ok now that its not the middle of the night and im at my computer again:
i am vibrating at a frequency that would break glass
i just talked my alpha reader's ear off for an HOUR after they finished reading the ending of whispers
and oh my god i love the feeling of being able to just. talk and talk and talk about every little hint i put in and every nod to TMS and every little piece that i want to put in through editing and just
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little-ajax-56793 · 1 year
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Hey this was literally my first time fully sobbing at a piece of media fuck you griffin mcelroy
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sleepiesttoken · 7 months
i was clearly extremely bored so i made a list: sleep token lyrics involving teeth, eating, consuming, swallowing etc. because vessel has a violent oral fixation
under the cut cause it’s kinda long
“you taste like new flesh” - jericho
“dripping from the open mouth, i’ll show you” / “make her eat the tape in the bathroom mirror” - nazareth
“you’ve got diamonds for teeth, my love so take a bite of me” / “but i know you’ve got a taste so just take a bite of me” / “so take a bite, i want to… take a bite” - the offering
“i wanna taste you better” -give
“no more teeth to bite with” - gods
“believe, that though we never eat, we still know how to feed” / “sugar, i’ve developed a taste for you now” / “sugar, i’ve got a taste for you now” - sugar
“show me those pretty white jaws” - jaws
“it’s easier to try not to eat” - atlantic
“sink, sink your teeth, split my skin, no just make me bleed” - hypnosis
“i asked and you answered, but you eat your words in frame” - descending
“as you breathe me out, i drink you in” - telomeres
“when the mouth of infinity, buries its teeth in me, i’ll smile through the agony for you” - high water
“and i’d give anything to borrow your indifference, i’d drink you in” / “to swallow my desire and choke on it” - missing limbs
“the taste of the divine” - the summoning
“between teeth on a broken jaw, following the blood trail, frothing at the maw” - aqua regia
“will we remain stuck in the throat of gods?” / “so let’s get swallowed whole” / follow me between the jaws of fate” - vore
“past what might be eating from the inside, darling” / “be the first to feast, let’s choke on the past” - ascensionism
“and there is something eating me alive, i don’t know what it is” - dywtylm
“come now, bite through these wires” / “grow back your sharpest teeth, you know my desire” / well, yeah, i spit blood when i wake up, sink porcelain stained, choking up brain matter and make-up” / “and i don’t know what’s got its teeth in me, but i’m about to bite back in anger” - take me back to eden
there’s certainly more but these just scream the loudest
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liverobinreaction · 1 year
Chum Liveblog - Chapter 1
So i already read this chapter but will read it again bc it fucks. Go read Chum by @reachartwork if you like baby superheroes with weird powers. Mute the tag #chum liveblog if you arent interested! I might also move this to my main @bugbeee if people prefer that
1) the writing style draws me in immediately since the way the narrator (Sam) thinks and talks is so very reminiscent of my own adhd riddled brain. The way she notices one thing before immediately moving to the next detail is just. Chefs kiss
2) the tapa tapa tapa does something to my hindbrain. Like literary asmr.
3) god Sam's awkwardness and hesitance about her accident combined with her bluntness is so fucking good
6) “I didn’t get any gills though, which would’ve been cool. I can’t breathe underwater. But I think I can swallow salt water, but that’s kind of a sh- kind of a poopy superpower so you don’t need to write that one down. Don’t write that one down, please?” I would die for you Sam
7) god the author is so good at writing the livewire nervousness that accompanies the MC. Like the little details of bouncing knees and flexing hands that she grabs to stop, the tapping and moving- i love you so much for this
8) her mom taught her the word austere :)
9) ohhh she's got those bruce the shark powers (sniffing blood)
10) god her asking if the officer needs her friends contact numbers like the fbi shes just a KID
11) ohoho JLUMA??? desperate to know the acronym meaning for that. Its something shes applied for and its a license so hmmm [thinky face]
12) the way she gets annoyed over her parents gushing over her its so teenager i love her. Also she did so good at her bat mitzvah :)
13) "Once I get my license, does that mean I can go out and start biting people? Not that I plan to do that, I’m just wondering.” Yeah does she know i would die for her???
14) sam says acab fuck yeah
15) Officer Gold shrugs his shoulders and opens the front door, clearly also trying to escape the situation like I am. “Well, who knows. A supe just got elected to City Council. Maybe you’ll be the first superhuman senator if you stay in school and focus on your studies?” Oh that is a fucking gorgeous piece of foreshadowing/world building. Frothing at the mouth rn
16) THE CATEGORIES time to toss the worm categories out of my brain
17) breakdown of her powers a la government dossier! God its fascinating to see how its classified and seen in this world
18) AND WE HAVE AN ACRONYM MEANING 'Juvenile License to Utilize Metahuman Abilities' holy shit theres so much unsaid in that. When did it come about, how, whats its scope (which was briefly touched upon) etc. i cannot WAIT
19) bad dream/flashback? Its written so well and sams commentary of it feels real. "The situation is fucked beyond repair. I think I’m allowed to say that now."
20) oh my fucking god. "I hope I don’t die right now, because thinking about my parents being sad at my funeral makes me sad, but also, I hope I do die, because if I have to live one more second with this kind of pain I’m going to kill myself, myself." Author. Author. Who gave you the RIGHT to hit me like that
21) her realisation about why shes in so much pain, seeing her grandpa screaming through the water, the fishing metaphors- aughhhhhhhh
22) god i love the continued mention of words her mom has taught her its just. So fucking real of her
Conclusion: holy fucking shit what an absolute BANGER of a first chapter. I am hooked. I am printing this out and eating it. Thank you author for writing this, I will read more tomorrow
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chainsawcorazon · 9 months
I have been frothing in the mouth to see Bendis' head on a proverbial plate since he aged Jon up and explained away Kon's removal and return as a multiverse brainfart but oh my God, I can't believe I am starting to appreciate his absolute bumfuckery of a writing that feels like it gives me a concussion at every five words.
I give credit where it's due in that he had some very interesting ideas: angst-loving edgy bitch in me has been going insane to see a proper Jon breakdown after the volcano— I wanted drama, I wanted resentment, I wanted unreliable narrator! But it ended up like a wet fart and next writers made that shit into an off-handed joke. Either by his own or the editorial's incompetence (and/or cowardice), none of them led to anywhere.
unfortunately, i did not know he was using otho and osul to substitute for what would have been OG chris, but tbh, that does not surprise me.
Oh, I meant that the twins bore, in my opinion, quite a few similarities to Chris (both thematically and visually). They all came from abusive backgrounds, one of them has a god stuck in him, and one scene seems to have visually copied the scene where Chris catches the Daily Planet globe from falling onto Lois. Oh, and they get adopted by Clois, but that goes without saying. It's not much, but it sure makes me PhilipFryNarrowingEyes.gif at the whole deal, especially with people coming out of the woodshed to scream about Chris Kent louder in the recent years.
