#Exalted Art Challenge
theuncrucified · 21 hours
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Exalts, are you looking for a fun October activity? Join my challenge to draw 30 daily topics (or 4 weekly topics) inspired by the epic world of the Exalted TTRPG! I'm posting this a little early so you can start prepping and brainstorming.
I'm also hosting this challenge over on the Forge of Wonders, an Exalted fanmake Discord I'm a co-admin/mod of. Join here and hop in the challenge topic on the server here.
All art forms welcome!
Use the hashtag #ExaltedArtChallenge on socials or the tag "Exalted Art Challenge" here on tumblr
Don't like a topic? Replace or swap it! This is more about inspiration than being a stickler for the rules.
Have fun!
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hornstusksandmagic · 2 years
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Exalted Art Challenge Day 2 and 3: Light of the Unconquered and Shapechangers of Silver
I love them your Honor
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ghostlyferrettarot · 2 months
💜🖇Neptune in the houses🖇💜
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
💜If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!💜
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💜Neptune in the 1st house: speaks of an exalted sensitivity and defined intuitive qualities, which in some cases can generate natives with medium profiles due to their psychic abilities. They are personalities with spiritual, emotional qualities, with a deep inner world.
💜Neptune in the 2nd house: They do not put a real focus on their income and for this reason a scenario of economic imbalance and money disorder can be generated. It is a position that induces an inactive, idle or resigned attitude with respect to material searches. If the planet is well aspected, this placement can become a successful future due to having a prodigious intuition for economic matters.
💜Neptune in the 3rd house: generates profiles of intuitive, visionary, utopian minds. However, it is an ideal position for all those tasks for which stimulus and hunch are required. It favours artistic and musical qualities, but above all it is ideal for directing thought towards the realm of spirituality.
💜Neptune in the 4th house: the inner world symbolises the influence of this planet and by default it can be a particularly sensitive or intuitive native, who may be linked to art or some form of spirituality. They are people who feel love for nature and who have a harmonious vision of the family. But at the same time, family life can be confusing.
💜Neptune in the 5th house: it is a position that revives romantic feelings and favours platonic bonds. On the other hand, imagination plays a leading role in everything related to sentimental life. It is also associated with secret or unattainable loves that can be a source of great disappointments.
💜Neptune in the 6th house: it idealises the professional sphere and motivates the spirit of service and sacrifice. It is favourable for tasks and activities linked to the esoteric world in any of its facets. Natives tend to dedicate themselves to a profession that facilitates helping others, such as doctors, teachers, psychologists or astrologers, and sensitivity and intuition are of great help to them in the workplace.
💜Neptune in the 7th house: this position tends to cause great challenges for both romantic ties and partnerships. It predisposes an excessive idealization of relationships. In some cases, these people may be overcome by feelings of pity, or by the desire to help or save the other. The professional partner is likely to have "Neptunian" characteristics, that is, dreamy, sensitive, vulnerable qualities.
💜Neptune in the 8th house: creates profiles with a great attraction to the spiritual world, mystical sciences and esotericism. The union with others is experienced as if it were a mystical union. Likewise, it makes them more vulnerable to fraudulent situations in the field of business and contracts. However, economic disappointments will contribute to the native's spiritual growth.
💜Neptune in the 9th house: it is a fruitful position for the development of spiritual abundance in all its angles. It favors religious and mystical preferences, as well as interest in the occult. But if the planet is in tense aspect, the native can fall into deception or into tangled and uncertain forms of spirituality. They may also be attracted to more or less sacred figures: ascended masters and angels.
💜Neptune in the 10th house: it marks in the native a professional life of a "Neptunian" trajectory, or, what is the same, of a bohemian nature so to speak. With this position, all kinds of personalities can be found who develop within the spiritual world: psychics, healers, magic practitioners, teachers, etc.
💜Neptune in the 11th house: they may have a tendency to join groups of character or with spiritual purposes, it is a position that seeks connection with others. They can also connect with groups of a humanitarian, religious or social nature, which dedicate their energy to helping the most disadvantaged. The friends of these natives may have "Neptunian" traits: people with bohemian, sensitive and perceptive lives.
💜Neptune in the 12th house: it is in its domicile, and therefore at its maximum power. It predisposes a life of service, offering or renunciation, being an ideal position for priests, monks and mystics. This position encourages isolation from the world and the development of an intense spiritual search. Its a placement that favors artistic, poetic or musical creation.
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"I Laugh in the Face of Danger."
The meeting of two grumpy cats (Rollo and Leona) 😳 Not me inserting a Puss in Boots 2: The Last Wish reference, thereby just throwing more cats into the concoction...
My mentor Leona bias also rears its head…
A Big Savanaclaw Welcome to Rollo!
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It was a grave mistake on Rollo’s part to waltz into Savanaclaw in his normal attire. The weather is warm, causing sweat to pool and stick to his clothes during the trek to the dorm building. But no, he won't so much as roll up his sleeves or unbutton his collar--that would be an affront to Noble Bell College's uniform!!
It doesn't help his mood that the students jeer as he passes, making comments about how he "won't last five minutes" in their territory. I think you'll find that it is yourselves who won't last five minutes in my presence, Rollo bitterly remarks--though only to himself. He'd have his revenge on them soon enough.
Rollo is miraculously able to suppress the urge to chide them then and there, not wishing to make a public scene. As soon as he steps inside of the dorm building though, he's quickly confronted with a new challenger: Leona Kingscholar.
He was expecting a dorm leader to present themselves with some level of decorum. Those expectations are quickly shattered when he enters to find Leona lounging in bed, Ruggie picking up clothing scattered on the floor, and Jack trying (and failing) to convince his dorm leader to get up.
Ruggie and Jack notice Rollo right away, their ears perking and eyes sharpening as soon as they pick up on his footsteps. Leona doesn't even spare a glance until he casually rolls over onto his side. At last, the lion beastman draws himself up and purrs, "Well, well, well. Look what we have here, our exalted guest from the City of Flowers."
"Were I truly an 'exalted' guest in your eyes, you would have taken more care to mediate your slovenly presentation," Rollo replied, a slight edge to his voice. His patience, worn. “… A pleasure.”
“For fresh meat, you’re quick to nitpick and nag,” Leona snorts. “Maybe you aren’t aware, but around here, I’m the king and my orders are absolute.”
“Then surely a king would behave with more grace and tact. Unfortunately, I sense very little in you.” Already, there is tension in the air, which Ruggie is quick to pick up on.
