed quietly. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with Mr Detective."
'If only all our secrets could be so light-hearted.' Spark thought as saw the relief wash across their features. They couldn't be of course, and he dreaded some of his own being revealed, but at least he could give some reassurances to other people, however small, as they proceeded into whatever horrors the next stage of this game was going to offer.
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redundant2 · 1 year
Thursday must be tea day
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From SecondhandCoke on Reddit who allegedly has a relative who is connected to Netflix:
"Okay I have some tea. This is all gossip, but it makes other rumors make sense, AND it feeds into something that everyone is pretty sure is Meghan is trying to make happen.
So allegedly, Meghan is not invited and will not be attending the coronation. I still hear mixed reports about Harry.
Remember the reconciliation meetings with the Royal Family that were rumored? That was Sussex Spin on the fact that PaPaChuck3 has called for an audience with Harry. It's NOT, though, as they'd like us to think, some kind of reconciliation and apology. Meghan is not invited. If she comes she will not be given audience. The children will always be given audience, but she will never be given the honor of another personal audience with the King ever again in her life.
Anyway, Chuck summoned Harry to talk about whether or not Harry would have a role in the coronation and the fact that obviously his ceremonial role to swear fealty to the crown has been undermined by the book, the Netflix show, the book tour interviews, et al. I heard from my source in LA (because Meghan is a fucking sieve and keeps nothing private), that the King has said that the Royal Family will not be apologizing for anything, not now, not ever, and certainly not publicly. On the contrary Harry would have to publicly apologize and recant the litany of irrefutable lies to play the small ducal role played by the peerage in the coronation ceremony....
Now here's the thing: my source texted this to me today....
Source: Check IMDB about the coronation. Then check MM unforgiven.
Me: What in the fuck is this?
........Here is the condensed version of what the fuck a lot of people think this is. Again this is rumor, but it's compelling rumor:
Charles has refused to apologize for anything. On the contrary he has demanded that Harry publicly recant and apologize. He isn't even asking for Meghan to because she won't and even if she did, she'd never have access to the family again anyway.
This is the provocation for Meghan's latest tell-all "Unforgiven." It's a documentary short telling "Meghan's story..." again... probably a new one. To my knowledge, a network hasn't picked it up yet.
On the actual Coronation IMDB, only Archie and Lily are listed. This makes me wonder three things:
Are Merchie and Lilibucks on there just because Meghan added them herself? Seems like the palace would keep their IMBD locked down so Boaty McBoatface doesn't end up on there (and Boaty SHOULD be on there.) Sinners who've been watching IMDB, have the Marklets always been listed? Have Ginge and Cringe ever been listed and taken down? Anyway maybe the Sussexlets have been added without any proper permission.
Why is Prince Harry neither on the Coronation nor Unforgiven? Is he on the verge on apology to his family? Is that why his children are listed on IMDB but not him. He hasn't decided?
Unforgiven is said to be coming out on January 23 (or in January of 2023). That's fast. Is that what she's been doing? No network looks poised to air it. What's she going to do, upload it to Insta or YouTube? Will it tell new lies about palace racism, like that Meghan was forced to dress as a maid? MOST importantly, why is this coming out so fast? Is it because Harry is going to apologize and she wants to get out on front, say he is being coerced and that the mistreatment has made his abuse and addiction issues "almost unsurvivable" and so she is announcing their DIVORCE? Is it coming out so fast because she wants to drop a load of mud about the palace because they are getting ready to drop their dossier on her?
I don't know, but I know this: narcissists are like toddlers and when toddlers are quiet, they are getting ready to create a huge mess. Meghan's a narc who's been too quiet for too long. What kind of mess can we next expect?"
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artemislosthunter · 9 months
luocha and mobius!
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian Gender Headcanon: woman (trans? cis? who am I to say) A ship I have with said character: Mobivill!! Fucked up women who can create horrors beyond everyone’s comprehension and who share each others strange interests A BROTP I have with said character: Elymobi, Elysia is her walking headache A NOTP I have with said character: I’ve only ever seen Mobius being shipped with Elysia and Vill-V, so I don’t think I have one A random headcanon: she has those snake like fangs ever since she mixed her DNA with the one of a snake-like Honkai beast; in my heart this is canon General opinion over said character: fucked up, needs to be studied in a lab like she studies others in a lab, I love her so much and her crimes are fine bcs I am entertained and also because I support women’s wrongs
Sexuality Headcanon: queer in some form or another; I lean towards bisexual as that is what I view his HI3 counterpart as, but I do not have enough information to neither confirm (to myself) nor deny that he is Gender Headcanon: whatever the fuck his HI3 counterpart had going on (I will elaborate on that utc bcs I do not want to mess up this format but imo it's worth looking under the cut skldjs bcs I don't think you're prepared for it) A ship I have with said character: none really, I’ve seen him being shipped with Jing Yuan and yeah I’m open for that (especially bcs of that one lightcone story where he watches him bcs he doesn’t trust him and thinks he’s all sneaky but Luocha just opens up his umbrella bcs he feels bothered by him watching him skldjk it has comedy potential imo) A BROTP I have with said character: LUOCHA AND SUSHANG!!! reunite them. Let him also adopt her (inofficially) A NOTP I have with said character: Sushang or Welt, Sushang bcs she’s too young imo (and I also HC her both in HI3 and HSR as a lesbian) and Welt simply bcs I prefer Voidwelt (and Luocha’s HI3 counterpart murdered his father and tried to kill him (Welt was 8) so I don’t really like it that much) (if someone here likes it good for you but it’s not my cup of tea) A random headcanon: I have none, everything I say about him is simply correct /j I actually can’t come up with one rn though General opinion over said character: you cannot trust this man under any circumstance ever and I love him so much, if he commits crimes I will forgive them bcs I will consider them funny 
now, what did I mean when I said I headcanon Luochas gender to be whatever the fuck his HI3 counterpart (Otto Apocalypse) had going on? This. I mean this That's him All of it
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Yes that's all him (first pic is his real body, the others are bodies whose form he took on to be undercover)
Otto's / Luocha's gender is honestly just 'whatever the fuck will get me out of this situation' / 'whatever the fuck will give me the most information in this situation' confirmed by Void Archives even
also I feel like it's important to note that none of this has ever been played for laughs. He just looks like that sometimes (and most people can't even tell the difference, it has canonically been noticed that a lot of people struggle to identify what gender he has even without disguise and yes in my heart this also applies to Luocha, the gender is just a giant questionmark)
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c4p7ch4 · 1 year
One-shot: Basta (Inkheart) x OC (Zera)
I've got no excuse for this except I was bored
Warnings: english is not my first language, also: might be out of character, it's late and I can't think straight; also also: fluff and vulnerability (that shit hurts)
"I feel terrible"
"Well, you look terrible, too." Zera said jokingly to Basta, who had just woken up from his feverish slumber. But Basta was in no mood to joke around.
He caught a cold two weeks ago that got pretty bad due to his poor immune system, and he's been bedridden for five days now. The symptoms slowly subsided, but since Basta hardly slept the entire time he was sick, he was incredibly exhausted.
Especially the last two days he could hardly rest, his thoughts were constantly circling around that night and he was unimaginably nervous whenever Zera was around. Neither of them spoke about the kiss, Zera didn't know that Basta was wide awake when she fulfilled his birthday wish and Basta didn't dare to bring it up.
"Come on, stop whinig around and sit up. Breakfast's ready." Zera said and put down a tray with bread and eggs on Basta's lap. When Zera left for the kitchen and came back with a cup of hot coffee, he still hadn't touched any of the food.
"Why aren't you eating?" asked Zera, confused. Basta didn't look up as he mumbled: "I'm not hungry." even though his stomach was gurgling with emptiness, as if it wanted to digest itself.
He didn't feel like eating. He felt awful, not only because he was hungry and tired and sore from lying around in bed so much without getting any rest, but also because he felt dirty. He couldn't remember the last time he had taken a proper bath and he hasn't been able to shave in the last few days, so his face was covered in stubble. He felt disgusting. And ashamed, especially because Zera had to see him like this.
"Of course you're hungry, you've barely eaten anything in two days. Your body's just sending you mixed signals because you're exhausted. I could fetch you something else, if you don't feel like eggs-"
"I said I'm not hungry!" Basta snapped at her and threw the tray off his lap, sending the plate of food flying onto the floor. He regretted his outburst immidiately and finally looked up to meet Zeras eyes, expecting an anxious or maybe even furious expression on her face. But instead, she looked neutral, almost indifferent. She looked Basta straight in the eyes and stared at him, he felt more and more uneasy until he realized that she was contemplating.
After what felt like an eternity, she said, "You should shave. And you should go outside, you didn't have any fresh air since you got here.". Then she took the chair which was standing next to Basta's bed and left for the bathroom. Basta heard her rummaging around at the sink but didn't know what to do, so he just stayed seated on his bed, staring at the mess he created, cursing at himself. He clawed at the blanket beneath him, he wanted to kick himself, angry as he was. His rising fury fizzled out when Zera stepped out of the bathroom, standing in front of Basta, startling him.
"'Think you can walk?"
Basta nodded puzzled and got up without asking any questions. Zera led him to the bathroom and gestured him to sit down at the chair she put in front of the sink. Basta couldn't surpress the brief look of shock when he saw himself in the mirror. He really did look terrible.
"You know, it could be worse," Zera started when she caught Basta's look, "you could look like Cockerell."
Basta huffed at that, but he had to smile at the joke. Then he went solemn again "You're just saying that to make me feel better."
Zera turned away to get the materials she prepared. "No I'm not. I'm not that nice."
She came back with a make-shift shaving set. There wasn't any shaving cream, but she managed to mix something up out of the soap she had at hand. She put a towel over Bastas' shoulders, startling him with the sudden movement, and placed the shaving set on the sink. Basta hadn't yet processed what was happening when Zera came to stand between his legs, leaning against the sink, soap in one hand, Bastas' chin in the other, spreading the soap on his face.
His face felt rough beneath her fingers, but it wasn't unpleasant. In fact, she almost enjoyed tracing the sharp edges of his face. The enjoyment faded when she noticed Bastas wide eyed look, like a deer staring at the headlights of a car, not knowing wether they meant danger or not. There was something else to his gaze she couldn't name. She stopped her movements and stepped aside to make room for Basta to shave himself.
He took the blade with a shaking hand. At first she thought he was shaking out of nervousness, then she realized it was probably because of his weak condition. She stopped his hand and took the knife from him before it touched his cheek.
"Wait, let me do it." she said, shaking her head.
But Basta recoiled from the knife, first anxious, then furious.
"The hell you are doing! You really think I'd let you get that close to my neck with a knife?" he shouted at her, standing up to make himself bigger. He couldn't let her realize how weak he really was. Unfortunately, Zera wasn't intimidated by Basta, especially not when he looked like a rabid dog, with all the foam on his face. She would have laughed at the sight if she hadn't been ireful herself.
"And you really think I'd kill you or watch as you kill yourself, shaky as you are? You know damn well that Capricorn will have me killed if his second in command dies on my watch! Either you let me help you or you can go back to bed." Zera shot back, arms crossed.
Basta stared her down angrily, but he knew she'd stand her ground no matter what, and he didn't feel like fightning, right know he wasn't strong enough for that. Exasperated he yielded, sitting down, arms crossed, tilting his head away from her. Zera came to stand between his legs again and he squirmed, when she took ahold of his face. His breath quickened along with his heartbeat and he had to fight the urge to draw away.
"Relax, I'll be careful." Zera whispered and began to draw the blade gently across his face.
Basta hated to admit it, but he found pleasure in her caresses. Of course he couldn't let her know that.
He hated how weak she made him at times, and if she knew, she'd use it to her advantage, undoubtly. That is, if she didn't know already. She had to know, why else would she be so caring towards him? She's manipulating you already, idiot! On the other hand, she was caring towards everyone. That's something he hated and admired about her. She was tough and fierce, but also caring and attentive, even to those that did her harm. Even to those stupid brats, that were intentionally clumsy just to have an excuse to come see her and be babied by her. Even to him. Of course she takes care of you, that's her job! She's got no other choice! Yet... her ministrations still felt good to Basta, even if they were forced.
He struggled to keep a stern expression, but secretly he was in heaven. His hard stance gave way for a second as the gentle touches made his body tired and his head heavy, so he leaned into her touch. Zera surpressed a soft giggle and used her hold on his face to tilt his head the other way and shave the other side of his face.
She felt that this form of self-care was good for him, despite his stiffness and tough demeanor, and that he desperately needed it. She didn't take it personally that he lashed out at her. Apart from the fact that he was very temperemental in general, he was also very weary at the moment, which made his fight or flight instincts kick in early on. He was on constant survival mode, that's something she noticed about him early on. She supposed that's bound to happen when you live in a hostile environment such as Capricorns community, and as far as she could tell, no one had Basta's back. He was cross with everyone, most likely even with himself. That drains a person, isolation and loneliness, and even though he would never admit it: he longed for company. That's probably the only thing both of them shared.
Basta's cheeks and mouth area were shaved smooth, now only his neck was left.
"Tilt your head backwards" Zera said as she cleaned the blade.
Basta blinked rapidly, as if waking up from a dream and taking in his surrounding again. He eyed Zera for a moment before he did as she bid. Zera took hold of his shoulder and shaved his neck. She saw him swallow hard, he brought his hands down to his legs and clawed into his trousers. It must have been really hard for him to be in such a vulnerable position. Zera decided to try to lighten up the mood.
