#Fayes stories
asexualdindjarin · 2 years
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@pscentral event 09: comfort → comfort movie: pride (2014) dir. matthew warchus
And why should gay people like me support the miners? Because miners dig for coal, which produces power, which allows gay people like you to dance to Bananarama till 3 o'clock in the morning.
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salmonpiffy · 7 months
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Context : They're dating in the garden ;)
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am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 1 month
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that’s it, i’m putting you in a jar with everything you could ever want and need, except shaped down to microscopic size. just the way it’s gotta be 🤷‍♀️
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fair-fae · 16 days
FFxivWrite24 Entry #6: Halcyon
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FFxivWrite 2024 Prompt #6: Halcyon It was a lazy summer day like any other in the Black Shroud, humid heat hanging heavy in the air outside the Covington manor, a marvel of tall, white marble and manicured gardens that stood in stark contrast to the wild woods surrounding it, either a bastion or a blight of mankind among the expanse of nature. Faye rested upon a bench outside her home, a half-emptied and forgotten cup of tea sat surely now cold beside her as she focused on her embroidery–or tried to, anyway. It was a quiet afternoon, only the birdsongs and the ambient buzzing of insects breaking the silence. That was, until Zularti had found a long, skinny stick and decided to pretend it was a spear. He paced around the garden, thrusting the stick this way and that, adding in sound effects and striking occasionally at a nearby tree, fighting off invisible foes. Faye did her best to tune him out, quite accustomed to his antics by now, and kept her focus on her needlework and the piece of fabric in her hands. Suddenly, however, her attention was stolen away as the boy suddenly exclaimed. “Guhhh! I’m so boooored!” He easily snapped the stick over his knee, tossing the two halves aside and wiping away the sweat that matted his dark auburn hair to his brow before he dramatically collapsed onto the grass. Faye heaved a sigh, giving up on her task and setting her embroidery hoop aside. “You could try doing something useful for once,” she offered helpfully. “You could try shutting up for once,” he muttered in a mockery of her own tone, squinting up at the sun bearing down on him from the cloudless sky. Perhaps she should have appreciated those days more, when life was simple and everything was peaceful, when all the horrors of the world were far away things that happened to other people and there was no cause for pain or want. But the truth was, she was bored, too.
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Here is the whole team roster!
From left to right: Luna, Faye, Breela, Sela, Keno, and Ambrose.
I love these little miscreants so much omg
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fvaleraye · 2 months
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Apologies to all the followers who are here for fandom shit, but we are posting art of characters from our original story rn. And tomorrow? Perhaps the same.
We want. So badly to get back into creating for Scintillam, so. We wanted to start with updated refs for everyone. Of course starting with the girls. Leona's armor is constantly fucking changing, as always, but Velda has remained mostly the same.
reblogs are appreciated. all that jazz. it's original story stuff so reblogs are appreciated even more than usual actually
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file (1)4-14-030: 15 lines
thank you for the tag @paeliae-occasionally! the rules of this one is to share 15 or less lines from a character to demonstrate their personality! this'll be a lot more interesting if any of my wips were further along, but the most chatty character i think i have is faye o'callahan, so i'll use her for this!
“Crazy enough to work.”
“Oh, you know I have to do this! Help the helpless! Defend the defenceless!”
“We’ve got a good plan. We can do this.”
“So negative! I know what I’m doing, Daph!”
“Shhh, it’s okay. We can do this.”
 “I promise!”
 “This’ll be great. Solving mysteries, getting answers, throwing punches– or, maybe not that. Not very fair to punch an old man.”
 “‘Don’t go to far, Faye,’ ‘be careful, Faye,’ ‘don’t stuff it up, Faye…’”
 “‘Remember last time, Faye,’ ‘keep it together, don’t blow up again, Faye,’ ‘I don’t want to see you like that, Faye.’”
 “I can handle myself. I’m better now.”
 “I can do this! Solving mysteries! Getting answers! Just you wait, Old Bell! Just. You. Wait.”
 “That sounds… bad.”
 “I’m always in town. Kinda impossible not to be.”
 “Aww, do you like someone?”
 “Home. Daph, seriously, what’s going on?”
tagging @introchasingstars, @honeybewrites, @laylathewordwitch, @dragonedged-if, @noxxytocin,
@purplehandshumanfeelings, @moltenwrites, @tc-doherty, @the-golden-comet, @moonsbetween,
and @glassfrogforest + open tag!
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kratosnaturals · 3 months
WIP Saturday Monday #4
The circles slowly being drawn on his back finally broke him down for good. That softness in her voice, that all too familiar softness. He could almost hear it again; ‘you’re working yourself to death, Nick’, ‘take a break, Nick’, ‘stop acting like you’re invincible,’ ‘Nicholas Valentine, I’m not going to raise a family all on my own just because you can’t take care of yourself.’
