#Putin Trump Xi
artcalledtattoo · 1 year
How Much
How much power is needed
Empty a vessel
Take all you need
Rape a vessel of energy
Bone us grabbers
You sleep well
Left out at clock out
How much is needed for Family
Thank a lower provider
The gifts are not from you
But what you take
Fake it to love ones
You did this
Money bonus love
New bank notes
Keeping it paid
As you decided
Just how much?
Is enough
My muscles growing
Because of you
My health
Better than you
And yet I have to look up
See you
In my playing field
As you decided
Just how much?
Is enough
My handlers
Living large in accounts & body
You dog you dodged
Watch those hearts of yours?
(minus) -
- Oxygen not getting to brain already seems stroked
- Clogged arteries feels like an attack to flow of things
- I use people for a bonus and don’t care if they work as two or three
- A life, they were probably fired and not left for dead
- I clock in and sit, phishing throw emails on an hourly clock
- It all manages itself
- A door knob, 2315 hours stand at a door to let workers have lunch
- Does always take two
- Manager holding hands managing together
- The bullshit
- 5:30 am clock out time like last year but not allowed to clocked out nor can one let themselves out
- Bending, your smile to my reaming, as you
- Continuing of the raping of personal time
- Tell that to spouse and kids
- Mm feels abused by all of you
- He (mm) provided bonus
- Where’s his fucking Thank You Card
- Last year no bonus or donut (K provided one, and I blessed him and thanked him, in my rung on a ladder
- Non higher ups
- Lost souls , dirt, cope, snakes & Faermance, natural parks & the demons all managerial materials
- Fuck them all, let God sort-’em out! In body the physical, the soul corrupted in bonus grappling (I Was A Warlord in Basic Training, the shit bounces back & later Art of War wince Guerrilla Marketing a community biz asso. gift by raffle, to rape pillage & destroy, woah like Trump, Putin now)n
- You have a nice ride, does you bitch suck she should be blowing me also & swallowing
- Most of US should have been digested for a better planet Earth
- We have readers digest
- Sweeter when I look into your eyes. You should have been big gulped!
- When I work and not in music or even life I’ll play tonight
- Tempo
How Much?
I just dropped a quarter
Call a friend
Fuck you, Prunts
I am your God
Should I make tonight, all feeling out of place, I never set placemats, fuck entertainment, like a slap. You go slave!
Set up to fail
But your black.............man
Lethal weapon ozone song
I’m a slave to their damned Souls
Blackened Souls
How much?
You need from Me, alone thy self, all tied not swallowed experiencing living it’s all in an eduction, you always pulled over, not in my view but no ride on the West side, I wouldn’t know, I know a city, paid by Taxes
And a lot of sorry fucks voted in Trump, am I looking at you, and farming tax evaders; ohh you provide to community
What the fuck is your farm?
Audits could be made; all would land as crooks
Raping of America but fam got cool presents last year Christmas
I’m not fucking done yet, I spit just upon maneuvers in the managers up above •
That’s me in a symbol
Let me squill about on days doubled hand holders, they so special can’t manage by themselves, two to unlock doors, fucking two with this and that, but can’t equal out workloads or manage to get US out on clock out, I’ve fucking have bitched about this before, add raping to a sign and me move at my tempo, you took so far this year 6 hours of my time, Martians, lows,
Sorry fucks, 2023, more Rated R words to come later on ya’ll, let the misses know, or jump to California or resign, your leadership in faces on a wall says to me
Rhymes with _ _ _ _ _ _
Hanging the UP, raped America of Taxes
death raping lives in Ukraine
Like up up above behind walls
Fucking over its own country and bouncing to start a side War with just Up Putin
Fuck all three
To Much like my Uppers
I work in a single building
Government nation and state fucted
Look at water pipes
And shut the.............
Conglomerate Business Major Player
Slow as tortious martian rhymes
I don’t know all Faces but know your types in my land on Earth 2.5 miles work and home Universe
Just too much!
I want to carve in ice a Wion Pulse playing!
