#Faith in the Holy Spirit
Hi, I want to share with you my testimony. You can share yours too, I would love to read it :)
In 2020, I had a lot of anxiety attacks, a few traumas that didn't seem to heal, flashbacks of what lead my close family member to die, felt guilty for not forgetting to pray for the close family member 2 days in a row, dealt with suicidal thoughts, thought that living makes no sense, was passing days instead of truly living them, hid my true feelings even though it coud actuallyl be seen that my emotional state isn't good, felt unworthy that was close to self hatred.
One time, I was driving with my parents to one place and saw a billboard of Jesus Christ with ”I trust in You” in a few languages. I wanted to be accepted to one school and was thinking about it on the way. When I saw the billboard of Jesus, God opened my heart and the Holy Spirit reminded me of the words of my teacher (I didn't read the Word of God by myself and didn't remember it after hearing it at all, so He couldn't remind me of any Bible verses). The teacher once told us that if we ask God to give us something, He will listen to our prayer. He will choose to give it to us if it is useful in the future of ours or not if it isn't. That's when I decided to start talking to God again.
From what I remember, a lot of times in the beginning, I asked the Almighty to help me and the people I know with some things and I could see that He's working in my life but I didn't have this great relation with Him. My focus was on the music of some music bands and music groups, and I didn't spend that much time on talking to God. Then, I started having more problems and it brought me closer to Him. It also let me realize that God cares about us, can be our strength and hope. I also realized that God truly hears our prayers. He just helps us in the right time. In 2020-2022, I was healed from all of these things that I listed and no, I didn't tell anyone about my problems when they were still present and didn't go to therapy. I only talked to God about it.
I felt that I am closer to Him but it took me quite a long time to realize that some things simply shouldn't matter to me because He is there with me. He knows every single detail of my life but somehow chooses to be near me even though I made a lot of mistakes. He never left me even though I hurt Him a lot of times.
On 15 March 2023, I was born again during the Holy Mass. For the first time I felt like it's not pastor saying those words. I felt like God is talking to me personally. I felt a strog presence of the Holy Spirit and felt amazing. After leaving the church, I felt the desire to change my lifestyle and include God more in my life. I gave up on the popular music and started only listening to Christian songs and watching Christian animations, series and movies. I began to read the Holy Bible everyday, at least one chapter per day. It was the best decision I've ever made and I'm glad that God opened up my heart to receive the Word of His.
Song recommendation for today:
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joyttttjoy · 7 months
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lovelyreny · 2 months
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forhisgrace · 23 days
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Phillipians 4:6
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crisaunty · 5 months
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my faith is weak, i need his strength
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Do you think maybe that there’s a chance you are REALLY, REALLY behind on current events & the statue is the beast? I mean literally. Like the statue sits there until the apocalypse & then it turns out it’s an actual robot that a consciousness can switch into when they decide it’s the right day. I’m sorry to be scary, but It is. It’s not just a warning. This is really happening, just like all those other signs you see are also there. It’s there because it’s supposed to be hidden in plain sight to then be switched on, just like other things/statues/etc hidden in plain sight. You’ve been warned many, many times, but each time until the end there’s always a chance to change the future. It’s never hopeless, but you have to come to terms with the fact this has been right in front of you for a very long time. Do you want to take it seriously or do you want to ignore it till it’s too late? The decision is always in your hands.
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godslove · 5 months
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proverbs31girly · 6 months
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yourfaithandcourage · 10 months
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1 Corinthians 2:9
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dailyeffectiveprayer · 2 months
I pray that you are surrounded by people that will pray behind your back instead of talking behind your back.
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Hi, I would like to share with you a poem I started writing yesterday and successfully finished a few minutes ago :) (22nd April 2023).
The Name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus, I will be healed
In the name of Jesus, my heart will be filled
With love, kindness, joy, wisdom and peace
In the name of Jesus — of the One who made God feel pleased
I will do what my God wants me to do and will fulfill my life's purpose
In the name of Jesus, through His Blood I will be cleaned from my sins
In the name of Jesus, I will seek the Kingdom of my Heavenly Father and find it
In the name of Jesus, the miracles will happen
In the name of Jesus, I will have a strong faith
No matter what happens, I will not be dismayed
In the name of Jesus, I will never lose my hope
For He has never forsaken me, I was never alone
In the name of Jesus, in the darkest times Lord will held me
In His sovereign Hand that created me
With so much love and care that cannot be described
Thanks to His Son — Jesus — I can be saved and redeemed
The Love He showed me is greater than anything else
That's why in the unsure times, I run to His Arms
Which were once attached to the cross in Golgotha
For He was crucified and suffered so much to give me eternal life
On the cross, He was thinking about us and what He'll be able to give us through His suffering
That's right, Jesus loves us more than we can imagine, His love for us was stronger than anything
He was being whipped, carried His cross and let His mighty Hands
And Legs be attached to the cross by nails
He did it for us to have a chance to repent and be welcomed in the Kingdom of His Heveanly Father
His name is filled with so much power, love and hope — that's why we continue to pray in His Holy Name
I hope that you enjoyed this little reminder that Jesus loves you and cares about you.
Song I want to recommend you:
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4him-iwrite · 3 months
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lovelyreny · 2 months
LORD,please, silence my thoughts so that I can hear Yours.
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jcfanclubnation · 4 months
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Think about him all the time. ♡
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crisaunty · 3 months
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i need u Jesus
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