#Felt essential to the post ✨️
gl0wy-gh0st · 5 months
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Owo, what's this (help me)
This little parasite has been invading my brain for ages so I had to draw him
I should probably start adding watermarks to my art 😭
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shzmluvrs · 1 year
The Disconnect
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Prompt: My random headcanon that pretty much just focuses on that odd... difference in vibe between Billy as himself vs when he's in his superhero form.
Timeline: Both movies
TW/Content: None, just me talking just to talk fr
Reader: None
Requested By: My damn self😼🫶🏽
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So like, duh, Moon and I have like... constant headcannons for like, every single person ever in the Shazam movies. And I did plan to write/list 'em out and post at some point. But this one is my biggest one, so I think it deserves its own post🤷🏽‍♀️.
Anyone who's seen just either one of the movies is pretty aware of that... weird little (but noticeable) disconnect between Asher Angel's Billy Batson and Zachary Levi's Shazam. Asher is a damn good Billy, while Zachary... he's good at being Shazam and acting like a kid who doesn't know what he's doing (which is the overall plot, ofc), but I just can't/don't believe him to be Asher's Billy, if that makes sense (??).
So, while yes, this is a little jarring for viewers, if you're anything like me, you know it's kind of not the end of the world and can be bypassed/looked over. Fixed, even, if had been given the proper attention to do such. And what better way to do that than through some good ol' writer brain🤷🏽‍♀️?
My in-media headcanon for why Billy acts so differently in his super-powered adult form is because he simply just becomes heaps more confident. He knows he's invincible to most things, he's got all these different and god-like powers and abilities, etcetc... So natrually, with those things comes an overwhelming and amazing sense of security, right? Therefore, leading to a surging amount of both confidence/ego and recklessness that you might not see come from some vulnerable, hard-knock-life-stricken, defensive kid.
It also gives him more freedom to come out of his shell (almost forces him to, really), hence why it becomes so much easier for him to talk to/interact with others while he's in his adult form. He almost wants to, because of that classic teenage boy need to show off (for the ladiesss😼🫶🏽⚡️). He gains the chance to actually be a kid, frfr, because he had to grow up and learn to care for himself so soon. Because, hell, it's not like he knew if his powers were a privilege he was gonna get to keep🤷🏽‍♀️. Gotta make the most of it.
Not to mention, poor boy has probably felt all alone and helpless all his life. Constantly having to do things on his own, constantly worried about how he's gonna get by and/or where he's gonna end up next. These abilities are like a free "out", if ykwim. He can essentially do whatever he wants, go wherever he wants now that he can just fly off somewhere...
I'd be eager to run around and do the most over the top shit, too, if it had been me. As Freddy once said, "I'd kill to have what you have...".
Plus, I mean, he is a teenager. A teenage boy, at that. I'm pretty sure no matter how hard and tall you've set up your shell, at the end of the day, if you randomly got superpowers n shit, you'd act a little bit out of normal character, too. Especially if your "normal character" are/is a bunch of walls n shit you've built up to protect yourself from the things that, you now no longer have to, because again... SUPERPOWERS!!
So, to try and wrap this all up, I, personally, am one to believe there's nothing a fanfic or a headcanon can't fix, hence... this lmao. And that's pretty much my way to try and fix/make sense of that disconnect between acting styles so I can properly hyperfixate in peace lmfao. And hopefully, now that you've seen this, you can, too :).
Okay, the end, that's it, goodbye🫶🏽😼.
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Headcannons on all characters to come relatively soon, y'all, I promise🫡💕.
~ Star✨️
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isabellehemlock · 1 year
Happy birthday Jacob Anderson 🎉✨️
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I've only had the privilege of getting to know your phenomenal acting since IWTV - and in honor of both your birthday, and Louis, I drew a personal piece with some religious symbolism (explained in detail under the cut, along with the image description)
ID. A digital art piece featuring the character Louis from AMC's Interview with the Vampire. The scene is from the murder night, Louis sitting in a reflective and prayerful pose, while wearing blood stained clothes and repentant with his blood tears. He is flanked by an ethereal glow, one part forming a halo, and the pattern over his chest symbolizes a heart. END ID.
