project0762 · 8 months
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skelebros!!! (fell edition!!)
i decided to try and experiment more with my art so i drew the fellbros!
underfell designs based off vic the underfella 's :3
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itsladykit · 1 year
Compound Fracture Cuts
I was working on the next chapter, and re-discovered this in one of my cut files. I have scavenged as much of it for the actual fic as I can, so I think the remainder will go unused. But it's also one of my favorite sequences and I have to share.
This would have been the start of Ch. 35, but you can see I decided to go in a different direction. Some of it got recycled into Ch. 36, but none of the best bits made it in.
This is the Fellbros being both very Fell and very brotherly, so warnings for (playful) physical violence and language.
Red woke him shockingly early the next morning. Slim blinked up at him, bleary-eyed and confused, and only grew more so when he pressed a finger to his mouth, signaling the need for silence. Shaking off his sleepiness, he eased out of the bed and followed Red to the door, wondering what had happened. He noted the cot Rus had brought in for Edge hadn’t been slept on, and his soul pulsed anxiously—had something happened to him?
In the hallway, Red crept to the railing and leaned over, looking down at the living room below. He motioned for Slim to join him. Brow-bone raised, Slim followed his lead and stood beside him, looking down.
His sockets went wide. Edge was dead asleep, sandwiched between the two Swap brothers. And all three of them looked quite comfortable with the arrangement. He covered his mouth, feeling a small smile tug at the corners. Stars, that was cute.  He looked to Red, ready to share his amusement, only to see there was a more malicious gleam in Red’s eyelights. He clambered up on the bannister and Slim’s sockets widened. He reached for him, but Red ignored his hand, only pressing a finger to his mouth once more.
He looked down, positioning himself carefully—then leapt.
Slim’s mouth went wide, though no sound escaped, and he threw out his control hand, hoping to catch hold of him with blue magic. Red teleported before Slim could catch him, reappearing just a few feet above the sleeping skeletons below.
For a few seconds, time seemed suspended, and despite his horror, Slim was able to appreciate the mechanics of the prank. It was rather brilliant, in some ways. The shortcut would shorten his fall, reducing the impact and simultaneously allowing him to precisely choose his landing spot to reduce the risk of harm to Edge’s shoulder or anything sensitive.
Yet, for such careful calculations, it was still incredibly stupid.
He landed by Edge’s feet, and his sudden impact bounced the other three skeletons and set the springs squeaking. Edge’s control hand was up, magic gathering before he was even fully awake. The shadow of a blaster briefly simmered in the air before his gaze landed on Red.
“mornin’, boss. comfy?” Red’s grin was wide and malicious.
The blaster dissipated, and Edge lunged. Cackling, Red scrambled off the couch, but Edge snatched him by the waist and hauled him up, tucking him under his arm and half-carrying, half-dragging him to the door. Blue and Paps just stared, dumbfounded and confused.
“Why did you—?”
Edge opened the door and threw him outside, only for Red to shortcut while he was still airborne, crashing into Edge’s back and sending them both sprawling. “Edge!” Blue leapt off the couch, but neither brother paid him any mind. They were too busy wrestling in the doorway.
“You are the worst!” Edge snarled, but Red just kept laughing, even as Edge pinned him to the ground, holding one arm behind his back and planting his knee in Red’s spine.
“what’s the matter, boss?” Red asked, looking back at him. “was I in’erruptin’ sumthin’?”
Edge sighed, looking up at the ceiling. “This is why Slim’s my favorite,” he snapped, standing up—and giving Red a swift kick to the ribs that only made him start laughing again. He winced, touching his injured shoulder. “Asshole,” he muttered, stepping over his brother. “I’m never running interference for you and Rus ever again. You can deal with Sans all on your own.”
“aw, c’mon. ya don’ mean that.”
“Fuck you. It’s too early for your shit,” he snapped, stepping into the kitchen.
And leaving Red to face the Swap brothers alone.
“red, what the fuck.”
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thelibrarbian · 2 years
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Part 2 of my @gyftmas2022 present for @greenskellyblob , because I couldn’t decide on a single prompt!
