#Final Girl x Slasher vibes
yeyinde · 6 months
I know you plan on doing a Johnny baby trapping but it would be funny if the rest of the 141 were baby trapping their partners and Johnny and his partner actually plan things out with each other.
could you imagine, though. the plot twist is actually that he's wholesome, down-to-earth, and completely well-adjusted. the cabin in the woods? his family vacation home. his dirty secret?? he doesn't pay his property taxes.
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slashthrashandcrash · 7 months
I recently started moving all my drawing stuff over from my laptop to my PC and I can't find the original file for this so I guess it'll just have to remain as is lmao
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candlewaxandp0lar0ids · 11 months
this is halloween || han x reader
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Summary: You weren't happy about getting detention, but getting to be around Jisung almost feels like it could make it worth it at first. At least, until you realize that there's a killer on the loose in the school, and that he plans on getting rid of all of you.
Word count: 6.3k
Genres: high school au, slasher au, thriller/mild horror
Warnings & Tags: angst, class clown!han jisung, final girl!reader (gender isn't specified but that's the vibe), graphic descriptions of violence happening inside of a high school
A/N: Last (late) installment in that Halloween mini-series. To reiterate, this contains description of violence and murders occurring within a high school, which can be triggering to some, so do exercise caution.
I.N. · Seungmin · Felix
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It was never supposed to go that way.
For starters, you should never have gotten detention and, mind you, you'd still insist that it was totally unfair that you'd gotten it in the first place. Any reasonable teacher would have looked at the facts, which were your test results, as stellar as ever, and Nari’s test results, stellar as they never were, and assumed that she’d cheated and used you to do so.
Your physics teacher could not be described as ‘reasonable’. He’d called the two of you to his desk, using the one mistake you’d made that she had, of course, written word for word on her test as proof, and he’d given you both detention. You would have tried to defend yourself, had your eyes not immediately filled with tears. When Nari had started rising her voice, accusing you in the same breath, you’d known your efforts would be wasted anyway. You’d hung your heard low, and you’d gone back to your seat.
The first detention you’d ever gotten in your life, and it had to happen on the very last year of your time in this dreadful place. God, you couldn’t wait to get out. Yes, college entrance exams were looming terrifyingly above your head, but there was still freedom at the end of the line, freedom at least from your peers. You’d take that as a win.
At the end of the day, having only gotten a fifteen minutes break to spew your venom at your understanding best friend, you dragged your feet to detention. A confused Ms. Kim had greeted when you’d gotten there, all the more so because you were a few minutes early. As you’d handed her the detention slip, however, she’d had no choice but to let you in, though she had patted your shoulder as she did.
You were not the type of student to get detention. You were the one who got straight As, who never raised their voice, who had painstakingly managed to make one friend who you had clung to since your first year here. If you could avoid drawing attention to yourself, you’d take it. You only raised your hand in class if the teacher had been waiting for someone to speak for the appropriate amount of time, tried to make yourself be forgotten the rest of the time. It did not work quite as well as you would like, but you had stayed out of trouble so far.
The same cannot be said of the students who enter the room after you. Nari runs in right as the bell rings, looking sheepish. She mouths a ‘sorry’ in your direction, like she didn’t try to throw you under the bus after the teacher caught her. She’s quickly followed by Hanseok, the school star athlete, who looks like he’s trying to shrink himself, which is no small feat considering how wide his shoulders are. He keeps his eyes on the floor, and you wonder what could have landed him here. He’s not known for getting into trouble.
Next is Taewoon who walks in nonchalantly, like he does that every day, which, to be fair, he probably does. Known troublemaker, you have no idea why he’s here tonight, but he’s regularly caught doing wild, stupid shit nearby. Ms. Kim shakes her head at him and he just shrugs. Last but not least comes Han Jisung, fashionably late, class clown and another regular. As he walks in, he leans on the desk, grinning at Ms Kim.
“Is that a new hair cut? It looks great!”
She rolls her eyes, but she can’t hide a smile in return.
“See, you’re here so often you notice that kind of things.”
“Of course I’d notice!” he protests, sounding offended as he’s weirdly good at doing — to be fair, it does still get him out of trouble most of the time.
She gestures for him to go to his place, but she doesn’t seem too mad, and he has a satisfied smirk on his face as he does. It’s as he’s doing so that he spots you, and his eyes go wide. He looks around like he thinks he’s gotten the wrong room, before altering his course to let himself fall down on the table next to yours
Your heart is beating like crazy in your chest and you do your best to smile at him the right way — you know, not too briefly so he doesn’t think you’re rude, and not too long so he doesn’t think you’re interested because, ahah, that’d be ridiculous, that’d be soooo embarrassing, there’s no way that would happen.
You may or may not have a raging crush on him.
Look, he’s funny. He’s cute. He looks at you when he makes a clever joke to see if you’re laughing. You don’t hang in the same circles, and you know it’s stupid to entertain your thoughts about him, but you just can’t help them. You wish you could quash your feelings before they hurt you. Because they will. Undoubtedly. Been there, done that. Love hasn’t worked for you, and you’d rather not delude yourself into hoping it could this time.
All these good resolutions vanish when Han leans towards you.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, sounding so confused. “Did you get lost?”
You sigh.
“I was accused of cheating on a test,” you mumble, trying to sound casual about it and not like it makes you want to cry.
“What?” His eyes look like they’re trying to pop out of his head. “That’s ridiculous.” Then he leans closer, conspiratorially. “Want me to try to get you out of here?”
Your heart is beating so fast.
“No,” you squeak despite trying not to. “It’s fine. I guess that’s— part of the high school experience, right? I should live through that at least once.”
He looks deeply confused for a second, then chuckles as he settles back in his chair.
“You’re the only person who’d think that way,” he says, and you think he sounds fond as he says it, but you know that your brain is prone to wishful-thinking. Then, with a regain of interest “Tell me if you change your mind, it’s not too late.”
He settles comfortably on his desk, resting his head on his backpack. It’s already dark outside, as it usually is at this time of the year. Cold, white streetlights have turned on over the football field, and the cloudy, starless sky gives the school a gloomy vibe. It doesn’t help that it’s eerily quiet, the kind of quiet that you’ve only heard when you’d lingered too long in the library. Lively halls are empty now, as are the classrooms. On this last night before winter break, no one has stuck around. Even clubs have taken pity on their members and let them escape tonight. It’s only the six of you left in the building, and maybe a few lingering staff members and guardians.
You glance around at what others are doing, trying to figure out what you’re even meant to do in here. Jisung has closed his eyes and is clearly intent on taking a nap. Nari has pulled out a notebook and is writing in it dutifully. Hanseok is looking out the window with a blank look on his face. Taewoon seems to be sleeping as well. Finally, Ms Kim is reading a book — romance, by the looks of it —  and seems to have no plan of acknowledging your existence until the bell rings and frees her of your presence.
With a sigh, you start pulling out your books. Jisung opens an eye. With his face smooshed against his backpack, his cheeks look even rounder.
“I can still get you out,” he whispers.
You smile, but shake your head.
“It’s fine. It will all be over in an hour anyway.”
Ms Kim clears her throat to remind you to stay quiet. You jump at it, and she gives you an apologetic look, but you’re already back to burying your head in your books, trying to be small and inconspicuous and most importantly, not to anger anyone. That’s what you do after that, even once the room gets quiet again, and that’s where you still are, half an hour later, when the lights suddenly go off.
You look up, startled, and for a second you can’t see a thing, until your eyes get accustomed to the unexpected darkness. In the meantime, someone stands up, not far from you, and surprised shouts rise in the room.
“Everyone stay where you are!” Ms Kim shouts. Phones are starting to come out, lighting up the room, and soon you see that Jisung’s standing next to you, with one hand on the back of seat. He’s so close he’d brush against you if he moved just a little to the left. “It’s either the electricity or someone forgot we were still here. I’ll go see what’s happening and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Can’t we just go home?” Nari whines. “C’mon, there’s, like fifteen minutes left.”
“Make it thirty,” Ms Kim corrects sternly. “Everyone better stay here. Anyone who leaves will get detention for the first week when we’re back in class.” When protests erupt, she raises her voice. “I’ll let you off the hook if there’s an issue with the electricity, but for now, you guys need to stay there.”
She leaves the room as more people are protesting, not paying one ounce of attention to it. It looks like it’s not the first time something like that has happened to her.
Her footsteps in the hallway have barely faded that Taewoon is already getting up.
“Fuck it,” he says, making a whole show out of it. “I’m not sticking around.”
“You’re going?” Jisung asks. Clearly, he’s thinking of doing it as well. He glances around at the rest of the group. None of you have moved from your seat. “What about you guys?”
“I can’t miss practice,” Hanseok says.
“I’ve got a part time job, I can’t lose it,” is Nari’s answer.
That leaves you, and it takes you a second to realize that Jisung is looking at you and waiting for an answer.
“I— I don’t want to get detention again,” is all you can manage to mumble. It sounds pathetic to your ears, but he nods all the same.
“What are you doing?” Taewoon asks him again.
“I’ll stay behind this time,” Jisung sighs dramatically. “Live your life to the fullest for the rest of us, okay?”
Taewoon snorts.
“Sure. Enjoy yourselves here. I’ll see you after the break.”
You feel envy as he escapes the room. You wish you could care this little about all the trouble you’d get into. At the same time, being in your shoes brings advantages that you quite enjoy. Just not particularly tonight.
Then, Jisung pulls his chair to come sit next to you, setting his phone on your table so you can both see each other’s face, and you change your mind.
“You should have taken my offer,” he smiles at first, before his expression shifts to a more serious one. “You okay? It’s happened before, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m fine,” you answer, maybe too quickly. Mostly, you’re wondering why he feels the need to tell you that and if you look so fragile to him that he thinks this would send you into a breakdown. “Does it usually come back on?”
He shrugs.
“Yeah, most of the time. Sometimes there’s a tree that’s fallen somewhere it shouldn’t and she lets us go.” He glances out the window. “It’s pretty windy tonight. Maybe it’s the case.”
As you look out, you see Taewoon crossing the football field, before disappearing under the bleachers, from where he can reach the parking lot. At least one of you has gone free, you think, feeling bitter about all the things that have kept you in this spot.
“Hey, you’re getting the full, five-star high school experience,” Jisung’s voice brings you back to the present. “I can get you in trouble more after that, if you’d like.”
A small laugh escapes your lips.
“I think I’m good.”
“You could see the boys’ locker room from the inside,” he insists, and you laugh again.
“That does not sound like a good experience!”
“The inside of the teachers’ lounge,” he offers as you roll your eyes. “Steal exam questions. Change your grades. Give lower notes to your rivals.”
“What rivals,” you protest, though you’re grinning from ear to ear at this point.
“Are you saying that no one’s good enough to compete with you? And here I thought you valued my intelligence, wah, you think you know someone—”
His chatter takes your mind off your situation. There’s something about having Jisung’s undivided attention, about him clearly having noticed how down you were feeling and trying to cheer you up, that makes you feel all fuzzy inside. You’re not used to someone’s eyes staying on you for that long, certainly not his eyes. And yet he’s choosing to use time that could so easily be spent doing something else with you. Your heart beats so fast you think it’s going to fall right out of your chest.
Ten minutes go by before Nari’s voice interrupts your talking.
“Shouldn’t Ms Kim be back by now?”
Her expression is composed, she’s leaning back in her chair to look at you, but her voice is at a higher-pitch than usual. A glance at your watch tells you that she’s probably right and a cold hand comes wrap around your heart to squeeze it, before you shake it off. No need to feel that way. There’s likely a completely fine explanation.
“Maybe she’s run into Mr Park,” Jisung offers, smoothly. Then, with a gasp, “Maybe they’re having a quickie in the principal’s office.”
You chuckle quietly, but Nari’s not amused.
“Shouldn’t someone go look for her?” she asks. When no one volunteers, she continues, “She’ll never believe me if I go and I really can’t lose my part time job, but, you know, maybe if it was someone else…”
You know where this is going, and she’s not exactly wrong, yet you worry about getting in trouble all the same. Stupidly, you’re afraid you’re going to get yelled at. You hate getting yelled at. You’d probably cry if that happened.
“I’ll go if you go,” Jisung says, eyeing you, saving the day once more — saving your day at least.
“Okay,” you reply, and you surprise yourself at how quick and easy that was. You blame it on the relief you feel for not having to go out there alone. “I’ll come.”
He smiles at you when you say that. It’s kind of embarrassing how it makes butterflies take off in your stomach.
“Everyone be good,” he chastises the other two as you open the door. “Nari, you’re in charge while we’re gone, okay?”
She sticks her tongue out at him while Hanseok scoffs. Still, they’re both grinning as the two of you venture out into the quiet, dark high school.
You’re not one to believe in supernatural creatures. You like logical, provable, tangible things. Still, out there, irrational fear seizes you, wrapping its tentacles around you. Your footsteps echo loudly in the hallways, and the measly flashlight from your cellphones are nowhere near enough to light up the entire place. No matter how your orient them, there remain dark patches all over.
“It’s kind of cool,” Jisung comments as you’re starting to bury yourself in your thoughts again. This time, you don’t know if he’s doing it for your benefit or if he doesn’t like it when things stay quiet for too long. “Who knows, maybe we will see her with Mr Park.”
“I think they’re both very much married,” you reply, and some of the worry washes away when you hear your own voice. Suddenly, you’re not in this unfamiliar place anymore, but back in the halls of the high school that you walk in every single day.
“Like that’s ever stopped people,” Jisung grins. “C’mon, he’s not bad-looking for his age.”
This time, a very genuine laugh bursts out of you.
“That’s not an image I needed!” you protest.
“Like you’ve never thought about it before,” he teases, and as you let out noises of disgust, his flashlight sweeps over the floor. “What do you think? Do we start with the custodian and the principal’s office, or do we go for the basement? That’s where she’d be if it’s a problem with the electricity?”
“She’s probably in the basement if she’s been gone all this time,” you reason, but you really do not want to venture down there at the moment. Even with Jisung by your side, you don’t think you’d enjoy this small of a space with no lights other than your own. Just thinking about it has your throat becoming tighter. “But, uh, maybe we can start with the principal’s office?”
Jisung agrees to that with more enthusiasm than it warrants, and then you listen to him dramatically offer possibilities about how Ms Kim and Mr Park could have gotten together. You laugh more than you should, more than you would were you with anyone else in the same situation, and it’s not the right place nor the right time, but you know you’re falling in love with him. You’ve always suspected that it was just a matter of spending more time with him, always told yourself that it was therefore not a good idea. But here you were now, and there was not a thing you could do about it.
“Okay, here we are,” you say, interrupting a truly wild scenario in which the teacher and the principle are Russian spies who got married as a cover but were actually high school sweethearts. “Should I, uh, knock?”
Jisung shrugs, moving past you to try the handle. As he does so, you’re struck by how quiet it is. There’s no way she’s in there, we’ve wasted our time, you think.
Then, to your surprise, the door opens. Jisung walks in. Then freezes in the opening.
“What’s going on,” you ask, taking a step forward to look over his shoulder, “don’t tell me they’re really—"
But you’re not met with the sight of two lovers. Instead, your eyes first find Mr Park, slumped on his desk, something that you can’t identify sticking out of his back. On the floor, right in front of Jisung, is Ms Kim. She’s lying on her back, her eyes wide open and her pupil still and empty. It takes you a second to realize that the angle her head is at with her body is wrong, and a second longer to understand that that’s because her throat’s is nothing more than a wide, gaping wound. Underneath her, a puddle of blood that you realize you’ve stepped into. She looks so pale, compared to how she was just a few minutes ago.
You open your mouth to scream. Before you can, though, Jisung’s hand comes to cover it, and you only let out a whimper as your eyes search his. For the first time tonight, he’s lost his nonchalant confidence.
“Someone could still be there,” he whispers to you. “We shouldn’t stay here.”
With one last look at your teacher, he closes the door.
Things are blurry after that. You remember him grabbing your wrist as he drags you away from the scene. You remember him trying a few doors before pulling you into an empty classroom. You remember him vomiting in a trashcan and self-consciously wiping his mouth afterwards. You remember sitting on a table in silence for you don’t know how long.
“We have to get out of here,” he says at some point. He sounds sure of himself again.
“We have to— we have to go get Nari and Hanseok,” you answer. As soon as the words leave your mouth, you feel guilty for not having thought of them immediately. Shit, they must still be waiting for the two of you to return. Someone could have— someone could have already—
You’re on your feet before you think. It’s unlike you, but it says a lot that your brain doesn’t harp on that in the moment. There’s an urgency in your chest that you’re not used to feeling.
“We need to go get them.”
Jisung studies you for a second, then swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down.
“Okay,” he says. His voice is weak. “Okay. We’re getting them and then we’re going out of here, right?”
You nod. Guilt and fear are battling within you, but both feelings are directed towards the people you’ve left behind. You think it would kill you if something happened to them that you could have stopped.
The walk back to the detention is faster, but it feels like it take ages. Jisung keeps close to you, checking behind you while you keep your eyes on what’s in front of you. You see nothing, hear nothing. Just like earlier, the high school feels empty. Unlike earlier, you know it is not.
You’re almost there, starting to breathe again, starting to think you’ll make it, when you hear the screams. Terrified, you back into Jisung, who wraps his arm around you.
“Light,” he hisses, “light out, now.”
You’re too scared to do anything other than what he suggests. It overtakes your whole body, freezes your muscles into place. His chest is pressed against your back as you stay perfectly still, and you can feel his heart beating wildly, betraying the fact that he’s in the same state as you. In the distance, a door slams open.
“Don’t leave me here!” Nari screams.
In the dark, someone that you have to assume is Hanseok rushes past you. He’s fast, powerful. Whoever you hear after him is fast too, footsteps squeaking in the hallways, and all you’re thinking is that Nari is wearing heels.
At least Hanseok’s making it out is the thought that follows — for a second at least, because it isn’t long after that there’s a shout of frustration and the sound of someone struggling with a door. Then screams, intercut with disgusting, wet sounds that you can only imagine are what a knife produces when it’s brought down into someone. Tears stream down your face in silence. The front door’s locked and Hanseok— Hanseok is—
“Nari,” you whisper, choking on the word.
Jisung nods and pulls you forward, but by the time you get to the detention room, it’s empty. You check for a body, turning your cellphone’s light back on, terrified you’ll find one, and you can breathe again when you don’t find her anywhere.
“Now we have to go,” Jisung insists.
“But she’s—”
“We’ve done what we could. C’mon, we have no way of knowing where she is, she could be out by—”
The speakers creak horribly.
“Attention, students,” a man’s voice comes through. It’s loud and booming, but more than anything, it’s even. It doesn’t shake, doesn’t have the hysterical accents that you’ve heard in movies. If anything, it sounds like he’s playing the role of a school announcer, and the thought makes you sick to your stomach. “Lee Nari. Han Jisung. Kang Won— Ah, no, I suppose that’s been taken care of, hasn’t it. Im Taewoon.” Then he pauses for a second, before reading your name, and you feel overcome with helplessness. Before that, it felt like it was— You’re not sure what you were feeling, but it didn’t feel targeted. Now, you think that even leaving the school might not make the nightmare end. “Well, you might not be who I’m looking for,” the man chuckles— he fucking chuckles — after saying your name. “We’ll see. If you’re good, I’ll consider letting you off the hook. The rest of you though… you won’t cause trouble again.”
This is like a bad slasher movie with a stupid premise, something you’d make fun of if you weren’t caught in the middle of it.
“Windows and doors are locked,” he announces dramatically. “Breaking out only means that I’ll come get you, so do yourself a favor and surrender, hm? I promise to make it quick.”
Then he hangs up.
“What do we do?” you whisper to Jisung. “You— you love horror movies, right? What should we do?”
