violetsinnovember · 10 months
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Imagine being Archie Andrews’s older sister and dating FP Jones
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“So music, huh?”
F.P. sat on his bike, chewing down on the burger that he just bought from Pop’s, the two of you outside and enjoying your meal where there was a bit more privacy. Without all of the nosy waitresses and high school kids, away from your brother, mainly, and his own son who were sitting in there together, no doubt.
“Yeah,” You nodded, pinching some fries between your fingers and raised them up to your lips, chewing them happily. “God, I missed Pop’s. But yeah, music, where do you think that Archie picked it up from?”
F.P. had a little chuckle at that. As soon as he heard that you were back, the daughter of Fred Andrews - the teen pregnancy story of Riverdale High which everyone had been expecting to be FP and not sweet Fred - he had called you up, and unashamedly, asked you out - and you had said yes.
“No, not Fred,’ He laughed. “You ever going to come and sing for me? There’s always a place open on the stage at the Wyrm. You don’t even have to be a Serpent. I’ll get you in.”
“That might be the only place I can play, with Josie and her pussycats taking over all the other venues,” You rolled your eyes. “That’s why I’m just here for a while, then going back to the city to find work, there’s nothing here.”
“I wouldn’t say there’s nothing,” F.P. said, finishing his burger, crumpled up the wrapper and tossed it into a nearby garbage can with one fair swoop. “I’m not in the big city now am I?”
“No,” You said, looking him over. You used to have a crush on him, but what girl hadn’t? Now there was Jughead, the new up and coming ‘bad boy’ but he was far too young and too much like a younger brother because of how close he was with Archie. “No, I guess Riverdale does have one good thing. Only time will tell if it’s good enough to stay.”
Requested by: @rachelcarroll1819​
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Better Left Unsaid
Pairing: FP Jones x Fem!Reader
Written: January 10th, 2021
Posted: January 10th, 2021
Warning: Reader is legal however she is in her mid twenties. // Mentions of drinking, a swear or two. Angst, Fluff, Gets Steamy.
Word Count: 1,442
Summary: When the reader returns to Riverdale, an unlikely reunion happens.
FP Jones Masterlist
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Bounding up the stairs of the Wyrm, butterflies began erupting in your stomach. It had been a while since you were last in Riverdale. Graduating from Riverdale High, you went straight to college, rarely coming home with the exception of holidays.
Fidgeting with the zipper on your pink leather jacket, you took in a deep breath, before opening the door. You were promptly greeted with a wave of warmth. Your gaze on the floorboards before you, as you walked in.
Music rang through your ears along with unusual quietness. Lifting your gaze, you were greeted with the eyes of patrons of the Wyrm.
Before you knew it, Toni was throwing her arms around you pulling you in for a bone-crushing hug. Grinning, you reciprocated her actions.
“I’ve missed you, T.”
“Come on.” She grinned grasping your hand leading you into the group of Serpents.
Hours seemed to pass by like minutes. You had felt as if you talked to every serpent patron in the bar, except for one. The only one that really mattered.
Sighing, you had decided it was time to go home. Making your way to the front of Wyrm, you threw a smile over your shoulder, you had felt lucky to have such a warm welcome home. 
Once you opened the door, you were overwhelmed with a chilled wave of air. A small cloud of condensation could be seen. Bounding down the stairs, you sat on one before you ordered yourself a Taxi.
“Did you think you could leave without saying goodbye?” A husky voice questioned, in front of you.
You scoffed shaking your head. “I did since I didn’t even get a hello.” You shot back.
FP sighed, before sitting beside you. The side of his shoulder resting comfortably against yours. 
“Sorry, kid.” He spoke softly, turning to face you. His breath laced with alcohol. “How about I drive you home?” 
You chuckled lightly, rolling your eyes. “That’s not necessary.”
“I know it’s not.” He grinned. “I’m just trying to be a gentleman.”
“Wow, I never thought I’d hear FP say he wanted to be a gentleman.” You teased, nudging his shoulder with yours.
A bellow of laughter filled the air, causing you to laugh along. 
Your taxi you had called pulled in front, interrupting the small banter between you and FP.
Standing up, you began making your way towards the car. A firm hand grasped your wrist preventing you from leaving further.
“Wait.” FP’s voice rang through your ears. Turning to face him, you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Let me take you home...Please.” He pleaded, his eyes filled with want.
Offering him a closed-lip smile, you sighed. “Look, FP, we’ve both been drinking...Alcohol helps people make bad decisions. I won’t be one of your drunken regrets.”
FP frowned. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, before clenching his jaw. 
