#Critism welcome as always!
gl0wy-gh0st · 5 months
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Owo, what's this (help me)
This little parasite has been invading my brain for ages so I had to draw him
I should probably start adding watermarks to my art 😭
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afterartist · 3 months
The over-alls are evolving
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While I’m nowhere near as good as I hope to be I do think I’m getting at least a little better at drawing POC’s features, the hair in particular
If any of you have any tips or suggestions please tell me 🙏🙏
I can only get better with practice
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beans-core · 4 months
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The first piece of digital art I’ve made in years, and probably my favorite ever.
From this post of mine (what Harry might see in the Mirror of Erised when he’s older)
More versions below the cut :)
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halucynator · 1 year
That’s not what “based off this song” means
Hi Anon!! I looked it up and I get where you're coming from, but from what I've seen in other song fics (and what Google says) 'based off this song' often means drawing inspiration from the lyrics. I'm pretty sure I do that but I assume putting in the lyrics might be throwing you off? I do realise I embed the lyrics in the quotation which I do realise might be considered wrong. I just do it because in my school they always taught us to "embed our quotes" and that it sounds cooler. So rather than putting it separately I included it in dialogue while having the text be based off the lyrics as well but if that is wrong I am truly sorry for interpreting it wrong xx hope this helps xx I really appreciate your input and honestly, thank you, for bringing it to my attention! If there's any other way you think I can improve my writing, feel free to send me a message/ask!! Constructive criticism is always welcome x
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octopus-ink-pen · 8 months
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Working a bit on gesture drawing and moving into more dynamic poses. Hey still look stuff. Maybe adding more anatomy would help? Or just add more curves and establishing a line of action…
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Hey Jam, would like to let off some steam, because since the explosion happened, I keep reading how some approach Zelenskyj just because he said straight away that they were Russians. I understand that some are angry and say that he shouldn't blame anyone without proof. But come on, the first thing EVERYONE thought was THAT it was the Russians when they heard about the explosion! So how can it be that Selenskyj is turned on like that. After all, it's his opinion. And it's not all 100% complet
(If there is a second part of that anon, I unfortunately didn't receive it.)
I feel you and I know what you mean.
Here's the thing, everyone else (and I know some people think this because I've got seveal angry messages from people blaming Vova):
Was the communication on all (!!!) sites (Ukraine, Poland, NATO,...) perfect on Tuesday?! No. It was not perfect and mistakes happened.
But for god's sake, give that poor man a break and stop shaming and blaming him...
for something that wasn't his fault in the first place
after he had an absolutely hellish day
knowing very well emotions are ruining high right now
and expecting from him that he's always perfect (he's a human being after all - humans make mistakes)
after what the world did to Ukraine in the past
We can all not even imagine the trauma, pressure and stress he's living through since almost 9 (!!!) months of war. He has seen and heard things and had to decide things we can't even imagine and for almost 300 days he's fighting for his country with literally everything and every little bit of strength he has - despite the fact that the world basically gave a shit about Ukraine and some big countries are guilty of bringing Ukraine in the current situation. (And I could elaborate on this, but I think you get, what I'm trying to say.)
And Tuesday was one of the worst (!) missile attacks on Ukraine since February 24th. That destroyed large parts of the energy infrastructure ... when winter is about to start (or has started in large parts of Ukraine already). Not to mention the many people who died.
And one of these missiles or one of Ukrainians AD-missiles hit Poland. And his military says it's a Russian missile.
What do you all expect him to do and how to react?! Just shrug his shoulders and being like "Oh fuck, things happen, haha, good day! Sooooorry Poland!"???
For fuck's sake, that he may have reacted a little bit (too) emotional, I think, is more than understandable. And that he thought it's a Russian missile is also understandable.
What was he suppossed to do? Ignore his own military and intelligence service who all told him that it was a Russian missile?! As the President and Supreme Commander? Yeah, good luck with doing that during a war when chances it actually is a Russian missile are fucking high.
Not to mention that Ukraine has absolutely every fucking right to say that they believe it's Russia and defend themselves against any possible accussations. Anyone else remembers the whole "MH17"-guilt debacle??? How absolutely NO ONE believed Ukraine and thought they are guilty and everyone believed Russia (and everyone was oh so surprised when the court finally agreed and said Russia is guilty and not Ukraine)? Or all the othe Russian Propaganda things - blaming Ukraine whenever they could - and the world believing it until February 24th (or even right now).
So of course Ukraine wanted to be a step ahead.
And if people would not only listen to one statement he made, but actually took time to get informed, most people who complained would now know that he did say Ukraine is sorry about the deaths (he even held a minute of silence during his video addresses) and he voiced it different and much more diplomatic in the following days. And that he believes it's a Russian missile because that's what HIS PEOPLE TOLD HIM. (but he's open for other results after investigations and very sorry if it really is an Ukrainian AD-missile)
And one last thing (looking at all kinds of people): We, the people (media, society,...) need also to calm down. The amount of people who believed that literally any second WW3 could start and NATO throwing a nuclear bomb at Russia was unbelievable.
