mila-beedoodling · 1 year
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I am enjoying making these so so much
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I’m not entirely sure what went down without subtitles, but I’m warming to this dynamic.
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Féligami has potential if she can call him out and beat him up while being clear she doesn’t hate him. He needs someone to make him feel it when he’s in the wrong.
Maybe Félix can even match Kagami in the ways she wants. He’ll need to like her for more than shared species, but that should come with time.
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drawing2cope · 1 year
Just saw the ask game, E2 Féligami for it would be lovely me thinks 👀
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
Analyzer - Félix & Emotion, Part 3 (Miraculous Ladybug)
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So, yeah... We have reached the final two episodes of Félix being relevant in Miraculous Ladybug, and I'm not counting Episode 26: Re-creation (The Last Day - Part 2), mainly because it was just a cameo. So, Part 3 would only cover Episode 19: Pretension and Episode 24: Representation, fulfilling two roles: Kagami's Love Interest and Exposition Fairy.
For this, I will do a quick recap of the events that occur in these two episodes, as well add what I would've written instead.
So, let's finish this!
Episode 19: Pretension starts off... sometime after the events of Emotion and apparently, Maribug and Adrichat are not interested in pursuing Félix, who is currently spying on Kagami. Kagami in turn is trying to convince her mother to not see her and Adrien as a couple (why am I getting flashbacks to all those secret eugenics cult theories?), with Tomoe scolding her for being "a slave to her emotions". Have I mentioned that I hate this woman?
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Argos gets pissed off by seeing Kagami being treated like that, breaks the roof of the car and kidnaps Kagami. I suppose that's one way of escaping a toxic parent. Once they're gone, Tomoe quickly calls Gabriel to recover the Miraculous of the Peacock, because apparently, Gabriel still has no clue where Félix is hiding (hint: his own house in London), so I suppose he was keeping an eye out for him. In classic villain speech, Monarch claims how Félix is a monster who was the one endangering their children - you got no right speaking, you terrorist - and Tomoe gets akumatized and goes after Argos and Kagami.
Speaking of the two, they're at the top of the Eiffel Tower, and Kagami's first instinct is to go for the chair.
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You go girl!
Argos quickly de-transforms to show her he's harmless, and as Félix, tells her he's not his enemy, and that he just wants to talk to her. Kagami is still on guard, wondering what he wants to tell her, and then we get this conversation:
Kagami: What is it you want to tell me?! Félix: I... I don't know. But ever since I saw you, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I've felt that... you and I... were the same. (Kagami looks surprised.) Félix: We have so much in common, and yet, you're also so different. I've never met someone like you. Kagami: We don't even know each other! Félix: I know you. I've been following you non-stop. Kagami: Even better! You follow me, you spy on me and now you've kidnapped me to get to know me?! Félix: Uh... yes? Kagami: You are utterly incompetent at social relations. (Sighs.) You can't take someone away against their will! Félix: Sorry, I won't do it again, I... just wanted to protect you from your mother. She can't talk to you like that. (Kagami stares at him in awe and confusion.)
Yeah, this is the moment where the Féligami ship starts sailing. I will talk about it, but I gotta admire how Félix went from cunning to awkward the moment he opened his mouth to talk to Kagami.
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Let's hope those puppy dog eyes will win her over.
To address the ship itself, I honestly have nothing against it, and it is a cute ship (especially when Féligami fans get their hands on it), but it's not my favorite (that one still goes to Brilix/Cursed Charm). However, I will address some of the obvious issues the writing itself created.
First of all, we do know Kagami's type being someone who is a rebel and who has the will to stand up for themselves, and Félix's penchant for mischief fits. I suppose it also helps that he looks like Adrien, whom Kagami still has feelings for... which, uh... okay, it really feels awkward, because out of context (and maybe even in context) it makes it appear as if Kagami just replaced Adrien with Félix. They look the same, and this one actually has a spine.
I do like that Kagami actually calls Félix out on how they don't know each other, and how he stalked her and kidnapped her. Now, that's a realistic reaction! However, I will address Kagami's point of them not knowing each other, and I don't blame Félix for this one, but the writing staff for thinking they can speedrun Féligami and no one will notice.
Like said, I'm cool with Féligami happening, but goddamnit, couldn't the writers have put more effort into having Kagami and Félix interact (aside from their glare in Season 4?). For example, have Kagami talk to Félix way earlier and have her realize that, while appearance-wise he and Adrien are look the same, personality-wise, they're completely different and have her question which one's she's falling for - the guy whom her mother and Gabriel set her up with, or the one who actually has the qualities she likes. Hell, that could be part of her own rebellion against her mother and the reason she breaks up with Adrien.
But yeah, this is Miraculous Ladybug we're talking about. Good character writing is almost non-existent.
As for Félix...
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I'll just use the words my friend used to describe him - he's a S.I.M.P.
It's clear that he deeply admires Kagami and is so socially awkward that he thought it would be a good idea to learn more about her by stalking her and kidnapping her. *sigh* Félix, you're a lovable idiot. However, the moment he realizes that he really messed up, he apologizes, telling her how he just wanted to protect her from her mother.
Okay, before I continue, I will address that there is one glaring issues I had with this confession, and spoilers, it's not the kidnapping.
Anyways, before the conversation can continue, Matagi Gozen finds them, alongside Maribug and Adrichat, and everyone wants to save Kagami. Félix quickly transforms into Argos, dragging Kagami along for the ride and is chased by Matagi Gozen, Maribug and Adrichat, leading to a fight between the three. Kagami wants to reveal her hideout to calm down her mother, arguing with Argos how she can set herself free.
Matagi Gozen finds them, shooting an arrow at Kagami, with Argos saving her. Kagami is stunned her mother would hurt her, with Argos responding how his own father was much worse. He then breaks his fan, telling Kagami how her safety is his priority, showing once again his cunning side by spreading out the pieces of the fan to confuse Matagi Gozen. Nice job, Argos!
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He and Kagami enter the sewers, with Argos de-transforming and having another conversation with her:
Kagami: I don't understand. You have the Miraculous of the peacock, why don't you create a Sentimonster to get us out of here? Félix: First of all, don't call them that. (Throws his cufflink into the sewage.) I refuse to create a being to manipulate them, control them, abuse them, and end up destroying them. (Kagami looks surprised at him) Cat Noir:(through his earpiece) I found Kagami and Félix. Félix transformed back. Now's the time. Félix: When you bring a living being into this world, you have a responsibility towards them. Your duty is to protect them, love them, help them discover the true meaning of their existence. To deprive them of that... is monstrous. Kagami: Are you talking about... yourself? Félix: I'm talking about... us. Ladybug: Félix, set Kagami free! Cat Noir: And this time, you're giving us back the Miraculous of the peacock! Kagami:(puts her arm in front of Félix, defending him) I am nobody's prisoner! Félix is not your enemy! He's like me! He doesn't know how to express himself. Everyone is wrong about him! Including me. (They smile at each other)
Okay, have you followed this conversation so far? Good, because here's my take on it.
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We know now that Félix is a Sentimonster, and given how he described his own father as thousand times worse, it's clear that he suffered a lot. He hates being controlled, and after seeing someone else who is controlled just as him, he lashes out in a misguided attempt to protect Kagami. He does all the wrong things for the right reasons. It really shows just how much depth his character is.
However, remember the issue I mentioned? Yeah, the fact that Félix is suddenly in love with Kagami, AFTER discovering she's also a Sentimonster? It's a huge "yikes" moment. Like I said before, the writers decided to clearly speedrun Féligami while making a lot of unfortunate implications. I will say, it is not the worst writing I saw, but seriously, did no one think about this?
Matagi Gozen attacks them, with Félix transforming into Argos again and trusting Maribug and Adrichat to keep Kagami safe as he escapes. He later appears at Sorbonne, giving Kagami the real ring back after she gave her mother a fake one, telling her how she's now free to make her own choices. Yep, the amok is in the family ring, and from the shot of them holding hands together, they're a couple.
So, before I move on to Episode 24: Representation, I have one more observation to make. I said it before and I'll say it again, Féligami was really the writers' attempt at a speedrun and, as cute as they are together, it feels rushed, especially on Félix's end. Kagami was a complete stranger to him, but the moment he finds out she's also a Sentimonster, he obsesses over her? Yeah, Houston, we got a problem.
It appears that they're getting along quite well, though, with Kagami laughing when Argos draws a heart on her window.
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I guess they spent a lot of time together off screen. Anyways, remember how I mentioned Félix also taking the role of the Exposition Fairy?
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Welcome to the actual highlight of this episode! Félix and Kagami have learned that Marinette is Ladybug and decide to ask for her help. Félix cosplays as Adrien to lure her away from the party.
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Honestly, I don't really think that's wonderful, because what they did is mainly breaking Marinette's heart by making her think Adrien is still around. Félix transforms into Argos again, and actually creates a Sentimonster, despite his earlier rant about how he'd never do anything like that.
Did... did the writers just sleep on that episode? Or did they decide "eh, character depth is overrated, we'll do whatever we want for the plot".
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Admittedly, the Sentimonster is a tripod camera, so there is a question how "sentient" that thing is.
I'll just quickly go over the next part, which is basically Félix and Kagami doing a play in regards to all the Graham de Vanily/Agreste history.
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Skipping my complaints about this being an exposition dump that could've been done during the show's early Seasons and not in one episode in Season 5, I do love how Marinette is really into the play.
We learn how Amelie married some rich heartless cowboy dude (or maybe that was just a visual to show that he was American? *shrugs*), and after her sister got pregnant (with the visual of peacock feathers in the background), her husband got pissed off.
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So, after some convincing from Emilie, Gabriel gave the Amelie's husband, Colt Fathom, the Peacock Miraculous, and Félix was created out of jealousy, with the amok being placed in Félix's ring. Félix's father then falls ill, aware this was the price he was paying for Félix's existence, and sees him as a monster.
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Félix himself explains how he didn't understand why his father didn't love him and why he felt obligated to do whatever Colt demanded, no matter how unfair they were. If he became fond of someone who displeased his father, Colt would tear them away from him, or rather, order Félix to end things. Eventually, he realized that his life was connected to the ring when it cracked and almost destroyed him, and he could only recover it after his father died, along with his freedom.
That's when he understood that the Miraculous gave him life and it could take it away, so he made it his mission to recover it, even saying how he went to Gabriel to retrieve it and describe the events of Season 4 and Season 5.
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Honestly, it's genuinely tragic and sad just through how much stuff Félix had to go through, day by day fearing for his own life, being hated by his own father and learning not to trust anyone until he met Kagami. It explains his behavior in the past Seasons, even why he only took one ring from Gabriel, because apparently, Adrien's amok was in both of the rings, something Félix wouldn't know.
