#Fed chairman
gentlemans-code20 · 1 year
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#Luminaries - Ben Bernanke
Ben Bernanke, in full Benjamin Shalom Bernanke, (born December 13, 1953, Augusta, Georgia, U.S.), American economist who served as chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (“the Fed”), the central bank of the United States, from 2006 to 2014.
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philologique · 4 months
HOLD UP do people not associate chick-fil-a with homophobia anymore??? bc I was under the impression that if you're over 25 in the US then you're familiar with their homophobia regardless of how online you are
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likesmoney · 2 months
Waiting On Confirmation
Stocks printed their lowest point on Thursday, day 37, placing them in their timing band for a DCL. Stocks did not deliver any bearish follow through on Friday. Instead stocks closed back above the 50 day MA, which is the first indication that day 37 was the daily cycle low. While stocks backtested the 50 day MA on Monday, closing higher, we are looking for a swing low and a close above the 10…
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athenasilver7 · 1 year
Could I request ohshc x reader headcannons (separately) where reader is being bullied and goes to them?
OHSHC (separately) x GN Reader
💙 Hikaru 💙
When you come to him crying about being bullied, he just about snaps.
When you tell him it’s been happening for months? He almost loses his damn mind.
“What do you mean ‘months’?! Why didn’t you come to me sooner?!?” He grips at your shoulders a little to hard.
Yeah, he flips out. Not his best moment, nor is it the best reaction to be having right now.
He feels so fucking bad when your crying increases, no thanks to him, obviously.
Hikaru takes a deep breath and calms down. He starts soothing you, holding you in his arm and rubbing your back, mutter a few apologies to you.
When you finally relax and are able to tell him all the details, well… let’s just say he makes a few calls.
Unfortunately, your bully stays at Ouran. So naturally Hikaru takes things into his own hands.
He starts pulling restless pranks on your bully until they get fed up and transfer.
🤍 Tamaki 🤍
Tamaki eventually catches you crying to yourself one day in the gardens. He’s obviously worried and rushes over to you and asked what’s wrong.
All you can manage to sob out is, “I-I’m getting b-bullied…”
He holds you tightly in a protective embrace, stroking your hair to soothe you as you cry against his chest.
He’s… quiet. Very quiet.
Tamaki waits patiently until you’re able to collect yourself. He caresses you cheek with a frown.
“My dear… Who is it? Who’s doing this to you?” His tone is low and his voice wavers as he talks.
You tell him who’s been bullying you.
He spends a few days conversing with your bully, trying to talk them in to changing their habits.
If you bully changes their ways, good. Tamaki won’t care for them, obviously, but he’s at least glad they’ve become a better person. And Tamaki will be practically glued to your side so this doesn’t happen again.
If your bully doesn’t change their ways, Tamaki will jump though hoops of several shenanigans to get them to stop and keep them away from you. If all that fails, he’ll reluctantly get his father to kick them out of the school. Ouran is no place for bullying, after all.
❤️ Haruhi ❤️
Well… that’s just not acceptable.
Haruhi, calmly, goes up to your bully and confronts them on their behaviour.
She’s unaware, but as she’s confronting them she’s roasting the hell out of them.
“I don’t know, bullying just seems like your lacking a hobby or something.” Her deadpan voice just makes the whole thing that much better.
Your bully scoffs and doesn’t let up as they continue to bully you the upcoming days.
Haruhi eventually snaps when she witnesses your bully trying to shove you into the fountain.
“Hey! Knock it off! Seriously, how childish do you have to be? Listen, clearly you have something going on in your personal life, and I’m sorry, but that’s no excuse to be taking it out on someone else. And if there isn’t anything personal going on in you life, then just screw off or else I’m telling the chairman!”
Your bully is baffled at Fujioka’s anger and backs off pretty quickly after that. Your bully even starts avoiding you in the hallways, keeping their distance. Haruhi just glares aggressively at them every time she sees them.
💗 Honey 💗
Tired from the constant bullying, you eventually spill your guts to him, bawling as you do so.
Honey is taken aback, but still obviously very concerned. And mad. Not mad at you, heavens no. Mad at your bully.
Granted, he maintains a calm composure on the outside to calm you.
He calms you by patting your head and whispering compliments to you, assuring you that the insults your bully throws at you aren’t true at all.
He offers you desserts and milk. You don’t want deserts? That’s fine, what do you want? You’re nuts if you think he won’t get you a crate of your comfort food.
The next day at school, all Honey has to do is walk up your bully, and your bully is immediately shaking.
Dude… Honey is practically a human weapon. Who wouldn’t be shitting bricks?
The glare on Honey’s face is not helping in the slightest.
Your bully is quick to run away, and transfers out of Ouran immediately.
🧡 Kaoru 🧡
Oh, sweetness… come here.
Lanky arms and legs wrap around you sloth-style.
He doesn’t know why you’re crying. He doesn’t need to know. He just knows that right now you need comfort, and he’s more than willing to give it to you.
I presses gentle kisses to your forehead and cheeks. “Shh, shh, shh… You’re okay. You can tell me anything.” He whispers.
And tell him you do.
He’s frozen for a moment.
He collects himself and goes back to comforting you, telling you how brave and strong you are, and that you should come to him sooner when you’re in trouble.
The next day, much like what Hikaru would do, Kaoru restlessly pranks your bully until they transfer out of Ouran.
Kaoru may be sweet and nice, but he’ll be damned if someone he loves is hurt and he doesn’t do anything about it.
🖤 Mori 🖤
You’re reluctant to tell him for a very long time. Mori is just so calm and tough, a-and… and you’re not. You don’t want to feel like you’re burdening him or relying on him, so… you bite your tongue and deal with it.
Mori, ever the observant one, is quick to notice your change in behaviour the past few weeks.
You startle as Mori’s deep voice breaks through the silence.
“…Yeah?” You slowly turn to face him, acting casual.
“What’s wrong.”
You don’t know how, but he managed to phrase that like it wasn’t even a question, he’s telling you to tell him what’s wrong.
You avert your gaze awkwardly and eventually spill the beans.
Mori listens intently, and when you’re done he hums and nods. He gestures you over to him and wraps a protective arm around you, rubbing your back and pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
The next day at school Mori, calmly, punches the wall next your bully and glares down at them. “…Y/N.” He says.
Your bully looks up at Mori with wide eyes, visibly shaking. “Y-Y/N?” Your bully asks, confused.
Mori nods, leaning down face to face with your bully. “Leave them alone.” He demands lowly.
Your bully scrambles a nod and hastily dashes down the hall. Your bully sure as hell never bothers you again after that.
💜 Kyoya 💜
Now, he’s quick to notice.
Although, he feels like an idiot for not noticing the first few days it started happening. But as the days went on, your facade slowly fell, and he quickly pieced everything together from there.
“…Y/N, is there anything you would like to tell me?” He asks casually, scribbling something down in his notebook, his tone implying that you will tell him something.
“…No.” You mutter.
Kyoya sigh and pushes up his glasses. “Are you certain?” He asks again, a twinge annoyed.
You fidget with your sleeves for a bit before telling him everything about the bullying.
That’s all he needed to hear. He wanted to know just how bad the bullying is from your end.
At that, your bully just ‘mysteriously’ disappears after that day.
You squint at Kyoya suspiciously after a month of your bully not being at school.
“…Did you kill them?” I ask Kyoya with wide, accusing eyes.
He huffs in frustration and places down his pen. “No. They just decided to transfer.”
“…Because you threatened them.” You accuse.
Kyoya merely sighs.
OHSHC Masterlist
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
What’s in a name? It’s more than a sound people make to get your attention — it’s a seemingly universal hallmark of human society and language, the specifics of which set us apart from our fellow animals. Now, scientists say they have found evidence with the help of artificial-intelligence-powered tools that elephants call each other by names too.
“They have this ability to individually call specific members of their family with a unique call,” said Mickey Pardo, an acoustic biologist at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and an author of a study published Monday in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Elephants’ trumpeting calls might be their most recognizable sounds, but these “are basically an emotional outburst,” Dr. Pardo said. Lower-pitched rumbles, he said, are more meaningful, as they make up a majority of elephant vocalizations and are used in a wide variety of social situations. “A lot of interesting stuff is going on in the rumbles,” he said.
To decode these rumbles, Dr. Pardo and George Wittemyer, a professor of conservation biology at Colorado State University and chairman of the scientific board for the nonprofit Save the Elephants, analyzed 469 vocalizations made by family groups of adult elephant females and their offspring recorded at Amboseli National Park and the Samburu and Buffalo Springs National Reserves in Kenya.
Elephant rumbles can be difficult for the human ear to differentiate, so the researchers used machine learning analysis: Essentially, they relied on A.I. to break down different elephant calls.
Individual elephants seemed to respond to certain rumbles from other elephants, and the researchers fed those sounds into their A.I. tool. “If the calls have something like a name, you should be able to figure out who the call is addressed to just from the acoustic structure of that call alone,” Dr. Pardo said.
So far, the scientists are not sure precisely which part of a vocalization might be the elephant’s “name.” But they found that their A.I. tool’s ability to identify the intended recipient of a rumble far exceeded what random chance would dictate.
They supplemented these analyses with fieldwork conducted by Dr. Pardo and David Lolchuragi, a co-author of the study and a research assistant at Save the Elephants. The researchers played recordings of rumbles to elephants and filmed their responses; they found that the individual elephants reacted more strongly to their “names” than to other calls, perking up their ears and rumbling back.
