#Experience with Sell Trend Intelligence
allproducts81 · 5 months
A Future-Proofing Tool: My Experience with Sell Trend Intelligence
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In today's ever-evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. That's why I decided to explore "Sell Trend Intelligence to Innovative Companies," a remote service that delivers market insights directly to your inbox. Here's why I believe it's a game-changer for innovative companies.
Unveiling Hidden Opportunities:
Prior to using this service, identifying emerging trends often felt like a guessing game. We relied on internal brainstorming and industry publications, but these methods lacked depth and often missed the bigger picture. Sell Trend Intelligence changed that. Their team of analysts scours a vast array of data sources, from social media chatter to patent filings, to identify nascent trends with the potential to disrupt our industry. This comprehensive approach unearthed hidden opportunities we wouldn't have discovered on our own. For instance, their early warning on the rise of bioplastics as a sustainable packaging solution allowed us to develop a prototype ahead of the competition, giving us a significant first-mover advantage.
Actionable Insights, Not Just Data Dumps:
Data overload is a real problem. Plenty of services offer market research reports, but deciphering their implications and translating them into actionable strategies can be a challenge. Sell Trend Intelligence goes beyond just presenting data. Their reports are clear, concise, and most importantly, actionable. They not only highlight emerging trends but also provide insightful analysis on their potential impact on our specific market segment. Additionally, the team is always happy to hop on a call to discuss the implications further and brainstorm strategies to capitalize on these trends. This personalized approach ensures we're not left wondering what to do with the information provided.
A Competitive Edge Through Foresight:
The benefits of this service extend far beyond identifying new opportunities. It strengthens our competitive edge by allowing us to anticipate industry shifts. Their early detection of a growing consumer preference for ethically sourced materials allowed us to adjust our supply chain accordingly. This proactive approach not only protected our brand image but also positioned us as a leader in sustainable practices, attracting a new wave of eco-conscious customers.
A Remote Service, Global Reach:
The remote nature of this service is a major plus. We receive insightful reports directly to our inboxes, eliminating the need for travel or in-person meetings. This not only saves us time and resources but also grants us access to a global network of analysts, providing invaluable insights from a variety of markets.
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Overall, "Sell Trend Intelligence to Innovative Companies" has become an indispensable tool for our business. It empowers us to make data-driven decisions, uncover hidden opportunities, and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing market. If you're a company that values innovation and wants to secure a competitive edge, I highly recommend exploring this service.
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cherrylng · 4 months
Muse Disc Guide - Origin of Symmetry [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Origin of Symmetry
As the band tours the world with their debut album, performs at festivals and opens for their seniors to experience the ‘outside world’, they reaffirm the direction they should be pursuing. In other words, they strengthened Muse's unique character that is unlike any other.
The band's previous album had already developed a distinctive style based on alternative rock, incorporating classical elements and exoticism, but this sophomore album takes it even further, expressing each characteristic in a richer, more dramatic way. The guitar, which is trying to surpass Jimi Hendrix and Tom Morello, is even louder and noisier than on the previous album, while the Rachmaninoff-esque piano on track (3/ Space Dementia) runs wildly in all directions. The band also experimented with new instruments such as the mellotron and the church pipe organ used in the solemn track (12/ Megalomania), resulting in an even richer diversity of sound and arrangement.
The majority of the songs on this album were written during the tour, and many of them were performed live before the album was released through repeated trial and error, reflecting the experience gained through live performances. The more dynamic swings between stillness and movement in (1/ New Born), (2/ Bliss), (4/ Hyper Music), (5/ Plug In Baby) and (6/ Citizen Erased) reflect the band's emphasis on exchanging heat with their audience and the catharsis of ‘building up, building up and then exploding’, which they knew first-hand. It was a natural progression for them. The lyrical themes of the first album were mainly about the pent-up feelings of youth in a small provincial town and the anguish of love, but this album is also characterised by a broadening of the range to include (anti-)religious views and more metaphysical themes.
In the UK in 2000, the debut album [Parachutes] by Coldplay, a leading lyrical band, and Radiohead's electronica-leaning fourth album [Kid A] both reached number one in the UK. The trend towards ‘de-rocking’ was accelerating. This album appeared to stem the tide, reaching Number 3 in the UK and marking an important turning point in the future of UK rock music. —Imai Sumi
2001 Hit Albums
The best-selling studio albums of the year were Linkin Park's "Hybrid Theory" and U2's "All That You Can't Leave Behind," both released the previous year, but it was the hip-hop/R&B artists who were generally stronger. For example, JAY-Z's (A/ The Blueprint), now the king of rap, won both the US and UK charts, as did Alicia Keys' memorable debut album (B/ Songs in A Minor) and Destiny's Child's "Survivor" (led by future JAY-Z wife Beyoncé Knowles), both of which were widely received outside R&B listeners. In the meantime, the song was also a big breakthrough in the US. Among the UK acts that also made it big in the US were Gorillaz, a new project of Blur frontman Damon Albarn that took the unique form of a fictional band featuring cartoon characters, and Radiohead, who also enjoyed great success in the US with "OK Computer" and "Kid A". Although they were two completely different types of band, they were received with intelligent and artistic personalities. In contrast, Blink-182, known for its tattoo-covered drummer Travis Barker, recorded a hit following "Enema of the State" with a distinctly American pop-punk feel. Also in the United States, The Strokes, featuring Albert Hammond Jr., the son of singer-songwriter Albert Hammond, broke through the UK. Good Rock'n'Roll was highly praised by discerning adult listeners and critics alike.
In an interview at the time of the release of this album, Matthew said that the lyrics were ‘a mirror image of myself’ and that ‘this is a positive piece of work’. On the other hand, in an interview conducted at the time of the release of 'Absolution', when he was able to look back at the album with some objectivity, he said, ‘It's a projection of my chaotic self at the time’. In the case of 'Showbiz', ‘I’ and ‘you’ could have converged in a delicate romantic relationship, but in the case of this work, ‘I’ tends to try to separate ‘you’ from ‘me’. If you read such a ‘you’ in terms of the extraordinary touring life, music business and social reality…… you can see how lonely and chaotic Matthew himself and his muse were, but he was also conscious of something that was lost in the process.
The ‘you’ depicted in track (8/ Screenager), the quietest number on the album, could be seen as a lost ‘me’ in the sense that it retains its beauty in the past. It would be somewhat sentimental to call it a rite of passage for growth, but if Muse's next leap forward was promised by the fact that they had not lost their ability to look at themselves objectively in the midst of their rock star binge, then the meaning of the song is quite profound, despite the subdued nature of the song.
The song (6/ Citizen Erased), ‘I'm sure I used to be so free’, can also be read as a story about the ‘me’ that is being lost, as it depicts a sense of danger of being tamed by something. However, when examined in conjunction with the title "Citizen Erased" and the illustrations in the booklet that suggest citizens being led into chaos, a worldview similar to George Orwell's "1984" emerges. Looking back on this work, which also shows the budding of a science fiction world, it may have been a drop in the river that would open up towards 'The Resistance'. —Abe Kaoru
YEAR 2001 January - Mail that was stored in the 'Post Capsule 2001' back at the International Exhibition, Tsukuba Japan in 1985, finally started to be delivered. (T/N: This information is only found on the Japanese language Wikipedia. It's a time capsule of sorts, where people who attended the exhibition will post letters into the mailbox and it will only be mailed out by the post office 16 years later to either their future selves or somebody else. One such example was that of Yasuhiro Nakasone, the Prime Minister of Japan in 1985, who posted a letter to the future Prime Minister of 2001. Yoshiro Mori was the one who received said letter before he was succeeded by Junichiro Koizumi 3 months later.) - George W Bush became the 43rd President of the United States. February - The Ehime Maru sank after colliding with a US Navy nuclear submarine. March - Osaka Universal Studios Japan opens. April - European tour begins. - Junichiro Koizumi became Japan's 87th Prime Minister. May - Sapporo Dome has completed construction. - Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, was founded. June - Sapporo Dome, home of the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters, is opened. July - "Origin of Symmetry" is released. - Japan tour begins. Live performances are held in Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo. - Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away is released. - Beijing was chosen to host the 2008 Summer Olympics. August - A test aircraft is launched from the Tanegashima Space Centre. September - Tokyo DisneySea opens. - September 11th attacks. The terrorist attacks in the USA shook the world. Four planes are hijacked by al-Qaeda, two of which crash into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York and collapsed both buildings. One crashed into the Pentagon in Washington DC, and the other remaining one crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. October - US forces launched the invasion of Afghanistan. - Apple Computer's iPod was launched. November - Second tour in Japan begins. Live performances are held in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. - Suzuki Ichiro, playing for the Seattle Mariners in the USA, won the Rookie of the Year and MVP titles. December - Birth of Princess Aiko.