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Anyways, we leave these two lovebirds doing what they want, and myself with my final thoughts.
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In my personal opinion, Félix is a really solid character, who does undergo character development, even if it's rushed. He's also a tragic character, who was doing the wrong thing for the right reasons and messed up in execution. He's also a deeply traumatized teenager who had to deal with an identity crisis on his own and the fact that he might cease to exist with a snap of a finger. He's intelligent and cunning, but also socially awkward and has a sweet and theatric side, and he also moves the plot forward every time he appears.
I went over how bad the Miraculous Ladybug writing is several times, and I'm not gonna repeat myself here. I will add my own version of how I would've written the events Post-Emotion.
For starters, after Félix learns that he can trust Maribug and Adrichat, he seeks them out to talk to them in private, revealing that Gabriel Agreste is Monarch. Hell, he could even pull another switcheroo to infiltrate the Agreste mansion as Adrien to gather more information. Even if Gabriel is more alert, he'd still be fooled by that. Instead of making it a battle royale where the heroes react to Gabriel's attack, have it be them the ones who go confront Monarch head on. At least, that way, Adrichat would participate in the final battle.
Anyways, these were my thoughts on Félix, and if you want to see how I'd write his character... well, his PV Ladybug self, then check out my story Up Ladybug and leave a comment.
Until next time!
#Analyzer - Félix & Emotion, Part 2 (Miraculous Ladybug)
#Up Ladybug (Masterlist)
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
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Our January event, as usual, was to recommend and review our favorite fics that we read in 2022! To make things a little bit more interesting and fun, we treated it a bit like an awards ceremony or spotify wrapped. If you know the tumblr accounts of any authors on AO3 that were mentioned but not tagged, please tag them! Continuing with our rec lists, here's part two!
Without further ado, here are the MWG nominations for best (completed) multi-chapter fics!
a bouquet of second chances by @mikauzoran
lukadrinette // season 4 // identity reveal // hurt/comfort // time travel
after this is over. by @writtenvisionary
lovesquare // angst // mental health issues
blood will tell by @sunfoxfic
féligami // alternate universe // aged-up // hurt/comfort // unplanned pregnancy
blue crayons by @talkstoself
lovesquare // mental health issues // aged-up // canon divergence // single parent marinette
home base by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights
lovesquare // djwifi // humor // hurt/comfort // identity reveal
tell me something i don't know by @carpisuns
lovesquare // chat fic // alternate universe // soulmates // angst with a happy ending
les illuminations en douche et d'autres miracles pubères by noirshitsuji
lovesquare // chloe/alya/nino // humor // fluff
many ways to rise by Zetared
lovesquare // disabled adrien // identity reveal // hurt/comfort
metamorphosis by @peachcitt
lovesquare // aged-up // alternate universe // slow burn // hurt/comfort // angst with a happy ending
passengers by @valiantlyjollynightmare
lovesquare // aged-up // pr/pr // hurt/comfort // fluff
second chances by @thenovelartist
lovesquare // djwifi // gabenath // single parent adrien // friends to lovers // fluff
sewing sentiments by @frostedpuffs
lovesquare // alternate universe // friends to lovers // aged-up // fluff // hurt/comfort
strangely familiar by @sunfoxfic
djwifi // alternate universe // aged-up // friends to lovers // slow burn // identity reveal
team is a four letter word by @ladyofthenoodle
core four friendship // lovesquare // humor // identity reveal
the love of a cat by @thenovelartist
lovesquare // alternate universe // royalty/medieval // fluff // angst // slow burn
the sidekick conspiracy by @bring-the-storm
lovesquare // djwifi // humor // fluff // sleepovers
when bunnyx brings a baby by @funnydoesntlookdruish
lovesquare // fluff // humor // aged-up // babysitting
Thanks if you made it this far! See you soon for Part 3: Ongoing Multi-Chapter fics!
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
So Féligami's first kiss is jus gonna be Félix and Kagami pushing each other against the wall until they both get tired and give up or?
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psst hey anyone want a feligami playlist?
courtesy of @lesbitorte who has been the official dj for odnlb.
(drop by the odnlb playlist if you like what you hear!)
also mila you did not include 'red desert' by 5sos but that has been my feligami anthem this whole time. AND WHERE IS 'HUMAN ENOUGH' BY ONR?
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luckygirl102 · 3 years
Why Lukloé won't happen, but Lukagami will
See the article with all pictures in: https://www.deviantart.com/beckygwen102/journal/Why-Lukloe-won-t-happen-but-Lukagami-will-907480581
          In the Audiovisual and Broadcasting college, I learned that every series has indications about what will happen in the end. Although there are some changes in the production course, the story’s line of reasoning remains the same. In Miraculous Ladybug, this is no different, and several signs even indicate who the characters will stay with at the end of the story.
          Some of these signs indicate that Luka and Kagami are going to be a couple. However, some fans insist that Luka should stay with either Chloe or Zoe, even if their claims are based more on personal opinions than on facts. In this post, I’ll show you why Luka will stay with Kagami, not with Chloe or Zoe.
1-    Why Luka will stay with Kagami
Visual signs
          Characters are very well planned before their debuts. Their appearances and personalities are described in the series bible, so the writers know how to write the stories. In Miraculous Ladybug, they took great care to make Marinette and Adrien wear clothes of opposite colors. Then, when the negative filter is applied, Adrien’s colors are the same as Marinette’s regular version and vice versa. And the same goes for Luka and Kagami.
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Credits to Miraculous Wikia Forum.
          Notice that Luka and Marinette wear white shirts, while Adrien and Kagami wear black shirts. At the same time, Luka and Marinette wear props on their ears (Luka wears earplugs and Marinette wears earrings), while Adrien and Kagami wear rings. Considering the plot, we realized that the series intention is to show that Luka and Kagami seemed to be the pairs of Marinette and Adrien. Still, a couple is formed by two people who complete themselves, not necessarily equal. It has to do with the series philosophical basis, based on Chinese philosophy and its elements, such as yin-yang. No wonder Ladybug and Cat Noir represent it in the Miracle box. And speaking about it, it is one more sign that both Adrien and Marinette and Luka and Kagami will be together.
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Credits to Chicoriii’s text.
The Miracle Box
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          The Miracle box is divided into three groups related to Chinese philosophy:
The yin-yang
The five elements of nature
The twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac
          Chinese philosophy states that there must always be a balance between the forces of nature (the perfect balance is represented by yin-yang). Master Fu even explained it in “Robustus.” Then, the miraculouses of each group are ordered in the box in a way that
          Let’s start with the Chinese zodiac miraculouses. We have mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. And we know which characters are their wielders: Mylene, Ivan, Juleka, Alix, Kagami, Luka, Max, Nathaniel, Kim, Marc, Sabrina, and Rose. From there, we can realize that we have an even number of miraculouses/wielders, so to maintain balance, they form duos or couples. To focus on couples later, let’s start with the duos, that is, characters within this group who don’t make a couple but have one thing in common.
          The first duo is Kim (monkey) and Sabrina (dog): Kim was in love with Chloe but is now Ondine’s boyfriend; Sabrina idolizes Chloe and has a brief romance with an American boy in “Miraculous New York.” Although Kim and Sabrina are not a couple, they form a duo: they are two Chinese zodiac miraculous wielders who have a non-miraculous wielder love interest. The second duo is Max (horse) and Alix (rabbit). Thomas Astruc has already confirmed that Max is asexual and that Alix is aromantic. Therefore, we have one more duo: Chinese zodiac miraculous wielders without a love development in the series.
          There are leftover Mylene (mouse), Ivan (ox), Juleka (tiger), Kagami (dragon), Luka (snake), Nathaniel (goat), Marc (rooster), and Rose (pig). Among this group, we have some confirmed couples: Mylene/Ivan, Juleka/Rose, and Marc/Nathaniel. Who are the only ones left? Luka and Kagami.
          In addition, the signs of the Chinese zodiac are divided into the yin and yang polarities. Thomas Astruc likes to work with this concept, and we notice it in some couples. Ladybug and Cat Noir are the very representation of yin-yang. Mylene has the mouse miraculous, of yang polarity, and Ivan has the ox miraculous, of yin polarity. The same goes for Juleka (tiger, yang) and Rose (pig, yin). Who else has a miraculous with a yin sign and a yang sign? Luka (snake, yin) and Kagami (dragon, yang). Moreover, according to Chinese philosophy, the most promising union is between a snake man and a dragon woman. It is no coincidence that Ladybug and Cat Noir used the dragon and the snake miraculous for season three’s final battle (“Miracle Queen”). Who is the man who uses the snake miraculous? Luka. Who is the woman who uses the dragon miraculous? Kagami.
Other signs
          The characters’ names in a story are never chosen by chance. There’s always a reference or meaning behind it. Marinette, for example, is the diminutive of Marie, the French name of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady. The name of the insect ladybug was created as a reference to her. Therefore, the ladybug-themed heroine is named after Our Lady. Besides being a male form of Gabrielle (Chanel’s first name, then a good one for a stylist), Gabriel is an angel name. The contradiction between Gabriel being an angel name and the character being extremely evil is reflected in Gabriel Agreste himself, who pretends to be correct for others but secretly is the greatest villain in Paris. We can also note this issue of the names in Lukagami.
          The name Luka means “light” in Latin, while Kagami means “mirror” in Japanese.  A mirror can only work with light. The last syllable of the name Luka is the first of the name Kagami. You don’t have to take anything out of their names to form the couple’s name. It indicates that Luka and Kagami fit perfectly into each other. In addition, one of Luka’s akumatized forms is named Truth, and one of Kagami’s is called Lies, indicating how they complete each other.
          In addition, there are some other details, which work with similarities and complementation between the two. Both Luka and Kagami were raised by their mothers (Anarka is a single mother, and I believe Tomoe is a widow). Both mothers are inserted in their children’s themes (Anarka is a rocker like Luka, Tomoe is a fencer like Kagami). Both mothers were akumatized with vehicles (Anarka was akumatized with her boat in “Captain Hardrock,” Tomoe was akumatized with her car in “Ikari Gozen”). Luka is poor and was raised free, while Kagami is rich and was raised stuck. That complementation - which is also observed in Marinette (poor, free) and Adrien (rich, stuck) - is one of the signs that Luka and Kagami need from each other.
