#Field of Fire
stopthatbluecat · 10 months
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Mutual Pining: Kira x Ezri
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fangtalksdragons · 4 months
Field of Fire. FanAnimation
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Check out this phenomenal fanmade animation by Unity 5 Games, remaking the famous battle of Aegons Concquest. The Field Of Fire!
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asoiafreadthru · 5 months
A Game of Thrones, Tyrion II
His own remote ancestor, King Loren of the Rock, had tried to stand against the fire when he joined with King Mern of the Reach to oppose the Targaryen conquest.
That was close on three hundred years ago, when the Seven Kingdoms were kingdoms, and not mere provinces of a greater realm.
Between them, the Two Kings had six hundred banners flying, five thousand mounted knights, and ten times as many freeriders and men-at-arms.
Aegon Dragonlord had perhaps a fifth that number, the chroniclers said, and most of those were conscripts from the ranks of the last king he had slain, their loyalties uncertain.
The hosts met on the broad plains of the Reach, amidst golden fields of wheat ripe for harvest.
When the Two Kings charged, the Targaryen army shivered and shattered and began to run.
For a few moments, the chroniclers wrote, the conquest was at an end…
…But only for those few moments, before Aegon Targaryen and his sisters joined the battle.
It was the only time that Vhagar, Meraxes, and Balerion were all unleashed at once.
The singers called it the Field of Fire.
Near four thousand men had burned that day, among them King Mern of the Reach.
King Loren had escaped, and lived long enough to surrender, pledge his fealty to the Targaryens, and beget a son, for which Tyrion was duly grateful.
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sshbpodcast · 4 months
Character Spotlight: Dax (all of ‘em!)
By Ames
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We give Deep Space Nine a lot of credit for fleshing out Trill culture after the confusion that was TNG’s “The Host.” Trill characters become so much more interesting when the joining gets retconned to be more of a personality melding than an overwrite, and we’ve got Dax to thank for that. All the Daxes! Sure, we’ve also been frustrated that every Dax-centered episode seems to rewrite how being a Trill works, but we’ll get into that in a second.
Your hosts at A Star to Steer Her By decided to clump all the Daxes together for this spotlight, so we’ve got your gorgeous Jadzia, your cute-as-a-button Ezri, and even some mentions for Curzon and other bonus Daxes to round out our Best and Worst Moments lists! Check them out below, listen to our discussion in this week’s podcast episode (jump over to 1:09:24), and find out if the spots do go all the way down.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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A different kind of worm pouch, er, hole! Deep down, Jadzia is just a science nerd who wants to science, so it’s only fitting that she’s the one who does all the heavy lifting when it comes to discovering the wormhole in “Emissary” (not to be confused with “The Emissary” from TNG). Her study of the orbs leads her down the rabbit… er, worm hole until she and Ben go investigate and accidentally start this whole series!
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We were just… wrestling One thing the show makes clear about Jadzia early on: she fucks. This girl is unapologetic about how she seeks consensual sex, and good for her. In “Playing God,” she has clearly just struck the mat with her wrestling coach in a scene meant to raise eyebrows, but she’s so forthright about it that viewers go right past feeling titillated and straight to accepting that she knows what she wants.
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You are the only one who can give yourself another chance The rest of “Playing God” is spent appraising her Trill initiate, Arjin. And while she’s more polite and forgiving than Curzon would ever be, she’s also upfront with the little dweeb. She tells him that if he’s only looking to become a joined Trill for other people’s sake and not his own, then he’s bound to fail both himself and a symbiont. He should do what he wants to do.
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A Klingon blood oath can never be broken It’s in “Blood Oath” halfway through season two that Jadzia truly emerges as a powerhouse character. Not only does she fight like a true warrior, but she stands up for herself when her old Klingon friends are wary of honoring the blood oath they made with Curzon. It’s the first time Jadzia does something for her after a couple seasons of us questioning her character’s agency, and she slays!
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I don’t want to lose you, not again The next really epic, character-defining moment for Jadzia comes in “Rejoined” when again she is fighting for something she desires, even if it will mean the end of the Dax symbiont’s legacy. But screw it, Jadzia lives for love, and her relationship with her old partner Lenara Khan is so deeply felt that we really root for them, and feel all the more crushed at the end.
