#Financial deepening
biznocrats · 4 months
Almighty God doesn't bring us into this world to languish in poverty. Cabal does. It is time to drain the swamp.
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greenconverses · 2 days
Omg we drive the same type of car ❤️
My Cruze has served me faithfully for 12 years, but lately, it's been a real financial pain in the ass. Still hoping to get another year or two out of it at least!
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seraphic-saturn · 1 month
Ascendant in Partner’s Houses Synastry
Ascendant falling into partner's 1st house:
When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 1st house in synastry, it signifies a deep connection and mutual influence wherein the Ascendant person profoundly impacts the partner's self-image, identity, and personal growth. This dynamic fosters a strong sense of understanding and rapport, with the Ascendant person intuitively sensing the partner's needs and aspirations. They inspire the partner to embrace new aspects of themselves, leading to greater alignment between their inner and outer selves. The Ascendant person's influence extends to the partner's appearance and presentation, and they share similar values, goals, and aspirations, fostering a supportive and nurturing dynamic. This mutual influence strengthens their bond, creating a sense of shared identity and partnership characterized by balanced and harmonious relationship dynamics.
Ascendant falling into partner's 2nd house:
When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 2nd house in synastry, it suggests a significant impact on the partner's values, self-worth, and material possessions. The Ascendant person may influence the partner's financial matters, resources, and attitudes towards money, fostering a sense of stability and security in the relationship. There's potential for mutual support and collaboration in financial endeavors, with the Ascendant person playing a role in shaping the partner's material aspirations and priorities. Additionally, the partner may find themselves drawn to the Ascendant person's sense of self-confidence and resourcefulness, leading to a greater appreciation for practicality and stability in their lives. This placement can deepen the sense of mutual trust and dependability between the individuals, creating a solid foundation for building a shared future centered around material comfort and security.
Ascendant falling into partner's 3rd house:When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 3rd house in synastry, it indicates a strong influence on communication, intellectual exchange, and shared interests within the relationship. The Ascendant person may play a significant role in the partner's local environment, neighborhood connections, and relationships with siblings or neighbors. This placement fosters a natural affinity for stimulating conversations, mutual learning, and active engagement in community activities. The partner may find themselves drawn to the Ascendant person's ideas, perspectives, and communication style, leading to a deep sense of mental connection and shared curiosity about the world. Together, they may enjoy exploring new topics, exchanging ideas, and collaborating on creative projects, creating a dynamic and intellectually stimulating partnership grounded in mutual respect and understanding.
Ascendant falling into partner's 4th house:
When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 4th house in synastry, it signifies a profound influence on the partner's home life, family dynamics, and emotional foundations within the relationship. The Ascendant person may deeply impact the partner's sense of security, comfort, and emotional well-being, fostering a strong bond centered around the home and family. There's potential for the Ascendant person to provide a nurturing and supportive presence, offering stability and reassurance during times of uncertainty. This placement encourages a deep emotional connection and a shared sense of belonging, with the partner feeling understood and accepted on a profound level. The Ascendant person may also play a role in shaping the partner's understanding of their roots, heritage, and ancestral legacy, leading to a deeper appreciation for their personal history and cultural identity within the context of the relationship.
Ascendant falling into partner's 5th house:
When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 5th house in synastry, it suggests a dynamic and creative influence on the partner's self-expression, romance, and enjoyment of life within the relationship. The Ascendant person may inspire the partner's hobbies, interests, and recreational activities, fostering a sense of fun, playfulness, and spontaneity between them. There's potential for a deepening of romantic feelings and shared passions, with both individuals feeling a strong sense of joy and fulfillment when they're together. The Ascendant person's presence may encourage the partner to embrace their creative potential and explore new avenues of self-expression, leading to a richer and more vibrant partnership. Additionally, this placement can signify a shared love of adventure and a mutual desire to experience life to the fullest, creating a relationship characterized by excitement, romance, and mutual appreciation for each other's unique talents and contributions.
Ascendant falling into partner's 6th house:When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 6th house in synastry, it suggests a significant influence on the partner's health, work, and daily routines within the relationship. The Ascendant person may impact the partner's habits, lifestyle choices, and approach to work and service, fostering a sense of responsibility and diligence in their endeavors. There's potential for mutual support and collaboration in maintaining health and well-being, with the Ascendant person offering guidance, encouragement, and practical assistance when needed. This placement encourages a focus on productivity, organization, and efficiency in the relationship, with both individuals striving to create a harmonious and balanced environment conducive to personal growth and development. Additionally, the Ascendant person's presence may enhance the partner's sense of purpose and fulfillment in their daily lives, leading to a deeper appreciation for the value of routine and self-care within the context of the partnership.
Ascendant falling into partner's 7th house:
When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 7th house in synastry, it signifies a strong influence on the partner's relationships, partnerships, and one-on-one interactions within the relationship. The Ascendant person may profoundly impact the partner's perception of themselves within partnerships, shaping their approach to intimacy, cooperation, and collaboration. There's potential for a deep sense of connection and understanding between the individuals, with the partner feeling a strong sense of identification and resonance with the Ascendant person's personality and energy. This placement fosters a harmonious and balanced dynamic in the relationship, with both individuals seeking to support and uplift each other in their personal growth and development. Additionally, the Ascendant person's presence may enhance the partner's sense of identity and purpose within partnerships, leading to a deeper appreciation for the value of mutual respect, compromise, and shared goals in fostering a fulfilling and meaningful connection.
Ascendant falling into partner's 8th house:
When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 8th house in synastry, it indicates a deep and transformative influence on the partner's psyche, emotional intimacy, and shared resources within the relationship. The Ascendant person may profoundly impact the partner's perceptions of power dynamics, trust, and vulnerability, leading to a deepening of emotional bonds and a sense of intimacy. There's potential for both individuals to undergo significant personal growth and evolution through their interactions, with the Ascendant person serving as a catalyst for transformation and renewal. This placement fosters a profound sense of connection and mutual understanding, with both individuals exploring the depths of their emotions and uncovering hidden truths about themselves and each other. Additionally, the Ascendant person's presence may lead to a greater sense of empowerment and self-awareness within the partnership, as they navigate the complexities of shared resources, joint investments, and mutual dependency with honesty, integrity, and mutual respect.
Ascendant falling into partner's 9th house:When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 9th house in synastry, it suggests a profound influence on the partner's beliefs, spirituality, and higher learning within the relationship. The Ascendant person may inspire the partner's philosophical outlook, sense of adventure, and quest for knowledge, fostering a deep sense of curiosity and open-mindedness between them. There's potential for mutual exploration of new horizons, expansion of perspectives, and shared experiences of growth and discovery. This placement encourages a spirit of exploration and adventure in the relationship, with both individuals seeking to broaden their horizons and embrace new opportunities for personal and spiritual development. Additionally, the Ascendant person's presence may lead to a deeper appreciation for the value of shared values, ethics, and ideals, as they navigate the complexities of belief systems, cultural differences, and spiritual practices with respect, tolerance, and mutual understanding.
