#February astrology
turningwheeltarot · 1 year
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houseofchirontx · 1 year
February 2023 Intuitive Astrology Forecast
The month begins with all planets in a forward trend. Until the end of April, we have momentum and progression at our fingertips. The choice is yours to walk through the open doors! Our retrograde season was intense, whereas the remaining part of winter and the start of spring will bring ease. 
February's lunar cycle involves a Leo Full Moon that activates the fixed energy again. The Lunar nodes are still navigating through Taurus and Scorpio, so things could get pretty intense at the start of the month. Much of what is destined has to do with releasing and receiving; the lunar nodes remind us of that. This month's new moon is occurring in poetic Pisces, helping us to create a life we could only dream of. 
Full Moon at 16º Leo
February 5th, 2023
12:28 pm CST
Leo is the bold and expressive sign of the zodiac. Full moons are the biggest and brightest time of our lunar cycle. As the Moon reaches its greatest illumination in the courageous sign of Leo, it will form a tense aspect known as a T-Square in the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius). T-Squares are made of one opposition and two squares between 3 astrological bodies. In this case, we have the Sun in Aquarius opposing the Moon in Leo while both square Uranus in Taurus. Current situations may seem chaotic, tense, petty, and even entertaining. Still, we are being pushed to release what isn't working, ignore the drama, let go by choosing which battles to fight and make the necessary changes to live our lives courageously. The Moon in Leo will form a loose sextile to Mars in Gemini, while Uranus sextiles Venus in Pisces. Although it's a relatively quiet time in the Universe, the inner world of an individual determines how one will manage this intense energy. It's all about having the internal tools to solve the problems that are present to get to the other side.
Mercury conjunct Pluto at 28º Capricorn
February 10th, 2023
11:15 am CST
Mercury is our communicator, and Pluto rules our psyche and secrets. Secrets and revelations could surface with this mighty conjunction. It’s an ideal time to study, research and dive into the abyss of the unknown to uncover mysteries or perplexing topics. This energy is also favorable for psychological analysis, so self-awareness, shadow work, therapy, or simply speaking with someone with great skill and knowledge will be beneficial today.
Mercury enters Aquarius
February 11th, 2023 - March 2nd, 2023
5:23 am CST
Mercury in Aquarius helps us tap into the genius energy we all possess. We can think outside the box, build a community to expand our network, and create plans to achieve our goals. Mercury is a busybody this month! Mercury sextiles Jupiter and Chiron in Aries to broaden the views of our self-image and increase our confidence and enthusiasm. There is also a lovely trine to Mars in Gemini to give us the drive to go after our goals with the plans we’ve created under the Aquarius new moon. Although Mercury in Aquarius feels electrifying, the Mercury square to Uranus in Taurus will intensify the restrictive and chaotic vibes we’ve experienced with the fixed signs. 
Venus conjunct Neptune at 4º Pisces
February 15th, 2023
6:25 am CST
Conjunctions indicate new beginnings; Neptune and Venus rule creativity, artistry, love, and spirituality. During this time, new connections in love can form, or we could be embarking on a deeper level of harmony in our existing relationships. With these two planets connecting, we can dream, which could increase our creativity. Alternatively, we may feel less enthusiastic about getting things done or seeing our situations clearly.
Sun conjunct Saturn at 27º Aquarius
February 16th, 2023
10:48 am CST
Sun conjunct Saturn gives us the focus, determination, and discipline to get the job done! With structure and patience, we can forge through our responsibilities with a sense of accomplishment. We could receive recognition from someone in a position of authority or even take on the role of a knowledgeable advisor for someone else. Saturn can restrict our creative self-expression when it connects with the Sun, so we may have difficulty showing up boldly. Additionally, the Sun will shine a light on anything that needs structure or organization.
Sun enters Pisces
February 18th, 2023 - March 20th, 2023
4:35 pm CST
Happy Solar Return Pisces!
As the sun shifts into Pisces, we will feel a sense of romance and peace. We are embarking on the zodiac's final sign and the astrological year's end. It's ideal for reflecting on the experiences from the start of Spring Equinox 2022 to the present. What is coming full circle for you at this time? Pisces is represented by the two fish, yin and yang, swimming in opposite directions but ultimately flowing in the same trajectory. The Pisces New Moon helps us to set goals that will assist us in flourishing and flowing with the tide. Get creative about your desires this season.
