#Faceted Shape Beads
thegemjournal · 4 months
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​Are you a jewelry maker looking for high-quality faceted gemstone beads to incorporate into your designs? Look no further! We have compiled a list of the top 5 trusted sources for faceted gemstone beads. From online retailers to local gemstone suppliers, these sources are known for their wide selection, excellent customer service, and exceptional quality of faceted gemstone beads. So whether you're creating a dazzling necklace or a stunning pair of earrings, these trusted sources will provide you with the perfect faceted gemstone beads for your next project.
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fiftysevenacademics · 3 months
Wake up babe a new open access review about Ice Age fashion just dropped.
Paleolithic eyed needles and the evolution of dress (Science Advances 28 June 2024)
This article uses the spread of bone awls and needles to trace the evolution of clothing from simple, minimally protective coverings to finely tailored, insulating garments across the geography of the Last Glacial Maximum. Not surprisingly, needle use is associated with cold climates and the need for warm, fitted clothing. But the wide variation in needle size, including very small ones for fine, delicate work, along with frequent discovery of shell and bone beads showing use wear consistent with rubbing against clothing, shows the evolution of clothing into dress. Bodily adornment transitioned to clothing to mark identity and status.
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Fig. 4. Puncture marks consistent with leather hole punching on a bone fragment at Canyars, Catalonia, dated to 39,600 cal B.P. Scale bars, 1 cm. Photos: L. Doyon, F. d’Errico.
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Fig. 5. Morphological variation in the size and shape of Late Pleistocene eyed needles. Scale bar, 1 cm. Modified from d’Errico et al.
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Fig. 2. Nassarius kraussianu shell beads from Blombos Cave Still Bay layers, southern Africa, dated to approximately 73,000 to 70,000 years ago. Arrows indicate use-wear facets. Photos: F. d’Errico [modified after d’Errico et al.]
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jindalgems · 1 year
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Lapis Faceted Moon Shape Beads - Jindal Gems
Dive into the night sky with Lapis Faceted Moon Beads
Size : 16 To 17 MM
Grade : AA
Shape : Faceted Moon
Origin : Afghanistan
Length : 8 Inches
Order Online -
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blkdaddie · 5 months
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In the soft glow of candlelight, I sat hunched over the birthing chair, beads of sweat trickling down my temples. Each contraction felt like an inferno erupting within me, and yet, amid the searing pain, an unexpected sensation stirred within.
Contractions gripped my body with a ferocity I had never known. Grunts of pain escaped my lips as I clung to the railing, the only anchor in my churning world. My partner, his eyes shimmering with empathy and determination, was my beacon of hope.
As he massaged my tense shoulders and whispered words of comfort, a strange arousal began to flicker within me. The intensity of the experience, the rawness of it all, was igniting something unexpected. The pain and the pleasure were intertwined, creating a vortex of emotions I had never fathomed.
With each surge of agony, my body trembled and heaved. Yet, within the torment, there was an exhilaration that coursed through my veins. I felt strong, capable, and primal. My partner's presence, his unwavering support, only amplified these conflicting sensations.
In between contractions, as the pain subsided, the arousal lingered. It was an alien feeling, this mix of ecstasy and trepidation. I had never thought of birth as a sexual experience, but here I was, on the precipice of fatherhood, discovering a hidden facet of myself.
As the contractions grew closer together, their intensity reached a fever pitch. The pain was unbearable, but it was also strangely empowering. I focused on my breathing, on my partner's soothing voice, and on the life growing within me.
In a sudden, blinding flash of agony, something shifted. My body convulsed violently, and I felt a searing pressure between my legs. With a desperate grunt, I pushed with all my might, and with an earth-shattering cry, our child entered the world.
As the placenta followed, a wave of relief washed over me. I had done it. We had done it. My partner's tears of joy mingled with mine as we held our newborn son in our arms.
In that moment, as I gazed into his tiny, perfect face, I realized that the intensity of the birthing experience had not only brought him into the world but had also transformed me. I felt a deep sense of accomplishment, a profound connection to my partner, and an unexpected connection to my own body.
The birth of our child had been a journey into the depths of pain and pleasure, where the boundaries between my body and my mind had blurred. It had been an experience that had left an enduring mark on my soul, forever shaping the man I was and the father I would become.
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novacqnes · 2 years
hi hello!! may i request a ellie x wife!reader (cause i love ur detective ellie fic so much oh my) where’s the reader is jealous of this new girl in jackson being mentored by ellie on shooting lessons and the girl is being flirty towards ellie to a point where she’s caressing ellie’s muscles 🙄 ellie notices the reader’s jealousy that leads to taking the reader to a “private” shooting lesson and they just show that they only belong to each other 🤭
lesson learned // ellie williams
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warning: angsty; guns, jealousy, possessiveness, smut; face-sitting, oral, dirty talk, fingering (switch!ellie)
pairing: ellie williams x fem reader
a/n: this is by far the longest fic that i’ve written so it took me a while but it is finally done! thank you for sending a request :)
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to say you saw red would’ve been an understatement. sure, it acknowledged the magnitude of anger behind an individual, illustrating it as one of the most powerful colors— one of vengeance, fury, and rage. yet for that very reason, it rendered the phrase useless to you because the emotions you experienced weren’t that of blinding rancor. rather they were that of a distinctly unique type of jealousy. it was the type that blurred the lines between anger, drawing in facets of passion and love that transformed the film of crimson over your eyes into a piercing navy blue.
through the blurry hue of your gaze stood a vast field that made your passion seem almost minuscule in comparison. dozens of people stood in the dry grass, thick beads of pestering sweat clung to their skin as the sun’s wrath strengthened. in your ears the loud reverberating sounds of bullets whirred by, enough to be heard from a mile away however you weren’t phased by it. your attention was centered elsewhere just a mere few feet away from where you stood.
monique? or maybe it was monica? you watched as she stood clueless with bright red cheeks that served as nothing more than a taunt to you. her fingers snuck tightly around the grip of the gun and her posture deformed. it all seemed purposeful. you couldn’t fathom how she could survive for so long without even knowing how to hold a gun properly let alone fire one? by no means was she a pro, yet every giggle and glance at her mentor seemed like a ploy to get closer to the woman.
unsuspectingly ellie stood behind the woman, a bit too close for your own comfort. she wore a white tank top and tight blue jeans that molded against her body. offering you and monica the clearest of views. repeatedly your eyes were drawn to her arms, their shape, and more specifically how her muscles contracted with each slight movement. the sight stirred a pit of warmth inside of you but the flirtatious glances from monica morphed it into gut-wrenching nausea.
“like this, el?” she cooed, her voice light and ditzy. she loosened her grip around the pistol as she leaned into ellie’s touch. her gaze cautiously trailing back towards your wife’s arms. her name mimicked a wretched poison rolling off the tip of monica’s tongue. it felt foreign to your ears, spurring a loud ringing sound through them.
“here, i’ll show you.” she moved, taking the gun from monica’s hands as she demonstrated the right form. the newbie watched carefully as ellie extended her arms out, lacing both hands along the black grip. words flowed from her mouth yet you couldn’t make out a thing. fierce nearby bullets made it so ellie’s voice was beyond distorted and the only source of reliance was the stomach-churning image right before you.
much of it was a blur although you remember monica’s fingers gliding along the smooth surface of your wife’s skin. they trailed over her biceps lightly before making their way to her shoulders. her movements were subtle and slow, causing your chest to tighten with each one. fresh hot tears brimmed the corners of your eyes and a distinct bitter taste plagued your tongue. all you could do was watch for what felt like hours as the woman you loved was touched by someone else— in such a casual manner.
there was something so arrogant and brazen about the way monica looked at ellie, even in the way she caressed her. it was as if it was all a game to her and with that, you couldn’t stand to remain in the scorching field anymore. with your vision blurred with tears and hazy blue splotches, you turned sharply on your heel, narrowly dodging the onslaught of incoming bullets.
jumbled, poorly pieced-together thoughts clouded your mind on the way back to the home you shared with ellie. the memory of her and monica seared its way into your mind despite your best efforts to suppress it. you needed to believe that it was nothing. otherwise, you were bound to drive yourself insane. you trusted ellie and there was no denying it, she wouldn’t allow it to go any further. nevertheless, it didn’t feel good having to witness it.
at home you curled up on the couch, basking in the serene silence as darkness fell. she was late again. it wasn’t entirely unusual for practice to run late yet it didn’t soothe your doubts. you loathe to admit it, truly, but you couldn’t really breathe without her. even now, your lungs felt like they were closing in on themselves, the longer you waited, the more it hurt, and you cursed yourself for caring about the stupid lesson.
the loud creak from the wooden door yanked you from your thoughts. ellie emerged from behind it, her collar drenched in sweat. short auburn hair was pulled back between her ears giving you a prime view of the freckles splayed across her cheeks. they were flushed pink, only deepening as she set her sights on you seated across the room.