Whining heart pulse but alive & breathing!
Could not post from notes and added hastags
Denied, all typings worthless, no post
So i above copied and pasted into Tumblr and now too pissed to add hashtags, like a (worknite ) must add later after birds and nicotine
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william-r-melich · 1 month
Biden Trials - 05/09/2024
Things seem to be going former president Donald Trump's way in the 4 criminal court cases against him. The documents case in Florida is being indefinitely delayed because of some pre-trial issues, as well as the appearance of the prosecuting attorney Jack Smith having been possibly hired illegally. The prosecutors recently admitted that the documents they seized were in a different order then the scanned copies they turned over to the defense, who argued for discovery, which could delay the proceedings even further.
The Epoch Times yesterday reported the following. "President Trump was charged with 40 counts related to allegedly mishandling classified information. His valet Walt Nauta and Mar-a-Lago property manager, Carlos De Oliveira, were charged alongside him as codefendants." Judge Aileen Cannon, who's overseeing the case, wrote that to now set a date for the trial to commence before resolving the “myriad and interconnected pre-trial and CIPA [Classified Information Procedures Act] issues” would not be fair or prudent. From the same article, I quote. "The judge still has before her several motions to dismiss charges or the indictment entirely, motions to unseal information that the defendants argue is critical in the case, and ongoing discovery issues to resolve." She also said she has yet to rule on eight substantive motions, two of which have not yet been docketed publicly, and that there are extensive discovery issues.
On top of all these issues, Trump is currently required to be in attendance in the New York "Hush Money" trial, wherein the prosecutors say they will need two to three more weeks to present their case. The other two defendants in the case, Mr. Nauta and Mr. De Oliveira, wanted a speedy trial. The judge said she had considered that against due process rights. She wrote this. “Upon such review, the Court finds that the ends of justice served by this continuance, through the last deadline specified in this Order, July 22, 2024, outweigh the best interest of the public and Defendants in a speedy trial.”
Judge Cannon has scheduled a May 20th deadline (the original trial date) to resolve seal requests over a hearing on grand jury matters. On May 22nd, the judge will hear arguments on the defendants' motion to dismiss the indictment charges due to a vindictive and selective prosecution.
On June 21st, the court will hear arguments on whether special counsel Jack Smith's appointment was unconstitutional as what has been previously claimed by former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese. Meese has amicus briefs in both of Mr. Smith's cases against Trump.
Partial evidentiary hearings will be held from June 24th to June 26th for the defense's motion to compel discovery from prosecutors and the scope of what they are required to hand over.
The trial date is not likely to emerge until after the judges July 22nd status conference.
The goofy racketeering case in Fulton County Georgia is falling apart from the compromised prosecutor, Fanni Willis who hired a man with whom she had an affair with as her lead attorney. She's agreed to fire him while she's being investigated, so that trial is delayed and stands a good chance of being dismissed.
The New York "Hush Money" trial is becoming more ridiculous every day. Judge Juan Moron (Juan Merchan) is the presiding judge, who recently put another gag order on Trump, has fined him $1,000 for violating it on Truth Social. Mr. Moron said this. "Mr. Trump it’s important you understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president as well." If he does that the prison would probably have to shut down a wing of the prison on Rikers Island to secure it for his constitutional right to Secret Service protection. I doubt he'll do it, for if he does that would all but ensure a Trump victory, but with this heavily biased judge, you never know. Porn star Stormy Daniels testified yesterday about the affair which she previously denied happened in a letter signed by her, an incident she now apparently says did occur. Never mind that it's completely immaterial to the 34 misdemeanor counts of accounting errors which have expired from the statute of limitations running out but are kept alive by being linked and raised to a felony charge for a mysterious, unnamed crime. Dictators like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are probably envious, and I have no doubt that we're being mocked, ridiculed, and laughed at around the world.
The case in Washington D.C. spearheaded by Jack Smith is also being delayed because of the presidential immunity arguments being weighed by the justices at the U.S. Supreme Court. They might not make a determination on that until June or July. Jack Smith's appointment there is also being questioned on its legality.