"Have you heard what happened to Scipio yesterday? He and some other boys did some arm wrestling and he managed to break his arm. I didn't even think that was possible, but yet here we are. Sometimes I wonder how some of them made it this far down the road. They seem like the kind of people who would cut off their ears to find out if they could still hear when they did."
It made Zera smile to hear a low chuckle from him.
"And the other day Amario wanted to give a flower to one of the kitchen maids, but he picked something poisonous, both his hands were red and swollen and then somehow he got it in his eyes too, he looked like a blown up tomato."
The mood did lighten up a little and soon Zera was finished with the shave. Basta dried his face with the towel and looked into the mirror with satisfaction.
"There, all nice and smooth." Zera commented, leaning against his shoulder, content with her work, "I kind of miss it, a little stubble suits you." Zera gestured Basta to leave the bathroom and started cleaning up. Her last comment upset him a little and he almost regretted letting her shave him, but he felt better than before none the less. He stood in the doorway for a moment and looked back, contemplating what to say. He rarely ever thanked people, but he felt this was the right time to do so. Still, he couldn't bring the words out, he just stood there, mouth open but no words coming out.
Zera beat him to it and said "You're welcome. And now clean up the mess you made outside."
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Requests( 0/10) and Match-ups (12/12)
Hello All, I've had a blast doing these compatibility/ideal types headcanons, and I have decided that it might be fun to add matchups to the mix. I'm gonna state kinda my thought process with these so if you're able to read through it before leaving a request/matchup ask, I'd greatly appreciate it!
So, I really really wanted to open up match ups and requests and will leave details on each. On each of my platforms, I'll open 10 slots for requests, and 12 for match ups, I'll try to update how many slots are left, Due to working boarderline full time and being a full time student, I really can't afford to put more time into this hobby, even though I'd like to. 
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I will try my very best to accommodate what fandoms are requested, as a general rule if I've written in the fandom before, I'll be good to write in it again. However if I don't have any works posted about it, you can ask, but please link a fandom I have written for as a second option. 
since a whole heaping ton of these fandoms are high-school based, please take the request with either aged-up or aged-down assumption! I won't include anything NSFW in any of the responses. 
Please avoid talking about triggering subjects, I'm fine if you mention your mental health but I realize that this is a neutral space, but if a request or match up involves anything super triggering? I'll either not address it or not write it all together.  I'd like to keep high-key triggers out of this space.
-One last thing, I will not be highlighting sexuality or gender-identity in my writings. For similar reasons people have religious traumas, I've had traumas with people in the LGBTQ+ community. I will not be making any mean comments, but I also will not be taking any hate for it. I am of the firm belief that we are responsible for our own safe-spaces, and this is something I've put in place to keep this place safe for me. If this bothers you, I hope you find some place else that is a better fit for you.
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Please leave these in my message or inbox, I tend to easily loose them if they are linked in comments!
What Details I need from you (and which ones i don't!):
-if you have a gender preference, please state so. but I won't usually include pronouns in the response, so please keep that in mind, I just don't want to mess it up, especially since I'm usually writing these late at night after work, so if I do mess it up, I don't wanna offend anyone.
- I'd love to know your love language, pet peeves, what you notice first in a friend/partner, and any little details that make you... you! clothing style if you'd like, taste in music, some hobbies if you want (and why you like them)
-Physical attributes usually won't contribute much to match-ups, but if you do include them I can add some more detailed (SFW) physically affection, or things that catch the characters attention/opinions. I don't really think pictures are necessary, so it won't really help the response if you include them
-if you'd like to include your beliefs, opinions on life and your living it. I'd like to get to know you a bit, so i can really create a detailed/realistic headcanon.
-if you'd like to stay anon that's fine, but please some identifier (emoji, nickname, favorite burrito ingredient, go to order at mcdonalds, who knows)
(For the one anon I have currently, I'll just put you as original anon)
-lastly, if you'd like. please specify if you'd like a list of what happens or a headcanon on how you fell for each other, if neither are specified, I'll plan to do a mix of both
Matchup responses will be tagged with #YourWeatherReport
Total Weather Reports Currently: 2 (with more to come, so bring your umbrella!)
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I will be taking up to 10 requests on each platform at a time, 
-they can be AU based but please know those might take a little longer if I'm not as familiar with the subject matter, as I would want to do proper research on the topic. due to my current life style I might do requests out of order.
- I will only be doing x reader preferences as that's my writing specialty for now. 
- There can be general headcanons as well, not linked to anything romantically. So if you could specify whether you want something as a general or as a reaction. (I.E. MHA love languages vs MHA boys and their SO love languages) I'd just frame/aim it differently, so please specify.
I think that's about it, Thank you for your patience, I'm really looking forward to this, if you have any questions or concerns at all, please message and I'll try to get back. Please note I'll also post my own things between requests/matchups, so it could take a little bit, but I'll try to let people know when it's finished drafts and going into editing!
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Jealous Man
TW: reader is pregnant in the beginning, smut, impregnation, somnophilia, breeding kink (?), language (on my part), jealousy (?), believe that's it
A/N: You may insert any character, reader is AFAB. I kinda like this one, idk why but I'm writing a lot of pregnancy stuff??? Oh well, read with caution and enjoy! :p
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He's not a jealous man.
He prides himself on that fact, in the years he's been with you he's never felt the need for reassurance. He's never felt like he's had to compete with any man for your attention. It's not cockiness, he just knows and trusts that you love him the same way he loves you.
And this goes both ways, he's made sure to try his best so you don't feel as though you need to compete with other women. He's polite, kind even, but he has boundaries he enforces each and every time he converses with women.
He makes it clear that he is happily taken, messing with his wedding ring, keeping his phone upright, a picture of you lighting up the screen whenever he gets a notification.
Even going as far as to spray your perfume into the air and walk through the mist, as he's seen you do many times before. One spray is enough, as it sticks to his clothes and mixes with his cologne, a scent you've come to love.
He wears your hair-ties on his wrist, even the brightly colored ones, sometimes he even ties his own hair up with them, or attempts to. Most times he only gets parts of his hair to stay up, his bangs falling back into his face within a few minutes, and he spends the day huffing them away from his eyes.
Other times he manages to get all of his hair into a small ponytail and only a few strands fall out to frame his handsome face. The face you spend nights applying different products of skincare, gushing about what does what and how it'll help his skin.
He's not a jealous man.
He's really not, but something about other men shamelessly staring at you when you're both out for the day just bothers him to no extent. When those men so casually ignore his presence and saunter their way up to you, far too close mind you, just to try and get you for themselves.
Ignoring the big bright diamond on your finger, ignoring the roll of your eyes when they boast so ungraciously about themselves. Ignoring the way you wave them off, forced smiles and politeness, "no thank you"s and "my husband does that just fine, perhaps even better" falling from your lips.
Ignoring the bump in your belly.
The bump that he also prides himself on, the bump that didn't take much convincing of. You both had wanted a baby, a little bundle of joy to care and love. Within the second year of your relationship you both had known you were meant for each other, there was no doubt about it.
Even when other people doubted the strength of your relationship, saying it wouldn't survive past high school, you both had beaten the odds. Through everything you both stuck together, the good and the bad, the terrible fights where neither of you were willing to back down for days until someone brought peace offerings.
The best times were spent in the comfort of your shared home years later, where you both could unwind and be yourselves, not having to worry about anyone else but each other. Creating domesticity in the house of your dreams, memories that never faded and love that continued to grow.
Within the year you both were engaged, you had brought ideas to the table. What you wanted to do before and during the big wedding, who you wanted and didn't want to attend. Work, money, time, and contributions, everything was planned out before the big day.
You both knew what you wanted in life, you both strived for perfection and when either of you fell short of your high expectations the other was there to lift the spirits again. Your aspirations to grow and learn with each other were fulfilled within a year of your marraige.
In the second year you had surprised your husband with a box, a small simple one that held something so big and dear to the both of you. Within that box was a pregnancy test, a positive one at that, and he swore that was one of the best days of his life.
He had cared for you throughout the pregnancy, every mood swing, craving, restless night, shopping trip. He was the perfect man and you knew he'd be just as perfect as a father. He knew he'd do anything for his child, he'd be the best he could ever be, give your child exactly what they needed. He'd strive for perfection.
He wasn't a jealous man, he knew he was yours and you were his.
He wasn't a jealous man, but as soon as your doctor gave you the green light for sexual activities after the birth of your first baby something snaps. It's as if a switch flipped, he's mostly quiet during the car ride home, letting you do most of the talking and only nodding along or smiling at you.
Once you get home, he's tugging you to the bedroom like a child on Christmas. You both have the house to yourselves, your baby spending the day with grandparents, for the first time in a while. As he tugs you towards the room, you can't help but laugh as his childish manners, quickly you're cut off when you're pushed down onto the bed with him hovering over you.
He's not a jealous man, but the grip he has on your hips is possessive, angry almost. His rough thrusts have your eyes rolling back, your hands gripping the sheets of your bed, and loud moans bouncing off the walls.
His cock stretching your cunt so deliciously it makes you delirious, whines, moans, and incoherent babbles of his name fall from your puffy bruised lips. Your pussy has his dick in a death grip, tightening around him with each thrust, trying to suck him back and keep him inside forever.
He honestly had forgotten how fucking heavenly you felt, he's on cloud nine. The lewd expression on your face is almost enough to make him cum, the feeling of your pussy pulling him back in, and the sounds of skin against skin gets him even closer.
But what really gets him are two things, one being the chants of his name, a melody that only you sing so beautifully for him. Over and over you moan and whimper his name like a goddamn prayer, like he's a god.
The second is the possibility of pregnancy again. Just knowing that he can fuck you stupid, absolutely stupid, and in return you give him another baby. He can make a mess of you, have your legs trembling in a matter of hours, and you delight him with another bundle of joy.
And when the time comes, everyone will see you holding your first child and rubbing your growing stomach. They'll know, no man will ever think to make advances again, not when they see just how happy you are with your husband and children.
Not when they see that he has you stuffed full as soon as he's given the chance.
That thought alone spurs him on, it fuels the fire inside him, makes his dick twitch inside you as he makes you cum for the nth time that night. He pushes your legs up so your thighs are pressed against your tits, looking down he can see ring of your cum forming around the base of his cock.
Watching as his dick disappears into your pussy, he groans as he imagines just how beautiful you looked pregnant and how radiant you'll look again. He presses his body against yours, pinning you down against the mattress, and he ruts into you.
He grips the sheets on either side of your head, sweat drips down his temples, groans fill your ear as he buries his face into your neck. His pelvis grinds onto your overstimulated clit, his dick brushing against the sweet spot that has you creaming around him yet again.
Strings of curses fall from his lips as he spills his load inside you, filling you to the brim, shallowly thrusting into you to make sure nothing slips out. He lets your legs go, rubbing your thighs and pressing kissing along the side of your neck, cooing soft praises to you and holding you tightly against him.
And later into the night, when he feels as though your pussy looks quite empty, he raises your leg ever so gently. He wraps his arm around your midsection and toys with your clit, smiling to himself when he sees your breathing sped up.
Grinning like a child in a candy store when he feels your arousal coating his fingers, kissing along your shoulder as he slowly slips his painfully hard cock into your awaiting cunt, which only seems to have gotten tighter despite the previous hours.
Hissing quietly, he keeps toying with your clit as he slowly starts thrusting into you, your small moans coaxing him and helping him set a pace. He knows you're tired, so tired and sore, but he remains gentle, even when you stir from your slumber, whining and mumbling sleepily.
He only shushes you gently, promising that he'll do all the work, telling you to just lay there and he'll fuck you back to sleep. Of course the last thing you do is fall back asleep, you rock your hips in time with his thrusts, helping you both reach your highs.
Ecstasy courses through your veins, even in your sleepy state you're aware of him. Your mind is filled with nothing but him, him, him. You move your own hand down and hold your leg up for him, giving him a chance to angle his hips ever so slightly.
He brings you to your climax after a few more thrusts, pressing kisses to your still swollen lips, mumbling words of affirmation to you, promising to give you whatever you want. whenever you want it. His groans fill your ears once more as his hips stutter and lose their rhythm when he spills into you again, your walls getting coating white.
And imagine his delight when you come to him weeks later with another small box, a positive pregnancy test inside. A few doctor visits later, ultrasound pictures show two small sets of hands and feet. Two new siblings for your firstborn, two new additions to your family.
He's not a jealous man, but he fucks you like one.
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ask-dtrain · 2 years
📕 Damaged tale FAQ 📕
Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQ /  Or back to the main blog’s masterpost (Since this one is going to be used for things related to the blog / characters)
✨ What is Damaged tale?
Damaged tale is an Alternate Timeline of Undertale that takes place in a frozen post-genocide timeline where only Rain remains.
I shorten this to DTAT! (Damaged Tale Alternate Timeline)
✨ Who is Rain?
Rain is an outcode, a glitch that happened after some events in his world. He is an amalgamation of Papyrus, Sans, and Frisk mainly.
You can read his reference sheet for more information.
✨ How old is Rain?
Being an amalgamate, I cannot really figure out an ‘age’ for him, because I could give him many kinds of age: Existentially, mentally, physically, etc.
But he is an adult, not a child. His physical form is a mix of Sans and Papyrus’, and mentally he can recall everyone’s memories and experiences.