“hey, i missed you earlier…” she whispered, shooting you a quick grin. a deep warm feeling engulfed you as she sauntered over collapsing beside you on the couch. dark crescents took shape under her eyes and the fatigue was palpable but nothing beat the feeling of having her all to yourself.
“thought we were gonna walk back together?” ellie trailed her fingers along the side of your face, brushing the pad of her thumb on your cheek. you shrugged, moving closer. her skin felt warm and dewy pressed against yours. it nearly distracted you from the memory that hung over you like a looming gargoyle.
“i was tired,” you muttered, your voice bordering on a sharp but short tone, easy enough for ellie to detect. she didn’t address it right away but her eyes did. for a moment they settled on you, hints of confusion glimmering in them yet neither of you dared to bring it up first.
“you feeling okay?” specks of doubt reflected in ellie’s gaze as she studied you, concern seeping from her voice. maybe you really were losing it. jealousy had a way of manifesting itself through physical symptoms, stomach aches, chest pains— sudden changes in behavior. ellie brought her hand to your forehead feeling for a temperature as she leaned down. you weren’t entirely sure if she was aiming for your lips or temple, to be honest, you didn’t spare a moment to figure it out. you couldn’t kiss ellie— not without the image of monica pervading your thoughts. hence you didn’t, dodging the small peck from your wife’s lips.
ellie’s brows furrowed into an arch, “what was that for?” small, but prominent lines formed on the top of her forehead. confusion flickered in her expression as instant regret mounted onto yours.
“it’s nothing— just not in the mood. are you mentoring monica again tomorrow?”
ellie shrugged, “probably, why?” there it was again, that fucking look that made ellie want to drop down to her knees and apologize— and for god knows what? it all made sense. however, your response further solidified it. ellie hadn’t thought about monica since their lesson. but even the smallest mention of her from your mouth was drenched in envy that she couldn’t quite fathom. she was yours and yours entirely— surely you should’ve known this?
you hated this kind of silence, the kind that in its true form was the loudest. draining out every inch of sound in the room. it remained that way as ellie inspected you, piecing apart every aspect of your being, from the shift in your pupils to the steady inhale of your breath. abruptly you rose from the couch mumbling a low “forget it,” as you left your wife behind.
ellie felt more confused than she did conflicted. she wanted to call after you, maybe even follow yet she couldn’t bring herself to move. surrounded by silence she sunk back into the linen couch, bringing her arms behind her head. she needed some way to prove it— some way to reassure you and it was apparent that she wasn’t going to get anywhere tonight, but she could at least try.
icy tension filled the room faster than ellie could blink. unmoving, you remained on your side of the bed, eyes fixed on the cream-colored wall. the mattress dipped down beside you, accompanied by a warm earthy scent that filled your nostrils. slowly ellie brought her arms to your waist, pulling you towards her chest. the immediate reaction was cold although you didn’t move away. neither of you uttered a word, but in truth, the lingering uncertainty said more than either of you could for the rest of the night.
bright rays beamed through the curtains, followed by the sounds of clinking steel that yanked you from your slumber. the bed felt lighter, even more lonely. it was normal for ellie to leave in the morning and that wasn’t the issue— it was who she was leaving for that agitated you. that smug face and whiny high-pitched voice that would consume your wife’s time for hours on end. and you feared this morning would be no different.
you ambled into the living room to find ellie prepped for yet another shooting lesson. she wore a brown flannel shirt that fit loosely around her arms. blue jeans that clung perfectly to her legs, offering you an ample view of the soft skin along her waist. on the table, in front of her a black duffel bag stuffed with bullets, guns, and glass bottles.
“up early again?” you whispered, joining her alongside the wooden table. an ounce of annoyance crept into your tone despite your attempts to suppress it.
ellie slipped a hand around your waist, pulling you towards her as a small smile took place on her lips, “i’m taking you out today….”
quick palpitations reverberated against your chest with ellie’s words and the pesky fleeting feeling of jealousy seemed further than ever. you flung your arms around her neck, sucking her into a warm embrace. for just a slight moment there wasn’t an inkling of doubt— with the exception of the next few words that sounded an awful lot like “….to the field.”
“i’ll pass,” you said sternly, dropping your arms at your sides. any semblance of prior excitement that you’d exhibited vanished, leaving ellie beyond conflicted. this was the only way for her to prove that you had nothing to worry about. the only way for her to truly do so is with your trust. which she wasn’t sure she had at the moment.
ellie began, “y/n—“
“i said no. if i wanted to watch monica stick her tongue down your throat i would’ve stayed yesterday….i don’t even need shooting lessons,” you spat, with a bit more venom than intended. the guilt gradually began to creep in— marriage was built on trust. there was no reason for you to feel this threatened— this possessive.
secretly you wanted ellie to protest, another side of you, tucked away even further would’ve even liked to see her beg. although none of that came. rather she merely stared at you with pools of olive green peering into your soul. after a few seconds, they flickered between yours, and an unlikely sound filled your ears— low chuckles?.……was she laughing?
“what?” you sputtered, fervent heat rushing towards your cheeks. a vibrant peach hue reddened ellie’s cheeks as she shook her head fighting to contain the outburst.
“you missed the target yesterday… each. time.”
“so?” your entire face felt like it was set ablaze. you’d been too occupied with monica and ellie to truly put any effort into your shooting. to be completely honest you had no idea that ellie was even watching you begin with— that thought alone made you feel more secure.
“nothing— but you’re getting kinda rusty, no?” she smirked, loading the first round into the magazine of her gun.
“oh please— i’m as good of a shot as you. i was just having an off day,” you blurted, crossing your arms over your chest. she could sense it, the restless urge emitting from you. with each retort you grew even more defensive and right where ellie wanted you to be and she took great pleasure in stirring it up.
she outstretched her palm, in it lay a black revolver. she whispered her voice low and enticing, “listen i hear you… but you wanna prove me wrong?” her offer hung in the air— longer than anticipated. there was something provocative about the lack of subtlety in her tone, and the microscopic gleam in her eye that only urged you to take her up on it, so it was settled.
the field was vast, populated by expansive patches of brownish-green pasture. short hazel-colored tree stumps were scattered about at various distances, making it a prime spot for target practice. the sky was a misty blue, struck with a fiery orange and lemon hue that engulfed the area surrounding the two of you. high-pitched chirps ran through the air and slowly you realized just how quiet it was. in fact, the two of you were the only ones there.
“where’s everyone else?”
“it’s a private lesson,” ellie said, propping up the last of the bottles. the smirk in her voice was as palpable as it was scheming. she’d failed to mention that the two of you were going to be alone and surely it was purposeful, however, you couldn’t quite pinpoint why.
you removed your gun from your belt, joining ellie on the outskirts of the field, “you didn’t mention that.”
a small grin crooks the ends of her mouth as she turns towards you, “does it make a difference?” her eyes appeared even more radiant with the rising sun brimming the horizon. you shook your head lightly, sneaking one last glance at them.
“the first person to clear all the bottles wins.”
“what’s the winner get?”
“depends on you, babe,” ellie announced, extending her arms out in front of her body. fuck— it was difficult not to look at them. bright rays from the sun illuminated her muscles so that the skin you could see appeared as if they were glowing. the sight struck a mild but nevertheless alluring chord deep inside you. so much so that it nearly caused you to miss ellie’s cue.
her voice echoed, “three, two, one,” ripping you from your thoughts. immediately the loud crack of bullets whipped into the air, as the two of you mowed down the first round of glass bottles. there wasn’t much time to think before you were onto the next, sprinting to the next row of targets with ellie on your heels. the steady pump of your heart escalated to a rapid thump that pounded against your poor chest. you could feel her eyes on you, watching— calculating your every movement and it only pushed you to move faster.
it was down to one more row at the very edge of the field. your legs felt like they were bound to give up at any moment but you forced yourself to continue, stomping on the brown weeds beneath your feet. out of the very corner of your eye, you could see her drawing closer with each step and the sound of hasty fire trailing behind. slowly, your breathing became more labored and your form even more sloppy— if this was ellie’s fucked up way of trying to improve your shooting then she was doing a terrible job at it. you stepped towards the last bottle gearing up to shoot when you were met with a low…..
“no—no out of all the goddamn times—“
the chamber was full— you were sure of it. this was not the time for a fucking gun jam. you extended your arms out once more, hoping— no praying for a miracle when you were met with that same disparaging…
quickly you realized there was no gunfire looming behind you. in fact all that was left of ellie’s targets were meager green glass pieces that littered the tops of tree stubs. the only sounds pervading the air were the pathetic clicks that left your gun and the vile language that left your lips.
ellie began, “here let me—“
“i don’t need your help,” you muttered, sharply turning your body away from her. the words were uttered with an underlying layer of her that you hoped she wouldn’t be able to detect. her hands were the first to make contact with you, settling along the small of your back. the touch was gentle and meticulous, reeling you back to reality.
