ikkosu · 5 months
Throwing this at you ikko, because I am obsessed with Pinks fairy’s in Archie’s Knightformers au, butttt, Pharma the freaky little man finding a fairy that can’t run or fly because their wings broken<3 and he uses old test subjects wings to fix theirs despite their disgust to it, partnered with him keeping them as his little pet/experiment.
(Also my friend sent me more pics to use as reaction <3 so I am blessing you with a cat)
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rubs hand evilly ohohoh I've been plagued with knightformer pharma and his evil little smile. He's definitely getting his own little fae too.
Quick incomprehensive ramble about my husband, for a moment (sorry prowl) Knightformers / Faeformers are by :
@archie-sunshine and @pinkanonwrites (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
(oofm gets a little bit violent at the end)
I'd say before Pharma went bonkers, his methods are a little less unethical. Like Prowl, he won't care much for these playful cretins. They're adorable, yes. Very soft, too. He can see why First Aid and Ambulon are always so keen on squishing their plush cheeks.
Unfortunately, as much as he tries to find them tolerable, one fae in particular switched his colorcoded books to different shelves can you believe that?
How utterly vulgar. He ought to put them in a Jar and send them to Nyon where Rodimus or whatever lives. That'll do the fine job of shutting them up.
Even more strange, this fae prefers to bother him, of all people. Always pottering along with their tiny feet. The wisp flutter of their wigs as they hover close, tugging on his hat, and cloak. Hiding behind pillars, peeking out then giggling when he notices them.
He'd imagine they go for humans like First Aid or Ambulon, since they are far more gentle with their words than he is to them
The annoyance to that particular fae, though, doesn't last too long.
It was a busy day at the hospital. Darkness veiled the night. He's working the night shift again and everyone had gone to their quarters. The halls are empty. It feels a little isolating but he'll have to make do.
After a small dreadful nap on his desk that left his throat sore and back.pained — Pharma wakes up with something warm over his back. He sits up straight and the something his back billows and pool to the ground. A — he pinches the material between his fingers, eyebrows cocked — blanket?
And the sprinkled dust of glitter on one end drew a smile to that face.
"Good, little cretin."
Pharma and fae aren't particularly close after, but he does acknowledge the fae and does, a little bit, grow more tolerant of them. In the gardens, where he'd go out for fresh air and a semblance for peace, fae would perch on his shoulder as he reads his book. Their tiny legs would swing aimlessly as their eyes peering over to read.
He's not sure the little thing understands but when he'd flip a page a little too early, he's halted by their itty hands and a trill. Pharma waits little, couldn't resist raising a finger and scratching the back of their ears, before turning the page after.
He couldnt retract his finger since fae is already nuzzling against it. So he keeps it there for as long as he remembers ( he couldn't perform surgery and had First Aid take over because of how sore his hand was).
Post-delphi Pharma, though. Yikes, okay. Everything is in shambles. Tarn comes and goes, and as he goes, chaos runs rampant and dances along every crook and cranny of Delphi like a forest fire.
Pharma isn't spared, either.
Fae, and the many others, find themselves scuttling away to a nearby forest. Their friend, a fae with green streaks to their wings, breedles to them about a new hideout in the caves.
Fae nods and follows along, before the group breaks off unceremoniously when a panther had caught on to their little group.
Fae persists to a different path. In doing so, unluckily encounters a bandit when they were trying to flee. It's not your usual, pillaging, loot lover bandit — these were the ones who snatch faeries and strip them of their magic dust.
A lot of fae's have been caught recently and the growing numbers are not one to mess with.
And, a quick scuffle between the two, led to fae hitting the floor hard. They squeak weakly, pawing the ground, trying and failing to flutter their wings. But it hurts. Thair back hurts. Their body hurts
Distraught, the shadow closes in on them, eyes of the bandit white half-moons of mirth as hands almost curl around fae's body—
And a sickening splat resounds after.
Fae opens their eyes and sees a different man looming. It's Pharma, eyes half lidded as he stares over the crook of his nose, down at the body in front of him — not the fae.
One side of his cheek had blood smeared across and over his hand, curls a crimson mottled axe. Fae doesn't want to see what's left of the body and looks away with a small shuddered trill, arms covering their faces.
This isn't the Pharma they knew..
Crass as he were — Pharma would never be so grotesquely vulgar as this.
The medic regards the little cretin for a moment, likely assessing the damage of their wings. He notices there's a stutter in the movements. Muscles, strained. Arms, limp.
Then, with another look to the body, silently, pharma grabs the fae with his free hand — blatantly ignoring their startled trills and their little kicks — and starts heading back to Delphi.
Everything was quiet. The hallways were quiet. The evening air was quiet. Even the gardens they so often mingle about — were dreadfully stale.
Pharma lays the fae down on the table, who scuttles to the edge in a fit of panic.