That's. Not. How. NATO. Works.
Stoltenberg isn't sitting in some dark office and is only waiting for Vova's call to press a button and drop that nuclear bomb. Soooooooooooo many things have to happen before NATO even considers of doing something. And a nuclear bomb is literally the last possible action they could do. They have so many other options. Some are military, some are not. And if NATO gets active or not is not tied to Vova.
And after all the red lines have been crossed by Russia - despite NATO saying that if Russia crosses THAT red line, they will do something ... oh no, wait, THAT red li ... no, no that other red li ... uuuhhhh ... the other one?! Oh damn, no, but thaaaat red ... - and NATO still did nothing big (no closed sky, no unlimited supply of weapons, still holding back several types of weapons, ...) you really think all of the sudden WW3 starts?!
In the end: Whatever happened in Poland (and it's still not 100% sure what kind of missile it is or who fired it) on Tuesday - it was never and will never be Ukraine's fault. It's Russia's fault and Russia's fault only. Without the war THEY started and without THEIR missiles, no missile would had ever hit Poland.
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strawberrylore · 22 days
I said I was going to write a story based on how I just got my heart broken and I’m pulling a fanfic move and moving back to my hometown.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Reader
Written on phone at 3AM, while heartbroken.
Might suck but feedback and constructive critism is always welcomed. Just be nice.
Possibly might do a part 2. Possible happy ending, depending on the mood I’m feeling.
Song on blast as I’m writing this is August.
You Were Never Mine
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You knew it was going to happen. You felt it deep inside, you just chose to ignore it. You held on to false hope, thinking that maybe you were just overthinking it. He had started being distant. You thought that maybe he was just busy, or had a lot on his mind.
But you knew deep down that wasn’t the case. You just hadn’t expected that it had something to do with her.
You thought he had gotten over it, but you were wrong. He was wrong.
But what could you do? You can’t force him to stay. You can’t force him to love you the way you love him. You let him go easily.
But your heart still yearns for him. You hadn’t seen him in a few weeks. He was sent on a mission by Charles. You had planned to tell him that you loved him when he came back. You had wanted to cook him dinner, make something he had always wanted to try.
But when he came back, he didn’t really talk to you. You felt something was off, you had even told your friends back home about it, but you thought it was just that the mission hadn’t gone the way he wanted it to.
But how wrong you were. He had sat you down and told you the heartbreaking news.
“I’m sorry. I thought I was over her, but I was wrong.”
Your world shattered as you heard those words come out of his mouth. Tears instantly clouded your eyes.
He looked down and took a deep breath.
“I’m not over her. And I can’t continue on with you if I’m not over her. It’s not fair to you.”
Tears were falling from your eyes. You took a deep breath and putting your head in your hands.
“I’ve been thinking about her. This. For weeks. I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want to hear this but I can’t drag you along.” He tried to take ahold of your hand but you pushed him away. You sat up abruptly.
You didn’t want to face him. You couldn’t, lest you breakdown even further.
“I appreciate your honesty Logan. I really do. Thank you for letting me know before this could’ve turned much more serious.”
In reality, you and Logan had been seeing each other for 4 months. Before that you had feelings for him. But he was with Jean.
They had ended badly. He didn’t date anyone for months but he had asked you out.
You foolishly thought that she wasn’t going to affect him and his relationships anymore.
“In reality Logan. I felt this coming. Just didn’t expect it to be because of her.”
He looked down, he looked guilty.
“I hope you can figure it out Logan. I’m glad you told me. Don’t worry about me. I should’ve been prepared for it.” Your voice failed you, but you didn’t turn to look at Logan’s reaction.
“Again. I’m so sorry.” Logan stood, trying to step closer to you, but you didn’t let him.
“I know. But that’s okay. I can’t force you to be in a relationship when you aren’t in it fully.” You move further, wanting to step out of his room.
“I wish things were different. I really like you, but I know that if we kept going, I’ll only break your heart.” Logan said. He sounded conflicted. But he knew he had to be honest with you.
“I know what you mean. I’m glad you were honest with me.” You started to head out.
“I wish you luck.”
You don’t know why, but that shattered whatever remaining hope that maybe, just maybe, he’ll come to his senses and realize that everything he could ever want was right in front of him. You shake your head, trying to stop yourself from sobbing.
“You as well.”
With that, you stepped out and closed the door behind you.
You went to your room. You didn’t want anyone to see you.
As you got inside, you headed to your bathroom. You turned the sink on and splashed water on your face.
You looked in the mirror, thinking about everything that’s happened. You couldn’t take it anymore and broke down in heavy sobs, falling to the bathroom floor and hugging your knees to your chest.
You wondered why. Why did it always have to be you? You always had the worst of luck finding someone, someone who treated you with respect and love. Then you found the one, only for him to be ripped from you as well.
You couldn’t take it. You needed air.
You got off the floor, you headed to the balcony attached to your room.
