#Faith in the Holy Trinity
Hi, I want to share with you my testimony. You can share yours too, I would love to read it :)
In 2020, I had a lot of anxiety attacks, a few traumas that didn't seem to heal, flashbacks of what lead my close family member to die, felt guilty for not forgetting to pray for the close family member 2 days in a row, dealt with suicidal thoughts, thought that living makes no sense, was passing days instead of truly living them, hid my true feelings even though it coud actuallyl be seen that my emotional state isn't good, felt unworthy that was close to self hatred.
One time, I was driving with my parents to one place and saw a billboard of Jesus Christ with ”I trust in You” in a few languages. I wanted to be accepted to one school and was thinking about it on the way. When I saw the billboard of Jesus, God opened my heart and the Holy Spirit reminded me of the words of my teacher (I didn't read the Word of God by myself and didn't remember it after hearing it at all, so He couldn't remind me of any Bible verses). The teacher once told us that if we ask God to give us something, He will listen to our prayer. He will choose to give it to us if it is useful in the future of ours or not if it isn't. That's when I decided to start talking to God again.
From what I remember, a lot of times in the beginning, I asked the Almighty to help me and the people I know with some things and I could see that He's working in my life but I didn't have this great relation with Him. My focus was on the music of some music bands and music groups, and I didn't spend that much time on talking to God. Then, I started having more problems and it brought me closer to Him. It also let me realize that God cares about us, can be our strength and hope. I also realized that God truly hears our prayers. He just helps us in the right time. In 2020-2022, I was healed from all of these things that I listed and no, I didn't tell anyone about my problems when they were still present and didn't go to therapy. I only talked to God about it.
I felt that I am closer to Him but it took me quite a long time to realize that some things simply shouldn't matter to me because He is there with me. He knows every single detail of my life but somehow chooses to be near me even though I made a lot of mistakes. He never left me even though I hurt Him a lot of times.
On 15 March 2023, I was born again during the Holy Mass. For the first time I felt like it's not pastor saying those words. I felt like God is talking to me personally. I felt a strog presence of the Holy Spirit and felt amazing. After leaving the church, I felt the desire to change my lifestyle and include God more in my life. I gave up on the popular music and started only listening to Christian songs and watching Christian animations, series and movies. I began to read the Holy Bible everyday, at least one chapter per day. It was the best decision I've ever made and I'm glad that God opened up my heart to receive the Word of His.
Song recommendation for today:
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ssummermemoir · 8 months
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localcuttlefish · 6 months
Sick irredeemable fall-from-grace character arc bro!! What are we feeling for the ending, insanity, atonement by violent victory, or death/rebirth?
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lemonadee-crunchyice · 2 months
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mommy-mortis · 2 years
When you're about to do something not approved by the Vatican:
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hygenia · 4 months
The feminine urge to just>>>
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Lord please grant me:
A Heart to Forgive
Knowledge to seek you
Energy to help others
A Voice to speak words of Praise
A sense of Justice
And A soul who always yearns for you
Amen ♡
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John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
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heresylog · 5 months
how would u describe the trinity? i wasnt raised christian and it never made sense to me. maybe bc father son holy ghost is like. its two guys and then a ghost is there. i cant help but imagine jc and then an old man and then a sheetghost
Hahahaha yeah
My perspective of the Trinity is Roman Catholic and I am not qualified to speak on other Christian faiths. I’m not even qualified to speak on Catholicism either but I will anyway.
1) The Trinity is One. There are not three gods. “They are a unity of persons in one divine nature”
2) The Divine Persons are distinct from one another. They are not different modes of God.
3) They are in relation to one another. The Son can’t be the Son without the Father. The Holy Spirit is related to both.
Analogies are always bad when it comes to the Trinity because you end up accidentally becoming heretical BUT my favorite analogy is three-in-one shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. The shampoo is distinct from the conditioner and the body wash is related to both. They are not separate, but related to each other. Each does a specific job on the body and are are distinct.
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gothicayomi · 9 months
Reading up on various articles on FAITH wiki and I’m fucking crying cuz Lisa really was trying to reach out to her best friend and sending him letters ranging from “can’t wait to see you again Bestie ^_^” to “john I’m fighting for my fucking life in here” and he’s like
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rescatada · 1 year
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knowgodknowpeace · 1 year
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just a reminder 💭
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Hi, I would like to post another poem of mine that I just finished (21st April 2023).
Precious Blood that set me free
I keep on thinking that I'm not good enough
That's why I'm once again running into Your arms
Your love and peace of mind is all I need, Savior
To survive in the midst of this huge storm
Your Words are what gives me comfort, God
You're the One I go to when I feel not good enough
When I feel left behind, You remind me that Jesus thought about me on the cross
Before dying to let my sins be washed by His precious Blood
He could have run away from His calling but no
Because His love for me is the greatest type of love
Even though He is the Lord, He came to our earth
To let bring closer to us the Kingdom of His Father
He taught the Truth coming from God Almighty
And revealed it to those who had an interest in it
He was loving and caring to everyone around Him
He healed them, ate with sinners for He came to those who trully needed more faith
Jesus gave them kindness and love greater that anyone could ever imagine
He is the One that brought us closer to God who's our Light
For He didn't want us to be published in afterlife
But be happy in the Heaven after we become more Christ-like
Who set us an example of how our lives should look like
In order to let us know what we should do to not be left behind
His love is still with us every single day
For Jesus Christ died but it wasn't the end — He rose from the grave —
Just like He told His deciples a few times before
He left an empty grave and showed Who He truly is
Even though not everyone believed it before His death, now there's no way to deny it
He is a Son of God, our Savior and precious Messiah
Who now leaves in the heart of each of us
Through His name, many healings and other miracles occur
For there is a power in His name that's way beyond way of thinking of ours
He continues to bless us, prays for us and through His Blood
There is left no trace of our sins for we are cleaned in It, for Jesus forgave us
On the cross when we people hurt precious and innocent Him
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foreverpraying · 1 year
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Frederic James Shields: The Annunciation
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." Isaiah 60:1
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ssummermemoir · 3 months
Me blocking someone instead of starting a fight because the Bible says to stay away from foolish and stupid arguments
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justcommander · 7 months
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So, I love these three.
A Kaiju, a priest and an Esper child. What do they have in common? They all got a red UNHOLY ABOMINATION that does not love them and some divine intervention on their side.
And some pixels of course of course.
Bonus: Acacius POV. When you're a Kaiju and you pick up a sassy child and a silly looking priest. But the child's totally chill and the priest is just slightly concerned.
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lemonadee-crunchyice · 2 months
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finished Ephesians this afternoon. 💜
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