"I did tell the man to go after the least energetic ones." He murmered and pinches their ankle to stop their movements
Fae kicks at his fingers. He doesn't budge. Instead, he brings out wires from a drawer and starts coiling them into rings.
"Seems like he doesn't very much like listening to my orders." The wires were cold to their wrists then more cooler around ankles. "He's got what's coming, poor fellow. But that's done, now. I don't have to pay him, anymore. He's done enough—"
Fae let's out a squeal and thrashes around.
"Oh, don't give me that look, cretin. You'd think I'd spare your kind after the potential results you could give me?" He says lowly and clamps his entire hand on their body.
The table rattles..Fae shudders and weakly trills, pawing away at his palm. Tears sting their cheeks.
"But no worries." He leans closer. A small smile. "I'm fond of you, I'll give you that. That's only if the gift I'm planning to give you is of your taste. Look around, cretin. A new wing i've culled — just for you. You can choose as many as you like."
And fae swivels around, heart lurching in their chest. They've realized there were jars all around, perched in the shelves and were filled with faes...
Limp shadows. No longer bright. No longer breathing.
A particular jar caught their eye. They were wings. The miniscule body is a mere silhouette under the dim light. And, streaks of green dances across the glint of the wings.
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Fic Alert
Inspired by @zenxenophilia's content here's my own spin on faeformers which can be found in the latest chapter of The Worlds of a disgruntled OC
I hope you guys enjoy it, and this is my little finals gift before I pop out to deal with my own exams. Good luck to everybody in school! High School, University, or otherwise!
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slug-gore-bug · 1 year
Faeformer Blackshadow from @zephyrrhiesfyrian's fici "Pebble In My Palm" - I'm under the impression @bunny-fair also had a role to play in the existence of this man as he is, so, hello friend-of-a-friend!
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He's ne-ked 0-0..
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zenxenophilia · 5 months
Someone on twitter wrote a fanfic dedicated to your faeformers au.
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Oh hey! That's awesome! :D
I'm not on twitter but if anyone happens upon a link I'd love to check it out! I always love seeing people's take on the faeformers concept.
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ikkorambles · 5 months
FAEFORMERS/ KNIGHTFORMERS DRABBLE (Archie’s and Pink’s au!!) — my take on this au :D
prowl and his fae pharma and his fae
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neonpaperlanterns · 1 year
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Should have listened
If Adeline’s grandmother knew what her precious granddaughter was about to do she would probably have a heart attack. Her Oma had filled Adeline’s young mind with tales of Fae and mischief. How she needed to respect them and what they represent. That she should never follow after stray cats and ignore the whispers she heard in the night. Those were simply tricks played by Fae trying to lure young children away from their homes. She had taken this all to heart and followed all of her Oma’s teachings. 
Though as time had gone on and she had gotten older she believed less and less in the warnings she had been given. She still respected what she learned. Never went anywhere after dark or wandered too deep into the dense forest that encompassed the majority of her town.
“Ade, get on with it!” a fit of giggling sounded behind her as she glared at her friends. Four sets of grinning faces looked at her from the safety of the car. The headlights illuminated the encroaching gloom. A shiver went up her spine as she looked into the woods. Her friends had made a bet. A bet that only broke idiotic college students would accept.
That was Adeline.
She just needed to go into the forest at midnight alone and make an offering to an ancient statue that resided at the center.
Simple enough.
She had thought so at the time anyway. But now she was second guessing herself. Cold seeped into her bare feet as she stared down the every growing shadows. It might not have been so bad if Emily hadn’t insisted she look the “part”. Everyone had jumped on board with that suggestion and now she stood wearing a simple white dress and colorful flowers adorning her dark hair. She felt more like a sacrifice than someone going to make a simple offering.
“Are you chickening out?” The teasing tone made her shoulders hunch up around her ears. If she didn’t do this she would be out four hundred dollars and she would have to walk home.
“No!” she called back defensively. “I just need to ask for safe passage.” She opened her satchel and pulled out a jar full of glass beads and a freshly baked sweet roll. She could hear her friends start to snicker as she placed the first offerings of the night at the edge of the woods. Clasping her hands together like her Oma taught her she spoke softly but clearly.
“Please accept these gifts in exchange for allowing me through the woods.” She waited for a moment. The small childish part of her wondering if anything would answer.
But nothing did.
Taking that as a sign to go forward she took a shaky step into trees.
“Remember to follow the path! You can’t miss it!” Emily called out, a chorus of cackling erupting after her. Adeline had a feeling that her friends were planning something. They were going to prank her, she was sure of it. But she really did need the money. Determination pushed her forward as she padded along the worn trail. Fireflies danced in the corner of her eyes and the sound of the night filled the air. 
It was almost peaceful.
