#FA biopic
destinyc1020 · 9 months
I think Astaire had a preliminary script when Tom signed up for it (he mentioned during a NWH interview that Amy was sending the script) but it was supposed to be rewritten when Paul King decided to direct it. Paul also has writing credit on his other movies, so it's not strange that he decided to direct it only if the script was rewritten. Paul has the magic touch, so I would be patient and follow Paul's lead
Thanks Anon!
Yea, I can see why Paul may have wanted to re-write the script.
I trust his vision... especially since "Wonka" is doing well at the box office.
I guess we'll just have to be more patient....
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flodaya · 8 months
Romeo&juliet play, and then FA biopic??
and then spidey4, ohhhh that man is taking it 😭😭😭
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stanleyl · 3 months
This was something that was brought up earlier but I’m still salty about it. The fact that Zendaya got Challengers from Amy (and good for her, I saw it and liked it and months later I still keep seeing gen pub talking about it online) but Amy hasn’t given Tom anything equivalent is crazy. Obviously Tom’s spiderman movies fit that, but what about outside of that? Forget awards, I just want a good Tom non-mcu film that is a good watch and popular and isn’t shit on by critics. She can’t even give Tom that? Useless 🙄
Tom is talented (in my opinion he can play almost any role extremely well) and charming as hell in his press tours. The public likes him. Should be a recipe for success, so where is it?
I never had any opinions about Amy but the more I see blogs talk about her the more I realize just how right you all are. I don’t like or trust her.
Water is wet.
How is it that in 7 years, Amy hasn't been able to give Tom what she could to Z in less time? The fact that Z's movie would've been made and released faster if it weren't for the pandemic and actors' strike (in that order), but Amy is still saying "I hope the FA biopic gets MADE"? Lol. One canceled project too (although it's not her fault), but what else does she have in store to offer her client she claims to love so much? It's almost like every other project with other actors gets done smoothly, but with Tom, she's just trying to keep him busy so it's guaranteed he will continue to play that character. Amy still isn't sure about the one role she gave Tom during a suspicious time his Sony contract was up, yet she was the one confirming another SM trilogy without Tom's consent? hahahahah
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lookthetart · 8 months
Io vorrei che il biopic di twink Mameli fosse tipo un rip-off della parte de les mis con gli amis, e poi ci sia pure Russell crowe. Che fa sempre Javert.
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bravagente · 11 months
la rai ha cambiato collocazione a circeo più volte, cercando di spostarla su raidue per poi decidere last minute di collocarla di nuovo su raiuno e ancora non si capisce con chiarezza se andrà in DUE SERATE (una serie di 6 episodi!) o tre, la prima delle quali programmata contro lo show di zalone. in pratica vuole sabotarlo.
ora, questa non è solamente una miniserie su un fatto di cronaca nera, cosa che comunque la renderebbe meritevole di attenzione visto la gravità del fatto. ma attraverso la sua co-protagonista, il personaggio d'invenzione interpretato da greta scarano che fa da cerniera tra donatella colasanti e tina lagostena bassi, circeo è anche una ricostruzione del movimento femminista in italia tra gli anni '70 e '80. ideatrice e head writer sono donne.
se potete, guardatevi la serie il 14 e il 21 novembre (e il 28, se le serate sono tre) e parlatene sui social. se non potete/volete guardarla in diretta recuperatela su raiplay appena la caricano. è un miracolo che la rai l'abbia coprodotta, non lasciamo che floppi perché sennò il rischio di tornare ancora una volta ai biopic di santi e martiri perché "il pubblico non vuole le cose woke" è concreto.
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crazykuri · 2 months
I think I cannot take biopics seriously anymore. I know it's objectively well directed here and I guess Timothee gives a solid performance but still, it looks so gimmicky to me
One of the reason why I'm not really excited about the FA biopic, I feel like we need to move past that😭
4 of my fav films are directed by james mangold tho 😬 and some of the shots here look so much like walk the line. i’m pretty sure the directing/editing will be good but i just don’t care for bob dylan so i probably won’t watch?
as for the FA biopic, my clown ass still wishes it to be directed by damien chazelle. with paul king, i’m not too excited but who knoooows
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i-gotyou-dontworry · 1 year
Oh God!!! Just watching him dance like Ari and Johnny made me want to see him in a musical or as what he is, a ballet dancer.
