lostplay · 2 years
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andromediae · 1 year
Almost done binging the Chibnall era of Doctor Who and honestly? It's the first time I've felt safe watching Doctor Who since the RTD era... Only even more so. I know 2 out of 3 new characters will always be either a woman or a POC and they will all have meaningful arcs and most will survive the trials they are put thru. I know it will be kind to the stories and people in its care. I know it will critique colonialism and institutional violence so often that the critique never feels like a "special episode." I know it will draw extensively from the well of classic (pre-reboot) doctor who in so many subtle and clever ways. I know that the toxic masculinity pervading previous series (tho not I think from the actors themselves) will be muzzled and harnessed for the good of the story. I know that the cringe will be rare and the crying will be earned. I know the production design will be thoughtful and creative and transcend the commercial. I know I'll get some proper sci fi concepts given time to unfold. I know I'll actually be able to follow the dialogue. I know the show will always prioritize relationships and conversations over plot twists. And ultimately there's romantic Thasmin sprinkled thru and friendship Thasmin everywhere. The companions are lovely and non-toxic. And there's a reason she calls the og trio her fam and consistently refers to the flat power structure of the group. That's what it feels like. They even built the TARDIS with multiple steps and mini levels so that anyone can be shot above or below anyone else. There's very little doctor who "worship" here. They swapped it for a team ideal (that the doctor is constantly struggling to achieve despite dealing with ancient origin trauma for several seasons). Her journey is to trust her companions with the big stuff, even if it is beyond their understanding. It's about mutualism and teamwork and letting every individual part of the team get a chance to get messy and make mistakes and save the world. And the stories are consistently better for it.
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OP. IM NOT OKAY. WE are not okay. I mean if you are after all that, then i admire your strength.
I'm not even gonna lie to you, I fuckin cried. But I was holding it back. I'll probably watch it later as a reason to ugly cry. Reblogging the posts made me cry. Reading the theories made me cry.
It boggles my mind coz we forget a bit despite all the fun and cute times Luz is havin the past few episodes, this kid is literally traumatized and not okay.
The way she talks about her problems like they're nothing, that shes a burden, how it didnt matter hit too close to home. Because I was that kid. I was that kid when my grandpa died and no one knew but I was so off. When I said those words before a deeper part of me BEGGED to be noticed. That's why that look on Amity's face when Luz was tryin to downplay it? Or Eda figuring out something was bothering Luz? That fucking broke me. Coz I get it. I really do.
We forget that Luz is really just a kid. And with everything going on in her life there isnt really much time to grieve. To sit down and take it all in. Regardless of whether or not Luz wants to. Her life is full of adventures, and trouble, and chaos, both fun and life threatening. Time used to sit down and reflect is time wasted on finding more clues on how to make the portal. Or more information on what's gonna happen on the Day of Unity. Luz really has no time to stop. And we obviously see, she really doesnt want to. Coz stopping is admitting that this is real. She knows that already but this is very very real. Everything she went thru. Shes a person who needs a solution fast. Shes someone who's eager to solve other people's problems before solving her own. So by helping everyone, shes convinced to be helping herself.
Also I saw on a post how the fact that shes away from her mom during this time is probably added weight. That's why I believe is why she wore Eda's jacket as assurance and physical comfort, or her willingness to help Amity with her dad. She has to do something. Coz she cant do anything for herself rn.
There was alot to unpack in that episode tbh. I loved ALL the cute parts. EDA being a TOTAL mom with Luz. With the Blight twins getting adopted by Eda, mostly Edric but the twins are a package deal. The twins looking like REAL teenagers and Emira lookin like shes not ashamed of it as long as she gets to help Amity. Alador I still lowkey dislike. Its gettin to the neutral zone but he is not a good parent. I'm glad they showcased that. Ahh and everything else I'm not gon mention coz it's too long and I'm lazy 😭😂
Anyway, that was an absolute real and vulnerable episode. It was heavy for me coz this show just never fails to disappoint. Also the most important part is that the emotions in that ep was very real. And it's quite rare to see that nowadays.
Kudos to the whole toh team
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97jaehee · 3 years
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sup fam it’s ya bitch gemma 🤪 on today’s disaster episode i’m introducing miss min jaehee, the poster child of first world problems!! she’s the face and main vocalist of kpop group aurora ( yes, that group under 2M ent... her daddy’s group so u know she put in like .2 effort to get where she is ) & she’s fake as hell 🤮 if u aren’t tired of her yet u can find my ramblings in dot points under ze cut! also if you’d like to plot pls hit that LIKE button and i’ll come running 🤪 alternatively u can hit me up either thru tumblr ims or discord ( ding dong#8039 ) ♡ thank u love u mwah
stats / bio
aries sun / leo moon / sagittarius rising
character inspo: cher horrowitz from clueless & gretchen wieners from mean girls
the definition of first world problems,,, has the endurance of a wet paper bag,,, will cry and think her life is just like so hard if she breaks a nail
kinda obtuse... will say mean things without realising how mean they sound but what matters is the intention ig
romanticises love to no end but lbr she’s not ready for any semblance of a healthy relationship :painedsmile:
not an instruction-follower, more because she wasn’t listening when the instructions were given / forgot what they were rather than bc she’s a rebel at heart ♡
she’s actually really friendly but she’s also hella gossipy 😋 will gossip about her best friend whom she genuinely loves and will attempt to gaslight ( poorly ) if caught doing it
also will act like ur new best friend even if she does hate you cause she simply cannot stand being disliked in the slightest
for her bg, she’s the only daughter of the min family and rlly looked up to @jaehoxn​​​ as a kid!! until he was shipped away by her grandpa who she rlly hates in a family kinda way
parents were pretty neglectful from the start, but she didn’t rlly notice it bc she had her big bro, so him leaving for ny so suddenly rlly emphasised the lack of attention she was getting which translated to some major attention-seeking behaviour as an adult
she’s actually a really decent singer? shame she has 0 passion for music ( like has 0 respect for it, will shit on it dead or alive ), but she realises that if she tried to get into the entertainment industry, her dad would pay attention to her more
so she joins as a trainee for 2M ent when she’s 14!! she beats out all the other trainees and debuts with aurora when she’s 19 not because she’s too good, but because her dad owns the damn company
throughout her career, she’s been swept up in a Lot of dating scandals but her dad kinda sweeps em all under the rug 😋 scandal? new tv appearance. scandal? new mv.
most recent scandal is with some actor named kwon yesung but the relo ended bc she’s hella possessive and needy in relationships and he was probably also a bit of a douchebag ngl
i would say the group she’s in ( aurora ) is prob a red velvet equivalent? in terms of concepts, popularity, etc
she as an idol is pretty polarising!! has a lot of haters but also a lot of diehard fans, and for what it’s worth, she genuinely adores her fans mostly bc they give her the attention and adoration she craves!!
honestly there’s no big Trauma in her life she’s rlly just spoiled, silver spoon, first world problems, pretty privilege all rolled into one
has a bit of an identity crisis,, has -2 idea who tf she is only lives 4 gossip n attn
bit of a herbo
got a nose job and shaved her jaw down if that matters thx 2 that one h8r who pointed it out ♡ the lips are real tho ♡
ty for reading this far ♡  also here are some plot ideas!!
uhhh any doctor muses? who wanna be her plastic surgeon in charge of her routine baby botox / maybe u r a non-plastic surgeon doctor or frequently visit the hospital she goes to??
im guessin aurora has a bunch of fans so hmu any dreamies in the house ( yes that’s the official fandom name ), ur muse’s bias doesn’t have 2 be her ofc
friends? fake friends?
exes pls break her heart she’s a huge romantic
i wanna say flings but jaehee is rlly a monogamous person like she genuinely believes if u fuk u r on the road to bein in love ( someone prove her wrong )
anyone wanna b her security guard hehe
there’s an actor / singer u rlly wanna meet and jaehee has their number in her contacts wyd
she gossiped abt u / passed on info that was fake and kinda damaged ur rep a bit assassinate her i’ll close my eyes
high school buds!! she’s a saebom hs graduate class of 2015!! back then she would’ve been a trainee so i imagine she’s flexing her Trainee status will ur muse find it annoying asf or latch on like a koreaboo
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succession episodes rated by kendall cringe
Celebration: 8/10. Contains beastie boys rapping and ketchupping a burrito and "yeah dad im right in the middle of it" and its made all the stronger by being our intro to this embarrassment of a human being
Shit show at the fuck factory: 6/10 hes a bossy bitch but he is mostly just trying to get thru a crisis not a lot of time for cringe. A pattern emerges where the better time he is happening the worse he is
Lifeboats: 10/10. This is why kendall can't have nice days. This is what we get. Is this what u wanted people
Sad sack wasp trap: 6/10 logan spared him from getting a higher score by stealing his thunder. Little did he know the seeds he was planting for the future
I went to market: 5/10 mostly for the scene where he offers to make frank coffee because he let his staff have the day off for thanksgiving but he doesn't know where anything in the kitchen is so he just calls his maid in defeat
Which side are you on: 4/10 but I'm cringing out of unbearable suspense and anxiety rather than embarrassment
Austerlitz: 6/10 FAM-ILY THE-RA-PY! hes on drugs it gets worse from here on out
Prague: 9/10 I'm rebalancing from crypto into eco
Pre-nup: 3/10 hes really not that bad in this episode. Focusing too hard on stabbing his dad in the back
Nobody is ever missing: 6/10 kills a man by accident. Cringe af
The summer palace: 4/10 broken boy is broken but he still has his moments. Park coke anyone, also he looks goofy on the back of the bike
Vaulter: 6/10 its hard to cringe at a man who has lost all sense of shame and personhood but then he says he's looking for pussy like a techno gatsby and there's also that bit where he tells vaulter not to unionise
Hunting: 3/10 hes really too creepy here to be that cringeworthy.
Safe room: 1/10 crying too hard to cringe... i miss my embarrassing king
Tern haven: 7/10 there he is. My boy. "Are you like a poetess?" He says to someone who just quoted a line from Shakespeare. Then he literally shits himself 💕
Argestes: 2/10 (edited) he is barely cringe at all here and any moments he does have like his intimidation attempt or some of his panel antics get cancelled out by his big brother protective instincts and his ability to like do his job well
The return: 4/10 the inherent cringe of sitting in the kitchen of a boy you killed and washing out a glass of water like that will make up for what you did the tiniest amount..
