#Fallout4 Piper
fallthefalled · 2 years
Im I the only one that finds her annoying ORRR-
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herecomesshawn · 23 days
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I was going to put strong in but failed miserably
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hancocksbestgirl · 7 months
Whether or Not Fallout 4 Companions Would Let You Stack Donuts on It
Note: the it to stack donuts upon is not required, this is based on vibes
Cait: no
Codsworth: no
Curie: yes, for science
Danse: ....yes
Deacon: yes, enthusiastic
Hancock: is the one who brought it up
MacCready: yes, embarrassed
Nick: no
Piper: 100% yes
Preston: yes, but only if you promised not to tell people you did it
Strong: sure
X6-88: surprisingly, yes
Dogmeat: is a dog, so we're not doing that, but I bet if you handed him a donut he'd eat it
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yamamotomotoya · 3 months
Commonwealth summer vacation
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Photography/Sole Survivor
The surrounding raiders were cleaned up by them.
(I'm not good at drawing backgrounds, so I used screenshot processing backgrounds)
BGM Connie Francis - Vacation
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toxickimi · 3 months
Danse: He’s killed people. Piper [who’s heard Sole say this at least 10x a day]: But have you considered that maybe he’s just a teenage girl? Hancock: yeah! have you considered that Danse?! Danse: Hancock, you’re twenty-something year old and a male.
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Hancock: I'm moderate and peaceful, truth be told.
Piper: Yesterday you threw a table at Deacon.
Hancock: Yes, which was a moderate and peaceful comprimise because I was initially planning to launch a table at that asshole.
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psychojetcocktail · 2 months
Little studies i did because the last post flopped really bad :(
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gello-hello · 1 year
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I’m so sorry pt2
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elvishdemigod · 1 month
I need fanfics where SoSu is replaced with companions.
Like MacCready went to get the cure for his son, but when he got home, Duncan was completely gone, and whoever he left them with tells him Duncan just vanished into thin air.
Or Piper. Nat is missing and she's freaking out because she has a gut feeling it was actually the Institute, which would make her grudge against McDonough even more impactful.
Or maybe, even Jun and Marcy Long refusing to give up finding where their son is. Two dedicated parents willing to go to the ends of the earth to find their son.
Of course that'd have to give the Institute a reason to kidnap the kid. And would Sole still have seen their spouse get shot, their baby taken, and Shaun become leader? Or will it be someone else?
And what would any of these characters do in their place? How would they get to the Institute? Act with the Railroad? How would they find out about the teleportation? Would Kellogg still have been the one to affect them?
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zombiecakes · 1 month
Monogamy in the Commonwealth?
This depends a lot on the character for me, but does your sole have their "one and only," or do they get around? Do you have poly ships? I know Cait's been barking up that Piper tree for a while, if sole could get Piper on board...
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degin00 · 9 months
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i am not sure if these are appropriate to posts ><
Cait has a problem wearing the vault suit ):
Curie and Piper seem to enjoy it tho
full ver
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adrianna-g · 1 year
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dez78 · 10 months
If the bombs never fell
CHAPTER ONE: Eddie's Case
Fandom: Fallout 4
Warnings: Mentions of Mary Jane, Crime Boss, Murder of Jennifer Lands
Summary: After the murder of his niece, Jennifer Lands, Nick Valentine is forced to sit in court and watch Eddie Winter get away with it.
Note: American air defenses were able to deflect the Chinese missiles and sent their own missiles. Ending the American and Chinese war.
Note 2: I might add details and a longer court hearing, but this is it for now.
Author's Note: This is an alternate universe if the bombs never fell, and I made it, so the companions live in this timeline with their respected jobs.
October 20th, 2077:
Recently, Eddie Winter killed Jennifer Lands, the niece of detective Nick Valentine. The BADTFL let Eddie go after he offered them a deal, which was kept from the public.
Nora, a court lawyer, was in the Cambridge courthouse, listening to the disbandment of the Winter's End case along with Nick Valentine and Jonathan Widmark.
"And what say you in the court of law?" The Judge questioned; Jonathan sighed deeply as he looked up at Nick from the witness stand.
"I, Jonathan Widmark, state that Edward Winter is innocent of all crimes he was accused of." Jonathan replied. Nick's lip twitched, and Nora groaned as she sat down. It was over.
Nick was infuriated, even more so when his dear sister, Evelyn, got up and left the courtroom in tears. The judge hit the gavel on the table, ending the investigation for good.
Jonathan caught up with Nick and Nora outside the courthouse,
"What the hell was that!?" Nick wailed as he spun around to face his partner in this ongoing case.
"Look, I know it's no justice. We were in the dark, pal. Eddie made a deal with the feds themselves. It's completely out of our hands. I'm sorry, pal, I really am." Jonathan explained.
"This entire case was just a distraction from the BADTFL to let Winter go." He added.
"Bullshit." Nora snorted in a displeased manner. They continued to walk through the parking lot to their cars.
"I'm truly sorry it had to be this way, pal." Jonathan explained as he looked at Nick with a dejected expression. The detective could only sigh.
"I knew moving here was a mistake. I promised Evelyn that Jenny would be safe. She's in the middle of a nasty divorce, and now her poor girl is gone. It's my fault." Nick explained.
"Hey, don't talk like that, pal, nothing is your fault. Eddie is a scumbag. His time will come." Jonathan stated as he rested his hand on Nick's shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze.
"Evelyn knows too that it isn't your fault. She's grieving, but she knows you would keep her best interest in mind." Nora chimed in with a comforting smile.
