#Fallon vacker
foxfire-official · 10 months
Fun fact about the elvin economy! The reason it’s in shambles is because when Foxfire was first established Councillor Fallon Vacker did not believe in math! So finding an elf that can multiply double digit numbers is like finding an alicorn!
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worldsunlikemyown · 7 months
ancients heights headcanons?
In order of tallest to shortest:
Fallon (6'2" — ridiculously tall so his thigh-length hair is even more intimidating)
Vespera (5'11" — can wear heels but only does so to intimidate, and is honestly more intimidating if she doesn't)
Fintan (5'9" — yes he's two inches shorter than Vespera but that's just an excuse for Fintan in heels and tall hairdos)
Luzia (5'8" — also a lover of heels but it would be a safety hazard to wear ones that would put her on a height with Fallon)
Bronte (5'5" — short king and has never worn a shoe with a heel taller than half an inch <3 (lol he's still taller than me))
Bonus Fallon's wife (5'10" and she never wears heels, just like her husband)
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fallon is the silliest vacker
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the-way-astray · 9 months
thinking about that one scene in neverseen where keefe's eyes are a sort of shimmering teal after a certain kind of light leap and della is like "funny how that makes keefe look like a vacker lol" (paraphrase, somewhere in neverseen).
this implies that teal eyes are sort of a vacker trademark, not just for the main vacker family, but for vackers as a whole. the whole vacker family. teal eyes are trademark in their family tree, apparently.
so why does fallon vacker. the og vacker. the vacker-iest vacker to ever vacker. why does he have midnight blue eyes??? you're telling me the og vacker doesn't even have the trademark vacker eyes??? the most famous vacker of them all doesn't have a feature that's heavily associated with his name and his family??? the most well-known vacker of them all doesn't have teal eyes???
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Headcanon that elves used to live in small clans before an alliance between three of these clans conquered peacefully took in all the others until they were one big community and the original council consisted of the leaders of these main three clans.
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bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
What ability do you think Fallon Vacker could have?
Honestly, no good way to tell. For a while I thought he was a telepath, but it turns out I made that up. Abilities are genetic, and if the original council he was part of held to the "lets all communicate telepathically and then share out in harmony" idea, that could also indicate towards telepathy.
Actually, small aside, the telepathic mediation thing makes a lot more sense starting from a smaller council. Easier and less painful, it likely wasn't intended to be the strain it is on Emery, but I digress.
If I had to make a guess, I'd say telepathy, but none of my speculation is strong, so alas. unfortunately the best I can do is make that weird i dunno noise you make when you shrug. ieuhuhh
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I was thinking about this because of one of the last posts I reblogged but I think the canonical role of telepaths as spies in kotlc has really interesting potential implications for the Vacker legacy.
Like there's the idea of Fallon Vacker as not only the original Spokesperson of the Council but also their original spymaster, in charge of gathering intelligence. Tying in with how Oblivimyre (which was canonically built before the elvin treaties, i.e. in Fallon's time) has always screamed 'torture chamber' to me and was canonically designed to make people go insane, I think it's safe to assume that not everything done in the service of gathering information was the most ethical choice. There's also the implication that there were telepaths assigned to monitor the minds of human leaders, presumably without their knowledge, in order for the Council to discover their plan to betray the elves. While this may or may not have happened under Fallon's rule, telepathy runs in the Vacker family, and I'd imagine there were generations of Vackers who served as spies for the Council.
While we know that canonically the twisted version of the Vacker legacy that caused Alvar to turn on his family has something to do with Luzia Vacker and the trolls, I think it would be very interesting if it also had something to do with telepathy, which has typically been framed as one of their greatest strengths. It would also complicate Fitz's relationship with his family even beyond his hatred of Alvar- imagine finding out that your older brother who betrayed all of you actually had points not only about your family's history but also the specific role your ability played in some of the worse parts of it.
Anyways, I just think that's interesting.
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arcadialedger · 1 year
So it just sort of hit me (while recording the KOTLC podcast) that… Fallon Vacker was an original Councillor. He has a freaking cache.
A cache which could hold the secrets of the Vacker Legacy and explain EVERYTHING, ties to Elysian and all. And give more purpose to Fitz’s character. Oh boy, this could be SO GOOD.
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moonlarked · 1 year
hey what if Elysian is Fallon and Luzia’s mom
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songsofdelusion · 9 months
ive connected the dots
guys new theory soph's pops is fallon vacker
has this been covered before? ik we've gone thru basically every eligible male in the pool of possibility - every time we have a new man introduced we have miss sophie girl looking at him like rory gilmore "are u my new daddy uwu"
HOWEVER we did not consider the possibility!! of the great^13 gramps of her (maybe?) boyfriend at the time!!!
that would be a heckuva plot twist lemme tell you,,, and it would achieve shannon's goal of throwing all of sophitz shippers' hopes and dreams into the middle of a london road and getting them run over by a bus.
gosh i love when im writing a run on sentence and i forget what im saying halfway through so i try to fix grammar but i also dont know what im saying
anyway thank you for your time keeper tumblr
(keeper tumblr after reading this: you didnt connect shit
me vibrating with glee in the notes: ive connECTED THEM)
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lucyshypemaster · 11 months
me after I said that I'm a fallon stan despite him only appearing in a few pages
Tumblr media
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foxfire-official · 10 months
Fun elven history fact! Before the gnomes shared their produce with us we ate rocks! Just ask any ancient and they’ll tell you!
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worldsunlikemyown · 8 months
Keeptober 2023 #13 — Council
Bronte hates how the Council’s meetings have become so dour. 
   It used to be a bit better with Kenric, but Alina insists, even more than Emery does, that they maintain formality in their work environment. 
   Formality, Bronte thinks, and snorts. 
   “Your hair was hanging over the chaise and all the way down to the floor — it’s so long!. How could I not step on it?”
   Bronte hated arriving to meetings that had already devolved into chaos. 
   “It is my hair, and I may hang it as I please,” Fallon replied serenely. Fintan made a sound of intense displeasure, then beamed suddenly. It was the sort of beaming that indicated ideas that were at best, silly, and at worst, disastrous.  
   Bronte didn’t even have the time to shout ‘Fintan, no.’
   Fintan — dressed pristinely in pale blue and white robes, hair spotless and intricately braided down his back — lay down, lightning-quick, by the chaise, and flung his legs onto Fallon’s chest. 
   Fallon sighed. “Please, take your feet off,” he said. “My clothes will get dirty.”
  “And my boots have your hair on them, so we’re even,” Fintan retorted. 
   Now was the time to intercede. “There was more damage to Fallon, at any rate, and we do have business to attend to!” Bronte exclaimed. “We aren’t children anymore!” 
   They both sprang up at this, somehow without kicking each other in the faces, and shared a look. 
   And then suddenly Bronte was being tackled to the ground by two elegant, superbly childish elves, and despite himself, he was laughing. 
Even after all that has happened, Bronte misses those days. 
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faggot-friday · 2 years
Interact with this post to go on the taglist for the kotlc ancients fic
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please rb if you vote!
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Happy Ides of March everyone! Now for the most important question of all…
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