#Experienced staff
emsshare01 · 2 years
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Ems Share Market Classes Provide Share Market Classes in PCMC. We aim to equip you with the knowledge and skills to trade stocks and make profits from equity trading. You will be taught to analyze the charts and chart patterns indicators of the stores or companies, read the financial statements and understand stock fundamentals and value investing concepts.  For more details visit our website.
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First the wedding, then the honeymoon. Of course, it makes sense. Isami would have cut his hair for the event as it was special and he’d love to show off his best.
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cor-lapis · 5 months
just two more sleeps.... two more sleeps until cyno day..........
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possamble · 5 months
tries to write a little creature and gets distracted for two hours analyzing staves from the manga for like. literally two paragraphs in the opening that are just supposed to help set the scene i hate it here
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cookie-nom-nom · 7 months
y’all. I’m like 99% sure my dad is following my Mcyt side blog. It’s so over. There’s a non zero chance he saw the Minecraft crucifixion post.
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rafent · 2 months
✦ S ? ? ? S ? ? ? ? ✧
Dig, dig, dig.
A son of Sombron, quick to avenge his wrongs, was equally quick to learn. Decisions made and safeguards pursued.
Ever since a certain incident struck too close to home, he had taken to storing his most precious valuable beyond the monastery precinct. In light of a recent nostalgia over the past, he had felt an incessant prickling beneath his scales and only one surefire way to itch. All roads lead to retrieval, and retrieval itself led to—
“Hm. . .it should be about here.” 
Dig, dig, dig.
Furtive on hands and knees, quiet in dead of night, Rafal's spade scooped through the dirt at the approximated location of quadrants committed to memory. Map foregone because unneeded, or because he was so protective that he allowed for no trail written or otherwise that others might see. No matter this or that, burials of the kind once proved useful for the storage of his sweets at the Somniel. Leave mouth watering confections in the commons and theft was inevitable. Inexcusable. The susceptibility of other articles proved no different.
In the shadow of stone walls an outlying copse, blind spot to both passerby and patrol. There, he silenced and stilled at a noisy rustle, and for thirty patient seconds cocked his senses. Only upon concluding the cause to be wind alone did he continue his work. Learned airs accompanied the motion, all present day behaviors possessing far reaching roots. Never a tree grown in a single day.
For those of Gradlon, nary a bite or prize would remain that one left foolishly unattended. Rivalry encouraged, particularly in that hungry bellies and sabotaged food sources led to advantage over siblings. Only by misery, necessity, and punished naivety did a child of Sombron quickly grasp the best ways to guard their resources and in turn themselves. But he wasn't here tonight to retrieve either a bite or a prize.
In equivalence to the human mind, a dragon too was fond of spares. Spare shoelace, spare pen, spare parchment; the prudent theory of salvation during crisis all the same even if none would match this caliber. From the bowels of upturned soil, that spare unearthed. His treasure parted with its wrappings, darker and more riveting than the blanketing shadows all around. He held it to the moon as a jeweler might inspect their choice pieces under light. Ascertaining its untouched quality. Relieved that none dare pilfer what dare not be replaced:
Shard of his inanimate heart and one of four. Cachet of the power achieved at unspeakable cost, obsidian proof of a world turned to ash so that Rafal might be fire. One dream realized with millions made to pay its price—
In short? He carefully dusted it off.
Dusted, secured, pocketed; the black stone for the black dragon. Good as new, or rather not often used, in the true nature of spares. Would there be need for this powerful dragonstone? Perhaps, bespoke some silent and whispering sense - as if winter or summer were on the way.
「 SLAYSTONE 」 reclaimed
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ratcandy · 4 months
bearer of the curse (loving the taste of spicy foods but having zero spice tolerance to speak of)
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
Would you continue something for the president one? Maybe Gil protecting her against someone who is very angry during a meeting and is about to attack her but he intervenes very fast and powerful?
"I believe the treaty is fine as it stands."
"I believe it requires amendments."
They hadn't made all that much progress since those two mission statements, unfortunately. They had been in this meeting upwards of an hour and everything, but with no real progress to speak of. Thena maintained that they needed a new agreement according to her new term and policies.
Kro was of the mind that the treaty - already tenuous and reluctant - was fine as it was.
"Perhaps we should reconvene," Gil suggested from the side, keeping Thena's schedule in his hand. He had a few notes he'd taken, but more than that, he had his eyes on Thena.
She was tired, the stress of their meeting weighing on her, the worry of what to report to the press, even just the fact that Kro gave her the creeps on a personal level. She was obviously on edge.
"What amendments would be made?" Kro asked, all but ignoring Gil and his attempt at intervention.
"Amendments which would prevent the repetition of my, " she blinked, "predecessor. Amendments which I believe would better protect both our peoples."
Kro was unmoved by her attempt at convincing him to amend. "Madame President, I do not know if this is the kind of agreement into which you would like to enter."
Thena glanced at Gil. They knew that Kro and Ikaris had made some sort of arrangement. That was most likely the real reason behind his reluctance to make changes. It would seal any cracks he was currently using to his advantage.
"My assistant is correct, we should reconvene," Thena declared. They would have to look at things from an investigative standpoint before continuing. She stood.
"Oh, we're done, are we?"
Gil bristled, uncomfortable with the tone that was being used with Thena, but stood his ground. He held out his hand for her to join him, "our meeting time has already gone over, sir. The President has other obligations."
Thena's hand drifted to Gil's subconsciously. Kro rose from his chair in the same second, extending a hand from an arm that looked longer than anticipated. She barely blinked.
"I don't believe I dismissed you."