Light flickered ahead of her as the path soon became smooth stone. It was jarring on the soles of her feet as she approached a small statue. A small fire was burning in the mouth of a snarling dragon. The fact that it was actually lit made her firmly believe that her friends were up to something. She had to give them props for creativity. She sighed as she traced the intricate details of the dragon with her eyes. The head was constructed at such an angle that it pointed further along the path. Her gaze followed the dragons as she saw another light flickering in the distance. Adeline sang quietly as she trekked along. She got the feeling she was being watched. It crept along her spine and made the hair on her arms stand on end.
They were very committed it seemed.
Watching every motion in my foolish lover's game.
On this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame.
The wind tickled against her exposed ankles and ruffled through her hair. She had the thought that it felt playful as it appeared to be pushing her on. An involuntary laugh fell from her lips. She thinks that all those stories her Oma told her were getting to her. Leaning back she peers up at the night sky. The stars shone brightly and for a moment she swears she saw something block them out. Her eyes only saw a vast expanse of nothing and then the stars were back. Shining like they had never left.
A fleeting memory of Oma telling her a story about her own Oma slunk to the forefront of her mind. She had told Adeline that when her Oma was young she spoke of dragons. How they covered the skies and obstructed the sun. Adeline’s Oma even swore up and down she had seen once. Flying over this very forest.
Shaking her head of the memory she ventured further still.
Turning and returning to some secret place inside.
Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say,
Take my breath away.
Take my breath away.
Adeline could swear she hears someone singing alongside her. If her friends wanted to scare her then they were doing a good job. It was eerie as she shuffled along the path faster. She just needed to get this over with and then she would be able to buy food for the month.
Watching, I keep waiting, still anticipating love.
Never hesitating to become the fated ones.
Turning and returning to some secret place inside.
Watching in slow motion as you turn to me and say,
My love, take my breath away.
“Through the-” she trailed off as she came to a stop. No more dragon statues to lead her, no more small flames to guide her. Adeline stared at a small pond. It was littered with lanterns that looked like tiny suns in the reflection of the water. And standing proud in the center was an arch way with creeping vines. An altar sat in the middle surrounded by floating flowers. A lone figure with a long since faded face stood behind it all. Their arms spread out as if they were waiting. It was honestly beautiful. Blue eyes turned to saucers as she took in the scene.
Holy shit her friends really went all out. 
Making sure her bag was secure she lifted her dress and stepped into the water. Soft sand squished between her toes as the water came up to her mid thigh. 
It was surprisingly warm.
Wading up to the archway she almost stumbled over the gentle incline. Carefully so as not to drop her gifts or hurt herself she made it up to the altar. The water now only came up past her ankles. Her gaze darted around, her muscles tense. She was sure her friends would jump out at any moment. Taking a deep breath she fished out the remaining offerings. Her hand wrapped around the neck of a smooth bottle. Szamorodni was a popular sweet wine and she recalls that Fae enjoyed drinks like this. She placed it on the altar. Next was a tiny jar filled with gold jewelry. Nothing was particularly new in there, she had long stopped wearing the heart necklace that resided in the container. She was even sure half the earrings didn’t have a pair anymore. It was a perfect simple offering. She smiled as she placed the last little trinket. A delicate glass orb that fit in the palm of her hand. Adeline had found it randomly at an antique store. Hidden inside were two indistinguishable figures, forever frozen in an intricate dance. 
“Please accept these offerings.” she spoke softly as she interlocked her fingers with her head down. Something seemed to shift and the lanterns dimmed. Shadows crept in as she felt the inexplicable tingle that someone was behind her. Breath catching in her throat as she spun around. Eyes widen and she feels herself freeze. She didn't know what to expect when she turned around. Maybe something cheesy from her friends. A stupid costume and flailing limbs but that is not what she got.
Standing right before the incline up to the altar was a man. His frame was large as even though he wasn’t standing on her level he towered over her.
His gaze bore into hers. His eyes gleamed in the somber light, they looked like twinkling rubies. It was startling and she had to avert her gaze. Eyes traveled to his clothing. He was draped in deep purple robes. Opulent glittering gold jewelry was woven through his dress and hung from his neck. 
“Hello Mea Carmina.” his voice sounded like right before a storm. Her eyes snapped back up to look at him. 
“He.. Hello.” she wanted to look around for her friends, for a sign that this was some very elaborate prank. But she couldn’t look away from this man. She doesn’t think she can or should let him out of her sight. He stepped forward and Adeline almost choked. His gaze slipped from hers as she scuttled to the side. Water splashing up as she put distance between them. She watched fascinated as he approached the altar. Long slender fingers seemed to appraise the offerings she had left. Her heart beat both picked up and slowed down.
This had to be a part of the prank. It had to be.  
“Accepted.” Adeline blinked slowly as she watched him turn over the glass orb in his hands.
“It has been many years since I was last offered something. What a kind gesture.” He turned to look at her. A smile that revealed sharp fangs flashed at her. It was frightening but the feeling that he meant her no harm settled over her. 
That confused her.