"Hey, hey, let's all chillax! You guys only just met, and you're about to have a fight? Let's at least wait until we have lunch first!" the hyena suggests. "Right, Jack-kun?" ("R-Right, Ruggie-senpai!" the first year obediently agrees with his upperclassman, then moves in to help tear the two apart.)
Leona and Rollo take their meals separately, not bothering to speak much to the other. As Rollo munches on a croissant, he frowns judgmentally at how Leona tears into meat like some wild animal.
The more he observes of the place, the more it is affirmed that Rollo doesn’t care for Savanaclaw in general—the students are rowdy and classless, and the heat unbearable. Worse yet, he can’t tear his eyes away from their hideous uniform. That can hardly be called a shirt, he laments. You can see so much of the skin that should be covered by fabric!
To Rollo’s horror, Ruggie dares to seat himself in front of him, wearing an impish smile as he kicks up his feet. “What’s up, Rollo-kun?” Ruggie asks with a snicker.
“Don’t you ‘what’s up’ me, you charlatan. You know perfectly well what is ‘up’ here,” Rollo quips back. He prepares to pick up his food and relocate to a different spot, but finds his way blocked off by Jack of all people. Ever the loyal guard dog, he's been wary of Rollo ever since Ruggie told the big story of what went down in the City of Flowers. I'll make sure he doesn't try anything funny again! Jack swears to himself.
Cornered by the duo, Rollo is forced to sit back down. “… Are you thugs trying to intimidate me? Shake me down for all my pocket money?” he demands of them. “It won’t work. You’ll find that I am quite sufficient in the art of self-defense.”
Jack looks to Ruggie for guidance--it's him who knows the most about Rollo of the trio. He leans close to Rollo and, with a grin, says, "Aww, why the mopey face? C'mon, we're not that bad to hang out with. Leona-san just made a bad first impression~ Don't think too badly of him, he's a great guy behind it all."
Rollo casts a doubtful look at Leona, who glares back at him. "I fail to see your perspective."
"You should join us for a match of Magift after lunch then. You'll see how he rules the court and the pack." ("As though I would play around with you scoundrels," Rollo bitterly retorts. "We are not children running haphazardly on a playground.")
"Wooow, Jack," Ruggie lazily huffs. "Looks like we don't have much of a team player here, huh? You know what to do." ("Right, Ruggie-senpai!")
"Excuse me? Just what are you... W-Wait one moment!! GAAAAARGHHHHH!!" Rollo soon finds himself hoisted up and over Jack's shoulder, ferried off to Savanaclaw's Magift stadium.
"Leona-saaan! Everything's in place," Ruggie calls to his dorm leader. Leona wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and smirks. "... Good going, Ruggie. We've got him right where we want him. Now let's see what this herbivore's really made of."
Rollo doesn't realize it, but Leona's been carefully observing him ever since he stepped foot in Savanaclaw. Everything, from the controlled way he looks and talks, implies to Leona that Rollo's putting on a mask--and he fully intends to rip that mask off, revealing his true face.
("Eh, but I already told you everything there is to tell," Ruggie had complained. "Why are we even doing this?" "You're still being paid, aren't you? If I were you, I'd shut your trap before I take back that bonus," Leona replied.)
They're out on the field now. Rollo finds himself surrounded by mob students, each of them looking like they want to tear right into him. When Leona saunters over, disc in hand, they all clear a path for him. "You know how to play?" he asks, to which Rollo scowls.
"I refuse to entertain this charade." With that, Rollo turns on his heel and begins to walk away. He half expects the dorm leader to send his pack after him, but instead he just hears Leona going, "... Suit yourself then. Think fast."
The disc comes whizzing at him, hard and fast, followed by a strong blow of Leona’s wind magic. Rollo doesn't have time to think, it's going to collide with him if he doesn’t—
Against his better judgment, Rollo’s body springs into action. The ring upon his right hand gleams with a dazzling light, magically repelling the disc flying at him and expelling the magical winds. The disc anticlimactically clatters to the ground, and shame floods Rollo—how could he have reacted like that, let magic guide his body?
The lion beastman wears the most self-satisfied smirk Rollo has ever witnessed. “Heh. I knew you had it in you, herbivore. You’re stronger than you look.” He motions, and the Savanaclaw students move in on his command. “Don’t go easy on him.”
“S-Sir! Isn’t this too much?!” Jack objects—the only one of the pack to do so. Rollo would have praised his moral compass had Jack not already played a part in the act. Villains, all of them.
“Jack,” Leona drawls, “I’m shocked to hear that from you. You saw what the man did just now. That’s a high-level defensive spell he cast on a whim. It’d be in poor taste to ‘play nice’ with him—it’d belittle his competence as a mage.”
When he puts it like that, Jack has no choice but to step down and concede with his dorm leader’s logic. Rollo’s absolutely appalled and flabbergasted at Leona’s charisma and skillful twisting of the truth. Perhaps he underestimated him after all—it’s now clear to Rollo that Leona is very, very dangerous.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” Leona asks, this time of Rollo. “Pick it up. Pick. It. Up.”
He does, and he makes a run for it.
So begins a ruthless game of cat and mouse on broomsticks, the entire dorm against Rollo. He detests every second of it, doing his best to survive with as little magic as possible amongst the beasts hounding him. Alas, he has to expend some to get out of a few close calls—namely with Leona blasting him.
Rollo comes close to exploding on the spot when he catches some of the Savanaclaw students tearing off their shirts or lifting them to mop up the sweat on their foreheads, giving him (unwanted) glimpses of their toned bodies. “Disgusting…! Deplorable…! Shameless…!” He mutters such accusations all the darn day.
Leona at last calls his goons off and they scatter like the last vestiges of sunlight as the night closes in. It’s just the two of them upon a moonlit stage, staring the other down with suspicious eyes.
Rollo falls, out of breath and head spiraling from exhaustion. Dread courses through his veins when Leona’s shadow falls over him. The lion doesn’t attack or taunt, only smirks. “… You did well. For an herbivore, that is.”
Leona chucks a water bottle at him and collapses beside Rollo, chugging a bottle of his own. Rollo steadily sits up, but dares not drink the water offered to him. He clenches it tightly in his hand. “I’m not in need of your approval, Leona-kun.”
“No one said I was giving it to you.”
They sit in silence for a few moments more, Leona’s gaze fixed on the stars and Rollo staring at Leona. Confused, without answers. “… Why did you accost me?” he demands to know.
“Wanted to confirm a hunch. If we’re going to be forced to host a guest, might as well get something out of it. Cats have their curiosity, you know.” Leona swigs the last of his water and crunches he bottle that remains. “… I heard about you from Ruggie.” A harsh laugh. “Real dumb shit you tried to pull there.”