Ascendant falling into partner's 10th house:
When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 10th house in synastry, it indicates a significant influence on the partner's career, public image, and ambitions within the relationship. The Ascendant person may impact the partner's professional goals, aspirations, and reputation in the public sphere, fostering a sense of support and encouragement in their endeavors. There's potential for mutual respect and admiration for each other's achievements and contributions, with both individuals seeking to uplift and empower each other in their respective pursuits. This placement encourages a shared sense of ambition and determination in the relationship, with both individuals striving for success and recognition in their chosen fields. Additionally, the Ascendant person's presence may lead to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment within the partnership, as they navigate the complexities of ambition, responsibility, and public image with integrity, authenticity, and mutual respect.
Ascendant falling into partner's 11th house:
When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 11th house in synastry, it signifies a strong influence on the partner's social connections, group activities, and shared ideals within the relationship. The Ascendant person may profoundly impact the partner's friendships, social networks, and involvement in community or humanitarian causes, fostering a sense of camaraderie and belonging. There's potential for mutual collaboration and cooperation in pursuing common goals and aspirations, with both individuals sharing a vision for the future and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. This placement encourages a spirit of innovation and progress in the relationship, with both individuals seeking to inspire and empower each other to reach their full potential. Additionally, the Ascendant person's presence may lead to a deeper appreciation for the value of friendship, teamwork, and collective action, as they navigate the complexities of group dynamics, social responsibility, and shared dreams with optimism, enthusiasm, and mutual support.
Ascendant falling into partner's 12th house:
When one person's Ascendant falls into their partner's 12th house in synastry, it suggests a profound influence on the partner's subconscious mind, spirituality, and hidden strengths within the relationship. The Ascendant person may deeply impact the partner's inner world, dreams, and spiritual journey, fostering a sense of connection and transcendence between them. There's potential for mutual healing and transformation through their interactions, with the Ascendant person serving as a source of inspiration and guidance in navigating the depths of the psyche. This placement encourages a sense of empathy and compassion in the relationship, with both individuals exploring the mysteries of the unconscious mind and uncovering hidden truths about themselves and each other. Additionally, the Ascendant person's presence may lead to a greater sense of spiritual awareness and enlightenment within the partnership, as they navigate the complexities of spirituality, intuition, and divine connection with reverence, humility, and mutual respect.
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truevedicastrology · 4 months
Jupiter's Blessings
A Journey Through the Houses
The mighty Jupiter, king of the planets, showers its benevolent influence upon each area of life depending on its position in your birth chart. Let's embark on a cosmic expedition, exploring the unique gifts Jupiter bestows in each of the twelve houses:
1st House: The Charismatic One: Your presence radiates confidence, attracting opportunities like moths to a flame. Your ever-evolving style reflects your inner spark, and your optimistic outlook paints life in vibrant hues. Physical well-being and financial fortune seem to follow you effortlessly.
2nd House: The Affluent One: Financial security and a love for life's finer things dance hand-in-hand. Your sharp wit and insightful conversations win hearts and minds, while early financial success empowers you to build a secure future.
3rd House: The Connected One: Warmth and understanding define your relationships with family and friends. Communication flows effortlessly, and your sharp intellect paves the way for academic achievement and success in travel endeavors.
4th House: The Rooted One: Familial harmony and a sense of belonging are yours to cherish. A peaceful home environment, possibly in a dream location, nourishes your soul. Your connection with your mother is a source of strength and solace.
5th House: The Expressive One: Your talents shine brightly, propelling you onto the stage of life. You excel in sports and possess a diverse skillset. Romantic encounters are filled with joy and shared passions, while your adventurous spirit thrives on taking risks.
6th House: The Harmonious One: Health and well-being are your birthright. Your work routine is a source of enjoyment and discovery, leading to financial abundance and promising opportunities through supportive colleagues.
7th House: The Sociable One: Serendipity guides your relationships, leading you to soulmates and fulfilling partnerships. Your magnetic personality attracts admirers and opportunities for social recognition, while legal endeavors find favor under Jupiter's gaze.
8th House: The Resilient One: Inheritance and investments are blessed with fortunate outcomes, shielding you from financial hardship. Deep connections flourish, bringing happiness, and your emotional resilience ensures swift recovery from setbacks.
9th House: The Wanderer One: The world is your oyster! Frequent travel, exposure to diverse cultures, and encounters with inspiring individuals broaden your horizons. Your insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm for life's adventures make every journey a treasure.
10th House: The Achiever One: Career success comes easily, often fueled by the support of family or ancestors. Leadership roles and recognition become synonymous with your professional journey, and your wanderlust fuels your exploration of diverse cultures.
11th House: The Networked One: Dreams manifest effortlessly, surrounded by loyal and intelligent friends. Your social circle is a tapestry of diverse backgrounds and languages, and influential connections propel you forward.
12th House: The Intuitive One: Even adversity holds unexpected blessings, deepening your spiritual connection and highlighting your moral compass. A contemplative nature and a keen awareness of life's subtleties guide your intuitive decisions. You travel to destinations chosen by your soul, seeking profound connections.
Remember, this is just a glimpse into Jupiter's influence. Delving deeper into your individual birth chart will reveal the unique ways this benevolent giant shapes your life's journey.
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Jupiter's Placement and Where Your Luck Is🍀
Jupiter is often called the planet of luck, expansion, and abundance, and its placement in the natal chart can show where someone might experience more opportunities and good fortune in their life.
Feel free to apply these to your natal chart, transit chart or solar chart :)
Jupiter in the first house brings major luck in the area of personal growth and self-discovery. Generally, this placement also gives an optimistic outlook on life.
With Jupiter in the second house, you can expect lot's of luck in the financial sector. Whether it's a raise, a lottery winning, or a good investment, Jupiter's got your back when it comes to building wealth.
Jupiter in the third house gives you luck when it comes to networking, writing, speaking, and sharing your ideas. Can also indicate good relationships and luck with siblings and neighbors
Luck with Jupiter in the fourth house is related to home. This placement brings good fortune in the areas of home, family, and emotional fulfillment. Jupiter here will bring you safety and security.
With Jupiter in the fifth house you can expect luck in the areas of creativity, romance, and fun, whether it's falling in love, creating a masterpiece, or just having a good time.
Jupiter in the sixth house is all about luck in the areas of job opportunities, daily routine, and recognition for your work. This placement also suggests a desire to serve others and enjoying it.
Whether it's finding your soulmate or deepening your connection with your current partner, with Jupiter in the seventh house, you can expect partnerships and personal relationships to be harmonious and fun.
Jupiter in the eighth house is here to help you evolve and transform in the areas of sex, power rebirth and shared resources. Whether it's a major financial windfall, a spiritual awakening, or a deep healing experience, Jupiter is here to help.
Jupiter in at home in the ninth house, which both support expansion and exploration. Luck comes in the areas of travel, education, and spirituality. The universe might throw a life-changing trip your way or a profound spiritual experience to help you broaden your horizons.
Jupiter in the tenth house will shine a light on your career and public image, bringing success to them.