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kitkat238984 · 9 months
Goddess Of Your Dreams (soulmate au)
Summary: In an alternate universe where soulmates are determined by unique marks, you do everything you can to hide your matching soul mark from the cold-hearted handsome devil, Hook.
But when a match with "Timeless" Toni Storm causes your secret to be revealed to the whole world, you have many awkward encounters that leave you both mesmerised and breathless.
TW: Mentions of sexual themes, normal wrestling violence.
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The crowd roared as The Chairman’s Intent played through the speakers and Hook entered through the tunnel and made his way down the ramp towards his hungry-for-violence opponent, Wheeler Yuta. Excalibur’s voice fed through the TV screens in the homes of thousands. 
“And we see the cold-hearted handsome devil walk down the ramp, so confident and expressionless, a complete contrast to that sunflower soulmark he’s sporting there, wouldn’t you say Taz?” 
The father of the heart-throb in the wrestling world had to stay neutral in his job as a commentator, but never hid how proud he was of his son and his achievements. “Of course. But if there’s one thing I’m sure about is that he will make some lucky girl very happy”. 
“Hook, doing his ritual of circling around the ring. And I think the soul marks make you realise just how human we all are, showing almost the vulnerability in people as stone cold as Hook”. 
The match between Hook and Wheeler wasn’t for any title, only to settle a score when Yuta began cussing out Hook’s arrogance and the friends he “strings along”, and - as he usually does - Hook shoved those words where the sun don’t shine and had him caught in a redrum within minutes. After all, cursing is Danhausen’s thing. 
A couple of weeks later, you were backstage, preparing for your upcoming fight against ‘Timeless’ Toni Storm for the Women’s World Championship. This was quite frankly the biggest match of your life, and against a wrestler who was far more experienced than yourself, even though you had been in AEW for a year now and had made quite the spectacle of yourself with your alluring character. You couldn’t count the number of times male fans of AEW had approached you with their clever but awkward pick-up lines. 
“You’re ready for this” , the voice of your ringside and friend, Kris Statlander, told you whilst patting your shoulder. “You’ve studied every one of her moves and trained for weeks on end. How are you nervous about this?” 
You ignored her question with no real answer to give her. You were ready, more than you had ever been for a match, let alone already being a decent wrestler. 
You continued to watch yourself in the mirror. You really did look like a goddess. And that wasn’t you trying to be conceited because your whole gimmick was that you were Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty and sex and more. You wore waist high blue shorts with decorative white buttons and drawstring with a matching plaid sporting bra which cupped your breasts and made your cleavage visible for all to see. 
You didn’t mind being used as sex appeal to be honest as it made you feel a lot more confident in your self. You’d hardly had any confidence before AEW until one day you decided to be brave, wearing very little sportswear at the gym which happened to be the day you were recognised as a potential for professional wrestling. Coincidence? Who knows, but you didn’t care. Everyone appreciated you as a good sportswoman. You were here and you were proud your dream came true whilst also being one of the best female wrestlers in the company. 
“You know why I’m nervous”, you said, timidly, glancing to the right of the mirror to meet the gaze of Kris. 
“We go through this every time, no one’s going to see it. They never do! That choker is very secure. You might as well be strangling yourself”. 
You hummed, instinctively slipping your hand under the large braid that snaked down the right side of your neck and swept your fingers under the choker, touching where you knew your soul mark to be. 
“I don’t even know why you bother hiding it. It’ll come out eventually. One of your hookups are going to piece it together”. 
You smiled and chuckled lightly at her comment and turned around, tiptoeing to lean closer to her ear. 
You whispered, “Daniel Garcia didn’t say anything when he had his hands wrapped round my throat”. 
With a hearty laugh, you went to leave the room you used as a dressing room hearing her dramatically gasp, saying “Y/N, you’re such a slut!” 
The door was half open with you facing inside. “I may be a slut but I still have morals. My soulmate is more important than any of those floozies”, you laughed again and opened the door fully, but almost crashed into a figure who was walking past and most likely heard the last of your conversation. 
You looked up at the tall man wearing a white hoodie and black sweatpants and immediately cleared your throat and glanced back down when you made quick eye contact when he glanced at you with a raised eyebrow and continued on his way, not stopping once to question what he just heard. 
“Awkward”. You turned your head to glare before nodding your head towards the hallway so you can get ready to go on, not before taking one last look at the cold-hearted Hook who had his hood covering that damned mark that matched yours. 
Why, of all people, him? 
You’d never even spoken to each other and you always thought that your personalities would clash. That is, if you even knew his personality. His cool exterior was only an act after all - or at least most of it. You had no clue where to even start with him. 
Your ‘quick look back’ must have lasted a little longer than you anticipated because you found yourself being pushed through the dimly lit hallway towards the stage. 
Toni Storm was already out there making her extravagant entrance as usual and the nerves suddenly hit you again like a continuous stabbing to the gut. 
Kris must have read you like a book because she began roughly massaging your shoulders and shaking you, waking you out of the depths of your own mind. 
“You got this", she told you. “Rip out the feathers of her boa and you’ll have her crumbling on the spot”. 
“Or that would just make her even more angry?" 
“Just beat her senseless and bring back that belt. Come on, we’re on”. 
You heard the guitar riff you’d heard so many times which was your entrance song, 'Venus' by Shocking Blue - ironically not such a shocking song for your character. 
Holding your best flirty face, you walked through the tunnel and stood centre stage, eyeing the crowd and blowing kisses at certain men on the front row, contributing to your act. You made eye contact with Toni Storm and gracefully travelled down the ramp with Kris tailing behind you, riling up the crowd a bit before walking around ringside. 
Entering the ring you saw she had a mic in her hand and so you thought you’d wait to attack and have a little fun first. 
“Any words before I banish you off the screen?” 
You motioned for the mic and she willingly let you have it. “First off, that belt clashes with your outfit. And secondly… I’m about to knock you into the 1800s, showgirl”. 
You throw the mic to the side and headed straight for the attack which Storm skilfully dodges but you bounce back on the ropes and high kick her in the face which makes her stumble back. 
You go back and forth with the attacks and a few minutes in it’s still difficult to predict a winner as you both fight through the pain, eager to get your hands on that belt. 
You let her swing you around the ring before stranding you in the middle where she kicked your back and you fell forward, face first into the canvas. Blood was most likely pouring from your nose at this point and you felt pretty helpless but, your arms the only thing keeping you up, even when she had your legs bent and leaning on your back you still wouldn’t budge so the referee never started counting. 
Everything from that point felt like slow-motion. Storm yanked up your hair and grabbed a hold of the precious choker that you felt the need to guard with your life. However, you couldn’t stop her as your arms were still in use to hold you up. 
You thought you could hear the voices of Excalibur, Tony, and Taz commenting on this scene when your oxygen privileges were taken away from you for a brief couple of seconds. 
“Dramatic as ever! Toni Storm ripping that choker from Venus, breaks the chain, and still has her-” 
“Wait a minute there, Tony”, Excalibur interrupts. “What’s that? On her neck?” 
“Why, it’s a sunflower!” He was quick to reply. “Oh, my god! Now, for anyone who doesn’t remember, that’s the exact same soul mark as our very own Hook! Taz, how are you feeling about this?” 
A few seconds passed before Taz responded to that question, bewildered by this realisation that millions of people in the fanbase had just come to terms with. “For the first time ever, I-I have no words. I’m utterly speechless”. 
You couldn’t believe what had just happened. You were in such shock that the one thing you were trying to hide was revealed that you lost control of your arms and they gave in to both the weight of yourself and Toni - who was still laying over your back - and the recoil of your head after the breakage of your choker. 
You acted fast when the referee began smacking his hand on the canvas and you swung your elbow back into Storm’s side, rolling her onto her front in place of you, pulling her legs back and holding down her upper back with your knees so she couldn’t escape. 
Within three seconds, you heard the ring of the bell indicating your victory and had secured yourself the WWC. You carefully got off your opponent and used your large braid which was still somehow intact to cover the sunflower mark. You knew it was all too late but perhaps you could save yourself at least a little dignity for now. 
You allowed your hand to be raised in the air and for the Women’s World Championship belt to be slung over your shoulder. You decided to not let your revealed secret take away your triumph and you gladly stood on the ropes of the ring and held up the belt for the world to see. Most of the crowd were cheering which you were relieved at. 
Jumping out of the ring you picked up a mic and yelled out, “Checkmate, bitch!” before Kris attacked you with a hug which you happily embraced, knocking the microphone out of your hand. 
With smiles strewn across your faces, you limped up the ramp and gave the camera a wink and blew a kiss before heading through the tunnel. 
You were greeted with “well done”s and “congratulations”’s, and you didn’t fail to notice every one of them look at where your soul mark was. 
“I can’t believe I just did that”, you said to them all, still breathless. 
“We thought you were a goner when she had you pinned like that. Such a turn around”. 
“Saw it in the viewing room. Could’ve gone either way”. 
“Y/N…” a stern voice called to you. You turned to see who it was and came face-to-face with the one and only Tony Khan. 
Ah shit. 
“I hate to cut this celebration short but could I speak with you for a moment?” 
You stared in shock. “Uh yeah of course”. 
He couldn’t fire you, could he? It was just a soul mark. Even though the scenario that he would get rid of you was unlikely, the fear plagued your mind. 
“I first want to say well done for securing the Women’s World Championship. You deserve it after all the effort you’ve put in this year”. 
“Thank you”, is all you managed to say. 