The Symbolism
For me, being an LGBTQ+ Catholic, I cannot even begin to explain how seen I felt seeing that representation in Louis 🥹 I was excited to draw a personal piece that meant a lot to me - and here's some of the symbolism behind it ❤️‍🔥
I kept in mind the line of "I loved him with a wounded [ heart ]" (which as someone shared on tumblr already) - but there's a lot of meaning to that for us Catholics. This month is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in my faith - the perfect, holy, heart - bleeding and wounded. So I had the pattern over his chest resemble a heart.
The blood tears have always meant a lot to me, and I talked about it on a tumblr post, but here's a copy and paste of it:
"You ever wonder if former altar boy Louis looked, or heard, about some of the crying blood Marian statues with the full spectrum of emotions (which perhaps included such things as awe and revulsion), only to then end up becoming a vampire who cries blood, too and in turn look at himself with the same feelings?
Because I do."
The glow from the fireplace behind him from both the fire and the lighting on the mantle creates an ethereal glow around him, including forming a halo behind his head
Essentially, I wanted to blend both Marian and Jesus symbolism together in Louis ❤️‍🔥
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nulltune · 2 years
five interesting facts about Hakuno & five things you consider uncanny. Go!
THANK YOU SUE FOR MY LIFE!!!! talking abt hakuno is my hobby fr so thank u 4 enabling me ehe <3 here we go!!
5 interesting facts about hakuno:
her name is an annagram of kimi no na hakushi which translates to "your name is blank". i think it's suuper neat because 1. it gives you the impression of it being an insert name here kind of thing that's common for self-inserts, but it's a nice way to start off hakuno's character journey of becoming her own character from a blank slate and 2. it's a pretty straightforward way of telling us that her name, much like herself, is blank. empty. there's nothing there ^_T
speaking of- you know how with mc characters, there's usually a silly haha kind of dialogue option? that's present for hakuno too but i like it because it's more like an illusion of choice than something more like a self-insert thing. the point hakuno makes in the end is essentially the same, she's just being a lil goofy about the delivery, y'know! i'm not even kididng btw sgfkshfj hakuno herself admits sometimes that she did do it to get a rise/see the other person's reaction to it. moon lady's got a lil michievous side ✨️
she knows the sa-shi-su-se-so which is an expression to memorize essential ingredients for japanese cuisine. so it's safe to say that she'd at least know the basics of cooking, though it's a lil headcanon of mine that although she knows it theoretically, she absolutely flops at the execution (and if you wanna make this more nuanced, you can think of this through the lens of food as a love language-)
she "doesn't particularly like octopus". we don't get a reason why, but it's kinda funny when considering the sea motif in fate/extra! maybe hakuno wouldn't like seafood in general? this isn't that interesting but agfkshf we barely get any information about hakuno herself ya kno!!! which makes sense considering she doesn't even know herself, but that's why i treasure these little crumbs !!
i've noticed this in my reread of fate/extra, but i feel like hakuno brings up the fact that she's "not alone" Quite A Lot post chapter 4 or so. it's her only solace after finding out the truth of her existence so it makes sense why that fact is important to her, but i also like to think that repeating it so much is her (likely unconscious) way of trying to cope with how truly lonely her existence is :,)
5 things i consider uncanny:
OH MAN THIS IS A PERFECT THING TO ASK BC there's always hints about something being "off" about hakuno. in hindsight, it's pretty sad when this disconnect with everyone and everything else seems almost inherent to her existence when all she wants is to be a normal human and find her place in the world </3 and spoiler alert: She Is Not and She Does Not. but it's neat!
there's this one hakuno dialogue response that was essentially her introducing herself in an almost automatic "pavlovian response" — it's a small hint about her true nature as an artificial intelligence but i wish we got more of this aspect explored tbh! how much of her is real? how much of her is her? it could really mess up hakuno's head but it'd be hella interesting to see !
her reaction to being felt up by someone as a first meeting was seriously underwhelming ! a lot of hakuno's reactions to things are pretty tame and iirc it's been noted that she's strangely calm for someone in such a high-stress situation (enough to cripple even the finest soldiers, according to rin). it's likely her being so numb to it all tbh ^_T but it's still pretty weird hakunochan!!!