“y/n, look at me.”
her voice was smooth and velvety, clashing with the tough exterior that surrounded you. she moved her free hand over yours, slowly taking the gun from you. a part of you was afraid to look up, afraid of what it meant. looking into ellie’s would force you to be vulnerable in a way that you hadn’t been in your marriage yet. still grappling with the cracks of insecurity that fractured it.
“i canceled those lessons so i could be here with you,” she whispered. the air was perfectly still and so were the creatures that existed in it. although it felt like the two of you were the only organisms there. ellie was close enough so that you could hear the light beat of her heart against you, ushering you to return her gaze.
“but what about—“
“nothing else is more important to me,” she cooed, bringing her hand up to your face. there she ran her hand along the underside of her jaw before taking your hand in hers. the two of you walked towards an empty tree stump where you sat in silence. allowing the remnants of her words to linger in your mind. the stern emphasis behind each word made your heart skip a beat and nearly forget why you were so upset in the first place.
ellie spoke first, “i need you to hear me when i say this— i don’t think about anyone else, it’s almost like there isn’t any room to think about anyone else. and i didn’t really get it at first when you ran out.”
“get what?”
“why you’d be jealous of her? I thought about talking to you, trying to reassure you but… i don’t think any of that’s gonna work,” she shrugged rubbing a hand against your thigh. there was something so subtle, even more so suggestive about her word choice— hell even the way she said them. blatant arousal was laced behind her voice and it shot straight to your core.
“you have to tell me what you need. how can i prove it to you….” her voice was so unbelievably calm and hot. feverishly hot. it took a moment for a proposition to process. she wanted you to tell her how to please you— and she was completely surrendering herself. this was her way of proving it— proving that she was all yours.
“what do you want?”
“take your clothes off.” it came out faster than you could think but nevertheless ellie complied, beginning with her brown flannel she undid the white buttons, stripping the clothing from her scarred skin. she then moved onto her jeans, pulling them from her sculpted legs. ellie made sure to prolong the process, her eyes never leaving you as she removed each and every piece of cloth from her body. soon she stood bare, ready for your next command.
“you wanna make me feel good?” you purred, ushering ellie closer. she sank to her knees before you, nodding as you cupped your hand to the side of her face. you pressed a slow, magnetic kiss to her pink lips before glancing over at ellie’s duffel just a few feet away. in it was a small black tarp that on regular occasions was used for collecting the glass left behind, but you had other plans for it. following your gaze ellie reached for the plastic laying it down on the grass beneath her. there was something so infatuating about her compliance that drove you insane— in the best way possible. she seemed so eager, so desperately ready to please you.
“i want you to lay down— don’t touch yourself.”under ellie’s watchful eye, you stripped yourself down to nothing, giving her an ample view of your naked body. she bit down on her lip, wrestling with the urge to touch herself and you. soon you join her on the tarp, straddling her as you lean forward.
“you can touch me, baby,” you whispered, softly nipping at the sensitive skin along her neck. her hands trailed up your thighs, sinking her fingernails in before moving towards your back. you clasped onto her face, pressing your lips against hers fiercely. ellie’s lips moved south, showering your exposed tits with sloppy kisses. in both hands she cupped them in her palms, sucking a nipple into her warm mouth. she ran her tongue along the sensitive flesh, feverishly sucking as you clutched onto her.
“how’s that?”
“fuck— it’s so-so good,” you hummed in between moans. ellie’s pace continued leaving you at a loss for words. you spared just a few more moments before pulling away, breathless. her eyes were hungry and lustful glimmering in the midst. just below, her sweet lips appeared so soft and tempting. sexy wasn’t nearly enough to describe it. a sudden urge plagued you and it began at your wet core. you needed to feel her, more specifically her mouth against it.
within a few mere seconds, you instructed ellie to lay back, bringing your wet pussy to her lips. the contact was cold, sending a brisk chill up your back. she started off slow, tentatively dragging her tongue against your lips before fully pushing them forward.
“don’t— fuck— tease me,” you writhed, bringing the pads of your thumb to her nipples. you circled them around it, drawing muffled moans from ellie’s lips. she spat up, lapping up the wetness from her core. she hummed at the taste, sucking your sensitive clit into her mouth as you pushed yourself against her. your hips began to take up for themselves, grinding against ellie’s mouth with no end in sight. you could feel it— parts of your vision beginning to blur and simultaneously the frenzied flicks of your wife’s tongue sped up.
“like that? like the way i fuck your face?” you spat, pressing your eyes closed. it was practically impossible for ellie to answer yet everything about the way tasted pointed toward a yes. her hands raced up to your ass as she squeezed it in her palms, desperately trying to find a way— any way to push herself closer.
“you want me to finish all over your face? is that what you want?” your movements became much more rushed, vigorously chasing after a high. white spots slowly came into view and your posture was unsupported. ellie took advantage of your weakened state, craning her neck upward. she focused on your clit sucking it torturously slow until you were a blubbering mess above her. she pushed on, singalong out the sensitive flesh as streams of pleasure tore through your body, faster than you could fathom. soon with enough strength, you pulled yourself from ellie’s body, collapsing alongside her.
“what else do you need?” she mumbled, twisting her neck in your direction. her face was beet red and slick with your fluids, and it only fueled the twisted pleasure at the center of your pussy. you shifted toward her, slowly kissing up the blue vein that decorated the side of her neck. once you reached her ear you nibbled on the lobe, ever so softly running your tongue on the top, “i’m gonna take care of you now.”
quickly, you repositioned yourself at ellie’s pussy, hovering above it as she spread her legs. they were covered in goosebumps that seemed to multiply as you drew closer. between them you settled, kissing along the inner part of her thighs. you could feel her tremble against her, pressing her eyes closed in frustration.
“i want you to look at me el….i wanna see those pretty eyes,” you cooed, bringing your lips to her core. she jumped back but you eased her towards you. once she was comfortable you brought your tongue to her dripping slit, sucking her needy clit into your mouth.
tears brimmed the corners of ellie’s as she forced them open. you kept your gaze on her refusing to look away, she looked so beautiful like this, so exposed. you adored the way she simply melted on your tongue allowing you the chance to taste the deepest parts of her. after a while you spat down on the pads of your fingers ushering to ellie’s pussy. slowly you pushed in your index finger, watching as your wife’s walls clung to it— hot and even more desperate.
“fuck y/n— i need more,” she panted, gradually moving her hips your hand. you were more than delighted to grant ellie her wish, pushing your middle in. filthy sounds of her wetness and choked moans filled the air, replacing the peaceful calls of songbirds and insects. you worked your two fingers inside of her, pressing up into you felt the spongy tissue of her g-spot. without hesitation you curled your digits up to meet them, teasing ellie to no avail.
“i’m gonna come— please let me.”
she soon began to writhe against the tarp, allowing even the foulest obscenities to fall from her lips. you could practically feel her getting closer, along with the vehement grip of her feverish walls.
“go ahead baby…so fucking wet for me, and so so beautiful,” you whispered, gingerly talking her through the rapture that engulfed her body. ellie’s legs shook violently against you and her vision briefly became blinded by hot tears. you crawl upward to the top half of her body, placing soft kisses all over her face. there, a moment of stillness left the both of you breathless.
upon first opening her eyes you were the first thing she saw. she moved swiftly pulling you in a fierce kiss that lasted for what felt like ages. for a moment the two of you held each other in a moment of newfound trust and understanding. there was no need to say it. undeniably ellie was yours as you were hers. and nothing felt more satisfying than having physical proof of it.
“i’ll stop if you want. the lessons with monica,” she whispered, tracing circles into the side of your arm.
“no need.”
surprise struck ellie’s face as she gazed down at you, eyebrows drew back “you sure?”
you grinned at her with a new, vibrant light beaming out of the corners of your eyes. you pressed a quick kiss to her chest, propping yourself up against the soft skin as you smirked, “never been more sure.”
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thatshowthingstarted · 11 months
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Sword (jian) and scabbard, probably made in the court workshops of the Yongle Ming Emperor. Chinese, Ming Dynasty, early 15th century.
The hilt is of gilt iron. The grip is of gibbous rectangular section, punched with small circles to imitate ray skin. Down the centre of the front is a raised spine bordered by tiny flames at either side.
The pommel is of trilobed form, bordered at the front and rear by bands of golden scrolls. The front panel of the pommel is chiselled and fretted with a dragon surrounded by interlacing flames, with triple claws on each paw. At the rear of the pommel, the central panel is decorated with a monster mask (kirtimukha), surmounted by a silvered crescent and golden disc, and with human hands, also surrounded by flames. At either side of the pommel are the Eight Buddhist Emblems of Good Augury (ba jixiang): the wheel of law (dharma), the standard, the treasure jar, the pair of fish, the endless knot, the lotus, the parasol and the conch shell of victory.