Dundee: infinity/10 he makes up for lost time. It transcends the parameters, you're not even embarrassed anymore you reach a kind of nirvana
DC: 2/10 ken nailed it! Weird moment where he is in an okay place but also he is handling himself like a functioning adult about it. Enjoy it while it lasts i guess. Jk I want him to embarrass himself
This is not for tears: 1/10 muted not too cringey behaviour (except headphones and Panama hat) followed by scene that actually inspires RESPECT an opposite emotion to cringe? We thought we would never see the day
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datingdonovan · 4 years
self care list
tagged by @pettykaspbrak aw thank uuu
🌿 favorite comfort food: mac & cheese, cheese, sweets literally just drown me in sweets
🌼 favorite alcohol (or hot drink): i actually dont drink but a good nonalcoholic cider goes a long way
🌷 favorite relaxing activity: reading dumb fanfiction lol, baths, mindlessly watching television, does sleeping count???? lol
🌸 favorite fluffy/feel good fic: idk if this is necessarily feel good but i LOVE reading it and will literally take any opportunity to promo this my fave fic everrr ain’t eez-eh (stenbrough)
🌻 favorite calming scent: idk i like vanilla?
🌺 favorite relaxing or uplifting song: ! beautiful things by gungor pretty uplifting helped me thru a lot of rough times
🌵 favorite white noise: maybe like, summer camp? like when its hot and all the lil window fans are blowing and there are lil animals making noise outside and your bunkmate is rustling a lil? i dont know i came up with that out of the blue but it seems appropriate
🍄 favorite book to get lost in: love to reread certain parts of Perks of Being a Wallflower whenever i need to cry.... lol does that count?
💐 favorite chill out tv show: i’m typically away from home bc college but when i am home my fam is literally always in the middle of some new series so i’ll just drop in on whatever they’re watching and mindlessly watch it which is nice. fave show is TEOTFW but i would definitely not call that a chiller lol but i love to put it on and cry to my fave episodes
🌹 the best advice you’ve ever had: that is very hard but one that comes to mind is “whatever you do, keep writing!” because i love the sentiment. literally so many people out there tell you to stop doing what you love because other stuff is “more reasonable,” “better for your wallet,” etc, you name it. and spoiler alert don’t listen to those people it makes you miserable. you were made to do you and it’s what you’ve gotta do!
I’ll tag: @stellar-alley @blog-anxiousscreenwriter @merechimp @tacozebra051 @emullz @daisybrien @furnacefairy @dreamybeverly but ofc as always only do it if you want to! and literally anybody else that wants to do it lol
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zepdeans · 5 years
there’s not a lot I can say about s3 that hasn’t already been said (and articulated 200x better) but! here are some of my (albeit dumb) thoughts :~)
ep1 -isak leaning against the bathroom wall gets me EVERY time its such a powerful scene esp introducing you to s3 and tarjei..... spare some talent for the rest of us please -LiTeN gUtTeN fRa StRaNgEr tHiNgS -isak rly ties his pants w a shoelace...... -isak noticing even for the first time bc of his laugh.. whew.... also. i love this intro SOOO much bc its so non-monumental? theres no dramatic music or whatever but its not subtle.... like you know right away o shit love interest!! hello sir!! bc isak’s expression watching him :’) i could go on -isak is a bad liar HOWEVER this only applies to stupid nontrivial things e.g. the black sweatshirt. but when you look at him lying about like, his sexuality, he hides that shit well -”c00l” isak. i hate u so much -honestly all u have to do is look at even for .2 seconds and u can tell this boy has had a crush for a solid month bc he just looks awestruck (HOWEVER henrik’s acting is *chef’s kiss* bc its subtle enough to go undetected b4 you actually know eVEN SAW HIM ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL) -even isak and emma all sitting on the bench together is funny enough on its on but then a song called threeway comes on and like. julie sdshjsfdjfkjskd ep2 -there’s something so endearing about even’s handwriting idek what -i LOVE even’s video w mikael it reveals so much about him to us- how weird (ok we saw how weird he was w the paper towel thing but) and dorky he is? and his love of film! his view on love stories and how he sees the world :( but it also shows a lot abt isak because he saw even making stupid jokes about vladimir putin and was like yeah we about to fall in LOVE love -isak not using headphones to watch even’s video or r+j?? bde or general incompetence what’s the verdict guys -the isak watching r+j scene hits so hard like yall ever think about isak lying in bed at 3am staring at the ceiling probably thinking about how he’s never gonna get a beautiful world-shattering romance like that like ..... also him changing positions skam get out of my life go away ur too realistic -not to make this even more self-projection-y but isak simultaneously being the least emotionally vulnerable person ever but crying during r+j > -i made a post abt this already but even’s INTENSE staring vs isak’s “i have never looked anyone in the eye in my life” gets me it says so much about their characters -even said i see your bde move (asking me to buy you beer) and i raise u with my own (inviting you to my house after faking not having my id) -”if you listen to music” even is such a dick fsdjhsdff -when the message comes on...... i rlly do owe julie my life huh -”have you heard about my rapping?” “I have actually” have we talked about this enough????? 1. isak finally feels comfortable enough w even to flirt and his first move is to RAP for him jesus christ. keep in mind this is the same man who pulled that smooth af ibuprofen line w emma like...... 2. even has heard about isak’s rapping. either this means im-not-on-social-media even went out of his way to go thru homeboy’s instagram OR isak’s rapping is actually talked about. i- -the group chat messages. cant believe i forgot about the 2016 clown epidemic
ep3  -mahdi is a good friend and i love him. thank u -even wearing isak’s cap until he chucks it at him sjksfjsdjsd -how much yall wanna bet isak’s been listening to illmatic on repeat since last friday thinking abt even (even tho meeting sonja shattered his heart a lil) [also kinda an aside but i think a lot about how isak n even bonded over rap and how some homophobic lyrics in 90s etc rap might have impacted them? or how that little detail ties into julie’s story? e.g. halftime by nas, which is on illmatic] -whats worse. even staring into isaks soul wearing a size xs see-through white t shirt or isak staring at even for five (5) seconds before chugging his beer and immediately making out w emma. OR even crashing that party before it can start “i think you guys are bonding too much” cheesy ass shjhfsdhskdf -yall act like evak didnt invent hands. did even shaking isak’s shoulder telling him his apartment is nice mean nothing to u -im convinced robyn wrote call your girlfriend for this scene specifically bc how could anything fit so perfectly by coincidence -is anything better than egging isak on- even bech naesheim (2016) -idk if yall have read the scripts but i love the sock thing so much bc its soo true to how isak thinks and it makes everything so much more interesting and !!!
ep4  -i will never get over even sending isak bad seinfeld memes -even smacking open isak’s locker. first of all whew second of all u think as soon as he got into the stairwell he lowkey cried bc ow -parallel of isak saying “it’s 2016, why are you religious?” to sana vs. emma’s “it’s 2016, get out of the closet” to isak anyone :( -”takk sanasol!!!!” thank u isak for my life -I wanted to be with you aloneeeee -even’s face when he sees the pool like we get it youre a director -how many times do i need to say even is such a dick sjkfsd “does it look like i care about my hair?” “usually but not right now” like this would only work on isak i love soulmates!! -even just.. fully choking isak out ssdhgfd got em -when the first notes of im kissing you start ooh boy -even going in for the kill kiss and isak going from huh to oooo shit and pushing his lips out at the last minute. phenomenal 
ep5 -ngl as soon as im not in love comes on my heart goes uwu bc like!!!! that song the meaNING.... them......... i jus love this scene sm like theyre in their own little bubble and they both feel so comfortable and at peace :((  -even leaving isak comics about an inside joke of theirs like yall mind if i scream -isak feeling left out from the conversation and his friends whew i felt that... and having them talk about how gross it is to makeout with a girl w facial hair?? blease :( -taking stock of isak’s nicknames: issy k, isabell, izzy, baby jesus, -im not even gonna bother trying to articulate thoughts on Pause bc it’s a literal masterpiece. thank u tarjei henrik and julie for inventing television with this one  -MAGNUS SDFKJSDFJKDSHK "oooh my name is Jonas and I love idealism and reading klassekampen and I don’t like plastic and I skate on a skateboard made of sustainable wood and wear old clothes because new clothes are bad for the environment and I only drink recycled water” screAMMM -what i said abt pause also applies to pride ugh its such a powerful scene and!! the beginning of kicks to isaks stomach. honestly what i fucking love about this episode is how it goes from hell yea best day w even ever to crying in the street within one week (s3 had the best balance of angst and payoff thanks) -even’s Soft Party Flannel... forever tainted by this scene rip -not knowing why even kissed sonja keeps me up at night -speaking of. how used and stupid isak must’ve felt when he saw even completely unbothered, hooking up w his ex at this party?? whew :( -bros is one of my all time favourite clips solely bc of the music?? lift me up gives me chills and when hold my liquor starts i LOSE it -ep5 and 6 remind me of that quote “to see what your characters are really made of you have to break them” because julie rlly goes all in and god it hurts so good
ep6 -never have i ever seen insomnia portrayed as accurately as tarjei did here and i remember when i first watched the cantina scene i was like. winded bc its SO true to sleep deprivation whew -i really like that isak wasnt together with even when he reached out for help and came out to jonas. bc it was him, on his own, being strong enough to talk to his friends and then eventually he was confident and secure enough in himself to be in a good place when even started reaching back out!! -i have no idea what its like to come out to someone, to be afraid of your friends rejecting you, everything isak went through. but tarjei’s acting of when, like, you have something you KNOW you have to tell someone, and youve put yourself in the position where youre going to have to tell them, but youre terrified and eventually just force yourself SAY the words??  -and isak’s smile when he realizes jonas is gonna be his bro no matter what :’)))
ep7 -weirdly one of my favourite isak looks (black t-shirt grey snapback c-c-c-combo) -”what’s your name again?” have i mentioned i love sana and isak bc i love sana and isak -jonas truly is the best friend oh man. perceptive, thoughtful, loving, laidback, a friggen BRO. tbh i was wary of him in s1 and thought he didn’t treat eva well (tho I recognized he loved her a lot, he was just bad at being a boyfriend) but jonas in s3?? just goes to show how powerful your perspective of someone can change viewing them in a different role!! because while jonas was a crappy bf, he literally is SUCH an incredible friend and his actions and words and just! him! in s3 completely redeemed any illwill I had towards him :’) -maybe im a little gay (up there with other s3 comedy classics such as “thats a boys name”) -mahdi season WHEN ugh a legend -’when someone asks isak if hes going to a family party’ literally what other reason for living do i have if not to read the boy squad text convos -isaks locker finally opening and his smile at evens drawing whewwwwwww!! also even rlly is that guy who wont text you back but will leave hand written love letters in ur locker -also. another stellar look from valtersen -slutt a meld meg is a whole masterpiece like what other piece of media has the RANGE -eskild: play hard to get. jonas: no smiley!!! isak: nah fam im good B)
