#FEWTH spoilers
iturbide · 1 year
I think of this banner, the most interesting to me is Byleth there - like hello?? That sure isn't the typical Fallen Hero, she looks very much the same and Not fallen and with the ominous purple aura. Is it just because she's merged a little too much with Sothis?
Then again, I haven't played or even looked at Three Hopes all that much so LMAO
With the understanding that I haven't played Three Hopes yet, it's my understanding that there's a point in each of the three routes where, depending on how you play it, you can recruit Jeralt and Byleth to Shez' side; this will eventually lead to Arval going Evil Mode just before the final chapter and needing to be defeated. Now, logically, if Byleth and Jeralt's recruitment depends on how you play, that means you can miss that opportunity, too...
...and that's where this Fallen Byleth comes in. It seems like if you don't fulfill the optional objectives that would lead to Jeralt's recruitment, you end up having to kill him -- and that breaks Byleth completely, to the point that they allow Sothis to possess them. So this Byleth isn't really Byleth: it's Sothis using Byleth as a vessel, rather like what Rhea wanted all along.
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me: oh well maybe Claude joining Her Majesty can make sense i guess? if he feels he has to maybe?
someone: *rightfully points out that Claude was in a shittier position in 3H than he was in Hopes regarding the Empire and still never stood with them*
me: *realizes that Hopes doesn't even have "he had to also deal with Almyra" excuse because he literally dealt with and befriended them BEFORE making that deal with Her Majesty*
me: oh wait maybe Hopes handles Claude even worse than i thought
This is why, try as I might, I cannot treat Hopes as any sort of canonical iteration. It's just...like people can write what they want, yadi yada, but it's the fact that it's so clear that there wasn't care to connect it to the actual canon game that leaves Hopes, for me, as a series of headcanons at best.
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tiabwwtws-art · 2 years
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Something about consuming yourself(?) to become whole. Something about swallowing your grief whole allows it to in turn swallow you. Something about cycles. Something about Epimenides Fire Emblem reminds me of a snake eating its own tail
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thegreatpikminzx789 · 1 month
Honestly, all this setup would've been perfect final-boss material alone. Yet the game continues as we find out just who Arval really is.
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moeblob · 2 years
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I just like talking to every single NPC I can cause sometimes they give you dialogue like this and I’m like “bro you’re a solid mood”
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
three hopes confirms the teachers theory ( basically that edelgqard didnt hire the bandits to actually kill any of the students but to get rid of the professor and replace him/her with jeritza edelgard was literally taking the other 2 to safety. ) at the time people theorized the goal would be espionage but now its revealed thep lan was to save monica by using jeritza positon ( jeritza would be the one to break protocol and go into fortress (further than the other 1/2
if there's a 2/2 then it got ate, sorry!
3Hopes is, um. Very contentious when it comes to "proving" any one thing or the other. In just the demo it's already outright retconned hard-canon facts. For example:
Caspar not understanding why Petra would be... awkward around his father in 3Hopes directly goes against his first support with her in 3H, where he knows out the gate that his dad murdered hers. He knows this "recently" - recently, and this support chain is available immediately, meaning well before the time period 3Hopes is set in.
Rufus being a politically savvy, tormented kinslayer is certainly interesting, but literally everything we learn about him details him as a useless womanizer with no talent for politics, so him "being known" for the former is... not exactly congruent with what we knew of him before.
Monica being someone that was oh so loyal to Edelgard and was one of her most loyal servants and Edelgard knowing her personally either means that 1) this relationship is completely 3Hopes fanfiction, as Edelgard literally never mentions the real Monica once, ever, to anyone, and doesn't even pretend to be saddened at the heavy implication of her death by Kronya's hand in 3H, or 2) Monica was close with Edelgard, and Edelgard only didn't rescue her in 3H because it wasn't convenient enough for her and didn't care for Monica on a personal level despite knowing her personally, going so far as to willingly work with Monica's murderers without telling Monica's father any of this and letting him stew in despair. Which drives him to steal a Relic for leverage to save the dead Monica, which leads to his death. Cool!