However, the twins ARE blatantly stated by Kennedy to be a replacement for Jon and his kid appeal. (dragged away by orderlies in a straitjacket) THEN WHY LET BENDIS SCREW JON OVER—
I surprisingly didn't mind Rebirth Lor-Zod because I guess I see it as a better alternative to seeing a child get abused and brainwashed while Clark frolicks with Jon. Plus, Zod and Ursa as good parents feels like an interesting narrative to me. AND I will always laugh at the idea of Zod being a better parent than Clark at this point.
For me, Lor and Chris are definitely different characters. I love time dimension fuckery, what can I say? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hey, Wally and N52 Wally exist together! Why not the Zod bros? I'm sure this crap doesn't affect the Phantom Zone the same way it affects... everything else. Yes, that's the half-assed explanation I'm going with. Better than what DC would have said anyway.
I will always thank Taylor and his editorial team for at least giving us Bi Jon, but I am still gonna bite their ankles for lackluster books. :/
Anyway, I agree, let Bendis come for a swan song where he nukes everything DC like he nuked the whole Krypton planet explosion myth except tenfold, and we can go from there.
apolocheese for the delay, i forgor 🤪
I have been frothing in the mouth to see Bendis' head on a proverbial plate since he aged Jon up and explained away Kon's removal and return as a multiverse brainfart but oh my God, I can't believe I am starting to appreciate his absolute bumfuckery of a writing that feels like it gives me a concussion at every five words. I give credit where it's due in that he had some very interesting ideas: angst-loving edgy bitch in me has been going insane to see a proper Jon breakdown after the volcano— I wanted drama, I wanted resentment, I wanted unreliable narrator! But it ended up like a wet fart and next writers made that shit into an off-handed joke. Either by his own or the editorial's incompetence (and/or cowardice), none of them led to anywhere.
akjfhsjkdfgsdfhj ok to be fair, bendis is a mindbender. he writes some absolute GHASTLY shit with little care for how hard writers after him are gonna struggle after he's done, but he DOES write some pretty awesome stuff too. it's just one of those things where it's like yeah..... clark forgot kon, jon was abused in a volcano for five or six years, clark came out of the kryptonian closet, etc. every story point was a rough read, but i like to believe they all had merit. could they have been better? absolutely, but i read bendisboot losh and it was literally just industry hoes gathering to draw killer pages of losh in the modern age with zero written craft. like you could smell the Industry on that book. i don't doubt editorial cared how terribly written it was since they printed some of the most beautiful artwork in that book.
Oh, I meant that the twins bore, in my opinion, quite a few similarities to Chris (both thematically and visually). They all came from abusive backgrounds, one of them has a god stuck in him, and one scene seems to have visually copied the scene where Chris catches the Daily Planet globe from falling onto Lois. Oh, and they get adopted by Clois, but that goes without saying. It's not much, but it sure makes me PhilipFryNarrowingEyes.gif at the whole deal, especially with people coming out of the woodshed to scream about Chris Kent louder in the recent years. However, the twins ARE blatantly stated by Kennedy to be a replacement for Jon and his kid appeal. (dragged away by orderlies in a straitjacket) THEN WHY LET BENDIS SCREW JON OVER—
sjhdgfdfgskjfdg ok ok that makes more sense. i don't know much about kennedy johnson at all, so i was just having a good time reading clark raising some kids after chris died (in my heart) and jon was sacrificed after bendis refused to write escapist fiction. he's not tomasi or jurgens or kennedy johnson, that's for sure lmaoooo
i won't lie, in the OG warworld, i really didnt think they were ten, and i did think osul would die, just bc it would fuel otho's womanpain. it was only after warworld wrapped up that the Chris Allusions really kicked in with me. i honestly thought kennedy johnson was gonna do the Struggle Arc with otho after osul's permanent death since bendis didn't do it with jon after his abuse by ultraman, but all that fell flat pretty quickly. all the comics post-warworld have just been a prolonged falling action, but i AM happy he didn't kill the twins. they graduated to nibling status. kennedy johnson coulda been petty and killed em off before moving on, but he can get a cookie for leaving them alone for now.
on a side note, with otho and osul seemingly staying on, i really believe nobody on that editorial board got any plans to deage jon anytime soon. his 'purpose' has effectively been replaced. and tbh.... good. i hate the og supersons concept, so anything that murders the blood supremacy nepobaby garbage is an A+ in my book
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I surprisingly didn't mind Rebirth Lor-Zod because I guess I see it as a better alternative to seeing a child get abused and brainwashed while Clark frolicks with Jon. Plus, Zod and Ursa as good parents feels like an interesting narrative to me. AND I will always laugh at the idea of Zod being a better parent than Clark at this point.
oh moooood. i only picked up rebirth bc i wanted some context into what joe casey wanted to do for kneel before zod, but i do NOT regret reading it. rereading new krypton, reading rebirth, and now getting ready for kneel before zod in just months is just SUCH a rush. i think zod's one of those characters that shines when you have writers that want to write HIM versus writing an enemy for superman to fill some pages.
it's like the opposite of the superchildren issue. all the super kids are pretty much destined to suffer BECAUSE they're superman's kids, but if you're a villain who's a superman villain that's taking five minutes NOT to look at superman, you're reading a science fiction political narrative where the main belligerents are general zod and sam lane and NOT superman and all that holds him back bc of status quo.
jor el haunting zod in kneel before zod is gonna be bollywood-level clown shit bc that's FUN. can't tell you how exhausting it is to read a book whose entire purpose is to showcase explosions and some sick character designs. if i see hank henshaw again, im boom tubing into prime earth and killing him myself.
For me, Lor and Chris are definitely different characters. I love time dimension fuckery, what can I say? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hey, Wally and N52 Wally exist together! Why not the Zod bros? I'm sure this crap doesn't affect the Phantom Zone the same way it affects... everything else. Yes, that's the half-assed explanation I'm going with. Better than what DC would have said anyway.
dead of ass. at this point, i've made peace chris aint coming back. and if he do, he's just gonna have kon el level crimes done to him. dude lost his girl to flaming suicide so she could save the kryptonians. if he come out that phantom zone, he's gonna age up, remember all the shit he went thru, and then try to jump into the sun again. not like nightwing would let that shit happen, but like, my good nephew effectively suicided to save clark. he's at peace. he don't need to see the sorry state affairs 😂
but lor! unpossessed, actually raised by his parentals who seem to care about him, and no longer a tool for superman's manpain! he has the most potential to do dumb fun shit. i am SO happy tomasi, jurgens, and venditti all simultaneously agreed to keep him away from the supersons nepobaby complex. even better that in future state, he died as a dog of the suicide squad, while in booster shot he was the 35 year old jobless prince with phantom zone trauma he never got over. effectively saved from ANY supersons, superman, suiciding-for-a-woman-or-clark shit. rebirth actually gave him a shot!!!