          Kagami has already mentioned in “Riposte” and “Desperada” that she - and her family - don’t believe in second chances. Luka’s power as Viperion is called “Second Chance.” Despite being cheated on in “Truth” (in which he says he already knows that Marinette loves Adrien) and having discovered in “Wishmaker” that Marinette and Adrien are destined, Luka still loves Marinette and even says so in “Ephemeral.” Kagami says in “Frozer” that the biggest mistake a fencer can make isn’t choosing the wrong technique; it’s choosing the wrong target. Although in that context, she was indicating to Adrien that he should start focusing on her instead of the girl he liked, we realized with the advancement of the story that it is Luka who needs to “change targets.” By nurturing that sickly love for Marinette, Luka only harms himself, for he condemns himself to love a woman who will never love him (as Marinette herself said in “Crocoduel”). Then, Luka and Kagami can help each other. Luka can teach Kagami that second chances do exist (and she must believe after what happened to her feelings in “Lies”) and may even face Tomoe to save Kagami from that trapped life (as Marinette herself faced Gabriel in “Miraculous New York”). Kagami can teach Luka to give himself more value and change his target to someone who wants him. From their experience when Marinette and Adrien cheated on them, it is clear that Luka and Kagami would not cheat on each other. On the contrary, they would be a couple who help each other and complement each other, such as Adrien/Cat Noir and Marinette/Ladybug.
          Another point that unites Luka and Kagami is their ties with arts. Luka has a strong bond to music, as shown in episodes like “Captain Hardrock,” “Frozer,” “Silencer,” “Desperada,” “Truth,” and “Wishmaker.” He expresses himself poetically using references to music, as seen in “Silencer” and “Wishmaker.” Kagami has a similar bond to drawing, shown in “Lies.” Just as Luka finds the melody “sincere” in “Silencer,” Kagami sees sincerity in the art of drawing in “Lies.” When she helps Marinette find a way to declare her feelings to Adrien in “Glaciator 2,” she also expresses herself poetically while describing the seduction from what she learned in a manga (a literary genre that unites text and drawing). Music, drawing, and literature are art forms, and Luka and Kagami know the essenceof these genres.
          Therefore, those who dismiss Lukagami as something “cliché” just because the couple is formed by the protagonists’ ex-boyfriend and girlfriend are taking a very shallow view of the matter. Both characters were carefully created and developed to complete each other and stay together. Seeing only the interaction between the characters, Nino and Alya could also be considered a “cliché” couple, as there are a lot of stories including a couple formed by the protagonists’ best friends (e.g., High School Musical). Likewise, many works show a mean character being redeemed after starting a relationship with a good one (e.g., Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and Inuyasha). Therefore, Lukloe could also be considered a “cliché.” Thomas Astruc confirmed that Luka will not stay with Chloe, and the following reasons explain why.
2-    Why Luka won’t stay with Chloe or Zoe
          Although Chloe and Luka are opposite (Chloe representing evil and Luka representing good), their opposition is not the kind that would form a couple in Miraculous Ladybug’s context and philosophy. To better understand why, one must return to the Miracle box, explaining why he can’t stay with her, nor with Zoe.
The Miracle Box
          As explained earlier, the miraculouses are divided into three groups in the box: the yin-yang, the five elements of nature, and the Chinese zodiac signs. In addition, we have seen that the Chinese zodiac miraculouses are in even numbers, and their wielders form duos or couples to maintain the balance defended in Chinese philosophy. But to understand the part of Chloe and Zoe, it is necessary to explain the other box’s groups.
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          The box’s middle part has five miraculouses: fox, bee, turtle, peacock, and butterfly. They represent the five elements of nature: fire, wood, earth, water, and metal. Notice that five is an odd number, different from the even number of Chinese zodiac signs. Within the element miraculous wielders, we have a couple - Alya (fox) and Nino (turtle) - and a duo: Gabriel (butterfly) and Nathalie (peacock), the villains. At the story’s beginning, Gabriel and Emilie (peacock) also formed a couple of miraculous wielders within the group, maintaining balance.
          Then we realize there’s no way for Luka to be with Zoe or Chloe. Their miraculouses are of different groups (Luka’s is of the zodiac and Zoe’s and Chloe’s is of the elements). Miraculous wielders stay with someone of the same group (e.g., Marinette/Adrien (yin-yang), Alya/Nino (elements), and Mylene/Ivan (zodiac)). Or, at least, with someone without miraculous, with another wielder also dating someone without miraculous to balance (Kim and Sabrina). A wielder of a miraculous type cannot date a wielder of a different kind because it would not maintain the balance.
          The bee miraculous is left alone in its group because the number is odd. But to understand this part, one must first understand what happens to Chloe and Zoe.
Addendum (03/03/2022): The logic of the Miracle box applies to the official wielders (the temporary ones are excluded) who acquired their powers around the time of Marinette and Adrien (older wielders are excluded, such as those shown in the Miraculous spellbook, and Master Fu), as the series is focused on them. Remembering that not even 100 years have passed from the time when Gabriel and Emilie became wielders to when Adrien received his miraculous. Marinette, for example, was a temporary wielder of the mouse miraculous in “Kwamibuster” and is not Ivan’s girlfriend. Felix uses the dog miraculous in “Strike Back,” but Sabrina is the official wielder (and she is the one who forms the duo with Kim, as explained earlier). The temporary uses of the dragon and snake miraculouses by Marinette and Adrien were used in the text to demonstrate the Chinese philosophical view about the union between a dragon woman and a snake man.
2.1 Why Luka won't stay with Chloe
Chloe is evil (even if her fans deny it)
          Although her fans won’t admit it, Chloe is a character created to be evil. From the beginning of the story, she loves bullying her colleagues just for the sheer pleasure of watching them suffer. One example is in “Reflekta,” where Chloe orders Sabrina to trap Juleka in the bathroom so she cannot take the class photo. It leads Juleka to be akumatized. At no point did Chloe apologize to Juleka or any other colleague. The only exception was in “Zombizou,” where Chloe got right with Miss Bustier but did so only to consolidate her prestige with the teacher. Chloe would stop her deeds if she were indeed sorry. However, Chloe sees no reason to get right with her classmates (which she deems inferior), while as the teacher is an authority, it was in her interest to have a good image with her.
          We see in “Reflekdoll” and “Crocoduel” that Luka and Juleka are very attached, and we see in “Silencer” and “Truth” that Luka does not endure injustices and people who do evil to others. Would Luka fall in love with someone who does evil for pleasure and doesn’t regret her acts as Chloe? Not.  Especially since Chloe and Juleka are enemies, Luka would never like someone who does evil to his sister.
          Many claims that Luka could “change” Chloe to the good side. Well, for that to happen, Chloe must be open to change. Some believe that her experience as Queen Bee “proves” that she can be good. But in fact, Chloe just wanted to be Queen Bee to have as much fame as Ladybug and Cat Noir. Her performances as a heroine were not very notable, except in “Malediktator” and “Miraculer,” which involved people of her interests (her father and Sabrina). Chloe did not understand that when Ladybug did not choose her to help, it was not because Ladybug did not like her, but because that mission did not need the power to paralyze. She doesn’t understand that because she doesn’t seek fighting villains to help others but rather opportunities to show off.
          Chloe herself stated in “Heart Hunter” that she doesn’t love anyone. And that means she only sees people thinking about what each one can offer her. Her parents are her livelihood (since she doesn’t work yet), Sabrina is her minion (made clear in “Sole Crusher”), and Adrien is a trophy: the “best” girl (as she thinks about herself) “must have” the most handsome, popular, and desired boy from Paris. In sum, Chloe sees Adrien much like Gaston sees Belle in Beauty and the Beast.
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Any resemblance is no mere coincidence.
          In “Miracle Queen,” Chloe despises Luka for wearing simple clothes. So, even if she finds him “cute” (which caused many to start to ship them instantly), she does not see him as a love interest because he is poor and would not offer her anything that would interest her. In “Sole Crusher,” Chloe orders Zoe to crush those inside the boat - including Luka - because, in her view, they are “losers.” Therefore, both Luka would not be interested in Chloe, and Chloe has no interest in Luka.
          About one of Gloob’s trailers had insinuated that Lukloe could happen (for she had called him “cute”), we need to remember an important detail: not all Gloob says is official. Sometimes the channel tries to mislead the fans, like when the narrator implied that Extraterrestrials would abduct Ladybug and Cat Noir in “Truth,” and when he suggested that Adrien would be jealous of Luka and Marinette in “Wishmaker.”
          Before someone says that Thomas Astruc has changed things before - like the age difference between Luka and Juleka - and could change the couples too, I need to explain something. Age differences are minimal details, so the production course indeed could change them. However, couples are a significant part of this story - and they follow a logic - so they are not subject to enormous changes.
Chloe will stay by herself
          Thomas Astruc has already said that Chloe will not be with anyone at the end of the series. And that’s the most significant proof that she won’t date Adrien or Luka or anyone. I realize that many of her fans wage real wars with Astruc, accusing him of “ruining the character’s development.” They can’t recognize that Chloe represents people who have the opportunity to change, but because they are selfish, they only think of themselves. She’s a villain, and in children’s cartoons, villains are punished. Astruc creates the story and the characters, and we have seen that his work follows logic. If Chloe’s fans don’t like how the character is going, stop watching the cartoon. For myself, when I saw that The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural were taking a way I didn’t like, I just stopped watching. I didn’t make this embarrassing role of arguing with the producers and creators.
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It’s false that Thomas Astruc said that Chloé “is his favorite character” and that she “will stay with Luka.” If he “said” it, he was probably being ironic, and people didn’t understand.
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For those who do not speak Spanish, there is the statement in English.
2.2 Why Luka won’t stay with Zoe
          Many began to shipp Luka and Zoe because of the ice cream Luka takes in “Miracle Queen” and “Truth.” The ice cream has a blue scoop (Zoe’s hat color) and a pink scoop (her hair bangs’ color). However, we have seen from the logic of the Miracle box that Luka and Zoe cannot be together. Besides, André’s ice cream doesn’t always really have the colors of the people portrayed.
          Indeed, in “Glaciator,” Marinette and Adrien’s ice creams refer to the colors of Adrien and Ladybug, respectively. However, in “Heart Hunter” and “Lies,” André represents Adrien and Kagami with peppermint and orange ice cream. We know from “Glaciator” that peppermint refers to Adrien’s green eyes, but Kagami has nothing that the orange color could represent. André usually describes Marinette with a blackberry ice cream (referencing her hair), but in both “Truth” and “Wishmaker,” he does not give her a blackberry ice cream. In the latter, she is represented with strawberry and cherry ice cream, and Luka with pistachio and pecan (while Luka has nothing green). The blue-pink ice cream means Lukanette, not Luka’s fate (remembering that Marinette’s pants are pink).