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The only adult in the room Jadzia’s character is so frequently marked by the experience of several lifetimes that she just has this maturity and wisdom about her sometimes. Especially when everyone around her is acting like children, like in “The Sword of Kahless” when Worf and Kor were being selfish brats about finding the legendary bat’leth and Jadzia has to shut them both up. With a phaser.
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Kahless hearts Lukara Jadzia’s sort of a hopeless romantic sometimes, so it’s only fitting that she try to earnestly help her friend Quark woo his lady love, the glorious Grilka in “Looking for Par’mach in All the Wrong Places.” When it’s not enough to teach Quark some Klingon languages and how to fight with a bat’leth, she even brilliantly concocts an optronic relay to allow Worf to fight for him remotely.
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If this story had an unhappy ending, I would have never forgiven you Sure, it’s mostly a Jake Sisko episode and Jadzia has pretty much just one actual scene in it, but there’s just something about her talk with Benjamin in “...Nor the Battle to the Strong” that’s so sweet. Sisko is stressing out about Jake being in a warzone, and Jadzia tells him one of her past host’s parenting stories to put him a little more at ease, like a good parent would.
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Retreat, acquire, confront, evade As we saw in “Looking for Par’mach in All the Wrong Places,” Jadzia’s friendship with Quark has always been well depicted. In a show in which we’ve complained (multiple times) about racism against Ferengis, Jadzia is the only one to give Quark the time of day, and also the one closest to him to tell him to stop weapons dealing in “Business as Usual” because she cares.
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Oh baby, I hear the blues a’calling Sadly for us, we lose Jadzia after season six, but happily, there are a couple good moments for the next Dax, Ezri! The first counseling gig she picks up is a bit of a doozy, as she tries to help Garak work through his claustrophobia and his feelings of identity crisis in “Afterimage.” And like all mental health battles, it’s an ongoing one, but she at least gets things started.
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The killer in Dax We don’t get enough of the character to see the consequences of summoning that psycho Joran in “Field of Fire” but we can tell it’s noteworthy. Ezri is the only Dax who gets tested by that murderer who briefly had the Dax symbiont, and watching her stand up to him, refuse to give in to the lure of wanton homicide, and solve a case is impressive indeed. If only the episode weren’t otherwise drek.
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The Klingon Empire is dying. And I think it deserves to die. Insert any Dax here and they probably have a better understanding of Klingon culture than Worf, but it’s Ezri who really schools him. In “Tacking into the Wind,” she throws in his ridged face just how crappy Klingon politics are and how Gowron is sending the whole empire down the shitter, giving Worf the peptalk he needs to go murder the hell out of that bulgy-eyed fascist.
Worst moments
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The prosecution rests Early-seasons Jadzia hadn’t yet found her agency, which was the biggest character facet she was lacking. A good representation of this in the episode “Dax,” in which she ostensibly should be the focus character, but spends her entire courtroom hearing refusing to speak for herself and allowing a room full of men to dictate her fate. I rest my case.
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Don’t call me Benjamin For some of these Worst Moments, we’ve dipped into other hosts of the Dax symbiont to round things out a bit. And that includes that prick Verad Dax, even if he only has the symbiont for a little while in “Invasive Procedures.” But what an asshole! This guy hires goons to help him kidnap the symbiont, forces Julian to perform surgery, and would have left Jadzia to die.
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Talk about an earworm! Here’s another alternate host who does some nasty deeds. We learn in “Equilibrium” that Dax had a secret host, Joran, who happened to do some murdering in order to get/keep the symbiont. It’s still unclear to me what his deal was because later episodes “Facets” and “Field of Fire” retcon his character all over the place until we have no idea how many people this guy even murdered!
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And then we can count each other’s spots I’m vomiting in my mouth a little over the cloyingly sweet romance in “Meridian.” While we can commend Jadzia for being sex positive in our Best Moments list above, it’s also incredibly tiring how boy crazy she seems sometimes. It’s like the writing staff can’t help but define Jadzia by the men in her life, and falling so hard for a milquetoast guy like Deral in like a day is proof.
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The way to a man’s heart is through his ears Yes, I will include on my Worst Moments list every time women give a Ferengi oomox. Bev did it. Lwaxana did it. T’Pol did it (and I’m sure I’ll mention that when we get to her spotlight). And when Jadzia sensually rubs Quark’s ears in “Facets” to convince him to take on a role in her zhiantara, I find it disgusting because it’s a woman engaging in sexual acts only to titillate the audience. Gross.