I will always thank Taylor and his editorial team for at least giving us Bi Jon, but I am still gonna bite their ankles for lackluster books. :/
the lackluster books make me wanna weep, BUT, issa general dc comics problem rn. editorial thinks complex lit dont sell no more, but i know they're wrong. that one book ram v wrote with jon as a swampy boi was such a tease. imagine three books with swampy boi jon tapping into his human roots as a baby avatar of the green.
and injustice! i know ppl hated the ending, but we got so many sweet tidbits. pretty clear now that jon DID get sexually abused, at least one variant of the injustice universe knows jon exists, jay exists outside of prime earth, future state jon with ties to midnighter and the authority.... be strong. one day someone with the spirit and hand of frank millar will write a book where jon's not a tool for clark's manpain or a way for editorial to write unproblematic nepobaby escapist fiction. he has the potential. we just gotta have a little faith 👽
Anyway, I agree, let Bendis come for a swan song where he nukes everything DC like he nuked the whole Krypton planet explosion myth except tenfold, and we can go from there.
bro did that to superman lore without a care. he at least kept evil!jor el consistent. only smallville fans know 😂😂😂
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malewifespike · 1 year
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Screaming crying throwing up etc found her at the THRIFT!!!!! For $7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at them the little family!!!!!!!!!! EPISODE SCRIPTS!! Ep commentary! Scream scream seizing frothing at the mouth bite bite bite bite bite
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aliengoose · 2 years
i have so much art i wanna make but i also have ASSIGNMENTS and EXAMS biting murdering killing frothing at the mouth screaming etc etc
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totallytranscendent · 2 years
Literally who the fuck needs energy drinks when you could have autism and an interest
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seiyasabi · 3 years
Trouble In Paradise
(This is a Yandere Kyoutani x Cute Fem Reader x Yandere (Platonic) Older Bro Iwa-chan  fic :)) This takes place after high school, in a universe where everyone still plays volleyball. 
TW; Jealousy!, turns into dubcon/noncon!!!!, !unwanted choking!, As I’ve said in the past-every character I write for (in my head) are like two feet taller than you!, Possessive behaviour!, he’s highkey soft for u but is still a bastard lol (love him), marking kink!, creampie!, daddy kink!, mentions of Oikawa lowkey being a Yandere too, etc.. 
Kyoutan deserves the world ;)) I love him ajadskhafkah also, sorry if my use of ‘chan’ is cringey, I think it’s funny af tbh, and since I’m Japanese, I’ll do what I want lmao. Anyways, sorry if this sucks, I tried like 5 different ways to write this, and this was the only one that ended up being somewhat decent. ) 
Skipping to the loud gym, your skirt swishes against the fat of your thighs. Your cute ass can be seen peeking out from under the pleated fabric, leaving those around you to coo at your pretty self. Without meaning to, you catch the eye of those around you. 
Seeing the gym’s doors, you push them open with an excited vigour, happy to finally be with your big brother and boyfriend. 
Immediately when you enter, you see Oikawa being swarmed with his fanclub, leaving a straight shot to the rest of the team. Spotting your bad-boy bf, you squeal in delight, gunning at him at top speed. He’s currently sitting on the bleachers, your brother seemingly scolding him for his RBF and bad attitude, but his eyes snap up in an instant, recognising your voice from anywhere. 
An uncharacteristic smile is present on his pierced face, standing to his feet, he readies himself to catch you and twirl you around. That’s a plus of being in shape; picking up your supes cute gf whenever you please! 
That is, until a certain pretty boy steps in the way. 
Tooru has his arms out, in a stance that will allow him to catch you with ease. Before you could slow down and avoid him, he yoinks you up and off of the floor, holding you in a tight embrace, “(Your Name)-chan! I knew you’d come visit me! I’ve been waiting all day for you, Cutie!” The glares from your boyfriend and brother are instantaneous. 
Iwa looks ready to scalp the brunet, whilst Ken looks ready to scrap-possibly even catch a body. Oikawa’s fans look absolutely bloodthirsty, jealous of your cute self being in the arms of the equally cute male. 
Pouting, you push at the pretty boy’s chest, “Put me down! I’m not here for you!” He coos at you, moving in to kiss you on the cheek, only for you to push him away by his face, “Stop it, you’re being weird! Put me down, I wanna see Ken-Chan!” 
By this point, your boyfriend and brother have made their way to you, ready to rip him to shreds, “Put my sister down, Shittykawa! Don’t be a perv!” He karate chops the starlet on the head, causing him to drop you in surprise. 
“Iwa-Chan! You’re so mean to me! Now look what you did, (Your Name)-Chan is hurt-” Kentarou catches you in an instant, cradling you in his scarred arms. Oikawa’s mouth gapes in shock, brain not computing the fact that the dyed haired male moved at lightning speed. 
“No, she ain’t,” He gruffs out, smooching you on the cheek. You giggle, hugging the tatted male tightly. Your (size) breasts smoosh against his buff chest, as you start to pepper kisses all over his face, “She ain’t ever gettin’ hurt if I’m here,” He places a kiss on your lips, relishing how you immediately kiss back. 
“Ken-Chan! I missed you so much!” He rolls his eyes, the tips of his ears turning red. Readjusting his hold on you, he cradles your ass instead of your thighs, causing you to gasp, “Kyoutan, don’t be a perv!” 
He smirks, readying himself to respond, only for your brother to beat you to it, “Yeah, ‘Kyoutan,’ don’t be perving on my little sister!” Redirecting his smug look, he sticks his tongue out at your fuming sibling. 
“Bite me.”
The look on Hajime’s face is priceless, “Biting you isn’t the only thing you need to worry about-” 
“Haji,” His attention immediately snaps to your sweet face, which is currently pouting, “Don’t threaten him! He’s precious to me!” Before Kyoutani can say something smart, you rest your head against his neck, practically nuzzling him, which also shuts him up. 
The spikey haired ace is immediately offended, “I-wha-(Nickname), aren’t I precious to you? Aren’t I your most wonderful older brother?” You giggle, nodding your head. 
“Yes! But Ken-Chan is baby-”
“(Nickname)-Chan, aren’t I baby?! I feel so left out!” Oikawa and his fangirls are off to the side, watching the interaction. Whilst Oinks looks positively offended and left out, the girls are angry that you’ve stolen the captain’s attention. 
“No, you’re the ugly side character,” Hajime states nonchalantly. 
“Yea, yer uglier than the dirt under (Your Name)’s shoe,” Offended noises and indignant hand movements follow their words, as his fans start to shout in anger and shock. 
You lightly whack Kyoutani on the shoulder, scolding him with your eyes, “Haji, Kyoutan, don’t be mean! Tooru is pretty,” The setter preens in delight, “But, he’s dumb. So, he’s the dumb, but pretty, character!” 
His hands grasp his chest as if you’d stabbed him, “(Nickname)-Chan, my heart, it’s breaking-” He fake gags, causing your brother and boyfriend to roll their eyes, “The only way to fix it…. Is to get a kiss!” He bolts towards you, causing you to shriek in surprise. Placing you on your feet, you’re quickly placed behind the dyed haired man, ‘Mad Dog’ making an appearance. 