“You’ve been so respectful too. Not like the others I found daring to wander my forest.” the smile turned pointed and his jaw ticked as if in irritation. The lanterns around them brightened, the light turned harsh before calming back down.
“What do you mean by others?” she ventured to ask. 
This was a prank.
This was a joke.
Her friends had paid someone to do this. They paid this man to act out this strange strange joke. He looked at her as if she should already knew the answer. And she did, he was talking about her friends. Had they paid this man to pretend as if they were in danger? Swallowing around the growing lump in her throat she forced herself to laugh. “This is part of the joke right? It has to be. I knew they would do something as soon as I accepted this bet.” she tried to keep her tone light as he looked at her with inhuman eyes.
He was not laughing.
But he was smiling.
It was not pleasant.
The sinking feeling that maybe this wasn’t a joke clawed at her. If for some unholy reason she was dealing with something mystical she needed to play carefully.
“You said they were being disrespectful. What did they do?” she positioned the arch way between her and this man. He sighed, it rolled like thunder over Adeline. “No offerings, no asking for safe passage. Nothing. Simply waltzed in here as if they were owed something. So unlike you Mea Carmina.” he cooed at her. Biting at her lip she drummed her fingers against the stone.
“I am sorry for how they have treated your forest. Please allow us to leave and we shall come back with a grand apology.” she wasn’t sure if he would take her offer. But if her friends wanted to play damsels she would save them. His finger tapped languidly against his chin. His lips pursed in contemplation.
“I suppose I could allow exit from my domain..” his eyes flit over Adeline and then back to the altar. “With conditions. Or course.” his tone was teasing as he rounded the arch way. Now on the same side as her. His stride was careful, leisurely even. Matching his pace she circled round, keeping distance. His eyes became hooded as this all felt like a game. Them circling the altar in a strange sort of dance. Her barely within his reach and her knowing he is allowing this distance.
“And what are those conditions?” Their movement was causing ripples to break the surface of the water. The flowers swayed with every step.
“First give me your name?” his head tilted to the side, long hair that looked to reflect the night sky cascading over his shoulder. Her eyes narrowed. If this man was for some reason a Fae or pretending at one then he was being very obvious about it.
“I will not give you my name but I will tell you my name if you tell me yours.” This was not information she would speak for free. He chuckled, it was deep and it felt like the world shook with it.
“I don’t see why not.” He bowed, his hand sweeping out making the gem stones hanging from the lines of gold along his arm clink together.
“I am Megatronus, ruler of this realm and King of Dragons.” he looked at her expectantly. She thinks he wants her to be impressed. She gives her own bow in return.
“It is an honor to make you acquittance King Megatronus. I have no titles for in comparison I am but a humble peasant. I am Adeline.” she glances up and nearly stumbles as Megatronus was looming over her. So close that they were practically breathing the same air.
“Adeline.” he appeared to be rolling her name over his tongue.
“Yes. Now I believe you mentioned conditions as in more than one?” she went to scuttle backwards but he caught her hands in his. Pulling her closer he encompassed her.
“Of course Adeline. I will let those disrespectful little rats go if you simply be mine.” he said it so calmly. Like it didn’t sound absolutely insane. 
“What?” she questioned trying not to laugh at the absurd notion.
“I know it sounds bizarre. But others have wed for less.” he simpered over her, a single finger trailing down her cheek. “It’s been so long and time only makes the heart grow softer.” with every word he spoke he got closer. Her vision being consumed by him. “And you Mea Carmina, you my Adeline would make a perfect bride.” he suddenly twirled her around, forcing her up onto the altar. Her previous offerings fell and shattered against the stone. 
This had gone too far. 
Pushing against Megatronus's chest she kicked her feet out at him.
“Get off me! This isn’t funny and I am done humoring this sick prank!” She shouted as she struggled against him. He simply cooed at her, his face slowly elongating and distorting.
“You still think this is a joke? I suppose I can’t blame you, you are only human after all.” a hand that steadily began to sharpen brushed through her hair, catching on knots and flowers.
A scream caught in her throat.
Oh god this was real.
“Choose Adeline. I will allow you out of the goodness of my heart to exit my domain. Your friends will be damned but you will be safe.” his voice turned gravely and filled with smoke. He tapped a clawed finger against the stone of the altar.
“Or they leave, no harm will befall them I promise. But you stay with me. Forever as my most treasured possession. My dearest Adeline.” he spoke directly into her ear and she could feel shame crawl up her throat. She thought for a moment of leaving her friends here. Technically this was all their fault. They chose this stupid bet. But she had gone along with it. She chose to go through with it. This was as much her fault as theirs. 
“Okay.” she spoke barely above a whisper. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes.
“Say it, tell me you give yourself to me. Say that you belong to me.” he demanded, his voice growing in volume. She could feel herself shaking as she tried to force out the words. They felt heavy on her tongue.
Her lower lip trembled as he egged her on. His eyes searing into hers, a frantic joy taking over his features.