Translator's Notes: I had to edit some parts of the article, especially with the Year 2001 part covering September. In the article, it was written as "The terrorist attacks in the USA shook the world. Four planes are hijacked by Arab groups", which... yeah, editing had to be done for very good reason there.
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fondcrimes · 5 months
hii u posted about poetry recently and mentioned the difficulty in finding a good poem, and specifically that you think the issue is pedagogical—i’d be so curious to hear more of your thoughts about where current(?) pedagogy might be insufficient and/or just your thoughts about contemporary poetry more broadly! no worries if you’d prefer not to though! 🫶
helloooo I would love to elaborate abt my post! thanks for asking (apologies if it gets super long though) I'm gonna break my response down into separate parts so I can better explain my perspective
I will preface this by saying I know I'm usually being haterish when I criticize the writing world in general. I understand I won't like everyone's writing and that doesn't take away from the value of a piece, but my somewhat uncharitable POV stems from my ongoing observation of writing trends and marketability (which is why we have colloquialisms like ig poetry, tumblr poetry, booktok etc). writing trends are not inherently shallow or reductive, however, we as both creators and consumers can observe how trying to sell writing produces specific "brands" of writers. the categorization of contemporary writing, to some extent, will always about marketability and branding, and then we know that digestible and palatable writing sells. it sells a whole lot! and that's not inherently bad either because that's entertainment, sometimes you just wanna read some bullshit. additionally, I don't see the value of discouraging people from reading when it's something I'm very passionate about and more people need to be reading anyway. I could talk about this in great length too but my main beef is with the over-saturation of "palatable" writing, writing that is marketed in a specific way that caters to the consumer rather than engaging an audience and provoking our curiosity and wonder. my main beef is that it creates a type of reader/consumer who is stagnant and not intellectually engaged. I think we're all too familiar with the sort of people who are more concerned with the marketable aesthetics of reading/intellectualism rather than actually using their brain *cough* booktok *cough* but the scope is much wider. I would say that neoliberal politics necessitate this mindset/level of literacy in order to function but that's such a loaded statement kgfkgjf anyway moving on~
in order to understand why people like shitty poetry, I have to understand why people like shitty writing and also why shitty writing exists in such great amounts. I kept going back to elementary school, where we made first contact with writing and reading interpretatively. underpaid overworked teachers already have it hard enough, I don't blame them for not being able to spark the joy of reading in every child they encounter. literacy is unbelievably complex and capitalism is like blood in the water. it’s also bad enough that kids are actively learning how to put themselves into like social boxes while their developing skills are placed into boxes of their own like gifted, advanced, remedial, etc. all that shit gets internalized too. when I refer to the "intellectual", I am speaking from the belief that each person has the potential to embody intellect, rather than adhere to a deluded elitist view of gatekeeping intelligence. I want readers to engage their intellectual selves because we're living in a cultural moment where it seems like nobody is using their brains anymore, nobody is thinking critically, and that's bc it's easy to shut your brain off. it dawned on me that if a child could be dissuaded from reading entirely due to bad experiences/treatment, a child could also be dissuaded from building analytical or evaluative skills of what they're reading. there are so many college students who can read but want to use chatgpt to write their essays... so many (voting-aged) adults who can read but consistently make bad-faith interpretations of tweets, articles, books, etc. I won't get into the marxism of it all but it goes back to the capitalist state, we need to be literate enough to work and participate in bureaucracy and get married and raise more workers but that's it, it's okay if our literacy stops there and I would argue politicians actually prefer that. but I'm not saying the alternative isn't difficult though... because it's meant to be!
ok so the pedagogy of it all. poetry is notorious for being kind of inaccessible to the common person for a variety of reasons but I'll focus on the fact that we're conditioned to prioritize convenience or become "lazy" readers. I didn't really know how pervasive this notion was until I was listening to ada limón talk about how people will straight up say they don't like poetry. she was talking about how really has more to do with how it's taught rather than what it is. I also reconsidered my own relationship with poetry as a form. I have the typical writer predisposition: my favorite book growing up was the giving tree, I wrote sad gay poems in high school and obviously I was a teenaged fangirl during the peak tumblr web weaving era. but I didn't think about poetry too deeply until a few years ago (during quarantine-ish) I decided I wanted to start writing seriously again after a series of depressive episodes and found my way back to contemporary poetry. I should say I'm veryyy biased and prefer studying modern poetry but I know a few things about that old greek shit too lol. I read poems I instantly really loved, but some poems even by the same poets fell flat or I straight up disliked, but I didn't know why I had those opinions. so I kind of became really obsessed with studying my favorite poems on my own, going line by line and figuring out the writing techniques and measuring their effectiveness. (I read a lotttt of writing criticism too)
now that I'm thinking about it, it was very adhd of me to obsessively read and reread short-form writing bc sometimes I simply don't have the attention span for a 20k-word creative nonfiction piece unfortunately lolll.... this was noticeably much more fun, esp compared to reading poetry in school elementary/middle/high school (even though I had enjoyed those classes too). as a teenager of the subversive aesthetic age, I still carried the notion that most poetry was about obfuscating meaning, or like purposefully being vague out of pretentiousness and exclusion. like I get why somebody would find poetry annoying, there's plenty of annoying poetry out there even in the literary world. all of this is to say that reciting poems in school or trying to teach poetry to students in absolutes (like this poem means this, this poem means that) is not conducive to comprehending the form/genre. you can’t achieve poetic understanding or connection to a poem through objectivity or removing yourself and your emotions. a poem is not just static, it’s meant to interact quite intimately with a reader. ada limón describes how transformative it can be leave a poem and come back to it. sometimes, the intimacy has more to do with the state of receptiveness than the text itself. poems are constantly concerned with emotional/somatic information whether you’re reading or writing them. I always explain it to myself in relationship terms, which is why it might feel impossible to build that relationship with something that seems doubly foreign
this doesn’t really stop at elementary school students. as you get older and read more poetry, you start to catch on and see that poets within a movement are effectively doing similar things, and I fear a good amount of poets are doing the same BORING or PREDICTABLE thing. (I will be nice and not name names)
it wasn't until I read a lot of poems that I noticed my favorite poems did the exact opposite.
this is one of my favorite poems everrrrr it made me write poetry bc I just wanted to do everything he did. it has also drastically shaped and informed my taste. so I will try to briefly explain how it has influenced my writing:
Let me begin this time knowing the drumming in my dreams is me inheriting the earth, is morning lighting up the rivers.
there have been weeks in my life where this line "inheriting the earth" played in my head over and over again like a mantra. "inherit" is such a loaded word, culturally and politically. I think I had been enamored by the sheer power of it, esp as a black person who has spent the majority of my life feeling unworthy of existing:
a brown child on a beach at dawn straining to see their future.
I had to sit with that feeling and characterize its meaning. for me, "inheriting the earth" immediately looked like a stampede of horses fearlessly galloping across the plains:
Let me run at break-neck speeds toward sceneries of doubt.
I could say a lot more about this poem, but moving on~
some valuable lessons I learned from being inspired by poetry: kill my pride and obliterate my quest for originality. at this point, I've embraced being a copycat:
because in my noble solitude, I have inherited nothing.
Our heads turned alongside the window, chasing a breakneck road.
I read jackson's poem up and down, left to right, tried to solve it like a rubik's cube. I wanted to turn my love for this poem into data points I could use in my own writing, but I kept hitting a wall. I couldn't shake the feeling I was stalling something inevitable, circling the truth embedded in my writing like an eagle stalking its prey. I considered the strain of the futureless brown child:
objects of my brutal childhood fascination
an instinctive deserter at the finale of my girlhood
one day I stumbled upon this article, the pieces suddenly started to come together:
as a society, we do entirely too much about youth and maintaining youth, so much to the point where the cultural obsession is perverse and the child is neglected. I only say this to offer an alternative, wherein we consider the childhood self not as a means to regain lost "purity" and powerlessness, but to take our power back. I love this article so much; I think it perfectly captures why writers are constantly fighting themselves and their words. it's evident one's learned self-consciousness and uncertainty cause someone to over-explain and impede on the poem. this makes it a matter of emotional fidelity and trust, rather than technical skill or knowledge. if poetry is inaccessible, I think it's only because we have become inaccessible to ourselves. this is what I mean when I say a good poem is "distilled", it has more to do with the clarity of the feeling you're trying to evoke or convey. it requires self-knowledge and making space for yourself to maintain emotional fidelity if that's what you want (ofc you can also evoke vagueness or uncertainty through the clarity of the form). I wondered, how can a creative know what they're doing if they don't know themselves? soon I realized at its core, the writer struggling with words was an issue of trust, on some mary oliver wild geese shit. there is a great deal of trust involved when you let yourself wonder. and sorry it's hard for me not to get all writer-brained and idealistic about this subject so please bear with me when I say I have good news, we can always find the way back to ourselves.