Letting out a huff, you felt heat dance along your cheeks. Standing on your tippy-toes, you placed your hands on his shoulders, your lips coming in contact with his cheek.
“Good night, Jones.” You spoke as you retreated towards the cab.
“Good night, Y/L/N.”
“Well hello there, miss Y/N.” Pop greeted, standing before you.
“Hi, Pop.” You grinned, glancing up leaning on the diner counter. 
“It’s good to have you back, kiddo.” He smiled. “Your order’s on me.” He spoke hushed, as he tapped the counter in front of you before gliding away to clearing a booth.
Gazing at the order window, a hat caught your eye.
“Jones?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow. 
Whirling around, he came face to face with you. He grinned at you before the realization dawned on him. His grin melting off his face rapidly replaced with a shocked expression.
“What are you doing here?”
“Uh, what every other person does at Pop’s... Getting food?”
Gazing at you, he placed his hands on the counter leaning against it. “Well yeah, but-”
“Order up.” The sound of a ring filled the air.
Grasping your to-go bag, you winked at FP. “Nice hat.”
His hands subconsciously reaching for it. “I-”
“See you around, Jones.”
“Hello?” FP’s groggy voice questioned through the phone.
“Jones.” You groaned. “Can you come and get me?”
Sitting up in bed, any ounce of sleep dripped away. “Where are you, sweetheart?” He tossed the blankets off his body, rushing around his bedroom.
“Jones.” You giggled, as you leaned your head against the railing of the porch stairs.
“Y/L/N.” He grinned, taking a seat beside you. 
“I think I overdid it.” You hummed.
“You think?” FP’s voice dripping with sarcasm. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
Leaning against him for support, you stumbled a few times before making it to his truck. Helping you in his truck, he jogged to round the front of his truck, getting into the drivers' side.
Staring out of the windshield, you could taste the bitterness on your tongue. Coming to a halt at a stoplight, you let out a huff.
“It’s all bullshit.” You spat.
FP furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Frowning, he wasn’t familiar with the tone of your voice. “What is?”
“Love. Love is bullshit.” You spat, crossing your arms along your chest. “Why are we expected to feel something from a fairy tale to know we’re in love? And if we haven’t found someone by a certain age, we’re branded as bitter or too independent.”
“Where is this coming from?”
“And if it’s not some fairytale garbage it’s not considered love.” You scoffed shaking your head. “Whose to say love has to be a fairytale? I’m just supposed to wait for some guy to come and save me? To swoop me off my feet as he’s dressed as my ‘Knight in shining armor’?” You questioned making air quotes in the process.
FP decided it was best to stay quiet during your drunken rant and listen to what you were saying.
“You know, you and I are more alike than I thought.” You spoke, gazing out the passenger window, as FP continued driving down the road.
“How’s that?” He smirked raising an eyebrow.
“We both run away from our feelings.” You spat, your voice coming out bitter.
After that night, you had gone out of your way to make sure you avoided FP. You were successful for a few weeks before it came to a crashing halt.
Sitting on your couch, you were watching your favorite show, waiting for your order of pizza.
“Coming!” You called, pulling open the door you were surprised to see FP standing before you. “Jones-”
Entering your apartment, you gazed at him in shock. “What are you-”
“These are for you.” He spoke, rubbing the back of his neck, as he shifted from foot to foot.
Grabbing the bouquet, you were taken back. “Jones-”
“I’m...I’m sorry if I came on too strong-”
Placing the flowers on your table, you made your way in front of FP.
“FP!” You exclaimed. “What are you doing here?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Well, that night I drove you home.”
“Oh no.” You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I’m sorry for anything dumb I said while drunk.”
Grasping your jaw, his chest pressed against yours as he closed the space between you. FP rested his forehead against yours causing your breath to mingle.
“Can...Can I kiss you?” He whispered giving you a gentle Eskimo kiss.
You hummed in response, leaning forward.
Moving backward, he let out a sigh. “I need to hear the words, baby girl.”
“Jones, please kiss me-”
Placing his lips gently on yours, he kissed you. Reaching up, you laced onto his hair, giving a gentle tug to the ends.
A throaty groan passed through his lips as he pressed his hips against yours. Grinning against his lips, you turned your head allowing you to gauge the direction of the couch. FP latched his lips to your throat sucking as he allowed you to lead him.
Giggling, you felt him hum against you. His hands grasping your hips attempting to keep you as close as possible.
Reaching the couch, you placed your hand on FP’s chest, before motioning for him to sit. Once he was situated you promptly straddled his hips. Sitting on his lap, you connected your lips once again. His hands roaming the length of your back. 