With Jupiter in the 11th house, you're like the Oprah of your friend group, always sharing your abundance and lifting others up. Your luck often comes from your network and social connections, so don't be afraid to put yourself out there.
Lastly, with Jupiter is in the 12th house, your luck can be found in the the subconscious and spiritual realm. You have a deep inner wisdom and intuition that can guide you to success, but it requires you to trust yourself and let go of fear and doubt.
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thesirencult · 6 months
Pick A Card Reading: Your Soulmate's Letter To Santa About You 💌
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Dear Santa,
I want to thank you for my gift from last year, lol. She is amazing.
She makes me happy and puts a smile on my face. Sometimes I smile so hard my cheeks burn.
I've never felt happier in my life.
The way she talks, the way she moves, the way her eyes brighten up when she looks at a puppy or a piece of chocolate pie, they all drive me wild.
I want to be there for her, this Christmas and every other Christmas after this one. I want to buy her a house as a gift and a ring to go with it, maybe even a car? She doesn't like to drive that much but my baby has to have everything she wants.
What she wants she will get. I love her. I adore her. She owns my heart and soul. I'm proudly whipped.
Thank you Santa, I'll take care of her heart ❤️
~ Your soulmate is a provider. They must be a "golden retriever" type of person. I'm hearing "here comes the boy!". When you first meet them you won't expect to fall so hard for them. They have a compatible sense of humour with you.
Hey Santa Baby,
Am I in the naughty list? Great!
This year I put up with no bs and I said "bye" to everything that held me back. I let go of the old stories and left the world behind.
Well, not the whole world, because I met that special someone and they are amazing. I'm writing down my goals for next year and I want one of them to be to deepen my relationship with my soulmate.
I know that they are special, I'm not crazy! I consciously make the choice to commit to them. I feel like we are twin flames and can not wait to explore they way their mind works.
I want to help them unlock their potential. They are a force to be reckoned with and they don't even know it.
Bye, for now!
~ Your FS (yup, they are) is someone who could very well be a motivational speaker or a content creator in that space. They love doing challenges like 75 hard and lighting up other people's fire. They could also be an athlete or ex athlete. You will love this person's practical nature and approach in life. This person is also very spiritual and they probably have heard of Ayahuasca and other popular terms etc. They remind me of a Tech Founder in silicon valley who is I'm woowoo stuff (no worries, I'm the woo woo stuff).
I'm ready to move on from this year. My faith is stronger than ever before.
I've wished for so many things in the last few years. Many of them manifested into my life but one thing still hasn't showed up yet and I'm very bumped because of that.
Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for the life I live and lead. I have almost everything I've wished for but that almost is killing me.
I know she is out there. I've felt her energy before. Since I was a child, whenever I looked up to the stars, I felt this overwhelming connection with someone. This invisible string tagging at my heart at all times. No one has ever made me feel this way and I know that it is unfair to say that for my previous partners but I miss her. I miss someone I've never met. Can you please bring her to me this year? I don't want anything else but my love to come back to me in this lifetime.
I know that the time to meet her is coming. I can feel it, but make it as fast as you can. Please.
I have a lot of goals for the year, especially financial ones. I'll try to focus on them until she comes. Where is she? Where is my love?
I will know she is here when I lay my eyes on her. My heart will speed up and the world as I know it will shutter. Shutter my world darling. I don't care. I made that world by myself and it is time we build our own world together.
P.S. Send loving energy to my soulmate, they need it. Tell them I will buy them their gift myself next year, but for now... This, sadly, has to do.
~ Awww your soulmate is very sweet and... depressed! They don't show it to anyone though but when they are alone at night they drink a glass of wine and think about you. They would want you to be there.
This person is very, stoic and "protected". That give me "military" vibes even if they have nothing to do with the military. This inability to outwardly express their feelings. You will baby them a lot and it is going to look comical but they will love it. Your FS might be older and taller than you and people will laugh when they see how much of a baby they become around your presence. They are very tired of being lonely. Don't get me wrong, this is not someone mopping around, they are just a "closeted" romantic. They hide their true feelings and you will know they love you because they will do acts of service for you or you will catch micro expressions. As soon as you enter in an official relationship they won't be able to keep their hands away from you.
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thedroneranger · 5 months
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
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Synopsis: Jake wants to make sure his wife's terrible work week ends with a bang.
Notes: Part of the To-do List collection. Shoutout to my BB™s that listen to me drone on and on about Jake (and Glen and all 32 teeth): @cherrycola27 @roosterforme @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32 🖤
Warnings: 18+ only; smut.
Word count: 3.3k.
This week was one of those weeks Mrs. Seresin had to remind herself she loved her job. Most of the time, her clients were a joy. Even her selective clients—she enjoyed the challenge they brought.
What made her sometimes rethink her line of work were the naysayers and women who were mean to her because their husbands had wandering eyes. 
She was not looking forward to potentially taking a client to court. Her drive home was spent on the phone with her attorney and accountant, revisiting the terms of her work agreement. She always had the option to terminate a contract but needed to weigh the financial loss.
Jake knew his wife had been having a rough week, and he was determined to end it on a high note. 
Many of his higher-ups had a soft spot for his wife, and he wasn’t afraid to use that to his advantage. Yesterday, he used it to ensure he was able to leave work early today. On his way home, he picked up some groceries to surprise her with dinner—any excuse to use the outdoor kitchen.
A sucker for his wife’s three-legged best friend, Jake also came home early enough to take Ruck for a run. After their jaunt, he prepared the things that needed to be marinated for dinner before popping upstairs to shower.
Mrs. Seresin was surprised to see his truck in the driveway as she neared the house. Tempted to rush her call, she patiently sat in her vehicle and finished it. She was not surprised that Ruck was the first to greet her as she entered the house.
It was silent as she set down her things and wandered around, looking for Jake. Finally, she stumbled upon him, barefoot, shirtless, clad in gray sweatpants—slung low on his waist—and messy, wet hair. He was dicing okra and tending the grill.
“Hi, chef,” she said as she slipped out the door into the backyard. He greeted her with his bright smile. Jake stopped and sat the knife on the counter as she wrapped herself around him. She rested her cheek on his bare chest, relishing the feeling of the hair there as they hugged. The tension in her body told him her day was just like the other four this week. 
Jake kissed the top of her head, and then she looked up at him by resting her chin on his pectoral. He leaned down and kissed her lips. She pushed onto her toes to deepen it. He smiled into the kiss, and then broke it. “You should shower while I finish dinner.”
She closed her eyes and pushed her lips into a pout, pretending to think about it. “Fine.” Feigning a whine, she untangled herself. He smacked her ass as she turned to head into the house, and then he acted like he’d done nothing as he went back to cutting okra. She glanced over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes at him.
The shower was a welcome reprieve from the day. She stood under the showerhead and let the water rush down her body. She replayed her day in her head before letting herself think about the evening with Jake. Curled up, with healthy pours of wine, next to the outdoor fireplace. Ruck at their feet.
Her thoughts of the evening ahead were interrupted as her stomach growled. Remembering she had skipped lunch, she quickly finished her shower to get to whatever deliciousness Jake was cooking. She had a hunch she was getting a signature Texas comfort meal.
