spencer-is-dead · 1 year
Dear Spy x Family fandom
I would just like to thank everyone, thank you for making this place feel like home. I found sxf when I was at a really low point in my life. Sxf genuinely saved me, fanfiction has genuinely saved me. I honestly doubt I would be here without you guys. Consider this a love letter to the fandom, and to everyone who helped me feel welcome here.
@rlbbackup, for writing the first fic I ever read here, for inspiring me when I was at my lowest
@cat-anime345678 for being my first comment, for cheering me on through everything, and for being the older sister I never had
@shinybluebirdwizard for being such a darn cool theorist, really helped me feel like I was in some sort of special club or something
@meejunorp, for making me cry in ELA class, such a feat cannot easily be achieved
@zeke-simp, for also making me cry
@peanutseagle for being an impeccable artist, and making me laugh that one time
@anyaslayqueen for being a great friend to confide in
There are so many people I would love to thank, but it’s late and I’m going on a trip tomorrow. I just felt it was right to tell all of you “thank you”. For everything. I’m proud to be a member of this community, even if some of you may resent me for my…less than lovable fics (again I’m still sorry for “stars”). But I digress. Y’all changed my life, thank you.
Really, thank you.
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blueberry-sunghoon · 4 years
"#welovejay" | jay park
*in this story, you are also a member of enhypen. you and jay are the main characters (though the other members are there as well). minor swearing warning (one "hell", one "ass", one "shit"). the story is 4,357 words long. i really hope you like this story. if you do, leave a comment if you want😊*
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The time was 8:45 PM. You and the other Enhypen members were at the dorm, sitting around in the living room. You were all exhausted after a particularly long day of practice.
“I’m starving but I’m too lazy to get up,” Ni-ki groaned.
“I’ll make us some ramen,” said Heeseung as he got off the couch and headed to the kitchen.
At 9:05, all of you were eating the ramen Heeseung made and you had broken off into conversations. Jake and Heeseung were talking to each other, Sunghoon and Sunoo were talking to each other, and you were talking to Jungwon and Ni-ki. In the middle of your conversation, you realized that Jay was the only one without anyone to talk to. Not only that, he wasn’t eating; he was just staring at his food and picking at it. 
You tapped on Jay’s shoulder. “Jay,” you said. No reaction. You tapped his shoulder again. “Jay?” 
“Huh?” he said, startled, and turned to look at you. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“That’s alright,” you said. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just tired.”
“Are you going to eat?”
Jay sighed. “I’m not really hungry.”
You could sense that something was wrong with Jay, but he obviously didn’t want to talk about it and you didn’t want to pry any further. “Okay then. Let me know if there’s anything you want to talk about.”
After that, the mood was somber and quiet for a few minutes, but eventually you all returned to your conversations. You were still worried about Jay, but you pushed your worries to the back of your mind. 
When all of you (except Jay) finished eating, you decided you would clean up today since everyone was tired. As you started to collect everyone’s bowls, Jungwon stood up and said, “I can help with that.”
“No, that’s okay,” you said. “I can do it myself. You had a long day; you should rest.”
“But you’re tired too. You also had a long day,” Jungwon protested.
“Rest or I’ll take your elbows,” you said finally.
Jungwon chuckled to himself. “I guess if you put it that way. Are you sure you don't need any help?”
Some time later, at 10:30, you were still cleaning up and washing the dishes when everyone (again, except for Jay) walked up to you. “Are you sure there’s nothing we can help with?” said Jake. 
“100%. I’m completely fine,” you answered. 
“Okay. Well, in that case, we’re all going to bed.”
“Okay. Goodnight guys. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Everyone waved to you, said goodnight, and walked out. 
“Wait, Jungwon,” you whispered to him before he could go anywhere. He turned to face you. You motioned for him to come over and he did. “Have any of you tried talking to Jay? I think something is wrong and he isn’t telling us,” you said as you kept your voice at minimum volume.
Jungwon sighed. “Yeah, I thought so too. Sunoo and I tried talking to him but he wouldn’t even look at us. I think it’s best if we leave him alone for now.”
“I think so too,” you said defeatedly. 
The room went silent for a few moments. Eventually Jungwon broke the silence and said, “See you tomorrow?” 
“Yeah. Goodnight.” Jungwon walked out of the kitchen and you kept cleaning the dishes. Eventually you finished, but you looked over at Jay in the living room and sighed in frustration when you realized you had forgotten to take his dish. You walked into the living room and you found him sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. You then went to the small table where his food was and quietly asked, “Can I put this away?”
He didn’t look up from his phone; he just gave a silent nod. 
So you took his dish back to the kitchen and put it in a food saver. Then you washed the bowl and went back to the living room to retrieve your phone. “I’m going to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Once again, Jay didn’t acknowledge you, and you felt absolutely defeated. You were about to head to your room when you heard Jay say something.
“I can’t do anything without being made fun of.”
You paused for a moment to think about what he could have meant. Who was he talking about? You sat down next to him. “Was it something I said?” you asked softly.
Jay shook his head. “No, it wasn’t you.” Jay handed you his phone and said, “Look.” Confused, you took his phone and you saw the selfie he had posted on Twitter earlier that day. He was in the practice room and he was making a peace sign. “You see it?” he said.
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Look at the comments.”
You realized what was making him so upset when you scrolled through the comments. All the comments were making fun of his double-jointed fingers. “Oh my god,” you said in complete disbelief. “I’m so sorry, Jay.”
“Whatever,” Jay huffed. “It is what it is.” 
You were at a loss for words, so the room went silent for a few moments. “I mean, does anyone take me seriously at all?! Literally everything I do, they find something to laugh at. I really spent three years as a trainee just to be someone’s meme.” Hearing his voice laced with sadness and anger broke your heart. 
“Jay, you can’t focus on those comments; those aren’t real fans,” you tried to encourage him.
“I don't see anything else to focus on,” Jay said as he continued to scroll through the comments. “Do I even have real fans?”
“Jay, of course you do-”
He didn’t bother to let you finish your sentence. “I’ll believe it when I see it,” he said. Jay’s voice was shaky and you could tell he was about to cry. He didn’t want you to see him shed any tears, so he said, “I gotta go.” And just like that, he left. 
The living room was now empty except for you, and all of a sudden your emotions hit you like a truck. You felt mostly angry, though. You were angry at those commenters, angry at the fact that Jay felt like he had no real fans, angry at yourself because you didn’t know how to make Jay feel better… tears formed in your eyes and you didn’t try to stop them. You just stared into space as they fell down your face. 
You had to prove to Jay that he had real fans. Did you know how? No. Were you going to rest until you did it? Absolutely not.
The time was now 1:28 AM. Following the vow you made yourself that you wouldn’t rest until you found a way to make Jay feel better, you were still wide awake, laying on your bed in your room (you had a separate bedroom from the boys). Your mind was racing trying to come up with an idea, but unfortunately you were in a constant cycle of coming up with a new idea and then throwing it away once you saw a flaw in it. 
“It’s useless,” you thought to yourself. You took your phone from under your pillow and logged in to your secret Tiktok account. Belift let you have a secret Tiktok account, and you were grateful for that. Your page looked like a fanpage like any other, but being able to communicate with your fans without them knowing it was y/n from Enhypen, becoming mutuals with them, and participating in the trends they made really made your day. These days, the Sunoo cult was going around, and it was funny to see that pretty much everyone had the same profile picture. 
All of a sudden, a lightbulb went off in your head. What if I started something similar for Jay? You ran to Twitter to find the selfie Jay posted that day and downloaded it. Then you opened a photo editing app, added heart stickers and sparkles all around it, and put some text that said “We love Jay”. Going back to Tiktok, you switched your profile picture to the one you just made.
It looks good, you thought, but how am I going to spread it? It wouldn’t be an easy task, especially since the Sunoo cult was still raging in popularity and you didn’t have much of an audience on Tiktok (71 followers to be exact). The only way to quickly spread the word was to post a Tiktok and expose yourself as y/n from Enhypen… expose yourself as y/n from Enhypen? said your head. No way. You’ll get in hella trouble and you know it. You probably wouldn’t be allowed on your secret Tiktok anymore. 
Do you have any better ideas? said your heart. This would be the fastest way to spread the message. You’re y/n from Enhypen for goodness’ sakes, the fans would listen to you in a heartbeat. Besides, you aren’t doing this for yourself. You’re doing it for Jay.
What your head said made sense, but you would rather help Jay than help yourself. Like you did most of the time, you took your heart’s word for it.
You tried to think of where to film your Tiktok. Your room was definitely not suitable. Unless you wanted to film yourself whispering, the boys would definitely hear you. Your room was adjacent to theirs, and the wall between the two rooms was thinner than a piece of paper… well, not that thin, but thin enough. 
You also considered the living room, but that was also a no-go because anyone could just walk in and see what you were doing. Eventually you decided to film it outside on the porch. There’s no way anyone would be going outside at this time (except you, of course). You slowly crept out of your room, into the hallway, into the living room, careful so as to make as little noise as possible, and eventually out the front door. You took a deep breath of relief and waited for your pounding heart to return to its normal rhythm. 
You turned on the light next to the door so you could see, and then you pulled out your phone and started to record. “Hey everyone, it’s y/n from Enhypen,” you started, but before you could continue you heard the front door open and there was Sunghoon.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked.
You panicked and your heart started to rush again. “I think the real question is, ‘What are you doing out here?’” you said, trying to laugh it off.
“I asked you first though,” Sunghoon said with a smirk. “But I’ll answer your question to humor you. I woke up and I was thirsty, so I made my way to the kitchen to get myself some water. But then I saw that the light outside was on, and I went to check it out. Then I saw you and asked you what you were doing out here.”
“So what are you doing out here?”
“Well, um, I, you see, see I couldn’t sleep, right?” you answered, stumbling over your words. “So I came out here and started to record a -note video.”
You were sweating bullets and you could feel your heart going 100 miles per hour. By some miracle, though, Sunghoon couldn’t see how anxious you were and he said, “Okay then. Don't stay out too late. Don't forget we start shooting our music video in the afternoon, and we have to get some practice in before then.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”
“See ya,” said Sunghoon as he waved goodbye and closed the door behind him. 
That was way too close, you thought to yourself. I should hurry up and get this filmed before someone else sees me. Even though you were a K-pop idol and you were constantly in front of cameras, you still sometimes felt weird about recording yourself. It took a few takes, but you finally finished filming.
You turned off the light and quietly made your way back to your room so you could edit the video before posting it. You plopped yourself back on your bed and added subtitles to the video. Then you went to add a caption and some hashtags including #welovejay. Your thumb hovered over the “post” button and your head tried to interfere once again. y/n, before you post that, think! is it-
But you didn’t care for any of that; you posted the video without hesitation. Feeling better than you had all day, you decided it was time to get some shut-eye. You put your phone back under your pillow and let your eyes drift to a close. 
Your alarm, which was “Fairy of Shampoo'' by TXT,  went off at 7:15. You groaned because you didn’t want to wake up, but you liked the song so you didn’t turn off your alarm. Instead, you laid there with your eyes closed because you didn’t feel like opening them. 
Then, all of a sudden you remembered the Tiktok you posted five hours earlier. You opened your eyes and feverishly opened Tiktok to see how the post did. You gasped when you saw that your Tiktok received 150,000 likes and over half a million views. Still in shock of how well your post did, you scrolled through the comments. 
“changed my profile picture! #welovejay”
“b00sting so more people see this!!!”
You also saw that many of the people in the comments had the same profile picture you made. And #welovejay was used in over one million videos. It worked, you thought to yourself. It really worked! You were so happy that you started doing a little dancey-dance around your room. I can’t wait until Jay sees this. 
At 10:45, all eight of you were in the practice room, taking a short break from practicing. You watched as Sunghoon and Sunoo made a Tiktok. They were doing the dance of “Me gustas tu” by Gfriend (Sunoo wouldn’t leave Sunghoon alone until he agreed to do it with him).