Practically frothing at the mouth, he snarls at Oikawa, whilst Hajime sticks out his foot, effectively tripping him. Once falling, the pierced male yanks him up by his shirt collar, and hauls him up to his feet. Now face to face with the scary male, Oikawa gulps in fear, “I’ll kill ya, put ya in the ground, Pretty Boy. Once yer dead, Iwaizumi’ll dance over yer corpse.”
“Yes, I think I will,” Hearing his bestie agree with the sentiment, Oinks finally realises that he messed around too much. 
“Now, yer gonna apologise to (Your Name), or I’ll shave yer head,” Now fully standing, Kyoutani moves out of the way, allowing the setter to apologise face-to-face. 
Dropping to his hands and knees, he starts to bow at you as if you’re royalty, “I’m sorry, (Your Name)-Chan! I promise I didn’t mean to offend you! Please don’t let Mad Dog-Chan and Iwa-Chan kill me!” Giggling at his over the top words, you nod your head. 
“It’s okay, Tooru-Chan,” You pat his head reassuringly, “I know you love your fangirls more than me,” This causes the gym to erupt into cheers, as the other girls start to swarm the male. You can hear him scream in fear, but are quickly pulled away from the crime scene, and taken out to the car park. 
Your brother holds you close to him, glaring at your boyfriend who looks equally as angry. There’s a heavy silence between the three of you, as you’re squished into a hug by your brother. 
“Haji, why’re you holding me so tight? Don’t you have to get back to practice?” He doesn’t answer, instead speaking to your boyfriend. 
“Take her home, Kyoutani. I’ll deal with him now, you can deal with him later,” He nods, taking you from your older brother’s arms, and practically carrying you to his motorcycle. Setting you on the back of the bike, he opens the back hatch of the bike, and pulls out your pastel pink helmet. Placing it onto your head tenderly, he flips the eye cover up, allowing you to see him clearly for a moment. 
Smiling up at him (he can only see your eyes crinkle), you speak, “Hi!” His pissed off face immediately dissolves, causing him to smile at your cute self. 
“Hi, Baby,” Grabbing his rough hands, you interlace your fingers between his. 
“Aren’t you going to practice, Kyo-Ken?” He rolls his eyes, but gives your hands a squeeze. 
“Nah, I gotta take my Baby Girl home, so I can show her who she belongs to,” He gives you a wink, leaving you to splutter in surprise. 
“You-you can’t say that in public!” Chuckling, he releases your hands and flips your eye cover down, before chucking on his own helmet, and settling on the front of the bike. 
Pulling Your arms around his waist, he waits for you to settle against him. He relishes your tight hold, as you practically cling onto him for dear life. 
Starting up the engine, he kicks up the kick stand, and speeds off to your shared apartment. 
Your body bounces off of the mattress, as you let out a small scream. A giggle escapes your lips, as you smile up at Kyoutani, “Ken-Ken, are you still mad?” He nods, his hands pulling off your cropped sweater, and pushing up your skirt to expose your pastel yellow panties. 
“That ugly bastard should’a know better than t’a put his disgusting hands on ya,” He practically growls, undoing your bra and letting your pretty tits flop out. Kissing up your neck, he sucks hickies onto the previously unblemished skin. A small moan leaves your lips at the feeling, as he starts to pinch and twist your nipples. 
“Daddy!” He releases your neck with a ‘pop,’ smirking down at you. 
“Yes, Princess? Do ya need something?” He rubs the skin on the inside of your thighs, purposefully missing your dampening cunny, “Do ya need yer Daddy to touch yer Princess parts?” 
Nodding, you plead with him, “Yes! Please touch me!” 
Chuckling, he pulls your panties off of you, letting the cool air of your shared room caress your cunny. Running a single finger up your slit, he barely taps your clit, causing your hips to jerk up and off of the mattress, “Yer such a sensitive baby, I love ya so much.”
“I love you too, Daddy! Please fuck me!” He hums, mulling over your words. 
“Want me to show everyone who ya belong to?” You nod your head rapidly. 
“Yes! Yes, please!” Kissing you on the lips sloppily, he reaches down to pull out his cock from his Adidas sport shorts. His tip is pierced, and when he rubs it against your clit, you practically see stars. 
“My good, cute, polite girl,” He gathers your slick on his tip, before he pushes in. Your walls burn as you try to accommodate to his thick size, practically sucking the air from your lungs. A wanton moan is heard from you, as he waits for you to accept him comfortably, “Relax, Princess. Let me int’a yer pretty cunny.” 
“Da-Daddy,” Your arms wrap around him, clawing at his shirt covered back, “You’re too big!” He shushes you softly, rubbing your clit with two fingers. Your juices slowly drip out of you and onto his cock. After a moment, he begins to move, practically rearranging your guts. 
“You’ve taken me before, Princess. I know ya can do it, just let me in,” He starts to thrust into you at a medium speed, rubbing your clit at the same pace. Your eyes glaze over, practically rolling into the back of your head. 
His cock is heavy and girthy inside of your slick walls, spearing you open with each thrust. Moans and keens leave your throat, as you grip onto him. Your hips meet his, your juices spraying onto the both of you. 
“Look at my pretty baby, so fucked out already,” He uses the hand that’s not on your clit to grasp your throat, causing your body to go rigid and eyes to go wide. 
“Ken-” He shuts you up with a kiss, swallowing your words. You try to push his hand off, but it’s to no avail. He continues to fuck into you, your cunny still sucking him in, even as you’re scared of his actions. 
“Fuck, yer practically milking me for all I’ve got,” He removes his lips from yours, his grip becoming a bit tighter, “Ya want yer Daddy to cum in ya? Yea ya do.”
Now, you’re really pushing against him. You’re not on the pill, “Ken, pull out!” He shushes you, rubbing on your clit even harder than before, trying to make you cum before him. Kentarou relishes the small tears at the corner of your eyes, loving how cute you look. 
Without you wanting to, you cum with a small gush of liquid, a whine echoing through your chest. He follows not long after you, filling you to the brim with his virile cum. 
With a grunt and a huff, he pulls out of you, loving how his cum looks leaking out of you. Removing his hand from your throat, he looks down once more, realising that you don’t look very happy. 
“You didn’t listen to me,” You rub the hand mark around your neck, as you sit up, moving away from him. 
“Awe, don’t be like that, Baby,” He reaches out for you, but you move away from him. 
“I don’t want to be near you right now, Kyoutani. You didn’t stop…” Moving off of the bed, you stand to your feet. Going to your dresser, you grab a week’s worth of clothes, including your work uniform. Pulling on a new shirt, you fix your previous outfit, as you start to cry. 
“Wait-I-ya-ya aren’t leaving me, are ya?” For once, the spitfire male is at a loss for words. 
“No, I just need time away from you. You say that Tooru is bad, but you hurt me a lot just now. I’m calling Haji, and I’m going to stay with him for a little while,” Your brother has your daily items there, just because you’d sleep over sometimes, so you aren’t too worried about not having soap and such. 
Grabbing your phone from your purse by your bedroom door, you call him, Ken watching you with wide eyes, “Haji, please pick me up. Kyoutani and I got into a fight.”
