#Falls Count Anywhere
dilf-in-peril · 8 months
The guys trying to slip Punk money.
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ultradude13 · 1 year
When a mistake winds up in your favor.
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thewebcomicsreview · 1 year
Throwback all the way to FCA. How much research should you do into a topic before marking a comic about it? I've wanted to make a history based webcomic for a while, but I feel like the research is never finished and I'll never know enough to get every detail right. I know I'll never be able to know everything, but how do you strike that balance between shameless Hollywood inaccuracy and obsessing like your comic is going to be systematically torn apart by pedants at any moment?
Oh Christ, that’s a comic best left forgotten. 
Anyway, that’s kind of a big question, and it depends on a few factors, like how serious the comic is. An info-tainment comic like Law and Sausages should probably have more research than a comic with a giant enemy crab in it. And I think that with webcomics, as years-long projects, you should be continuously researching the topic all the time (seeing as you were interested enough to make a comic about it!) 
For Falls Count Anywhere, I had read all of two (2) books:
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Chris Jericho’s first autobiography, which I half considered a plot outline
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And The Death of WCW, which is legitimately one of my all-time favorite books (it since got an updated re-release, which I still skim sometimes).
I would consider this to be not enough research for something that’s going to be heavy on obscure information, and if I’d actually continued making that comic it would’ve basically just been a one-to-one of Chris Jericho’s career with more cocaine. I’ve since read a few more books, seen Wrestling With Shadows, and started regularly following a few wrestling-y podcasts like OSW Review, but I’m no expert by any means. It’s that thing where the more knowledge you have the more you realize the gaps in your knowledge.
All that said, there’s never really “enough” research, right? Hopefully it’s a topic you’re really passionate about and can talk about in detail before you decide to dedicate years of your life making a comic about it. You just kind of have to know when it feels right, I guess.
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insomnya777 · 5 months
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boat boys coded
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redbean-nom · 5 months
star wars by silm logic
for the silm-sw dual citizens:
I was wondering what would happen if star wars (particularly tbb bc that's the currently-releasing bit of star wars) adhered to silm logic:
Hunter is the local leader of a hidden city (Pabu)
Omega is the heir
Rex is the overall leader of a warring people (clone rebellion)
Hemlock is the local leader of a branch of the Forces of Evil
Palpatine is the overall Enemy
so therefore
Rex and Echo gather an army of escaped clones. They rescue Cody or Wolffe from the Empire. Song and fire are greatly involved.
Themes of rising hope are invoked as they make a stand against the Empire. The clone rebellion grows further.
They are initially victorious and manage to rescue the clone prisoners from Tantiss with few casualties. Hemlock is ousted and flees to the heart of the Empire (but his operation will return in time)
Echo goes to check on the Batch on Pabu and ask them to ally with him and Rex in the upcoming battle.
They march on Coruscant. Things suddenly go disastrously wrong. Cody is killed in battle. Rex faces Palpatine in single combat.
Rex dies tragically.
Echo tells Hunter about the battle. They are delayed on their way and attempt to ride to the rescue. The Batch arrives just after the deaths. Echo is sad.
Pabu is betrayed while the Batch is on Coruscant.
Pabu is invaded by the Empire. Hemlock subjugates the people into his weird clone experimentation program.
The Batch returns to destroyed/invaded Pabu and is unable to intervene.
While attempting to protect their city most of the Batch dies.
Echo is very sad.
Hunter is captured and killed in front of Omega.
Omega escapes and swears an Oath mourns the Batch.
Echo is broken by grief for the ghosts of his past and vanishes.
Omega later becomes a Rebellion leader, carrying the memories of the failed clone rebellion and the haven of Pabu with her.
Echo fades/dies on some random planet as the forgotten remnant of the GAR/Clone rebellion.
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its-sports-anime-life · 2 months
I admit, I was hopping for some sort of stipulations for liv vs rhea summerslam match.
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duckapus · 1 year
Idea for something I might write later: A meetup of royals(and other government officials) who are responsible in some way for an Avatar, as a way of strengthening ties between their universes. Namely:
King Dedede, who ends up as a sort of unofficial leader of the group due to his experience wrangling the Star Allies.
Princess Peach, who isn't entirely certain she should have a place here considering the issues she's working through and the possibility of it implying a power imbalance between her and Mario when their relationship is already pretty rocky.
Queen Melody, so this would obviously be after Watered Down Dreams. she's rather excited to meet people from other worlds outside of a crisis.
King Mickey. I don't really have much to say about him admittedly.
Archangel Flonne, who is acting as a representative of both Celestia (Disgaea's version of heaven), which she's qualified to do as an Archangel, and the Netherworld (Disgaea's version of hell, which there are many of for some reason) that Laharl is Overlord of, which she's qualified to do as one of Laharl's most trusted vassals and his girlfriend. Laharl's not joining the meetup himself because he's self-aware enough to know he's not the best at diplomacy.
Avatar Arle's version of Miss Accord. She is not royalty. She is not part of the Government. She is, in fact, a teacher. At a school that Arle doesn't even go to. She's here anyway.
Mayor Scuttlebutt, unfortunately.