He stares at you.
“Yeah, I— I do. I didn’t think you’d remember.” It’s not the moment, but for a second — less than that, a fraction of it — you’re no longer a terrified prey but a teenager again, feeling like you’ve just exposed your crush. “I— one of us should leave.”
You shake your head.
“He said he’d hunt us. He could show up at our parents’ house—”
“I know,” he interrupts you. “But that’s— that’s why one of us should stay here.”
Again, you shake your head, more vehemently this time.
“No. No way. We’re not— We’re not doing that.”
He grabs your arms, the motion gentle instead of forceful, like one more attempt at comforting you as he looks straight into your eyes.
“Listen. One of us needs to leave. I— I think he’s probably watching the windows. He must know that we’d try to leave, right? So he’s— probably ready to give chase.” He swallows thickly. “If he— If he has a rifle or something— But that’d give someone else time to escape, if he leaves too. If not… Someone could go get help. Nari might have called the cops already, but that— that doesn’t mean they’re coming right now.”
“No,” you repeat, because you think you know where he is going with this.
“I’ll— What do you want to do? I— I think I should go.”
He’s close enough that you can see there are tears in his eyes.
“You should— you should be ready to leave from the other side when I do,” he whispers, and you want to cry too. “I’ll distract him.”
You shake your head, but you don’t think you can change his mind.
“Hey, I can be really fast, okay?” His tone gets lighter. “Maybe I’ll outrun him.”
You’d be more inclined to believe that if the man hadn’t been able to catch up with Hanseok — though you suppose that he wouldn’t have on open grounds, and that gives you some hope that you desperately cling to.
“You better,” you hear yourself say.
Jisung lets out a long, deep breath, then turns around to face the window. It’s true that they’re locked; they always are at the end of the day. But they’re not known for being particularly solid. As a matter of fact, they regularly get broken by football players. You wonder if that’s what got Hanseok in trouble, then shove the subject as far down as you can, because it reminds you that he’s— he’s—
“Okay,” Jisung mumbles, grabbing a chair and getting ready to swing it at the window. Just as he lifts it above his head, though, he stops himself and sets it down to face you.
Something passes between the two of you. It’s hard not to think that this might be the last time you see each other, however his escape attempt goes. Jisung swallows thickly.
Then he’s grabbing your shoulders and pressing his lips against yours. It’s brief, kind of clumsy. Nothing about it is how you envisioned your first kiss. But his lips are soft and warm, and he’s holding on to you like he never wants to let go.
He does anyway, looking at you with wide eyes.
“F–For luck,” he mumbles.
“Sure,” you choke out in response. “No, uh, no problem.”
You’ll die of embarrassment at that later on, if you don’t just die tonight.
His chair smashes through the window, the sound unbearably loud in the silence of the school, and he doesn’t stick around to see what happens. Cutting his hands on the broken glass, he jumps out while you back out of the room to go crouch in a dark corner. You peek to see him sprinting through the football field, waiting with baited breath to see the killer following after him.
He doesn’t.
You wait longer.
Still nothing.
And you realize you’re stuck in the building with him.
“Well, well,” the voice in the speaker says, right as the realization settles, as calm as it was the first time. “Seems like we’ve had an infraction. Too bad. Seems I’ll have to go hunting once I’m done with you.”
Then it cuts again. For a while, you can’t hear yourself think over the terrified thoughts that fill your mind. You think of following after Jisung, but you have no way of knowing if the killer would let it slide twice. Truth be told, with Jisung gone, you feel your old patterns of thinking catching up with you. You’re too scared to go, and the more you wait, the more you think it’s now too late to go. Your anxiety has you in a chokehold, with no intention of letting go.
What does get you to move is the greater fear that the killer could come inspect the place, now that Jisung’s left. He must have noticed that only Nari and Hanseok were in the room — if he thinks Taewoon was still here, probably because he was murdering Ms Kim at that point, that would have to mean the three of you were together, in his mind. It begs the question of how Taewoon got out, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he had his ways of doing it, even with the windows closed.
You don’t turn your light off, listening closely as you cross the hallways. You’re aiming for the kitchens, though you haven’t actually stopped to think about it. All that your mind can supply with as a justification is that you need a weapon. Realistically, you don’t think it would do you any good. You probably wouldn’t be able to use it against anyone. But who gives a fuck about realism right now? You might die here tonight. Three of the people you used to see around every day are gone forever already. If finding a knife makes you feel better, you’ll get yourself a knife, dammit.
You regret it when you make your way through the cafeteria. Because of how it’s situated, there is more light coming from outside in here than there was elsewhere. You’ve already started to see the dark as an ally, and leaving it makes you feel incredibly exposed. Despite that, you run through it, bent in half, trying to stay behind the tables, and get into the kitchens.
You’re searching through the drawers for a knife when the most terrifying sound you can think of right now resonates behind you.
The door. Someone’s opened the door.
You crouch behind one of the many kitchen isles. Silent tears are running down your face, but adrenaline is keeping you from completely giving up — for now, anyway.
“Who do we have here?” the voice asks, and you press a hand against your mouth so you don’t accidentally give yourself away. It doesn’t just echo in the cafeteria though, no, it comes out through the speakers as well. Like he wants the survivors to know that he’s gotten one of you, and that they never had a chance in the first place. “I’ll be very disappointed in you if it’s you, (Y/N). If you’d stayed put, you might have had a chance. Now, I have to wonder if you helped your friend leave, too.”
Glancing over the corner, you see a man in a mask slowly walking through the kitchen. Slowly, you start backing up, careful not to make a sound. If you run, maybe you’ll get to the door. If you get to the door, maybe he’ll lose you and you’ll be able to hide better.
Please. Please. You just want to make it out of here. You want— you want to go to college. You want to ask Jisung what that kiss meant. You want to get home to your parents.
It’s as you’re getting up that you bump your head into one of the drawers that you’ve left open. Once it happens, you’re on your feet in an instant, making a dash for the door, but the man intercepts you before you can get away. You fall on your back when he pushes you, and he shakes his head at you.
“I thought you were better than that,” he sighs. “It truly is a shame that you got caught up in this, but I suppose you weren’t as good as you made yourself out to be.”
He raises the knife. Tears blur your vision.
Then there’s a loud smack. Nari appears behind him, a bent plastic tray in her hands and tears streaming down her face.
“I’m s–so sorry you got detention because of me,” she sobs out, chest heaving, and all you can do is stare — though a part of you that right now is very far from the surface appreciates the sentiment. You note, vaguely, that she’s barefoot, probably having ditched the heels when she realized they would only get her in trouble.  She holds her hand out, and you take it without hesitation, pulling yourself to your feet just in time to see the man rise again behind her. He’s rubbing the back of his head, but he’s nowhere near unconscious, and he’s close. You pull Nari away, but his knife still slashes across her back and she falls forward, screaming.
You back up, but his eyes aren’t on you. Instead, he goes to stand above Nari. She tries to crawl forward, crying, and you see him lowering himself above her.
If you don’t want to watch her die in front of your eyes, you need to find the fucking knives.
The first two drawers you stumble into as Nari struggles and desperately hits at the men are empty.
The third one has knives.
You can’t afford to think as you rush back towards them. The man raises his knife once, and Nari catches the blade with her bare hand. You try to tune out both the screams and the sounds. Then he grabs her wrists with the one hand. Raises the knife again.
You’re out of time.
You stab him in the chest, and he lets out a sharp, horrified gasp. You push him backwards while his blade catches at your arms, the adrenaline too strong to feel it for now. You drive the blade into him, again and again and again, until he’s fallen and his knife has gone still, and all that fills the room are Nari’s tears and whimpers of pain.
It’s only as your own pain catches up with you that you admit what’s just happened.
You did it.
You lived.
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 They take Nari and Hanseok to a hospital first, both of their wounds being much more significant than your own. Hanseok’s condition, from what you’ve heard, was ‘critical’. You’d felt hope at that, at first, but the looks people had exchanged had soon quashed that.
They weren’t optimistic.
As they leave, you stay wrapped in a blanket, sitting in an ambulance as your arms are being disinfected as the cops search the building. All of your limbs ache like you’ve just run a marathon, but you can’t make yourself look away, no matter how hard you’ve tried. Staying there, you hear, vaguely, that the killer was a former member of staff that had been let go earlier in the year. He’s alive too, for now, because you hadn’t known where to aim when you’d attacked him — ironically, that’s the same reason Hanseok’s still breathing. His exact motive was being debated still, but you found unable to care. Why would you give a shit about why he'd done that? All that mattered was that he’d done it.
You’re sitting there, stewing in those thoughts, when Jisung appears. You don’t think they were supposed to let him through, but it looks like he managed to sneak in. He’s clearly been crying, his eyes all red and his face puffy.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers, his voice breaking as he chokes on the words. “I didn’t think— I didn’t think I’d be leaving you alone in there with him. I— I did as fast as I could, I promise, but they— they thought it was a prank call and I—”
“It’s—” You want to say ‘It’s fine’, but the words refuse to come out of your mouth. “It’s not your fault,” you manage to say instead. “You had no way of knowing. I’m— Nari and I should both be fine. You did— You did the best thing you could have done.”
Nari had mentioned, as you were lying with her on the cold floor of the cafeteria, that she’d seen you walk in, soon followed by the man. She hadn’t found herself able to stay away. Who knew, if she hadn’t felt so guilty, maybe she wouldn’t have gone in. Maybe if it had been Jisung, he’d be gone by now. Maybe if you’d left through the window, the killer would have followed you.
There are too many what ifs to let him blame himself.
“I’m glad you made it,” you say softly, trying not to cry again.
He nods, opens his mouth, then shakes his head as tears flow once again, and just comes to sit next to you. It’s not so often that you see Han Jisung so completely quiet. You rest your head on his shoulder, trying to bring him what comfort you can, certainly taking all that you are able to from his touch.
You know, in that moment, that the consequences of tonight would likely follow you for the rest of your life. You don’t know if there will be a single day in the future where you don’t think of it. But right now, the thought that maybe, just maybe, not everything that comes from tonight has to be horrible and dark and crushing helps you to just keep breathing.
Jisung’s fingers quietly rub circles on your skin. He presses a kiss into your hair, mumbles ‘Thank you’s to no one in particular.
Finally, you allow yourself to close your eyes.
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since this is different from what I usually write (and gets brutal), I'm exceptionally not using my taglist.
i enjoyed writing this and wrote almost 4k for it today, so, uh, sorry if it stops making sense at around 3k in. something that i particularly enjoy is breaking genre expectations by jumping into another genre. here, the first half is inspired by your typical high school movies, before veering into a thriller/horror movie, which i quite like (but it can also be disorienting and i'd get it if you didn't enjoy it). anyway.
if you've made it to this point, I hope you've enjoyed this series and this installment of it! don't hesitate to comment or reblog, honestly any feedback or support is appreciated. i'll see you all again for the hyung line in December (and maybe even in the meantime with other projects, who knows). take care!
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piss-pumpkin · 7 months
☄️Fireworks and Fallacy🩷
Douce amere chapter 10, older!dipper pines x reader, masterlist prev
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“America!” Mabel shouted. 
Dipper mumbled, shifting slightly beside you. With eyes crusted shut, you couldn’t see his expression. Not like you needed to. “Fuck off,” he grumbled, 
“What he said,” you mumbled, throwing your arm over your face to shield yourself from the light.
A party it was. Crowded, loud, fairly fun, a positive vibe. Mabel may have mixed the Fourth of July up with new years, and insisted that the fireworks wait till midnight. That sure was something. 
You sat with Dipper on the couch, Mabel’s mystery punch swirling in cups you both held. As the light hit it you were sure you saw some glitter. You leaned against him, and chatted idly as you both watched people dance wildly and drink just the same. Across the room, you spotted a familiar, probably fake, blonde head coming towards you. 
“Hey, Pacifica, you made it!” You said, grinning up at her. Your smile faltered for a moment though. Did she know you and Dipper were together now? You pursed your lips. 
She smiled, “Hey losers.” She turned around and sat beside you, and a drop of whatever was in her solo cup splashed your arm. “What are you guys doing just sitting here,” she asked. 
Dipper chuckled, “Watching the crowd.”
You smiled, pushing the thought down, gesturing at the people, “okay, settle this,” you started, laughing. “Who here is the final girl if there’s a slasher-esc murderer in the woods.”
”They don’t technically need to be a girl, also,” Dipper added. 
Pacifica rolled her eyes, and eyed the dance floor. “Isn’t it always the quiet nerd one’s?” She asked, brow furrowed. “Maybe Candy.”
You raised your  finger gun in the air, and pointed at the people, “That’s in movies, we’re talking real life,” you said. “And real life I go Grenda any day, look at her,” you zeroed in on Grenda, who was carrying Mabel on her shoulders, Candy in her arms, and still dancing.
Dipper chimed in, “I’m still team Wendy, she literally has years of apocalypse training under her belt.”
”But does she have the spirit,” you pondered, watching Grenda.
Pacifica smiled, “I think the person who runs away first probably survives,” she pointed at the corner of the dance floor, where Toby Determined was awkwardly shuffling. “That guy is sprinting out of here as soon as the murdered gets in.”
You gasped, “Don’t slander out boy bodacious T!” 
“He stays to fight and dies first,” Dipper laughed. 
Before Pacifica could respond, the music changed. You glanced at Soos, the DJ, as he talked to the crowd, yelling some sentiments about turning it up. You winged as the song shifted into awful blaring EDM. 
“Do you guys want to get out of here?” You asked. Pacifica and Dipper, Dipper and Pacifica. Here you were, slumped on a couch on the quiet side of a party, their voices being the only ones to cut through the music. Anywhere could be a party with them. 
They glanced at the party, then back to you, and each other. A grin spread across Dippers face as he turned to Pacifica, “Have you ever been on the roof?” 
She pursed her lips, surely fighting her bred in instincts as a born rich girl, opposed to danger. “I haven’t,” she said, folding her arms and raising her brow. You could swear you saw a tint of pink cross her cheeks. 
You looked at the floor, playing with your thumbs as Dipper told her about Wendy’s work break hide out. Pacifica, who kinda liked Dipper. You shook your head, and smiled, “we could start the fireworks early.”
Her eyes widened a little, and the corners of her lips started to tug. “Oh god, what do you guys have?” she hesitated, leaning closer.
You snickered, “no idea, but we could go find out.”
”Yeah, Mabel got… stuff,” Dipper added. “Only she knows… and I guess Ford, since she had him make some.
A cheeky smile crossed Pacifica, and she opened her mouth to speak, raising a finger in the air as if to cut in with some intelligent revelation. 
“-no, no don’t even think about it,” Dipper spat before she could, hands moving in several directions at once.
You squinted, shaking your head, “no, do go on, please, I’m rather curious now,” you laughed, scratching the corner of your lips.
“Ford is the hot one.”
Dipper groaned painfully as you grimaced, “ugh,” and shot her a look. 
“What, tell me I’m wrong!” 
“You’re wrong,” both you and Dipper said immediately, him with exasperation, and you with a hint of laughter. 
“Ugh, whatever,” Pacifica sighed, leaning back away on the arm of the couch. “You guys were showing me the roof?” She shrugged.
You stood up, pushing off Dipper in the process, earning a small grumble from him. You shot your hand out to help Pacifica up, “Come hither, m’lady and I shall escort you there.”
Dipper very quickly uttered, “gross.” As he got up on his own. “M’lady.”
Pacificas lips were curled forcefully down in an exaggerated look of disgust. She took your hand none the less, thought, letting you hastily pull her up. “Yeah, that’s what my servants used to call me.”
You started to walk for the roof hatch, finding your way through the crowded rooms, and vacant halls until the gift shop door. 
“I’ll meet you guys up,” Dipper said, wandering away to the bathroom.
You pulled the ladder down from the roof as you nodded to him. Not that he saw, back already turned away as he went. 
When he was gone, Pacifica spoke. “Okay, now that he’s gone, you agree with me right?” She asked, hand in her hip. “About Ford being the hot one.”
You cringed. “I mean I guess between the two of them,” you said, shaking your head. “But me personally, I think neither of them are at all attractive.” You looked down at her as you climbed the ladder, “maybe I’m the weird one.”
She snickered, “Yeah, you must have an awful type.”
“Well you’re one to talk,” you laughed, climbing through the hatch as Pacifica followed behind. You cringed again, stopping with your feet on the last rung of the ladder. 
“What’s up,” Pacifica asked. You looked outside, suddenly aware of how you were blocking the way. You hopped up and sat on the edge.
You weren’t trying to remember your mutual crush. “Um-,” you started, feeling the soft wind of the roof on your face. “Me and Dipper are actually dating now…”  you said, rubbing the back of your neck as she sat down beside you. “Um…” you started, trailing off. “We’re, like- cool, right?” 
Pacificas eyes pressed shut for a moment as her face met the cold. Sighing with a smile, she elbowed you. “Yeah, duh,” she shook her head. “It’s fine, I’m just kinda surprised you didn’t tell me already.”
You scratched your head, fingers tangling in hair. “We’ll, it’s kind of a new development, actually.”
Pacifica raised an eyebrow, “oh?”
”Like,” you smiled into your hand, “a couple days ago, I guess.” 
Pacifica didn’t surprise you per se, but she did make your heart beat a little faster. “I’m happy for you two,” she said, smiling over at you as she leaned back in her hands. “You’ve been pining forever.”
”I-“ you started, fingers twitching against the shingles. “I know you kinda liked him too,” you said, looking over at her in he dim light. 
She tilted her head, “I can get over that, Y/n, chill out,” she snickered. “I’m like the hottest girl in Gravity falls, I can find a rebound if it comes to it.” You pursed your lips, looking back into the dark silhouette of the tree line. “Besides,” she said. “It’s not like we’ve ever let this get between us before.” 
“I guess that’s true.”
Pacifica shoved you lightly, “yeah, I’m always right,” she huffed. “You have to get used to that eventually, Y/n.” 
“Bitch, I don’t think I ever could,” you snickered. A gust of wind blew through your hair, sending it flying into your face. You carefully ran your fingers through it to brush it back to place. “It’s baffling every time.”
She shrugged, “One day you won’t be surprised when I prove to be the most wise person you know.”
”That is a very impressive title to give yourself,” 
Before she could quip back, the hatch to the gift shop flew open, and out came Dipper.
”Shit, we should have put something on the door,”Pacifica snickered.
Dipper shut it behind him, and stepped over to sit almost between you and Pacifica. Much closer to you than her, and back a little, to form a cute little friendship triangle. As he sat down, your lips curled up against your will. He sat close enough to feel the heat coming off him, escaping his sweater. “And leave me down there with Mabel’s scary friends?” Dipper scoffed, hand on his heart. “Cruelty.”
You gasped pointing accusingly, “Hey they’re cool!” 
Pacifica rolled her eyes, “yeah, how much scarier than zombies or vampires, or all that shit you deal with can they be?” 
“I think Grenda head butted a hole in the wall just while I was down there,” Dipper winced. “Let’s all pray for Mabel tomorrow when Stan notices.”
You laughed, and your hand flew to your mouth. “Oh my god,” you said, grabbing his sleeve your your free hand. 
“Yeah I actually saw her like,” he shook his head, “hang the boat painting from our room on it to cover it up, we’ll see how long that lasts.”
Pacifica groaned, “God if that were me I’d get murdered.”
Eventually, Pacifica had to leave, cursed never to stay the night because of her parents strictness. And the fireworks started, continued, and kept going, spiking at midnight as if it were the turn of the century. The party downstairs popped and fizzled and eventually quieted down as maybe half of them seemed to crash. And on the roof, watching the fireworks, you and Dipper clinked red, white and blue popsicles like a cheers.