          Many also believed from the “Crocoduel” trailers that Luka would approach Zoe. However, throughout the episode, they barely interacted. Zoe has demonstrated that he sees Luka as a good friend, and he probably sees her the same way. It is certain that in “Desperada,” Kagami got on Luka’s boat as uninvited (because she was accompanying Adrien). Still, in “Truth” and “Lies,” we see that she was invited to watch the Kitty Section show on the boat. Even if it was only to see Adrien, if her presence was allowed, Luka considers her part of the group of friends. It’s impressive how the central “point” anti-Lukagami shippers have is that “Luka and Kagami don’t interact.” At the same time, they shipp Luka with Chloe (who despises him and doesn’t even know his name) or with Zoe (with whom he also has minimal interaction). Kagami at least knows Luka’s name, besides having all those elements already mentioned at the beginning of the text.
Zoe's fate
          In addition to shipp Luka with Zoe or with Chloe (based, as I proved, on opinions and misinterpretations, not on facts), the anti-Lukagami ones usually shipp Kagami with Felix. Perhaps this is one of the most random ships possible, as nothing links Kagami to Felix. Some claim that Kagami would be “rewarded” with another “Adrien” (because Felix and Adrien are identical), but in “Mr. Pigeon 72,” she has already shown that she wants nothing more to do with Adrien.
          Felix and Kagami were not even seen together before “Gabriel Agreste.” In “Felix,” Kagami is seen briefly in a video call, and it has not been shown whether she recorded any video supporting Adrien. Felix stood out in the episode for making a video posing as Adrien and mistreating his friends. From Nathalie’s speech, we realized that it was Lila who sent Felix’s video to Gabriel. Lila, like Kagami, was only seen on a board in the video call, having not made any video in support of Adrien. Soon, if Lila received Felix’s video, it is likely that Kagami also did, and upon learning of everything that happened, she was also angry with Felix. That’s why Kagami had an angry looking at Felix in “Gabriel Agreste.”
          If “interaction” is the reason why Lukagami has to be dismissed, then Lukloe, Lukzoe, and Feligami should also be. But if they want to get Felix a girlfriend so bad, there’s an indication that maybe Zoe is the perfect one for him.
          In their debuts, Felix and Zoe were considered “copies” of Adrien and Chloe, respectively. Felix passed himself off as Adrien in “Felix,” and Zoe’s akumatized form is identical to Chloe in “Sole Crusher.” I heard there is a possibility that Felix is not exactly evil but has to use unethical tactics to get his family’s rings. If so, he has something in common with Zoe, who had to pretend to be mean in “Sole Crusher” and “Gabriel Agreste” to please her family and fulfill a mission to help Marinette. Joining Zoe and Felix would not destroy the balance shown in the Miracle box, for her jewel is unmatched, and she would form a couple with someone who has no miraculous. Then, she would not “take” any miraculous from its group to create a couple with her. Of course, Zoe and Felix have not interacted so far, but the series is not over yet. There’s still plenty of time for them to interact. And better yet, there’s still plenty of time for Luka and Kagami to interact.
          Of course, it could have some changes. It could happen, for instance, that Luka and Kagami finish the series on their own, forming a duo of Chinese zodiac miraculous wielders who dated the yin-yang protagonists and were left alone. But I think that ending would be too sad for both of them. Luka and Kagami have shown that they have a lot of love to give, and they deserve a companion to dedicate that love to.
3-    Conclusion
          Miraculous Ladybug’s own audiovisual elements indicate that Luka will stay with Kagami. Cartoons and series are very well planned and their progress does not occur at random. Even if Chloe’s fans fight with Thomas Astruc, it’s his work, and it’s up to him how it ends. The fanfics are there to bring an “escapism” to fans who wanted things to be done differently. In them, fans can shape Miraculous Ladybug’s universe at will, but in the original series, Luka and Kagami will form one of the story’s most charming couples, along with Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Cat Noir.
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As Master Fu would say, “they were meant for each other.” Art by CeewewFrost12.
“Why Lukagami should happen and probably will” by Chicoriii;
“Luka y Kagami terminarán juntos y estos detalles lo confirman” by Nathaniel FD;
The knowledge that I acquired myself in college.
Text originally written on November 24th, 2021. Updated on March 3rd, 2022.
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Féligami: Starfish (One-Shot)
@goldensmilingbird asked for Féligami.
Summary: On day three of the combined Agreste, Tsurugi, Bourgeois, and Graham de Vanily family vacation from hell, Kagami finds Félix returning beached starfish to the ocean and gets to know a new side to him.
Read it on AO3: Féligami: Starfish
On the third morning of the combined Tsurugi, Bourgeois, Agreste, and Graham de Vanily beach hell-cation, Kagami awoke early.
Blue and pink ribbons of the beginnings of sunrise streaked the sky over the ocean, and she committed the scene to memory to draw later.
She contemplated going and getting her sketchbook and colored pencils to get a head start on the drawing then and there, but, just then, she spotted Adrien down by the shoreline.
He was walking slowly along the water’s edge, stooping to pick up beached starfish and escort them back into the ocean.
Kagami made her way down the beach and called out to him when she was still a few meters off. “What are you doing?”
He looked up and blinked at her, using the back of his wrist to push his bed-rumpled hair out of his face as the light morning breeze whipped through it.
“Good morning, Miss Tsurugi. You’re up awfully early.”
Kagami stopped with a start as she realized her mistake.
“Good morning, Félix. I could say the same for you.”
She cleared her throat and awkwardly added, “‘Kagami’ is fine, by the way. I believe we’ve met a sufficient number of times that calling me ‘Kagami’ wouldn’t be out of place.”
“Very well…Kagami.” He gave a nod and went back to his task of rescuing beached starfish and returning them to the water.
For a while it didn’t seem that he was going to say anything more, and Kagami began brainstorming conversation ideas in a bit of a panic.
Just when Kagami was about to comment upon the weather, Félix spoke up. “I couldn’t sleep. That’s why I’m up early.”
She blinked, watching him gently place a starfish into the surf. “…Any particular reason?”
He shrugged. “Adrien and I were up late talking about some things. His mother. My father. Us. Our lives now. Our futures…those kinds of things. It was a little…”
He pursed his lips and frowned, trying to find the right word to capture the experience.
“Much. …We haven’t spoken like that since we were children, and it’s left me thinking a little too hard about things,” he confessed and then returned to the starfish.
“I’ve had moments like that,” Kagami responded tentatively. “Sometimes, when I speak deeply with my friend Marinette on some subjects, it leaves me feeling a bit raw and befuddled.”
Félix nodded. “I think it’s helped me find clarity about some things. Other things I feel even more mystified about, but maybe they’ll come to make sense in time.”
He winced and looked up at her. “I’m dreadfully sorry. I tend to ramble when I’m sleep-deprived, so please excuse me.”
She shook her head. “Not at all. I don’t mind.”
A faint smile creased his lips. “I think I’ve decided to spend this academic year in Paris.”
Her eyes went as wide as sand dollars. “This academic year? The one starting in two weeks? Isn’t that a little sudden?”
Félix shrugged, looking back down at the starfish. “My mother and I are impulsive people who make others move the heavens for us at the last minute. We have a flat not far from the Jardin du Palais Royal, so it will all work out, and she’ll enjoy Paris in the autumn and spring. The winter will at least be more tolerable than the London winter, so… Maybe you and I can get to know each other better while I’m in town.”
“Perhaps,” Kagami replied, struggling to contain her astonishment at the capriciousness of the young man before her.
“Adrien speaks well of you, so I’d be very interested in spending more time with you, Kagami,” he added in a silky voice and watched as she tried to hide her blush at Adrien’s praise and Félix’s interest.
His expression dimmed slightly as he added, “Though, I’m sure you haven’t received favorable reviews of me from your friends.”
Kagami pursed her lips and hedged, “Adrien speaks well of you.”
Félix laughed. “Adrien makes good excuses for me.”
Kagami looked down at her feet.
“I’m a selfish, stubborn, spoiled person, and I come off abrasively when I don’t work at being charming,” he admitted. “I’m a rake, but I don’t have a bad heart.”
Kagami gave an amused laugh. “Good to know. I suppose I’ll have to see for myself as we become better acquainted.”
“I’ll try to be on my best behavior,” he chuckled, gingerly placing another starfish back into the water.
“…I’m sorry, but…what exactly are you doing with those starfish?” she finally asked.
He quirked an eyebrow. “Saving their lives. What does it look like I’m doing?”
She blinked. “Oh. I…I didn’t realize…”
In the back of her mind, she had known that starfish were living creatures and that the beached ones were fated to become the dried-out trip souvenirs she had seen time and again. She just hadn’t connected the dots.
“It never occurred to me to help them,” she muttered, crouching down and scooping one up.
She jumped when it squirmed in her hands, and she half-tossed, half-dropped it back into the waves.
Félix gave a surprised bark of laughter. “They feel funny, don’t they? It’s very odd. I’m used to touching the dead ones people keep in those shadow box display cases.”
Resolutely, Kagami bent down again and tried a second time with more composure. “…There are so many of them. It hardly seems worthwhile.”
“I don’t know.” He hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe not, but I can’t just leave them.”
She shot him a sidelong glance, observing the roiling emotions on his face as he picked up the pace in his rescue attempts.
“They remind me of me, I think. A little bit. They’re in a perilous situation, and they’re fighting as hard as they can to survive. I can’t just leave them to perish.”
Kagami pressed her lips together, wondering what battle Félix was fighting.
Maybe one day they’d get close enough that she could ask.
“I have to admit that I’m guilty of misanthropy. I’m far more sympathetic to animals because they’re much easier to relate to and develop an affection toward.”
“Are you a cat person or a dog person?” she inquired.
“Cat, definitely,” he answered immediately, not needing to consider. “Adrien’s always wanted a dog, and I think he’d do well with one. I wouldn’t be opposed to a dog, though, even though I like cats better. What about you? Cats or dogs?”
She had to think about it before replying, “Both. One of each.”
Félix clicked his tongue good-naturedly. “Cheating. What would you name them? Are you the type of person who gives animals people names?”
Kagami arched an eyebrow. “Is that a bad thing?”
He swished his lips back and forth from one side to the other in thought. “Not necessarily. I just think it’s a little boring. You could name a cat anything. Why call him Jacques?”
“What would you name your cat, then?” Kagami challenged, genuinely interested despite herself.
“Ma’at,” he replied immediately. “I think it’s a fitting name for a cat. Adrien would probably go with something more punny, but…what about you?”
“…I’ll have to think on it,” Kagami responded after a moment. “I wouldn’t want to be boring and name my dog Pochi and my cat Tama.”
The conversation continued in a surprisingly natural manner for nearly half an hour as they continued to clear the beach of stranded starfish.
“…Would you like to watch the sunrise with me?” Félix asked when their job was done, holding out his sand-coated hand. “Yesterday, I found a nice little secluded spot that juts out into the water a bit. The view should be lovely from there.”