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the-fandom-qu33n · 1 year
Chapter 8____To Strike A Match
(UF Sans/Reader)
Rated M...violence, profanity and much else soon to come
burnt out sick of the recurring timeline everything is starting to break him down little by little... day after day drink after drink he needed something different a smoke would be good... just needed a...light?
lets see..
Papyrus would be in the capital today along with the other guardsmen for the meeting with his highness...
Monsterkid was with Alphys due to his injurys...
thankfully he put out an add on Monstergram about 1/2 off drinks and burgers so most of the monsters including red would be to busy up in his establishment as well in just a few minutes ...to notice...
and luckily his trusted cook and his part time back up employee Ice wolf was working today and had taken up the offer to run the bar for a slight increase in overtime on his pay...all he had to do was open the bar ten minutes after they left...right now ice wolf would be causing a diversion up by the river..perfect
hopefully with his careful planning Snowdin would be desolate...
Looking to the stairs Grillby smirked in satisfaction as y/n stepped out
all he was able to see was his cloak...no fire..barely any smoke...good he was glad his concealing cloak still worked afterall the cloak was ages old..hadn't been used since back when he was a younger version of himself back...before the bar was established  back before he had wanted a bar let alone thought of one!
 y/n's face was practically invisible...no one would recognize her at all...in fact you couldn't even tell she was a fire monster...or that she was a she!
 giddily he told her to spin admiring his enchanted cloak work its magic...all of his problems would be solved today...he takes her to see a crystal cluster.. lie his way through the trip..he had grabbed some yellow flowers from waterfall he had hidden in his phones inventory so the flower issue would be resolved as well..
walking to the door he held it open for y/n..quickly she took the hood off revealing her face fully as soon as she pulled the hood back to let her flames swirl in curiosity... looking over as she went to admire the outside from his large window by the door.. watching her face light up in excitement before rushing out the door...it made his soul ache...he wanted her to be happy like this...he loved seeing that look of excitement crossing her flames as her fire turned a brighter hue...he loved his child truly...but he knew he wouldn't see it again...
this was a sacrifice to protect her...no matter how much hed regret it on late nights...when his mind ran while he tried to sleep...thinking of every lie and action he had made to keep her secured he hated himself for it but he had no choice...when she was older and hed been long dusted shed probably hate him ...probably throw his dust into the trash..he wouldn't blame her for it...but this had to be done.
sighing he walked over pulling the hood back over her smile as her face disappeared completely before going to the door. this had to be done...
this was it this was it!
the door was open...you could see the snow outside coated on the ground..sparkly white snow that glittered in the light of the..well you didn't know what made it so bright  but you didnt care...it was so sparkly!!!
taking a step closer to the door you could feel the chilly air from outside hit your face but it wasn't that cold...just very different than the warm temperature of the bar...hesitating you looked over to your father to see if he was serious about this...were you really going out?...
Grillby stood on the steps outside before ushering you out with a smile and a slow nod. 
"just...keep your cloak on and your hood up..."
Smiling back behind the cloak  you wasted no time once he finished his nod rushing past him and running into the snow with no fear  practically leaping off the steps into the open air with a happy giggle
Grillby flickered in shock behind you as you ran staying quiet as he watched you...
The snow didn't hurt! it was a slightly chilly sure but it didn't hurt...even with your shoes alight you could still feel mostly anything your flames touched..but you didn't mind...you were outside! out where the other monsters were out and free to talk to anyone you had wante-....there was no one around...?
stopping yourself mid frolic you looked around...no one was here...? come to think of it ..there was no one in the bar today either...looking to grillby in confusion for an answer...he gave a shrug before leading you off down the path...passing a large inn connected to a shop ...oooh you wondered what was in there..maybe a cool trinket you could get later when you came back...giggling to yourself you followed grillby who was walking in silence before you leading you farther into snowdins outskirts...this was going to be so fun!
grillby laughed stopping every few minutes you stopped to admire everything you saw..from trees to weird rocks...to weird foot prints in the snow...it was all new and exciting.. smiling wider as you passed a large sign to distracted to see it had said..