Opening your mouth, his tongue snaked in exploring your mouth entirely. Moaning slightly, you pulled away resting your forehead against his. Your breaths coming out as pants.
“I know I’m not prince charming.” His voice coming out deeper than before. “But I hope you’ll have me.”
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@little-miss-naill​ @femalestorywriter @shotarosleftpinky​ @quxxnxfhxll​ @donttellanyoneireadfanfiction​ @sarahh-wigginss @beth-winchester21​
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slytheringirl1267 · 3 years
I have a Riverdale book on Wattpad called Riverdale/HP crossover my version fanfic the cover is of The Southside Serpents and my characters are Lacey Carter & her best friend Lilah Hudson... I also have 2 more books that go with it... I guess you could call them book 2 & 3 but IDK 🤷‍♀️ anyway book 2 is called RVD/HP Oneshots it's a book about Oneshots with the Riverdale gang/Lilah & Lacey. Book 3 is about how Lacey & Lilah go back in time to 2017 aka the 1st season of Riverdale and they see the RVD gang's past since they (RVD) found out about Lacey & Lilah's past in the 1st book called (Riverdale/HP crossover my version fanfic). If you want to read it it's on Wattpad by calumgirl22 if you do read it, I hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!! 🤷‍♀️😏😎💯❤️🖤🤍💚💙💜🤎🥰😍🐬🐧🐍🎧🎶🎵😁👍😅👌😂❤️🖤🤍💚💙💜🤎🥰😍🐬🐧🐍
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pameluhr · 4 years
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fishytrouble1 · 4 years
Betts the Badass Serpent Queen Part 1
Summary: AU in which Betty grew up with her abusive parents Alice and Hal cooper. Her brother and sister abandoned her. When she's 10 she decides to learn self defence,  boxing and weapons training secretly to protect herself however she doesn't have the strength to stand up to her parents at such a young age. When they die tragically a few years later Betty is taken by social services and moved from foster home to foster home many of which abused her or worse. At 15 she finally managed to find some relatives that were nice and were willing to take her in. The blossoms. She meets new friends and old ones and a secret brother she knew nothing about, however no-one knows about her past except the fact that it was traumatising or the fact that she is badass that is the strongest person both physically and mentally and doesn't need protection. Will all come to light when she is kidnapped the night of her initiation to become Serpent Queen? Will she survive or will those trying to get to Betty hurt the ones she loves so she sacrifices herself?
A/N - This is a Bughead fanfiction and this one of the very first I’d ever written. I know the first chapter is very short by they slowly start getting longer and longer.
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Betty's P.O.V
Darkness was all I could see. Cold was all I felt. Well, that and the rope cutting in to the skin of my wrists and ankles. I was tied to a chair with nothing but the blindfold, my bra and underwear on, (no wonder I'm cold). They stripped me, I don't know who "they" are but I'm sure I can recognise that scent.
Sat here in darkness makes my mind relive my past and all that happened. Nobody not even my brother knows all the details. Some of my friends know minor details, others just know it was a traumatic childhood. They also don't know my secret, the secret that could cause them to hate me. The secret my parents forced me to keep hidden.
My friends know my parents died and that I moved foster homes a lot they also know that in most of those homes I was abused and when I did find a good home they never wanted me. The type of abuse I dealt with is a mystery to them and so is the fact that it started way before I was in foster care.
Flashback- Betty's age 6
"How hard is it to clean all the rooms in 5 hours?" Hal was shouting in my face. He'd just gotten home from work at the newspaper and had obviously had a bad day. I'd prepared myself for the verbal abuse being thrown my way.
My head hung in fear but when he lifted my head so I was staring into his eyes I was not prepared for what came next. THWACK. His hand collided with my face I could feel the stinging sensation. It was the numbing pain that made me realise that nobody loves or will ever love me.
End of flashback
That day was the first time he made physical contact and was also the day my much older brother and sister turned their backs on me. They could've stopped him but they decided to watch and periodically join in. My neighbours were oblivious to what was happening to the "perfect" girl next door.
Thing is now I know I was wrong I can be loved; I have great friends, an amazing boyfriend and a gang, all of whom are my true family. However I hope they can save me before my true self gets revealed, before my past comes back to haunt and before I have to show the people I love what I'm really made of.
I just hope that if it comes to that they will except me for the, date I say, badass I truly am.
End of chapter.