Surprising herself, Kagami took his hand and let him lead her down the beach to a towering, rocky arch.
There was a path branching out to the right that seemed to leave the sandy beach behind and jut out into the water, but the path twisted so that their destination was hidden from view.
“Watch your step,” Félix cautioned, still holding her hand in case she needed help to steady herself on the rocks.
“Your concern is appreciated but not necessary,” she informed in a tone that brooked no argument, but she didn’t pull her hand away from his.
Félix smiled and nodded his deference.
They turned the corner, and Kagami gasped at the sight of the sun coming up over the sparkling, rippling waves.
“Breathtaking, isn’t it?” Félix hummed, settling in to watch with his back to the wall of rock behind them.
“I can’t wait to sit down with my sketchbook later,” she whispered in awe as she came to stand by his side. “I’m glad I woke up early today.”
“I’m glad you did too,” he whispered, tentatively leaning in closer.
Her eyes widened as she realized he was going to kiss her.
But then he stopped less than a handspan away…so she took the initiative to close the gap.
It was a languid, experimental kiss as they both explored the idea of one another and discovered that it wasn’t unpleasant.
Kagami smiled into the kiss and felt Félix do the same.
Slowly, they pulled back and gazed at one another thoughtfully.
“That…was nice,” he remarked with a little reservation to save face in case she did not agree.
“Yes. Nice. Worth repeating in the future, I’d say,” she added, taking in the way his peridot eyes glittered in the light of the rising sun.
He was unable to hide the trill of excitement that shot through him at her approval.
“Perhaps I could take you on a proper date when I get to Paris, and we can see how things go from there,” he suggested.
She nodded, a small smile of hopeful anticipation forming on her lips.
Félix’s expression mirrored hers…until an unwelcome thought took root in his mind. “This isn’t because of your feelings for my cousin, is it?”
Liquid dread churned in his stomach.
“I know you’re attracted to him, and I’m aware of how similar we look, so…”
He shifted uncomfortably.
Kagami slipped her hand into his and shook her head. “This isn’t because you look like Adrien. This is because you cared enough to stop and save those starfish.”
Félix’s eyes widened in surprise, and a burst of laughter caught him off guard.
“Okay. All right. I’ll accept that,” he chuckled, giving Kagami’s hand a squeeze as they both settled back in to watch the sun come up over the water.
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superiormiraculous · 3 years
Of Pastries & Romance
Of Pastries & Romance 
by magicianofesperance
Part 1 of the Chat Noir's Miraculous Atelier series
Chapters 1-11 Chat Noir helps Ladybug plan to ask the guy she likes out because he wants to see her happy, even if it's not with him. A workshop of pastries and romance, Adrien finds the coincidence uncanny that his advice is being used on him by no other than Marinette. Chapters 12-22 After being gone for months, Lila Rossi comes back to France with ill intent, starting up where she left off, working for both Gabriel and Hawkmoth. In her hands, she receives something she never should have, leading to big changes and rising stakes for our heroes. Chapters 23 Onward With Émilie Agreste alive, identities revealed, and Miraculouses still missing, questions need to be asked, consequences need to be faced, and obstacles need to triumphed.
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug 
Rating: General Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Words: 41818 
Chapters: 26/40 
Updated: 2021-02-28 
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Chloé Bourgeois, The Marionette, Trixx (Miraculous Ladybug), Emilie Agreste, Amélie Graham de Vanily, Alix Kubdel | Bunnyx, Luka Couffaine | Sherlock Bones, Juleka Couffaine | The Pink Panther, Lila Rossi | Volpina, Alya Césaire | Phasian Day, Félix Graham de Vanily | Hex: The Drone Bee | Psyche, Nino Lahiffe | Carapace, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug | Multimouse 
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Félix Graham de Vanily/Lila Rossi, Chloé Bourgeois/Luka Couffaine, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth/Nathalie Sancoeur, Minor Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe - Relationship, Minor Chloé Bourgeois/Félix Graham de Vanily 
Tags: Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, Oblivious Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Adrinette | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Oblivious Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, wingman, Identity Reveal, First Kiss, First Dates, My First Fanfic, First Love, My First Work in This Fandom, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir and Food, Lila Rossi Lies, Evil Lila Rossi, Fluff, Some Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Akuma Attack, Reveal, Emilie Agreste Lives, Good Parent Emilie Agreste, Wordcount: 30.000-50.000, Minor Bisexual Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Goal Wordcount: 50.000-100.000
Come and join the Superior Miraculous server on Discord!
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mila-beedoodling · 1 year
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Today on AUs that I will never finish and that it's very self indulgent: Stardust AU
Basically I made Marinette into the star because I really really really like to think of her hair as the night sky. I really think I went off with the stars
I also thought it would be silly if Adrien was a unknown heir from a magical kingdom. Brb gotta invent 7 OC uncles for Adrien
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lesbitorte · 2 years
Kind of masterpost?
So this is my main blog in which I post and reblog what ever. I try to tag but I'm awful at tagging, also feel free to ask me to tag your tw if you have any!
I recommend minors to not interact
Art sideblog: @mila-beedoodling 🐝
AO3: Lesbitorte
My Fics:
Trying to remember how it feels (to have a heartbeat)
we'll say Hallelujah (you're home)
My Playlists:
Osemanverse but your guess the characters
That pjo playlist I forgot to make
Insanely on repeat
Reread Noragami and it gave me so many feelings
Miraculous Ladybug playlist
one does not love breathing (based on the amazing fic by @wackus-bonkus-maximus )
The sexier odnlb playlist
Blonde traumatized child soldier with daddy/mommy issues
Sadrien Agreste
Marinette DuPAIN-Cheng
🦊V O L P I N A🦊
Who have superpowers to the kids?
Fuck it, d(ips) playlist
Love square PLAYLISTS
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aurorarose2112 · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug Ships
I’m asking this half out of curiosity and half for a story I’m planning out at the moment. Which couple do you ship more: Lukagami or Féligami (Note: we are talking about canon-Félix here; Félix Fathom)
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
Quick Kisses: A Short Story Collection
Quick Kisses: A Short Story Collection by Mikauzoran
A collection of unrelated short stories featuring the Love Square, other pairings, and some platonic interactions. Each chapter stands alone as its own story. Read them all or just your favourite pairings. Marichat: 1, 14 Adrienette: 2, 6, 10, 12, 15 Identity Reveal: 12, 14 Adrigami: 5, 23 Marigami: 12, 22 Féligami: 13, 23 Lukadrigaminette: 17, 24 Alyadrino: 3 LuXY: 4 Adrino: 7 Lukadrienette: 8 Lukadrien: 11 Kim/Max/Alix/Ondine: 12 Adrigaminette: 18 Félinette: 19 Lukagami: 20 Julerose: 25 DJ Wi-Fi: 26 Marinette and Chloé: 6 Luka and Zoé: 9 Kagami and Kim: 12
Words: 1155, Chapters: 1/30, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Kagami Tsurugi, Luka Couffaine, Félix Graham de Vanily, Nino Lahiffe
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine/XY, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine & Zoé, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Max Kanté/Alix Kubdel/Lê Chiến Kim/Ondine, Félix Graham de Vanily/Kagami Tsurugi, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Félix Graham de Vanily, Luka Couffaine/Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant
Additional Tags: Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrinette | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Kissing, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Cuddling & Snuggling, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Needs a Hug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Gets a Hug, Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Idiots in Love, Love Confessions, Accidental Confession, First Kiss, Friendship, Partnership, Identity Reveal, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Pining, Mutual Pining, Polyamory, Aged-Up Character(s)
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35670436
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luckygirl102 · 3 years
Pourquoi Lukloé n’arrivera pas, mais Lukagami oui
Voir l’article avec toutes les photos sur: https://www.deviantart.com/beckygwen102/journal/Pourquoi-Lukloe-n-arrivera-pas-mais-Lukagami-oui-908862702
          Une chose que j’ai apprise à la faculté de radio et télévision, c’est que chaque série laisse des indices sur ce qui se passera à la fin. Bien qu’il y ait quelques changements dans le cours de la production, le raisonnement de l’histoire reste le même. Dans Miraculous Ladybug, ce n’est pas différent, et il y a plusieurs signes qui indiquent, y compris, avec qui les personnages resteront à la fin de l’histoire.
          Certains de ces signes indiquent que Luka et Kagami seront un couple. Cependant, certains fans insistent pour que Luka reste avec Chloé ou Zoé, même si ses affirmations sont davantage basées sur des opinions personnelles que sur des faits. Dans cet article, je vais vous montrer pourquoi Luka restera avec Kagami, pas Chloé ou Zoé.
1- Pourquoi Luka restera avec Kagami
· Signaux visuels
          Les personnages sont très bien projetés avant leurs premières. Leurs apparences et leurs personnalités sont décrites dans la bible de la série afin que les scénaristes sachent comment écrire les histoires. Dans Miraculous Ladybug, ils ont pris grand soin de faire porter à Marinette et Adrien des vêtements de couleurs opposées, afin que lorsque le filtre négatif était appliqué, les couleurs de l’un étaient les mêmes que l’autre dans la version normale. Et il en va de même pour Luka et Kagami.
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Crédits des photos : Miraculous Wikia Forum
          Notez que Luka et Marinette portent des chemises blanches, tandis qu’Adrien et Kagami portent des chemises noires. En même temps, Luka et Marinette portent des boucles d’oreilles, tandis qu’Adrien et Kagami portent des bagues. Considérant l’intrigue, nous avons réalisé que l’intention du dessin animé était de montrer qu’apparemment Luka et Kagami seraient les paires de Marinette et Adrien, mais un couple est formé par deux personnes qui se complètent, pas nécessairement égales. Et ceci est lié à la base philosophique du dessin animé, qui est basée sur la philosophie chinoise et ses éléments, comme le yin-yang. Non pour rien, Ladybug et Chat Noir le représentent dans la Miracle Box. Et en parlant de cela, elle est plus un signe qu’autant Adrien et Marinette que Luka et Kagami vont être ensemble.
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Crédits au texte de Chicoriii.
· La Miracle Box
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          La Miracle Box est divisée en trois groupes, qui sont liés à la philosophie chinoise:
· le yin-yang ;
· les cinq éléments de la nature ;
· les douze signes du zodiaque chinois
          La philosophie chinoise affirme qu’il doit toujours y avoir un équilibre entre les forces de la nature (l’équilibre parfait est représenté par le yin-yang). Maître Fu lui-même a expliqué cela dans « Robostus ». Par conséquent, les Miraculous de chaque groupe sont ordonnés dans la boîte d’une manière qui maintient l’équilibre.