The guard is embossed in the form of a monster mask, surmounted by a silvered crescent and golden disc. The face is punched with circles, the canine teeth silvered, the eyebrows and whiskers chiselled and gilt. The horns are in the form of crab claws. At either side of the mouth is a paw in the form of a human hand. The head is surrounded by scrolling curls of mane. The rear of the guard is rendered as the underside of the jaw, with a set of silvered teeth, and a narrow beard running into a throat of alternate silvered and gilt bands.
The blade is associated but is probably a later replacement of Tibetan manufacture. It is formed of pattern-welded steel, of diamond section, straight and double edged. The pattern welding produces a mirrored pattern of addorsed crescents at either side of the medial ridge. The tang is of rectangular section, tapering towards the pommel, with a large expanded peg-hole towards the end. The edges have been ground and sharpened.
The scabbard is of wood covered in green stained leather and bound with gilt iron. At the throat is a V-shaped cut out at the front for seating the blade, and a scalloped cut-out in the leather to accommodate the guard. The throat retains traces of the scarlet silk with which it was lined. The iron binding comprises a long, facetted strip running all the way round either edge.
There are eight transverse bands at the rear, the uppermost and fourth of which are wider than the others, and extend round the front of the scabbard forming suspension loops. The edging strip has four main facets, with an additional narow facet at either side. It is decorated with scrollwork in gold running down each facet, and matching that on the pommel. At either end is a set of three golden lotus leaves.
The front panel is divided stylistically into upper and lower sections. The upper section is decorated quite plainly; a series of five beaded transverse bands divide it into six sections, and there are three vertical bands of fretted four-petalled rosettes in each section.
At the throat is a cusped section with a beaded border, below which is a band of flames. The ornate lower section has six smaller segments, divided vertically and horizontally by fretted 'vajras', each with a 'yinyang' symbol in the central knop. The half-'vajras' at either side emanate from the heads of lions, and the vertical bands of decoration at either side are formed by rows of flames.
Above and in the middle of these divisions are two square panels, each containing a cusped lozenge shaped central medallion, the corners decorated with interlacing flames. The uppermost of these two panels contains two dragons intertwined amid flames, with the heads at top right and bottom left; the lower has two similar dragons, with thicker bodies, and with their heads confronted at the left and right.
The chape section is decorated with a large panel of interlacing flames, within a beaded border. At the rear of the scabbard, the upper band is decorated with alternating gold and silver scrollwork, and terminates in a rosette at the front. The next two narrow bands are decorated with silver scrollwork only. The fourth is decorated at the rear like the top one, but is extended accross the front in a broad band; it is chiselled with four medallions decorated with gilt characters on silver grounds, and surrounded by interlacing gilt flames. The three lower bands are decorated in gold scrollwork.
The rear chape panel has a small, flat piece of rather coarse, scrolling interlace at the bottom, and narrow bands of petalled rosettes at either side.
A four character Tibetan inscription on the lower suspension loop reads 'khi'u ga ral gri' (honourific sharp sword).
China, 15th century (About 1420),
Leather, Ferrous, Gold, Silver, Semi-precious stone, Silk, Wood,
Blade Length: 30 inches
Overall (sword) Length: 35 inches
Courtesy: Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds, United Kingdom
Sword (jian) and scabbard, probably made in the court workshops of the Yongle Ming Emperor. Chinese, Ming Dynasty, early 15th century.
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peachyteabuck · 2 years
i’m out of my head when you’re not around
summary: shiv has a lot of secrets. you happen to be one of them
a commission for @cherrysweetdevine​
pairing: shiv roy x reader
words: 2366
content warnings: mentions of whorephobia (reader is a stripper), survival sex work, vaginal fingering, car sex, angst, they love each other but they Can’t Be Together, fingers in mouth, orgasm control/denial, D/s dynamics, “mommy” pet name used
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Shiv is not a woman who likes to have weaknesses. She covers her tracks wherever she makes them. She has shell companies for her shell companies, and then shell companies for those, too. She’s got lawyers heartless and well-paid enough to defend her. She’s got corporate spies, and government ties, and both fear her.
Somehow, though, you’ve weaseled your way into a certain spot in her chest that pangs when she’s far away from you for too long. It’s not as though she can text, email, or call—all of which are discoverable in the event of an unfortunate legal situation. No, she has to go in person, has to speak in a subtle code, and hope you understand. She has to leave her phone in the car, contacting her driver with a different burner each time. She’s careful, practiced, and precise.
Especially when she sneaks out to see you during work hours. She’d deny it if anyone asked—not that they were dumb enough to think they could ask her such a question. What Shiv does off company property is no one’s business but her own, and she intends to keep it that way.  
Entering the facility, she refuses a coat check (she knows from you the person running it tonight has sticky fingers, and a penchant for mixing up tags) and slides into one of the velvet-lined semi-circle couches in the darkest corner of the club. It’s far from the stage, the usual clientele leaving the seat vacant for that reason. Not many people are here—probably because she decided to come after the dinner rush. A smart move, considering how much she hates being overcrowded. It’s stifling, to be around many people—especially when all of those people are old, sweaty men.
She’s not here to throw cash, though, she’s here to see you.
And you, she notices, have just stepped onto the floor. Not only that, but you’re wearing the dress she bought you recently.
The white dress, dripping in hand-beaded, translucent crystal fringe, hugs your figure. The crystals move as you do, dancing as if they’re the ones on stage. Each one shines in the light, licking at your skin like flames onto wood. You don’t let it subsume you, though. No one else could wear that dress like you are right now. No one has the presence powerful enough to rival the crystals, or the V-shaped hem, or the deep neckline. The shoes, the ones she also bought you, are the same white as the dress. The toe strap has just enough crystals to call attention to them were you to be upside down, the ankle strap and thick heel bare.
The most important facet of your attire, though, is that Shiv had it custom-made for you and had it delivered to your apartment on the Upper West Side. She saw it on a model during fashion week, touting the gaudy, too-short dress with an atrocious pair of heels and a walk that reminded her of tripod dog that just woke up from a deep nap.
Shiv saw something though, behind the horrid styling and wretched model. She saw a chance, which she immediately took to prove that she hadn’t forgotten about you despite months of no contact.
If Shiv were anyone else, she would’ve grabbed you already—gave you a giant diamond ring and an outrageously expensive wedding and swept you to some cottage in the countryside where she’d make love to you as if she was trying to produce an heir.
But she’s herself, and you’re you, and so she finds herself here: in this high-end strip club-slash-sex dungeon, watching you from afar like a hunter in the brush. At least for them, though, they have the pleasure of taking their kills home.
No, she just saw a five-figure price tag and filled out the check. What can she say, she likes things that are expensive. She anything as long as it has a big enough price tag. The powerbroker inherited an unfortunate number of traits from Logan—her hairline, how she likes her coffee in the morning, the way she expresses love in the same way the average general speaks to their soldiers. This, though, seems to get her into the most trouble. Particularly, the most trouble with you.
One of the other girls offers her a menu as she sits down, one she turns down. She knows what she wants, ordering a bottle for herself and a single cocktail for you.
It’s not long before you find her, sitting to her right. Right after, the sever brings her order and leaves without saying anything else. She’s seen you and her together before, she knows she won’t be needed until it’s time to pay the tab.
“Fancy seeing you here,” you say, no hint of irony in your voice. Shiv likes that about you, how dry you are. No lube before the fucking, just how Shiv likes it.
She takes a long drink from her glass, savoring the rich taste for a moment before speaking. “I could say the same to you as well.”
“Still with your husband?” you ask, sipping on the virgin sex on the beach. Shiv could convince you to do quite a lot—but you’d never drink on the job, and you don’t intend to start now. Even for the beautiful woman with a bottomless wallet and a toy collection that would put the pro-dominatrixes who work in the club to shame, you’ve got to keep a clear head and not break house rules. It’s kept you alive this long, and you’re not one for breaking tradition.
Shiv respects that, popping the cork and pouring herself a glass of 2007 Sassicaia. She’s the only woman you had ever met who drinks red wine at a strip club, but you admire her commitment to avoiding champagne and vodka.
“By all legal accounts,” is all Shiv says in return. A divorce is costly, even with the prenup, and could make her appearance to shareholders worse. She’s tough, and a good CEO, but the bastards are always looking for a way to undermine her. Still, she and Tom haven’t slept in the same bed in years, now, their legal addresses are the same only in case someone were to ask. They haven’t spoken to each other about anything except business in even longer, their conversations about times when they need to be seen together going through their assistants.
Shiv Roy maintains a steeled image, and she can’t give that up for anyone—even you.
You know it, too; your profession acts as a piece of bulletproof glass, separating you for eternity.
This job may not have been your first choice. In fact, it was a last-ditch effort to keep yourself from getting evicted. Your mom may not know what you do, your career a shameful red A on your personhood. You lie to anyone who asks, dodging questions from landlords and lenders and your financial advisor.
But it had paid for your niece to go to nursing school. It had kept your sister out of collections when she had that cancer scare. It kept a roof over both of their heads when both of them lost their jobs. It keeps you out of debt and your apartment paid off. You don’t have a lifeboat, you are a lifeboat.