“Your lips are purple,” you said, smirking slyly. A red firework went off as you looked at him, and lucky for you, the reflection of its glow was easily seen on his eyes. Big brown eyes. You could feel the smile tugging at your lips grow as he grinned at you. 
“So are yours, idiot,” he said, flashing a smile with his coloured teeth. 
You leaned your head on your shoulder, “hey, I never said it was a bad thing, I’m just pointing it out.”
”No, bitch,” he laughed, “you were gonna try and make fun of me.” He covered his mouth with the hand that held his popsicle as he snickered. In the faintest corner of your eye, you saw it begin to drip, fuelled by the movement of his hand. 
You pursed your lips a second without responding, and quickly moved you hand under his to catch the drip. 
He tilted his head at you, brow raised. Once again a firework, blue this time, crashed and exploded through the sky. And once again you watched it second hand through his eyes.
Timidly, you held up your hand with the red spatter of the popsicle to him. “It would have landed on your shirt,” you said, “might have stained.”
“I-“ he started, blush spreading across his cheeks, made even more prominent by the red light of a firework flashing over him. “T-thanks,” he sputtered, small smile on his purple stained lips. You were staring. The purple colour was deeper at the centre, fading out toward the edges where they were almost still pinkish.
You smiled, and licked the melted popsicle off your hand, “well, you know me, I’m too kind.”
Dipper threw his hands to his face, and smooshed his cheeks together, “Oh my god, Y/n,” he started, but just as quickly trailing off. 
“Uh-“ you stuttered, tilting your head. “What, was I too kind for you?” 
Dipper chuckled awkwardly, clasping his hands together as he threw his head back. “Honestly?” He rubbed the back of his neck, and a green firework lit up behind him. “Kind of, yeah,” he groaned, smile alight on his lips. “It was, uh- really cute.”
You almost smirked, but grew into a crooked grin. Shaking your head, you teethed the last of your popsicle off its stick. Your cheeks felt hot, and you started to snicker, “Just like you,” you said, booping his nose. 
A gust of wind blew between you, ruffling his and your hair. The purple of a firework cast a cold light on his face, but couldn’t mask his warm blush. With his free hand, he covered his eyes, leaning into his hand. “Y/n, why do you try to kill me?” he asked, smiling hard. 
You laughed, “bitch, if this is killing you, you better be glad you pdidn’t notice my flirting earlier.” You eyed the last piece of his rapidly melting popsicle, and contemplated. “If you had, I think you would’ve had a heart attack,” you teased, leaning in closer while he was looking away. 
“I honestly might’ve,” he smiled, dragging his fingers down his cheeks. His eyes widened when he saw you were closer, and his sheepish smile grew. “I still might,” he said, trailing off. 
“Here’s hoping,” you laughed, stealing the last bite of his popsicle, a theft made easy with your closeness. “There’s still time.”
”You see, this is what I’m talking about, Y/n,” he said, talking with his hands. “Honestly, it’s like you don’t even like me,” he chuckled.
A blue… firework? Went off in front of you. Certainly one that Mabel commissioned from Ford, because the sparks of colour flew off and exploded again, creating a chain reaction through the sky. Your eyes were wide and in awe, distracting from whatever your response could have been. 
“Pretty,” Dipper said. 
You glanced over to him, and saw the last of the blue sparks go out in his eyes, trained in yours with a sweet smile across his lips. Fuck. He was not looking at the fireworks. “That is the most corny ass shit you’ve ever said,” you blushed. Suppose it didn’t matter how corny it was, it seemed to work. 
He smiled, and shrugged, “is it working?” He leaned closer, putting his hand back on yours. 
“Uh huh,” you said sarcastically, leg bouncing with excitement and adrenaline. The sounds of the fireworks and the dying party fading away. “I guess I’m just a corny type of fella,” you laughed, leaning closer. 
You looked up at him, and his blush was overwhelming. You were sure yours was the same way in his eyes. He laughed softly, and rested his forehead on yours. “I’m shocked you liked that.”
You let out a low laugh, “I’d like pretty much anything you said, man.” Your eyes, nearly closed, drifted again to his purple lips. 
“Yeah?” He asked, surprisingly sincere and sounding surprised. 
“Yeah,” you said, closing your eyes as the fireworks went off around you, providing one last flash of light before it went dark. 
“Y/n?” He asked, raising his other hand to your shoulder, and moving it slightly to rest on your neck. He didn’t need to ask the rest of the question. You knew. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, brining your hand up to hold his arm. 
You felt him breathe a silent laugh as he grinned, and you couldn’t help do the same. You giggled, starting to laugh as your hand glided across his arm and over to his cheek. Dipper laughed with you, thumb gently moving across the small hairs at the back of your neck.
And then, after yeas of pining, it happened. You won. So did he. Your lips connected, yours on top. You smiled into the kiss. So did he. You scooted closer, and snaked your hand around to the back of his head, fingers in his hair. 
“Aaaaaauugaaaahaagh!” Mabel screamed. 
You broke away in a blink, jumping back and putting a few feet between you and Dipper. Eye flashing open, you saw he did the same, blush dusted on his cheeks. When the fuck did she get on the roof?
She was pointing, mouth agape and eyes wide. Her hand flew to her cheek in shock, “Y-you two,” she yelled dramatically. “You’re-“ she gasped again. “Since when?!” 
You snickered, glancing over at Dipper, who looked just a little bit terrified.  just a smidge. You smiled into your hand, taking the lead. “Oh, you haven’t heard?” You asked innocently. 
Mabel pointed harder as she scoffed. “You little fucks, did Dipshit do what I said?!” she gasped. 
“Whaaaaat? Dipper managed, feigning some sort of surprise.
You shook your head, and pushed Dipper over onto his side. He folded his arms, and rolled over slightly to face his sister as he laid. “Don’t mind him, Mabes, he-“ 
“-and you!” She gasped, pointing an accusatory finger at you. “Why didn’t you say anything?” She put her hands to her cheeks in a swift motion, “oh my god, you guys were being weird yesterday, was it about this?!” 
You nodded sheepishly, and from the corner of your eye you could see Dipper do the same from the floor. “You know…” you started, unsure how to finish the thought.
“Oh I do,” she said, crossing her arms and turning her nose up at you. “I know so well, believe it or not.”
Dipper chimed in from the ground, “Wait, know what? I lost track.” He shot you a glance, as if to ask. Before Mabel could speak, you subtly shrugged, laughing silently through your nose.
”Everything,” she said. Uncrossing her arms dramatically and putting her hands in the air. “All your little secrets,” she pointed at the both of you, leaning over closer to your level and squinting. “Ohohoh- if I wasn’t thrilled you two are finally together, I would be so upset right now that you didn’t tell me,” she announced. 
You smiled looking up at her, “I’m glad you’re happy then.” You could see the frustration on Mabel’s face struggling to win. She pursed her lips as she pointed harder, and the corners of her lips tugged into a smile. You grinned, “Mabel I did it.” 
“Actually, I did,” Dipper chirped, still laying on the ground. He was rolled over to face the sky now, watching what was left the fireworks
You grumbled, “team effort, team effort.” Dipper put his hands behind his head as a pillow, and snickered as you playfully punched him in the leg. “It takes two to tango, man.”
Mabel cut in before Dipper could banter back. “Okay, guys I get it,” she laughed, lighting kicking Dipper in the arms. He squirmed slightly away, but didn’t resist. “You guys are cute, I admit it, it’s fine.”
“Fine?” Dipper laughed 
“Yeah, fuck you, more than fine,” you laughed. 
This time she didn’t kick Dipper, but you. A shocking turn of event as her foot met your leg. “Yeah, whatever nerds,” she said rolling her eyes as she turned away. You caught a glimpse of a smile on her lips though before she did.
The next day was tired. And morning dew stuck around until noon at the earliest, making your small trek through the woods all the more annoying. But alas, ‘twas for a good cause. Venting and talking to nobody in particular. 
Billy was like a journal. He was a place to spew any thought that might odd your mind, or any feeling that might cross your heart. An lately, a lot of that was Dipper related, given your goal for the summer. 
“Lot to unpack, Billy,” you said, circling him intensely. “I did it, I actually god damn did it,” you exclaimed, almost surprised at the events of the last few days. “It’s weird, it’s like… I don’t know.” 
You sat down beside him, kneeling on the dewy grass. “It feels kinda good, but kinda weird,” you thought out loud. You nestled further into the ground, and leant on him. “Like…” you pursed your lips. “I’m a little anxious, cuz it seems so easy. I thought Pacifica might get sad, but no, she was great as always.”
You sighed, bit thrilled at Billy’s lack of encouraging words. “We’ve been friends for so long, not super much has changed from that…” your feet wiggled under you as the won’t up nerves came out. “Maybe I should’ve just been friends, that way the consequences are less if one of us messes up.” 
You looked longingly at Billy, almost jealous of his projected confidence. His hat on his heat, his wife and I afraid eye, his outstretched hand. “I just don’t want to mess up, or something,” you sighed. “I don’t know. It doesn’t even take somebody messing up sometimes, sometimes shit just happens.”
You looked at the ground. The grass was bent and folded around you, and ever so slightly moved by the breeze. You played with a small blade between your fingers. “I don’t want shit to happen to us,” you said. Partly to him, partly to yourself. 
You looked back at your statue friend. “You get it, I’m certain,” you laughed. Your smile fell as quickly as it bloomed. 
Billy looked at you. You looked at Billy. And strangely enough it seemed like he did get it. You smiled, and this time it stuck. You exhaled softly as the noises of the forest seemed to die in your ears. Just you and him, with his confidence, assurance, and outstretched hand. 
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever shook your hand before,” you thought aloud, eyes drawn to his welcoming and outstretched palm. “Honestly, it looks like that’s what you were made for.”
It seemed as though the moment you uttered the words, the sky darkened as the clouds covered the sun in overcast. Billy’s eyes stared at you, somehow, maybe through you while he waited. 
With a smile, you knelt in front of him, balancing on the balls of your feet. “Like, look at you. That hand was made to be shook,” you laughed, flicking Billy’s eye. 
It was like he could speak. It was like he was a master convincer, the way he looked at you. Like he wanted it. And he was telling you. Like in your heart of hearts you knew, he wanted you to shake his hand. The universe held its breath, as the wind stilled and the forest went quiet. Anticipation. Hesitation. Prayer. 
You smirked, “just cause you’ve been a nice friend, alright?” you said, leaning closer. “I’m not sure why, but I keep coming back to you,” you pondered, “and you’ve been a good sport you, putting up with my complaining.”
You reached. And as you clasped his hand in yours, the universe exhaled, with a sigh, that croaked and wheezed like a dying breath: a prayer unanswered. And the faintest of blue lights sparked across your palm.
“Ow!” You spat, recoiling your hand away, “You shocked me.” Somehow resisting science, he had gotten you with static energy, it seemed. You pursed your lips, muttering, “how’d you even do that, you’re a rock…”
And as if the universe’s last act before plunging into peril, it cried and mourned. 
A cold drop of water hit your face. Than your hand. And then the tip of Billy’s hat seemed to darken as more rain spilled from above. You groaned, “God, like, every time.” 
You stood from the grass, brushing your legs off as you did. “Billy, you’re a bad luck charm,” you gestured around at the weather. “Like, seriously, what the fuck is this?” 
Thunder clapped in the distance, drawing your attention. “Ooooh,” you murmured. You turned back to your friend, “think we’ll get lightning?” 
As if on your cue, as if the universe was at your command, lightning struck behind him, casting a viscous arc above the trees. 
Your hand flew to your face, covering above your eyes as you tried to get a better look. “Holy shit!” You exclaimed, looking down at Billy, “Was that you?” you laughed, waiting for another strike. 
He didn’t answer. Not that you expected him to. But as playful as your question was, you had the faintest feeling it was in fact, his doing. In Gravity Falls, anything could happen. You could have your hunches about your stone made friend. 
“Honestly, Billy, I should probably go,” you laughed. “Knowing me, and knowing this town, I could totally see myself getting struck.” 
Thunder echoed through the area as you started away, waving at Billy behind you. 
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Fellas, that concludes the confession arc. I bet it’s easy to guess what the next arc is. Though fun fact, I was just writing for a later chapter, and it’s gonna be way less Angsty then I’d previously planned. So, like, you’re welcome, ig 💀
Also I’m gonna drop another playlist soon. I made a second one for the next half of the story, cuz the tone shifts for a bit. Next playlist is more melancholic <3
Taglist: @cipheress-to-k-pop @dead-esque
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 months
He's A Pretty One: Part 3 (Final)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Summary: You’re visiting your cousin in Hawkins for the summer and you meet his very pretty and very rebellious friend and bandmate.
Warning: smut - oral (male receiving)
Part 1 Part 2
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You watch in amusement as Eddie stuffs his face with burger and fries. You're sipping on your milkshake, occasionally stealing a fry or two from Eddie's plate to dip into your drink.
Eddie looks up, suddenly aware of your eyes on him. He sits up, quickly wiping his mouth with a napkin, "Sorry," he mumbles, still chewing his food.
You chuckle, "It's fine, Eddie. You're a growing boy. You need your food."
"Pretty sure I'm older than you, sweetheart," he says with a pointed look.
You shrug, "By a year."
"Still older," he takes a fry and tosses it at you, "Respect your elders."
You smirk and tilt your head to the side, "What if I don't? You'll spank me?"
Your gaze and comment makes Eddie squirm in his seat and you love it. You laugh with a shake of your head, "You're not used to that, are you?"
"To what?" he asks trying to look oblivious.
"People flirting back at you."
He licks his lips and looks down at his plate, "No, not really. I'm, uh, not well liked in this town." He murmurs, moving some fries around his plate.
You scoff, "Which is such bullshit. You're pretty and funny and a helluva guitar player."
Eddie blushes, "Yeah, well, most people in this town aren't like you."
You prop your elbows on the table, resting your chin against the palm of your hand, "And what am I like?"
"Bold. Hot. You don't give a shit about what others think."
You snort, "Living life caring what people think of you just hinders you from reaching your full potential."
"Yes! Exactly! Exactly!" Eddie looks at you with bright eyes like you hung up the moon, "God, where have you been all my life?" You chuckle and swipe another one of his fries.
You two chat for another hour before you two grow tired of diner's ambiance. Eddie pays for his meal and your milkshake, then you're both walking out of the diner. His hands are in pockets and watches as you head to the passenger door of his van, pausing to look at yourself in the sideview mirror and reapplying lipstick.
After smacking your lips together to make sure the color was evenly distributed, you look up to see Eddie watching you. You smirk and lean against his van, "You comin' or not, Pretty Boy?"
A grin makes its way onto his face as he fishes out his keys and unlocks the passenger's side. He opens it for you, holding his hand out like a gentleman. He rushes to the driver's side after you're settled.
"Alright, Van Halen, what's the next stop?"
"To the stars," he says with confidence as he starts up the van and Metallica continues to play.
You nod your head to the music, occasionally singing a lyric here and there as your view becomes a windy road and a shit ton of trees.
You pout at Eddie, "If you're taking me far away to kill me, I'm going to be so disappointed, Eddie."
He snorts, "Please. You'd definitely be the last girl standing in a horror film."
You shake your head, "Nah. I'd be the surprise kill. Throughout the entire film, I'd give off the vibe that I'll be the final girl until the slasher makes a sudden appearance and stabs me in the head or something."
Eddie looks at you with a cocked brow and you shrug, "This isn't the first time I've had this conversation with someone."
He chuckles and shakes his head, "God, you're perfect." You're thankful that it's dark so Eddie can't see you smiling to yourself as your cheeks heat up.
In total, the drive takes about twenty minutes. Your stop is at a cliff that overlooks a lake and forest. You step out and look up. Your jaw immediately drops.
"Holy shit. This is fucking amazing." The stars are twinkling in perfect view above you.
You turn to Eddie, his gaze already on you, "I've never seen anything like this."
"I like to come up here a lot."
"You bring other girls here too?"
He shakes his head, "Nope. You're the first girl I've ever brought here."
He shrugs, "I told you, people don't really like me in this town. Girls especially. They all think I'm a freak just because I don't conform to their preppy bullshit."
"I'd definitely have a crush on you if I went to your school."
"Like I said before, you're different than the people here." he gazes into your eyes softly and you feel a fluttering sensation inside you.
You clear your throat and turn away, "So, are we just gonna stand here or you got some blankets or something we can lay on?"
"Oh yeah! Hold on!" he rushes into the van, pulling out two blankets and laying one onto the grassy part of the cliff, while he wraps the other around you.
You both sit side by side taking in the view. You two sit in a comfortable silence for what feels like forever until you speak up, "So how come you come up here so often?"
"Just to think. To get away from it all," he gestures back towards the town, "It's a nice place to sit and think. People won't bother me here, won't give me shit just 'cause I listen to metal music and play D and D."
You shake your head disapprovingly, "I'm sorry these asshats don't see how awesome and cool you are."
He shrugs, "It's whatever. I'll be outta here soon enough. I'll have enough money to record my demo, I'll get signed, and I'll be off in California and eventually touring the world."
"And you already have your first groupie right here," you say with a proud grin and he cackles, "I fucking knew you liked our shit!"
You laughed with him, "I never said I didn't!"
Both of your laughter dies down and you two are staring at each other. With the moon light shining right down on you two, you could see as Eddie's eyes glance at your lips. You were done playing games. You pull him by the lapel of his vest and press your lips to his.
You could tell he was taken by surprise at first, but he immediately started kissing you back. His hands cup your face, holding you in place as he kisses you back. You're sitting in a weird position so you pull away so you straddle his legs.
"Is this okay?"
He looks at you with a lust filled haze, "Fuck yeah, it's okay. C'mere," he grabs you by the thighs and pulls you even closer to where you're now settled on his crotch. You can feel the hardening bulge under you.
You smirk, "All riled up from that?"
"Sweetheart, I've been trying not to pop a boner around you since I first saw you."
You cackle, "What a romantic thing to say, Eddie." he grins at you and pulls you in for another kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck while his hands rest on your hips. He squeezes when you give an experimental grind onto his clothed dick.
He pulls away with a gasp as you grind down on him away, "Keep doing that, I'm gonna cum in my pants."
"Okay," you push him onto his back and you crawl down his legs so you're face is near his crotch.
He gulps, "What're you doing?"
"You don't wanna cum in your pants. So cum in my mouth instead."
You can't help but laugh when you watch Eddie's eyes widen and jaw drop, "You serious?" he asks with a gulp.
"I can beg if you want," you draw circles over his denim clad bulge, "Please, Pretty Boy, can I suck your cock?"
"Fuck. Yeah. O-Okay," he's fumbling with the button of his jeans and you laugh, pushing his hands away, "Let me," you say. He watches you as you undo his jeans with ease, pulling them and his boxers down enough to pull out his cock. He's propped himself up by his elbows to watch you.
You giggle and it makes Eddie nervous, "What? What's wrong?"
"Even your dick is pretty, Eddie. What the fuck."
He snorts, "I've never heard of having a pretty dick before, but thanks. But, um, can you lend a guy a hand?"
"Oh, you're getting more than a hand, Munson."
You wrap your hand around his length and you hear Eddie let out a shaky breath. You look up at him with a smirk, "Now, don't let go too soon. Lemme work for it at least."
"I'll try."
You lean in and lick a stripe up the underside of his shaft. Eddie immediately falls onto his back again and lets out a loud moan, "Fucking shit," he mumbles and covers his mouth.
"Now don't get quiet on me, pretty boy. No one's around, lemme here how good my mouth makes you feel," you lower your mouth onto his tip and give a teasing suck.
"God fucking-you're not making this easy for me, sweetheart."
You smirk as you take more of him in, slowly bobbing your head up and down his length, your hand stroking him at the base.
