#Far too many to list but if you're an author of any kind please know that you're the people who help me survive life
tattedpetticoats · 1 year
I was tagged by the lovely @vintage-vermillion to tell you all my 2023 TBR (which I think stands for “to be read” list?). But the truth is I almost never actually have books in mind to read. I just pick up whatever is around with no forward-planning and dive in. I think mostly this appeals to me because nearly everything I do feels like it has some goal attached. The goal can be anything from “you need to do this work so you’ll get paid” to “you need to study this book so you’ll pass” to “you need to run the dishwasher so you have cutlery” to “you need to see every tumblr post on your dash or... Bad Things” and “you have to watch ALL of this youtube video you’re watching for entertainment”. And it’s utterly exhausting.
The one respite I have is that my brain doesn’t do this with books. Books will always be there. I can come back later. If I don’t finish it I might next week, or I might never, but whatever happens I can come back to it. In many cases, I already know how the story ends because I’ve read it often before.
So I have no goals with books in 2023. I might read hundreds. I might start reading hundreds and then not finish them. But I will enjoy them and treasure the fact that they give me this peace.
That being said, any recommendations?
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sundrop-writes · 8 months
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Mike Schmidt x Fem!Reader
Mike has been in love with you for as long as he can remember. For about as long as the two of you have been best friends. He always thought he would have more time to work up to confessing those big, dangerous feelings for you - until something more dangerous swooped in and stole any time he had left with you.
Mike Schmidt x Fem!Reader. Star-Crossed Lovers. Pure Angst. Set during the events of the movie (and features spoilers for the plot).
Word Count: 3,700
Horror Characters Masterlist | AO3 Link
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: this fic contains major spoilers for the film - so if you haven't watched it yet and you're just here for Josh Hutcherson being sad and beautiful (and if you want to watch the film unspoiled) be warned; this fic does use Y/N; this fic is almost pure angst - the beginning is fluffy, but that only exists to make the angst hurt more; this fic does not have a happy ending; hurt, no comfort; this fic has mentions of Mike's past traumas and him having symptoms of PTSD; the reader is a mother figure to Abby; Mike refers to the reader as his 'wife' (in his mind, not in dialogue); Mike is in love with the reader (and it's implied that she knows this/can sense his feelings) but he doesn't get a chance to actually confess to her and they aren't in a romantic relationship at any point during this fic; (uh, kind of spoiler for the fic but this was in the prompt/request) - major character death: the reader character dies after being stabbed by Springtrap/William Afton/The Yellow Rabbit (gotta love fnaf - when a character has that many names); mentions of blood; descriptions of violence - descriptions of the fight between Afton and Mike, descriptions of the reader being stabbed by Afton; Abby is there to witness the reader's death; idk what the other warnings are aside from major angst - this will be an emotional gut punch. Anyway, please enjoy it lmao.
A/N: The title of this fic comes from the song Ghosting by Mother Mother. I was listening to different songs trying to pick a title, and I really like how this one fits. How their romantic love was like a ghost in their lives - not discussed, but felt between the both of them, and after she's gone, she becomes a ghost in his life.
Mike woke up to the smell of pancakes. 
Typically, mornings were his least favorite time of day. Seeing as he was the kind of person who didn’t sleep well, didn’t sleep at all, or found himself consumed by nightmares when he did - most mornings, he was too tired to comprehend the world around him. Mornings were a chaotic mess for him as he tried to pull himself back from the brink of insanity while operating his sluggish body with far too little energy until he got some coffee into his system. He came to resent mornings, as for him, they existed only in a dreadful haze. 
And he rarely ate a proper breakfast because of it. Most of the time, his ‘breakfast’ consisted of a large cup of coffee and a few pieces of Eggo waffle that he would snag off of Abby’s plate going out the door as he scolded her for not finishing it all. 
The second that the pleasant smell of freshly cooked food reached his nose, his stomach growled. 
Through the sleepy fog of his brain, hearing voices - multiple voices - coming from down the hallway, he realized that it wasn’t just Abby and some muffled cartoon characters from the TV. 
“Which one?” Abby posed, her voice bright and curious as ever. 
“Personally… I like the red sweater. It matches the red laces in the shoes you picked,” You replied, raising your voice slightly to be heard over the sizzling of the pan. 
You were helping her pick out her clothes. Abby would have never wanted Mike’s help on the subject. So often she scoffed at him if he suggested that he could help her put her hair in a ponytail or if he told her that she should put on a jacket if it was cold outside. But she asked you for your advice about clothes because she admired you. She thought you were pretty, as she had told Mike on multiple occasions (not so subtly hinting that he should date you). 
Mike heard footsteps thundering down the hallway as Abby rushed to her room to get dressed, likely carting along the clothes you had helped to pick. He distantly wondered how you had gotten into the house before he was even awake. 
And then, he remembered - a few weeks ago, he had given you a key to his place. 
It was something that had come after he had accidentally locked his own set of keys in the car, his mind jumbled and forgetful after not having much sleep the night before. And with the evening ticking on and the takeout you had picked up for the three of you quickly getting cold in your hands (everyone eager to simply get into the house and eat) - Mike had been hit with the realization that any solutions to unlock the car - the spare key, a metal coat hanger, a phone to call a mechanic - were all locked in the house.��
So he had hoisted Abby in through her bedroom window (after scolding her for not locking it) and gotten her to unlock the front door. And shortly after that, he had given you a house key, because generally, you were better with things like that. 
You were much more organized - your mind a clear, calm palace compared to the chaos that Mike often found himself swamped in. You were someone who worked incredibly well under stress, and that was why Mike valued you so much in his life. Right from a childhood where the two of you had pulled pranks together and he had been copying your homework, to the time he had leaned on you during the initial stress of Garett’s disappearance - up until now. When he was a messy, disorganized adult who still needed you far more than he was ever willing to admit. 
It was just one of the many reasons he admired you so much. You took care of him in ways he couldn’t even put into words. 
He smiled to himself as he heard more of your chatter with Abby. Previously, he had remarked that the key was for ‘emergencies only’ - but he couldn’t bring himself to care all too much about the breach of that rule as he tumbled out of bed. Especially when the smell of bacon also reached his nose as he walked to the bathroom. 
It was when he was pulling on his pants that he glanced at the clock and realized he was already running on the late side. Not too late yet, but he had to put some urgency in his step. He had somehow forgotten to set his alarm, today of all days, when he would be meeting with a career counselor after the disastrous incident that got him fired from the mall. 
He rushed down the hallway struggling with his tie, bringing his usual air of chaos with him. His heart instantly warmed at the sight of you and Abby - you had her sitting at the table, somehow so much more polite and cooperative for you, with a glass of juice beside her plate while you scooped freshly made pancakes onto it. 
“You know, usually when most people break and enter, they don’t make breakfast,” Mike commented, his voice cool and jovial as he grew increasingly frustrated with his tie. 
He thought he was forming the knot correctly, but it kept falling loose in his hands, causing a deep crease across his brows as he frowned at the fabric. 
You giggled at this - both at his words and at his obvious struggle. You put the pan on the counter as you walked toward him, leaving Abby to pick up the bottle of syrup and begin thoroughly drowning her pancakes while you weren’t looking. You knocked Mike’s hands away in that wordless kind of care and began calmly tying his tie. 
“Well, I considered going the traditional route, but there’s nothing worth stealing here.” You remarked, playing off the banter that was only built between the two of you after years of friendship. “Plus, The Breakfast Burglar has such a nice ring to it.” 
“That makes it sound like you steal people’s breakfast.” Abby giggled. 
“I would, if certain little girls didn’t drown their pancakes in syrup.” You replied, not bothering to look over your shoulder at her to know what she was doing. “That’s enough, Abs.” 
She rolled her eyes harshly at this, but put the bottle of syrup down and picked up her knife and fork. 
Mike grinned widely at this. You were more like a mom to her than their own mother ever was. And the fact that you knew her so well and took care of her without question always brought him joy. 
His smile only widened when you smoothed a warm hand down the front of his chest, and he looked down to see a perfectly neat knot in the front of his tie. He felt a tingling swarm of butterflies in his stomach at your touch - something that threatened to spread through him and turn him into a dizzy, lovesick fool. Urgently, he needed to distract himself with something else. 
His eyes shifted over to the side table, and he realized that his keys weren’t where he usually threw them down when he got home. 
“Have you seen my-?” 
Once again, you were two steps ahead of him. More organized than him. 
“Keys.” You said, turning around to the counter and holding the key ring up on your fingers. “Your resume, formatted and printed.” You held up a folder that contained this as well. “Your wallet, and breakfast burrito.” 
You gathered up his wallet and a warm bundle wrapped in tinfoil - his breakfast. The small notion of caring, the fact that you thought ahead to make something he could eat while rushing out the door - it caused that dangerous tingle to overtake his stomach once again. As you crossed the room and placed all the items in his hands, he had the intense urge to lean over and kiss you - he knew the domesticity was crippling. 
You had been his best friend for years, you had helped him take care of Abby for as long as the little girl could remember. You felt more like a wife to him than anybody else ever would. 
And yet, you had absolutely no clue how he felt about you. It would have felt like the most natural thing in the world for him to lean over and kiss you goodbye before leaving - just like a husband would do with his wife. But the two of you weren’t married. You weren’t even dating. You took care of him because you were his best friend. Because you had always taken care of him the way a best friend should. 
“What would I do without you?” He said, knowing that the pure fondness in his voice could have easily given him away - if he didn’t talk to you like that all the time. 
“Hmm… probably run around naked and starving,” You chuckled, shrugging as you walked back over to Abby and sat down beside her at the table. “Now get going. I’ll take Abby to school.” 
“Have a good day, Abs.” Mike said, wishing his sister well - only to receive a mindless nod in reply before she went back to chatting with you about something, excitedly telling you a story involving one of her imaginary friends while you watched her with absolutely rapt attention. 
He moved toward the door, but he found himself caught up in the sight of you. You were a hero in their little world as you rushed to save one of Abby’s drawings from some syrup that dripped off her plate. When you complimented the picture, she glowed with a smile he hadn’t seen in days. 
That was a huge part of it, too. The love he felt for you that grew more agonizing each day. You brought out all the best parts of Abby, as well as keeping Mike himself from going truly insane. 
For a single moment, he wondered if he should tell you. He wondered if he should just blurt out the words before running out the door, leaving you to simmer in it. Giving you time to think about it - to yell at him about it later. 
It hovered on his tongue. 
I love you. I’ve been in love with you for years. 
But when you looked over and saw him still standing by the door, he locked eyes with you, and suddenly it was gone again, swallowed up inside of him like a nasty ache that would live there forever. 
“Go, Mike! You’re gonna be late!” You said, your voice edging with casual laughter. 
You picked up one of the couch cushions and swatted him with it as you walked by to get Abby a paper towel from the kitchen. 
No. He would tell you some other time. 
Perhaps he wouldn’t work up the courage to tell you at all. 
He was going to die. He was going to be killed. 
And he wasn’t going to get the chance to tell you that he was in love with you. 
Strangely enough, that was the one thing Mike was thinking about as he laid on the cold, dirty floor of Freddy Fazbear’s condemned pizzeria. His stomach burned with searing pain as he received another kick from the large, intimidating monster that he knew only as the Yellow Rabbit. 
He was going to die. He wouldn’t get to tell you how he felt. He would never get to see you ever again. 
He was going to save Abby. He was going to make sure that she got out of here, escaped somehow. And you would take care of her. That thought was a singular comfort to him as he felt one of his ribs crack from the metal (poorly disguised by the foam and fabric around the edges of the suit) colliding with his torso.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” The Rabbit mocked him. “I killed your brother, now I get to kill you. Symmetry, my friend!” 
“Get away from him!” 
Mike almost thought that the intense pain had caused him to hallucinate, or that he had hit his head on the floor hard when he had been thrown down - it couldn’t actually be you.
But he heard your voice, fierce and fiery as ever, defending him as you had so many times before. He struggled to get his head up to look, but he caught a glimpse of the Yellow Rabbit as the strange animal collapsed. 
You had picked up one of the chairs, and brought it down over the Rabbit’s head, perfectly imitating something that would have been on Monday Night Raw. Except this was pure wood, not a collapsing chair, and all the pieces that splintered and fell in front of Mike as the Rabbit collapsed were because of the pure force of your hit. The fury of which you defended him and his life. 
“Y/N!” Abby yelled your name from across the room. 
She rushed into your arms as you stepped over the Rabbit’s prone body, and you swept her into a tight hug. 
“Are you okay? Are you hurt? What’s going on?” You rushed to ask, brushing her hair out of her face to inspect for any injuries. 
“I’m fine.” Abby told you. “Mike-” She then turned to her brother, frantic, and pulled away from you to fall to her knees by his side. 
“Mike, what the hell is going on?” You asked, on your knees at his side just as quickly. 
You turned him over on his back, inspecting him for injuries now - definitely not liking what you found. 
Abby held his hand and he grasped it right back, his head still dizzy from the thorough ass-kicking he had just experienced. 
You gasped when you saw blood leaking through his shirt. He grunted in pain when you pressed your hand into the wound, clearly trying to lessen that bleeding. 
“What - what are you doing here?” He croaked out. 
As much as he was thankful for you swooping in and saving him, he wished that you were safe somewhere else. Anywhere but here. 
“Abby left her jacket in my car, and when I went to return it, I saw your Aunt Jane passed out on the floor, and - and, I just had a bad feeling.” You rushed to explain. “Somehow, I figured you’d be here.” 
Mike hadn’t exactly told you the details of what was going on. 
As close as the two of you were, he wasn’t sure if you would be entirely receptive to the concept of Abby being ‘friends’ with robots that were controlled by ghost children, and Mike somehow feeling connected to his own missing… dead brother by being in this place. He had simply told you that his new job was a night shift at a creepy old abandoned pizza place. 
But of course, you were two steps ahead of him. As always. 
You pulled back your hand to inspect the bleeding, and Mike groaned again. 
“Should I call an ambulance?” You asked, and Mike shook his head furiously. 
“No, we have to-” 
We have to leave. You have to leave. You have to get Abby out of here, to safety. 
All of those words dissolved on his tongue as he watched with utter shock. He wanted to scream as a big yellow hand clasped onto your shoulder from behind, and soon, a pair of large rabbit ears rose up from the floor. 
He wasn’t down for the count. 
Before he could speak, before he could move, Mike’s throat became choked as he saw your expression shift from the kind concern that you had worn for him many times - to pain. A brutal shock of your own. 
The Rabbit had shoved his knife into your back. 
A bright pool of red began to form in the middle of your shirt as the tip of the knife just barely poked through the center of your chest. 
“No!” Mike shouted, rushing to sit up despite the pain screaming in his body. 
He put a shaking hand to the middle of your chest as though it mattered, as though he could save you from this. He hated how warm your blood felt underneath his fingers. 
Abby let out a scream beside him. Distantly, in the back of his mind, he felt a pang of guilt that she had to see this. That she would spend the rest of her life trying to get over this. 
“It hurts, doesn’t it?” The Rabbit mocked him. “It always hurts more when you love them!”  
The Rabbit let out a brutal laugh and then yanked his knife from your back, and you released a sharp breath as the Rabbit shoved you toward Mike, causing you to collapse into his lap in a bloody heap. 
Somewhere far away, in another world, Mike heard Vanessa shouting from the doorway. Maybe he felt some sense of relief, thinking she would shoot the Rabbit down and this would all be over. But as the Rabbit’s attention was drawn away from him, he turned to where you were draped across his lap, the small pool of red on your shirt now soaked into a large puddle as you sputtered and some of that harsh bright red blood came out the corner of your lips. 
“Mike-” You choked out, reaching for him. 
“Tell me what to do,” Mike choked out. 
His mind was miserably blank. He felt your fingers clutching at his bicep, like he held the key to saving you, like he could restore your life - but his mind was screaming and his chest collapsed in on itself. 
You were always the one that guided him. He didn’t have an idea if you didn’t plant it in his head first. 
“Y/N,” Abby sobbed. 
“It-it’s okay.” You told her, struggling, gurgling, choking on your own blood. You took your grip off Mike, extending the hand weakly to her, and she took it. “It’s g-gonna be okay.” 
She let out another harsh sob, and Mike felt his lungs fill with stone. 
