#FAR asso
Festival Les pieds dans l'herbe
Festival Les pieds dans l'herbe
La ville d’Aytré vous invite à la deuxième édition du Festival Les pieds dans l’herbe, temps fort culturel les 11, 12 et 13 août au cœur du parc Jean Macé (12 rue de la Gare). Trois jours d’animations, d’ateliers, de spectacles et de concerts dans le cadre naturel et ombragé du parc Jean-Macé. Toujours 100% GRATUIT, le Festival Les pieds dans l’herbe vous fera découvrir des artistes et…
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succikko-nebulae · 3 months
Je fais que relayer de façon mega lazy mais je sors du depouillement alors je suis trop mort pour refaire mes propres phrases.
Si apres cette nouvelle rassurante vous vous sentze l'envie de faire un truc bien pour les personnes les plus vulnérables et ciblées par les fachos, y'a une asso d'aide au exilé.e.s qui fait une cagnotte pour reparer les degats causés par des faf.
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Je mets le lien du post sur l'image et celui du helloasso en bas, restez solidaires et prenez soins de vos potes exilé.e.s en général
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ilpianistasultetto · 2 months
Sei mesi..Sei mesi e' durato quel tam tam ossessivo del nuovo istituto luce made in Italy: "Giorgia Meloni la nuova Merkel europea". Piu' di Draghi, piu' di Churcill, piu' di Willy Brandt. L'incoronazione sarebbe dovuta esserci a Giugno, all'indomani delle elezioni Europee. Le dx a far bottino pieno fino a diventare un fiume in piena che travolgeva tutto il vecchio di prima. Poi sono arrivati i numeri, quelli che la matematica ne fa una scienza esatta e quei numeri raccontano un altro mondo. "E adesso? Aiuto! Aiuto! Come la raccontiamo? Ed ecco la nuova strategia: lo spauracchio dei franchi tiratori. "La Von Der Leyen in ginocchio da Giorgia a mendicare i suoi voti per essere rieletta". "Senza i voti della Meloni La Von Der Leyen non avra' il secondo mandato e Giorgia vuole una sostanziosa contropartita, un asso pigliatutto o muoia Sansone con tutti i filistei". Fitto e Giorgietti scaldano i motori e tutti a valutare quali portafogli avrebbe gestito l'Italia grazie alla scaltrezza della nostra Premier. Ieri si e' finalmente votato. Ursula ha strizzato l'occhio ai verdi, cosi Fd'I ha votato contro la rielezione della tedesca ma lei e' stata rieletta lo stesso. Per fare la Merkel, Giorgia dovra' aspettare almeno altri 5anni e di pesante, per ora, abbiamo portato a casa solo due enormi cojioni per tutti i fiumi di parole e inchiostro spesi dai nostri Istituto Luce. @ilpianistasultetto
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blueiscoool · 11 months
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A 1,700-Year-Old Iron Trident Discovered in Turkey
An iron trident, believed to be used for fishing, dating to the 3rd or 4th century A.D. has been discovered in the ancient Aegean coastal resort town of Assos in northwestern Turkey.
The team was unearthed by archaeologists excavating the Nymphaion (eastern fountain), an ornate fountain on the east of the ancient city’s center.
Excavations in the ancient city are being carried out by a team led by Nurettin Arslan, a humanities and social sciences professor at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University. The Culture and Tourism Ministry and the Turkish Historical Society are supporting the digging work.
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An expert restorer worked on the archeological find to clear the trident of soil and oxidized agents on it.
The trident was found among pieces of the Nymphaion’s collapsed vault, and was instantly recognized as the business end of a hand-held fishing harpoon from its size and distinctive shape.
Arslan told Anadolu that the fish spear was a material they have seen especially in murals and other depictions.
“This is the first time we find such materials in Assos, because tools made of iron are the materials decaying most rapidly in ancient cities,” [Nurettin Arslan, humanities and social sciences professor at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University,] said. However, this trident found in this structure is an important example in that it was found almost completely intact.
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“Although we know that such tools were widely used in ancient times, we can say that it is an important work since the examples that have survived so far are very rare. As far as we know, it is said or we see in descriptions that such tools were used in ancient times to catch big fish at sea in small boats by lighting them with a torch at night,” he added.
Assos’ fishermen, who have made their living from the sea for thousands of years, probably had access to harpoons like this one that were made in the area. Archaeological evidence of iron smelting and working has been discovered in Assos, so it is possible that the metal came from the city.
Assos, located in Behram Village in Ayvacık District of Çanakkale Province, was founded by immigrants from Lesbos (Methymna Settlement on Lesbos Island) in the 7th century B.C., according to ancient writers. It has been determined by recent archaeological studies that the history of the city dates back to the Bronze Age.
By oguz kayra.