So, there you have the Biden trials, all with serious issues of illegitimacy leading to ridiculous clown shows and numerous delays. And in spite of their obvious attempts to hurt Trump with multiple gag orders and demanding that he be detained in court, he continues to fight them stronger than ever while rising in popularity. Some of these trials appear at this point as unlikely to survive past the upcoming election this November. And Trump is correct to call these Biden trials, for they obviously really are political witch hunts at Biden's direction, election interference that's thankfully backfiring. Boy, what a joke, what a sham, what an embarrassing disgrace!
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
If a candidate says he wants to be a dictator, pals around with dictators, and quotes dictators – don't be surprised when he acts like a dictator if elected.
It's not some "woke liberal" who is blowing the whistle on Trump's dictator lust but retired General John Kelly – Trump’s former chief of staff.
To Donald Trump, Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán is “fantastic,” Chinese leader Xi Jinping is “brilliant,” North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is “an OK guy,” and, most alarmingly, he allegedly said Adolf Hitler “did some good things,” a worldview that would reverse decades-old US foreign policy in a second term should he win November’s presidential election, multiple former senior advisers told CNN. “He thought Putin was an OK guy and Kim was an OK guy — that we had pushed North Korea into a corner,” retired Gen. John Kelly, who served as Trump’s chief of staff, told me. “To him, it was like we were goading these guys. ‘If we didn’t have NATO, then Putin wouldn’t be doing these things.’” Trump’s lavish praise for Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán while hosting him at Mar-a-Lago on Friday, just days after all but sealing the Republican nomination on Super Tuesday, shows it’s a worldview he’s doubling down on. “There’s nobody that’s better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orbán,” Trump said, adding, “He’s the boss and he’s a great leader, fantastic leader. In Europe and around the world, they respect him.” The former president’s admiration for autocrats has been reported on before, but in comments by Trump recounted to me for my new book, “The Return of Great Powers,” out Tuesday, Kelly and others who served under Trump give new insight into why they warn that a man who consistently praises autocratic leaders opposed to US interests is ill-suited to lead the country in the Great Power clashes that could be coming, telling me they believe that the root of his admiration for these figures is that he envies their power. [ ... ] “He’s not a tough guy by any means, but in fact quite the opposite,” Kelly said. “But that’s how he envisions himself.”
Trump REALLY admires Hitler.
“It’s pretty hard to believe he missed the Holocaust, though, and pretty hard to understand how he missed the 400,000 American GIs that were killed in the European theater,” Kelly told me. “But I think it’s more, again, the tough guy thing.” Trump’s admiration for Hitler went further than the German leader’s economic policies, according to Kelly. Trump also expressed admiration for Hitler’s hold on senior Nazi officers. Trump lamented that Hitler, as Kelly recounted, maintained his senior staff’s “loyalty,” while Trump himself often did not. “He would ask about the loyalty issues and about how, when I pointed out to him the German generals as a group were not loyal to him, and in fact tried to assassinate him a few times, and he didn’t know that,” Kelly recalled. “He truly believed, when he brought us generals in, that we would be loyal — that we would do anything he wanted us to do,” Kelly told me.
Trump apparently thought being around generals would make him look strong and that his strength would ensure their loyalty to him.
But all of those generals except Mike Flynn, the QAnon nut who lasted 24 days, were more loyal to the US Constitution than many of Trump's staff with no military background.
Our senior military officers who grew up and were trained in a constitutional democracy have a radically different background from Hitler's generals who mostly were commissioned under the Kaiser and often came from Junker families.
Among other things, Trump just doesn't get constitutionalism.