“Tell me what to do,” He said desperately, not realizing how thick his own voice was, how close he was to breaking down. He ran a trembling hand over your face, brushing away some stray hairs - he hated how cold you felt to his touch. “Please, tell me what to do.” 
He thought you might suggest some first aid. An ambulance. Tell him where your car was so he could carry you there, cart you away, get you to safety. 
“You-re g-gonna take c-care of her-r.” You told him, shifting your eyes distinctly from him toward Abby, giving her hand a squeeze. “You’re gon-na m-make it ok-ay.” 
“Y/N.” Abby cried, thick tears spilling down her cheeks. 
“Abby. You’re gonna b-be s-strong.” You grinned at her - your teeth were covered in blood, and it looked as menacing as it did fond. “You’re g-gonna be good for-r M-Mike, right? My little a-artist.” 
Abby nodded, more tears leaking from her eyes. 
And then, with some gears turning in her head, these words seemingly having triggered some line of thought, she looked up and spotted something across the room. She muttered something about the drawings and leapt up before Mike could stop her. He didn’t have the strength to chase her - he only hoped that she was leaving, escaping while the others were distracted. 
When he looked back down at you, your face was falling more limp, and your shirt was somehow even more soaked in blood. His jeans were wet, and he couldn’t even process why. He pressed a hand to the front of your shirt, trying to cover the wound as you had done with him - his muscles shook even harder when blood gushed out between his fingers and seemed to leak from you harder, as if to spite him. 
“Y/N,” He sobbed, leaning down. He cradled the back of your head and touched your forehead against his own. 
For a moment, he dreamed about putting his lips against your own and bringing you back to life with a kiss. Like some stupid fairytale. 
“Y/N, I-” 
I love you. 
“I - I know.” You croaked quietly, cutting him off. “D-don’t w-waste it on me now-w.” 
He felt the puff of your last breath as it expelled out against his cheek - he felt you go completely limp in his arms. 
“No-” He choked the word off in his throat, swallowing down sobs. 
He held you tighter against him, and feeling how cold you were, he let out a shuddering howl of a sob. He clasped your lifeless body against his chest - somehow believing that he could use the power of his grief to inject more life back into you. 
The rest of it was a blur. The deadly snap of springlocks, Vanessa shouting at him to abandon you - to abandon your body as the building collapsed in on itself. 
Mike didn’t truly break down until he was scrubbing his blood off your face in the bathroom sink that night. Seeing the red washing down the drain and knowing that it was the last traces of your life he was washing away - that was what truly did it. He collapsed onto the floor and stayed there for hours, sobbing more than he breathed, unable to move. 
When his cries finally died down, Abby slowly crept in and asked him how he was feeling. He lied, telling her that he was feeling fine. She raised up a shy hand, offering him one of your sweaters that you had accidentally left on their couch a few days prior. 
He thanked her and then finally peeled himself off the floor. He tried to make pancakes and Abby remarked that they weren’t as good as yours. It felt impossible, but her words made him smile. It was a small, dull smile - but it was a smile, nonetheless. 
A few days later, when he finally fell asleep for the first time after you had died in his arms, it was with that sweater wrapped around his pillow, wafting your faded smell into his nostrils. It was the first time in years that he didn’t dream about Garett. The dream he had about you was just as haunting.
A/N: Also, I don't know if Afton's knife would actually be long enough to go through someone's back and pierce out the front of their chest but - one, it's a cool imagery, and two, the knife looks pretty large when compared to the scale of the Springtrap suit hands. Anyway, I don't actually care all too much if it's accurate or not, I had fun writing this lmao.
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lunar-years · 1 year
hi! love your blog. I was wondering if you have any fic recs? I’m especially looking for royjamiekeely but I’m flexible :) thank you!!
Hi! I have read a lot of the R/J/K tag, and gosh, there is seriously so much incredible stuff in there. It sort of depends on what kind of vibe you're going for, but here are a few* to get you started.
Note: many of these are rated M or E, so please check the actual warnings and ratings and summaries before reading :)
Start with author inlovewithnight and literally just read everything they've ever written, it is all completely brilliant and there is something for all tastes. My personal favorites are the blood in my mouth, I wish it was mine and they threw me a whirlwind and I spat back the sea, but do be aware those are definitely darker/heavier fics and heed the tags!!! (the first has quite bit of noncon [not between RJK] and the second involves physical abuse initiated by James Sr.). For a lighter option I recommend Follow the Hearts and You Can't Go Wrong which is a lovely future R/J/K fic about the end of Jamie's career
from there move along to @valonia47 (Ao3) and @belmottetower (Ao3) and Mixtape Star (Ao3) and also read everything they've written :) I wanted to single out favorites for you but how could I when it's all so very good?
our bodies touch and the angels cry by lennynards: R/J/K that starts out with Roy & Jamie having to stay within 10 feet of each other at all times after both accidentally drinking a weird tea Jane brewed up for Beard. Yes it sounds like a completely ridiculous premise but it is one of my favorite RJK fics ever, 12/10
In Colour series by lyricl: this one feels so very true to canon and it just gets them all so right, I don't know how else to describe it. It's not a complete series though and nobody has actually gotten together as of yet, fyi. They're all far too busy having a lot of complex (& horny) feelings about each other from afar.
This might be a long shot that's not quite what you're looking for but, For Now series by Wild Wren. It's actually mostly a Roy/Keeley series, and I started reading it on a whim because I literally ran out of new things to read in the R/J/K and Jamie tags at one point, lol. Then it ended up being some of my favorite fanfic of all time. It's Roy/Keeley but like, in a not normative and also very kinky way that does a great deep dive into their respective ~issues~. Also Wild Wren had them break up even before the show had them break up, and in a much better and far more detailed way, just saying!! Part 4 is pre-ot3 in the messiest possible way. What a brilliant series, I cannot recommend it enough.
Outgrow the shoes of expectations by @destinationtoast : Brilliant on the ot3 side of it and even better on the character study of each individual within the ot3. Sooo so good. I think about it all the time.
another box with a question mark by irishmizzy: going to be completely honest when I say I don't fully remember this one, but I do know it was very funny and excellent and it is also rated T which makes it different from a lot of the others on my list, so i wanted to include!! It is in my bookmarks and I'm going to be rereading it asap now :)
something that's so close by @ohlafraise : s3 outtake that is very funny and perfect and lovely and also happens to be rated T :) also check out one night upon the shore by the same author. It's Jamie/Keeley, but don't worry Roy's there in spirit. You'll see. That one is very much not T though, lol
by any other name by renecdote: Jamie accidentally wears a Kent jersey instead of his own jersey on the pitch and the internet thinks they're dating (spoiler: they are dating). Who cares if it's not realistic because it's so hilarious and wonderful, amen.
Oh Lord, You've Never Been so in Love by asexual-fandom-queen. I literally just read this one, it's hot off the presses and it is so sexy and tender and also just gets these three so very right. the perfect anecdote to the end of s3.
Anddd of course I have to self promo a little and recommend you Waterfalls (between seasons 1&2 canon divergence), The Full Picture (s3: Jamie attempting to parent-trap RoyKeeley while avoiding his feelings for both of them) and my new one Confetti (ot3 fluff where they celebrate Phoebe's favorite holidays)
*I said I'd give a few and then proceeded to be really long about it, but like, what else is new? For that reason I've tried to stick to strictly R/J/K fics, but if you'd like Roy/Jamie or gen fic/Jamie fic recs also let me know because I could totally make a whole separate post about those, lol.
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unknownpisces002 · 1 year
Bleed me dry, Make me blue
" She was born in limbo, with the, need to be as simple. As her, makers and the made up things she dreamed."
Shuri Udaku x Reader.
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Fairly different from your peers around you? You're labeled as an outcast. For being far too incompetent to complete certain task and request from your leader, K'uk'ulkan.
As well as from your sister, Namora. Who doesn't make it easy, or let you go without knowing that you'll never be as dexterous, predominant, or treasured as she is.
Which you learned how to accept and live with after while. Because being reminded that you're nothing but a powerless individual everyday, who'll never be anything more except the useless being that you are? Tends to brainwash you and cause you to start believing that those assumptions might be true. Until you find yourself being intrigued by a prisoner, that is. And one of royalty from the surface world, who's encounter will leave you questioning everything you believe in–as well as yourself.
Word count: 6.7K
Themes: friends to lovers to enemies, and then lovers again, angst, eventual sexual content later in the series, slight violence, verbal abuse, reader just wants to be accepted and seen for who she is, forbidden romance i guess you could say?, reader is Talokanil, but we can pretend that she's black, because i wasn't 100% sure if they had any black Talokanil people during the movie?, eventual fluff, and etc.
Tag list: @inmyheadimobsessed @vixentheplanet @shurismainbxtch @pinkwright ( this is my first story ever on tumblr so as we grow together and embark on shuri and the readers journey? just let me know if you'd like to be tagged, and i'll be glad to put more names here in the future ❤️ )
Divider by: @firefly-graphics
Author's note
hi, i'm niy! and i'm a new writer who's decided to branch out from wattpad even though i love writing on there? to tap into something new and write about what i've been interested in lately? which is shuri/letitia. this story will be a series with idk how many parts yet? but i've been putting some thought into this for a while before actually typing anything out? so most likely? there will be a decent amount of parts lol. i don't really know if i have anything more to say, except that i hope you all enjoy part one, and if so? please feel free to follow me and things of that nature. as we proceed to experience this journey of shuri and our kind hearted reader together. 🥹
inspiration for this story period, came from jhenè aiko's souled out deluxe album. which you all probably would've noticed had i not said anything? because majority of the upcoming chapters? will feature a song from there and possibly her other albums she has. but this song specifically? really helped me piece everything together and it got my inspiration and ideas flowing.
but now with further ado? let's get onto the story!
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There was an uproar occurring within the city of Talokan, as you paced around nervously in a circle, with knitted eyebrows and an accelerated heartbeat. Outside the front of Namor's cave, where you were being watched like a hawk by the guards who blocked the entrance. As you awaited for him to send some kind of message or bless you with his presence himself.
After Namora had showed up into your quarters unannounced, looking highly displeased and angry, like she always does. Whenever she's forced to take time away from her second in command duties? To be a sister to you–which she hates. And you know that she hates it.
Because she reminds you of it every single time, when the two of you are alone. And far away from other ears to hear, like they've done in the past. Which you were honest to God? Quite a bit thankful for. Knowing that she finally decided to belittle and tear down your demeanor in private? Rather than carelessly doing it around others, and ruining your chances at forming normal friendships or acquaintances with other Talokanil people, who were close around your age.
" Y/N?" Your breathing stilled along with your heart, at the sound of your name rolling off Namor's tongue. " K'uk'uklan." You kneeled before him, holding out both your hands in front of you, as you paid him your respects.
" Ba'ax ts'o'ok in meentik ba'al k'aas?" Rising to your feet slowly after he returned the hand gesture, you tried to steady out your ragged breathing. Seeing that your question had gone unanswered, and that Namor's eyes were boring into yours, with a glint of what looked like disappointment in them?
Translation: Have I done something wrong?
" In ch'ujuk ch'ùupalo' yéetel talamilo' ob?" Namor's eyebrow raised slightly, as he tilted his head to the side. Continuing to stare at you intently, as if he could see straight through you. " Are you unhappy here?"
Translation: My sweet troubled child.
" Because if you are unhappy, and not completely satisfied with the way that things are here? You know there are ways, for me to put you out of your misery and discomfort, Indefinidamente."
Translation: Indefinitely.
A tremor of fear rushed throughout your entire body, once the realization of him threatening to kill you? Had settled inside of your crowded up brain, that was full of thoughts and many different scenarios. As you found yourself trying to imagine what he would do to you, and how he would do it? If you were to continue being the failure that Namora had cursed you to be.
" I am not unhappy, K'uk'ulkan." You responded to his question with a shaky tone, after standing and being silent for what felt like forever.
" Bey u, much sa'asik in." Translation: So please forgive me.
" Much sa'asik in tumen decepcionar, in Ajaw." It didn't take long for the warm feel of tears to come rolling down your face. As you fought to maintain eye contact with Namor, despite it being very intense. As he circled around your small body, as if he was a lion stalking his prey, preparing to pounce.
Translation: Please forgive me for disappointing you, my king.
" Shh, shh, it's alright." His hands came in contact with your skin, as he cradled the bottom part of your chin. Using the pads of his thumbs to dry your face free of the tears. That kept spewing down your face uncontrollably-nonstop, like a waterfall. Or a dam that had been broken and left unfixed.
But at a time like this? You couldn't keep your emotions in tact and prevent your evident occurring sadness from showing, like you'd normally do? Whenever you'd failed at completing a special task that Namor requested. After he'd given you a warning not to screw up or disappoint him. 
Which for some odd reason you blamed the God's and Namora for? Seeing that whenever you attempted to try and redeem yourself for all the fuck ups and mistakes you'd make, while trying to be as great and respected as your dear loving and kind big sister? That you always ended up failing.
And digging yourself into an even bigger hole, that not even Namora couldn't save you from, after you had messed up and displeased the king. " Y/N?" Namor called out to you once more. Allowing you to be snapped out of the small trance you were in, as you continued to weep in front of him softly. Hoping that he'd forgive you for what felt like the hundred millionth time.
And spare your life, instead of putting you out of your misery. Despite your small disliking for your home and some of the people who lived here. Who'd make existing and trying to find your place and what was meant for you? So much harder than it already was. When you had an unsupportive and callous older sister. Who already did that regularly, as if she got some sort of satisfaction, out of making you feel like you were nothing more than an ungifted and worthless individual.
That would never amount to anything or ever be anything. Except for the person that you were right now. Which hurt a lot at times, if you were being completely honest? But over time you grew accustomed and numb to her vile words, and derogatory attitude that she'd show towards you.
And despite how deeply it made you want to put yourself out of your own misery, with the way that her and others had treated you? You refused to let her or anyone else who'd defied and depreciated you in the past, and even still now in the present? Push you to the point of no return.
" Y/N, I need you to take the initiative that I know you have? And that I've distilled inside of you? To be more like Namora. And try harder, way more harder than you do now? So you can be prepared and take charge, like everyone else. So when I call out to you in a time of need or if we're at war?"
" That you'll be ready to stand beside me, Attuma and your sister. And assist us in fighting for our people."
Hearing the word try come out of Namor's mouth, caused your tears to come to an abrupt stop. As you struggled to mask away your apparent frustration and anger, that was slowly beginning to settle over your features. Try, you thought to yourself.
He wants you to try, and be more like Namora? When you've given and lost almost all sense, as well as your peace of mind, trying to force yourself to be a person that the universe and God's above? Clearly didn't want you to be. Seeing that whenever you did attempt to follow up with Namor's commands, as a way to try and regain his trust and respect? That you failed.
Every single time.
No matter how hard you pushed yourself, to be more like your sister or Attuma? 
You've always failed nevertheless. But with a forced smile and eyes full of determination? You nodded and told him you would. Which made him release the hold he had on your face, and smile back at you warmly.
After detaching his lips from the top of your forehead. " In wa'alike' u meent nukuch ba'alo'ob, waal mía." He stepped away from you, inching back near the entrance of his cave.
Translation: I believe you will do great things, my child.
" Kux betpajal ichil le ba'ax yaan Máax ku ya'alik yóok'ol a Buka'aj u ba'al tu beel nojoch? Chúuns tu intentndo yéetel Ma'atech a desanimes, tuméen kolnáalen le k'áate' u páajtal juzgar máak waye'."
Translation: And despite what anyone says about your capability of being great? Keep trying and never get discouraged, for I am the only being allowed to judge anyone here."
" Yes, K'uk'ulkan." Kneeling a second time, you repeated the hand gesture from earlier. Bowing your head down slightly before him, as he did the same. Before disappearing back into the entrance of his cave, where he probably was finishing up a wall mural or painting a new one, as he normally would.
But as quickly as the assumption came? It had faltered away much faster. When the special guest, who you're assuming was the one of royalty, from the surface world. That had the entire Talokan city, as well as the people murmuring and gossiping about? Came walking out of the entrance way of the cave, shortly after Namor had entered back inside of it.
As she was followed behind closely by the guards, who shot you a look of distaste, that clearly meant get lost. And not to watch where they were going, which of course? You ignored and instead went with your instincts, that always led you to get into trouble at times.