You take as much of him as you can in your mouth before letting off with a gasp. You take him in your mouth again, head moving up and down faster this time.
"Fuck. Yes! Like that, baby! Just like that!" A hand goes to the back of your head and you let Eddie set the pace for you. You watch him through your lashes. His eyes tightly shut, teeth biting onto his lip. He hits the back of your throat and he moans loudly, "Shiiiit," you pull off him.
"You gonna cum for me, Pretty Boy? Hm? You wanna shoot your load down my throat?"
"Fuck, yes. Please. 'M so fucking close, baby."
"Give it to me, Eddie. Lemme have it," you mumble, taking him into your mouth again. Your mouth and hands working in tandem for his release. He's lightly thrusting into your mouth when suddenly feel him cumming down your throat. You keep your head still as he cums.
"Fucking shit!"
He lets out a long gasp and falls limp against the blanket. You giggle as you sit up, swallowing his load. He lifts his head to look at you and sees you smirking down at him.
"I've never cum so hard before."
You snort, tucking him back into his pants and moving to lay beside him, "I'm taking that as a compliment."
"Oh, it's definitely a compliment, baby. Shit, that was-it was-you're so-"
You place a hand over his mouth and say, "You're welcome."
You cuddle up to him, pull second blanket over the two of you. You both lay in silence staring up at the stars.
"Is-Was that a one time thing?"
You turn your head to him, "It doesn't have to be. Honestly, I really like you, Eddie. Just sucks that I'm only here for a few more weeks and then I'm heading back home."
He wraps an arm around and pulls you closer, "Guess we'll just enjoy it while we can. Deal?"
You nod, "Deal."
"That being said...can I eat you out?"
You snort, "Of course. But maybe in the van where it's comfier and warmer."
"Yeah. It's cold as fuck and I think my ass is numb."
You two immediately get up and collect the blankets, tossing them into the back where you settle and Eddie's immediately pulling your pants off.
Your time in Hawkins won't be long, but you're for damn sure it'll be the best time you've ever had because of a pretty boy named Eddie Munson.
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Top 10 Fave Vampire Songs 🩸
Another species songlist! Honestly I like some of the songs here more than a few on my werewolf list...
As usual, feel free to send requests in the notes or my asks! Name links lead to Spotify.
10. I Don't Care by VIOLENT VIRA. This one isn't an explicitly vampiric song but it has all the vampiric female rage in it and it's one of my all time favourite metal songs. Her screams and vocals are insanely powerful.
9. Lonely Vampire by Weathers. If you feel you just need some feel good pop amongst the gothic angst of being a bloodsucker then this is definitely the song for you! It's one to get up and dance to.
8. Bloodsuckers by Johnny Hollow. One of those songs where I haven't picked up the artist yet but definitely will. The instrumentals on this one are like nothing else. Honestly though this song makes me think more of carnivorous gnomes than vampires but that's my problem...
7. Vampires by Night Club. Night Club has perfected their dark electronic music and their entire discography sounds like what would play at a vampire nightclub. How convenient they have a song named Vampires! They sound like if Draculaura went raving and have the black and pink aesthetic to match.
6. Cold Blood by Valen. Yes there is a certain point in these where I just add songs I like that have a keyword in the title but you have to trust it fits I promise!! In 2023 this song was 43rd on my Spotify top songs. In my defence the lyrics & vibe are still vampiric...
5. Lesbian Vampyres From Outer Space by Scary Bitches. Another Scary Bitches song in 5th position! Just like the last one this is definitely an experience... an experience I love though! Again, this is one you have to hear for yourself. The WW2 references really make the song.
4. Blood by Starbenders. Not explicitly a vampire song but definitely fitting for an angsty human x vampire drama. Starbenders as a band have such a unique and lively sound to them. My other favourite is Cover Me, which would honestly also fit in that theoretical vampire drama.
3. Bloody Creature Poster Girl by In This Moment. Massive slasher final girl (potentially turned villain) energy. I only discovered In This Moment about a month ago through a friend but I have been addicted to their music ever since - they're on all my main playlists! Definitely a song I associate with some of my fictionkins & werewolf kintype too.
2. Lust for a Vampyre by I Monster. This song feels like a lovestruck daydream. It's sweet, sinister and sooo catchy! Also who doesn't love a good human x vampire song.
1. Old Money by Jonathan Young & Caleb Hyles. This isn't just my #1 vampire song but one of my favourite songs of all time. Collectively we can ignore the cringe and appreciate Young & Hyles outstanding vocals and the catchy tune. Also bonus points - it's explicitly about vampires! This is a big band number straight out of a gothic musical.
That's all for now! Let me know if you liked any of these & feel free to make your own additions in the notes!
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writersblog20 · 2 years
Halloween 🎃👻
Henry Cavill x reader
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Summary: Tonight was finally Halloween, your favorite day of the year. You had a Halloween party with Henry but it seemed to be more than a party.
Warnings: Dd/lg vibes (definitely in the end), Henry being dominant, anxiety, sexual tension, drinking, being a little drunk, haunted house, scares etc
Words: 4,5K
A/N: I’m back! Sort off, I’m still figuring it out but hey, here’s a new story in honor of Halloween! I feel like I’ve lost the vibe to write so just keep that in mind with the story. I’m sorry if I didn’t tag you, I forgot who to tag in Henry’s stories
It was Halloween, your favorite holiday of the year and you were ready for it, getting ready to go to a Halloween party. You were best friends with the one and only Henry Cavill and would go together to the party. Your other friends would be there too but you and Henry agreed to go together. You were doubting between your Chucky costume or Carrie, both laying out on your bed. You were a sucker for 80’s slashers and took this very seriously, it was only once a year that you could really show off and have the perfect outfit. You chose the white slip on dress with blood smudged all over it.
You put it on and looked in the mirror with a smile before doing your make-up and applying some fake blood all over you. Your phone was blasting some old Halloween classics to get you in the spirit even though that wasn’t necessarily since you’ve been waiting a year for this. Your phone went off, telling you that you had a text. You looked and it was Henry with a selfie in his outfit. He went as Dracula and the text said “I’m ready” you smiled as you took in the picture that he sent you and felt butterflies explode in your stomach. You’ve had a serious crush on him since the moment you’ve met him and the crush was quickly moving towards love.
You quickly replied with a selfie back, saying that you were ready too. He texted back immediately saying: “You look gorgeous even with fake blood on your face, princess. I’m on my way.” He had send you his live location with it as well. You felt your cheeks heat up at his reaction and let out a loud sigh. “God, this man is going to be the death of me.” You took another look in the mirror, happy with the result and applied your finishing touch, dark red lipstick and put some perfume on before gathering your stuff.
It didn’t took long before your doorbell went off. You were quickly at the door and took a deep breath before opening it. You saw Henry in his costume with a big smile which you returned. “Hey” he said while pulling you into a hug. You held him tightly as his cologne hit your nose. You softly took a breath in and relaxed underneath his touch. His scent always seemed to calm you down. It might be weird to others but to you, when you smelled Henry, you feel safe and secure. He got out of the hug and looked at you with a big grin. “You look really good sweetheart.” He told you as if he was in a trance. You felt flustered and smiled shyly. Henry cleared his throat and got out of whatever trance he was in and composed himself again.
It wasn’t a lie when Henry told the world that he didn’t know what to do around a girl who he really likes and you were proof of that. He fell in love the moment he saw you and only grew more once he got to know you but just like you, he rather had a friendship with you than nothing at all. He didn’t know that you liked him back but everyone from the outside could see the love radiating towards the two of you.
“You ready to go?” he asked you, snapping you out of thoughts. “Yeah, yeah let me grab my bag.” You shook out of your own little world and got back inside to get your stuff. Henry slowly walked after you, knowing it was okay to step foot in your house and which you expected him to do so. “You look really good too by the way!” you yelled from the other side of the room. Henry smiled lovingly while he looked at his shoes while he waited for you in the hallway. “Thank you.” he said in almost a whisper and couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. You couldn’t have said that into his eyes so you thought it was better to say it from another room.
You got your stuff and the uber just arrived. Henry held out his arm for you to take which you gladly did and held him by his elbow. He opened the door for you with his famous smile just for you and helped you into the uber. You’ve always felt a little shy around Henry but tonight was different. More awkward and it was killing you. You knew at that point that your feelings were through the roof for him but little did you know that was exactly what happened with Henry too and boy could he feel it too. It both scared to you death with the anxiety of “What if he/ she knows.” Both being blind as hell.
You tried to speak up at the exact moment that Henry was speaking up as well, talking over each other. “Sorry.” You chuckled awkwardly just like Henry. “You go first” you told Henry when your eyes left the floor again. It was so bad that you couldn’t even look him in the eyes anymore. “No you start. Ladies first.” He told you with a soft smile trying to make eye contact but failing, making him nervous as hell. “So… How’s filming going for the new Enola Homes movie?” you quickly thought. He chuckled a little “Good, we just finished actually. Can’t wait for you to see it…” he told you and you smiled. It looked like it broke the ice for a moment. “Can’t wait to see it. You know how much I loved the first one. And now that you have more screen time…. You know I can’t wait for that.” You told him but once you realized what you had said you felt your cheeks heat up. Henry chuckled again “Yeah, I actually was wondering… I eh there is a premiere right? And I was wondering if you would like to go with me…. you know…. to the premiere and watch it together…” He asked you very carefully.
You felt butterflies going lose in your stomach and it made you almost nauseas how much you liked this man. “Yeah, yeah I would love that.” You told him and for the first time really looked into his eyes. Henry was already looking at you with loving eyes that he couldn’t hide. You quickly looked away with a soft shy smile. “Great. I’ll let you know more info as soon as I know.” he told you, making you nod and you couldn’t stop smiling.
You finally arrived and felt relieved. Something changed between the two of you and you couldn’t tell exactly what. Henry opened the door and reached out his hand for you to take so he could help you out of the car. You placed your hand in his and saw how small your hand was in his big one. The moment your hand touched yours you felt your heartbeat quicken. You got out of the car and looked at the place where the party was. It would be in a bar and upstairs was where they held the party. Someone was waiting for you at the door. They were scarily dressed up and went completely in their role. “I can see you two are here  for the party……” the person grinned and you and Henry looked at each other. You both knew that something was going to happen before you could enter. Henry put his arm around you and pulled you as close to his body as he could. He was always very protective of you.
“Well… the party is upstairs but first you need to go in the haunted house if you want to go to the party….. if you’re still alive.” The person grinned and gave you two tickets. You looked a little scared at Henry. You hated haunted houses. You didn’t mind walkthroughs but only if they were outside. In a house you would always panic because in your mind there was no way out. Henry looked at you and gave you a reassuring smile. “It’s going to be okay princess, I’ll protect you remember?” he told you and you start to feel a little calmer, nodding.
You held onto Henry as tightly as you could and stepped inside. They really did a number on this place because it looked nothing like it did before. They really turned up. You almost walked past a painting until it fell down and behind it was someone dressed up and reached out their arm for you, making you scream and turn towards Henry, who immediately placed his arms around you like a shield. Your head was hiding against his chest and you could feel his heartbeat going crazy. Was he scared as well? You thought but it definitely had other reasons why his heart was almost out of his chest and you were that reason.
You walked further and there were some more “scare actors” and Henry noticed your distress, trying to give you as much comfort as he could while he held on tightly to you. But the further you got, the scarier it got and apparently you also had to go outside. Like I said, they went all in. There was someone with a chainsaw waiting around the corner from you and put it on, scaring you out of your skin. You liked scares but not in that moment perse. You went to the other side of Henry and was glued to his side. The man came close to your leg with the chainsaw and you got in front of Henry, making yourself as small as possible and held tightly on to him. His arms were around you and his hand was resting on the back of your head, hiding your face against his shoulder, his head resting against yours so you would feel as protected as he could at that moment. The guy left with the chainsaw and pointed outside, letting you both know that you had to go out.
Henry held your hand and your other hand was holding his arm. Henry didn’t really like haunted houses but right now he loved it, now he had you clinging to his side and he could protect you. His heart was almost bursting with love for you now but he didn’t liked the fact that you were so scared.
You walked outside and there were sheets hanging all around and Henry got them out of the way as you walked further. Soon there was another man with a chainsaw scaring you to death and was quickly to disappear after that. “Jesus, I’m gonna need a drink after this” you mumbled softly, which Henry replied to with a chuckle. You were so over this but more specifically because you didn’t know when it was going to end and not knowing what was further to come. You started to hear the music blast and felt a wave of relief coming over you and you straightened your back, lowering your defenses, which was a big mistake.
You walked back in and a painting dropped down next to you, behind it a scare actor trying to grab you with his arm. You ducked down to your right and the other painting on that side fell as well, making you scream out loud before the painting in front of you dropped. That was the last straw and you fled out of there, earning a loud laugh from Henry. You knew you would laugh about this later but now you were too busy running away.
You thought you were done but there was one last room and you quickly grabbed Henry who was still laughing. You scared him in the process of grabbing him and pulling him towards the other room. There were  at least 10 monsters in this room but you didn’t know who was a manikin and who was real. They looked really scary, their eyes were fully blown open and there was blood and other stuff all over their faces and it scared the crap out of you. You clang to Henry and tried to look everywhere at the same time. You were extremely on high alert right now and Henry noticed, softly rubbing your arms and trying to guide you to the exit.
“Almost there sweetheart, almost. I’m here, I won’t let anything happen to you, okay sweetheart?” Henry softly cooed in your ear and if you weren’t so much on high alert right now, you knew your heart would burst with what he just said to you. It did bring you  comfort and protection a little bit right now while you were still looking from left to right. All of a sudden the light started to strobe and the people that weren’t manikins got into your face with some fake knives and you let out a loud scream. Even Henry jumped at that scare. You both got out of that room fast and were finally out of the ”house”.
You and Henry looked at each other, trying to catch your breath when you both started giggling which turned out in laughing. “Well….. Y/N, you are definitely the knew scream queen.” He told you, referring to your favorite horror movies. You got a big grin on your face. “Oh and of course, the ultimate final girl.” He told you teasingly with a grin on his face. You smiled, feeling flustered at the his teasing statement. “Well… Thank you prince charming but let’s get some drinks now. I really could use one.” You told him chuckling.
You still held his arm when you stepped into the party. You felt excitement in your stomach. They played the 70, 80, 90 music horror and you couldn’t get happier. From white wedding by Billy Idol to Don’t fear the reaper and even some modern songs like the Weeknd with Die for you. Everyone was dressed up and the room very decorated to say the least. You looked at Henry back and you had the biggest smile upon your face. Henry was already smiling when you looked at him but the moment you looked eyes, you could see them soften in adoration and the butterflies went loose again. “Let’s get some drinks” Henry tried to yell over the music, his eyes glistening, giving you a whole new sensation than before with the look he gave you. He took the lead and walked to the bar, his hand searching for yours and gave it a light squeeze when he found you. The way your small hand was in his made you already weak to your knees. You knew it was going to be a long night if he kept doing this. You loved it and wanted nothing other than to do this forever but it was torture in the moment. You loved him so much, heart aching for him that it almost physically started to hurt.
You really did need that drink. You and Henry stood next to each other and because you made it through the “house” you both got a free bloody shot. Henry ordered your favorite drink and a beer for himself before turning to you with the shot in his fingers. You got the shot as well and you both cheered before drinking it. He never lost eye contact while taking the shot. It gave you an exciting yet entangled with a little bit of nerves, like going down on a rollercoaster. It was a strong shot and coughed from it, chuckling a bit. Yup, this was exactly what you needed to numb the feelings a bit. Keep it cute and the feelings on mute kind of thing.
When you got the drinks, you saw your friends on the dancefloor already happily waving towards you. You looked at Henry and he raised his eyebrow and had a smirk as a sign to go over to them. You smiled and walked towards them with Henry, greeting them with a hug. Everyone’s outfit was on point. One of your male friends went as ghostface and Michael Myers, both drinking their drinks with a straw. Your female friends were all over the place. One went as Cassie from Euphoria, we had a sexy female version of Chucky, a cheerleader with blood all over the place, and a fairy but they all looked amazing.
You all started drinking more and all of a sudden there was a scare actor, scaring you with a shaker. You screamed and immediately backed into Henry’s chest who already had his arms around you. You noticed that all the scare actors would scare the guests as well. You chuckled a little nervous. “Another drink then princess?” he whispered in your ear teasingly because you were so easy to scare. You nodded and before he could walk away from you, you caught his hand. “Wait…. I want to come with you.” you said a little nervous and that was the moment that Henry knew that you saw him and him only as your protector, making his heart swell for you.
You walked with Henry to the bar and ordered some good shots for everyone and got a strong drink. Henry raised his eyebrow in surprise up, looking at you with a smirk. “Don’t judge me.” you told him, trying to sound as unguilty as possible. He chuckled “don’t worry sweetheart.” He told you and you both got back to the group with everyone’s shot. You all took them and cheered, Henry making once again eye contact with you and with that look on his face. You started to get annoyed with yourself at how easy it was for this man to make you feel flustered again.
You all danced a bit but you stayed very nervous and on edge because of the ‘monsters’ and Henry noticed it. He went over and stood behind you so no one could scare you from behind. You felt his chest against your back, one hand softly rubbing over your arm. His warmth radiated over to you and you felt the drop in your stomach again. You started to lean a little back against him. This was the moment that you finally relaxed a bit and had fun. You had more alcohol and it started to hit you a little bit faster than you expected it to be but that didn’t stop you and continued.
Henry started to get a little buzzed as well but not as much as you. He started to flirt more, feeling a bit braver and so did you, flirting back and being fisty, which nine out of the ten times he needed to look away from you when you made a sharp remark, had a dark smirk over his face, shook his hand and took a sip of his beer every time. “Drop the attitude princess.” He told you with a dark grin on his face, giving away that he sort off enjoyed this. “make me.” You felt way too brave after the tequila you had consumed earlier “Don’t ask for things you can’t handle.” Henry stood tall in front of you but you wouldn’t back down “Who says I will?” you puffed out your chest more as well, trying to sound confident even though you felt submissive as hell.
Henry chuckled darkly and look away from you, giving the impression that he wasn’t taking you seriously. You frowned when Henry looked back at you. The moment he saw that frown upon your face, he turned darker, more dominant. “You better take that frown off of your face princess.” It gave you chills and felt into sub mode but still tried to get him to do something. He knew that you were a sub. It was painfully obvious for him sometimes.
“Make me.” you said darkly back, trying so hard not to show your current state. “What if I will. Mhm. Are you satisfied then? Will you be a good girl then?” Okay that was the moment you lost it and looked down, letting him know that he won. His fingers went underneath your chin and made you look at him. Your noses almost touching and you took a shaky breath. “Good girl with dropping the attitude.” He praised you and he could feel the goosebumps underneath his touch on your arm and smiled but backed off. For a moment realization had set in, in what just happened and you felt slightly embarrassed and Henry was scared that he had crossed your line.
You were both a little in your own world, staring at each other in a trance of panic when a monster came into your face and you got scarred so bad that you dropped your drink, taking you both out of the trance. You quickly got outside since you needed some fresh air. You sat around the corner and rubbed your arms against the cold until you felt a jacket being placed over your shoulders. You quickly looked back to see Henry standing there with a soft sympathetic smile on his face.  
He stood a little in front of you, nervously standing on his feet in the silence. The thumps from the bass dancing throughout the dark night. You both kept silent but it was killing you. You felt so nervous, sick, anxious and distress until Henry spoke up. “I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I didn’t want that.” You nodded “I’m sorry too.” Was the only thing you could say. It was killing you how much your heart ached for this man and you didn’t know how long and much more you could handle this. You were almost at the point of spilling it out already. “Are…. Ehhh… We good?” he asked you, the tension still clearly there but because of you. You nodded, unable to even look at him, close to crying while you were staring at the ground.