And besides, this... doesn't even change anything? Like, alright, let's accept that part of Edelgard's plan was to install Jeritza as professor in 3H. So, you're saying that her OG plan, in the OG game, was to:
Hire bandits to scare off one singular professor
Not get ANYONE ELSE either frightened off or hurt in any way
Hope that Jeritza gets assigned to any class despite clearly being unqualified to straight up lead a classroom and not just be a weapons instructor, which 3Hopes explicitly shows to be the case (randomly leaving in the middle of class, never speaking with the students, not caring for safety, openly talking about shit like "blood scents") - else why wouldn't he just be a professor already, he's been there for ~2 years by the start of 3H.
Hope that her class - or the one Jeritza is leading - is the one assigned with chasing down the bandits, and not the Knight of Seiros who don't know about Monica being a captive
Somehow know that Monica is still alive - after months of being in captivity, which has no reason for anyone to think would happen because it makes no sense to keep her alive that long if they were just going to kill her and nothing else between the time she was captured to the time she's rescued in 3Hopes, which is at minimum multiple months.
And all of this, to save Monica... who, again, Edelgard literally never mentions caring about whatsoever at any point in all of 3H.
And which like... isn't mutually exclusive with the idea that she wanted to also assassinate Dimitri and Claude. Because, and I bring up the big 'ol question again, why would Claude run away from a completely safe situation? He himself says that he, Edelgard, and Dimitri were separated from everyone else, with no objection from Edelgard or Dimitri in describing their situation that way - and in that situation, it would make more sense for him to run, because it'd be just three people against an entire band of bandits. Edelgard takes them "to safety" because Claude ran away, which she didn't plan for and must now work around. And with her knowing about the bandits beforehand, she would have known not let to them be separated from everyone else in the first place if she really wanted Dimitri and Claude safe.
Which she doesn't. Because Edelgard wants them dead. Because she wants to conquer Fodlan - which we now double know for a fact, if we take 3Hopes as canon, is something she wanted independent of TWS "forcing" her, because she boots Arundel out of Enbarr, cuts ties with TWS, and still declares war on the Church and still plans to conquer the neutral Alliance. Which in 3Hopes we know she did with no attempts at negotiations with Claude, meaning she always planned on doing so and nothing Claude could say would change that. And with her declaring war on the Church after her "reforms" were implemented - meaning, the Church didn't do anything to prevent her from changing Adrestia, and in fact actively helped her in clearing out the Imperial palace, and she still declares war on it. So her nonsensical plan to save this girl she suddenly cares about does not erase her actions, nor does it say that she wasn't trying to kill people she planned on killing anyway regardless
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recurringwriter · 2 years
I can fix him *throws him in the washing machine*
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applesodamix · 2 years
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hes so much nicer to shez in this game than he was to byleth/hj
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owainbradys · 2 years
THINKING about how a class skill of Shez's spoils that the promotion for Fluegel is called Asura, an anti-god... and thinking how Arval parallels Sothis and Shez opposes Byleth...
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indigowallbreaker · 2 years
Hopes talks about how when they were kids Dimitri used to stay up talking to Dedue until he fell asleep, and I can’t get that image out of my head: write something with that, or just with the two of them as kids?
Half of Dimitri's babble is lost in the pillow as he gradually settles his cheek against it, voice so quiet now that Dedue, laying in the bed only inches from the prince, can barely hear him. Eventually, the words fade entirely and Dedue watches those striking blue eyes slip shut at long last-- sunrise is not as far off as Dedue would like, but any sleep he can help Dimitri get will have to be enough.
As always, Dedue pauses to consider whether to stay or sneak out-- and, as always, the decision is made for him when Dimitri snuggles closer and sighs against Dedue’s shoulder, giving Dedue the little push he needs to let himself find some rest too.