“Hurry Adeline.” he urged.
“I’m yours. I belong to you. I, Adeline, give myself to you, Megatronus.” a sudden burning pain enveloped her hand. It was brief but she couldn’t hold in the scream. Megatronus whispered hushed apologies into her ear as he kissed her falling tears away.
“I’m sorry Mea Carmina. I know it hurts but look.” he lifted her left hand showing her an intricate twining of golden rings that wrapped around her ring finger. At the center was shimmering sapphire. The blues so dark that it appeared nearly black in the middle.
He lifted her into his arms and held her close to his chest.
“Now my lovely little bride, let us go home.”
Adeline laid awake as her husband lay sleeping peacefully. Hands that she could barely look at without seeing growing scales and claws rest gently over her waist. She wanted to move away, put a minuscule amount of space between them. But he only pulled her closer, his grip tightening as he muttered lazily in her ear. She tried not to cringe as he placed dry kisses along her neck and cheek.
“Good morning.” his voice was gravely and thick with sleep. “Did you sleep well?” he purred as positioned himself over her. 
When he had brought her back to his home he had immediately as he put it wanted to consummate the marriage. Panic had gripped Adeline’s heart so furiously that she almost couldn’t speak. He didn’t seem deterred at her silence or how utterly stiff she had become. He had gone to kiss her when she slapped a hand over her mouth. His red eyes flared as his lips curled over his teeth.
Frantically she tried to think of a way out of this. 
“We can’t!” she squeaked. Megatronus did not look amused, his grip on her becoming pointed and she could see scales blooming across his skin. 
“And why is that my dear?” he spoke so softly but Adeline was not fooled.
“We… We..” her eyes darted around, breath stalling. “We haven’t had a proper wedding?” she says it slowly and her voice holds a question. This does seem to give him pause though.
“I see no reason for such a thing. We are already bound together.” he lifted up her hand, once again showing off the ring. 
“But.. Please?” her lip trembles and she is shaking as he lays a kiss on her palm. “I want this. Please? I want a celebration with you.” Adeline wrapped her arms around his shoulders and leaned up placing a chaste kiss to the side of his mouth. Her throat felt dry and she wanted to cry.
“Please?” she pleaded. She wasn’t sure if her pleading had gotten him or the moment of willing affection but he let out a deep rumble and dramatically dipped her.
“How can I refuse you?” he mused. “Alright, I will give you a wedding in the morning.” she had wanted to argue that wasn’t enough time. She needed more time to plan. But he was twirling her through rooms, humming softly as they went.
A thumb brushing along her cheek brought her out of her thoughts. He was staring down at her near lovingly. 
“Adeline?” right he had asked her a question. She had not slept, not really. Her mind would not calm too full of what was to come when the sun rose. 
“I slept well.” she smiled at him, hoping that he would take this discomfort in her expression as just having woken up. It appeared that he had because he was smiling back down at her. 
“Wonderful.” he nuzzled his cheek against hers. “Are you ready?” he asked as he lifted her from the bed, carrying her to god knows where. She wanted to tell him no, no she was not ready. That she needed more time. But instead she lied through her teeth.
“Of course I am.”
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faeformers · 1 year
Okay I haven’t figured Everyone out but this is my idea what kind of fae they are.
Megatron as a selkie
Starscream is an elf
Knockout is either an elf or a mermaid
Bumblebee is a brownie
Smokescreen is a pixie
Okay that is all I have so far
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 1 year
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Faeformers Black Shadow and Blue Bacchus!
Might end up refining these further, but these are the concept color maps for Shady and Blue as I imagine them in Pebble In My Palm :D
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Hey so I got this garden gnome a few days ago because I thought it was kinda funny with its overly sized hat, but I just got back from work and I there are 3 more gnomes here, what should I do?
Remember people: three knocks on the face and/or back of the head on any garden gnomes that haven’t already been in your property in the last five years, and do not accept garden gnomes from anyone you don’t know very well.
I spent long, sleepless weekends on “Faeform Psychoanimates: A Look At Gnome Gnormality Preservation” (a title I insisted be changed) to help people learn how to welcome gnomes into their homes. The vast majority are, of course, completely normal and inert objects, but ones like yours reproduce on a Fibonacci scale - and you’re already on step 4.
See if you can find the “first” one and knock on its face three times. It’s not usually too late until step six.
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cuppajj · 1 year
also also if you see me or my alt account posting vaguely faeformers slash fowau related character designs/art then it’s because I have no more shame. did you know that I transmogrified my transformers aus 27 times. the way i have turned overlord into an oc twice and i havent told you yet. you’ll know when you see him
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righthandshuttle · 1 month
you people keep activating my bug hyperfixation. fuck. anyway.
faeformer jetfire ... luna moth......... consider
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littlesistersti · 1 year
TF Armada Alexis’s Full Name
Full disclaimer out of the way, I’ve never watched Armada. I plan to though. Also, pull up a chair. This is another long one.