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bambipickle · 3 months
1, 3, 7, 12, 13, 20, 22, 27, 28 and 29 make an entire playlist for me
Ok so this is referring to an ancient reblog of mine
1 three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle "Deep Space" by Blank Banshee. "hakuiki (the last stage of change at the deceased remains" by my dead girlfriend (死んだ僕の彼女). "Mrahc" by Title Fight.
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with obviously "keep my address to yourself, cause we need secrets!" by Fucking Werewolf Asso. I think the tik tok song about Marcin the hamster also qualifies. Other than that i listen to "Youth and Lust" by Cold Cave a lot.
7. three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved first that comes to mind is "ADHDLGBTHWDP". "Passenger" by Deftones or any Deftones song for that matter, cause i really thought I'd grown out of nu metal. A lot of polish songs, since i dont hold polish music in high regard, but also wouldn't go as far as to say i "love" them now, just tolerate/like.
12. three favourite songs from video games this one's easy. Cyberpunk 2077's adaptation of folk song "Kōjō no Tsuki" takes the cake, always mesmerizing. "Worlds" by (as far as i remember) the Unresolved, also from Cyp77. "Fahkeet" by Light Club from Hotline Miami 2. There's so much more
13. three songs you want at your funeral i actually made a playlist for my funeral a few years back but it's not rly that serious. anyways, "Sea, Swallow Me" by Cocteau Twins, "Death Is Not the End" by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, "No Below" by Speedy Ortiz (incidentally also a song from a video game).
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one "Rosenrot" by Rammstein. "I Luv the Valley OH!" by Xiu Xiu. "Patolove" by Zdechly Osa.
22. three songs you listen to when you’re sad "Locket" by Crumb. "So You Wanna Be A Superhero" by Carissa's Wierd. "Violence" by Andy Stott.
27. three songs that you sing while drunk "Kino" by The Knife. "Stein Um Stein" by Rammstein. "Fucc the Devil" by Andrew Jackson Jihad.
28. three best songs to get drunk or high to "Vanished" by Crystal Castles. "Secret Motel" by Xiu Xiu. "2007" by You Love Her (Coz She's Dead). I just think these noisy electronic punk songs are trippy enough by themselves.
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives) hard to pick three but here we go. "Not In Love" by Crystal Castles - first non-metal/rock i really enjoyed, it basically dragged me into electronica and noise. "Rumpus Room" by Xiu Xiu - the song that pulled me into xiu xiu hell, even though i knew xiu before just with this song i became obsessed (and the live gig of course). "My Favorite Black Cat" by Lebanon Hanover - just something i'd listened a lot in my (recent) darkest times. Wouldn't say it motivated me to get help but certainly did have some influence.
jesus this took forever. anyway, here's the playlist
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bigsusreview · 1 year
Why Do You Love Me Satan? - Review #6
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i love sharing random obscure shit
this is by a band called Fucking Werewolf Asso. they are a band from Sweden. this record is putrid and absolutely amazing at the same time and i honestly don't even know what genre to define it as. punk rock is probably the closest match. at only 31 minutes in length, this release flies by in what feels like seconds. but man, those are some memorable seconds.
Cri Du Chat is a (mostly) instrumental introduction, allowing you to get a good feel for how the rest of this album is gonna sound. pretty standard stuff. My New Sneakers Could Never Replace My Multi-Colored Bangalores then continues with a massive breakdown beat and some of the most in-your-face, abhorrent screaming and singing i have ever heard. but there's a level of cohesion and understanding to the madness. this band really knows what they're doing and have already shown that with just the second track. The Tito Beltrán Massacre has a much more punk-friendly sound with some 8-bit-inspired synths added into the mix, reminiscent of some sorta old Nintendo game (hence why this band is usually referred to as "Nintendocore," but i hate that phrase). Alphonse Laurencic starts out with the now typical whiny scream-singing until exploding into a massive wall of sound. if the band hadn't shown you that they're worth your ears just yet, they have now.
the biggest highlight to me, though, is the 5-minute Your Ex Doesn't Mark Treasures. it's the longest piece on this record by far, with every other song having an average runtime of around 2 to 3 minutes. it closes out everything perfectly, feeling like the band's true magnum opus. if nothing connected beforehand, this one will. it's probably the easiest song to listen to by them and it really shows. it also features a different vocalist sometimes, which can help keep it grounded for the more serious tone it sets.
as mentioned before, the main vocalist sounds like shit. it may be on purpose, but i can definitely understand why that would turn some people off. having an open mind is a pretty necessary part to enjoying this album because it sounds like this band wants to rip your face off as soon as possible and then eat it. but hey, that's the main appeal in my opinion so there's a really good chance this one's not for everybody and that's alright too.
i hope you liked my little show and tell. this album has become a favorite of mine, reminding me a lot of MCR's debut if it was more unhinged with the vocals and tighter with the instrumental. there's a clear influence of all things punk and old VGM on this record, which is a hard combination to nail as well as it does here.
favorite tracks:
Your Ex Doesn't Mark Treasures
Alphonse Laurencic
everything else (it's all very consistently great)
overall score: fucking werewolf ass out of 10
also i think one of the guys from this band made Hotline Miami? that's some pretty fun trivia. it does make a lot of sense though. i swear scandinavian people are some of the most insane individuals alive.