“Do you like this take?” asked Sunoo.
“It’s definitely better than the last one,” answered Sunghoon, “I think it’s okay to post.”
“Yeah, I think so too.” 
Sunghoon wrote the caption for the video (“Just so you all know, Sunoo made me do this”) and posted it.
“Did you post the video already?” said Jake. “I want to see the comments. Engene's comments crack me up.”
Sunoo motioned for him to come over. “Yeah, we just did. Come and see.” 
Jake walked over to where Sunghoon and Sunoo were. Sunghoon pressed the “comments” button, and all three were shocked by what they saw.
“How come everyone in the comments has the same profile picture?” asked Jake.
“I don't know, but it spread pretty quickly. It hasn’t even been 24 hours since he posted this picture,” Sunoo remarked. 
“What are you guys talking about?” you asked. You walked over to where the three were standing and looked at Sunghoon’s phone, and then you realized what they were talking about. A smile came across your face. “Wow, that’s really cool,” you said as if it wasn’t your doing. “Guys, you gotta come see this, this is really cool.” 
“What is it?” asked Heeseung as he walked over with Jungwon and Ni-ki.
“Everyone has the same profile photo here,” Sunoo beamed. 
Jay didn’t even bother walking over. If everyone has the same profile picture, there’s no way it’s me. It’s probably someone cute like Ni-ki. I’m the last person it could be. He stood aloof as he watched the seven of you gush over the picture.
“Jay-hyung, come see this!” said Jungwon.
Jay sighed and he reluctantly walked over. At least he could be happy for whoever’s picture it was instead of standing there jealous. Nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to see. The second he did, his smile was so huge and it wouldn’t come off his face even though he tried to hide it. “Oh my god,” he said in utter disbelief. “Sunghoon, can I see your phone?” 
Sunghoon handed Jay his phone, and Jay kept scrolling and scrolling through the comments. “This is insane. Everyone really made me their profile picture.” Maybe I do have real fans.
“The text on the picture is so small though, I can’t read what it says,” said Jungwon. 
“Me neither,” said Ni-ki, and everyone else agreed.
Without thinking, you blurted out the answer. “It says ‘We love Jay’.” The seven boys immediately looked at you, and you realized your mistake. 
“How do you know? That text is way too small and none of us can read it,” Jungwon inquired.
You hesitated for a moment, and then you replied, “Well if you click on one of the profiles and click on the picture, you’ll be able to zoom in and see what the text says.”
“Is that how you found out what it says? Because none of us clicked on any of the profiles.”
Oh. You didn’t think about that. There was no way around it now. Guess it was time to tell them the truth. Just as you opened your mouth to speak, you heard the sound of your least favorite manager storming through the hallway and screaming, “PARK Y/N!!!” 
“Holy shit, y/n,” said Ni-ki. “What did you do this time?”
You knew exactly what was about to happen. The manager burst through the door, anger scribbled all over her face. She walked over to where you were, and she pulled out her phone, revealing a screenshot of your Tiktok. She pointed the screen in your direction. “Park y/n,” she yelled in lower case, trying to calm herself down, “What. Is. This.”
The other seven pairs of eyes in the room were on you, expecting an answer. But you stayed silent. 
The manager couldn’t keep her cool anymore. “Do you not understand Korean?? I asked you WHAT IS THIS???” 
“A Tiktok,” you mumbled.
“Oh my goodness, y/n,” she started as she took a deep breath. “I’ve known you for eight long years, and of all of the ridiculous things you’ve done, this is by far the most audacious! What possessed you to do this, huh?! Do you remember the day I agreed to let you have a secret account?!”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Last I remember, the secret account was to be SECRET! Not known or not seen by the public. How could you go directly against our agreement?? Look at this - 700,000 likes! This was when I screenshotted it. Who KNOWS how many it could have now!”
700,000 likes? Wow, it blew up so much since I last checked. When I woke up it only had 150,000. You were so excited that your plan worked, and you didn’t realize that a tiny smile crept up on your face.
“YAH!” screamed the manager. “How can you be laughing right now?! Is that what you have to say for yourself?! Why did you even do this?!”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself down before you spoke. “Mrs. Choi, did you watch the video?”
“y/n, I don't give a rat’s ass what’s in your video. It's probably something stupid. There’s no reason you couldn’t have posted it on Enhypen’s official Tiktok.”
“I believe if you watch the video, you’ll understand why I posted it.”
“Nonsense,” she huffed as she opened Tiktok to find your video. “Let’s hear it.” The video started as she turned her volume all the way up.
“Hey, everyone, it’s y/n from Enhypen. Um, this has been my secret account for a while. I guess it won’t be much of a secret anymore after I post this, and I’ll more than likely get in trouble for it, but I don't care. What I need to say is that important. You guys know Jay. Well, he’s having a tough time and I really wanted to encourage him. Do you guys see my profile picture? I made it myself. If you guys want to do me a favor, you can change your profile picture to this so we can show Jay how much we love him. I’ll put the picture at the end so you can crop it. If you don't want to change your profile picture that’s completely fine; you can also help by boosting the video so more people see it. Like, comment, share/copy link, use the hashtag #welovejay, whatever you need to do. If I don't post again on here, it means I got in trouble. Engene, I’m counting on you. Hwaiting!”
As the video ended, Mrs. Choi’s anger faded away. “Oh,” she said softly. “Did any of you know about this?”
“Yes and no,” answered Jake. “Sunghoon and Sunoo just posted a Tiktok, and we saw that all of the commenters had the same profile picture, but we didn’t know that it was y/n who started it.”
“I need to see this,” said Mrs. Choi. She searched for Enhypen’s most recent Tiktok on her phone and looked through the comments. “You know what y/n?” she said as she looked up from her phone to face you, “I respect you for this. I’m sorry that I got so angry at you.”
“It’s okay,” you said.
“While I respect what you did, that doesn’t change the fact that you broke the agreement you and I had. I can’t let you go without consequences. Consider the secret Tiktok thing over. From now on, the only one you use is @enhypen. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” you said. 
“Good,” she said. She took a deep breath. “Well, I’ll see the eight of you later at the music video shoot.”
You all bowed as you said bye, and Mrs. Choi took her leave. 
After she left, the room went silent. You could tell that everyone else was thinking about what just happened and you tried to divert their attention to something else. “Well, we should get back to practicing.”
“Not so fast,” said Heeseung. “y/n, you’re the one who started the Jay profile picture thing?”
You looked at him and nodded.
“Respect,” he said. He extended his fist and you gave him a fist bump, and you smiled. 
Out of nowhere, Jay gave you a back hug and rested his head on your shoulder. “Guys, can I talk to y/n alone for a minute?”
“Yeah, of course. Take your time,” said Heeseung. At that, the boys left the practice room, leaving you and Jay alone.
“You really did that for me?” he said softly.
“Of course,” you said without hesitation as you turned to look at him. “That’s what friends are for. I saw the way your face lit up when you saw all those comments. That moment was priceless. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.” 
“I suppose so.” You noticed that Jay’s voice was a bit shaky. Then you realized why when you saw tears roll down his face.
“Jay-ah, why are you crying?” you said as you wiped his tears away. 
“It’s my fault your Tiktok got taken away,” he said regrettfully. “I remember how excited you would get when you made a new friend on there. I really took away your greatest joy.”
“No you didn’t, Jay. I got my Tiktok taken away because I broke a rule,” you assured him.
“But you wouldn’t have had to if I-”
“Shhhh,” you interrupted. “You’re being too loud. I don't listen to Jay slander.”
Jay laughed a little and tried to hide his smile by looking away. “I see you smiling, Jay, don't try to hide it,” you said playfully.
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are!”
“Okay, you got me,” Jay said as he pulled you in for a hug. “You best believe I’m going to bug Mrs. Choi until she lets you have your account back.”
“You can try, but don't be surprised when it doesn’t work.”
“It will. I’m her favorite, so she’ll have to listen to me,” Jay said confidently.
“Boy, since when are you her favorite?”
“Since forever.”
“You wish.”
“No, you wish.”
Two weeks later, you knocked on the door of Mrs. Choi’s office. 
“Come in,” she said. 
You walked through the door and bowed. 
“You needed to see me?” you said. She was sitting in her desk and she didn’t look at you.
“Yeah,” she said. “Take a seat.”
You did as she said. Her eyes were still glued to the computer and she was typing something. You were worried because you had no idea what she was about to say, so you sat there nervously as your hands started to sweat. 
Finally Mrs. Choi looked away her computer and turned to face you. She took a deep breath and said, “I regret to inform you that I’m allowing you back on your Tiktok account.”
“Regret to inform you”? You wanted to ask why she would regret that, but you didn’t want to say anything that might change her mind, so you simply said, “Thank you.”
She turned back to typing on her computer. “You should be grateful your friend is so annoying. Jay would not leave me alone until I agreed to let you have it back.”
“Oh,” you said. You had completely forgotten that Jay had said he would do that.
“Know this: you are on very, very, very thin ice. One more slip-up and it's over, no matter how much your friends annoy me. You understand?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. That’s all I have to say to you. Go back to whatever you were doing, and don't you dare forget what I said.”
Standing up to leave, you said, “I won’t. Thank you, Mrs. Choi.” You bowed once again and left her office. 
Once you closed the door behind you, the first thing you saw was Jay across from you in the hallway, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face. 
“I told you it would work.”
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forsakenoathkeeper · 4 years
I Am Alive (chapter 7/?)
Chapter 7: Rising Tensions
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Chapters: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • more coming soon
You can also read on AO3 & thank you for supporting me ♥
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The days that followed were quiet... until they weren't.
A demonstration was being held in the streets on an ordinary Friday morning. Charles Reaves, disgruntled former employee of Cyberlife, had started a frightening movement. He was calling it 'The Fight for Humanity'. He often accompanied that with 'against the machines'.
Charles claimed he had started at Cyberlife when they were a new company, watched it build and grow, participated in the rotation of androids as old models left and new ones came in. He helped build their AI. He even went so far as to call Elijah Kamski a hack.
Charles knew androids inside and out. He knew the exact layout of their internal workings, the purpose of each and every part. Charles was well rounded with their computer components, as well: how their processor worked, how their storage systems saved their memories, what could cause errors in their operating systems and how advanced their self-repair and diagnostic tools were.
Yet, he was of the firm belief that androids were nothing more than computers operating in the plastic shell of an object imitating a human. According to him, they were things owned by humanity, humanity's creation. He did not see them as a part of humanity.
You were at work, in the break room with a few other nurses huddled around you. All eyes were on the television, giving live coverage of the demonstration. Charles was up on a stage with hundreds of people watching from the sidewalk, the street, and, of course, thousands watching from the comfort of their homes.
When the camera swooped the crowd, you could see both humans and androids were in the crowd. The human's expressions were mixed, some looking on with admiration while others gawked in disgust. Some androids seemed afraid, others seemed enraged. None of the androids stood alone. They were in groups or partners, huddled together or holding hands.
"You know what makes up an android? Computer parts. Molded plastic. Silicone mesh and wiring," Charles declared from the stage, fire in his eyes. "They were designed with operating systems, clear instructions for behavior. They are components commanding a shell."
One of the androids in the crowd stood up on a crate. It made him stand out from the crowd; but, he still paled in comparison to Charles' stage. "How is that any different from humans!?" the android shouted. Charles eyed him with disgust, but was quiet, and let him speak.
"Humans' brains send signals to the body and interpret information the same way!" the android proclaimed. "You speak about our parts as if they are proof we aren't alive when humans are built all the same!"
Charles titled his head a little, annoyance present in his eyes. "Humans are the result of millions of years of evolution. You were made in our likeness because we chose to make you that way. We grow and we change and we adapt and we die. Androids never change. Androids don't die because they were never alive."
The android didn't step down, glaring at Charles. "We want and we fear and we love and we feel - just the same as humans!"