ep8 -this episode is BEAUTIFUL bc you feel practically euphoric?? like hell yeah theyre finally together!! isak is out and accepted and even is done with sonja! but theres also this unsettling undercurrent of worry bc you know deep down something isnt right? why is sonja calling isak? why is even acting kinda strange? whats going on? yknow?? -literally never going to get over 5 fine frokner :~) even is such a goddamn nerd and he’s the man of isak’s dreams can u believe!!  -sana’s little speech is SO important in so many ways ooo i love her so much -also have we discussed eskild making evak do a photoshoot for him. highkey those are my favourite pictures of ALL time u can tell even was like hm strange but im down while isak was more omg guys stop🙄 omg haha eskild i cant believe youre making me cuddle with even for a photo🙄 i cant believe ur making me snuggle this dude for a pic!!!! definitely would not have done this otherwise!!! -magnus only realizing it’s THAT even after seeing how isak looks at him. whew -isak is so brave i rlly love that kid! his text to his mamma <3 -no r*make will EVER nail text conversations like mari/julie did w evak’s this week thanks for coming to my ted talk. i'd quote the best ones but it would literally double the length of this post (ok ill cave. “hahaha shut up❤️” GETS me) -you dont know whats in store but you know what youre here for. hallo -isak running around oslo with even’s clothes looking for him :( his heart is so big he cares about even so so much -when Part II (on the run) comes on in the credits its like a kick in the teeth honestly
ep9 -ive already screamed enough about cherry wine but god it fucks me up -cannot put into words how much I love eskild and how good of a person he is, he just has so much love in his heart  -”wait they have waffles here? see ya” -this convo is why i love skam so much!!!! magnus giving insight and good thoughtful advice to isak was such a brilliant move by julie (also truLy heartwarming) bc like. magnus is a flawed layered character! he’s dumb and ignorant and not very careful with his words BUT hes also such a sweet guy. i genuinely dont think he would hurt a fly and him talking about vilde (in ep10) is ;-; bc he really likes her and respects her and wants to be a gentleman! hes so loving and just. yeah. also i wonder if isak and magnus (and vilde) ever talked about having mentally ill parents and lent on each other for support bc like....<3 [sidenote- this is why i HATE b***** like they absolutely massacred magnus’s character and magnus did not deserve that!] -det er bare slutt........ very cool of tarjei to invent acting here. also the character development makes me WEEP like at first isak lied and told his pappa it was over bc its easier to brush stuff off and say you were joking than be vulnerable especially about 1. having a boyfriend and 2. saying youve already broken up?? but then isak was like hey im done with lying about who i am bc i want my life to be REAL and he told his dad the truth even if it was hard and even if he was trying rlly hard not to cry  -isak reaching out to even<3 standing up for even<3 -o helga natt. another scene i genuinely cannot comment on bc u cant really put into any written language how magical and breathtaking and heartbreaking and powerful and brilliant this scene is. so. -jk. obvs i cant say anything intelligent enough to give this scene justice but probably the most stunning piece of television i have ever had the privilege of watching. even’s text breaks my heart every gd time (esp since we never really see this side of him before finding out he’s bipolar? his guilt, insecurity, feeling like a burden, being scared of losing everyone in his life because he thinks he’ll hurt them). the music is SO beautiful i cry real tears as soon as the strings start. also the brilliance of JUST o helga natt playing and no dialogue except for isaks one line? isak’s realization when he sees the cross. him RUNNING across oslo to go to even. the FLASHBACKS all going backwards in chronological order until them smoking on the bench. isak looking at the bench and not seeing even and u can feel his heart breaking and urs breaks too! but then he remembers the bathroom and he turns and theres even and whewwww. du er ikke alene<3
ep10 -minutt for minutt is THE most healing clip im telling u. and like.. seeing even depressed really is hard and as someone who was very very depressed for 4-ish yrs of their life it rlly hits me? like when youre in an especially bad funk and you cant get out of bed and youre just numb and exhausted and feel so shitty and u want to be alone but you really dont???? could go on but literally i owe henrik holm my life for his portrayal of even  -not to be a soft bitch on main but when isak tucks the blanket over even and it keeps getting pulled off his back so isak just. covers that spot with himself? -i do love that call between sonja and isak bc once again! a flawed (realistic) human being -and isak thinking its his fault even is depressed? it means a lot that sonja told him its no ones fault, even is just bipolar. and i wonder if isak felt that way about his mamma as well, guilty for her being ill, and if what sonja said made him feel better about that situation too :( -lowkey random but when isak is rambling really fast and he goes “maybe we’ll get bombed tomorrow and talking about all this is a waste of time” it continually punches me in the throat bc that is /exactly/ how i ramble and think like tarjei........ pls -like eskild said. there really is so much love in isak’s little grumpy teenage body<3 -isak no longer just passively accepting life as its given to him, now he fights for him and even!!!!!  -isak is such a forgiving person and seeing him able to just accept things and move on? incredible -i remember when i first watched ep1 i was like oooo even and isak are gonna be kosegruppa partners and thats when theyll first get together, cooking food or smth!! but lmfao after episode 3? kosegruppa whomst???? also hilarious vilde thought isak of all people would willingly sign up for kosegruppa just to go to revue parties -even and linn friendship!!!! -cannot articulate how mf heartwarming it is to see even smiling and being more himself after being depressed (also thank u julie for having ups and downs coming out of his depression- its so true to life having one day when youre feeling awesome and then the next you feel awful again for no reason and its SO frustrating) -I had to stop watching passe pa meg cause it made me toooooo crazy! it would just be like: “I like seeing you laugh” and I was like: *SCREAMS* -im the fucking master of lying 😤 -literally don’t know why isak and even ragging on kosegruppa is so funny but “did you think I joined to have fun” gets me every time -I SAW YOU THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL -also even literally radiating love @ isak watching get snarky w vilde on the phone bc it reminded him of the first time he saw him! even rly is that boyfriend who thinks isak being pissy is the Best Thing he has Ever seen -halla boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz -literally the glo up of isak telling his friends the order in which he’d bang them -No filter! wow I love symbolism -so nice to see the girls together for a lil bit :) -the boys hyping up mags while also telling him to be respectful awwwwww -take desperate to a whole new level- Confucius  -who’s going to show isak how to properly hold a beer can -literally evak banter gets me thru the day. thank u tarjei and henrik for having phenomenal chemistry + improvisation skills + making isak and even the dumbest nerdiest boys i have ever seen -biology partner. and friend. ;-; -even literally is the biggest stoner blease -isak’s talk with eva is just sooooo<3 and not to be emo on main but every single word of the last few sentences he says hit me so gd hard because i feel the exact same way in my BONES -livet er nå 💛
final thoughts :( <3 -this season is so special. it feels like one really long oscar-worthy movie or smth?? i cant even exblain, its just magical. ALSO very dear to my heart. -julie really said you guys have seen isak sad and alone and repressed for the past two seasons so heres him falling in love with the best person in the world and coming to terms with who he is and being brave and opening up and finally being happy and living a real life -this season definitely feels different from s1/2/4 to me editing or production or music smth wise? as in, its got a lot fewer aesthetic shots and the cinematography seems a bit different if that makes any sense???? I also think this is the season most focused just on the main (i.e. not many- if any? sideplots going on) -literally will never get over the thought, love, and detail put into this season. when i say there is literally nothing i would change about it, i mean it and coming from my nitpicky ass??? means a lot lmfao. the acting, directing, music choices, symbolism...... sublime -s3′s cold rainy autumn aesthetic makes me ACHE for fall and also nostalgic for a highschool experience I never had lmao?? also. all the nighttime clips >>> -don’t know what else to say except thank u skam for my life
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QOTS S2 Re-watch Wrap Up
WE MADE IT THROUGH S2.  *kazoo noise* As always, my individual and sometimes extensive episode by episode commentary (along with my Jeresa spiraling) can be found in my “#qots rewatch” tag. Ready for some thoughts? Let’s do this:
Season 2 Favorite Reoccurring Trends:
Teresa + Math & Business: 2x01 (during KG negotiations), 2x07 (with the Korean mob boss), 2x09 (with Devon at the car show), 2x10 (with Devon while Camila is in prison).  Combined with “I have a deal to make” becoming her catchphrase, it was great to see her skills being put to use in her blossoming cartel career.
James being only mildly inconvenienced by weapons: 2x01 (KG holding a knife to his stomach), 2x02 (Teresa pointing gun at him when he walks in unannounced), 2x08 (Walking into the hotel room to find Devon’s crew pointing guns at him), 2x10 (KG pointing a gun to his head), 2x13 (the classic “idgaf I’m walking away” to Guero).  Combined with the trend of him antagonizing his captors (head butt to militia dude, high kick to Cortez) I think this says something interesting about James as a character.  Now if it’s not just him in danger, that’s a whole other story. James being kidnapped/held hostage three times after Teresa asks him in 2x01 “I’ve been kidnapped have you?”: 2x03 (tied to chair with militia men), 2x05 (tied to a chair by La Capitana), 2x09 (tied to the beam by Cortez in Chicago)
Teresa bonding with women thru men’s bullshit:  Camila telling Cartel guy at the horse race “Enough she’s with me now”(2x02), Camila and Teresa’s adventures at the car show with the sicarios and Cortez (2x09), Kelly Anne and Teresa vs Kelly Anne’s husband (2x10), Even Lil T and Teresa about Lil T’s uncle keeping her out of the business (2x12).  Obviously, bonding doesn’t automatically mean warm & fuzzy on this show.
James establishing an SOS signal and having to use it himself 2x05 (fire three shots), 2x08 (crushed sunglasses)
It’s Been 0 Days Since Jeresa Saved One Another Fandom Break Room Sign:
2x01: Teresa saves James by holding King George at gunpoint and “do I have your attention now?”
2x02: James saves Teresa by helping Pote with the guys trying to kill Teresa at the horse race, and then getting the money back to appease Camila.
2x03: James saves Teresa by splinting her leg in the desert and giving himself up so she has a chance to escape. Teresa saves James by coming back for him when he’s being held by the militia and talking their way out of it.
2x04: James saves Teresa by causing a distraction so Teresa can escape the warehouse and shooting the DEA agent when she’s occupied with Guero.
2x05: James saves Teresa by helping her through her overdose.  Teresa attempts to save James when he’s taken by La Capitana’s soldiers at the hotel.