✨ What are his abilities?
I will link this post related to him fighting + extra info
Rain is naturally a hacker and a glitch given the circumstances he was created in. Just with these things, he is able to read codes, modify them, and learn from them too, although he can be very clumsy.
He can travel to different AUs, but this doesn’t usually work as expected.
He can use bone attacks as a normal thing, and blue / orange attacks, but they come with some errors in functioning.
He wants to specifically learn how to take advantage of glitches to revert things to their default / previous form, this way he could do some good with it. (Thinking of it like a healer, for example)
Because Rain is also an amalgamate, it is difficult to damage his physical form or determine his stats, and he cannot ‘die’ both because of this and because of his Determination. He is not completely immortal, though.
✨ How was Rain created?
I have this post about it.
But in a rough summary, Rain is the result of an accident that happened in a post-genocide route, that involved Frisk, Papyrus, and Sans.
✨ Is he a Sans? / Why does he looks like a Sans?
I’d like to say yesn’t to this, but also Rain is not a Sans. Sans is only part of his amalgamation. And because Sans was the only person who ‘existed’ completely during the accident, his code ended up recalling his form mainly.
✨  I have a question about Rain / Damaged Tale
Go ahead! It always makes me excited to get asks. My asks box is always open, but if you expect me to draw something it might take me longer than something you would just want me to ask with text. 
If you are expecting me to do things related to interactions or do roleplay, your luck is a 50/50. (Depends on mood or other stuff)
✨  Does Rain has alternate versions?
He does! There is Storm (Flowerfell), Momo (Underlust), Xine (Xtale but shitposting), Mist (Underswap), and a Human version.
✨ Can I draw your characters / make content about your characters?
I’ll cry. Yeah, but seriously. I would be more than glad to see it! I do not mind people @me at all to see, even though Tumblr sometimes do not help to see the mentions.
✨ Can i ship your character(s) with another character(s)?
For fun, I do not really mind. I myself like ships and messing around with them, but I am picky about who to ship myself when it comes to Rain, so it’s a maybe.
✨ Can I roleplay as him?
I would say no to that. Because I don’t want people misunderstanding my character. Sometimes I even think he could be too complex for me, so...
✨ Who are his family / friends?
His ‘family’ are basically his two big brothers: Insans (Tatatale), and Sappy (Sukk0).
His friends (Or some of them, mainly based on Roleplay interactions and because I get along with the creators) are:
His best friend: Cheshire (Alch3mic) Duo (Zirkkun), Herb (Omero-megane), Impostor & Orion (Impostortale)
✨ Does he have enemies?
Rain does not have ‘official’ enemies! Neither I am planning to give him any, mostly because Rain does not like to be a fighter but a pacifist, so it is not something he would actively do.
✨ Is he part of another AUs or Multiverses?
He is! Rain is kinda part of (Or a guest you could say) Magusverse and Warverse.
✨ If you have more questions, you can type them in this post and I will reply / add them!
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ghostsandtoasts · 2 years
I've never interpreted Rose's feelings as anxiety, most people probably don't and that's why he's so villainized. To me he is a rich bastard who wants to get richer and have a page in the history book all to himself. I don't know why Oleana is so dedicated to him-- though she's obviously a bit messed in the head too. But he literally dropped Bede like he was a toy that got boring even though Bede drove himself INSANE trying to impress his surrogate father who could hardly bother to remember he exists.
HOWEVER all of these things can be attributed as well to the haphazard writing and plot building of swsh. Your take is definitely unique and interesting tho! I'm not trying to start shit or say you're wrong :] just explaining how I came to my interpretation of him. I loooove shitty overinflated ego father type villains so I enjoy the general fandom take. Still I'm glad Rose has one friend out here swinging for him XD
Hell yeah, I’m always up for a good natured debate! I always try to look at the antagonists with nuance. I mainly base things off on gameverse, sense that’s what I’ve got the most knowledge on, but I do know bits and pieces of the other continuities. Obviously my interoperation isn’t gospel lol, you’re allowed to disagree with me.
I generally view Rose as a gifted kid™, he was the child prodigy, which lead to really high expectations from a rather young age. People think very highly of him, and he wants to live up to those ideals. I view Rose’s urgency as a mix of anxiety and him wanting to live up to expectations. My guy definitely developed a messiah/savior complex (In both senses, he’s hailed as the Hero of Galar, and has the need to fix everything right now) That puts all the pressure on himself:
“He firmly believes that actions speak louder than words and will often make decisions without revealing his thinking to others. For better or for worse, it is this style of leadership that has allowed the Macro Cosmos conglomerate to grow to where it is today.” - Oleana, Rose’s rare league card.
Peony as a father is rather overbearing, which at least to me implies that his and Rose’s parents love was pretty conditional, which while Peony swings in the opposite direction entirely, may explain how Rose acted towards Bede. (I don’t like the anime’s protrial of Rose, but his father dying in a mining accident does add some interesting implications to his relationship with Bede, which of course the anime writers did nothing with 😒) Obviously this isn’t to excuse his behavior, just to explain it. (Pokespe!Rose pretending to have completely forgotten Bede’s name as some kind of twisted joke is inexcusable) Though I do wish we got some resolution with them.
Oleana went from a relatively unknown researcher, to creating the dynamax bands and being a huge company's right hand woman because Rose saw the potential of her research. She owes him a lot and unknowingly put him on a pedestal (like most other people in his life rip) Neither realized the plan wouldn’t work until it was too late, and Eternatus was loose.
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f1-birb · 1 year
I'm angry. I do not like Mercedes, I actually despise them. I like Hamilton, seems like a hood guy, but I can't stand the team or Russel. I used to like Russel until this year when I now do not like him at all, I don't think he deserves this win after all the things he's done to other drivers these last few races. I am terrified Mercedes will be a front runner team again, I don't want that, I want to cry thinking about it. And the fact that Russel won before Hamilton is just so frustrating, I would be happier to see Hamilton win.
And alpine, its mostly cause I'm a mclaren fan that I hate the team. I have nothing against Ocon and Alonso is Alonso yknow but the team makes my blood boil. I can't stand them.
Now redbull, my opinion on redbull is alright but I really like Max. I'm happy for him to win the championship and I don't know what happened this race. He's been off in both the sprint and today. It almost feel like Max from last year is back when he just seemed to desperate. But this year its for no reason. He could've won today I belive if it wasn't for the incident with Hamilton. About that incident too, I don't think it was Maxs fault, from what I've seen he was ahead and Hamilton left him no space. I'm just so frustrated.
And now Mclaren. Daniel messed up on lap one but I don't have any expectations of him anymore so I don't really care. But Lando drove well, he had a great start and fought good with the ferrari. I understand the penalty for colliding with Charles but I'm still sad of course. And I'm so angry at mclaren for creating an abomination of a car that Lando has managed to get a fucking podium in. He knows the team is relying on him to win and has driven three race while sick!!!! That's not okay. I'm also a bit angry at Daniel for being this shitty that Lando has had this pressure on him. Mclarens entire year has been on Landos shoulders and that can't be good mentally on our boy. He doesn't deserve that. He deserves a good team that can give him a good car. How hard can that be?
I suppose that's all my thoughts about the race. Sorry if it seemed a bit too angry sometimes but I'm still very upset.
Firstly I hope being able to vent made you feel a little better <3
Second, we feel the same way about a lot of things from this race and this season but I will summarise:
Same thoughts about Merc, was raised a Merc hater and shall stay one. I've only warmed up to Lewis in recent years tbh, but like you I really liked George at Williams (bar the incident with VB which I still get prickly over) and since he's been at Merc I've slowly liked him less. He's made certain comments and there have been several incidents, particularly Singapore and since that have made me change his cute tag to one less cute, but I can't fault him today. For Q3 absolutely I'll fault him and will claim that helped him today, but he did a good job and I can't deny him the race win
Alpine, same hat, don't hate their drivers but they're a threat to McLaren and since my boy's there that's my team (and it was my team even back in 10-12 with JB and LH even though at the time I could not stand LH)
RB is where we differ a little, I can't stand the team and I have extremely mixed feelings on it. I don't hate Max but I'm certainly not his biggest fan, and I think he and Lewis bring out the worst in each other on track. I think Max has been getting incredibly frustrated while driving not in his usual spots this season, or at least since summer break. Singapore a classic example with the safety car incident and the lock up (both of which I was angry over because Lando was at risk) - tbh I wouldn't have cared either way if either, both, neither of them got a penalty for that incident // EDIT: having seen Max's comments post-race he's in time out until further notice
McLaren..... big sigh. Idk what they did between the 35 and 36 but whatever it is IT AINT IT. Lando had a fantastic start, especially since he's had some rocky ones this season, and I'm so glad they replayed it, and he was driving very well considering he felt like absolute shit and has done since Thursday. The incident with Charles was just that, an incident in my opinion, and the fact I'm hearing that Charles stans are sending Lando hate and even death threats is so disgusting but I honestly can't expect much better (and much like with staniels I am fully aware it's not all Charles fans). Lando has consistently dragged that tractor into the points, put it a lot higher up the grid than it deserves, and even managed a podium in it which is incredible, and I feel bad he's had to carry the team for basically two years, especially this year with how much they've had to fight with Alpine and it's basically been him alone
And Daniel.... if I speak, I am in big big big trouble because boy do I have words and only some of them are nice
That's all my feelings out for today but if anyone wants to rant, vent, chat, feel free to drop in my inbox
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nikkilancaco · 2 years
Hey guys!
I've started a fnaf security breach fic!
It's got ghosts and stuff lol
prob a bit ooc
Give it a read if you want!
Chapter one is also below the read more line if you don't want to go to A03.
Here's the summary :)
-FazCo has a mechanical engineering program that opens up for employees who have worked there for a year doing grunt work.
You're pretty good at robotics, got a good scholarship to the nearby college. Coding can be a nightmare though. You've been an associate at the pizza plex for about that year and have been talking with managment and your human and robot coworkers alike about getting into that program. Things have even been going smoothly!
Just got to deal with the occasional malevolent spirit or help a ghost out, but it's fine! You're used to this! Things just start getting a little... weird... after a cave in under Roxy Raceway. There's something awful living under the plex. Well not living, but there's definitely something down there. It reeks bad vibes. Totally not gonna mess with that. Then there was that fragment of a ghost that you saved from a fucked up arcade cabinet. Now your animatronic friends are acting a bit off.
You knew Fazbear has some skeletons in the closet, but holy fuck you did not want to deal with supernatural bullshit at work. God you need a drink.-
You sit down on a bench in the atrium, taking a second to get off your feet for a bit. Ten hour shifts are a lot, but it’s not like you have much of a life outside of the plex during your breaks, and the pay is good. Helps you pay for tuition and your few hobbies. It's been, what? About a year now that you’ve been working for Fazbear as an 'at need' associate. It’s been a mix of  mostly janitorial, guest service, security and occasionally mechanical helper. Mainly for the staff bots. The glam rocks have their own mechanics and handlers. 
If you complete a year of grunt work, you’ll qualify for their engineering program. And it’ll help you work towards your degree in computer engineering and mechanics. Got a good scholarship to the nearby college in the city for making a potato powered lawn mower from scratch that drove itself. All good fun. Coding is a bitch though.  
You sigh, rubbing some sweat off your brow. Some chuckle fuck’s kid had drawn on the staff bots again. The poor thing was rolling around with ‘dumptruck ass’ on it’s… well … ass surrounded by some surprisingly well drawn butts. Not sure how they managed to pin the thing to draw on it, probably had some help. You sent off the bot after scrubbing its butt with some rubbing alcohol. Neither of you made eye contact. It had been covering its face with its hands. Nobody had seen you do this, as you had dragged the bot into an employee hallway, but you are proven wrong when a shadow falls over you followed by a low chuckle.  
“You know Cher,” Oh, here we go, ”Yer supposed to ask nicely to touch someone's butt like that.” 
Tilting your head back you’re greeted with a green snout and sharp teeth. Ah, yes. Montgomery gator. One of the main cast of the 80’s themed animatronics here at the Mega Pizzaplex. Technological marvels, they are. They have super advanced AI that you could only dream of creating. Able to interact in real time with guests and think for themselves with a full array of emotions. This also gives them the capability of being total smartasses. 
How he managed to sneak up on you with his heavy metallic ass, you’re not sure.  
Throwing a smirk his way you snark, “Oh, asking for a favor are we?”
He gives you a bland look through his star-shaped sunglasses, looking you up and down, “Meh, yer not my type.”
“Wooooow, you sure do know how to make a person feel special.” Your sarcasm doesn’t phase him. 
The robotic gator is one of your best friends here. He can be a total dick for sure, but you two somehow clicked within the first week of work and you can give back as much snark as he dishes out. You also enjoy helping him wreck his stuff. Poor guy has a lot of pent up stress and anger, especially since being put in the spotlight after Bonnie got decommissioned eight months ago. Which people seem to unfairly blame him for. But if Fazbear is willing to pay for new furniture regularly and yall arent hurting anybody, then cheers! You even bring him the best things to destroy in his room. A stuffed animal full of those tiny beads? Hell yeah! That shit is still embedded in the carpet. You also got him an inflatable punching bag, filled it with shaving cream, different food dyes, and feathers and let him go ham before running out of his room. He then proceeded to chase you down, covered in pink and purple colored shaving cream and feathers, cornered you in the atrium, and used you as a towel. You were absolutely covered in the stuff and laughing hysterically. Good thing it was after hours. This was the first prank of the beginning of the prank war. He even roped Chica and Roxy into helping him occasionally. But so did you. Those two liked your ideas better. Freddy liked to just watch from the sidelines. 