I think poetry should be about trusting the self and others, trust that they won't shatter the fragility of you in their closed hand. good poetry is deep intimacy and touchy-feely shit. learning how to write hurts because you’re also learning how to unlearn. it's extremely hard to teach that in a society that is more concerned with making sure you learn how to become wholly alienated from yourself (I've written extensively about how this damages the creative spirit, I'll save you the rant). in the midst of my poetry renaissance, I developed a schema around poetry in my attempts to write poems that were intimate and personal and powerful. I wanted to read stunning poetry, so I approached every poem like its intent was to pierce my heart. ofc that doesn't have to be your approach, but as someone who somewhat struggled with subtext and implicit messaging as a child, I am super into patterns that help me reach meaning. but I could only develop taste or preference through knowing myself and listening to my creative impulses, letting art and words alter my heart and my mind. it's about all that mushy gushy woo woo therapy shit. it had to be about me regifting myself a sort of agency. the resting state of a poet is precarious and sometimes contradictory. I believe in trust but I still feel the urge to over-explain myself or my thoughts for manyyy reasons. sometimes I don't even fight that urge, but the point remains. in order to teach and understand poetry, you have to know yourself (your intentions, your haunts, your beliefs, etc). in order to trust the reader, we have to trust they know themselves, or at least are willing to learn how to do it.
Reader, I should have married you sooner.
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Marketing Your Home: Innovative Techniques to Sell Your Property
Marketing your home effectively is crucial to attracting potential buyers and selling your property quickly. This blog explores innovative marketing techniques to help you sell your property.
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High-Quality Photography and Videography
Professional Photos: High-quality photos can attract more buyers. Consider hiring a professional photographer to capture your home's best angles. Ensure the photos are taken during the day when natural light is abundant.
Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours to provide an immersive experience for potential buyers. Use a 360-degree camera to create a virtual tour that showcases your home's layout and features.
Drone Footage: Use drone footage to capture aerial views of your property and its surroundings. This can provide a unique perspective and highlight features like large yards or scenic views.
For property purchase options, explore Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
Social Media Marketing
Facebook: Create a dedicated Facebook page for your property and share regular updates, photos, and virtual tours. Use Facebook ads to target potential buyers in your area.
Instagram: Share high-quality photos and videos of your property on Instagram. Use relevant hashtags and engage with users who show interest in your posts.
YouTube: Create a YouTube channel to showcase virtual tours and highlight features of your property. Share the videos on other social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
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Online Listings and Real Estate Websites
Detailed Descriptions: Create detailed and attractive online listings with high-quality photos and descriptions. Highlight key features, recent upgrades, and unique selling points.
Real Estate Websites: List your property on popular real estate websites like Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com. These platforms can help you reach a larger audience and generate more leads.
For rental property management, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Hosting Open Houses
Virtual Open Houses: Host virtual open houses using platforms like Zoom or Facebook Live. This allows potential buyers to view your property from the comfort of their homes.
In-Person Open Houses: Ensure your home is clean and welcoming, and provide refreshments to create a positive experience. Make sure all lights are on, curtains are open, and the temperature is comfortable.
For property sales, visit sell house quickly.
Innovative Marketing Techniques
3D Floor Plans: Create 3D floor plans to give potential buyers a better understanding of your property's layout and dimensions.
Augmented Reality (AR): Use AR technology to allow potential buyers to visualize how their furniture and decor would look in your home.
Home Staging Apps: Use home staging apps to virtually stage your property and showcase different design options.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Emily, who successfully sold her home in Dubai by using innovative marketing techniques. Emily hired a professional photographer, created a virtual tour, and used drone footage to capture unique angles of her property. She also leveraged social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach a wider audience. As a result, she received multiple offers and sold her home quickly and at a great price.
Future Trends in Home Marketing
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI can be used to analyze buyer preferences and tailor marketing strategies accordingly.
Chatbots: Chatbots can provide instant responses to potential buyers' inquiries, improving customer service and engagement.
Virtual Reality (VR): VR technology can create immersive experiences for potential buyers, allowing them to explore properties in detail without physically visiting them.
By using innovative marketing techniques, you can attract more potential buyers and sell your property quickly. High-quality photography, social media marketing, online listings, and virtual open houses are effective strategies to reach a wider audience. For more resources and expert advice, visit home loan dubai.
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strategicerp · 4 months
Harnessing CRM Analytics for Business Growth
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Advanced analytics powered by Artificial Intelligence provides invaluable insights to any business. Integration with AI elevates the reporting capabilities of a Customer Relationship Management system. Fetching data from various points of contact results in forming comprehensive client profiles, which when analyzed provide accurate insights.
Built-in AI features allow the system to generate predictive insights about customer payments, unit bookings, site visits and more. Delivering cutting-edge solutions and insights to its clients is the realm of customer relationship management (CRM) software.
It generally consists of a comprehensive suite of services designed to help businesses leverage the full potential of their data, making data-driven decisions, identifying actionable insights, and driving more personalized customer experiences. CRM Analytics offers a range of services, providing unparalleled value through:
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Dashboard Development
Data Visualization
Predictive Analytics
Custom reporting
Data integration
Data is the lifeblood of any business, and the goal of CRM software should be to empower clients with the tools and expertise they need to harness the power of their data for business growth and success. These insights empower companies to make informed decisions, tailor their marketing strategies, enhance customer experiences, and ultimately drive business growth.
Data-Driven Decision Making: CRM analytics transforms raw customer data into actionable insights. Businesses can use these insights to make informed decisions about product offerings, marketing campaigns, sales strategies, and customer service improvements.
Customer Understanding: By analyzing customer interactions, purchase histories, and engagement patterns, businesses can gain a deep understanding of their customers. This understanding helps in segmenting customers, identifying their needs, and tailoring products and services to better serve them.
Personalized Marketing: It enables businesses to create personalized marketing campaigns. By knowing individual preferences, purchase histories, and browsing behaviors, companies can deliver targeted and relevant messages to customers, increasing the chances of conversion.
Sales Performance Improvement: CRM analytics provides sales teams with data on lead conversions, sales cycles, and customer buying patterns. This information can help identify areas for improvement, optimize sales processes, and allocate resources more effectively.
Customer Retention and Loyalty: Understanding customer behaviors and preferences allows businesses to proactively address issues, offer personalized solutions, and foster customer loyalty. Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal and recommend the company to others.
Forecasting and Planning: CRM analytics can provide insights into future trends and demands by analyzing historical data. This helps businesses forecast sales, plan inventory levels, and allocate resources appropriately.
Identifying Cross-Selling and Upselling Opportunities: By analyzing customer purchasing patterns, businesses can identify opportunities for cross-selling or upselling additional products or services, increasing revenue per customer.
Monitoring Marketing Campaign Effectiveness: CRM analytics helps evaluate the success of marketing campaigns by tracking metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and customer engagement. This allows for real-time adjustments and optimizations.
Improving Customer Service: By analyzing customer service interactions and feedback, businesses can identify common issues and areas for improvement. This leads to better service quality and enhanced customer satisfaction.
Competitive Advantage: Companies that effectively use CRM analytics gain a competitive edge by making data-driven decisions that are aligned with customer needs and market trends.
CRM analytics becomes an essential part of the software. It enables businesses to gain valuable insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and interactions.
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littlesolo · 4 months
Alex Cross
I've gotta say, this looks promising!
Aldis Hodge is probably best known as Alec Hardison from Leverage, but he's got a great range and this could work with him in the role.
I was first introduced to the character of Alex Cross in the James Patterson novels. (My mom read them and then I did.) When it came to seeing him on screen though, I first saw him as Morgan Freeman.
Morgan Freeman was perfect in the role. He's old enough that seeing him as an FBI profiler that is the top of is game isn't hard to believe, but also seasoned enough to know what he's doing. Meaning every conclusion he has doesn't come across as arrogance, it comes as a confident assessment made from experience. Morgan Freeman also brings an empathy that's sometimes hard to make work when playing that kind of role. With other actors it can come across as condescending or placating when the profiler calls the victim strong and a survivor. And it's not... that he's just selling the words, he believes it of them and that comes through.
I moved away from the novels when all my favorite mystery/thriller writers started this trend of making things more gory and violent. Somehow, it becomes even more so when you're reading it, but Tyler Perry's Alex Cross seemed to follow that trend.
That Alex Cross story was too much for me and I didn't believe him in the role?