“I’m going to be straight with you. It was very irresponsible to keep something like a soul mark matched with another wrestler away from myself and the team. We would have understood if you wanted to keep that a secret from the public but not us. We could have helped you and prevented a situation like this from happening". 
You sighed, knowing he was completely right and you should have at least told someone about it so you could get help to cover it rather than taking it upon yourself to hide it from everyone. 
“We can’t do much about it now. The public already knows and we’ll just have to go with it”. 
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying, sir?” 
“If what you’re thinking is incorporating it into a story line, then yes”. 
You had such mixed emotions coursing through your veins at this moment. You were relieved that you weren’t in trouble, excited you were part of a new story line, thrilled that you’d just won your match against Toni Storm, and scared as to what your soulmate would say to you after this. 
He continued. “But I have to ask. Did Hook know?” 
You shook your head lightly in shame and looked down at the hands that sat fidgety on your lap. 
“Well I’ll give you time to sort out a few personal things, and I’ll make sure promos are recorded regarding your new on-screen romance first before there’s any action in the ring. Thank you”. 
You nodded in appreciation and left his makeshift office, now bubbling in anticipation at this new opportunity. You practically ran to your dressing room where Kris said she’d meet you and you’d get changed and party until dawn, drinking to celebrate your success and to also forget about the future encounter with Hook, well… Tyler is what you’d found out his name was, but you weren’t ready to be so casual with someone you'd never spoken to before. 
When you were back at work, you expected Hook to approach you straight away, however, the most you got out of him was a mere glance your way or sometimes you’d catch him staring at your back, not that he seemed even the slightest bit embarrassed to turn away. 
You couldn’t possibly start any conversation with him. In fact, when you were told what was happening for one of the promos, introducing your on-screen romance, you never spoke to him about it and had to improvise when the cameras were placed on you both. 
“Danhausen, tell us how you’re feeling about the upcoming trios match?” The interviewer asked him. Danhausen being himself, he had this scary yet amusing pose with clawed fingers in front of him. 
“Very good. I have cursed all three of them so they may die before then”, he said in his freaky accent. 
“And of course you’re teaming with Hook and Orange Cassidy - a pretty strong team formed there if you ask me - how do you think they’re coping with the pressure of this match?” 
“I fear they are frozen”. 
“Uh frozen? What do you mean by that?” 
“Some powerful sorcery has frozen them in time. Look!”. 
The camera first focused on Orange Cassidy who was leaning up against a wall, both arms and legs crossed and slowly chewing on a piece of gum. 
The camera then turned to you and Hook who were told to stand opposite one another, simply staring into the other’s eyes, your soul mark being the one to show the camera. 
Although it was only acting, you still felt butterflies floating around your stomach since this was technically the most you’ve ever interacted with him, your soulmate. No one else’s soulmate. None of his adoring female fans had the same mark as him on their necks. The thought of you being the special one almost brought a smile to your face, but you had to stop yourself when you remembered the cameras. 
You used this time to really appreciate his facial features. How had you not realised how attractive he was sooner? His jawline was well-defined yet looked so soft to touch. And his eyes… so dark but so… intriguing… and… and… what were you saying? 
You’d got so lost in the moment that you hadn’t even realised that the cameras were no longer on your faces. It was only when the clicking of Danhausen’s fingers in between you both that you were brought out of your trance. 
“I fixed them! I didn’t know I could uncurse someone…” 
You saw Orange Cassidy on the other side of the room, peeking over the top of his sunglasses with his suggestive look at you. Hook hadn’t once flinched or maybe even blinked and still continued staring your way. The fear and self-consciousness struck you like it had done a thousand times before and you awkwardly walked past him towards catering where you were to meet Kris and Willow. 
You were smitten alright. Unmistakably. And you did not want to make yourself feel even more flustered than that situation had already made you. 
The plan was simple. "Timeless" Toni Storm and her husband and AEW wrestler, Juice Robinson, would talk shit about you in the ring, daring you to come out with the belt. You’d go out, say something snarky, they’d beat the crap out of you, and Hook comes out to save you. Easy. Simple. 
Except it really wasn’t that simple. Not when Hook was involved. You couldn’t bring yourself to confront him again. Danhausen’s promo was only the beginning and you only just managed to hold yourself together then. 
It took you a few laps around your hotel room that morning to clear your mind of the worries. Once all of this was over and everything made sense in the world, there would be nothing left to worry about and you would actually be able to get on with your life and career in peace. 
You were backstage, ready for your entrance. Hook stood only a couple metres away, eating a bag of chips. If there was one thing you definitely knew about Hook as Tyler, it was that he loved chips. Even when the cameras were nowhere in sight you always saw him with chips to hand. 
“...so what I want to say to Venus is that if you want to disrespect my beautiful wife, then you can come out here and say it to me as well. Come on! What are you afraid of? Everyone knows your dirty little secret now so you might as well show it to the world!” 
You took that as your cue and motioned for the sound and visuals manager to play your into. When it began, you wasted no time strutting out on stage, with no bother sending kisses to the crowd. After all, you were meant to be angry at them. 
You were given a mic at the end of the ramp and when you entered the ring, the power couple before you stood tall and confident, looking down at you who stood alone with your newly won belt you felt the need to protect. 
“Let us not dither with such a minor dispute. I don’t want to waste my time with an extra”, Storm laughed, and you heard a few boos in the crowd. Thank you. “You have stolen what is mine and I want it back. Now”. 
You smirked to the crowd and back at her who had her hand out expectedly. 
“It’s actually my belt now. My belt, my championship, my title. If you want it, you’ll have to come and take it from me. Mr. Loverboy over here don’t scare me”. 
An impulsive thought suddenly came to you whilst saying that. Where were their soul marks? Were they matching? People get into relationships, but normally they wait for their soulmates for marriage. Perhaps you just couldn’t see their marks, you thought, but then inwardly grimaced at where it might be as Robinson wasn’t exactly hiding much of himself with the amount of clothing he was wearing. 
“And where’s yours?” she asked. “Are you done staring at each other or are you still both lost little puppies, looking for their owners?” The teasing began to infuriate you. She must have been told to make the most of how she was the one to shed the light on your soul mark. 
“It’s… none of your business…” you awkwardly stated, glancing off to the side. 
“I’ll tell you what is my business. That championship. Darling?” 
Within seconds, the mic flung out of your hands for goddess knows how many times now and before you knew it, your hands were pinned behind your back and you had fallen to your knees, hair pulled to look up the 1920s star, officially at the mercy of the couple. 
As always, Storm dramatised the entire scenario, acting as if the belt was an Oscar she’d won for a picture show, and suddenly flung it to the side of the ring before striking your face with her forearm several times and you could do nothing but endure it. 
At one point you decided to test the waters and spat at her, who gasped disgustingly and kicked you to the side and you dropped on the floor. 
As if on cue, the arena darkened and Action Bronson played through the speakers, notifying you that Hook had entered the scene, and the butterflies yet again fluttered in your chest. 
Don’t get nervous now with millions of people watching you, Y/N. 
At the sight of Hook striding down the ramp with his cold-hearted yet handsome, sort of devilish expression - oh you got why they called him that now - Robinson and Storm ran past him towards the tunnel, Hook intimidatingly puffing out his chest through his hoodie as they crossed. 
The crowd went absolutely wild when they saw that Hook hadn’t stopped there and fought, but climbed through the ring and stood over your feeble state. As expected and without any exchange of words, he offered you a hand which you looked to the audience for approval before accepting gratefully. 
Ahhh it hurts so much. I didn’t realise the soulmate bond was this powerful. Was he feeling the same as me? How was he so cool about this all? 
You smiled as you both walked up the ramp in style, a couple that were quite frankly unstoppable to AEW. 
You didn’t bother lingering backstage, hoping that maybe Hook would finally approach you since you still couldn’t gather the courage to do it yourself. It was rather hypocritical of you seeing as you had an entire year to say something, but you just wanted to know if he was interested in you or not before making a fool out of yourself. 
A small gasp escaped your lips when a strong hand gripped your arm and spun you around where you faced the devil himself. He stared at you like he had all those other times, although you noticed the subtle desperation in his expression as his nose twitched and eyebrows furrowed, adjusting his jaw. 
His eyes shifted and you followed his gaze to where your mark was and self-consciously reached up to touch it but his hand gently took hold of your wrist, stopping you, and his head leaned closer toward your neck. 
Was this a chapter out of Fifty Shades of Grey or something? 
You couldn’t tell if your heart had stopped or if it was beating so furiously that it would burst out of your chest. A shiver sent down your spine and a shaky breath left your lips when you felt his own brush over the mark you shared, giving you the perfect angle to see his own soul mark. 
It really was a replica of the one you had which was a given. 
His head lifted out of your neck and he met your eyes again, this time exhibiting a sly smirk telling you that he knew exactly what he was doing to you. 
How devious… but you couldn’t deny that you were loving every second of it. 
“Why were you ignoring me?” you finally managed to ask after weeks since your mark was first shown in the ring. His obvious attraction and reveal of his need for you as well fuelled confidence within you, and you were glad that this encounter had turned out the way it had. 
“Why did you hide this from me?” He placed a hand on the side of your neck which now filled you with warmth and comfort. 
You kept quiet and bit your bottom lip as you didn’t really have a good explanation for why you did what you did. 
He chuckled lightly and quickly looked over your body, licking his lips - a small detail that only someone as close to him as you were in that moment would have noticed. 