“Thank you for the reminder,” Rollo snaps.
Leona’s lip curls. He’s not offended—no, he’s mildly amused. “I know your type. You think you’re above it all, that you can prove everyone wrong. Got lofty ambitions. Then the world kicks you down and you have to claw your way back up to where you once were.”
The accusation catches him off-guard, and Rollo immediately takes becomes defensive. “Wh-What… What could you possibly know about me?!” You don’t know what I’ve been through, how much I’ve suffered! How much he suffered…!
“… I don’t,” Leona confesses nonchalantly, “but I know we’ve both got a bone to pick with the lizard, and that’s enough.“ He could offer more advice, more consolation. Be better. Change. Don’t be like me. But he doesn’t.
It’s then that the realization hits Rollo—this man, this villain, sitting beside him, must have experiences akin to his own. A quiet understanding. Rollo’s expression complicates, and he can’t bring himself to meet Leona’s eyes again. In the darkness, they’re bright and piercing, seeking souls to swallow.
"… Life's not fair, is it?" Leona simpers.
"... No. No, it's not."
Rollo lifts his head to the stars, wondering if his brother is watching over him from on above. He allows his eyes to drift shut, and he slowly drinks in the night, savoring its taste.
Rollo’s about to say something else to Leona—a question, a comment, a prayer? But when he looks back, Leona has already dozed off. Rollo sighs and shakes his head. “Honestly… you Night Raven College students are as incorrigible as they come.”
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naisaspalace · 6 months
Personal Nakshatras observations series: MULA NAKSHATRA part 1
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nakshatra characteristics:
Translation: The root Symbol: A tied bunch of roots or elephant goad yoni: A male dog Presiding Deity: Kali or/and Niritti. Ruling Planet: Ketu Ruling Deity of the Planet: Ganesha Body parts: Feet & Left side of trunk. Nature: Rakshasa (demon) Mode: Active Number 19 Gender: Neuter or male (depending on the source) Dosha: Vata Guna: Tamasic Element: Air Disposition: Sharp and dreadful Bird: Red Vulture. Trimurti: Brahma/Creation. Direction: North Motivation/Goal: Kama. Downward Facing.
"The root star, origin star, foundation star"
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Power to ruin, destroy, scatter things.
small overview of the nakshatra:
So Mula is the nakshatra that is opposite ardra and naturally, it's going to deal with opposite themes or at least is going to deal with the same matter but using another tactic
this time mula instead of simply cutting the problem right away now we are going to see an individual who will find the truth by digging into it.. digging into the roots to find the source of the problem.
mula its the "matured" state of ketu contrary to ardra which is the infant or initial manifestation of rahu
mula can be just as chaotic as ardra or even worse because this time there's not head only the body, ketu, and the challenge now it is to cut off only the part of the root that is sick or bringing problems.
this time instead of cutting the problem straight away we will go on a journey to see what happens when you decide to go after to eliminate the root of the problem and its consequences.
i also highly recommend that you check my previous post, that i will link on the end of this post, to be able to get a better understanding of the matter.
Pop culture mula representations:
Gerard Way (depression, singer and songwriter, fame, and art)
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Gerard Way is a famous 00s punk rock vocalist of a band called My Chemical Romance. he has mula moon with mercury Bharani conjucted ketu Ashwini and just by looking at his placements we can already see that he has huge ketu energy on his chart.
He is a Taurus rising with mercury-ketu on his 12th, exalted rx venus on his 11th with the sun. The 12th house is the house of liberation, salvation, losses, and things that are hidden from us and the 11th is the house of earned gains and social networking.
(i use astroseek to see the carts so i believe that might be some differences although i don't think his nakshatras change regardless)
I am going to discuss the lyrics of his albums that, according to him, are very personal.
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his second band album was launched in 2004 and it is called "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge"
okay lets just start by looking at the cover because i just found out that i was inspired by "bonnie and clydes kiss" and i just checked and clyde, just like Gerard, he have exalted venus (but gerard have retrograde venus and its at revati and clydes is at purva bdp),and they have their lagnas on the same nakshatra the difference is that g's is at taurus mrigashira and clydes at gemini
meaning that sad mula emo boy took inspiration on a couple of murders to make his band's debut album and to be even more coincidental is the fact that he have strong synastry with the man meaning that
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"In the drawing, you can see a small white heart on the male character's forehead. It is the only spot on his bleeding forehead, as it represents the couple's bulletproof love."
and on this album there's a music dedicated to his dead grandmother, called Helena.
I will not elaborate further on this album because the focus of my analysis will be on the second album of the band, but this first observation is here to show that Gerard's way of dealing with his pain, alongside drug use, was to write songs.
my main focus will be in the bands second album, where through the lyrics, we can see his mother's issues, his fear of abandonment, and more of his personality.
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the third band's album is called "the black parade" and the band recorded this album in a haunted abandoned house where the members lived for a while only to be able to record the album. The members spent 2 months inside a haunted mansion isolated and said to have experienced supernatural stuff.
It is a rock opera and concept album centered on a dying man with cancer known as "The Patient". The album tells the story of his apparent death, experiences in the afterlife, and subsequent reflections on his life.
in short, the man died and saw his life in the form of a parade, hence it was called the black parade, it was a place where he reflected on his life choices after arriving at the afterlife.
now lets go over the album songs in a quick overview to see the story (the tracks are listed according to the order.)
"The Black Parade" focuses on the journey of a man known as "The Patient", diagnosed with cancer, as he reflects on his life and impending death. The album begins with "The End", where The Patient prepares for his funeral without expecting much mourning. In "Dead", he faces the reality of his imminent death and regrets not living his life fully. In "This Is How I Disappear", he realizes he will be forgotten and faces the consequences of his actions. "The Sharpest Lives" explores his toxic behavior and substance abuse after his lover leaves him. In Welcome to the Black Parade, The Patient recalls his father's advice to help others. In I Don't Love You, he breaks up out of self-hatred. House of Wolves sees him mocking fake faith. Cancer shows his fear of being remembered at his worst. Mama reflects on a mother's love despite her son's actions. The Patient learns that his family's love remains, like the mother's in the story. The Patient in "Sleep" faces internal turmoil and regrets, viewing himself as a monster unworthy of sympathy. Memories of his heinous acts torment him in death. The theme of disconnection from society, as portrayed by teenagers, reflects his warped perspective. "Disenchanted" portrays his wasted life and fear of death. In "Famous Last Words," The Patient finds hope for a second chance at life with his lover after facing his fear of death.