Trump’s former advisers say he most consistently lavished praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin. (John) Bolton recalled a comment from Trump during the 2018 NATO summit. Following sometimes tense encounters with NATO leaders, Trump said his meeting with Putin, the leader of America’s great power adversary, “may be the easiest of them all. Who would think?” “He says to the press as he goes out to the helicopter, ‘I think the easiest meeting might be with Vladimir Putin. Who would ever think that?’” recalled Bolton. “There’s an answer to that question. Only one person. You. You are the only person who would think that. The shrinks can make of that what they will, but I think it was ‘I’m a big guy. They’re big guys. I wish I could act like they do.’” “My theory on why he likes the dictators so much is that’s who he is,” Kelly said. “Every incoming president is shocked that they actually have so little power without going to the Congress, which is a good thing. It’s Civics 101, separation of powers, three equal branches of government. But in his case, he was shocked that he didn’t have dictatorial-type powers to send US forces places or to move money around within the budget. And he looked at Putin and Xi and that nutcase in North Korea as people who were like him in terms of being a tough guy.”
Donald Trump and Joe Biden have now won enough delegates to secure their parties' nominations. But you can count only on the latter to leave office when his term is over if elected.
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lgbtally4ever · 3 months
In case you’ve been living on Mars—
Trump admires dictators and covets their dictatorships!
And, PS:
NATO is the only thing standing between these dictatorships conquering Democratic countries outside their boundaries!
For Putin, Ukraine is only the beginning!
Xi Jin Ping would take over Taiwan (next).
Kim Jong Un wants to attack S. Korea and Japan.
These are dangerous times when an American ex-President, (and current, Presidential candidate), would end our ties with NATO, if he gets into the White House, again!
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haute-lifestyle-com · 1 month
President Biden sent Secretary of State Antony Blinken, on behalf of the United States to meet with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, as discussions centered in the People's Republic of China's effort to replenish Russia's military arsenal
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nando161mando · 2 months
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galerymod · 3 months
The Communist Party and its functionaries dominate political life at all levels of the highly centralised "party state". Political opposition movements are suppressed and their representatives prosecuted. Meanwhile, the power of President Xi Jinping, which is accompanied by a heightened cult of personality, has reached a new high.
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Well, that would be something for the misanthropic ex-president of the disunited states of america. he as the great leader of the nation with a parliamentary yes-man system.
This would seal the usa's decline as a superpower and make the rise of the XI unstoppable.
First, XI grabs Taiwan while trump professes in his infinite ignorance of history that the welfare of XI is his right and does not affect the economic interests of America.
Thank you for being a friend!
The man who understands dictators and their leaders. What's all this nonsense about discussing culture in democracies when you can do everything better for yourself and the people around you.
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taiwantalk · 10 months
Trump is not a profound cheapskate.
people need to understand that all very wealthy people at some point, will believe that wealth is not much of a prize unless it can be used to force beliefs on masses.
Trump had reached that point because he had spent decades of his life socializing with powerful, wealthy people or been donating to politicians. and naturally, he thinks, I can do what they’re doing. I’ll be their mouthpiece, their spokesperson, I share their beliefs anyway, except, they’ll pay for everything.
And not only that, I can even pimp myself to the highest foreign bidder. trump thinks like a lawyer. he’s not a lawyer and does not want to be one but he thinks he’s just a hired gun.
therefore, if trump’s lawyers want to get paid, trump’s supporters will foot the bill. he won’t mind enriching himself along the way. he just wants to leverage anything he can imagine to be nearly god. and trump probably is likeminded with putin, xi, and kim jong-un.
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polarhorror · 2 years
game show idea:
Ask political leaders to come on stage and answer questions, if they get them right their debt of the country they control is paid off.
However, they are politically sensitive questions.
Imagine: xi jinping being forced to answer "which of these places are a country: Africa, Asia, Taiwan or south America?" It would be so great if we could.
If they refuse they get even more debt somehow.
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dailyworldecho · 25 days
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lenbryant · 2 months
Al Franken here interviews historian Anne Applebaum whose observations about the visible signs of fascist autocracy already showing up in America is alarming. Let’s not have a Putin here, please, or an Orban or Xi or Erdogan.