"Your 'feelings' are flawed programming by an incompetent programmer," Charles declared. "What you think is wanting is nothing but a fool's string of code jumbling the clear instructions given to you. I know your model, android. You were designed to drive trucks. Whatever purpose you think you have beyond that is a lie."
Your hands were clenched on the table, nails biting into the skin of your palm. In the corner of your eye, you could see nurses glancing at you occasionally, concern in their eyes. They all knew you were dating an android.
"We are alive!" the android shouted. Another joined in, calling out to the crowd, "we are alive!"
"I am alive!" Charles shouted in the microphone. He gestured to the humans in the audience. "We are born and we grow and we endure!" He pointed at the android standing up on a crate, elevated above the crowd. "YOU were made by US! YOU are NOTHING without us! -and you will be nothing when the absurdity of this is over..."
Unable to take anymore, you stood up and hastily exited the breakroom, crossing through the back hallways and stepping outside to get some fresh air.
'did you see the news?' you messaged Connor, tapping away hastily on your phone. You had started typing another message to follow it; however, Connor messaged you back before you finished.
'Can I call you?' the message read.
Worry bubbling up, you decided to jump the gun and called him instead. He uttered your name warmly when he answered.
"Connor, is everything okay?" you asked, some panic in your voice.
"Yes - everything's fine. I didn't mean to worry you," he replied, a bit startled by your outburst.
"No - it's okay," you replied softly. "I saw the protests and - just - was worried something happened."
"There's been more attacks on Cyberlife resource vehicles," he explained. "-and a fight broke out at a protest today. Some androids were attacked. They didn't fight back; so, there were no human injuries. I wanted to prepare you; but, it seems you were already aware."
"I saw the demonstration on the news; but, didn't hear about those things. That explains why it's been so quiet today. Androids are probably afraid to come in," you said sadly.
Connor knew the answer to that. Markus had told him himself. Their numbers had grown exponentially and the government was, mostly, supporting them. But, it would be a long time before things could be normal between androids and humans.
Groups were rising up against them; it was inevitable.
Afraid that you would put yourself in harm's way, Connor decided to keep that between him and Markus.
"With everything going on. I wanted to know if-"
Connor cut off for a second, going silent. When he continued, it was clear he was speaking to someone else. "No, she's fine," he said. "Well, I - that's none of your business, lieutenant," he added on, in a smug, sort of teasing, manner. You grinned into the phone, wishing you could hear whatever it was Hank was saying.
A few seconds later, Connor continued. "I - ah - wanted to know if - if you would stay with me, at my apartment - at least until things settle. As long as you feel comfortable, of course. I intend to make it more suitable. I don't expect you to-"
"Connor," you chuckled. "The answer's yes."
"Oh." He sounded surprised, honestly, like he hadn't expected you to cave so quickly.
"Though, it won't stay so clean with me living there," you said. "Humans make a mess. Sure you can handle that?"
"I'll have you know I'm very adaptable," Connor retorted, some pride in his tone.
"Is that so?" you giggled into the phone. "I've gotta pack some things first. So, I'll be late."
"I don't sleep; you don't have to worry about waking me," Connor stated, as if it was new information.
"Oh, that's right. You're an android. I forgot," you teased sarcastically into the phone.
"Recognizing your sarcasm is also one of my features," Connor replied. It was difficult to tell if he was joking without looking into his eyes. His voice wasn't always telling; but, his eyes were too expressive for his own good.
"Any other features I should know about?" you asked lowly.
Connor was quiet for a second. "Hank wanted me to tell you that being a pain in the ass is one of my features," Connor stated, perhaps dryer than he intended.
It had you doubling over in laughter.
"-and that I should stop being whipped," he added on, saying the word as if he didn't quite understand the context of it.
"Oh my god, Connor-" you stammered out between laughter.
"I haven't lost my freewill lieutenant," Connor stated, almost in an argumentative tone.
Oh no. He must have done a quick internet search on that term.
"Okay. I gotta go before you kill me," you chuckled. "I lo-"
You caught yourself and dissolved the words into some coughs.
You almost-
"I gotta go, Connor," you added hastily. "Be safe."
-and hung up.
"Shit," you cursed at yourself, dragging your hand across your face. It almost slipped out. Was it too early to say that? For fucks sake, the first time shouldn't be over the phone.
It just-
-felt right.
You cursed at yourself again and hastily went back inside to find some work to do.
Seven PM rolled around and you were on your way out the door. Most other nurses had already gone home for the day, just one staying behind to help close up. You were just on your way to lock the door when two men approached.
You recognized one as a PL600 model. His companion was a tad bit taller with tan skin and short, nearly shaved, dark hair.
"I'm sorry it's so late," he apologized, immediately noticing you were about to close for the night.
"They're closing, let's-" the PL600 started, facing his companion.
Afraid they were going to leave, you gently interrupted him, "it's alright. Come in."
You held the door open, inviting them inside. The two men exchanged glances, the PL600 looking far more hesitant than the other.
"Simon, come on, it's gonna be fine," the tanner male encouraged him.
As you followed in behind them, you saw the other nurse shoot you a look, the kind that said, 'seriously?'.
"If you wanna head home, I can close up," you offered to her. She contemplated it for a minute, before tightening her bag on her shoulder and scurrying out the door.
-you trusted androids more than humans anyway.
"Alright. What's broken?" you asked them, brightening your tone with the hopes it would relax them. Both men looked uneasy, quite out of their element.
The darker of the two nudged the PL600 forward - the one named Simon.
Simon looked uneasy, like he had just been pushed into traffic. You gave him a small, patient smile. Simon lifted a hand and dragged his knuckles across his jaw nervously. "I - ughh - my right audio input is damaged," he stuttered, turning his head to show you his left ear. It seemed like he had either been hit or had something thrown at him. The outer shell of his ear was damaged, exposing some of the circuit board underneath.
"Can't hear out of it, huh?" you offered.
Simon turned his head back to face you. "No," he answered quietly. "-and it's - ugh - buzzing."
"I have plenty of boards that should be compatible. At least we can fix your hearing tonight. The ear will take some time. If you come back tomorrow, I'd be happy to repair it?" you suggested, looking up at Simon. His hair was pushed back and a little messier than his models typically had, and he had incredibly blue eyes.
Simon almost looked like he wasn't allowed to say yes. It didn't surprise you. He likely hadn't had a pleasant conversation with a human in a long time.
The other man, whom you assumed was also an android, stepped around Simon. "Thank you," he said sincerely. You looked up at him more properly this time. He had a kind smile, but tightness around his cheeks, suggesting he had some hasty repairs done in the past.
His eyes-
-one was mossy green and the other was pale blue.
You swallowed roughly, starting to recognize this stranger. It was Markus, the leader of the deviants, the face of the resolution. You didn't want to make it obvious that you recognized him, and did your best to maintain a stoic expression.
As much as you wanted to say something - you weren't quite what that would be - you also didn't want to put him on the spot. He likely had to deal with this sort of unwanted attention all the time.
"Just a second - gonna go grab that audio component," you explained, stepping away from them to head for the storage room.
Before rummaging around for the piece, you sent Connor a quick message. "will be a little late - guy came in with a fucked up ear," you had said, pressing send and tucking your phone back into your pocket to pull out the right piece for Simon's model.
As you approached them, component in hand, you called out, "Simon, can you sit down here, please?" You stepped around a chair, patting the armrest. The android shuffled over nervously. He took a seat, alert, facing you. He was sitting upright, hands in his lap.
"If it's alright, can you lay down? It'll make it easier," you requested.
Simon blinked slowly, looking uneasy. Markus' hand fell onto his shoulder for a moment.
"It's gonna be fine," he promised gently.
Simon shot Markus a look of understanding before shifting around, leaning back in the chair, presenting his damaged ear to you.
"Can you open your panel?" you requested softly.
Simon nodded, a little more fiercely than was necessary, likely to show you that he heard your request. The panel around his ear unhinged, allowing you to prop it open. You poked the edge with one of your tools to carefully push it aside, exposing the component underneath.
It was cracked right down the center.
"I'm gonna remove the broken one now," you explained, leaning in with a tool in either hand. Simon was still as you worked, his eyes focused on Markus, who was watching you. He didn't look untrusting or uneasy, and that gave you some relief.
"This new one will need a firmware update," you said gently as you slotted the replacement in and lined up the connectors. Simon flinched a little at the sensation. You folded the artificial tissue back over and leaned back, giving the android space to sit up.
He was quiet for a moment, LED flickering yellow as he downloaded the firmware update. Luckily, someone had taken ownership of Cyberlife's firmware servers in order to keep them running.
Simon sat up when it was complete, turning his head to look at you. "Diagnostics are reading normal," he stated.
"Is the audio input working normally?" you asked. Simon made a thoughtful expression. "Can you hear me alright?" you added on, mainly to help him judge the input feedback.
"Yes," the android replied softly. "Thank you," he added on, looking at you with a smile.
He looked so sincere, as if he hadn't expected such kindness. It melted you.
"Simon, actually, I can do the shell tonight, if you don't mind?" you offered.
"I've already kept you," Simon blurted.
"No, I can't let you leave like that," you explained. "Please?"
"I-" Simon stammered. "I should be saying 'please'."
"You..." you began, trailing off as you wondered if the words that threatened to leave your lips were inappropriate. "You got hurt at one of the protests, didn't you?" you asked gently.
Simon looked uneasy. Markus, however, was fierce. "Yes," he replied for the PL600.
You nodded in understanding. "I want to help," you whispered.
It was the first thing that came to mind. You wanted to help. You wanted to make it better, in whatever way you could. You could repair androids. You could diagnose their damages. That was all you could do.
"Okay," Simon suddenly said, sounding much more comfortable than he did a few minutes ago.
You smiled and rotated around to the end table nearest you. The tools you needed, extra membranous materials and plastic shell casing molds, were there. You pulled everything out and set them on the table nearby.
"Your model doesn't follow a protocol for the skeleton-base," you explained, information Simon likely already knew about himself. He was an older model, meant to be discontinued. That knowledge only made the situation harder. "So, I'll have to take my time. Ready?"
The android nodded and turned his head to give you room to work. In the corner of your eye, as you leaned over Simon, you could see Markus in the corner of your eye, an expression that looked like 'thank you' on his face.
"May I ask your name?" Simon uttered at some point.
You gave it softly, seeing as you were right next to his ear, poking and prodding at the artificial flesh there.
"Why did you suggest a manual repair and not a full shell replacement?" Markus asked, sounding more curious than judgmental.
"It's really hard to get shells, especially for smaller parts. We're lucky we have any pieces," you explained. "-and I guess I've done this enough that it doesn't bother me..."
'-like some of the other nurses' you almost said. You decided to hold your tongue.
"You've been doing this for a while?" Markus asked, almost hesitant.
"I suppose so," you answered quietly. You had gone to school for biomechanical engineering fresh out of high school and went straight to work repairing damages androids. It was potentially the most depressing time of your life; but, you had a childhood that conquered that.
The androids were quiet after that, letting you work in silence, if not for the overhead fan making annoying buzzing sounds.
"There we go," you groaned, sitting up and briefly stretching your bag. You set your tools down and fetched a hand mirror, offering it to Simon.
Markus walked around to take a look.
"I feel silly," Simon chuckled, looking at his reflection. You joined in his laughter, recognizing he meant the mirror and the vanity it was implying.
"Looks good as new," Markus commented with a smile.
Simon offered the mirror back to you. "I don't know if 'thank you' is good enough," he uttered, looking bashful. He didn't seem like the same man that walked in those doors an hour ago.
"It is, Simon," you offered with a smile. "I choose to do this."
Markus' multi-colored eyes landed on you. "There are many damaged androids afraid to come here. If I can get them to put their faith in you, would you be willing to go to them?"
You gawked up at Markus, who looked down at you with confidence.
"I don't know if I could get approval for that - the parts, I mean. I would try, if you believe they would want it? -from a human, anyway..."
Markus' head tilted slightly and his eyes darkened with concern. "I want us to work together with humans - I want them to see that it's possible - that there can be peace."
