#Expert Techniques
Combat Mold Effectively with West Palm Beach Pros Inc.
Mold growth post water damage can be a silent threat in your home. At Water Damage Restoration West Palm Beach Pros Inc., we specialize in mold remediation, ensuring your environment is safe and healthy. Here's why prompt mold removal is crucial:
Health Risks: Mold can cause health issues like allergies and respiratory problems. Early removal is key to protecting your family's health.
Spread Prevention: Mold spreads quickly. We use advanced techniques to contain and eliminate it, preventing further damage.
Expert Techniques: Our team uses state-of-the-art equipment and proven methods for thorough mold eradication, ensuring a mold-free home.
Long-Term Solutions: We don't just remove mold; we identify and address the source of moisture to prevent future growth.
Quality Air: Post-remediation, we ensure your indoor air quality is restored, creating a safer living environment.
Don't let mold compromise your health and home. Trust West Palm Beach Pros Inc. for professional mold remediation.
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Mold Remediation, Health Risks, Spread Prevention, Expert Techniques, Long-Term Solutions, Quality Air, Water Damage Restoration, West Palm Beach.
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slashify · 1 year
We all love tattoo artist Eddie, but consider tattoo artist Steve.
He has an American Robin perched on a trumpet on his bicep for Robin. He gave her a brightly colored ice cream cone on her shoulder in different shades of pink. She rambled about cultural tattoos and the history of tattoos in America when she wasn’t bitching at him (‘Ow! For the love of all that is holy, Dingus!’ ‘Do you need a break?’) the whole time he was doing it.
He finds one of the kids (Max) attempting a stick n poke and gathers them all around for a lecture on safety and cleanliness. He promises the kids he’ll tattoo them for free when they’re old enough.
He and Will have art sessions where they’ll pick a subject and draw it traditionally and then Steve gives him pointers on how he would make the design better for tattooing. Will ends up apprenticing with Steve when he turns 18.
Steve still wears blue jeans and polos. His work is good enough that his customers don’t give a shit how he dresses.
He’s compassionate about coverups. He knows what it’s like to have changed so much that who you once were doesn’t fit anymore.
He’s very versatile, switching between outlines, black and grey shading, subtle highlights, and bold coloring with ease. He can do cartoon work as well as he can do realistic plants, or big cats, or lettering (he checks the spelling five or more times. He’s never messed up, but it’s one of his biggest fears). He has a whole list of referrals from people who like how he does scales. He’s lost count of how many fish, dragons, and snakes he’s done. He’s comfortable with a lot of styles, but he doesn’t do portraits. When Will starts at the shop he excels at portraits. Steve’s happy he’s found his niche.
Steve’s at a tattoo expo to network and check out new techniques when he finds himself stopping to watch an artist doing a tattoo of a demon. The artist has long, dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, and a grin like sunshine, and manages to make something grotesque and beautiful at the same time. Steve checks out the guy’s portfolio and sees a lot of fantasy stuff, dragons and wizards and a familiar looking set of dice, and he knows he has to go grab Will from the food court.
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spockandawe · 22 days
Hello! I've been kind of vanished, and I'm not confident I'm fully back yet, but I'm feeling noticeably less frazzled, and I'm ready to start catching up on the backlog of what I've been doing! To start with, I went mad with my new homeowner power and decided to paint a room. And then I decided to paint it a WILD color. And then I decided I also wanted to learn how to panel a wall. All by myself, with a hard deadline before my aunt gifted me a pile of old furniture that was going to take the room from empty to full. It was very cool and fun, but oh my god
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Also, most of the paint work quality in my home is uhhhhh indifferent, so i had some fun soeed bumps like having to cut an old mirror off the back of my door and finding at least two color strata of it being painted into place (even after filling and sanding and priming and painting, i can still see the shadow, but that's a problem for future me to continue addressing). And I picked a REALLY dark green. I knew that taking a dark color back to white would need a lot of coats, but I.... did not consider that going from white to almost black would be equally bad, even with toned primer.
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If I was doing this again, I think I would have attached the paneling after that first coat. But I think I was still underestimating how many coats it would take to darken bright white material, even with sanding for better grip. And the caulking almost broke me! My secret strategy to picking up new skills is always to underestimate how complicated they are, then power through on pride and stubbornness, but this tested me, haha
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But I really love it! It's been done for a few weeks, so I've been dragging furniture into the room and steeling myself to drill holes for the curtain rod, and the Horrors have faded and I'm considering painting another guest room. I adore this color (salamander) to pieces, and I still have another gallon, but I'm not sure I want to commit to all this again. But.... the effect is soooooo restful, and it looks SO luxe, especially with the colored outlets and wall register. It's not going to be in my next paint project, but it may come up again!
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trashqueen3 · 2 months
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From edgy gangster that almost indirectly screwed everyone over, to just a silly little guy. That’s character development, baby!
Sean Datz as requested by @meowunmeow
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lepusrufus · 8 months
Finishing a good 50% of a piece before taking a good look at it and realizing the brush I used is just not the right texture for what I was going for and now I need to spend an eternity looking for the right brush that has visible enough texture but doesn't make shapes look fuzzy and maybe try and fix parts of it? More likely than you think!
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
Janus: Just get on the table Patton.
Patton: Now I know why everyone seems to be at odds with you! You rub them the wrong way!
Janus: *tries not to laugh* Oh, like I haven’t heard that one before.
*begins giving Patton a back massage*
Patton: *relaxing immediately* I… I can’t think of anything to joke about anymore.
Janus: Maybe I should teach this to the rest of you. Blisssssful sssssilence.
