s117rartblog · 7 months
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milkroses97 · 9 months
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Legendary Camilla
Last art before 2024 ✨❤️
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yujacake · 1 year
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shuake but dressed as fire emblem fates maids bc they're prob one of the best maid outfit designs ever
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decideroffate · 4 months
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Sammie's List of FE Ships Azura/Corrin - Fire Emblem Fates "I somehow feel that I have always loved you...Together we will save this world. Please, never let me go..."
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lskaphrin · 1 year
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My underrated darling Orochi Fire Emblem
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Hoshidan Festival: Mozu and Rhajat Parent-Child Conversation
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Last one for 2022! (If you’re seeing this in 2023, well, know that I posted it on the last day of 2022, just kind of late and in one of the later time zones in the world.) Just a few more of these to go! In fact...I think this is the last one with one of the Hoshidan child-generation characters. 
Rhajat going hunting is a little scary, to be honest...
Mozu: “This is a really grand festival, right, Rhajat? I think they’ve got just about anything you could want here!”
Rhajat: “Anything…? I wonder if anyone is selling something I could use in my curses…”
Mozu: “Uh, well… This is supposed to be a happy day, so I don’t know if you can find anything like that…”
Rhajat: “I see… That’s too bad…”
Mozu: “Is there any other kind of shop you wanna go to?”
Rhajat: “Not particularly…”
Mozu: “Really? You know there’s an archery game and a ring toss game and lots of other stuff to do.”
Rhajat: “I’m not interested in any of them… But, as long as you’re with me, I’ll go anywhere… That will be enough to make me happy…”
Mozu: “Rhajat… We really made you feel sad an’ lonely leaving you out there in the Deeprealm, didn’t we…? From now on I’ll dote on you as much as you want, got it?”
Rhajat: “Thanks, Mother… So then, you should teach me how to hunt… If possible, I want to know how to capture prey alive… That is the most convenient way…” 
Mozu: “I-I’d be happy to teach you how to hunt, but… First you’ve gotta tell me what you’ll use the prey for. This is work that involves living creatures, after all. I’m not letting you do it for fun.”
Rhajat: “Don’t worry, my prey will not go to waste. I'll mostly use it for the good of people…”
Mozu: “That’s fine, but… I’m a little concerned about that ‘mostly.’”
Rhajat: “Hmhmhmhm…”
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tamerofdarkstars · 2 years
fic: I Won’t Tell (The Whole World Knows)
“Oh fuck,” he whispered, sitting up quickly and jabbing his thumb on the screen to pause the video. That was his sweatshirt. That was Takumi’s archery club sweatshirt, the one he’d forgotten the last time he’d followed Leo home to beg his help on their biology lab, and Leo was wearing it here in this tik tok for the entire world to see.
- Leo swipes one of Takumi's sweatshirts and Takumi only kind of loses his mind about it
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nhura · 3 months
🧍‍♂️............................................................................................... alright man I'm just going to say it. I'm so hsrpilled that it's making me act out and draw fanart again. look forward to it or else ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
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^ that's a wip
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americankimchi · 2 years
man i love fire emblem fates (the carefully crafted au version i have in my head)
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awritersquill · 5 months
After finally finishing the last assessments of my degree, instead of y'know taking a break, especially for my writing hand, what I actually end up doing is;
Writing a revision of the Fire Emblem: Fates story lines despite having not played the game in literal years, and not fully remembering everything, because I was so angry about its wasted potential.
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phlavours · 2 months
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Soleil x Sophie from FE:Fates commission for @luliho, thank you! 🌼🌻🌸 commissions / twitter / ig
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just-antithings · 4 months
This isn't really an anti thing, more a personal fandom gripe, but I really don't understand what fe:fates servers mean when they include "pseudo incest" in their blacklist.
Like. Fates is a game about being "schrodinger's related" (as in, not related by blood) to the entirety of the main cast. You both are and are not family based on your interpretation of what "family" means.
Ignoring just the issues this causes with the protagonist, this means that characters who are completely unrelated to each other might be considered "psuedo incest" because they are both "family" to the main character, even if they aren't family to each other. Throw me a bone, guys, what the hell does "pseudo incest" mean.
(But of course, I am too terrified to ask, lest I be considered a disgusting toxic incest-liker for thinking Leo and Takumi should fistfight homoerotically).
((Thank you for listening to my silly little rant.))
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milkroses97 · 8 months
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Ophelia commissioned by anonymous!
Thank you so much for commissioning me
They wanted Ophelia with black lipstick and nails and it was so much fun to draw! <3
Someone commissioned me to draw Ophelia with black lipstick and nails 🥰 was super fun to draw!
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As a F!Robin fan I’m very mixed on the Brave Alt
Putting aside the definitely-on-purpose yoinking of Levin sword
On one hand it once again feels like IS is pigeonholing her into an after-thought skin of M!Robin in a way none of the other MU gender swaps are (you’re only allowed to play as M!Robin in the demo of FE:Awakening, M!Robin is the main one in smash bros, the one in the reveal trailer, the one in the Smash mural, the one you don’t have to unlock in Warriors, the one with the Amiibo, the one that’s an Emblem, not to mention the other apperences that stem from having the amiibo like being in FE:Fates and Codename STEAM,)
On the other hand, she wears it better and seems to be at least 10% less obsessed with Chrom (which I know sounds crazy for someone who ships them but man am I tired of Robin only existing in relation to him or Grima) which I am glad for
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Idk I miss Gunter FE:Fates. Cant believe they let a GILF down like that. He isn't even marriageable in Birthright. Give me my husband back, Fates.
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lskaphrin · 1 year
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Fire Emblem Effie
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