this one's kinda graphic but there's a scene where hakuno tries to reach her servant-- even as her body is literally being broken down and deleted in the process :,) i say it's uncanny because damn it's a great scene but hakuno's thought process behind it all is a widdle fucked up!! look at what she has to say when she goes numb from the pain + her stomach collapsed: "I just feel gross, like I’ve turned into a skeleton-monster. Though with my body being lighter, I’ll be able to walk faster, which is nice." HELLO??!? (bassbooted)
this one comes a ccc anthology chapter but basically hakuno was asked to pose for a photoshoot and she has no problems wearing a suggestive nightgown, a bikini, and a wedding dress but Draws The Line at a maid outfit (girl?) (she ended up wearing it — and absolutely slaying the look, if i do say so myself — but was Very embarrassed)
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kentuckycaverats · 2 years
Your script for Del's Embrace was wonderfully crafted. As cliche of a compliment as it may be to give, the imagery put forward was powerful enough to both imagine everything and keep up with the weight of what was happening seamlessly and immediately. It normally takes a little while, for me at least, to get into the thick of things when starting to read something new. Not the case here at all.
Did Del lose any of her Humanity over the death of her namesake?
thank you so much!! that means a lot to me, i really love the script format and im glad it works visually in other people's heads too ✨️
the short answer is yes! the long answer is:
she lost a Ton of humanity, essentially all at once; over the real delphine's death, over diablerizing sabina and absorbing part of her fucked up soul as an unknown consequence, over abandoning her other touchstones (her parents), and over having the blood leech predator type. (c'mon, between watching delphine be eaten and then her own first meal post-Embrace being diablerie, how could she be anything but blood leech?) so her humanity and empathy are reallyyyy low, and as a result she's developed this bizarre superiority/inferior complex toward both mortals and other kindred.
one of her convictions is "mortals are to be pitied," and a few sessions ago i rolled a messy critical while she was interrogating a hunter, so the beast took over and she just went beserk. killed him so violently she took 2 stains for it and horrified our brujah fledgling. when the remorse hit later she was miserable, but it wasn't that she felt bad about tearing a dude to pieces; it was the thought of how delphine and their parents would look at her if they knew what she'd done. she doesn't care about mortals in general--only her parents--but she's bitter about how cavalier kindred are with mortal lives; about being watched for years without even knowing it; about camarilla society having no problem with kindred openly abusing their ghouls. del sees herself as better than mortals because she's so much stronger now than she ever was before, and she hates that she was so vulnerable as a human. so on that hand, mortals are beneath her; but she also resents kindred because she never wanted any part of their world. she was ghouled against her will and Embraced the same way, and she absolutely loathes the feeling of losing control to the beast. it reminds her that she's a monster, and she hates herself for so much of what she's done; but at the same time she's like fuck you, why should i be sorry for becoming what you made me?
she skips town after she kills sabina. she doesn't know then that she's a thinblood or that sabina was sabbat, but she does know that the diablerie alone is enough to earn her a blood hunt. she doesn't go home to say goodbye to her parents first, because how can she possibly look them in the eyes after luring delphine to her death? she can't bear to face them, doesn't think she deserves to besides, knows that they're in more danger if she sticks around, and she certainly can't tell them the truth: so she runs. she never says goodbye, never goes to the funeral, and that never stops haunting her. in the current in-game timeline del hasn't seen her parents in 7 years, and they're her only touchstones, so she's uhhhh. not doing well.
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elvensorceress · 1 year
If you're so inclined 💙💙
Ro, beloved! Thank you! (Sorry this took a few days. Work is 🫠🫠🫠)
✨What’s a fic you’ve posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
The Orpheus/Eurydice inspired series.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
My favorite comments are when people point out their favorite parts or when they tell me what they enjoyed, how they felt, what moved them -- those kinds of things. :) I also think it's fun when people get really analytical and find little details I threw in or even when they ask questions about my thought process or how the story came to be.