Shiv can’t understand that. The silver spoon hidden artfully under her tongue still shines when the dim lights of the house floor hit it just right. You can’t be too mad at her, though. The valley it creates between you keeps you from getting too close, from falling into her clutches. She’s a customer, and, you, providing a service. A very expensive service. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less. It keeps you both in your respective rigid categories, the borders shocking you every time you attempt to navigate past them.
“Meet me outside?” she asks, raking her eyes up and down your form. You shake just a bit as you break from your own line of thought, remembering the rest of the world exists. “I know your shift’s over soon.”
Shiv’s right. Even if she wasn’t, it’s not like you’d make more money showing your lace thong to the grandpas currently whistling at your coworker.
You nod, not giving her the satisfaction of a verbal reply. She just smiles, though, knowing she’s won and that there’s nothing anyone can do about it. There’s a certain smugness that comes from succeeding in battle, and Shiv will take it in any form she can. At least silence saves your dignity.
“One more thing,” she leans over to whisper, her lips just barely grazing the shell of your ear. “Keep the dress on.”
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Back in the dressing room, you put on the biggest coat you can find, mindful of handsy customers’ bad habits regarding dancers out in the unprotected open. See a pretty woman in a short dress, and know she’s a dancer? It’s a concoction that ends in either a police report or a trip to the morgue, and you don’t have time for either. The mink and chinchilla fur blend keeps the February New York air from biting too deep into your skin, and the general public from seeing you dressed to the nines on a Tuesday night.
Confident in your half-hearted disguise as a normal civilian, you somehow find the courage to leave.
The dancers all have a special exit, patrolled by two security guards who are big as houses. They’re Russian, covered in tattoos, and wear earpieces you’ve never seen them talk into. They have, however, made sure no one who isn’t a dancer gets into the dressing rooms and kept every creepy customer from harassing leaving girls. In your book, that’s all you need to know that they’ll keep you safe.
You can feel their eyes following you as you step into Shiv’s car, the driver opening the door for you before walking back to his place in the front. Shiv’s already there, working on a tablet you’re sure is on airplane mode. She doesn’t look up to greet you until the car has already begun driving, and even then all she does is press a button on the central console.
You watch as the soundproof partition rolls up, the driver’s blank face staring straight ahead as you watch him disappear behind the black divider. Only then does Shiv turn to you, leaning forward to press your foreheads together.
Her perfectly manicured nails—painted in a deep purple that contrasts her pale skin—trace up your leg. “I’ve missed you, you know.”
In the safety of the car, you let your guard down. Your thighs open slowly, carefully, making room for her between them. But she doesn’t go that far, instead tracing up your navel before cradling your cheek. “And I know you’ve missed me, too.”
All you can do is flick your eyes between looking at her hand, and looking into her eyes.
“C’mon, open up, darling,” she coos, her index and middle finger rubbing over your plump bottom lip. Your lipstick, a matte nude meant to keep all the attention on your dress, doesn’t come off on her fingers just yet. For that, you’re grateful.
You hesitate for a moment, looking from her soft hands to her relaxed face. Shiv pouts, her calm demeanor giving way to a faux-niceness that has your center aching.
“Baby, don’t be like this,” she tuts, moving her hand so her thumb ever-so-subtly pulls your lips apart. “Let Mommy have some fun before we get home, won’t you?”
You nod ever so slightly, swallowing in a weak attempt to build your own courage back up. “Yes, Mommy. I’m sorry.”
She smiles as you open your mouth, welcoming the intrusion.
“Such a good girl for me,” she coos, her fingers rubbing circles onto your tongue before thrusting to the back of your throat. You can feel bits of drool fall down your chin between your thighs and pooling on the seat. It’s not the worst thing these seats have seen, at least not from you. And yet here, now, as Shiv balances her other hand behind you, as her wedding ring glints against the bright billboards of the city…
You gag around her fingers, the sudden drop in your ability to retrieve oxygen causing you to jerk.
“Shh pretty thing,” Shiv whispers, moving to rub at the tip of your tongue again. It gives you a chance to breathe, even as your jaw aches and your desperation grows. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”
You can barely hear her over the ringing in your ears, your heart a racehorse in your chest. Your body slumps against the seats as you try to steady your breathing, but the last thread of your self-control snaps as you feel her tease at the thin fabric covering your weeping pussy. She doesn’t take them off, merely pushes them to the side.
“Fuck,” your voice is barely above a whisper, breathy and wonton. Her movements are confident and practiced as she gathers your wetness, circling it around your neglected clit. You buck into her hand, your hips moving on their own accord. No one else can touch you as she can, no one can elicit the same animalistic moans as her middle and index finger curling inside of you while her thumb rubs at your clit.
It’s good, it’s so fucking good, and all too soon you’re muffling your moans by biting into your hand as your other hand digs into her arm. Just a few more presses, just a few more twists until you-
Shiv laughs as she pulls away, watching as your face contorts and you cry out choked sobs.  
“Nuh-uh, baby,” she smiles as you whine, kicking your feet and pleading quietly. “Gotta make sure you have a reason to come home with me.”
It’s only then that you realize the car has stopped, and Shiv is moving your dress down and coat to cover your body. You follow her, stumbling along as she leads you. Still, in your frenzied state, you know you’d trust her to lead you safely anywhere.
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sparkledlotus · 29 days
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✨️💟AVAILABLE In my Etsy SHOP!💟✨️
$18 +Shipping
★•°♡°•Long & dangly, boho style earrings beautifully & uniquely wrapped with antiqued brass wire, featuring gorgeous gemstones & attached to a textured ring & chain all in an antiqued bronze finish. Earrings are completely designed & handmade by me & all beads are hand wire wrapped with extra care & attention to detail•°♡°•★
○•°🪷°• ~EARRING DETAILS~ •°🪷°•○
▪︎SIZE: Dangle Length= 1.75" / Bead Widths= 4-8mm
▪︎TOTAL LENGTH Including Ear Wires= 55mm Approx 2"
▪︎EARRING CLOSURE: French hook ball tip
▪︎METAL: Antiqued brass wrapping wire & antiqued bronze textured chain & twisted rings
*Lead & Nickel Free*
▪︎BEADS: Blue amazonite smooth polished teardrops, hot pink chalcedony faceted teardrop briolettes, purple amethyst gemstone ball rounds & tourmaline button shape beads
🪷•°Enjoy 10% OFF your order as a TY for following!°•🪷
╰┈➤Coupon Code: FBTHANX10 •◌ೄ◌ྀ
★Spend $35 & get FREE shipping!
★Spend $60 & get 25% OFF!
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🪷•°Sparkled Lotus°•🪷
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thegemjournal · 4 months
Faceted gemstone beads are a popular choice among jewelry makers for their unique and eye-catching appearance. These beads are cut and polished in a way that creates multiple flat surfaces, also known as facets, that reflect and refract light, giving the gemstones a dazzling sparkle. This makes them an excellent choice for adding a touch of elegance and glamour to any piece of jewelry. But the benefits of using faceted gemstone beads go beyond just their aesthetic appeal. In this blog post, we will explore the various advantages of incorporating these beautiful beads into your jewelry making projects. From their durability to their versatility, there are many reasons why faceted gemstone beads have become a staple in the world of jewelry making. So let's dive in and discover what makes these beads so special and why you should consider using them in your next jewelry creation.
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One of the most immediate benefits of incorporating faceted gemstone beads into your jewelry creations is the remarkable elevation in aesthetic appeal they provide. The intricate cutting and polishing process these beads undergo result in numerous flat surfaces that catch and play with light in mesmerizing ways. For instance, faceted ruby beads can imbue a piece with a deep, radiant glow, turning a simple bracelet into a statement piece. Similarly, faceted emerald beads can add a touch of lush, vibrant green, offering a luxurious and fresh look. The angular precision of faceting not only enhances the inherent beauty of the gemstones but also adds a dimensional depth that flat or smooth round beads simply cannot achieve. You can check here the difference between faceted beads and smooth beads for better understanding.
This unique characteristic of faceted gemstone beads ensures that even the simplest jewelry designs stand out, catching the eye and captivating the imagination with every turn. The ability to transform light into a spectrum of color and brilliance makes faceted gemstone beads an invaluable asset for anyone looking to elevate the aesthetic appeal of their jewelry creations.
Faceted gemstone beads bring an unparalleled versatility to jewelry design, allowing creators to explore a myriad of styles, from the classic elegance of traditional pieces to the boldness of modern aesthetics. The variety of cuts, including micro faceted beads, introduces a level of precision and detail that can cater to intricate designs demanding subtlety and finesse. The faceted rondelle shape beads, in particular, offer a sleek and sophisticated option, ideal for creating layered beads necklace or charm bracelets that require beads of uniform shape but varied color. This versatility extends to the use of these wholesale gemstone beads across different types of jewelry, such as gemstone earrings, gemstone rings, necklaces, and bracelets, enabling designers to mix and match for cohesive collections or standout pieces.