You took deep breaths as you tried to calm your crying.
You needed out.
The only reason you had stayed at the mansion was for Logan. You had wanted to go back home, to your friends. To your family. But Logan was the one thing keeping you here.
Now that that’s done, you didn’t have anymore excuses. You had decided right then and there that you were going back home.
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l0vema · 1 month
Seokmin in a relationship
He is really lowkey about his feelings at the start, not wanting too much attention on him or you for that matter.
When you are finally in a relationship he'd be the type to always match your energy. I know a lot of people see him as super hyper 24/7 but tbh he's pretty chill with you. Just always smiling slightly cause he loves being near you.
Dates with him would be really cute . A lot of the time you'd both get dressed to go out and just as your about to leave you'll make eye contact and one of you will say "wanna stay home and order in?" the other will reply with something along the lines of "we could sing karaoke or watch some sappy movie". You'd both be rushing to take off your shoes and just be comfortable at home.
When you do go out it's usually seokmin being hyper and you balancing him out with your chill aura. He'd be arguing with seungkwan during game night and you'd be sitting there smiling behind him.
Whenever you do get all hyper and loud during an especially intense game of mafia he'd be your #1 fan. Like "THATS MY GIRL" and if you do some crazy plot twist inspired by hoshi ofc he'd be screaming up and down (is so proud of you)
The members simultaneously love and hate seeing him so in love with you. Like you'd be all quiet and straight faced in a corner and he'd be infront of you smiling, eyes twinkling lovingly.
Wouldn't be too into pda but would occasionally hold your hand when your sitting down together. Sometimes when at a house party with all the members and their partners he'd think he was in a hidden corner and kiss you GOOD cause he just thinks you look so hot and can't not.
(Sidenote: you guys weren't hidden and seungkwan was gagging at you two)
He'd call you babe or a nickname from you real name when with other people but when you're alone or he thinks no one can hear he'll whisper "hey beautiful/love" with a twinkle in his eyes. Likes to keep the intimacy of such names something between only you and him.
When he kisses you he needs to get more than one. For example while his cooking and you walk into the kitchen he turns and gives you a peck while his hands are busy mixing the soup. Immediately after he lowers the heat and wipes his hands on cloth to pull you in again "one more beautiful" he'd whisper and kiss you with so much more passion, this one would last longer. After, he won't move though, he'd rest his forehead on yours and just breathe in your scent. "I'm making your favourite" he'd say after a while. It takes an effort for him to turn back to the simmering soup. He just can't get enough of you.
He is the most observant person you know. A subtle change in the way you feel is noticed. Whether you are getting excited or overthinking or even falling into contentment he can tell and knows what to do. If you ask him why he always seems to know what you need he replies simply "gut feeling, everytime. My stomach loves just as much as my heart" he smiles brightly. You wonder if he can tell how grateful you are to the universe for bringing him to you.
A/n: seokmin is my bias in svt and I've just been having c4azy daydreams of being with him, I needed to get this out of my system. Please be nice this is my first time writing something. (Constructive critism is always welcome, even though I did this for fun and it isn't anything serious)
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lunesmoony · 1 year
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Original + reference :)
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I am SOOO ready for Hunter to enter his reputation era 🤭
I absolutely love drawing him in this lighting! It was so fun!!
As always- critism/tips are welcome but not full on hate :)
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toon-tales · 3 months
Hiya, guys! Ok, so, I CAN'T BELIEVE I forgot to post this here!
Just a brief summary, this is Rosiepuff dealing with the absence of her grandsons, because, where are those?
I gladly accept and welcome critism, feel free!
And finally, enjoy!
See you later
They would come back. She knew they would.
Don't get her wrong. Rosiepuff knew her boys. They can take care of themselves, doubtlessly, but each one on his own? She didn't even know where they were, which only added to her already pent-up anxiety.
They were perfect. In every single way she could think of. She loved John Dory's bossy yet, as his brothers liked to deny he even has it, caring personality. She loved staying up late with Spruce. He never complained how boring her activities were, like, except for Branch, the rest of his brothers. Instead, he just sat there trying to crochet with her every night he struggled to sleep, even though he always ended up with a tangled mess. Mess. Rosiepuff chuckled. Clay and Floyd were no strangers to the word, the way their fights would leave her pod begging to be tidied up, back when Floyd used to be the baby.
But now, things are different. Floyd is no longer the baby. She remembered that day like it was yesterday. John Dory, Spruce, Clay, and Floyd were hovering over the crib, waiting for the new addition to the family in anticipation. She remembered how she used to scold them whenever they messed with Branch's tips before he hatched, the way they would giggle, then do it again later. It was as if they has been waiting for him their entire life, how could they just leave them?
"Grandma?" a small voice interrupted her thoughts.
Rosiepuff forced a smile. "Yes, Branch?"
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" said troll muttered groggily, rubbing his eyes. "I had a bad dream…"
The older nodded. "Come on here, you little," she said playfully, scooping the baby in her arms and earning a giggle from him.
