#Financial Preparedness
resistancekitty · 17 days
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beingjellybeans · 1 month
A Balanced Approach to Health: Why Good Nutrition Needs Financial Preparedness
Good nutrition is often seen as the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, but it’s only part of the equation. While eating well is crucial, it’s not enough to fully safeguard your health. In the Philippines, where chronic diseases are on the rise and healthcare costs are a burden for many, financial preparedness is just as important as maintaining a balanced diet. The Growing Nutrition Challenge…
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paradisehomepros · 4 months
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Ready to discover your dream home? 🏠 Reach out to get expert guidance through every step, from organizing your finances to navigating the competitive market. Cheers to a smooth and stress-free home-buying experience!
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servant-homecare · 8 months
Every stage of a person’s life has advantages and disadvantages. This is evident when it comes to senior care in Indiana and other parts of the world. It can’t be argued that it has its fair share of pros and cons. While the pros are beneficial for seniors, the cons could also take a toll on the well-being of a person. Unfortunately, not being able to handle it well could result in health problems.
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roosterfinancial · 1 year
Emergency Funds: Why You Need One and How to Build It
Having an emergency fund is a crucial aspect of financial planning. Life is unpredictable, and unexpected expenses can arise at any time. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of having an emergency fund and provide practical steps to help you build one. The Importance of an Emergency Fund An emergency fund serves as a financial safety net that provides a buffer during…
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theangrycorpsman · 1 year
Financial Preparedness and Insurance: Why They Matter in Military Life
Being in the military is a noble profession, but it also comes with its fair share of risks and uncertainties. That is why financial preparedness and insurance are critical for military personnel and their families. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why financial preparedness and insurance matter in military life and provide some tips to help you become financially prepared. Why Financial…
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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preppers-will · 9 months
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oak-and-hurricane · 2 years
fucking love my school so much i’m listening to the 4th & 5th graders do practice job interviews w their teachers rn
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resistancekitty · 23 days
Part of being prepared for an emergency is being financially prepared.
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futurefatum · 17 days
NATO's nuclear drills near Russia and Russia's oil-for-gold shift could ignite major global conflict. Prepare for the fallout. #NuclearWar #GlobalTension
Posted September 7th, 2024 by @CanadianPrepper NATO PREPARES FOR NUCLEAR STRIKE RIGHT ON RUSSIAS BORDER! UKRAINE PREPS FOR D-DAY ABOUT THIS VIDEO: This video explores the escalating tensions between NATO and Russia, focusing on the potential for nuclear conflict. It argues that NATO is preparing for nuclear strikes near Russia’s borders, with a nuclear exercise involving Finland scheduled for…
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beingjellybeans · 1 year
Sun Life's D.E.A.L.: Empowering first-time insurance buyers with a new digital platform
As a new wave of college graduates prepares to enter the workforce, it is crucial to ensure they start building their financial portfolios on a solid foundation. Sun Life recognizes this need and is committed to promoting its digital life insurance products through GCash, the leading mobile wallet in the country. The Importance of Insurance for Young Adults Many young individuals overlook the…
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theroguebanshee · 19 days
Essential First Steps for Preparedness and Self-Reliance
Show Notes: In this episode of The Undependent Podcast, host Jason Schaller, also known as The Rogue Banshee, kicks off National Preparedness Month by diving into the essentials of self-reliance and personal preparedness. Jason emphasizes the importance of taking control of your safety and security, especially in an unpredictable world where centralized systems may not always be reliable. Key…
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gatewayofhealing92 · 7 months
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What is a Financial Coach, and What do They do Exactly?
Discover the multifaceted role of a financial coach and how they serve as invaluable guides on the path to financial stability and prosperity. Explore the diverse services they offer and the transformative impact they can have on your financial well-being.
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"Seven federal agencies are partnering to implement President Biden’s American Climate Corps, announcing this week they would work together to recruit 20,000 young Americans and fulfill the administration's vision for the new program. 
The goals spelled out in the memorandum of understanding include comprehensively tackling climate change, creating partnerships throughout various levels of government and the private sector, building a diverse corps and serving all American communities.
The agencies—which included the departments of Commerce, Interior, Agriculture, Labor and Energy, as well the Environmental Protection Agency and AmeriCorps—also vowed to ensure a “range of compensation and benefits” that open the positions up to a wider array of individuals and to create pathways to “high-quality employment.”  
Leaders from each of the seven agencies will form an executive committee for the Climate Corps, which Biden established in September, that will coordinate efforts with an accompanying working group. They will create the standards for ACC programs, set compensation guidelines and minimum terms of service, develop recruitment strategies, launch a centralized website and establish performance goals and objectives. The ACC groups will, beginning in January, hold listening sessions with potential applicants, labor unions, state and local governments, educational institutions and other stakeholders. 
The working group will also review all federal statutes and hiring authorities to remove any barriers to onboarding for the corps and standardize the practices across all participating agencies. Benefits for corps members will include housing, transportation, health care, child care, educational credit, scholarships and student loan forgiveness, stipends and non-financial services.