And Cynthia. It would've been Lance instead since Ash lives in Kanto, but he's closer with Cynthia, and she only has one region to handle instead of two so she had more time to come over.
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thegoldenelite · 1 year
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I'm still thinking about the shirt ibushi wore to his return🥲
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myname-isnia · 8 months
It's that "spend hours sobbing my eyes out in bed for several reasons, including but not limited to the fact tomorrow is Monday, the fact my social battery has been completely drained and won't recover anytime soon, the fact my landlady is due to show up tomorrow evening and will likely piss me off again, the fact I've had the urge to write since Friday and ended up not writing even a single fucking word, the fact exam pressure keeps rising and I still don't know what to do with my life after I'm done with school, and the fact I'm both completely overwhelmed and so terribly lonely at the same time" kind of Sunday evenings
#I'm so fucking exhausted. both mentally and emotionally#I spent the night at my grandma's and then my friend came over and spent the night the following day#and I don't count it as a day off unless I don't go anywhere or see anyone#so you could say I didn't really have a weekend#idk how I'll go to school tomorrow. I think even one person talking to me would make me fucking explode#and yet. despite all that. I feel completely alone#because no one I know irl can provide me with the comfort I so desperately need#spending time with people is all a big distraction from my depressive thoughts#and the second everyone leaves.. I feel more alone than ever. so completely and utterly lonely#I try to fill the void with my imagination. lose myself in my oc verse. and it helps sometimes#but when I'm not feeling particularly inspired or can't some up with anything good... I just end up feeling worse than I did before#everything I do is to distract myself from my mind because the second I'm left alone with my thoughts..#they go to a very dark place very quickly#like now. when my wrists itch and I can't stop crying and know full well that I'll go to bed in a few hours wishing to never wake up#and I'm left with nothing but a gaping hole in my chest. aching for arms to fall into and a shoulder to cry on#despite knowing it's not something I'll ever have#so I grit my teeth and bear it and hold on. for whatever reason#I don't know why I haven't give up yet. it's all arbitrary reasons like 'my friends would be sad if I was gone'#even in matters like these all I end up worrying about is what other people would think. not my own feelings#well. nobody has anything to worry about concerning me anyway. I'm too much of a coward to do anything#if I wasn't I wouldn't have lived to see my 14th birthday#and yet 4 years later I'm still here. wishing for an instantaneous way out that didn't involve me raising a hand against myself#because I really don't know how long I'll be able to take all this for. I don't have much left in me#I'm holding on by a thread. one too close to snapping. I'm scared of how few reasons I can come up with to keep going#I don't see a future ahead of myself. no college or uni or job or relationship or anything that might be worth staying around for#any attempts to imagine what life would be like after graduation are just.. dark and bleak and empty#I haven't got a single clue what I'm going to end up doing. maybe that's why I see so little worth in trying to figure it out#nothing in this world will make me truly happy. I don't have a future#and if I don't have a future... I don't have any reasons to stick around any further#if only I wasn't so much of a coward
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dilf-in-peril · 8 months
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Personally I would rather take a power bomb onto concrete than be thrown on the couch in the "boom boom room" in a strip club.
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fallout-lou-begas · 1 year
Punk vs MJF 2 absolutely fucking happening for the championship title, they're literally just killing time until Collision mark my words. like the angle is so obvious. the only one on the level of the devil is the best in the world
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flaticeball · 1 year
there’s nothing more exhausting as a leafs fan sometimes than other leafs fans.
like…. this series isn’t over but im keenly aware the writing is basically on the wall and this is a fight to die with dignity rather than advance and i get being upset, i get being sad and frustrated and even angry but what i don’t get is the reactionary doomerism about how obviously that means that nothing they’ve done or built or ARE means anything. it’s all meaningless if they don’t win the cup. blow it up, fire one of the best gm’s in the league that other teams would be lining up to hire the microsecond we let him go, The Only Thing That Matters Is The Cup.
maybe it’s that ive only been a hockey fan for about a decade. maybe it’s that im more in it for the story, the experience than the destination. idk. but whatever it is, i cannot and will never understand the fan approach that says the only thing that really truly matters is winning the stanley cup. not mitch’s historic season. not the fairy tale that is luke schenn coming home. not matthew knies’s excellent breakout series before his injury, not sammy’s unbeatable attitude, not jt’s overtime winner, not breaking the round 1 curse, not coming back from a 4-1 game and winning it. no, we’re gonna lose in round 2 so none of that happened. wipe the slate clean. blow it up. etc.
i keep thinking about all the people i saw saying they could finally actually enjoy hockey after the round 1 win and then saying that lasted only until they started losing the first game of round 2 and that’s probably a lot of joking hyperbole but also from the bottom of my heart if you feel that bad about it, maybe it’s time to step away and find a different hobby. different sport, different team, something else entirely. if all that matters at the end of the day is whether or not You Won The Most or whether other fans will stop making fun of your team or whatever, that’s just…. not a mindset i get at all and that difference seems to allow me to enjoy this a lot more than a lot of dooming internet calvinists who seem to think this core is like, cosmically ordained to be Losers Forever (see this great thread).
fans of this sport who look at it and can only see what's reflected in the cup are like........ i'll never understand that. and that’s fine. you don’t have to be a sports fan the way im a sports fan and again, im upset too. im frustrated too, im sad too. but that doesn’t mean none of it mattered. doesn’t mean i want to see the core marooned on an island in the atlantic and dubas thrown in the thousand years dungeon and replaced by….. Someone Who’s Apparently Gonna Snap Their Fingers And Fix… Something. and one of us is having a better time than the other right now so idk. do the math for yourself i guess and ask yourself ‘is this how i want to experience the sport and team i theoretically love or is there a better way.’
