#Felice being a girlboss
absent-o-minded · 2 years
This is the only way I can articulate how I feel rn:
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boybasher · 1 month
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lunarnoire · 7 months
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an independent roleplay blog for BLACK LADY / WICKED LADY from BISHOUJO SENSHI SAILOR MOON. low activity / mun is 21+ .
🌑 i prefer the manga so that is the one i will be pulling from the most ! 🌑
@gaianoire || queen beryl ; @mintones || minto aizawa
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i. this is a independent roleplay blog for black lady / wicked lady from bishoujo senshi sailor moon. 
ii. This blog is low activity because of my personal life (work/life). This blog is also mutuals only. i run a queen beryl rp side blog , @gaianoire , so all follows for her will come from here!
iii. no god-modding and/or meta-gaming! black lady is a villain so obviously she does villain things… basically gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss ™. i don’t want to step on anyone’s toes especially given black lady's nature. any questions or concerns, please message me!
iv. i tend to match my partners in terms of length but sometimes my replies may be on the longer side in which case it takes me longer to get to.
v. nsfw content like smut will not be present here! 
vi. in regards to ships, the same thing from vii. applies here. if you’d like to plot something out between characters that isn’t pre-determined in bssm (at least the black moon arc where black lady appears) such as family bonds or platonic, please message me so we can plot things out beforehand and then work our way through threads and development! 
vii. Regarding Mains/Exclusives… i do not practise exclusivity. i’m still iffy on mains, so for right now mains are reserved for friends only. i tend to get to my threads depending on the order i draft them in so oldest first then newest which is another reason why i’m unsure on the status of mains here.
viii. Regarding OCs and Multimuses, you are welcome here! I typically do not follow if I cannot easily find your about page, rules, and muses page via mobile as I tend to be on mobile more than desktop. this applies for regular muses too.
ix. In closing, you are always welcome to message me if you have plot ideas or if you wish to thread, etc! If I miss any threads, replies, asks…, please let me know! If you have questions, please let me know, too! You can call me felicity or lissy for short if we're friends. I’m over 21 and Sailor Moon has been with me all my life. 🥺❤ I’ve read the manga, watched both Crystal and the 90s animes as well as all the recorded musicals, and I’m even a member of the official fan club! 
x. This blog is not affiliated with Toei Animation, Naoko Takeuchi / P.N.P.. My headcanons and writing are my own. Sources are from various official sources provided by Toei and/or P.N.P. or they are from missdream or mintymoondrops. My graphics (so icon border, page break image and stuff like that) / psd are made my me.other page break banners are from cafekitsune.
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AGE: 900 - 903.
DOB: June 30th.
GENDER: Female.
OCCUPATION: Queen of Darkness.
HEIGHT: 156cm , 158cm, 165cm. (these are the heights of her myu actresses in order that they played her so mao -> shion -> yui.)
HAIR: Sugar Pink.
EYES: Red (look like Glass Beads).
FACECLAIM: mao kawasaki, shion nakamaru, yui ito.
Born as the only child to Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion, she was given the name "Usagi Small Lady Serenity" or "Chibiusa" for short. Due to her stagnated growth, Chibiusa was often bullied and ridiculed for still being a "child". This caused the people of the 30th century to believe that Chibiusa was not really the king and queen's daughter and was a "fake". She also never showed any signs of having powers like her mother which worried her parents.
To try and assuage his daughter's fears, King Endymion tells the young princess of the 30th century that she is much the same as her mother in that regard. He also tells her that 'Sailor Moon' is invincible. This falls flat as it makes Chibiusa feel that more distant from her mother and makes her believe even more that she will never be a wonderful lady like her mother and that her mother did not care about her at all.
This causes her to wander through the Crystal Palace where she finds the Door of Time and meets the solitary guardian, Sailor Pluto. The two would become good friends and Sailor Pluto would be instrumental in Chibiusa's awakening as both a Sailor Guardian and becoming free from Wiseman's control and delusions. Chibiusa falls to peer pressure from her young peers and steals her mother's Silver Crystal and shortly after this, the Black Moon Clan attacked the Earth. Chibiusa being racked with guilt at seeing her mother encased in crystal as well as the other Sailor Guardians, her father, and even Luna and Artemis being rendered immobile, she believed this to be the result of her own actions. Feeling alone, afraid, and desperate, Chibiusa uses the powers of her Luna-P ball to steal a Space-Time Key from her friend, Sailor Pluto, to seek the aid of the Sailor Guardians of the past to save her mother and the future.