New Moon at 1º Pisces
February 20th, 2023
1:05 am CST
It's the time to dream of our desired realities externally, but first, it begins with our internal realities. Pisces is about the spirit, the soul, the ending, and the beginning, and sometimes we have to go back to the start to understand the path's trajectory. Using our imaginations and spiritual gifts to set our intentions today is essential. Visualization, meditation, and any form of art are great tools for mapping out the futures we desire. Pisces isn't about attachment to a particular outcome; it's more about flowing to the destination and remaining open to the natural flow of things.
Venus enters Aries
February 20th, 2023 - March 16th, 2023
1:56 am CST
Less than an hour after our Pisces New Moon, Venus leaves the sign of its exaltation and enters passionate Aries. During Venus’ transit in Aries, she will conjunct Jupiter and Chiron, square Pluto in Capricorn, and sextile Mars in Gemini. The connection to Jupiter and Chiron will bring ease and understanding to our path to embrace truth and sovereignty. A new beginning toward healing the wounds of our identities will help build confidence. Jupiter and Venus bring new beginnings within our finances and love lives. As the square to Pluto may surface our tendencies to hold onto things well beyond their expiration date due to obsessions and attachment issues, the sextile to Mars in Gemini will give us the confidence to accept ourselves and release. Aries Venus is naturally bold, vibrant, and confident; we get to harness that energy wholeheartedly this season.
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cuties-in-codices · 5 months
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a man warming his feet by a fire
in an astrological-astronomical miscellany, middle rhine region, c. 1445
source: Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Ms. germ. fol. 244, fol. 165v
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sheoftheforest · 5 months
2024 Full Moon schedule
(all times Eastern)
Wolf Moon
Jan. 25 — 12:54 p.m.
Snow Moon
Feb. 24 —7:30 a.m.
Worm Moon
March 25 — 3 a.m.
Pink Moon
April 23 — 7:49 p.m.
Flower Moon
May 23 — 9:53 a.m.
Strawberry Moon
June 21 — 9:08 p.m.
Buck Moon
July 21 — 6:17 a.m.
Sturgeon Moon
Aug. 19 — 2:26 p.m.
Corn Moon
Sept. 17 — 10:34 p.m.
Hunter’s Moon
Oct. 17 — 7:26 a.m.
Beaver Moon
Nov. 15 — 4:28 p.m.
Cold Moon
Dec. 15 — 4:02 a.m.
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lavendergoddesstarot · 4 months
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒊𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒃𝒓𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒚?
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Pick a pile/picture
Pile 1:
5 of pentacles: You may be going through rough times financially or resourcefully but you will realize the love around you. Despite these times, your loved ones will support you and lift you up.
Pile 2:
Ace of swords: You are finding clarity and speaking your truth about an important situation in your life. You may be starting something new with a fresh, clear, confident mindset.
Pile 3:
The Fool: You will be starting a new exciting journey. This can be a new job, new relationship, new hobbies, traveling, etc. If you've been bored lately then no worries. That time is coming to an end with new beginnings.
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sensualnoiree · 3 months
virgo full moon 🌝
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The Full Moon on February 24, at around 6 am Central Time, occurs at about five degrees of Virgo, opposite a cluster of planets in Pisces. This opposition highlights a significant tension between Virgo's analytical, detail-oriented nature and Pisces' dreamy, intuitive qualities. This dynamic will be particularly strong on Friday night into Saturday and will carry over into Sunday, as the Moon remains in Virgo.
Mercury Dominance: The Full Moon in Virgo emphasizes Mercury's influence due to Virgo being Mercury's domicile and exaltation, and the Moon being in the bounds of Mercury. However, Mercury is in a challenging position, being in its detriment and fall in Pisces, and combust the Sun. This suggests a struggle between rationality and emotions, potentially leading to mental and emotional health issues, deception, or misunderstandings.
Mercury vs. Venus: Additionally, there's a clash between Mercury and Venus, with the Moon in the fall of Venus and Mercury in the exaltation of Venus. This highlights the tension between the rational and the sensual, which can lead to conflicts in communication and relationships.
Venus Square Jupiter: On a more positive note, Venus in Aquarius is squaring Jupiter in its own sign of Pisces, suggesting an opportunity for growth and expansion in relationships and values. This aspect encourages us to adjust our mental patterns to accommodate Venusian energies, possibly bringing more harmony between the rational and the emotional.