“Sweetheart. Don’t lie to me. I know something is bothering you. I don’t feel like we’re good yet. What is it?” he asked you but you denied, shaking your head. “Nope… Nope eh we’re good.” But the tears were already falling and you quickly sniffled. “Really…..? Is that why you can’t even look at me and you’re crying?” he asked you, clearly not believing you for one bit. “Sweetheart. Please tell me what’s going on…. You’re scaring me.” He crouched down next to you and you could hear the desperation in his voice, breaking your heart.
“I like you.” you told him quickly. You couldn’t hold it in any longer. It was slowly killing you inside, leaving you empty and sad. “What?” you heard him say in a whisper, surprised.
You still couldn’t look at him. “I like you. I’m in love with you and I’m really sorry if you’re not in love with me, I get it and it’s okay but I couldn’t hold it any longer. I’m in love with you and it’s killing me.” you rushed out, tripping over your own words. Henry was processing all of it when you stopped. “You’re in love with me?” he asked and you got annoyed. “Yes. Yes I’m in love with you but you don’t have to make fun of me for it.” You were so certain that he didn’t like you back that you really thought he was teasing you. Not that he would tease you over such a topic but still..
He started to puzzle it together and smiled until he heard your last sentence. “Sweetheart, calm down, calm down. I’m not teasing you, I promise.” He told you while he stood in front of you with his hands on your arms. You finally looked at him and he had a loving but concerning look on his face. He smiled sweetly at you when you made eye contact. He was calming you down, he could always calm you down and was the only one who was able to do that.
“I’m so in love with you that I didn’t knew what to do. But I’m love with you too princess.” You looked at him and he was so happy, it radiated over him. His hand cupped your cheek and softly went down to your chin, pulling you in for a kiss. Your heart was thumping against your chest. Finally you felt his lips on yours. Something you’ve dreamed and fantasized about in forever. You pulled him closer by his costume and you could feel him smile in the kiss. It became heated when you felt his tongue against your own and the way he was softly biting your lip. You both pulled back and smiled at each other.
“So ehmm. Can I take you on a proper date then?” he asked you, actually still nervous. You chuckled softly “I would like that even though I think this is perfect.” You hinted back at the party and the “house” in particular. He smiled before it turned into a worried and softened look in his eyes. “Did I went to far back in there?” he asked you genuinely. You shook your head, feeling a bit embarrassed. “No…. it’s just…. You can make me feel so small. But small in a good way….” You felt embarrassed saying it out loud.
Henry smiled adoringly at you with a look of understanding. He held your chin again. “Don’t be embarrassed. I know that you’re secretly a very sensitive little girl who needs and deserves a lot of love.” He told you and you felt yourself grow almost emotional. Your body was crushed against his in a much needed tight hug. Henry chuckled while he held you tight. “Don’t worry. I will always take good care of you, my little sweet princess.” You felt yourself grow mushy. You looked up at him and never felt more cared for, already. His hand went over your hair, towards your cheek while he cupped it and pulled you in for a gentle but passionate kiss while his thumb softly stroke your cheek.
When he pulled out of the kiss, he rubbed his nose softly against yours. You smiled but didn’t want to drop into a sub right here. You tried to shrug it off but Henry shushed you. “It’s okay princess. I know you’re not fully there yet but let it be. I’ll take care of you. Let it be princess. Can you do that for me? Can you be a good girl and try it?” He asked you and you nodded with a soft smile, trusting Henry.
You knew that there was a reason that Halloween was your favorite holiday.
 taglist: @sarahrogersevans @thereisa8ella
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Oooh what about 🎧 🩰 🥼 and ☎️?
Thank youu!! These are so much fun XD
🎧 A song you associate with a slasher.
OH I've been waiting for an excuse to talk about these for ever!! I have a couple for Tiffany and a couple for Freddy.
plot line by Emlyn: This one is just perfect for Tiffany!! It talks about a woman who falls for a guy she really liked (Once upon a time you were charming. Thought that you would be my prince- Sparkle in your eye, so disarming. Didn't know that it would end like this // You're not my happy ever after, But you came close to it), who turns out to be gross and full of ego (I don't have space for your ego to bruise. You're just a mark on my chart of mistakes) and basically decides that he was good for the plot line, but she's got this, now XD Sound familiar? Tiffany totally took over the Childs Play franchise, lets be honest.
You're Gonna Pay, by Elise Lieberth: This one gives me huge Freddy/All the ANOES Final Girl's vibes. Like, the whole song. Every line.
I Aint Your Mama, by Maggie Rose: I dunno man, it just gives me huge Chiffany vibes XDD Plus Maggie Rose herself looks like she's got a very similar style to Tiffany XD
Burning House, by Cam: This is a Freddy x Reader song for me for sure. Every time I listen to it, it sounds for me like a Y/N who loves him despite it all (I've been sleepwalking, Too close to the fire, But it's the only place that I can hold you tight), and they're trying to hold onto him despite his evil and his death (I've been sleepwalking. Been wandering all night. Tryna take what's lost and broke, And make it right), and its starting to hurt them too (I've been sleep walking too close to the fire). Maybe they leave him in the end (I could take you back, But people don't ever change. Wish that we could go back in time). Plus, all the fire and the sleep symbolism?? Its definitely a good song for Freddy x Reader stuff XD
🩰 Which slasher would you like to slow dance with & which do think is the best slow dancer?
I wrote this set of headcanons once when I was overwhelmed and sad where Sheriff Hoyt, wearing his old coveralls and flannel, slow dances with his sad S/O and its kinda stuck with me so I'll go with him ^^
Hmmm, Candyman XDD
🥼Oh no you’re injured! Which slasher would you like to nurse you back to health?
I would say Luda Mae, because I love her, but I just don't think that house is the most sanitary, so... Bo Sinclair? Yeah, I kinda want him to help me out XD As long as his only intention is to help me- I don't need him making it worse!
I think he'd be cute, focused on my wound, and I have the sneaking suspicion he's good with first aid ^^
☎️ Receive a call from Billy Lenz or Billy Loomis?
Billy Loomis! ^^
What are your answers to these ones?? ^^ Also- I loved your answers to the last ones! XD I totally agree on Harper, his voice is kinda different to his face 😂😂 We all know who the hottest voice belongs to in that town though anyway XD Omggggg though, being serenaded by two Slashers... 💕💕💕 The romantic in my is lit up XD
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helloitshaley · 1 year
Haley's Horror Recs
Happy Thursday! What better way to celebrate a super blue moon than with a horror movie?
After the tragic death of her mother, who was a famous scream queen from the 80's, a girl and her friends find themselves somehow in one of her mothers slasher movies. Can she deal with the emotional trauma of seeing her mother, who isn't her mother, again all while fighting off a blood thirsty killer?
You should watch if: You like strong, female lead movies. You like corny movies that have a lot of heart to them. You like when movies are a bit meta and play into that. You want to watch something that has a unique story line that you haven't seen before. You like 80's vibes.
Available to rent.
(If you like this try; Scream, Freaky, Fear Street, Tucker and Dale VS Evil, Sleep Away Camp, X)
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babygirl-187 · 3 years
Caught In The Act (Derek Morgan x Reader smut)
Description: Derek and Reader have to share a room while away on a case and things get steamy until they're caught in the act.
This is set durring the episode "Exit Wounds"
Requested by: @haarrrys
Warnings: Smut, Oral sex (female receiving), pet names, mild dirty talk, vaginal sex, kinda sorta semi kinky but not really, getting caught.
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"It looks like we'll have to double up." Hotch says to the team. "I'm not sleeping with Reid." Morgan stated. That's how you ended up sharing the room with Morgan, it was almost like some cliche fan fiction trope - Sharing a room out in the middle of nowhere with your hot coworker. And there's one bed. Granted the fact that you're here to catch a serial killer puts a bit of a damper on those romantic vibes.
Unbeknownst to your friends, you and Derek had been hooking up off and on since you joined the team.
It really wasn't a big deal for you to share the bed.. Until he came out of the shower looking like that. Just a towel, soaked, his abs on full display. Holy hell, there's no way this man is real you think to yourself. You look him up and down utterly speechless. He raises a brow at you, "Y/N?" He says snapping you out of it. "Yeah.. I.. Yeah." You said stumbling over his words and you finally meet his eyes, seeing his smirk, "Don't act like you aren't teasing on purpose." You half joke, "Oh it's absolutely on purpose, Sweetheart." He says confirming that he did indeed know what he was doing.
"Maybe you should lose the towel." You suggest, and just like that he does. Derek Morgan new he was sex on legs, not in a bad way but in a way that draws you in and makes you need more. He approaches you, his touch feeling like lightning as he begins to undress you, the small touches lingering and driving you mad. Soon you're down to your panties, his arm snakes around your waist from behind and he kisses and nibbles at your neck as he teases at the band of your underwear. "Fuck.. Derek." You moan, "Shh, princess. The team might hear you." He responds, shifting you to the bed, he drags your panties down your legs and tosses them to the side. He slowly, torturously kisses his way up your thighs and settled between them, his mouth attacking your clit and lapping at your folds. All sorts of sounds escape you, you never could hold back when he does that. Derek Morgan can do powerful things with his tongue. Soon you flew over the edge, your orgasm rocking your body. "Such dirty sounds from such a sweet girl" He teases as he flips you over, leaving you face down ass up with little time to recover before he plunged into your soaking pussy. He pounded into you relentlessly, hard enough that the sounds of the headboard hitting the wall and the knock at the door blurred together for you. The door swung open mid act to an absolutely mortified Reid who instantly averted his gaze and an absurdly amused Prentiss. "Oh.. my.. shit.. we just wanted to make sure you two weren't being murdered." She quickly explained. To be fair, again you were there to catch a serial killer, in a tiny creepy ass inn and you were making some noises reminiscent to those of someone in an 80s-90s slasher film.
The two of you had quickly repositioned and pulled the cover up when you noticed you were no longer alone. You were speechless. Poor innocent Reid was fluttered and scarred for life, Prentiss was going to tease the both of you for the rest of eternity, Morgan was unreadable. "I guess I've proven myself worthy to know about that sin to win weekend now." Derek joked, Emily chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Sorry again" She said pulling the door closed.
"That did not just happened" You said stunned. "I guess we'll have to gag you next time." Derek says pulling you into a passionate kiss. "Round two?" You asked, "I'll go lock the door" He smirked.
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angelkissiies · 2 years
from inside the house
eddie x reader x gareth
tw/cw : violence, panic, fear, death, blood, stalking behavior, 80s slasher vibes, some fluff, some hurt/comfort, final group, final girl vibes.
a/n : disclaimer, this is set after the events of season 4 in a slightly altered universe where things aren’t as hellish in hawkins. Gareth is 18, reader is 18, Robin is 18, and Eddie is 20. enjoy this thriller!
word count : 5679
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“Be safe!” Robin yelled from her front porch, watching as you walked down the sidewalk away from her house. It was just beginning to get dark and you wanted to leave with some daylight left outside, hoping you’d be able to get home in time for curfew.
You smiled, nodding your head. “I promise! I’ll call you as soon as I get home.” This was normal for the two of you, seeing as you spent most waking moments together. Robin was your best friend and any free time the two of you had was spent doing whatever would fill the time. Today it was attempting to bake a cake she had seen on the front of a magazine- lets just say it didn’t go so well.
The streetlights began to flicker on as you made your way home, Illuminating the roads in a pale yellow light that seemed to dim unexplainably. It didn’t bother you much, you’d been walking these roads for years now and hadn’t come across much of an issue. As of late though, a creeping feeling had begun to infiltrate your senses, telling you something was wrong- yet everything remained perfectly normal. It only made sense to push that anxiety away, seeing as you were sure nothing was going to happen.
That was, until you began to hear the the sound of mismatched footsteps coming from somewhere around you. That in itself, made no sense. As far as you could see in all directions, you were completely alone. It was only about another mile till you got home, so you decided to continue to ignore the nagging feeling. Picking up your pace, you began to hear it louder. This time, it sounded as if it was running. As you glanced behind you, a wave of terror washed over you.
A man clad in dark clothes was sprinting at full speed behind you, eyes locked on you as if he were an animal hunting it’s prey. He was moving so fast it felt like he’d catch up with you at any second. No sound escaped his mouth other than gasps, or at least that’s what you thought.
“What the fuck?!” You screamed, beginning to sprint down the overgrown sidewalks and eventually moving into the road to avoid the fallen branches. He had begun to gain on you, causing a new found sense of terror fill your chest. The close proximity allowed you to understand the jumbles of words coming from his mouth- though they didn’t make you feel any better.
‘Can’t you tell how in love with you I am? Just let me touch you, baby. I want to feel you from inside, underneath that pretty skin of yours.’
Your stomach twisted into a thousand knots, it was almost enough to make you vomit. Up ahead, you could finally see the gleam of the front porch light that sat outside of your home. It was a beacon of hope in pursuit of safety, as your pursuer was now just a couple footfalls away from reaching you. His arms grasping out to get hold of the jacket that hung around your waist, if he succeeded- you’d be done for. Whatever he had planned would indeed happen, whether it be murder or something much worse- you didn’t care to find out. The strain in your legs screamed as you finally landed on the grass of your lawn, dodging the sprinkler system that stuck up haphazardly from the ground.
The attacker seemed to not realize before it was too late and tripped over the small piece of metal. He scrambled to get back to his feet, but it was too late. You had gotten inside. His feet carried him up the stairs and his fists began to pound on the hard oak door, screaming something less than intelligible.
The air barely had time to reach your lungs as you swung around into the kitchen to lock the padlock on the back door, just in time to, as the man had the same idea. His hands pulled at the door knob, eyes meeting yours through the small window above the kitchen sink. They shined with something sinister, something scarily familiar.
You kept your eyes on him until he disappeared around the back of the house, somewhere too far for you to see from the kitchen. You attempted to calm yourself, heart pounding erratically in your chest. What the fuck was happening? One minute it’s a normal day and the next you’re running from some psycho that wants to get under your skin, literally. As the shake begin to leave your hands, you moved across the kitchen to the house phone. There were only two people in this entire town you could count on. Not even the police would handle this efficiently as you knew they could.
Eddie and Gareth. The closest friends you’d ever had excluding Robin. The two boys in town that would drop everything in a heartbeat to be with you when you needed it. It was 7:30 now, meaning they were probably finishing up band practice. Gareth’s house was the usual destination for the band, as his garage was much roomier and he’d just installed new soundproofing for his parents sake.
The phone was gripped tightly in your hand, each ring sending a thrill of anticipation into your stomach. At any time, that man could come back and attempt to get in. The thought sent a wave of uneasiness over you, eyes darting from window to window- searching for anything to suggest he was lurking.
“(Y/n)! Hey! You missed a great practice-,” Gareth’s voice rang out from the other end of the line, breaking up into a staticy whisper towards the end.
His voice almost brought you to tears, holding the phone close- you cut him off mid sentence. “Gareth, I need help. I’m really scared, I was walking home from Robins and some guy started chasing me saying some really weird shit and now I’m home alone and he’s still outside my house, I think.” You spouted, keeping a low voice as to not attract any attention from outside. You hated feeling so helpless, but what could you really do? If you didn’t call you’d be all alone to deal with this, that would almost guarantee your demise.
Gareth’s voice went rigid, “Well be there in five. Do you remember that pocket knife I gave you? Grab it and don’t be afraid to use it. Okay? We’re on our way. Don’t worry.” He could be heard yelling something unintelligible, followed by the line going dead. Though he didn’t give you time to answer, you knew he understood loud and clear.
You placed the phone down gently, moving in silence across the house to your bedroom. It was dark and a chill slithered down your spine as you noticed the window. The curtains were fluttering. A choked gasp left your throat and as you fumbled for the light switch you knocked something off of your desk. Your fingers finally found the switch, lighting up the room in a dull fluorescence.
It didn’t take you long to find the knife hidden within the drawer of your desk, it was a decently sized Swiss Army knife that Gareth and Eddie had saved up to get you for your birthday last year- though they both pitched in, Gareth took most of the credit seeing as it was his idea. It had rarely seen any action, aside from the occasional rope cutting. Your fingers flicked the thing open, gripping it tightly in your sweaty fist. eyes flickering from the knife to the object that now laid at your feet, it was whatever you’d knocked over earlier.
A box.
It was nothing extraordinary, just a box wrapped in brown paper. It held no markings, completely devoid of all indications of where it might have come from. You picked it up, gently, worried something volatile might be inside. It was weirdly light for such a large package and the contents made no sound as you felt them shift around inside. It was all incredibly strange, but then again, in the midst of this could anything really be more or less strange? You gently sat the package down on your bed, crawling over to shut the window and latch it. It scared you, not knowing where the man was, knowing that he could’ve made his way inside without you knowing because of one measly unlocked window.
Outside, you heard a car door slam followed by another. They were here. Thank god.
You bounced up almost completely forgetting about the package, practically sprinting to the front door to meet them. You had dropped the knife on the way, the metal coming into contact with the hard wood with a loud thump. As you got closer, you could make out Eddie from the living room window. He stood beside Gareth who was fishing his keys from his pocket. They both owned a house key for your house, not that your parents minded. It kept you safe and gave them a place for refuge if they needed it. Before they could even attempt to unlock the door, you jerked it open with a relieved sigh.
“Get inside. Hurry.” You ushered, the boys passing through the door and into the living room before slamming the door behind them. The lock clicked back into place and you pulled the two boys into your arms, squeezing them so tight you felt Eddie begin to wheeze. You hadn’t noticed until now but they both seemed to be carrying baseball bats, the sight was almost enough to make you laugh if it wasn’t for the circumstances. Eddie had borrowed his from Steve, as it was stuffed full of jagged nails and Gareth’s was just normal. Something he probably had lying around from past athletic endeavors.
Eddie pulled back, letting the bat rest against a side table. “Are you alright? Did he hurt you?” He asked, inspecting you for signs of injury. He moved his hands to your face, turning it gently from side to side. His hands were rough and callused from his constant use of his guitar, but they felt soft against your skin.
You shook your head, giving him a weak smile. “I’m okay, he didn’t hurt me. Though, I can’t say that he won’t try to.” You lifted your hands to your hair, turning to be able to see them both. “There’s also a possibility he might have gotten in.” It was hard to breathe as you finally said it out loud, the air thickening. It was your fault, you rarely ever locked your window for nights you needed to sneak out undetected. If it hadn’t been for that, there wouldn’t have been a chance he was inside.
The two boys dared not to speak, sparing suspicious glances around the room. Eddie pulled the living room curtain open wider, watching as the sun began to fall lower in the sky. Soon, it would be pitch black and much harder to look out for the man.
Gareth looked around, taking in everything he could see. Nothing looked out of place, everything as he’d seen it many times before. That was, until he noticed a piece of paper crumpled in the doorway of the living room. It was from the room adjoined to it which was where your mothers instruments were stored. An at home practice room, if you will. He held a finger to his lips, taking silent steps to retrieve the paper.
The tension could be cut with a knife, anxious glances being shot between you and Eddie as the boy bent down to pick up the paper. His fingers snapped around the note, heart thumping with pure adrenaline as he hurried back. He unfolded the paper and held it out for all three of you to read.
‘have you called your parents?’
The boys looked over at you, a mutual look of horror crossing their faces. Gareth moved first, taking your hand and leading you to the home phone. “Call them, please.” He whispered, leaning down slightly to meet your eyes. He’d seen enough horror movies to know what that meant, the man had taken a page out of ‘when a stranger calls’ an older movie about a psycho killer harassing a babysitter. It was one of his favorites, he’d forced Eddie to sit and watch it with him just recently.