Chibiusa escapes to the future where she meets the past versions of her mother and father and the inner Sailor Guardians and seeks their help. The Black Moon Clan follows the young princess to the past and tries to both abduct Chibiusa and stop the Guardians from foiling their plans. They take each of the Inner Sailor Guardians hostage except for Sailor Venus and her, Chibiusa, Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon travel to the future to rescue them. They are stopped by Sailor Pluto until Chibiusa is able to explain the situation and Sailor Pluto informs the trio of the misfortunes that have come to befall them. They make their way to the castle where King Endymion greets them and explains the origins of Chibiusa - that she is the sole daughter of Usagi and Mamoru and is the heir to both the legacy of Sailor Moon and kingdom of Crystal Tokyo.
While the Guardians and Mamoru are preoccupied with the Black Moon Clan, Chibiusa wanders alone - struggling with coming to terms over how her actions have affected everyone she loves and holds dear and even the lives of innocent people. Her feelings of loneliness and confusion are ripe enough for her to fall into Wiseman's hands and her beautiful dream of being of a beautiful lady and leader and having a beautiful romance like her parents is twisted into something awful and she is transformed into Black Lady, Queen of Darkness.
From this point on Black Lady is under the total control of Wiseman. She is responsible for summoning forth the true form of Wiseman and the planet of Nemesis. She helps Wiseman kill Rubeus and helps him give the Malefic Black Crystal Earrings to Saphir and Demande so they fall under his control. She puts Tuxedo Mask under her control and uses to him attack Sailor Moon and steal her Silver Crystal as well as summoning more Black Crystals to Crystal Tokyo in an attempt to destroy the Earth.
When Sailor Pluto freezes time and sacrifices herself so that the two Silver Crystals do not touch, Chibiusa is freed from Wiseman's control and Black Lady ceases to be.
In the 90s anime, Sailor Moon makes multiple attempts to restore Chibiusa to herself but ultimately fails until the final battle against Black Lady and Wiseman where both Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask as their future selves break through Wiseman's spell and free Chibiusa from his clutches.
Black Lady is mentioned again during the Dream Arc when Palla Palla puts a spell on Chibiusa and Usagi switching the growths so that Chibiusa appears older than she is and takes on a similar appearance to Black Lady, but not entirely as her appearance is much softer than the harshness of her dark form.
for my doublemoon and triplemoon au verses, her name is yotsuyu tsukino or tsuyu tsukino for short!
chibiusa is NOT in love with her father. much like her mother, she has a dream of a falling in love with a cool guy who will come to her rescue and save her and be there to support her through numerous hardships. obviously mamoru is a very cool guy and chibiusa latches onto this idea and with no other positive male figure in her life (outside of artemis), she associates this dream with mamoru. this dream boy of her's would later change from her father to helios.
in the 90s anime, it is said the ice skating was a recreational activity in the silver millennium of the past and that princess serenity (usagi) was exceptionally well at it. this tradition continued with the silver millennium of the 30th century and just like her mother, usagi, chibiusa was very good at this activity. naturally this would apply to her time as black lady as well.
in the 90s anime, black lady is seen using luna-p to transform into a badminton racket and birdie. she is shown to be quite skilled with it and this is due to another recreational activity of the silver millennium of the future being badminton as it is a favorite past time of small lady.