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
the world loves me so much and said here asia we would like you to have your cluster cycle start on new years eve this time :) . also to anyone out there that suffers with cluster headaches, i fucking see you dude and it fucking sucks and i’m so sorry
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seddair · 1 year
#the topic on whether or not 911 qb’d with buddie can be an interesting discussion#on one hand the show didn’t really practice the dictionary definition of qb with buddie#there were a few promos that featured them (hello 6b promo where eddie screams buck’s name when he was struck by lightning)#but nothing that really indicated that the relationship was going anywhere beyond where it already was#on the other hand#there were a few moments in the show that seemed to potentially hint at something more (or at least hints that only a queer audience would+#pick up on)#this happened far more frequently in season 2 but i would argue the couch related scenes in 6x12 could count too#the show deliberately connected couches to buck’s love life#and to have essentially back to back scenes where we see buck struggle to fall asleep on his own couch and then very easily fall asleep+#on eddie’s couch… like of course the fandom is going to pick up on that and i have serious doubts the show is that obtuse#so… that has to be some sort of baiting yeah?#they played into the metaphor THEY created to draw certain people in#that’s not nothing lol#i also HATE the argument that because h*nren exists that the show can’t possibly be qb’ing#like we know that not every queer audience member is looking for the same thing so some are going to look certain types of rep#it’s just such a bad faith argument to excuse the show of some bad behavior#anyway#this was just on my mind over the last couple days#and while i don’t think the show text book definition qb’d they definitely baited to a certain extent#and that’s still bad!
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bilal-salah0 · 3 months
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While children around the world enjoy the summer holidays within the safety and comfort of their homes and plan fun beach trips with their families, our kids' childhood has been reduced to securing the bare minimum of food and water, fending off swarms of disease-carrying insects, and enduring the stifling heat inside the hellish tent. Seeing them fill water containers and struggle to carry them with their tiny hands breaks my heart into a million pieces. Our babies fall asleep drenched in sweat and keep waking up crying and gasping for breath. What makes it even more unbearable are the plagues of flies and mosquitoes that keep torturing their little fragile, malnourished bodies, increasing the risk of contracting infectious diseases, with no medical care available. They also face a very real and imminent threat of dehydration due to water and formula scarcity.Their older siblings are encumbered by burdens way beyond their years. They think it is their responsibility to fill heavy water containers and protect the newborns, but the truth is they are as vulnerable to the same threats that keep growing every day. No child should live in such a hostile environment. Rubble, garbage, and the smell of death are all around.
Our kids used to have a beautiful spacious home built after years of toil and sacrifice, just to be turned into ruins in the blink of an eye. Now, they are given no other choice but to be confined to the tight airless space of a makeshift tent swarming with all sorts of insects. Even if they go outside the only things that await them are the scorching sun, the hot summer air, and foul smells all day long. The summer nights are often equally suffocating depriving them of desperately needed sleep.
Using a wood-fired self-made stove to cook is beyond torture in such heat. It is also very dangerous to the children who keep going close to it. My heart sinks each time I see pictures of them next to the fire. Even preparing a baby bottle,if ever available, is an ordeal in such conditions but my family have no other options. They have been enduring unfathomable, relentless suffering for nine months straight, and they have been more than resilient but they are now way beyond exhausted. They have been daily fighting for their very survival but there's no guarantee of safety anywhere in Gaza as not only what is left of the buildings but also the tents are being indiscriminately bombed every single day. Even going to the beach to escape the sweltering heat has become a perilous journey for my family, and countless others, since civilians keep being targeted with airstrikes there too.
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My family were not allowed to have even the slightest respite since the beginning of this waking nightmare. They have been striving to survive bombing, malnutrition, disease, the cold winter, and now the deadly heatwaves.
When I left Gaza shortly before the war, my dream was to build a brighter future for my loved ones. I have never imagined, once in my life, that I would be raising funds to literally save their lives. Now, my only wish is to keep them alive and as safe as possible, given the circumstances.
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Your support is their only hope and solace amidst all the pain and loss. Please do whatever you can to help me save them from this brutal literal decimation of our people. Every contribution counts! Keep our babies in your thoughts and prayers 🙏 And Please donate any amount you can spare and reblog as often as you can. It is beyond words to say how grateful I am to everyone standing with us 🙏
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orcelito · 2 months
Every day I wake up and time passes and then I have to go to sleep again. And I'm sick of it. Haven't I had enough struggling to fall asleep?? Many hundreds of times, in fact. And yet every night, I must do it all over again or I will be attacked by The Demons.
Sick and fucked up fr
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