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jasdiary · 2 years
what i’ve deduced from playing the fewth demo for 3 hours straight by accident is that i need this game badly.
time to ask my dad for the game like i did when i asked for fe3h 😜😜 also i love Shez and the fact that they actually have a voice and personality. I ALSO LOVE ARVAL THEY’RE SO FUNNY 😭😭😭
the timeline so far is confusing as fuck but i’m enjoying the battle concept soo much. i also like how we can name Byleth cuz i named Byleth after my sister LMAOOO
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iturbide · 2 years
I have recently been informed that Gatekeeper is an actual playable unit for 3 Hopes and it is almost enough to make me ignore everything else about the game just to play as him.
YOU KNOW SOMEHOW I MISSED OUT ON HEARING THAT GATEKEEPER IS PLAYABLE does. Does Gatekeeper have Supports? Do we learn the Inner Secrets of the Gatekeeper?
I swear I'll play it someday and find out for myself but until then I rely on anyone who has insights
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i heard that at some part in GW Nader says something about pillaging? can you remember him ever mentioning anything about it, because it's been said that it's him doing the pillaging. i really hope that's not true because wtffff Hopes that'd be so fucked :/
Nader says he has to bring something back from the town to show the king that making the journey was worthwhile--forgiveness v. permission, I believe. Claude basically says "yeah no, we're not doing that." I can't remember the exact wording but it's either heavily, heavily implied or outright stated that taking spoils from an invaded territory is standard practice for the Almyran military, and Nader mentions wanting to do it himself. I could be remembering something wrong (more than likely, GW takes up no more gigs in my brain than it has to), but I remember that vividly because, well. GW fucked Almyra lol.
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astralfungus · 2 years
Really loved the part in golden wildfire where 3 Houses Claude teleports in and beats the fuck out of Hopes Claude. Pretty bold choice narratively speaking but I really enjoyed it!
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thegreatpikminzx789 · 1 month
As the Ashen Demon and Shez depart to find Dimitri, Arval soon makes a move, finally having the Ashen Demon right where they are, without the presence of others to intervene...
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agent-cupcake · 2 years
While we're on the subject, the one thing I can defend from your reviewpost is that Edelgard being a shell of her former self isn't *necessarily* a case of bad writing. Her obsession with being in control of her destiny is what made her turn against the church, the crest system, and start the war in the game. She was always on the mindset of "either win the war or die fighting", but she never expected to just lose control of her own actions, which is a crueler fate, and more fitting for her.
This is not a bad take but I vehemently disagree with it, I'm sorry. To me, it was a case of "we can't make this character sympathetic in any other way than lobotomizing her" which not only has really weird vibes when she broke out the baby voice, but it removes all conflict. Dimitri gets treated with baby gloves by not having to confront Edelgard and ultimately kill her. The game has no interest in actually giving him difficult choices. I can't see it as punishment for Edelgard's character either, especially since she does deal with the knowledge that she's been essentially comatose and used against her will for months in a decently stoic way while they're in the void. It's just cheap emotional manipulation that strips the Dimitri / Edelgard dynamic of stakes and tension and is supposed to make the player feel bad for her.
It MIGHT have worked if this broken shell of Edelgard was confronted by a completely unhinged, revenge driven Dimitri. It would be an interesting show of how they had both been reduced to becoming their worst fears by Slithers, adding the tension of what feral Dimitri would do in that situation. It could be interesting to see his reaction when confronted with hollow fulfillment, a situation that stripped away everything he hoped to gain from revenge. It might have even been interesting if Rhea stepped in to kill Edelgard and Dimitri defended her, demanding that they attempt to restore her mind before bestowing punishment in a move that would be both kind and intensely cruel AND be an inversion of the game's scenario thus far.
And, actually, you know what? I kind of do feel bad for Edelgard. She has very little else going for her but damn if she wasn't a compelling villain and a perfect compliment to both Dimitri and Rhea. I can't say if it was on purpose but the creepy uncomfortable vibe of making her a brainless doll was super icky and follows a trend of the gross way Edelgard is sexualized sometimes. I just don't think that was the move and left a bad taste in my mouth.
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