For one thing, in all of the previous Alex Cross movies, the crimes were always horrific, but all the graphic visuals weren't necessary.
Just from the teaser, it looks like the new Cross series might go down that route a little, but hopefully not too far? I really like Aldis Hodge and look forward to seeing him portray Alex Cross. He can play both the intelligence and empathy and compassion and balance them perfectly, creating a full character instead of an actor reciting excerpts of clinical jargon in between action scenes.
I do have to say - watching the teaser a second time? My head imagined if it was Morgan Freeman saying the same lines and they still worked. I can't wait for this.
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mr-entj · 2 years
Mr Entj, in your opinion what fields of artificial intelligence will become “important” in the sense that they will be paying a lot and will need people? Do you think neuro tech will be lucrative? Not in an academic sense. Also, how do you create and reinvent yourself in the tech world to always stay relevant and how do you create a niche for yourself? Sorry for all the questions, different from all the other people I don’t know who you are, just an awesome and intelligent fella giving life changing advice. Also, do you take any supplements? Do you intermittent fast? Thank youuuuuuuu so much for being here for us
On lucrative roles: Machine Learning Engineers and Data Scientists. For industry, I have no idea, and if I knew that I'd be a billionaire already, but I'd place my bets on augmenting current successful business processes with AI. To do this, I would: understand what successful companies do and how they do it -> identify their biggest and costliest pain points -> brainstorm how AI can help them do that thing (or multiple things) even better -> sell the solution -> $$$$$.
I'm actually transitioning to artificial intelligence because the top AI firm extended me an offer last week to lead strategy so I'll have more insights in the next few months.
I don't create and reinvent myself to stay relevant, but I've built on the skills and experience I currently have with even more complementary skills. This is called skill stacking. This means that if you're a software engineer, then learn about UX design. If you're a product manager, then learn about coding. If you're a creative, then learn about project management. Stay up to date with the pulse of the industry, identify skills based on trends, and stack skills to amplify your impact.
Yes, I take vitamins daily, but everyone's health is different and it wouldn't be useful to share what I take since my supplements are vetted by a medical professional. Yes, I intermittent fast and I only eat between 12PM-7PM.
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tech-tar-review · 7 months
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The Complete Beginner's Guide to Visionize AI
Visionize AI - Introduction
Welcome to my Visionize AI Review post. Where innovation meets intelligence, at Visionize AI, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible with artificial intelligence technology. Our mission is to empower businesses and organizations of all sizes to harness the transformative power of AI to drive growth, efficiency, and success.
With a team of experts at the forefront of AI research and development, Visionize AI is committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that address our client's unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you're looking to streamline operations, optimize processes, or unlock new insights from your data, Visionize AI provides the expertise and technology needed to achieve your goals.
From machine learning algorithms to natural language processing systems, our comprehensive suite of AI solutions is designed to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. Join us on a journey of innovation and discovery with Visionize AI.
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What is Visionize AI?
Visionize AI is a pioneering technology company focused on harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to drive innovation and transformation. At Visionize AI, we develop cutting-edge AI solutions tailored to the specific needs of businesses across various industries. Our expertise lies in creating intelligent systems that automate processes, analyze data, and generate valuable insights to help organizations make informed decisions and achieve their goals.
Through advanced machine learning algorithms, natural language processing techniques, and computer vision capabilities, Visionize AI enables businesses to unlock new opportunities, streamline operations, and stay ahead of the competition in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape. Whether it's optimizing workflows, enhancing customer experiences, or predicting market trends, Visionize AI is dedicated to delivering high-impact AI solutions that drive tangible results and propel businesses toward success in the age of artificial intelligence.
  How Does Visionize AI Work?
Leveraging Visionize AI is a seamless endeavor, characterized by a user-friendly interface where individuals can simply log in, input keywords or utilize voice commands, and witness the rapid generation of desired visual content. This intuitive workflow ensures swift and efficient production of captivating visuals, requiring minimal effort on the part of the user.
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Benefits Of Using Visionize AI
Streamlines the process of visual content creation for users of all skill levels
 Facilitates the rapid generation of high-quality visuals across a multitude of formats
Provides a seamless avenue for monetizing generated visuals through a dedicated marketplace
Diminishes the reliance on costly design tools and professional services
Empower individuals and businesses to embrace the AI-driven future of visual content creation.
Visionize AI Review - Key Features
AI-powered Graphics and Image Generation
Video Generation without the need for recording or editing
Access to a Marketplace boasting 10,000,000 active buyers
Inpainting, Colorization, and Denoising capabilities for images
Recognition, Synthesis, and Noise Removal functionalities
Mobile Compatibility, facilitating on-the-go visual creation
Comprehensive Training Videos and Round-the-Clock Support
Visionize AI Review- Pros and Cons
The comprehensive suite of visual content creation features
One-time fee structure with no monthly costs, offering excellent value
Free commercial license, enabling users to sell their creations
Mobile compatibility for convenient access across various devices
Streamlined workflow catering to both novices and seasoned professionals
Limited availability of licenses due to server capacity constraints
Potential future increase in price to a monthly subscription model
But That's Not All
In addition, we have several bonuses for those who want to take action today and start profiting from this opportunity.
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1. Bonus: Exclusive Special Training (Valued at $997)
Enhance your skills with our exclusive Special Training program, meticulously crafted to complement VisionizeAi. Uncover advanced techniques, deepen your knowledge, and unlock the full potential of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence. Empower your creative vision today.
2. Bonus: 200+ Mascot Cartoon Characters (Valued at $247)
Introducing 200 vibrant mascot cartoon characters by VisionizeAi, each embodying a unique aspect of innovation and creativity. From tech-savvy bots to imaginative thinkers, these characters inject charm and personality into the realm of artificial intelligence.
3. Bonus: Infographic Blackbook (Valued at $367)
Unlock the secrets of crafting visually compelling infographics with the Infographic Blackbook, perfectly complemented by VisionizeAi's cutting-edge automated design tools. Together, they empower users to effortlessly create engaging visual narratives with precision and flair.
4. Bonus: Video Marketing Graphics Pack (Valued at $327)
Enhance your video marketing endeavors with our Graphics Pack, meticulously curated to complement VisionizeAi. Featuring stunning visual elements, dynamic animations, and customizable templates, effortlessly elevate your videos and captivate your audience like never before.
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Why Recommended?
Recommended for its cutting-edge AI solutions, Visionize AI stands out for its commitment to innovation and excellence. With a track record of delivering tangible results, Visionize AI empowers businesses to thrive in today's competitive landscape.
 Its advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing capabilities enable organizations to streamline operations, optimize processes, and uncover valuable insights from data. Backed by a team of AI experts, Visionize AI offers tailored solutions that drive measurable impact and propel businesses toward success. 
Choose Visionize AI for unparalleled expertise and transformative AI solutions that drive growth and innovation.
Money Back Guarantee - Risk-Free
Look, VisionizeAi is not one of those “trash” or untested apps. We know what it’s capable of…However, in the unlikely event that you fail to use VisionizeAi for ANY REASON. We insist that you send us an email…It is simple if you don’t make money. We don’t want your money…We make more than enough with VisionizeAi. And no need to keep your money if you’re not gonna use it.
Not just that…We will send you a bundle of premium software as a gift for wasting your time. Worst case scenario, you get VisionizeAi and don’t make any money you will still get an extra bundle of premium software for trying it out.
Final opinion: 
In conclusion, Visionize AI emerges as a leader in the realm of artificial intelligence, offering unparalleled expertise and transformative solutions. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, Visionize AI empowers businesses to thrive in today's dynamic environment. 
Through advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing capabilities, Visionize AI enables organizations to streamline operations, optimize processes, and unlock valuable insights from data. Backed by a dedicated team of AI experts, Visionize AI delivers tangible results and drives measurable impact.
 Overall, Visionize AI stands as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to harness the full potential of AI to achieve their goals and propel growth.
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What is Visionize Ai?
Vision AI is a peculiar sports-changing model crafted by complex algorithms and AI technology. It aims to just do that (don’t use double words). Specifically, its objective is to take the world’s imagery design to another next level. It does this by the way of using simple automatic techniques and additional design alternatives.
How does Visionize Ai differ from other design tools like Canva?
Visionize AI became quickly famous as a tool that can simplify the design usually performed by the industry’s front runner. Therefore, it is referred to as a Canva killer. It utilizes modern AI-driven models that offer personalized design suggestions, templates, and layouts. Also, it supplies libraries of inspiration and designs.
How does Visionize AI work?
The Visionize AI understands data in large volumes and skips the job of humans for many design work. It will offer advice and recommendations specific to each project, as well as different templates and layouts that have a personalized touch. Plugging the AI into the development process dramatically speeds up the workflow of design and gives a considerable library of inspirations and design objects.