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Some of you know her. Some of you know a specific version of her. Whether it’s Alexis/Alexa from the anime, Alexis Garner from @itsthelass​ ‘s fic, Faeformers, your own, etc. During the time of the show’s run, she wasn’t given an official last name until this Almanac came out. 2010 vs. 2002 difference. Her full name is Alexis Thi Dang, confirming she’s Vietnamese. We don’t know she is full Vietnamese or half Vietnamese or what. Her design isn’t helpful. 
I’ll accept Vietnamese American girls with brown hair. That were a few of my classmates in elementary school and almost every auntie I see. (Years are VERY off, but you get the point.) Good times. I don’t understand her green eyes though. Green eyes are less common than blue eyes, but genetics tend not to apply in anime/cartoons. (See Marinette’s blue eyes from the Miraculous Ladybug show. Also the fact, how Japanese characters look in anime compared to non-Japanese characters or real life Japanese people) I don’t know what eye colors her parents have, but if the green is natural, she must be at least a quarter Vietnamese. I think? I’m not doing math right now. Unless it’s a genetic mutation, but I don’t know how to tackle that. Yes, I know it’s possible for Vietnamese girls to have blue eyes. However, Google gave me one result of a Vietnamese girl with natural blue eyes, but she is one of the mountain people (ethnic minority). I should know the word for them, but I took Viet 1 some four years ago and forgotten. Other than that, all I have as evidence is this one girl I saw at my high school who has striking blue eyes and can never tell if it’s natural or not. I should’ve asked her, but her fluency and mien bac accent scared me. 
I’m suspecting her green eyes are contact lenses, with prescription or not. It could be a headcanon for a fic. Do what you like with it. I edited some pictures of her with different colors below. Just to see how it’ll turn out. 
You might be wondering why I’m even starting this discussion in the first place. “She’s from an old anime, don’t make a fuss.” “It’s just the color choice of the designers, whatever.” Yeah, but you know how excited I was when I read her last name? The fact I got a smidge of representation, even if it’s more Word of God than canon? The only other Asian humans we got are Sari Sumdac (kinda? Techno-organic?), Isaac Sumdac, and Miko Nakadai. There might be more I’m missing; feel free to let me know. 
So where I going with all this nonsense? I want Alexis to showcase more of her Vietnamese culture. 
Yeah, I know. Awful of me. Again, I’m giddy she’s Vietnamese. I know it’s impossible to show any of the Vietnamese stuff since the anime’s long over and almost nobody knows she’s Vietnamese. All I’m asking is a fanfic where it’s shown. It can be small or big. You know what, draw her in an ao dai or something. Have her eat banh cuon. I guess I should write my own things too. “If you can’t find it, make it yourself” sort of feelings. 
Edited on PicsArt using only the Adjust tool. 
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Black hair only
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Black hair with brown eyes
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Brown eyes only.
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Black hair and brown eyes. Tried to give her black hair that blue effect comic books tend to have. 
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brandwhorestarscream · 5 months
Ideas for AUs quality not tested:
Batman(guano-man edition aka DC comics recent cannon) gets Adopted by IDW Prowl!AU Suspicious Bastard off 12d chess
Faeformer!AU -The bots meet Fae? The bots are the fae? There are fae species of cybetronians?
G1: The Musical!AU Aka why are we singing and how do we stop?!
TFA Bots discover all the Matrices!AU
Missfire is Starscream's longlost heir!AU
TFP Megatron discovers High Magik instead of Dark Energon!AU
Optimus' TFP resurection instead was him getin possessed by Prima.
Gladator Orion Pax Rizzes Aprentice archivist Megatronus
Ok I can't possibly expand on all of these so lemme just grab my favorites!
1. When you say TFA bots discovering multiple matrices, what exactly did you have in mind?
2. Role reversal megop YES
But most importantly: holy shit I love the idea of Prima possessing Optimus! The gods have been watching in silence for millions near billions of years, and they are completely fed up with their mortals creations' bs. When Prima sees his brother on the verge of death with the tainted Matrix, he finally decides that enough is enough.
When "Optimus" returns, he's very clearly not himself. Where he was gentle, reserved, and emotionless, Prima is incredibly strict, haughty, and full of righteous, thunderous anger. The God of Order and Divine Judgement has every intention to clean up the mortals mess, and he'll be as heavy handed as he pleases. He cares for cybertronians as a species, not so much as individuals. Each of the individuals on earth are deeply flawed and rife with putrid sin, and he'll cleanse and correct every single one of them without mercy
Tbh this has been playing on repeat in my mind ever since I first read it. I can already hear his judgements and punishments for a few of them! But we'll first go with Megatron, because now that Optimus has been dealt with, he's at the top of the list.
He beholds Megatron with intense disdain and disappointment: "You've fallen so far from grace, you've forgotten everything you originally fought for! Where is the freedom you promised? Where is the fairness, where is the justice? You dared to seek solace in Unicron, and for that you shall lose all that you've worked for!"