Gil moved between them, his security training kicking in. He grasped Kro's wrist, twisting it and forcing it back to the table. He used his other hand to grab the elbow, pressing it in the wrong direction. "Don't!"
Kro snarled at him, and his own security reacted from the back of the room as well. "Let go of me!"
"Do not attempt to touch the president," Gil repeated, although it was equal instinct for him to tell the bastard not to touch his girlfriend.
"Stand down!" Kro's security ordered, their weapons already held and pointed.
Gil didn't look up from holding Kro down. He wasn't wearing a vest - because this was a diplomatic meeting - but he was at least in front of Thena. He looked at Kro, growling up at him like a caged animal. "Call them off."
"Gil," Thena whispered behind him. She snuck her hand up the back of his suit jacket to tug at his shirt from behind.
Kro held up his other hand to signal his security to stand down. "Excuse me--a reflex from my days in service."
Gil released the diplomatic leader, stepping back and straightening his suit. "Excuse me--my reflexes are the same."
The two men looked at one another, fully understanding that both statements were at least partial lies. But Kro sank back to the far wall of the room, his security slipping their weapons away. "We will have to revisit the treaty at a later date, ma'am."
"Indeed," Thena answered evenly, although she hadn't moved, even amidst all the commotion. She kept herself poised properly as Kro was led from the room.
Gil looked back at her as the door closed. Thena was tough, even for being the president. But he saw the extra pallor in her cheeks. "You okay?"
Thena looked around the room. It was just her and Gil. She moved forward, pressing her face in his chest, "never a dull moment."
Gil chuckled, rubbing her back as she let herself relax against him. "I guess you could say that."
Thena sighed, intaking his scent, "I knew you had it under control."
"Can't let the foreign bodies get handsy with you, sweetheart," he smiled, enjoying Thena's brief moment of being touchy-feely. "You sure you're okay?"
"I never liked him," she sighed, wilting against him even more. "I should have known he and Ikaris had some kind of underhanded deal laid out between them."
It was suspected that Ikaris had made his escape through Kro's protected territory.
"No use worrying about it now," Gil attempted to reason, still rubbing her back. "We'll have Druig look into some stuff, then we can come back and negotiate better."
"That does make sense," she conceded, turning her cheek against his shirt. "And I'm exhausted after all his blathering."
"Sorry love," he kissed the top of her head, "you have two more meetings today."
Thena pressed her face into his chest again just to let out a pained groan.
"I know," he kissed her hair again, "but I managed to squeeze in some lunch for you."
Thena tilted her head up at him, leaning up on the toes of her sensible heels, "what would I do without you?"
Gil sighed into the brief but luxurious kiss. "That's my line, hon. Now, let's get outta here, hm?
"Let's," she agreed, slipping her hand into his more properly. It was a courteous hold, perfectly appropriate for helping the president about her daily duties. And it was one of the few small luxuries they could afford as a couple. "What's on the menu?"
"There are a couple options, but how would you feel about a sandwich from that place you like?" Gil helped her into her coat, catching the way her eyes sparkled at the notion. "And a cup of soup?"
She sighed anew at the promise of a cup of tomato basil and a hot grilled cheese. He liked to tease her for being the president and also having very basic tastebuds.
But every night they had in the house together, he would make her fresh tomato soup and a sourdough grilled cheese if she asked.
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adhdo5 · 4 months
I do think that the "Foundation just throws away thousands of staff" thing is stupid. Have you seen how they treat their staff they just cannot have that many guys
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morinull · 21 days
im. dude. like. if i ever. gtfo the us. i hope. i get a lot of anti-us ppl trying 2 come @ me or whatever so i can be like. no. no. u dont understand. our hatred may be different but it is at the very least equal, let us bond
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king-ludwig-ii · 1 month
I got invited about to plans that start at 10pm on a Tuesday 🫡
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Last time I'll see him tomorrow as I move jobs next week
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Also saw my rue girl for the last time Monday broke my heart I'll actually miss these dogs so much. I hope they find their perfect home soon
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judithan-fr · 10 months
The fr auraboa situation feels like the most concentrated level of bad faith and virtue signalling I've seen in recent years. The idea that any level of non-european or non-asian inspiration has to go through a vetting process lest it be deemed problematic is just... Idk it feels silly. "You have to remove it because it vaguely looks like something native american" as if we don't have things in fr based on Chinese, Irish, Japanese, etc cultures that staff (probably) isn't a part of and has been at one point or another a persecuted people.
Like the whole thing too of "the story feels condescending that they're so alienated and 'exotic' and removed from civilization" like that's the whole thing with ancient breeds. That's the whole point. They're removed from society because Undel is still drawing them and concepting them into existence. You can't just pretend that the fictional part is the whole story and act like it is. I get it's an imagination simulator but there's real people behind the veil. Real people that can't know everything.
Yeah they should probably hire some kind of sensitivity hr staff but that's also under the assumption that that staff member would be a completely worldly historian who knows every conflict about everything ever and can expertly navigate them away from anything remotely wrong on the writing table.
Like this all feels like a huge expectation from people who have no accountability for their claims.
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lamarere · 2 years
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Whoever approved this I just want to have a chat with you a little talk let me put your brain under my microscope
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lacebird · 3 months
Okay tumblr, I’m sick of this problem and I want know if others are experiencing this too
I’ve been having a problem where I can’t see if someone has messaged me (I have to go into the app and check my messages). Messages have also been very buggy for me.
Please reblog for greater sample size!
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obscureenthusiast · 1 year
snoozing tumblr live doesn't remove the tab from mobile anymore this is not a fucking drill
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