Since his outfit was nothing but gray sweatpants, she decided on a silk tank-short set and a long cardigan. 
Ruck escorted her down to the kitchen where Jake was aerating one of their favorite red wines. She sidled up behind him and wrapped her arms around his narrow waist as he poured the last bit of the bottle into the decanter. She placed a few kisses along his spine, and then moved to stand beside him. She rested her palms on the counter as she patiently waited. Finally, he slid a glass in front of her.
Her lips curved into a soft smile. “Thank you.” She rocked onto her tiptoes to kiss him. Jake turned toward her, snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her to him. A moan escaped her as he licked into her mouth. “You were sipping while you poured!” she teased as they parted. 
He grinned, and then placed a kiss in the center of her forehead before he snagged his glass and headed back outside. “I should check the grill.” He sniggered as he walked away.
While he was grilling and sautéing, she wandered over to the fireplace. It was one of her favorite renovation projects in their home. She returned the smoke-stained, white-washed brick to its former glory.
Wine in one hand, she shuffled logs from the woodpile to the hearth, stacking them in the perfect formation. One match and a handful of fire-starter later, flames began to creep along the ridges of the logs. The wood began to char as the heat bled into the cracks.
The sun was beginning to set and it was going to be the perfect night. Cool enough the flames and a sweater provided an extra warmth, but warm enough not to be wholly dependent on the fire.
Mrs. Seresin poked and prodded logs, moving them to prolong the burn. Ruck sat just out of range of jumping embers and supervised as she worked.
Soon after the fire was blazing, Jake summoned his wife to the dinner table. Her chair was pulled out, and then he stood behind and pushed it in as she sat. She looked up at him and he bent over her to give him a thank-you kiss. 
Jake was no slouch in the kitchen, especially the outdoor kitchen. Her mouth watered as she looked at the spread on the table—fried okra, garlic parmesan crusted carrots and a quick-and-dirty smoked brisket that he had come to perfect over years sans smoker. 
“Oh! One more thing.” He jumped up and jogged over to the grill. She spied the wine bottle and topped off hers and his glasses while she waited. Finally, he came back over with a single-serve baking dish. 
The minute he sat the container down, she knew what it was. She smiled as he pulled the lid off to reveal crispy, bubbly golden macaroni and cheese. 
Jake took his seat beside her and began to fill her plate. As he filled his own, she moved her chair so they were angled toward each other and their plates touched. 
She watched Jake until he was finished and looked at her. “I hope this is helping your week end on a high note.” He gave his signature smile. 
It was infectious, and she couldn’t help but respond with a grin. “Mhmm, feed me some mac and cheese, and we’ll find out.” Jake stabbed a few cavatappi and fed them to her. She closed her eyes as she chewed, enjoying the buttery, salty combination that coated the noodles. They fed each other bites of brisket, okra and mac and cheese until their plates were empty. Never forgotten, Ruck got his own cubed piece of meat to enjoy. 
Jake shooed her away as he cleaned up after dinner, so she wandered back over to tend to the fireplace. The flames crackled as the charred wood crumbled into white ash, collecting in the hearth. She stared into the flames and nudged the embers with the poker.
“Might as well throw at least one more log on.” She turned to find Jake with another bottle of wine, refilling their glasses. He took a swig of his drink and then wandered to the logpile. He sidled up beside her to position the log among the embers. Once his hands were empty, he snaked them around her waist as he stood behind her and his lips met her temple. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his embrace. She hummed as his lips found her jaw and then her neck.
She pressed herself against him as he continued to kiss whatever bare skin he could reach. Using his chin and nose, he nudged her sweater off her shoulders to expose more. She obliged him, helping slack the fabric to rest in the crooks of her arms.
Her backside pressed against his crotch, which made him groan. His hands found their way to the waistband of her shorts. He practically growled as his fingers dipped to her bare pussy. “Before I go anything further, how exactly did you see the rest of the evening going?” The fire danced as she stared into it. They swayed ever so slightly while Jake ghosted circles on her pubic mound and peppered kisses on her neck as he awaited a decision.
A moan dropped from her mouth as he kissed her in just the right spot. She spun in his arms to face him and forced his hands to shift to her rear. Tucked under her sweater, one of his thumbs absentmindedly stroked her “good girl” tattoo. Her arms coiled around his waist as they stared at one another. 
“Well,” she began, “I was thinking I could sip wine on the couch while you ate me out.” Jake groaned and felt himself grow harder at the thought. “Or,” she continued, “it could be cathartic if you fucked me doggystyle over the back of the couch.” His breath caught in his throat. Her lip quirked ever so slightly at his reaction.
“Mmmm, I should’ve chosen white wine in case of spills.” Jake was shocked he was able to say his statement with a straight face. However, he did allow himself to look down where they were pressed chest-to-chest. 
The swells of her cleavage gave him thoughts of his cock between her tits… He needed to focus. “So my takeaway is, at some point, we should end up naked,” he clarified.
“Mhmm, yes.” Pushing onto the balls of her feet, she cupped his face as she kissed him. Jake practically melted into her. 
Her lips still on his, he followed her over to the outdoor sectional. Only then she broke the kiss to push him down and straddle his lap. His hands were immediately back under her sweater on her ass, squeezing and kneading. Meanwhile, Mrs. Seresin ground herself into his lap.
They continued to make out and she stealthily began to push his sweats down until his cock popped out. He groaned as the smooth silk of her shorts rubbed against him. She smiled as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. 
Unable to help herself, she positioned him between her pussy and her shorts, which allowed her to slide along his length. Jake felt her wetness. “Fuck.” He hissed as he leaned back, resting his head against the sofa and looking at her with hooded eyes. 
A smirk grazed her features. Without a word, she slipped off his lap. Jake groaned again, this time, at the loss of her body heat. He watched as she gathered the open wine bottle and their glasses. She handed him his glass. “Let’s drink some wine and enjoy the fire.” She kept Jake’s gaze as she took a sip from her glass.
Then she shimmied out her shorts and sweater. Jake helped her as she climbed into his lap. This time, her back to his chest. While his free hand came to rest on her lower belly, her free hand guided his cock into her heat. Jake’s head lolled back again as he reminded himself to take deep breaths. Nonchalantly, she sipped her wine as they shifted until they were both comfortable. 
Jake’s rough fingertips lazily swirled patterns on the exposed skin from her belly button to her cleft. Every now and then, he’d pick up his chin from her shoulder and trail kisses there. Mrs. Seresin was content as they watched the flames lick the inside of the chimney and the smoke tangle with the growing twilight. “The fire is getting low,” she said as she hopped off his lap. 
“Come back!” Jake whined and extended a hand in her direction. Realizing his begging was for naught, he leaned forward, tucking himself back in his sweats and setting his now empty wine glass on the table. Elbows on his knees and chin on his palms, he watched her tend the fire. Of course, Ruck was at her feet. Not in the way but close in case of emergency.