Hajime helps you into his car, before turning to the still shocked male you call your boyfriend. He hasn’t said a word, if anything, he looks shocked beyond anything else. 
Shutting the car door, your brother finally speaks, “I knew you were no good for her. Your jealousy got the better of you.”
“I didn’t mean to, it-it just-”
“Got out of control?” Your brother raises an eyebrow, arms crossing over his chest, “Yeah, I’ve noticed. You hurt my little sister,” He moves closer to the dyed haired man, eyes flashing with anger, “You choked her out. Why? Because Oikawa made you jealous? Despicable.”
“It isn’t like that! We-we were having se-” He holds up a hand, stopping your boyfriend from continuing. 
“I don’t want to hear it. Just know that if you come near her without her allowing you to be in her presence, I’ll kill you. I never wanted you to be with her, and you just proved my fears correct.”
Realisation dawns on Kyoutani, “Wait- is this why ya wanted me to come home with her? So I could fuck up?” 
Hajime smirks, “Of course. My little sister is too good for you. Now, fuck off, before I do something you won’t like.” 
Ken watches as you go, tears brimming his eyes. He should’ve known your brother would find you too precious to be with him. He most likely asked Oikawa to help him, seeing as the pretty boy was in the car with you, looking as perfect as ever. 
He fucked up, and now Hajime has won their rivalry. 
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bilgesnipebitch · 5 years
BkDk Flower Exchange
Title: Humility
Author: @bilgesnipebitch
Ship: Katsuki Bakugou x Izuku Midoriya (aged up pro heroes)
Prompt: Hydrangea (symbolizes pride and apology)
Warnings: male x male, kinda angst and fluff?, a bit of swearing, some injury and fighting at the beginning
Giftee: Dukes (bakudekudukes on twitter)
Word Count: 2,152
Hope you like it, Dukes!! And thank you @bakudekuflowerexchange for hosting this great event!
He let out a cry of pain that rang through the heavy night air. It made my stomach churn, but I just couldn’t leave. I had to hold the front line. I had to keep them from reaching the warehouse. I had to trust Deku. A loud crack soon followed, and I dreaded all the possibilities of what it could have been. I gritted my teeth, resolve wearing thin.
Trust Deku. It’s alright. He can take care of himself.
Another heart-wrenching scream.
That’s it, I can’t take it anymore.
I ran as fast as I could into the rickety old building, ignoring the protests and cries of the other heroes still holding the front line.
“Deku!” I cried, examining the scene before me.
There he stood, toe to toe with the villain, a bit worse for the wear, but determined as ever.
“Kacchan! What on earth are you doing?” he cried.
The villain took advantage of Izuku’s distractedness and knocked him back a good few feet.
“I’m here to help you, dumbass!” I entered the fray, standing between Izuku and the giant, grotesque thing that could hardly be called a person at this point.
“I told you I can take care of this myself! Why aren’t you helping the others?”
I opened my mouth to answer when I suddenly found myself flung sideways into the far wall of the building. My heart immediately dropped into my stomach as I realized whatever it was came from outside the warehouse’s open doors.
Shit. The villains got through.
“Master, it’s time to go!” one of the villains held out a hand to the beast of a man, and before we could make sense of what was happening, the entire legion was gone. Every last person.
“Damn it, Ground Zero!” I heard a hero cry from outside.
He stomped toward me, fury burning in his eyes, and favoring a limp, bloodied arm.
I heaved myself onto my feet, ready to give this man a piece of my mind, when Izuku wedged himself between us, “Listen, I’m really sorry, but–”
“No, you’ve made enough excuses for Ground Zero,” the hero pushed Izuku aside, eyes still fixed with mine. “But this is the final straw. We won’t tolerate this kind of behavior anymore, newbie.”
I clenched my fists so hard they must have gone white, desperately resisting the urge to punch this loser’s nose in.
“Oh yeah? And–” Izuku quickly clasped his hand over my mouth and looked up at me with those big sad eyes, silently begging me not to get myself in any more trouble.
I finally relented, ripping his hand off me and walking away with a scoff.
We eventually got back to the agency and took off all our gear, showered, etc. Izuku might not have shown it in front of the other heroes, but I could tell he was not at all pleased with me either. It was strange and honestly heartbreaking to see him acting so coldly. We were walking to the train station together when I finally decided to speak up about the incident.
“So, that warehouse...”
“Not now, Kacchan.”
My heart writhed in my chest, and I didn’t dare speak about it again the rest of the train ride home.
At the apartment, we both went through our usual nightly routines in complete silence, and every second of it weighed my heart down until I could’ve sworn I could feel it beating away in the soles of my feet.
“Deku, just say something damn it!” I snapped at the green-haired man, who only looked at me with a vague sense of disappointment.
“What is there to say?”
“I– I don’t know. Anything. Are you seriously still mad about the warehouse?”
Izuku scoffed and shook his head, “I can’t believe you.”
I blinked at him and knitted my brows, “so you are?”
“Yes, Katsuki! I’m still mad about the warehouse!”
Katsuki. I hadn’t heard him use that name in––well––since we were little kids. My heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces right then and there.
“But you needed my help. You’re lucky I intervened, or–”
“No I didn’t! I was perfectly fine without you!” I had never imagined just how disarming Izuku raising his voice could be.
“You abandoned the other heroes holding back the villains from the warehouse! We needed their leader alive! You knew that if the one with a teleportation quirk got a hold of their leader, we would all be done for! But you just couldn’t see over that huge ego of yours, huh? You always have to play the knight in shining armor and save the day!”
“You what? Ran out of excuses? God, you’re so frustrating sometimes!”
“Deku, listen–” I growled.
“Don’t you ‘Deku’ me, I stand up for you every single time you let your massive ego take control because I know you’re a good person deep down, and I know you can change, but honestly, I don’t know what to do with you anymore! If you keep this up, they’re going to kick us both out of the agency!”
I opened my mouth, but not a single word that ran through my head seemed to be right.
“You know what, I’m going to bed. You can tell me your excuse in the morning,” Izuku sighed and walked off into the bedroom.
I could hardly believe what had just happened, but the more I dwelled on it, the more I felt my eyes begin to well up painfully.
Without another word, I stormed out the door, furiously wiping at my eyes. I could feel all the anger and pain inside of me, swirling and melding and starting to froth up into an all-too-familiar rage.
“I was helping him. He could’ve been killed without me there. It’s not my fault those other heroes couldn’t hold the villains back,” I muttered.
But then that miserable little voice in the back of my mind came rearing its ugly head like it always does.
You didn’t help at all. The mission failed all because of you. You’re pathetic. Worthless.
“No I’m not,” I growled under my breath.
Yes you are. And even your own boyfriend hates you now. Maybe it would be better if you just–
“SHUT UP,” I howled and let out an involuntary explosion from my palm.