He didn’t want to think about a life not his own, a woman who never loved him, synth Nick, emotions that weren’t his, memories that didn’t belong to him, feelings that would never be reciprocated-
A soft grunt- “Hey- hey it’s alright. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stay as long as you need.” Was that what he needed? No, it was nonsense, and yet Nick could not care less. Instead he pulled the other in closer, closer, until her knees hit the side of the bed and she threatened to fall onto him, and he found himself not minding at all. His hat, now having finally slipped off, fell to the floor, but he couldn’t care less, for when was the last time he was held like this?
Centuries. Before Jenny died, even. On her funeral, that dreadful, rainy day, when his life turned into a shade just as grey as the sky that morning, not even his own mother held him with such care. Did he, or the old Nick, even take the time to grieve? Probably not. No, if they had one thing in common it was the tendency to bury themselves in their work until they dropped.
Wet soil and dried white lilies behind his closed eyes, the withering petals of a red rose scattered on a dusty mahogany desk, a cold cheek against his warm lips. Restless nights of whiskey and old cigars, broken only by the soft scent of jasmine and roses on his pillow. All too vivid, all too far away.
Did he even take the time to actually process everything he’s lived through in the past century? Probably not. No, no he did not, and now this house of cards he so carefully constructed collapsed in on itself, in fire and ash. Into a rubble of synthetic blood and rusty sinew posing as family. Oh, the sins that were not his own stung like a naked flame licking at his skin, like a thousand cuts.
A little treat, to celebrate passing my finals and being allowed to graduate and attend university in a few months :) And to finally having time to do things.
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The florist au has gotten so much back story and lore already that I've given the reins to @night-faye for writing the events that take place before Tang and Pigsy meet so I can focus on the main story of these idiots (affectionate)
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fayeandknight · 6 months
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Sometimes the Lady of the Lake isn't having it and our brave adventurer is forced to turn around.
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Can you imagine, though, how scared Kratos must have been with Faye?
How, at first, he has zero plans on becoming a husband or even a lover again, but, slowly slowly slowly he begins to fall. How it must have taken him time to accept it. How Faye would have patiently guided him, waited for him, reassured him that all will be fine.
(But she knows it won’t be. She says nothing.)
And then—oh, and then!—he swears it’s a mistake. He should have been more careful. His hands start trembling whenever he looks at Faye’s growing belly. When Atreus first kicks, he refuses to feel it. Faye has to take his hand just to get him to touch her.
(She knows how painful this will be. But still she says nothing.)
Then that day comes. Labor. Kratos either assists or he doesn’t, but he does spend time at a forge, making the knives for himself and Atreus. Maybe he does that just to clear his head. Maybe the mixing of metals was his way of understanding that he was once again a husband and father. He could do it again, forge something new.
When he holds Atreus for the first time, his hands tremble again. The boy is so small, he could fit in one hand. A patch of fuzzy red hair. When the baby opens his eyes, Kratos’ breath trembles. And, for a moment, he doesn’t see his son. He sees a baby girl.
(Faye cries, because she knows. Kratos doesn’t ask, and she says nothing. She never will.)
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am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 2 months
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which season of AHS would i be in ? 🙈 (porn blogs, get the fuck out of here ygs make me uncomfortable as hell)
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ace-malarky · 10 hours
Snippet Sunday
I'm takin' a break from the chores of it all to share you a thing :3
from birthday present #2, I present; name games with the Fair Folk!
Calico tilts his head, thinking. "I don't know. It might not take."
"I'll give it a shot." Briar swivels on their heel to face Calico amongst the graves. "How do we do this?"
Calico hesitates. "Are you sure?" The hunger of it all makes him hesitate, makes him slip and if he had been any younger - if he had known them any less-
He pushes his aviators onto his head and blinks as his eyes kaleidoscope with unbidden glamour.
briar lets out a quiet gasp, their face softening.
"Make your deal, Mortal." The compulsion lies thick on Calico's tongue. A strain to call it up, a strain to keep it in check.
"A name for a name, Faye," Briar says, offering their hand. "I'll give you mine in exchange for the use-name of your cousin." They sound a little dazed, and Calico hopes they aren't about to give him their actual name. "I accept, Mortal. Give me the name your parents gave you." He takes Briar's hand.
Clouds scud across the sky and the sun lights them up in sudden warmth.
Briar tells him their deadname like they're dreaming. It doesn't suit them, but then - it's not theirs. Never ha been. Never will be again.