“Well now I know we’re soulbound, it’d be rude not to ask the lady for a drink after the show. So how about it?” 
A large, mischievous grin swept across your face. “I’d love to. But you should know that I don’t commit on the first date. Not to anyone”. 
“Not even to your soulmate? Aren’t you meant to be the goddess of love?” 
“Are you saying you’re already in love with me?” 
You had both found yourselves gradually getting closer and closer. You didn’t even realise when your chests had come into contact, breath tickling each other’s faces. 
“Can’t argue with the soulmate bond”. 
Almost in desperation, your lips crashed into Hook’s who’s hands travelled to your waist to somehow pull you even closer than you already were, your arms snaking around his neck, fingers sliding through the hair at the top of the nape of his neck. 
“...I thought these videos were meant to be about me…” a voice broke you out of your kiss and you felt Hook huff and pout like he usually does, making you giggle at his childishness. 
You turned and saw Danhausen standing, watching you both in confusion with the camera crew situated behind him, pointing towards you. 
This was undoubtedly going to be aired in a promo but you couldn’t care less in that special moment of yours. The crew left once they realised that you both weren’t going to budge from where you were. You’d just been thrown in the arms of your soulmate after a year of knowing the truth and over a month of incredible attraction. 
Your attention was very quickly back on the man securely holding you in place, and you decided to tease him a little if that was the game you were going to be playing. “I’m not just the goddess of love. I’m the goddess of beauty… desire… sex…” 
Knowing exactly where you were going with this, his smirk returned, bigger than before. “Well let’s see. Beauty? Check. Desire?” He told a hold of your hand before guiding it towards the bulge that stuck out of his sweatpants. You squeezed his length gently, earning a soft groan before pulling your hand away again. “Check. Sex? Well I guess I’ll be the judge of that”. 
His hands slid down, cupping your ass and lifting you up with ease as you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. You felt yourself being carried through the halls backstage and you used this time to entangle your hands back through his hair which caused him to squeeze where his hands were placed on your backside. 
You lightly nibbled on his neck where the mark was and breathed in all of him. 
Ugh. Did he always smell this fucking good? 
You didn’t care if the people you passed were judging you or not; you only cared that all this tension was finally about to be released. 
“You’ll be turning full heel after the night is over, baby. I’m about the fuck all that gracefulness out of you”. 
You giggled and leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “You just try me”. 
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The cryptocurrency hype of the past few years already started to introduce people to these problems. Despite producing little to no tangible benefits — unless you count letting rich people make money off speculation and scams — Bitcoin consumed more energy and computer parts than medium-sized countries and crypto miners were so voracious in their energy needs that they turned shuttered coal plants back on to process crypto transactions. Even after the crypto crash, Bitcoin still used more energy in 2023 than the previous year, but some miners found a new opportunity: powering the generative AI boom. The AI tools being pushed by OpenAI, Google, and their peers are far more energy intensive than the products they aim to displace. In the days after ChatGPT’s release in late 2022, Sam Altman called its computing costs “eye-watering” and several months later Alphabet chairman John Hennessy told Reuters that getting a response from Google’s chatbot would “likely cost 10 times more” than using its traditional search tools. Instead of reassessing their plans, major tech companies are doubling down and planning a massive expansion of the computing infrastructure available to them.
As the cloud took over, more computation fell into the hands of a few dominant tech companies and they made the move to what are called “hyperscale” data centers. Those facilities are usually over 10,000 square feet and hold more than 5,000 servers, but those being built today are often many times larger than that. For example, Amazon says its data centers can have up to 50,000 servers each, while Microsoft has a campus of 20 data centers in Quincy, Washington with almost half a million servers between them. By the end of 2020, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google controlled half of the 597 hyperscale data centres in the world, but what’s even more concerning is how rapidly that number is increasing. By mid-2023, the number of hyperscale data centres stood at 926 and Synergy Research estimates another 427 will be built in the coming years to keep up with the expansion of resource-intensive AI tools and other demands for increased computation. All those data centers come with an increasingly significant resource footprint. A recent report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that the global energy demand of data centers, AI, and crypto could more than double by 2026, increasing from 460 TWh in 2022 to up to 1,050 TWh — similar to the energy consumption of Japan. Meanwhile, in the United States, data center energy use could triple from 130 TWh in 2022 — about 2.5% of the country’s total — to 390 TWh by the end of the decade, accounting for a 7.5% share of total energy, according to Boston Consulting Group. That’s nothing compared to Ireland, where the IEA estimates data centers, AI, and crypto could consume a third of all power in 2026, up from 17% in 2022. Water use is going up too: Google reported it used 5.2 billion gallons of water in its data centers in 2022, a jump of 20% from the previous year, while Microsoft used 1.7 billion gallons in its data centers, an increase of 34% on 2021. University of California, Riverside researcher Shaolei Ren told Fortune, “It’s fair to say the majority of the growth is due to AI.” But these are not just large abstract numbers; they have real material consequences that a lot of communities are getting fed up with just as the companies seek to massively expand their data center footprints.
9 February 2024
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slyvester101 · 17 days
Au where everyone was born and raised on Chorus during the conflict between The Republic and the Feds.
The Chairman is still orchestrating the whole war, but this time the Director is right there with him and they work on opposing sides as leader/advisor to keep the fight going because corruption or something.
It’s mostly the Freelancers with the Director on the Feds side and the Reds and Blues and the Chairman are with the Republic but there are many exceptions.
Flowers/Florida was a double agent who flip flopped between sides as he pleased (thus the double names) but got caught and shot kinda early in the war. Wyoming is a merc who also flip flops between sides but everyone knows he’s an asshole like that and only works for pay so while he’s hated, he’s left alive. CT was a Fed who wanted to change sides, but got shot down before she could (and ironically was the reason many of the Freelancers started doubting the Director). Tex was a Fed, but switched sides when she realized the Director was playing them for fools (little did she know, the Republic was facing a similar problem).
Church was also a Fed, brother of Carolina and son of the Director, but was severely neglected because he couldn’t match up to her in anything, not skill, not intellect, not even charisma. His only saving grace was Tex because he wasn’t afraid to snark or dis her and that earned her respect, and his accidental pen pal Caboose (he was trying to hack into Republic coms and ended up messaging Caboose and of course Caboose made him his friend). When Tex leaves, Church stays to play double agent and foil Carolina and the Feds where he can (he also gets a much snarkier pen pal by the name of Tucker).
Wash used to be a member of the Republic but got blasted in the head a little too hard, forgot basically everything about himself, and then got nabbed by the Freelancers so now he’s with the Feds. Cut to Tucker and Wash, who were childhood friends, meeting on the battle field and Wash gets a massive migraine because his brain knows this person and Tucker is going through all the stages of grief because he thought Wash was dead but actually he just dipped to be a Fed.
The rest of the Reds and Blues are generally the same, but they are more outwardly competent since they grew up in war. Tucker and Grif are seen as the best soldiers on base, Sarge is a bit more supportive towards his troops, specifically Simmons and not Grif, Donut is a little more like he is in the first few episodes of RVB (exasperated, a little down on his luck, but still optimistic even if it’s constantly being tested). He’s also deadly with a sniper and rarely misses. Lopez is still a snarky robot who is stuck on Spanish, but he’s been retired to taking care of kids and training cadets instead of fighting. And Caboose is Caboose because he’s perfect fuck you.
Plot happens and shit goes south and people get hurt and possibly die, but things probably turn out okay in the end.
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ya-bug-boy · 5 months
*coughs* Hello I am here for uh
Raihan x Reader x Piers scraps
Raihan x Reader x Piers Vacation Trip
You were surprised when Leon, the new League Chairman, announced a two week period paid vacation for all League members. It was a nice surprise for sure but you weren't really sure what to do with yourself.
That is until Piers and Raihan invite you to come to Alola with them. You immediately take their offer, talking excitedly with your two favorite boys in a private group chat about the trip.
The plane ride was obviously first class. Comfortable chairs and delicious beverages were provided to the three of you. Given how long it took to get there, the three of you go back and forth between watching movies, playing games together, talking, eating, before generally passing out every now and then.
It was a long flight taking over 10 hours, you had to board another airplane to get there. The three of you are desperate to take a shower.
When you finally arrive to Alola, the obvious thing to do first is to drop off your luggage at the hotel. Just like the airplane ride, it was a luxurious hotel, with enough room for every one's pokemon too.
The bathroom is equipped with the kind of shower that sprays water on all sides, with multiple shower heads so the three of you take a shower together. It's not intended to be sexual but rather a necessary action, given how long the trip took. You take turns scrubbing each other's backs and hair before stepping out. Raihan does smack your naked butt though.
Though the airplane ride had all sorts of treats, you're all hungry again, especially your pokemon. You all order room service for the Pokemon, ensuring that they all get fed and drinks before treating yourself to the hotel restaurant.
The restaurant turned out to be a buffet, with all kinds of food from all around the globe. The boys try out Johtonese curry and compare it to Galar's first before trying out the other dishes. The three of you all fight for the last pudding cup though. (You win.)
With your bellies full but fatigued from the day, it's better to relax for a few hours. You sleep in between the boys in the bed, Raihan to your back and Piers' head resting against your chest, held in an embrace.
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btscontentenjoyer · 2 years
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These are my favorite Jungkook fics that I've ever read! Some of these are from my favorite authors, some are from ones whose other work I'm looking forward to checking out, but all of them are amazing and have stayed with me in some way. If you end up loving any of these stories as much as me, please share the love with the author by reblogging and leaving feedback! Also make sure to read the individual warnings since some of them deal with heavy topics and because most of them contain mature themes, MINORS DNI!