          Commençons par les Miraculous du zodiaque chinois. Nous avons la souris, le bœuf, le tigre, le lapin, le dragon, le serpent, le cheval, la chèvre, le singe, le coq, le chien et le cochon. Et nous savons quels personnages sont ses porteurs : Mylène, Ivan, Juleka, Alix, Kagami, Luka, Max, Nathaniel, Kim, Marc, Sabrina et Rose. À partir de là, nous pouvons réaliser que nous avons un nombre pair de Miraculous / porteurs, donc pour maintenir l’équilibre, ils forment des duos ou des couples. Pour nous concentrer sur les couples plus tard, commençons par les duos, c’est-à-dire les personnages de ce groupe qui ne forment pas un couple, mais qui ont une chose en commun.
          Le premier duo est Kim (singe) et Sabrina (chien). Kim était amoureuse de Chloé, mais est maintenant le petit ami d’Ondine. Sabrina idolâtre Chloé et a eu une brève romance avec un garçon américain dans « Miraculous World : New York ». Notez que bien que Kim et Sabrina ne soient pas un couple, ils forment un duo : ils sont deux porteurs Miraculous du zodiaque chinois qui ont un intérêt amoureux non porteur de Miraculous. Le deuxième duo est Max (cheval) et Alix (lapin). Thomas Astruc a déjà confirmé que Max est asexué, et qu’Alix est aromantique. Par conséquent, nous avons déjà un autre duo : deux porteurs de Miraculous du zodiaque chinois qui n’aura pas de développement aimant dans la série.
          Reste Mylène (souris), Ivan (bœuf), Juleka (tigre), Kagami (dragon), Luka (serpent), Nathaniel (chèvre), Marc (coq) et Rose (cochon). Parmi ce groupe, nous avons quelques couples confirmés : Mylène / Ivan, Juleka / Rose et Marc / Nathaniel. Qui sont les seuls qui restent? Luka et Kagami.
          De plus, les signes du zodiaque chinois sont divisés en polarités yin et yang. Thomas Astruc aime travailler avec ce concept, et nous réalisons cela dans certains couples. Ladybug et Chat Noir sont la représentation même du yin-yang. Mylène a le Miraculous de la souris, un signe de yang, et Ivan le Miraculous du bœuf, un signe de yin. Il en va de même pour Juleka (tigre, yang) et Rose (cochon, yin). Qui d’autre en a un Miraculous avec un signe yin et un de yang? Luka (serpent, yin) et Kagami (dragon, yang). De plus, selon la philosophie chinoise, l’union la plus propice est la entre un homme de serpent et une femme de dragon. Ce n’est pas un hasard si Ladybug et Chat Noir ont utilisé, respectivement, les Miraculous du dragon et du serpent pour la bataille finale de la saison trois (« Miracle Queen »). Qui est l’homme porteur du Miraculous du serpent? Luka. Qui est la femme porteuse du Miraculous du dragon? Kagami.
· Autres signes
          Les noms des personnages d’une histoire ne sont jamais choisis par hasard. Il y a toujours une référence ou une signification derrière. Marinette, par exemple, est le diminutif de Marie, le nom français de la Vierge Marie, Notre-Dame. Le nom anglais des coccinelles, « ladybug », a été créé en référence à elle. Par conséquent, l’héroïne avec le thème de la coccinelle a reçu un nom qui faisait référence à Notre-Dame. Gabriel, en plus d’être le masculin de Gabrielle (nom de la styliste Coco Chanel, c’est-à-dire un bon nom pour un personnage styliste), est un nom d’ange. Cette contradiction entre Gabriel étant un nom d’ange et le personnage étant extrêmement mauvais se reflète dans Gabriel Agreste lui-même, qui prétend être correct pour les autres, mais est secrètement le plus grand méchant de Paris. Nous pouvons également noter ce point des noms dans Lukagami.
          Le prénom Luka signifie « lumière » en latin, tandis que le prénom Kagami signifie « miroir » en japonais. Un miroir ne peut fonctionner qu’avec la lumière. La dernière syllabe du prénom Luka est la première du prénom Kagami. Vous n’avez rien à retirer de leur nom pour former le nom du couple. Cela indique que Luka et Kagami s’intègrent parfaitement l’un dans l’autre. Sans oublier que l’une des formes akumatisées de Luka s’appelle Vérité, et l’autre de Kagami s’appelle Mensonge, ce qui montre comment ils se complètent.
          En outre, il y a d’autres détails, qui fonctionnent avec des similitudes et des compléments entre les deux. Luka et Kagami ont été élevés seulement par leurs mères (Anarka est une mère célibataire, et je crois que Tomoe est veuve). Les mères des deux sont insérées dans le thème des enfants (Anarka est un rocker comme Luka, Tomoe est une escrimeuse comme Kagami). Les deux mères ont été akumatisées avec des véhicules (Anarka a été akumatisée avec son bateaudans « Capitaine Hardrock », Tomoe a été akumatisée avec sa voiture dans « Ikari Gozen »). Luka est pauvre et a été élevé libre, tandis que Kagami est riche et a été élevé emprisonnée. Cette complémentarité - que l’on observe également chez Marinette (pauvre, libre) et Adrien (riche, emprisonné) - indique que Luka et Kagami ont besoin l’un de l’autre.
          Kagami a déjà mentionné dans « Riposte » et dans « Desperada » que sa famille et elle-même ne croient pas à la seconde chance. Le pouvoir de Luka en tant que Viperion est appelé exactement « Seconde Chance ». Bien qu’il ait été trahi dans « Vérité » (dans lequel il dit déjà savoir que Marinette aime Adrien) et qu’il ait découvert dans « Exauceur » que Marinette et Adrien sont destinés, Luka ne manque pas d’aimer Marinette, et le dit même dans « Éphémère ». Kagami dit dans « Le Patineur » que « la plus grande erreur que peut faire un escrimeur c’est n’est pas de se tromper de coûts, c’est de se tromper de cible ». Bien que dans ce contexte elle indiquait à Adrien qu’il devrait commencer à se concentrer sur elle au lieur de la fille qu’il aimait, nous avons réalisé avec l’avancement de l’histoire que c’est en fait Luka qui doit « changer de cible ». En nourrir cet amour morbide pour Marinette, Luka seulement nuire à lui-même, car il se condamne à aimer une femme qui ne l’aimera jamais (comme Marinette l’a dit elle-même dans « Crocoduel »). Ensuite, Luka et Kagami peuvent s’aider : Luka peut enseigner à Kagami que les secondes chances existent (et elle devra croire après ce qui est passé avec ses sentiments dans « Mensonge »), et peut même faire face à Tomoe pour sauver Kagami de cette vie emprisonnée (comme Marinette elle-même a faite face à Gabriel dans « Miraculous World : New York »). Kagami peut enseigner à Luka à se donner plus de valeur et à changer sa cible pour quelqu’un qui le veut vraiment. D’après l’expérience qu’ils ont tous les deux eue lorsqu’ils ont été trahis par Marinette et Adrien, il est clair que Luka et Kagami ne se trahiraient pas. Au contraire, ils seraient un couple qui s’entraide et se complètent, comme Adrien / Chat Noir et Marinette / Ladybug.
          Un autre point important qui unit Luka et Kagami est leurs relations avec l’art. Luka a un lien très profond avec la musique, comme le montrent des épisodes tels que « Capitaine Hardrock », « Le Patineur », « Silence », « Desperada », « Vérité » et « Exauceur ». Il s’exprime poétiquement en utilisant des références à la musique, comme on le voit dans « Silence » et « Exauceur ». Kagami a une relation similaire avec le dessin, montré dans « Mensonge ». Tout comme Luka décrit la mélodie comme « sincère » dans « Silence », Kagami souligne la sincérité dans l’art de dessiner dans « Mensonge ». Lorsqu’elle aide Marinette à trouver un moyen de se déclarer à Adrien dans « Glaciator 2 », elle s’exprime aussi poétiquement en décrivant la séduction pour le qu’elle a apprise dans un manga (un genre littéraire qui unit texte et dessin). La musique, le dessin et la littérature sont des formes d’art, et Luka et Kagami voient l’essence de ces genres.
          Par conséquent, ceux qui diminuent Lukagami comme quelque chose de « cliché » simplement parce que le couple est formé par les ex-petits amis des protagonistes ont une vision très superficielle du sujet. Les deux personnages ont été soigneusement créés et développés pour se compléter et rester ensemble. Ne voyant que l’interaction entre les personnages, Nino et Alya pourraient également être considérés comme un couple « cliché », car il existe de nombreuses histoires dans lesquelles les meilleurs amis des protagonistes forment un couple (comme High School Musical). De même, il existe de nombreuses œuvres dans lesquelles un personnage maléfique est racheté après avoir commencé une relation avec un bon personnage (comme Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure et Inu-Yasha). Bientôt, Lukloé pourrait aussi être considéré comme un « cliché ». Thomas Astruc a confirmé que Luka ne restera pas avec Chloé, et les raisons en seront expliquées.
2- Pourquoi Luka ne restera pas avec Chloé ou Zoé
          Bien que Chloé et Luka soient deux personnes très opposées (Chloé représentant le mal et Luka représentant le bien), leur opposition n’est pas du type à former un couple dans le contexte et la philosophie de Miraculous Ladybug. Pour mieux comprendre pourquoi, on doit retourner à la Miracle Box, ce qui explique aussi pourquoi il ne peut pas rester avec Zoé.
· La Miracle Box
          Comme expliqué précédemment, les Miraculous de cette boîte sont divisés en trois groupes : le yin-yang, les cinq éléments de la nature et les signes du zodiaque chinois. De plus, nous avons vu que les Miraculous du zodiaque chinois sont en nombre pair, et que leurs porteurs forment des duos ou des couples pour maintenir l’équilibre défendu dans la philosophie chinoise. Mais pour comprendre le rôle de Chloé et Zoé, il faut expliquer les autres groupes de la boîte.
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          La partie centrale de la boîte présente cinq Miraculous - le renard, l’abeille, la tortue, le paon et le papillon - représentant les cinq éléments de la nature selon la philosophie chinoise : le feu, le bois, la terre, l’eau et le métal. Notez que cinq est un nombre impair, différent du nombre pair des signes du zodiaque chinois. Parmi les porteurs des Miraculous des éléments, nous avons un couple - Alya (renard) et Nino (tortue) - et un duo : Gabriel (papillon) et Nathalie (paon), les méchants. Au début de l’histoire, Gabriel et Emilie (paon) ont également formé un couple de porteurs Miraculous du même groupe, maintenant l’équilibre.