The two of you had tried to rope in the jester themed daycare animatronic, a whole two dudes in one body deal. You both were even successful. But then there was the glitter bomb fiasco. Those guys do NOT like messes. And you and the gator tended to make big ones. They made both of your sparkly butts sit in the time out corner for an hour. Totally worth it.
To be honest you probably have the best relationship with the animatronics out of the handful of human employees the pizzaplex has on staff. Other than their handlers.
Monique, Chica’s handler, a tall, curvy, bubbly and funny latina lady, occasionally joins in on the mayhem. She and Clover, Roxanne Wolf’s handler, would make bets on who would win this week's nonsense between you and Monty. She’d occasionally get you to join them in jazzercise and you’d sneak Chica some food afterwards from outside the Plex. Monique always knew and would give you a wink before pretending like she didn’t see anything. 
Clover is a nerd, through and through. Their five foot nothing stature is complete with short red curly hair, glasses, and a denim jacket with a whole array of pins from different anime and cartoons. They even successfully pulled you into their DND campaign. It’s interesting to see them interact with Roxy, the she-wolf being their polar opposite with all her leather and rockstar vibe. But they make her laugh, and have really helped her come out of her shell. She hasn’t been as snarky and self absorbed lately, which is a great step. You remember her saying something about how Clover doesn’t entertain her shit attitude and being blunt as hell when she’s being a bitch. They cheer her on when she shows any amount of decent behavior. Positive reinforcement and all that. She also said Clover got her to pull her head out of her ass and finally ask Chica out. Robot romance isn’t your expertise, but those two have been absolutely smitten with each other and you have no idea how they hadn’t gotten together before you started working there. Almost three years of pining! Come on you robot lesbians! 
Monty’s handler is relatively new. His old one, Ramόn, a light brown skinned man with dark hair, had to quit unexpectedly due to a family issue. You didn’t pry more than asking if he’d be alright and to call you if he needed anything. You had become good friends during your time. He even helped cook up some very fun ideas for your prank war against Monty and you two had a good cry session together over shitty boyfriends. You made sure you three could video chat at least once a week while he figured things out in Colombia. Hopefully he'll come back. 
Monty’s new handler, Aydin, is a recent graduate in physical therapy and child counseling who had been working in the daycare for about two years, doubling as staff and Sun and Moon’s handler. He got transferred out due to Ramόn quitting and the main cast needing a handler more than the daycare attendants. Though he visits them often. You wish they had assigned you but Aydin had seniority despite not wanting to move. Monty hasn’t complained to you about him yet, so you guess things are going good. It’s not like he’s bad on the eyes either. Coffee colored skin, strong jawline, reaaaaally nice shoulders, his short kinky hair bleached on the ends, and six feet tall, the guy looks like he could even bench press Monty.  He proudly wears a small trans flag pin on his staff hat. Made you brave enough to wear your nonbinary and ace pins on yours. 
Freddy’s handler is an older mongolian woman, Nara, or Narangerel. A sweet little lady with dark skin and grey streaked hair, with multiple degrees in engineering and robotics and a large family that visits regularly. She’s worked here the longest of you, basically since before the plex opened three years ago, and was on the team that built the animatronics. Her and Freddy have that bond only two older souls can have with each other, which you and the others make fun of. The animatronic bear is very sweet with her and whenever they catch you and Monty being menaces, it feels like getting lectured by your parents. Not in a bad way at all though. It actually makes you happy that they care so much. Nara also makes amazing food, and she will treat you and the others whenever it fits her fancy. God, you love her.
The bench shaking pulls you out of your reverie. The reptile had sat down next to you, his tail threaded through the open back of the bench as he laid his arms across the back of it.  You poke his side a few times, earning metallic taps from your fingernail.
“Aren’t you supposed to be entertaining the public right now, ya lizard?”
He gives you a side eye, red irises aglow, “What? Ya don’t want to hang out? With the kids back in school from break, this place gets boring.” 
He was right. The day had been going pretty slow. There were several groups of adults and some children scattered about, but the majority didn’t seem as keen on interacting with the animatronics as the kids. Monty knew he scared some people. His sharp teeth and gruff exterior wasn’t exactly inviting. His semi-aggressive reputation didn’t help either. Wasn’t his fault he had to chew out multiple guests for being idiots. 
Many adults mainly came to the mega mall to get drunk and play games, maybe bowl a bit. Poor DJ. You’re sure that giant spiderbot has seen his fair share of drunken college students throwing up in his arcade. Your fazwatch dings. Speaking of…
“I’d love to hang out dude, but I just got a ding from DJ that some drunken fool threw up on the dance floor. I mean you’re more than welcome to keep me company.” You pat one of his purple shoulder pads. 
“C’moooon. Why can’t one of the staff bots handle it? I haven’t seen you in like a week.” He huffs, crossing his arms, leaning towards you.
“Dude, I had midterms, I had to study, then die, then study some more, then sleep, and repeat. Also it’s in the dance pit part, where the bots have a bit of a tough time getting to.” You nudge one of his giant purple feet with your shoe. “And hey, maybe you can show me some moves.”
Monty chuckles, “Fine, fine, let’s go.” He stands up, offering you a hand and you both start heading over to the cleaning storage closet.
There was… so much puke.
Even the DJ stopped his music to clear away the crowd. The guy must’ve had half a keg and three platters of nachos. Yikes. 
“Well, there goes you showing me some dance moves.” You joke. Monty grumbles.
“Damn, how can one human hold all that in them?”
“They can’t,” you simply state before rolling your cart to the edge of the stairs of the dance floor, tilting it back to roll it down. A few patrons watch you and your scaly companion. A small group meanders over to Monty, some decked out in his merch. You grin at him, telling him to go handle his fans. They are drunkenly excited and start to pose and snap pictures with him while you begin to clean up. DJ props his giant boxy head on his giant hand and watches you idly. 
“Jesus, DJ. Is the guy ok?” This was an alarming amount. You flick your eyes up to see that DJ’s normally black eyes had a red first aid symbol in them while he gives you a thumbs up. 
“Oh, well that’s good. Can’t say I blame him for wanting to party. A lot of us college kids just got done with midterms. Gotta relieve that stress somehow.” 3pm on a Monday is as good of a time as any. Gotta love midterm break.
You receive a goofy little tune in agreement. 
Finished with getting the nasty into a bin on your cart, you begin washing and sanitizing the floor. 
“Alright DJ! All done! I think you can resume the party, yeah?” 
A deep rumbling wubdub is your answer as he stands up on his stage and sets a beat for the dance floor and starts the dance lights up again. Giving him a thumbs up, you start rolling your cart back up the steps only to stop at the top when you hear your name being called over the music. 
Electric blue hair and a set of glowing green headphones zero in on you and Sierra, DJ’s handler and mechanic, envelops you in a hug. 
“Finally, someone fun to hang around! Thanks for cleaning that awfulness up hun!”
You chuckle, returning the hug, “What the minis aren’t enough entertainment for you?”
She playfully pushes your shoulder, breaking the hug, “Those little scamps like scurrying into the vents any chance they get. I’ve hardly seen them today.” Sierra adjusts her tool belt and black webbed shirt before brushing off her blue and black skirt. She really pulls off the goth and rockstar vibe. Her winged eyeliner is immaculate. You’re a smidge jealous. 
“Aww, I wanted to give them some scritches.”  
“You can buy scritches with shiny forms of payment. They’re like crows, those little gremlins,” She huffs a laugh, before getting a notification on her fazwatch. A grin forms on her face before she looks up into the rafters three stories above. Following her gaze you spy four sets of neon colored cymbals and headphones glowing up in the shadows. Green, pink, yellow, and blue. The green pair waves at you before all their lights extinguish and the mini DJ spider bots disappear back into oblivion.
“What the hell do they even do up there?” You ask.
“They like throwing confetti on guests, but you didn’t hear that from me.”
You snort before pulling her back into a hug and kissing her temple, “My lips are sealed.”
She giggles at the tickling sensation before kissing you on the cheek.
“Get a room you two,” a deep rumbling voice pipes up from behind you. Monty must’ve gotten done playing with his fans. 
Yes, you and Sierra have been dating for about five months now. She’s even kinda walked you through some of DJ’s repairs and basic maintenance. Unfortunately she can’t be your mentor when you sign up for the engineering program, the higher ups don’t want their trainee getting special treatment, but she can get away with showing you a thing or two. She graduated about two years ago and has found her place among the insanity of the Fazcade. 
A heavy metal snout rests on the top of your head and starts gaining weight before you finally laugh and separate from Sierra to push Monty off you. 
“Okay! Okay, heh,” you laugh and scratch his nose a bit before turning around. Gators have sensitive noses. Especially this one, as evident by the slight wag in his tail.
A flash from the corner of your eye tells you someone had taken a picture of you petting Monty. Getting good PR and helping Monty become more approachable? Noice.
Hmmm, and black mail material for Roxy. Hehehee~
It’s good for the Fazbear image for customers to see employees and the like interact closely with the animatronics. Apparently it wasn't very common for employees other than the handlers to just… hang out with the robots until you came along. You guess not everyone there is as fascinated with them as you are, but still. Technological marvels! Like, how could you not want to interact with them? People were all over Sofia the robot a couple decades back in 2018. Technology has come so far since then! 
Then again, Fazbear has all those disclaimers about their animatronics and nonliability waivers everyone who enters has to sign. And a history of legal trouble. Maybe it’s their legal team they’re scared of. Which is fair.
Even the mechanics didn’t stray too far from the repair rooms and parts and service. Except Sierra and Nara of course. You’ve only met the head mechanic a few times. Mainly to help clean Monty up after some rather sticky pranks had gone bad and he got some wires and joints jammed up. Jerry is a nice middle aged guy, frustrated with you two of course, but nice. Doesn’t like the crowds. Which is understandable. It is hellish out on the floor. The other mechanic you’ve only met in passing. Regan? Robert? You can’t remember. He seemed to just want to do his tasks and keep to himself. He mainly works on repairing staff and security bots, which with how many of them are in the facility, you’re sure takes absolutely forever. You were kinda hoping to take some of that load off when you get into the program.
Anyway, back to the moment at hand.
“Well? Show me how to dance gator man!” You shout over the music, shoving your cart off into a corner.
“Yeah Monty! Show us how it’s done!” Sierra chimes in, looping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder. DJ started to play some wild EDM and skrillex mix, bopping to the beat. Monty gives you both a sharp grin and begins to thoroughly tear it up on the dance floor. The guys sure does got some moves and even starts a small rave.
A few songs later, you’re dragged out of the crowd by a flushed Sierra, both of you panting and laughing. 
“Come on, I got a ping that one of the game cabinets is down on the second level,” she says while leading you to the glass staircase. You check behind you and wave to Monty who gives you a thumbs up before getting back into it with a child having the time of their life on his shoulders. Their little hands gripping his mohawk with surprising strength as he bounces around.
The two of you make your way up when you start hearing the clang of small cymbals. Sierra snorts as you guys get close enough to see a mini DJ music man with glowing pink cymbals making a racket on top of a dark screened cabinet. They’re about the size of a golden retriever with six legs, a boxy head, pink headphones, a boxy spider-like abdomen, and a cute little top hat. They happily trill at Sierra before launching themself into her arms. She lets out an oof as the sixty pound animatronic clings to her. They release a pre-recorded sound of children yelling ‘Yay!’, shoots a little cloud of confetti out from their hat, and pats Sierra on the head with one of its cymbals, before wiggling out of her grip. Once they’re on the ground you squat down with your arms wide open.
“It’s the baby! Come here cutie!” 
The mini scampers over to you and all but bulldozes you over. Guess you don’t need payment for this cuddle session. Some of the guests watch on in amusement as you shower the bot with pets and praise before continuing with their afternoon. You’ve dubbed this mini as MP3 (mini pink technically with the 3 added as a joke). They start vibrating as you scratch off some gunk on the side of their face and clean their black glass optics with your sleeve. 
A pair of small red shoes enter your periphery and you glance up to see a little boy, maybe 8 or 9, had curiously wandered over. 
“Hey kiddo! Would you like to say hi?” You pat MP3 on the head. 
The boy looks surprised but shyly nods, his blond hair bouncing a bit, and reaches out a hand. MP3 curiously looks up at you as you watch the boy’s fingertips phase through the top of the bots head.
The child snatched his hand back like he’d been burned and looked about ready to flee or cry, or both, when you calmly got his attention by brushing your hand on his shoulder. His gaze shot to you, startled, but you just gave him a warm smile. You trail your hand along his arm down to his hand, before lightly holding it in your own, letting him decide if he wants to pull away. You didn’t want to overwhelm him. Feeling so much touch again can be jarring. He doesn’t and grabs onto like you’re a lifeline. His hand is ice cold. 
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. This is a bit strange, I know, but would you like to try and pet them again?”
He nods and you give him a reassuring squeeze as he brings his free hand up to pet MP3. This time his hand makes contact and MP3 makes ‘hm?’ noises as they sense this odd petting that is definitely not coming from you, head tilting back and forth. You give the bot a scratch on the nose as the boy continues exploring and MP3 settles a bit.  