But how could you not? After being blessed by the sight of an actual being from the surface. Who was cloaked and wearing a white gown, which you recognized from seeing earlier. When Namora had came into your quarters, and stated that Namor had wanted to see you. After you failed to complete your mission he'd sent you out on.
When a U.S ship had came and tried to steal away vibranium, that was detected outside of the Talokan city walls. And had it not been for Namora coming to save you in time, after a bullet had wounded your side? While you were attempting to fight off one of the U.S agents, who had caught you off guard and snuck up behind you? When you were attempting to fight off another one?
Then maybe you wouldn't have been alive. And of course? Namora wasn't going to let you live without knowing that she'd been the one to save your life. But her doing that and holding it over your head? Was already something you expected she'd do. And despite how annoying it was that she felt the need to bring it up, whenever the two of you talked since the situation occurred?
Apart of you felt grateful to her nonetheless, that she had saved your life. Instead of leaving you to die, like you assumed she would? With how mean and unloving she always acts towards you.
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The walk down the hall of the cave was quiet and a bit nerve wracking. As you crept slowly and stealthily, trying your hardest not to look too suspicious if you were caught. Or seen by anyone who'd realize you were somewhere you weren't supposed to be during the moment.
As you approached one of the cells, that had a guard on the outside. Who held onto a staff tightly, as she stood up straight. With her shoulders upright, facing her head forward. In the direction of the entrance, which had allowed you to catch a quick glimpse of the well familiar slightly curled hair, from the female you had seen earlier.
Along with the shaved sides she had, as well as the white gown that was embroidered with teal colored beads. That Namor had made specifically for her, as you watched her from the shadows in awe, from where you were currently standing, with your body slightly crouched as a way to hide yourself from being seen.
Which let you know right away that you were in the correct place.
Seeing how many guards were on patrol. And standing on the outside and inside, which also confirmed that she must've been from a line of great royalty. With how closely her and the other individual, who she was standing beside. And having what looked like an intense or secretive discussion? Were being watched.
" Ba'ax juntéen! Ba'ax ka beetik husmeando ti' le nu'ukulil le áaktuno'? Xeen tu xíik, Wa informaré k'uj. uk' ulkan." One of the guards who stood outside the entrance shouted at you, with her hand pointed in your direction.
Translation: Hey! What are you doing snooping around this part of the cave? Leave at once, or I'll report to K'uk'ulkan.
" I-i was sent down here by my sister, Namora." You spit out quickly, with your hands raised in the air in surrender.
" Yaanten permiso utia'al u yaantal waye'." Taking small steps forward you inched closer towards the guard.
Keeping your eyes locked on hers, as a way to show that you were being honest. Despite the fact that in actuality? You weren't. But of course she'd never know that. And you prayed to the God's up above? That she'd never find out either, once she stepped aside and granted you full access to enter inside of the cell.
Translation: I have permission to be here.
That honestly in your opinion? Wasn't really like one. Nor did it give off an imprisonment vibe, with how the other guards that were located inside? Were offering fruit to both the Princess and the smaller female beside her. While being kind and doing small gestures that you would have never expected them to do, being that they were supposed to be prisoners after all.
But due to the Princess's status of royalty? You assumed that Namor had ordered the guards to treat them both with kindness. And not to bring any harm unto either one of them. Which still felt quite odd and unusual? Especially for him to do? With all the rumors you'd heard about the person standing to the left of the Princess.
Who'd apparently created the machine, that had detected the vibranium, that was located outside the Talokan city walls. " Oh shit, behind you!" The smaller girl shouted frantically.
Alerting the Princess of your presence, as you approached the both of them slowly. With wide eyes full of curiosity and astonishment. And a bit of amusement, as well? At the sight of how afraid the girl who shouted had looked, once you made your way directly in front of both of them.
With a blank expression settled over your features, and crossed arms. That soon unfolded and went down by your sides. As you extended out your right arm, with your hand held out.
" Hi." You said slowly, gazing upwards at the Princess. " I'm, Y/N."
" And you must be the scientist, who created the machine that detected our vibranium?" You turned your head in her direction next, feeling a small smile tug at the corners of your lips. At the sight of how much more afraid she looked now? Than she did just a moment ago. When you were beginning to approach them, after entering inside the cell.
" I made that machine for class man, and I had no idea that the U.S were going to use it to detect vibranium." She held her hands up in surrender, stepping behind the Princess shortly after making that statement.
" I-it was just a class project–"
" And I didn't mean to upset anybody." Continuing to blabber on about her innocence and not knowing that the machine she built, was to detect vibranium? You found yourself letting out a light chuckle at how frantic she'd gotten.
Before extending your hand out to the both of them once more. " I'm not angry." You told her, speaking in a light voice.
" Namor might be angry? But I'm not angry at you."
" And I'm sorry that you're in this situation. Because it's fairly obvious that you're innocent and knew nothing about the machine, being used by the U.S? But I'm not here to bring any harm unto either of you."
" Then why are you here?" The princess muttered out questioningly, raising her eyebrows at you in suspicion.
" To meet and greet you properly." You answered quickly, halting in your footsteps when she stepped back away from you, when she had felt that you were getting far too close.
" Meet me?" She let out a chuckle next, tilting her head towards the side.
" Yes." You nodded your head up and down, continuing to keep your eyes locked with hers.
" I've never met anyone from the surface world before, well? I have actually. But it was a U.S soldier who almost killed me. So, I guess that doesn't really count as actually meeting one and greeting them properly? Like how I'm trying to greet the two of you."
" But if my presence is making the two of you uncomfortable? I can leave." Turning on your heels, you let out a deep sigh. Feeling foolish all of a sudden for coming down here, and thinking that the two of them would be delighted to see you?
When you were nothing but a stranger, who lived in a place that neither of them would be able to survive in. With a completely different appearance than they had as well, but even still? You had hoped that they'd be a bit more welcoming.
Seeing how they weren't so uptight, with the guards who were currently still inside, before you approached them. " No..wait." You paused immediately upon hearing that, with your backside still facing the two of them.
" I am, Princess Shuri. Of Wakanda." She spoke aloud. " Daughter of Queen Ramonda, and King T'Chaka."
" It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness." You turned back around facing her, proceeding to bow and greet her properly, like you were taught to do by Namor. When being in front of the presence of royalty.
" And it's also a pleasure to meet you too." You glanced over at the scientist next, hoping that she'd tell you her name. And quit being so afraid as if you'd hurt her? When in reality? All that you wanted to do was get to know them.
And possibly learn more about their life on the surface world? Before Namor decided to do whatever it was that he'd do with them. " I'm, Riri." She finally revealed her name, after a long awkward moment of silence.
" Riri Williams."
" Nice to meet you, Miss.Williams." Another smile settled over your face, as you clasped your hands together nervously, and averted your focus back towards the Princess. Who was already eyeing you intently, as if she was in deep thought about something.
" So.." You trailed off, taking a seat against the floor. " What's Wakanda like?"
" Because I've heard Namor mention, that the air there? Is pristine. And how the water is nothing compared to the water, here in our ocean."
" It's beautiful." The princess spoke quietly, smiling a bit to herself. At the thought of her homeland and the people who lived there. " Beautiful and peaceful."
" But your home here in Talokan? Is quite beautiful too." Her gaze returned to your face, when a small, cheerful laugh–had erupted from the back part of your throat. Which puzzled her and Riri for a moment? As they wondered what is was, that you found so funny.
When Talokan, was just as beautiful and full of joyful individuals? Like Wakanda.
" Have I said something that's amused you?" Shuri questioned, with confusion settled across her features. " No, and yes." You answered, taking this time to pick with the bottom part of your mouth mask, that had covered up your mouth and nose.
With water being on the inside, that allowed you to breathe properly. 
" You don't think that Talokan is beautiful?" There was a hint of amusement and disbelief in Shuri's tone. As she watched you closely, looking as if she were trying to read you. And figure out why you had given the response you did.
" I do." You nodded. " But some of the people here? Aren't quite as joyous and kind as you think." Mumbling the last part of your words so lowly, that both the Princess and scientists had glanced at one another afterwards. As a way to see if either of them had heard what you said.
Made you laugh for what felt like the thousandth time, as you rose to your feet again slowly. And smiled cheekily at the both of them, before repeating yourself. Once you saw how stressed they both had looked, while trying to decipher what you had muttered out moments ago.
" I love being from Talokan, and living underwater. With the fish and whales, and all other beings that exists here. But..sometimes? It gets a bit overwhelming. Trying to exist inside a place, where you'll never be able to fit in or be accepted? Regardless of how much you try to make other's, see you as an equal."
Opening up about your troubles to strangers? Had never been something you'd think you'd ever do. With how much other Talokanil people your age? Had judged you off the mistakes you've made. While trying to be as great as Namora, who never had to try too hard, to be respected or treated fairly.
Unlike you, on the other hand? Who went through hell and back, just to have someone smile at you. Or acknowledge your existence, on the days that you walked alongside of your sister, with eyes full of hope and admiration? That you could be as gifted as she was some day.
And be the one that Namor called out to, for help and to be a listening ear. But of course? You knew that those dreams of being as great as Namora, Attuma, or any other guard here? Would never be an actual reality.
Because you were ungifted. And far too incompetent, to be as great as any of them were.
" I know how that feels." Riri glanced up at you, with eyes full of sincerity. " To want to be accepted and fit in with others? To the point that you work yourself to death and jump over mountains, just to please them? When all they'll do is reject you and laugh in the end."
" But you wanna know what helped me get through that?"
" Yes, please." You nodded eagerly, with eyes full of desperation.
" I said fuck them, and chose to do what it was that I wanted. Because I realized that being like others? Was lame as hell and unoriginal. When I could just be in my own lane. While doing something that made me genuinely happy? Instead of forcing myself to be someone? I knew that I wasn't."
Her words of advice were kind, as she flashed you a warm smile. Before placing her hand atop your shoulder hesitantly. Causing fresh tears to rush to the brim of your eyelids. As you threw your arms around her tightly. Which had caught both her and the Princess completely off guard.
But she returned the gesture despite that, making your heart pump with happiness. For what felt like the first time in forever. Being that for once in such a long time? You had been seen and understood for who you were, without having to do anything to show them that you were worthy of receiving their kindness and respect.
" Thank you." You sniffled, stepping back from the hug after a while. With your hands wiping away at the tears, that were falling continuously down your cheeks. 
" So, so much."
" No problem." She patted your shoulder once more, offering you the sleeve of the robe she wore, to clean your face. Causing you to smile and shake your head, declining. Before you shifted your focus back towards the Princess.
Feeling your stomach go into knots, when the corners of her lips curved upwards. And she smiled at you. Allowing her perfect, pearly white teeth to be seen. And the sharpness of her jaw to pop out, and catch your attention. Sending you shying away from her gaze and inching near the exit of the cave, so you could leave.
And be gone, before Namora or even worse? Namor showed up unexpectedly.
" It was a pleasure meeting the two of you." Turning around a final time, to face them and wave goodbye. You couldn't help but avert your gaze back to Shuri. Who had already been watching you as you were proceeding to leave.
With an unreadable look in her eyes, that had left you wondering what she might've been thinking about? But you figured that there was a possibility she could be homesick? Since she had been taken and brought into a place, full of people and things, that she wasn't so familiar with.
" Same to you, entle." Shuri was the first to speak back, a surge of confidence and amusement filling her body. As she watched your brows knit together in confusion, while you tried to figure out what it was, that she had said to you meant.
Translation: Beautiful.
" And perhaps maybe one day, if you're allowed and granted access to leave? Then you can come to Wakanda and visit. So I can show you just how beautiful and pristine, the air is there."
Nodding on that note, you said a quick 'yes', with a voice full of excitement. Hoping and praying to the God's, that Namor would allow you to visit her? And experience being in another place, that was far more different and clearly advanced than here? Seeing how the black beads on the bracelet, that was wrapped around the Princess's wrist? Began to glow a light blue color.
Which you're assuming she hadn't noticed? With how closely she was eyeing you while smiling uncontrollably, with a smile so infectious and warm? That you found yourself returning the expression. And soon your cheeks began to grow sore, with how widely you had spread your lips, to mirror her exact grin.
" The two of you, might as well go ahead and fuck each other. Instead of doing the shit with your eyes." Riri let out an exasperated sigh, plopping down to take a seat against the cot that was behind her.
Fuck? You thought to yourself with a frown. Growing confused at what the smaller girl had meant. As you wondered why the Princess had began shooting her a glare, with a face full of what looked like embarrassment?
" Please excuse Miss.Williams, vulgar language." Shuri turned back around to face you, speaking in an apologetic tone. " She has a tendency of being very..blunt? And talking without thinking about what comes out of her mouth."
" If I'm being honest? I have no idea what she said even means, but I have to get going now. And I hope to see the two of you again soon? If Namor grants me access to leave, that is. Oh, and Riri?"
Your eyes glanced over your shoulder, watching as she sat up from her slouched position and raised an eyebrow questioningly. " I hope Namor forgives you, and allows you to go home."
" I hope he allows the both of you, to be reunited with your families. Because the two of you are far too kind, to be held here? When neither of you have done anything wrong."
And with that, you walked away. After waving goodbye a final time. Feeling much more lighter and happy? After being in their presence and experiencing their kindhearted energy. Which was something you were going to miss, very much.
Had Namor decided to get rid of them, like he'd been telling Namora he would do? If the Princess hadn't complied with whatever wishes he had. For Riri, the scientist.
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You're awoken out of your slumber, by a rough hand being pushed against your shoulder. Which causes your body to shoot up, and your eyes to open on automatic. As you rubbed your hands against them lightly, trying to get used to the bright lighting that was now on in your quarters. Causing you to squint slightly, and rise your body upwards from it's curled position.
When you made out Namora and Namor's faces, being not too far away from your bed. As looks of anger and dissatisfaction? Were evident in their intense gaze upon you.
" Jump'éel guardia kíinsa'abij le áak'aba' tuméen juntúul intruso." Namora approached the side of your bed, urging you to stand. Without caring about how rough she was handling you. As you struggled to catch your balance, after she'd shoved you onto your knees. Allowing you to be directly in front of Namor.
Translation: A guard was killed this evening by an intruder.
Who had stooped down to meet your level, as he cupped your chin tightly. And gave it a light squeeze, making you squeeze your eyes shut in fear of what he'd do to you? After he opened his mouth and spoke the next words.
" Ba'ax seguramente k'a'abéet a yaantal jump'éel extraña inclinación? Ka lela' p'u'ujul, in waal."
 Translation: You surely must have a strange penchant? When it comes to upsetting me, my child."
" And before you deny being anywhere near the caves where the cells are, this evening? It has already been told to me? That you were there. So please, Y/N? Make this easy for all of us. And most importantly? Yourself. And tell me exactly why, you were seen conversing with the Princess and the scientist? In the first place."
Each of his words hit you like a bullet, with how harshly he was speaking. All while keeping a neutral like facial expression present, which honestly? Had to be one of the things that you feared about him the most. The way he could be threatening your life? And not look angry or frustrated.
Unlike Namora? Who allowed all of her rage she felt right now? To be showcased off. So you'd be able to know that she was pissed at you, and of course? Disappointed–as always.
" In ajawo', Sa'asik in, Béet." You pleaded, turning your head away in discomfort, when his grip on your chin had tightened.
" I was only curious and I wanted to meet them." You added.
Translation: My king, please forgive me.
" I knew nothing about the Wakandan's plan, to come and retrieve them. In ts'aiktech in jach t'aan, I knew nothing about it!"
Translation: I swear to you.
" I see." Namor finally spoke, as he released the grip he had on your chin. Which made you collapse backwards and fall against the cool floor. As you scooted away from him near your bedside. With hot tears rolling down your cheeks, and ragged, labored breathing. 
" And the air in Wakanda? Was very pristine." Pausing in his footsteps, he snapped his finger loudly. Making Namora rush towards his side, eager to comply with whatever task, he was proceeding to ask of her.
" Beetik a querida kiik utia'al sáamal." Namor's eyes peered down at you from the side, as you continued to cry uncontrollably. Cradling the bottom part of your chin, as your heart rate began to accelerate, upon hearing his words.
Translation: Prepare your loving sister for tomorrow.
The demanding request left both you and Namora, staring up at him in confusion. While he on the other hand, kept his same neutral like expression present. Pointing over at you as he eyed Namora closely, and waited for her to come to your side like he'd requested.