(I got this explanation from Reddit. tumblr didn't allow me to post the full explanation so please go to the post and read for yourself to see the detailed version.) (the explanation will use the detailed version of the track story explanation.)
in my personal opinion, Gerard was just as personal on this opera as he was on the song about his grandmother. This time we got to see mula's form of trying to fix the problems that disturb an individual's mind.
the lyrics feel way to personal, especially knowing that mulas tend to have mother issues, as we can see on the track mama where the dying man is begging for his mother for help and he feels desperate and looking for love and care, following the "welcome to the black parade" track where the man is remembering the words of his father and that to me portrays his rising ruler, Revati venus rx at 11th conjuncted his sun, the internal feeling of wanting to save people and to do good for others
In The Sharpest Lives, he says "he promises that if he has her back he will give up all of his addictions, as her light would be so bright in his world that the sun would be ashamed", the nodes are eclipsing the sun(Rahu the artificial sun) and the moon (ketu artificial moon), here I believe he meant that by facing her without the drug addiction he would be have no choice but to actually face his shadows because he uses the drugs to run from reality to run from his head demons.
he have rahu libra ruled by his rising lord, venus 11th that is conjuncted with his sun, libra = relationships, rahu fake or artificial, the artificial sun is ruled by exalted venus and pieces also deals with addictions, maybe the sun that he mentioned is the artificial sun, the one who would be ashamed, as his soul and venus are together.
everyone wonders what happens at the afterlife and no wonder he wrote this opera..... and by last the fact that he wonders through the whole album if he wasted his life away and desires to have his lost love back, again coming back to venus and union of two souls.
by he i was talking about gerard, who i truly believe mirrored himself on this punk opera as a way to express his mental tortures and transform into art. in the end the dying man and Gerard can be the same they sound the same.
differently from ardra, mula expresses his soul pains in a way more artistic to be able to find out what is wrong with him why does he feel so much pain in his life and regardless of gerard knowing or not those pains were put in his life as a test to achieve his soul liberation, something that I believe years later he find peace.
gerard said on a interview on 2022 :
-“The triumph of the human spirit over darkness was something that was kind of built into the DNA of the band from the beginning,” he explained. “The self-actualization, the triumph of the spirit and things like that, getting through really hard things. “There’s darkness in the world. And I think overcoming that darkness, that darkness externally and internally, is a beautiful thing. It’s a challenging thing, but it is beautiful if you can do that if you can kind of triumph over that. So that’s a theme that’s definitely in ‘Black Parade’, the song, and it’s in my work.”"
Billie Eilish (singer, famous star)
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Billie is a famous pop singer that has mula sun-mercury-ketu 11th, 12th shravana moon, jupiter ardra rx - rahu mrigashira 5th, with lagnaand mars at purva bdp aquarius ruled by 4th rohini saturn rx.
where we got two famous singers with big saturn (gerard have cancer saturn i forgot to mention) ketu and Jupiter Energy that they channel to create their arts, but this time is billies brother who writes for her or co-writers with her (depending on the source you use).
finneas (her brother) have jupiter rx capricorn, leo stellium (mercury, venus and rahu) , mrigashira gemini moon and saturn pisces.
billies moon conjuncts her brothers jupiter and his moon conjunct her Jupiter-rahu and his ketu conjunct her first house lagna and mars so i truly believe that they are very close to each other and can understand each others internal mental battles to me they channel together, funny because one of the symbols of gemini is the twins.
also his sun conjuncts her saturn which should bring discipline to their work.
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this time we got to see how mula operates under the umbrella of rahu, mula stellium ruled by jupiter ardra. In other words, we are going to see how, through an intellectual lens, Billie channels her inner mental torture and expresses her unique yet common emo mindset to make a career out of her pains.
she have her 10th ruler at 1st, 10th jyeshta venus ruled mars aquarius, this explains why shes very famous and why we are able to see her channelized expression of herself. 10th planets are what is exposed to the world, our reputation.
the 10th house is oposite the 4th, where the fourth house is the most private house of our chart and her chart ruler is at 4th, Rohini Saturn. Wealth is what, usually a rohini wants but its ruled by a jyeshta very public venus, venus does not like to be that public (exposed) and definitely had a hard life, two things that a rohini doesn't like at all.
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just like Gerad, Billie displays mommy issues within her artwork, alongside her social difficulty, ketu = detached and is with sun-mercury meaning having a harder time with her mind.
her debut album called "When We Fall Asleep Where Do We Go" was inspired, in part, by lucid dreaming and night terrors. again two common nodal themes. According to her, night terrors and lucid dream is what happens when you fall asleep.
the album talks about hopes and fears surronding drug addiction, heartbreak, mental health, and suicide.
even tho the themes are and can be very personal billie said that she and her brother like to write as if they were someone else, meaning that she often likes to separates herself from the artwork this mimics the relation with herself, the 5th house is the natural house of the sun, the ego, and its located at the 11th, the house of social gains.
so this time, the idea of being a separate persona makes way more sense to her instead of gerads, because she really feels detached from all of these matters, mercury 11th with ketu.
yet she have 4th saturn and its said to be the worst house for saturn, i truly believe that they (the siblings) channel their bad mental experiences that they had as a child to write her music because her 12th moon is ruled by 4th saturn, and a Capricorn moon is also said to experience mental anxiety and problems.
this time she might actually feel separated from the art but the art, once again, truly mimics the inside of our hearts.
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so as we can see in order to heal, these two mulas use their pain and transform into art and by doing this they liberate their heads from the pain and eventually, even if takes long they find some kind of peace.
in 2021, billie launched her album called "Happier Than Ever" and this time the inspiration was the covid 19.
this time billie was more, just like the rest of the world, isolated and said that the album creation felt very natural and she also mentioned that was able to feel more confident on her work.
she further adds that self-reflection was the biggest muse behind the record and she mentioned that wrote the track "male fantasy" by herself which helped her realized some unprocessed feelings she previously had.
and just like gerald, with the help of isolation came the biggest form of inspiration.
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hi thank you so much for reading until the end i hope you enjoyed and were able to learn something ;).
please feel free to request any suggestion of themes you would like me to talk about and share you personal feedback :))
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ardra nakshatra p1 analysis.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
Transiting Venus enters Virgo
Monday, August 5 - Thursday, August 29, 2024
Full disclosure: this may not be a fun transit. There are plenty of challenges. Also, Venus is said to be in her “fall” in Virgo, occupying the sign opposite where she is exalted (Pisces). Astrologers March and McEvers likened this to “you’re staying in a strange house, and you don’t know the rules.”