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jojobegood1 · 1 year
Is this our cutest video of the year so far?
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Ciné plein air avec Passeurs d'images
Ciné plein air avec Passeurs d'images
Le FAR- Fonds Audiovisuel de Recherche et Passeurs d’images proposent tout l’été “ciné plein air”, une programmation de projections gratuites en plein air dans toute l’agglomération de La Rochelle et à Rochefort. Comme chaque été, le FAR – Fonds Audiovisuel de Recherche, coordinateur local du dispositif Passeurs d’Images, met en place 19 séances de cinéma en plein air et gratuites. Grande…
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r-roiben-r-blog · 3 months
Cielo - L’infinito di un sogno (parte prima)
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Il colpo di fucile riecheggia nell’aria polverosa; il suono fragoroso, lentamente, si dissipa nell’azzurro slavato del cielo immenso sopra la sua testa arruffata. Dolcemente, quasi con delicatezza, le piccole ali bianche dell’aereoplano monomotore si inclinano di lato, il suo motore si zittisce, lasciando il cielo in silenzio e in pacifica contemplazione, e la corta fusoliera rossa sussulta lievemente prima di precipitarsi giù, verso la verdeggiante macchia di alberi.
Il respiro si inceppa bruscamente fra il suo petto e la sua gola. Spalanca la bocca e non gli riesce di recuperare l’ossigeno necessario per pensare. “Oh, no. L’ho ammazzato” è il pensiero fisso che gira senza sosta nella sua testa incasinata. Ma infine abbandona ogni ulteriore indugio e, mentre il fucile scivola via dalle sue dita, si precipita in una corsa disordinata e abbastanza penosa verso la distesa di rami verdi che sembrano volerlo deridere con la loro placida tranquillità.
«Plata!» non può fare a meno di urlare, nonostante si renda conto che da quella distanza non lo può sentire.
Sempre ammesso, naturalmente, che sia ancora vivo per sentire qualcosa… Oh! Questo no, era meglio non pensarlo.
Ha il fiato corto. Il suo cuore minaccia di piantarlo in asso da un istante all’altro. Gli bruciano le gambe e i polmoni. Ciò nonostante sta ancora correndo, il più velocemente possibile, perché deve assolutamente raggiungerlo e appurare che respiri ancora, che non abbia effettivamente ucciso il suo migliore amico.
Infine lo avvista, bianco e rosso sullo sfondo verde della foresta, e si permette un minuscolo sospiro di sollievo: se non altro non è un ammasso di lamiere contorte e fumanti. È già qualcosa. Poche sgraziate e traballanti falcate ancora e finalmente lo raggiunge e spalanca il portello con foga febbrile. Qualche misero istante dopo barcolla indietro, centrato dalle nocche spigolose dell’amico. Con il culo ammaccato e la mascella dolorante, risolleva la testa e lo guarda confuso. “Uhm… Non ha l’espressione granché amichevole, a ben vedere” ragiona incerto. E quel sogghigno che arriccia le sue labbra, seguito dal motteggio che fa odiosamente il verso a quel che Salud si era divertito ad affibbiargli subito dopo il loro disastroso atterraggio nella foresta, gli confermano che no, non sembra averla presa troppo bene in effetti. Ma, insomma, non lo voleva certo ammazzare per davvero! Ci mancherebbe. E con tutti i guai che ha dovuto passare lui, per colpa di Plata e dei suoi giochini malefici! Ne vogliamo parlare?
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In tutta evidenza no, non ne vuole parlare. Preferisce prenderlo a calci, questo è sicuro. Gli dovrà proprio far presente, un giorno o l’altro, che i tacchi dei suoi stivali fanno abbastanza male. Magari un’altra volta, ora gli tocca fare a botte. Eh va bè! Un po’ di movimento ci voleva per sgranchirsi, giusto?
