#Faint Of Heart
teathattast · 18 days
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Who cares what anyone says?
(What anyone says about it)
Don't let it into your head
(Into your head)
Who cares what anyone thinks?
(What anyone thinks about it)
Just let me into your heart
(Into your heart)
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1introvertedsage · 2 years
Untangling the knots in my mind has proven to be an arduous task - not for the faint of heart. I'm trying with all of my might to maintain my sight. ~I.S.~
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Foresight or hindsight which would you prefer? To know, or wish you knew? To have a realization, or a dwelling point?
⁂20.2022.12 7.39m
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madewithonerib · 1 year
I see what you did there, time is running out so that's why there is more spiritual warfare kind of like what GOD said like birth #pangs, we are all about to be birthed into eternity!!!
It is getting more intense & frequent & & & & GOD said we are getting brighter as it grows darker, because the dawn is about to break
Romans 13:12-14 - MSG - The night is about over, dawn is about to break.
Proverbs 4:17-19 | ¹⁷ since they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence. ¹⁸ The path of the #𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗮𝘄𝗻, shining brighter and brighter until midday. ¹⁹ But the way of the wicked is like the darkest gloom; they don't know what makes them stumble.
JESUS is coming back soon!
Matthew 24:29-30 | ²⁹ Immediately after the tribulation of those days: ‘The sun will be #darkened, & the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, & the powers of the Heavens will be shaken.’
³⁰ At that time the sign of the SON of MAN will appear in Heaven, & all the tribes of the Earth will mourn.
They will see the SON of MAN coming on the clouds of Heaven, with power and great glory."
Thank you for your videos on purity, it helped shake me from delving into that miry clay, & that reminds me of the clay feet of Daniel's vision, the final empire will be divided & not united in its resolve, per Joel Richardson..
Psalm 40:1-2 | I waited patiently for the LORD; HE inclined to me & 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗺𝘆 𝗰𝗿𝘆. ² HE lifted me up from the pit of despair, out of the miry clay; HE set my feet upon a ROCK, and made my footsteps firm."
Psalm 62:1 | In GOD alone my soul finds rest; my salvation comes from HIM.
[Deut 32:15; 2 Samuel 22:47; Ps 89:26; 95:1]
Psalm 89:26 | He will #call to ME, ‘YOU are my FATHER, my GOD, the #ROCK of my salvation.’
You even went there with the mountain being told to go into the sea.. a false rock, all other ground is #sinking sand [Matthew 7:24-27]
Matthew 7:24-27 | ²⁴ Therefore everyone who hears these words of MINE & acts on them is like wise man who built house on the ROCK.
²⁵ The rain fell, the torrents raged, & the winds blew & beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because its foundation was on the ROCK.
²⁶ But everyone who hears these words of MINE & does not act on them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
²⁷ The rain fell, the torrents raged, & the winds blew & beat against that house, & it fell—and great was its collapse!”
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noirxxholic · 1 year
Chelsea Cain’s husband is reading the first part of the new book and
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ur so valid, marc
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explosivemold · 1 month
Can we talk??
(Here's a redraw from a page of book of bill oh how much have I missed gravity falls)
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shokujin-art · 10 months
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Was on the way give Whitney some milkshake, forgetting I was kidnapped for a week by Remy. Didn't expect the hug 🥹 —
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chanrizard · 8 months
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justpassingbyoursht · 5 months
I've seen some people say some character art downgraded from 1 to 2 and while i agree about some poses not being as dynamic and some of the art being unfinished (early access tho) and the colors not being as dope, and some of the gods feel different
but i wanna specifically ramble about Artemis best gurl for a bit
this is my girlie in Hades 1
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I've been thinking about the differences from 1 to 2, and I think in here, she's presenting herself as the Goddess of Hunting.
she looks a bit menacing, she looks sharp, she looks like she just got here, the angle she's looking at you it's not very direct it's like she's measuring you from head-to-toe kinda way, she also has that greenish light which feels kinda like an aura. she's down to business!
and when we look at her in Hades 2
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She looks confident still, and you can see her weapons just as clearly, but her pose, and her smile? she's like, laid back, she's not quite posing to create an impression, she doesn't have that greenish aura, she's there in the flesh, she's not really presenting as a goddess in particular... she looks more welcoming, a bit softer looking... she looks like she's just stopped for a chat, while in 1 it's like she's in the middle of something
and when you stop to think about it? she is. she is just chatting with her friend. Melinoe is her friend, she called her Sister.