          Puis nous réalisons qu’il n’y avait aucun moyen pour Luka d’être avec Zoé ou Chloé. Ses Miraculous sont de groupes différents (le de Luka est du zodiaque et le de Zoé et Chloé est des éléments). Les porteurs de Miraculous restent avec ceux qui possèdent l’un de leur même groupe (par exemple: Marinette / Adrien (yin-yang), Alya / Nino (éléments) et Mylène / Ivan (zodiaque)) ou restent avec ceux qui n’ont pas de Miraculous, donc il y a un autre porteur qui reste avec quelqu’un sans Miraculous pour équilibrer (Kim et Sabrina). Un porteur d’un type de Miraculous ne peut pas être petit ami d’un porteur d’un autre type, car il déséquilibre la balance.
          Le Miraculous de l’abeille est laissé seul dans son groupe, car le nombre est impair. Mais pour comprendre cette partie, il faut d’abord comprendre ce qui arrive à Chloé et Zoé.
Addendum (03/03/2022) : la logique de la Miracle box s’applique aux porteurs officiels (les porteurs temporaires sont exclus) et qui ont acquis leurs pouvoirs aux alentours de l’époque de Marinette et Adrien (les porteurs plus anciens sont exclus, comme ceux du livre de Miraculous, et Maître Fu), car la série est centrée sur eux. Rappelant que même pas 100 ans ne se sont écoulés depuis le moment où Gabriel et Emilie sont devenus porteurs jusqu’à celui où Adrien a reçu son Miraculous. Marinette, par exemple, était un porteur temporaire du Miraculous de la souris dans « Chasseuse de Kwamis » et n’est pas la petite amie d’Ivan. Félix utilise le Miraculous du chien dans « Réplique », mais Sabrina est la porteuse officielle (et c’est elle qui fait le duo avec Kim, comme expliqué précédemment). Les utilisations temporaires des Miraculous du dragon et du serpent par Marinette et Adrien ont été utilisées dans le texte pour démontrer la vision philosophique chinoise concernant l’union entre une femme de dragon et un homme de serpent.
2.1 Pourquoi Luka ne restera pas avec Chloé
· Chloé est méchante (même si ses fans le nient)
          Bien que les fans de Chloé ne l’admettent pas, la blonde est une personnage créé pour être maléfique. Dès le début de l’histoire, elle aime intimider ses collègues juste pour le simple plaisir de les regarder souffrir. Un exemple est dans « Reflekta », dans lequel elle ordonne à Sabrina d’arrêter Juleka dans la salle de bain afin qu’elle ne puisse pas prendre la photo de classe. Cela a provoqué l’akumatisation de Juleka. À aucun moment de l’histoire, Chloé ne s’est excusée auprès de Juleka ou de tout autre collègue. La seule exception était dans « Zombizou », dans lequel elle s’est excusé à Mademoiselle Bustier, mais elle ne l’a fait que pour consolider son prestige auprès la professeur. Si Chloé était vraiment désolée pour ses actes, elle les arrêterait. Cependant, elle ne voit aucune raison de s’excuser à ses camarades de classe (qu’elle juge inférieurs), alors que comme la professeur est une autorité, il était dans son intérêt d’avoir une bonne image avec elle.
          Nous voyons dans « Poupeflekta » et « Crocoduel » que Luka et Juleka sont très attachés, et nous voyons dans « Silence » et « Vérité » que Luka ne supporte pas les injustices et les gens qui font du mal aux autres. Luka tomberait-il amoureux de quelqu’un qui fait le mal pour le plaisir et ne regrette-t-il pas ses actes en tant que Chloé ? Certainement non. D’autant plus que Chloé et Juleka sont ennemies, et Luka ne voudrait jamais de quelqu’un qui fasse du mal à sa sœur.
          Nombreuses personnes allèguent que Luka pourrait « changer » Chloé du côté du bien. Eh bien, pour ce faire, Chloé devrait être ouverte au changement. Certains croient que son expérience en tant que Queen Bee « prouve » qu’elle peut être bonne. Mais en fait, Chloé ne voulait être Queen Bee que pour avoir autant de renommée que Ladybug et Chat Noir. Ses performances en tant qu’héroïne n’ont pas été très notables, sauf dans « Maledikteur » et « Miraculeur », qui impliquaient des personnes intéressantes pour elle (son père et Sabrina). Chloé ne comprenait pas que lorsque Ladybug ne la choisissait pas pour l’aider, ce n’était pas parce que Ladybug ne l’aimait pas, mais parce que cette mission n’avait pas besoin du pouvoir de paralyser. Elle ne comprend pas cela parce qu’elle ne pense pas aux missions comme un moyen d’aider les autres, mais plutôt comme des occasions de se montrer.
          Chloé elle-même a déclaré dans « Mangeamour » qu’elle n’aime personne. Et cela signifie qu’elle ne voit les gens que penser à ce que chacun peut offrir à elle. Ses parents sont son gagne-pain (puisqu’elle ne travaille pas encore), Sabrina est son sous-fifre (indiquée clairement dans « Pirkell »), et Adrien est un trophée : la « meilleure » fille (comme elle le pense elle-même) « devrait » rester avec le garçon le plus beau, populaire et désiré de Paris. En somme, Chloé voit Adrien comme Gaston voit Belle dans La Belle et la Bête.
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Toute ressemblance n’est pas une simple coïncidence.
          Dans « Miracle Queen », Chloé méprise Luka pour porter des vêtements simples. C’est-à-dire que même si elle le trouve « mignon » (ce qui a amené beaucoup à commencer à les shipper instantanément), elle ne le voit pas comme un intérêt amoureux, car comme il est pauvre, il n’offrirait à elle rien qui l’intéresserait. Dans « Pirkell », Chloé demande à Zoé d’écraser ceux qui sont à l’intérieur du bateau, y compris Luka, parce que dans son avis, ils sont des « losers ». Par conséquent, Luka ne serait pas intéressé par Chloé et Chloé n’a aucun intérêt pour Luka.
          Concernant une des publicités de Gloob laissant entendre qu’il pourrait y avoir Lukloé (parce qu’elle a lui appelé « mignon »), nous devons nous rappeler un détail important: tout ce que Gloob dit n’est pas officiel. Parfois, la chaîne tente de brouiller les pistes, comme à la fois où le narrateur a laissé entendre que Ladybug et Chat Noir seraient enlevés par des extraterrestres dans « Vérité », et quand il a suggéré qu’Adrien serait jaloux de Luka et Marinette dans « Exauceur ».
          Avant que quelqu’un ne dise que Thomas Astruc a déjà fait quelques changements antérieurement - comme la différence d’âge entre Luka et Juleka - et pourrait changer des couples aussi, je dois expliquer une chose. Les différences d’âge sont des détails minimes, qui peuvent en fait être modifiés au cours de la production. Cependant, les couples sont une partie plus importante de cette histoire – et ils suivent une logique – pour cela ils ne sont pas sujets à d’énormes changements.
· Chloé sera seule
          Thomas Astruc a déjà dit que Chloé restera avec personne à la fin de la série. Et c’est la plus grande preuve que la blonde ne sera pas petite amie ni d’Adrien, ni de Luka ni de qui que ce soit. J’ai réalisé que beaucoup de ses fans mènent de vraies guerres avec Astruc, l’accusant de « retirer son développement ». Ce qu’ils ne réalisent pas, c’est que Chloé représente des gens qui ont la possibilité de changer, mais parce qu’ils sont égoïstes, ils ne pensent qu’à eux-mêmes. Elle est une méchante, et dans les dessins animés pour les enfants, les méchants sont punis. Astruc est le maître de l’histoire et des personnages, et nous avons vu que son travail suit une logique. Si les fans de Chloé n’aiment pas la façon dont elle va, qu’ils arrêtent de regarder le dessin animé. Moi-même, quand j’ai vu que The Vampire Diaries et Supernatural prenaient des directions que je n’aimais pas, j’ai juste arrêté de regarder. Je ne suis pas allé faire ce rôle ridicule avec les producteurs et les créateurs.
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C’est un mensonge que Thomas ait dit que Chloé « est son personnage préféré » et qu’elle « restera avec Luka ». S’il l’a « dit », il était probablement ironique et les fans n’ont pas compris.
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Pour ceux qui ne parlent pas espagnol, il y a la déclaration en anglais.
2.2 Pourquoi Luka ne restera pas avec Zoé
          Beaucoup de gens ont commencé à shipper Luka et Zoé en raison de la glace que Luka mange dans « Miracle Queen » et « Vérité ». La glace a une boule bleue (couleur du chapeau de Zoé) et une boule rose (couleur de sa mèche). Cependant, nous avons vu dans la logique de la Miracle Box que Luka et Zoé ne peuvent pas rester soit. De plus, les glaces d’André n’ont pas toujours vraiment les couleurs des personnes représentées.
          En fait, dans « Glaciator », les glaces de Marinette et d’Adrien représentaient respectivement les couleurs d’Adrien et de Ladybug. Cependant, dans « Mangeamour » et « Mensonge », André représente Adrien et Kagami avec une glace à la menthe poivrée et à l’orange. Nous savons par « Glaciator » que la menthe poivrée représente les yeux verts d’Adrien, mais Kagami n’a rien qui pourrait être représenté par la couleur orange. André représente généralement Marinette avec une glace à la mûre sauvage (faisant référence à ses cheveux), mais dans « Vérité » et « Exauceur », il ne lui donne pas de glace à la mûre sauvage. Dans ce dernier, elle est représentée avec une glace à la framboise et à la cerise, et Luka par une à la pistache et à la noix de pécan (Luka n’ayant rien de vert). La glace bleue et rose est une représentation de Lukanette, pas du destin de Luka (rappelez-vous que le pantalon de Marinette est rose).
          Beaucoup de gens ont également spéculé dans les bandes-annonces de « Crocoduel » que Luka approcherait de Zoé. Cependant, tout au long de l’épisode, ils ont à peine interagi. Zoé a démontré qu’elle voit Luka comme un bon ami, et il la voit probablement de la même manière. Il est certain que dans « Desperada » Kagami est monté sur le bateau de Luka un peu comme non invité (parce qu’elle accompagnait Adrien), mais nous voyons dans « Vérité » et « Mensonge » qu’elle a été invitée à regarder le concert de Kitty Section sur le bateau. Même si ce n’était que pour voir Adrien, si sa présence était autorisée c’est parce que Luka la considère comme faisant partie du groupe d’amis. Il est étonnant de voir à quel point le plus grand « argument » des anti-Lukagami est que « Luka et Kagami n’interagissent pas », tandis qu’ils shippent Luka avec Chloé (qui lui méprise et ne connaît même pas son nom) ou avec Zoé (avec qui il a également une interaction minimale). Kagami au moins connaît le nom de Luka, en plus d’avoir tous ces éléments déjà mentionnés au début du texte.