The punishment he gives Megatron is rather sinister: he peels away all of his progress, takes away everything that makes him who he is today. He erases all of his gladiator experience, turns back time on his body and reinstates the way he was when he was still just Disposable #16. He warps and winds back his personality, putting him back into the mindset of that softspoken, hopeful little poet who used to dream of a free utopia, while still leaving him all of his memories of all the atrocities he's committed, how many lives he's snuffed and how many worlds have burned over the course of the fighting. He is once again D-16 in mind, body, and soul, but now haunted by all the horrific things he did and witnessed as Lord Megatron. His suffering will be his penance 😌
I really really really love this AU so please for the love of god let this pick up!!
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zenxenophilia · 2 years
I know you don't write for faeformers that much but my sister and I keep thinking about a cross between monster hunter stories 2 and faeformers. I just really want to tell you this. My sister and I have been discussing this for over a month. Rider from the game ends up at the summer court with a bad head injury, maybe from trying to hunt down a powerful and destructive newborn elder dragon who opened a portal into that world. The summer court helps them after finding an odd human with blood pooling out from a deep gash in the back of their head, but unbeknownst to them is that Ratha went to find help and when he returns to find his rider missing he goes into a frenzy trying to find them. Add in that in the game you can have a total of six monsties with you at a time. And you have a powerful doughnut loving felyne named Navirou. You gain monsties by hatching them from eggs you find in dens. Almost like Pokemon. So you have five other monsties trying to find their rider and Ratha. Twist is that the fae can't trap the rider or their monsties with fae food and they can cross through the barrier, maybe because they are not from the same world. So different monsties in each court causing chaos by trying to find each other and their rider. Not really caring for anyone trying to interact with them unless they have food or are trying to hurt them and then they would strike back with their own powers. The newborn elder dragon causing chaos in the new world. Jack and Alexis unintentionally forming a friendship with the rider's Silverwind Nargacuga or her Sand Barioth. Each one has their own unique look, abilities and temperament. (My sister and I really need to write this.) Sorry for bothering you I wanted to know if you would be ok if my sister and I wrote this. We would give you credit for the faeformers.
You absolutely can write about it! I would love to read it once it’s done, that sounds awesome! :)
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zeonomicon · 1 year
Guidelines for Requests
Hello, I write one-shots and headcanons for Transformers. Below, you can find a list of what I will do, but it is not comprehensive - so feel free to ask if you're uncertain (or you're just really itching for a particular scenario).
Will Write
Armada (Unicron Trilogy)
Ask Vector Prime
Beast Wars II
Covenant of Primus
IDW comics (2005 and 2019)
Earthrise/Kingdom/Seige (Netflix War for Cybertron Trilogy)
Generation One/G1
Rescue Bots
Robots in Disguise 2001
Robots in Disguise 2015
Super God Masterforce
Alternate Universes | Faeformers, Humanformers, Merformers and more, go wild.
Valveplug, Suggestive, etc.
Reader Insert | Cybertronian, human, unidentified space monster, it's all good with me. Just be sure to let me know what species, gender/pronouns and other details you want the reader to have.
Character x Character | Rarepairs especially welcomed.
Platonic, Familial, Non-ship
Specific Scenarios | Have a really detailed idea, but worried it's too specific? Don't be, I'll hear you out.
Continuations | Want to find out what happens next? Want no more, and drop me a request!
Your Obscure Blorbo Who Has 3 Sentences on TFWiki
Less Likely to Write
Autobots | Sorry, guys. You can request them, but I'm a filthy Decepticon apologist through and through, and those bastards will always be my priority.
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neonpaperlanterns · 7 months
Should have listened part 2
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[A/n: this was something I said I would write for @juvenilecrocs awhile ago. Sorry this took so long and I hope it was worth the wait]
“What do you think of this color?” Shimmering silver fabric was being draped over her shoulders. It was lovely, how the light danced off the material made it look as if it was embroidered with little stars. If this was any other situation she would be rather enamored with the idea of wearing something made out of it.
A frown pulled at her lips and she heard Megatronus let out a hum. Adeline watched as the cloth was pulled from her shoulders. It felt like water sliding across her skin as it pooled on the floor.
“Or maybe this one?” Light pink was filling her vision. “This one does make your eyes look lovely.” She grabbed at the material, it was soft under her finger tips. Bunching it in her fist she moved it out of her face.
Regret swirled heavily in her gut as Megatronus was closer than she had anticipated. Even with the hazy sunlight filtering in his eyes seemed to hold a light of their own. They cast the faintest crimson glow along the bridge of his nose and cheeks. It was eerie and the way he was looking at her made her throat go dry. 
“Is everything alright Mea Carmina?” His hand reached out and Adeline had to swallow back the urge to flinch as he cupped her face. Apprehension swirled in her stomach as his thumb traced alone the apple of her cheek. The smooth texture of his skin glided softly along hers.