I'm also very fond of all the comments from people telling me the way I write ace/demi!Eddie makes them feel Seen. I know it's helped me work through and accept a lot of things about myself, and I'm always so so happy when people tell me it's helped them, too. Identifying as ace/demi has always been something that made me feel very weird, wrong, insufficient, etc... and if it helps anyone else feel better about themselves and their own sexuality, there's nothing more rewarding.
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Lovely! Expressive and fulfilled. 🥰
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
I mentioned this some when I wrote about why I write, but it's an emotional outlet for me as well as something therapeutic where I get to put thoughts, feelings, ideas into characters and make them tell a story. It brings me joy being able to write difficult things but give them happy resolutions, and one of the biggest things that made me want to be a writer was telling stories about people who don't typically have stories told about them.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn’t think it would take you?
Most of my bigger, longer fics took turns that I didn't expect. I usually go into a fic with an idea in mind but sometimes when I go to write, it ends up completely different. Either the characters take over and come out differently than expected or something comes up that wasn't planned but seems interesting so I go along and follow it.
Now to answer more specifically, we're going to put this under a cut. I ramble a lot. I'm sorry 💕
Unless You Ask Me To is absolutely one of these. It started, conceptually, as a little, maybe 25K kind of fic (yes, this is little to me 🤣) where Eddie goes on a couple dates with a guy, Buck gets jealous, and they get together. I had a whole first draft and it was supposed to be simple, straightforward, over and done thing, and it wasn't even 20K.
And then I started thinking about it. And wondering about the other things I could do with the set up that I had. Such as, what if this random guy becomes Eddie's boyfriend and Eddie has to work through relationship issues like his traumas from past, his worries about abandonment, his difficulties with vulnerability and emotional intimacy, and (because this is me) him struggling with asexuality and wanting sex vs having sex, coping with having had sex that he didn't want but essentially forced himself into because it was something his partners wanted, and taking his canon anxiety/panic attack(s) and making him confront this in more depth.
And because I put him in a relationship with someone who was not his best friend, partner, coparent, love of his life, it let me play with things that imo wouldn't necessarily come up were he to be in a relationship with Buck. Or wouldn't come up in the same way since it's set somewhere beyond season 6 or at least beyond 6a, so Buck and Eddie are already SO very devoted, committed, and in love with each other. Even though they have yet to realize this. 🙃 But they're already in a place where even though they haven't addressed many of their Issues, they are veryveryvery close and vulnerable with each other and turn to each other for most everything.
So, this one has become difficult to write just because it is so massively flipping long now and there are a lot of struggles with sex, with panic and anxiety and bad triggers, with relationships, with self-worth that are not easy things to feel or confront. (There is also the whole part where I made two of Eddie's worst nightmares come to life, and it put him in a very very depressed broken state.)
But it's also been one of the most rewarding fics to write? It feels like people have connected to it and like they've been enjoying the whole epically long journey. I mean. We're over 150K now and the boys are still not together and 🫠🫠🫠🫠 what is that about. That's a hard thing to stick with when that relationship is the favorite core thing for most of us.
But that's been another fun, unexpected thing I got to play with -- because Eddie had a boyfriend for a good half of the fic, I really got to lean into the juxtaposition between a relationship that was good and healthy and didn't have issues per se, and a relationship that is the biggest best most beautiful and most right soulmate supreme kind of love. It's easy to write a messy incompatible disaster relationship and say that one with his best friend would be better. Obviously it would lol. But I think it was interesting and more telling to show him in a relationship that wasn't bad (and in fact eventually helps him resolve some issues) but it just wasn't right. And it makes the Buddie relationship shine all the brighter for it.
Anyway, this is a lot of midnight rambling 🤣 but tl;dr - Unless went completely off the rails, but I've really been enjoying the journey and I hope everyone else does, too.
And the next chapter should be finished and posted around Wednesday this week. It's going to be a very fun one. ;)
Thank you so much for the questions! I love and adore you and hope you have a wonderful week! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Fantastic Friday Update: Embracing Imperfection and Celebrating Progress ✨️
Hey everyone!
Welcome to my Fantastic Friday Update, where I share my thoughts, feelings, and lessons learned from the week. I might make this a regular blog post every day, or this post might just be a once-off.