I heard one of our neighbors cautiously peek out his door behind me, but I didn’t bother looking. I just hurried down the stairs and out of the building, hoping a little fresh air would help me clear my thoughts. The night sky was pale, though I couldn’t see whether the sun was peeking over the horizon quite yet. It had been a long night, that’s for sure, though strangely enough, I didn’t feel tired at all. Frustrated, yes. Heartbroken? Absolutely. It was probably just all the adrenaline in my system.
I trudged along the empty street, hands buried deep in my pockets, when I heard some shuffling and a delicate ringing up ahead. Looking up from the dreary pavement, my eyes found a vibrant medley of colors and a small, silver-haired woman crouched and arranging it with care.
“Oh, hello there! What are you doing out so early?” She smiled warmly at me, standing up with an ornate, blue flower in hand.
“Just... clearing my head,” I said flatly.
She nodded pensively for a second before it looked like she remembered something, “Say, you wouldn’t have anywhere in particular to be right now, would you?”
I shook my head, and the lady’s face lit up.
“Perfect! Then a strong young boy like you wouldn’t mind helping me move some flower pots, would you?”
“Oh, um, sure,” I didn’t exactly have anything else to do at the moment.
The lady led me inside her shop, door closing with a jingle behind us. I had to admit, it looked lovely inside with all the vibrant flowers neatly and artfully arranged––and smelled just as delightful as it seemed.
“They’re right back here… oh, I don’t believe I ever caught your name.”
“Um, Katsuki.”
“Then right this way, Katsuki!”
The lady was friendly enough, maybe a bit too friendly, but I supposed helping her out might keep me occupied enough to silence that bitter voice in my head. When all the moving was done, she insisted that I try one of her homemade cookies, which was surprisingly delicious, and we got to chatting. Well, it was mostly her talking about how her youngest son was getting married this spring and she’d been looking for just the right flowers for the reception’s centerpieces.
“You know, you remind me a lot of my son. He used to come help me set up the shop every morning. Well, not since he moved away to his fiancee’s city, but he still calls every now and then.”
I simply nodded and took another bite of the cookie.
“Do you have anybody special?”
I nearly choked on the shortbread, surprised at the lady’s bluntness.
“Um, yeah, I’ve got… someone.”
She nodded in satisfaction, “are they good to you?”
“Yeah,” I paused, my head flooding with the events of last night once more. “Though I’m not sure I can say I’m very ‘good’ to him…”
“Why do you say that?” She wrinkled her brows in concern.
I let loose a heavy sigh, “Well, I– I messed up. And... it’s not the first time.”
She nodded, urging me to go on.
“I just–” I rubbed my face in frustration, “I don’t know what to do anymore. I trust him, but… God, why am I like this??”
“So you two are having a lovers’ spat, eh?”
I nodded.
“I thought so. I could tell from the way you were walking down the street, all sulky and lovesick.”
“Hey–” The lady held up a finger to silence me.
“And I could also tell that you’re the prideful type. Always letting your bravado get the better of you, am I right?”
I growled and nodded again.
The lady just grinned and whirled around wordlessly, fiddling with some things behind the counter. When she turned back to me, she presented a bouquet of beautiful purple and white flowers.
“Here. You’ll be needing these.”
I took the flowers into my hand and examined them carefully. There were only four flowers, but they seemed to be made up of dozens of smaller blossoms, making the little bouquet look quite full, yet still trim and neat.
“They’re hydrangeas,” she explained, seeing my blank stare. “They symbolize pride and apology, which I think fits our little predicament quite nicely.”
I still looked from her to the flowers and back dumbly.
“Give them to your special someone, numbskull. You’re gonna go apologize, right?”
I nodded again.
“Then give him these. And tell him how sorry you are for being a dimwit. And treat him like a king from now on, you hear me?”
“Oh, how much are they?”
“Free of charge. Consider it payment for helping me move those pots.”
A faint smile crept up my face as I looked at the simple bouquet.
“Thank you.”
“Any time. I’ve got to admit, I’m a sucker for young love,” the lady chuckled and shooed me out the door to go apologize with another shortbread cookie and flowers in hand.
I stepped into the apartment as quietly as I could, relieved to find Izuku was still asleep, and got to work. It was well after dawn now, partly because I took a little detour to the grocery store to pick up a couple ingredients. But I knew Izuku was an early riser, so I set to work quickly.
I had just finished when I heard Izuku’s alarm go off, and a short while later, his sleepy footsteps come padding into the kitchen.
“Kacchan, why are you up so earl–“ Izuku stopped mid-yawn and stared at the table.
“Deku, I know this doesn’t even come close to making up for last night, and I know you probably don’t believe me at this point, but I’m sorry. I really, truly am. And I can’t tell you how much I–” Izuku put a finger on my lips to stop my rambling.
“How long have you been up?”
I paused, a bit unsure whether I should tell him the truth.
“All night…” I finally admitted.
“Babe, why did you–”
“Because I can’t sleep knowing how much I’ve hurt you,” I took hold of his hand and kissed it softly, running my calloused finger over his scarred knuckles. “And pancakes and flowers aren’t nearly enough to express how sorry I am—for everything—but it’s a start.”
Izuku looked up at me with that soft little smile of his that just melted my heart every time and reminded me that everything was going to be alright.
“Well, the pancakes aren’t going to eat themselves,” he laughed, and I ruffled his wild mop of bedhead.
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olivia-crains · 6 years
Sharp Objects
Episodes: Vanish, Dirt, Fix, Ripe
Content below may be triggering for some, please read with discretion.
Examining tiny hairs became my daily hobby. I would always attempt to remove the tiny white bulb from each eyebrow or eyelash I pulled.
I had two groups of friends in middle school, one set who did nothing but make fun of me and really appealed to my critic voice, and the other group who were kind and loving and adored me. I am sure you can guess which group I hung out with more often. Christ, you’d think I would have learned by now. These girls would write notes to me in class threatening to kill my cat, they would go into gruesome detail about how they would do it and where they would bury him. My boy was only about a year old and he was my world, this ‘friend’ befriended me because I was the new kid at this school and had a photo of my cat in the front pocket of my binder. She used the very thing I loved so much to hurt me. This would grow to be a frequent occurrence with all the toxic individuals who have entered my life. The picking began that year, while taking our end of grade tests, the note passing session fell around the same time as well. I hate seeming like I was an easy target and like a pitiful little baby, I had no problem sticking up for myself and becoming defensive, but it is as if they and everyone else knew I would take their insults and words to heart and lash out at myself in the process, it is as if no one took me seriously. My vulnerability has always been used against me though it is my favorite attribute that I embody. So, following the threatening cat letter, I told my Mom and she in turn told my teacher, though I told her not to. The girls were obviously scolded and were told to apologize to me and they did and I forgave them and all was dandy! Me teacher took a liking to me after that happened, she stopped me in the hallway and said to me one afternoon “You know that saying, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me? Well, words are worse.” I have never forgotten that, and thinking back on that now, I would much rather someone shatter my skull than harm my heart with words; the most powerful weapon of all.