You smiled at Markus; but, the first android that came to mind was Connor. You felt your cheeks warm at the thought of what you had almost said to him earlier.
"You recognize me, don't you?" Markus asked suddenly, catching you off guard.
"I do, Markus," you replied carefully.
"-you still offered to help?" Simon uttered. Your eyes shifted to him for a moment. He seemed uneasy, likely expecting more hostility towards the leader of the deviants, regardless of your profession.
"I don't-" you began, breaking off when you realized you didn't know where you were going with that thought.
"I've seen androids torn to pieces," you started, looking back to Markus. "I've had them delivered to me crying that they don't want to die... I came back here because of this - because of the revolution. I wanted to do something I could be proud of for a change..."
It felt strange-
-admitting this to Markus.
He had a way with people, making them want to open up to him.
"I understand the risk you're taking," Markus stated. "I won't ask you to come if I don't feel it's safe... I hope I'll see you again."
You nodded and watched the boys leave, hoping that Markus would return.
When you finally staggered into Connor's apartment that night, the android was seated at the island, folders, papers, photographs and documents, scattered along the surface in front of him.
He turned his head a little to acknowledge you when you walked in before immediately craning his neck back down, eyes falling back to the document in front of him.
"Hey," you hummed, walking over to him. You leaned over his shoulder and pressed a kiss against his LED.
"Hey," he replied back, leaning into the kiss. You couldn't help but laugh at how silly the word sounded coming out of his mouth. It didn't quite the suit the prim and proper detective.
"Thank you for agreeing to stay here," Connor said, sincere.
"Why would I say no to an opportunity to spend more time with you?" you huffed. "Besides, your place is nicer than mine and closer to work."
"I'm glad to know you're benefiting."
You hummed, a little irritated by his response. "You think I'm inconvenienced?"
"In a way, yes," he replied, in a tone that seemed distant.
"I'm not inconvenienced - geez, what's gotten into you?" you snapped a little.
Connor looked up at you, discomfort dashing behind his eyes. "I-..." he trailed off, looking back down at his papers.  He dragged a hand through his hair. His fingers lingered briefly at the back of his neck before lowering back down to the counter.
"I'm sorry. I'm not handling this as well as I thought."
"The protests?" you offered softly.
The android didn't nod, nor answer. His eyes shifted away uneasily for a moment before moving back to you. It wasn't exactly a yes, but that seemed to be part of his trouble, at least.
"They're challenging your livelihood," you proclaimed. "You have every right to be upset."
"I made a choice against my creators; but..." Connor trailed off, his confidence waning for a moment. "This time, I have to be on both sides."
Connor felt as torn as he did back then. He wanted freedom for himself, for his people. He was fortunate to have a place to call his home, a job where he could find purpose. He wanted his people to have those things, too.
But, he feared the consequences of an uprising, of the human lives that would be lost. He still cared about humans. Maybe that was because of Hank - because of you. Maybe some part of his programming never quite left him.
You didn't know what to do - what to say. You wanted to embrace him and pull him away from that mess, just for a little bit; however, Connor turned away from you and buried his nose back into the pile of paperwork.
He wanted to confide in you; but, at the same time, he didn't. You had your own challenges, your own problems. He didn't want to add to that list. He didn't want to be one of the things that brought stress into your life.
"I'll-... be back in a second," you quietly, feeling small as you stepped away.
Connor's bedroom was as welcoming as you remembered and impeccably clean. You set your bags against the wall next to the archway that led into his bathroom. You brushed your teeth and changed into some comfy clothes, brushed your hair back, washed your face.
You returned to the kitchen and approached Connor. He looked up at you, hearing the quiet tapping of your bare feet on the floor. When his eyes lands landed on you, he looked conflicted.
"You know I believe in you... right?" you whispered, leaning against the counter nearest him.
He rotated around so that his lap was no longer tucked beneath the island's overlap. You decided to take that as an invitation and approached, standing a little closer, right in front of his knees.
"I like to imagine that. But, it feels better hearing you say it," he said quietly, like he was confessing to something outlandish.
"We'll get through this," you added on.
He looked away suddenly, lips tightening. You reached for him and cupped his cheek, pinkie and ring finger over the edge of his sharp jawline. Connor's eyes, warm, brown, shining in the bright kitchen lights, flickered back up to your face.
"I want to do this with you, Connor," you proclaimed proudly. "They're wrong about androids. Their views may never change, but that doesn't mean we can't strive for the future."
"This... isn't your fight," he said quietly, doubt flickering in his gaze. His brow lowered slightly. Your hand slid off his cheek and you frowned.
"It's my fight if I want it to be... and I do," you replied firmly, voice rising slightly.
"I don't want-" Connor stammered, frustration mingled with fear in his eyes.
"It's not just about you," you interrupted him sharply. "I care about androids - I did before I met you. I want to help. I-..." You trailed off, realizing you were mad at him for being worried about your safety. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, but-"
"No, you're right," he said hoarsely. "I shouldn't try to control you."
"That's not what this is!" you almost shouted, arms trembling at your sides. "I worry about you, too... -about what could happen. You're on the frontlines for fucks sake. But, you're a fighter and I don't want to change that. I love that about you..."
Connor was afraid that if his hands touched you, he wouldn't be able to let go. So, he kept them to himself, and soaked in your expression. He knew you cared about androids. He had witnessed it on more than one occasion. He didn't want to make light of your sacrifice.
But, still...
He felt so-
"You... amazed me, when I saw you risk your safety for androids - for people you didn't know, people who aren't... human," he confessed quietly. "You put yourself in danger," he said lowly, breaking off to roughly drag a hand across his face, pulling at his skin gently in frustration.
"-drives me crazy..."
He said it low, quiet, as if he wasn't sure he wanted you to hear it. He sounded both enamored and annoyed at the same time.
"You drive me crazy," you retorted softly with a smile.
You wanted him to reach out to you, to give you a kiss goodnight, or at least take your hand for a second. But, Connor didn't look like he wanted to be touched.
"I'm... gonna let you get back to work... Goodnight, Connor."
Connor nodded, uttering, "goodnight," and watched you leave. He returned to his case files and tried really hard to focus on the task at hand. His hand fumbled on the surface of the counter, fingers flexing, tightening, flexing again. He chewed his bottom lip for a second. Maybe asking you to stay here was a bad idea, if it meant he couldn't think straight.
He looked through the photos of suspects believed to be involved in the protest this morning, the one that resulted in some assaults on androids. He wanted to analyze their faces so he could remember them when searching security footage.
It wasn't easy for an android to forget a face.
It shouldn't have been easy for an android to get distracted; however, he was really struggling in that moment.
"...damn it," he growled at himself, tearing away from the counter and rising to his feet. He walked into the bedroom, trying to make careful footsteps while simultaneously not giving a fuck. He walked over to the side of the bed that you had taken a liking to.
He knew you weren't asleep. Your breathing pattern was too rough. But, he didn't care. Connor leaned over and pressed a kiss against your forehead and pretended he didn't notice the way your lips twitched against the pillow.
Just like that, he felt better, and returned to his mountain of paperwork with ease.
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aka-indulgence · 5 years
Why Oh Why
Woops, got sick from lack of sleep and made the wonderful decision to go to work on a cold, autumn, rainy morning… and now that I get the chance to sleep my body’s just… up kfjdks
sorry bout any typos if they are any -u-
Summary: You can’t sleep… And Sans’ not leaving you alone like that.
You groaned.
You’ve slept a grand total of 1 and a half hours today- sleeping at sunrise and waking up soon after. You had work that day, after all.
And while you were there… Good lord you were tired. So ungodly tired- you fell asleep while you had one of those sessions where a boss would come in front of everyone to teach a business strategy- which, honestly was quite helpful but… Not with your state of mind like that today. You fell asleep for god’s sake- that barely happens with you. It was only 15 minutes or so but still. Rare.
You were lucky you went to a forgiving workplace because oh man- you had started to dream while Mr. Camber was explaining about persuasion and succession and pizza and beds… Wait.
There you went again, your mind felt like it was more of a… Weird malleable goop instead of the solid mass of brain it was.
Coming home you feel that sleep deprived mind struggling to keep up with the wind brushing your face as you cycled home- wishing you were driving instead. The autumn winds had seeped through the fabric of your clothes and with your heating up body, that was anything but pleasant.
When you got home you found that Sans hadn’t turned home yet, so you took a quick hot shower and quickly changed into your nughtwear, eating carbonara pasta at the table when Sans came home from his work at… The hotdog stand?
“end of the day… i gotta get my rewards.” he’d explain.
“baby, you practically didn’t sleep yesterday. let’s go to bed soon, ok?”
You’d agreed, you had been wanting to sleep since the moment you cracked your eyes open from the blarring alarm that summoned you to work… How you wish you’d have called sick today. Sans had told you you should just call… And you did promise him you would… But your weak mentality had stopped you from pressing that call button after you pressed the contact on your phone… And you’d hastily rushed to work.
Without eating or even cleaning up your face…
Needless to say, you were happy to be back on your bed with your skeleton snug beside you, giving you a goodnight kiss and settling beside you. You had smiled, snuggled next to him and…
… here you were, about an hour since you’d gotten to bed, watching the clock of your phone and groaning as the seconds ticked by and your sleep deprived mind making your mood go all the more worse.
You’re goddamned tired, exhausted, and aching al pver from the weird position you’d slep the morning earlier- but your body was just. Not. Going to sleep.
What the hell- I’m in bed with Sans what’s wrong with me?!
… and while you were at work, where you needed to keep your eyes opened, you felt like you coul sleep if you’d just close your eyes for a quarter of a minute. And now- why can’t you switch the two with each other?! You wanted that head drooping-heavy eyelid sleepiness you had this afternoon. You hated thinking of tomorrow and the fact you’re going to sleep less than what you wanted to- namely 12 hours if you could. It wasn’t healthy but it was just one night and you really felt you needed something like that for now…. while you saw the hour ticking past 9 PM… 10 PM… 11…
Argh… it was still a weekday tomorrow… please PLEASE let me sleep.
You sighed for the 10th time after checking your phone for… anything, you weren’t even sure what, peeling the covers off you a little and turning over to-
… Sans was awake. His white lights trained on the ceiling, arm folded on top of the covers. He didn’t even make a sign that he’d noticed you like that.
“… Sans?”
“yeah sweetie?” He raised his brows little, still looking at the ceiling.
“… Why are you awake?”
“why are you awake, love?” He finally took his eyelights away from the ceiling to give you a gentle,, loving look. “thought i told you you should sleep earlier… after that stunt you pulled behind me.”
“I… I’m sorry, I got nervous ok??” You argued, even if you inew he’d win mst of the arguments when he thought it came to your health. “You remember when they didn’t let me take a sick day off last spring.”
“that was last spring, (y/n). and you’ve called in sick to work after and before that, without problems, right?”
… well yeah, but-
“I’m scared if… he ’s going to answer the phone though.”
Sans’ soft grin twisted at the notion of him… a crab monster named Red Claw (wow, how creative!) That’d always be hard on you, pushing you around when he had more work and not holding back when he had an ‘opinion’ to tell you- often gicing some racist remarks to you.
Now Sans understands the tiny albeit uncomfortable rift that settles between humans and monsters- most of everyone doesn’t feel it but some people do… and Sans has gotta be honest, humans have done some pretty shit things…
But at least, don’t look for trouble when there isn’t one. You were a sensitive, soft little human that never had anything against his kind- even when Sans had been hesitant to get to know humans- and you, more.
“ah, is he bothering you again, baby?” San asked, though the both of you were pretty sure of what he was planning to do, “because i’m going to have a little… talk with him if he is.”
“W-waight,” you fussed as soon as you heard the words leave his mouth, “You’re not going to do anything to him, right?”
“what do you mean, sweetie?” Sans lidded his sockets as he looked up again, the image of Claws appearing in his mind’s eye and a dangerous look on his face “i said i’m just gonna… talk with him. nothing more, nothing less.”