Chibs has deep seated feelings of loneliness and regret that were ultimately preyed upon to turn her into Black Lady. These feelings are not something that will easily be washed away. Yes, ultimately Pluto's sacrifice (and Usagi and Mamoro in the 90s anime) helped her come to terms with the fact that she was never truly alone and that she was loved, but as Black Lady these feelings are magnified two-fold. They will not disappear so easily and she is quite content to stay as she is - in the darkness with awesome powers of darkness and as the Queen of Nemesis. since in the 90s anime chibs is good at chess, im gonna hc that she is as black lady too and in my 90s verse she can summon comically large chess pieces to beat up the sailor senshi. (also because i think it would be kinda funny if she just summoned giant chess pieces out of nowhere. 💀)
in the original anime it is said that chibiusa's favorite snack is hotcakes and then it briefly gets brought up in crystal. i can't remember if it is the same in the manga, too, but i'm just gonna have this here for myself, but also don't be surprised if she tries to tempt you to the dark side with hotcakes! (y'know that old internet meme "come to the darkness we have cookies. LOL)
ohmigod but what if!!! she had a pink moon mark? 🤔 🤔
since each of the black moon clan have specific gemstones attributed to them, i think black lady's would either be onyx or obsidian?
in my usual perusing of sailor moon merchandise, i came across a luna p stress ball. black lady totally owns one of these. i also came across luna and artemis thumb grips. black lady owns luna p ones as well as that one hot topic luna p crossbody bag, but obviously she owns the flocked variant version with the black moon clan symbol.
BLACKMOON. Feeling lonely and afraid, she wanders through space-time after losing her precious time key. Wiseman finds her and preys on her feelings of loneliness - promising that which she desires most. He twists her beautiful dream into something dark and the small lady becomes black lady - queen of darkness. With her newfound powers, she takes on the Sailor Guardians and calls forth not only Death Phantom but the planet, Nemesis as her and Death Phantom seek to end the reign of the White Moon.
BLACKROSE. The princess of the 30th century returns to the future with the Sailor Guardians and learns from her father that the Silver Crystal disappeared before the Black Moon Clan attacked. She believes the events after the attack and the damage her mother sustained in power were her fault and she runs away, leaving the protection of the Crystal Palace. Wiseman finds her and distorts her memories into something tragic and after taking advantage of her weakness, he uses his powers to transform into black lady - princess of darkness. The Princess of the White Moon (Sailor Moon) almost succeeds in restoring the once young [future] princess of the 30th century with the mysterious powers of the Silver Crystal but is saved by Wiseman.
BLACKRABBIT. This is the same as BLACKMOON as Sailor Moon Crystal follows the manga - albeit with a few differences to my chagrin in the beginning.
BIRTH. The Summer 2001 and Winter 2002 Musical follows the events of the Black Moon arc in the manga. Its revision introduces the Outer Senshi.
PETITE. The Summer 2014 Musical follows the events of the Black Moon arc in the manga.
ANOTHERSTORY. Confronting the Sailor Guardians in Silver Millennium, she tells them that destiny has changed and that the one they know as "Chibiusa" will cease to exist.
ECLIPSED.  This is a verse set during the Black Moon arc of Sailor Moon however in regards to Chibiusa becoming Black Lady, she sees herself as the Black Lady we all known appearance wise. Everyone else sees Chibiusa but with longer twintails and a Black Moon clan mark on her forehead.
DOUBLEMOON. On her wedding day, Princess Serenity is not carrying one baby, but two. Once ascending the throne and another Silver Millennium graces the world, newly crowned Neo Queen Serenity gives birth to twin girls - Chibiusa and Yotsuyu. Tsuyu always feels vastly inferior to her older sister. She feels like Chibiusa always receives all the attention from their parents - attention that is already far and few between as it is. This causes Tsuyu to feel spurned, forgotten, and unloved. While her older sister travels to the 20th century to seek the aid of Sailor Moon, Tsuyu turns to the Black Moon Clan for what she desires most - love, attention, and having her beautiful dream to be a lady like her mother fulfilled. She becomes Black Lady , Queen of Darkness , and under Wiseman begins to plot the further downfall and total annihilation of her former kingdom.
INFINITY. With body snatched and silver crystal taken, Chibiusa's true self remains protected inside Mistress 9 by Hotaru Tomoe. A mysterious daimon entity from the Tau Star System has taken residence in Chibiusa's body. Sensing the darkness that once plagued Chibiusa's heart, this daimon uses it to fashion Chibiusa's appearance into that of Black Lady once more. 'Black Lady' walks the stage besides Mistress 9 to bring about the destruction of the Sailor Guardians and to make the planet Earth their own.