But today, I want to talk about embracing our unique imperfections and celebrating the sparkly moments that make life special.
Self-Care and Me-Time 🧋
This week, I made time for the things that bring me joy:
- Getting lost in lovely books (currently reading Happy Place by Emily Henry and Deep South by Paul Theroux)
- Writing short stories that glimmer with possibility
- Cosying up with Netflix and a warm cuppa (loving Nescafe Instant Coffee Blend 43 and Twinings English Breakfast Tea)
These moments helped me recharge and find hope in the midst of chaos.
Embracing Our Quirks 🌈
I've been thinking a lot about the importance of embracing our individuality. We're all unique, special, and sparkly in our own ways. Let's celebrate our differences and reject the pressure to conform.
Achievements and Progress 💗
This week, I achieved small goals, such as:
• going to my careers counselling appointment on Monday
• using Finch every day to help with my self-care goals
• practicing German every day with Duolingo
• list any more here if there are others I'm proud of, a maximum of five
I'm proud of myself for taking steps towards my goals and overcoming obstacles.
Lessons Learned 🗝
One key lesson I learned this week is that progress is not always linear. Some days, I felt motivated and productive, while others were challenging. But that's okay. It's essential to acknowledge and accept our fluctuations.
Gratitude ❤️
Even though I struggle with the concept of gratitude, I'm grateful for:
- Lovely loved ones who support me
- Inspiring books, podcasts and videos that fill me with hope (listening to Mamamia Out Loud on Podbean and Kati Morton on YouTube)
- Opportunities for growth and learning
Exciting News! 🦋
Get ready for our upcoming podcast episode!
Season 5, Episode 7: "R U OK?" will be released this Sunday!
In this episode, we'll dive into mental health, self-care, and the importance of checking in with ourselves and others.
Listen to the latest episodes on our Podbean account: https://alwaysangelicaspiealice.podbean.com/e/s5e6wakeme-up-when-september-ends-%e2%80%a2-with-george%e2%80%a2-the-mentalhealth-%f0%9f%a9-pas-depauxnavigating-life-schallengeswithstrengthin-ad/
Subscribe to stay updated and join the conversation!
Wrapping Up 🫶
Remember, you are unique, special, and sparkly just the way you are. Hold onto hope, and know that you're not alone.
Stay lovely, and I'll catch you in the next post!
Kind regards, Susannah from Always Angelic Aspie Alice 🦋
[Credits: photo of sticker courtesy of Always Angelic Aspie Alice at Kensington, Sydney]
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Hey! I saw you reblogged my post and was simply intrigued. Basically I'm on a mission to represent the non-human/alterhuman/otherkin/and so many others/ communities properly and holy shit seeing someone actually say they could relate to something I posted that they hadn't seen talked about WAS SUCH A BIG DEAL FOR ME! that's my only goal with this damn blog! (Sorry I'm functioning on caffeine right now) anyways, I'd love to hear anything else you think needs to be talked about more in our communities that isn't represented enough or is represented wrongly
Hello! I'm glad my resonance meant so much to you; I haven't seen anyone else convey the in-between space that I so often find myself in. It makes me wonder if the fictionkin label is the correct one for me as I haven't seen anyone else in the community discuss this feeling. As in my tags, instead of feeling one or the other, one soul in multiple lifetimes, I feel as though I have two souls in one body, my own and that of my kintype. It was more delineated in the beginning, but the shifts became harder to tease apart and now feel completely harmonious.
I suppose as far as representation is concerned, I believe you mention on your blog that you've heard that there isn't much discussion in way of psychological kin? I joined this community under that label because it helped me to make sense of my dissociative episodes in a way that felt grounded and comforting, later adopting the spiritual beliefs held by the otherkin community. I know this isn't a one size fits all experience, but seeing so many align while my own feels like an odd one out makes me wonder. It also makes me want to discuss my own experiences more, essentially as a way of reaching out to those who may feel similarly.
Seeing people discuss their experiences as fictionkin feels like an experience I am adjacent to; others discussing memories and especially reminiscing over friendships or relationships while I simply never felt that way, very interesting considering the powerful relationships my kintype has (had?). I wouldn't go as far as to say it feels isolating, but it feels almost as though my labeling of my experiences is incorrect due to the minutiae being so different from what appears to be the standard.