2x06: Teresa saves James by giving herself up to El Santo and eating the poisoned beetle. James “saves” Teresa in her hallucination–actually in both her hallucinations.
2x08: Teresa saves James from the feds and Cortez in Chicago.
2x10 Teresa saves James by diffusing the situation with KG when KG is distraught with his men’s deaths and holding James at gunpoint
2x13: James saves Teresa by purposely missing her when he shoots at her in the train car. (I know, kinda a stretch to give him credit for saving her from himself but technically…..)  This kinda cancels itself with the tracker debacle and James withholding El Santo’s money from Teresa in the finale, but plot holes be damned.  I’m done thinking about it lol.
SEASON TWO TALLY: James saves Teresa 6 times, Teresa saves James 6 times.  Can’t help but notice that James doing the saving happens more heavily the first half of season and Teresa saving James is spread pretty evenly over the season.  Early S3 gets James back on the board pretty emphatically though.
James or Teresa asking after the other’s well being/caretaking etc:
2x01: I’m gonna count James offering the hug to Teresa
2x02: “Are you all right?” James coming across Teresa crying after Guero.
2x03: James making Teresa a splint, something to drink etc and “No, I can’t leave you” and “How’s the leg?”  Teresa “Are you ok?” and “I’m not leaving you.”
2x04: The mirrored “You all right?” with James asking Teresa as she sits outside with Guero’s lighter and Teresa asking James as they drive to Galveston.
2x05: Caaaaaaaaaretaking *echoes off into the void*  James during Teresa’s overdose and asking her “You sure you’re all right?”
2x08: “Where’s James is he okay?” Teresa after James is tortured by Cortez.
Speaking of which, Teresa’s version of “Are you okay?” this season was “Where’s James?” (2x02 at the horse race, 2x06 waking up from the hallucination, 2x08 Chicago).
James and Women: He continues the trend of sharing a majority of screen time with female characters although not as much as S1.  He does have some more extended scenes with male characters in S2 (KG, Boaz, Guero, Epi) but the scenes are usually either Teresa taking equal if not a lead part in the conversation (KG/Guero), or the purpose of the conversation is ABOUT a female character (James’ one on one convos with Boaz and Epi about Camila and Guero about Teresa).  Even though it would have made sense to have more Pote and James interaction, I really like how the show compartmentalized Pote as a Teresa Aligned Character foremost in S2. 
Speaking of Pote: Having him hang out with Tony after he MURDERED HIS FATHER, with no acknowledgement of that fact, stays wild to me.
Phoenix Foreshadowing? Guero mentioning a dealer in Phoenix and giving that info to Loya early S2 popped out at me.  How Guero would it be if he made life harder for Teresa by putting the feds onto Phoenix before Teresa even set up operations there.  Devon and Teresa also talked about PHX in 2x10, which ouch. Death Foreshadowing? Anyone else a little worried about how closely Guero’s vision death resembled 3x06? Guero does something foolish that he thinks is saving Teresa while James actually takes care of the situation.  His mortal wound is delivered by the soldiers of the woman in charge (Camila/La Capitana).  Guero bleeds out in Teresa’s lap.  Teresa wears a white shirt over a tanktop, Guero wears a button down over an undershirt.  He dies far from home. James is around to take care of the body.  Coincidence?  Or should James watch his neck?
Missed Opportunity: That we never got Kelly Anne Esq., lawyer to Queenpin Teresa remains UNACCEPTABLE to me.
Well, that’s all the rambling I have for now.  Thanks for following along, thank you to my QOTS fam for the asks and messages and THANK YOU to all the wonderful gif makers in this fandom that have made this re-watch much more fun and aesthetically enjoyable.  I’d never have gotten through hiatus without you all.  Only a couple months left!  Speaking of which... On to Season 3!
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paceunknown · 5 years
give me that revision 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
well okay ! and in case you’ve decided to read this yet don’t know what this ask is about i came up w an idea to sort of rectify what i felt was an issue left mostly unresolved in season three of stranger things—the core four’s friendship—and it bothered me so i thought about how i would redo some bits of the season. k? k!
so let me begin w making it painfully obvious i love the show; this isn’t me tearing it a new one for the sake of doing so. i’m critiquing and offering commentary because i want it to be better. and i’m in no way saying my idea is perfect or polished, i’m just someone w a lot of time and a decent propensity for written thought.
my main issue w the resolution of the friendship tribulations between mike, lucas, dustin, and will is that there never really is one. we get that brief moment just before the starcourt battle where they reunite and share a hug but that’s about all, and it doesn’t address will’s concerns w his friends moving on without him—hell, he and mike never talk about their argument again—which was the main source of contention behind the arc. and to some degree, i understand: will said it himself, there were more important matters to attend to, and stopping all the literally life-threatening action to sing kumbaya would not only be dumb in-universe but would be out of place narratively. but it also wasn’t like it was a macguffin or just a one-off, throwaway line we weren’t really supposed to care about past that specific moment (see nancy and johnathan’s argument about classism v misogyny, though i would’ve loved to see that expanded upon further), will feeling left behind by his friends ran deep, so deep that he destroyed castle byers over it. so i said to myself, if i could rearrange the season, maybe add and take away a few things here and there, what would i do? how would i resolve that story line?
so the main thing i latched onto was castle byers. lucas and mike discovered will in the middle of the night, frenzied and having literally taken a bat to the fort he built with his brother. and it’s never talked about again. lucas tries, yes, but will tells him not to worry about it, and that’s it. i dunno about you, but i’d certainly try to find a time to bring that back up, especially if my friend is moving away. so here’s where my rewrite begins !
first, the night of mike and will’s argument, mike doesn’t make that “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls” comment (as much as it pains me to cut it) because he doesn’t know why will’s upset, and he doesn’t know why will’s upset because will isn’t saying “can we play d&d now?” every three seconds. i feel like a major issue this season had in its writing was being too transparent about everything—i mean, the audience literally knew russian agents were trying to open another gate the entire time, we were just watching the characters figure it out for themselves. so in this version, i rectify a little of that by having will show us he’s tired of his friends being girl-crazy through his actions, his body language, maybe a snide remark here and there. will is annoyed but he doesn’t wanna rain on everyone’s parade, so he keeps his comments to himself, and neither mike nor lucas pick up on it bc they’re so focused on el and max. so when will finally does blow up, mike genuinely doesn’t know why. this also gives some more breathing room to the arc, allows for more conversations to be had between the boys about their feelings, and also allows for will’s upset to continue to grow.
which brings me to point two: will doesn’t break castle byers that night. instead, they have their fight, will goes home, and when mike and lucas come to his house, he just sits in his room, resolutely not opening the door. only when he gets the goosebumps on his neck does he run after them to tell them what’s going on. this, again, allows for more breathing room, because we know will’s upset, but because there’s now the supernatural threat to focus on, all those pent-up emotions are just gonna continue to fester because neither of his friends actually get it, and he hasn’t had a genuine moment of catharsis yet. so idk how else to restructure the season bc things happen pretty quickly from then on, but within the next episode or two will breaks castle byers. hell, it can be that episode so long as it’s clear in the show that it’s not within the same 24 hours. i just think it’s important to show that the argument did nothing for will, he’s still #going #thru #it, so when we see him take a bat to castle byers it affects both us and him that much more deeply. and most most importantly, no one knows he did it.
we finally come to the finale, where everyone’s helping the byers fam pack (i’m also making the executive decision that it takes at LEAST three days and not just one like johnathan said, it’s unrealistic to pack a whole house in a day). it’s day two of three, and at some point will sneaks away to castle byers because he’s got enough emotional intelligence to know he regrets what he did and he does want a few of the things left in there. he picks through the wreckage and i imagine a really heartbreaking scene; where before he just had an outburst and broke everything, now he actually goes through things with affection, and you can tell it’s really hitting him that he’s moving. then we hear crunching, and the camera focuses on mike’s shocked and concerned face. (and this is where it’s gonna get real fan fic, but it’s the only way i can think to relay my ~vision~) (also none of this would have to be verbatim)
mike: um... [will doesn’t turn around] i know you told us to do what we wanted but there were a few things we didn’t-
will: just ask johnathan.
mike: we did. he said to find you
will, annoyed: i’ll be back in a minute, just, go help el or something
mike: ….did the storm do that?
will: what do you think, mike?
mike, walking closer: why would you do that? when did you do that?
will: just leave it-
mike: you built that. it’s been here forever. it was supposed to be here... after you were gone.
will: well maybe i don’t want any evidence that i was here.
mike, hurt: what?
will: just face it, mike. you’re different, lucas and dustin are different-
mike: that’s not true!
will, getting choked up: -and when i move tomorrow, you guys are probably gonna be going on, like, group dates with el via radio, or-or come up with some grand scheme to visit dustin’s girlfriend in utah! and it won’t matter that i’m not there!
mike: how could you say that? of course it’s going to matter. you’re part of the party, always and forever.
will: well the party didn’t seem to matter much to you this summer. not any of you. not unless it was life-threatening.
mike: will-
will: can you just leave me alone? i need to go through all of this to see what i can save
so mike hovers for a bit, not knowing what to say, before it’s clear will is done with the conversation and he trudges back to the house. we get a brief montage of will crying as he goes through the rubble, more to show the passage of time than anything else, some really sad synth music is probably playing. then we hear crunching in the leaves, and will assumes its mike and tells him to go, but we get a shot of mike kneeling down beside will, and we see in one hand he has a hammer and a box of nails, and a toolbox in the other, and after he holds the hammer and nails out to will, we get a shot of his face and we can tell he’s been crying, too. and will says, “i leave tomorrow”, to which mike simply replies, “it still matters”, and will takes the tools and the two boys get to work. not long after that do dustin and lucas come to the ruins, too, their own faces tear-stained, and without words they fall into rhythm with will and mike. all four boys’ final shared act together is literally and figuratively repairing their friendship.
eventually it starts getting dark and joyce comes out to get them, a teary smile on her own face, and the boys put on their finishing touches before painfully tearing themselves away, arms across each other’s shoulders and waists. will breaks away briefly, proclaiming that he forgot something, and we see him get the “all friends welcome” sign to (barely) stand up, and everyone smiles again before continuing their trek to the house.
now just think about having to watch that, you’re probably already crying, and then getting to the bit where el’s reading hopper’s note. WHEW. but honestly, this not only rectifies an arc that was basically left hanging, but it also provides great character moments, adds context and closure to castle byers, and gives us a fun scene of our main party members being kids one last time.