"Look, I know a guy who can help you deal with the trauma. Here's his digits." Jonathan said as he took out a notepad and wrote down a phone number.
"Give him a call and he can hook you up with some good help. You need it, pal." He continued as they stopped at their cars.
"I'll see what I can do." Nick mumbled beneath his breath as he unlocked his sedan.
"I hope you get the closure you deserve, pal. I really do." Jonathan said sympathetically,
"Keep an eye on this one, Elinora." He added with a quick wink, Nora smiled.
"Valentine is in good hands." She replied. Jonathan gave her a quick nod before sitting his car and starting the ignition.
The three of them drove away and went back to their respected homes.
Nora got home late, she pulled into the apartment parking lot. She turned off her car and grabbed her things before heading into the apartment building.
Nora dug through her purse, looking for her keys as she walked up the stairs to her apartment.
When she reached the top, she found her keys, she went to her door and started to unlock it.
Her neighbor's door opened,
"Hey sunshine." Gruffed her neighbor John.
"How did the case go?" He asked as he smoked a joint of marijuana.
"They let him go." Nora sighed as she opened her door, she turned to face the man.
"They what?" John questioned baffled.
"It was all a set up. Eddie made a deal with the BAFTL to get off on all crimes." Nora explained.
"Those bastards! See I told you they were off. I knew something like this was going to happen." John spat angrily.
"This whole system is a bust. If I was presidant, I'd lock them all up." He grunted irritably taking a drag off his joint.
"But you're not and it's settled now. It's out of our hands now." Nora replied dryly.
"I'm going to get some shut eye. I'm exhausted." She added.
"I got some leftovers from the Drumlin, want some?" John offered,
"I'm good, I just want to sleep, thanks." Nora replied. John sighed.
"Suit yourself, toots." He said as he headed back into his own apartment. Nora shut her door and took off her coat, hanging it on the rack near the door.
She went over to the fridge and grabbed a cold Gwinnett Brew. She opened her drawer and got out the bottle opener. She popped the top off the brew. She kicked off her heels while walking to the couch.
She set her beer down on the coffee table and reached around her torso and unhooked her bra. She sighed a long breath,
"Yeahhhh." She sighed in relief. She tossed the damn thing across the room before sitting down. Her feet were sore from standing and walking in those blasted heels all day.
She reached out to grab her beer and the tv remote. She switched the tv on as she sat back against the couch, taking a swig of beer.
Piper Wright, the news reporter of Charlestown, spoke into a microphone right in front of the courthouse where Nora was about an hour ago.
"For what I can gather with the information I was given, it seems the notorious crime boss Edward Winter will be set free. According to authorities, Edward was found not guilty when Jonathan Widmark of the Boston PD made a statement earlier today. " Piper explained.
Nora made a face of disgust.
"Stupid ass system." She grumbled beneath her breath. She took another swig of beer.
"Thank you, Ms. Wright. We will keep the people of Boston informed." The newscaster explained.
Nora switched the channel. Her stomach rumbled, she looked down and sighed. She hadn't eaten since breakfast. The only food she had after breakfast was one cherry filled donut and four cups of Joe.
She decided it would be best to eat, she needed to feel good tomorrow. She wanted to take Nick and Evelyn out for breakfast. She got up and set her beer down.
She headed to her door and went to the hallway, knocking on John's door. She waited a few moments before the man opened the door.
"What's up, toots?" He asked,
"That food still on offer?" Nora questioned with a quirky expression as she folded her arms. John laughed,
"Sure thing, let me get that for you." He said as he headed back into his apartment. Nora stayed in the hallway; she could hear bags rustling. After a few moments, John came out with a bag of food.
"Here ya go. The stuff I couldn't finish." He said, Nora gave him a generous smile,
"Thanks, John, I appreciate it." She replied,
"Don't mention it. Listen, don't let this case bring you down. You did all you could. It's not your fault." John explained, Nora sighed with a nod.
"I know, it's just difficult watching this walk away after someone close got victimized." She spat; John grumbled.
"No worries, doll, that bastard will get what's coming to him." He reassured.
"I hope so." Nora snorted,
"Well you enjoy that food, I gotta hit the hay." John said as he threw his thumb over his shoulder, pointing to the inside of his apartment.
"Sure thing, I'll enjoy my food and you enjoy your beauty sleep." Nora teased; John howled a loud laugh as he started to shut the door.
"Night, sunshine." He said,
"Goodnight, John." Nora smiled as she headed back to her own apartment. John shut his door while Nora opened hers.
After she closed the door, her tabby, Nuka came over to her. She rolled her eyes playfully.
"Typical, I have food and you come out from hiding." Nora said as she laughed with a snort. Nuka stretched and meowed at her.
The woman sat on the couch and got into the bag immediately. There was a double cheeseburger, potato wedges, lobster roll, Nuka dog and a salad.
Her mouth watered as the aroma hit her nose. She sat back and ate like a queen. All while not having to leave her building nor cook. It was a good evening at least. She switched on the Silver Shroud show as she ate.
Eventually falling asleep on her couch while the tv continued to blare, Nuka finished the crumbs.
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yamamotomotoya · 11 days
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Nick's portrait photography and the two people making the deal
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toxickimi · 3 months
Danse: What does “Take-out” mean? Piper: Dating! Kimi: Food Gage & Hancock, simultaneously: Murder -Everyone turns to them- Cait: It can be all three if you’re brave enough!
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rakimaiirisa · 2 years
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