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ladysqueakinpip · 4 months
the only thing my sister and i have to offer to the rise fandom is theories about how lou jitsu's dna recombined with the turtles
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sacrificethelamb · 1 year
@cutiecatsub tagged me for an ootd post <3 i had to throw some rope over it tho bc im a fiend
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im tagging @cottonandribbons @feministthembot & @shygaleoss to keep it going (if you want to, no pressure <3 )
also im leaving an open tag, so if you want to do this, just say i tagged you & go have fun ^~^
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estockstudies · 4 days
eStock Studies: Online Trading Courses from Basics to Advanced.
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canisonicscrewyou · 11 months
Making art & writing from scratch, while I wouldn’t say feels natural to me, feels like… straightforward. It’s not easy, certainly, but it’s like an action I can do mostly upon will or request.
Making fanwork feels like gnawing my own arm off. Feels like I’m detonating a bomb and I gotta run and hide as soon as it’s pulled. Feels like I’ll scratch out of my own skin. Neither of these are negative experiences in creating art, by the way.
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anandparikh · 10 months
SEO Strategies and Techniques for Boost your Business Online
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wingodex · 10 months
okay so in season 2 of good omens they bring up this book called the expert at the card table and i've posted about this book before because i am extremely not normal about it for a bunch of reasons i cannot hope to articulate here (if you wanna read it. for whatever reason. houdini donated a copy to the library of congress and so it's just freely available online for everyone). but like the person who wrote it was almost certainly a professional card cheater so obviously they didn't publish using their actual name. so there's this big mystery around it and there's a bunch of theories about who the author actually was including the possibility that it's e.s. andrews, aka s.w. erdnase backwards. and in the show, aziraphale says that his copy is signed by erdnase using his real name, and it's one of those things where like. i did lose my mind a little bit when this whole scene happened because it was literally written as a fun little reference for me, or at least people who have the exact same specific crossection of interests that i do so that's fun. HOWEVER i was a little pissed about the whole thing also because the mystery of who erdnase is sooooo central to the experience of the book itself. like the author's concealed identity is not a hidden fact, the author literally tells you he's lying to you, and it's so everything to me. and it has me thinking about the Real Book which is this collection of jazz sheet music that was compiled by a couple of students when they were in school and then illegally distributed for years among jazz musicians that it became a fundamental tool of jazz musicians all over the US. like to the point where if you were studying jazz in college or whatever you were instructed to go find some guy selling photocopies of the Real Book because you would need it for lessons. and the two students who compiled it remain anonymous to this day and it's very intentional. a reporter managed to get in touch with one of them a few years ago through encrypted emails and shit like that and the guy literally said that he would never reveal his identity because that's part of the Real Book's allure. like the mystery itself is part of the fun. and the expert at the card table is very much like that for me. the mystery is so much a part of the book that the idea of that mystery ever actually being solved is so unappealing. you gotta understand that when this book was first published, it fucking blew up the gambling world. nobody had ever published something so bold as instructions for literal actual card cheating techniques before. it's so iconic in the exact same way that the Real Book is, in their audacity and innovation. and in their mystery!! that's part of the fun
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m3nyas · 7 months
i just dont think all of them have to be cartoony. i know there are some realistic types out there too but i think itd be cool to have some in other styles as well
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gaysontodd · 9 months
name something more emotionally fulfilling than kicking your sisters ass at checkers for the seventh time in a row
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arthur-r · 9 months
discovery channel will be like “on october 17 2013 someone recorded footage of a very disturbing, completely unprecedented impossible event which implies, without a doubt, supernatural connections and evidence of extraterrestrial life forms…. let’s hear from some experts about this super spooky, extremely unnatural floating object” and the experts say “so actually this is a weird type of cloud it happens sometimes” and discovery channel will say “tune in next time for a car making weird spooky noises…. we’re thinking it is probably a ghost”
#have trees in vietnam developed mutations to ruffle their bark in self defense? radiation and evolution!!!!#we talked to some experts and there were bees on the tree#(actual episode that was just on the TV. the cloud and the cars are both real too)#my roommate got a TV for $15 at goodwill we’ve used it for jackbox a couple times but mostly it’s just constantly on in the background#playing satellite TV channels usually discovery i’m gonna try to tune in to HGTV at the right time for cheap old houses though#anyway discovery channel feels like… analog clickbait?? i guess??#it’s just. so silly to me#anyway this is too long to be a sillygoofy textpost but it’s supposed to be….. so sorry brevity is just silencing my inner glow or something#shdhdf i just think it’s so silly and stupid. they spend half an hour on here are all the aliens and spooky things this could be#and the expert comes in and says this is a very normal and recognized scientific phenomenon with a full explanation and several known events#and the discovery channel guy says whoa that’s crazy well look at this spooky strange thing!!!!#bonus points when they’re looking at like. aztec civilization and they say For Some Strange Reason the people did this Barbaric Ritual#evidencing Spooky Aliens masquerading as Primal Gods and the Gullible Brown People Fell For It#and then person comes in and says yeah so this was agriculture and record keeping and innovation and empathy and art and advanced techniques#and the discovery channel says But Brown People They Can’t Do That It Was Aliens and then they dig up a sacred burial site#most of the episodes are just stupid and silly and entertaining (like the cloud) but a lot of them piss me off a lot#anyways!!!! i’m heading to bed cause i have my first day of classes in the morning!!#but my roommate just turned off the TV and it was so silly and contrived. i think not having access to satellite TV all my life is maybe not#the big awful issue i thought it was. i think i was maybe winning. i do like learning about the weird scientific phenomena though#but the way they bury it under hours of weird speculation about evil aliens spying on us and meddling in our lives…. makes it hard to handle#okay i’m heading to bed though shdhdf. hope everyone is doing well and goodnight!!#ask to tag (idk what for but there’s definitely something here somewhere)#me. my post. mine.#delete later
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