"I love you, grandma," he said, snuggling in her arms.
She didn't know when, but her forced smile had became genuine.
I love you. She used to hear that sentence five times every day, when did it become one? Yet again, she didn't know.
"Grandma, when are they coming?"
She didn't know. She didn't even know if they would come. Uncertainty tugged at her heartstrings, making her on the verge of collapsing in front of the young troll. He didn't deserve this. He needed her, needed her to be strong like she's always been. She couldn't leave him too.
Taking a deep breath, she replied, "Soon, sweetie."
"But it's been days…i miss them…"
"You know they love you," Rosiepuff said softly, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. "They'll come back soon."
If not for her, then at least for him.
Not even a visit.
They loved her, right? They loved her. Otherwise, why would John Dory shout a quick 'Love you' whenever he found out she hanged his clothes, being the careless troll he was? Why would Spruce give her a quick kiss on the cheek after she had brought him his favorite snacks while he sat there surrounded by love letters from fans? Why would Clay just hug her randomly from behind, though she later scolded him for scaring her like that? And Floyd? Out of everyone, she didn't expect Floyd to leave. The way he showed his affection, the way they all did, shunned the idea out of her head. But now, as she sat there with her youngest grandson sleeping soundly in her lap, she felt the thought slowly consuming her, threatening to swallow her whole.
She slowly got up, careful not to disturb the sleeping troll, and began wandering aimlessly around her pod, cleaning the space where she and Branch had just played, unconsciously picking up toys and placing them in their right place.
She chuckled, a soft, brief sound. They used to rehearse here. They used to rehearse till they got sore throats, but they never complained, most likely because it gave them a chance to have a break. They would all sit in this very spot she was standing on, while John Dory helped Branch choose a game for the night, then form a small circle and start playing. She still remembered how their laughter echoed through the entire place, and for a split second, it became too real she had to turn around to make sure if it was really them.
But it wasn't. It was just Branch. Just Branch. The word echoed in her head countless times. They were once an inseparable group, but now, everyone went their separate ways. It was just her and Branch, and the thought of them just leaving their baby brother, leaving each other, like this, couldn't be more suffocating.
"Goodnight, Branch," Rosiepuff whispered softly, tucking her grandson in his bed.
Branch stared at her with wide, innocent eyes. "Grandma…they'll come, right?"
She sighed, running a gentle hand through his blue hair. "Of course they will," she said, not sure whether she was assuring him or herself. "They love you, of course they'll come back."
"But it's been weeks…"
His grandma frowned. "I know, sweetie."
"When are they coming?"
Soon. How many times has she said that already? She didn't know. She didn't know. That sentence again. It rang in her head like a bell, reminding her of the uncertainty that settled within her. What else can Rosiepuff say other than 'Soon'? She wasn't lying…was she?
"Soon, baby," she replied, fighting back tears.
Branch froze, seeing the tears that were about to roll down her cheeks. He hesitated. Should he say it?
"I love you, grandma… "
There was a pause, and Branch could swear he saw a stray tear escape her teary eyes. However, she looked at him with what he thought was a forced smile.
"I love you too, Branch." At least she knew this one wasn't a lie.
She never lied when she said 'I love you'. She would lie a lot to her grandsons. Lying here meaning she would deny making cookies so they wouldn't eat it before dinner, or assuring them no bergen will ever get near them as long as she was here, as long as they were all here, together. But when it came to that simple sentence, 'I love you', she would say it without hesitation, sometimes even replying to it unconsciously.
"Sleep tight, okay?"
She lost track. Or stopped counting, to be honest. What would she count? The days her grandsons decided to split up? To leave her and their brother alone? Or the days she spent convincing herself they would come back? Were they even coming back?
Will she see them again?
She just wanted to see them, give them a proper goodbye at least, but she didn't know they will just…leave. She hoped that maybe, just maybe, she will stumble upon them in the different paths of life. But what if she didn't? What if they were hurt? Or got eaten? Or…weren't alive?
'No. No, Rosiepuff, don't think like that.' She thought to herself, shaking her head and focusing on the task at hand. 'Of course they're alive.'
She was outside, keeping an eye on Branch as he sang and danced to music only he could hear. She watched as he occasionally slipped from the branch he was standing on, but he quickly regained his composure and continued singing like nothing happened.
He wasn't wearing it, was he? She stole a glimpse at the hanger inside her pod, and there it was, hanging still, Floyd's leaf vest. She sighed, not sure whether from disappointment or relief. On one hand, he seemed to be slowly moving on, or at least that's what he showed her, he wasn't a baby anymore, not since that day, and she knew that very well. On the other hand, she feared he might forget about them, and while the thought was somehow comforting, it was equally terrifying.
Rosiepuff? She couldn't forget them, not even if she tried. Tried. Has she ever even tried? She didn't. She didn't want to try. How could she, when literally everything she saw reminded her of them? She could still hear them singing, more like fighting, then suddenly cheering when their songs were announced hits through the radio. She was the one who used to deliver these news, with their favorite treats for a perfect night.