Ongoing Series
Teach You (14.4k) and its sequel Illicit Affairs (17.7k so far) (ft. Namjoon) by @purplewhalewrites smut/angst
[idol au/established relationship(with Namjoon)/infidelity]
summary: Jungkook asks Namjoon for help with a delicate subject. Once you find out what it is, you have to offer your help
Feeling in Chaos by @here4btsfics (22.9k so far) angst/fluff/smut/drama
[college au/best friend’s brother/friends to lovers]
summary: After tragedy strikes your group of four, the three remaining must individually walk the path of grief, and must learn how to get back to who you used to be or who you want to be. All while going through the last and second to last year of art college where two of you have to put on a showcase representing you.
the damsel & her knight by @jimilter (24k so far) humour/angst/fluff
[chaebol au/ceo!jk x vp!reader]
summary: Extraordinarily intelligent, really handsome but insincere as heck, Jeon Jungkook is your childhood enemy, the Chairman’s son, the apple of your parents’ eye and now also a co-worker that you are forced to rescue out of sticky situations every other day. You fear it is only a matter of time before he has you entangled in his mess as well.
Leave The Door Open by @here4btsfics (43k so far) smut/fluff/angst/humour
[neighbors au/strangers to lovers]
summary: Your neighbor loves to sing karaoke in the middle of the night. You finally get fed up and confront him about it. Except when he opens the door, you realize you’re screwed. He’s gorgeous…
addicted to u by @ughcore (53k so far) smut/angst
[enemies to lovers to established relationship/slice of life au]
summary: “there’s no greater evidence of the thin line between love and hate than your relationship with jeon jeongguk.”
dilf jk by @venusiangguk (66k so far) smut/fluff/angst
[strangers to lovers/friends with benefits/dilf!jk x store clerk!oc]
summary: you find a baby in your store and in turn, a dilf finds you
colour me in by @taegularities (71.4k so far) fluff/angst/smut
[friends with benefits/fake dating/college au]
summary: Jungkook’s door only opens for you when there’s a barter: a trade of lust and haze. But today you knock for something more, as intriguing as it is frightening – and you hope it doesn’t close his door forever.
bad influence by @noteguk (138k so far) smut/fluff/angst
 [badboy!jk x goodgirl!reader]
summary: in which you know Jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
Completed Series
practice by @chryblossomjjk (29k) smut/fluff/angst
[fuckboy!jk x inexperienced reader/college au/friends with benefits]
summary (pt.1): You usually spend Friday nights on your own. Tonight, however, your friend and campus fuckboy, Jungkook, decides to pay you a visit.
How to Get a Guy by @taeshobipop (35.9k) fluff/angst/smut
 [roommates au/college au/fuckboi!jk/enemies to friends to lovers]
summary: Star basketball player and fuckboi Jeon Jungkook strikes up a deal: he’ll teach you the ways of flirting if you lessen your load of Roommate Rules™. But the longer Jungkook spends with you, the more he realizes that maybe he doesn’t want to be the campus fuckboi anymore. The problem is, how does he prove that to you?
Rule #5 by @taestefully-in-luv (42k) fluff/maybe a little angst/smut
 [friends with benefits/friends to lovers]
summary: You strike up a fwb deal with your childhood friend Jungkook after kissing him one night after a dare. But you have rules…5 of them to be exact and it seems Jungkook doesn’t want to follow any of them.
blackout by @jjungxkook (49.9k) fluff/crack/smut/angst
[best friends to lovers/roommate au/college au]
summary (pt.1): Utility bills shooting up like this should be an international crime. Luckily, Jungkook has the perfect idea(s) to save up money and make your night sinfully unforgettable.
Take a chance by @crystaljins (63.4k) angst/fluff
[hanahaki au]
summary: You should have known the second your business partner asked you to plan his best friend’s wedding as a favour that it was going to be nothing but trouble. Especially when it turns out he’s in love with said best friend. And dying of a deadly disease because of it.
Inevitable by @ahundredtimesover (76.8k) angst/fluff/smut
[exes au/parents au/baseball player!jk]
summary: You convinced Jungkook to break up years ago so he could pursue his lifelong baseball dream. Now he’s back home, staring at you, and the little boy next to you who looks unmistakably like him.
Coquet by @shina913 (77.7k) fluff/angst/smut
[escort!jk/fake-dating au/strangers to lovers]
summary: On your brother’s wedding, you dread traveling to see your family–whom you have successfully avoided for over a year after moving across the country for work. In an effort to save face, you hire an escort to get them off your back and perhaps even make your ex–who happens to be the best man–a little jealous.
Fight for You by @ahundredtimesover (80k) angst/smut
[bodyguard!jk x heiress!reader]
summary: Working at a private security agency has its perks. The downside? Being the personal bodyguard of spoiled, rich heiresses like you. But there are things that Jungkook didn’t expect, like rejecting you, falling for you, and realizing what he’d been missing all along. 
ego by @suga-kookiemonster (97.1k) smut/humour
[college au/fuckboi!jk/fratboy!jk]
summary: what’s a girl to do when her sweet, innocent baby lab partner isn’t quite so sweet and innocent? well, he’s a grown-ass man, and you’re about to learn that the hard way.
hotter than hell by @chateautae (136k) angst/fluff/smut
[fallen lucifer!jk/supernatural/fantasy au/romance/enemies to lovers/road trip]
summary: “jungkook, lucifer and king of hell, has been cast out of the crimson underworld for a reason he’s unsure of. embarking on his journey for the answer should’ve been easy, if it weren’t for you, the human that nurses his wounded body in her home, and accidentally witnesses the truth of his identity. kickstarting a hellish adventure with the devil himself, you discover lucifer is the most infuriating company ever; and jungkook finds out that maybe his answer to returning home lies within his annoying human confidant.”
Love to Hate by @kpopfanfictrash (142.5K without epilogue) fluff/smut/angst
[enemies to lovers/fuck buddies]
summary: Born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you’ve done your best to rid yourself of the taste since you were old enough to walk. Occasionally though, your mother manages to rope you into an obligatory function – or a blind date with playboy billionaire, Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook stands for everything you loathe about the world you left behind, but you can’t deny the spark of attraction between you. Intrigued by the promise of mutual satisfaction, you agree to one night in bed… and quickly realize you’re in far, far deeper than you ever intended.
in which you’ve found comfort in laying on top of jungkook and you just . . . won’t let go. by @onlyswan (1.7k) fluff
[established relationship]
in which you come home drunk and jungkook is confused the entire time by @onlyswan (2.1k) fluff/slightly suggestive
[established relationship]
let you go by @namfinessed (2.4k) fluff/crack/tiniest bit of angst
[established relationship]
summary: he doesn’t want you to leave but jungkook isn’t cruel enough to stop you either.
Divine Feminine by @gimmethatagustd (2.6k) smut/fluff
[friends with benefits/college au]
summary: No one can make you feel like a goddess better than Jeon Jungkook.
Talk to Me in Korean by @softyoongiionly (3.5k) smut
[established relationship]
summary: Jungkook’s curiosity regarding the dirtier words in English, finally gets the better of him…
babygirl by @here2bbtstrash (5k) smut
[established relationship/tiktoker!jk/bi!reader]
summary: your boyfriend claims the outfit was just for a tiktok - until you realize you’re both very into it.
Zipper by @taeshobipop (5.4k) smut/pwp
[college au/fratboy!jk/frenemies]
summary: Jungkook isn’t your date to the annual BTS gala, but he’s the only one available to take you dress shopping. So when a zipper emergency arises in the boutique’s tiny dressing room, who’s there to help you?
Heart of the Storm by @ladyartemesia (6.2k) fluff/smut/hint of angst
[secret feelings/strangers to lovers]
summary: Jeon Jungkook was the handsome RA that you could never quite bring yourself to talk to, and you were the ice princess whose status kept you far out of his reach… But a selfless act of kindness in the midst of a terrible storm forges an unexpected bond between you - one that could break your guarded heart… or finally set it free. 
starry night by @kithtaehyung (7k) fluff/smut
 [established relationship/gamer au]
summary: all you wanted to do was take your boyfriend on a super late date.
heartless by @here2bbtstrash (7.4k) pwp/smut
[exes hooking up/toxic!jk/set in 2009]
summary: after a wild summer at the shore where he made more than a few mistakes, jungkook is ready to remind you why you always take him back.
imagine by @chryblossomjjk (7.5k) smut/fluff
[established relationship/model!jk]
summary: Jungkook wants nothing more than to spend your anniversary cuddled up in a fancy hotel bathroom, eating takeout and binge watching TV shows. You, on the other hand, have something more exciting in mind. 
Rockstar 101 by @jeonjcngkook (8.2k) pwp/smut
[established relationship/rockstar au]
summary: In the words of christina aguilera, “there’s nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm” and jungkook is certainly coated in it.
the spins by @here2bbtstrash (10.3k) smut/light angst?
summary: you discover a new side to your former lab partner, frat wonder boy jeon jungkook, when you confess to him the one thing no man has ever been able to make you do.
Thirteen Rounds by @monimonimoon (13.2k) pwp/smut
[established relationship/boxer!jk]
summary: JK's boxing coach tells him he can't come for four weeks before his title fight. Ah, four weeks isn't that long, right? ... Right?