My belief is that the planets all can stand to learn something when they’re in signs they don’t like - and in Virgo, Venus is working on her skills. Throughout her areas:
Art - working on technique is favored. That would be scales for a musician, for example. We could also work on developing healthy responses to criticism.
Beauty - looking like you’re in good health is usually sufficient - think Ingrid Bergman. Not a lot of makeup or “styling.” We could explore more of a thrifty approach to our clothes (like learning to sew a button back on, for example).
Love - keep aiming for being truly helpful. Sometimes we think we’re helping by pointing out everything wrong with someone, or by nagging. We evaluate relationships based on how willing we are to work on them.
Money - penny wise and pound foolish. The only placement that will blow its entire paycheck on vitamins.
If we’ve made any questionable choices over the past weeks (raises hand), we may just be in for a comeuppance while Venus is in Virgo. Where we’re lacking, will be made clear. Are we going to be humble about it and work harder, or are we going to skulk off in bitterness?
Monday, August 5 - Venus/Virgo inconjunct Pluto Rx/Aquarius, 0°33’. Adjustments. Cold indifference (regardless of its source, ourselves or others) makes us realize we need to recalibrate.
Wednesday, August 7 - Venus/Virgo conjunct Mercury Rx/Virgo, 3°43’. We may actually feel this one late on August 5, when the Virgo Moon will conjunct both Venus and Mercury. It’s charming and helpful and humble, but it’s also about a lightweight as astrology gets.
Sunday, August 11 - Monday, August 12:
Venus/Virgo trine Ceres Rx/Capricorn, 8°07’
Venus/Virgo (8°25’) sesquiquad Chiron Rx/Aries (23°25’)
Venus/Virgo inconjunct North Node/Aries, semi-sextile South Node/Libra, 8°59’
Traditional values. We are looking for practical, womanly solutions. Have a strategy for when this irritates people, and don’t be too perfectionist to ignore helping hands. Be patient.
Tuesday, August 13 - Venus/Virgo (10°26’) sesquiquad Eris Rx/Aries (25°26’). Angry women! Eris wants to throw Molotov cocktails but Venus wants to nitpick. Some of us will nag people so hard it will feel like a Molotov cocktail. Adjust your approach to addressing problems.
Saturday, August 17 - Monday, August 19
Venus/Virgo (15°17’) sesquiquad Pluto Rx/Aquarius (0°17’)
Venus/Virgo square Jupiter/Gemini, 17°21’
Venus/Virgo opposite Saturn Rx/Pisces, 17°29’
This is the biggest event of Venus/Virgo - having the honor (?) to help trigger the first (of three) of the Jupiter-Saturn squares. Mars will have set this off a few days earlier, making us feel like we want to get going on something right now but feeling held back and hampered - and we now find ourselves in a new situation (mutable signs) - remembering the “assist” from Pluto, which happens to be on the same degree as the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December 20, 2020. Something is going to take more hard work than we anticipated, and it’s going to take longer. It’s important to blend optimism with being realistic - don’t feel you have to take on all the job yourself, but accept help - and don’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good.” Build up relationships by looking for common ground.
Thursday, August 22 - Friday, August 23:
Venus/Virgo square Mars/Gemini, 22°08’
Venus/Virgo semi-sextile Mercury Rx/Leo, 22°59’
Venus/Virgo inconjunct Chiron Rx/Aries, 23°11’
Venus square Mars can be sexy, but in mutable signs it feels more jittery and anxious. We could be trying too hard; we could be mistaken in how we interpret others. Watch your mouth.
Sunday, August 25 - Venus/Virgo inconjunct Eris Rx/Aries, 25°23’. Angry women time again. We want to be more effective about how we address our grievances, so we’ll need to adjust a bit.
Monday, August 26 - Tuesday, August 27:
Venus/Virgo sextile Pallas/Scorpio, 26°32’
Venus/Virgo trine Uranus/Taurus, 27°14’
Finally, some flowing energy. This will enable us to come up with very clever and unique solutions and possibilities. We may do a little mediating while we’re at it.
Wednesday, August 28 - Venus/Virgo opposite Neptune Rx/Pisces, 29°08’. Stones fan that I am, I’m pretty sure that as long as Neptune makes the final aspect, regardless of the circumstances, we’ll all be singing along with Mick, “You can’t always get what you want - but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.” If we haven’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good,” some precious illumination is in store.
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astrolocherry · 9 months
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Birthday Jupiter in Aries - Girl Born with the Headache from Hell
written by Astrolocherry
People born with Jupiter in Aries feel like the world is at her feet and under her command, until her wings suddenly burn out and her feet crash back down to the ground. There's a vigour for life that is resistant to the limitations that hold other people back. Jupiter in Aries arms her with a celestial guard. Your diamond who doesn't mind for rough conditions or a little blood. She is inquisitive and curious to a level that near sends her parents mad. And it can be a contagious type of inspiration that is a lifelong reminiscent of the spirit of the young. Self-confidence is a potion mixed with the courage, sass, and the spunk to confront her fears and survive the toughest conditions. She is competitive to a relentless degree, winning is the only reason for actually competing. And she can turn even the smallest of daily activities into a competition with someone. When victory is in reach, she seems to summon an extra dose of supernatural adrenaline power, a second wind comes more like a hurricane with fierce determination to win. Organic talent for sports, usually recognisable at an early age is a common Jupiter karmic gift in Aries. These abilities express across wide spectrums and shine in high pressure conditions. Though a Jupiter in Aries temperament is more likely to prefer solo-sports that prevent her from having to rely on others, allow personal goal setting, and the prize will be all her's in the end.
The Jupiter in Aries person likes to stay in motion and doesn't care much for those who can't keep up with her. She will stop at nothing to get the outcome she wants, whether exalting herself by reaching an aspiration, or through acts of mischief, and sometimes vengeance. Her vitriol is a natural curse when directed toward another person, and she must stay armed against those who know how to provoke her. This can overwhelmingly occur with the parental figures and be especially volatile during the formative years. Sometimes, this can be instigated or accompanied by deliberate attempts to be made to feel inadequate to a female sibling.
In the mythological story, Zeus ordered Ares to break his head open to relieve an excruciating headache. Jupiter in Aries individuals can be subject to frequent headaches and debilitating migraines, along with sharp pain behind the eyes.
The condition of Jupiter in Aries tends to require self-inflection points relating to troubles with impulsivity coupled with a grandiosity that can disregard reason and well-informed advice. Along with developing skills that reduce the fight or fight response, learning to pause and reflect rather than react also serves her well. These individuals often require substantial physical outlets that alleviate the inflammation of high stress, agitation, and general frustration at other people. There's usually a therapeutic connection with dogs that may provide a calming effect and a companion with equal energy to expel.