"And I need you now tonight."
She knew that lyrics. She knew it so well. How long has her grandson been listening to her singing without her noticing? Restless nights do that to a person, she figured.
"And I need you more than ever."
He went on, completely oblivious to the turmoil going on inside her. It did soothe her a little, surprisingly. Maybe that's all she ever wanted. Someone to acknowledge her pain.
"And if you only hold me tight."
She needed them. But what can she do?
"We'll be holding on forever."
Rosiepuff had to move on. She will move on, at least for Branch. Starting from now. She was sick of the nights she would spend crying, and more of the nights she had to keep it to herself. She made up her mind. No more crying, no more tears, no more pretending in front of her grandson, and most importantly, no more lying.
She turned around, ready to join the young troll in his small concert, but no sooner had she checked at him than her eyes widened.
"Branch, watch out!"
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amymbona · 1 month
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.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ blog rules
  ҉ this is a personal blog, consisting not only of me writing fanfiction but mainly sharing my thoughts and experience
  ҉ I am a human being with a personal life who can't dedicate 24/7 of her time to this blog - if you send me an ask, don't expect me to answer right away - if I don't give you an answer within a week, it means I either have no inspiration or simply don't feel like writing it at the moment
  ҉ I am also no celebrity nor a superhuman and never claimed to be, so feel free to just chat with me, I promise I'm a friendly girl :)
  ҉ if you don't like something about me or my writings, I really don't care - you can unfollow this blog anytime, no one is holding you here - constructive critism is welcome, though, there is always a way to improve
  ҉ don't be rude for no reason, even if there's something you don't like, it's a basic human act of kindness to remain respectful
  ҉ it's not really comfortable for me to compare reader's size/weight/skin colour or any particular physical trait with the characters - unless it's a direct topic of the post (fairy!au, angel and devil!au, mermaid!au etc...), reader will simply remain reader and you're free to imagine her however you want
  ҉ no porn links in the asks, I really don't like it
topics I won't write !
  ҉ anything that includes any form of abuse, non-consent or cnc - I have no issues with angsty or high tension situations, but once there is an unclear sign of consent (or its complete lack), I'm uncomfortable with it
  ҉ nasty and disgusting stuff (piss kink and all the other smelly fluids and excrements)
  ҉ inflicted violence - aside from mentions of spanking during the dirty or battle scenes in some corresponding aus
  ҉ incest or stepcest
  ҉ unfair/serious power play situations - any non-consentual limitations of reader's free will/freedom or blackmailing or abusive situations are weird to me
  ҉ same goes to reader being reduced to a thoughtless bimbo - I want to write about people who are aware of their own identity and aren't just a body to fuck
  ҉ at the moment, I am feeling pretty uncomfortable about smut - please, respect that while sending asks
Please keep in mind that this list might get updated, depending on how my preferences change :)
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raven · 5 days
so i found your blog at random and i like how you post a lot of your thoughts freely like that, so it only felt welcoming to ask a question:
what makes you think that embodying [critism on how men in power will sexualize women] would fit revolver ocelot as a character? i'm just so intrigued, why him specifically? in my mind he doesn't even have many connections to the women of the story. why him then and not, say, volgin?
thank you for asking!
mostly because ocelot is (and i don't say this because i want it to be true im saying it because im interpreting the text) ocelot is gay. like, i guess you could deny it. but mostly this is because he has no attraction to women but still uses sexual assault to assert his power. the post you're talking about was made right after i saw the torture room scene in 3, in which ocelot grab's eva's boob for.. pretty much no reason. to prove she's a spy? i mean, it was to put her in her place. he also has a few jabs at meryl, sniper wolf, and fortune in this regard. it's clear he doesn't think much of women, but since the game itself also doesn't think much of women and takes every moment to sexualize them, it's not really a coherent commentary.
in terms of his connection to women, i completely disagree. he is eva's foil in 3. he's adam, she's eve. they fill the same role on different sides (all the way around!!) and they interact pretty frequently and are on a pretty even playing field until that one scene i mentioned before. (also im still playing v but he's also quiet's biggest defender which is lowkey weird but there's another connection with women even if it doesn't really prove my point, but it also kind of proves that they didn't really make him do a whole lot in that game in terms of "saying something". yet! so far! idk!) (and also his connection to the boss which i dont really want to get into. its obvious why he wasn't sexualizing her or anything lol, but she's also always in a position of power over him. which may say a lot)
re: why not volgin: basically, volgin is 1) bisexual and 2) a pretty one-sided villain. i guess whether or not he's actually attracted to eva is maybe not confirmed but this is how i interpreted it. but he is still using eva as a way to confirm his power, but that brings us to 2) that volgin is simply a villain, while ocelot becomes more and more of a sympathetic character with each game. i dont care if you like volgin but he's pretty cartoonishly evil to me. like, not only is "abusing women to prove his power" alreadty a part of his character, but he also abuses everyone around him so it's kind of not really a specific commentary for him. every part of his character including his bisexuality is a reason to hate him more, and while his treatment of eva is wrong because he's evil, ocelot is kind of... brushed aside. sometimes you just want to grab a boob.
anyways all this to say... here's why i say ocelot could be that. as for reasons i don't think they succeeded at doing that, i feel like i argued that less but well the way that anyone could say "huh i dont really see that" is why i can say it didn't succeed👆🤓 okay i really need to eat dinner and play more mgsv ✌️
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mybrainrotforreal · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Hector
Well it's still june 11th somewhere right? This is my first attempt writting fanfiction so constructive critism are welcomed!