The adaptability of faceted gemstone beads ensures that they can be seamlessly incorporated into both high-end, luxurious creations and more casual, everyday wear items. This broadens the creative horizon, encouraging designers to experiment with combinations of texture, color, and form. Ultimately, the versatility of faceted gemstone beads opens up a world of design possibilities, inviting jewelry makers to push the boundaries of their creativity.
In the world of jewelry, the quest for pieces that reflect a sense of individuality and uniqueness is unending. Faceted gemstone beads cater to this desire, offering an exclusivity that mass-produced jewelry simply cannot match. Each bead, with its distinct cut and inherent characteristics, brings a unique story to the table. This is particularly evident in handcrafted jewelry, where the natural variations in color, size, and shape of faceted gemstone beads mean that no two pieces are exactly alike. For collectors and fashion enthusiasts alike, this adds an irresistible allure to jewelry pieces, making them not just accessories but personal statements. The meticulous process of faceting also ensures that each bead maximizes the gemstone's natural beauty, making every piece feel bespoke and luxurious. This exclusivity is especially appealing to those who prize individual expression in their style, making faceted gemstone bead jewelry a sought-after addition to any collection. In essence, the uniqueness and exclusivity offered by these stone beads transform simple jewelry pieces into treasured keepsakes that reflect the wearer's personal taste and style.
The process of creating faceted gemstone beads is not just an art; it's a meticulous craft that significantly contributes to the durability of jewelry pieces. The faceting process involves precise cutting and polishing, which not only reveals the beauty of the gemstone but also enhances its structural integrity. Gemstones are naturally hard materials, but when they are expertly faceted, they are shaped in a way that reduces the likelihood of chipping and breakage. This means that jewelry made with faceted gemstone beads can withstand the wear and tear of daily use better than those with untreated stones.
Additionally, the facets themselves are designed in a manner that distributes stress across the bead's surface, making them less prone to cracking. The careful selection of high-quality loose gemstones and the expertise of skilled artisans in faceting contribute to creating beads that offer both aesthetic appeal and long-lasting durability. Jewelry makers who choose faceted gemstone beads are thus investing in the longevity of their creations, ensuring that their beauty endures as much as their structural soundness.
Beyond their undeniable beauty and versatility, faceted gemstone beads carry profound psychological effects for those who wear them. The meticulous craftsmanship and radiant glow of these faceted gemstones can significantly influence emotions and mindset. Many people believe in the healing properties of these natural gemstones, attributing to them the power to affect mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.
For instance, the vibrant sparkle of faceted amethyst beads may instill a sense of calm and clarity, aiding in stress relief and promoting mental balance. Similarly, beautifully faceted citrine beads, gleaming with the sun's warmth, are often associated with joy, encouraging a more optimistic outlook on life. Wearing jewelry adorned with these carefully crafted gems can serve as a personal talisman, offering not just a visual delight but also a psychological boost. The act of choosing a piece featuring a specific gemstone for its perceived benefits underscores the intimate connection between the wearer and their jewelry, making the experience uniquely personal and profoundly impactful. This deep emotional engagement adds another layer of value to faceted gemstone beads, making them not just a choice for adornment but also a means for emotional and psychological enrichment.
Choosing faceted gemstone beads for jewelry making not only elevates the aesthetic and emotional value of a piece but also aligns with a growing commitment to sustainability. The process of sourcing gemstone beads often adheres to ethical mining practices, ensuring minimal environmental impact and fair labor conditions. Additionally, the durability of faceted gemstones promotes longevity in jewelry pieces, reducing the need for frequent replacements and, consequently, diminishing waste. Many gemstone beads are obtained from small-scale mining operations that prioritize the preservation of local ecosystems and communities.
This sustainable approach extends to the artisans who meticulously cut and polish each bead, often using traditional techniques passed down through generations, thus supporting cultural heritage and reducing the carbon footprint associated with mass production. By choosing faceted gemstone beads, designers and consumers participate in a cycle of responsible consumption and production, contributing to a more sustainable future in the fashion and jewelry industry. This choice reflects a conscious decision to embrace beauty and craftsmanship without compromising the well-being of our planet.
In wrapping up our exploration of faceted gemstone beads, it's clear that their appeal goes far beyond mere aesthetics. These gems offer a unique combination of beauty, versatility, and durability that is unmatched in the jewelry-making world.
The journey through the multifaceted benefits of these beads hopefully inspires you to embrace their potential in your next jewelry project, elevating your work to new heights of elegance and expression.
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hexora · 10 months
Mermaid's Tear Amulet: A Distinctive Crystal Pendant Capturing the Essence of the Ocean's Magic
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Creating your own Mermaid's Tear Amulet can be a delightful and meaningful endeavor, allowing you to infuse it with your intention and energy. Here's a simple guide to crafting your own enchanting amulet:
Materials Needed:
Glass or Crystal Teardrop Pendant:
Choose a pendant that resonates with you. It can be made of glass, crystal, or any transparent material resembling a teardrop shape.
Chain or Cord:
Select a chain or cord that complements the style of your pendant. Consider using materials like silver, gold, or leather.
Beads or Charms (Optional):
Enhance the amulet's aesthetic by incorporating beads or charms that evoke the sea, such as shells, pearls, or small ocean-themed charms.
Clear Epoxy Resin:
To symbolize the oceanic essence, you can use clear epoxy resin to fill the pendant.
Small Funnel:
A funnel will help you pour the epoxy resin into the pendant without spillage.
Mermaid Essence (Optional):
This could be a symbolic representation of the ocean, such as a drop of seawater or a tiny piece of a seashell.
Step-by-Step Guide:
Prepare Your Workspace:
Set up a clean and well-lit workspace. Lay out all your materials and ensure you have adequate ventilation if working with epoxy resin.
Attach the Pendant to the Chain or Cord:
Securely attach the pendant to the chosen chain or cord. Ensure it's well-positioned for comfortable wear.
Customize with Beads or Charms (Optional):
If desired, thread beads or charms onto the chain or cord to enhance the amulet's aesthetic appeal.
Mix the Epoxy Resin:
Follow the instructions on the epoxy resin packaging to prepare the mixture. Typically, this involves combining equal parts resin and hardener.
Use the Funnel to Fill the Pendant:
Place the funnel securely into the opening of the pendant. Carefully pour the epoxy resin into the pendant, ensuring it doesn't overflow.
Add Mermaid Essence (Optional):
If you have chosen to include a symbolic representation of the ocean, add it to the pendant before the epoxy resin sets.
Allow the Resin to Cure:
Follow the recommended curing time for the epoxy resin. This can vary, but it often takes several hours or overnight.
Inspect and Adjust:
Once the resin has fully cured, inspect the amulet. If there are any imperfections, you can consider sanding or polishing the surface.
Charge with Intentions:
Hold the amulet in your hands and infuse it with your intentions. Visualize the amulet as a conduit to the magic of the ocean and mermaids.
Wear and Enjoy:
Your Mermaid's Tear Amulet is now ready to be worn! Wear it close to your heart and let it serve as a reminder of the enchanting depths it represents.
💧 The Artistry of the Mermaid's Tear Amulet:
Crafted with precision and reverence, the Mermaid's Tear Amulet is a testament to the intersection of artistry and mysticism. Its form, reminiscent of a crystalline teardrop, symbolizes a profound connection to the vast depths of the ocean—a union of elegance and elemental power.
🧜‍♀️ The Mythic Origins:
Believed to encapsulate the very essence of the ocean, the Mermaid's Tear Amulet is steeped in the lore of mermaid magic. As the lore goes, mermaids shed tears of joy or sorrow, and these tears crystallize into rare gems. The amulet, then, becomes a conduit to the enchanting realms of these mythical beings, a vessel for the subtle energies and mysteries of the deep.
💫 Sacred Symbolism:
The symbolism inherent in the Mermaid's Tear Amulet is profound. It serves as a talisman for emotional depth, intuition, and a connection to the vast expanses of the subconscious. Wear it as an emblem of serenity, or harness its energy for introspection and unlocking the hidden facets of the self.
🌌 How to Embrace the Magic:
Intentional Adornment: Wear the Mermaid's Tear Amulet with intention, allowing it to become an extension of your personal energy field. Its proximity to the heart chakra enhances its potency as a conduit for emotional well-being.
Meditative Reflection: In moments of quiet contemplation, allow the amulet to guide you into the depths of your own consciousness. Its mercurial magic may reveal insights and illuminate the paths to self-discovery.
Cleansing Rituals: As a vessel of oceanic essence, the amulet benefits from periodic cleansing rituals. Submerge it in saltwater or allow it to bask in the moonlight, renewing its connection to the natural forces it embodies.
Shared Symbolism: Gift the Mermaid's Tear Amulet to kindred spirits or loved ones, sharing the enchantment and fostering connections through the shared symbolism of this exquisite piece.