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 4 months
Oroscopo di Chirya: dal 3 al 9 Giugno 2024
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Oroscopo di Chirya: Cari tutti, eccoci alle previsioni da lunedì 3 a domenica 9 Giugno 2024,  la prossima settimana tutto è più veloce, sia i segni di aria, che di fuoco saranno brillanti e pieni di creatività. Sole, Venere, Giove e Mercurio da inizio settimana. Per l'Acquario tanto amore, per i Pesci bisogna che affrontino una crisi di coppia, intraprendente la Bilancia. Oroscopo di Chirya: uno sguardo segno per segno Ariete Cari Ariete, la settimana inizia con tanti progetti, sul lavoro, Mercurio sarà il vostro alleato, insieme alla luna vi portano delle belle notizie. Chi di voi cerca l’amore, ha grande fortuna, nuovi amori ed emozioni. I sentimenti torneranno ad essere al primo posto, per chi ha voglia di innamorarsi ancora. Sarete al centro delle vostre amicizie, che attirerete con la vostra innegabile gentilezza, sappiate investire sulle occasioni che il periodo vi offre. Toro Oroscopo di Chirya: Cari Toro, la settimana vi chiede di fare ordine ai progetti di vita, su cui nelle ultime settimane, avete riflettuto. Ciò che veramente desiderate nella vita. Inoltre, i primi due giorni della settimana sono super fortunati, e potreste ricevere delle buone notizie, magari sul lavoro, o in amore, e tante le cose su cui attivarsi. Rifugiatevi in famiglia, piuttosto che scegliere di rimanere da soli, avete bisogno di affetto. Gemelli Cari Gemelli, siete i protagonisti indiscussi della settimana, e non solo, da martedì, anche Mercurio forma un bellissimo aspetto tra Giove, Venere e il Sole. una combinazione vincente. Una buona notizia arriverà, per tutti, portando l’amore, con tanti sogni romantici. I sentimenti sono il vostro asso nella manica, e anche le questioni familiari che dovrete affronterete saranno risolte facilmente, senza intoppi, con gli amici tante piccole sorprese inaspettate. Cancro Oroscopo di Chirya: Cari Cancro, la settimana vi chiede di mantenervi calmi, di attendere tempi migliori e più adatti per prendere decisioni. In compenso godrete di una serenità emotiva. Vostra alleata è la Luna, che sabato e domenica, vi porterà tanto affetto da chi vi sta accanto. Molta la stanchezza sul lavoro, dove vi sentirete più esposti del solito, suscettibili di contrapposizione, dimostratevi le persone sensibili che siete, inoltre cercate di prendervi cura di voi stessi. Leone Ci sarà tempo di agire, con un’attenta supervisione riuscirete a far fiorire i vostri sogni d’amore, ed anche il lavoro vi darà tante soddisfazioni. Mercurio, finalmente positivo, vi porterà delle buone notizie. Il lavoro che inizia   a migliorare, pone le basi per il miglior sviluppo futuro. Valuterete la veridicità di una amicizia, nel frattempo ne farete molte altre, soprattutto nel fine settimana, attenzione alle spese, un difetto che avete,  sono le mani bucate. Vergine Cari Vergine, la prossima settimana siete senza energia, piuttosto sorpresi da una delusione d’amore o di lavoro, è cruciale reagire e credere in sé stessi per il successo di un progetto. Tenete da conto che Mercurio passa in segno a voi ostile, qualche ostacolo o difficoltà, ci può stare. Meglio puntare sul week-end, magari in compagnia di un buon amico, con cui sfogarsi, e che vi sappia ascoltare, senza doppi fini. Bilancia Cari Bilancia, dovrete dividervi tra mille impegni, per realizzare ogni vostra iniziativa, Mercurio torna positivo, con tante belle sorprese, tante novità in arrivo, vietato perdere tempo. Risolvete vecchie dispute personali e professionali.  In famiglia troverete tutto l'amore e la pazienza che avete, essere così stimati vi riempirà di gioia e allegria, il bello che tutto questo durerà ancora. Scorpione Cari Scorpione, questa settimana è piena di sfide da superare, non preoccupatevi, avrete la forza e la determinazione per superarle. Mercurio non vi è più ostile, e la situazione sarà favorevole con tante occasioni.  Qualche problema in famiglia c'è, magari dovrete risolvere qualche incomprensione, cercate di mantenere una grande stabilità, e una buona comunicazione, diventando il punto di riferimento anche in famiglia.  Sagittario Cari Sagittario, pazienza, pazienza, qualcosa non andrà per il giusto verso, avrete qualche difficoltà di comunicazione con gli altri.  e Da evitare qualsiasi polemiche, recriminazioni o discussioni, su tutti i fronti. Mercurio opposto non vi renderà le cose facili, ma potrebbe farvi incontrare un vecchio amico, una persona del passato, la famiglia sarà al centro dei vostri interessi, una piccola gita riuscirà a darvi quella serenità che desiderate. Capricorno Cari Capricorno, attivi come no siete da tempo, concentratevi sulle vostre finanze, questa settimana. dovrete fare delle scelte non facili, anche se ci saranno benefici a breve termine, nel lavoro non assumetevi più compiti di quanto potete portare a termine. Quella che state vivendo è una fase di transizione, e il fine settimana potrebbe darvi qualche tensione, un’amicizia potrebbe farvi sentire a vostro agio. Acquario Oroscopo di Chirya: Cari Acquario, avrete sicuramente qualcosa da festeggiare, la prossima settimana, tante questioni difficili lavorative e amorose, troveranno la loro soluzione, Mercurio da martedì diventa favorevole per voi e vi regalerà, il successo su tanti progetti. Potrete mettere in luce il vostro talento, e tanti dei vostri progetti prenderanno forma. Siate creativi e pensate in grande. Le relazioni d’ amore saranno piene di passione, sfruttate questo momento, per essere più forti e determinati che mai. Pesci Cari Pesci, settimana nervosa, con qualche atteggiamento aggressivo per chi vi sta accanto, non volete passare per arrendevoli o permissivi, per cui reagite male. Sul lavoro, qualche ostacolo è possibile, Belle le  giornate di lunedì e martedì, da passare  con serenità in compagnia di amici cari. Concentratevi su hobby rilassanti  che vi regalino momenti di gioia  intensa, e tralasciate le cose personali che al momento non funzionano. Read the full article
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viviandthestars · 8 months
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La tensione inespressa ch’è rimasta sopita nei muscoli trova la sua naturale espressione quando la mannara finalmente si alza, con un movimento secco che fa sfregare le gambe della sedia sul pavimento. E poco le importa di far rumore o di avere altri occhi addosso, è invece assolutamente d’istinto che senza dire una parola girerebbe sui tacchi, dirigendosi a grandi passi verso l’uscita per piantare tutti in asso. Chiederà scusa un’altra volta — forse.