This Full Moon in Virgo highlights challenges related to mental and emotional stability, clear communication, and balancing rationality with sensuality. However, the Venus-Jupiter square offers a silver lining by promoting harmony and adjustment between these conflicting energies.
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elminx · 4 months
Energy Update: February 2024
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February is a “1” Universal Month [2 (February) + 8 (2024) = 10 = 1+0 =1] in an “8” Universal Year. 1 is the number of new beginnings, and this is reflected somewhat in the astrology for the month. We are entering a new era (Pluto in Aquarius which will last for nineteen years). There may need to be some adjustments. It may seem as if everything in your life has shifted. If you feel this way, know that you are right on time.
The Setup
February begins with the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, Mercury Venus and Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces. By month’s end, the Sun and Mercury will have entered Pisces, and Venus and Mars will have entered Aquarius. It’s worth noting that all of our personal planets are still quite bunched up in the last quadrant of the horoscope wheel – this shows that even though February may be a “beginning” of sorts with its 1 energy, there are still things that need wrapping up before we can all fully move on. This is further indicated since Pluto, now in Aquarius, will briefly retrograde back into Capricorn later in 2024 before moving direct and into Aquarius again by year’s end.
The Nitty Gritty
The big astrology for the month is Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius which happened back on 1/20. As our farthest planet from the sun (at least most of the time), Pluto remains in a single sign for an exceptionally long time. In this way, we can view Pluto as our cosmic clean-up crew – it is constantly and very slowly working behind the scenes to dismantle what we all, as individual groups and as a greater society, have outgrown. Much like a vulture, Pluto picks apart what we have been to free us for what is yet to come.
We are most of the way there now. Pluto has been flirting with Aquarius since the beginning of 2023 as it moves forward and backward across the border between Capricorn and Aquarius as part of its retrograde cycle. This is ingress 2 of 3; Pluto will station retrograde on 5/2, reenter Capricorn on 9/1, station direct on 10/11, and enter Aquarius for the final time on 11/19. All of these dates will be pivotal moments in the story of 2024 and the change that this year will bring to all of our lives. But, for now, we are in a place of beginning. In February, all three of our personal planets will enter Aquarius and immediately form a conjunction with Pluto at 00° – in this way, we are given three days to release what is no longer serving us to better move forward and adapt to the changes that fall ahead.
These releases will work from thought (Mercury on 2/5), to action (Mars on 2/13), and finally into our emotional centers (Venus on 2/17). Each of these days will be highly supportive of personal work of all kinds – most especially personal work that falls within the purview of the planet in conjunction with Pluto. A great way to work with this energy would be to perform a simple banishment ritual each day – the first to banish unwanted thoughts, the second actions, and the third emotions. It’s worth keeping in mind here that although the immature presentation of Aquarian energy can be quite selfish, the mature form wants the best for the entire world. With our personal planets and Pluto in Aquarius, social justice magic of all kinds will be strongly supported.
When all of our personal planets are tightly packed together, astrological weather tends to pack a pretty big punch. This is because we will all experience four repeating aspects with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars (and the moon as well, though that works on its own schedule) to the other planets in our sky. We see this in the example above where all of our planets conjunct Pluto in sequence with one another but we will also see them each form squares with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, as well as sextiles to the North Node and Chiron in Aries, and trines with our South Node in Libra. 
Jupiter is the great expander, sometimes considered to be our “go” force in life. Uranus breaks things down to enact change beyond our control. Chiron is the cosmic wound that forces us to heal and grow. And the South Node (of focus here) is the axis of Past Fate: the things that have already happened to us that were unavoidable.
Read together, I see this overarching message stand out: Sometimes, this world can feel like an unavoidable hellscape. Bad things happen. BIG things happen that are far, far beyond our control. Through pandemics, inflation, climate instability, and financial crises, the world moves on. And we still need to live in it. That may sound harsh, but it’s not meant to be. You cannot change what you cannot change. That is one of the deepest lessons that Saturn, the planet of time, has to teach us: absolve yourself of your angst over the things that were never in your control to begin with.