A biopic of a ballet dancer would look spectacular!
I would really like Tom to do a musical🥺oh and watch him dance ballet too but hey we have a biopic of FA🤗
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scalpcollector · 3 months
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Il mio amore per Elvis è come l’amore che un uomo gay prova per Lady Gaga. È lui la mia pop girlie preferita.
Posso vivere col cuore leggero sapendo di non aver mai visto quella sua biopic che è uscita poco fa
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
This what I don't like in Tom decisions,he almost all the time picking up roles before scripts is twitter. So he never know what he will get. With TCR he done same thing and he was flexing like it's good thing. Many famous actors doing opposite of this, never take roles if they not like script when script already done, waiting for "their" role,ehh Tom...I have bad feeling for FA. Problems is even with good performance u can't save bad scripts and all blame usually gets lead of film in this case would be Tom.
If it's early stages and small chance he will shoot this in 2024,so uncharted 2 or nothing and FA after spiderman shooting in 2025
Hey Anon, I think some of your msg was a little bit unclear, but I think I understood the general gist of what you were trying to say.
I'll be honest, I've seen several fans of Tom being upset by his manner of picking roles (like yourself), but I always say that at the end of the day, I just want my favorite actors to be HAPPY. 😊
If Tom were not HAPPY picking the roles that he's choosing, THEN I would probably feel some kind of way about it. But as long as he's happy doing the projects that he's been doing (and, let's face it, he seems pretty happy with most of his projects), then I'm happy for him and I'll always support him in his roles! 😊
With that said, I am kind of curious about what kind of projects he could possibly find himself getting into if he were to step away from the Russo Brothers, Amy Pascal, Sony, or anything Marvel-related period... 👀
I'm just curious! 🤔
I wouldn't mind seeing him do a role which already had a script finalized before he signed on to it, or even a role that was based on a critically-acclaimed book/novel, so that even if there isn't a script written yet, you kind of know where the story is going ahead of time and how well-written the plot is because of the novel. 🤔
But we might have to just be patient. Tom JUST had a much-need year off break from working last year. 🙂 We're currently only at January 4th. Fans need to give Tom some time to start getting back into working mode again.
I'm sure 2024 will bring more Tom project announcements our way, and some fans might get their wish.
BTW, I'm not exactly sure why you have such a negative feeling already about the FA biopic? 🥴 Despite what haters and Debbie Downers might think or say 🙄, biopics are a GREAT genre to get into! And they usually often do very well with most audiences... especially if the film is done well.
Paul King is a very respected and decent Director, and his films tend to be beloved by moviegoers.
This will also be the FIRST time we FINALLY get to see Tom dancing on the BIG SCREEN!! 😁 If that's not exciting, idk what is lol 😅
Idk why some fans are automatically throwing crap at this movie when we haven't even gotten any bts filming/set pics yet, let alone a trailer or even a script! 😵‍💫
I think some fans need to chill on the pessimist-ade they're sipping on this winter, and just let things unfold organically without being so negative about a project every step of the way. 👀
Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
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inyourwildestdreams22 · 11 months
I hope we finally gonna get updates on FA biopic and SM4. And casting news for some cool project with cool director, no Russo brothers anymore please. Or romcom. I neeeeed Tom in a romcom 🥰
I’m hoping too! I need that SM4 announcement asap and also new casting announcements in general🙏🏻
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stanleyl · 7 months
Like I know that FA after spiderman4 not early
So you think the biopic is going to start shooting after a movie that has yet to be officially confirmed? lol.
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violetthekiller · 11 months
Idk about spiderman but I need updated about their next projects. FA should be close but we have zero updated and did Tom tap dance at all this year?like if filming early next year there would be zero time for long preparation. What's about z biopic?and euphoria need writers bc Sam shown that he is weirdo,
Right now I just want Challengers ☹️
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not-so-rosyyy · 2 years
Very unpopular opinion : I wished Tom would have passed on the FA biopic. Ultimately it's gonna get controversial because even tho his estate legally allowed it, they probably did it for the money but in disrespect to his wishes. And unlike the Elvis biopic, where the close family was involved, I don't think it's gonna happen for this biopic. And I don't know how this lack of consideration for an Hollywood legend like FA is gonna be received. Also, Mike Faist looks more like him, is lanky just like him and can sing and dance too.