“My name’s y/n, I’m one of the staff members here,” you say softly, not really caring if you’re overheard, “What’s your name?” 
The child glances up at you shyly before squeaking out, “Dylan.” 
“It’s nice to meet you Dylan, are you having fun at the Pizzaplex?” 
Dylan nods before he looks at you curiously, “Are you a magician? Other adults can’t see me or touch me. But, um, you see me?” 
You look around, noting that Sierra is still working on the arcade cabinet, but you know she’s totally listening, and that there aren’t many guests around, before leaning over like you're gonna share a secret with your free hand cupped to the side of your mouth.
“I’m not a magician, no. More of a witch. Aaannd my eyes are better than most adults.”
He squints at you, “Is it cuz you eat your carrots?”
You laugh, “You know, it must be because I eat sooo many carrots!” 
He laughs and it looks like he's about to ask something else when you both hear his name being called. Looking over you see a small group of four children, corporeal by the looks of it since they keep bouncing off the arcade cabinets and you can hear their footsteps, amble over to you. MP3 had tuckered down into your lap and was fake purring, enjoying Dylan's little scritches. They look up as the kids get closer, their curious stares landing on your and Dylan's clasped hands and the robot being pet, the latter stealing their attention.
“Can I pet them too!?” One of them shouts followed by a chorus of ‘me toos!’. MP3 stretches out their legs before settling again, raising their purring volume. You snicker before patting their head,
“Yeah go ahead!”
The kids descend onto the bot, showering them with praise and giggles of excitement. They ask you all sorts of questions about the bot’s name, what they eat (nothing), your favorite color, your name, why you and Dylan are holding hands (he was nervous), and others. MP3 just eats up all the attention. Once they’ve gotten it all out of their systems one of the children challenges another in a skeeball match and the whole group including Dylan run off to play. He stops for a second and turns around running back to you, enveloping you in a chilly hug, before running off with a thank you. You sit there for a second and hug MP3 to your chest as a small sense of vertigo overtakes you. Kids don’t generally take up too much energy but being dizzy is still not fun.
A pair of hands start rubbing your shoulders and you look up to see Sierra standing behind you, blue hair cascading around her face. She gives you a small smile,
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just a little sad. It’s always hard seeing the kids.” Sierra hums in agreement as you lay back against her legs.
This isn’t the first time you’ve seen a ghost child wandering the plex. There tends to be a good ghost crowd in general here. Honestly if you had died as a kid, hell, even as an adult, in the nearby area, you would totally spend some of the afterlife in a giant fun center geared to your childish amazement. Especially since living kids usually would be able to see and hear you. 
You stand with a sigh, letting MP3 skitter off, and glance over to the skeeball area. A group of six children surrounded the machines while two seemed to be in a heated battle of skill. 
You nod at the area, “How many do you see over there?”
Sierra looked over at the skeeball machine, “Just four. You?”
“Six for now… I’m glad they’re all having fun.” 
You smile as one of the children in the match raises their arms in victory as the others around them start cheering. Sierra bumps her hip against yours and leans her arms on the railing.
“It’s a good place for fun.” 
You hum, watching the little group below a bit longer before stretching your arms above your head and giving Sierra a quick hug.
“Alright, I gotta put the cart back before some dork decides to ride in it.”
She hugs you back, “M’kay, I’ll see you after work.” 
You descend the stairs, spying your cart up against a wall with a staff bot inspecting it. You sidle up to it and apologize for leaving the cart unattended, rolling it away to toss the puke and sanitize the thing in the storage closet. 
There’s a few hours left of your shift, 8am-6pm. Not much to do other than patrol and make sure people aren’t sneaking into areas they shouldn’t be and help guests if they get lost in the building. 
A ding from your fazwatch alerts you to the comedy bot malfunctioning at the theater outside of the daycare. 
You’re tempted to let it lie. The thing get so many complaints already but FazCo would have your ass if you let one of their advertisement makers break.
With a grumble, you make your way over to the daycare theater. Immediately you see the bot face down on the stage, the cycling video of cartoon versions of the main four walking with their signs playing on the projector screen above it. As you get closer you can hear the bot repeating “Have a faztastic day!” as its wheels spin on its segway like bottom and its arms twitch.
Once you climb up onto the stage you see the problem. Someone must’ve gotten one too many bad jokes or annoying advertisements and vented their frustration by spraying the bot with a shaken up can of purple fizzyfaz. It seeped into the bot’s internal mechanisms and shorted out some balancing part. Great. It’s gonna have to be taken to parts and service in the basement. That room is so cursed.
Well might as well turn this into an opportunity to practice.
Tapping a command into the watch, you summon two staff bots to help transport their now powered down buddy. They follow you from the Daycare area to the main entrance to the plex and to a staff tunnel. From there you head to an elevator that leads down into the maintenance halls of the basement. The flickering lights and dingy hallways do not make you feel safe. It actually reminds you of Fazbear’s horror attraction that they made several years back.
Entering parts and service you direct the staff bots to put the comedy bot inside the cylinder on the metal dentist-like chair in the center. You didn’t bother with the restraints, instead grabbing some of the suspended tools and some cleaning materials and begin to take off the bot’s casing. You clean as you go, double checking that there isn’t much damage to the internal wiring and other mechanisms. It seems like the soda really did just seep into its gyroscope and fried a circuit board. Quick fix. Thank you, Jerry and Sierra, for the training!
About thirty minutes later, you’re almost done, just running diagnostics as the comedy bot powers back on when the ground starts to shake.
The plex is nowhere near a fault line.
It’s not severe shaking but you still have to hold onto the chair for support as some of your loose tools fall to the floor. The comedy bot sits up quickly as a red alert pings every staff member in the building, human and robot alike. Your look at your watch as an urgent message from management pops up.
Well that’s not good.
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blu-joons · 2 years
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He loves being affectionate with you, it doesn’t matter whether the two of you are dating, engaged, or married Mingyu will be glued to your side, he loves being able to have you close and show you off to everyone.
You’re very much a staple part of life for the boys, whenever they’re shooting or messing around, you’ll probably be there. One of their favourite things about you too is how kind you are, as girlfriends come and go with the rest of the boys, you always take them under your wing which the boys all appreciate.
Mingyu prides himself on being able to tell when you need him, even though he spends most of his time cuddled up to you anyway. When you need a bit of an extra squeeze, he tends to be there to hug you and give you the encouragement that you need, or if you just want to talk, he’ll hold you and be there to listen.
By far your favourite thing to do together when you’re both at home, is cook. The two of you love making a mess in the kitchen and cooking a random recipe that you find. Whilst Mingyu tends to take control of the difficult parts of cooking, you’re very much a sous chef for him, listening to his instructions and making sure that you tidy up after him too as he always ends up making a mess around the place.
You kept things quite quiet when it came to your engagement, however the others weren’t going to let you celebrate quite so quietly. After a few days away visiting family, you returned to find a huge party thrown for you both so that the boys could celebrate your engagement properly with you, not wanting for either of you to dismiss your engagement as nothing when they all knew how big of a deal it really was.
Mingyu’s favourite thing about being with you is that you understand him so well, you always know when he wants to be around you, but at the same time you know when he wants space. Similarly, when he ends up being a little clumsy or making a mess, you always know how to make him feel better about it, even if you do end up chuckling, you’re also quick to reassure him that there’s no reason to worry.
Your lives are very much a mix of being in and also going out, you never really know. Most of your evenings out are impulsive, except for when you’ve got a schedule for work, a movie might catch your eye which the two of you randomly decide to go and view that night quite a lot of the time for something to do.
Mingyu went all out when it came to your honeymoon, having listened to the things you had talked about for many years, he used all of that information to create the perfect trip for you, wanting to do something special for you to make up for all of the trips and holidays you had sacrificed because of his work.
He loved to remind you how much he loved you when you least expected him to do so. Quite often, Mingyu would come home with flowers or takeout as a small gesture to remind you just how much you meant to him, never wanting for you to forget how much he adored you no matter how many years you spent together.
Although many people never expected Mingyu to be the jealous type, he was certainly sensitive to when someone would get a little too cosy around you. He tried his hardest to ignore things most of the time, brushing them off like nothing, but you and the rest of the boys would always be able to sense when he wasn’t quite happy in a situation, and quickly try to reassure him at the same time too.
He made no secret to you about the fact that Mingyu saw a family in his future, quite often he mentions about how different situations would be if you had kids with you too. Although he doesn’t want to rush you, as you settle down, there are certainly plenty more hints dropped by Mingyu about starting a family.
Your lazy days are usually spent tucked up in bed with neither of you really wanting to move. The two of you could lay for hours when you have nothing to do and just enjoy each other’s company. Eventually, one of you would get up so that you could get something to eat and drink from the kitchen, but once that was done, you would be straight back underneath the duvet and talking absentmindedly again.
Mingyu was a lot better at waking up in the mornings than you were, and so usually it would be up to him to wake you up. He hated it, whenever he needed to wake you, he would do it with the gentlest of touches, shaking you as if you were the most delicate thing in the world, apologising as soon as you stirred too.
You loved to spend some time catching up with each other most nights before you went to bed, no matter if your days had been eventful or not, you would still share with each other and fill the other on with what had gone on.
Mingyu was obsessed with the comfort that being married brought, although it didn’t mean much to most, for him, it was a security blanket in knowing that you were definitely his and weren’t going anywhere too.
The moments when you would just talk at him were surprisingly precious, there was something about listening to your voice that Mingyu loved. He could listen to you tell your stories to him all day, just sitting and being in your bubble was often one of the most comforting times for him in his day.
If he ever needs your help, Mingyu won’t be afraid to ask. He’s more than happy to show his weaknesses to you, and if he needs your help with something, he won’t shy away from admitting that he’s struggling.
Mingyu loved making sure that you were married, and so when you supported him on tour or at a show, he would make sure that you had your own merchandise, and whilst many other people just had their names written on the back, he would make sure you had ‘Mingyu’s wife,’ on yours to make sure everyone knew exactly who you were.
Neither of you were massive fans of silence, but Mingyu especially didn’t really like it. Whilst others found it quite comfortable, he tended to get quite nervous if the two of you were quiet around each other for too long, and so he would rack his brain for just a simple conversation starter to make sure things were alright.
The biggest tip that Mingyu had for making sure that your marriage worked was talking, it didn’t matter how big or small the topic was, he often reminded himself, and you, that a problem shared was a problem halved.
He hated seeing you upset, Mingyu would make himself the biggest fool in the world if he needed to in order to make you smile again.
You would get in big trouble whenever you didn’t show your face at a shoot with the boys for quite some time, they loved having you around, and missed you almost as much as Mingyu did when you weren’t around.
The last thing that Mingyu wished for in order to complete his dreams was the start of a family with you, whenever you both were ready.
It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, if Mingyu wants to kiss you then he will never shy away from it. There is nothing that he loves more than being affectionate with you and making sure that you know he loves you.
You were his rock, you supported him whenever he needed it without any complaints.
The two of you often find yourselves falling asleep intertwined with each other, the novelty of falling asleep side by side just never seemed to wear off for you both no matter how many times you fell asleep together.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
I know that you said that it was an one shot, but I really love the idea of marinette stay in Paris with Luka and kagami and avoid all the NY drama! If you can, can you share more of it? Even if just a few little ideas it would be great! (I love your ideas!)
(the one-shot this anon is referring to)
Aw, thank you so much!
And sure, after some thought, I did really want to write a little more with them!
While throwing away their now juice-less cups, Marinette made the realization of how different things seemed with Luka and Kagami. She had already experienced hanging out with both of them separately, but she'd never imagined having both of them with her at once. It wasn't as if she'd always dismissed or despised the idea, but the only time they'd interacted as a group had been with Adrien around, which had probably soured the whole thing and thus involuntarily caused her to never think about it.
With her friends, everything was typically high-energy. Juleka and Mylene weren't very involved in creating such an atmosphere, but Marinette herself, Rose, Alya, and kept things energized. It wasn't a bad thing in general, but it made Marinette wonder if maybe surrounding herself with people who only encouraged her excitable habits wasn't a good thing.
Meanwhile, Luka and Kagami were completely different, both from her and her friends. Neither were particularly loud - though both could be when they wanted to - and they weren't really the kind to tease or mess with her either. Luka wasn't quiet in the way Juleka was, just seeming to absorb the world around him, whereas Kagami only spoke when she felt that there was something of value to say. Marinette had worried briefly that she might've been too different from the both of them, or that she'd overwhelm them due to speaking up the most, but instead, there was a sense of balance. Luka smiled or chuckled reassuringly whenever she caught herself rambling, whereas Kagami would cut in with her own views that were often direct but nevertheless good in their intentions. Perhaps her personality rubbed off on them in a way she couldn't fully understand?
Still, it was nice.
As the three were deciding what to do next, Marinette's phone suddenly went off. Marinette looked at her purse and pulled out her phone, half-expecting a text from one of her classmates about her missing the bus, but it was actually a notification about where Andre the ice cream man was.
Kagami glanced over after noticing the look on Marinette's face. "You want to get ice cream?"
Marinette frowned, Kagami's voice reminding her of the day the two of them had gone for ice cream with Adrien. She still remembered talking to Andre, hoping beyond hope that maybe the man wouldn't make them pick between the three different flavors. His words still stung a little, not because of Adrien, but because of what the words meant.
"Too many flavors mixed together may throw off the delicate balance."