“Yes, everything is alright.” her lip twitched, she tried to make it look like a smile. “Though isn’t it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?” She needed a second to breathe, to come to terms. She needed him away from her even for just a moment. Something flickered across his face, maybe it was annoyance or the beginning of blooming scales, she wasn’t sure because it was gone as quickly as it had come.
“Adeline we are already bound to each other.” He grabbed her left hand. The skin that surrounded the ring still ached as he pressed against it. “This wedding is nothing more than a whim. There is no need for any of these little formalities.” His tone was firm as he placed a kiss on her hand. 
Trying to keep her disappointment off her face she gave a small nod. 
“Now~” Deep purple cloth is being stretched along her chest. “What do you think of this one?”
Adeline had assumed with the way Megatronous spoke about their wedding and how trivial it seemed to him that it would be a small affair. Something over far too quickly and then she would be cornered. Her desperate idea for more time would melt away like cotton candy in water. She had dreaded it. Felt anxiety pool in her stomach as she was wrapped in stars. It simmered and popped as soft brushes ran across her face. She choked and gagged on it as fingers ran through her hair, twisting and turning the strands until they fell how he wanted.
She truly believed than when she stood in front of a huge ornate door that it was over. What other excuses could she come up with? He only did this to humor her. She had already said she belonged to him, and had given him ownership over her in exchange for the safety of her friends. There was no taking that back. That’s not how the Fae worked. 
Words were ever binding to them.
“Are you ready?” her shoulders stiffened as the gravely tones of her husband slithered along her ears. She was most certainly not ready, she would never ever EVER be ready. But that didn’t matter, she made her choice and still wasn’t sure if she regretted it. 
“Yes.” Adeline’s voice came out strainied, Megatronus either didn’t notice or did not care. He secured her arm in his and with a wave of his hand the door opened. 
Adeline had assumed that this frivolous ceremony was going to be small.
Adeline had been wrong.
With wide eyes she took in the rays of sunlight that seemed to come more from a painting than the actual sun. Soft music played and the scent of thousands of flowers suffocated the air.
 And hundreds of crimson eyes turned to look at them. 
Whatever Adeline had felt before paled in comparison to the gazes that honed in on her. Sharp and unrelenting they followed as she was walked down the aisle. Murmurs rumbled through the air. She couldn’t make anything out for anyone who got louder was silenced by a simple look for the Fae on her arm. He had told her he was the ruler of this realm but it did not fully sink in until this moment.
She was never getting away. She would never be able to leave. Everyone in this room would drag her back straight to him. Not that she believed she could make it to the door to begin with but if she did she would never make it out. 
Oh god she was truly, genuinely, horribly cornered. Stuck forever in a prison she walked into. 
Adeline’s eyes began to sting, tears desperately wanted to fall. She could feel heat beginning to build in her throat and cheeks. The bloated sensation of trying not to cry made her feel like she was going to collapse. With every step closer to the center the weaker her legs got. It forced her to lean heavily on Megatronus. Though that felt like it was only making it worse. The firm grip he had on her was no more comforting than a lion staring down a wounded gazelle.
Eyes bore into her, could feel the stares burning along her skin. It felt like they were waiting for something. For what she did not know. It was either for them to get to the altar which was ungodly close while also being terrifyingly far away or maybe they wanted her falter. To trip and prey upon her when she fell. With that thought her gaze didn’t dare stray. 
Though she didn’t know if the stone carved altar was any better to look at. It looked uncomfortably similar to the first one she had seen. But it felt more alive somehow? As if life flowed beneath the smooth rock. The closer they got the more something felt off. Water shimmered and rippled over the surface, the hues shifting from blue to gold. If she stepped into that water she was sure something was going to change. 
Her mind screamed that she wasn’t being told something. She had already given him everything! What more could happen? She thought that this entire celebration was just something he did to humor her. Was there more?
And as a real, vicious, throat tearing scream built ready to shatter her reality something else beat her to it.
“Oh what a beautiful ceremony you have here.” Heads snapped towards the entrance. And standing before broken doors was a lean, sharp faced man. Everyone watched as he sauntered up the aisle. He moved like a cat that caught the canary. A sleek uneven smile spread across his face. 
“A ceremony that I was SO rudely not invited to!” It came out as a scoff. 
“A ceremony that I had to invite MYSELF to!” A sound akin to thunder rolled from Megatronus. 
“WHAT DO YOU T-” The King of this realm is abruptly cut off. A blast of blazing light is being hurled at them. Adeline feels herself being shoved to the side. Hitting the ground hard she watches as the entire room erupts into chaos. A chorus of horrendous cackling and ground shaking howling makes the air crackle. Whirls of shifting beings and flapping wings obscure the sky and Adeline does not hesitate to push herself up and run in the opposite direction. 
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