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simplylove101 · 6 years
Influential TV Shows
Okay this is kinda random and why I prob won’t tag the shows I list cuz this is more just something I wanted to get out of my head after watching J&J’s latest podcast where they were talking about this topic. They kept it to 7 shows each and while that would certainly be interesting to try, that’s kinda hard. lol I went about grouping some of them - shows that shaped me growing up, shows that impacted me/stuck with me, comfort shows/watch with the family, taught me about fandoms, etc. And saying something about each of them. Anyway, this is stupid but here we go lol:
The Shows Growing Up:
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Sailor Moon: Okay, nobody make fun of me. lol This is the first show I remember really watching as a kid that wasn't Barney or whatever, something I decided to watch by myself and it actually had an ongoing story. And ofc it took time for me to realize that this was just an English dubbed version that they would play on Cartoon Network. Looking back on it, it’s a little cringey (the voice readings, Serena being a bit of a crybaby) but seeing girls, even if it was animated, kicking ass over evil as a group made an impression on me so it’s no wonder I would watch it religiously after school and was sad when they stopped airing it. And ofc I watched all the movies too. I was a shameless fan. lmao I also eventually read the manga and appreciated it.
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Hey Arnold: As a kid, I would watch Cartoon Network & Nickelodeon (& eventually Disney when I got a little bit older), and I think one of the Nickelodeon shows that really stuck with me as a kid, like Rugrats, was this one. It had a wide range of really distinct characters. It was genuinely funny. And I did love the dynamic between Arnold & Helga (who was interesting & sometimes they would let her be the protagonist of an ep instead of him, like the therapist one which is a def fave) even if her crush was kinda as stalkerish as you can get why maintaining innocence. lol And you know what? I did totally watch the recent movie they did where it tied up loose ends like getting these two together and allowing her to grow as a character. Gotta say it was rewarding after all this time. lol  
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All That: I feel like I gotta put this here because I watched this show all the time as a kid. And I think it’s something that really taught me about comedy. I had seen things from Saturday Night Live growing up cuz of my parents but this was my Nickelodeon version with people that weren’t much older than me at the time so I could really get what was going on/enjoy it. It’s also the first place where we saw people like Amanda Bynes & Kenan Thompson & Kel Mitchell (which is partly why I later watched things like The Amanda Show and Kenan & Kel) What can I say? As a young person, it was just really cool seeing kids being funny. Yeah, there was some cheese but I didn’t care. It stayed with me.
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Boy Meets World/Sister, Sister/Lizzie McGuire/Even Stevens: I kinda cheated here and bundled these shows because these are four of the shows I watched on Disney growing up (Disney showed reruns of Boy Meets World & Sister, Sister for the record) There were others like That’s So Raven, Suite Life, Wizards of Waverly sort of, Proud Family to name a few but these shows I picked have such iconic episodes that I still remember well and love. Like Even Stevens - musical episode hands down Idc. Boy Meets World - Scream-inspired Halloween ep for sure. Yes, there was cheesiness with all these shows. Sometimes very after-school special, but they shaped me I think. Also gotta mention, I remember thinking of Hilary Duff as my idol. lol
The Ones I Watched With the Fam:
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That 70′s Show: Now the thing with my family is that we were one where for a time we would watch tv while eating dinner and my dad would have control of what channel we watched. It was always this way, which meant it would either be Law & Order or Seinfeld (the second one I was cool with and I almost included it on here cuz it’s such a staple comedy but eh,,, I appreciated it more later on. It felt more forced on me at the time) This is probably one of the only shows I can say my whole family truly agreed on watching all together tho, including my sister who generally watches trashy reality shows. This show will always remain one of my faves, because it was hilarious. It got a little weaker towards the end (We do NOT speak about Season 8) but I loved how it was a true ensemble sitcom where everyone brought something to the table and enjoyed the different dynamics between the group. The funny running gags, Jackie & Hyde still remain one of my all-time otps, and Kelso is probably the funniest & lovable dumb character I can think of (If nothing else, Ashton Kutcher was meant to play this part ok) It was nice to have something my whole family could enjoy together. It was a rarity so this show has a special place in my heart for that alone.
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Joan of Arcadia: Another show that has a place in my heart, despite it only lasting 2 seasons and it ending on a bad note (major cliffhanger, still never fully making things right w/ Adam after destroying his character, ultimately S2 was problematic but still) because this is a show that I watched religiously (pun not actually intended here lol) with my mom every Friday it was on. What I loved about it was that the concept is centered around Joan talking to God yet it generally wasn’t being preachy. Joan wasn’t always willing to do what God wanted her to do, and things didn’t always turn out how she wanted. It was a kinda perfect blend for me and my mom to watch together. After this we were more willing to watch stuff as a pair cuz we were close but this started all that. I remember always being curious how God would appear to Joan cuz it was always changing, but there were some fave recurring ones like Cute Guy God, Goth God & Old Lady God to name a few. heh Joan was played wonderfully by the awesome Amber Tamblyn who could always make me cry (naturally she played my fave Tibby in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movies too lol) and she had awesome friends in Adam & Grace (who were my faves) and family. I rewatched this show and you know, I’d say S1 holds up and even the first half of S2. Heck, the episode where Joan & Adam break up towards the end of it, while totally heartbreaking and PISSES me off cuz bad writing for Adam, was solid simply for the acting so there’s that. lol
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Putting this show under this category because this was a show that I mostly got into because my sister loved it growing up. I was really young when it came out so I mostly remembered bits & pieces when I later watched it when I got a little older. It stuck with me tho cuz ofc the awesome Sarah Michelle Gellar playing badass Buffy (she was my sister’s idol) and it was a genuinely funny and smart show. It also got dark too. It wasn’t always solid towards the end, but I think it mostly nailed the actual ending (why Anya had to die tho... Spike I got but ugh) Anyway, this was kinda a big deal cuz it was the only thing my sister and I really watched together that wasn’t bad reality television or me barely paying attention to Dawson’s Creek at the time lol This showed that my sister could have taste when she wanted to (lmao sorry)
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The Carol Burnett Show: I had to mention this show because this is one that got me, really my family, through dealing with my mom’s dementia. We chose to care for her at home instead of putting her in a nursing home. We did this for 2 years until her death. And the one thing we (excluding my sister cuz her & old stuff don’t mix) could always count on cheering us up was this show. My dad told me that my mom loved this show growing up and that’s why we turned on for her. So luckily memory or no memory, she still had a sense of humor and she knew when to laugh. And with good reason. This show is hilarious. So iconic. Carol Burnett was/is rightfully loved dearly for this show. I wish I had more I could say, but this was truly a comfort show when I desperately needed it so I am forever grateful that it existed.
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Honorable Mention: Young & Hungry - another show that got us through that dark period, my dad actually really enjoyed this, despite seeming skeptical, and eventually started calling it the “Josh & Gaby Show” lmao Only thing is we never finished it together so oops. Not so much influential maybe but worth mentioning it felt like since it was underrated, got me thru a tough time, was hilarious and I loved that cast a lot. Emily Osment deserved to be the lead of her own show. Comedy queen.
The Ones That Brought Out the Fangirl In Me AKA The Teen Years:
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The O.C/One Tree Hill/Gossip Girl/The Vampire Diaries: Another category where I’m just grouping them up together cuz ultimately it wasn’t about high art with these shows. They were the staple teen shows that everyone was watching and well, I was one of those people. lol It all started with The O.C. It was one of those ‘at the right time’ kinda things cuz I just went into the 6th grade when S1 started and it was such a big hit that everyone was always talking about it and there were even shirts involved (I never went that far lol) but this is where my need to explore YouTube came and then I was making fanvids. Gossip Girl is the one where I actually inserted myself into a fandom for the first time. My goodness the cringe that came with it but it gave me two of the longest online friendships I’ve ever had so I don’t regret it. (Shoutout to @backtothestart02 here as one of them) And well, three of these shows taught me the toxicity that can come from fandom. So I’ve been less vocal/more aware with other shows because of it. There’s problematic stuff in all of these but they were entertaining most of the time despite frustration (lol) 
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Honorable Mention: Teen Wolf - Had to mention this one cuz this was a show where I had a group of friends who all watched this together and we talked about it til the end (even when we weren’t happy with it lol) I was never really vocal in the fandom cuz by this point I was wary of them (fandoms I mean), but it was nice to share a show with people who felt similarly about it. As a show, I truly loved it up to 3B. Some of my favorite episodes were the ones that almost felt standalone-ish (3x06 AKA Motel California still remains my fave to this day) Lastly, it’s because of this show I was introduced to Dylan O’Brien who I always refer to as my ‘always & forever’ guy so yeah lol
Maybe Superhero Shows Are Worth Watching lol:
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The Flash/Daredevil/Cloak & Dagger/Runaways: So I’m someone who growing up, beyond Spider-Man and Batman, never really jumped at superhero movies. I still don’t to an extent but I’m more willing to watch stuff now. I think because when it comes to TV, I’m willing to check out at least an ep. I got into The Flash because my friend Lauren was really into it (and still very much is now) and wanted me to check it out so I did. I sorta watched Arrow before it until a point so I’d seen Barry’s appearances on it and remembered thinking he was precious so I wasn’t surprised that I liked him as a main character. I do think these later seasons have lost some quality but I think the earlier ones were very solid and Grant is perfect in the role. Daredevil... R.I.P. That show was so high quality so the fact that Netflix cancelled it is just rude. Now... Cloak & Dagger has been one of those surprises for me cuz it was such a slow burn that when it really got going it left me wanting more. That S1 finale was so solid. Cannot wait for S2. Love the dynamic between Ty & Tandy. Now Runaways isn’t perfect but it’s my biggest fandom right now and I’m proud of that fact. It’s a show that highlights diversity with 4 PoC leads & 4 kickass ladies (Nico & Gert are my bb girls), healthy ships including an LGBTQ couple currently as the main one (tho it is Gertchase that owns my heart), and overall a pretty great cast that meshes well like the thrown together family they portray. It even got me back into writing fanfic again. A miracle tbh. lol
Overall Just Amazing:
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This Is Us: I just think that this show pulled me in the second they revealed that first plot twist in the pilot. It surprised me and then they kept doing that a bit after. Now it’s more about how it has the ability to make me cry every ep and feel things. It doesn’t always touch me the same it did in that first season (it was an emotional year for me tbh) but it does have a class act cast who can always pull at my heart strings.