DREAM. Chibiusa gives herself over to Queen Nehelania , offering her her beautiful dream in exchange for Helios's freedom and the safety of the people of Tokyo. What the young guardian doesn't know is that Nehelania has no intention of honoring her promise. The young princess's dream becomes tainted - her beautiful dream of being a beautiful lady and strong leader like her mother and finding a love as wonderful as her parents wilts. Black Lady once again rises as a member of the Dead Moon Circus and is a formidable opponent for the Sailor Guardians.
DREAMREDUX. Chibiusa gives herself over to Queen Nehelania , offering her her beautiful dream in exchange for Helios's freedom and the safety of the people of Tokyo. What the young guardian doesn't know is that Nehelania has no intention of honoring her promise. The young princess's dream becomes tainted - her beautiful dream of being a beautiful lady and strong leader like her mother and finding a love as wonderful as her parents wilts. Black Lady once again rises as a member of the Dead Moon Circus and is a formidable opponent for the Sailor Guardians. Helios has continued to seek refuge in her beautiful dream in the hopes that he had can reach her through the darkness, but all Black Lady wants is to bring him into the darkness with her. SHARED WITH @.MAIDENKISSED.
DARKDREAMS. With Helios giving himself over to Nehelania to protect the king, queen, and princess of the White Moon, Chibiusa is distraught. The only thing on her mind is saving Helios - the one whom she had fallen for. Seeking out the Dead Moon Circus, she is taken prisoner by the Amazon Trio where Chibiusa strikes a bargain with Nehelania - her beautiful dream to set Helios free. Nehelania agrees (or so Chibiusa thinks) and the Princess of the 30th Century has her dream taken and tainted and Black Lady is reborn once again. However Nehelania never honors her end of the bargain with Black Lady and Helios's dreams become tainted as well as he turns into Black Pegasus. The pair become known as 'The Lady and the Pegasus' in the circus.
STARS. Upon her return to the 20th century to aid Sailor Moon, Chibiusa is greeted by the Sailor Quartet - her team of Sailor Guardians - and they travel to the Galaxy Cauldron with the Starlights, Princess Kakyuu, and Sailor Chibi-Chibi. After crossing the river Styx and being confronted by formidable Sailor Guardians controlled by Sailor Galaxia, they reach Galaxia's castle. It is here they are greeted by their allies, now under Galaxia's command. Sensing a new player from the future, Galaxia does not hesitate in trying to steal Chibiusa's Star Seed. However she senses what was once a great darkness in the tiny princess's heart and once her Pink Silver Crystal is stolen, Chibiusa is granted new powers and rises once more as Black Lady.
TRIPLEMOON. Parallel Sailor Moon verse, but instead of having two kids, Usagi had three daughters - Chibiusa, Yotsuyu, and Kousagi. Chibiusa and Tsuyu are twins and Kousagi is the youngest. While Chibiusa takes after her father, Tsuyu takes after their mother. However the bonds between sisters cannot be severed and growing up, anyone that bullied Chibiusa had to face Tsuyu and she was a force to be reckoned with. Even now with the pair heading into high school, Tsuyu does not tolerate anyone bullying her sisters. She has earned the nickname 'Black Lady' from her schoolmates because of how terrifying she can become when angered or slighted. Tsuyu and her older sister also have the same taste in men which brings a lot of friction between the two while Kousagi is left wondering why it matters who likes who more.
HELIOS / @.maidenkissed.
HELIOS / @.maidenkissed.
cafekitsune / Toei / Naoko Takeuchi / P.N.P. / Marco Albiero / missdream / mintymoondrops / spriters-resource.
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millytheclown · 2 years
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Julius is Raph, Oswald is Donnie, Felicity is Leo and Mickey is Mikey which is obvious ofc. But Alice (From the Alice comedies) is April, Flip the Frog is Splinter/Lou Jitsu, The Blot is the Shredder, The mad doctor is Draxum, Pete is Meatsweats, and finally Mortimer is Warren Stone. Haven’t figured out for the others but I shall eventually. Also wasteland is The hidden city and Instead of Yokai it’s silly toons.