June 11th 2023
Charlie wakes up with a pair of arms holding him close and a steady breathing on his hair, he snuggles closer to his lover and kisses his jaw, waking him softly. It is very rare for Charlie to wake up before him but today is a special day and he can’t wait to prepare it.
“Hector, wake up… I’m hungry,” But the older man only squeezed him tightly in his arm as his response. He eventually sighs and releases Lonnit from his embrace, looking at him sleepily as he strokes his hair gently as a good morning greeting, his mouth feels so dry and he doesn’t in the mood to talk.
“Morning for you too,” The ex-director closes his eyes and relishes his touch, like a cat. They spent their morning touching and stroking each other, not-sexually but as if they are comforting each other. They only stop when Charlie’s stomach growls. Hector chuckles and after he kissed his forehead, he makes a beeline to the bedroom to wash his face and later, to the kitchen, preparing their breakfast.
Charlie on the other hand, making two cups of coffee for the two of them and preparing the table. It’s more like a brunch instead of breakfast, but it’s okay. They are going to have visitors tonight so they have to get more rest beforehand. Of course, it’s not incident to have them just right on Munday’s birthday, as a director, Charlie knows that timing is everything.
They check out their traps in the hotel again, making sure they are working properly and gets back to the light house to change their customs. When Charlie finally agreed to be his accomplice, Hector started to design his costume, it was a plaid brown suit, a white shirt and paired with a navy tie and handkerchief, the blue color brings out his eyes more, making him look even more dashing.
Hector has seen him in his costume many times but every time his lover puts it on, he has this tightening feeling in his chest, as if he doesn’t believe that someone, especially as brilliant, as beautiful as Charles Lonnit, become his accomplice. Luring their victims into their lair with his charming smile, helping him pushing the right button for the wall, making him hunt easier or even more exciting when he is feeling playful. Hector can’t stand his feeling, he ends up grasping his forearm and covering his lips with his own. Showing how reverent and blessed he is, and maybe his slight blush. He always feel proud the way the suit he makes envelope Charlie’s body perfectly.
Charlie kisses him back, even though he doesn’t know why Hector always kisses him when he puts on his suit, he enjoys the attention he gets, only this time he kisses him much longer than he usually do, today is his special day after all and he will make sure everything is dedicated to his lover. As their kisses end, Charlie smiles and pecks his cheek as he puts on the chauffer hat on his lover's head, “Come on, you don’t want to keep our guests waiting right?”
Hector lets out a low growl like a disgruntled dog as he pulls back but alas, he smooths the hat on his head, making it snug perfectly. He caresses his lover cheek and kisses it as a goodbye. Charlie's right, he shouldn’t make them waiting when he picks them up with his limo, otherwise they would think it’d be more suspicious.
After Hector drops them off, Charlie comes up to them with a speed boat. Hector usually made his former ferryman to pick them up with the ferry but Charlie despised it since it looks old and rusty. It looks suspicious! And how can Hector turn down his request? In the end, they managed to steal a speedboat with a classic wooden interior and Charlie loves it immensely.
“Good afternoon, girls and boys, I hope you have pleasant ride for coming here. I’m Edward Du’met and just like you, I’m very ecstatic to be here, to meet the winner of our hotel tour.” Charlie flashes out his charming smiles, he looks energetic and giddy. Their visitors, who are a bunch of so- called “influencer”, looks at him excitedly and introducing their name before they hop on to the speedboat.
As Charlie drives the boat, he talks about the history of the island and the hotel and even a little bit about his life. Where he was married with the man who was inherited the hotel and unfortunately died in the middle of the pandemic. His husband loved mysteries, including serial killer and he wanted the hotel to be a tourist attraction and Charlie tries to make his wish comes true The story gains some sympathy from his guest, especially the girls, who are looking at his ring finger ever since they laid their eyes on him. The moment they arrive at the hotel, Charlie gives them the key and tells them to meet him at the dinner table at seven, emphasizing they shouldn’t be late.
The dinner turns out smoothly, they compliment the food and the wine, and Charlie lets the conversation flows until suddenly the lights went out, Charlie, as a host, apologizes and hastily stands up and walks to the side of the wall, searching for the light switch. Out of sudden, he screams and the light is on again. A man in a white mask, is stabbing him with a knife in his chest, his blood spluttering everywhere, he is choking on his own blood and convulsing. Charlie turns his head slowly to the guests, showing his bloodied mouth and teeth as he whimpers, “H… H-help...P-please...”