Chapter 2
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riverdalefan6602 · 4 years
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sweetestpeassweetp · 4 years
I, very much, would like to start writing imagines. But, I’d like some requests. I can write for quite a few things, HP, CAOS, Supernatural, Riverdale, criminal minds, Teen wolf, vampire diaries, the originals, legacies, honestly I could keep going.
Sooooo, any requests?
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chiefofserpents · 4 years
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⤪ — 「 Permanent Starter Call. 」 — ⤨ 
 ➣ Reblog if you would like a short starter, possibly with a gif. 
 ➣ Like if you wish to receive a more detailed starter.
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violetsinnovember · 10 months
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“It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight.” ― Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita.
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South side serpents! 🐍 🐍🐍#art #artistsoninstagram #artwork #artist #painting #paint #painter #acrylicpainting #southsideserpents #riverdale #jugheadjones #tonitopaz #sweetpeariverdale #fangsfogarty #fpjones (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKQeqXbHdAq/?igshid=1qzjunwqlo0z6
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slashsugar · 4 years
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pameluhr · 3 years
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fishytrouble1 · 4 years
Betts the Badass Serpent Queen  Part 2
Jug's P.O.V
Tonight is supposed to be Betty's initiation into the serpents followed by her initiation to be serpent queen. We've been together for 2 years now and I knew when I laid my eyes on her she was special and the one I needed, the one I always have and will love; she even somehow managed to have the serpents wrapped around her finger.
However, she's a couple minutes late and she's usually always early. I've called her phone many time's but she isn't answering, I scan the bar and see Cheryl sat at the bar where Toni is pouring her a drink. I make my way over to ask Cheryl if she's seen or spoke to her cousin today.
"Hey hobo, when are we starting this initiation for my dear cousin?" Cheryl said swivelling around her chair to look at me.
"Well, whenever Betts turns up. Speaking of have you had any contact with her today? If been trying to get a hold of her for a while now but I'm not succeeding". There was a sudden look of concern on Cheryl's face. She knew as well as I that this wasn't like Betty. "I had a call this morning saying she was going to visit an old friend but she swore to be back in time for her initiation.".
Toni then spoke up saying, "Guys Betty's a tough girl I'm sure it's one of two reasons. 1 her phone's out of charge or 2 she's driving, stick in traffic and is doing the responsible thing by not answering her phone. Plus Betty would never miss her initiation as queen she's been excited about it for months".
10 minutes later.
I decided to give Betty some time knowing that she'd be here sooner or later but still something didn't sit right. I felt it in my heart, in the part she owned. To distract myself I was playing pool with Archie, Sweetpea and Fangs. (Me and Arch were winning by a mile so we won't lose the bet we had going with the other two).
I want to go looking for her but if I did she'd think that I though she was weak and couldn't handle herself and she hates that. That's what makes her so insecure, the belief that people don't trust her to look after herself. What she doesn't realise is that she's not alone anymore and that she's got a proper family now.
The door to the Whyte Wyrm bursts open cutting off my train of thought. Reaching for the gun in my waistband I look up to see Veronica looking exhausted and panic-stricken. In my mind I knew there was only one person other than Archie Veronica would look that worried over and that was my Betty.
As she perched herself on a stool, me and Arch rushed to her side the rest of the serpents started crowding worried about what was happening. As Toni poured her a whisky she looked at Arch then at me. The look she gave me was one of pure sorrow but she burst into tears before I could ask her what the matter was.
Veronica downed the shot of whiskey and slammed the glass on the bar wanting another and she downed that too. She then turned to me, looking me in the eye, and shared the pain she felt. The pain that was there for Betty and she said the two words I didn't want to hear. The two words to shatter my heart into a million pieces.
"She's gone".
End of chapter.
Back to chapter 1
Part 3
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laraiswriting · 5 years
Is it true what they say? [FP Jones x reader] - Part 4
Warnings:  reader is around 20, english is not my first language (probably mistakes in grammar/tenses), some angst
Pairing: FP Jones x reader
Summary: FP gets released from jail and there is sexual tension between him and the reader.
You woke up with an incredibly hurtful headache. No more drinking you exhorted yourself. But you knew that you would drink again. Exactly like the last time and the time before that. Sometimes a tiny voice tried to warn you. Telling you that you're slowly getting a problem with alcohol. But a more demanding voice encouraged you to drink again. You sighed. This was a problem to be solved somewhere in the future.
You stretched out your arm, searching for your phone. You wondered how long you'd slept. 11:25 am. Not as long as you'd expected. Ignoring the pain in your head as much as possible you stumbled to the bathroom to splash some fresh and cold water in your face. You risked a look in the mirror and groaned. The person looking back at you looked awful. Make up smudged, hair disheveled, pale face and... what was that? You inspected your neck closer. Various red marks in different sizes plastered the left side of your neck.