Although in modern times we talk about the planet of Aquarius in reference to its true planetary ruler Uranus, Aquarius’ traditional planetary ruler is Saturn. The secret to Aquarius times is to dream about big change (Uranus), but to keep it grounded in reality (Saturn). You can enact change – change perhaps beyond your wildest expectations even – but that change needs to be possible. Everything in life has limitations, that’s another Saturn lesson.
The sky is the limit but you need to remember not to fly too close to the sun. Apply that metaphor where it fits in your life this month and into March as well because these arbitrary calendar demarcations have nothing to do with astrological transits.
Mars will sextile Chiron and the North Node (now in close conjunction with one another) and trine the South Node between 2/5-2/7, Mercury does so as well on 2/15 – these are not going to be easy days. Consequences of past actions are on the table here and its likely to hurt. We have three signs in play here – the dichotomy of our 7-7 Sun Sign pair (Aries and Libra) and oddball Aquarius. 
Since Aries is the sign of self and Libra is the sign of relationships AND this is happening around V-Day, one can assume relationship tensions will be high throughout the first half of the month. Especially in relationships where there is a big power imbalance or a lot of codependent tendencies. It’s worth keeping in mind here that our way forward is found in the North Node, now in Aries, so independence is likely to trump codependence during this time.
That is going to make a certain type of person very uncomfortable. I don’t always do “Valentine’s Day” transit reads because I find it to be a meh holiday at most, but this one is worth mentioning. Venus and Mars are in close but not quite conjunction the week of the 14th. Each is working their way through Capricorn towards that inevitable conjunction with Pluto. Mars enters Aqaruius on 1/13 and conjuncts Pluto on 1/14. That’s…a pretty big breakup signal.
Not saying that applies to you if you’re in a solid relationship. Just saying that transit, on Valentine’s Day, has red flags and long nights painted all over it. That toxic couple who only stays together for the makeup sex may be pretty into this transit.
If you’re in a loving relationship, try and cut your partner some slack around this time. They may be pretty deep in it and it may not have anything to do with you. Especially male-identifying partners or anybody who has a strong Mars influence in their charts (I’m looking at all of those Aries and Scorpios). There’s a huge amount of performative pressure put on Valentine’s Day and Pluto might just set about dismantling that right about now. That could even be a good thing.
Magic done SPECIFICALLY to dismantle the performative pressure of Valentine’s Day will be highly supported during this time. If that’s your thing and you want to write a group ritual, cue me in, I’m very interested in helping out with that.
It’s not likely to be the sexy times, though. Not unless you are really getting off on some toxic shit. (no shaming here, toxic shit with real boundaries can be super hot)
Venus enters Aquarius on 2/16 and conjuncts Pluto on 2/17 so this energy is going to stick around for a while. If you want to schedule something with your sweeties, do so after the Sun enters Pisces on 2/18, maybe when Venus and Mars conjunct on 2/22. But, even then, at 06° Aquarius, our two relationship planets are still in stellium with Pluto. It’s just not the best month for relationships. Tread lightly and practice all of your empathy skills if you want to get along with your Others this month.
Our new moon for the month is on 2/9 at 20° Aquarius. This is sitting in a tight square with Uranus in Taurus. This may feel a bit like that long-term Saturn square Uranus aspect we dealt with a couple of years back. Something has got to give or it’s going to break. Uranus is our planet of disasters, so it’s worth being careful of fire and explosives when it is activated by either the Sun or Mars. Where are you holding on too tightly in your own life? This is the cosmic right time to let that shit go. The lunar nodes are being activated here as well by a square with Venus in Capricorn so all bets are off.
This is a great day to do wild magic through aspects with both the lunar nodes and Uranus and that is further indicated as this Leo new moon is a “5” moon. This is a great day to shake things up or work to make a significant difference in your life or the world. But, a word to the wise: Leo full moons are naturally “4” moons, so they do require some structure and handling. Again, moving back to the above warning: don’t go overboard with dry botanicals and candle magic with this new moon.
Again: red flags. This time for fires rather than breakups.
Our full moon is on 2/24 at 05° Virgo. All of our personal planets are in play here, too. (theme of the month, after all) Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun while Venus and Mars are still conjunct with one another in Aquarius and square to Jupiter in Taurus (Venus exactly during our lunar event). Virgo can be an overly critical full moon to begin with and this seems turned up to 11. Mercury is in its detriment in Pisces so we may not be thinking straight. Neither Venus nor Mars is particularly at home in Aquarius (and Aquarius loves a good fight…I mean…discussion) so there isn’t a lot of peace to be found here.