Happy with the fire, she turned to see him watching her. Her shoulders slumped a little and she pouted her lips. “Is the fun over?” She finished her wine as she came back to the table and filled both their glasses. 
“Not at all.” Jake leaned back with his hands laced behind his head. His half-hard cock glaringly obvious. “It’s a little chilly without you keeping me warm.” She grinned into her wine glass.
After setting her cup down, she ventured around the back of the couch behind him. Leaning down, she kissed the shell of his ear as her hands glided down his chest to his waistband. He closed his eyes as her fingers dipped into his pants. Meanwhile, she alternated between nipping and sucking his ear and neck.
Now he was at full mast. Legs spread wide to allow her the most room to work. One hand played with his balls, while the other ghosted along his shaft and around the head of his cock. Jake felt his muscles tightening more and more. “Keep this up, and I’ll be coming in my pants like one of the neighbor boys seeing you in your swimsuit.” 
“Mmm, could you not mention the neighbors right now.” She tugged his earlobe with her teeth. His chuckle turned into a moan. She continued to tease him, bringing him closer and closer to the edge. 
“Shouldn’t I be the one edging you?” he stammered out. 
She planted a wet kiss on his neck. “But it’s way more relaxing, and fun, for me this way,” she explained. His only response was to moan as she touched him just right. One more move and he was done, so to prolong him, she recoiled.
Jake almost came off the sectional. He looked over his shoulder to see her, cleavage pushed up just right in her silk tank, chin on her fists, looking at him. “Why don’t we play out that second scenario?” She winked. 
His million-dollar smile appeared as he leapt out of his seat. Their gazes stayed locked as he rounded the sofa. He watched in awe as she grabbed the bottom hem of her tank and pulled it over her head.
Seeing her naked never ceased to amaze Jake. She leaned against the couch back, arms spread to support her, and waited until he was standing directly in front of her. “You’re wearing too much clothing,” she told him, running her knuckle from his belly button to the waistband of his pants. 
“Turn around,” he commanded, never breaking eye contact. There was a split second she thought about disobeying but decided otherwise. Quickly, Jake discarded his pants and on his way back up, he kissed a trail from the round of her ass to her neck. 
Her elbows resting on the couch, she looked at him over her shoulder. His lips finally met hers, and his hands came to rest on either side of her, caging her in. She pushed against him as they continued to make out. He knew she was getting impatient. He smiled into their kiss, and she tugged on his lip. “Hey, now!” he teased.
She did it again and pressed against him again. “Will you fuck me, please?” Jake’s smile grew wider, and he looked into her doe-eyes. She wiggled against him again, and he grunted in response. 
“Since you asked so nicely…” Before she could reply, he buried himself in her to the hilt. A gasp got caught in her throat, and Jake covered her open mouth with his while his hand found its way to her neck. 
Zero hesitation, he immediately began a steady pace. He kissed her lips one more time before directing her to bend further over the couch. She melted into the cushion, pushing up onto her toes as Jake’s hands moved to her hips. As his pace picked up, a hand eventually came to the back of her neck, pushing her further into the sofa. 
Enjoying the manhandling, she was pliant in his hands. Her whimpers and moans kept him going. Soon, the only tension in her body were her walls squeezing him. “Fuck,” he groaned out as he continued pounding into her. It was total bliss for them both as he felt her juices dripping down his balls.
Jake’s voice began to strain. “Where do you want me to come, baby?” Her answer was barely coherent and a smirk crossed his features—he’d poke fun about fucking her speechless another time. 
Ready, he slowed as he felt himself beginning to spasm. He always enjoyed watching where they connected and the oozing white ring that formed as he continued to fuck her until he was soft. Slowly, he pulled out. One hand still resting on her hip, he used his free one to catch any fallout. 
Bottom lip tucked behind his teeth, he smeared his cum back on her swollen pussy. Her sounds spurring him on, he popped two fingers into her and stroked her G spot. “Ohmygod.” It came out as one word and her legs kicked off the ground. Jake caught her thigh to hold her steady as he continued to finger fuck her.
She supported herself on her elbows as she tried to look back at him. Jake leaned over to give her the sweetest kiss while his fingers were buried inside her. “Don’t. Stop,” she said between strokes.
“Yes, that’s it, baby,” Jake cooed. He was also enjoying her squeezing his fingers. So much so, his cock was on the rise. 
She drawled his name and said, “I’m so close.”
“Good thing cum makes the best lube.” She gasped and arched her back as he plunged back into her. He slipped a big hand between her and the couch, and pressed on her lower belly. Almost immediately she began to flutter around him. Jake held her steady as her toes curled and she moaned, lacing her hands together behind her head. Her face buried into the cushions.
Carefully, he untangled himself and unfurled her onto the couch. She gladly stretched out with an arm over her face. Jake leaned over the back of the coach and watched in awe. Finally, he moved to put his pants back on. Then he sat her up and helped her back into her silk set. 
Wine glasses full, he rejoined her on the couch. She cuddled into his side. “Cheers.” She held up her glass. Jake gently touched his to hers, and they drank.
“Was that a good way to end the week?”
She burst into laughter. Jake immediately bore a confused expression. “Good? Are you kidding me?” His expression morphed to match hers. “It was excellent.” She captured his chin between her thumb and forefinger, holding him for a kiss. When she let him go, she grabbed his arm to read his watch. He observed her. “We have a few hours left to make this week end on an even higher note.” 
“What do you have in mind?” He was smirking at her. She licked her lips as she looked at him. He could tell the wheels were turning. 
She slipped off the couch, placing her wine glass on the table. “Meet me in the outdoor shower in five.” She pulled her shirt back over her head, and then she turned to look at Jake over her shoulder. She was silhouetted by the firelight. “Then maybe we can go for a night swim.” It was more of a statement than a question as she strutted away. 
Enjoying the show, Jake stayed put and watched her until she was out of sight. Then he looked into the sky, thanked his lucky stars, finished his wine and followed her.
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littlefeltsparrow · 1 month
I might’ve accepted Tamlin’s shift into abusive behaviour if it wasn’t such an obvious narrative crutch for Rhysand and Feyre’s relationship. Unfortunately, Tamlin’s sudden shift in ACOMAF isn’t being used to explore his or Feyre’s character, it isn’t even used to deepen/complicate their relationship or to recontextualise their romance in ACOTAR, it’s primary function is to force their relationship to end while keeping Feyre in the clear.
Because Tamlin, if afforded enough foreshadowing and buildup, very well could be a compelling example of an abusive partner to Feyre. The materials are all there and I can think of a number of scenarios Maas could use to demonstrate it. For example, he could leverage his wealth and influence and lord it over Feyre to make her feel indebted to him. He supports her family financially too, he could threaten to retract his support if Feyre doesn’t comply with his wishes. When Feyre asks about the possibility of becoming a High Lady, he could just laugh at the idea or say something demeaning instead of giving her a straightforward and factual answer like he did in ACOMAF.
Maas doesn’t actually care about constructing a compelling story about an abusive/failing relationship, and that becomes clear when you take the time to examine how shallow her depictions truly are.