The Jupiter genie grants a gift for enchanted speculation. She has the foresight to spot a fortuitous opportunity when it arrives, usually through a vision or an inclination that she has felt before and it served her well. Immoderation is often the affliction that compromises her game. Eventually, she refuses to be cut by losses and challenges bad habits with objectives and head games. She is certainly wired to be reckless and senseless at times, but she goes head first into anything so soon that she learns early, and often develops a street wise nature beyond her time. Astrology could never predict what the Jupiter in Aries could ever do next.
art by Valfre
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rambite6 · 7 months
Ardra, the 6th nakshatra within the 27 nakshatras, resides in Gemini, co-ruled by Rahu. It's also known as the "moist one," referring to its association with moisture in the air, which leads to the formation of clouds and eventually rain. The symbol of Ardra is either a diamond or a teardrop, reflecting its connection to moisture and wetness. This teardrop symbolism encompasses various forms of sorrow, as well as the clarity that often follows a cry. Twilight is set in Forks, Washington, a town known for its very rainy climate. It’s where Bella, a native born under the Revati sun, encounters Edward, who is a native born under the Ardra moon.
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Kristen Stewart revati ☉ x Robert Pattinson Ardra ☽ in twilight
Revati, the 27th nakshatra, resides in Pisces, co-ruled by Mercury. Its name translates simply to "wealthy," but alternatively signifies "to transcend," aligning with its position as the final nakshatra. With its focus on duality, Revati symbol of a fish swimming in the sea. This symbol, representing the soul's journey through the universe's waters, has ancient roots. As the last nakshatra, Revati holds significance for Moksha and ultimate enlightenment. It symbolizes the point in time where both material and astral realms merge into the causal realm, eventually transcending into the supreme eternal void. It’s also important to note that Venus exalted in the revati Nakshatra, The energy of Pisces is enhancing Venus's spiritual dimensions of love, beauty, and harmony, allowing for unconditional love and the use of love and art as agents of healing. In my opinion, this is what an Ardra craves: unconditional love.
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Olivia Hussey revati Asc x Leonard Whiting Ardra ☉
There are parallels between Romeo and Juliet and Edward and Bella, especially in the second installment of the Twilight saga: New Moon. The book and the 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet are even referenced in the film. Like Romeo and Juliet, Bella and Edward are star-crossed lovers, feeling as if they can't live without each other. There are outside forces that disrupt their romance (rival families or vampirism), yet they still long to be with each other, even if it means in death.
Ardra individuals, due to their deity Rudra, can embody the destructive and transformative essence of Shiva, characterized by chaos and disorder. Under Rudra's influence, they exhibit rapid shifts from joy to sorrow. When fixated on desires like romantic relationships, Ardra natives may harm themselves internally, converting longing into self-inflicted pain. The 12th house symbolizes the "end" and is linked to the subconscious, dreams, and sleep, resembling a temporary state of death. Pisces itself is sacrificial, especially when they love or care for others.
Here are some more revati x Ardra pairings
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Alex Lawther Ardra ☽ x Jessica Barden revati ☽ in End of the fucking world
The series follows the journey of two troubled teenagers, James and Alyssa, as they set out on a road trip to find Alyssa's estranged father. James, who considers himself a psychopath and desires to kill someone, views Alyssa as his ideal target. Meanwhile, Alyssa seeks escape from her troubled home life, where conflicts with her mother and step-father prompt her to leave. However, as they navigate through various unexpected and dangerous situations, their perceptions of themselves and each other are challenged. Along the way, they develop a complex and intense relationship, moments of introspection, and unexpected tenderness.
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Harrison Dickinson Ardra ☉ + sleeping beauty Elle Fanning revati ☉ in Maleficent 2
Harris plays Prince Phillip, and Elle portrays Princess Aurora in "Maleficent 2." When Aurora agrees to marry Prince Phillip, Maleficent voices her disapproval. Queen Ingrith, Phillip's mother, emerges as an opponent to Maleficent, devising a wicked plan to permanently separate humans and fairies. This creates tension between the two groups. Princess Aurora, who embodies characteristics associated with the Revati nakshatra, will be further examined in a future post.
Sources: The Book of Nakshatras by Prash Trivedi
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myemuisemo · 4 months
Part 10 of "Letters from Watson" of The Sign of the Four starts with Sherlock Holmes enthusiastically infodumping.
He appeared to be in a state of nervous exaltation. I have never known him so brilliant. He spoke on a quick succession of subjects,—on miracle-plays, on medieval pottery, on Stradivarius violins, on the Buddhism of Ceylon, and on the war-ships of the future,—handling each as though he had made a special study of it. His bright humor marked the reaction from his black depression of the preceding days.
I wondered "why these topics in particular?"
Miracle plays were, in 1890, the subject of a new book by Alfred W. Pollard of the British Museum. It received a positive review in The Spectator.
The Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society had its first exhibition in London in 1888. While handicrafting, the William Morris aesthetic, and such, had been around for a while by then, this was the big organized push for public attention. Not only did the Arts & Crafts movement draw on medieval influences, but many a UK pottery maker was on the site of a medieval kiln and interested in medieval techniques.
Stradivarius violins are, of course, the sought-after antique violin. There were at least two donated to the Musée de la Musique in Paris shortly before the time of this story, as well as a number getting heard by important violinists in important orchestras. Even more interestingly from Holmes' point of view, a factory in Germany had just started making Stradivarius copies.
Buddhism in Sri Lanka had lapsed into torpor in the early 19th century but was, by 1890, well into a resurgence. The kick-off, back in 1866, had been Buddhist monk Mohottivatte Gunananda challenging Christian missionaries to a debate. In 1890, he had just died; but he had founded a political movement.
As for war-ships, in 1889, the Naval Defense Act had passed. It called for the UK Navy to be maintained at least twice as large as the combined navies of the next two largest powers (then France and Russia). War ships -- both quantity and design -- had doubtless been in the news for a while.
These aren't obscure hyperfixations (though I'm all for obscure hyperfixations!). These are conversational topics appropriate for a well-read gentleman of the era: the sort who gets three or four newspapers, reads the book reviews, and then reads the books reviewed. This explains how Dr. Watson and Athelney Jones set him off, or even participated in the conversation.
We also, while on a boat, get the return of Winwood Reade's Martyrdom of Man (making it Chekhov's book reference?). Says Holmes of Reade:
“He remarks that, while the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will do, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician."