We're much more closer to her as Melinoe than we were as Zagreus. bc while she does become friends with him in H1, she's more of a long distance friend. we were building our bond with her in H1.
But here? in H2? she's known Mel for years... she kept it a secret from other gods... she's got those accessories thingies with the 4 colors. not only are we close friends we even got a friend bracelet thing going on with her!! Melinoe is a precious friend to her from what i've seen so far.
Why would she pose and be a bit distant with her friend? we know Artemis is a bit closed off from people, she prefers being in the woods with the animals than other gods i recall her saying that to Zag, but Mel? Mel is a dear friend, she sounds much more casual from the get go with her than with Zag because we have a strong bond with her already
In Hades 1 we just got to know her, so she's more closed off, she is more business like, she is distant, she is The Goddess of Hunting
In Hades 2 she is our friend 💖
that. is the difference
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fuyoart · 7 months
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What an unusual dungeon but we did it boys
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
i have been unmedicated for the entirety of spring break and thus have had little interest in writing this down, but i have been thinking about this for the entire week (as well as a dpdc clone danny au that resulted in it becoming its entirely separate batman au that includes a teenage vigilante bruce wayne, an ocarina, and me entirely incapable of making a batman au without making bruce dirt poor but we're not talking about that) and so i've finally went 'fuck it' and forcibly grabbed my laptop. I will get this done in one sitting even if it kills me.
BUT. This is about neither clone^2 danny nor about who i am calling Ocarina Batman. This is about my Danyal Al Ghul Au and more SPECIFICALLY it's me thinking about his relationship with Sam and Tucker specifically.
Tucker and Sam? Adore this asshole (affectionate) with every fiber of their being. And it is very much a reciprocated feeling, but Danny's thoughts will not be delved into much other than he would kill for them.
Tucker? The only person currently capable of getting a deep, loud, belly laugh out of Danny. Sam can get him to smile and to laugh, but it's the kind that's a chuckle-under-the-breath. The quiet, looks-down-while-huffing laughter. Snorts once with laughter and then grins stupidly.
But Tucker? Tucker can crack a slew of stupid jokes and Danny will be incapacitated for the next five minutes because he's laughing so hard that he can't breath. He lands one well-timed pun or quip and Danny will be close to tears. His laughter is their favorite sound in the whole world.
Sam is lowkey jealous of this ability, and she's gotten a belly laugh out of Danny a few times. But alas, it is Tucker who wields this power and has gotten it the most times out of the two of them.
They're also both physically affectionate with Danny as much as possible. It started roughly around when they were 12-ish, a year since they befriended Danny, and they noticed that he sought after touch but never seemed to initiate (and was in some ways repulsed by it). They started slowly being more touchy with him. Hooking a finger around his to lead him somewhere, tapping his wrist, looping arms. Little touches, grabs, etc, to get him used to it, and once he started doing it back they started increasing it.
It's gotten to a point where he will now just. Lay on them. Like a lizard sunbathing on a rock. Leaning on their backs when they're sitting in class before the bell rings, his chin on their heads. He'll talk about anything with his arms looped around their shoulders.
If they're sitting on a couch at either of their houses, he'll lay his legs on theirs. Him and Tucker will press their feet against the other's and try and push against them (newsflash: Danny always wins, Tucker claims its the ghost strength but Danny's been winning since before his accident)
Naturally, both Sam and Tucker know where Danny keeps his weapons on his person, and are allowed to grab them off of him if they need it. His only requirement is that they don't lose his weapons if they take it and forget to return it immediately.
They both understand how big of a thing this is from Danny, and so they do their best to treat his weapons with a lot of respect and care because they know its his way of saying he trusts them.
Sam and Tucker are so fond of Danny it's insane. Like fr. That's their goddamn best friend, and they are so protective of him. Emotionally, physically, you name it. They will tear the head off a grown man if they need to, Danny's had scars since he arrived in Amity Park and Sam and Tucker both are going to find the person who put them there and make them pay for it.
One time, Tucker overheard a bunch of upperclass girls speaking nastily about Danny and about the rumors surrounding him, calling him names like 'freak', 'monster', etc. Danny was with him and heard it, and seemingly appeared unbothered by it, even telling Tucker that he was used to such rumors.