"UNwelcome to Snowdin get out!"
 as it was surrounded by shattered Gyftmas lights that once decorated it.. Grillby had seemed to rush you past it to an area close by a large bridge...in the clearing sat a .....painted crystal cluster and golden flowers that were seemingly dead...a poorly painted light circle was on the wall surrounded by crystals...nothing here looked like what you had seen in your dream..at least what you remembered..but Grillby was standing there with a big almost smile as he gestured to everything with some newly formed excitement that came out of nowhere...
"look we found what you were looking for Y/n isn't this just exciting?!"
he kept gestured to the flowers that were wilted and half way to dying before them...
"the flowers are here! and..look so is the bright circle !"
he gestured to a high place in the ceiling as well as his voice cracked with his flames as you went silent...what was this?
"even the crystals are here!"
frozen you looked at the area and then at him...he...thinks this was it?... this..wasn't anywhere close to what you had seen..but he looked so excited and happy to have found this...feeling a bit down you nodded to him in approval as he perked up at even more...he was so happy...
"dad its just...what I had envisioned thank you"
you hated lying to him but ...he would have been sad if he was wrong...feeling bad you decided lying was the best option grateful to the fact the cloak hid your emotions..lying was easier this way that was one bright side...but...you knew this area now...you could come back here with Grillby maybe convince him to go across the bridge..it looked interesting...
"we didn't even have to be out here that long ..i was afraid this trek would have been long...it gets mighty cold out here"
nodding he pulled out his phone....
"i had brought hot cocoa just in case though would you like some?"
nodding you sat down by the flowers as Grillby sat beside you as you remained silent looking at the scene before you...this wasn't what you had hoped for....but the cocoa was a nicer touch..sighing in approval you took the cup he offered as it to disappeared as you touched it to his view..but you could see it perfectly fine as you drank your disappointment slowly numbing away.... you'd bare it for your dad...
looking over you froze at the monster standing by Grillby
"we'll go back after a bit I'm sure you are getting hungry"
"yeah I could eat whatcha offerin"
if you took the time to read this i appreciate it...
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taku-otaku · 9 months
Fellbros as kids?:33
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I always end up drawing similar images with this topic! Let's re-upload it :3
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yersipestis · 6 months
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I have a few fics saved to my phone for offline reading and Starry-Eyed(and Killing Moon!!) by @bonerpuns is one of them!!
This scene in particular is from Ch 2 of Killing Moon, where the Fellbros have their first reunion after all the dramatic rebelling and murder. It's a fantastic fic, cannot recommend it enough
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lazy-safetastic-13 · 2 years
Are there still people interested in kustard, fellcest/fellbros, and spicycinaroll fanfics? 🤔
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verdanabdit · 1 year
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I remembered Eli had a s☆b/d☆m chart like this. I wanted to make one too for some reason. But how forward you are can change with the situation, so there's more than 1. 2 axis was also too hard to look at with so much overlap.
I'm not sure how confident I am in these, even though it's only my preferences. They probably fluctuate... (Wait... nobody is 100% top?? Hmm..)
L☆st just gets text because I couldn't think of how to differentiate them from classic with just my scribbly heads.
And this made me realize there's quite a lot of swap types that are "popular", in comparison to non-swap. I wonder why? At least when it comes to ones that aren't only Sans
Since there's less activity in the fandom, I'll take whatever I can get, but I generally prefer the more energetic character be the aggressor. It traces back to a key trait of Sans being lazy, so the lazy brother just feels better being passive. At least when it comes to more intimate things.
Well, that and I love short, energetic d☆ms 👀💦 so if they're a swap type, I get to have even more fun. Really, Swap!Sans overwhelming his brother is probably my favorite… (But since the original Sans is bottom to me, I'm still more forgiving of swap types also being bottom?)
(Reply thread)
Fellis: Saaaammmmeee. I LOVE the idea of some of the bois being complete tops (Edge, Papyrus, Blue) or complete bottoms (Red, Sans, and Stretch)but even then I like to think of scenarios where they would like to switch things around (ex. Especially Edge and Red, but who is shocked lol)
Verdana: Yeah, I always default to pretty much exactly that, but then I think about it a little more and I remember powerbottoms exist and I love them.