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 8 months
Random Human-AU character-design notes, some of which probably won't make sense to anyone else since I haven't actually properly designed them yet.
Whenua is bald, even before becoming a Turaga.
Vezon looks basically the same as Vezok but thinner and younger. The Ignika is fused to his mechanical skeleton (since the MU inhabitants are actually extremely humanlike robots).
Masks are replaced with geometric, "artificial"-looking face markings that roughly resemble the canon mask designs, sometimes supplemented with other things (e.g Onua has a series of horizontal lines on his cheeks, along with two beads threaded into his beard that match up with the small circular holes on the Pakari's chin); the markings glow when the characters use their mask powers. The Inika's are smoother and more natural-looking.
Nidhiki, the Hordika, the Rahaga, the Barraki and the Mistika Makuta are all animal-human hybrids with varying degrees of (semi-technological) body-horror. Pre-mutation they just look like the rest of the MU's highly-humanlike beings. The eel-mode Piraka also look more fishlike rather than just being disembodied heads and spines. Since the Magnans are actual humans, the Vorox and Zesk are fully organic and have some actual body-horror going on, with insectoid mandibles made of bone, arm-like tails, and extra eyes with uneven sockets and distorted pupils.
Spinax looks like a wolf made out of crustacean parts.
The VNRT have stitched together, decayed "skin" that leaves their endoskeletons partially exposed, with outsized limb-sockets visibly attached with crude weld-trails and irregularly-placed rivets. Their weapons are attached to their wrist-sockets. Also their eyes are pitch-black, as a reference to their set-forms' lack of eyestalks and also partially due to author-appeal.
The Inika have glowing lines extending back from their fingertips, all the way up to their wrists; the lines' shapes match with their respective elements (Jaller's are curved like flames; Hahli's flow like waves, with bubble-like circles mixed in; Nuparu's resemble crystalline facets; Kongu's look like stylised clouds, with lots of swirls and spirals; Hewkii's resemble cracked stone; Matoro's are long and jagged, with small points that branch off). Upon becoming the Mahri, the lines stop glowing, becoming markings that are slightly lighter than their regular skin tone.
While wearing the Adaptive Armour, the Toa Nuva look like more solid versions of their 2008 set forms, with different proportions.
The Vahki look like their LOMN designs; the Maxilos robots look like their set-forms, but slightly more "filled in" and with extra details like a glowing mouth-grille in their "mouth", and bioluminescent barnacles growing on parts of them.
Roodaka wears the Makuta-stone fragment as a necklace.
Tuyet's hair is based on Galva's original Mask of Intangibility design. Her Toa Empire counterpart has it tied back.
Av-Matoran (and, by extension, Shadow Matoran) have exotic hair-colours, as opposed to everyone else whose hair is more realistically-coloured (with a few exceptions who explicitly have dyed hair, e.g Dalu). Shadow Matoran have darker hair that fades to dark-grey towards the tips. Takua's hair changes from teal to literally-golden when he becomes Takanuva.
Toa Tools that "replace" the arm/hand of a character (e.g Hewkii's Cordak Blaster, Pohatu's propeller things) are either just handheld or take the form of gauntlets (in terms of the examples, the former is handheld and the latter become gauntlets).
Toa Ignika looks a lot more artificial than everyone else, with a wood-like texture on his body and frame, visible joints on his hands and limbs, and no face underneath his mask.
Mata Nui's form while on Spherus Magna looks like an animate sandstone statue with faded paint.
Shapeshifted Makuta retain some element of their main form (e.g Antroz's vehicle-piloting form (which, in this AU, is his default form) looks like his main '08 form but smaller and without the additional vampire-y bits; Miserix has feathers resembling his main form's hair).
Hydraxon's helmet covers his entire head and face, and has opaque lenses. Dekar!Hydraxon looks exactly the same underneath the helmet, but without a beard and with red eyes instead of green.
After being possessed by a Krana, Lewa has a marking on his face where it was; this vanishes when he becomes a Toa Nuva.
Annona is still a horrifying eldritch monstrosity.
Marendar looks like a heavily mutated human with mechanical parts sticking out of its body.
Prior to going to Karzahni, Velika's Matoran form looked almost exactly like he did as a Great Being, but shorter.
Helryx's "skin" has mostly disintegrated, with her face and some of her torso being the most intact parts; her upper arms and thighs have their exposed endoskeletons wrapped in cloth and leather, and strange hoses connect from her abdomen into her face. Her hair is mostly missing.
Pohatu's sideburns turn into a full beard when he becomes a Toa Nuva.
While Onua is technically one of the tallest Toa Nuva, he's hunched over so he looks a lot shorter.
Scopes are attached like eyepatches; when Nuju becomes a Hordika, his scope fuses into his head. Instead of losing the scope when he becomes a Turaga, he accidentally drops it in the ocean while taking the Matoran Spheres to Mata Nui and doesn't notice until he gets there.
Sidorak is balding and has a large beard.
Keetongu is a big bug.
Krakua is old.
This isn't a design note, but love is canon and Axonn X Brutaka not only happened, but they're also canonically divorced.
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littlefeatherr · 1 year
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Rhodiumised 18K white gold case and bracelet set with a faceted cushion-shaped amethyst of 62.84 carats, 4 cabochon-cut amethysts totalling 8.50 carats, 6 clou de Paris motif onyxes totalling 1.47 carats, 1201 onyx beads totalling 74.06 carats, 2 lozenge-shaped diamonds totalling 0.24 carats, 2 square-shaped diamonds totalling 0.08 carats and 1080 brilliant-cut diamonds totalling 9.06 carats.
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tgrailwar-zero · 6 months
Okay, so let’s consolidate our information/discuss our findings with our servants (hopefully including Nero and Musashi) as we walk to our next location:
We now know that in addition to the Heavenly Divinity itself, it has several facets that play relatively more active roles in the Solar Cell. We also know that they are all connected by the name Tamamo so that’s probably the first part of the Heavenly Divinity’s original summoned form. We also know that Caster is one of these facets. Finally, the data disk showed us a servant (Caster(?)) leaving a message to Nero that looked an awful lot like Caster. I’d be tempted to say she was likely the original form of the Heavenly Divinity, but she gave off a very different air than what we vaguely got the impression of just now so perhaps she’s one of the two fused “branches” the Archivist mentioned. Caster(?) also mentioned that Nero and her original master saved her, likely after her original master was killed. Another question is if the impressions we got of the Heavenly Divinity’s Master came from Caster(?)’s original master, Nero’s master who adopted her (whom she seemed to refer to as “Darling”) or the master of the other branch that was merged in.
So yeah, with that summary does anyone have any thoughts?
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It served as a decent break point, as all your allied your Servants gathered together in camp to listen. Even AVENGER, or at least an AVENGER-shaped shade a bit further away from the firelight, was present.
You saw a mix of different expressions as you laid everything out, some more pensive and thoughtful than others.
NERO spoke first.
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NERO: "My memories of the Moon are vague, but I can imagine my Master-- my 'Maestro' doing such a thing to help another Servant. I vaguely recall that Caster. That foxy she-demon was as powerful as she was beautiful, I'd have her in my harem if I didn't think she'd steal my kingdom out from under me. Still… 'Tamamo'… yes, that 'Tamamo'.."
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NERO: "…I though I had something, but it's lost. Amnesia is certainly a pain, is it not?"
She stopped for a moment, before lightly chewing on her lip, as if considering something.
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NERO: "Still- I know this, with all the talk of Tamamo and this 'Heavenly Divinity'. Vixens are predators by nature. Gods are territorial by nature. Which leaves me to wonder why you're still alive."
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NERO: "If I were Emperor, and a threat to my Empire and myself ran around so blatantly, I would have them hunted down and killed- along with any co-conspirators. And yet here we are unharmed, and Sigurd's territory remains unscathed. It cannot be a lack of power, for she is a deity, and you are lesser than you once were if the histories are correct. For what reason would a poison be left in the goblet, rather than being washed out? A power-play, perhaps? Or maybe something greater."
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NERO: "Mmn. I have been involved in many a conspiracy, but the truly cold-hearted scheming was best left to those around me. You'd have to find someone equally morally bankrupt in order to get a bead on what that fox may be thinking."
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heilith · 10 months
Coral and Crystal
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My second piece for Scribbles and Drabbles 2023. For the first time in the history of this blog, Maglor, for your entertainment.
The lovely necklace by lferion as a prompt. Hope you have fun.
Tw: blood, possibly depression. But it's gonna be fine. :)
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Coral and Crystal
His songs followed his grief on the final road to oblivion. It was now impossible to remember the day when the last drop of regret had trickled out of him, leaving his mind and soul empty like a cracked vial. He welcomed that loss with relief. He was still foolish enough to believe he had nothing else to be robbed of.
And then all those melodies, and laments, everything to the simplest lonely notes fell silent, too, with the silence only the dead had mastered to such a degree of perfection. 
His hands were weak and pale now, with neither a sword nor a harp to give them work. 