" Beetik u ba'ax, in Ajaw?" The confusion in Namora's voice was evident, as she approached your side slowly. Despite the fact that you could tell, she wanted nothing but to grab you up by the chin herself? And scold you for being so foolish and careless, as if you sneaking down to the caves, to talk to the prisoners? Wouldn't have been discovered.
Translation: Prepare her for what, my king?
" Y/N, mentioned her distaste for living in Talokan to the Princess." Namor announced what you had mentioned to Shuri and Riri aloud, the statement making Namora crane her neck. And snap her head down in your direction, which allowed you to almost feel how much her anger was beginning to radiate from off of her body.
" I-i never said I hated it? I-i just said th–"
" Chan tonta, Bix a atreves t'aan k'aas u k wotoch!" Namora raised her voice, as she gripped the bottom of your chin, forcing you to face her. Without caring about the fact that the gesture was starting to hurt you.
Translation: You foolish little girl, how dare you speak badly of our home!
" Teech jump'éel su'utalil!" Her shouting continued, and her choice of words had caused your chest to ache. As you widened your eyes and stilled your breathing. At the sound of a choked out sob erupting from your mouth, following light sniffing.
Translation: You are a disgrace!
" N-namora, please." Seeing your sister this angry with you? Was a sight you hadn't witnessed in a while. But just hearing her say that you were a disgrace? While looking at you as if she was ashamed to even be related to you? Had caused what little bit of hope you had of the two of you rekindling your bond? Shatter into millions of pieces, like broken glass from a mirror that had been cracked.
" Enough!" Finally speaking again, after allowing Namora to tear you apart with her words? Namor had motioned her back beside him, causing her to let go of your chin, all while adding a bit of force as she did so. Which made your head fly back and bump into the edge of your bed, leaving a throbbing sensation present on the left side of your head.
" Y/N?" 
" Y-yes, K'uk'ulkan?" You stammered out nervously, rising up to your feet with your chest puffed out. As you awaited for him to say what he wanted from you. " Come." He curved his index finger, beckoning for you to walk towards him.
And you did so slowly, with your hands clasped together tightly, as they shook and began sweating a bit? After you finally made your way in front of him, and his intense, intimidating eyes? Were now gazing down at you.
" Tomorrow? We will be going to Wakanda for revenge." He started off slowly, causing you to swallow hardly, and just nod. " And the Queen and scientist? Will be killed."
" Which will leave the Princess, with no choice but to be crowned Queen. And that will put us one step closer? To getting Wakanda to form an alliance with us, so we can go to war with the surface world."
" And I know what you're thinking, my child." A deep chuckle left his lips, as he began circling you like he'd done earlier. " You're thinking that the Princess won't comply?"
" And that she'll refuse my offer? Because the death of her sweet, loving Mother. Am I correct, Y/N?"
Shrugging your shoulders, you muttered out ' I'm not sure' incoherently. Feeling what little of a heart you had left? Break for Shuri. At the mention of Namor, admitting that he was preparing to murder her Mother on tomorrow, after they had just been reunited this evening.
" Ah, I see." His circling around you stopped abruptly, making you glance up at him with glossy eyes and raised brows. While Namora stood off towards the side, continuing to stare at you with nothing but disgust and disappointment, and if you weren't mistaken?
A look of hate.
" I can sense your pity for the Princess, Y/N. And I know that this is a lot of information to take in? And that you're probably angry with me, for preparing our soldiers to tear down the home, in which your new found friend lives? But I warned her Mother, before their people came and killed one of ours."
" So whatever pity or sadness you feel for them? Lose it!" Flinching from his tone as he shouted at you? You dropped your head in shame, struggling to keep back your sobs when he opened his mouth and spoke his last words, before proceeding to leave from out of your quarters.
" People from the surface world? Only care about themselves, Y/N. And as pure hearted as you are? I apologize in advance for what I'm about to request of you. But just know? That you refusing my command? Will leave me with no choice but to kill you."
There it was again, you thought to yourself. As you reflected on how your body had felt? When he had threatened to kill you earlier today, with no hint of remorse in his tone as he did it. And as you looked over at Namora, she didn't seem the slightest bit phased about Namor's threat to end your life either.
And that there? Had stung, and before you knew it? You were crumbling right in front of both of them. Not caring about how weak you may have looked, as you wept uncontrollably. With loud, painful, sobs escaping from out your mouth.
" Tomorrow when we go to Wakanda? You will be accompanying us. And when we get there? Your job is to find the Princess, and convince her to accept my offer to form an alliance with our people. So that Wakanda and us Talokanils, can go to war with the surface world together."
" And I'm also aware, that after I kill her Mother and the scientist? That she will not be too elated to have you in her presence. And maybe? She'll have you thrown into a cell where you'll be held as a prisoner? But despite that possibility? Your job is to convince her to join me."
" Ka wa leti' u niega?" You choked on your words, staring up at him with anger. That you weren't afraid to mask away, like you'd normally do. When he had taken it upon himself to make you feel in the exact same way, that Namora would make you feel.
Which was worthless. And like your feelings about things? Didn't matter.
Translation: And if she refuses?
" Then you sing to her, and you make her agree." He stated sternly, referring to your siren abilities, that helped you perform hypnosis. And place someone under a trance, that would beckon them to you, and allow you to be in complete control of them.
" Do I make myself clear?" Inching near the exit of your room, he paused in his footsteps. Refusing to leave, to go and alert the soldiers of their task for tomorrow. Until you spoke up and answered him.
" Yes, K'uk'ulkan." You said quietly, drying at your eyes with the palm of your hands.
" I understand."
Inching back towards your bed, when he remained silent. And continued to stand in your doorway, you shot Namora a look of hurt. Hoping that she'd feel guilty for not having your back, in the way that you tried to have hers–despite your lack to be as dexterous as she was?
But you knew that deep down? She didn't care. And that she'd rather watch you fail and be punished, than to assist you in being better at the things you weren't as good at.
" Oh, and Y/N?" Namor said your name lowly, as he was halfway out of your quarters.
" Yes, K'uk'ulkan?"
" You mentioned that you wished to be granted access to visit Wakanda? So despite your mission? I hope you take the initiative to enjoy your time away from Talokan. Because after one week time has passes, and I return ready to conquer the surface world? You'll never be able to leave these waters again."
" So enjoy your stay, In ch'ujuk ch'úupalo' yéetel talamilo'ob." He laughed menacingly, turning around to face you fully with a look of amusement present.
Translation: My sweet troubled child.
" And please do not fail to disappoint me, Y/N. Because if you do? Then you'll leave me with no choice, but to put you out of your misery. Like you've so desperately been wanting for the past year."
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pinktom · 9 months
I was wondering if you could recommend any fics with similar dynamics between your Harry and Tom in Lover's Pit. I'm far more enamored by fics that have showcase nontraditional power dynamics [and also just love imagining Tom as a tall twink lol] -- [btw I'm utterly obsessed with your story, and will run to my local independent bookstore the moment you publish anything irl, just so you know].
Thank you so much! You're just far too kind, and I sincerely appreciate it. 🥲💜
I wish I could recommend a trove of fics, but I'm not as well-read in Tomarry as I once was. And I'd also say Lover's Spit is a minority opinion on how far you can take them out of context, so very few fics are aiming for what we're aiming for!
Excuses aside, here's my list of top Tomarry recs which feature a similar dynamic:
Dead Leaves on a Wet October Day by @trelloreads, as well as its equally lovely sequel. This fic had me hooked and enthralled from the start, with the key highlights throughout being the interactions between Tom and Harry.
Yule by Budchick. This one is practically a classic!
Reading the Signs by RenderedReverse, among literally dozens of their other amazing Tomarry fics, many of which are along the same lines.
And in general, you could find many fics by Baryshnikov and many fics by rightonthelimit where Tom and Harry are same age, share a similar power level, and have less tension, drama, and murder than your standard fare.
As far as Tom RIddle #slaying as a tall twink 🧚✨ goes, I genuinely don't know of another fic with such an explicit and overt twinkification that I could be comfortable pointing to it without potentially insulting the author, but I would be grateful to have any recommended if someone does know! Self-recs highly recommended here, please.
PS: I loved your review on AO3 btw, I read it like five times. Nothing more fulfilling than when someone gets what you're going for. <3
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soilanonlorelmao · 2 months
Rules These are not strictly enforced, but please be respectful.
1 -- No NSFW, I am a minor. (If you want to do that, use dms, yall have blogs)
2 -- No sensitive topics. This means nothing about sui--cide, SA, SH, or anthing of the sort. It makes people uncomfortable, if you're struggling with anything please find help, it would crush me if something happened to any of you.
3 -- Be kind. Self-explanatory, does not apply to rp.
4 -- About tags, There are.. wow, okay, there are a LOT of you.. I'm not going to be able to make that many tags for every post and am going to be tentative to making /new/ tags, please let me know if you want a tag if you're new here, otherwise I'm not making any more. (sorry<33)
5 -- If you feel like something you're doing is wrong.. Ask before doing it, it may not be as bad as you think.
6 -- Please try to keep it light-hearted. I know everyone likes drama (dude i LOVE angst) but please ask if you think you're going too far. (Refer to rule 2, please.)
7 -- Curfew i need my sleep,,, after 11:00 PM EST please dont send in asks!! I'll either be asleep or too tired to answer in an entertaining way. Please go take a look at the Anon's personal blogs if you want to ask more things.
Anons with blogs; Soil Anon, @i-heart-soil Flower Anon @flower-anon-blog Sand Anon @sand-anon Zombie Anon @bringeroftheapocolypse Tar Anon @tar-anon Goose Anon @goose-ann0n Sickly Anon @sicklyanon-blog Stoned Anon @unstoned-anon Spectre/Ghost Anon @scpectreanon Lava Anon @lava-anon
ANON MAGIC ; None currently.
Below the cut is a long and boring list of all the anons that have popped by, a link to my main account, and a list of 'canon' ships. This is a long message lol
[#soil anon lore]
okay so a list of all the anons that have passed by;
Soil Anon, Grass Anon, Sand Anon, Water Anon, Flower Anon, Radioactive Anon, Sickly Anon, Zombie Anon (#ZombieAnonApocalypse), Engineer Anon, Lava Anon, Bone Anon, Angel Anon, Concrete Anon, Candy Anon, Author Anon, Spectre Anon, Tar Anon, N/A Anon, Smoke Anon, Cloud Anon, Stoned Anon, Goose Anon, Stone Anon, Classic / Cannibal Anon, Curious Anon, Cat Anon, Doctor / Dr. Anon, Monster Anon, Executioner Anons (Execu and Tioner), Eepy Anon, AnonPET, Kazick Anon, Kokoleka (Chocolate) Anon, Party Anon, King Anon, MA Anon, Blob Anon, Electric Anon.
and then im Queen Anon + SAL!Bloom (shes DEADwomp womp)
(send me an ask if I'm missing someone LMAO)
(copied from my main blog, @bloomingbutterflies)
List of canon ships; like this is some sorta fandom..
Soil Anon x Flower Anon (Married) Author Anon x Flower Anon (One sided, Author likes Flower.) Spectre/Ghost Anon x Zombie Anon Cloud Anon x Smoke Anon Sickly Anon x Stoned Anon Execu Anon x Tioner Anon Tar Anon x Lava Anon Queen Anon x King Anon
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leavingautumn13 · 7 months
Hi, I'm new to your blog and is there any chance you could post that pokemon emerald fic you mentioned? Are your comics anywhere specific or just randomly on this blog? And could you please make a list of your fave (completed) pokemon fanfics? I'm having a hard time finding a lot of good pokemon fics but I'm hoping you might know some? And since you like Hoenn you might like Borne of Caution by VibeLordess (reposted to ao3 from ff with permission). It's not completed but there is a LOT to read and its very explorative with the meta. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Seekers of Soul by Level99Eevee is really good too.
hey, welcome! i will be posting that pokemon emerald fic... as soon as i have completed chapters to post! i'm hoping to have chapter 1 up by the end of the year but my beta reader's on vacation right now so editing turnaround has been a little slow. my ao3 is here and my fanfic blog is @new-eyes-extra-colors; i'll be posting completed chapters to both places.
i sometimes post fic snippets as i work over on that blog; here's the tag for the emerald fic. i also don't mind talking about the plot and characters and stuff, so if you're interested in learning more to see if it's going to be your kind of thing, feel free to direct any asks to that blog (or here, tbh i don't mind either way)!
as far as my comics go, if you mean comics related to my fic, i do not have a particular tag for them. searching by character is probably your best bet; here's protagonist may's tag in case you want to go through that. as far as unrelated comics i do have a comic tag here, and if you like pmd i run a pmd webcomic/askblog over on @askteamsupernova.
as far as fic recs go, i don't have too many recs for completed works because i don't read that much fic--but here's a link to my favorite author's page (there is a lot of completed work there) and here's a link to my favorite piece xe's written. it's actually my favorite fanfic of all time. other pokemon fic authors i enjoy are my friends DarkObscurities and slamdunkrai.
finally, thank you for the fic recs! i like explorative stuff so i will have to check that out. thank you very much for reaching out! <3
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kachulein · 2 years
17 questions, 17 people
tagged by the lovely Bri @thistyrannosaur 💞💗💞
Nickname: Kachu, Lala, Min
Sign: Aquarius sun, Virgo moon, Leo rising
Height: 175.5cm (or ~5'9)
Last thing I googled: Flüssige, saure Speisezutat Kreuzworträtsel (💀)(I could only remember "Weissweinessig" and forgot that "Obstessig" exists)
Song stuck in my head: Nxde by (G)I-DLE (listen I have been in love with this song ever since it dropped and now I found a violin cover on youtube and- oof🤧🥰)
# of followers: 1,518
Amount of sleep: Between 6-8 hours, usually around 7-7½
Lucky number: I don't really have one but I guess, kinda 3??
Wearing: Some comfy teal leggings my mom got me recently, a basic shirt underneath and a white sweater with the print "Je ne comprends pas" ["I don't understand" in French. I wore this sweater out of spite in my French classes, not because I dislike French - I actually like it very much - but because my teacher enjoyed discriminating against students so this was my form of rebellion] in blue on top.
Dream job: Singer & songwriter!!
Movies/books that summarize you: uhm, I honestly haven't really read any book or watched any movie that I could really identify with?? or at least I can't think of any right now... but uhm, for those who know me - if you have any suggestions you think fit me, I'd love to know👉🏻👈🏻
Favourite song: my faves continuously change so I'll write down my current faves... which are... a lot, so here have a Kachu playlist:
Mad Tsai - killer queen
MARINA - Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land, Man's World, Free Woman, Highly Emotional People, Purge The Poison, Venus Fly Trap
Nxde - (G)I-DLE
Lapillus - HIT YA!
Billlie - RING ma Bell
Dreamcatcher - VISION, MAISON
WOOZI - Ruby
AleXa - Wonderland
Stray Kids - SUPER BOARD
B.I ft. DeVita - BTBT
Red Velvet - WILDSIDE
Kep1er - THE GIRLS (Can't turn me down)
Solar - HONEY
Blackpink - Typa Girl
NewJeans - Attention
Fave Instrument: piano, violin & electric guitar
Aesthetic: I have so many aesthetics that I like and I'd say I'm quite versatile but my favourite is edgy/e-girl meets cute/soft girl aesthetic. (so basically black + pastels)(this is specifically for clothing - although, I like this aesthetic in general but if I looked at other kinds of aesthetics, then this section would become a whole novella)
Fave author(s): Jennifer L. Armentrout & Marissa Meyer so far,,, I need to find more time to read to have a more inclusive list here,,, I also like Rick Riordan and Liu Cixin
Fave animal noise: the war cry squeaking of a very angry desert rain frog
(if you've never seen this/heard this frog - you will not regret it, believe me)
Random: This is going to make me sound incredibly stupid, I know, but please bear with me: So, on one hand, I'm kinda hesitant/scared to post about good news... even when I'm really excited about it, I'm afraid people will think I'm bragging and then dislike that something good happened to me (for once🫠). But on the other hand, I'm also hesitant to share bad news, aka things I'm struggling with, because then I'm afraid people will think I'm too negative and that I'm toxic for their mental health... so, in the end, I just kinda end up bottling everything up... which, I know, isn't good, either.