Fellis: OMG YEEESS P☆WER BOTTOMS ☆SS ROCK Man I remember the days where I hated finding art/fics of Edge bottoming/subbing. I was too god damn picky… Glad my lowered resources of Fontcest have made me grow to appreciate d☆m Red and s☆bby Edge (even though they still aren’t my default)
Verdana: I've certainly become less picky too because of the slower fandom, but I'll still be kind of fussy about the Fellbros dynamics. Like, Edge has to keep a certain amount of control. No pushing him around unless it ends in worshipping his body!
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noffy96 · 2 years
Random fellbros headcanon
Once the fell brothers live in a safer world (be that cause of the human or that they moved universe)
And Edge forgets to sleep. Red will take on his big brother roll and ignore all the 'Boss's' commands. And just pester him so he goes to bed.
If Edge refuses, Red will not hesitate to use blue magic and just lift him up and then use gravity to keep the other stuck in bed.
Sometimes Edge can fight it off. And he will always struggle. But not always
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chancekey · 3 years
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Imagine reaching a new universe first, doing your Greatest to make a good impression to the new allies, and then having to introduce your older brother to them...
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samara-asaika · 4 years
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Random Fellbros drawing for reaching (close) 280 follow!
I don´t know why, but my Red get always hurts haha, the sad thing is I haven´t the letters from Papyrus ╯︿╰ So I write it selve
Hope you´re fell now
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vex-bittys · 4 years
Flufftober 2020: Day Eleven
Prompt: Finding/Adopting a Pet
Pairing: Underfell Skelebros
Category: Familial
The skeleton brothers from the Underfell universe didn’t need reasons to argue. Their antagonistic brotherly relationship transcended their life in the Underground, following them to their new home on the Surface. Most of the pointless altercations ended with Red storming out of the house, door slamming behind him on his way to Grillby’s. By the time he stumbled back home in the wee hours of the morning, the animosity had faded away into mild worry on Edge’s part over his brother’s whereabouts.
Scoldings over his trips to Grillby’s comprised a rather large percentage of the argument fodder, and unfortunately, when Red opened the door that day to storm out to his favorite haunt, Doomfanger darted out before either skeleton could stop her. The little white streak vanished into the hedges that bordered the driveway, and the brothers stood slack-jawed in the wake of her escape.
The shocked silence didn’t last long.
Without missing a beat, Edge berated Red while simultaneously shoving him out of the way to pursue his wayward cat. Edge almost knocked Red off his feet in his hurry to find her, and a string of insults slowly faded into a murmur then to silence as the distance between the brothers increased. Red took a seat on the front steps and closed the door behind him, opting to await Doomfanger’s possible return instead of going to Grillby’s. As much as he hated to admit it, he cared about his brother’s cat… and his brother.
Hours passed, and when Edge finally returned to the house that he shared with Red, he appeared dejected. Doomfanger wasn’t with him. Guilt washed over Red, especially when Edge just glanced at him, too fatigued from his search to even toss a casual insult his brother’s way. At that moment Red vowed that he would not rest until they found Doomfanger… after a good night’s sleep of course.
The next day, the two skeletons scoured the neighborhood, showing everyone they passed one of the abundance of photos of Doomfanger that each of them had on his phone. She happened to be a very photogenic cat and adored the glamor and attention of a photo shoot.
Nobody had seen her, but one helpful neighbor from a nearby apartment complex asked them if they had checked the local animal shelter. Stray cats who were friendly enough to be caught by Animal Control were taken there to either await pick-up by their owners or find new ones through the adoption process. Red and Edge locked eyelights, silently agreeing to check the shelter for Doomfanger.
Never one to simply walk through the front door of a public building, Edge organized a two-skeleton recon mission that involved Red crouching in front of each of the animal shelter’s windows while Edge stood on his back to peer inside. Sure enough, one of the windows yielded results. There could be no mistaking that gleaming white fur and delicate pink nose! Doomfanger sat in her crate, peering down her elegant nose at the other scruffy cats around her.
“HUMAN LAW ENFORCEMENT HAS ARRESTED MY PRECIOUS DOOMFANGER! WE MUST INITIATE A JAILBREAK AT ONCE!” growled Edge, leaping to the ground and immediately sketching out rough, elaborate plans into the dirt underneath the window.