Who can benefit from using Visionize AI?
Our solution focuses on meeting two major groups’ needs, those who are professional at the same time and beginners. Its easy-to-use interface can be mastered by all levels of users and can even be managed by drag and drop. Professionals with design skills are going to be flattered by the ability to use AI’s advanced automation abilities to save time and the creative work left off by the newcomers would only be their costly templates and design inspirations.
What sets Visionize Ai apart from other AI models?
It is indeed true that Visionise Ai is the “Daddy of all AI Models”. Advancements in Modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology will ensure Visionise is ahead of other design solution providers. Those powerful si eleenes have API that allows user customization, they fo seek to remain cutting edge in the designer sector simply because they are now superior among their peers.
What are the advantages of using Visionize AI?
The Visionize Ai technological solutions offer several benefits over the improvisations. First, its automation characteristics save time for designers leaving them to rationally work on their more strategic endeavors. Then, you use this AI base with its suggestions and templates to enable you to add more creative ideas and this inspires you. Finally, Visionize Ai’s (this company’s) top technology makes the most recent design trends and the most advanced features available as well as up-to-date.
How can Visionize Ai unlock my design potential?
Whether a seasoned expert in graphic design or a toddler, this tool frees your creativity and enables you to innovate. In line with its user-friendly interface, the strong AI components empower experiments, experiments, and artistic visualization using advanced models making the audience involved and intrigued.
Is Visionize Ai suitable for all types of graphic design projects?
Visionize Ai does all of the graphic design projects that are mentioned here. Its collection of templates as well as design elements gives many options to users who can modify them to suit their design needs, as they are versatile and can work for a range of designs.
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stock-123 · 10 months
Navigating Market Volatility: Strategies for Success in Uncertain Times
In the tumultuous world of the stock market, where the only constant is change, navigating through periods of volatility is a skill every investor should hone. The ability to not only weather the storm but to thrive amidst uncertainty can define an investor's success. In this blog post, we'll delve into effective strategies to navigate market volatility, offering insights for both seasoned investors and those just starting their journey into the financial markets.
Understanding Market Volatility:
Market volatility is the ebb and flow of prices in the financial markets. It is driven by a myriad of factors, including economic indicators, geopolitical events, and market sentiment. To navigate through these turbulent times, investors must first understand the root causes of volatility. Exploring historical instances of volatility, such as the 2008 financial crisis or the dot-com bubble, provides valuable lessons on the impact of these events on the market.
Risk Management Techniques:
One of the cornerstones of successful investing in volatile markets is effective risk management. Diversification, the practice of spreading investments across different assets, can mitigate risks and protect your portfolio from sharp declines in any one sector. Additionally, employing stop-loss orders, predetermined sell orders triggered when a security reaches a specified price, can limit potential losses and preserve capital.
Investing vs. Trading:
Investors face the choice of adopting a long-term investment strategy or engaging in short-term trading to capitalize on market fluctuations. Aligning your approach with your financial goals and risk tolerance is crucial. Long-term investors often weather short-term volatility with the understanding that markets tend to trend upward over time. On the other hand, traders seek to profit from short-term price movements, requiring a different set of skills and strategies.
Opportunities Amidst Chaos:
While market volatility poses risks, it also presents opportunities for astute investors. Certain sectors or industries may perform well during turbulent times, such as healthcare or technology. Contrarian investing, the strategy of going against prevailing market sentiment, can lead to identifying undervalued opportunities in the midst of chaos. Additionally, distressed assets, those whose value has fallen significantly, may present profitable opportunities for those willing to take calculated risks.
Market Analysis Tools:
Investors have an array of tools at their disposal to analyze market conditions. Technical analysis involves studying price charts and indicators, while fundamental analysis assesses a company's financial health. Embracing these tools empowers investors to make informed decisions based on data rather than emotions. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning further enhances the precision and efficiency of market analysis.
Psychology of Trading:
Understanding the psychological aspects of trading is crucial during volatile times. Behavioral biases, such as fear and greed, can cloud judgment and lead to irrational decision-making. Maintaining emotional discipline and making rational decisions based on a well-thought-out strategy is paramount. Learning from the experiences of successful investors who have mastered the psychological aspects of trading can provide valuable insights.
Global Events and Market Impact:
Global events, from elections to economic crises and pandemics, can significantly impact the stock market. Staying informed about unfolding events and understanding their potential impact on the market allows investors to adapt their strategies accordingly. Historical examples, such as the market reactions to the Brexit vote or the COVID-19 pandemic, highlight the importance of being nimble and proactive in response to global events.
Case Studies:
Real-life case studies of investors or traders who navigated volatile markets successfully provide practical insights. Examining their strategies, challenges faced, and lessons learned offers a roadmap for others to follow. These case studies serve as valuable examples of adaptability, resilience, and strategic thinking during uncertain market conditions.
In the ever-evolving landscape of the stock market, being well-prepared for volatility is a prerequisite for success. By understanding the causes of market fluctuations, employing effective risk management, and staying informed through market analysis tools and global events, investors can position themselves not just to survive but to thrive. Successful investing is a journey that requires continuous learning, adaptability, and the ability to seize opportunities amid the ever-changing market dynamics.
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ericgunther · 11 months
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Discover the Unparalleled Real Estate Opportunities in Palm Beach County, Florida!
Palm Beach County, Florida, has proven itself as an oasis in the real estate market, showcasing remarkable stability and growth, even in challenging times. As we close out the year, the latest data reveals strong trends: Median Sales Prices are up over 7%, closed sales down just over 3%, and inventory down just under 12%. What does this signify? Palm Beach County is a shining star with homes being purchased and defying market results seen in other regions across the United States.
One key factor contributing to this growth is the limited inventory. With fewer properties available, competition among buyers has intensified, ultimately helping to stabilize property prices. In this thriving market, Palm Beach County stands out as a desirable destination for those seeking a resort-like lifestyle, coupled with the benefits of remote work opportunities and an influx of companies that have moved their businesses to the area.
Palm Beach County is celebrated for its high-end amenities, upscale shopping, world-class dining, and vibrant social scene. This idyllic setting has captured the hearts of many, driving individuals to sell homes outside Florida and invest in Palm Beach County's real estate. Some are even using their net proceeds to purchase properties in cash, while others are opting to "buy down the rate" by paying down a portion of their mortgage upfront, securing lower interest rates.
At this juncture, if a buyer (or buyers) consider a conventional mortgage without buying down the rate, a general rule of thumb suggests that for every $1,000,000 in property value, the buyer(s) should have around $312,500 in tax return-proven income.
Greenfield Waters Florida Realty: Your Premier Real Estate Partner in Palm Beach County
In this thriving real estate market, Greenfield Waters Florida Realty stands as the beacon of luxury and excellence in Palm Beach County. As the President and Broker, Eric Gunther expresses his enthusiasm, "I am extremely happy with the results from the latest data. Florida is highly desirable for so many reasons that are unlikely and even impossible to change, making real estate generally safe in comparison to other markets or financial stores of value."
Greenfield Waters Florida Realty is renowned for handling properties valued at over one million dollars, as well as upper-middle-market properties that are highly sought after. Situated at 205 Worth Avenue on Palm Beach Island, Greenfield Waters is a natural fit for multimillion-dollar estate properties, which require the high level of intelligence, sophistication, and commitment that the firm is known for.
Eric Gunther emphasizes, "Properties that belong to high-net-worth sellers require additional understanding of personal privacy with discretion, financially pre-qualifying and vetting all possible buyers, advertising locally, nationally, and globally, acting as a 'gatekeeper,' and genuinely caring about the property for sale. We also offer special commission structures for our neighbors on Palm Beach Island, serving as a testament to our metaphorical anchor we have placed on the Island."
Eric Gunther and Greenfield Waters: Your Ideal Partner for Palm Beach Island Real Estate
If you're considering buying or selling property on Palm Beach Island, Eric Gunther and Greenfield Waters Florida Realty are your perfect partners. With a legacy of excellence, a commitment to privacy, and a deep passion for Palm Beach Island, Eric Gunther is the premier real estate professional you've been searching for. Contact Eric today to discuss your property and experience the luxury market on Palm Beach Island like never before. In Eric Gunther and Greenfield Waters Florida Realty, you've found exactly who you've been looking for in your journey through Palm Beach County's remarkable real estate landscape.