It implied that one of them would always be the third wheel if they were together, no matter what, and it was a hollow feeling that she'd only recently started to accept.
Feeling a comforting hand on her shoulder, she looked over and noted Luka offering her a concerned expression. It grounded her, serving as a reminders that things were different now and that Adrien wasn't there which, in a strange way, brought her an immense sense of comfort.
"I'm fine," she assured. Turning her attention back to her phone, she deleted the notification and then made sure that she wouldn't be getting another one. "Ice cream sounds good, if you want it too, but... I think I've got a better idea than Andre's."
Luka and Kagami exchanged curious glances.
"Here's to Neapolitan ice cream!" Marinette declared dramatically, raising her spoon up with flair before shoving it and the ice cream on it right into her mouth.
Luka snorted in amusement while Kagami gave an acknowledging nod, probably remembering the exact phrase from Andre that Marinette had recalled earlier.
They'd picked up the carton of ice cream on the way to Marinette's place, with Marinette insisting on paying in order to spoil them, and while they seemed confused on the specifics of her insistence, they gave in soon enough. Marinette could understand why she'd be the expected person to be comforted, but giving to others made her happy on its own and she felt they deserved it. After all, Luka had tried his hardest to catch up to the bus and Kagami was still dealing with Adrien wanting to leave for New York despite her being in Paris.
They'd ultimately decided on splitting the entire carton between the three of them, with each of them getting a majority of the one of the flavors and then the rest of that flavor going to the other two. Marinette had gone with chocolate, Kagami had gone with vanilla, and Luka had gone with strawberry. It might've seemed like a weird choice to go with since they'd just had orange juice, but it hadn't been much and it wasn't exactly a "treat."
Marinette may have considered suggesting ice skating instead if her first thought of it wasn't her slipping and bringing Luka and Kagami down to the ice with her. Ice cream was the safer alternative to "cold fun."
"Luka," she called thoughtfully, taking another bite before asking, "you're not feeling sore or anything, are you?"
He met her gaze, smiling at the concern but waving his hand dismissively. "I'm alright, Marinette. I'm used to biking around for hours because of my job, so it wasn't a big deal."
Kagami halted, spoon halfway in her mouth while her brows rose noticeably. She finished the scoop, then turned to look at Luka. "You have a job?"
He nodded. "Yeah. I deliver pizza." He grinned, clearly amused by her reaction. "Are you surprised?"
Kagami's expression didn't shift, but Marinette had known her long enough to see that she was embarrassed. "Oh, no. It's... I don't have one."
"There's nothing wrong with that." Luka shrugged. "I just have the time to do it."
"Mm." Kagami looked back at her ice cream, poking at the surface with her spoon. "I suppose it would be too difficult with my fencing lessons."
Marinette giggled sheepishly, happy to join in on the conversation. "I probably wouldn't be able to either. There's all my fashion work with my website, and then there's the unexpected babysitting, the bakery, and I'm also the class representative." She hurriedly added an, "I know it doesn't sound like much, but I'm bad at planning," when she felt that it seemed like such little things. She was Ladybug and the new guardian too, of course, but she couldn't be blurting that out, so she could only hope that it didn't seem like she was whining over nothing.
She averted her gaze, scooping up a self-conscious bite of her ice cream and shoving it into her mouth. She was partway through savoring it when she realized that neither Luka nor Kagami had responded to her. Daring a look back, she saw them staring at her with varying gazes.
Kagami seemed stunned, commenting, "That is... well, much, actually," referring to what Marinette had just tried to brush off.
Was it? Marinette had never really thought about it. In fact, she distinctly remembered back in the day where people might've thought she was just scatterbrained and didn't really do anything. Back when she was hesitant to be class representative and claimed that she was busy, Alya had asked her with a hint of snark what she was busy with, like she expected her to have a free schedule.
Even beyond her role of Ladybug at the time, she still had random babysitting to do and still frequently worked on her fashion projects. Thinking back, it stung just a little.
As Marinette glanced at Luka, she at first felt that the amount of sympathy he was directing at her was excessive, but then she remembered how she had cried in front of him to the point where he'd dropped his bike and guitar in order to comfort her. She blushed, both in shame and from the memory of him holding her so closely.
"Ah—well—it's okay!" she said hurriedly, "Anyway, forget about me! This day is about... um, this ice cream, and ice cream doesn't have problems that you should worry about!"
She nearly gave herself brainfreeze from how quickly she scooped up and ate the next bite, but figured it'd be worth it if they dropped the subject.
It wasn't worth it.
"You should be more careful," Kagami commented critically, an edge to her voice that Marinette knew wasn't meant to be anger at her. "You're my friend, so don't overwork yourself."
Marinette grinned nervously, still trying to lighten the mood. "A-are you saying it'd be alright to overwork myself if I wasn't your friend?"
Kagami's gaze didn't waver, and Marinette slowly tried to sink into her seat.
Luka set his spoon down on the bowl, then chimed in, "I don't know anything about fashion, Marinette, but if you ever need any help with anything—"
Kagami clicked her own spoon against her bowl to interrupt him, as if she felt personally slighted that he'd gotten to say it first. "We're here for you."
Luka nodded to confirm.
"Oh." Marinette blushed deeper, touched by the gesture from both of them. She thought about trying to reassure them again, but their gazes were firm and showed no room for argument, so she settled for a soft, "Thanks."
They resumed eating their ice cream from there, the topic officially concluded. Though the atmosphere felt noticeably different, Marinette was surprised to realize that it wasn't exactly in a bad way. She feared that she'd ruined the mood, but instead felt like she was supported, with Kagami and Luka looking satisfied with their choice in offering help to her.
It was like she was Ladybug, and they were the partners standing at her side, each with their own form of support. It made her smile, allowing her to happily eat away at her ice cream without thinking about anything stressful.
The idea of going to New York was suddenly very unappetizing in comparison to having ice cream with Luka and Kagami.
All things considered, Ladybug wasn't concerned about telling Chat Noir that her plans had changed and she wasn't going anywhere after all. She imagined that Chat would be overjoyed and wouldn't even ask questions about it, just happy to have her back. She found his affection eyeroll-worthy, but he was still her teammate, so she just steeled herself up for whatever ramble he was about to give her.
However, as she waited near the top of the Eiffel Tower, sitting on the guardrail and looking around for Chat Noir, she realized that she couldn't even see him. Checking the time on her yoyo, she confirmed that it was indeed time for their usual patrol, but Chat Noir was completely absent. Even though it was nighttime, which made the black cat's suit blend in with the sky, he still had the blond hair and light skin that should've made him noticeable.
Ladybug got up and paced around the area a few times, constantly peeking down at the city as she wondered if maybe she just wasn't looking in the right spot. When she still saw nothing, she concluded that Chat Noir must just be running late and she'd simply have to wait a little longer. Things happened, after all, she knew that better than anyone, so she began idling on her yoyo, searching for something to keep her occupied while she waited.
They were a team. While their identities had to remain a secret, Chat Noir had always hated it and prioritized openness in their relationship, so he would've told her if something had come up. He was also active in going on patrols, always seeming eager to join her for their runs across the rooftops, and given that he didn't even know that she'd still be in Paris, patrols were even more crucial.
He never showed up.
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curlynerd · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Cas! Word Count: 3K Rating: T Summary: Appalled that Cas has never had a birthday party before, Jack drags Dean into his schemes to plan a surprise party for him. Dean finally works up the courage to tell Cas how he feels. Notes: love confessions, first kiss, lots of fluff, and lots of Cas' family showing up much they care
Also read on AO3!
"You've never celebrated Cas' birthday?!" Jack exclaimed by way of greeting at -- Dean groaned and rolled over to check the time. -- 6:47 in the morning.
"Jack..." Dean sighed, dragging his hand down his face and sitting up in bed. "We've been over this. You promised not to come barging in here until at least 8:30."
"Huh?" Jack titled his head at Dean before his gaze trailed over to the bedside clock. "Oh. Sorry. I forgot to check the time."
"All those God powers and you can't even conjure up a watch?" Dean grumbled as he threw the sheets off his legs and planted his feet on the floor. "Now what were you saying about Cas?"
"His birthday!" Jack's expression was too damn excitable for this early in the morning. "I was telling him about how we celebrated my birthday after Mrs. Butters left, and I asked him about his birthday, and he said he'd never celebrated one before!"
Dean frowned at Jack. This was what he was woken up for? "Kid, I don't think he has one. The dude's older than calendars."
Jack was undaunted. "Yeah, but he was born, right? Even angels are born."
Okay, it was way too early for existential questions. He needed coffee. Dean grunted his acknowledgment and dragged himself to his feet. "Did Cas say when his birthday was?"
"Well, no." Jack furrowed his brow for just a second before his face lit up in enthusiasm. "Why don't we celebrate today?"
Dean stared at Jack. Jack's eyes were wide and sincere and full of love, just like his dad's. And, apparently, just as effective. "Alright..." Dean said with a defeated sigh. Who was he to deny the kid a chance to make his dad happy? "Whacha wanna do for his birthday?"
Jack beamed. "A surprise party! With cake!"
"Yeah, I figured as much." Dean scrubbed at his hair and wiped the last of the sleep out of his eyes as he shuffled his feet into his slippers. "Coffee first, though. Then the store."
"What kind of cake should we make?" Jack asked an hour later, as he and Dean pondered every box mix the grocery store had to offer.
“Hmm…” Dean eyeballed the box of funfetti mix. Jack would probably like that one best. It had sprinkles baked in. Dean kind of wanted a classic chocolate cake. And Cas, well. He wouldn’t care. He’d probably take two bites at most, just to appease Jack.
“This one.” Dean’s eyes twinkled with mischief as he reached for a box and held it out for Jack.
“Angel food cake?” Jack read.
Dean nodded, his grin widening at his little joke. “Yeah! It’s special. Angels love it, ya know.”
Jack tilted his head at Dean, then the box, before a smile bloomed across his face. “You gave me angel food cake once. I really liked it! Is that why you got it for me?”
Dean thought back to that drive, and his little snack cakes morality test. “Yup. That was definitely why.” He snatched the box from Jack’s hand and tossed it into the cart before he could ask more questions. “Let’s wrap this up before Cas wonders why we’ve been gone so long.”
If Cas was ignorant of Jack’s birthday plans before, he wasn’t for long. Neither Dean nor Jack thought to do much to conceal the contents of their shopping bags when they returned home. Or figure out a way to keep Cas from wandering the bunker. So when he stumbled upon the two of them hauling bags toward the kitchen, both Dean and Jack traded suspicious glances.
“Dean and I will be in the kitchen for awhile,” Jack said seriously, cutting straight to the chase. “Do not come in there though!”
“Oh?” Cas’ gaze flickered down to their bags. A package of birthday hats stuck out of the opening of one. A canister of rainbow sprinkles was nestled at the top of another. His mouth twitched as his eyes softened with warmth. When they met Dean’s eyes, Dean’s stomach did a flip. Cas’ eyes grew even warmer.
‘He loves you,’ Dean’s thoughts helpfully supplied at the worst possible moment, ensuring Dean’s face burned with a fierce blush right as Cas looked his most adoring. Dean hastily averted his gaze.
Cas hadn’t been back from the Empty for long, only a couple of weeks really. But it felt like an eternity.
Because Dean hadn’t told him yet. He hadn’t looked him in the eyes and said ‘I love you too.’ Hadn’t dragged him in by the lapels of his stupid trenchcoat and kissed him senseless. Hadn’t held him close and promised him that he could have Dean, all of him, for as long as he wanted to keep him.
The moment had never been right. There were always people around. Jack. Sam. So many of their friends, eager to see them and celebrate their victory over Chuck and their newfound freedom. Things were only now starting to quiet down, and still Dean hadn’t worked up the courage to tell him.
“It’s for a surprise,” Jack continued, pulling Dean from his thoughts. “Er, not a surprise! We’re not planning any surprises!” Dean barely controlled his eyeroll. The kid really needed to work on his lying. “It’s something you can’t know about until later. So don’t even think about peeking!”
Cas and Dean traded knowing looks. Dean shrugged a little. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” Cas assured Jack.
Jack brightened. “Great! Come on, Dean. Let’s go!” He practically skipped toward the kitchen, radiating enthusiasm with every step. Dean sighed and followed after him, already anticipating the huge mess at the end of all this. At least it was just box mix. That was easy enough to handle.
As it turned out, even box mix wasn’t foolproof.
“Is it supposed to look like that?” Jack asked in concern. He poked at the misshapen mess of their cake.
“Probably not.” Dean shrugged. It was a disaster zone, is what it was. Apparently angel food cake required a special pan. It looked similar enough to a bundt pan, though, so Dean thought it was an okay substitute. Clearly not. Or maybe they overmixed it? Was that why it sunk into this lumpy, craggy mess and then fell apart when they tried to shake it out of the pan?
“But ya know, homemade cake never looks as fancy as the stuff you get at the store, but it tastes just as good.” He slapped Jack on the back. “Put some frosting on this thing, maybe some decorations, and we’re golden.”
And so they set to work. Jack clearly had a vision of what he wanted, pulling supplies from the pantry to add to the disaster cake. He insisted on covering it in a thick layer of chocolate frosting, even though Dean tried to tell him angel food cake didn’t usually need it. It was vital to what he was creating. A full hour passed, and somehow the thing looked even worse than when it first flopped out of the pan.