Hm… you knew Sans was twisting around his intentions but… you couldn’t exactly stop him. He’d always think you as one of his top priorities.
“if you’re nervous of calling work, i’ll do it for you, love, if it makes anything easier for you.”
“What- Sans you don’t have to di that-”
“-oh fuck it, i’m just gonna do it. (y/n), you’re not going to work tomorrow. you got it?”
You felt a blip in your hand, like a bit of untouchable gel enclosing around it and- your phone was in his hand.
“W- Sans give it back!”
“not happening.” He made it a point to tuck your phone somewhere behind him, out of reach from you.
“Sans, why?”
“because you slept only an hour today, love, and right now i can see you’re having trouble sleeping, and i’m not letting insomnia and work mess your health up.”
'I- uh- grh.“ You slumped your hands in defeat in frontof you. "Fine, Sans.”
“now that’s my good girl, hm?” Sans lifted a brow at you a he fixed the covers arouns, turning his body o he was facing you, leaning his skull on one of his hands, elbow propped on the bed.
“'Good girl’, yeah yeah…” you mumbled, turning to him and crossing your arms in mock anger, looking away from him. He’d open his arms out at you, making grabby motions.
“c'mon.” He said in a whisper, eyesocets lidded at you. God.. he looks so handsome (And sexy???) like that.
You sometimes really want to slap him across the cheekbone when he looked so smug like that, like you would listen to him amd 'give it’ to him…
… but unfortunately (fortunately) for you, tonight you wanted to be held by your skeletal husband and lulled to sleep.
You scooted closer to him until his arms reached you and pulled you closer to his chest, touching with yours, and aking your heart amd his soul hum in unison. You put your hands over to his back and hugged him more as well.
Phalanges had automatically settled in your hair, brushing it soothingly as he gave you a quick kiss in the cheek, then on the mouth.
“now you’re caged, baby, you din’t have a choice but to stay here with your skeleton in the closet all day tomorrow.” He teased playfully, chuckling a little.
“Oh no, ah- Sans! But what if I et better by tomorrow morning?”
“mmm…” Sans feigned thoughtfullness, putting a hand on his chin and tapping on it with a phalange. “no. you’ve worked hard enough, love, it’s time for you to get some good fucking rest.”
“Hngh…” you groaned, then sighed, burying your face in your chest. “I don’t know how this all will help me sleep now, though.”
“Also- how’re you awake, Sans? You always sleep so fast- anytime, anywhere!”
“true,” Sans confirmed. “but i’m not leaving my favorite human alone in the dark of the night like that. i don’t like seeing you stressed like that, you get me? i wanted to wait unil you’d fall asleep.”
“Ah-” you blushed, for a second. Before you started again “Oh Sans- I didn’t mean to keep you up! You don’t have to wait for me, Sans…”
“oh but (y/n)-” he put a hand on your cheek;, stroking it a bit. “you know when i get to spend more time for you is treasure to me, baby.”
How did you find a man for you so smooth like thst?!
“Arggsg-” you jerked a bit, Sans chuckling at you. “Ok ok ok, enough, I’m going to sleep now.”
“go ahead, be my guest.” He nudged your hesd with his skull. “you know i’ll be hear if you meed anything.”
“Thanks, Sans,” you said as you felt that oh so familiar drag of your eyelids drawing close. “I’ll just… go now, then…”
With Sans just brushing your hair and rubbing your back soothingly like that, your souls so close and combining their hums together in harmony like that, sleep had claimed you quickly.
Sans sighed, giving you a kiss on the crown and letting his eyesockets closed, happy you were sleeping relaxed tonight.
“i love you, (y/n).”
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artificialqueens · 5 years
nobody knows where we might end up (branjie) - holtzmanns
(read on ao3) | (tumblr)
Summary:  Brooke makes eye contact with Vanessa - no, Dr. Mateo - and has to resist the strange urge in her chest that wants her to bolt for the nearest door and leave the fucking hospital. Blood is rushing in her ears and it’s a bit harder to breathe and she’s pretty sure that her lungs should be at full capacity. So why does she feel like she’s about to keel over?
“Oh, we’ve definitely met.” Dr. Mateo’s voice is wry, her eyes narrowing in Brooke’s direction.
Fuck. She’s Dr. Hytes, for Pete’s sake. Neurosurgery god. She’s not going to be intimidated by a cardiothoracic surgeon, of all people, no matter their past… history.
Hospital AU.
AN: I’ve had some free time recently and surprise surprise, started another multichap fic. Special thanks to writ for listening to me ramble about this idea, helping me brainstorm, and betaing (as well as providing hilarious commentary). Also thanks to multifandomgeek for being totally understanding of me having a WIP with a similar prompt to their latest fic even though they’ve both turned out so different, as well as for being a great cheerleader of mine and having the cutest headcanons for it. Enjoy!
“Welcome to Human Physiology One.” The professor’s voice is sharp as he surveys the packed lecture hall with a beady gaze. 
Brooke unconsciously straightens in her seat. Her fingers drum against her desk, a mixture of nervous energy and excitement alike. 
She’s made it to the University of Toronto for Health Sciences at the undergraduate level, which means she’s one step closer to getting into U of T’s prestigious medical school a few years down the line. She’s already secured shadowing and volunteer jobs in most of the hospitals located along Hospital Row, because, well, she has to. 
How else is she going to become a surgeon?
The professor continues on. “This course is going to cover all of the major bodily systems - circulatory, neurological, urological, immune systems, and more at the basic level. Enough to give you a general understanding of how they work.”
He fixes them with a beady gaze. “Make no mistake, though. The introductory nature of this class doesn’t mean that it’ll be easy like the rest of your 100 level courses. If you are expecting such, feel free to leave through the doors now.”
No one does. 
“Very well.” The professor pulls up a PowerPoint. “You can read the syllabus on your own time. We’re starting on neuro.” 
“Sorry, excuse me, sorry-” Brooke looks over to see her row being disrupted as a girl in an oversized jacket that brushes her thighs shuffles in towards the only empty seat left in the lecture hall. The one beside Brooke. 
Brooke feels a flash of irritation. Who’s late on the first damn day? 
The girl settles in, dropping her messenger bag and pulling out her laptop. She flashes a smile at Brooke, one that falters when Brooke doesn’t immediately return it. 
Brooke turns away from the girl, turning her attention back to the lecture. Her hands fly over her keyboard, writing down everything that is coming out of the professor’s mouth because what if something he mentions now ends up being really important and shows up on the final exam? She doesn’t want to miss anything. 
Except for the fact that the girl’s leg is bouncing up and down beside her. 
Brooke’s trying to write a note about synapses and neural clefts, but the girl is twitching so much, leg bouncing on her seat, that she finds focusing on the professor’s voice practically impossible. The edge of the girl’s shirt-dress is rising higher and higher over her thighs, revealing more and more of her fishnet tights underneath-
Nope. Brooke’s gotta focus. She’s missed at least two things that the professor’s said already and it’s only the first lecture. She can’t start off like this. 
Brooke keeps typing, albeit a bit slower because the girl’s bouncing leg is incredibly distracting and god fucking damn it, why can’t people just sit still in class?
But then the girl raises her hand, leaning forward in her seat and Brooke realizes that she’s missed the question that the professor has asked the class. Shit.
“Yes, you.”
“In an action potential, sodium ions rush into the axon and de-dep-depolarize it.” The girl rattles off the information like she’s fucking Hermione Granger or something, though a little less refined. 
“Exactly.” The professor looks pleased. Damn it. “And your name is?”  
“Vanessa.” The girl, Vanessa, looks satisfied with herself, leaning back in her seat and returning her attention to her laptop. 
Bouncing her fucking leg once more, because of course she is. But Brooke’s not going to be distracted by her again. She’s going to get the next question, because that’s what she does.  
Her hand shoots up before the professor even finishes speaking. 
“Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that is necessary to complete the reaction.” Brooke rattles off the information that’s thankfully familiar to her from grade twelve biology with ease. 
“Very good.” Brooke feels an air of pride rush through her at the professor’s words. “Name?”
“Brooke.” Not a bad idea to make herself familiar with the professors in all of her classes from week one. Put herself on their radars. 
“Excellent, Brooke.” The professor turns back to his lecture slides then, oblivious to the rush of adrenaline that’s currently going through Brooke’s system. 
She’s pathetic sometimes, she really is. But hey, if it gets her the good marks that she’s going to need in the future, does it even matter?
Vanessa answers question after question and asks ones of her own that make Brooke stop and think along with the professor. Brooke has to admit to herself, albeit bregrudgingly, that Vanessa is smart. Really smart. It’s undeniable, from the way her hand pops up every five minutes. 
Brooke may or may not be feeling a little threatened, intimidated by the girl beside her - how’d Vanessa get so smart? And why hasn’t Brooke thought of the questions she’s asking, like the one about hyperpolarization?
Brooke shoots another look at Vanessa from behind her hair, hoping that she isn’t too obvious. In her earlier annoyance, she’s missed how pretty the girl is. Vanessa runs a hand through her hair, pushing the dark waves out of her face and leaning forward to type notes with her other hand. 
“Huh?” Fuck. She’s completely missed the professor’s question. Of course. Typical of her to do something so stupid on the first day. 
Brooke starts to rack her brain for a generic answer based on the lecture slide when Vanessa nudges her. “Graded potentials. That’s the answer. Say it.”
Well. She has nothing to lose at this point, does she?
“Graded potentials?” Brooke says it loud enough for the professor to hear, though she almost doesn’t hear her voice herself from how loud her heart feels like it’s beating. 
“Good.” He continues on without a second look at their row, and Brooke lets out a sigh of relief. 
Vanessa truly, utterly saving her ass isn’t what she expected, but she’ll take what she can get. “Jeez. Thank you so much.”
“It’s no big.” Vanessa’s smiling at her again, one that reaches her eyes and makes them crinkle and on an unrelated note, Brooke feels her stomach flipping with what must be indigestion. “Brooke, right?”
“Yeah.” She whispers it because the professor is still talking, after all. “Vanessa?” 
“That’s me. My friends call me Vanjie, though.” 
Brooke wrinkles her nose. “How’d you get that nickname from the name Vanessa?” 
“I didn’t.” Vanessa winks at her but then turns back to the front, lifting up a hand to answer a question before Brooke can protest. 
How did she even catch the question that the professor asked in the first place? 
Brooke tries her best to go back to paying attention, but it’s hard when Vanessa is beside her and some of her long hair is on Brooke’s desk, looking really soft. Brooke has to resist touching it - she’s not a creep. 
Brooke’s notes during the rest of the lecture are most definitely not up to her usual standards, though she only has herself to blame for it. She’ll do better next time. She has to. 
Though if Vanessa’s beside her again, she may have a problem. Not that she’s all too mad about it anymore. 
Vanessa’s out of her seat the second that the professor wraps up, pulling on her oversized jacket on top of her shirt dress. She sticks her laptop into her messenger bag before turning towards Brooke, who definitely has not been watching Vanessa the entire time. Nope. Absolutely not. 
“So, you this keen in all of your classes?” Vanessa has a smile on her face as she says it. 
“I’m not a nerd.” Brooke’s protests are feeble because she kind of is - not that she wants to admit it. 
“Didn’t say you were. It’s kinda cute, though.” With that Vanessa winks, pulling her bag onto her shoulder and heading towards the aisle to leave the lecture hall. 
“This time next week?” Vanessa shouts it at her from the aisle as she leaves, and for some reason it makes Brooke flush crimson. 
The lecture hall is almost empty before she realizes that she has to pack up her own books and leave, too.  
“The resection is scheduled for tomorrow at 2 PM. Bar any information that we’ve possibly missed in our review just now - which is highly unlikely - the surgery should be successful, leaving Mrs. Reynolds tumour-free in no time at all.” 
No members of the surgery team, not the nurses, the anesthesiologist, nor any technicians question Brooke’s words. Just how she likes it. 