Now to talk about the Disney sibs
Julius - Julius is a bit more mischievous and likes to tease his siblings a little more then Raph, Julius can also be a little more aggressive about things but he always his heart in the right place. From time to time he’ll not think through things and fail, He’s a bit more stressed and represses his feelings a bit more. He’s also got a huge fear of being forgotten/left to rot, Julius can be a little clingy at times but he’s just a silly dude. He also tends to bite his tail when he gets stressed, he picks up his siblings randomly and groom them like kittens it’s just a weird habit, Julius is pretty clean, He calls Oswald “Carrots” just to tease him, He sits on Oswald’s tech sometimes, and Oswald has to make stuff to protect wires in his inventions from being chewed by Julius. Also dude usually purrs a lot.
Oswald - Oswald shows a little more emotion then Donnie, He can be very lovey dovey when he has a partner, He usually holds grudges for a very long time, Hes also got a major fear of being abandoned / forgotten, and he absolutely hates being made fun of for being short. When Oswald gets really mad he puffs up his chest and stomps his foot at a fast pace but he also stomps his foot when he gets really excited. He likes having a ton of vegetables on his Pizza, Oswald can jump really high and dude just goes sadistic mad scientist mode a bit more often.
Felicity - GIRLBOSS. She is very friendly and exaggerates a lot, She can be overly dramatic at times and she’s pretty sloppy. She’s the least clean out of her siblings and has always wanted to join every sport that could ever exist. She can be impatient and she can sometimes pick fights. She lets Mickey do her makeup and she absolutely loves kids, she loves entertaining people and seeing little kids smile brings her joy. She can be stubborn about certain things but she’s usually very open minded. She likes bacon on her pizza and she’d probably commit a crime like once. She also drinks a lot of tea and she rarely brushes her tail.
Mickey - Mickey is pretty naive, has a love for bringing joy, He usually will try to convince the bad guys to stop rather then fight at first, He always tries to cheer up his brothers whenever their sad, he’s a tad bit clumsy and in general a silly blorbo ever. Mickey has a closer bond with Felicity and Oswald teases Mickey a bit more. Mickey also owns a scrapbook and he puts googly eyes on random things, he paints his siblings tails from time to time and usually puts a sticker on Oswald’s tech
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lesbianmarrow · 3 years
btw I’m absolute loving your arrow/sara lance watch, but the last time I posted about that show was back in like 2014 and those tags are SO cringey and bleak. I promise I’m a different person now 😔🙏💔 that being said I was still extremely right that sara should have fucked felicity before oliver could’ve #feminism #girlboss #womeninwomeninstem
its ok we were all different in 2014 for example i was 14 years old. and yes its literally the korrasami instinct of seeing a guy's 2 ex-girlfriends interacting bisexually and being like hmmmMMMMM 🧐 i'm on my laptop so i searched "intellectual emoji" to find that emoji just so you know. also women in women in stem mfdksmfdlksd the cw should hire you
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Can we make a parallel between Felicity Smoak and Peggy Carter? Both of them so far from the original source that they're basically OC's characters, both of them got storylines that were from another characters (Peggy's role is the same of Cynthia Glass with Sharon's personality, being Shield's first female director and love interest, both from Sharon. Felicity got some villains and the post of love interest that were originally from black canary and also some of the batgirl's storylines). cont.
cont. Both of them are favored by the creator and get a free pass for the terrible things they did ( Peggy had no problem working with nazis, and Felicity blow up a city, and neither of them showed any kind of remorse on what they did).
I’m afraid I know nothing about Felicity Smoak... but I guess you can make that parallel since you did 😅
I don’t think it’s really an issue that cinematographic franchises pick elements here and there from the source materials, since the source materials are so messy and also tell the same stories in different ways all the time. Except when, you know, a character of color’s storyline gets given to a white character or similar situations, which seem, well, suspicious to me. (I know of comics Miles Morales’ things being given to MCU Peter Parker, for instance.) Then again I never read comics so maybe I’m not a good judge for that.
But the White Feminism Girlboss With Red Lipstick thing gets old quickly when we pretend that *check notes* the things the CIA and FBI did for the last seven decades were actually done by Secret Nazis. You almost got close to a good concept but ruined it entirely.