Calling It Now by @reliablemitten (14.5k) fluff/smut
[grad school au/brothel au/friends to lovers/slow burn]
summary: Jungkook has always been there for you, a steady friend and supporter. But when you cross the line, does he really return your feelings or are you just another client?
blackout by @bonvoyagenoona (16k) fluff/humour/comfort/smut
[strangers to lovers]
summary: You’ve just been laid off, and all you want to do is eat some dinner, curl into bed, and forget. Unfortunately, the neighborhood block party is tonight, and the festivities turn downright chaotic when the entire city loses power. Don’t fret, though. Jungkook will help take your mind off things for a while.
Paint Me Naked by @gimmethatagustd (16k) fluff/smut/angst
[artist!jk/college au]
summary: After the mysteriously hot guy in your university class starts taking an interest in you, should you really trust that he’s not like all the other college fuckboys? Especially when his best friend is the guy who broke your heart?  
concrete king by @bratkook (16.7k) fluff/smut
[skaterboy!jk/himbo energy]
summary: when a cute boy in a tacky hawaiian shirt lands a trick in your honor there’s no way you could ever say no to him
make you mine by @mercurygguk (37.8k) fluff/angst/smut
[college au/friends to lovers]
summary; your first day at your new college is quite eventful to say the least. but everything seems slightly less chaotic when Jeon Jungkook offers to help you on your way – if only knowing him wasn’t an even bigger mess than the day you first met.
idealizations concerning real life relations by @venusiangguk (40.9k) smut/angst
[strangers to lovers/friends with benefits/fuckboy!jk x hopeless romantic!oc]
summary: jungkook loves to be loved, but he doesn’t love in return.
The Art of War More by @kpopfanfictrash (42.4k) smut/fluff/angst
[enemies to lovers/college au]
summary: Jeon Jungkook had messed with you for the last time. That was what you thought when the hockey team – led by the insufferable Jungkook – kicked your dance team out again from your reserved room at the gym. In retaliation, you planned a prank of epic proportions and were caught in the act by none other than Jungkook himself. Before the rift between you could grow any deeper, you accidentally overheard something you were not meant to hear. Something which overshadowed even your heated rivalry. Faced with the choice between obvious wrong and teaming up with your worst enemy – you reluctantly choose the latter. But what will you do when feelings you once thought of as hatred become something decidedly… not?
This is my first time posting something like this and it took an embarrassingly long time for me to do since I'm so clueless but also a stickler for details. Anyway, thank you for reading <33
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jjtheclown555 · 1 year
Charles Chois Unreliable Assistant
tw. fighting, cursing (there's nothing here that's not in lookism)
content. reader is a highly skilled high school student that just wants to live. unfortunately, charles choi wants someone of her strength and intelligence to work for him.
pairings. none, reader is in high school
word count. 1.7k
a/n. im gonna continue this, please enjoy what here so far
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You really weren't expecting this. Two men who had heard about your fighting prowess came at you with no warning. One had demonic eyes and the other blonde hair and soon-to-be broken glasses. They were both dripping with expensive brands from head to toe. People like them pissed you off.
All you wanted was to get home. You had already had a long enough day at school and you just wanted to finish the short commute back home. Instead, you were interrupted by these men with a challenge. They both immediately came at your tired self and within minutes—using the anger you felt from them interrupting the best part of the song you had been blasting in your headphones—took them down with barely a scratch on you.
While they lay on the ground, you begin to walk off. You didn't hurt them too badly, just enough to be left alone. But, as you look at them both waiting at the front gates of your school, you partially wish you had hospitalized them.
You cut him off. "Don't care, go away." You leave, walking to the train station as the pair follow closely behind. "I said, 'go away,' assholes." You say, a glare across your features while you sit on a bench and wait for your train.
"Join HNH." The dark-haired man says again, the blonde snickering beside him.
"No." You say flatly, getting up when your train pulls into the station. You leave them and they don't bother stopping you. The next day is the same, only this time they ask you to get in their car.
Of course, you refuse, not interested in the possibility of kidnapping. The next day is the same. And so is the day after. Each day they show up until you're fed up and go with them, giving it a chance to get them to finally leave you be.
It doesn't work. Their boss is just like them, refusing to take no for an answer. You say no over and over. You don't care if he says you'll only have to fight on occasion and in the meantime you'll mostly be doing menial work for him and pose as his assistant. You don't care if he says it'll be easy and it'll mostly be simple paperwork. You don't care when he claims you'll get to fight strong opponents on occasion—fighting hasn't been particularly fun for you in years after you were able to take down just about any number of strong people. What does peak your interest, however, is when he brings up the salary. Over ten million won a month to sit in an office and fight the occasional gangster? What a rich sucker. You can count yourself in.
The blonde, who was now introduced to you as Goo, laughs. Through his laughter he says, "You should've just started with the money!" You couldn't agree more.
About a week later and Chairman Choi still hasn't called you into work. You aren't complaining. You get the same amount of money either way. Though, you are complaining when you're in class, trying not to zone out as your teacher drones on about whatever formula, and the blonde man arrives. He interrupts the lesson, pulling you out while the teacher screams at him.
You barely manage to grab your backpack before he drags you out of class, through the hallways and into his car. "It's your first day, aren't you excited!" Goo shouts, beginning the drive.
"Not particularly," you mumble, rummaging through the bag on your lap. You pull out your DS, setting it up to play. You go quiet with the occasional remark on something interesting that happened.
Goo takes glances over at you. After a few minutes—and you screaming because your Snivy fainted—he asks, "What are you playing?"
"Pokemon Black/White." You say, having your Munna put your opponent to sleep. "Pokemon is like my favourite thing, I know everything about it, it's so much more fun than all the fighting you guys do..." You smile when you win your battle, cheering yourself on.
Goo makes a turn while he double-takes. "You don't find fighting fun?" You shrug. "Like, at all?" You shrug again. "How? You're so strong and you just-"
You cut him off, "It's too easy." You say looking up as he turns into the parking lot. "I've been able to beat pretty much any amount of people at any level of strength since I was twelve. It's just boring." He still struggles to understand, trying to form a sentence. You just giggle, "Don't worry, bubs, you'll get to where I am someday."
You skip right past Goo and into the building, attempting to remember where Charles' office was on your own. On the way, however, you get very much lost and accidentally run into a man with dyed pink-hair. You can't figure out where you recognize him from, but you're certain you've seen him somewhere.
"I'm so sorry, mister!" You shout, bowing at him. "I got lost trying to find the chairman's office! This place is just so big and I wasn't paying attention, I am so sorry!" He brushes it off and smiles, saying he can help you there since it’s where he was headed anyways. You thank him and you both walk down to the office quietly as you ponder where you recognize him from. Then it hits you. “You’re that popstar! Uhm, what was your name again…” You shout the first bit, humming the second as you try to remember.
He just smiles a bit, “It’s DG.” You nod along, finally losing that itch in your brain about him. “It’s not often that I’m that unrecognizable.” He laughs a little to himself. You just shrug it off, saying you just don’t really like his music.
You catch yourself, all your energy returning in an instant. “Oh! I’m so sorry! Your music isn’t bad, it’s just not my personal taste! Like you have great vocals and lyrics and stuff, I just prefer other stuff and-” He cuts you off with a full on laugh. He surprises himself with it, not usually finding this much entertainment in people.
He lets you know that it’s okay, that he understands, and directs you towards Charles Choi’s office. He walks in behind you as you shout. “What the hell, old man? I was in class!”
The chairman looks at you and then DG. “I see you two have met.”
“Really? Are you sure?” You ask, sarcasm dripping off your tongue. “Now answer the question! What the actual hell?” Your arms cross when he just runs through what you need to do today. He says you need to take calls, arrange meetings, do paperwork, and so on. “Okay, well half of that sounds like something a secretary should do.”
“Ten million won.” He says and your attitude immediately changes, saying you’ll get right on it. All you see as you leave to your own desk is the popstar taking a seat in front of the chairman. You’re curious but not enough to pry.
You sit at the desk, smoothing it over and pulling out your device to return to your game. It only takes a few minutes for a call to come in. It interrupts the scene you were in and you groan before picking it up, immediately switching into a cheery tone. “Hello, Chairman Choi’s assistant speaking. How may I help you?” It’s someone from another company. A rival company, you think. They request a meeting with Charles Choi. You pretend to ruffle through papers before saying. “His next availability is November 31st. Will that work for you?”
They don’t even question it, positive that it’ll work out. You restrain yourself from snickering while telling the caller to have a nice day. Unfortunately, when they hang up, your laugh falls out full force and while walking by, Gun can’t help but question it. You brush him off, returning to your game, beginning to enjoy your job.
What you’ve written on the papers is nonsensical, too. It’s written perfectly so that the chairman wouldn’t question it until he really thought it over. You are so good at bullshiting the entire day that by the end, Charles Choi praised you for being so efficient that you could do all this work and still have breaks to enjoy your time. Thanking him, you head home, fully aware that within the week, that praise will turn to criticism.
It’s not like you mind. You humiliated yourself in front of a famous singer and, even better, might have made a friend. It’s dubious, but Goo did ask for your number and text you things such as, “Can he please shut the fuck up?” whenever Gun spoke. So, it may be a budding friendship.
The next morning, a weekend, your one time to get a reasonable amount of sleep, you see multiple texts from Goo telling you that you have to come in. You groan and get out of bed, almost slamming your head against the nearest wall.