Glad to share as always,
Eric Gunther
President – Broker – Realtor
Greenfield Waters
Florida Realty
205 Worth Avenue #125
Palm Beach, FL 33480
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reliqus · 1 year
2023 Roadmap: Mastering Google Ads and Boosting Your Business!
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Are you ready to take your business to new heights in 2023? Look no further than Google Ads! With its powerful advertising platform, Google Ads offers a myriad of opportunities to reach your target audience and drive remarkable growth for your business. Let's journey through the 2023 roadmap to optimize your Google Ads strategy and skyrocket your success!
1. Set Clear Goals: The first step to success with Google Ads is to define your objectives. Whether it's increasing website traffic, generating leads, boosting sales, or enhancing brand awareness, having specific and measurable goals is crucial. A well-defined goal will serve as your compass throughout your advertising journey.
2. Know Your Audience: Understanding your target audience is fundamental to a successful Google Ads campaign. Research their preferences, behaviors, and pain points. Use this valuable information to create tailored ad copies and landing pages that resonate with your potential customers.
3. Keyword Research: Keywords are the heart and soul of Google Ads. Conduct comprehensive keyword research to identify the terms your audience uses to find similar products or services. Leverage keyword planning tools to discover relevant and high-performing keywords that align with your goals.
4. Compelling Ad Creatives: Grab your audience's attention with eye-catching ad creatives. Craft compelling ad copies that highlight the unique selling points of your offerings. Use high-quality images or engaging videos to leave a lasting impression on potential customers.
5. Embrace Data-Driven Decisions: In 2023, data is king! Regularly monitor your campaign performance and analyze key metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Use these insights to optimize your ads and allocate your budget effectively.
6. Leverage Automation: Google Ads offers powerful automation features that can save you time and effort. Embrace intelligent bidding strategies, responsive search ads, and dynamic ad extensions to streamline your campaign management and maximize your results.
7.  Expand Your Reach: Extend your advertising reach beyond search campaigns. Explore Google's Display Network to showcase your ads on millions of websites, or try out YouTube ads to engage your audience with captivating video content.
8.  A/B Testing: Don't settle for mediocrity! Continuously test different ad variations, landing pages, and calls to action to identify what works best for your audience. A/B testing is an iterative process that empowers you to make data-backed improvements to your campaigns.
9. Landing Page Optimization: A well-optimized landing page is essential for converting ad clicks into valuable leads or sales. Ensure your landing page aligns with your ad copy, has a clear call-to-action, and offers a seamless user experience.
10. Embrace Mobile Advertising: Mobile users are a significant portion of the online audience. Optimize your ads and landing pages for mobile devices to capitalize on this ever-growing segment.
11. Stay Ahead of the Curve: The digital advertising landscape is constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest Google Ads trends, algorithm changes, and best practices to stay ahead of the competition.
In conclusion, Google Ads presents an incredible opportunity for businesses to reach their target audience and achieve outstanding results. By following this 2023 roadmap, you can optimize your advertising strategy and harness the full potential of Google Ads. So, buckle up, implement these pointers, and let Google Ads propel your business to unprecedented heights! 
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unschool · 2 years
5 Best Books for Digital Marketing
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Business guidance is everywhere these days, and it may not seem that books offer much more than what’s freely available online. Books offer something special regarding robust tips that last for years. Experts have written tips and tricks about their domain. Therefore, the best books for digital marketing pass along time-tested strategies for taking your company or nonprofit to the next level.
Moreover, you can also get hands-on experience on jobs with a digital marketing certificate from Unschool. This program consists of 6 months, followed by a career in digital marketing. This digital marketing course with a job guarantee helps the learners get well-versed in the first four months; the rest is covered for preparing to crack a job. Enroll now!
Pick up a copy and line your bookshelves with the kind of knowledge you can refer back to again and again.
Ready to learn more about the best books on digital marketing? Then let’s get started!
1. They Ask, You Answer: A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today’s Digital Consumer (Marcus Sheridan, 2019)
You can’t have a digital marketing conversation without realizing the impact of Search Engine Optimization(SEO). This book employs relatable stories from the author’s career journey to explain how content marketing can make a big difference in any digital platform. While it is good to read books and getting a digital marketing course with an internship adds a cherry on the cake. 
This book discusses why quality content matters and how to use it as part of an organic, authentic digital marketing strategy minus all the icky keyword stuffing. If you plan to build your career in content writing, enroll in an online course certification from Unschool. 
2. Digital Marketing in an AI World: Futureproofing Your PPC Agency (Frederick Vallaeys, 2019)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is blowing up the world today, with worries that algorithms may fully replace humans in creating digital content. Author Vallaeys acknowledges the problems in this book by stating that it’s powerful but not the perfect solution. His breakdown of what AI is best used for and how it helps PPC marketers do their jobs better is both reassuring and practical. 
Moreover, you can get hands-on knowledge from online courses with certifications from Unschool in digital marketing. Our industry experts have shared their experiences according to the in-demand trends. So what are you waiting for? Enroll now to enhance your knowledge. 
3. Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step StoryBrand Guide for Any Business (Donald Miller, 2020)
You may have already heard of Donald Miller, a best-selling author with notoriety in the branding sphere. His latest book takes that initial momentum into an actionable checklist for building sales funnels. Even if you’re familiar with funnels, the principles behind them are worth reviewing. Moreover, a step-by-step workbook lets you brainstorm and strategize before executing those principles. Hence the readers get a nuts-and-bolts look at creating a marketing plan, including email and an engaging website. 
4. Join or Die: Digital Advertising in the Age of Automation (Patrick Gilbert, 2020)
Despite the book’s somewhat threatening title, Join or Die is a detailed look at how automation transforms digital marketing jobs. Gilbert refers to Google Ads in most case studies but highlights the adaptability of the mindset to almost any paid media platform where automation tools exist.
While agencies and marketers may be hesitant to embrace automation, it’s already here, and this book acts as a primer to how it all works. In addition, it explores why the most successful marketers adopt it to make their campaigns more relevant and scalable. Therefore get on board with the digital marketing job guarantee program from Unschool. 
5. One Million Followers, Updated Edition: How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days (Brendan Kane, 2020)
Who wouldn’t want a million followers? While social media has more to offer apart from having zillions of followers. It’s widely accepted that the more followers, the easier to get your message out there. The book covers all the pros and cons of his journey to a million fans. Those already familiar with social media jargon and wanting to know how big brands make a splash will find it intriguing. Well, you can learn more about how to increase your online presence on social media platforms via online certificate programs. 
How to get on a digital marketing job program
If you’re excited to learn more about digital marketing, it can be tempting to jump into all these ideas simultaneously. Therefore, start exploring a digital career and what skills, online courses with certificates or more are required. Remember, digital marketing is a vast concept incorporating anything a brand does to reach its target audience online. With so many options, it’s easy to spread yourself thin. Consider upgrading your knowledge with online course certification with an internship in the same domain.  Are you just getting into digital marketing and need some guidance on where to start? Enroll in the digital marketing job program from Unschool to help you learn if digital marketing is the right career.
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dappfortglobal · 2 years
Unwrapping the benefits of the web3 e-commerce marketplace
Over the last few years, the eCommerce industry has grown exponentially. According to a business intelligence report, US eCommerce sales are projected to reach $1 trillion by 2023. Also ,44% of overall sales and shopping were done online. The eCommerce sector is expected to undergo a significant shift as Web3 in eCommerce in order to keep up with the most recent trends. Due to the fact that it overcomes practically all of the industry's current issues, Web3 e-commerce has the potential to be revolutionary and transformative. E-commerce has fundamentally altered how consumers shop and how economies function, but it is now prepared to advance to the next stage. The online ecosystem as we know it is poised to undergo a dramatic transformation led to NFTs, blockchain technology, and open-source, free content.
Many of its proponents believe that web3 would transform consumers' online purchasing experiences and provide businesses with promising businesses.
Still don't have an idea of how web3 is useful and beneficial in the eCommerce industry? Walk out this blog and explore more about web3 eCommerce.
Existing eCommerce industry challenges
Though the eCommerce industry is booming day by day, It's getting more and harder to stand out in the eCommerce market as the world moves closer to post-pandemic. Small businesses find it difficult to compete when compared to big retailers in terms of price, shipping delays, and return policies. Here are the primary challenges that eCommerce businesses have to deal with:
Online identity verification: How can a retailer identify whether a customer visiting an e-commerce site is real? Is the information they entered accurate? Do they really favor e-commerce goods? If you don't know all of these details, how can you proceed? Things can get really challenging in identifying the real identity of the users.
Cybersecurity and data security: The eCommerce sector handles a lot of sensitive consumer data such as name, address, and bank information. Therefore, one of the biggest problems is data breaches where data theft (or) leakage of data might happen. Technical problems involving data can have negative impacts on the brand's reputation and day-to-day operations.