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You were so young, so lovely We’ve got another guest host to give a piece of our mind to, and that’s Curzon Dax. In “Facets,” he reveals that he washed Jadzia out of the Initiate Program because he was in love with her, and that’s just awful. This guy should have recused himself if he couldn’t remain unbiased in his assessment. Poor Jadzia, always being seen through a sexual lens by men, on and off camera.
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What if there was a way for you to kill your brother without killing him? Dax’s heart is in the right place when she tries to find a better place for Kurn when all he wants is to die with honor in “Sons of Mogh.” But the option that she offers to wipe his memory to give him a fresh start is SO MESSED UP. Kurn has no consent in the action that Jadzia and Worf (and Julian, whom we’ll point the finger at next week) impose on him. Dishonor on their houses.
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There are some things in life you can’t control, and one of them is me We gave Worf a lot of stick for how badly he treats Jadzia, especially in an episode like the notorious “Let He Who Is Without Sin,” which last we checked had the lowest IMDB rating of all of DS9. And for good reason! It really makes us judge Jadzia quite a bit for staying with Worf when he treats her like his property, which is no good foundation for a relationship.
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How do those boots taste? Jadzia struggling through Lady Sirella’s rituals in “You Are Cordially Invited” is demeaning, even in Klingon culture. It shocks me that Jadzia going to grovel to the lady of the House of Martok wins her favor. Instead of rewarding bootlicking, there should have been a more Klingon twist: it should have been a test of how long a prospective house member can put up with shit before they snap and do battle! That’s how you honor a house!
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I’m sorry, the baby… Jadzia gets killed off in “Tears of the Prophets,” and it feels like a damn waste! It’s always sad for a beloved character to die, but for Kosst Amojen to take her out like a mere bystander brings up memories of Tasha Yar all over again. And then for her death to get undermined by her and Worf’s plan to procreate just feels like we’re back to Jadzia being defined by her relationships after all that progress.
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Anyone can steal a shuttlecraft We’re fairly critical of Ezri Dax on this podcast, and some of that is unwarranted. But when Ezri does stupid shit like stealing a runabout to go save Worf in “Penumbra,” we raise an eyebrow. And when she and Worf bicker like old lovers, we roll our eyes. And when she and Worf have sex instead of dealing with trauma in a healthy and mature manner because it’s all a story trope, we lose some respect for these characters. Dammit.
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If Worf hadn’t come along, it would have been you Ezri is barely here for a whole season and already she’s paired up with two of the male crewmembers. In “Afterimage,” Ezri tells Julian that Jadzia was into all the constant flirting, but she isn’t. But by “What You Leave Behind,” they’ve hooked up anyway, and it just feels like smashing the two dollies together to make them kiss. Can she be a character first before she hops into bed with the male character, please?
— Time to put this symbiont back in its pouch and call it day. As alluded to, we’ve got more DS9 characters to spotlight, following with Julian Bashir next week! So stay tuned here for that, follow along on SoundCloud (or wherever you get your podcasts) for more Enterprise watchalongs, hail us on subspace over on Facebook and Twitter, and stop retconning how joined Trills work already!
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data2364 · 2 years
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via Trekcore.com
Nicole de Boer (Ezri Dax) and Leigh J. McCloskey (Joran Dax) 1999 in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Field of Fire“
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raurquiz · 4 months
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#otd #startrek #deepspacenine #FieldofFire #sisko #ezridax #kiranerys #odo #worf #bashir #obrian #quark #LtHectorIlario #LtChuLak #JoranBelar #ds930 #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus @Nikki_deboer
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horsechestnut · 6 months
Why is Ezri in charge of solving this murder?
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sebeth · 1 year
The World of Ice & Fire/Fire & Blood: The Field of Fire
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  The future Crownlands have been conquered. House Hoare has been rendered extinct. Argilac the Arrogant met his end in battle. And the remaining kings are in a panic.
King Torrhen Stark called his banners to Winterfell.
Queen Sharra of the Vale, regent for her son Ronnel, retreated to the Vale and sent her army to the Bloody Gate.  Queen Sharra was a famed beauty in her youth, “the Flower of the Mountain”. She sent Aegon a portrait of herself and offered herself to him in marriage and Ronnel as his heir. No one knows if the portrait reached Aegon but he never responded to her proposal.