Goo manages to boost your mood just a little when he sends one more message. “I wanna play a fun little game on Gun.” Brushing your teeth, you ask him what it is and the three dots appear for a minute until. “We see who can annoy him the most by the end of the day. I already set up a points system. Winner gets a free shopping trip and dinner from the loser.”
You make the bet, confident in your abilities. I mean, you do annoy your parents daily. How hard could it be? You look over the list.
Gritting teeth, 10 points.
Clenching fists, 15 points.
Leaving the room to calm down, 100 points.
The list goes on but the one that piques you interest is your goal. It’s for 1000 points, effectively securing a win. Getting Gun to start a fight with you in the building. You know even Goo hasn’t achieved this one, given the fact that Gun always keeps his professionalism in the workplace. But, on your second day of work, what’s better that making the impossible, possible?
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rapeculturerealities · 7 months
The Dangerous Lie Of 'TradWives'
Seated at her cozy kitchen table, Britt give a speech that became progressively more unhinged as she went on in her performative “fundie baby voice.” It was an act not unlike BallerinaFarm’s, designed to appeal to predominantly white women who see themselves as upholding a lifestyle and personal values that were set aside decades ago when American women decided we would be better off if we could have our own bank accounts and credit cards.
As many journalists were quick to point Britt is anything but a traditional housewife herself. And she probably hasn’t seen the inside of her own kitchen in weeks since she’s required to spend so much time in DC as a Senator. This is a well-off family; her husband previously played for the New England Patriots and is now a state lobbyist (as well as her campaign chairman.) And Senator Britt probably has plenty of help keeping the house clean and her children fed. I can neither confirm nor deny if her kids get homemade Pop-Tarts, but my money’s on no.
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jwiseungoki · 2 months
Down Bad
(Jang Han Seok x Reader)
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TW: age gap, force love, death, spoiled reader (this part doesnt have that much psychotic shit please tell me what to put as tw)
Context: Park Hae Rin has two elder brothers Park Hyun Sung and Park Hee Jin, as an only daughter she gets everything that she wants. Except for one thing: Jang Han Seok. Her brothers’ best friend, he sees her as a little sister but she sees him as a man. Every attempt to flirt with him, he dodges which frustrates her, Every woman that comes near him, she gets rid off and she wont rest until she calls him ‘mine’.
He’s back 
I didn’t mean to eavesdrop over my brothers talking inside Hyunsung’s home office. But when I heard his name, I froze, and suddenly this tingling feeling took over my whole body, leaving me smirking. 
Jang Han Seok 
Eldest son of Jang Guk Hwan, Chairman and Owner of Babel Group. He was sent to the States by his father years ago for studies and rehab because the boy has serious mental issues going on, but he is here now.
I fixed myself before innocently knocking on my elder brother’s office door. 
“Knock Knock, pretty face is here.” 
I said, opening the door, not waiting for my brother’s answer. Both of them have a frown on their eyebrows, looking at me like I did something to ruin their day. 
“Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” Heejin, the middle child asked. I gave them both a smile before sitting on one of the leather chairs in front of the table. 
“I left early; Ms. Hong has some personal business to attend to,” I shrugged before grabbing a lollipop from the table. “So what chu guys talking about?” I smirked, waiting for a response from both of them. They looked at each other, eyes discussing whether they should or should not tell me. 
“Hanseok is back in Seoul and probably going to take over Babel." As expected, Hyunsung could never resist me. I put on a shocked face, like I didn’t overhear them. 
“Chairman Jang died last night in the hospital,” he added, and that escalated quickly. 
As a sign of respect, we went to the funeral. Our families were very close to each other even before our dads married our moms. Mr. Jang and our father were already best friends; their friendship will probably continue wherever they both are now. Dad died a year ago due to complications of the heart, while I never met our mother; she died giving birth to me. 
Which left Park Industries to the hands of Hyunsung, while Heejin acts as his subordinate. I don’t really care about inheritance, which is why I chose to pursue law. I’m working as an intern and assistant at Wusang with the help of my brothers, pulling some strings to get me to a trusted law firm. I’m the youngest one there. 
In the age of 24, I’ve known and achieved a lot. I was forced by my brothers to strive and aim for the top as the only daughter; all eyes were on me. I was an easy target for the media and people. They say I’m spoiled, a brat, and spoon-fed. 
Which is true.
I don’t run; I walk with grace to get the things I want. And I get EVERYTHING that I want. That’s why, learning that Hanseok is back, I need to pick up the pace and start the plan. 
To finally make him mine. 
“My condolences, Hanseo.” I tapped the younger Jang’s shoulder; he was oddly quiet and was staring into space for a long time before I approached him. For what I know, he and his father weren’t that close, casual, and civil, I suppose. But his action of mourning made me analyze that there was something. 
“Glad you can come; you’re not busy with cases?” He asked, tapping the seat next to him, and I sat beside him. “Not really; I’m just working on a small case with Ms. Hong. How are you holding up?” I asked, smiling at him a bit; he was about to answer when his eyes shifted to my legs and back to me. I looked down and saw no problem; was he checking me out? 
He then started to take off his black coat and place it on top of my lap. I should have guessed it; Hanseo was always the gentleman. Forgot to eat? Hanseo will remind you and bring you food. Frustrated and want to vent out? Hanseo will be there in 10 with chicken and beer. He’ll do the bare minimum thing, and I’d still be surprised. If I wasn’t in love with his brother, I'd fall for him, but there’s something about Hanseok that I want and can’t point out what. 
Speaking of Hanseok, I’ve not seen him anywhere. But then again, no one knows about him. Mr. Jang never publicized his sons; no one knew about his affair with his secretary that resulted in Hanseo; no one knew about Hanseok being sent to the states for being a psychopath; no one but our little circle. 
After catching up with Hanseo, I excused myself for some air. I made sure to double check my surroundings before pulling out the box of cigarettes and lighter. It was a habit that I picked up during law school, and vaping helped me a lot. 
“And since when were you allowed to smoke, princess?” 
That voice sent my entire body to freeze; I didn’t have to look to know who it was. Instead I took a hit before facing him with a smirk on my lips. Jang Hanseok gave me his signature smirk and brow raise, waiting for a response. 
“Hiding out here instead of mourning inside?” I asked, walking a little closer to him, finishing off my stick before throwing it on the ground. “What is there to mourn for? Man’s a dickhead.” He  chuckled. Wow, he is still fucked up, huh? 
But that aura just lit something in me, wrong but right at the same time. 
“Give me the pack,” he said, handing out his hand. I looked down at his hand, giving him a disgusted look. “I’m literally an adult; I think I am allowed to smoke,” I said, swatting his hand away. 
I was about to walk off, but he pulled my purse off my shoulder, opening it and getting the pack swiftly. “Hey! You can't do that! Give it back, Hanseok!” I yelled at him, trying to reach my bag and pack that he raised above his head. Even in heels, I still cannot reach it! 
“Fine! Have it, asshole.” I rolled my eyes before storming off, not caring if he has my purse with him. Good thing my jumpsuit has pockets. I had my phone with me. I called my Heejin and told him I’m heading home first. 
I’ve never felt this many butterflies while annoyed and frustrated. That man could literally do anything to me. 
“What do you mean you can’t get that testimony from the witness?! Then force him! Bribe him! Do whatever you need to do and report back to me immediately; Ms. Hong needs that to win the case.” 
I threw my phone on my desk, getting frustrated with the on-going Gyundo case. It’s a big fraud case that we need to get a win to prove that the trusted company is clean for the people to invest in and trust. They already paid a huge amount to Wusang, and the share that me and Ms. Hong will get from it is not a joke. 
“Ms. Park to my office now,” Mr. Han passed by my desk, and I immediately trailed from behind. Once in his office, I saw Ms. Hong sitting there wearing the same confused face as I am. She stood up, paying respect to our boss before he ordered us to take a seat as he stood in front of us.
“Ladies Firstly, congratulations on having the upper hand on the Gyundo case! Second, I will be assigning you two a very huge and big case the company will only push through if you win the Gyundo case. Lastly, we have a new intern, so Ms. Park.” 
He turned to me with a smile, making me nervous, and crept out, “You are now one of Wusang’s permanent lawyers. Congratulations on this promotion. You’re office will be ready in an hour.” 
“What?!” I said, shocked at the announcement. Ms. Hong let out an “oh my god,” shaking me by the arm, also amused by the news. 
“Yes, your hard work and dedication have been seen. We would like you to train the new intern; may I introduce to you Jang Joon Woo" Mr. Han opened the door to reveal another shocking surprise.
“What the fuck?” 
All eyes were on me, not expecting the words that came out of my mouth. “S-sorry, my apologies. I didn’t know the intern would be younger than me.” I lied, bowing a bit for respect. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, Ms. Park; you are still the company’s baby. Alright, then you go along and work. Take care of Mr. Jang." Mr. Han dismissed us; we bowed to him, and I was the first to storm off the door with Ms. Hong behind.
“Thank you, Boss!” 
Hanseok bid before I felt him following us. I stopped walking, making Ms. Hong hit my back. I faced her and smiled. “You go ahead, I’ll be back,” I said. “Are you okay? It’s like someone bought that limited edition Chanel bag that you always wanted,” Ms. Hong said, holding my cheek. 
“Yes, I’m fine; don't worry. I’ll meet you in your office,” I said, giving Hanseok a glare before walking away; he just had a confused look on his face. 
I can’t believe this! Why is he here?! And whats with the undercover gig?? Jang Joon Woo? What the fuck is he up to? After not seeing him for two months. I grabbed my phone that I left on my desk and started calling a certain person. 