You nodded gently, taking the phone off of the receiver and dialing your mothers mobile phone. It was one she carried everywhere because of you, incase you ever needed her she could be there. The line began to ring and from somewhere within the house a phone began to scream out. It was loud and the tone was the same as the one your mother had. There was no way though, right? Your parents had gone out for the night, a date in town at Enzo’s. She wouldn’t have left her phone. No matter how hard it was to carry around. She always managed to stuff it in her bag incase of emergencies.
“Stay with them, okay?” Eddie instructed before grabbing his bat and disappearing down the dimly lit hallway. He tried to keep his steps light, not wanting to alert anyone who might be inside of his presence. It was deathly quiet, the air motionless as he stepped into the room the ringing was emitting from.
Gareth chewed on his bottom lip lightly, watching you closely as you stepped from foot to foot. The two of you were beyond nervous, the entire situation felt premeditated. Like whoever planned this knew exactly what was going to happen before it did. “How are you feeling, babe?” He whispered, hand moving to rest on your back. He often used that pet name with you, not that it bothered you or anything. It usually just encouraged Eddie to use it as well, leading to a never ending stream of ‘babe.’ Not that it mattered now, of course.
“I’m okay, I think. This is all so surreal. Things like this don’t happen in real life, only in movies.” Your voice was soft, barely audible but he heard it.
He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you. He knew it couldn’t fix anything but it was worth a shot, maybe the anxiety in your stomach could rest feeling his familiar touch. “I know, I wish I could explain this but there is nothing to say. I won’t let him hurt you, though. Neither will Eddie.” He assured, rubbing soft circles into your back.
Eddie bounded back into the kitchen, face twisted in a look of pure terror. “We need to call the police. (Y/n)..” he trailed off, sweat beginning to pool in his palms. “Stay out here, okay? Don’t go back there.”
“Why? What’s back there?” You knew, internally. There was only one reason your moms phone would have rung within the house. There was only one reason you hadn’t heard from her since you left the house that morning. You didn’t want to believe it. “Eddie, tell me.”
His eyes glistened with tears, “It’s..it’s your parents, (y/n).” He sighed, stepping across Gareth’s bat that had fallen onto its side. “Trust me, just please stay out here.”
No, no, no. This couldn’t be happening. Despite his warnings, you broke free from Gareth’s arms and pushed past him. Sprinting to the master bedroom. Everything seemed normal until you noticed your mothers high heeled foot sticking out from the far side of the bed. The room suddenly felt freezing, sweat beginning to bead on your forehead. You took small, terrified steps towards the body. He was telling the truth, they were here all along.
A scream ripped through your chest, hot tears spilling from your eyes as you backed away. Your foot caught on something in the walkway and sent you flying onto the floor, directly into a puddle of something cold and thick. You caught yourself on your hands and quickly pulled them up to inspect the liquid, another scream falling from your throat as you realized it was blood. You had failed to notice that the floor bared marks that very closely resembled drag marks, meaning whoever killed your parents had dragged them into the corner- in a failed attempt to hide their bodies from plain view.
Blood. God, so much blood. Their bodies had been so abused they were barely recognizable.
Gareth had dropped to your side, a pained expression crossing his face as he realized what you were now covered in. “Hey, baby. Look at me, it’s okay.” He breathed, cupping your face in his hands. This was terrifying for all of you, but Gareth did everything in his power to not let it show. He wanted to be strong for you, considering you had just saw your parents dead and were now coated in their blood. “Come on, let’s get you changed okay? Eddie is calling the police. It’s going to be okay.” He assured, keeping the tone of uncertainty from his voice. Though he felt it, there was no need to scare you further.
You shook violently, gripping onto Gareth for dear life. You let him help you off of the floor, successfully getting the blood all over him as well. Slowly, he walked you from your parents bedroom to your own. The box on your bed catching his attention as he helped you sit down
“Baby?” He spoke softly, kneeling down in front of you to meet your eyes that were glued to the floor. The look you gave him struck a chord in his chest, almost bringing him to tears. “Where did this box come from?”
Slowly, you lifted your hand and pointed towards the window. From your lips, you uttered a single word. “Him.”
“Eddie!” Gareth yelled, moving to grab the box. He easily snapped the twine binding it shut, before tearing the paper from the box.
Eddie swung around the corner, bats in both hands. His eyes landed on you and then Gareth. As much as he wanted to comfort you, he know it wouldn’t help. Not unless it was going to make you safe or catch the man who did this. “What is that?” He questioned, moving to stand beside Gareth as he tore open the lid.
The contents of the box disgusted the both of them. Inside laid at least a dozen pairs of your underwear, all dyed red with semi-fresh blood. They were all pieces you could remember losing track of and just forgetting about completely, though as much as you wanted to tell them- your mouth emitted no noise.
“Fucking pervert.” Gareth hissed, followed by a string of curses from Eddie. It was obvious, whoever this was had been watching you for much longer than you knew. He had been inside of your house, in your room. Stealing your underwear for christs sake.
Eddie paced back and forth before his eyes caught something move from outside. “Guys-“ he began, squinting lightly as he saw it again. This time more clearly. It was a man, standing leaned up against a tree about twenty feet from your bedroom window. “He’s outside.”
A gasp caught in your throat, hands bearing down onto your thighs for support. You couldn’t bring yourself to look. “Eddie, you called the police- right?”
He shook his head. “I tried. I called about eight times but either the line goes dead or nobody picks up.” He sighed, tapping the baseball bat filled with nails on your bedroom floor, leaving small nail marks in the wood. As Eddie looked back to the tree, the man was gone.
“Fuck!” You shouted, hands coming up to ball in your hair. It was a harming habit but you couldn’t help it, you needed to feel something other than whatever the fuck this godawful feeling was. Though the pain in your scalp was fleeting, it cleared your thoughts for a second. “Wait, if the home phone isn’t working.. my moms phone might.”
The boys exchanged looks, a general look of disapproval passing between them before they nodded. Neither of them wanted to disturb a corpse, though if it was necessary, which they knew it was, they’d do it.
“You’re right, I’ll get it.” Gareth said finally, snatching his bat from Eddie’s other hand. “Get them changed, they shouldn’t have to marinate in that.”
Eddie nodded, moving to rummage through your closet. He thumbed through the outfits carefully before pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt he had given you to keep a couple months back. It was comfortable but moveable, incase you needed to get very mobile very fast. “Here,” He hummed, keeping his voice low. “Can I help you?” He asked, catching your eyes as they lingered on a picture hung on your wall. It was a framed photo of you and your parents from a vacation you took as a child.
You nodded curtly, hands moving to peel off your t-shirt. It was stuck to you like paper mâché, almost glued to your skin. Eddie assisted, pulling your hair away from the blood to avoid getting it caked inside. He looked around briefly before grabbing a tank top from your dresser and a half empty water bottle from your nightstand. He gingerly poured the water onto the fabric to wipe off the blood that soaked through the shirt, being painfully gentle as to not frighten you further.
He threw the old shirt to the floor before pulling the new one over your head, gently coaxing it down your torso before looking to you for consent to unbutton your pants. You nodded swiftly, lifting up off of the bed to help him pull them off. They were so soaked, it added an extra pound onto the fabric, and as Eddie attempted to hide a grisly look he began to rub the blood on your thighs away with the makeshift rag.
Gareth popped back in, fingers covered in blood but holding the mobile phone your mother carried. “I got it and it looks like it’s still connecting calls.” He said, sitting down on the bed beside you. He quickly dialed 911 before holding the stained plastic to his ear.
To his surprise, it began to ring. There was no hesitation or dial tone, just a normal phone line. A relieved smile found its way onto his lips, his free hand moving to rest on your back. Then, all of a sudden the house went dark. Every source of light had been depleted from the home, leaving you all stranded in total darkness. As he waited for the call to connect, it went dead. Just like the home phone, something must have been interrupting the signal. He threw the phone down as he reached for his bat, hands clasping into the cool wood as he attempted to adjust to the darkness.
You situated the sweatpants on your waist before popping up to be closer to the boys that had jumped for their weapons. “Do you think…” you didn’t have to finish that sentence, you all knew the answer. “What do we do?” You asked, feeling around on your desk for something heavy. Your hand finally landed on something you made out to be an award, the hefty brass enough to injure someone at the very least.
Eddie was tempted to step out, get a look around to see what was happening until footsteps sounded out from down the hall, sending a jolt of terror into your chest. The floorboard creaked under the weight, notifying you that in less than ten steps whoever was in your home would be at your door. Ten little steps and the three of you might have the same fate as your parents, something you’d never have guessed would be the end for you.
Eddie beaconed the two of you towards him, pointing down the hall to the opposite side. That way lead to the laundry room, there wasn’t much in there but there was a locking door and a decently sized window. Two things that might help the three of you live through this. He held up three fingers, he was counting down. You had three seconds before you’d be running for your life towards a potential dead-end.
The three of you took off out of your bedroom, Eddie first, you second, and Gareth behind you. Whoever was approaching seemed taken aback for a moment before attempting to reach out and grab at Gareth’s flannel. The boy swiftly struck the man’s arm with his bat, hearing a sickening crack follow.
A growl left the man’s mouth, the noise itself was something sinister but the gurgling the followed it made you sick to your stomach.
Eddie swung the laundry room door open, pulling you and Gareth inside before slamming it and locking it from the inside. Weirdly enough, when your parents bought the house all those years ago they had never fixed the locks. As they were on the inside instead of the outside for some reason. It never bothered them enough, you guessed. Right as he stepped away from the door, the attacker slammed into it. Moans of pain escaping his mouth as he slammed against it with the arm Gareth had broken.
“Fuck, okay, let’s move this shelf in front of the door and then make a run for it from the window.” You whispered, moving to pick up one side of the thick wooden shelf your mother had placed in there to store folded towels and sheets.
Gareth nodded, picking up the other side and placing it longways in front of the door. The edges braced against the washer and dryer so even if the door hinge broke- the man couldn’t get in. He moved his hand down to feel around in his pocket, the slight jingle of his car keys sending a wave of relief over him. “Let’s do this.” He muttered, gripping his bat tightly as he waited for Eddie to unlatch the window.
It took a couple seconds but he was able to unlock it. With a grunt, he began to push the window up. It was rusted slightly from a couple years of abandonment but he made due with the leverage he could get. Overall, he was able to get it about 3/4s of the way open. The sky had turned dark, the only glimpse of light being from the streetlamps on the road. Fresh air rushed in, cooling the nervous sweat that had begun to leak from your pores.
“You first.” Eddie motioned, using his hands to make a stepping stool.
You stopped him in his tracks, shaking your head firmly. “Absolutely not, You and Gareth go first and I’ll go last. It’s me he wants and there’s no way I’m going to let him hurt you two for my sake.” Your voice had a new edge to it, something that neither of them had heard before. You had begun to unravel, the sadness passed and anger had begun to set in. They didn’t question it and did as you instructed, climbing out of the window one by one. You walked backwards towards the window keeping your eyes on the laundry room door before letting the boys pull you up.
At that moment, it felt like maybe this could be the end of this living nightmare. You were pulled to your feet by Gareth, who wore the same expression as you. The three of you were tired, so very tired. You wasted no time and took their hands, running full force towards the car that sat in the driveway.
Throwing himself into the drivers seat, he fumbled with the keys before finally getting them in the ignition. As he turned them, the car didn’t start but in turn sputtered and coughed up smoke. That was not a good sign. Gareth’s car was his pride and joy and when he’d gotten there this evening, it was completely fine. He’d just worked on it the day before. This wasn’t natural, his car had been tampered with. “God damn it!” He shouted, slamming his hands into the wheel.
Before you could utter a word, you felt your door being swung open- sending you falling onto the gravel. As you looked up, you saw none other but the man standing above you menacingly. His familiar face warped in a smile. “Tell them to lay off or I’ll kill them both.” He stated, nodding over to the two boys that had jumped out of the car and were now trying to reach you. You couldn’t let them get hurt, not to save you. They needed to live.
“Stop!” You shouted, holding up your hand at the two boys. “Stay there. Don’t move.” Your heart was thumping wildly, body trembling as the man pulled you to your feet.
He wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing tightly as you tried to gasp for air. “I’ve tried for so long to make you love me, (y/n). I’ve always been there for you but instead you have these two nobodies.” He scoffed, nails digging into your skin hard enough to draw blood. “You’re meant to be with me, do you hear me?! Me! Not them.”
Your face had begun to turn a sickly red, the air slowly beginning to become thinner and thinner. “I-im so s-sorry.” You choked out, black spots invading your vision.
The man released his grip, replacing his hand with something much more dangerous. You didn’t realize until it was too late but the Swiss Army knife that you’d dropped before has now pressed against your throat. “Please, I’ll do whatever you want me too. I’ll love you, only you. I don’t even like these guys, I never have.” You gasped out, everything you were saying was a blatant lie but it was better to lie than get all three of you killed because of your honesty. You couldn’t bear the idea of looking over at either of them, who stood frozen in place watching you beg for your life.
It went silent and as the man opened his mouth to speak, a loud thump rang out. He dropped his knife, which gave you the opportunity to slide out of his grip and towards the two boys who had taken the opportunity to gravitate in your direction. He crumpled onto the ground in a heap of dark clothing, a large bleeding wound opened on the back of his head. Behind him, stood no one other than Robin Buckley.
“Oh my god.” Eddie laughed incredulously, letting his bat drop to the ground. “We’re alive.” He sounded pleasantly surprised, not that you could blame him. This night had really put you all up to the test, making it out alive felt like a victory.
Robin moved towards the three of you, stepping over the man’s unconscious body. “Who is this?” She asked, squinting at him to get a better look. He was in his early twenties, dark hair, what looked like blue eyes and wearing at least two layers of dark clothes that were stained in blood. Some much older than the blood he had spilled of your parents.
You knelt down. Gareth coming to your side, cautiously watching the man to make sure he didn’t try to get up again. The realization hit you, for the past two years you worked summers at the community pool. This man, who you now recognized as Bobby, had worked alongside you the whole time. You felt stupid that you’d not noticed it sooner, seeing as you saw him less than a month ago before fall came back in full swing. “I know him, This is Bobby. One of the lifeguards at the community pool. He used to work my shifts.” You explained, looking up to meet their eyes.
The man moved slightly, which made you jump backwards to get away from his wriggling body. Though, before he could really wake up- Gareth kicked him as hard as he could in the head, sending him back into a coma like sleep.
“Robin, how did you know?” You asked, moving to pull her into your arms. She was shaking slightly, probably from the adrenaline. You slowly ran your hands up and down her arms to calm her, though she barely acknowledged it- her eyes locked on Bobby and Gareth’s now slightly more bloody shoe.
“You never called, I was worried so I walked all the way here to check on you.” She explained, her watery eyes meeting your own. “I was so scared he was going to hurt you.. I didn’t think about the possibility of killing him. I just acted and now I think he might be dead.”
You held her tighter, tucking her head into the nape of your neck. “No, it’s okay. You saved our lives, if he dies- it will not be your fault. Do you hear me? You are a hero, Robin. I mean it.” You whispered in her ear, feeling her bunch her hands up in your shirt gently. This couldn’t have been easy for her, being hunted and being the hunter were very different feelings.
Sirens could be heard in the distance, they were like a breath of fresh air amongst the humid stench of death.
Gareth and Eddie came to rest at your side as Robin pulled away to look towards the road. The four of you didn’t know what was going to happen next, the news would have the story by the morning and the wrath of Hawkins would come down upon the man responsible. Though that was supposed to make you feel better, it didn’t. You couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe this wasn’t over, maybe there was something else lurking right around the corner waiting for you to let your guard down. You’d be ready for it, whatever it was. When the next shoe dropped, you’d be prepared. It was all a game and now it was your move.
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~ Masterlist ~
Last Updated: September 22th, 2021
Please make sure to check trigger warnings/content warnings before reading! They’ll be in the content info at the top of the post once you click the link :)
- August 8th: (Spencer Reid x fem!MC) Roni decides to steal Spencer’s clothes to mess with him, resulting in them both being late for work.
- Room 104: (Spencer Reid x gn!MC) After complications with the hotel’s computer system land Parker and Spencer in the same one bed hotel room, confessions are made.
- Bathbombs: (Spencer Reid x nb!MC) After returning from a long case, Spencer and Caelan unwind in the bath.
- Head over Heels: (Spencer Reid x gn!reader) Reader and Spencer get the chance to relax on a much needed vacation together.
- Read to Me: (Spencer Reid x gn!reader) You enjoy watching Spencer read, and you ask if he can read some poetry to you.
- Koala Bear: (Spencer Reid x gn!reader) You and Spencer have to get up for work, but you want to lay with him for a little bit longer.
- Towels and Aloe: (Spencer Reid x gn!reader) While you and Spencer are on a beach vacation, you get sunburnt, and Spencer insists on taking care of you.
Hurt/Comfort (clearly the trope I write wayyy too much of)
- Shitty Slasher Film: (Spencer Reid + gn!MC - platonic) MC and Spencer decide to go see a slasher film, but it takes a turn for the worse when the killer begins to stalk his victim.
- Press Conferences: (Spencer Reid x gn!reader) You’re the new press liaison after JJ becomes a profiler, and Spencer helps comfort you after a tough press conference.
- Guns Blazin: (Spencer Reid x gn!MC) Parker is shot during a case, and Spencer helps stop the bleeding until the ambulance arrives.
- Genius Genes: (Spencer Reid’s Daughter MC) Spencer’s daughter is insecure about not getting the genius genes.
- Scary Ass Job: (Spencer Reid x gn!MC) As Parker prepares for their first day of work at the BAU, Spencer returns from a case and talks with them about their worries related to the job.
- Scum of the Earth: (Spencer Reid x fem!MC) After a prison interview gone wrong, MC (no name mentioned) is left to recover from the disgusting things the prisoner said - with Spencer’s help, of course.
- Supposed to be Sleeping: (Spencer Reid x gn!reader) Hotch sends you and Spencer to the hotel with explicit instructions to get some sleep and come back to the local police station in the morning. You can’t sleep, however, and you two get to talking about why the case bothers you so much.
- Blankets: (Spencer Reid x fem!MC) After her first case, Aria struggles to keep a level head on the place ride home. Spencer and the rest of the team comfort her, helping her realize she’s not alone (and also providing an adorable first meeting with the lovely Dr. Reid).
- Forehead Kisses: (Spencer Reid x nb!MC) Caelan has to deal with the emotional aftermath of a case gone wrong, and Spencer comforts them when they have a breakdown.
- Zugzwang: (Spencer Reid) Spencer’s thoughts from the beginning of season 8 episode 13; him reflecting on everything that went down in the Zugzwang episode.
- Every Bit and More: (Spencer Reid x gn!MC) JJ and Parker have to comfort Spencer after the whole Emily Prentiss situation (spoiler warnings are bolded in summary) even though they both know that everything they’re saying is a lie.
- Revelations: (Spencer Reid x fem!MC) As everything goes down with Tobias Hankel (spoiler warnings are bolded in summary), Aria and the BAU have to find him before it’s too late. Once they do, Aria takes Spencer home and comforts him. (This one is a solid mix of hurt/comfort and angst, but I thought I’d put it here because everyone is very much not vibing pretty much the whole time lol)
- Merely Luck: (Spencer Reid x gn!reader) As the team hits dead-end after dead-end, Spencer becomes disheartened by the case. After being yelled at by a police officer, he finally snaps. (Angst, but more anger than sad)
- Theories: (Spencer Reid x fem!MC) Spencer and Aria decide to shower together, and Spencer has some theories he’d like to test.
- A Warm Welcome: (Spencer Reid x fem!MC) Spencer has a bit of a... surprise waiting for him when he returns from a case.