Tagging: (lol I'm not sure I can gather 17 people- so as always, feel free to ignore this, this is in no way something you must do but if you're up for it, I'd love to get to know y'all a little (for those whom I haven't really interacted with so far)💗💗) @http-peachie @littlefallenrebel @mossyforesst @rain-nights @bakerysnake @interstellix @jellihye @marculees @the-troijan-horse @vallkyr @lucyepiccrash @notjustaprettygirl4567 (I can't add you for some reason but if you see this, you're invited to do this tag if you want♥️) @oddlittlefandomist @hanstagram @hanniesunshine @sorikkung @linogram
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lossie92 · 2 years
hi there, may I ask 5, 10, and 24, please?
Hi anon, sure thing 😊
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Hmm I think I have to agree with @wisiaden that if you think you will get many kudos and comments on a fic, usually the exact opposite will happen and it has proven to be true with my fics so far. I know it's true for other writers too 🤔
Another one (which idk if it counts, but whatever) would be that if you write and post something you're not happy with, no matter the amount of nice comments you get it will never make you like the story and in most cases you will actually end up hating. Therefore you should write stuff that makes you happy from the get-go. If a particular trope or ship or concept doesn't feel right, just don't write it. Even if someone requested it, you are the writer and have the right to decide if you want to create this specific content. Don't force yourself, it doesn't feel well and it's not really worth it.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Definitely. I have two fics which "haunt" me, I suppose, aka occupy my thoughts sometimes in an unpleasant way and they are my own fics.
One of them, Reprisal, I decided to delete. I wrote that story for someone, but that person didn't seem to be interested reading the story, so that already made creating the fic kind of pointless and I also just hated the plot. It was an interesting experience to write it and explore once again some dark themes, but in the end I felt really unhappy seeing it on my AO3 account and I felt bad every time I got comments on it. That's why it went to the bin.
The 2nd story is Pull the Wool. It's a fic about cheating and even though I, once again, found it interesting to explore this topic, it feels weird. It's not the type of content I write anymore and I guess it just makes it odd, to have written it. The fact it is one of my more popular stories contributes to the oddness too. To be honest, I'm probably bothered by it so much, because imo cheating is one of the worst things you can do to your partner and I personally don't like reading stories that involve cheating. So yeah, this one is definitely weird for me.
When it comes to other people's writing... There are fics I think about sometimes and those thoughts are mostly annoyance, anger, or even disgust. I've read A LOT of fics over the years and unfortunately some writers don't put any thought behind their writing. I've seen my fair share of rape and paedophilia fetishism and glorification, terrible examples of internalised misogyny and sexism that the reader is supposed to read as something romantic, a lot of queerphobic stuff (Homophobic, transphobic, aphobic... You name it, I've probably seen it all by now), poorly handled violence, terribly written stories about abuse recovery, lots of poor "jokes" that authors tried to pass off as "dark humour"... There is a lot of content out there that's BAD and if you read it, it will stay with you (what was seen cannot be unseen etc etc).
I'm not going to list those fics here, because I don't think there's a point in that and I don't want to give this creators more of a platform either, but trust me, there are fics that I think about sometimes and they make me ask the question wtf is wrong with some people at the very least 😒
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
Oh my. I put a lot of prep work into my fics. I do research, take notes, write down ideas for scenes and character interactions, do a bulletpoint list of what happens when (if it's a chapter fic, this is divided by chapters), brainstorm with my writer friends... So yeah, I'm definitely a big planner. At the same time I let the story flow.
Imo it's very important to constantly ask yourself What this character would do? Why would they do it? What's their motivation? What are the consequences? Is it something in character for them? If not, why? If yes, why? etc. and go from there. If a scene or plotline I wanted to include no longer makes sense, I will delete or change it. I have been actually known to change the story endings or get rid of entire pages of text if they no longer fit with where the journey is taking the characters.
I think it's very important to remember that as much as you want something to happen in the story, in the end writing isn't about what you want to happen, but rather what would logically happen in a given situation. That's what separates a well-written story from something that reads out of character or chaotic. It's a bit like playing detective with your own characters and writing, I suppose.
Either way, yes, I do enjoy the planning and brainstorming part of the writing process. It's a lot of fun 😄
Weird Questions for Writers 
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itsallaboutzayn · 2 years
Vmin x Reader - The CEO's and the intern
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summary: When you're a new intern in a new company and Vmin are the CEO's. then what?
pairing: Taehyung x Female Reader x Jimin
rating: 18+
genre: smut.
words: 4904
author's note: i am so excited to finally post this for you guys. i'm really proud of it and can't wait for you guys to read this. apologies for any mistakes or whatsoever. also, i think it's my longest (one chapter) fic (so far) so i can't wait to get any feedback (hope i get some hahah). anyways, hope you guys enjoy it and please, tell me what you think! feedback is always welcome and means a lot 💜
You check yourself in the mirror one last time before heading out to your first day at the new company. You smile at yourself, proud of how that outfit turned out on you, and go.
You get to the company at the same time as some other interns and wait until the CEOs come and present the company and themselves.
The taller one introduced himself as Taehyung and the smaller one as Jimin. You're shocked at how good-looking they are. Them and everyone else around you to be honest.
They guide all of you to the room where you'll be working, an open space with all your desks. Each desk had names and they told everyone to look for their names. You found your desk at the top of the room and you noticed it was just in front of the CEO's office. They let all of you find your desks and asked for each of you to briefly introduce yourselves.
Among everyone, you notice one guy you think is cuter than everyone else and you smile when his eyes lay on you and he smiles back at you.
The first weeks of work are pretty good and you like what you do and everyone around you is kind and nice.
You notice multiple times the CEO's eyeing you but you just assume that it's because your desk is the one closest to their office. You didn't want to stress yourself thinking you were doing something wrong and you think that if you were indeed doing something wrong they would tell you directly.
One afternoon, the CEO's called in a meeting and when everyone was there, they announced a party to celebrate the company's anniversary and that it would be on the next Saturday and it would be right there at the company because they had a room they could easily turn into a party room for events like this. They asked for the people who wanted to go to send an email so they could count around how many people would be there.
You all got back to work and you sent the email saying you would go to the party. You thought it would be a good place to get to know everyone a little bit better and even that cute guy you kept exchanging looks and smiles with.
The rest of the week went on pretty fast and before you knew it, Saturday was here.
You didn't know what to wear so you asked for your mom's and your best friend's opinion. Your mom said "something formal" and your best friend said "something sexy". You chuckle at both their answers and go through your clothes.
The only clothing you think it's good for the occasion is a red dress, which is tight to your body but not too sexy.
After eating something, you go take a shower and get ready. Before you leave, you grab your long black jacket, put on your favorite boots, and go.
You get there and the two CEOs are at the door with their assistant, who was checking everyone on his list.
Two other colleagues are also at the door so you wait for your turn. When they go in, you get closer and greet the CEOs and their assistant.
- Miss Y/N. Welcome. - Jimin says smiling.
- Thank you. - You say, smiling back. They both looked at their assistant who was searching for your name on the list and when he found it, he nodded and smiled.
- All right, you can leave your jacket with Ji-Hoon. - Taehyung says pointing to the assistant. - He will take it to your desk so when you feel like going home you just have to go pick it up there and not go looking for it in a pile of jackets or even forget where you put it. - Taehyung explains chuckling at the end. - Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. - He adds whispering, getting closer to you. You notice Jimin rolling his eyes and chuckling and you chuckle too.
You did notice that the people in front of you also gave their jackets to their assistant.
You get a bit embarrassed to take off your jacket in front of them, thinking about the dress you chose to wear. You knew it wasn't too sexy but just the fact that they would see it right there and you were pretty much "stripping" in front of them, put some thoughts in your head and you shook your head and smiled at them, shyly and looking down while taking off your jacket and handing it to their assistant.
Both CEOs glanced at each other and raised their eyebrows, impressed by your look. You don't notice though because you're still looking down.
- Wow Y/N... You look stunning. - Taehyung says and you finally look up and into his eyes. He's smiling and you smile back.
- Thank you. - You whisper. You give a last glance at each of the three men in front of you, smile, and then enter the room.
There are people dancing and having fun, some in little groups drinking together, some enjoying time alone and some at the bar. You choose the bar too and go there and order your favorite drink. You sit and lean against the bar counter with your back while watching people dancing while you enjoy the music and your drink too.
You take the last sip of your drink and turn around to order another and you feel a hand on your shoulder.
- Can I buy you this one? - You turn and see that cute guy smiling softly at you and taking the seat next to you. You smile back at him and nod. - I'm Hyunjin, by the way. - He says in your ear when you both get your drinks.
- Y/N. - You say closer to him too so he could hear over the loud music. He nods, smiling, and takes a sip of his drink. You do the same.
You both start talking and sharing stories, being dangerously close until he asks you to dance. You gladly accept and you both get to the dance floor.
- Can I? - He asks before putting his hands on your waist. You nod and he grabs your waist and you put your arms over his shoulders. Both your gazes are intense on each other but you decide to turn around and dance with your back turned to him and against his chest. Your ass rubbing his crotch. His hands never left your hips, pulling you even closer to him.
Across the room, in the VIP area, you notice both CEOs staring at you and they don't even bother to look away when your gazes meet and they even smirk at you and look at your body moving. You can't help but smile and then look away and keep dancing.
You weren't drunk, not even close, but you sure were all loosened up. You keep dancing and glancing at the CEOs, who don't look away from your body moving and their smirks never leave their faces either. One time you catch Jimin talking to Taehyung while pointing at you and then he winks at you.
After a few songs, you glance at the VIP area again but they're not there anymore. You turn to face Hyunjin and dance with him a little bit more and then you both decide to stop and go sit, already tired but happy. He asks for a bottle of water and shares it with you.
You keep searching for the CEOs across the room but there's no sign of them. Somehow, you feel a bit disappointed but at the same time, you're not sure you want to get involved with co-workers, let a less the CEOs.
You keep talking to Hyunjin for some time and you notice that it's so easy for both of you to just talk for hours and hours. He never stops flirting with you and you end up exchanging phone numbers and then you decide to leave. He says he's going to stay a bit more and kisses you goodbye at the corner of your lips. You smile at him, thinking about how nice and cute he is, and say goodbye.
You find Ji-Hoon still near the entrance and you smile at him. He smiles back at you but then stops you.
- Don't forget your jacket. - He says seeing you don't have it with you. You look at him with your eyes wide open.
- Oh my God, yes. Thank you so much for reminding me! - You thank him and head to your desk. You notice almost everyone's jackets are still there so you think you're probably one of the first people to leave. You get to your desk and there's a note over your jacket.
"Come to our office as soon as you read this. Your CEOs." - The note said. You freeze with the note in your hand and your eyes wide open. Your first and only thought is that you're going to get fired for flirting with them and they were just testing you when you were on the dancefloor.
- Fuck. - You whisper and turn around, to face their office. You take a deep breath and walk towards the door, knocking softly. You notice all the blinds are closed so you can't even see if they're inside.
- Who is it? - Taehyung's low voice makes you shiver and you gulp before saying your name.
- Y/N. - You say. The door opens right away and you see both CEOs smiling at you and gesturing you to enter. Why are they smiling is the first question in your head. You try to smile back and enter, looking down. Taehyung closes the door and you hear it lock. You gulp again and glance up at them and they're both smirking now. Taehyung turns to look through the blinds and then turns back to you.
- Do you know why you're here? - He asks you and you shake your head, still looking down.
- You can look at us, love. And use your words. - Jimin says. Love? You think to yourself and you can't understand what the fuck is going on. You look up at them.
- No. I don't know why I'm here. - You say. They glance at each other and smile.
- Did you enjoy dancing? - Taehyung simply asks. You look up at him, trying to figure out if it was a serious question or a test. You hesitantly nod and look down again. - Words, Y/N. - Taehyung says and comes closer to you, lifting your head, with his long indicative finger on your chin.
- Y-Yes. - You simply say.
- Well... We enjoyed watching you dance. - Jimin says getting closer to you too. A smile appears on your face but you make it disappear right away but they still notice it.
- You like that idea, don't you? - Jimin asks.
- You liked having us watching you move this body of yours? - Taehyung asks and softly passes his fingers down your arm.
Once you figured they were not going to fire you, you take a step back and lean against the edge of one of their desks and put your hand on your chest, taking a long sigh.
- I thought you guys were going to fire me. - You let out and chuckle.
- Why would we do that? - Jimin asks, also chuckling.
- Well... - You say. - You know...
- No, we don't. - Jimin says coming closer to you again, smirking.
- Ugh. - You roll your eyes, smiling. - Well, for flirting with the CEOs, obviously. - You finally say.
- To be honest, you had our attention since you introduced yourself. - Taehyung admits and gets closer too.
They both press their bodies against yours, pressing you back against the desk.
- We just needed the confirmation that we got yours as well. - Jimin completed Taehyung's sentence. Taehyung caresses your face and you gently grab his wrist.
- How could I not? I mean, look at you guys. - You say letting go of Taehyung's wrist and caressing his face. Then, you turn to look at Jimin and caress his face too, with your other hand. - You are one of the most gorgeous men I've ever seen. - You admit to them. They both smile and glance at each other. Jimin caresses Taehyung's face.
- He is the most gorgeous though. - He says and looks at Taehyung's lips.
You were going to say that they were equally gorgeous but Taehyung kissed Jimin and an "oh" was the only thing that came out of your mouth. You watch them make out in front of you, pleased with the view, till they part from the kiss and turn their faces to look at you.
- I can let you guys alone if you want. - You tease them, putting your hands in the air and trying to escape but their bodies were still pressing you against the desk.
- We can do this anytime love, we live together. - Jimin says, smirking.
- But not with you though. So we better enjoy it while we can. - Taehyung adds as he takes your hand and kisses it. - Is this okay? - He asks, with your hand still near his lips, and you nod. - Words, sweetheart.
- Yes, yes, totally okay. - You quickly say and he smiles and keeps on kissing your hand, going up to your wrist and arm.
You were going to say that they could do this whenever they wanted with you too but Taehyung's lips on your skin erased any other thought in your head.
You take a deep breath and don't even get to finish breathing out as Jimin grabs your chin with his fingers and kisses you. He's not gentle and his tongue parts your lips and starts to explore your mouth right away. Your free hand goes to Jimin's hair and you pull it, pulling him closer to you and making him smile through the kiss.
Taehyung reaches your shoulder and gently licks on your collarbone up to your neck, making you let out a soft moan into Jimin's mouth. Taehyung reaches your jaw and takes your hair, on the back of your head, into his fist.
- Jimin-ah... - He whispers. Jimin parts from the kiss and Taehyung captures your lips right away, not letting you the time to properly breathe between the kisses.
- She's such a good kisser. - Jimin whispers and starts kissing your neck, slowly and gently, the complete opposite of how he was kissing your lips just seconds ago. He keeps going down your shoulder, leaving soft and gentle kisses, and then gently takes off your dress strap, letting it fall down your arm.
Taehyung parts from the kiss and licks your bottom lip looking straight into your eyes.
- Yes, she is. - He says smirking. - I wonder what else she can do with her pretty mouth. - He adds and passes his thumb over your lips. You lick his finger, never taking your eyes off of his and smirking too. He smiles and grabs your thigh and pushes Jimin to take the other thigh too, pulling you up and sitting you on the desk and you wrap your legs around his waist.
- Hey!! - Jimin complains but smiles.
- Sorry babe. - Taehyung says. - She's a teaser. - He adds, never looking away from your eyes either.
- Oh, is that right? - Jimin asks going to the other side of the desk to be behind you. He takes a fist of your hair and pulls you back, making you fall back on your elbows. - What If we're teasers too? - He whispers in your ear and then places a soft kiss on your neck. Taehyung held on to your thighs while Jimin took the other strap of your dress down to your arm with his teeth.
You close your eyes and bit your lower lip, feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter at every touch and you want to close your legs but forget they are around Taehyung so you just pull him even closer and he lets himself over you, joining Jimin, on the other side of your neck, and at the same time he pushes your dress up your thighs, exposing your lower parts.
- Try to keep her quiet, Jimin-ah. - Taehyung says and gets down on his knees and in between your legs. He pulls your panties down and gently kisses the inside of your thighs and then places a gentle and slow kiss on your clit, making you shiver and let out a moan.