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Boardwalk Empire: This technically could have went under something I sort of watched with my dad, but it is kinda a weird show to share I guess. We didn’t usually watch it together (saved some awkward convos sometimes lol) but always talked about each episode weekly and it was kinda fun cuz it was usually in-depth. My dad still quotes things from it to this day. He also once said that he considers S1 the best TV season he’s ever watched. I agree that it was great. For me, the first 3 seasons are solid while the last 2 felt different but still pretty good. There was such quality to it. Great acting headed by Steve Buscemi. What can I say? I have a thing for gangster stories. I could say more but I’ll stop. lol
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Stranger Things: The show that really turned me into a binge-watcher. I had just gotten Netflix and what show did I decide to watch on my birthday? This show. I had seen things in the media about the kids from it and I was like, they’re adorable!! And ofc I got hooked when I actually watched the show. It just has everything in it that I like: mystery, thrills, humor, hint of romance, awesome acting, music moments, nostalgia. This was my obsession for a while until I got into some other things but if you don’t think I’m totally pumped for S3, then you best believe I’m watching it all in a day if I can. lol
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Community: This is a show that reminded me how a show can think totally outside of the box and still have a lot of heart with its comedy. I love situations where a group of misfits come together and become a family. I love that this show celebrates being different. Troy Barnes remains one of my favorite TV characters ever (& omg his friendship with Abed is pure goals!!) and Donald Glover played him perfectly. And Alison Brie is just adorable as Annie. Love this group of weirdos. The quality was different after S3 but I still adore it.
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Into the Badlands: Have to mention this show because what it has been doing action-wise is just incredible. The fighting sequences are out of this world. I’m always excited to see how they top it. Also, an Asian male lead? Go dude! The whole cast is wonderful and everything is just high quality, ok? Also, that cinematography!! Can’t believe it’s ending when it comes back. Sadness.
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One Day at a Time: This is more of a recent discovery for me (had friends who watched it and knew it was good but only decided to check it out not too long ago) but it’s already made its impact on me. This show has so much heart to it. The writers put so much care into their work when they bring up these controversial issues in the episodes. All while being totally hilarious (but also trust me, I manage to cry at least 1 or twice an ep lol) A show centered on a Cuban family, plenty of good rep for LGBTQ/non-binary people while also handling things like depression/anxiety, addiction, immigration, etc. It’s definitely making its mark on TV. Also, Rita Moreno is a living legend who I adore. I love this cast so much.
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12 Monkeys: I. loved. this. show! I still think it had the best series finale that I have seen in a while. It wrapped up things so well that I was smiling for a while after watching it. I couldn’t believe that of all shows this one gave me a happy ending. lol Casserole remains one of my all-time ships because they were truly epic and pulled at my heart strings so many times. Jennifer Goines was my queen. But seriously, a show about time travel that managed to make sense? So impressed. And the visuals? gahhh
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Friday Night Lights: Last, but most definitely not least, this show is just up there as one of the all-time bests IDC. The fact that at first glance the show seems centered only about football and it got me to keep watching definitely says something. lol This show had so much heart, the cast was excellent, an ending that was pretty much perfect. Coach & Tami Taylor were relationship goals. Honestly one of the best portrayals of a married couple I’ve ever seen because they were very much a team (while yes there was the occasional bickering that you gotta love) and it just felt real, you know? Also, it’s a show that proved that you can come back from a sophomore slump (yeah S2 was the worst season) and continue to be great.I can’t decide if it’s my favorite show of all-time but it’s certainly one of the first ones to come to mind. So glad I decided to give it a chance.
There’s probably a couple other shows I could list here but some I haven’t finished yet and don’t feel ready to put them on here yet. This is just what I could come up with.
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princessggowon · 6 years
Commentary on ep.10
-They brought back my boy!
-This stage for Going Crzy is by far their best!
-His parents are here :’))))
-I literally cant understand anything bc no subs :((
-I think Bang Yedam just ranked #1 for vocal team???
-Okay but wait Junkyu is now number 1 wtf
-whats going on lol
-okay hes explaining how theyre divided into three teams: vocal, rap, and dance
-I think they finna fight for the rap position oh shiii
-My baby Byounggon looks so nervous in the flashback edits :(((
-Mashiho is choosing his team now??
-He chose to go in the vocal team
-So they get to choose what group they want to be in okay
-he of course chose rap lol
-Jeongwoo chose dance???? I think?????
-Yoonbin chose rap ofc
-Bang Yedams turn anddddd he choseeee vocal jk that means jeongwoo is vocal too
-O snap Doyoung went to dance
-Rap team is scared of Haruto oop
-Hyunsuk. Dance or rap???
-Lol rap of course
-Damn near nobody is in vocal team bc of Yedam lmaoooo
-Okay Junkyu is brave ofc
-Okay so vocal: Yedamn, Junkyu, and Jeongwoo; rap: Choi hyunsuk, haruto, byounggon, yoonbin; performance: Seunghun, 
-Okay rap is practicing and getting evaluated and Hyunsuk got complimented (i think)
-They jumpin around now gettin hype
-Did yoonbin do the fortnite dance or am i trippin??
-im nervous :c
-my heart omg
-okay but yoonbins sideway smile is everything
-the girl calling haruto is a mood
-okay so theyre seeing who came first and that spot is guranteed
-Choi hyunsuk is first rn
-His mom is crying :(((
-his family is here and THEYRE ALL CRYING NOOO im gonna cry
-EVERYONE IS SAD RN????????????????????????
-im shaking rn im upset
-they all sound so sad
-dance is up next and I dont wanna watch the rest of this anymore
-but hopefully there is gonna be a twist that involves byounggon
-mashiho did a flip again
-oop so did junkyu
-dance team is tryna do this flying trick and its pretty cool tbh
-okay but i cant even concentrate. is byounggon coming back or????
-okay dance team is starting you already know whats going on (Earned it!)
-they did the flying trick perfectly :)
-How could you choose just one??? they were all so good and worked as a team. Like its dance????
-Jaes little thing with the numbers were the cutest
-okay mr. potato man is saying his comments and the audience is shook and the trainees are saying thank you (compliment ig)
-OKAY FIRST PLACE IS MASHIHO (we been knew sis)
-okay so wait??? they only picked one for dance???
-thats weird, arent they supposed to pick 3
-okay i have hope for byounggon
-okay vocal team is up next! What we’ve all been dreading. 
-Jeongwoo is making faces. I think hes having an existential crisis because of his competition lmaoo
-you got this bby
-okay but why is yedam so humble. he should know his spot is guranteed.
-okay jeongwoo is not fuking with none of these songs. they’re all english lmao
-jeongwoo literally looks SO NERVOUS :(
-vocal teacher is shook at jeongwoo
-okay but in a negative way ??? (i think)
-jk its a complinent now??? and now hes on the verge of tears
-i think that was his first compliment awww :)))
-im not ready
-okay yedam starting off strong and yg already smiling lmao 
-his parents are teary aw
-Jeongwoos mom is literally so pretty wtf?
-Jeongwoo coming thru with that high note
-Junkyu throat is literally scratchy (i already know potato head is gonna say something)
- I think Junkyu is sad or sum shit
-Crowd is chanting ‘DONT CRy!’
-Junkyu is so handsome my heart ouch
-okay theyre voting now
-first place is.......JUNKYU 
-okay so what about second place
-the previous trainees are giving good luck messages nooooooo :(((((
-i havent seen some of these faces in forever
-okay but wait if that was the final lineup. they a damn lie
-cus wheres yedam
-okay so i guess this is either elimai=tion or whoever makes it
-everyone is literally so sad
-okay theyre doing the debut memebrssssss
-I guess he kept his place???
-or maybe he didnt make it???? cus no one is happy wtf is going onnn
-i dont think he made it actually guys yikes
-My prediction that there is going to be 9 members
-haruto is eliminated :(
-he did good tho
-okay theyre doing vocal now
-theres only 3 of them and theyre all amazing vocalist
-ok so i guess junkyu has to keep his place by votes or sum sht
-girl its too early to be this sad
-yedam looks sad
-okay so that means haruto debuted because it dont make sense for bang yedam not too lmaoo
-this is a rollercoaster of me trying to figure out whats happening
-his mom is BAWLING
-okay yedams smile is EVERYTHING
-okay the way the edit this makes it seem like they ppl they chose got eliminated why are they doing that
-okay so far they have 2 confirmed members: yedam and haruto
-dance is next!
-doyoung and seunghun better make it or im suing yg
-okay but wait i forgot about mashiho
-okay let those 3 debut :((
-okay results are nowww
-okay i see some upset ppl about the current debut lineup
-wait why is there a list of 10???
- are they debuting 10
-i think this is the online ranking
-junkyu made it first
-byounggon looks so nervous oh my
-fourth place is hyunsuk
-i dont think hyunsuk is debuting omg
-okay debut member is next??? I THINK
-wait yg chose this lineup???
-he aint said shit damn near this whole ep
-okay wait i think he just complimented him 
-so theres 4 confirmed members rn and theyre all saying bye now
-okay again jeongwoos mom is gorgeous
-jeongwoo is crying bc of the video mssg
-harutos fam is giving a message and his mom is crying
-yoonbin is crying :((((
-SO IS MY BBY BYOUNGGON, they cut it short again im not finna play
-theyre showing cute pics now
-okay but yedam is literally so cute
-okay but why did i just get the mssg that yg treasure box is on
-WAIT IS IT OVER????????
-FINAL LINEUP: yedam, junkyu, haruto and jungwhan (ig??))) 