Additionally, it’s a 9/1 full moon which carries quite a bit of finality to it. You can use this energy if you know what you are doing. Be critical of what you want to remove from your life during this time. That focuses the natural Virgo “9” full moon energy. But make it work for you, remove it for a new start. That brings it back around to 1 and a new beginning. That’s very in line with our “1” universal Month and it activates the sense of completion of coming full circle that our “8” year demands.
At the end of the month, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn will meet up in a rare stellium at 09° Pisces on 2/28.  This has "consequences" written all over it.   Perhaps the kindest thing that you can do for yourself (Pisces vibes) when faced with what you have wrought (Saturn) is to admit to it.  Own up. Verbally say that you are sorry if you are actually sorry (Mercury).   If you can do THAT and tap into your heart after the long dry winds of February, you'll know that you've gotten somewhere.
In this way, I see the energy of February as harsh at times, but ultimately, working for us. It may be easy to get mired in the past or feel hopelessly turned to dust and emotionless. The anecdote to Aquarius energy is always found in Leo and the deep heart space. Working with warming herbs, fire (except where already forwarded against), and heart energies of all kinds may help to move stuck energy all month long. There’s a lot of room for change here (magical or otherwise) but you are going to have to work for it.
The Details
2/2 – Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 2/5 – Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, Mercury enters Aquarius, Mercury conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 2/7 – Sun in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra, Venus in Capricorn square lunar nodes, Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 2/8 – Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, Moon conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius 2/9 – New moon 20° Aquarius 2/10 – Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 2/13 – Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, Mars enters Aquarius 2/14 – Mars conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius 2/15 – Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, Mercury sextile North Node/trine South Node 2/16 – Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, Venus enters Aquarius 2/17 – Venus conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius 2/18 – Sun enters Pisces 2/22 – Venus conjunct Mars 06° Pisces 2/23 – Mercury enters Pisces 2/24 – Full Moon 05° Virgo, Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 2/27 – Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 2/28 – Sun conjunct Mercury and Saturn (stellium) 09° Pisces 2/29 – Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus Do you like my work? You can support me on Kofi.
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champagnexowishes · 1 year
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ms-m-astrologer · 4 months
The Week Ahead: February 19-26, 2024
Lunar Phases
Tuesday, February 20, 10:47 UT - Gibbous Moon, 16°17’ Cancer
The key phrases for the Gibbous lunar phase are “tweak and adjust” plans as necessary, and “pour more energy/effort into our intentions.” Going with our “guts” here, much more than our brains or hearts.
Saturday, February 24, 12:30 UT - Full Moon, 5°23’ Virgo
The key phrases for the Full lunar phase are “culminate, fulfill, illumine, manifest;” and “pour all your energy/efforts into your intentions.” Responsibilites abound; we struggle with critical, negative attitudes. Can we be serious without being grumpy?
Void of Course Moon
Wednesday, February 21, 06:38 UT (Cancer) - 13:40 UT (Leo)
Friday, February 23, 04:18 UT (Leo) - Saturday, February 24, 01:38 UT (Virgo)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Pallas Athene/Sagittarius
Retrograde: Juno/Virgo
Post-retrograde shadow: Vesta/Gemini, Jupiter/Taurus
Friday, February 23 - transiting Mercury enters Pisces
Get that right-brain warmed up!
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: Monday, February 19, 03:25 UT - Wednesday, February 21, 13:40 UT. “This long and dynamic OP is perfect to get your projects off the ground. Suitable for anything you want to see grow.”
If we exclude the Lady Asteroids and the Centaurs - all the planets, except the Moon, are smooshed together between 1° Aquarius and 20° Taurus. That can make us feel “cornered,” with a narrower focus than usual. People with affinities to a Lady Asteroid may have a little more perspective and scope than the rest of us.
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glittergroovy · 4 months
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saturniandevil · 4 months
February 2024 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's February forecast.