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obsidian-pages777 · 19 days
Pick a Card:Whats Next in your Love Life? Pick a Guitarist
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Left to Right Top Row- Pile 1->Pile 2 Left to Right Bottom Row- Pile 3-> Pile 4
[Bonus: Keanu Reeves Gifs for each pile]
Pile 1: The Lovers, The Magician, The Star
Drawing The Lovers suggests that aligning yourself with the energy of love is crucial. This card signifies not only romantic love but also harmony and balance within yourself. It's essential to cultivate self-love and embrace your own worth. By loving and respecting yourself, you naturally attract similar energy from others. The Lovers also hint at making a significant choice in love, suggesting that being clear about what you want in a partner and relationship can draw the right person into your life.
The Magician card indicates that you have the power and resources within you to attract love. This card is a reminder that you can create your reality through focused intention and action. Utilize your skills, talents, and personal power to manifest the love you desire. The Star, as the final card in this pile, offers hope and reassurance. It suggests that by staying optimistic and keeping faith in the process, you can attract a fulfilling and beautiful love into your life. Healing past wounds and maintaining a positive outlook will set the stage for new romantic opportunities.
The Adventurous Partner
Loves Travel and Exploration: Always ready for the next adventure, whether it's a weekend road trip or an international journey.
Spontaneous: Enjoys making last-minute plans and trying new activities.
Outgoing and Sociable: Thrives in social settings and enjoys meeting new people.
Active Lifestyle: Prefers outdoor activities and physical challenges, such as hiking, biking, or water sports.
Optimistic and Open-minded: Approaches life with a positive attitude and a willingness to embrace new experiences.
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Pile 2: The Empress, Two of Cups, Ace of Pentacles
The Empress card represents abundance, beauty, and nurturing energy. To attract love, embody the qualities of the Empress by nurturing yourself and others, and by creating a warm and inviting environment. This card encourages you to tap into your feminine energy, regardless of gender, and to focus on self-care and personal growth. The Empress also suggests that you might find love through activities that involve creativity, nature, or caregiving.
The Two of Cups signifies the possibility of a new romantic connection or deepening an existing relationship. It is a card of partnership and mutual attraction. By being open to connections and putting yourself in situations where you can meet new people, you increase your chances of encountering someone special. The Ace of Pentacles indicates a new beginning in the material realm, suggesting that practical steps towards building a secure and stable life can attract love. This could mean focusing on career or financial goals, creating a solid foundation for a future relationship.
The Intellectual Partner
Highly Educated: Values learning and often engaged in intellectual pursuits.
Curious and Inquisitive: Always eager to explore new ideas and deepen their understanding of various topics.
Excellent Communicator: Enjoys deep conversations and can articulate their thoughts clearly and thoughtfully.
Ambitious and Goal-Oriented: Driven to achieve their professional and personal goals.
Thoughtful and Analytical: Makes decisions based on careful consideration and analysis.
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Pile 3: The Hermit, Queen of Cups, Knight of Pentacles
The Hermit card suggests that attracting love into your life might require a period of introspection and solitude. This time alone is meant for self-discovery and understanding what you truly want and need in a relationship. By gaining clarity about your desires and values, you can attract a partner who aligns with your true self. The Hermit encourages you to be patient and trust that the right person will come when you are ready.
The Queen of Cups represents emotional depth, intuition, and compassion. Embracing these qualities within yourself can help you attract a partner who appreciates and reciprocates them. This card encourages you to be open to expressing your feelings and to nurture your emotional well-being. The Knight of Pentacles emphasizes the importance of patience and consistency. Attracting love might require steady, deliberate effort, such as gradually building a friendship that can evolve into something more. Focus on creating a stable and dependable environment that will naturally draw a like-minded partner to you.
The Nurturing Partner
Empathetic and Compassionate: Highly sensitive to the feelings of others and always ready to offer support and comfort.
Family-Oriented: Values close relationships with family and friends and prioritizes these connections.
Patient and Understanding: Exhibits great patience and a deep understanding of human emotions and behaviors.
Loyal and Reliable: Extremely dependable and trustworthy, always there when you need them.
Gentle and Kind: Treats everyone with kindness and respect, creating a warm and loving environment.
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Pile 4: The Fool, Page of Cups, Ten of Pentacles
The Fool card suggests that attracting love into your life might involve taking a leap of faith and being open to new experiences. Embrace spontaneity and be willing to step out of your comfort zone. This card encourages you to approach love with a sense of adventure and a fresh perspective. By being open-minded and willing to take risks, you can attract exciting and unexpected romantic opportunities.
The Page of Cups represents new beginnings in love and emotional openness. It encourages you to be playful, creative, and receptive to the messages your heart is sending you. By embracing a youthful and optimistic attitude towards love, you can attract positive and heartwarming connections. The Ten of Pentacles indicates that focusing on long-term stability and building a strong foundation can help you attract love. This card suggests that envisioning a future filled with abundance, security, and family can draw a partner who shares these values. Creating a vision for your ideal relationship and working towards it can manifest the love you seek.
The Creative Partner
Artistic and Imaginative: Possesses a strong creative streak, whether in the arts, music, writing, or other creative fields.
Passionate and Expressive: Lives life with passion and isn’t afraid to show their emotions and express themselves.
Innovative Thinker: Comes up with unique and unconventional solutions to problems.
Appreciates Beauty: Has a keen eye for beauty in the world, from nature to art and design.
Open-Minded and Flexible: Welcomes different perspectives and adapts easily to change.
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afloweroutofstone · 9 months
This is big: the US government gave the military government of Pakistan a pass on violating human rights and delaying democratic elections in exchange for weapon shipments for Ukraine. As part of the deal, the country was locked into an IMF austerity agreement
Secret Pakistani arms sales to the U.S. helped to facilitate a controversial bailout from the International Monetary Fund earlier this year, according to two sources with knowledge of the arrangement, with confirmation from internal Pakistani and American government documents. The arms sales were made for the purpose of supplying the Ukrainian military — marking Pakistani involvement in a conflict it had faced U.S. pressure to take sides on. The revelation is a window into the kind of behind-the-scenes maneuvering between financial and political elites that rarely is exposed to the public, even as the public pays the price. Harsh structural policy reforms demanded by the IMF as terms for its recent bailout kicked off an ongoing round of protests in the country. Major strikes have taken place throughout Pakistan in recent weeks in response to the measures. The protests are the latest chapter in a year-and-a-half-long political crisis roiling the country. In April 2022, the Pakistani military, with the encouragement of the U.S., helped organize a no-confidence vote to remove Prime Minister Imran Khan. Ahead of the ouster, State Department diplomats privately expressed anger to their Pakistani counterparts over what they called Pakistan’s “aggressively neutral” stance on the Ukraine war under Khan. They warned of dire consequences if Khan remained in power and promised “all would be forgiven” if he were removed. Since Khan’s ouster, Pakistan has emerged as a useful supporter of the U.S. and its allies in the war, assistance that has now been repaid with an IMF loan. The emergency loan allowed the new Pakistani government to put off a looming economic catastrophe and indefinitely postpone elections — time it used to launch a nationwide crackdown on civil society and jail Khan. “Pakistani democracy may ultimately be a casualty of Ukraine’s counteroffensive,” Arif Rafiq, a nonresident scholar at the Middle East Institute and specialist on Pakistan, told The Intercept.