Statistics was not new -- scholarly sorts had become engaged with statistics during the Enlightenment -- but it was in the early stages of being systematized into the mathematical field we know today. Holmes sounds like he would have been a fan of Francis Ysidro Edgeworth's Metre-like: Or the Method of Measuring Probability and Utility, published in 1887, since it attempted to use probability as the basis of inductive reasoning.
Then we have a boat chase.
I love the boat chase. I feel like the boat chase might have contributed to inspiration for the train chase in Nicholas Meyers' The Seven Percent Solution, though I also feel that a train chase needs no justification other than "we have two trains and a problem."
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Our heroes leave from Westminster Wharf, which I'm assuming is roughly today's Westminster Pier, which had not yet received its statue of Boudica. (Westminster is conveniently southeast of Marylebone, where Baker Street is located.) So that long gentle curve is the river past St. Paul's and the Tower of London and under multiple bridges. They pick up the Aurora about where the river heads into that first shallow down-curve and chase it up and down, around the Isle of Dogs, up past Greenwich, and around the down curve at Blackwall. So they must catch it as the river starts to straighten and widen.
A pleasure tour from Westminster Pier to Greenwich today takes about an hour, but those are the boats their launch was passing like they were standing still. The Eva, a Thames Steam Launch of the appropriate era, was one of the speediest of the time and could achieve 16.5 miles/hour.
Then... I really would have preferred an actual monkey. We've now had in this chapter so many reminders of the achievements of European, particularly English, civilization that the avalanche of adjectives framing the Andaman Islander as primitive stands out as a deliberate counterpoint, despite the inclusion of Ceylon and Winwood Reade. Will we ever know what the Andaman Islander Accomplice's motivations were? (If yes, will I wish even more fervently that we'd just stuck with a monkey?)
I love the boat chase, though.
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astroa3h · 6 months
Selena Quintanilla: ✨ Venus Love Style Reading
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Selena had Venus in the 1st House, in sign of Pisces at 21 Degrees (Sagittarius Degree) — Sextile 12th House Mars & 3rd House Saturn
Selena's Venus in Pisces painted her as a lover with a heart as expansive as the ocean. Venus is exalted in Pisces. In astrology, when a planet is in a sign where it's exalted, its positive qualities are magnified, and it operates more smoothly. The exaltation of Venus in her chart further illuminated her artistic expression. Pisces is a sign associated with creativity, imagination, and a connection to the spiritual or the transcendent. Selena's music, her presence on stage, and her style were all channels through which she expressed this Venusian energy.
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Venus in the 1st House suggests Selena approached love and friendships with openness, generosity, and a desire for harmony. This placement often signifies someone who puts a lot of themselves into their relationships, seeking to embody the qualities of Venus in their interactions. It's likely that for Selena, love was not just an emotion but an expression of her identity, something integral to her sense of self and how she navigated the world. However, this placement also carries certain challenges. The desire to maintain harmony and to be liked can sometimes lead extreme people pleasing.
The sextile with Mars in the 12th House lent Selena a quiet strength and a warrior’s spirit in love. This aspect signifies a balance between action and intuition, allowing her to fight for love in a way that was not overt but powered by the depth of her feelings and dreams. It's a testament to her bravery, to love deeply in a world that often holds back for fear of getting hurt. 
The harmonious link to Saturn in the 3rd House brought a beautiful structure to Selena's vast seas of feelings. It suggests that her love was not just a fleeting fantasy but something she was willing to work for, to communicate about, and to build upon with patience and dedication. This aspect highlights her maturity in love, acknowledging that true affection grows over time, through understanding, respect, and mutual support.
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The Sagittarius Degree of her Venus speaks volumes about Selena's adventurous spirit in love. It's a flame that seeks to explore, to learn, and to grow. Her love was a journey, not just a destination—a journey filled with laughter, shared discoveries, and the joy of simply being together. This degree underscores her belief in freedom within love, not as a space for wandering off alone but for expanding horizons together, side by side.
Reflecting on her relationship with Chris Pérez, it's clear that their love story was a vivid illustration of her Venus placement. Their bond was intense, passionate, and a beacon of hope and strength. It was a testament to the power of love that overcomes obstacles, proving that when two souls are meant to be, no force can keep them apart. Their love was a melody, a rhythm that continues to resonate, reminding us of the beauty of loving with an open heart.
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Selena's Venusian legacy is a narrative of love's infinite possibilities. It teaches us that to love like Selena means to embrace love in its purest form, to see beyond the imperfections, and to cherish the journey with all its highs and lows. Her love story, illuminated by the stars, remains a timeless melody, an echo of a heart that loved too much, teaching us that in the end, love is the most beautiful art we can ever hope to create.
xox astro ash ✨💖 Get your own Venus Love Style Reading : astroash.net
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angelasasserart · 3 months
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Another limited palette painting inspired by my experimental sketches for the Exalted Character of the Week challenges that we host in the Exalted TTRPG fanmake server.
This character belongs to @annacory-blog, who has done such gorgeous fanart of my own Exalted characters. I tried to match her awesomeness with my rendition of her Zenith Caste, Swan Feather Ledaal. Her Solar anima manifests as sword wings. How could I resist drawing something that cool?
Anna’s been an encouraging and supportive voice in the Exalted art community, so I hope I’ve done her gal justice!
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theuncrucified · 2 years
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I refreshed the Exalted Art Challenge with a couple of new topics and a list of weekly topics for the slow folks like me! We moved right in the middle of this challenge for October, so I only had time to partake in the weekly topics, instead.  Still, this challenge is always a lot of fun and a great excuse to experiment with different methods and styles!
Read more about the lore of each drawing and watch time lapses of their creation here.
Week 1 - Your PC - Laughing Fox, my Changing Moon Lunar
Week 2 - A Meal In Creation - A Feast for The Plentimon of Dice
Week 3 - Fave Charm - Archery (plus some exploration of Kalara's anima)
Week 4 - Fave Fashion - A Chiaroscuro Glass Gown for Kalara
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hornstusksandmagic · 2 years
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Exalted October Art Challenge Day 5: Masters of Jade
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periwinkle8ball · 9 hours
The one who magnetizes, it is the Harmonizer.
Like Mercury, Venus' astronomical proximity to the Sun limits its movements. As a result, it never moves further than 48 degrees from the Sun. Venus, the Lesser Benefic, sits ahead of the Sun in Chaldean Order among the Inferior Planets. In a way, Venus is Mars' feminine counterpart, working together as Sectmates in the Nocturnal Sect.
Venus is one of the two planets associated with the Air element. Hot and wet in quality: naturally relational, perceptive, and warm.