Ongoing Stories
- Inside Scoop: (Spencer Reid x fem!MC) Dahlia Silvers makes a discovery that will change her life forever, and will get her tangled up in the BAU. | Chapter One | Chapter Two |
- Potential Lead: (Spencer Reid x gn!MC) After their sister’s death, Lex Raymond gets roped up in helping Spencer and the BAU solve the case. | Chapter One | Chapter Two | 
- Obsessed: (Spencer Reid x fem!MC) Aria is a senior in college who attends an informational seminar that Spencer and Rossi put on, and chases them down afterwards to talk to them about the BAU.
- Smiley Face Stickers: (The BAU) Garcia suggests that the team decorate their tablets with sparkly stickers that she bought after everyone gets back from a hard case.
- Simps for Spencer Reid: (The BAU) Victimology leads to an... interesting discovery about the missing girl they’re searching for, and reveals that Spencer has a significantly wider online fanbase than he originally thought.
- Treat People With Kindness: (The BAU) Garcia gets Reid into Harry Styles and everyone subsequently loses their minds over it.
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slashthrashandcrash · 2 months
I wanna make more final girl x slasher ocs.............i gotta play more puppetcombo games for the vibes............
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stardustzz · 3 years
Hellraiser First Watch
I went in blind, though since I had just binged several classic slasher movie series, I was somewhat expecting something in the slasher genre. That is not what I got, at all. I was confused and a bit bored in the middle; it is a slower movie by today's standards. Once things kicked into gear around when Kirsty found Frank, I was into it and having a good time. Afterwards I thought about it, started putting together the plot and themes, and said huh, not what I thought I was getting but great movie. Very different from much of the standard 80’s horror stuff I’ve seen.
Then I binged all of the sequels not knowing how bad it would get. Yep... quick-ish thoughts on all of them, having only seen them once thus far:
(Long post is long)
Hellraiser: Fascinating once I saw it for what it was. Love it. The special effects were awesome. Gods, I love old school practical effects, and I was impressed with Hellraiser’s. Unlike what I expected, the villains were not the Cenobites, contrary to the vibes Pinhead is giving on the cover, all snarly. Pinhead was very controlled, regal even, with some of the best lines in that commanding, awesome voice. No snarling. The bad guys were the humans. Frank and Julia brought the insanity down on and ultimately destroyed the family. Fan of Kirsty gimme that box, Steve! You don’t know what you’re doing! Cotton. Final Girls tend to be high schoolers/teenagers, so I found it refreshing that Kirsty is in her early 20s. It’s never specified but that's how I read it. The bit that struck me was “This is not for your eyes.” Pinhead prevents Frank from stabbing Kirsty, then gives her a chance to spare herself from the horror of what comes next? That just stuck with me.
Hellbound: I knew what I was getting into this time, and I love this one too. The practical effects were great again. Skinless Julia was just gorgeous. There's a whole other dimension with cube God Leviathan? The Cenobites were human? That is exactly my jam. Give me all of the lore and worldbuilding potential. More please. Frank is still gross, and Julia has fully embraced the dark side, hasn’t she? They can both stay in their cells. I don’t quite understand what was going on with Channard. He got Cenobite-ified and just went on a rampage. Kirsty, the picture, and Pinhead; it was this sudden shift in how he sees himself and how they see each other and all these subtle emotions between them. I need to watch that scene like ten more times. Then Channard showed up and Pinhead, the iconic face of Hellraiser, just… died. Didn’t expect that. I read later that Julia was supposed to be the primary antagonist of the series going forward, which explains why that happened. Then fans decided no thanks! We’ll take the Lead Cenobite.
HR3: Aw, no Kirsty, just Pinhead stuck in stone. Like a gargoyle or some shit. They had to bring him back to life somehow. Terri was totally gay for Joey; you cannot convince me otherwise. The whole Pinhead/Elliot, ego/id soul split was explained, but Pinhead's change in characterization was still very jarring. I was thinking “what Hollywood exec got their mits on this and went slasher with it?” Ironic considering I watched HR1 expecting slasher. Not as good as the first two but also not bad IMO. I think it would have been more emotionally impactful if it had been Kirsty, considering her and Pinhead’s history.
HR4: Gods, why were they in space? That was some Jason X bs, except I liked Jason X because it was wonderfully ridiculous. HR4 was not. So the box, a literal gateway to another plane of existence, was built by some 17th century French toymaker? That is anticlimactic. The Christian-y rituals and demon stuff was not it. There’s been Christian imagery in the movies, but please don’t go full Christian mythology. Pinhead still felt more HR3 rather than HR1&2 though he's supposed to be merged back together. He’s not nearly as interesting when he’s been dumbed down to just another movie bad guy. If I remember right, there was some cliche villain-stroking-a-cat except it was a pigeon.
HR5: I was so confused until the very end. I liked the psychological horror vibe as a departure from whatever HR4 was. The time loop torture used on the main character cop guy, I don’t even remember his name, was different from the usual getting ripped apart with chains. Dude deserved it. I’m not sure it’s Hellraiser, and I think I read somewhere the script wasn’t written to be Hellraiser, so that’d explain a lot. 
HR6: This one felt like HR5 with the psychological horror vibe again. Except there’s like five minutes of Kirsty, and oh, she murdered some folks. I can with confidence say Trevor sucks, did not deserve Kirsty. Pinhead was having none of his crap.
HR7: Deaders. Could you have picked a stupider name for your death cult? There was more lamerchant stuff. It was boring in HR4, and it’s more boring now. The reporter main character died, but didn’t, then killed herself? I still don't really know what the plot was, but I don’t care much.
HR8: Oh. We're doing the video game/meta thing? That’s a dumb premise, and I didn’t really want to watch this one, but I did. I was cringing so hard. Is that Henry Cavill? Is that Lance Henriksen? I don’t remember any of the characters’ names. I don’t even remember who lived and who died. I spent the movie thinking what is happening, is it a video game but also real? Oh, they're on drugs. There are ways to make a good meta film(Wes Craven's New Nightmare) Hellworld is not one of them.
HR9: Hey, that's not Doug Bradley! It's not the actor’s fault he looks like that, but every time he was on screen, I was taken out of the movie so hard. Was this supposed to be a remake? A reboot? Either way it fell on its face. Completely missed the themes, intricacies, and meaning of HR1. It was just your standard people trapped and being terrorized by a murderer, plus some incest for shock value. I guess it was for shock value. Don’t makeout with your brother, folks. According to Wikipedia, HR9, and 10, was made just so the studio would keep the rights. That never goes well. See Fantastic Four (2015).
HR10: Gods dammit. I nearly turned this one off a few times. What happened to the fascinating, wonderful universe set up in HR1 & 2? Don't do the angels and demons/heaven versus hell thing. It's so old, tired, and overdone and not what Hellraiser is. Leave that song and dance to John Constantine and the thousand+ Christian mythology movies. The best part was that angel chick getting shredded. I hope there's not a direct sequel.
After all that, I have henceforth decided to ignore everything after HR3 because, as I like to say, have you heard of our lord and savior: Fuck Canon? I do what I want.
Wanting some fan discussion and meta, I did a Tumblr dive. It’s not something I do often because many “fans” of things are crazy. My last dive was for Netflix’s She-Ra and yikes was that was a bloodbath. I found some good Hellraiser content and blogs, and I have been combing through them. I think I’ve learned quite a bit. The HR franchise is all kinds of a mess, isn’t it? Speaking as a newcomer.
I do know about the Spyglass movie and HBO series. I don’t know much about Spyglass’ record, but Hulu is part of that project, and I’ve heard some good things about their originals. I  haven’t had Hulu in years, before they started doing originals, so I could be wrong. HBO has made some bad and some yikes content. They have made some genuinely good stuff too. Reboots/remakes are a crapshoot. Maybe we’ll get something good or maybe we’ll get more crap. I’ll be more surprised if either project turns out good than if they’re both crap. I doubt they’ll both somehow be good.
I’m also trying to get my hands on the 90s comic run. Heard good things about those, as opposed to !Boom.
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Kinktober Day 5: Vibrator with Nancy Downs
Hope y’all are prepared for some very spicy content because i might have gone overboard with this one lads but i’m NOT SORRY there needs to be more spicy slasher lady content and if it comes down to me to write it then SO BE IT
Warnings: WLW sexy times (or AFABLW sexy times? not sure what the gender neutral term for that is but yes that)
Nancy Downs x AFAB Reader
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“Okay, what’s this surprise you were telling me about earlier?” you asked. Nancy and you sat on the floor of her bedroom, the view of the city so magical all lit up at night. Nancy’s legs were tangled up in yours as you sat across from each other, a wild grin lighting up her face.
“You sure you want to know?” she asked mockingly as she ran her hands up and down your thighs. The two of you had already been fooling around for a bit now, your button up shirt half unbuttoned while Nancy’s shirt had long since been discarded. She wore a black lacy bralette, and unlike you she had zero shame in flaunting her body while you were still trying to cover your chest up. But at this point both of your skirts had been hiked up around your waists, fingers exploring each other’s tender flesh, little gasps radiating between hungry kisses.
You held Nancy’s hands from going any further as you gave her an annoyed look. “Quit teasing me and just come out with it already.” Nancy pulled away as she stood up with a long sigh. Even through her fake annoyance, she smiled down at you as she grabbed a bag from the other side of the room and sat back down.  
“Tada!” Nancy exclaimed as she waved a small purple object in her hand. The more you looked at it, however, you noticed it was a vibrator and immediately felt your face heat up. You hadn’t done much more with Nancy besides heavy petting, but this took it to the next step. Nancy giggled and said, “Don’t worry, I cleaned it all up for us so it’s ready to go.”
As she crawled closer to you, you instinctively scooted back a little. “It’s not too strong, is it?” you asked, unsure of how something like that would feel. You’d only used your own hands before this and you weren’t sure how you felt about a vibrator. 
“I’m sure you could handle it, baby,” Nancy said with a wink. When she saw you were still apprehensive, she asked, “Would it make you feel better if you used it on me first? We don’t have to take our panties off or anything, that will help with it being too strong.”
Nancy placed the vibrator in your hands as she laid back in front of you, lifting her skirt so her little black panties were in full view. She ran a clothed finger over her sex as she teased, “Come on baby, I can take it.”
Just the sight before you was enough to get you wet, but you tried to keep your focus on the task before you. You pressed the button at the bottom of the vibrator and it whirred to life. You yelped at the sudden vibration and almost dropped it from your hand, making Nancy throw her head back and cackled. Your lips pressed into a thin line as your girlfriend laughed at you, and you suddenly found your hand bringing the vibrator right over her clothed sex. Now it was Nancy’s turn to yelp, as her body jolted in your lap and she slapped your hand away from her. “Jesus Christ, Y/N! Cool it!”
“I thought you said you could handle it?” you asked coyly, rubbing the vibrator back along the edge of her panties. Nancy growled softly but didn’t speak, instead watching you intently with her sharp gaze as you trailed the vibrator up and down, around, and finally resting it right upon her clothed slit. Her eyes closed, her bottom lip sucked into her mouth as her thighs began to twitch. “That’s a good girl,” you cooed as you began to circle her bud in small tight circles. She whined desperately as her hips bucked up towards you, trying so hard to get more of the pleasure you were giving her. 
It was almost hypnotizing watching Nancy’s reactions. She was normally so confident and dominant with you, but now she was putty in your hands. Her brows furrowed as she whimpered desperately. Her hands were squeezing her own breasts, fingers plucking at her nipples under the fabric of her bra. 
You were so focused on how she twitched underneath you that you were off guard when Nancy lunged at you, pinning you beneath her as she panted hard above you. She sat astride your open legs, straddling one of your thighs as she held the other leg to her body. Your eyes widened as she grabbed the vibrator from your hand and waved it in front of you. “Not so cocky now, huh?” 
Nancy yanked your skirt up around your waist as she stroked the vibrator over you. Just like her, you jolted hard as the sensations suddenly hit you. You moaned her name as she circled your clit, but unlike when you had it, Nancy was ready to make sure you came quickly. As your hips quivered beneath her, she slowly lowered herself until she was hovering just above the vibrator. Her cheeks flushed despite her shit eating grin as the realization of what she was going to do hit you. She pressed herself down on the vibrator, guiding it in place as she groaned in ecstasy. The pressure caused you to whimper loudly, the sounds of sex filling the air as both of you were practically soaking. 
Nancy hugged your leg to her body as she began to slide herself up and down along the vibrator, making sure the tip was focused right on your bud. Your hands gripped her thighs so tightly that you were certain to leave bruises. She began to pick up speed as she bucked against you, moaning your name as she stared down at you with her pale green eyes. “God baby you’re so wet. Getting close?” she asked. You had a hard time forming words so you simply nodded furiously as you whined. 
Nancy simply grunted in response, grinding herself down on you with more purpose. She kept the vibrator flush to you, your release so close as Nancy made sure you were both in the perfect position to get what you both needed. With a loud moan, you felt your body twitch uncontrollably as you bucked up into Nancy, your fingers dug into her skin as you held her tightly. You felt a fresh burst of arousal leak from your body, the vibe dragging out your orgasm to levels you had never reached before. Nancy’s hips began to stutter as well, and she held herself down on you as she cried out against your outstretched leg. 
You weren’t sure when it happened, but the vibrations eventually stopped as Nancy tossed the vibe beside your spent bodies. She flopped on top of you, lips crashing into yours as your legs remained tangled in each other. Your sex still fluttered in the afterglow, and you moaned into Nancy’s mouth as her fingers slithered down between the two of you. 
“Damn, we really made a mess, didn’t we?” she panted before smiling and kissing you again.
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blackkudos · 8 years
Kelly Rowland
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Kelendria Trene Rowland (born February 11, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, actress, television personality and mogul. Rowland rose to fame in the late 1990s as one of the lead singers of Destiny's Child, one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. During their hiatus, Rowland released her debut solo album Simply Deep (2002), which sold 2.5 million copies worldwide and produced the number-one single "Dilemma" with Nelly, as well as the international top-ten hit "Stole". Rowland also transitioned into acting, with guest appearances in television sitcoms, and starring roles in Freddy vs. Jason (2003) earning $114.9 million and The Seat Filler (2005) earning $27.9 million in the box office.
Following the disbandment of Destiny's Child in 2005, she released her second album Ms. Kelly (2007), which included international hits "Like This" and "Work". In 2009, Rowland served as a host on the first season of The Fashion Show, and was featured on David Guetta's number-one dance hit "When Love Takes Over". The song's global success influenced singers like Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and band member Beyoncé to explore house music. Rowland on her third album Here I Am (2011), which spawned the international top-ten hit "Commander" and US R&B/Hip-Hop number-one "Motivation". In 2011, she returned to television as a judge on the eighth season of The X Factor UK, and in 2013, became a judge on the third and final season of The X Factor USA. Rowland's fourth album Talk a Good Game (2013), which saw a return to her "R&B roots", was released to positive reviews.
Throughout a career spanning 18 years, Rowland has sold over 40 million records as a solo artist and 60 million records with Destiny's Child. Her work has earned her several awards and nominations, including four Grammy Awards, two Billboard Music Awards and two Soul Train Music Awards. Rowland has also received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with Destiny's Child, and as a solo artist she has been honored by the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers and Essence for her contributions to music. In 2014, Fuse ranked Rowland in their "100 Most Award-Winning Artists" list at number 20.
In 2016, she hosted BET's Chasing Destiny with Frank Gatson Jr. They formed a girl group, June's Diary.
Early life
Kelendria Trene Rowland was born on February 11, 1981, in Atlanta, Georgia. She is the daughter of Doris Rowland (née Garrison; December 6, 1947 – December 2, 2014) and Christopher Lovett Rowland. Kelly has an older brother named Orlando. When she was seven, her mother took her and left her father, who was an abusive alcoholic. At the age of eight, she relocated to Houston. In 1992, Rowland joined a girl group, originally named Girl's Tyme. Rowland's addition made it a six-member group. West coast R&B producer, Arne Frager, flew to Houston to see them and eventually brought them to his studio, The Plant Recording Studio, in Northern California. As part of efforts to sign Girl's Tyme to a major label record deal, Frager's strategy was to debut them on Star Search, the biggest talent show on national TV at that time. They participated, but lost the competition.
In 1995, Rowland moved in with Beyoncé Knowles's family. Not long after the inclusion of Rowland, Beyoncé's father, Mathew, cut the original lineup from six to four with LeToya Luckett joining in 1993. The group continued performing as an opening act for other established R&B girl groups of the time, such as SWV, Dru Hill and Immature. They auditioned before record labels and were finally signed to Elektra Records, only to be dropped months later, before they could release an album.
1997–2001: Destiny's Child
Taken from a passage in the Biblical Book of Isaiah, the group changed their name to Destiny's Child in 1993. Together, they performed in local events and, after four years on the road, the group was signed to Columbia Records in late 1997. That same year, Destiny's Child recorded their major label debut song "Killing Time", for the soundtrack to the 1997 film, Men in Black. The following year, the group released their self-titled debut album, spawning hits such as "No, No, No". The album established the group as a viable act in the music industry, amassing moderate sales and winning the group three Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards. The group rose to fame after releasing their multi-platinum second album The Writing's on the Wall in 1999. The album featured some of the group's most widely known songs such as "Bills, Bills, Bills", "Jumpin' Jumpin'" and "Say My Name", which became their most-successful song at the time, and would remain as one of their signature songs. "Say My Name" won Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals and Best R&B Song at the 43rd Annual Grammy Awards. The Writing's on the Wall sold more than 15 million copies worldwide, essentially becoming their breakthrough album.
Along with their commercial successes, the group became entangled in much-publicized turmoil involving the filing of a lawsuit by Luckett and Roberson for breach of contract. The issue was heightened after Michelle Williams and Farrah Franklin appeared in the video of "Say My Name", implying that Luckett and Roberson had already been replaced. Eventually, Luckett and Roberson left the group. Franklin would eventually fade from the group after five months, as evidenced by her absences during promotional appearances and concerts. She attributed her departure to negative vibes in the group resulting from the departure. After settling on their final lineup, the trio recorded "Independent Women Part I", which appeared on the soundtrack to the 2000 film, Charlie's Angels. It became their best-charting single, topping the Billboard Hot 100 for eleven consecutive weeks. The success cemented the new lineup and skyrocketed them to fame. Later that year, Luckett and Roberson withdrew their case against their now-former bandmates, while maintaining the suit against Mathew, which ended in both sides agreeing to stop public disparaging.
Later that year, while Destiny's Child was completing their third album Survivor, Rowland appeared on the remix of Avant's single "Separated". Survivor, which channeled the turmoil the band underwent, spawned its lead single of the same name, which was a response to the experience. The song went on to win a Grammy Award for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals. The themes of "Survivor", however, caused Luckett and Roberson to refile their lawsuit; the proceedings were eventually settled in June 2002. Meanwhile, the album was released in May 2001, debuting at number one on the US Billboard 200 with first-week sales of 663,000 copies sold. To date, Survivor has sold over twelve million copies worldwide, over forty percent of which were sold in the US alone. The album also spawned the number-one hit "Bootylicious". After releasing their remix album This Is the Remix in 2002, the group announced their temporary break-up to pursue solo projects.
2002–06: Simply Deep and acting career debut
In 2002, Rowland was featured on Nelly's single "Dilemma", which won the pair a Grammy Award for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration. The song became one of the most successful singles of the year, topping many charts worldwide including the United States, where it became Rowland's first number-one single as a solo artist, selling worldwide over 7,6 million copies. Caroline Sullivan of The Guardian wrote that because of the song's success, "Rowland is no longer a mere backing vocalist for Beyoncé".