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artcalledtattoo · 1 month
I write smaller for the bigger picture Since facebook I hold still true as Gnostic I write smaller for the bigger picture Now from all sponsors Their now row bixed cubed In little squares so all can be added to ad The multiples make The standard of sizes I’m the broader in the skies I write smaller for the bigger picture It’s always Captain over I gore This viewing here is sexy I’m an overseer continuously I stayed in service For the laters of retirement That billion dollar sign, plant there I write smaller for the bigger picture My mind breathing in plastic Please aren’t we cousins All mixed up upon our land The squandered me into Lives of the soared & soured Thee multiply by 4 humans The slithering Who wants as a pet I used to be vegetarian for a love The writer smaller for the bigger picture I used to be a vegan I’m crying while thinking I tear so believing That chorus put out during verse Meant on purpose A writer of at T U M B L R People can say differently MM 2024 You know who If it wasn’t for the meth you would know concentrated, vape in head, ma’ah head strong, fries cooking, do you want nuggets or burger? Nuggets! Cooking presumes tha time and during, fries done and plate of your burger, you want me to cook your chicken? No thank you I enjoy fresh fries and entree afterwards My meth MoM | WoW WoW / MoM of Meth Just cook on own those nuggets It took a mom to cook once For my leftovers Well as seen from above I’ve added to this Number Of mm2024 Not as simple as you think Even down write contrary It’s all sinister jokes And prodded fun I write smaller for the bigger picture Elephant Donkey End Doom Adding to the Art called words Art called tattoo It’s old and primitive when colours puncture skin or written upon dry erase walls You don’t get ever too Leave a hand print Celebrating old humans An dele old beings Pronto El landscape muy bueno You no no no I left the adding out of demo I righted, played into this here damn song I write smaller for the bigger picture I write smaller for the bigger picture I write . for the • picture * Time was spent and added in the spaces of this being added into the blogs of Art Called It’s been theirs it’s also yours For free Small words 4 Free I rarely add the look ups It’s written simple On WordsbyMM | MMybsdrow There are pictures Just 4 the logo Enough space I could be adding to ! She was cupped in that in front of restroom down fall She would say?!
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il-ciuchino · 3 months
Trump: "Biden marionetta di Putin e Xi"
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Donald Trump va all'attacco di Joe Biden sul social Truth: "Discorso rabbioso, polarizzante e pieno d'odio". Il riferimento è al discorso del presidente USA uscente sullo stato dell'Unione. E aggiunge: "Può essere stato il peggior, più rabbioso, meno compassionevole discorso sullo stato dell'Unione, una vergogna per il nostro Paese...Dice che mi sono inchinato davanti al leader russo, ma è lui gli ha dato tutto, compresa l'Ucraina. Questo non sarebbe mai successo durante l'amministrazione Trump e non è successo in quattro anni...Io ho finito il Nord Stream 2 e lui glielo ha dato è stato una marionetta di Putin e Xi Jinping e veramente anche per qualche altro leader". Sui migranti: "Biden ha permesso a 15 milioni di persone di entrare illegalmente nel Paese". Accuse anche di essere complice dell'inflazione, negando che i repubblicani vogliano tagliare il Welfare: "E' una storia inventata dal corrotto Joe...è una minaccia per la democrazia...usa il governo come un'arma contro il suo avversario".
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better ship??
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"Diktatoren aller Länder ... vereinigt Euch !"
Gemeinsam in den Wahnsinn !!!
Gemeinsam in den Untergang !!!
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paranoide Psychose im Endstadium
Der bedürfnisferne, unlebendige Rauschzustand aus UNbewußtem Urmißtrauen und UNbewußter Todesangst führt erst zu FREMDschädigendem Verhalten, ...und schlußendlich - OHNE Erwachen, OHNE Achtsamkeit, OHNE Einfühlung & OHNE Eigenverantwortung - zu suizidaler Depression und Selbstmord.
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haute-lifestyle-com · 30 days
President Biden, in a shift from policy, threatened to withhold military aid to Israel, if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued his planned invasion of the Palestinian city of Rafah, hoping to halt the intensifying humanitarian crisis
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