We gotta stop getting invested in American imperialism propaganda stories, man 🥲
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coolasakuhncumber · 3 years
Early in 2021, I resolved to consume more narratives that I wouldn't usually consume. So I kept a list and here it is:
- Drag Teen, Jeffery Self 
- Everything I Know About Love, Dolly Alderton
- Ghosts, Dolly Alderton
- The Care Factor, Ailsa Wild
- #Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso
- The Why Are You Here Cafe, John P Strelecky
- Having and Being Had, Eula Biss
- 36 Questions that changed my mind about you, Vicki Grant
- They Both Die at the End, Adam Silvera
- Cancer, Schmancer, Fran Drescher
- Turtles All the Way Down, John Green
- Normal People, Sally Rooney
- High Ground
- Shaun of the Dead
- Booksmart
- Long Story Short
- To All the Boys: Always and Forever
- Another Round
- Blackbird
- Girls Can't Surf
- The Dry
- Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
- The Sound of Metal
- Promising Young Woman
- Good on Paper
- Set!
- Perfumes
- Crash Pad
- Five Feet Apart
- Yesterday
- Toast
- Hustlers
- Broken Hill
- Moxie
- Out of My League
- Roxanne
- The Farewell
- Father Christmas is Back
- Knives Out
- LoveHard
- The Night Before
- A Castle for Christmas
- Love at the Christmas Table
- The Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star
- Die Hard
- Christmas at the Farm
- Single All the Way
- The Holiday
- Saying Yes to Christmas
- Operation Christmas Drop
- Don't Look Up
- 12 Days of Giving
- Cheaper by the Dozen 2
- The Sister Act
- Bridgerton (s1)
- Bump (s1)
- The Nanny (all)
- Firefly Lane (s1)
- Felicity (all) 
- Grace & Frankie (s5-7)
- Everything's Gonna Be Okay (s2)
- Younger (s7)
- The Bold Type (s5)
- Kim's Convenience (s5)
- Heartland (s14)
- Dolly Parton's Heartstrings
- Starstruck (s1)
- Creamerie (s1)
- The 100 (s7)
- Never Have I Ever (s2)
- Cooking with Paris
- The Secret Life of Us (s1-3)
- Love (s1, s2)
- Superstore (s1-5)
- Squid Game (s1)
- Sex Education (s3)
- Dear White People (s4)
- Five Bedrooms (s2)
- Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (s1)
- Rosehaven (s1 e1 & 2, s5)
- Home Economics (s1&2)
- Love Life (s2)
- Grey's Anatomy (s17, s18)
- Selling Sunset s3
- Midnight Diner (s1)
- Blown Away (Christmas eps)
- Total Control (s2)
- Noughts and Crosses (s1)
- Ted Lasso (s1, s2)
- Christmas in Australia with Christine Anu
- Below Deck (s3)
- The Book of Boba Fett (s1, e1)
- Lost in Larrimah
- Forgotten Australia - Woolworth Bombings
- Forest 404
- The Lazarus Heist
- Inside the Big Day Out
- Stuff You Should Know - the twisted history of dentistry
- The 7 Stages of Grieving
- Two Twenty-Somethings decide never to stress about anything ever again. Ever.
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jacquelineshyde · 7 years
i love all your posts and answears so much... i do not get tired of seen your point of view of the show. I rly want to know what do you think the gang would binge watch on netflix.
Oh, thank you SO much! I’m glad you like my posts and meta :)
Now, it depends on what part of their lives they are in. I’m going to do season 6 characterization for them, without ooc Eric and Donna, a more insightful Fez, and Kelso already in a relationship with Brooke.
- All together in the basement: Freaks and Geeks, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Full House and Fuller House (eww), Star Trek if Eric woke up before Hyde that day/went to the basement before Hyde could grab the remote. Gilmore Girls if the girls got the remote before any of the guys.
They also watch The X-Files. Jackie isn’t a big fan, but still watches. They are all waiting for season 2 of Stranger Things, even if Jackie doesn’t want to admit she loves the show.
If Hyde gets the remote first, though, he would probably put on a concert or a Stage Comedy Show.