Of course, I only began to formally identify with this community maybe roughly a year or so ago, first jokingly but later realizing how genuine this truly is for me.
All in all, to answer the question, I suppose I would like to see more discussion of psychological kin, and, on a more difficult to pin down thought, I would love to see more discussion around unconventional experiences in the kin community. I know I feel something and I know it feels right to be where I am, but I can't quite nail down why it seems to be so different from those I see. I still miss a lot of the vocabulary as I haven't been around quite long enough, but the thoughts and questions linger.
Thank you for coming to me and saying hello and inquiring! I'm always glad to discuss experiences and I'm even more happy to see when those discussions are truly meaningful ✨️
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stamproject2023 · 2 years
Introductory Post
Hey there!
✨️Welcome to our Tumblr blog!✨️
The purpose of this blog is to talk about the concept of historical intersectionality and how it has shaped the experiences of marginalized groups throughout history.
Intersectionality is a term that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, but its roots can be traced back to the early 19th century black feminist movement. It recognizes that our different social identities - such as race, gender, class and sexuality - interact in complex and interconnected ways to shape our experiences and opportunities in society.
Historical intersectionality recognizes that these social identities have not existed in isolation, but rather have been deeply intertwined throughout history.
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✨️But what actually IS intersectionality?✨️
Intersectionality is a way of understanding social relations by examining intersecting forms of discrimination. This means acknowledging that social systems are complicated and that many forms of oppression like racism, sexism and ageism might be present and active at the same time in a person’s life.
Everyday approaches to building equality tend to focus on one type of discrimination – for instance sexism – and then work to address only that specific concern. But while the career of a young, white and able bodied woman might improve with gender equality protections, an older, black, disabled lesbian may continue to be hampered by racism, ageism and homophobia in the workplace. Intersectionality is about understanding and addressing all potential roadblocks to an individual or group’s well-being. But it’s not as simple as just adding up oppressions and addressing each one individually. Racism, sexism and ableism exist on their own. But when combined, they compound and transform the experience of oppression. Intersectionality acknowledges that unique oppressions exist, but is also dedicated to understanding how they change in combination.
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The roots of intersectionality lie within the black feminist movement, with legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw originating the term. Crenshaw felt that anti-racist and feminist movements were both overlooking the unique challenges faced by black women. She stated that legislation about race is framed to protect black men, and legislation about sexism is understood to protect white women. So simply combining racism and sexism together does not therefore protect black women.
Intersectional theory is now applied across a range of social divisions and also to understandings of domination such as those associated with whiteness, masculinity and heterosexuality. Intersectionality is not only about multiple identities, and it’s not a simple answer to solving problems around equality and diversity. It is, however, an essential framework as we truly engage with issues around privilege and power, and work to bring them into the open. Intersectionality means listening to others, examining our own privileges, and asking questions about who may be excluded or adversely affected by our work. As importantly, it means taking measurable action to invite, include and centre the voices and work of marginalised individuals.
✨️HOW is intersectionality still relevant today?✨️
Intersectionality is an important concept in the fight for social justice today. It recognizes that our identities cannot be separated from one another, and that our experiences are shaped by a complex array of factors. By understanding historical intersectionality, we can better understand the ways in which oppression and privilege have operated throughout history, and work towards a more just and equitable society for all.
Intersectionality is still very relevant today as it provides a framework for understanding how different forms of discrimination and oppression can intersect and impact individuals and communities.
One of the key ways in which intersectionality is relevant today is in the fight for social justice and equality. By recognizing that people may experience discrimination and oppression in multiple ways, intersectionality helps advocates and politicians to develop more inclusive policies and practices that address the complex and interrelated forms of oppression that people may face.
Intersectionality is also relevant in areas such as education, healthcare, and employment, where individuals from marginalized groups may face barriers to accessing services or opportunities due to their intersecting identities. By taking an intersectional approach, organizations can identify and address these barriers more effectively, leading to greater equity and inclusion.