“What the fuck is going on your brother’s mind?!” 
“Whoa, chill. I don’t know either, but I’m on the way to Babel; he appointed me as Chairman.” 
“Huh?!” I completely lost it as Hanseo’s words rang out in my ear. I massaged my temple; this can’t be! I can’t be working with the man I’m trying to get! 
I hang up on Hanseo and continue to grab my stuff before moving it to my own office. I didn't have the time to sink it all in; maybe I’ll celebrate later. I rushed towards Ms. Hong’s office with the Gyundo files, and to my surprise, Hanseok was still there, sitting on one of Ms. Hong’s wooden chairs. 
“Ms. Hong, we ha-“ 
“Shh! It’s Chayoung now; we’re both lawyers! So drop the formality; besides, its only a five-year gap,” Ms. Hong, well, Chayoung said before pulling me into a hug and giving me one of her brightest smiles. 
“You’re still my super-.“
“Eh! Shh! We are celebrating together! Later, on me. Okay?!” She cut me off again. I just nodded before setting down the files for her to review. 
“So we don’t have any testimony?” Chayoung asked, and I nodded. “According to the intern I sent in, the man does not want to talk to anyone associated with Gyundo; even the opposing party cannot get a statement.” I sighed, sitting on one of the chairs. 
I quickly glanced at Hanseok, who was watching us stress out; he looked back at me, and I raised a brow at him. 
“Any thoughts, intern?” I asked him not to break eye contact. Chayoung looked up from the papers, then to him, then to me. Hanseok smiled standing up before taking a glimpse at the file. 
“I think we should go for something that is very valuable to him so that we can get his testimony,” he suggested with a mischievous smirk, giving me an intense look. “Youre telling us we threaten him by using his family?” 
He just nodded; a smile crept on Chayoung’s face, liking the idea Hanseok proposed. “Wah! If that's the only way, then get started, Jang Joon Woo,” Chayoung said. I was left dumbfounded. Why are we suddenly playing dirty?!
Just like that, we won, and thanks to Hanseok’s idea, we got the testimony. I clenched on my purse as I walked out of the bar behind Chayoung. Hanseok was waiting for us with a smile. 
“Good job, ladies! Let’s celebrate?” He asked, and Chayoung was quick to respond, making the two look at me. “Fine! Let’s go; I’m quite peckish,” I said. Hanseok treated us to some pork belly and soju. I was lowkey getting irritated at how He and Chayoung are getting close; they have the same humor and interest, while I felt like I’m the third wheel. 
“When Haerin first came into the office wearing all Prada and Chanel clothes, I was star struck. An intern must have come from a very rich family. When I found out she came from generational wealth, I felt like she was the superior, but once I got to know her, she’s very calm and focused on the goal type of girl. You know she never took interest in anyone.” Then there is Chayoung, who is now a bit tipsy. “Okay, that’s enough. We’re driving you home,” I said, taking away her glass, but she swatted my hand. 
"Oh, I can still handle Haerin, Joon Woo! Cheers!” She said she was pouring drinks into mine and Hanseok’s glass; we had no choice, but in the end Chayoung got drunk, and I drove her car to her apartment with Hanseok in the backseat, completely sober. 
“She’ll be alright,” I said before locking up her apartment, pulling out my phone to call a driver since we came here with Chayoung’s car. 
“You haven’t spoken to me ever since that night." Hanseok spoke up while we walked to the elevator. "Well, I was going to call you about my purse, then you pulling some undercover shit in Wusang made you less interesting.” I shrugged. I saw him smirk. “Since when did I become less interesting to you, princess?” He said. 
He’s right, there won’t be a part of him that is not interesting. It feels like he knows that I have a keen interest in him. 
“Since you stepped foot into our house during your college days." I rolled my eyes; that was the day I first met him, and I took a liking to him. “Aw, don’t be silly. I know you adore me as one of your older brothers." He patted my head. Is he that oblivious? Hmm, I should step up my game. 
“Come on, I’ll take you home." He said, making me walk in front of him. 
The next day at work, I took an oath to make myself obvious to him, so when I saw him in Chayoung’s office working on a new case, I immediately called him to go to my office. 
“What?” He asked confusedly, and I pointed at the iced coffee on my desk for him. “It’s yours; I accidentally bought two,” I said, pretending not to care and proceeding to type words on my laptop. 
“And why give it to me instead of Ms. Hong?” He said but took a sip of the coffee, “Because you’re the only one I know here would enjoy an iced macchiato." He smirked and gave me a thanks before I dismissed him. 
“Whoa, why does he get lunch and I don't?” Chayoung wondered as I threw the takeout on the table in front of Hanseok, “What’s the update on the filler case?” I swerved the question, pretending to look at the papers. 
“Attorney Park! Did something happen between the two of you last night? Oh my God!” Chayoung said, covering her mouth and looking back at us. “What? No! Joon Woo mentioned he skips meals a lot, so I bought him lunch,” I said, looking at Hanseok. 
“A-ah yes! Thank you, Attorney. Uhm, I’ll eat now." He excused himself from breaking eye contact with me. I heard a cough from Chayoung, who was smirking, crossing arms, and nodding. 
“What? Why are you acting like that?” I asked, “Something happened!” She gasped and moved a little closer. “You two had sex in my apartment?!” I pushed her away from shock, “No! Oh my God, Chayoung! I’m too young for that,” I said, covering my ears. 
“Girl! You literally bagged an idol last time we went out clubbing; you’re not a virgin, hoe!” She laughed, throwing a piece of tissue at me. “But seriously, you never cared about Jang Joon Woo.” 
“Ugh fine! I like him, and I don’t just sit around waiting for guys to like me back,” I said, plopping myself on one of her chairs, pouting. She shrinks before asking me how and when I started to like him. I did not include the part that we knew each other before, and I felt so bad lying to her, but I also need to protect this stunt Hanseok is pulling. 
The day finally came to an end, and I was starving since I skipped lunch. I did it on purpose so I could ask Hanseok to accompany me. I went to his desk, where he was fixing his bag. I slammed my hand on his table, making him jump. 
“Haerin! You scared the shit out of me! What was that for?” He dramatically said. I rolled my eyes and leaned down. “Get up, we’re eating dinner,” I said before walking off. I felt him follow me with so many questions. 
We got to a Mexican restaurant since I wanted a burrito, and Hanseok ordered the same as me: “Cut to the chase princess, why are you suddenly being nice to me?” He asked, and I didn't answer him, but I continued to eat my burrito and nachos.
“I am talking to you right, princess?” He said putting down my food and grabbing my chin to make me look up at him, which, I’m not going to lie, made my stomach bounce inside me. 
“I just want to make it up; after all, we are all that we have,” I smirked. He wasn't expecting the last part, so he continued to eat. After dinner, he dropped me off at my apartment. After locking the door and throwing my heels off, I started to squeal and dance around. 
The car ride to Haerin’s apartment 
No one talked; complete silence engulfed the two, but Hanseok decided to break it. 
“The game you want to play, Princess, is very dangerous. Think twice about it before you get yourself trapped,” he said, smirking. 
I scoffed, so he caught on? He wasn't playing dumb but was just pushing the fact that I have interest in him.
“I know what I’m doing.” 
“So no backsies?” 
I rolled my eyes; he is such a child. 
"Yes, no backsies.” 
"Hmm, let’s see how you’re going to make me fall for you, Park Haerin.” 
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likesmoney · 11 months
Joker in the Deck
Stocks formed a daily swing low on Monday. Stocks printed their lowest point on Friday, day 18, which is too early to expect the DCL to form. Stocks should trend lower for another 10 to 15 days to be in their timing band for a DCL. Stocks are likely to find resistance at the converging 10 day MA and 200 day MA and break lower to complete the daily cycle decline. However, the Joker in the deck…
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fallershipping · 4 months
Looker's love/affection language seems to be giving items, or mostly, sharing food with others.
It's what I showed off with him befriending Larry, getting the man's good graces by giving him a good snack. Around Pasio, he wants younger trainers to be able to have coupons for the restaurants around the place to stay well fed and healthy, and doesn't turn down checking out a new restaurant with Chairman Rose. In the anime, he even buys... Far too many lunchboxes, but enjoys giving them out to the train conductor of the train he's in and even Jessie and James. Back to the games however, his heart is utterly pulled at the strings when Emma mentions that she has been living off the streets and sets out to put food on the table for her.
With Anabel, for every Ultra Beast found, he always tries to order a feast for her (and the player too i guess but my protags are all just flies on the wall for this good shit) and even tries to get some Malasadas to share with everyone involved.
And beyond that just... Gifting items. Buying too many of one thing or giving out every random thing in his pocket.
But it's cute to think that whenever he buys himself something and Anabel's with him on a mission, he always gets an extra. Or a little drink can or snacks or box of lunch is left on Anabel's table at times-- Something she returns the favor of plenty, with a little sticky note in her hand writing.
Receiving things like that such as lunch makes Looker's heart and stomach all ~fluttery~. Especially with notes that he apparently says "smell nice." (weirdo)
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polaroidofustv · 7 months
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I’m never NOT on the edge of my seat like this drops a day early at 9 pm ET/ 6 pm PT (coincidentally the movie will end approx at midnight ET on a Thursday night?!) We are being absolutely FED with streaming plus TTPD next month?! Constantly winning and unbelievably grateful for our chairman and person of the year and overall queen of all things the music industry.
@taylorswift @taylornation
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