Now, I absolutely believe Tom will deliver, I just wished it was a different project. But I also love that a director like Paul King is interested in working with him, he could put him in his pocket and they could work on a fun british comedy together. But hey, I'll still gonna watch it and hope for the best, but it seems like a tricky project (again🥲)
I get the concern, I really do. but at the end of the day, Hollywood is Hollywood. it's a business, so to expect moral decency from them is really kind of moot (the fact that TWO films are being made about a guy who doesn't want a film about him being made is literally so 😭). anyway, I can't blame Tom for agreeing to be on it because I'm sure any other actor would kill to be in this kind of project as well.
however tricky this will be to navigate though, here's to hoping it would be really good so even if Fred is rolling in his grave, he won't at least haunt them in his tap shoes
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multiverseofseries · 5 months
Elvis: il Re in gabbia
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Elvis: Austin Butler in una foto
L'inizio è roboante, frenetico, luccicante e anche piuttosto kitsch, a cominciare dai titoli di testa in "oro massiccio". Esattamente quello a cui Baz Luhrmann ci ha sempre abituato, ed è esattamente quello che mi aspettavamo anche da questo Elvis. D'altronde parliamo del regista che in passato aveva preso Shakespeare e Giuseppe Verdi per trasformarli in irresistibili pastiche postmoderni, quindi come sarebbe potuto essere altrimenti con il Re del rock and roll?
Il più grande spettacolo del mondo
Va da sé che l'Elvis di Luhrmann non sia un biopic tradizionale, e non prova mai ad esserlo. È invece un tributo all'uomo e all'artista non solo attraverso la sua leggendaria musica ma soprattutto attraverso quel senso di spettacolo e di intrattenimento che da sempre ha caratterizzato la sua carriera, portandolo ad un certo punto ad essere l'artista più famoso e amato al mondo.
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Elvis: Austin Butler in una scena
Proprio questo aspetto, la spettacolarità delle sue performance, gli eccessi che da sempre hanno caratterizzato non solo l'artista ma anche l'incredibile ed esagitata fanbase, è chiaramente l'elemento di maggiore interesse per il regista, che può così ancora una volta dare sfoggio del suo talento visionario e volutamente eccessivo. Lo fa con innumerevoli concerti e sequenze musicali adrenaliniche e colorate, tutte "coreografate" alla perfezione al ritmo di musica.
Can't Help Falling in Love
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Elvis: Austin Butler in un'immagine
E veniamo quindi al cuore del film, Elvis e la sua musica. Austin Butler è un perfetto Elvis perché non scade mai nella mera imitazione ma al tempo stesso è bravissimo nell'incarnare la sensualità del personaggio, non solo riproducendone i leggendari movimenti di bacino ma a trasmettere tutto il fascino e il carisma che erano propri del personaggio.
Se la cava benissimo anche ad interpretare le canzoni immortali che tutti noi conosciamo e leghiamo indissolubilmente alla vera voce di Elvis. Ma va detto che, esattamente com'era lecito aspettarsi da Luhrmann, la colonna sonora non è composta solo da Butler che interpreta Elvis, ma anche da tanti altri gruppi e cantanti recenti (Doja Cat, Eminem, CeeLo Green, Jack White e anche i Måneskin) che reinterpretano i vecchi classici o comunque li omaggiano con canzoni apposite. Da notare come nel film siano presenti moltissimi momenti legati al gospel o al soul, a confermare l'importanza di quelle influenze per la carriera di Elvis.