Rowland's debut solo album, Simply Deep, was released on October 22, 2002 in the US. Featuring production contributions by Mark J. Feist, Big Bert, Rich Harrison, and singers Brandy and Solange Knowles providing background vocals, the album took Rowland's solo work further into an alternative music mixture, which Rowland described as a "weird fusion [of] a little bit of Sade and a little bit of rock." Simply Deep debuted at number 12 on the Billboard 200 and at number three on the R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart, with first-week sales of 77,000 copies sold. It was eventually certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). As of 2013, Simply Deep remains as Rowland's best-selling album in the US, with 602,000 copies sold. Released to an even bigger success in international territories, the album topped the UK Albums Chart and became a gold-seller in Australia, Canada and New Zealand, resulting in worldwide sales total of 2.5 million copies. Simply Deep yielded the international top-ten single "Stole" and the UK top-five single "Can't Nobody".
Rowland transitioned into acting in 2002, playing the recurring role of Carly in the fourth season of UPN sitcom The Hughleys. She continued her acting career the following year, with guest roles in UPN sitcom Eve as Cleo, and in NBC drama series American Dreams as Martha Reeves. In August 2003, Rowland made her big screen debut playing the supporting role of Kia Waterson alongside Robert Englund and Monica Keena in the slasher film, Freddy vs. Jason, which grossed $114.5 million at the box office worldwide.
In July 2005, Rowland starred opposite Duane Martin and Shemar Moore in the romantic comedy The Seat Filler, which grossed $17.9 million worldwide. She played Jhnelle, a pop star who falls for an awards-show seat filler whom she mistakes for a high-profile entertainment attorney. After a three-year hiatus that involved concentration on individual solo projects, Rowland rejoined Beyoncé and Michelle Williams for Destiny's Child's final studio album Destiny Fulfilled, released on November 15, 2004. The album hit number two on the Billboard 200, and spawned the top-five singles "Lose My Breath" and "Soldier", which features T.I. and Lil Wayne. The following year, Destiny's Child embarked on a worldwide concert tour, Destiny Fulfilled ... And Lovin' It. During the last stop of the European tour in Barcelona, Spain on June 11, Rowland announced that they would disband following the North American leg of the tour. Destiny's Child released their first compilation album Number 1's on October 25 in the US, which peaked at number one on the Billboard 200. On March 28, 2006, Destiny's Child accepted a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Rowland and Beyoncé founded the Survivor Foundation, a charitable entity set up to provide transitional housing for victims and storm evacuees in the Houston, Texas area. The Survivor Foundation extended the philanthropic mission of the Knowles-Rowland Center for Youth, a multi-purpose community outreach facility in downtown Houston. Rowland and Beyoncé lent their voices to a collaboration with Kitten Sera, entitled "All That I'm Lookin for". The song appeared on The Katrina CD album, whose proceeds went to the Recording Artists for Hope organization. In 2006, Rowland joined other artists such as Pink and Avril Lavigne in ads for so-called empowerment tags for the ALDO Fights AIDS campaign, which went on sale exclusively at ALDO stores and benefited the YouthAIDS initiative. Rowland returned to television that same year, playing Tammy Hamilton, in the sixth season of UPN sitcom Girlfriends. Rowland initially hoped her three-episode stint would expand to a larger recurring role, but as the show was moved to The CW Television Network the following year plans for a return eventually went nowhere.
2007–09: Ms. Kelly, new management and label
In June 2007, Kelly Rowland embarked on the Ms. Kelly Tour to promote her second solo album Ms. Kelly. The five date tour visited Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. Ms. Kelly was released on July 3, 2007 in the United States. Originally entitled My Story, the album's first version was actually scheduled for a June 2006 release, but Rowland, her management and Columbia Records decided to shelve the album at the last minute to re-work a version with a different vibe as the singer considered the final track listing "too full of midtempos and ballads." Rowland eventually consulted additional producers to collaborate on the album, including Billy Mann, Mysto & Pizzi, Sean Garrett, Scott Storch, and Polow da Don. Upon its release, Ms. Kelly debuted at number six on the Billboard 200, and at number two on the R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart, with first-week sales of 86,000 copies. Outside the US, the album widely failed to reprise the success of Simply Deep, barely reaching the top-forty on the majority of all charts it appeared on, except for the UK, where it opened at number 37.
Ms. Kelly included the UK top-five hit "Like This", featuring Eve, and the international top-ten hit "Work". In July 2007, Rowland released her first DVD entitled BET Presents Kelly Rowland, which celebrates the release Ms. Kelly and features an interview with Rowland about the album's production, footage of her time with Destiny's Child, live performances and music videos. Following the album's lukewarm sales, it was re-released as an extended play entitled, Ms. Kelly: Diva Deluxe, on March 25, 2008. Previously unreleased Bobby Womack cover "Daylight", a collaboration with Travie McCoy, served as the EP's lead single and was a moderate success in the UK.
In 2007, Rowland, along with stars such as Jessica Simpson and the cast of Grey's Anatomy autographed pink Goody Ouchless brushes that were made available for auction on eBay, with all proceeds going to Breast Cancer Awareness. In addition, the singer teamed up with Kanye West, Nelly Furtado and Snoop Dogg to design a Nike sneaker for another eBay auction. All proceeds went to AIDS Awareness. In October 2007, Rowland auditioned for the role of Louise, Carrie Bradshaw's assistant, in the 2008 film adaptation of HBO's comedy series Sex and the City. The part eventually went to Jennifer Hudson. Two months later, Rowland appeared as a choirmaster in the first season of the NBC talent show Clash of the Choirs among other musicians such as Michael Bolton, Patti LaBelle, Nick Lachey, and Blake Shelton. Rowland's choir finished fifth in the competition, and Clash of the Choirs did not return for a second season.
In 2008, Rowland officially became ambassador for MTV's Staying Alive Foundation, which aims to reduce stigma against people living with HIV and AIDS. She visited projects in Tanzania and Kenya to promote the charity, and underwent an HIV test in Africa to raise awareness of the disease. In 2009, Rowland connected with Serve.MTV.com, MTV's platform to connect young people with local volunteerism opportunities, for a series of on-air PSAs. From battling homelessness to beautifying impoverished neighborhoods to saving whales, Rowland was joined by the likes of Cameron Diaz, will.i.am, and Sean Kingston as they discuss causes they volunteer to support, and urge young people to join with their friends in making civic service a part of their lifestyle. That same year, she spearheaded a bone marrow drive, and joined fellow singers Alesha Dixon and Pixie Lott to create T-shirts for River Island in aid of the Prince's Trust, profits from which help change young lives.
In January 2009, Rowland ended her professional relationship with Beyoncé's father Mathew Knowles, who had managed her career since she was a member of Destiny's Child. Knowles stressed that no animosity was involved in the decision and acknowledged that Rowland will always be a part of the Knowles family. Then two months later, Rowland announced that she left Columbia Records, adding that she "felt the need to explore new directions, new challenges, and new freedoms outside my comfort zone." In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Rowland stated that the label ended her contract because Ms. Kelly was not commercially successful. She later signed with Universal Motown Records.
In April 2009, Rowland was featured on David Guetta's single "When Love Takes Over", which topped many charts in Europe, selling over 5,5 million copies worldwide, and received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Dance Recording. Billboard crowned the song as the number one dance-pop collaboration of all time. In May 2009, Rowland was cast to host the first season of Bravo's reality competition series The Fashion Show alongside Isaac Mizrahi, but was replaced by fashion model Iman in the second season.
2010–12: Here I Am and The X Factor UK
In 2010, Kelly Rowland launched I Heart My Girlfriends, a charity that focuses on self-esteem, date violence prevention, community service, abstinence, sports, drugs and alcohol and smoking avoidance, obesity, disabilities, and education. In April 2010, Rowland toured Australia alongside Akon, Pitbull, Sean Paul, Jay Sean, and Eve for the Australian urban festival, Supafest. Later that month, her song "Everywhere You Go", featuring an all-star supergroup of international artists called Rhythm of Africa United, was released as the MTN theme song for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. In October 2010, the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) honored Rowland at the second annual ASCAP Presents Women Behind the Music, an event which recognizes women in all areas of the music industry. Rowland's first compilation album, Work: The Best of Kelly Rowland, was released on October 25, 2010 but failed to impact the charts.
In January 2011, Rowland reunited with Nelly on "Gone", a sequel to their successful 2002 collaboration "Dilemma". Upon its release, the song failed to reprise the success of "Dilemma". In April 2011, Rowland appeared on Italian DJ Alex Gaudino's single "What a Feeling", which became another UK top-ten hit. Originally scheduled for release in 2010, Rowland's third studio album Here I Am was released on July 26, 2011 in the United States. The album sold 77,000 copies in its first week and debuted atop the R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart. Here I Am produced the successful lead single "Commander", which peaked in the top-ten of many charts in Europe, and the UK top-ten single "Down for Whatever". It also included another successful single "Motivation", with Lil Wayne, which topped the R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart for seven consecutive weeks and was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). "Motivation" won Song of the Year at the 2011 Soul Train Music Awards and Top R&B Song at the 2012 Billboard Music Awards, and received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration.
Rowland was the face of Diddy's women's fragrance Empress, the female counterpart to his men's fragrance I Am King. She was also the worldwide ambassador for watchmakers company TW Steel. Rowland's second compilation album, Playlist: the Very Best of Kelly Rowland, was released on October 18, 2011, but failed to impact the charts. She also released her first fitness DVD entitled, Sexy Abs with Kelly Rowland. Later that year, it was confirmed that Rowland would replace Dannii Minogue as a judge for the eighth series of The X Factor UK alongside Louis Walsh, Gary Barlow and Tulisa Contostavlos. Due to a conflicting schedule, Rowland did not return for the ninth series in 2012 and was replaced by Nicole Scherzinger. During the Black Women in Music event held on February 8, 2012, Essence magazine honored Rowland and music executive Sylvia Rhone for their contributions to music. In April 2012, Rowland toured Australia alongside Ludacris, Chris Brown, Trey Songz, T-Pain, Ice Cube, Lupe Fiasco, and Big Sean for the urban festival, Supafest. That same month, she returned to the big screen playing the supporting role of Brenda in the romantic comedy Think Like a Man. The film, which also starred Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara, Meagan Good, Regina Hall, and Kevin Hart, topped the US box office and grossed $91.5 million. Rowland recorded "Need a Reason" with Future and Bei Maejor for the Think Like a Man soundtrack.
In June 2012, Rowland became the face of popular rum brand Bacardi. Rowland and German production team Project B reworked the Bacardi song, "Bacardi Feeling (Summer Dreamin')", and released an accompanying music video to help promote the brand. In August 2012, Rowland became a dance master in the first season of the Australian talent show Everybody Dance Now alongside Jason Derulo. The show was cancelled after the fourth episode due to poor ratings.
2013–14: Talk a Good Game and The X Factor USA
In January 2013, Destiny's Child released a compilation album entitled Love Songs, a collection of romance-themed songs from their previous albums and newly recorded song "Nuclear". On February 3, 2013, during Beyoncé's performance at the Super Bowl XLVII halftime show, held at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Rowland and Michelle Williams joined her on stage to perform "Bootylicious", "Independent Women" and "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)". On February 24, 2013, Rowland co-hosted the Academy Awards pre-show for the 85th Academy Awards alongside Kristin Chenoweth, Lara Spencer, Robin Roberts and Jess Cagle. In May 2013, it was announced that Rowland would replace Britney Spears as a judge on The X Factor USA for its third and final season, joining Simon Cowell, Demi Lovato and fellow new judge Paulina Rubio. Later that month, Rowland performed as a supporting headlining act at the RiverFest 2013 in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Rowland embarked on the Lights Out Tour, a co-headlining tour with The-Dream, to promote her fourth studio album Talk a Good Game. Formerly titled Year of the Woman, the album was released on June 18, 2013 in the US. It is Rowland's first release with Republic Records following Universal Music Group's decision to close Universal Motown and Universal Republic, and reviving Motown Records and Republic Records. Talk a Good Game sold 68,000 copies in its first week and debuted at number four on the Billboard 200, becoming Rowland's third top-ten album in the US. The album's lead single "Kisses Down Low" was a moderate success on the US R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart and was certified gold by RIAA for exceeded 500,000 copies sold. The second and final single "Dirty Laundry" was acclaimed by critics for its lyrical and the emotional honesty. In December 2013, Rowland appeared in Beyoncé's "Grown Woman" music video and alongside Williams in Beyoncé's "Superpower" music video and provided backing vocals on the same track, taken from her self-titled fifth studio album.
In February 2014, Rowland was featured on Joe's single "Love & Sex Part 2". In March 2014, she was named a spokesperson for cosmetic company, Caress. During an interview with HuffPost Live on March 26, 2014, Rowland revealed that she has begun recording her fifth studio album and said the new music, which encompasses horns, drums, and flutes, was influenced by iconic female singers including Diana Ross. Rowland also announced in the interview that she left Republic Records, adding that she "just needed a fresh, new start." In June 2014, Rowland and Beyoncé were featured on Williams' single "Say Yes". The same month, her song "The Game" and its music video appeared on Pepsi's visual album for the 2014 FIFA World Cup titled, Beats of the Beautiful Game. On July 19, 2014, Rowland was featured on Adrian Marcel's song "Honey" from his mixtape Weak After Next and on Beau Vallis's song "Love Stand Still". Rowland also contributed background vocals to the song "You're My Star", the first single released from Tank's 2014 album Stronger.
2015–present: Empire, Chasing Destiny and fifth studio album
In August 2015, she was featured on Jacob Whitesides's single "I Know What You Did Last Summer". Rowland is part of the recurring cast of the second season of the American drama television series Empire. She played Leah Walker, Lucious Lyon's mother, in flashbacks and starred in five episodes. She recorded a song for the show called "Mona Lisa" which included on the EP Empire: Music from "Be True", released on October 21, 2015. On October 26, 2015, Rowland released a new song titled "Dumb" which is rumoured to appear on her upcoming fifth album. Rowland's new record does not have a release date yet.
Rowland along with other female artists such as Missy Elliot, Kelly Clarkson, Zendaya, Janelle Monáe, Lea Michele and newcomers Chloe & Halle, all feature on a charity single put together by US First Lady Michelle Obama. "This Is For My Girls" was written by Diane Warren and was released on March 15. The song was created to raise funds and awareness towards Obama's Let Girls Learn initiative – aimed at boosting education rates amongst adolescent girls around the world who are denied the right to an education The iTunes-exclusive record will be used to both coincide with Obama's Texan SXSW speech and to promote the First Lady's third-world educational initialtive "Let Girls Learn". On April 5, 2016 Rowland stepped into her "music-mogul shoes" for the debut of Chasing Destiny. Partnering with BET, Rowland began the search to find the next superstars for an all female group. As stated by Rowland herself, she's not looking for reality stars, but she's looking for stars. The show also stars Frank Gatson Jr.. The group released its first single in June 2016 titled "All of Us".
On 24 December 2016, Rowland was announced as the replacement to Jessie J on The Voice Australia which is set to preview its 6th season in early 2017.
Personal life
Rowland and her manager Tim Witherspoon (not to be confused with the former heavyweight boxing champion) reportedly began dating in 2011. She announced her engagement to Witherspoon during an appearance on The Queen Latifah Show on December 16, 2013. They were married in Costa Rica on May 9, 2014, with guests including Beyoncé and her sister Solange Knowles. On June 10, 2014, Rowland announced via Instagram that she and Witherspoon were expecting their first child. On November 4, 2014, Rowland gave birth to her son Titan Jewell Witherspoon.
Musical style
Rowland's voice is classified as a three-octave lyric mezzo-soprano, and her music includes various styles of musical genres such as contemporary R&B, pop, hip hop, soul, rock and dance. Her debut solo album Simply Deep (2002) followed an adult-alternative rock sound, while her second album Ms. Kelly (2007) featured an urban sound. In an interview with The Independent, Rowland admitted that with her first two albums she struggled to find her sound. "I was in a stage with the first two records where I was searching and I was like, let me try a rock-dance approach, the label [and management] wanted me to try it and I did it ... And then after that came a more urban approach with Ms. Kelly in 2007." Her third album Here I Am (2011) consisted of a pop and R&B sound, with subtle influences of dance. Rowland stated that meeting David Guetta had influenced her to record dance music. During production of the album, Rowland stated that part of the reason for the new sound on Here I Am was wanting to do something different, saying "I knew I couldn't be afraid of this direction, and I wasn't going to let the thoughts and opinions of others make me afraid to go in this direction".
Most of the lyrical themes in Simply Deep (2002) speak of love and life experiences, particularly in the songs "Dilemma", in which Rowland expresses her endless love to her love interest, and "Stole", in which she sings about an emotional "tale of school shootings and suicides". In Ms. Kelly (2007), Rowland covers topics such as her "deeply personal relationship issues" in her songs, "Still in Love with My Ex", "Flashback", "Love", "Better Without You" and "Gotsta Go (Part I)". Alex Macpherson of The Guardian noted that the songs could be about Rowland's former relationship with American football player Roy Williams. Here I Am (2011) included common themes of womanhood, sexual intimacy and love. Some of Rowland's other songs such as "Work", "I'm Dat Chick" and "Work It Man" have been musically compared to the work of former Destiny's Child bandmate Beyoncé.
Rowland has cited Whitney Houston and Janet Jackson as her biggest musical influences. She stated that Houston "was the woman that inspired me to sing". Rowland is also inspired by Sade Adu and says that "she has a style that's totally her own". Her other inspirations include Destiny's Child, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mariah Carey, Mary J. Blige, Naomi Campbell, and Oprah Winfrey, whom she describes as "the female version of God". Rowland has discussed how living in Miami has influenced her style, growth, and music. From a fashion perspective, Rowland credits her grandmother, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé, and Oprah Winfrey as her style icons. Rowland cited Houston, Beyoncé, and Brandy Norwood as vocal inspirations for her second solo album Ms. Kelly, "I love how different they are. I love how they take themselves to the next level". Her third solo album Here I Am was inspired by Donna Summer and Diana Ross, as well as dance producers David Guetta and will.i.am. Rowland's fourth solo album Talk a Good Game was also inspired by Houston, Marvin Gaye, and Stevie Wonder.
Public image
Rowland stated that there was a time in her life when she struggled about being dark-skinned. In October 2007, Rowland underwent plastic surgery to receive breast implants. She stated, "I simply went from an A-cup to a B-cup" and that "the decision was 10 years in the making". In 2012, Rowland ranked at number 61 on Complex magazine's list of "The 100 Hottest Female Singers of All Time" and was recognized as one of the best-dressed women by Glamour UK. In April 2013, Rowland ranked seventh on People's Most Beautiful in the World list.
Simply Deep (2002)
Ms. Kelly (2007)
Here I Am (2011)
Talk a Good Game (2013)
Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
The Seat Filler (2005)
Think Like a Man (2012)
The 10th Date (2017)
2003: Simply Deeper Tour
2007: Ms. Kelly Tour
2013: Lights Out Tour (Co-headlined with The-Dream)
2010: Supafest (Australia)
2011: F.A.M.E. Tour (North America)
2012: Supafest (Australia)
TV and Show
1998 Smart Guy 2002 The Hughleys 2002 Taina 2003 American Dreams 2003 Eve 2006 Girlfriends 2007 Clash of the Choirs 2009 The Fashion Show (US) 2010 Brandy and Ray J: A Family Business 2010 The Spin Crowd 2010 When I Was 17 2010 X Factor (Germany) 2010 The X Factor (Australia) 2010 La La's Full Court Wedding 2010 The A-List: New York 2011 Kourtney and Kim Take New York 2011 Single Ladies 2011 Bag of Bones 2011 The X Factor (UK) 2011 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 2012 La La's Full Court Life 2012 Everybody Dance Now 2012 What Would Dylan Do 2013 The X Factor (USA), Super Bowl XLVII half time 2015 EmpiXLVII rel 2016 Chasing Destiny 2017 The Voice (Australia)
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