Tucker was so furious that hacked into the school system later that night and tanked those girls grades. They were kicked out of their clubs and had to go to mandatory tutoring for the rest of the year. He made sure to leave some way of letting them know it was him who did it.
And Sam doesn't like using her money for things, doesn't like abusing that wealth. So instead, whenever her parents talk bad about Danny, she causes a media incident that has her parents scrambling to deal with. She does something wild, outrageous by her parents' standards.
She heard some boys on the basketball team making fun of Danny once, similar to those girls had. She kicks up a fuss about something eco-unfriendly at school and forcibly holds a protest on the same day of the big home basketball game, forcing them to cancel the event and reschedule to a visiting school.
She anonymously donates money so that there's new uniforms for the team but oops! Looks like she "forgot" to donate enough money for them to get uniforms for all the team members, and strangely enough those boys in particular didn't get them! Looks like they'll have to wait until more money gets donated for the basketball team to get their new, nice uniforms. The old ones look so ratty in comparison, right?
And since the football team gets most of the sport money, that might just take awhile. And if (and when) they kick up a fuss? oops! Off the basketball team you go, :) such unsportsman-like behavior is unfit for the team.
(The only good thing about how corrupt the school system is is that she can use it to her advantage too.)
The both of them know that Danny suspects them for the sudden misfortune falling on these people, but he doesn't call them out on it. He's kinder than he used to be, but not kind enough to vouch for people who speak badly of him. Sometimes, he might just congratulate them on not getting caught.
Because Danny is their wonderful, hurt friend with a "slightly" Blue and Orange Moral code, and enough scars that people have been calling him a criminal (and worse) since he arrived in Amity Park when he was ten. And they'll be damned if he gets hurt anymore.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#danyal al ghul#its kinda hard to get my thoughts in order bc i am ✨unmedicated✨ rn BUT#this is the gist of it#i could wax poetic about how much sam and tucker adore danny as their friend but alas. the wax is not waxing. it is stuck to the paper#and i am chipping it off with my nail and its getting stuck under it.#ocarina batman has been in my head since friday someone come sedate me. him and pit fighter batman too. who is ALSO a piss poor teenage#bruce wayne who instead of a vigilante and villains is a PIT FIGHTER. he fights blindfolded thats why he's called the bat#ocarina batman's Look is if you combined punk + assassins creed aesthetic together and then gave it an ocarina#the ocarina is because i thought it'd be cool if its how he and robin communicated across long distances bc they didnt have comms#because they are ✨poor✨ and live in a one room apartment in crime alley.#and also the mental image of him sitting on. rooftop ledge in the rain playing 'song of storms' from LoZ was too fantastic to ignore#like bro imagine hearing that as a criminal. you're off doing shady shit with your gang and in the distance you hear the faint and#haunting melody of an ocarina. two of them in a call and response duet. and its getting closer. and you cannot find where#siren type shit fr fr#look he has the assassins creed hood and a long ass coat that has spikes on the end that when flared out looks like the silhouette of a bat#on fucking GOD i am this 👌 close to finding an artist doing commissions to make this for me. i am frothing at the mouth#he is 17-19 years old with his little brother-son Robin. Logically Robin is Dick but in my heart of hearts the first Robin is Jason#and he has perfected the art of getting his older brother to play songs on the pan flute for him. long pitchy whine on his own ocarina#the familiar childlike 'pleeeaaaaaaase?' and he knows he's won when there is a 10s silence on the other end before his brother plays#a lullaby.#look up 'sailor moon - pan flute (relaxing) on youtube' and when there's the thumbnail of two green skinned aliens with long blue and pink#hair. click on it. THAT is the song Bruce plays.#hhhhhhhhhhh frothing at the mouth over this au sooo fucking badly
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tsuchinokoroyale · 1 year
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Hey there. I got a haircut.
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alabyte · 7 months
— Tech had me memorize all of them. — Of course he did...
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thedisablednaturalist · 8 months
If I ever went scuba diving I would probably drown due to the fact I would start screaming in pure ecstasy the second I saw 1 crab
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featherbrained · 2 months
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Tumblr algorithm save mee 😭 wilson paint study no2
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dark-giver · 8 months
Oh, boy, now I understand why ,,It ends with us" and ,, Shatter me" have taken over booktok - booktokers will never be able to recover mentally if they read books like ,, Ninth house", ,,The poppy war" and ,,Red rising".
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thasorns-moved · 4 months
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Emi Thasorn Klinnium for EFSEC
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