Maglor pushed himself up from the damp rock with difficulty. Crystals of salt sank their teeth into his palm at the effort, drawing a fair amount of his blood as a payment for hospitality. 
The merfolk, who up to the moment were cluttering around him like a king’s court, galumphed from their spots as they would always do whenever he chose to move on. Their beautiful mouths were folding into grimaces of annoyance and letting out low animalistic growls. 
He’d stopped resenting their presence long ago, eerie as they were with their half-human appearance and disturbingly inhuman ways. He would have, had their sentience lived up to the jealousy they were putting into adorning and grooming themselves. Yet under the disguise of the crimson coral beads, hugging their necks in numerous layers, and the hair combs of polished bone, which never seemed to be out of their restless hands, they remained nothing but beasts, and the most indifferent and dangerous kind of them.
And then again…Indifference was a blessing to him. 
And his fears died before his grief had. 
But they were restless today…
The youngest of the creatures jerked up his head, his nostrils widening. In one awkward motion it propped itself up and shuffled towards the seat their Elven companion had stood up from moments ago. The sudden splash of interest appeared contagious - the herd was drawing closer to the rock, their grunts became aggressive.
The youngster snarled with triumph, reaching out for the traces of blood, red against the gray of the stone.
The air between his clutching fingers thickened. 
The stains lost their liquid gloss and shrank to odd bead-like shapes. It didn’t take Maglor long to realize that was what they’d become – a scattering of crimson coral beads. The trophies soon to join the countless rows of their kind over someone’s slimy neck.
That was the destiny he had reduced himself to. 
Anger woke him up. He shuddered in revulsion, for once not focused on himself.  
Slowly he closed his fist to make sure there was enough of his blood on the pebbles under his feet to afford him a slow escape.   For the first time in thousands of days he’d walked the shores of Arda the waves were roaring behind him.
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“Do you like it?” 
“Yes,” he said earnestly, yet again scolding himself for his helplessness at the sight of your smile. Words were fleeing him when he needed them the most. 
“You’re not looking.” 
“I am.” 
He was looking. At the way your hair was falling over your eyes again and again, no matter how many times you removed it. At the way sun dapples were dancing on your cheek, when you tilted your head, as if your inner light was breaking through your hroa wilfully, hungry for freedom. At the tiny twist your lips would always make, when his name was ready to slip off them. He delighted in the sound of it echoing through him before any sound was born at all.  
He forced himself to lend an eye to the item that have captured your attention in this weird tiny shop.
“Coral,” the statement came out crispier than he had hoped he could manage it.  
“And crystals,” you stroked the facets of the yellowish bead between two solid drops of blood, “Like sundrops, aren’t they? Screaming “summer, here I come”.”
He couldn’t bear to disappoint you. 
…The day was unbearably golden. The soft light of early June, about as tender as the touch of your hand, was seeping in through his skin unbidden. The benches at the beach could easily accommodate a bigger company than the two of you, but you still chose to curl up under the drape of his arm, the warmth of your body a welcome protection against the chilly breeze from the sea.  
It felt almost wrong to be blessed like this. 
All he needed was not to remember about the string of haunting memories, resting where your collarbones met. 
“They say you never really know the history behind old things,” you spoke suddenly, “They say they can bring you bad luck.” 
The needle of regret moved just a little bit deeper into his heart. He should have known better than to think it had rusted for good. 
“Perhaps, you’d better part with them before they do.” 
You laughed and nuzzled into his chest, so that your voice was muffled when you teased him gently:
“Don’t you trust me to handle a little family curse?” 
You did wear the necklace well. It looked at home on you, the anger of raw blood tamed by the careless sunlight. 
You made it easy to let it all go. 
“I do,” lied he quietly. 
But I’ll follow my brothers before I make you. 
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eclecticcollectics · 1 year
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🌶️ Peppers & Pottery 🫖✨
Crafted this darling pair of charm earrings recently~ they were such a hit, these have found a home already & we’ve already been requested to make another set! These feature gold-rimmed, ceramic pots with flower designs, faceted Azurite & Golden Tiger’s Eye beads, along with glass lamp-work beads shaped like little Chili & Bell peppers, on stainless steel with gold-plated chain accents~
I’ve always loved miniatures & charms since I was little. Getting to combine two of my favorite things with my passion & creativity is so much fun ❤️‍🔥🙏
I’ve been making “Trinkets & Oddities” charm necklaces, and have now made a couple bracelets & pairs of earrings. What fun charm accessories would you like to see next? 👁️
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stillwinterair · 9 months
Howdy kids
My name is Dee! It's not the name I went by for most of my years on Tumblr, but it's the one everyone knows me as. You might remember my url as nyriad, visovari... I went by a bunch of others too, but those are the only two I seem to remember now 😅
The last time I was on Tumblr, I was in the middle of a very difficult period of my life that I didn't really have the tools or support to navigate. But sometimes you gotta go a lil wacky and make some fresh new regrets so you can grow up a lil bit wiser and sexier
I quit the internet pretty much cold turkey for a while and it was one of the best things I ever did for myself. I spent a year pretty much focusing on nothing but my immediate surroundings, living in my own skin, learning how to love myself. I've gotten a lot more comfortable being myself, and have grown a lot more connected to the earth.
In my time away, I was diagnosed with ADHD, which even just the diagnosis has significantly improved almost every facet of my life. I've gotten so many new tools and so much new language to express myself and my needs. I've stopped feeling like there is something wrong with me and let go of a lot of shame that I held around myself, my work flow, my ability to focus, my needs for rest, etc. As I've met more people with ADHD, I've grown a lot more empowered and confident. I'm still figuring out what medication works for me (Adderall and Concerta are hell incarnate; Ritalin and Vyvanse are the bee's knees). It's been revolutionary and healing, honestly. Reading the book "Driven to Distraction" was an important first step that I recommend to everyone who's ever thought they might have ADHD, or if you were like me, always felt stupid and slow and always wondered why you never could quite get around to doing all the things you want to do.
I am also currently pursuing a diagnosis for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, as per my doctor's suggestion. I won't get into it too much here, but it is a chronic illness that has made the last year pretty difficult. I have a lot of severe chronic joint pain and lethargy, and it's been... a lot. I'm starting physical therapy soon. This part isn't fun to talk about, but it's becoming an important part of my identity.
I've also met the love of my life, my soon-to-be fiancee, Nathalie! We were inseparable pretty much from the day we met, and spent a year as best friends. And then after that year the sexual tension became too much to handle, and now another year later, here we are, stupidly in love, utterly obsessed with each other, turning every single day into a fun, wacky, new adventure lmao. We've built the most beautiful, trusting, communicative, intimate relationship I've ever experienced and I am so filled with pride and joy and love and happiness every day. We're still best friends -- no force on this earth could ever get us to shut up when we're in the same room. She just fills me with butterflies and glee and light. Nat has this burning desire to create in whatever the most tactile medium she can find is. She loves mechanisms and fibers and all of the ways different materials interact with each other. She inspires me every day to be more open and honest and to pursue whatever creative venture has caught my interest, and I do the same for her. We dance together, create together, and share big emotions and life goals and it's just the most beautiful thing I've ever felt, and this paragraph could go on forever if I don't end it right now
I've also finally started to settle into my writing flow. I've got a space opera that's really beginning to take shape and I'm pretty proud of what it's turning into :) I also have a fantasy saga that's following a few steps behind. Both are things I've been working on for nearly a decade in fits and spurts, but I've done more work on them in the last year than in all previous years combined. I've gotten into more artistic mediums as well: oil painting, photography, beading, and so on. And very into fashion, kind of. Y'all should see my wardrobe these days -- bright colors, crazy patterns, wacky silhouettes. I feel like I finally look like myself. I'm currently rocking a purple mullet and a mustache, so... yeah, I'm having fun with it
I'm not sure how many of my old friends and mutuals are still hanging around, but I wanted to say hey, track a few of you down, and give a little update on how things are going for me post-Tumblr. I am alive, and I'm pretty happy these days. Some days I miss it here, and while I'll never come back in the same capacity as I used to, I wanted to reconnect with some of my old friends that I used to talk to and hang around with every day! I'm gonna poke around over the next while and see who's still around :) honestly I still think about some of y'all on the daily, and I got too curious about how my old friends were doing.
If you want to keep in touch, I'm on Instagram as deehollandaise. I'm on Discord much less often, but if you want to connect there, shoot me a message and I'll share the deets. Warning that I am just straight up not involved in any fandom stuff these days. It's just not for me anymore.
I will be retiring this blog in the new year, setting the whole dang thing to private and probably starting a new one with which to share some of my creative projects. I'll let y'all know about it before that happens.
I don't know, this is all kinda word vomit, I guess I just wanted to let all my old friends know that I'm still here and that I'm finally figuring myself out. I've got a lot to be proud of and grateful for and I've barely scratched the surface, so I'll leave off with some recent photos. Have a hot & sweaty 2024, you sexy things 😘
- Dee
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