The light goes out again for a moment and when it backs again, they couldn’t find the killer nor Charlie, only blood on the floor and the wall. The group panic and run to the door, only finding it locked, they are trapped with the killer who can show up at any time.
Hector takes his lover’s hand and leads him to the control room, he knows Charlie knows how to get there but he can’t pass the opportunity to touch him, his skin is just like a drug to him and to see him covered in blood, even though it’s a fake one… Stirring up something deep inside him.
“Do you like my improvisation? I usually just scream but, really, you should’ve seen their face when I cried for help,” Charlie he licks his lips, the fake blood tastes like strawberry.
Du’met rolls his eyes as he lets him sit on the chair in front of the buttons and monitors. His lover always loves some drama. But he can’t help to smile and decides to verbalize his praise, “I always love your creativity.” He takes out his handkerchief and wipes the fake blood off his lover’s neck.
“You always love me,” Charlie lets him touches his neck as he peers to the monitors. The groups scatter of to the lobby like trapped mice, one by one Hector will herd them to the trap and Charlie will close the door, along with their fate. “I wonder whom Patrick will choose to save in the gas chamber, will it be his girlfriend or his best friend?”
The killer ponders a bit, recalling about their profile, “he’ll choose his girlfriend, he plans to propose to her here anyway.”
“Maybe, but Robert is his childhood friend, almost like a brother to him and he is his groomsman.”
“Well, let’s finds out,” Hector straightens up his posture and puts on his ear piece, at the same time, Charlie wears his headset. It’s easier for them to communicate this way and sometime, Charlie loves to chatter as Hector hunts, almost like a radio to him.
“Have fun, my dear and… don’t get hurt,” Charlie kisses his masked cheek. After Hector leaves the control room, he turns his attention to the monitor, watching and assisting his lover to do his hobby.
When he is done and prepares to disposes the bodies, Charlie texted him he will wait for him in their light house. Hector usually needs a couple of hours, so Charlie is confident he can prepare his birthday in time. He cooks two portion ofbeef wellington, potato salad and prepares a bottle of expensive wine, today is Hector's birthday after all.
Charlie hears the door was opened and he greets the birthday man, helping him to take off his hat and apron, ushering him so he could take a bath first, making sure he blocks the view of the kitchen when he does so.
When Hector walks into the kitchen, he finds his lover sitting on the dining table, the food is ready and he can feel his stomach growls. All the killing and disposing the bodies surely burns so much calories.
Hector slices the beef and he hums in delight, it’s delicious and Charlie cooks it perfectly. Even though he doesn’t verbalize it, Charlie learns to read his facial expression, finding it more relax and content as minute passing by.
“You know, you won. Patrick did save Angela in the gas chamber.” Charlie doesn’t like to admit his defeat but Hector deserves his victory. Beside not everyone is respecting “Bro before Hoe” code now, isn’t?
“They were madly in love, but who can blame them? It’s hard to think about anybody else when you were deeply in love with someone and committed to spend their whole life with them.” Hector looks at him in the eyes, finding his reflection in on his glasses.
“It is,” Charlie agrees and he can feel his cheeks getting warm, catching the nuances Hector made for him and he never feels so lucky to be with him. The rest of dinner goes very well indeed. Lonnit tells a couple of stories about how the victim interacts to each other and Hector tells him about the improvement they should make for the traps. The white noise from the wave accompanying their conversation and the wine warms the men from the inside.
“Since our episode today is successful, I think we deserve a dessert,” Without waiting for Hector's response, Charlie goes to the refrigerator and takes out a box. He places it on the table cautiously and opens it.
He was surprises with the candles, they rarely had candle light dinner but what surprises him the most is on the table. Hector peers and sees a replica of human heart.
“What is it?”
Instead of answering, Charlie gives him a knife and gestures him to cut it. His frown gets even deeper, the replica looks good and such a shame if he destroys it, but his curiosity wins over and his psychopathic needs, which was satiated not just an hour ago, spikes again as he sees the fake blood glistening on the heart replica. The killer stabs it first, and raises his brow at how easy the knife sinks into it. He tweaks the knife a bit and finds a cake inside of it, red velvet cake with chocolate ganache as the filling.
Before Hector say anything Charlie walks up to him and cups his cheeks, “Happy birthday, Hector.”
Hector freezes as those words leaves Charlie’s mouth, nobody has ever said them to him. He never celebrated his birthday, his mother didn't care, in fact she detested the day he was born, it was the day he ruined his mother life with his existence in this world. Each of Munday’s birthdays comes and goes without a whisper and he think nothing of it. It was a day that even the Ex-FBI himself seems to let lapse from his memory. But now, he lives with someone who loves him, who celebrated him for being born in this world. Who spent their time cooking fancy dish and ordering cake for him. It was a strange feeling, just like when he first heard Charlie confessed his love to him. It’s feels like every foundation of his believe is bombed and shattered, but it only leaves space to be built again.