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sensualnoiree · 4 months
astro notes: jupiter through the houses pt.1
Symbolizing wisdom, luck, and spiritual growth, Jupiter guides us through journeys of abundance and higher learning. As it rules Sagittarius and Pisces, and co-rules Pisces with Neptune, its reach extends to philosophical pursuits, foreign travel, and spiritual exploration. From its exaltation in Cancer to its debilitation in Capricorn, Jupiter's placement illuminates our beliefs, aspirations, and sense of justice. Throughout this exploration of Jupiter's journey through the houses, we unravel its transformative power and guiding light, embracing its blessings of prosperity, abundance, and divine guidance.
Jupiter in the 1st House:
Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wisdom, graces your first house with its benevolent presence, imbuing you with an aura of confidence and optimism that is hard to miss. Your natural charm and amiable demeanor draw people towards you, and your boundless enthusiasm for life makes you a natural leader and mentor figure. With Jupiter here, you possess a larger-than-life personality, exuding an air of positivity and hopefulness that inspires those around you.
Your insatiable thirst for knowledge and higher learning leads you on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal growth. You may find yourself drawn to philosophical or spiritual pursuits, seeking to unravel the mysteries of existence and expand your understanding of the universe. Whether through formal education or self-directed study, you are constantly seeking to broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding of the world.
However, it's important to remain mindful of the potential pitfalls of this placement. Your tendency to think big picture and overlook details can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations or a lack of attention to practical matters. Additionally, your generous and forgiving nature may sometimes leave you vulnerable to exploitation or manipulation by others. It's important to strike a balance between optimism and pragmatism, remembering to ground your lofty ideals in practical reality.
Overall, Jupiter in the first house blesses you with an abundance of confidence, optimism, and generosity, making you a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around you. Embrace your natural leadership abilities and use them to uplift others on their own journeys of growth and self-discovery.
Jupiter in the 2nd House:
With Jupiter gracing your second house of wealth and possessions, you are blessed with a natural talent for attracting abundance and prosperity into your life. Your financial affairs tend to flourish, and you may find that opportunities for growth and expansion abound in the realm of money and material resources.
Your eloquence and wisdom make you a persuasive communicator, able to charm others with your words and inspire them to action. You have a deep appreciation for the value of wealth and resources, and you are generous in sharing your blessings with others. Whether through philanthropy or simply by being a supportive friend or family member, you take pleasure in enriching the lives of those around you.
Family life is particularly harmonious for you, and you may find that your home is a source of comfort and stability in your life. Your upbringing may have instilled in you strong moral values and a deep respect for tradition, which you carry with you throughout your life.
However, it's important to guard against the temptation to overindulge in luxury or extravagance, as Jupiter's influence here can sometimes lead to excess. Remain mindful of your spending habits and remember to cultivate gratitude for the abundance you have already attracted into your life.
Overall, Jupiter in the second house blesses you with financial prosperity, eloquence, and generosity, making you a valuable asset to both your family and your community. Embrace your ability to attract wealth and abundance, and use it to create a brighter, more prosperous future for yourself and those you love.
Jupiter in the 3rd House:
With Jupiter gracing your third house of communication and intellect, you possess a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge that drives you to explore the world around you. Your mind is sharp and inquisitive, and you excel in areas that require critical thinking and analytical skills.
Your relationships with siblings, neighbors, and peers are characterized by warmth and camaraderie, and you may find that you are able to forge deep bonds with others through shared interests and intellectual pursuits. You have a gift for teaching and sharing knowledge, and you may find fulfillment in roles that allow you to impart wisdom to others.
Travel is another area where you may find opportunities for growth and expansion. Whether through short trips or longer journeys, you have a deep appreciation for the adventure and excitement that comes from exploring new places and experiencing different cultures.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to scatter your energies or spread yourself too thin. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to take on too many projects or pursue too many interests at once, leading to a lack of focus or follow-through. Remember to prioritize your goals and channel your energies into pursuits that truly resonate with your passions and values.
Overall, Jupiter in the third house blesses you with intellectual curiosity, communication skills, and a love of learning. Embrace your natural gifts for teaching and sharing knowledge, and use them to inspire others on their own journeys of exploration and discovery.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoiree or yt @sensualnoiree
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abibliophobiaa · 3 months
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right where you left me
chapter three: you can hear it in the silence
summary: steve harrington is unlucky when it comes to matters of the heart. for years he’s been in love with his best friend, but circumstances have made it impossible for him to make his feelings known. fate seems to have other plans, when you ask him to help you escape your wedding day, with nothing but his hand to hold and a car to drive off in. you suddenly find yourself headed back to hawkins, back to the place that feels so unfamiliar now — back to the place where you first fell in love.
warnings: 18+; smut - r is inexperienced; alcohol mentions; class differences; financial insecurities; time skip, where r and steve are parents, purposeful vignette-like/short scenes to cover a larger span of time in this mini-series.
steve harrington x f!inexperienced!reader || best friends to lovers, mutual pining, second chance romance with the town handyman who lives in a cabin in the woods.
Steve kisses you like he’s done it a thousand times before. He kisses you and it feels like kismet — like pieces of a puzzle shifting together. He kisses you, and you feel like you could take to the sky, run a marathon, or leap into the unknown with only his arms as safety.
And you soak up every moment. Every precious second as his lips move over yours, fingers twining around your hips, tugging you flush against him. It shifts, the atmosphere changing, the intensity of his kisses deepening. Heat rises in the room and it has nothing to do with the fire burning in the fireplace. You soak up every soft breath from his lips as you swipe your tongue over his — soak up the breathy moans that pour from him when your fingers glide over the planes of his abdomen, over the softness of his stomach, the hardness of his cock in his jeans.
And it’s there that your experience falters. That nervousness creeps in, because when you jolt back at the unexpectedness of it kicking up in his pants, he presses your palm harder, seeking friction, whispering that it’s okay. That you’re doing everything right.
The nerves ebb. “I - I want it to be good for you,” you say, breathless, “I just - I don’t —”
“It’s already good for me,” he whispers against your collarbone, tugging you down onto the couch, his body hovering above yours. “Pretty sure I’ve never been so hard in my life. But I really just want to make this good for you. Do you trust me?”
With your life. “Yes.”
“Can I take these off?” He slides a palm along your leggings, index finger toying with the band that rests high on your waist.
Deft fingers curl and tug. Slide them down your thighs, baring naked skin. Those same fingers glide over your ankle, up the curve of your leg, the glide of a hip. They toy with the edge of your panties; simple black lace, which you blow out a grateful breath for choosing that morning.
“Still with me?” he rasps, fingers stroking over your lower abdomen, your muscles dancing under the touch.