Il prezzo da pagare
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Elvis: Austin Butler in un numero musicale
Luhrmann mette le cose in chiaro fin dall'inizio: questo film è sì su Elvis, ma solo al 50%. L'altra metà, com'è stato d'altronde per i profitti di tutta la sua carriera, spetta al suo manager, il Colonello Tom Parker, l'uomo che nel bene e nel male ha plasmato tutta il suo percorso, portandogli enorme successo e ricchezza ma anche tanto dolore e frustrazione. Il regista, autore anche della sceneggiatura insieme a Sam Bromell, Craig Pearce e Jeremy Doner, non ha alcun dubbio: basandosi anche sui processi tenuti molti anni dopo la morte di Elvis, individua in Parker il vero colpevole della caduta del cantante, non solo da un punto di vista professionale ma anche personale. E lascia che Tom Hanks interpreti il personaggio in modo così spregevole e mefistofelico da risultare quasi caricaturale, proprio per non lasciare alcun dubbio agli spettatori. E non lenire mai l'amore che i fan possono ancora provare per il Re.
Elvis Presley esce da questo film come assoluto vincitore, ma non solo grazie alle scelte di sceneggiatura o per l'ottima interpretazione di Butler. Elvis conferma il suo carisma unico proprio nei minuti finali, quando Luhrmann sembra quasi mettersi da parte e sceglie di mostrarci immagini di repertorio del vero cantante: è solo in quel momento, per la prima volta nel film, che Elvis è davvero libero - libero dal Colonnello, libero anche da Luhrmann stesso - e può finalmente arrivare ai fan/spettatori per quello che davvero era. Impossibile non emozionarsi, impossibile non rendersi conto del perché fosse davvero un Re.
In conclusione Elvis non è solo un film sul Re del rock and roll, ma anche su colui che ne è stato la fortuna e la rovina. Al tempo stesso non è nemmeno un biopic classico, perchè Luhrmann è un regista troppo esuberante e presente per non fare in modo che, almeno in alcuni momenti, il suo stile così sopra le righe diventi un’ennesima gabbia per il personaggio al centro del film. Ma nel finale, come abbiamo scritto nella nostra recensione, quando arrivano le immagini del vero Presley, le emozioni arrivano tutte insieme e si è ben disposti a perdonare anche tutte le imperfezioni e gli eccessi. Long live the King.
Perché ci piace 👍🏻
Austin Butler è un ottimo Elvis Presley in ogni suo aspetto; il personaggio di Tom Hanks è molto caricato ed eccessivo, ma comunque funziona benissimo come villain.
Ottime scelte musicali, anche quelle più azzardate.
Lo stile di Luhrmann rimane invariato: eccessivo, coloratissimo, a tratti sfrenato…
Cosa non va
… ovviamente chi non ha mai amato il suo cinema non cambierà idea ora.
I fan più esperti potrebbero avere molto da ridire su alcune scelte di sceneggiatura e su alcune omissioni importanti.
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jechristine · 9 months
I have same mix feelings about this biopic. One about what would be story?hard start of he way to fame?it's only spot I see. Only way get audience is make some kind off "celebration of old Hollywood" with stunning tap dance scenes with singing. Like it's only way if people will hurt forget that nothing much to tell in story and will focused how amazing it'd looks and done well. Second aspect I hope they at least ask permission from his family and Tom at least meet them and find out more about life of FA.
Who knows what the conflict of the story will be? Man vs himself, probably, with an emphasis on Fred’s perfectionism? I wouldn’t say that FA is a particularly compelling historical figure. Or on the face of it that his story has something to say to us in the 2020s, necessarily.
From what I understand about the FA estate, Fred’s late widow & children were running out of money because suing people over not using Fred’s image was getting super expensive. So it’s likely that they needed to sell the rights to his story for financial reasons. Sony got permission in a way, I guess.
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pech-es · 2 years
God I'm seeing some people worry that Tom is gonna do a "Austin Butler" or "Andrew Garfield" and cut off everyone in his life in order to prepare for the FA biopic and it's gonna harm his relationship with Z just like it dit with Andrew-Emma and Austin-Vanessa
If he didn't do all that method acting bs for TCR, which is arguably way heavier and emotionally taxing, why would he do that for FA ? BFFR😭
i doubt anyone actually truly believes that, in all likelihood it would be tomdaya antis saying that bc they’re constantly looking ahead for made up “issues” they can point to and say “see!! they’re gonna break up soon i can tell!! i give them 6 months max!!” and then when that thing doesn’t pan out they move the goalposts and make up a new issue and new timeline. they’ve been claiming they’re gonna break up any second since literally forever
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