King Mern IX of House Gardener, King of the Reach, allied with Loren I Lannister, King of the Rock. Known to history as the Two Kings, they commanded an army of fifty-five thousand that included six hundred lords. It was the mightiest host ever seen in Westeros.
An important fact to note is King Mern had his four sons and two grandsons, aka every male in the Gardener line, with him.
Aegon gathered his own forces. His forces were only a fifth of the Gardener/Lannister alliance and most of these consisted of the Riverlanders whose loyalty was still untested.
King Mern demanded the honor of commanding the center. Edmund, his son and heir, was given the vanguard. King Loren and his knights would take the right. Lord Oakheart of the Reach would have the left.
King Aegon gave the command of his host to Jon Mooton, the Lord of Maidenpool. Aegon and his queens would fight from the sky.
King Mern led the charge on his golden stallion with his son Gawen beside him with his banner, a “great green hand upon a field of white”.  That is a lame banner/sigil. Your last name is Gardener and the best you can come up with is a green hand?
As the Rock and Reach forces charged, the Targaryen forces held back while the siblings launched into the air with their dragons, all three simultaneously unleashing dragonflame.
The “Field of Fire” killed five thousand men. Tens of thousands suffered burns. House Gardener joined House Hoare in extinction – at least in the male line. King Mern, along with his sons, grandsons, brothers, and cousins, died in the battle.
The Targaryen forces lost les than a thousand men. Queen Visenya suffered a arrow wound in the shoulder but quickly recovered. Aegon ordered the swords of the defeated be gathered and sent downriver.
The Targaryen forces caught Loren Lannister the day after the Field of Fire. The King of the Rock bent the knee and Aegon confirmed him as the Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. Lord Loren’s bannermen and the surviving Lords of the Reach also paid homage.
Aegon finished the conquest of the Reach by marching to Highgarden and installing its steward, Harlan Tyrell, as the Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South, and Lord Paramount of the South.
King Mern was not the brightest bulb in the bunch. Who takes every male in their line to war? Especially against an opponent with dragons?
The Field of Fire and Harrenhall were both horrific shows of a dragon’s power. I’d rank Harrenhal as the worse display – more died at the Field of Fire but they were soldiers who had a reasonable of expectation of death in battle. Harrenhal would be a war crime if such a thing existed in medieval times. Harren Hoare deserved death but not the women, children, and servants that also resided in the castle.
Up next, the King Who Knelt.
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walloruss · 3 months
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Zutara 💜
It’s after the war and they get hitched! [Fire Nation Style] 🔥🔥🔥
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deerspherestudios · 22 days
hmm, Mychael likes earth-toned clothes, and green and brown are cool, but does he have a favorite color?
With confidence I can say I haven't answered his favorite color yet; something in me says: yellow 💛🌻☀️!
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stopthatbluecat · 2 years
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Pour one out for my man Zim Brott and his polycule. He will be missed.
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fanfictionroxs · 5 days
If I had a nickel for every time a character named Danny deprogrammed Jacob Anderson's character from brainwashing, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it has happened twice.
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Welcome back Daenerys Targaryen
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asoiafreadthru · 11 months
The Tyrells rose to power as stewards to the Kings of the Reach, whose domain included the fertile plains of the southwest from the Dornish Marches and Blackwater Rush to the shores of the Sunset Sea.
Through the female line, they claim descent from Garth Greenhand, gardener king of the First Men, who wore a crown of vines and flowers and made the land bloom.
When King Mern, last of the old line, perished on the Field of Fire, his steward Harlen Tyrell surrendered Highgarden to Aegon Targaryen, pledging fealty. Aegon granted him the castle and dominion over the Reach.
The Tyrell sigil is a golden rose on a grass-green field.
Their words are Growing Strong.
Principal houses sworn to Highgarden are Vyrwel, Florent, Oakheart, Hightower, Crane, Tarly, Redwyne, Rowan, Fossoway, and Mullendore.
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ewwww-what · 2 months
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It probably won’t (it will)
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babanasaur · 4 months
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atrumpet YCH fire
YCH completed for atrumpet, of their character rolling in the grass.
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chocolatd · 6 months
just realised he WAS actually trying to fire the war canon but encountered a minor inconvenience where he hit his own school bus
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