Customer loyalty: Customer loyalty has a vital role to play in the eCommerce industry as pulling new customers is often much more expensive than retaining existing customers. Additionally, selling to an existing customer has a better success rate than marketing to a brand-new client. As a result, eCommerce companies must constantly consider how to retain this customer.
Customer experience: Consumers always have high expectations for any brand they interact with. Therefore, it is important to consider the eCommerce website accessibility, content flow, categorization, and retail customization of goods based on the shopper's preferences. 
Increasing competition: The quantity of e-commerce businesses has been drastically increasing, creating a market that is extremely competitive. Because of this, any business owner faces the challenging issue of how to brand themselves from rivals and tries to stand apart from the competition by making themselves a well-established brand.
Web3 will make things easier
Web3 has the ability to drastically transform the digital age as we currently know it. Currently, the driving forces are still possibilities and ideas. We won't probably know which of them materializes into broad, practical realities that benefit everyone in the web world. However, just because we are uncertain of the exact process of events, with all the proofs and business reports, we can witness that web3 is making a crucial impact on the e-commerce industry. And, we can sense what opportunities may open up in e-commerce in the upcoming days with the implementation of web3.
It appears inevitable that blockchain technology will significantly change the web and its way of use. The smart contracts that power this technology will completely change the idea of trust in commerce. And the most crucial factor is with blockchain payments and security, Web3 can drastically reduce fraud.
The e-commerce industry is already being impacted by Web3 and related technologies like NFTs and cryptos, and this trend is likely to continue in the future. After all, businesses of all sizes and types innovate at a furious pace in order to build a decentralized future.
Blockchain: The core of web3 eCommerce
Transactions will no longer be in the control of any individuals or businesses with the implementation of blockchain. The unfamiliar users may find this concept hard to understand. However, the concern over e-commerce transactions will fade if consumers begin to understand the technology and realize that every computer on the network analyzes and executes the transactions.
It will also increase the efficiency of the e-commerce market since less money will be lost to unnecessary costs like fraud and chargeback fees.  E-commerce might possibly profit greatly from simplifying the financial administration aspect of things, freeing up funds for investment in other new industries.
Increased client comfort in adopting services could also result in increased trust. Working out how to integrate a quick, streamlined premium service into your company will ensure that you are prepared to take advantage of web3's potential. Customers can relax knowing that their transactions and the associated transaction data are genuine and private. Also, their financial data is secure while they purchase.
Let's figure out the benefits of the web3 eCommerce marketplace and look at actual situations to understand how this transforms the e-commerce ecosystem.
Role of dApps 
Decentralized applications (dApps) built on the web3 platform can play a significant role in the eCommerce industry by allowing for decentralized, peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries such as banks or credit card companies. dApps can also enable the use of cryptocurrencies as a form of payment and allow for the creation of decentralized marketplaces and online stores. Additionally, dApps can provide increased security and transparency in transactions, and allow for the creation of unique, decentralized business models.
These transactions will be immutable, trustless, and capable of being carried out by smart contracts, which are self-executing programs, which is a safer and more transparent way than anything. whereas, Fraud, chargebacks, and returns will be eliminated as a result. Although today's e-commerce is still mostly driven by trust, web3 will place less importance on trust because the blockchain ensures trustless transactions. 
Loyalty rewards based on NFT e-commerce
Based on their frequency of purchases and total spending, "loyal" consumers are rewarded through a system called loyalty rewards. As customers use your products and services more frequently.
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, seem to have transformed the ownership structure of digital assets. NFTs are currently among the most popular e-commerce use cases. Usually, they let companies offer profitable loyalty programs. These services provide users with points for each purchase they make. Additionally, the points can be redeemed for merchandise, savings, or even greater benefits. Thus, businesses can now issue NFT-based tokens issue NFT-based tokens with a predetermined value.
Metaverse marketplaces 
The metaverse is expanding, and it is evolving quickly. It already has numerous potential uses, and it's impossible to say how many more there will be in the future. According to its definition, the metaverse is a shared, virtual world where people can avoid reality and relive virtually in a 3D virtualized world. In addition, the idea combines a number of cutting-edge technologies, including blockchain and augmented reality(AR), and virtual reality (VR).
Web3 can be used by e-commerce companies to give their customers a real-time, unmatched experience. They will be able to browse and even visit a virtual store. Metaverse in e-commerce is capable of doing that. It can be characterized as a constantly growing world of 3D virtual environments that have their own economy. The exciting challenge and potential for e-commerce businesses to develop distinctive consumer experiences within the metaverse. Metaverse also offers an enhanced virtual experience, where you can perform unimaginable things which you can’t do in the real world.
Accepting crypto payments
According to stats, 40% of cryptocurrency buyers are doing business with a company for the first time, and crypto buyers spend twice as much as credit card users. This proves that accepting cryptocurrency payments might result in a significant order value. Businesses can accept cryptocurrency as a payment method besides other traditional ones. Therefore, the sooner you start taking cryptocurrencies as a form of payment, the more probable it is that you will be capable of bringing in customers, winning their loyalty, and seeing an increase in the amount of money that they spend in your store. Also, accepting crypto payments has several advantages such as faster transactions, no intermediates, improved transparency, avoidance of technical errors, and there is no chance of server down because of its decentralized nature.
Both businesses and individuals are increasingly using cryptocurrencies. People are more interested in spending their cryptocurrencies and more willing to pay for goods or services with crypto. Wallets, exchanges, payment processors, merchant accounts. are just a few of the methods available to businesses to take cryptocurrency payments.
Decentralized wallet support
Cryptocurrency allows for untraceable online purchases by using encrypted wallet addresses, it works similarly to using unmarked cash. This enables your customers to make purchases without risking the privacy of their personal information, and it also enables you to do business without worrying about any privacy regulations. Crypto wallet is a decentralized wallet that is not all that unlike the iPhone wallet app or your actual bank app. You may receive, store, and exchange cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether using crypto wallets. Most wallets allow you to store various cryptocurrency kinds and have either zero or very low transaction fees. It allows you to directly pay from your wallet instead of using a traditional way of paying. It offers numerous benefits like security, zero transaction fees, quick access, and a direct payment option.
Powerful Authentication process
Users are able to connect to a specified network with Web3 authentication, they are permitted to connect to the network and communicate with other authenticated users after authentication. Therefore, every web3 dApp needs this authentication. An effective mechanism for customer authentication will be created by Web3 eCommerce. Digital identities that are encrypted would be easier to manage and safer from theft or abuse.
However, the advantages go beyond simple authentication.  Additionally, Web3 in eCommerce makes it simple to store, access, validate, and verify warranty information.
Web3 eCommerce: The transition of the eCommerce industry
Web3 supports individuals and businesses through e-commerce and provides access to ambitious and innovative digital specialists to the entire new generation. It has a tradition of offering free and open-source information to create an environment conducive to networking, education, and job advancement for people advancing the industry.
Because of the expected growth in web3 e-commerce, job openings are appearing faster than they can be filled. It's exciting to comprehend or learn about web3, the cutting-edge technology wave. Additionally, Web3 honors creativity and originality, making today the perfect opportunity for all of its businesses to engage in the digital revolution. With the use of this strategy, it is now quite easy for everyone to locate a web3 route that meets their professional goals.
Summing up
Web3, the most recent web revolution, appears to have something to offer everyone access to the web. Get ready for innovative methods to create revenue streams, e-commerce communities, and secure transactions. Never before have there been so many options!
Web3 can reduce fraud and improve security for e-commerce transactions conducted online. Web3, the most advanced technology available today, allows online retailers to better understand each customer. Therefore, it is extremely possible to reduce discomfort levels, bounce rates, and cart abandonments. It enables store owners to drastically boost sales. Businesses started integrating web3 into their eCommerce marketplaces and offering a virtual marketplace for customers.
Dappfort helps you enhance the user experience with all these benefits and make your e-commerce business stand out from the competitors. As a web3 development company, we provide top-notch web3 solutions for eCommerce businesses. 
Do make sure to contact us, and join our journey to success! 
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mikaelhastrup · 2 years
In real estate, what kinds of technology are used?
Real estate technology is a broad term for the tools used to look for, buy, sell, and manage properties. Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and virtual reality are some of these tools. Historically, transactions, underwriting, and asset management are ready to be changed by property development technologies that help teams make important decisions quickly and accurately.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is very important in the real estate industry. It helps businesses streamline their processes and give better service to their customers. AI can look at transaction data and predict how the market will move in the future. It can also be used to help real estate agents find the best homes for buyers and improve their marketing.
It can also be used to make faster and more accurate property documents and land records. It can also be used to make it easier to handle rental payments and maintenance requests. AI is also used to improve the safety of business buildings. It can let building managers and property owners know about possible threats to their properties. It can also keep track of renter activity and late payments to prevent problems in the future.