Venus rule over the earth sign Taurus, and the air sign Libra. Of the two, Venus joys in its feminine domicile of Taurus. In contrast, Venus finds Mars' signs of Aries and Scorpio (detriment) challenging. In Jupiter's feminine domicile, Pisces, Venus is exalted and is given power. The opposing sign of Virgo, Mercury's domicile, does Venus fall, and struggle to perform Venusian tasks.
Venus joys in the 5th House, giving that house meaning in the Hellenistic tradition. Keep that in mind when considering Venus and the 5th House's significations.
love and desire, cleanliness, purity, religious worship, priesthoods, mothers and nurses, female and feminine persons (sisters, daughters, etc.), distinction, public benefactors, benefits from royal women or relatives, marriage, acquisition of additional property, market overseer, measures and weights, trades and shops, giving and receiving, order, reconciliations for the good, companionships, friendships, laughter and rejoicing, an affectionate nature, erotic love, beauty of form, haircutters, cosmetic adornment, spinning of gold thread, the decorating and wearing of gold and crowns, purchasing ornaments, refined arts (singing and music-making, theatre, embroidery, painting, mixing colors, dyeing, unguents [healing ointments], perfume making, etc.), artistic and commercial works with precious stones, ivory-working, aquatic animals. Of the body, the neck, face, lips, the nose and sense of smell, the lungs, the front facing body, and the parts of sexual intercourse.
Traditional 5th House Significations, Venus' House of Joy
the children of the native, pleasurable pursuits, romance and sexuality, creative arts, good fortune and riches, and the increase of beneficence.
Significations primarily sourced from Demetra George’s Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice Volumes 1 and 2 and planet significations spoken of on the Chris Brennan’s The Astrology Podcast.
Disclaimer: Please do not copy, redistribute, alter, or claim this text as your own...
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natalyarose · 1 month
Hii! I read in your latest post how Jupiterian nakshatras oppose Venusian Nakshatras like purva phalguni opposes purva bhadrapada and I have both of these in my big 3, as sun and rising respectively, so what does it mean?!
Heyy! 🪷 (sorry, this ended up being long!!! It can be a nuanced topic lol)
♡ 𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈 𝑜𝓃 𝒪𝓅𝓅𝑜𝓈𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 🌏
Good question! In my eyes, oppositions in a chart can be challenging, but a hugee positive when expressed well. It means you have 'the best of both worlds'. You inherently understand and embody completely opposing energies, which makes for a unique, well rounded, empathetic and possibly very skilled person.
Instead of the energy of say, your Purvabhadrapada Sun totally immersing you in only those energies; you have Purvaphalguni to show you the flip side of the coin & bring balance.
It's like if you (purely for example), imagine a person who has grown up in high society with luxury and wealth, but has also experienced struggle, lack and danger on the streets. This person is savvy in both contrasting worlds and develops empathy and knowledge, bridging the gap between conflicting energies/lifestyles.
This is kinda an 'airy fairy' observation of mine, but I have seen in charts, an opposition can point to a talent that the person holds. Especially when the Sun is involved- in an opposition with the Sun, the Sun is essentially bestowing light unto & illuminating the opposing placement, lighting it up.
If you embody/master both cosmically opposing energies, that means your mastery over then + understanding of them increases.
The dark side of oppositions would be friction, tug of war between the placements causing struggles fully realising the direction you want to go. There can be a struggle to make sure the needs of both placements are met and satiated.
In your case, your Purvabhadrapada Sun might be drawn to forgoing societal expectations and embracing 'strangeness', unconventionality. Though the Purvaphalguni energy in you might urge you to pursue a path where you are considered 'pure' and 'proper' in a societal sense. More 'refined', more choosy about who and what you entertain. You could also feel there is a friction between how you are seen (your ascendant) & your intentions (your Sun).
The way I see it, the opposition could lead to an inner war; or it could lead to the two energies sort of working together and becoming more powerful and influential, forming an equilibrium. I'd say the best way to reconcile the opposition is to figure out what the two placements have in common, and hone in on that connection.
Purvabhadrapada & Purvaphalguni are both Brahmin caste.
both have connections to lions- P.bhadrapada being the lion yoni, P.phalguni being located in sidereal Leo, the lion
both are connected to drama, the arts and self expression
Usually with an opposition, the see-saw or tug of war between the opposing wants/needs of the placements can be solved easier if there's a planet that is for some reason stronger than the other. Like if it's exalted for example. That way the push-pull is ended by appealing to that 'stronger' planet's energy.
Another element of oppositions is sometimes what happens is the native experiences one of the planets on an external level, wheras the other is taken on internally since it's difficult for them to co-exist.
I personally have Saturn in a Jupiterian Nakshatra opposing Venus in a Venusian Nakshatra. I think Venus takes precedence energetically often because my whole chart is heavily Venus influenced plus I have another placement in that same Nakshatra. Saturn influences me to harshly judge myself and experience/perceive a lot of external friction from the outside world, whereas I hold my Venus closer to my heart and direct that energy towards myself & my art moreso.
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Power of Creation
"God gives us the challenge of raw materials, not the ease of finished things. He leaves the pictures unpainted and the music unsung and the problems unsolved, that we might know the joys and glories of creation" - President Thomas S. Monson
I read this quote recently and it really left an impression to me and caused me to ponder the situations and help I have been asking our Heavenly Parents for in recent prayers. This quote offers a fresh perspective on the purpose of our life experiences, lifts a theme that I believe is central to Mormonism but not to most other forms of Christianity: the act of creation.
Our Heavenly Parents are creators. They created the universe and us. All humans are creators in some degree: we create art, music, relationships, love, food, solutions to problems, homes, books, tools to improve life, games, families, friendships...the list goes on, and you don't have to be an artist or performer of any kind to be a creator. When we are exalted, we are said to have the opportunity to create worlds like our Parents have done.
Our time on Earth is an opportunity to develop our creation skills. The quote specifically made me think of the life and relationship that I want to create for myself and for my partner. I often feel rushed and want to realize that dream now, and pray for and work for that future everyday. But creating it overnight, through our Parents' help or otherwise, robs us of that act of creation that we have developed over time. The occasional roadbumps, frustrations, and clashes where we have learned to love and understand each other better have been blessings in the long run. We have the raw materials--the deep love and same dream--which is truly a gift, and we have the support of each other and Heavenly Parents to grow and create together.
In conclusion, this quote inspired me to find joy and empowerment in the journey and act of creation in all areas of life, and to not always ask for finished solutions but to still prayer for and work for the blessings and miracles required to achieve the dream.
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