· Le destin de Zoé
          En plus de shipper Luka avec Zoé ou avec Chloé (basé, comme je l’ai prouvé, sur des opinions et des interprétations erronées, pas sur des faits), les anti-Lukagami généralement shippent Kagami avec Félix. C’est peut-être l’un des ships les plus aléatoires possible, car il n’y a rien qui unit Kagami à Félix. Certains prétendent que Kagami serait « récompensée » avec un autre « Adrien » (car Félix et Adrien sont identiques), mais dans « M. Pigeon 72 » elle a déjà démontré qu’elle ne voulait plus rien avec Adrien.
          Félix et Kagami n’ont même pas été vus ensemble avant « Gabriel Agreste ». Dans « Félix », Kagami est vue brièvement dans un appel vidéo, et il n’a pas été montré si elle a enregistré une vidéo en soutien à Adrien. Félix s’est démarqué dans l’épisode pour avoir fait une vidéo se faisant passer pour Adrien et maltraitant ses amis. Dès le discours de Nathalie, on réalise que c’était Lila qui avait envoyé la vidéo de Félix à Gabriel. Lila, comme Kagami, n’a été vue que sur un tableau lors de l’appel vidéo, n’ayant fait aucune vidéo en soutien à Adrien. Bientôt, si Lila a reçu la vidéo de Félix, il est probable que Kagami l’ait reçu aussi, et en apprenant tout ce qui s’est passé, elle était également en colère contre Félix. C’est pourquoi Kagami a regardé à Félix en colère dans « Gabriel Agreste ».
          Si « l’interaction » est la raison pour laquelle Lukagami doit être immérité, alors Lukloé, Lukzoé et Féligami devraient l’être aussi. Mais s’ils ont très envie que Félix ait une petite amie, il y a une indication que peut-être Zoé est la personne parfaite pour lui.
          Lors de leurs premières apparitions, Félix et Zoé étaient considérés comme des « copies » d’Adrien et Chloé, respectivement. Félix s’est fait passer pour Adrien dans « Félix » et la forme akumatisée de Zoé est identique à Chloé dans « Pirkell ». J’ai su qu’il y a une possibilité que Félix ne soit pas exactement mauvais, mais qu’il ait plutôt dû recourir à de mauvaises tactiques pour obtenir les alliances de sa famille. Si c’est le cas, il a quelque chose en commun avec Zoé, qui a dû faire semblant d’être mauvaise dans « Pirkell » et « Gabriel Agreste » pour faire plaisir à sa famille et remplir une mission d’aider Marinette. Unir Zoé à Félix ne détruirait pas l’équilibre montré dans la Miracle Box, car son bijou est sans un pair, et elle formerait un couple avec quelqu’un qui n’a pas de Miraculous. C’est-à-dire qu’elle ne « prendrait » aucun Miraculous de son groupe pour former un couple avec elle. Bien sûr, Zoé et Félix n’ont pas non plus interagi jusqu’à présent, mais le dessin animé n’est pas encore terminé. Il y a encore beaucoup de temps pour qu’ils sont interagents. Et mieux encore, il y a encore beaucoup de temps pour que Luka et Kagami interagent.
          Bien sûr, il peut y avoir des changements. Il peut arriver que, par exemple, Luka et Kagami terminent le dessin animé seuls, formant un duo de porteurs de Miraculous du zodiaque qu’ont été petits amis des protagonistes du yin-yang et ont été laissés seuls. Mais je trouve ce final serait très triste pour les deux. Luka et Kagami ont montré qu’ils ont beaucoup d’amour à donner, et ils méritent un compagnon pour dédier cet amour.
3- Conclusion
          Les éléments audiovisuels de Miraculous Ladybugeux-même indiquent que Luka restera avec Kagami. Les dessins animés et les séries sont très bien planifiés et leur progression ne se fait pas au hasard. Même si les fans de Chloé se battent avec Thomas Astruc, c’est son travail, et c’est à lui de décider comment cela se termine. Les fanfics sont là pour apporter une « évasion » aux fans qui voulaient que les choses soient faites différemment. En eux, les fans peuvent façonner l’univers de Miraculous Ladybug à volonté, mais dans la série originale, Luka et Kagami formeront l’un des couples les plus charmants de l’histoire, avec Marinette / Ladybug et Adrien / Chat Noir.
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Comme dirait Maître Fu, « ces deux-là son faits l’un pour l’autre ». Art par CeewewFrost12.
· « Why Lukagami should happen and probably will », de Chicoriii;
· « Luka y Kagami terminarán juntos y estos detalles lo confirman », de Nathaniel FD;
· Les connaissances que j’ai acquis moi-même à la faculté.
Texte écrit originellement en 24 novembre 2021. Actualisé en 03 mars 2022. Traduit pour le français entre 02 et 04 mars 2022.
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Adrigami and Féligami: Eel (One-Shot)
@goldensmilingbird asked for Adrigami. You guys get more Féligami too as an extra treat. ^.^
Summary: On the third night of the combined Agreste, Tsurugi, Bourgeois, and Graham de Vanily family vacation from hell, Kagami worries that someone is going to get murdered, and she has to play referee between the cousins.
Read it on AO3: Adrigami and Féligami: Eel
It was evening of the third day of the Tsurugi, Bourgeois, Agreste, and Graham de Vanily beach vacation from hell, and Kagami was pretty sure someone was going to end up murdered by the end of the week.
That person’s last name was most likely Bourgeois, but Kagami couldn’t yet determine whether the victim would be Audrey or Chloé.
Potential suspects included Gabriel, Tomoe, Félix, and Kagami herself, if she were being completely honest.
They were having dinner, and Audrey and Chloé were making a scene over the food not being up to their standards. Zoé was helping a little bit, periodically adding her own manufactured complaints in an attempt to fit in with her mother and half-sister.
A part of Kagami understood Zoé’s need to belong. She was allying herself with the strong so as not to be trampled underfoot. It was a valid strategy, but Kagami preferred to be the strong one herself in order to avoid the necessity of subjugating herself and having to endure such indignities.
“She does know that gazpacho soup is supposed to be served cold, doesn’t she?” Félix muttered under his breath from Kagami’s left side.
“You would think she’s been running around in hoity-toity circles long enough that she would have learned something like that,” Adrien grumbled from Kagami’s right.
Both of the boys had been up late talking the night before, and Kagami could tell that they were starting to get cranky. Their charming veneers were beginning to slip.
Thankfully, the main course arrived, distracting the Bourgeois women from The Cold Soup Incident.
“What did you get, Kagami?” Adrien inquired as he peered curiously into her bowl. “Is that fish on top?”
“Unagi donburi,” she supplied. “It’s eel.”
“I’ve never had it before,” Félix remarked conversationally. “I’m assuming that it’s good because you ordered it, and you seem to have good taste.”
A pleased smile slithered onto Kagami’s lips as she chuckled, “Yes, I do think so. The one thing I’d change is that you have to mind the bones, and it’s kind of annoying.”
Félix winced while Adrien hummed thoughtfully.
“May I have a bite?” Adrien looked up at Kagami with pleading eyes, making her stomach flip.
“Uh…sure,” Kagami agreed, a little taken aback by Adrien’s unconscious charm.
She was just about to push her bowl towards him when he shut his eyes and opened his mouth with a quiet, sustained, “Aaaaaa”.
“What are you? Five?” Félix scoffed, his ears turning a little red in jealousy.
A carnation-pink blush lightly dusted Kagami’s cheeks as she scissored off a bite of eel with her chopsticks and brought it up to Adrien’s lips.
Félix simmered as Adrien chewed contemplatively.
“It’s not bad, actually. Félix, you should try some too.”
Félix rolled his eyes. “Dear Cousin, I’m not rude enough to make claims on other people’s food as you do.”
“Kagami doesn’t mind; do you, Kagami?” Adrien looked at Kagami expectantly, with innocent eyes.
Kagami turned to Félix, assuring, “It’s really okay. There’s more than I can eat myself.”
“See?” Adrien grinned triumphantly. “Kagami’s the best.”
He leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Kagami’s cheek, making her skin burn.
This reaction did not go unnoticed by Félix, and suddenly Kagami was left worrying that it was Adrien and not one of the Bourgeois women who was going to end up murdered.
“I thought you said you had feelings for Marinette,” Félix accused, nearly rocketing out of his seat to accost his cousin.
Adrien froze, staring at his doppelgänger in horror. “I…I mean…I said I thought I might be developing feelings for her, but…”
He winced, lowering his voice as he became acutely aware of the eyes on him. “…I don’t see how my maybe feelings for Marinette have anything to do with anything right now.”
“You kissed Kagami,” Félix hissed. “It’s unforgiveable for you to lead her on when you may be in love with someone else.”
In a panic, Adrien looked from Félix to Kagami. “I’m not leading anyone on. Kagami and I are friends. Friends kiss friends on the cheek…don’t they?”
Kagami blew out a long sigh. “Everyone needs to calm down.”
Thankfully, the temperature of the room did, indeed, cool as Adrien and Félix looked to her to referee.
She first turned to Félix. “Thank you very much for your consideration of my feelings, but it’s all right.”
She offered him a small smile with which to express her gratitude.
After staring into Kagami’s eyes for a long moment until he was satisfied that she was telling the truth, Félix returned the smile.
“All right. If you say so.”
She gave Félix’s knee a pat under the table before turning to Adrien. “Some friends do do cheek kisses, and I’m fine with it, but it could be misconstrued as a romantic gesture. It’s definitely not a typical friend thing.”
“Oh,” Adrien murmured, his cheeks coloring slightly. “Sorry about that.”
“No worries.” Kagami leaned in and placed a light peck on Adrien’s cheek.
Then, before any squabbling could start, she turned and placed a kiss on Félix’s cheek too.
Félix’s entire face flushed, and he looked away, clearing his throat. “Well. No harm done, I suppose. I’ll just have to teach Adrien about the difference between romantic and platonic gestures while I’m in Paris for the year.”
Adrien immediately brightened up. “You’re really going to come to Paris for a year? It’s official?”
Félix nodded, causing Adrien to begin to gush about everything they were going to do together.
Kagami smiled fondly as Adrien chattered excitedly.
During a lull in the conversation, she turned to Félix and asked, “Would you like to try some of my eel? I’m really not going to finish all of this.”
“Only if you feed me like you fed Adrien,” he answered, closing his eyes and opening his mouth.
Kagami rolled her eyes and played along, unable to suppress a broad grin at this proof of Félix’s leftover jealousy at the special treatment his cousin had gotten earlier.
“Say ‘ah’,” Kagami prompted.
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