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that can automate tasks and make smart suggestions. This technology is used by a lot of businesses because it helps them analyze data more quickly and accurately. Machine learning can be used to find patterns in a lot of data and spot trends that people might not be able to see. It is also used to guess what will happen in the future.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of smart devices that can talk to each other in real time. It can be used for many things, like making the customer experience better and cutting down on operational costs. IoT sensors can be used by property management companies to find problems with infrastructure and other risks. This can help them cut costs and make more money in the long run.
IoT can also make buildings safer by letting security cameras and other systems be watched. The information gathered can be sent to emergency workers to help them respond to a situation as soon as possible. IoT is also good because it can save energy, which is a big plus. Smart lighting systems can be set up to only turn on lights when they are needed. This means that lights don't have to be on all the time in an entire building or floor. This could cut energy costs by a lot.
Blockchain is a system that records transactions in a way that can't be changed and is safe. It also makes it easier to share information and makes fraud less likely. Blockchain is being used by real estate companies to improve how they market, search for, buy, sell, and invest in properties. Some are even using it to turn real estate assets into tokens to make them more liquid.
Blockchain is a decentralized ledger system that stores information in blocks of data that are stamped with the time and linked together. It can be used to record all kinds of transactions and data in a way that can't be changed, such as the title, deed, land registry, details about co-ownership, and more.
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digitalmarketing757 · 2 years
High Ticket AI review: The Truth Behind Making $20,000
The High Ticket AI Solution, developed by James Renouf, is a revolutionary product that harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence to generate high-paying income streams of $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 and even $20,000, directly into your bank account. The best part is that you don't need to be an AI expert to make this happen. The AI technology does the heavy lifting for you, making it the most efficient way to apply AI to the world of online business.
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One of the biggest challenges in the online industry is finding a way to earn significant income without dedicating countless hours of work. The High Ticket AI Solution addresses this issue by utilizing AI to create and sell high-ticket programs that pay thousands per customer, with minimal effort required. This solution has already generated over $120,000 in recent months, as shown by bank and Stripe account records.
We have been providing cutting-edge strategies for years, but this one is the most powerful of them all. You already know that AI and machine learning are a massive innovation and are only going to continue to improve and grow at a rapid pace. Now is the time to get involved as the world of AI is changing rapidly. Those who take action now will be the ones to reap the rewards.
This High-Ticket AI SOLUTION will dramatically shorten your path to success and you know that, unlike many other people, we actually deliver the goods when we launch a product – our track record is second to none. Inside the solution, you'll get comprehensive training on how we're using AI to create and sell HIGH TICKET programs that pay thousands per customer. You'll receive everything you need to be successful with this solution, and you'll discover exactly how we're earning $5k, $10k, $15k and yes, $20k payments by utilizing the power of AI!
Location and experience are not a barrier, anyone can make this happen by following the solution. The High-Ticket AI SOLUTION will greatly accelerate your path to success, and you know that, unlike many other people, we actually deliver results when we launch a product – our track record is second to none.
The world of AI is rapidly advancing and you're in the right place at the right time! But if you don't take action now and start riding this wave, it will pass you by, just like many other missed opportunities, and you'll be left wondering why you didn't take advantage of it. We have been ahead of the newest trends for years, and we can confidently say that this is one of the greatest opportunities since the Internet itself!
It's up to you if you want to build a highly successful business that will provide for you and your family for years, and even decades to come! A year from now, you can look back on this moment and say "Wow, I'm so glad I took the chance and learned this strategy!" or you can say "Man, I wish I would've listened to Dave and James back then…". The choice is yours, and we strongly recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity and learn the High Ticket AI solution.
With over 2 decades of experience in online marketing, we can tell you that this is one of the best and fastest ways to make significant income online. Don't miss out on this opportunity, take advantage of the power of AI and start making high-ticket payments straight into your bank account today with the High Ticket AI Solution by James Renouf.
>>>Grab The Early Bird Offer
Get High-Ticket AI SYSTEM >>>
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mordormr · 14 hours
Vietnam Used Car Market Analysis: Growth Trends and Future Prospects 
The Vietnam Used Car Market is on an impressive growth trajectory. According to the latest report from Mordor Intelligence, the market size is estimated at USD 10.92 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach USD 24.14 billion by 2029, expanding at a robust CAGR of 17.20% during the forecast period. This significant growth is driven by various factors, including rising demand for affordable transportation, an influx of imported used cars, and a growing middle-income population in Vietnam. 
Market Analysis 
The Vietnam Used Car Market is characterized by several dynamic factors contributing to its growth: 
Affordability and Accessibility: The increasing need for budget-friendly transportation options is a primary driver. Used cars offer an attractive alternative to new vehicles, particularly in a rapidly developing economy like Vietnam, where personal mobility is becoming more essential. 
Government Policies: Recent policy changes, such as the reduction in import taxes on used cars, have enhanced the affordability and availability of these vehicles. This policy shift has facilitated the entry of used cars from countries like India, Japan, and South Korea into the Vietnamese market, meeting the growing consumer demand. 
Expanding Middle-Income Population: The surge in Vietnam’s middle-income population is significantly influencing the used car market. According to a World Bank report published in April 2023, the middle-income segment in Vietnam is projected to grow from 13 million in 2020 to 25 million by 2026. This demographic shift is driving increased demand for personal vehicles, with many consumers opting for used cars as a cost-effective option. 
Technological Advancements: The rise of digital platforms and innovative business models is transforming the used car market. Enhanced digitalization and the proliferation of online sales channels are making it easier for consumers to purchase used cars, increasing market accessibility and convenience. 
Recent Trends 
Online Booking Growth: The trend towards online booking and purchasing is becoming increasingly significant in Vietnam. With 77.93 million internet users and an internet penetration rate of 79.1% as of January 2023, the online sales segment is expected to play a crucial role in the market’s growth. Platforms like Bonbanh and Carpla are leading the way by offering comprehensive online services that simplify the buying process, from browsing to final purchase. 
Sedans’ Market Dominance: Sedans continue to dominate the used car market due to their affordability, practicality, and cultural value. Reports from the Vietnam Automobile Manufacturers' Association (VAMA) reveal that sedans were among the top-selling used car models in 2022. The preference for sedans is also driven by their perceived status and cost-effectiveness compared to SUVs and trucks. 
Rising Competition: The market is becoming increasingly competitive with the entry of new players and innovations from existing companies. New entrants are focusing on expanding their customer base by offering competitive pricing, high-quality vehicles, and value-added services. This competition is likely to drive further improvements in service quality and customer experience. 
Increased Focus on Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles: There is a growing interest in certified pre-owned vehicles, which offer added assurance of quality and reliability. This trend is driven by consumer demand for greater transparency and trust in the used car market. 
Growth of Eco-Friendly Vehicles: As environmental awareness increases, there is a rising interest in fuel-efficient and eco-friendly vehicles. While traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles still dominate, electric and hybrid vehicles are gaining traction as consumers seek more sustainable transportation options.
Consumer Trends: 
Affordability: The growing middle-income population in Vietnam is fueling demand for cost-effective transportation solutions. Used cars offer an attractive alternative to new vehicles, particularly in a rapidly developing economy. 
Government Policies: Recent policy changes, such as reductions in import taxes for used cars, have increased the affordability and availability of used vehicles, contributing to market growth. 
Technological Advancements: The rise of online platforms and digitalization is transforming the market, making it easier for consumers to purchase used cars through various online channels. 
Market Overview and Key Players 
The Vietnamese used car market is dominated by several key players, including: 
Key Companies: 
Bonbanh.com: A leading online platform specializing in used cars, providing comprehensive services for buyers and sellers. 
Viet Han Used Cars: A prominent player in the market offering a wide range of used vehicles. 
LSH Auto International Limited: Known for its extensive selection of high-quality used cars. 
Carmudi Vietnam: A key online marketplace for used cars with a focus on transparency and customer service. 
Hien Toyota: A major dealership offering both new and pre-owned vehicles. 
These companies are employing various strategies to capture market share, such as fleet expansions, improved online platforms, and competitive pricing. 
Recent Developments 
December 2023: Carpla expanded its services to major cities including Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, and Binh Duong, opening its fifth Automall. 
May 2023: Mercedes-Benz Vietnam inaugurated a new showroom in Hoan Kiem, providing both new and pre-owned vehicles. 
The Vietnam Used Car Market is set for remarkable growth, driven by economic developments, changing consumer behaviors, and technological advancements. As the market continues to evolve, stakeholders must remain adaptive to emerging trends and shifting dynamics to capitalize on the opportunities presented by this expanding sector. 
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