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shaydraplays · 6 years
su: reunited
- really should’ve taken a nap since i have to work in 40 min, but i wanted to be able to look at my tumblr dash again without fast-scrolling thru spoilers - i've been thinking, so su must be a comedy because it ends in a marriage? right??? i've heard that this episode seems pretty end-of-showrun-y - weird music, weird black title screen background - steven u fucking nerd. nice shirt - HE HAS BEARD HAIR???? - oh god together breakfast noooo - AMETHYST SO SPIFFY - damn thats some good singing. WHOO STEVEN! - pearl so cute - DAMN SHE MEANS BISMUTH - this is so fucking corny lmao - is steven an actual ordained minister or whatever it's called - why is steven shorter than sapphire - also DAMN, SAPPHIRE - heyyy lion's there too - fucking adorable - onion his own category. also awwww cat steven - 5750 years and 8 months aaaaand counting! - don't say that ruby the diamonds are coming for sure - lmao flowery language much sapphire - ruby and sapphire. so good. their "I do"'s lmao - DOES he have the powers vested by Delmarva or - haha garnet's outfit. NICE - that boquet or whatever the thing is called that garnet just threw is gonna hit lars incoming from space, isn't it - FUCKIN OWN IT NANAFUA lmao her bodyguards - shipping goggles would say peridot is jealous of vidalia for amethyst's attention or some shit. maybe she's detecting something unusual in the life form of onion - ok i did NOT expect bismuth to catch it - damn steven like the earthquake detection machine of tears - who the fuck is that guy with greg (while talking to peridot) again???? yellowtail or something? yellowtail? like i dont recognize this dude - didn't expect the cluster to be relevant again - JEEZ thats creepy - fuckin. ARM WRESTLING. ffs - blue lookin good without the weird hair loop shit - alexandrite is boss - gettin tingles when connie calls up lion - rip cool swortd also that typo is great - they do crying voices pretty well - impressive that blue actually remembers those two lackey gems - lmao lapis pulling a big damn heroes - ok i was also spoiled that lapis came back and wrecked shit, but i wonder what got her to come back after her exit seemed so final in "can't go back". guess she saw arm ships speeding past her? - cute peri music - well that was an easy resolution for lapis. also no reaction to bsimuth? lmao - fuckin badass - that is. so fucking anime. the shield pushing - im fucking dying - who voices the arm groaning lol - i mean what did u expect guys, don't relax yet - dude bubble peri before someone steps on her - at this pt i'm just ??????????? astral projection??????????? - time for some mind-to-mind communing with the diamonds steven - ???? classic psychic ghost type situation lol - fuckin animes - lmao "don'tforgetaboutyourselfpearl!!!" - so - anime - EVERYONE COME LIVE ON EARTH NOW HAPPY FAM FOREVER EYYY
- god that was. so. anime
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ae-diaries · 2 years
Helplessness is the birthplace of miracles. - Bo Sanchez
It's a bit rocket science but our family's story is a testament to that. It was the most difficult and frightening time when the doctors offered intubation for Tatay last February 13, 2022.
After his terrifying seizure episodes, what came next was his decreased in sensorium and infections. It was heart-breaking to see that he couldn't wake up for more than a week.
The doctors clearly explained that this would serve as airway protection. At first, we dropped the offer and waited for another 24 hrs with hopes na baka naman sakaling gigising na si Tatay kasi nagbawas na ng gamot ang Neuro nya. Throughout the day, I did my best to wake him up but I failed to do so. I felt deep down that Tatay is going to wake up and come back to us real soon. But at that moment, our only hope was a miracle.
All I could pray was, "Dear God, please extend my father's life. Gusto pa po namin syang makasama ng matagal. Hindi pa po kami handa. Kung magmimilagro po kayo, sana po ipakita nyo na sa mga oras na ito."
But He seemed so distant. 😢
I still vividly remember the night of February 14. I asked for a vc with my fam kasi nakikita kong kakaiba na ung paghinga ni Tatay and I feared na baka lalo kong pagsisihan kapag wala parin kaming gagawing decision sa mga oras nayun. The risks outweigh the benefits if we let the days pass without this intubation thing. And so my fam thru vc finally decided to continue fighting for Tatay's life. Ilalaban na namin ito kung hanggang saan may makarating. Saan ba kami lulugar? We knew we had no choice, and so we finally surrenderred Tatay's condition to Jesus
After our vc, I shook my head for a while and exploded in tears before God uncontrollably. It was so painful I can hardly describe how I felt. Nanay Nora and Nanay Ethel (watchers like me) saw my crying and comforted me right away. I owe them so much for this. They somehow calmed my brokenness and reminded me that God was always beside me.
In my helplessness, something miraculous happened. Truly God is an 11:59 God. After my conversation with nanays, just when I was about to go out of our room to give my consent to the doctors, lo and behold, Tatay slowly opened his eyes and wake up consistently! That was the miracle that we'd been waiting for! To me and my fam, the fact that he opened his eyes was already a medical miracle, and a beautiful Valentine gift at the same time!
So instead of telling the doctors that we would push through for intubation, I just reported na, "Doc, gising na po si Tatay!". I saw how his team of doctors and nurses were in awe.
First, I couldn't help but wonder why God performed this miracle right after we lifted everything to Him? Why not BEFORE?
Nanay Nora blurted this out after what happened.
This line struck me to the core. The following day, Ate Aby shared the same realization, too.
Siguro nga ito lang yung move na iniintay sa amin ni Lord before He demonstrates His power. If we didn't feel helpless or weak, we wouldn't be turning desperately to God.
I realized that before we're afraid to give him up. Baka nga kaya kami masyadong nababagabag kasi takot at kinulang nga siguro kami sa pagtitiwala.
Ni hindi namin kayang sabihin yung linyang "Bahala ka na Lord". We only used to say this para sa mga taong walang puso.
Perhaps, we are just looking at the cross, too focused on the hardships that we just walked by sight not by faith.
Now, we felt that we had been tested for our faith to be strengthened. Sinubok lang ni Lord yung faith, trust, katatagan at foundation ng aming pamilya. And at times, He chose to remain silent inorder to see where shall we put our faith and trust.
Second, Where does your strength come from?
A question commonly asked by my friends and relatives.
As I was pondering this over the entire process, my only answer boils down to this: " I never give up on people that I love even if I would suffer a lot." Mabigat pero kinaya kasi niyakap ko nalang sya. It's not the weight of the cross, but I think it's in the way I handled it that matters.
All the pain and sleepless nights were all worth it seeing that Tatay's condition was improving in leaps and bounds.
Since I witnessed Tatay's miracle, my heart began to open up; I started to carrying the cross lightly, and in doing so, Jesus wiped away my fears, worries, and filled me with hope everyday.
Plus, the song "Oceans" by Hillsong had become my fight song while was the verse from Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God" had become my anchor during my rock-bottom moments. Thanks to Father Jerry Orbos' online healing mass for reminding me of this life verse once again. This was exactly the verse na kinapitan ko simula nung gumising si Tatay. Ito ang muling nagpaalaala sakin na kumikilos ang Dyos as if God is saying, "Kalma, AKO na toh".
Jesus is ever faithful and unfailing; He will always be with you no matter what happens.
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As we celebrate the resurrection of the Risen Jesus today, my fam believe that our Easter has also arrived and come out, too...as we have learned to embrace the cross with Jesus beside us and trusted that this pain is just one part of a greater and glorious story.
I've made a lot of mistakes in the past. I'm not the religious type who goes to the church every Sunday. I am not the perfect daughter, but while I have breath, I will always praise, glorify and remain faithful to You, Our Resurrected King! Amen!
Salamat po sa buhay at biyaya! ❤️
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cosmicpercy · 6 years
it's 3:45 am, i'm crying nonstop bc my fam and i rewatched the quarterback episode of glee and well, it made me emotional once again. i was scrolling thru lea michele's posts over the past five years on his death anniv and i just got sadder and sadder... i never knew cory monteith but i miss him and finn. he was such bundle of joy :(
and i dont mean to be selfish but all this just made me realize how fucking scared i am of dying. i am terrified and i wouldnt know what to do if anything happens to anyone i love. nothing really good happens at this time of the night..
now i cant sleep someone send hugs :( oh and also, whether or not you know me, just know that you are loved. i love you all so much
now im gonna try and sleep im sorry for this late night ramble
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malunedyne · 7 years
aesthetic themed ask list: you know the drill fam, all of them now!
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
will i ever be a successful writer/artist of any kind? how can i achieve that?
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
being able to be grateful and enjoy small things in life even if i feel like i’m at the peak of my dysthymia (lol)
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
a very random day i’m not sure why it got stuck on my head some +5 years ago when it was raining and i was outside my house, throwing lemons of my lemon tree towards the neighbors’ houses lmao
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
totally, i would start writing full time and maybe planning on doing some small trips before it
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
-visiting a foreign country (japan would be my dream)-publishing a work (either a book or a photograph in a prestigious place)-be truly in love and loved back
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
-she’s the only one who knows in EXPLICIT detail how my sublimation mechanism works, the biggest of my weakness, what makes me feel shame the most….. a college friend of mine, intellectually clever, emotionally not so much, shares big passion for the same EROS subject
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
-i can’t complain about it, i remember good things mostly, i still went outside and played but also enjoyed video games and cartoons; i was a loner but never felt lonely, my imagination compensated alla that
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
-in the first days of the year in front of my parents lol i was so done with everything
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
-i’d choose my father cause he surely would tell me some good stories or about the myths….. 
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
-that’s literally what going to therapy almost is lmao jks that’s not therapy well i think if i could feel reciprocated, i would
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
-3 am???? i guess it was my last best friend, but we barely think of each other now
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
-it would depend on a lot of things, honestly
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
-cute and it doesn’t give me the creeps to stare at directly, lmao (eyes too light give me anxiety to hold visual contact with)
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“A Hero must struggle!” how can you know a Hero is a Hero without trouble though? isn’t life made out of trials? A Hero must not be just a muscular, strong figure who makes physical tasks, it also speaks of mental and intern fights too..... I wrote a whole paper on this and would surely write more about it
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
-1000 reasons why thinking everything will solve by itself later is a lie and a bad idea
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
-find another place to live with my family; travel. a fucking lot. but first, give my parents what they need to solve some financial and health issues. donate to environment protection orgs, buy shittons of gaming and anime merch like the hopeless half-arsed grown adult i am
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
-I can forgive anyone but it takes some time. I like being like that, everything that hurts me i sublimate later through my writings, so even that displeasure, has a /creative/ function in my life
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.-bitchyou’re dumb as hell, but wise as fuck. you don’t give three fucks about time,enjoy it while you can. you may have encountered yourself with people who tryto hurt you, mess with you and you feel bad about yourself, but it’s not yourfault in the slightest, nor they are right. never allow them to be in controlof YOUR emotions. you need to stand for yourself and yourself only, you don’tneed to prove shit to no one. Write. Write. Write. and never stop. use everythingand turn it into words: good, bad, fears and dreams. 
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
both depending on the #mood
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain
piercings aren’t really my thing but I like tattoos (not hardcore-like tho), I’ve think of getting one but I get overwhelmed and my mom would kill me lol (if my siblings agreed on getting a small Triforce tattoo and each of us pick one part /i’d pick wisdom tho/, i’d be more than happy to get it done) 
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
I used to wear mascara (but i caught an eye infection, lol), now i just do the basics: powder and lipstick.
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
uhm….. i owe led zeppelin a lot because it supported me thru the worst of my first major depressive episode, and i have a thing with Pink Floyd The Wall….. I used to listen it on repeat thru the last straw of it, so it naturally makes me feel depressive and somewhat suicidal ???? but just in thought….. I can’t listen to Dark Side of the Moon because I feel useless as well lol
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
we need to stop being arrogant, selfish and stupid enough to think everything is here to serve us; we can’t dissociate ourselves from nature and the environment as if we were self-sufficient.