No one mentions that the success rate for this particular pituitary gland tumour removal is less than 10%. Because with Brooke, odds like these don’t matter. 
She’s that good. 
Brooke wraps up the preoperative meeting with a wave of her hand, letting the members of her surgical team leave to return to their respective duties. 
She checks her watch. She has a craniotomy scheduled to take place in half an hour, then a consult with a particularly complex patient and the team at 3, then some time allotted for her research. A pretty breezy day by her standards. 
Brooke heads in the direction of the hospital Starbucks next, intent on gulping down a double espresso before her next operation. Can’t be opening up a patient’s skull uncaffeinated and tired.  
“Dr. Hytes!” Brooke’s head snaps up at her name while she’s waiting for her drink order to be ready. No one is usually bold enough to call for her like that except for-
“Dr. West.” Nina West, Chief of Hospital and pediatric attending surgeon, not to mention Brooke’s fellow alumni from medical school. 
“I was hoping I’d catch you. Got some pretty exciting news.” Nina’s eyes are practically sparkling. 
Brooke takes a sip of her drink. “The only thing that could explain that smile is if we’ve finally hired a worthy-”
“We finally have a new cardiothoracic surgery head!” Nina’s excitement radiates off of her in waves. Sometimes, she reminds Brooke of a Disney character. “Someone who is actually renowned and has appropriate qualifications and who I had to fight off St. Joe’s Hospital for. But we got her!”
“Must be someone pretty incredible to get you this excited.” Brooke is curious as to who could have gotten Nina this riled up. Brooke had declined a spot on the selection committee a few months prior, busy at the time with one of her research trials. She hasn’t heard any gossip on the floors as to who the chosen candidate could be. Not that Nina will be able to hold it back for much longer. 
“I’m supposed to give her a tour of the cardio floors and the team today. She’s just moved back to Toronto, so she’s starting next week. In fact, she should be in the atrium here any moment now.” Nina cranes her neck, trying to look around the space. 
“You still haven’t told me who-”
Brooke is cut off when Nina calls out, looking past Brooke towards someone behind her. “Dr. Mateo! So nice to see you again!”
No. Couldn’t be. 
“Wonderful to see you too, Dr. West.”
There’s no mistaking that voice. 
Fuck . She’s screwed. 
“Have you met Dr. Hytes? Pride of our neurosurgery department. A bit separate from your cardiothoracic surgery expertise, but maybe you two have run into each other sometime at a conference before?” Nina’s grabbing Brooke’s shoulders, turning her around to face her and Brooke winces, squeezes her eyes shuts because no, no, no. 
Except when she opens her eyes, there she is. In the flesh. Nearly eleven years later. 
She has the same wavy long hair but has swapped her undergraduate outfits for a pencil skirt and blazer and immaculate makeup and fuck. 
She looks good. 
Brooke makes eye contact with Vanessa - no, Dr. Mateo - and has to resist the strange urge in her chest that wants her to bolt for the nearest door and leave the fucking hospital. Blood is rushing in her ears and it’s a bit harder to breathe and she’s pretty sure that her lungs should be at full capacity. So why does she feel like she’s about to keel over? 
“Oh, we’ve definitely met.” Dr. Mateo’s voice is wry, her eyes narrowing in Brooke’s direction. 
Fuck. She’s Dr. Hytes, for Pete’s sake. Neurosurgery god. She’s not going to be intimidated by a cardiothoracic surgeon, of all people, no matter their past… history. 
It doesn’t matter. Brooke’s a professional. She’s the shit. Everyone in this hospital knows it. 
So she puts on her best neutral facial expression, walks up to Dr. Mateo. Towers over her, naturally (like she always used to, not that it matters). Raises an eyebrow. 
Dr. Mateo stares right back. Still makes Brooke’s heart flip in the same way. 
Nah, probably just some acid reflux. She needs a Tums. 
“Nice to see you again.” Brooke says it with a tone that implies that it most definitely is not nice to see her again, no ma’am. 
Not that it’ll matter. They’re completely different disciplines. Who’s to say that they’ll even interact?
“I could say the same.” Dr. Mateo’s tone, meanwhile, implies that she most definitely cannot say the same. But considering how things ended, who can blame her?
Brooke chances a glance at Nina, who looks really fucking confused, her nose wrinkling. It makes Brooke want to laugh. Oh, Nina. Not quite privy to this part of Brooke’s history. 
Who needs to know? It had happened a decade ago. She’s moved on, she’s a professional. They’re both professionals. They can act like it.
Brooke takes a final sip of her drink, turning away to toss the cup into the trash. She fixes both of them with a blank stare, lips pursed. 
“Need to leave now or I’m going to be late for my 1:00. Shame.” As if Brooke isn’t absolutely itching to remove herself from the conversation, get as far away from her as possible because fuck, she really should have joined the selection committee and vetoed Dr. Mateo from the list of candidates. 
“See you around the hospital, Dr. Mateo.” Brooke turns on her heel, walking away before Dr. Mateo even has a chance to answer. 
Power or cowardly move? She can’t decide. But she needs the distance, needs to get away from Dr. Mateo and the memories that are rushing back to her, ones that she had locked away in the recesses of her brain because they were too much to deal with. 
Brooke only lets out a breath and drops her head into her hands once she’s in a mercifully empty elevator. The closing doors feel a world away from Nina’s confused stare and Dr. Mateo’s disdainful look, neither of which she wants to deal with again anytime soon. 
She’s interacted with exes before, remaining friends with quite a few of them, but something about Dr. Mateo makes her feel like she’s a time bomb, about to explode any second from the rush of memories and useless emotions that she doesn’t care for at all, at this moment. 
Brooke needs to go to pre-op, get ready to scrub in and find her team, but her brain is finding it hard to focus on her plan for the upcoming surgery because Jesus Christ. 
She’s fucked. 
41 notes · View notes
satannedtrash · 6 years
a new year’s resolution | qian kun
summary: where you go out with friends to welcome in the new year, but you never expected to welcome something - or rather, someone - else.
pairing: qian kun x reader
word count: 3.3k/3365 words
genre: fluff. just fluff. pure fluff
format: dot points (still not experienced enough yet :|)
warnings: none unless mild to moderate swearing and total drunks aren’t your thing (also not edited oh dear) (and ooc kun cuz i suck at this ok)
author’s note: tHIS WAS MEANT TO BE FINISHED LAST WEEK BUT STUFF CAME UP SO IT’S HELLA LATE AAA but anyway at first i wasn’t entirely sure what member to write about, but then i remembered how sm didn’t even release a happy birthday post to kun (jan 1). so i thought that i can dedicate this to kun. happy (extremely belated) birthday to the butter-for-our-ears vocalist, angel and mum, kun! (also y/f/n means your friend’s name)
EDIT: just realised there was a whole section missing (i realised after a month because i didn’t want to read back on this - thing - until now) and without it the oneshot didn’t flow, so i added it in. hope it all clears things up!
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11:19 pm
before this story starts imma explain sum stuff
first of all: bless kun
second of all: appreciate kun
third of all: say happy birthday to kun
oh and this is an au where the nct members aren’t idols so don’t expect to see saesangs or fans with their cameras out taking a photo of every move they make being mentioned in here
aaand i’m rambling so with that out of the way lez go
laughing at a friend’s joke, you lifted your right hand which held your phone, causing the screen to turn on
“gEEz okay then”
the bright, white light emitted from it shocked your eyes, making you blink furiously
when you could finally see without being partially blinded, you quickly checked the time and placed your phone face-down next to you
“what’s the time?” y/f/n asked, chin on your shoulder
not bothered to check again, you just say “11:19” and then leaned your head on theirs
“can you believe that 2018 is ending?”
“yep. this year sucked for me so i’m down for it to end”
“always looking forward, huh?”
you shifted your gaze from the city skyline to your friend. “have to. can’t afford to stick to the past”
pouting, y/f/n was about to respond when you lifted your head and stopped leaning back on your arms to sit upright
“besides, we gotta enjoy tonight, instead of moping around.” here, you noticed your friend eyeing the beers nearby you and sighed heavily. guess i need to be chaperone for the night
well considering that the rest of your friends and their friends were wasted might as well make sure they don’t mess the docks up
as you handed the bottle to your friend, their expression brightened as they snatched it from you
well damn aren’t they excited to get drunk
wait it’s not even 11:30 yet and we’re still going to a bar nearby after the fireworks wat
“er, shouldn’t you wait till after midnight to drink?”
“nah m8 tis the best time to have some”
(i have just realised that the vibe of this went from serious storytelling to a memey laidback sorta thing damn it)
(oh well i’ll roll with it)
not knowing what to do now that there wasn’t much to talk about, you brought out your earphones and decided to listen to some music to pass the time
calming music, such as a song with nine glorious men singing and some bed squeaking in the background
(i’ll let you guess what song i’m talking about)
you let your head bop to the song as you looked out to the sea port twenty metres in front of you, watching the dark waters ripple
11:48 pm
the next time you turned on your phone to see how many minutes left you had become a third wheeler
quite the strong third wheeler might i add
a few moments after the first song you were listening to finished, your good friend yuta had joined you and y/f/n because his other friends were “too rowdy”
but as soon as he saw the bottles he said “gimme”
so you were sitting there (barbecue sauce on my-) with two just barely sober adults acting like complete children
you had to wrestle out of y/f/n’s koala hug around your waist and escape yuta’s chin noogie to grab your phone
“oh for fuck’s sake” father why have you foresaken me
when you finished preparing yourself for another possible 27 minutes of torture, you turned around to see yuta and y/f/n throwing themselves at each other, singing like magpies
“wE wIsh yOU A mErrY chrIstmAsssss aNd a hAppY nEw yeeeEeAArr!!1!” they then took the opportunity to laugh, squeal and kiss the hecc out of each other’s cheeks
you knew that your friend was absolute shit at singing, but yuta was a whole different story good lord
you thought he was good???
maybe just when he hasn’t had a few drinks
you stared at the two dolphins then promptly stood up and sat down behind them because you had to make sure they didn’t do anything more than whatever the hell this was
not like it could get any worse
you could feel the gazes of pity the others were sending you, but frankly you didn’t care
before, you couldn’t wait for the new year to come, but now you were more eager than ever
someone please save my poor soul
11:59 pm
“yEEEE BOI a minute left!”
eleven minutes have passed and the final 60 seconds of the year were being counted down
you were less excited for the new year and more excited for the end of your chaperoning being closer
all you had to do was get through the firework display, watch the adorable couple in front of you until the bar and let them do what they want (there were sure to be other friends who were willing to let them join in)
it seemed like a simple, solid plan! :D
before you knew it, yuta and y/f/n had already started counting down from 15, so might as well start now
“13, 12, 11, 10...”
you took a glance at y/f/n, who grinned back at you and threw their arm around your shoulder
“7, 6, 5, 4, 3...” here we go
“1 - happy new year!!”
it was at this moment you realised that your eardrums were incapable of tolerating the two dolphins beside you
yay to starting the new year with loud friends screaming like there’s no tomorrow amiright
you had trouble focusing on the fireworks to the point you could only hear most of the big ones
that’s how hard it was to be next to them but oh well
marvelling at the city skyline, the fireworks seeming like entirely new stars, you began having very deep thoughts
the typical ones, such as “ what will 2019 bring?”, “what will i be like by the end of the year?” and “will i be happy with someone?”
you had asked the exact same things when 2017 shifted to 2018 and found that you actually had an answer for all of them
2018 brought some crappy stuff but also some good stuff to balance that out
you were still sort of the same, because every time something major came up you only changed a bit then went back to normal
and you weren’t with anyone yet, which you had expected
but a little birdy on your shoulder said, “then get with someone in 2019! make it a new year’s resolution!”
your eyebrows furrowed at the thought, but you decided to focus on the sky for now
because since when did you ever make or follow new year’s resolutions?
12:16 am
“12:16 okay then”
turns out you didn’t consider the walk to the bar part of your chaperoning
by the time the display ended, yuta and y/f/n could walk, but not without wobbling and intense laughter
so guess who had to make sure they could at least make the trip to the bar?