“Umm… Hector? I know you don’t really like surprises but I thought you’d like it, I’m- I’m sorry if you don’t like it. We can set it aside, of course...” As Hector is silent, Charlie becomes more frantic, does his plan just backfire? Charlie made sure the cake as realistic as it can get. He ordered it from a bakery where the baker once work as a surgeon but at some point, he resigned and decided to follow his passion in bakery. He starts to raise and takes the heart he had given to him, “I should’ve ask first, really, Hector, I’m-“
Hector takes his wrist gently to place the cake on the table again then cups his face with his other hand. After finding his voice and articulate the words in his mind, he starts to speak softly to him, “Charlie, it’s… growing up, I never celebrate my birthday because my mother thought it was the day her life turned into disaster. So I’ve never been in this situation before. I don’t know what to do... but I acknowledge your intention, Charlie. You love me.” He strokes his cheeks gently and murmurs, “Thank you,”
Charlie pulls him into hug abruptly and nuzzles his cheek against his strong shoulder, “You almost gave me a heart attack, you know.”
Hector chuckles and hugs him back, his strong hand stroking his back soothingly, “at least I didn’t leave you again like when you confessed to me,”
“Well, a progress is a progress,” Charlie smiles and whispers to his ear, “Thank you for being born,”
Hector finds himself speechless again and only responds by hugging him tightly again, to the point Lonnit pats his shoulder to release him.
“Come on, we need to try the cake!”
Hector finally releases his embrace with a soft smile on his lips. He cuts a rather large portion for lonnit and another one for himself, all while appreciating the work of art the baker has made. As they eat his birthday cake, Hector watched his lover closely. The way he eats, the way he moves, the way he shows his love to him… For the first time in his life, he feels grateful for being born, for having the chance to be loved by Charles Lonnit and love him back in return.
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queen-c-23 · 4 months
☆Yes and No☆
I wanted to also set boundaries with things I would feel comfortable about/uncomfortable about writing.
Things I feel comfortable with:
Comfort/reverse comfort
child! reader(PLATONIC!)
PLATONIC relationships
Mild NSFW(no smut)
Coming out
Mental Health(autistic reader, ADHD reader)
Things I'd be neutral about:
Abuse(bring awareness)
Yandere(realistic and bring awareness)
Mental health(bring awareness)
Things I'm uncomfortable with:
Romanticizing disabilities or mental illness
I'm fine with writing about minors, as long as it is platonic and nothing but wholesome.
I'd like to write things with serious issue as awareness, romanticizing serious issues is wrong.
No sexualizing anybody, especially if it's character that are minors/different sexuality/romantic preference
No hate speech, despite the struggles with things like racism or xenophobia, I don't feel comfortable writing that considering my own experiences with it.
No pedophili@, this needs no reason, it's wrong.
I don't like writing things with too much gore for readers and myself, so I like to keep it mild, I want everyone included and read on if they want.
No hate comments
No slander
Critism is welcome
No bullying
Just have fun♡
I'd like to make this a safe, comfortable environment for people on this app, so all hate comments will be deleted.
I have no issue with criticism, but if you're only going to write about not liking the topic itself, nobody forced you to read it.
I hope these rules and boundaries will be respected and as always.
Have a lovely day/night♡
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hurricane-leo · 6 months
This blog is run by @pey-up aka Peyton
I am a minor and so are a lot of the characters here so be chill man (simp over the adults all you want though)
This comic is for funsies! I love making oc's and stories! Im still working out the plot, but I have about 8 pages down already by the time of me starting this blog so we're getting there!
Constructive critism is welcome, being a dick is not. If I make a mistake, or you want to suggest something, dm's and askbox are always open!
Speaking of askbox, while I can't promise I'll get to all of them I'm welcoming drawing suggestions and asking characters questions :3
That is all! I believe the comic as of right now will update every other day, but we'll see
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solarkinoko · 7 months
Little introduction thingy :D
Currently struggling with creativity and managing a youtube channel, so art will be slow :') my apologies!!
I mainly post Hermitcraft and life series art, with the occasional silly joke or comment :D
Call me Kino or Kinoko (but Kino is preferred, Kinoko feels too serious idk qvq)
My pronouns are xe/voi/they/he (in order of most preferred!) I'm still getting used to tumblr so any tips will be appreciated a TON (also art tips are very welcome! I’m still learning after all :3) Anyways, current series/projects:
• drawing all hermitcraft guys in dresses, currently redrawing all!! (5 in total)
most of my posts will probably be some silly lil things/doodles :3
Im also on YouTube and TikTok! (TikTok is fairly unused currently, YouTube currently has one video posted!!)
I plan to try and make a little safe space for people, so any harassment of me or someone that asked a question will not be tolerated!! Any questions are valid and will be treated with respect. Constructive critism is always welcome!
Oh and doodle requests are very welcome!! Basically ask anything in the ask box and I’ll most likely doodle what you ask or answer any questions you might have :3
Tysm for taking the time to read all of this!!
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