- Shh love, you have to be quiet in case someone comes to grab their jackets. - Jimin says in your ear and then pushes your dress down to expose your nipples. - Damn. - He lets out and grabs one of your breasts into his hand, massaging it a bit, and then starts to play with your nipple. You arch your back and let yourself fall back completely on the desk. He takes the opportunity and reaches for your other nipple with his mouth, starting to play with it with his tongue, and keeps playing with the other with his fingers.
In between all this, Taehyung had started to play around with your clit and savoring your juices, and then, out of nowhere and without any warning, he pushes two fingers into you, making you scream out in pleasure. You can feel him smile against your clit.
You're overwhelmed with pleasure. Having both their tongues on you and Taehyung's long fingers thrusting in and out of you is driving you insane and you can't even focus on your breathing or moans anymore.
In between Taehyung on your lower parts and Jimin on your nipples, you don't last long and cum, moaning loudly, forcing Jimin to put his free hand over your mouth.
They both let you come down from your high and catch your breath and when you open your eyes, they're both smiling down at you.
- Wow... - You let out. - You both sure know what to do with your mouths. - You add and laugh.
- The question is... Do you? - Taehyung asks, smirking and pulling you up so you're sitting on the edge of the desk again, with your legs parted and him standing in between them. He kisses you roughly and Jimin gets beside him and starts to kiss your neck and caress your nipples again. You moan as you feel his touch on your sensitive nipples.
- Taehyung-ah... Leave some fun for me too. - Jimin says and Taehyung parts from the kiss and smiles at Jimin, giving him a gentle peck on the lips. Jimin grabs the back of his neck and you see his tongue entering Taehyung's mouth into a deep kiss.
- Oh she tastes good. - Jimin says after parting from the kiss and licking his lips.
- So good. - Taehyung says also licking his lips. - Oh, and I want her mouth on me. - He whispers in Jimin's ear, making him smile.
- Sure. I'll gladly take her pussy. - He says getting in between your legs to take Taehyung's place and grabbing you by the waist. He kisses you roughly too and you wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, pulling him more into the kiss and then you gently bite down on his lower lip.
Taehyung watches the both of you while starting to touch himself. Jimin finally parts from the kiss.
- So, how do you want to do this, Tae? - He asks still staring into your eyes and smirking. Taehyung is behind him and staring into your eyes as well.
- I'll go first and we save the best for last? - He says sounding like a question, so Jimin can agree or disagree, leaving a kiss on Jimin's neck. Jimin can't help but smile, agreeing with what Taehyung had in mind, and then he helps you on your feet.
Taehyung goes to sit on a big chair, at the corner of the office, with his legs opened, smirking at you. Jimin gestures you to go to him. You go and kneel before Taehyung, in between his legs, and start to unbutton his pants and push them down with his boxers. You gulp watching the size of his cock in front of you and wonder how you'll be able to put all of it in your mouth to give him proper pleasure. You hear Jimin chuckle behind you.
- I'm sure you'll be fine. - He says as if he had just read your mind. Taehyung chuckles too and you smile, shaking your head.
You finally take his cock into your hands and put it in your mouth. You look up at him and he had closed his eyes and grabbed both arms of the chair, tightly.
- Oh fuck!! - He says when you take him all in your mouth and start to play around with your tongue and also take action on his balls with one of your hands.
You keep going and feel him getting closer and closer to his orgasm so you speed up your pace. He starts to moan louder and you suddenly hear voices outside the office and look up at him, with your eyes wide open. He looks down at you, with a piercing look and bitting on his lower lip to hold back his moans, and puts his hand on your hair, obviously telling you to not stop at this point. You keep your pace and get even more excited thinking he will have to control his moans through the orgasm so whoever's out there won't hear him.
Suddenly you see Jimin kiss him and suppress the moans that come out of his mouth as he cums into your mouth. You swallow what you can and the rest drools off your mouth and to the floor.
- Damn, that was so fucking good. - He praises you after catching his breath, looking down at you, and smiling. - So I guess you're pretty good with your mouth too. - He says and you both chuckle and then he turns to Jimin, who is still beside the big chair where he's sitting. - Thanks, babe. - He says and they both smile at each other.
- It's okay. I know you couldn't stop at that point. - Jimin says and caresses Taehyung's face and then gives him a slow and gentle kiss on the lips.
You look at them fondly. You notice that they know each other better than anyone else, even in these situations. Then, they both turn to look at you.
- She's all yours now, Jiminie. - Taehyung says getting up and grabbing some tissues to clean himself. Jimin smiles at you and stretches his hand to help you on your feet again.
- Ready for me to ruin you now? - He asks against your lips, pulling you closer by the waist. You gulp but smile.
- Give me your best. - You tease him, making him bite on his lower lip, and Taehyung chuckles, finishing cleaning himself.
- Remember you asked for it, love. - Jimin simply says before picking you up by your legs, making you wrap them around his waist, and pushing you against the wall, kissing you roughly. You moan when you hit the wall with your back.
He was an animal in bed and you could already tell just by the few times he kissed you tonight, always so rough.
He parts from the kiss and goes down to kiss your neck, leaving love bites along with it and marking you in some spots. His hands were all over your body but mostly on your ass, squeezing it and pushing you more into him as he moved and rolled his hips against you.
You could barely keep up with the pleasure so you just let your head fall back against the wall and let your hands on his hair. You moan at all his actions on your body and pull his hair.
He finally stops kissing your body and looks at you. You look down at him and you swear you could come right there with the way he looks right now. His hair is a mess, eyes half shut, and his pillow lips all red from the use on your neck.
- Fuck. - You can't help but let out, your breathing already heavy again,
making him smile.
- I'm just getting started, babe. - He says and you smile back at him. He grabs you by your thighs and spins around to lay you on the desk again. He unbuttons his pants and pushes them down with his boxers too. Taehyung gets behind you on the other side of the desk and kisses your ear.
- I'm here to support you because I know what comes next. - He whispers and looks at Jimin and his cock. He sits on the desk and lays your head on his thigh, caressing your face. You were about to say something but Jimin thrusts into you, in one hard thrust, making you scream and pushing the desk a bit further as well.
- Oh boy. - Taehyung says and looks at Jimin, smiling. Jimin winks at him.
- She asked for it. - Jimin says. He gives you some time to adjust but then starts to thrust into you, mercilessly, holding you by your hips, sure leaving a mark there from the strength with which he's holding you. You can't control your moans and they're getting louder every time so Taehyung kisses you. Jimin moans too but bites on his lower lip to prevent himself from being too loud.
His hips roll perfectly so that he fucks you at a steady and perfect pace to help you reach your second orgasm of the night. You try to roll your hips to match his movements but he holds you steady, making you understand that he wants to be the one controlling the movements and do all the work himself. You put one hand on his wrist and the other on Taehyung's arm, squeezing tightly.
Jimin keeps thrusting into you mercilessly and you can't even think straight or kiss Taehyung back properly. Your whole body is shivering and you're getting closer and closer to your orgasm and can't control your body anymore.
- Tae... - Jimin manages to let out after a bit. You can't even process why Jimin called Taehyung, you just feel Taehyung's fingers on your clit, and your whole body shivers. You can feel your second orgasm closer and closer and continue to moan into Taehyung's mouth, making him smile against your lips. You feel Jimin cum inside you and allow yourself to cum as well, screaming, with Taehyung still trying to suppress your loud noises, and burying your nails on Taehyung's arm and Jimin's wrist.
Both you and Jimin catch your breaths and then he pulls you by your thighs, allowing you to sit on the edge of the desk, yet again, facing him.
- How did you like that? - He asks and kisses you and when he parts from the kiss, Taehyung is behind him, with his arms around Jimin's neck, and his chin on his shoulder. You chuckle.
- I... - You start but then stop yourself. The truth is that no one ever fucked you like that before but you don't want to tell him that.
- You? - Jimin asks. - Be honest, obviously. Even If I wasn't that good. - He says and Taehyung chuckles rolling his eyes.
- As If it was even possible... - You hear him say under his breath. You smile and look back at Jimin.
- If I'm being honest, I loved it... It was perfect. You were perfect. - You say and a smile comes to Jimin's face. - I didn't want to tell you this but no one ever gave it to me like that. - You finally admit.
- Oh good. So you're up for a next time? - He asks and you open your eyes wide open. He chuckles. - Yes, you heard me. I still want to have a taste of that pretty mouth on me. And I also want to taste you. - He adds and looks down at your lower parts.
- And I still want to fuck that pussy of yours. - Taehyung adds from behind Jimin.
You just think to yourself how dirty they are and smile.
- You already know we need your words, love. - Taehyung says.
- Oh... - You let out. - Yes, of course, totally fine by me. - You say before your brain can even process that they're actually your bosses and that you will have to encounter them literally every day at work. They both smile at you and Jimin pecks your lips and Taehyung does the same.
- Come on, we'll take you home. - Jimin says, starting to get dressed and straighten himself and his clothes. Taehyung does the same and you do too. You search for your phone to look at your face, you know your make-up must be all over the place. They notice and Jimin goes grabs some wet wipes and Taehyung cleans your face.
- Thanks. - You say.
They get you home and each kisses you goodbye before leaving.
- Next time we'll give you our address so we can be comfier and don't have to worry about the noise. - Jimin says, winking at you. You smile and bite your lip. Taehyung puts his thumb over your lips.
- Can't wait for next time, babe. - He whispers and then smiles and they both turn around to go home.
You're left all alone at your doorstep, smiling and looking at them walk back to their car. The truth is, you had one of the best nights and orgasms of your life and can't wait to repeat it.
Thank you so much for reading and please please let me know what you think and how this made you feel 🙏🏽 it means a lot ❤ stay safe 💜
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angelic-dew · 2 years
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yandere! komi shoko headcannons !
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✧༉‧₊˚୨ 💌 ୧・request :: Hello <3 I hope your doing well!!! By chance-- do you write for Komi Can't Communicate????? Can I get yan Komi hc's?? If not it's fine I understand -o-
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🍡 ୧・author's note :: yes, I do take requests for this fandom and many others I haven't listed as yet (sorry on my part.) <3
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🍨 ୧・pairing :: komi shoko x g/n! Reader (you/your pronouns)
✧༉‧₊˚୨ ✖ ୧・trigger warnings :: isolation, stalking, murder, yandere, jealousy, rivalry and grammar mistakes. if you are sensitive towards these topics, dni.
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⚝Just a reminder I don't tolerate nor do I encourage the following topics in reality; I like keeping it strictly to fiction
🍡.It's not that easy nor is common for someone such as Komi to fall that deeply for another but it doesn't mean it isn't impossible but she has to trust or have some connection from before/in the past.
🍨. Probably a childhood friend (before middle school and/or before middle school) for some kind of relationship or you either had a similar interaction like Tadano. Either way, you have managed to charm her.
give me a chance~
🍡. At first she just...stared. You know the stare I'm talking about.
🍨. It's usual for Shouko to do this after all you've known her for quite some time so it's not anything out of the ordinary,, it was really a simple crush nothing more, sure she may have stared at you but it's Komi
🍡. But soon that itself became overbearing, there were always eyes piercing through you every breath, blink, movement you made Shouko observed. Everything, she may have the best memory but when it comes to you, you mean everything.
"I love you more than slitting your enemies' throat"
🍨. Komi starts to act delusional (although not detected based on her calm and quiet demeanor) thinks that every action you do is for her. You've been a good friend/significant other treating her with so much kindness, the simplest things such as assisting her to carry some books,, you're doing this for her you are her's. Why should you help the others as well?
🍡. Then comes the clinginess. She needs to be with you it's a must be with her you are only hers you just don't know it yet. She would even make up excuses of a sleepover to see you more often. The only moment you're alone is in the bathroom and even there she's outside the door waiting patiently.
"I don't mind being around you, but I do mind if others are"
🍨. Komi is a very calculated person tho, she has no idea what she's actually doing,, yet every gesture is precise and calculated with the excuse of her just liking you. Sooner or later Komi will become a third arm.
🍡. shows her affection and love you in...ways. Nothing too out of the regular mostly gift-giving since she can't really talk ( doesn't want to) and the next way is taking things of value from you such as hairpins, fav T-(shirt), pens things like that to make a shrine of you, which she keeps hidden in God knows where.
"Stay with me please"
🍨. If you were to confront Komi on any of these topics she would deny it immediately. With an excuse along the lines of, "I just like to be around you" "I'm annoying aren't I, I knew someone such as wouldn't like a freak like me"; now she knows what she's doing
🍡. To be fair she can't really talk around anyone but it is far worse with; there's always a slight blush on her face. Not to mention Ren hates your guts.
🍨. Now, as for rivals, she doesn't kill them, no. Her method is far safer and more strategic,, something like in yandere simulator where Ayano weakens/destroy's the relationship between the rivals and Senpai each week. Yeah that's what she does
🍡. Shouko would never ever kidnap you however, she will do the closest thing to that, isolates you. You don't realize how much she controls your life.
"it's better if you stay here with me. I don't like when others look at you that way."
🍨. Eventually, you would see nothing but Komi. She is everywhere; she's the only one that stuck by your side when no one would, all she did was love you was it so hard to return those feelings back? Shouko lives for you everything is done specifically for you.
🍡. In the end, you either accept her feelings and play it safe; or have an even more overbearing Komi following you everywhere whose
tendencies are growing more violent every day.
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© angelic-dew :: please don't reclaim or translate without permission! reblogs are appreciated though! <3
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earnono · 2 years
Excuse me, greetings. I'm an anon suffering from m!dimileth content deficiency. If you don't mind, would you be so kind as to give some recommendations on m!dimileth fics to read or art accounts to follow? Especially if you know good m!dimileth fics o(-(
Hello fellow anon~ I totally understand the need to quench the mdimileth thirst because I do so everyday. I only follow jp artists cus that's where the fandom is really active at but there are also english speaking artists on twt! As for fics, I'll be listing down the ones I bookmarked and fave. This list might be quite long but I wanna put everything I know so far. It'll be divided to dimileto/ディミレト[Dimitri x Beleto] and letodimi/レトディミ[Beleto x Dimitri] (also I only follow dimileto content so that one might be many) Dimileto/ディミレト @hyaku_jitapero @natume_0w0_ @moshi___mo @rkgktosh0909 (I think they have a tmblr account too since I've seen their art here but idk the name tho) @miimaru06dmlt @mugimugirou @weooooow @mizu_2015 @satosato2990 @3hnmc @sakuri_dmlt @u_f1231 @hiroichino @Chigo_03 @moco_888 @Curcurco @toriningen1192 @hotorilui @vgmondo @kusayukadl @takawo_wood @5ilviadove @babunon_no @wly169168 @churchofdimitri(inactive but their art is lovely so check them out) @peff155 @doggyet @dimdim4400 @miyakom_fe @UROTOZM @Oyasai_feao @silhiko @ten_dmlt @erumei24/tumblr acc. @nishikawa_fe @waiwaiwa_1 @Loooooneutral @umai_yo_kiwi @niku3ram4 @sotya_desu_ga03 @Tokinox(lovely art, one of my fave~) @mi_zu_no(they're into The Great Ace Attorney now so idk if they moved on. Pls do check their dmlt artworks it's lovely! They made me discovered and love dmlt!) @earnonoart/@nonochan801 (lol here's my twt account. 2nd one is for rting dmlt stuffs hehe) Here's a dedicated dmlt event account! Every week there's new contents (I recently am joining this hehe): @1h_nernenk0 Letodimi/レトディミ(sometimes called lethdimi) @Biz6ls(I'm entirely not sure cus they don't tag but in their pxv account they do tagged their works ltdm I believe) @tsurutt_aa @fuunerudon @ldouzisama @airbrush_99 @mogmog_0205 @zzz_mgx @karashino @S_upernova @wa___fe @dotFlafla @sara_hjmk @ruminasu_sorane
(This is the ones I know... more likely the list that I was given by someone I know ahaha...) Here's a dedicated ltdm event account. There's gonna be another event from them soon:@mlethdimiweek Here's a dedicated english MDimileth event account! There's a planned event later this year~ Hope you can follow the account for updates! (I might also post any news from there to here if I have the permission from the mod): @mdmlthweek As for fics, I don't often visit AO3 that much so I have little to recommend but I'll still list the ones I like. Please be mindful of the tags! I'll still label ero fics with the jp tags cus some fics don't label who's top/bottom(if any of you out there has preferences).