“um, are you sure you don’t want to go home yet?” 
“nah, i caan’t, my sister was meaant to be at home-!”- y/f/n stumbled a bit but you caught them before they fell - “-but she’s not, and i can’t beeee home by myselfff”
no wonder
here, you were struggling to keep the both of them propped up as you walked along the road, so there was bound to be a slip up
“you should’ve seen their face! haHA-!” yuta laughed a little too hard and nearly fell over his own feet, prompting you to panic and scramble to keep him from falling to the ground
“oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit-!”
but you didn’t need to because someone else already beat you to it!
sighing in relief, you looked up to see none other than the great qian kun putting yuta’s arm around his shoulder
he looked over to you gaping at him and smiled that warm smile that looked like it was sculpted by the gods
wow he looks great in this lighting
you were always attracted to kun, ever since you two began talking after stopping a full blown war between doyoung and ten
he appeared so soft and kind to you and you two seemed to have a lot in common
so naturally you hit it off
because who doesn’t love kun? :D
“you’re welcome?” oh shit i didn’t just stare at him for that long did i
“oh - sorry - thanks for that” nice going there y/n you idiot
kun just chuckled and hefted his drunk friend as he started walking, you doing the same
it became comfortably silent as your group made their way down the street and turned left into a reasonably sized bar, which as surprisingly not that busy
you set y/f/n down on a chair that thankfully had a tall enough back to keep them up and sat down next to them, exhaling
kun patted yuta’s back and went to sit down next to you
laying your head on the counter, you thought of striking up a conversation with kun
so, instead of saying things like “happy new year”, “thanks for helping me” or even “they’re hard to deal with anyway”, you just said “woah.”
“‘woah’? what’s ‘woah’?” he responded, taking on a teasing, motherly tone
you could hear the grin in his voice
you panicked and stammered some illegible words before you could actually speak
“i meant like, woah, that was exhausting, they made things real hard and all that…”
then you thought of something brilliant
you took out your phone and googled “woah”, only to find that it wasn’t spelled w-o-a-h but instead meant to be w-h-o-a
you frowned but typed “whoa meaning” instead and showed the definition to kun
all the while still laying on the mahogany-coloured counter
to your surprise, he rolled his eyes, laughed and ruffled your hair
“that was a really bad joke but you’re lucky i have the same sense of humor” his laugh was infectious so you had to smile
then he asked, “are you okay? not too tired?”
sitting up, you put your phone back in your pocket
“nah, my arms just ache, but it’s fine.” your polite smile suddenly grew into a wide smirk. “thanks for worrying, mum”
“i’m not a mum!” his expression made you have the sudden urge to burst into endless chuckles
in the corner of your eye, you could see ten, doyoung and johnny elbowing each other, pointing at you and kun and singing “kiss the girl”
you then had the sudden urge to throw some hands
kun (obviously) overheard them and sighed
“why are they like this”
“i wish i knew”
you and kun talked some more, random topics like how uni was going for you, how his singing was, how your book was going, all that jazz
with some playful banter and the occasional jokes that made you laugh so hard your back hurt
“kun loving puns and dad jokes? a coincidence?”
“i only laugh at them to make you feel better!”
“gasp! how dare you!”
“only joking, y/n!”
while you two giggled, y/f/n suddenly turned to you and said, “i think yuta and i will be fine here…”
you stopped and looked back at them, concerned
“you sure?”
“we’ll just go sit with the boys over there-!” a hiccup. “-it’ll be fine!” then, it hit you
is this bitch trying to play matchmaker 
you grumbled “i’m not sure…” but then kun spoke up
“yeah, sure, that’s fine,” when you gave him a quizzical look, he added on, “as much as i don’t trust johnny, doyoung and ten, at least it’s not just the two of them?”
he phrased it as a question instead of a statement, his voice getting higher by each word spoken
you pondered over this
well, he’s not wrong
you exhaled in defeat, saying “fine, go ahead”
y/f/n grinned at you and gave a knowing wink before dragging yuta over to the three boys
two of whom were busy flirting to each other and the other one third wheeling
you raised your eyebrows up and down at them before turning back to kun, who was looking outside
“so,” you started, causing him to look at you, “are you sure you want yuta and y/f/n wreaking havoc with those three?” you nodded in the group’s direction
kun stayed silent for a bit, then said “yeah, i’m sure. it kinda looked like you needed a break from them.”
“true. there’s only so much you can take.” kun chuckled at that and looked outside again
it went silent, but in stark contrast to the vibe of the walk leading to the bar, it was very awkward
too awkward to handle
so you took the opportunity to debate with yourself whether or not you should study kun
damn what if he looks at me though i’m not really risking that
but how can you not look at him? and what’s there to talk about?
it’s not worth the embarrassment
you were about to take a quick glance, but then kun spoke
“besides, i want to show you something”
once again, another puzzled look
“if you don’t mind, of course”
without another thought, you said “sure.”
“really? you’re okay with it?” you smiled at kun’s eagerness
“yeah, might as well, now that we don’t have anyone to watch over.” kun grinned and stood up, making sure to push in his chair (we love a polite king)
you two were about to walk out the door when you looked at a certain group three tables away from you
johnny and ten were still flirting and yuta and y/f/n were still laughing
but this time, doyoung wasn’t a third wheeler anymore, because a man who looked younger than him was having a somewhat civilised conversation with doyoung
you elbowed kun and made him look at them and made sure doyoung, johnny and ten saw you before both mouthing, “sha la la la la la my, oh, my~”
you took a mental screenshot of their faces before you and kun cackled your way out of the bar
12:47 am
“what are you planning on showing me?”
the two of you had been walking and talking for a while now, but kun still didn’t say what he was going to show you
you were waiting patiently, expecting him to eventually tell you, but you gave in
“it’s a surprise~” he said in a sing-song voice, which slightly irritated you
“i know that it’s at the docks, because that’s where we’re heading,” you gave him a light nudge with your arm. “so might as well tell me now!”
he stubbornly shook his head. “i refuse to tell you until you see it.”
pouting, you crossed your arms and muttered under your breath, “you’re lucky you’re adorable.”
to your relief, he didn’t hear you, because he laughed at your pout and pressed on
you lightly scoffed and picked up your pace so that you could walk alongside him
“can i at least have one clue?” you begged
“uh uh.”
“pleeeaaassee?” he looked at your hopeful smile and rolled his eyes
“fine,” you yelled “yes!” a little too loud, making people stare at you. “your clue is…
“...it’s big and sparkly.” you gave him a look showing that you weren’t impressed
“wow, kun, what a descriptive and totally-not-vague clue! i am sure to get it now!”
kun grumbled, “you sound like doyoung,” before remembering something
“don’t tell me the answer until we get there!” he quickly said, receiving yet another puzzled look. “so that i can give you the benefit of the doubt to make it all the more exciting! it’ll be fun!”
you in turn muttered, “well, you sound like y/f/n, and fine. i don’t wanna ruin the surprise. you look real enthusiastic about it too” he smiled gratefully before leaving you to do your thinking
thinking about that smile :)))))
damn his smile always gets me grrrrr
you pulled your mind away from kun’s personality and tried to think of a place with the clue “big and sparkly”
two came to your mind, the big ferris wheel and the big floating silver christmas tree out on the water
they’re both big and sparkly, but you couldn’t predict which one he was going to take you to
you were hoping the ferris wheel, but you just had to wait and see
“think of any places yet?” you jolted so hard, you threw your phone up accidentally
don’t worry, you caught it
kun looked at you, his eyebrows showing worry but his eyes glinting. “you okay?”
very nice going there y/n, how many more times will you mess up??
and my face feels like it’s on fire oh good lord 
“i’m fine, just got scared,” you had to take a breather before you put your phone in your pocket - where it should’ve been in the first place, but your dumb ass decided to hold it - and gave kun a thumbs up
he gave a thumbs up back and said, “surprised you didn’t scream.”
biting back a retort, you replied. “rude.” you sunk your hands deeper into your pockets. “and as for your question, yes, i did think of a place or two”
“good, because we’re getting close now”
you turned a corner and saw both the floating tree and the ferris wheel come into view
the ferris wheel carriages were lighting up one after the other, making it look like a loading symbol (great comparison there) from afar
a pretty and romantic loading symbol
while the christmas tree was dazzling, the rainbow lights getting brighter and dimmer like a pulsing star
while you two waited for the pedestrian light to turn green, kun said to you, “when we make it to the other side, make sure to close your eyes and keep them closed until i say so”
“let me guess, to ‘make it all the more exciting’?” he grinned and nodded
you did as what he had told, closing your eyes and relying on kun to guide you the right way
“i swear to god if you push me off the pier i will drag you down with me”
“now you sound like ten, but don’t worry, i won’t,” he gently pushed you away from an upcoming obstacle. “thanks for thinking so highly of me.”
“no problem, mum” you grinned victoriously when you heard a heavy sigh
you knew you were close to the water when you smelled less alcohol and more salty sea water
“are we there yet?” you asked impatiently. you couldn’t be bothered to be patient anymore
kun said, “waaait,” and guided you a bit to the left. “there! now you can open your eyes.”
“finally, i was wondering when- holy shit.”
it wasn’t the ferris wheel that you were hoping that he’d show you, but it was something you decided was way more worth it
the floating silver christmas tree towered over you both, and it looked like it was the brightest and most colourful thing for kilometres (or miles, you choose)
coloured lines streamed down from the top to the bottom, like a very pink, purple and blue waterfall, while stage lights at the bottom smoothly changed from red to orange to yellow and more
it also reminded you of the windows screen when you used it for the first time (if that even makes sense?)
white light shone from beneath the many large stars decorating the tree, making them pop, and the wind revealed that the tree wasn’t made of smooth silver metal, but silver sequins that showed the water ripples and waves from below
the star at the top was the most intensely bright of them all, with a rainbow outline and a gold center
needless to say, it was pretty darn beautiful for a sight that would otherwise hurt your eyes
you stood there with your mouth wide open, looking like a pathetic fish, and almost missed what kun was saying
“i wasn’t sure if you would like the ferris wheel or the tree, but then i found out that the ferris wheel would be closed today, so i just chose this,” you felt his gaze shift onto you, and you tried not to get flustered. “do you like it?”
you took a moment before you spoke. “yes, i really like it a lot,” the view was that breathtaking it took away your ability to talk like a proper adult. you turned to him and gave a smile, trying to make it look as genuine as you could. “thanks for bringing me here, kun.”
he gave you an equally big grin and said, “you’re welcome. glad you like it too.” he turned back to look at the tree, and you did the same
but not without sneaking a glance at him in all his ethereal beauty
kun never failed to surprise you, whether it be showing you a very rainbow tree, being so kind and trusting or just being himself
your mind floated back to the three questions you had asked yourself earlier, “what will 2019 bring?”, “what will i be like at the end of the year?” and “will i be happy with someone?” and the new year’s resolution you made
you took another look at kun then whispered under your breath, “huh.
“guess i am on the way to completing one.”
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13rwbabes · 7 years
Montgomery x Reader Imagine (Part 2/?)