January recap: With Pluto now in Aquarius we've got new technological developments: "flying taxis" going to market, Google's new AI set to release around Jupiter in Gemini, and the first commercially available see-through LED screens. In Saturn-Neptune news, Apple's new VR operating system is being advertised as "spatial computing." Aquarius loves to experiment for the joy of discovery--even if society ends up rejecting some of these new projects. Austin points out many prophetic "near future" fiction stories came out under Jupiter-Saturn in Libra in the 1980s, which was a preview of those conjunctions occurring in air signs for the next 200 years (we had the last earth ones a few years ago). Saturn-Neptune also connotes widespread political misinformation (as it did in 2016)--we've got AI deepfake videos of political figures being used not just for humor, but also to try and sway voters in the New Hampshire Primary. Another notable Saturn in Pisces story is the restriction of the Red Sea trade route and subsequent rerouting of cargo ships along global trade routes. The Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces in March will likely show major developments in maritime combat or disasters.
We enter the month fresh off Pluto's ingress into Aquarius. There's a lot of energy in the sign this month, some good and some difficult. The faster-moving planets will be joining Pluto in Aquarius specifically for the first time since the 18th century, giving us the first tastes of what the next 20 years will bring for society at large. For personal charts, what house does Aquarius fall in?
February 5th - Mercury enters Aquarius, conjoins Pluto This is the first planet to join the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius. Venus and Mars will follow this ingress-conjunction pattern later this month--and the new Moon is in Aquarius. Mercury-Pluto brings up information and power such as classified document leaks, as well as hidden pathways or getting lost in the labyrinth. Determined efforts to delve into deeper truths can pay off, but we can also become obsessed with something no one else can see. Other significations include taboo subjects, with science and social rules being especially important in Aquarius, and negating ideas we once thought were true. Paranoia and manipulations also abound with Pluto-Mercury. In Aquarius we'll see these issues take light especially through new technologies. In general Pluto magnifies small things to their biggest extremes--something microscopic may change society irrevocably, etc. The PRC has a timed chart with Aquarius rising with the Moon in Aquarius, and indeed has been leading the world in uses & development of certain new technologies, which in turn has brought power struggles with other major players in those fields.
February 6th - Fortunate date (not pictured)
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Set at about 8:00AM local time, this chart should give you 11° Pisces rising. The Ascendant ruler Jupiter is in the 3rd house in a day chart, emphasizing communication and other 3rd house topics. The Moon in early Capricorn applies to a trine with Jupiter, bonifying her. The Jupiter-Saturn sextile is emphasized here; while Saturn is very close to the Ascendant, he's more cooperative in a day chart, and is being received by Jupiter (is in Jupiter's sign), who he's trining. Thus Chris predicts it'll be a good balance of consolidation and growth. This does have Mars in the 11th house in a day chart, so it's not great for matters involving friends, groups, and alliances. But it is good for communicating, neighborhood, education/learning, weekly schedule, siblings, and starting a daily practice (Saturn will help us establish routines).
February 9th - Aquarius New Moon
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At 20° of Aquarius, the closest configuration is a square from Uranus (19♉), connoting a disruptive or unexpected component. This is also the first Aquarius New Moon with Pluto present--Pluto will be weighing in on all monthly meetings in Aquarius for now. We can expect concerns around independence and freedom, but also emotional volatility. "How do I break from this pattern?" asks the rebel, knowing it'll be better than keeping things as they are. Mercury also applies to a square with a Jupiter during this time, expanding communications & bringing (possibly excessive) optimism. The Jupiter-Saturn sextile that hung over much of January weighs in as well, balancing our drives for both growth and consolidation.
February - 12th/13th Mars enters Aquarius Soon after he conjoins Pluto.
February 14th - Mars conjunct Pluto This is the first hard aspect since the square circa October 7th. There are going to be about 10 of these conjunctions during Pluto's trip through Aquarius. Mars connotes military operations, while Pluto brings underground groups and struggles. We've been having power dynamics stirred up in the Capricorn parts of our charts the past 20 years, and now this moves to our Aquarius house/area of life. Possessiveness and excessive force are also connoted by this planetary combination; exercise caution and take special care not to go too far. Austin describes this feeling as a "struggle against annihilation," even when we're not actually fighting for our lives. It'll take self-control and grace to navigate this Valentine's day well.
February 16th - Venus enters Aquarius Soon after she will conjoin Pluto, and later Mars.
February 17th - Venus conjunct Pluto The intensity, obsessions, and making mountains of molehills brought up by other planets' Pluto contacts will now show itself in the realm of relationships and social interactions. We get the extremes of affection and its negation with Venus-Pluto. This can be a good time for experimenting in the arts: we're getting a new movie based off Frankenstein, which was published under Pluto in Aquarius. Much of the novel is from the perspective of no the doctor but his experiment--when are we our own lab rats?