Fics I like wew (it's mostly dmlt and ero I'm sorry) Promise me (Dmlt. It's on hiatus, I've been waiting for this for a long while but it seems the author/artist is very busy huhu) Temperate Grasp (It's like one of the only 3-5 omegaverse mdimileth fics in the site and it's unfinished. I hope I'm wrong with that one ughhh) You Should Have Chosen Me (Dmlt) Summoner's Summer Beach Festival Episode: Moment of Eternity (Dmlt) The Courtship of Boars and Dragons (Dmlt) The Flame of Doves (Dmlt) A lifetime of wanting and waiting and deadly persuading (Dmlt. Again. One of the few omegaverse fic in AO3 lol) Moonlit Mirage (Dmlt) Tower (I died reading this. If you're upset that they don't have an s support then this fic will be here to remind you) A favour from the Goddess. (Dmlt. me likey. ehe) Blue (I enjoy this one) You Should Have Chosen Me (Dmlt. me likey ehe) The Azure Moon of Illusions Weeps Blood, Part I/ Part 2 ( pt. 2 is on hiatus, author will be back at it tho) Chasing Daybreak (Ltdm. Was reading this one since I bookmarked when I first found this till I reach the ero part and it's actually ltdm lol Just gonna put it here cus I think it's good)
Here's an AO3 collection from last year's MDimileth event: (Click Here) There's more in AO3 but I'm not sure how many. You go to the M/M section the dimileth tag and it'll still be not M/M at all. 700+ fics is a lie but there's defo fics out there!
In the jp side, I think there are exclusive doujin events that were held before! So hopefully there's another event and more doujinshis for both dmlt and ltdm this year~ As far as I know, there's no exclusive MDimileth zines in the english side. Though there are mix dimileth zines/events where they accept MDimileth but it's very few. It's still there but few. I guess this is it! It's a bit long so thanks for reaching at the end. Hoping for more MDimileth contents this year~
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bucky-at-bedtime · 3 years
Stucky Fic Recs
So basically I went through all of my ao3 bookmarks and collated a list of some of my favourites (I couldn't fit all of them on this list, so if anyone shows interest there might be a part two).
Please read tags and descriptions of the works before reading, some of them are pretty dark or extremely horny so just make sure you check that the fic is for you!!
Please please please send me your favourite fics in return! I am always happy to hear fic recs, headcanons and any other ideas/comments you all have!
Without any further ado, here are a few of my favourite Stucky fics:
‘Not Easily Conquered’ series by dropdeaddream, WhatAreFear
Rating: M, Words: 117,692
“I told you, you heard me: I told you never to follow me into Hell. Now I’m not vain enough to think that’s why you’re out here now — if there’s any person in what’s left of this God forsaken planet who’s part of a bigger picture, it’d be you. But I’ll keep saying it until it sticks. You got nothing to prove. I’m not worth much, I damn well know that, but I’ll ask you anyway: Stay for me. If you leave me alone in this world I’ll turn into something terrible. I’ll turn into the nasty creature that’s growing inside me. This war, it’ll swallow me whole”
[To me, this fic is like the classic Stucky 101 fanfic – if you're a Stucky fan and you haven't read this, I highly recommend it. The authors explore the Steve/Bucky relationship in such an interesting, tragic, emotive way and I cry every time I read it. I couldn't praise this work enough.]
‘Ain’t No Grave’ series by spitandvinegar
Rating: M-E, Words: 131,789
"Yeah, he never calls me by my name," Steve says. "It's always champ, ace, hotshot, that kinda thing."
"Man, that is flirting," Sam says. "That nicknames thing, he is flirting with you. He's just working his way up to calling you baby or something."
Steve goes redder than a damn coke can. Sam pumps his fist. "Yes, I am so right, I am wise as hell. He did, didn't he?"
"He called me sweetheart," Steve says grimly, "because he's a drug addict with brain damage."
"Or because he looooooves you," Sam says. Captain America throws a cookie at his head. Sam eats it, because he deserves a treat for being so damn wise.”
[I'm currently re-reading this fic and absolutely loving it. The way spitandvinegar writes Bucky's road towards recovery and Steve's entire characterisation – it's all just so good. It's another one that covers some pretty dark themes, so make sure you're checkin those tags!]
'Einherjar' by thecommodore_squid
Rating: M, Words: 71297
But Steve was fine.
Sure, he hadn’t seen Bucky in months, and sometimes he was at the punching bag so long that his skin started to peel off to expose the bones of his fingers, and sometimes he couldn’t find the energy to drag himself out of bed, and sometimes he went weeks without sleeping, and sometimes he thought about throwing himself head-first off the nearest tall structure, but he was fine.
He was absolutely, perfectly, one-hundred percent, fucking fine.
AKA In which Steve learns how to deal with his shit, and Bucky learns how to stop leaving.
[basically the definition of a recovery fic, I absolutely adore it. This is tragic and amazing and makes me cry and smile. It’s got a bunch of fantastic cameos and It really just ticks so many of my boxes.]
‘Like real People do’ by 2bestfriends
Rating: E, Words: 67,775
“"Ask me what?" demands Bucky. "I didn't hear a question."
Steve licks his lips. "Will you stay with me? Will you come back home, Buck?"
"Home," repeats Bucky in a small voice, and then he's crying for real.”
[Basically soft lumberjack!steve and lonely twink!bucky being horny and in love. This is a comfort fic for that’s really just about my favourite boys falling in love.]
‘This City Bleeds it’s Aching Heart’ by anonymous
Rating: E, Words: 34,537
“The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.”
[The plot in this one is just a good time and i think it’s just a really fun take on the fake relationship trope. Also some really great characterisation.]
‘Home is Wherever I’m With You’ by cydonic
Rating: E, Words: 88,570
“Bucky kisses Steve and Emma goodbye before they leave for school, which is why – partway down the road – Amelia turns to him and asks, “why are you and Daddy kissing?”
Which is definitely a conversation Bucky’s been expecting since Steve just did it, but it still takes him by surprise. Again, he thinks he should wait for Steve, but Amelia’s not the sort of kid to let anything rest. Plus, Bucky’s taking her to school where she will undoubtedly share the story with anyone who’ll listen.
He also stops to think that Steve’s asked him to stay, which means Bucky must be trusted with their happiness and well-being, at least in some small capacity.
Bucky clears his throat and searches for some explanation that will help Amelia make sense of this sudden turn of events. “Because we love each other,” is all he comes up with.”
[Bear with me, this is a House Flipper!Bucky Au. And dad!Steve. I just love a found family trope I’m not gonna lie to you. Another comfort fic that warms my lil heart.]
‘Lucky Seven’ by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves)
Rating: E, Words: 94,364
“Back from where--?” James says, the sentence ending in a distinctly undignified squawk as Steve sweeps him up in his arms, bridal-style, and starts carrying him upstairs.
James tenses momentarily then relaxes into Steve's arms and throws back his head and starts laughing. The laughter peals out of him, his body shaking, his amusement occasionally broken by little gasps of pain.
“What's so funny?” Steve frowns.
“You are,” James says, still giggling. “You're ridiculous, Steve Rogers.”
“Behave. Or I will drop you,” Steve growls.
[The shrunkyclunks modern AU of my dreams featuring Mechanic!Bucky and cap!Steve and some really beautiful writing.]
'Dishonor On Your Cow' by mandarou
Rating: E, Words: 111695
“Sergeant Barnes?”
“Oh, hell no, don’t call him that, man,” Sam warned.
“Captain Fuck Off!” Barnes shouted over him. “Fight me!”
Steve didn’t know whether to laugh or just slink away. He managed to combine the two by pacing two steps and snorting instead. Like a bull.
“I’m gonna need you to calm your ass, Barnes,” Sam said as he went limp again, obstructing Barnes’s struggling under him. “This is so undignified. That is Captain goddamn America.”
“Captain goddamn America!” Barnes repeated, louder. And angrier.
Steve cleared his throat again. “I’ve been looking for you,” he told Barnes.
“I hope you brought lube this time!” Barnes shouted.
[I’m not gonna lie it took me a minute to get into this one but by the end I was crying with them, laughing with them, and just really in my feels. Some very insane things happen so here’s a few of my favourite tags: ‘Seargent Barnes is done with your Shit Steve’, ‘blatant disrespect of a man’s motorcycle’, ‘Steve you ding dong’ and ‘PR nightmares in the form of Supersoldiers’.]
Propietary Information by Notlucy
Rating: E, Words: 85141
“Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.”
[We were never gonna get through this list without a Sugar Daddy!AU (I have a weakness). This one is… saucy and sexy and sweet and uh pretty kinky so read the tags and all. I’ve read it a few times, and I love the way the author has written Steve in this one, he just makes my heart go '!!!']
‘Roots Have Grown’ by AustinB
Rating: M, Words: 17280
“Bucky is a mildly agoraphobic veteran with funds to spare, who becomes enamored with the cute blonde guy in his building.
So when Steve mentions needing a roommate to cut down on rent costs, Bucky decides it would be a good idea to volunteer.”
[Another weakness of mine is Roommate AUs, and this one is phenomenal. I tend to go for post serum!Steve stories more often, but this is a pre-serum Steve that I just adore.]
‘The Cold Never Bothered me Anyway’ by icoulddothisallday
Rating: E, Words:75562
“Bucky Barnes has spent his whole life in a state of mild hypothermia. Steve Rogers has spent the last 70 years in the ice. The two things aren’t related until, suddenly, they are. Shrunkyclunks soulmate AU (AKA the awkward bb au).”
[I think this is the only soulmate AU in my bookmarks? I would totally be down to read more though! This one is really fun and really enjoy Bucky’s characterisation here!]
'War, Children' by Nonymos
Rating: E, Words: 106615
“After Bucky was released from the hospital, it only took him a couple of weeks to give up on himself. Difficult to believe in any kind of future when the simple act of staying alive was almost too big an effort.
Out the frosted window, across the street, there was a tiny homeless guy burrowing under an awning.”
[An interesting exploration of Bucky’s PTSD with a trans!Steve which was a cool take on his character too!]
'The Company You Keep' by orbingarrow
Rating: G, Words: 51191
“Hurt, hungry, and on the run, the Winter Soldier doesn’t have a lot of safe options to go to for help. Figuring that any friend of Captain Steve Rogers is unlikely to be HYDRA, Bucky takes a chance and reaches out to the first Avenger he can find.
It works out better than anyone could have expected. Eventually.”
[hurt/comfort, recovering Bucky, protective Steve, found family and domestic avengers, need I say more? I absolutely loved this one]
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glowingbadger · 3 years
You may have a little Lorenz Prompt as promised. As a treat. Here goes~
Lorenz taking thorough notes to surprise his s/o (is it the blog owner? the reader? some random character? It doesn't matter~!) with the most lovely, romantic date imaginable based around everything they like. He wouldn't put in this much effort to TRULY impress someone, but you're worth every step and more.
Enjoy where this takes your thoughts~!
(and pls don't eat it, Tumblr)
Y'know what, I've had a shitty day and I just finished writing some darker content- so I am going to ~indulge~. Normally I try to make my Reader character as broadly relatable as possible, but today we're going with MY preferences and interests because I WANT A NICE DATE WITH LORENZ GODDAMNIT
Lorenz (FE3H) x GN Reader - perfect date
Fluff - SFW
Today simply has to be flawless- the Gloucester heir will not accept any less. Not when it comes to you. Of course, Lorenz holds himself to high standards in all things, but the thought of providing anything less than perfection for you is one that pains him to even consider. Especially now that he'd finally gotten the courage- or, rather, found the right and proper time to ask you to spend the day with him.
You approach him at the Monastery gates not long after noon that day, and find your pace slowing as you eye him before he's noticed you. Without his usual elegant set of armor, you can appreciate the way constant marching and training has toned his slender frame- and appreciate it, you most certainly do. Though he soon turns to face you, and your eyes dart back up from a rather ignoble place to meet his instead.
"You're as radiant as ever, I see," he says with a warm smile. He offers you an arm and you take it, replying with a grin,
"You've already got me for the day, Lorenz, there's no need for flattery."
"'Flattery' implies a measure of falsehood," he says with confidence, leading you towards town, "and I could never bring myself to lie to one so lovely."
As your time together proceeds, you can't help but feel that, some way, somehow, Lorenz has some kind of psychic insight into your preferences. Everywhere you turn, whatever your heart could desire is immediately available and set before you with hardly any negotiation at play. At the first flower stall you find, Lorenz takes a moment to exchange words with the owner while you admire the sprawling array of colorful blooms; and by the time he's returned, he's holding a woven crown of delicate little white flowers. With an admiring smile, he carefully places it on your head, a hand trailing down a lock of your hair as he pulls away to observe you.
With a shy grin, you perform an exaggerated curtsy, prompting Lorenz to laugh fondly and take you by the hand. He twirls you slowly under his arm, watching you all the while, then says,
"They suit you every bit as wonderfully as I'd thought."
"They're my favorites," you reply.
"I know- erm, that is- I know of a superb bakery down the block this way," Lorenz seems a bit red in the face, but you chalk that up to nerves.
He's not wrong though- this bakery is something else. The selection and quality of ingredients is on an entirely new level compared to the Monastery's dining hall, and you find yourself overwhelmed even reading down the list of items posted to the wall. By your third pass over the full range of options, the words are starting to dance in your eyes- but a warm touch at your arm shakes your focus. Lorenz leans close to be heard over the rapidly growing crowd at the bakery's counter,
"Might I make a recommendation?" you nod, and he goes on, "I happen to have it on good authority that there's an item not included on this menu that you may like. It incorporates three different treatments of Brigid cocoa, if that is of any interest to you."
Your eyes light up and you can practically feel the rich sweetness across your tongue already.
"That sounds incredible," you reply, enraptured by the very thought. When you start to ask how he'd heard of such a thing, Lorenz has already turned to speak to the worker taking orders, and your words drown among the crowd of customers. The speed at which he acquires this mythical pastry only fills your mind with more questions. How did he manage to purchase an off-menu item so quickly? Wouldn't the cost of something requiring those many luxurious imported ingredients be astronomical?
But then, Lorenz returns to your side and guides you out of the crowded shop, and the sight of the delectable chocolatey treat in his hands dashes all other thoughts from your mind. He hands it to you wrapped in a handkerchief, and you can't help but immediately plunge in for a bite.
"Mmmm-!" you wear an expression of pure bliss as your mouth fills with sweet, savory chocolate, "Oh- Lorenz, it's so good!"
When you glance up at him, he's watching you with a strangely heavy expression. Once more, his fair complexion is painted a light red. You tilt your head curiously, and he seems to resurface from whatever thoughts had taken him for the moment.
"Here- you should try some," you break off a piece and hold it up to him.
"Are- are you certain? I had intended for you to enjoy it to your heart's content," he stammers out, evidently still a bit flushed.
"I want you to get to have some too. Please?" You hate to resort to puppy eyes with him, but it's hard to argue with the results. He leans forward and accepts the piece of pastry from your hand. You don't shy away from him in the slightest, and so a brief brush of his lower lip along the tip of your finger simply can't be avoided. Lorenz does his best to move past this without acknowledgement, and you two enjoy your treat together as you take in the bustle of the town around you.
The day continues in kind, with Lorenz apparently having painstakingly arranged every element of this date from start to finish. At a local seller of antiques and luxury goods, he secures permission to view and explore rare and dazzling paintings from around the world. Here, he's rather uncharacteristically reserved. Wandering the storage area like your own personal art museum, he watches you with evident warmth as you exclaim at the rich and varied pigments, the innovative expressions of human form, and so on.
After this, he brings you to a tavern at the far end of town, where he's reserved the second floor exclusively for you two to enjoy a quiet, intimate meal together. By this point, you've finally gotten around to considering just how much gold must have gone into this singular date.
"Lorenz," you say cautiously, "are you sure it's okay to go through all of this and spend so much just for-"
He raises a hand to cut you off, then replies,
"I assure you that it is," he takes your hand in his, holding it warmly from across your private table, "wealth has no value that we ourselves do not assign to it, and I have chosen to spend it on your pleasure. I can think of no greater use for a bit of coin."