“i think you can just go in and claim her,” Red pointed out, but Edge ignored him, tapping his mandible with the stick he was using to create a layout of the building. Red assumed the acorn and leaf on the diagram were meant to represent them, and the twig “X” was probably Doomfanger.
Edge scanned the surrounding area. “THAT SHRUB COULD HIDE THE ENTRANCE OF THE TUNNEL…” he mumbled to himself. Red sighed and wandered around the side of the building to execute his own, much less involved, plan.
Edge was still mulling over the necessity of drugging the guard when Red returned, cat carrier in hand. Doomfanger let out a disgruntled meow at being shuttled around in such an undignified manner.
“HOW DID YOU RESCUE HER?” Edge asked, leaning over to coo at his beloved pet through the grating at the front of the carrier. Red noticed, but did not mention, the sparkle that appeared in Edge’s eyelights when he baby talked to his cat. “DID YOU FEIGN INJURY TO DISTRACT THE GUARD?”
“no, Boss,” replied Red. “i went in and asked for her. they even loaned me this carrier so we could take her home.”
Edge snorted. “I SUPPOSE THAT’S ONE WAY TO DO THINGS,” he grumbled, scuffing out his carefully drawn strategies with the toe of one boot. He paused as if gathering the mental resolve to deliver his next words. “EXCELLENT WORK, SANS.”
Red basked in the praise. The skeleton brothers did not need a reason to argue, but all of their contentious bickering simply served as a disguise for emotions that they struggled to express. No, they didn’t need a reason to argue, but they were working on finding more reasons to encourage and agree.
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xzacloudx · 5 years
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In mine and @kaptinkate ‘s ANGST RP (what we call our Undertale/Underfell crossover RPG, because it reeeeaaaally was angsty, lol), back before the vanilla boys were ever there... With how dangerous Underfell was, the brothers had to distance themselves from one another, physically and emotionally, so one couldn’t be used against the other. Many times, they thought things would improve if they got strong enough, or if Edge got into the Royal Guard, or if he became Captain, or if he could convince the King to change things, etc... But things just never got better. What they thought would be temporary distance from one another became more and more permanent.
If monsters CHECKed them, they had to pass. They couldn’t appear to care about each other, even on the inside. And Edge in particular knew that if he ever let himself cry, even at home, that he likely wouldn’t be able to keep himself from it in public, which would be a death sentence in their kill-or-be-killed world.
So when his misery became too much to bear, when he needed so badly to just cry and hug his brother... Edge would instead turn his loneliness and misery into aggression, scratching the hell out of the head of his bed. Over time, it became absolutely covered in scars to reflect the ones on his soul.
@imjustalazycat did this sketch request for me as tier reward for supporting her on Patreon ( https://www.patreon.com/imjustalazycat ). After I gave her a brief setup for the scene, she did a perfect job with his expression; he looks angry from a distance, but zoom in, and you can see the sadness he’s trying to hide behind the scowl... ;w; The subtlety of it is so impressive, and thematically perfect.
Thanks so much for this. As always, you’re a brilliant artist! :’3
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Some sketchs :3
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the-fandom-qu33n · 1 year
Chapter 2____To Strike A Match
(UF Sans/Reader)
Rated M...violence, profanity and much else soon to come
burnt out sick of the recurring timeline everything is starting to break him down little by little... day after day drink after drink he needed something different a smoke would be good... just needed a...light?
Shrugging off the firemonster's very noticeable resentment, red had relaxed into his seat chugging down the first bottle of mustard without a care in the world.
Grillby crackled in rage before sighing returning to cleaning an already clean and steam polished glass...anything to distract himself from the rage educing skeleton before him...
A curious frazzled y/n sitting on the floor of the breakroom confused on what had just happened and why it had...
And a bar filled with monsters who just didn't give a fuck.
Did...he just throw her into the break room?
he has  never done something like that before...
His flames had crackled loudly and burned brightly giving off small sparks into the air  almost as if he was scared...Grillby scared?? that isn't normal.