February 18th - Sun enters Pisces
February 22nd - Venus conjunct Mars Unfortunately Mars, Aquarius, and Pluto do not bode well for Valentine's-adjacent activities. Some positive connotations include magnetic allure and deep, passionate connections with others, extreme vulnerability and devotion. However, keep watchful for power struggles and manipulation in relationships and attraction. Ask yourself, "is this healthy or is this too far?" and try to set healthy boundaries. (Though the answers may be clearer in hindsight.) Look out for hastiness in relationships, jealous and aggression in love, or attraction to drama or conflict. Try to balance passion with reason, communicate clearly, and express that energy through creative outlets.
February 23rd - Mercury enters Pisces
February 24th - Virgo Full Moon
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Immediately after its exact opposition to Saturn, the Moon applies to one with Saturn, who as a matter of course is also applying to Saturn by conjunction (pictured above is the Moon between these oppositions). Austin describes this as a magnified check-in with Saturn, as we're approaching the 1-year mark for Saturn in Pisces (early March). How have you been bearing having to swim with weights on? Or maybe you've hooked something powerful on your fishing line--how will you reel it in? Chris says this lunation highlights tension in the Virgo part of our charts as well, shedding light that may help us identify solutions. We have a Sun-Mercury-Saturn conjunction a few days later that will bring our attention back to Pisces.
February 26th/27th - Mars square Jupiter Jupiter wants to help, but something's getting in his way. We can also think about taking risks, leaving our comfort zone, and increased energy/enthusiasm. However, as Mars is overcoming Jupiter (earlier in the zodiac), traditional sources would indicate that the warlike side of things will gain the upper hand over peaceful Jupiter. Mars in Aquarius connotes rogue or outsider forces, while Jupiter is privileged by stability in Taurus. Keep a lookout for global trade points and major conflicts, which will likely see developments around this time. Some positives of Mars-Jupiter include increased motivation, taking bold actions, and meeting ambitious goals. On the flipside is impulsiveness, overconfidence, and recklessness. Mars-Jupiter is willing to take a risk. Sometimes, it's better not to know exactly what you're getting into so you don't get overwhelmed by a monumental task; other times, it doesn't work out. This is the placement of the intrepid explorer.
February 28th - Moon, Mercury, and Saturn conjunction in Pisces This occurs at 9 degrees of Pisces, and each planet applies to a sextile with Pisces in the following days. Jupiter brings us another management check-in after Saturn's: how have we been balancing growth with consolidation? Jupiter's going to pick up speed and zoom out of Taurus later this year, moving away from this balanced position to a difficult square with Saturn. We've been balancing weight with buoyancy, but once in Gemini Jupiter forms more of helicopter to Saturn's submarine--vehicles that can't be combined. With Saturn and Mercury (and the Sun shedding light), we'll likely see changes in the status of maritime trade and travel. From Saturn to Jupiter we may see something go from being stuck to unstuck.
As we wrap up the month, we've got some Pisces planets approaching Neptune while Jupiter approaches Uranus. And don't forget, we've got 29 days in February this year!
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barbaralunar · 9 months
twice's brief chart reading
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so i made a video (in portuguese) interpreting a few points on twice's debut chart and decided to transform the script in a proper text here.
a quick look at twice's history and you will discover that they became viral a few months after they debuted and since that the group has huge numbers in plays, awards, popularity, profit and everything. it's even considered the sucessors of SNSD.
with no surprise we see, then, Venus, Jupiter and Mars all in Virgo in the 2nd house. althought, Venus and Jupiter are in debility, they're still benefics and are conjuct and applying to Mars, giving it strenght and expanding its action in the map.
2nd house is everything money related, profit being one of them. for a k-pop group being popular = making money, especially if the company behind them do a good management. and that is the case of twice.
Venus in this placement reinforces the gaining from arts and women, and it rules (by exaltation) the 8th in pisces, also ruled by Jupiter. so we can see another indication of profit gaining whereas the 8th also represents money that came from others.
the applying conjuction of Jupiter to Mars by only a degree of diference expande Mars action, the money making. it rules the 4th in scorpio and the mid heaven in the 9th in aries. 4th represents your roots and your home, converting in the popularity of the group at its origin country.