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brunopino · 1 year
Aeroporto di Lamezia Terme, la proposta di intitolazione a Fulco Ruffo di Calabria eroe dell'aria
La proposta dell’avv. Vincenzo Attisani presidente dell’Associazione “Radicando” di Girifalco (Cz): l’aeroporto di Lamezia Terme intitolato a Fulco Ruffo di Calabria, asso dell’aria della Prima guerra mondiale. Catanzaro – È in questi giorni in visita in Calabria per conoscere, e far conoscere, i suoi borghi più belli, il principe Fulco Ruffo di Calabria, nipote di Paola Ruffo di Calabria…
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nordnews · 2 years
The study of food samples is still in progress, but some patient samples have already been completed. So far, seven people have tested positive for the norovirus asso...
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artcalledtattoo · 2 years
How Much
How much power is needed
Empty a vessel
Take all you need
Rape a vessel of energy
Bone us grabbers
You sleep well
Left out at clock out
How much is needed for Family
Thank a lower provider
The gifts are not from you
But what you take
Fake it to love ones
You did this
Money bonus love
New bank notes
Keeping it paid
As you decided
Just how much?
Is enough
My muscles growing
Because of you
My health
Better than you
And yet I have to look up
See you
In my playing field
As you decided
Just how much?
Is enough
My handlers
Living large in accounts & body
You dog you dodged
Watch those hearts of yours?
(minus) -
- Oxygen not getting to brain already seems stroked
- Clogged arteries feels like an attack to flow of things
- I use people for a bonus and don’t care if they work as two or three
- A life, they were probably fired and not left for dead
- I clock in and sit, phishing throw emails on an hourly clock
- It all manages itself
- A door knob, 2315 hours stand at a door to let workers have lunch
- Does always take two
- Manager holding hands managing together
- The bullshit
- 5:30 am clock out time like last year but not allowed to clocked out nor can one let themselves out
- Bending, your smile to my reaming, as you
- Continuing of the raping of personal time
- Tell that to spouse and kids
- Mm feels abused by all of you
- He (mm) provided bonus
- Where’s his fucking Thank You Card
- Last year no bonus or donut (K provided one, and I blessed him and thanked him, in my rung on a ladder
- Non higher ups
- Lost souls , dirt, cope, snakes & Faermance, natural parks & the demons all managerial materials
- Fuck them all, let God sort-’em out! In body the physical, the soul corrupted in bonus grappling (I Was A Warlord in Basic Training, the shit bounces back & later Art of War wince Guerrilla Marketing a community biz asso. gift by raffle, to rape pillage & destroy, woah like Trump, Putin now)n
- You have a nice ride, does you bitch suck she should be blowing me also & swallowing
- Most of US should have been digested for a better planet Earth
- We have readers digest
- Sweeter when I look into your eyes. You should have been big gulped!
- When I work and not in music or even life I’ll play tonight
- Tempo
How Much?
I just dropped a quarter
Call a friend
Fuck you, Prunts
I am your God
Should I make tonight, all feeling out of place, I never set placemats, fuck entertainment, like a slap. You go slave!
Set up to fail
But your black.............man
Lethal weapon ozone song
I’m a slave to their damned Souls
Blackened Souls
How much?
You need from Me, alone thy self, all tied not swallowed experiencing living it’s all in an eduction, you always pulled over, not in my view but no ride on the West side, I wouldn’t know, I know a city, paid by Taxes
And a lot of sorry fucks voted in Trump, am I looking at you, and farming tax evaders; ohh you provide to community
What the fuck is your farm?