"My cousin's use-name," Calico says, and stutters over the unknown of it all, "my cousin's use-name is-"
Pink hair and seaweed eyes, a flowing skirt over bare feet, waistcoat whirling about keir as ke spins and darts back, beckoning for Calico to follow.
He feels proud of keir, to have come with him, to have joined his family, despite everything. Despite him and Robyn and what they'd done.
What he'd done.
He adored keir. He'd set the worlds alight for keir.
(He gave up his name when ke asked, gave up his memories when told, gave up - gave up - gave up-)
"Tayse," Calico says, the name sharp on his tongue like a broken key.
He'd drop to his knees under the weight of the memories (the guilt) but Briar has hold of him.
They've stepped closer, hand still clasped in his, and have him against their side, arm looped around their waist.
"Are you alright?" they ask. "Did that - work?"
"Briar suits you far better," Calico says. "I think it did."
"Your cousin is Tayse. Do you... know what happened to keir?"
"Not entirely." Calico pushes himself upright. "But I'm going to find out." He feels more - settled than he has in a long time. More power at his fingers (on his tongue) but more control, too.
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hearties-circus · 5 months
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file (1)4-49-000: Iine of dialogue (x2)
thank you so much @gioiaalbanoart for the tag! this is a quote tag game. i'm quite inexperienced in this type of game, but i'm glad i've been tagged in a few. the quotes i was given were "can we keep it?" and "we already had this conversation." i'll be using faye and her mother (gasp, mother reveal) from on kingston alley!
F. O’CALLAHAN is poking something in a red bucket. She laughs as she does, showing the bucket with beaming pride to her mother, when she enters. F. O’CALLAHAN: Can we keep it, Mama? Her mother, M. O’CALLAHAN, peers into the bucket. She recoils instantly, holding back a gag. M. O’CALLAHAN: What is that? It’s disgusting! F. O’CALLAHAN: It’s a frog, Mama. Don’t worry, he’s a good frog! M. O’CALLAHAN: For Christ’s sake, Faye, we already had this conversation. F. O’CALLAHAN: No we didn’t! M. O’CALLAHAN: Yes, we have, Faye. M. O’CALLAHAN snatches the bucket from her daughter, keeping it a safe distance from her own body. M. O’CALLAHAN (cont’d): This is an expensive house, even in such an eyesore town. I won’t have you getting… frog… all over the carpet. F. O’CALLAHAN: But… but he likes me, Mama. M. O’CALLAHAN: I don’t care what the frog likes, Faye, this thing isn’t a substitute for real friends. She holds the bucket higher as F. O’CALLAHAN tries to reach it. M. O’CALLAHAN (cont’d): Human friends. Beat. F. O’CALLAHAN can’t come up with a response right away. F. O’CALLAHAN (sullen): They don’t like me. They think I’m weird. M. O’CALLAHAN: Oh, honey…  For a moment, it’s almost like M. O’CALLAHAN is going to comfort her daughter. M. O’CALLAHAN (cont’d): Nobody’s weird when their mother’s a lawyer. F. O’CALLAHAN (quietly): … Okay. M. O’CALLAHAN (coaxing): Okay? F. O’CALLAHAN (louder): Okay. M. O’CALLAHAN: That’s my girl. Now get rid of this. She hands F. O’CALLAHAN the bucket once more. She goes to move outside to dispose of the frog, but she stops short. F. O’CALLAHAN: I’m sorry, Mama. M. O’CALLAHAN: You’re forgiven. Don’t let it happen again.
this one may be reformatted as a minisode at some point, but i hope you enjoyed it!
your quote is "i'll never forget it." or if you prefer, you can select one that i was given!
tagging @introchasingstars, @honeybewrites, @paeliae-occasionally, @ominous-feychild, @the-golden-comet,
@noxxytocin, @moltenwrites, @tc-doherty, @the-ellia-west, @theverumproject,
@thecrazyalchemist, @laylathewordwitch, @dragonedged-if, @leitereads, @autism-purgatory,
@drchenquill, @fenmere, @leahnardo-da-veggie, @melpomene-grey,
@yourpenpaldee, @corinneglass, @agirlandherquill, @willtheweaver, @nczaversnick,
@davycoquette, @glassfrogforest, @princeofhags, @wyked-ao3, @fantasy-things-and-such, + open tag!
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receding-tides · 2 years
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Duck Season (~2100 words)
Eight manages to convince Three to go with them to the summer carnival, where adventures and wonders await -- and an unexpected encounter with a friend (enemy?). 
My written piece for New Squidbeak Splatoon Zine !! :] They have leftovers sales open currently
🦆 Links to where you can read: Toyhouse  |  AO3
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