You scoffed. Hickeys. The memory of yesterday rushed back into your mind and you couldn't hold back a smile. FP and you were a thing. Kind of. At least you hooked up two times and one time the both of you were definitely sober. He even called you 'my love'. Or didn't he?  Your memories were a blur and you were absolutely not sure if this had happened for real or if it was just your wishful thinking.
You took your time to shower and get dressed. You even found a pain killer in the bathroom cabinet. An hour later you finally felt alive again and started to look for something to eat. But nothing you discovered was of your interested. You decided to have 'breakfast' at Pop's.
On your way out your phone started to ring. It was Jug. "Hey (y/n). You're awake?", he asked mischievously. "Haha, very funny", you scoffed. "What is it Jones? Inviting me for breakfast?", you sassed. "Actually, yes. I wondered if you wanted to eat with me and dad." You nearly choked. Having breakfast with Jug and FP alone? After yesterday?
"(y/n)?", you heard Jughead ask. "Uhm, yeah... Sorry, I was just avoiding a biker", you lied. "Breakfast sounds great. I am actually on my way to Pop's. Wanna meet there?" You hoped that he would just say 'yes'. Meeting at a public place would not be as awkward as being alone with the two of them in their trailer. "Wait a second", Jug said. "Ah, I can see you. Come over, we already have breakfast ready." You turned around, exactly knowing where the Jones are living.
I can do this you tried to persuade yourself. Nothing I haven't done in the past. Yeah, just like in the past. You ended the call and walked over to the Jones' trailer. The door opened by itself. Meaning, Jug opened it but immediately rushed back in. You entered with slightly shaking hands an closed the door behind you. It had been quite some time since you'd been here. But nothing seemed to have changed. You saw Jug flipping some eggs in the pan and FP already sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in his hands, looking at you.
He looked tired. You had an almost overwhelming desire to hug him. "Rough night?", you asked him, a slight smile on your lips. He smiled back. "You don't come back from jail every day, you know. Everyone seemed to want a piece from me." He leaned back, winking. You sat down beside him, smiling. "Ready for some really good eggs?" Jug came back and the three of you ate in silence. You hadn't realised how hungry you were. You swallowed two times, earning laughter from both Jones.
When everyone was saturated and looked a lot happier than before, Jug stood up. "Meeting up with Betty and the others. Sorry (y/n). I'll make time for you tomorrow. I swear. I miss hanging out with you", he said and pulled you into a tight hug. You missed him, too. He had always been a great friend to you. He had been there in good times and in incredibly bad ones. "I miss you, too", you whispered in his ear, letting go of his embrace.
The door closed and you were still standig with FP sitting behind you. All of a sudden you were nervous. This was unknown territory. You had to do something.
"Let me help you with the dishes," you said while grabbing the plates. FP grabbed your wrist. Your heart skipped a beat at his touch. You looked down at your hands. "We have to talk about yesterday", he stated. This is it you thought. This is the moment where he says that it was nice but that he is not interested in more.  
"FP, look" you tried to make this easier for the both of you "I'll help you clean up and than I'll go. There's no need for you to soften the blow, ok? I understand." You forced yourself to look him right in the eyes. Those beautiful eyes. He looked back at you with an unreadable expression, not letting go of your wrist.
Suddenly he stood up, rounding the table and stopping right in front of you. He hesitated one tiny moment that made your heart stop in anticipation but then he cupped your face with his other hand lowering his head until his lips lightely touched yours.
You melted internally. His kiss was nothing like yesterday. It was soft and warm and full of tenderness. He pulled back a few inches and whispered "I don't want you to go. And hell, I am not rejecting you. Would you please stay?"
You never thought you would hear him say 'please'. In the many years of knowing him you were sure that you'd never hear him say this word before. But it wasn't just this one word, it was the way he said those sentences. You heard a pinch of hope and a lot of uncertainty. You couldn't say 'no'. And you sure did not want to.
"Of course I am staying, FP. I would like nothing more", you admitted with a fast pounding heart. FP pulled you into his arms, nuzzling into your neck. And you were sure your heart was going to explode some day. This wasn't just a fling to you. You were falling for this man. You were falling fast and hard. You hoped that this wasn't going to end in a disaster.
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sweetestpeassweetp · 4 years
Oookkaaayyy I’m trying ✨again✨
Many requests for reader x *** ???
I may cry soon.
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