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
oh now this is sad lol
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
the person who will spend their life with me, and where to find them
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
uhmm….. hehe
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?
i set /most of times/ my stuff for the next day, uniform; i eat/drink something and put a glass of water beside my bed, wear my pajamas, pray a little for the people i love, or render thanks for stuff, and think of my stories or some gay shit before till i fall asleep (if i’m lucky enough, i get to dream of it as well)
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
-same as u fam @electroma89, I want my parents to know my interest in writing and such, just like my father does buuuuuuuuuuut the topics of my interest i doubt they’ll understand and it’s a total wild card trying to guess how they would react like
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
have u seen MCU’s Gamora? that’s how I’d wear my hair
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
-uh….. lol idk, i’ve always have wanted to go to somewhere quiet and watch the stars
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
-Peace and Love on Planet Earth….. is there anything that’s worth more?-having self discipline….. i swear to Hylia lots of my problems could be avoided that way-meet someone who loves me and i can love back….. my life has placed me in the worst places to know people, i swear…..
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
-i’ve never dressed for halloween, but i’d like to; though i can’t think of any rn lol
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
-opening up to people more than i should had
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
-hurt someone from my loved ones; steal from the poor
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
-only one song??? FUCK i couldn’t say a person, but i’m sooooo special with songs i’m not sure….. maybe Le Cygne by Camil Saint-Saens, maybe that one
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
-i’ve never been, i’ve been infatuated, but in love? as in love for real? i don’t think so
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
-i was thinking in cutting my hair real short…. i might do it next year
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
-i’d trust anyone who acknowledges i love italian sodas instead of coffee lmao
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
-getting some writings done and figuring out what to do once my internship trial is over
BRUH this is some deep shit for real omfg
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hotelsweet · 7 years
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HI and thank you so so so much if you got involved in this!!!! I’m so excited to be celebrating 1.5k w you guys and can’t wait to dish out some of these lil prizes <3
u guys I’ve had so much fun doing this and I’ve legit sat here for HOURS going through everyone’s blogs and tags and I’m just so,,,, in love,,, this fandom is amazing and u guys are so gorgeous and amazing! I’ve been whining at @peraltiagoisland​ all day about how much I want to include everyone and shower u all in compliments and just!!! I’m so blown away tbh  A QUICK REMINDER OF THE PRIZES WINNERS:  - a big personalised playlist from me to u (u kno how I love my tunes) - a follow from me if I’m not followin u (duh) - a mention here!! - a b99 fic from me if u want it!!! any prompt ya like - hugs and love obvs
RUNNERS UP: - a lil personal playlist from me to u - also a follow if I’m not already - also hugs and love - and a lil mention here <3
if you’ve won/are a runner up please message me so we can talk and I’ll get started on your stuff! i’m so excited to talk to a bunch of you and give u music and writing agh <3
OKAY WITHOUT FURTHER ADO (I have added notes in italics bc I am just so excited and amazed by u guys)
BEST SMALLER BLOG (a very important category bc I actually do not understand how these people don’t have thousands of ppl following them??)
WINNER: @the-pontiac-bandit​ OKAY let me tell you about carrie and her blog. I spent a solid 60 mins reading her amazing writing and admiring her theme and then I checked her reblog and she had the #under500 tag and I yelled. not kidding. like an actual noise left my mouth because HOW THIS GIRL DOES NOT HAVE A CULT FOLLOWING I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND. FOLLOW HER RUNNERS UP: @theartofdreaming1​ aka Vicky who is the sweetest person and SUCH a talented artist!!! @khwabonkeparindey​ anna’s blog is so adorable and maybe it’s bc I’m type A but the layout of her navigation actually turned me on a little bit oh my LORD it’s beautiful and so well-organised @two-drink-amy​ I was only gonna have two runners up for this category but nicole and everything about her blog is so sweet!!
BEST URL WINNER: @jake-purealta​ not only does tash seem incredibly lovely BUT this url is so perfect and well-fitting!!! I feel like, given her obsession w Tswift, it fits beautifully well with jake’s obsession too??? everything about it clicks I love it RUNNERS UP: @roscoesantangelo​ because I mean!!!!! you’ve scored the perfect url of jorma taccone’s character in parks and rec!!!? like damn good on u my guy  @amysantiagone​ okay I wont lie this one is for personal reasons- although I happen to absolutely love Nate’s blog- bc for some reason the url reminds me of when u get super drunk and describe urself as “gone” (a v popular phrase here in the UK) and as a result I just picture drunk Amy whenever I see ur URL
BEST EDITS WINNER: @juliadorable​ RIGHT OKAY SO JULIA (julia) is one of these people I’ve always wanted to chat to bc she seems amazing but what I absolutely love about her edits & gifs is that she picks/ creates posts for some of the most underappreciated moments in the show!!! I love em and this blog is a blessing thank u sm RUNNERS UP: @jakeperallta​ aka @deepshadows​ !!! look at these edits immediately oh my god they are actually incredible and so creative!!! i’m not worthy!! fam I love ur edits so much thank u for providing me w this goodness <3 follow alexa immediately on both blogs seriously @brown-aces​ I won’t lie I’m not sure if these count as edits but I legit couldn’t not include you because of THE INCORRECT QUOTES TAG. this is legit one of my fave things and ur posts never fail to make me chuckle
BEST GIFS WINNER: @fourdrinkamy​ okay so not only is Emma gorgeous, talented, super clever and just all-around marvellous BUT her gifs are like... so good they’re satisfying? like I spent a good half hour just scrolling and admiring ‘em RUNNERS UP: @amesantiagos​ okay this girl has such an eye for colour and aesthetic I’m not kidding everything just looks so Good!! like I adore her stuff to the point where I followed her on insta too (hi Amy I’m darcey_wm if ur wondering where I am) bc it just looks so damn good @sergeant-santiago​ I’m just.... like.... shooketh..... I’ll get back to this later
BEST FICS (oh my god what a category I legit could NOT pick someone lol this was painful bc u guys write the best shit)  WINNER: @elsaclack​ this feels a little obvious/predictable of me bc I’ve rambled about em’s stuff before but Dear Fucking God can this woman write. her fics and the way they had me laughing/crying/glued to my phone are the reason I  RUNNERS UP: @peraltiagoisland​ MICHELLE aka the love of my life KNOWS HOW TO KILL ME NO MATTER THE TIME NOR PLACE dear god I recommend so hard,,,, jump in and give the drama club au a spin trust me u won’t regret it�� @jakelovesamy​ oh my god okay so let me tell u. let me TELL U i did not realise that this gorgeous girl was on AO3 but then I clicked over from her blog and it all came flooding back once I recognised her handle!!! I recommend u go and read ‘and all my world is losing light’ bc it’s gorgeous @oceanvirus​ again I didn’t mean to have three runners up but I had to bc I’m just..... a piece of shit lol BUT ANYWAY please please go and read Bella’s stuff I love it so much
BEST ICON WINNER: @brown-aces​ GIRL THIS ICON FITS THE THEME SO WELL AND ALSO IT’S THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE ROSA LOOKIN FIERCE so obvs I’m obsessed  RUNNERS UP: @jakelovesamy​ bc it’s adorable and I adore it @three-drink-amy​ bc it’s my beautiful, smiling boy,,,, grinning at this wonderful blog
BEST DESKTOP THEME WINNER: @smolsamberg​ okay kara’s blog is gorgeous anyway (go follow!!!) but this theme is fuckin funky as shit??? navigating it genuinely felt like operating the sexiest lil website on earth and for that I am grateful RUNNERS UP: @bastillebananas​ this theme is FUCKING ADORABLE not kidding I love it omg I had so much fun w it (also hi fellow fan of bastille!! I’m seein ‘em this summer at a festival exciting) @amesantiagos​ this theme is so cute oh my lord (almost as cute as the wonderful Amy who runs this blog!!! seriously it’s just so wonderful and satisfying and Good Choice my guy I love it (and u)
BEST MOBILE THEME WINNER: @swansongcas​ MATE omg your blog is so satisfying and blue and just like.. sexy to look at so well done my guy!!! also helps that I adore ur blog in general but omg is it aesthetically pleasing RUNNERS UP: @oceanvirus​ bella your mobile theme is almost as sexy as u ;) x (I’m sorry if that was creepy I promise it was well-intended) @two-drink-amy​ okay this is partially bc of the adorable icon but mostly bc of the theme and I just... it’s so bright and sweet and honestly just reminds me of my joyous response to every b99 episode ever WHEW OKAY SO BEFORE WE DO THE BEST OVERALL BLOG,,,, I WANNA JUST THROW A FEW SURPRISE SUPERLATIVES / FUN CATEGORIES 
this is also gonna include some honourable mentions bc I am supported by some brilliant people and also bc not everyone I wanted to put in on here I could??? which is crazy so:
A big round of applause to the X-drink Amy crew who I see all the time and firmly believe should all be led by the adorable @full-santiago​ ?? like a little clan of Amy-themed URLs: @two-drink-amy​ / @three-drink-amy​ / @fourdrink-amy​ / @fourdrinkamy​ / @fivedrinksantiago​ / @six-drink-amy​ (I’m sure there’s more of you out there but these came to mind and I want u all to form a band or something)
A big fat shout out to emily aka @jakefreakingperalta​ who!!! made these valentines cards that I used this year for my friends but never knew the source of!!! another example of the funny and amazing ppl I follow here
an honourable mention for the amazing @tiadorable​ whose comments on my first works on AO3 (and my more recent stuff, too!) made me smile and motivated me so much <3 now for some superlatives!! follow these people rn!!! and if ur here please feel free to come ask me to write or make anything for u ever I love u 
most likely to lure me onto the sin train and never look back: my girl erica aka @startofamoment.... can u believe.... the creativity and the happiness/giggles this lady brings me 
most likely to literally ruin my fucking life thru writing: obviously em?? aka @elsaclack. I appreciate this is a fairly harsh title but dear god the things u could make me feel?????? also a brilliant woman i love u
most likely to always have complete faith in me, chat to me constantly, make me smile, & constantly be a complete angel w a heart of gold and amazing writing: @peraltiagoisland. need I say any more????
OKAY so the big 1:
BEST OVERALL BLOG RUNNERS UP: everyone who reblogged my first post. not a cop out. not kidding. u guys are amazing WINNER: @sergeant-santiago​  okay okay okay let me tell u about this blog. everything from content to quality stuck out to me when I was looking through everything for the blog awards and I was just completely blown away and in awe??? this girl is perfection and if you’re not following her blog then I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY get ur late ass over there bc u are missing the fuck out. I can’t stress this enough!!!!  alright!!! I think we’re about there!! thank you so much (again) for 1.5k. u guys are wonderful
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