Audits could be made; all would land as crooks
Raping of America but fam got cool presents last year Christmas
I’m not fucking done yet, I spit just upon maneuvers in the managers up above •
That’s me in a symbol
Let me squill about on days doubled hand holders, they so special can’t manage by themselves, two to unlock doors, fucking two with this and that, but can’t equal out workloads or manage to get US out on clock out, I’ve fucking have bitched about this before, add raping to a sign and me move at my tempo, you took so far this year 6 hours of my time, Martians, lows,
Sorry fucks, 2023, more Rated R words to come later on ya’ll, let the misses know, or jump to California or resign, your leadership in faces on a wall says to me
Rhymes with _ _ _ _ _ _
Hanging the UP, raped America of Taxes
death raping lives in Ukraine
Like up up above behind walls
Fucking over its own country and bouncing to start a side War with just Up Putin
Fuck all three
To Much like my Uppers
I work in a single building
Government nation and state fucted
Look at water pipes
And shut the.............
Conglomerate Business Major Player
Slow as tortious martian rhymes
I don’t know all Faces but know your types in my land on Earth 2.5 miles work and home Universe
Just too much!
I want to carve in ice a Wion Pulse playing!
Whining heart pulse but alive & breathing!
Could not post from notes and added hastags
Denied, all typings worthless, no post
So i above copied and pasted into Tumblr and now too pissed to add hashtags, like a (worknite ) must add later after birds and nicotine
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jaoxs0163 · 2 years
Vendita Perline Online Per Bigiotteria Fai Da Te.
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Se stai ricercando materiale per creare bigiotteria fai da te questo è il negozio online giusto dove puoi scegliere tutti I materiali utili per creare bijoux HandMade. Il sito è suddiviso in categorie e sottocategorie rendendo la ricerca semplice, anche per chi non è un asso del computer! Pietreeminuterie.com nasce quasi un decennio fa per venire incontro alle amanti della bigiotteria fai da te che sono sempre alla ricerca di accessori perbigiotteria unici e singolari!
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Nymph Association's Researches and Adventures Episode 1
The sun is up in the sky over Snowbelle City in the Kalos region, emitting its light in a way that makes it seem like the snow on the ground and trees is shining.
I come out of my house... and almost slip because of the ice on the ground.
- Goddam- I may have been living here my whole life, I'll never get used to this. Who decided that opening a Gym that emits air so cold the whole city is constantly snowy was a good idea, anyway ?
My name is Oceane, 19 years old. And today, I'm making one of the biggest steps towards my goal. I do not wish to become a Pokemon Master, nor to complete that god awful Pokedex.
Partially because I am in fact against the use of Poke Balls.
I don't like the fact that it not only forcefully makes Pokemon docile, but most importantly, I hate the fact that Poke Balls are powered by Pokemon Life Force.
I want to fight against that, as draining Pokemon Life Force is an horribly painful process that can lead to the Pokemon's death if taken too far, and that big companies like the Devon Corp. and Silph Corp. still use it on a daily basis.
And so I spent most of my life studying at Santalune City's school, learning about Pokemon in order to try and find something that could help me fight against the use of Pokemon Life Force.
At this point, I'm a living Pokedex, I know a lot of Pokemon's typings habits and habitats by memory, though I'm bad at remembering basically everything else.
And recently, I've heard about a group located in Canalave City in Sinnoh called the Nymph Association (or Nymph Asso. for short), that claims to want to stop the use of Pokemon Life Force, just like I do.
I messaged them, and after a while of online chatting, the founder of the association, Selio, offered me a place in their group. So now, I'm ready to leave my hometown Snowbelle City.
Well, ready is a bit of an exaggeration. I'm still extremely anxious just thinking about going out in the world on my own. But I have to do this. It'll all be worth it in the end.
- Don't stress it Oceane... Everything's gonna be fine... Let's go.
I go through Route 21 and 22, as both of these Routes are straightforward paths where it's easy to avoid the tall grass, and I go towards Santalune City, reminescing about the times when I was walking this path in order to head to school.
Once I reach Santalune, I decide to stop by the school in order to say hi to my old teacher, who somehow made a much better parental figure than my mentally abusive parents ever did.
I enter, but before talking to my teacher, I decide to head for the bookshelves. I love reading, and the fantasy books in these shelves are my childhood. I kept reading them over and over.
There's that book with a little girl and a Shiny Gyarados that can't fly searching for an old man that can grant wishes by following the hints left by the folklore...
That one where the protagonist originates from another world where people can make their imagination come to life, and when she accidently comes back to this world, she gets chased by Scyther-looking creatures because of her power.
This one is a bit hard to explain in a short summary but it's my favorite book ever. Too bad that the author died in an accident before he could make the end of his last trilogy...
I snap out of my thinking when I realize that my teacher noticed me and is standing behind me.
- O-Oh, hi, sir... It's been a while.