- Eric: All things Star Wars are already on Netflix nowdays, and so are some of the best Star Trek stuff out there. He would love to watch them on repeat like there’s no tomorrow, and he would ask Donna to watch with him, too. Netflix will be suggesting him other Space Operas and Sci-Fi projects that may be of his likings. I can see him discovering old movies like Starship Troopers, Starman, Near Encounters of the Third Kind, and finally, binge watching the hell out of Stranger Things, and being excited of seeing the second season this Halloween.
- Donna: Gilmore Girls, she is such a fan and has always been. It was the first TV Show she became a real fan of while growing up and she was so, so excited about the revival… and was so angry at how things went for Rory, she isn’t sure if she wants a second season of a ‘Year In The Life’– But she may watch the original show again once she discovers is on Netflix.She probably loved Dear White People, Sense8 and has a thing for the show Love, but doesn’t want anyone to know because sometimes, she feels like she and Eric are a little like the protagonists of said show and it makes her feel horrible. She commented it once to Jackie, who watched, then assured her it wasn’t the case. But she still feels it deep in her soul.Also watches documentals and concerts. And Orange Is The New Black (lmao).
- Eric and Donna: Aside from making the other watch their respective favorite shows, they would watched together Love and agree on how they are kind of similar to them and were embarrassed together; but the good thing is that it made them out their issues. 
They would also cuddle to watch movies together, mostly sci-fi.
- Hyde: He loves Sons Of Anarchy and hates that Fox is getting it out of Netflix. He has seen it too many times, all complete, and Eric looks at him weird every time he notices he is watching it again. But he doesn’t give a shit (and let’s ignore the fact that Katey Sagal, Jax’s mom, is the same actress that play Hyde’s mom lol).
Like his friens, he likes Stranger Things but is more into watching Concerts and other Stage Shows. He likes Stage Shows Comedies and loves Master Of None. He also watched and loved The Get Down and is bitter as fuck it got cancelled while other crap is still there.
- Jackie: She liked Girlboss and The Get Down, it’s funny for everyone because those are two very different shows, but like many times before, she ignores them. She enjoys re-watching Gilmore Girls and watched Sex And The City for the first time there, but keeps watching the movies more than the show itself. 
She wathed alone 13 Reasons Why and talked about it only with Hyde and Donna, separatelly. It made her feel horrible for many reasons, but mostly because she was a cheerleader and she knows plenty of girls who had been touched against their will, and she has endured that, too before becoming friends with them or dating Hyde. When he heard that, he almost losed his shit. Worst part is she didn’t liked the show anyway.
Also has seen Anne With An E, Glow (also watched it with Donna) and likes kinda a lot, Master Of None (which makes Hyde smile).
- Hyde and Jackie: They have a system to chose what to watch or who gets to chose what to watch. It started just with a flipping coin, and now it’s one day chose Jackie, the other choses Hyde. He made her watch Sons Of Anarchy and had to endure watch Gilmore Girls, especially since she often got like O_O while watching his show. Both are seventh seasons, so it worked.
They watch comedies together and Hyde is always scared at how often Jackie choses to watch horror movies, especially gore ones, and not even blink an eye as someone is being killed. She also loves more “intelligent” horror movies like The Babadook, A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night and It Follows, all in netflix.
He fears Halloween night.
- Fez: He loved The Get Down and is bitter as fuck for the cancellation. Also a fan of Master Of None, and Loves Grace & Frankie. He watches almost all kind of shows, though, and follows Orange Is The New Black, Jane The Virgin and One Day At The Time.
He and Kelso watched together the movie Wet Hot American Summer and immediatelly binge watched the show, Wet How American Summer: First Day of Camping. He likes that kind of humor a lot, so he will be seen often watching gross ass comedies from the 90s and so.
- Kelso: Wet Hot American Summer is one of his favorites movies and he loved the mini series. Ever since he got the idea of becoming a cop and started school, he is obssessed with Brooklyn 99 and will be watching it like there is no tomorrow at any given hour and moment. He also likes comedies like Arrested Development and loves the Marvel shows.
He also watches lots of the DC shows, probably likes some crap like Arrow and is a Felicity stan, but his friends love him anyway. 
Also watched Gilmore Girls while dating Jackie, and had to again when Donna and Jackie got Brooke into watching it. Brooke also made him watch The Crown and Outlander. But they also watched Vikings and that made him happy.
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