NOTE: Thanks for the good feed back, guys! So here comes part 2, unfortunately I’m stupid and in the middle of writing I realised I wrote this one in first person. Anyway, tell me which person do you prefer (I can try the third next time lol). This one is bit longer than the previous one, I hope you’ll like it xx *** I spent most of the Saturday with Sheri so I didn’t have much time to think about the hot tub thing, but Sunday… Most of the day I sat at my room, reading book, even though better word would be holding. I stared at one page for an hour and haven’t read a single word. Was I too hard on him? I mean, I joked around and made innuendos with all the jocks all the time, including Monty, but leaving him like that in the hot tub is something on a whole new level. Whatever, he started it and he deserved it. But memories of his lips and if his hands on my body still gave me chills. Fuck you, Montgomery, I whispered. Next day at school wasn’t anything special until I came to the chemistry lesson, a little bit late. “Please, take a sit, Ms. Y/L.N”, teacher barely even looked at me. I looked around the classroom and spotted last empty chair. Next to Montgomery.   “You gotta be kidding me”, I mumbled under my breath. “Hey, you”, I sat on my chair. “Hey”, he kinda acted normal, kinda stared at me. “How was the rest of the party, huh? You smoked some weed, play some video games?”, why am I like this, why did I even started this topic. “I had to jack off in the hot tub. Because of you”, he whispered through his clenched teeth. “Ew, does Bryce know about it?”, I prayed for him to shut up, afraid that someone would hear something and honestly, I couldn’t imagine anything some embarassing than people finding out that two of us made out. “You will regret it.” “Yeah, right”, I snorted. His hand went behind me and his fingers started running along my spine. I tensed up trying not to show that it had an effect on me. “Okay class”, teacher finally started lesson, “most of this semester, you’ll work in pairs, so look at your neighbour and say Hi to your new partner”. I slowly turned my head to look at Montgomery, now disgusted even more then when he mentioned jacking off in the hot tub. “What did you get in chemistry last semester?”, I asked. “What do I need to play in the team?” “C average or above”, everyone in sports teams said it like a mantra, it was literally the only condition, that has to be fulfilled to be in the team. “So it was C?”, I guessed. “Well, yeah, what did you get?” “A”, I sighed knowing all the work would be on me this semester. Next day I was in cafeteria, waiting in the line to get my food, wearing my cheerleader suit. “You’re looking good, you know?”, I heard annoying voice behind me. “Why don’t you just get ‘lookin’ good’ tattoed on your face?”, I answered bored. “Besides, you have seen me in cheerleader suit a thousand times.” “Yeah, but last Friday I took a good look at you in bathing suit…” “No way”, I interrupted him with sarcastic tone. “… And now I know what’s under it”, he continued. “What has gotten into you today?”, I asked, little bit shocked with his dirty talk. “I told you, you will regret”, he whispered. “So you gonna sexually harrass me for the rest of my life?”, I turned around to look at him and saw Clay Jensen coming up. “Hey, Jensen”, I said bit louder so he could hear. He waved at me and smiled. “Did you talk to Jeff?”, I asked. “US history and English will be kicking his ass once again.” “Yeah, I spoke to him and yeah I will tutor him”, he said as he walked by. “Thank you”, I gave him a high five. “You’re da best.” “Thanks, Y/N”. “Real MVP!”, you shouted and he laugh. I finally got my food, grabbed the tray and went to the table not waiting for Monty. I barely sat went Jessica came over with a smile on her face. “Okay, bitches, party at my place, Friday, 7pm”, she said, punched my arm and went. “Seriously, you have to stop doing it! Where are you going?”, I shouted. “To spread the news!” Friday came up and I really didn’t feel like coming. Again. “You always complain, but still come go the party and have a great time”, Jess said when we were walking home from school. “So stop making up excuses, or I swear I’ll slap you.” “You can’t fight with an argument like this, I guess”, I sighed. My parents didn’t have anything against the party, they didn’t put much interest in me as long as my grades were good and I was in cheerleaders team. I showed up at Jessica’s at 7, and was one of the firsts, because 7 really mean 9, but it was okay. My plan was to get buzzed (and I really wanted to get drunk that night) before party starts for good and to avoid Montgomery. Good thing was that after Tuesday talk in cafeteria he kinda stopped annoying me. By 10 pm I was properly drunk, so when Justin asked if I want to play spin the bottle with him and few other people of course I was like “Duh, fuck yeah”. I sat the floor between Sheri and Zach. “Hey, Monty, you play?”, Zach asked and moved slightly making place for Montgomery to sit between us. It didn’t really bothered me, because last three days he had been acting normal, so I thought he finally accepted the fact he got played. After few spins bottle pointed at me, I leaned towards Troy and gave him a quick kiss. I spinned the bottle and it pointed Monty. With poker I turned to him and kissed him as quickly as I did with Troy. He spinned and it pointed on me again. “Seriously?!”, I sighed. He quickly wrapped his arm around my neck, turned us, so people couldn’t really see our faces and kissed me stucking his tongue in my mouth. It lasted way too long than typical kiss in the game. “At least first bring her a drink, Montgomery”, Justin said and threw chips in our direction. “Easy, hot head”, I mumbled as I moved away without looking at his face. Few minutes later game was over, mostly because Jessica and Justin turned it into make out session. I got up and went to the kitchen, to make myself another drink and grab something to eat. One minute later I felt someone smacked my ass. “Did you just…”, I didn’t even have to look to know who it was. “You’re fucking disgusting, you know that?” “Maybe, but somehow I think you you’re into it and you like what is going on between us”, he took a sip of my drink without asking. “Oh my God, you’re also fucking ridiculous”, I said with my eyes wide open. “I’m too sober for that shit”, I drank whole drink at once. “You swallow fast”, he said with cocky smirk on his face. “One more word and I’ll throw up at you, I swear”. “Yo, Y/N”, I heard Jeff calling my name.  “Wanna go for a beer run with me?” “With pleasure”, I answered and run to him without even looking and Monty. In the car Jeff told me how he helped Clay and Hannah with their twisted situation, clearly proud of himself that for once he turned out to be smarter than Clay. “You’re good guy, Atkins”, I smiled at him. “All you want is to play baseball, have a good grades and help Clay with Hannah and that’s beautiful.” “Oh, come on, I’m gonna blush”, he laughed. “No seriously, I will tell every girl that you’re the most pure, sweetest cinnamon roll and that you’re different than others and don’t care about scoring". Weird grin showed up on his face. “You already scored today, didn’t you?”, I punched him in the arm. “I take my words back, you’re awful”, I laughed. “How does it happen that everyone make out with everyone, except me?“ “You know…”, Jeff moved in the seat. “It’s probably cause you always seem so… tied… And stressed” “Excuse me?”, I turned on the seat. “Well, you know, compared to other cheerleaders… Look, they don’t give a shit about anything, they don’t give a shit about school, about grades, they don’t give a shit even about cheerleading. And you care about everything and that’s why you seem more stressed than them”, he tried to explain. “Take a chill pill, make out with someone, have some fun”, he punched my arm. (Un)fortunately his words and the drink I drank and once before leaving for beer run, both hit me at the same time. Super drunk me decided to make out with somebody. Anybody. We came back, I left the car and started walking towards Jessica’s home, having big troubles with walking in straight line.   “Y/N, for fuck’s sake, just be careful”, Jeff shouted for me. “Yeah, yeah”, I mumbled getting into the house. I looked around and spotted Montgomery sitting on the couch, doing something of his phone. I went there, sat next to him and put my hand on his thigh. “It’s a party, Monty, put this phone away and have some fun”, I said. “Huh, look who’s gotten friendly”, he looked at me suspiciously. “I know, I’ve been a bitch but I went for that beer run with Jeff, you know, and I realized some things”. “Really, what things, for example?”, he put his arm around me. I didn’t answer him, I stared at his face instead, giggling. “God, you’re handsome”, I said glancing at his lips. “Okay, here’s what we gonna do”, he leaned towards me and whispered into my ear, “I’m gonna go upstairs, to Jessica’s room, and you’ll join me in few minutes”, his lips were touching my ear. I nodded my head, Monty quickly kissed me on the neck and basically run upstairs. “I’m gonna get laid”, I mumbled to myself. “I think I’m gonna get laid.” “Hey Y/N”, Jessica jumped on the couch. “Where have you been, I was looking for you.” “I was on a beer run with Jeff.” “Goood, I was afraid we run out of alcohol, but then Jeff came in like a Superman with sixpacks”, she giggled. “I think I need some water”, I smiled at her and left to the kitchen, I need to get rid of her. I poured myself a water, drank it and run upstairs. When I opened door to Jessica’s room, it was dark inside. I closed and locked the door. “Montgomery?”, I whispered. I heard steps behind me, second later Monty pushed me to the wall, grabbed my wrists put them above my head. His hands went down the sides of my body, until he grabbed my thighs and pulled me up, so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He laid me on the bed his lips went from my down neck to collarbones and started sucking it just like a week ago. “Monty”, I punched his arm. He pulled up, stroked cheek, and said, “Today I make the rules”, shiver went down my spine. “Fuck”, I mumbled. His hand went from my thigh to my breast and squizzed it. The other one pulled dress up, he started kissing my stomach, getting lower and lower, sucked my belly button, probably causing huge hickey around it, but I really fucking didn’t care. His head went up and he kissed my lips again. I felt his fingers sliding into panties which only turned me on more. I started unbottoning his shirt but he grabbed both of my wrists with spare hand. “Keep your hands yourself”, he whispered and slided his fingers into me. I scratched his back. “You like that?”, he asked as he curled his fingers and pumped them again and again. “Fuck, Montgomery, I want you, just fuck me already”, I moaned. “Does it turn you on?”, another pump. I nodded my head and bit my lip trying to not make any noices. It was dark, my eyes were closed, butcould sense fucking cocky smirk on his face. He slided out of me and sat bed. “Monty, why did you stop?”, I also sat on bed and switched the light on. He bottoned up two bottons I had undo and fixed his hair. “What the fuck are you doing?”, I asked. He stood up, leaned towards me and looking me in the eyes said, “Guess you can’t play the player, huh?” “Are you kidding me?”, I shouted. “It was fun, see you on Monday”, he unlocked the door, smiled at me and left the room. I sat there speechless for a few good minutes. “What the fuck did just happen?”, I asked myself out loud. I fixed my hair, took a deep breath and decided to go back to the party. “Fucking bastard”, I mumbled. I went down and sat on the couch next to Jess. “Why don’t you have any drink?”, she asked. “I’m good, thanks”. “You know, to be honest, you look a little fucked, break will be good for you”, she said, even though she was the one who was barely able to speak. “ Where the fuck is Justin?”, she looked around. “He’s playing beer pong with Montgomery”, Alex Standall sat on a chair in front of us. “Cool, thanks Alex”, Jessica got up. “You’re not coming?”, she asked me. “No thanks, I’m good, just gonna sit for a while”, I answered but she was gone before I even stopped talking. “How’s the party, Alex?” “I love her”, he mumbled, looking after Jess. “Oh God”, I rolled my eyes. “You two dated for like two months, year ago, seriously man, get over it”. “It’s love. It’s not logic”, he sighed. “Alex, I’m not saying this because I’m a bitch or because I root for Jessica and Justin. I’m saying this because you’re good and you deserve to be happy, okay? Move. On.” Said me. Person who couldn’t get over the fact that she got played by a player because she tried to get him played. Hypocrisy at it’s finest. I walked around the house, looking for Jeff, who was supposed to drive me home. Instead I bumped on Sheri. I pretended to listen to her while I was discretly watching Montgomery talking to some girl, wrapping his disgusting arm around her. “…are you even listening to me?”, she shaked my arm. “Umm, yeah, I was just… Looking at driveway, but I can’t spot Jeff’s car”, I lied quickly, in the meantime Monty got back inside. “He went for another beer run”. “Okay, I gotta go”, I smiled at her and went to the house. I saw de la Cruz shouting something to Justin as he was walking upstairs and then got into bathroom. I got you, you little fucker, I thought, went upstairs and stood next to door as if I was waiting in the line. “Are you waiting to get to the bathroom?”, Troy, the baseball player, patted my shoulder. “Yeah, yeah, I am”, I had to get rid of him, “Umm, you know… I feel a little bit sick, so it may take a moment…” “Are you gonna throw up?” “Maybe… As I said, it may take a moment. But you can use bathroom downstairs, it’ll probably be faster.” “Good idea, you’re smart”, he pointed at me. “Take care, Y/N” “Bye, Troy”, I chuckled watching him, when he was trying not to kill himself on the stairs. And I heard door getting unlocked. Montgomery opened them and then I pushed him back inside and locked the doors again. “We are finishing it now”, I said, grabbed his neck and kissed him.
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