My palm is still pulsating from my grip on my favorite pair of scissors. I used to use them to cut out photos of the cast of LOST and carefully pin them on my wall, they are children’s scissors, a rather hideous blue color, I once was detained at the Colorado airport for having them in my backpack. These scissors have traveled with me for well over a decade now, always handy, for whatever need may arise.
Is there anything more vulnerable and heartbreaking than hearing an adult refer to their Mom as ‘Mama’? It is the southern staple, it is what I call my own Mama, a spark of my inner child latching on to this tiny, yet, oh so powerful word.
Everything is a sharp object, a person who self harms spends time scanning rooms. When you vow to not keep the ‘normal’ tools in your home, you sometimes have to get creative when you are desperate. Using the end of a tube of lotion, safety pins, knives, caps from various household items (toothpaste, prescription bottles, etc), the blades of your blender screaming your name, end of a lightbulb, end of an iPhone charger, etc. Anything can work as long as you press hard enough. The thoughts and perceptions are the ammunition; the cutting itself is the therapy.
I chipped my front tooth on a glass bottle a few months ago, it is sharp and jagged, but barely noticeable. As an anxious habit, I tend to rub my thumb nail against the sharp part of the tooth and drag my thumb up and down repeatedly throughout the day, my cuticles are worn and bruised, my nail has white lines, jagged and uneven all over. I wish I picked up skills as quickly as I pick up gross habits. I always must be doing something, whether it is biting my nails, digging my car key into my stomach while socializing, cutting words like ‘fat’ and ‘never’ on the inside of my thighs, purging until my throat is stinging and raw, picking and picking, punishing me for being me.
I am always particularly drawn to destructive characters, not their behaviors or habits, but their strength. It takes a brave person to keep living when everything inside of them is frothing with hate. The damage is outside of ourselves, though we take it out on ourselves, no matter the issue, no matter the severity, we take it out on ourselves. Amy Adams perfectly conveys what it is like to have destructive thoughts and painful memories rumbling inside of your skull at all times, instead of taking it out on other people, which tends to be the more common practice, she takes it out on herself. Why is it that I can care for such characters so deeply but cannot care about myself? I think it is because my issues are weak comparatively, that is what the message on the jumbotron flashing across my insides reads.
I recently turned in my apartment key to my former leasing agent, my first thought when I left the building was about that key; a sense of mourning trailing behind me. It is dull and smells of nickel, but I have always preferred it due to its specific ridges. I trace my finger across the grooves, it is ritualistic in nature, that’s always how it begins, I feel the object, allow guilt over past issues/what people think of me take hold of me, and carve. It is an instant euphoria, it’s hard to describe it, it feels like my guilt or my self-loathing is silenced for the night. My thoughts quiet, bleeding through, I always promise this will be the last time, only issue is my guilt and self-loathing are like rabbits; rapidly procreating.
Camille hides her indulgences like a child, her stunted adolescence is showcased through the candy bars and tiny alcohol bottles she continues to sneak into her Mother’s home. Addicts and individuals who partake in harmful activities tend to minimize everything and/or make excuses for themselves. Camille buys small bottles of vodka instead of a full handle. Camille softens experiences, her rape, cutting, alcoholism, she is never the victim, ever, she thinks she deserves all of this. Placing the sewing needles against the pad of a finger, no blood, no incision, just a press. It isn’t real if the dose of the destruction is untraceable.
Camille is so real, so dark, familiar. Unlovable. The only way to stop ones destructive habit(s) is to graduate to a new one. For Camille, that is alcohol. There is almost a self destructive meter that each person has. For me, alcoholism and sex addiction are the 10s, I made a promise to myself years ago that I will never get there, ever. I tend to teeter on the line at a 5/6. 1-Pulling (trichotillomania) 2- weak cuts, no depth 3-anorexia 4-heavier cutting 5-bulimia 6-bulimia and cutting. I know this makes no sense and seems appalling, but these are examples of my own personal excuses. “Well, ill never make it to a ten, well I never use razors, well ill never be a sex addict because no one will have sex with me, etc.” I am trying my hardest to level down, the only issue is there is so much darkness I have yet to punish myself for, so many memories living at the forefront, things I will never forget. Our ability to remember everything is our everlasting curse, no prince will ever break it, in a way, our worst memories are what keep our destruction alive. A buffet for the critic living inside of us.
Adora’s words slither. Whispers coated with poison, suffocating all those around her, yet her love and approval feel like antidotes. Camille will never fully heal.
Amma wraps her lollipop around Camille’s waves in her hair, the ultimate childish act. Teens are just so freaking scary, that scene is just deeply troubling and it is tough to see a grown woman sucked into a gaslighting reality. Its all about power dynamics in that toxic town. Camille seems fearful, her tone shifts to defensive, but it never works, not even on her sister who is more than a decade younger than her, people can just sense that she is an adult child. The empath. The watcher. The ultimate reactor.
Camille is timid, but she asserts such dominance when her secret is threatened to be exposed.
There is an acid stain on my porcelain tub, it sits two inches from the drain and features a light orange tint, I remember that specific night that stain was born. Its the spot I always aim for when purging; a home, a landing strip for my innards, you’re not alone here; no one is alone here. I shave sitting down in the shower because I am a weak individual who just prefers to sit or lay at all times, I notice the stain, I stick only one finger in my throat to gag, but stop myself from taking it further than that, it isn’t good, but I have to do something. Usually I will stare in the general direction of the stain and blindly shave while staring at it, my eyes shift to the drain and memories shoot out and I wish to turn the small top off of the drain and cut myself again, I ignore that and continue to shave, if only I had shorter legs.
I bet you’re sensitive, writers are sensitive. You can make people understand.
Camille is a person of senses, she is so easily triggered by her environment. She feeds off of energies; clocking everyone.
There is a moment in Vanish where Camille is driving in Wind Gap, she sees one of the town’s many murals and says quietly, but with a shake of comfort, “Hi Betty.” She later greets the mural outside of the tire store and says with a sarcastic (she finds the funny and its one of so many things I so deeply love about her, her wit is incredibly strong) tone, “What do ya know, Joe?” I have this ritual to ease my anxiety that I have been doing since I was a teenager, whenever I am feeling overwhelmed or like I wish to purge or cut, I say hello to every object in the room I am in. Hello sink, hello rug, hello shampoo, hello conditioner. I have never really given much thought to this little coping mechanism of mine, but Camille saying hello to these little pieces of her town, it made me feel less like a freak.
The yellow innards of the lemons printed on my sheets stared back at me. A perfect set of sheets for the summer, lemons have always made me happy, I tend to give fruits and other inanimate objects personalities, and lemons are just so very kind and nurturing. Mother fruit. As a child, I would constantly take the lemons from my parent’s waters at restaurants and suck on them until my tongue was numb. The blood is traceable, not much, a familiar yet distant sight to behold. The warmth of the blood slowly dripping down my inner thigh landing on one of the many lemons printed on my sheets; silencing its kindness.
There is always a sting of pain hidden beneath the shadow of empathy in the eyes of the damaged. Weighted looks, like magnets, that draw you in.