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Overall, intersectionality remains an important concept for understanding and addressing the various forms of discrimination and oppression that exist in society today. Throughout the next few months we will explore all of it's facets and discuss it's more in-depth aspects.
Here are the Sources used:
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Tonight's Travels
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I know I will be able to reach my destination. This journey may take me months, years to achieve. I may honestly lose myself to this dream... but I know if I wake up tomorrow this path was worth it. Should I let you in on my grand Master plan? My blueprint? You may think me mad. But if I have this formula right, it may just save the world. I may just save the world... let's just focus on the task at hand shall we? I need to recharge my pow3r. One of my God given gifts is manipulating, storing, and observing energy. It can be from a human, it can be from a FLUORESCENT light bulb. Don't ask me why LED doesn't work.... but yes energy... I need more of it if I am to continue my "great work".... within the last 4 years I have been having a hard time controlling my energy. Also it was also a time where I was just learning about my "God Gifts". I truly do believe every person in this earth is capable to uncover theirs just with the right guides and a little patience. Because i have not focused my intentions on myself and my mission I forgot and loss track of why I even came to earth in the first place..... Long story short this is another vigilante attempt to save the world....
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The mission for the next 3 months and beyond?
I have my eye on a 🔑. He is just so full of energy. Energy that is not his.... I see it in his eyes and hear it in his hollow voice everytime he makes the slightest noise. He is on to me I think, I think he knows that I know know his secrets... But do I truly know them? Do i truly know that he's has this bloodlust? I don't know what I know so I'm on a mission... I am listening to spirit and what it is telling me about this person.... dangerous... don't trust it... don't trust his words to you... DON'T TRUST HIM... so I won't... the way I see it is... I'm here to pay attention... take notes... try to fix the problem within them.... try not to lose myself in the process.... so the target, 🔑 ,is honestly really friendly. But i know this person is only engaging for profit... whether its from money or my soul, idk that's what we are going to find out...
Tonight i will try to Astral Travel into his mind... key word here is TRY. The last time I connected to someone's mind they wanted me to do it. I have felt some kind of connection between us but it passed once I posted about my signification other... they soon stopped pursuing my energy for they felt as tho that shouldn't have said connection.... but because of this happening I will continue on my working. I know that they are looking forward to contact... I just have to pay my cards correctly....
Stealing energy isn't easy... and it's honestly a very dangerous thing to do. Because people are very protective over what it essentially theirs. Usually i gather my energy from the hundreds of men online. They give their cum energy willingly... it's like they can't hold onto it anymore and they just need to let it out... I enjoy doing this because I love the feeling of being filled with all off it... I mean ladies don't deny... you know exactly what I'm talking about... 👄... anywho I have decided to raise a bunch of energy in order go help me with my "Great Work ". But in addition to these willing sacrifices of cum, I have chosen a 🔑 patron to remove his sexual essence in order to will it into the "Work". He will become probably really well known for his "sacrifice". He will not be harmed in any way... although he may want to serve me for all eternity but hey.... so doesn't need more eternity long partners am I right?
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Steps to mind controlling
(And stealing energy)
✨️Astral project into targets mind successfully 6 times
✨️send persuasion dream to target to lower defences and confuse.
✨️repeat until desired outcome is achieved
By this point we want them to want us uncontrollably, to the point where they either want to send a picture of them ejaculating or them trying to find you to show you in person... hopfully is not the second option and they send a video to you with their baby gravy all over... ill take my energy battery and fill it as much as I can.
✨️repeat until situation is either dangerous for you or the targets sanity...
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Tonight I'll be trying to reach the 🔑 truth Astral protection.... they have to say a certain word in their post on order for me to on know it's working... only we will know the symbol they have to mention... let's do something simple like the word candy. If I come back and write that I think I made contact and the target mentions the word candy... we will be in business.. remember I'll have to successfully do this 6 times in order to move onto the next stage in the plan.... are you guys ready because I'm not 😆
I use an app with binaural beats to put me into a trance like state to reach my destination... I was fasting for 2 months but recently broke it to get more energy from food before I tried going for the gold... so here is my tumblr to keep you guys up to date with my magical activities 🍨🍬🍫🧁
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