Sighing to yourself you got up
 dusting your clothes off singeing any dust on you with a quick *POOF*
looking through the doors crack 
you perked up seeing a new monster talking with Grillby. He looked interesting to put it simply... a ragged looking monster... you hadn't seen this species before!
flickering in intrigue and turning into a slightly lighter hue  you continued to watch the exchange unable to hear a single word behind the door,  but happy non the less to watch...to see something new.He had smiled to Grillby so he must be friendly! 
its strange to you...you had never seen him before..
living in Snowdin your whole life and not once seeing this monster was odd...maybe he was from  Hotland? Was it a new species? are they new to Snowdin? how did Grillby and the others around seem to know them and you didn't? so many questions unanswered as they ran through your head as fast as your flames flickered.
sighing in yet even more confusion you sat down at a proper seat on the breakroom table going back to your tablet.
""Questions were always better to hold down till they faded away...""
you muttered trying to clear your head enough to focus on your tablet but not a single word from your book was able to be processed as the questions kept resurfacing in your mind...
maybe Grillby was right questions lead to problems and you didn't want a problem
 ...he said any question held in would be forgotten eventually.
if so then...why wasn't it working??
the bar was silent as he strode in
 winking to a monsters smirking when one giggled in response...
ah he loved this place...good drinks sexy monsters and good quality music.but today wasn't any more special than it always had been years ago...the same days repeating every timeline...the human would fall in a few days and he wanted to be completely wasted until that dreadful day came...again.to everyone he was as he always was...a monster not to mess with and he was ok with that....less monsters to deal with the better...he didn't tolerate much...not anymore...if the timeline resets the same as everything ever has been he doesn't have to get close to anyone...they'll all forget about how he treated them in the long run...like they always did. But that was fine ..less effort to be put out on his part...he always liked doing the bare minimum...a new way to be lazier?  how could he say no to that ?
Grillby greeted him the same as everyday with a loving scowl...ah how nice.Grillby's hatred for him always made his grin sharper and his ego inflate just a slight bit more...it was always funny watching the fire monster swirl and flicker in annoyance to every single thing he did...
...it was entertainment  
 and it was damn good entertainment.
Grillby really needed to get this monster out of his bar and quickly...he could practically feel your curiosity seeping out from behind the door he held shut.
But the damned monster seemed to know he was in a hurry and took his sweet time still nursing on the first bottle of mustard he had given him while side glancing to him as he seemingly grinner wider slowing down even more. this fucker was teasing him...eye twitching he kept his composure. 
and to top it all off monsters around the bar were starting to rile up at his presence alone...
Everyone in the underground hated this skeleton...even his brother seemed to...
if this dead beat wasn't related to the captain of the royal guard he was sure this bastard would have been long dusted...
if only papyrus had fallen in ranks in for a short period of time...but papyrus WAS a powerful boss monster...Grillby had respect for the tall skeleton however.
 He held his own and sadly held Red's to...
why he wondered...why did papyrus let this...leach of a monster cling to him?why let the weak hide in the shadow of your power?
The underground was designed to weed out the weak.
Why fight what was natural??
 he had never once seen red in an intense battle...it was always petty squables.....like Childs play...nothing like the real underground...and this bastard knew he was lucky.. flaunting his bony ass to the REAL boss monsters knowing no matter how much he pushed them...because of papyrus, they could do nothing to him without getting dusted themselves.
It was either a swift dusting by the law...or Papyrus getting to you first...and if he did...there was no doubt your dusting would be slow and meticulous.
Grillby shuddered at the thoughts of the past events Papyrus had done to other patrons...infront of him no less thankfully never when y/n was here.. 
From dismemberment..to suffocation..to beheadings even as ruthless as slow electrocution
 and so much else...he couldn't even stomach to try to remember making his flames crackle and swirl in a sick manner
all of it......all leading to dust ...in his poor bar...
and red KNEW he couldn't be touched.
oh how much he hated this monster...
if you took the time to read this i appreciate it...
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uboaaaaaart · 6 years
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where all of you people are coming from?? i’ve got too many followers for a short time *sweats*
anyway here are more doodles since i still haven’t got even a single request
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