In the words of the masterful Gillian Flynn,
Camille is a ballerina with a steel spine.
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emmagottlieb52 · 7 years
Not Dumb Phantom Express Headcanons(WARNING:Some of them are Gory)
*Blind Specter
-His real name is the fabled Eyeless James “Jim”,but he is the only one who does not remember that.
-He dislikes being out of uniform for the train.
-He has a nasally voice when he speaks,but can switch to an eerie lucid tone if he needs to.
-When he becomes scary,his eyeballs have slit pupils.
-He is capable of creature and object possession,telekinesis,telepathy,clairvoyance and audience,& hypnosis.
-Dislikes Demon Cuphead and Mugman(he has frequent daymares about them)
-Tends to work even off duty,and you can see him knitting on certain nights. His knitting needles are covered in blood from dr.Kahl’s original son…Yes,he got away with child murder…
-He apparently can see beyond space and time.
-Has a little impediment causing him to talk slowly at times…
-The secondman of the train.
-Not only did he get away with child murder,he got away with theft.
-He plays the piano and less often sings,despite singing like an angel.
-He dons a sapphire pendant that is fueled by natural light and can turn it into magic.
-His real name is Terry Bones;T-Bone is just a nickname for him.
-He appears to be an excellent singer and often uses his voice to his advantages,even during work.
-He doesn’t hate jokes,he just dislikes bad ones.
-He may appear grouchy with a gruff Southern accent to go with it,but deep down he has a core of gentleness within him.
-He has superhuman abilities in the bones due to eating a lot of metal calcium,and always knows what you’re hiding… He seems to have the “uncanny” ability to produce music from his bones. He can also change his own density at will. he also has telekinesis that can activate when he’s super furious,his telekinesis came into action when he was 12 years old.
-Tends to dislike Phear Lap and Mangosteen.
-He has a weird boat load of relatives and is often seen writing letters to them.
-Whenever he becomes scary,he usually has more cracks in the bones than he currently has.
-He takes care of Jim quite a lot.
-The conductor and half-leader of the Express.
-He got away with murder,assault,and stealing lemon bars when he was a child…He was diagnosed with kleptomania at the time…
-He carries a red diamond wand which actually has magical properties and powers…He had it ever since he was 6.
*Blaze Brothers
-Both are nasty and mischievous,and adore playing cruel jokes on the other people of Inkwell Isle,even if it ends up nearly killing whoever they’re pranking. If a trick goes wrong,then they start fighting and arguing.
-They affectionately address one another as “Brother Blaze” at all times,even when they’re angry at each other. They do this because they weren’t given any actual names in the first place.
-They are incapable of saying or doing things without each other to help. In fact,most of their conversation and activity is with each other,be it arguing,sharing secrets or the news,working together,healing each other’s wounds and ailments,teasing each other,or showing just how much they love each other…
-They enjoy each other’s company,even when fighting. Signs of this include singing each other to sleep,exchanging secrets telepathically,etc. Their affection is toned down to wrapping around each other for a hug,& occasionally exchanging a kiss on the cheek…though they sometimes get romantic and kiss each other directly,sometimes going vampire and biting each other’s faces to swap blood between them;twins have to share everything.
-They are capable of electricity manipulation,telepathy between each other,hypnosis,& weather manipulation. Unlike the Blind Specter,Both are incapable of possession and have limited range telekinesis,though they have shapeshifting ability,and have the unique ability to taste electricity. Their powers have been known to cause mass destruction…
-Both despise Ribby and Croaks and often fight with them when they’re not fighting with the devil or each other
-They are actually thunder and lightning demons created by the Head for power support. Without them,the train wouldn’t run smoothly at all…
-When becoming more scary,their eyes glimmer and lightning froths from their mouths.
-The two fire stokers and cargo loaders of the train…
-They have the rare Pica disorder,causing them to eat things like chalk,starch,metal,paper,people’s hair,and even each other’s blood…Yes,they drink each other’s blood,and yes,they have blood…
-Whenever they fight between each other,they get all out and physical with a tinge of arguing…Yes,they’re tougher fighting twins than anyone in Inkwell Isle when it comes to fighting with each other…
-They got away with town destruction and assault.
-They rarely speak to other people,but when they do,they mostly speak in unison or echo each other,both in a sound term and the last words term. On rare occasions they DO finish each other’s sentences,but mostly they’d rather take turns speaking and share each other’s words.
-They play the theremin together and sing together.
-They are huge fans of Sally Stageplay and often cuddle when watching her.
-Their eyes are capable of magic properties,as they are said to change the world every time they blink.
-Their electricity based powers have given then them tons of brainpower as well,making them very intelligent…
*Head of the Train
-Leader of the Express and engineer
-He also doesn’t have an actual name,but likes to be called Casey Jones Sr.,the ghost train
-Megalomaniac who is also stern around anyone…even those who don’t work for him.
-Has a Transylvanian accent and laughs much like the Count of Sesame Street
-Has so much to say about anything,which is a delight to T-Bone,his assistant. Most of the Head’s conversation is with T-Bone.
-When he becomes scary,his furnace opens and his heart engine literally flares up.
-He is capable of high speed riding,super strength,plus,is capable of doing magic and casting spells,most of which are activated by blowing his whistle.
-Dislikes Captain Brineybeard due to his ship’s sentience
-His mind and behavioral pattern are very simple. When things don’t go his way,he will cry,scream,panic,& sometimes throw a hissy fit. However,if he gets exactly what he wants,he’ll toot his whistle and sing a song…But mostly,he doesn’t exhibit any emotion other than stern blankness at his crew,friends,and enemies.
-Also a classy psychopath who loves tea,sweet foods such as candy,and eating metal
-Has a morbid sense of humor…he will laugh at even the most morbid deaths imaginable…
-Has run over many souls in Inkwell Isle,all cases are deliberate…
-He sings and often uses the whistle as a melody track when he does.
-Responsible for murdering his crew in icy blood before getting killed himself…
-They are nocturnal creatures of Inkwell Isle,the sun is their mortal enemy
-They tend to live and work on the railroad at the same time!
-You’d likely find them chugging around the floor,sometimes going through a wall or two.
-The pumpkins and ghosts are the attendants of the train.
-They are rarely seen during the night,but if one listens closely,they can hear the crew’s laughter,& maybe even a “YEEEEHAAAA!” as they chug down the line.
-Soul was sold due to the lack of its service over the last hundred years.
-They are capable of even possessing toy trains!
-Mess with one crew member,you mess with all of them.
-If you’re still alive and seated on this express,there is no way to escape but to die in there.
-By sundown,there is a specific order to when the crew wakes up. The Head usually wakes up first,followed by T-Bone,then Jim,who has to wake up the Blaze Brothers,and finally the attendants.
-Blind Specter is 238 years old,T-Bone being a close second dead,but is at 151 years of age,the Blaze brothers are 48 years old,and head is 4,561 years of age.
-After the battle,they managed to get back on the rails and start utilizing their powers for entertainment purposes...
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