“Cas is gonna love it,” Dean said anyway, because he knew it was true. Jack beamed with pride.
“At what point am I no longer banned from the kitchen?” Almost as if on cue, Cas’ voice called out from down the hallway. “Am I allowed to walk past it? I’d like to go into the library.”
“You can come in!” Jack yelled back, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement.
Dean looked around at the decoration-less kitchen, the party hats and the balloons still in their packaging. “Wait, hold on--” he began, but it was too late.
“SURPRISE!” Jack shouted as Cas rounded the corner. “Happy birthday, Cas!”
“A surprise for me?” Cas didn’t even seem to notice that the only things in the kitchen were a weird brown blob of cake and a massive mess. He was smiling from ear to ear at Jack with that special, endeared smile parents reserved just for their children. “But I told you I didn’t have a birthday,” Cas said. Which he and Jack had talked about literally hours ago. Before Jack raced off to talk with Dean and plan an impromptu trip to the store before baking all morning.
Yeah. Cas definitely knew what Jack was planning today.
“Well, Jack decided today was your birthday. So, happy birthday.” Dean shrugged a little in a ‘Kids. What can ya do?’ sort of way.
Cas’ expression softened. “Today is a perfect day for a birthday.”
“We made a cake!” Jack bounded over to Cas and practically dragged him to the kitchen counter. “Do you like it?”
“It is…” Cas frowned and knit his eyebrows together at the monstrosity before him. “An inside-out hedgehog?”
“It’s a Sarlacc Pit!” Jack exclaimed while Dean clutched at the table, doubled-over with laughter. Jack pointed out the pretzel rods jutting out around the misshapen, lumpy hole in the center of the sunken cake. They’d done their best to make the chocolate frosting around it look like smooth sand, but of course it was way too brown. And bits of warm cake kept breaking off while they iced it. “That’s its teeth, and that’s the sand. It’s a Star Wars cake!”
“Oh, of course it is!” Cas said generously. He patted Jack’s shoulder. “It’s wonderful, Jack. And Dean.” He nodded at Dean, who was still trying to catch his breath.
“Yeah we’ve got ourselves the next Cake Boss over here. If the God thing doesn’t work out.” Dean’s voice rippled with laughter. He snatched up the bag of party hats and ripped it open. Cas looked exceedingly tolerant as Dean snapped one on his head with an impish grin. “So birthday boy, whacha wanna do on your special day?”
“Oh I know!” Jack exclaimed. His enthusiasm was infectious. “First we’ve gotta…”
The day wound up being more about Jack than Cas. Or rather, Jack doing all the things he loved to do with Cas. There was a Star Wars movie marathon. There was cake. There were more board games than Dean had played in a lifetime. Dean had a sneaking suspicion Cas let Jack win most of them.
But Cas had smiled almost non-stop the entire day, probably more than Dean had seen the entire thirteen years since he’d met him. And yeah, Dean knew why. What was better to do on his birthday than spend time with his kid?
By the end of the day, even Cas was looking a little tired. Dean was absolutely exhausted. He was half-tempted to drag himself to bed early, but when Jack finally retired to his own room to give Dean and Cas some time together, there wasn’t any hesitation about settling down in his favorite armchair, Cas beside him, with two glasses of Dean’s favorite whiskey to share.
The drink was warming through his limbs, but the light in Cas’ eyes was warmer. He looked content, if not a little overwhelmed by all the love his little family had shown him today. Dean leaned back in his chair and let the peacefulness of the moment wash over him.
“You know, it’s serendipitous Jack chose today for my birthday.” Cas smiled down at his glass.
Dean cracked a sleepy eye open. “Yeah? Why?”
“Well, today is the anniversary of the day I raised you from perdition.”
Dean stared at Cas. Cas eyes twinkled with nostalgia. “Really?” Cas nodded, and Dean laughed. “Well then I suppose it’s really my re-birthday.”
Cas chuckled. “I’ll remind Jack to bake two cakes next year.” They fell into easy silence, nursing their drinks as they reflected on the years.
“It really is a good birth date,” Cas said awhile later. “I may have been alive for eons before then, but the day I met you was when I changed...That was when I really started living.”
Dean’s heart leapt into his throat, Cas’ love confession ringing in his ears. “Didn’t I stab you?” he joked weakly, deflecting the spiraling nerves that bubbled up in his chest.
Cas laughed. “Yes. Yes, you did. I didn’t realize it at the time, but even then you were making me feel. Mostly confusion,” he added with a wry twist of his lips. “I saved you from eternal damnation, and you repaid me by stabbing me in the chest!” Despite his amusement, Cas’ eyes were overflowing with warmth and affection. Dean could almost read the thoughts going on behind them. ‘I fell a little bit in love with you right then.’
“What can I say? I have that effect on people.” ‘Now,’ his thoughts urged. ‘Tell him now!’ “I dunno what I’d have done without you,” Dean mused around a sip of whiskey. A little more liquid courage. A little more and he could do this.
“Another angel would have been sent. You would have been pulled from Hell anyway.”
“Not what I meant, Cas,” Dean said, rolling his eyes. “All of it. All the crap we’ve been through. All the crap Chuck put us through. Put me through.” He watched the way the warm lamplight reflected off his drink. “I...I’m glad I had a best friend through it all. You know?”
“Yes,” Cas said, but there was a twinge of sadness in his voice that made Dean look up. He was smiling softly, but the longing in his eyes was impossible to miss.
Dean sighed. His gut churned with fear and guilt and yearning. He knew Cas loved him. And he knew he loved Cas. Hell, he’d known that for a helluva lot longer than he’d known of Cas’ feelings. He just needed one little push to make him confront those feelings head-on.
“Ya know, I think I have one more present for you.” Dean set his glass down with heavy meaning. He nodded to himself and stood up, his jaw set firm, his eyes determined.
“You do?” Cas started to ask. “What--” And before he could finish his sentence, Dean crawled into the chair with him, his knees straddling Cas’ hips, bracing himself against the backrest with one hand. Cas’ eyes went huge. “Dean?” His voice trembled.
Dean was pretty sure he looked even more nervous, but he’d be damned if he owned up to it. “Hey birthday boy,” he hummed, forcing a flirtatious smile despite the anxiety pounding in his chest. He was going to kiss Cas. God how he wanted to kiss Cas.
But instead of looking delighted Cas looked...hurt. “Dean, you don’t have to do this for me.”
Dean’s heart went cold. “For you? You don’t think I want this?”
“No,” Cas said simply. Honestly. His bright blue eyes were so close now, but the heartache in them was almost painful to look at.
Dean swallowed thickly. “Well then you’re dumber than you look,” he teased, forcing bravado he did not feel. Dean leaned in until his forehead rested against Cas’. He could feel Cas’ warm breath across his lips. “Cas, if I could pick anyone in the whole damn world to be with, it’d be my best friend. You know that, right?” Cas licked his lips. Dean yearned to tilt his head down and catch them with his own. “But I thought you didn’t...Couldn’t...Well, I thought love wasn’t something angels did.”
“But I told you, Dean. When the Empty came, I told you--”
“Yeah I know. But you know how I drag my ass for important stuff.” That finally elicited a tiny puff of laughter from Cas. Dean smiled. “Come on, man. Cut me some slack. Lemme use this as an excuse to nut up and kiss you.”
As it turned out, Dean didn’t need to, because Cas surged up and pressed their lips together.
Dean gasped into the kiss as his hand resettled itself on Cas’ shoulder. Cas’ glass clattered as he hastily set it on the table in order to hold Dean’s waist with both hands. Cas kissed like he was starving for it, voracious and desperate, licking his way into Dean’s mouth without preamble and moaning deeply into the heat he found there.
Dean gave as good as he got, letting over a decade of longing finally escape through the hot, greedy press of their lips together, through the long trailing kisses along Cas’ jaw while Cas dragged his hands down Dean’s back and up underneath his shirt.
“We should...do this in my room…” Dean whispered in Cas’ ear as his teeth nipped at the sensitive area. Cas nodded and, without warning, stood up with Dean still wrapped around him. Dean startled and reflexively jerked his feet down toward the floor, though he realized with delight that Cas could almost certainly carry him the entire way if he wanted. Later. He’d test that out later. For now Dean grabbed Cas by the tie with a lecherous twinkle in his eye and hauled him in the direction of his bedroom. Soon to be their bedroom, if Dean had anything to say about it.
Much, much later, when they were tangled together beneath the sheets with Dean’s head nestled on Cas’ chest, Dean realized that Cas had been wrong. Because his happiest moment wasn’t when the Empty took him away. It wasn’t in just saying how he felt.
Because it was in loving, yes, but it was also in being loved.
Because when Dean peeked up at Cas’ face, he was radiating so much happiness Dean’s heart ached from it. Today was the happiest he’d ever been. And perhaps tomorrow, if Dean had anything to say about it, tomorrow he’d be even happier.
Cas’ eyes were full of love as he carded his fingers through Dean’s hair. “I know I don’t have any others to compare this against, but today was a very good birthday.”
“Good.” Dean pressed a sleepy kiss to Cas’ skin as his eyes drifted closed. “You deserve it.”
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tumbling-darkling · 3 years
Miraculous Ghosts
Danny and friends visit Paris and come across trouble, as well as the cities local superheroes.
Lately, Hawkmoth has been recycling villains. There are only so many people in Paris and not everyone gets emotionally vulnerable strongly enough or long enough to be akumatized. Those that do, and commonly like Mr. Pidgeon, usually had a certain fixation that was easy to exploit. The thing was, both Marienette and Chat Noir already knew their weakness, the items that would most likely get akumatized, the whole schtick. So the battles were really fast and easy.
A new face always had to be met with caution, the lack of knowledge regarding the person was dangerous and if the pair wasn’t careful, they could end up losing the battle. And their Miraculous.
With the start of summer came tourist season, and tourists could be victims of akumatization. Which seemed to be the case within the first week. 3 villains, all new faces, but the pair had gotten lucky with the similar powers that the heroes had faced before and the three were all defeated in a timely manner.
There was a short week of nothing happening.
And then all hell broke loose.
Marienette knew the start of the tourist season had begun just based on the filled streets of strange faces, sunglasses, cameras, and the use of foreign languages. This also was noticed based on how busy her parents' shop had become, and how rarely she was managing to escape outside to enjoy some of summer's freedom. The good thing was she was able to brush up on some of her English, since the tourists usually spoke the common American language and the experience was always welcome to help boost her grades in the upcoming year. Even if it was a few months away.
She’d figured out the best way to sneak off during any attacks was to ‘use the bathroom’ or ‘accidently’ make a mess and excuse herself to clean up. It had worked during the first week and she didn’t have to do anything the past week since Hawkmoth seemed to take a break. She finished serving a young pair of Americans, a tall girl with orange hair, and a lanky boy nearly the same height with raven black hair.
She had to admit, some Americans had a certain charm, but the bustle of the kitchen quickly caught her attention as she was back to serving the next person in line.
Just as Chloe waltzed in, basically knocking the american boy over as she strutted to the front of the line, causing people to cast glares in her direction. The boy hissed when he fell, the American girl offering to help him up in English as he shook his head and stood up, dusting himself off as Marienette went to deal with the walking form of pure rich privilege. “Urg, Dupain-Cheng’s dingy little cafe? Of course she works here, it just smells like burnt bread.” She huffed.
Marienette bristled, but put on her customer service smile, noticing the poor Americans victim to Chloe leaving the shop. She was hoping to offer them a replacement after dealing with Chloe but it was a little late now. “Ma’am, unless you are here to pick up an order, you will have to wait in line like everyone else.” She strained.
“Ma’am? I am Chloe Dubois! I don’t need to wait in line like some sort of peasant! Just give me whatever you didn’t make.”
Marienette had to swallow down any returning insults and put down one of their most expensive items, handing it over with a clearly strained smile, “have a nice day.”
Chloe huffed with her baked goods in hand but left as soon as she appeared, allowing Marienette some relief. Very little damage. A little annoyance but nothing worthy of an akuma-.
An explosion was heard from outside, and Marienette groaned internally.
She just had to jinx it.
Ladybug dove off to the side as the villain shot out a ray of white, plasma-like energy. Adrien, fighting as Chat Noir, and his partner were having a hell of a time with this dude. He spotted the chaos on the news, the villain calling himself ‘Black Hole’ and giving his poor Lady a hard time. When he finally arrived on the scene, he wasn’t able to do much either.
The villain was basically a godly powerhouse, floating in the air, shooting burning rays of heated plasma, or even ice! Ice and plasma! Sometimes he MIXED the two beams to create an even WORSE beam! Whenever either of the heroes got close enough to land a hit, their punches and kicks would go right through him. Then he would DISAPPEAR. REAPPEARING AND LANDING ANOTHER HEAVY BLOW. He would fly around like gravity was non-existent, and these abilities didn’t stop there. Every so often, he would yank out this thermos looking thing and shoot out these wormholes. Or… possibly black holes. Calling them black holes felt wrong though… since they glowed green and swirled before disappearing after a few moments.