- Hi, Oceane. Yes it has been a while. What are you doing here ?
- Oh well I... wanted to say hi. I've found a group that wants to fight the use of Pokemon Life Force just like I do, so I'm heading to Sinnoh to meet them, and since I'm passing through here, I decided to visit this place again.
- Sinnoh ? That's a bit far. You're sure that you can handle it ? You've never been very... autonomous.
- I know, I know... but I can handle it. I have a ticket for the boat trip to Sinnoh in Coumarine City. I can do this.
- Alright, good luck then. I hope you succeed with your goals, and that you'll get along with your co-workers.
- Yes... Thank you very much, sir.
After this interaction, I go north, towards Route 4 and Lumiose City. As I walk through the Route, I see a bunch of Flabebe and Floette playing around in the flowers, which puts a smile on my face.
I then reach Lumiose City, and I'm a bit afraid of getting lost because of how big this city is. Hopefully, there are maps available for everyone to see in the Pokemon Centers, and now I know where to go.
I traverse the South Boulevard and reach the door leading to Route 13. It's a desertic Route. There are Ground-type Pokemon on it, but I should be able to avoid them if I'm careful since we can see them approaching when they dig underground.
I pass through the door, and at first, traversing is simple as the path is paved and the Pokemon don't approach. But for the second half of the Route, there's no path.
I have two choices here. Go slowly hoping that they don't hear me, or just run for it. They would definitly hear me but I should be able to leave before they attack me.
As I'm considering the good and bad of the two options. Someone approaches me. I turn around to see them, and it's a backpacker. He proposes to help me pass with his Pokemon.
I'm about to accept, but then I spot the Poke Balls attached to his backpack. Of course. So I decline the offer.
- I'm sorry, but no. I prefer going myself rather than accepting help from someone who uses Poke Balls. I can't support the thought of Pokemon being taken away from their homes and families just for stuff like this.
- Oh er... okay, he replies. Good luck with traversing then.
As he leaves, I hear him mumbling "Weirdo..."
Who is he calling a weirdo ?? Okay, I do things my way and okay, I don't have Pokemon since I'm against catching them and I'm not a cliche anime protagonist that all Pokemon want to join because they're just oh, so great.
But my morals are in the right place, and I'm not an ignorant about the true nature of the so called wonderful world we live in, like this guy seemingly is. I'm about to call the backpacker out about this, but I change my mind.
I've tried arguing about this before. People either don't believe me or don't care. Sometimes even both ! So what's the point ? I just go back to thinking how to traverse Route 13.
I opted for the slow approach, except I had to use both approaches in the end.
I walked slowly to avoid getting noticed by the Pokemon underground, but sometimes they did, so I started running away until I lost them, and then walked slowly again.
I did that several times and I finally reached the end of the Route, exhausted. Yeah I'm not a big fan of physical activities. I think it's clear by now that I'd rather sit on a couch with a good book or video game.
But that doesn't really matter right now. I finally made it to Coumarine, and I still have some time before the ship I'm taking departs.
I take the monorail since it leads to the Coumarine Harbour, and I just sit on a bench, waiting for the ship to arrive. I take my tablet out of my bag and I play video games in the meantime.
When it's finally there, I see that quite a lot of people are going on that ship. After all, it is pretty big. I still can't believe that the Nymph Association sent me the ticket to take it just like that. It must have been costly.
I join the crowd and then head to my cabin. I have this mix of excitement and nervosity. Are the members of the Nymph Association gonna be nice ?
I know that they don't have many members. Sadly, I'm not surprised about it, and it sucks for the cause. But at least my social anxiety shouldn't be too bad since they don't have that many members.
I spend the entirety of the cruise playing video games, eating at the buffet (I love eating food), and resting while watching the scenery. The trip is 18 hours long after all.
As my name Oceane may imply, I really like water. It's my favorite natural element so I'm glad to be here. It's my first boat trip ever, I never really explored outside of Snowbelle and Santalune before.
My favorite type is not Water though, it's the Bug type. Not the most appreciated type, I know.
I must admit this backpacker was kinda right when he said I'm weird. But not in a bad way like he said. I'm unique. Well that's what I try to tell myself when my self esteem is getting low because of people like him.
After these 18 hours, I finally reach Canalave City. It's a charming little town. I like its vibe. I downloaded a map of the city on my tablet in order to know where the Nymph Association building is.
I'd rather do that than having to get the courage to ask a complete stranger for directions. I'm not good with social interactions, and I'm very self-conscious about the things that come out of my mouth.
After searching for a while, I finally find it. I slowly push the doors and enter. There's someone at the counter. She raises her head, seemingly surprised to see someone enter.
- Yes, what can I help you with ?
- Oh um, well, I uh... Your boss Selio offered me a place in the association.
- Oh, I see. You must be Oceane. No need to be so shy. Also Selio, the boss ? I mean, yes that's what he is, but sometimes, it doesn't feel like it.