The rest of the early evening is filled with pleasant chat and the occasional subtle sweet-talk. As you discuss everything you've seen and experienced that day, Lorenz engages you with surprisingly astute comments and observations. He's always at his best when he feels permitted to simply talk with you, as one person to another, free of the pressures and expectations of his birthright that he shoulders without a thought.
The sun is steadily lowering behind the hills and walls of the surrounding town by the time you make your way back together. As you walk hand in hand watching the Monastery gates rise ahead of you, Lorenz clears his throat abruptly and says,
"If I may steal you away for just a little while longer, there was... actually someone I thought you'd like to meet."
"Oh? What an honor," you say with a smile, "Do I get any hints?"
Lorenz gives a good-natured chuckle and says,
"Only that I think you'll get along splendidly."
And of all places throughout Garreg Mach's grounds, you begin to recognize that he is leading you towards the stables. You've met Lorenz's horse before- a lovely mare with a calm and agreeable temperment. If not her, then...
"Eloise?" Lorenz calls out in a gentle voice, "Eloise, come say hello- Ellie? Come now, don't tell me you've chosen tonight to become bashful..." at his call, a svelte black cat with delicate little white paws comes trotting out to meet you. Your heart positively aches and melts at the sight of her eagerly approaching Lorenz with clear comfort and familiarity.
"Lorenz, you... have a cat?" You say with obvious disbelief.
"She's one of the Monastery's strays, to be clear," he says, "She helps with the mice in the stables. Evidently, she had become quite fond of my preferred horse- and so eventually became fond of me as well."
Fond seems an understatement- she very clearly adores him. With a chorus of happy little mews, she circles his legs and rubs against him until he crouches down to offer her his hand. As he does, a shred of parchment flutters from his pocket onto the ground. Eloise targets it like a seasoned warrior and pounces at it with gusto. With a laugh, you kneel down to retrieve whatever this paper she's captured might be.
"Now Eloise, none of that- you must behave genteel-like with guests."
As he firmly lectures the cat, you glance at the paper in your hand. Nearly every inch of it is covered in an elegant, curling script that you imagine must belong to Lorenz. It looks like a... list of some kind. As your eyes scan down the page, you begin to recognize a pattern. Your favorite flowers, favorite desserts, favorite types of books and places around town- plus, to the side, the word "cats?" underlined several times. For a moment, you simply cover your mouth to hold in a snort of laughter. Then, you come to kneel beside Lorenz as he's failing to convince his feline friend to stop swatting at his hair.
"So- you've been taking very thorough notes lately." you say, nudging his arm playfully. He turns to face you with an immediate look of panic. Lavender eyes widen and glance down to the parchment in your hand, then back to you. He visibly deflates and says,
"Goddess- you must find me such a fool-"
You press your lips firmly to his before he can say another word. With a soft noise of surprise, his eyes flutter shut and he leans into your kiss. His lips are wonderfully soft, and the subtle scent of his cologne surrounds your senses as you tilt your head to seal your lips to his more firmly. You're not certain how long you remain like this, but only the dull ache of kneeling on the dirt and the incessant sound of Eloise bapping her paw against the paper in your hand bring you back to your surroundings. When you part from him, you brush aside the silky curtain of his hair to run your hand along his face, and say,
"I had a wonderful time today, Lorenz- and it means the world to me that you put so much thought into this. But next time, you don't have to study so hard, okay?"
For a moment, he seems speechless. Then, he gives a shy chuckle.
"You have bested me yet again, it would seem. How can I ever hope to become a man worthy of you when you are ever more lovely with each passing day?"
Eloise gives an insistent chirp and rubs once more against his leg, evidently tired of distractions from the attention she feels she's owed. Your smile widens, and you scratch her ear fondly.
"I think there's at least two of us who like you just as you are, Lorenz."
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krreader · 4 years
BTS reacting to another idol flirting with you when you come and visit them.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts ; monsta x ; exo ; nct ; kard ; seventeen ; super junior ; got7 warnings: language genre: fluff ; crack  word count: 1.7k+
a/n: I’m always scared with these kind of requests that they’re repetitive because I’ve done requests like these before. But I do hope that it’s still fun to read and that you like it ♥
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kim seokjin
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Jin and you had your anniversary today. However, an idol can't exactly postpone a performance because of a reason such as this one, especially when no fan even knew he was in a relationship in the first place.
You understood, though. You had known what you'd get yourself into the moment you two agreed to turn this into something serious and so you weren't angry at him for doing his job. You had simply agreed that you'd pick him up from the show and then you'd either go and have dinner or drive over to his apartment to cook together, depending on how tired he was.
You must have come a little early though, because when Jin walked out of their dressing room, all ready to go, he found you standing in the hallway talking to Jooheon.
“No, don't be ridiculous. Get your things, I'm driving you there.”
“You're the best and I love you,” Jooheon kissed your cheek, then ran into his dressing room to get his things.
And well, Jin had seen this and stared at you with an open mouth, not quite believing what he had just witnessed, especially the nonchalant look that you had on your face threw him off.
“What? He wants to call someone to pick him up, the address is on our way, we'll just drop him off.”
“And he couldn't say that to you like any other normal human being? He had to say I love you and... kiss your cheek?”
“He’s like family. Jooheon loves you like an older brother. Do you really think he'd ever do something to risk that relationship?”
Probably not.
And when Jooheon walked back out and you three walked to your car, Jin asked: “It's not your apartment. Where are you going?”
“Ah.. it’s.. my girlfriend, hyung.”
No reason to be jealous. None. 
min yoongi
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“You're finally awake,” Hoseok laughed when Yoongi opened his eyes and slowly sat up, brushing his hands over his face, “(Y/N) stopped by. But since you were asleep, she wandered off.”
“Where to?” he asked with a yawn.
“Don't know. She said something about needing to see Baekhyun.”
Oh boy, despite the lack of sleep due to him having worked his ass off all night long, he sprinted out of the make-up room in search of you, until he found you talking in an empty hallway with Baekhyun.
“I'm not messing around,” he chuckled, “I'm telling the truth.”
“You're an idiot,” you shook your head, but there was a smile on your face.
“Am I interrupting?” Yoongi stood between you two and since you hadn't exactly been far away from each other, he now suddenly stood very close to Baekhyun.
“Ah, Yoongi,” Baekhyun chuckled a little uncomfortably and took a step back, “We were just.. I mean, we just..-” he cleared his throat, turning around to nothing but emptiness, “Ah, those are my guys. I better get back. Nice talking to you, (Y/N).”
Despite Yoongi being younger, Baekhyun knew when to step back. This must have looked like something it really wasn’t, but from someone that had just walked in, he understood why Yoongi didn’t like what he saw.
“He keeps doing that. They keep doing that. Why do they keep doing that,” Yoongi muttered mostly to himself, then grabbed your hand and interlinked your fingers with his, “You’re mine.”
You giggled a little at how possessive he suddenly became. 
jung hoseok
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Hoseok had only left for like five minutes, but when he came back, he found you in deep conversation with Yuta, talking about, what sounded to him like, Yuta asking you to come to Japan with him, because he could easily show you around.
Who did that?
Who asked someone who was in a relationship to go on vacation with him? That wasn’t cool. 
“She's good,” Hoseok interrupted, before Yuta could speak more on it, “We've already planned our next vacations. Japan isn't on the list unfortunately. But thank you for the offer.”
He didn't give him another chance to speak, only waited until Yuta was gone to turn around.
“You just made a fool out of yourself, Hoseok.”
“Because I don't want some guy to take my girlfriend to his home country?”
“Because I asked him if he could make me a list of things that we could do. Japan might not be on our list, but I wanted to add it as a surprise for you,” you shrugged, “Now you ruined it and I doubt he's ever going to talk to me again, because everyone in this industry has too much respect for you. So good job, buddy. Your jealousy once again clouded your judgment.”
He felt like the biggest fucking idiot on the planet.
kim namjoon
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This is exactly why Namjoon didn't like taking you to award shows with him.
In a world where everyone was so special, the one that wasn't an idol, but also wasn't a staff member, was the most interesting person in the room. So naturally, everyone was drawn to you. What were you doing here? Who were you with? Where were you from? 
And then there were those who didn't know that you were in a relationship with Namjoon and they just outright asked questions like: Are you still single? Do you want to go out with me?
And unfortunately, tonight was no different.
“I just think it's nice to see someone else who speaks English like me,” Matthew from KARD grinned at you with a little more than simple curiosity in his eyes.
Namjoon saw that little spark and he crossed the room in an instant.
“I don't think it's that special. There are many people here who speak English well, like..-”
“Like her boyfriend,” Namjoon smiled, even though that smile didn't reach his eye. And he didn't want to start trouble here, he actually really liked Matthew and he knew he was older so he wanted to be respectful. So he ended up excusing you two and pulled you away from him, since that seemed to be the best and easiest option to get out of the conversation.
“Jealous, are we?”
“Of him?” Namjoon snorted, squeezing your butt once he was sure that nobody was looking, “I know I don't have to be jealous of anyone, sweetheart.”
His actions told a different story though.
park jimin
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Jimin had been so excited about today.
He had practiced so hard for this performance, was ready to show it to his fans and everyone else that was here at this show and to top it all off, you had managed to get a day off and could watch him perform live for the first time in a very long time.
So Jimin walked up on that stage and showed everyone that he was indeed one of the world's most talented singers and dancers, only to walk off stage to find you not beaming at him like he had hoped, but instead, talking with a few guys from Seventeen.
“You're so sweet,” was the first thing Jimin heard you say to the youngest of the group, Dino blushing from ear to ear.
No, this was definitely not what he had hoped, nor wanted.
He was jealous, also a little bit disappointed, but mostly jealous. That is why he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, despite all the sweat.
All of the Seventeen members immediately bowed, almost all scurrying off as soon as he appeared, except for Dino, who lingered a little longer.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” he smiled happily at you, then he ran after his members.
You looked up, grinning when you found your boyfriend glaring so hard that if he had laser beam powers, he would glare holes into Dino's back.
“You don't have to be jealous. He told me that he was a fan of my writing style and how I'm the only author he reads articles from nowadays,” Jimin relaxed instantly, but there was still the matter of you not..- “And also, you were fantastic up on that stage. I'm so proud of you, baby.”
Oh, well, in that case.
kim taehyung
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Taehyung often felt like you going to award shows with him was kind of pointless, since he was either out watching others perform, or performing himself. He didn't have a lot of time to spend backstage.
But today, they had a really special performance and a rather long one that he wanted you to witness live, especially because he had hyped it up so much beforehand.
Performance in itself was good, but when he walked out and into the green room, he found you at a table with Super Junior members.
“I just think it's really interesting, why you chose him, I mean.”
Taehyung's jealousy flared up to the ceiling and he was about to waltz in there and tell them to leave you alone, despite them being so much older and more experienced, but he was glad that he stopped in his tracks before he did.
“He was there for me when I needed him most, despite him being so busy. We were friends before we became partners and I don't think anyone knows me as good as he does. I'm dating my soulmate, it's as easy as that.”
You shut them up the right way and Taehyung just watched with a soft smile, once again realizing how lucky he was.
jeon jeongguk
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The moment that Jeongguk saw you talking to BamBam and Yugyeom, he made his way over and put his hands on your shoulders, beginning to massage them.
“Can you not flirt with my girlfriend please?”
“We just asked her why she didn't pick one of us, but you. We're more handsome than you ever could be,” BamBam teased.
“They actually just asked what cologne you were using today, because you smelled fantastic.”
“Wow, you're such a traitor,” Yugyeom got up, sticking out his tongue before leaving you and Jeongguk on your own.
Jeongguk grinned and leaned down to kiss your cheek, whispering a soft: “I love you,” into your ear.
Dream team.
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY ANON: Headcanon 8 with Will please.
❚❙ Headcanon: Secret admirer.
❚❙ WORDS: about 1k
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @destynelseclipsa @jadakiss13 @mcgreads @graniairish @teller258316. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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At first, when you receive a bouquet, you don't give it as much importance as Maggie and April do, thinking that maybe they're from a grateful patient.
Until you realize that it's a coincidence that, whoever sent them, chose sunflowers. Not many people know they're your favorites and that's when curiosity invades you.
You can't help but fixate on every man in the hospital. Mainly in your friends, the ones who maybe have heard you talking about small details like the fact that you love sunflowers.
In your free time, you write a list of names.
You need to know it. Not everybody makes a gift like this in these kinds of times. 
But after a couple of days without any sign else, you start to find random sticky notes in your office, your locker, even on the windshield of your car.
And they all know what to say to make you feel better.
If it has been a bad day, you find one saying ‘everything is gonna be okay’ or ‘I've missed your smile today’.
If it has been a good day, the ones you find are the type of ‘you did an amazing job today’, ‘you're the best nurse I know’, ‘people should learn from you’.
You talk about it with your friends every day.
Even Sharon asks you if you have found another one at the end of your shift.
Everybody looks excited about your secret admirer. 
But you aren't able to discover who he is.
And you really want to know it. Not only because of curiosity but because you want to thank him for brightening up your days. Mostly, the darkest ones.
He has earned all your attention. You can't stop commenting about it being the main topic of talks in Molly's.
You don't care about Connor saying that he must be a coward for not revealing his identity; or about Ethan saying that he must be too ugly.
You don't care about his appearance, that's for real. A man who worries about you, about not seeing you smile; a man who praises your hard work deserves your interest.
Natalie and Sarah have helped you try to discover him, after a month.
And no one of you will admit that maybe you tried to bribe the security guys to watch the hospital footage. Not even that you made Atwater try to investigate the flower shop.
But when a young patient brings you a Snickers to the library with a sticky note on it saying ‘you're close, I just hope you don't hate me when you discover who I am’, your list of names comes down to three. And two don't have sense.
Being aware that he is watching you right now, reading it, you pretend to continue studying for your next exam.
Until he leaves the library.
Secret Admirer reunion. 
You can't believe who has been doing it all this time. Your friends either.
Sharon, Maggie, April, Natalie, and Sarah are on the edge of their nerves waiting for you to say the name out loud.
“Will? Halstead?” They all ask in unison. “How do you know it?”
“He's the one who never says anything about my secret admirer. And he was trying to not look like he was very focused on seeing my reaction with the last note”.
“Didn't know Halstead could be this romantic… He's more like an asshole with girls”. April is more surprised than anyone there.
“So, which is the next step?”
The crazy ideas go from implicating his brother to a home invasion to prepare him a date. But everything sounds too illegal.
At this point, Daniel joins your prank.
Oh, God bless Doctor Charles.
He knows exactly how to make Will confess.
At Molly's.
Surrounded by all your colleagues from the hospital.
“I'm tired of that guy. Seriously, if he likes me, why just don't… say it? I mean, what's the point of staying in the shadow?”
“Do you know secret admirers are considered psychopaths?”
The laughs fill up the bar.
“Explain that, Doctor Charles”. You are choking on your beer, not expecting it.
“The difference between a secret admirer and a stalker is the fact that a stalker feels an obsession for his target. But they share more similarities than people actually know. Without keeping in mind that a rejected secret admirer can turn into a stalker or, even, into a killer”.
“A killer?”
“Exactly. By rejecting him, you hurt his ego, his manhood. The feeling of not being good enough, of being insufficient for his beloved, can develop killer instincts”.
“If I can't have you, nobody will”. Wise words from Sharon.
“Should I talk to… Dawson or Voight?” You whisper pretending to be scared and confused, seeing Daniel nodding with his lips pressed against the edge of his glass of whisky. “Okay… I'm gonna text Antonio before this gets ou—”.
“I'm not a serial killer!”
Everybody at the table looks at Will and the gesture of confusion is installed on his face.
Then, he realizes what is going on.
It was a trap.
And it worked to perfection.
“C'mon! Why didn't you simply ask me?”
“'Cause it wouldn't have been fun, Halstead!”
“You all are a bunch of traitors”. Will points at all your friends, who break in laughs. “And you… Doctor Charles… You should know I'm pretty far from being a psycho”.
“I do”.
“Okay, we're leaving you alone”. April giggles palming Will's back, before turning towards you. “Just in case, keep your phone close”.
You have never seen him blushing till his cheeks have the same color as his hair. And he looks really cute.
You can't stop smiling.
And he can't look you in your face.
“So… are you gonna ask me for a date or…?”
“You want?”
“Of course I want, idiot. Been waiting for it for a long month. So don't you dare to tell me you don't wanna go on a date”.
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