3 of the members are japanese, and it contributed heavely in the sucess of the group in japan. they have full albums in japonese, media strategies and content all aimed to the japonese audience. the 9th can signify foreing matters and the the mid heaven there reinforce the popularity and money making in other countries.
(note: next 10/20 the group will enter their 9h profection and seems the company is planning on invest in the foreing market, besides japan. also, i know its commum for kpop groups to dedicate themselves to japanese music maket, but the thing is twice is really huge there.)
Venus is the ruler the 10th in taurus and the 3rd house in libra. in libra we have the Sun and Mercury. Venus and Mercury are in a mutual reception, and it mitigates a bit of Venus fall in virgo. but it also translates the popularity throught their talents, voice and looks, let us be honest here.
and they all sing well, for real! truth be told, that's a rare thing in a group, we all know this. Mercury is one the represents of voice and its being supported by Venus sign, 3rd is a house of comunication also and media (shy shy shy viral). 10th is a house of sucess also.
but not everything is flowers. the group's Moon is also debilitated in the the 6th house in capricorn. the 6th is fucking hard work as hell, health and rotine. and the Moon trines all the planets in the 2nd. so they work very very much and very very hard: an album per year, mv's, ententerneiment content, media content, tours, side and solo projects, singles, ost's, promotion and more, everything at the same time, non stoping.
all this work contributes on making money? yes! but also contributes to health questions. few years back, 2 members had to be in a hiatus because of mental and physical issues. this 6th house moon rules the 12th where we can see the struggle with mental issues and may be the reason of the collapse of the group if not continued to be cared off over time.
we know for a company to allowing a member to take a hiatus like this and be open about why is kind excepcional. and it seems the group is being taken cared of and i hope it's for real, you know?
so i hope you guys like it! sorry for any mistakes and nonsense sentences, english it's not my first language. feel free to add more interpretations as this is a deeper text derived from a short script. if you are a fan, i'd love your feedback too. thanks a lot!
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jukeboxofjellycat · 4 months
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Owner/artist on Instagram: thepulpgirls
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What good things are coming for you this month of February?
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Pick a picture/pile
Pile 1:
The Hanged Man: You will be gaining new perspectives about a prominent situation in your life. I feel you will be gaining a lot of knowledge this month. You're going to be able to sit back and relax before you decide to make your next big move.
Pile 2
The Tower: You will be ending a much needed phase or situation in your life. This is a good ending for you because it's out with the old in with the new. You'll get a fresh new start and get to rebuild your self/situation for the better.
Pile 3
Ace of Cups: You will be entering into a new loving situation this month. This could be a new person or refreshing your current situation/relationship. This could also mean you own self fulfillment. You will be peaceful and overflowing in loving energy this month.
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full moon in leo • february 5, 2023
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happy full moon, sistars! this full moon in leo is taking place on february 5, 2023 at 12:28 pm CST. full moon energy is potent, making this an ideal time for healing and with this energy manifesting in leo, inner child healing is going to be a huge theme. inner child healing as been a theme over the last few years, and this full moon is going to be no different when it comes to tending to the inner child work that still needs to be done. it's time to really get serious about healing the light that was once dimmed as a child. you'll find that when you work on shining your light, there is a lot of medicine to be received by such a revolutionary act. stop being a narcissist to yourself - people are not looking at you or thinking about you like that! this whole concept of self-sabotaging ourselves by not doing the things we want to do because of our fear of being noticed and people thinking that we're weird is childish. let's wrap it up.
we can really navigate this full moon by focusing in on our needs. we live in a world that makes it hard for us to focus inward and honor what we need at the time, but our inner courage will be pushing us more into this space. our sacral + solar plexus chakras will be on fiyaa this full moon. breakthroughs are happening when it comes to overcoming fear so surrender to the transformation that is here to empower you on this journey so that you can serve your community efficiently. if you're feeling lost this full moon, spend a good amount of time in solitude and meditation in order to identify your needs and find your light.
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how to alchemize with the full moon:
reflect on your past romances
learn not to give a damn about what people gotta say
take revolutionary action to live authentically
do not let anyone convince you that you're selfish
shine your light thru expressing your talents + gifts
work on your feminine innerG
be patient with your creations
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spiritofthemeadow · 1 year
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ig - afternoondreams
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