- What ? Is he a bad boss ?
- Oh no no no ! What I mean is that, with him, it doesn't feel like anybody is higher on the hierarchy. I mean there's only four of us, so I guess it's not that hard.
- Oh, I see. Well, that's a relief. Where can I find him ?
- His office is behind the door to your left. He'll tell you where you'll sleep and what you'll have to do.
- Alright, thanks, uh...
- I'm Jewelia.
- Thanks Jewelia.
I head to the door Jewelia indicated. I knock, and I hear Selio telling me to enter. I do so, and I see that he was filling some paperwork.
- Yes ? What can I- Oh. You're Oceane, aren't you ?
- Yeah... that's me.
- I'm glad you made it here. Did you enjoy the trip ?
- Oh yes. Yes, thank you !
- Alright, so let me tell you a bit more about we're trying to do. From what you told me, you've tried convincing people that the use of Poke Balls is a bad thing, but they didn't believe you, right ?
- Yes. Several times, even.
- People don't like to be wrong. They'd rather consider you to be wrong than put their personal view of the world in question. We can't convince them like that.
- Yeah, I figured...
- So, the main goal of the Nymph Association is to bring undeniable proof of why that Poke Balls and many other things are powered by Pokemon Life Force and that it's a bad thing. Because of course Silph and Devon won't openly tell everyone that they make Pokemon suffer for profit.
- Yeah and they won't tell about the bad effects capturing Pokemon has on the ecosystem and the Pokemon themselves.
- Exactly. We go on different missions around the world to try and gather evidence, but we didn't go very far for now.
- Around the world ? Wow. Sorry if I'm too curious, but how do you pay for all that ? Just the expensive ticket you gave me surprised me.
- I graduated from the Castelia University, and I managed to convince them of the importance of this association for the future of Pokemon, so they're funding it. We study the nature of the bond between humans and Pokemon as well.
- That's interesting. I'd be happy to help with all that.
- That's great. But you just arrived from a long trip and it's getting late, so for now, I'll introduce you to the other members and I'll show you your room. Just like I told you in our previous discussions, you'll be paid and accomodated here.
- Right. Thank you so much. I really feel like I'll be able to properly help Pokemon here.
- Alright. Follow me to the first floor. That's where all the rooms, the kitchen and everything is.
Selio gets up and leads me outside of his office. Jewelia is still sitting at the counter. Selio walks towards her.
- Hey, Jewelia, can you bring Timeo here, please ? He must be in the garage.
- Sure thing, boss !
- Why are you calling me boss all of sudden ? You've never did that before.
- It's Oceane, when she arrived, she called you "my boss", even though you don't like being called that. It made me laugh.
- Just go look for Timeo, please.
- You got it !
Jewelia leaves. I can't help but feeling like this is my fault, so I apologize.
- I'm sorry about that...
- What ? It's not your fault. Jewelia just likes messing with people, sometimes. But she stops pretty rapidly and doesn't do it with the intent of being mean. She knows that the best jokes are the shortest.
- Oh yeah. We have a saying that says just that in Kalos.
- I see. Well, lets go up the stairs now.
- Right.
Selio leads me to the living room on the first floor, and Jewelia quickly arrives, followed by someone who I assume is the Timeo that Selio mentioned earlier.
And then there's... a girl with the messiest hair I've ever seen. It's even messier than mine, even though I don't brush my hair very often. Selio introduces them to me.
- So, Oceane. You've already met Jewelia. She's a pretty good cook, so she cooks the food for us.
- Oh no, not another mouth to feed... says Jewelia dramatically. Just kidding, I can't to see what you think of my cooking ! I'm also a Pokemon Coordinator. I'm not the best Pokemon Coordinator this world has ever seen, far from it actually, but I'm still pretty good.
- Then, there's Timeo, adds Selio. He has a knack for creating vehicles and machinery in general. He's pretty shy, kinda like you, so you could get along pretty well.
- Hi.
Yeah, just "Hi". I can feel this guy's timidity just through that. Selio's probably right, I could get along with him.
- And finally, there's Selene, says Selio while looking at the messy-haired girl.
Selene raises her head at the mention of her name.
She's my sister, and a wild child. I've been separated from her when I was very young, but a few years ago, I finally found where she was. She was living in the depths of the White forest in Unova. She was raised by Pokemon, and even though she can't talk, she has slight psychic powers that allow her to communicate. She's basically our mascot.
- And she's also my girlfriend, added Jewelia.
- Yes, and when Selene decided to follow me, the Pokemon who raised her accepted to come live here so they can stay with her. They live in our backyard continued Selio.
- Wow, that's really interesting ! Well... I'm happy to meet you all, and... I hope we'll get along.
Selio then leads me to my room, and I go to bed. I usually don't fall asleep easily, but with everything that has happened today, I fall asleep almost immediatly, while wondering what tomorrow will be like.
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