The villain's outfit was a change of pace too. It was impossible to figure out his age since he was completely covered in a thick fabric material that reminded him of space suits. Yet looked a lot less bulky than actual space suits, thin yet sturdy metal covered his forearms, and formed a backpack that was attached by a wide metal collar that spread to his collarbone and slightly covered his shoulders, as well as a metal strap that wrapped around right under his chest. A plated, metal belt circled his waist with a clip for the green black hole thermos, and thigh high boots with a similar fabric to his suit covered most of his legs, thick plastic looking platform soles attached at the feet. Black bands wrapped around the ankles of the boots. A helmet covered his entire face, a metal frame covering the bottom half like a muzzle while the top was a tinted glass dome following the shape of his head, the inside of it entirely black except for the eerie glow of a single, left eye. The helmet had a tube on the back of the helmet that connected to his backpack, but neither he or Ladybug could figure out if it was essential or for decoration. His entire colouring was monotone, much bleaker than their previous villains. His suit was black, the boots, forearm cuffs, belt, backpack and collar were all a middle shade of grey, the only flash of colour being the glow of the single toxic green eye amongst the darkness of the helmet.
The dude was disturbing. He didn’t make any sound, in fact he seemed to ABSORB the sound around him. Like they were in space.
Paris was getting destroyed more and more by the second and the two didn’t know what to do. The Lady’s lucky charm turned into a thermos, which she didn’t have a clue how to use in the situation in front of them. Maybe it was a hint? A clue about soup? Or getting the villains thermos?
The problem with the last idea was that neither he or Ladybug could TOUCH this villain. And each of them were getting worse and worse for wear by the second. He could tell Ladybug was getting ready to get some sort of help, but who could make something untouchable… touchable? Chat even tried to use cataclysm on the villain's thermos while Ladybug had distracted him, but he twisted at the last moments and grabbed Chat's hand, draining cataclysm before he tossed him aside like it was nothing.
Another blast of plasma sent the two tumbling away from each other, and then a blast of ice caught Chat off guard. Cold shot up his arm as his muscles convulsed, a scream caught in his throat as the ice trapped his arm in such a tight and sturdy prison. He twisted to try and use his free arm to claw the other out of the ice, a shadow in the corner of his vision causing him to twist and jolt in surprise as the villain stood right in front of him. The glowing green eye was cold as it bore into him, and the villain grew closer and closer, drifting off the ground and absorbing every noise around him, the air around them dropping to freezing temperatures. Chats breath formed in front of him as gasps, panic clear in the quick breaths, fear intensifying as the only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat and blood roaring through his veins.
The villain's hand shot out and grabbed his free one- the one with his miraculous.
Chat heard Ladybug cry out as the villain gripped onto the ring, a quick glance showing she too was trapped.
That she was next.
Chat tried to keep his fingers curled, but he was battered and weak, and the villain hadn’t even broken a sweat during their fight. Prying open his fingers was easy, the ring vulnerable. This was it. He used cataclysm too soon and now he was powerless. He couldn’t escape. He couldn’t save anyone. He was a failure. This was the end of Paris.
They lost.
Fucking. Vlad.
This entire trip had Danny on edge and it was all because of Vlad.
At first, he thought maybe, for once, Vlad wasn’t being a piece of shit when offering the family a fully paid trip to France for two weeks. He was suspicious. He probably just wanted the family out of town to do some shady shit. But a two week trip to France wasn’t the WORST thing a man could do. Especially in comparison to kidnapping and cloning.
But then his parents got sick. A common flu. Right before the trip. And they wanted Jazz and him to experience Paris. Then Vlad offered to be a chaperone.
It was all a play to get Danny alone for two weeks and try and manipulate him.
He did manage to get Tucker and Sam to tag along, something about friends being his family and the two unused tickets his parents left behind. But Vlad knew how to separate the group. How to corner Danny at the worst moments and whisper annoying remarks in his ear as he tried to get away.
He survived a week. He only had one more week to go. Tucker and Sam were off checking out some places for lunch while Jazz and Danny went to pick up sweets for everyone to share after their meal.
Vlad was off doing who knew what so Danny had put him to the back of his mind.
The cafe they found was… well it smelled incredible. There were so many baked goods on display and the air was filled with the warm and sweet smell of the goodies. He let Jazz do most of the talking, she wanted to practice her French and Danny had recently discovered that being dubbed the ghost king meant that now he had a natural grasp on all verbal languages, including the dead ones. This meant his speech in French was almost flawless, and his understanding was like he was listening to someone speak English. He couldn’t read other languages though, just speak them. He was told though by a few locals he had an odd accent. It wasn’t an american one, just… odd.
So Jazz ordered the treats and the pair was headed out to meet Danny’s friends.
Then some blonde girl with way too much make-up basically knocked him to the ground, not even sending him a glance that indicated she knew what she did. It was annoying, but he dealt with bullies on a daily basis back at Amity Park. Well… used to. But he knew better than to waste any thought on some jerk like her. He sadly looked at the ruined cat paw shaped cookies, the icing ruined and the cookies crushed under his weight when he fell.
Standing up with the help of Jazz, they left the shop as Danny insisted on finding somewhere to wash off the icing stuck to his shirt. He liked this shirt too… he hoped it wouldn’t stain too badly. It was better than ectoplasm at least, that stuff needed to be burned out, there was no such thing as washing out ectoplasm.
Jazz asked to help, but Danny brushed her off, telling her he could easily clean himself off by himself.
And then Vlad chose that moment to corner him.
“Hello Daniel.”
Danny splashed water wildly as he spun around to glare at the older Halfa, hissing out an ‘Ancients!’ in surprise. “What the hell, Vlad?” He spat, “sneaking up on a kid in the bathroom? I should just call the police and tell them about all that stalking you like to do.”
“Aren’t you tired of this childish game?” He hummed.
“Not really, seeing as I’m a child and I love games,” Danny sneered.
“I’m older, more experienced, and stronger. I am also patient, little badger. And it’s easy to wear you down. By the end of this trip, you are going to be begging to be my-.”
“Son? Pet? Little slave that does everything you ask? Sorry, Vladdy, but I ain’t the type to listen to crazy fruit loops. How about you go enjoy the company of your French rich friends like that Agreste dude instead of stalking me and trying to get with my mom and kill my dad. Might do you some good to make more friends than just your cat.”
“Oh Daniel, you throw your petty insults but I know ways to break you even further. You know, a lot of accidents happen in Paris. Terrible things.”
Danny felt his eyes flash as he spun on his heel, “listen to me, if you even consider-!”
“Not to mention your brand new ghostly responsibilities as… the ghost king? Imagine that. A child as the king. You don’t even know everything about ghosts.”
“Neither do you!” Danny spat.
“Oh but I know so much more. And I could easily teach you-.”
“Just shut up!”
“When you mess up, when the ghost zone begins to fall apart, you will wish you took my offer, but I may not be as forgiving when that happens.”
“I said shut up!”
“And we both know the moment the ghost zone falls apart, so will this world. All because a boy became king and didn’t take help he was so graciously offered.”
Something inside him shifted, and Danny suddenly felt his mind cloud, a deep voice echoed his mind.
“A cruel man harassing a young teen that wants nothing to do with him. A shame when someone can’t take a hint.
Black Hole. I am Hawkmoth. I can give you the power to show this old man that he never should consider looking in your direction ever again.
All I ask is for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculous. Do this for me, and Vlad Masters will never be an issue for you ever again.”
Danny’s clouded mind and building rage smirked at the offer, his voice echoing as he glanced up at Vlad who was giving him a confused look. “Yes, Hawkmoth.”
Darkness engulfed him and then his memory began to fail him.
A boomerang slammed into Black Hole’s head, causing it to jerk to the side and a small crack formed on the glass that was hit. The metal boomerang dropped to the ground and Black Hole slowly looked down at it as a robotic voice cried out from it, “ghost detected!” And then a recorded voice spouted out, “take that, spook!”
Black Hole’s head slightly tilted at the noise it made, a hand subconsciously rubbing the crack it left behind. Then he twisted his gaze back to Chat Noir, going back to taking the hero’s miraculous.
Then a shout came from behind Black Hole and Chat caught the eyes of a teenage girl yelling and holding a bat over her head. Black Hole twisted, his body turning that transparent look whenever Chat or Ladybug had tried to hit him before, and Chat knew that it was useless. “No! Stop! Get out of here-!” He screamed at the citizen, but stopped when the bat connected with the villain's head and sent him flying into a wall.
Chat was at a loss for words for once in his life, watching the villain slowly pry himself from the wall from being hit by a baseball bat when he and Lady couldn’t land a single hit. He looked back at the citizen and shrieked as she raised the bat above her head and swung down at him, flinching and squeezing his eyes shut. She hit something, causing it to shatter and then- his hand was free!
He opened his eyes and looked at his hand in awe and then back at the girl, “who the heck are you?”
She huffed, dropping the bat casually on her shoulder, “Sam Manson. Friend of the idiot that didn’t do his research before taking a trip here. I’m surprised this didn’t happen earlier.”
Chat blinked, “you- you know that’s your friend? And knew this would happen?”
Sam shrugged, “the booo-merang is never wrong. And yeah, my friend there is not exactly the most emotionally stable person on the planet. Sorry it took us a while to get here. You guys really do move fast.”
Chat just opened and closed his mouth a few times, then yelled as she suddenly swung the bat again and smacked the villain in the gut as he got close during their exchange, knocking him sideways but not down like the first time. Black Hole turned again, making a snarling sound before he was blasted by some sort of green ray and sent flying sideways, rolling along the pavement before smashing into a car. Another teen jogged over with Ladybug behind him, dropping his hands to his knees as he wheezed, “I have ran… way too much for this to be considered a vacation.”
“M’Lady-, what is going on?” Chat asked.
“This is Tucker, and his friend Sam, and they know how to help,” Ladybug quickly explained, glancing back at Black Hole. “We need to draw his attention and get that thermos off of him, then Sam and Tucker can use this,” she held up the thermos from her lucky charm, “and we can get his akuma.”
“Akuma is in the thermos, knock it off,” Chat summarized. He heard his miraculous beeping, a sign he was close to his limit.
“Let’s end this fast.”
Ladybug held the booo-merang in one hand as the two teens and Chat drew Black Hole’s attention, the teens equipped with weapons that seemed to get past some of Black Holes abilities.
She narrowed her gaze, waiting for the perfect moment, then threw the weapon, watching it arch in the air then knock the thermos off of the villain's waist. The thermos clattered to the ground and drew his attention, he quickly twisted and dove to try and retrieve it, which was when a bright beam erupted from the polka dot thermos Ladybug had given the teens. The beam caught the villain's legs and he was tugged back, his form pulling towards it like taffy as he twisted and a horrid scream of anger burst from him. He tried to escape it, flailing and reaching for anything to hang on to, but in a matter of seconds he was pulled into the canister and Sam slammed the lid shut. The screaming stopped and Ladybug made her way over to Black Hole’s thermos, stomping on it and crushing it, releasing the Akuma hidden inside. With a flick of her wrist her lucky charm turned back into its original form, dumping Black Hole onto the street, then the butterfly was caught and purified, and another click of her miraculous, she let the little bug flutter away harmlessly. With a shout, ‘Miraculous Ladybug!’, everything around them was engulfed in black and red as the damages were undone around them.
At last, the villain's form was released of Hawkmoth's influence and it left a lanky teen laying on the street. He slowly sat up with a groan and a hand to his head and she then realized it was the same teen as from the shop. So once again, this was Chloe’s fault. She turned her attention to the two teens that helped her, noticing Chat let out a hasty farewell and thanks and disappeared around a corner. “Thank you, both of you. Without your help… well, without your help we may have lost that battle. But how in the world did you do that?”
“What the fuck just happened?” The teen groaned, “I feel like the booo-merang smacked me in the head like… fifty times.”
“That’s because I may have smacked you a few times with the fenton creep stick,” Sam shrugged as she helped her friend up who gave her wide eyes in return.
“You fucking what?”
Tucker took a step forward to answer Ladybug’s question, “let's just say back in our town, we have very specific supervillains that have abilities that make it hard for regular attacks to land. So we have specialized gear. Sam and I did a bit of research before heading here and figured if any of us got Akumatized, we may reflect some of those traits.”
“I… see…” Ladybug hummed, “and where did you say you were all from?” The three cast a few glances between each other, but before any of them could answer, her miraculous beeped angrily as she quickly realized she was out of time. “Thank you again for your help, if we could meet again to exchange some of that tech to make sure this never happens again-,” she quickly tried to set up a meet up before Sam held up a hand.
“This won’t happen again. A lot of what happened here is very unique to Amity, so once we finish our vacation, you won’t see this kind of thing ever again.”
Ladybug only had more questions but the angry beeping only forced her to nod and bid a quick farewell before getting out of sight to let Tiki take a rest. Marienette held out a few macaroons for Tiki as her thoughts swirled in her head. The questions about the odd American trio and how they knew how to deal with a villain as unique as Black Hole.
She may be able to corner them later. They did say they had to ‘finish their vacation.’
And in the meantime, it was time to do some research on this place called ‘Amity’.
Danny didn’t remember a lot of what happened while he was the villain, Black Hole. It was like a dream, he kinda remembered the feeling, vague details, but nothing specific.
What he wished he remembered was whatever he did to Vlad. He must have done something because his memories cut out right after Vlad harassed him in the bathroom and after the event, the froot loop avoided him during the entire trip. Even refused to make eye contact!
What he would give just for a few seconds of that memory! Or for someone to have recorded it!
For now though he got to reap the rewards, flashing his eyes green when Vlad would glance over and causing the man to flinch. Oh man, he was going to abuse this newfound intimidation ability till the bitter end.
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