As part of the goal of the ACC, agencies will develop the corps so they can transition to “high-quality, family-sustaining careers with mobility potential” in the federal or other sectors. AmeriCorps CEO Michael Smith said the initiative would prepare young people for “good-paying union jobs.” 
Within three weeks of rolling out the ACC, EPA said more than 40,000 people—mostly in the 18-35 age range—expressed interest in joining the corps. The administration set an ambitious goal for getting the program underway, aiming to establish the corps’ first cohort in the summer of 2024. 
The corps members will work in roles related to ecosystem restoration and conservation, reforestation, waterway protection, recycling, energy conservation, clean energy deployment, disaster preparedness and recovery, fire resilience, resilient recreation infrastructure, research and outreach. The administration will look to ensure 40% of the climate-related investments flow to disadvantaged communities as part of its Justice40 initiative.  
EPA Administrator Michael Regan said the MOU would allow the ACC to “work across the federal family” to push public projects focused on environmental justice and clean energy. 
“The Climate Corps represents a significant step forward in engaging and nurturing young leaders who are passionate about climate action, furthering our journey towards a sustainable and equitable future,” Regan said. 
The ACC’s executive committee will hold its first meeting within the next 30 days. It will draw support from a new climate hub within AmeriCorps, as well as any staffing the agency heads designate."
-via Government Executive, December 20, 2023
This news comes with your regularly scheduled reminder that WE GOT THE AMERICAN CLIMATE CORPS ESTABLISHED LAST YEAR and basically no one know about/remembers it!!! Also if you want more info about the Climate Corps, inc. how to join, you can sign up to get updates here.
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Rachel Leingang at The Guardian:
To hear Donald Trump tell it, America’s cities are in dire shape and in need of a federal intervention. “We’re going to rebuild our cities into beacons of hope, safety and beauty – better than they have ever been before,” he said during a recent speech to the National Rifle Association in what has become a common refrain on the campaign trail. “We will take over the horribly run capital of our nation, Washington DC.” Trump has for years railed against cities, particularly those run by Democratic officials, as hotbeds for crime and moral decay. He called Atlanta a “record setting Murder and Violent Crime War Zone” last year, a similar claim he makes frequently about various cities.
His allies have an idea of how to capitalize on that agenda and make cities in Trump’s image, detailed in the conservative Project 2025: unleash new police forces on cities like Washington DC, withhold federal disaster and emergency grants unless they follow immigration policies like detaining undocumented immigrants and share sensitive data with the federal government for immigration enforcement purposes.
Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, an extensive document breaking down each part of the federal government and recommending changes to be made to advance rightwing policy, was created by the Heritage Foundation, with dozens of conservative organizations and prominent names contributing chapters based on their backgrounds. This part of the project is another Republican attempt at a crackdown on so-called “sanctuary” cities, places around the country that don’t cooperate with the federal government on enforcing harsh immigration policies.
The threat of withholding federal funds
Republicans, cheered on by Trump, have worked to make immigration a key issue in cities across the country by busing migrants from the US-Mexico border inland, to places run by Democrats like New York, DC and Chicago, overwhelming the social safety net in these cities. The idea of using federal funds granted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) to force immigration changes are included in a chapter about the Department of Homeland Security, written by Ken Cuccinelli, Trump’s former deputy secretary of homeland security.
The chapter’s initial recommendation is to dismantle DHS entirely, create a border-focused agency comprised of other immigration-related organizations and farm out the rest of its components to existing agencies (or privatize them, in the case of the Transportation Security Administration). It’s not directly clear whether the aim is to use all Fema funds – including those that help cities and states in the immediate aftermath of an emergency like a tornado or flood – or large grant programs for things like emergency preparedness. One line in the chapter says “post-disaster or nonhumanitarian funding” could be exempt from the immigration policy requirements. The chapter also suggests that cities and states should take on more of the burden of financially responding to disasters.
One of the conditions Project 2025 suggests is requiring states or localities to share information with the federal government for law and immigration enforcement, and specifies that this would include both department of motor vehicle and voter registration databases. This is of particular interest in many cities because 19 states and Washington DC allow undocumented people to get drivers licenses, the Niskanen Center, a thinktank that delved into the project’s immigration aims, points out. These licenses help with public safety by decreasing the potential for hit-and-runs and increasing work hours, among other benefits, the center writes. If a city or state is forced to choose between issuing licenses and then sharing this information for use by immigration authorities, or accessing emergency funds for their whole population in a crisis, it’ll be tough for them to deny Fema money, said Cecilia Esterline, an immigration research analyst at the Niskanen Center.
Donald Trump’s war on urban cities is part of the wretched far-right Project 2025 plan, including crackdowns on sanctuary cities.
See Also:
The Guardian: What is Project 2025 and what does it have to do with a second Trump term?
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