Hazel eyes, nearly molten honey now in the firelight, meet yours. Flickering with a look you’ve never seen within them before. Lust — for you. At your slow nod, eyes fluttering at the feel of his fingers sliding over the edge of your panties, he pushes the flimsy fabric to the side. Exhales shakily at the first brush of him, robbing your air straight from your lungs.
He drops onto one elbow, palm cradling your head with the softest of touches, lips molding to yours as he slips the first finger inside, your back arching up against the delicious intrusion.
Reality spins around you. Turns on its axis as Steve’s lips move to coast along your abdomen, against hip bone, the inside of your thigh. As your best friend slowly, carefully, reverently slides your underwear down your thighs and whispers a question that has you sighing a soft ‘yes,’ just as your panted breaths turn into cries of his name into the living room. As your heart races when his tongue glides over your clit just so — as he licks at you like it’s his job, a dream come to fruition at last, something he’s wanted to do all his life.
“I - I’m —”
“It’s okay,” he whispers, squeezing at your thigh with his free hand, “it’s just me. You can let go.”
No one has ever touched or kissed you like this. And you’ve never…never spiraled like this either. Never felt so close to the edge of pure, endless pleasure. Never seen the peak, never skirted over the edge, crying out another’s name.
Until now.
Steve knows this. Soothes you through it, crawling back up your body to brush at your cheek as you clutch his shirt tight, gasping breaths warming his flushed skin. As you float back to reality, a hazy mass of trembling limbs, he cups your chin and kisses you soundly, tongue gliding over yours, tasting yourself on him.
“We can stop,” he manages to get out before your fingers slip to grip at the hem of his top, tugging at the fabric, wanting it off.
In one swift movement, he grips the collar from behind his head and rips it free from his form, the ripple of his arms, chest and stomach dancing in your vision. He swoops back down and kisses you anew, body against body. Pulling back, you sit up against the armrest of the couch, Steve leaning back onto his knees. He watches with rounded, heated eyes as you grab at your own sweater and slide it up and off your frame, revealing a matching black bra to the panties that now lay discarded on the floor.
Your fingers reach behind you to grip at the clasp of your bra, appreciating the way Steve’s throat bobs.
“Wait!” His shout has you pausing, your eyes narrowing in fear of rejection, until he eases that nervousness away with the fumbling of his jeans, pushing them down around his ankles before kicking them into the corner of the room. “I want you to be as comfortable as possible. It seemed fair. We’re equal now.”
In one movement, you unclip the bra. Straps flutter around your shoulders, the cups freeing from your breasts, the warmth from the fire skittering along your flesh. Heart racing, you watch as Steve grips at the band of his boxers, pushing them down and off his thighs, the part of him you’ve never seen before slapping against the soft of his stomach. Against the dark hair that trails there. He’s hard and huge and there, the evidence of his desire on display.
Curiosity and reverence has you inching closer on the couch, settling your palms against his abdomen, gliding up and over his chest and shoulders, down his biceps, along the backs of his hands. Nervously, you raise one to your breast, gasping as his fingers cup the fullness of it in his palm, cradling it, brushing over a nipple with a thumb as his forehead drops against yours.
No one has ever touched you like this before. Before, it had been a rush and a hurry in the back seat of someone’s car. A flurry of movement. But Steve’s gentle touches roam your body, his other hand coming to cup the other breast, sliding down your sternum, along your stomach, between your thighs, making you whimper against his lips. Hesitant fingers reach out, trail along the rippling muscle of his abdomen, over the line of hair beyond his naval, the long and thick cock lingering in the space between you.
A trembling palm curls around him and experimentally moves, a gesture brought on by human instinct alone, an upward and downward stroke that has Steve’s forehead falling to your shoulder, rasping out a curse into your skin.
“Like this?” you ask through a pleasant sigh as he curls that digit within you in the way that had you crying for him moments ago, marveling at the way he grapples at your side with his free hand, fingers pressing tight to the fullest point of your hips.
“J-just like that, honey,” he stutters, lifting his head again to claim your mouth in a fervent kiss, swallowing your pretty noises. “Are we really — is this really happening?”
“You’re not dreaming,” you giggle, shrieking as he shifts you both over so you’re rolling onto the floor, onto the endless mountain of blankets and pillows below. “Steve!”
Broad palms press against your cheeks, lips falling against yours, a hum spilling from you. Without a moment to even try and stop your head from spinning, Steve drops kiss after kiss to your skin. The curve of your neck, the line of your collarbone. The dip of your sternum. A tongue glides over a pebbled nipple, bringing it into his mouth, hazel eyes locking on your own with a blazing heat behind him as another callused palm kneads the other. You could unravel just like that, with his eyes on you, drinking you in like he is now. But you know you want more. You want it all with him. Want to feel every inch of him that’s presently resting against your inner thigh, want to feel him inside, closer than he’s ever been before.
“Steve,” you rasp, curling your fingers in his long tresses, “I want — no, I need you inside me.”
He shifts up onto his elbows, peering down into your eyes. A shudder licks along your spine, the realization of what you’re both about to do dawning. The importance of this moment; a moment that’ll change everything you know about your relationship fully and completely. Where there might be nervousness, you only feel solidity in your choice — excitement, to finally be taking this step, this leap, with Steve.
“Please,” you whisper, feeling your cheeks and chest warm under his gaze.
A palm comes up to seek his face, brushing back the hairs that fall over his forehead, so messy and perfectly him. With a slow exhale, Steve curls his palm around the back of one of your knees, parting you for him, lifting it a bit into a bend. Instinct has your ankle hooking around the back of his knee, tugging him closer, shuddering at the feel of him against your slick center.
“I’m on the pill,” you blurt out quickly, “And you know my experience is…”
“I want you to know right now that this is the best night of my life,” he promises, knuckles brushing along your temple, quelling your nerves, “you could never disappoint me, okay?”
A nod.
“I’m clean, and I’ve never —” he gestures to where you both lay bare, “without a condom. I just want you to be sure. We can stop at any point.”
“I want this,” you tell him, curling your ankle tighter around his thigh, the heel digging into his muscle to draw him closer.
He grabs himself in hand, those dark eyes locking on yours. “Look at me,” he whispers, and you feel him nudge at your entrance, “it’s just us,” and he’s sinking in.
Slowly, so, so slowly.
“P-perfect,” you stutter out, clutching at a forearm as he inches in a bit more, that unfamiliar burn making you wince. Worry clouds his eyes, but you shake your head, “just…go slow, okay?”
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He pushes a little further, gauging your reactions, clutching at the bend of your thigh, thumb stroking along the inside of your knee lovingly. Another inch, and you lean up to kiss him tenderly. “Ah, shit —”
Anxiety fills your tone, and he shakes his head rapidly to assuage your fears. “No. No. You just feel too good. I’m trying to make this last.”
Heat blooms in your chest at his words, hips rolling experimentally from beneath him, that burning dulling into a pleasurable fullness. The delicious stretch of him giving way to something…new. Something different. Twine spills out before you, a coil, a line you feel growing tighter with every passing moment. He gasps out a breath. A hot puff against your collarbone as his head falls, wispy hairs teasing along your warm skin.
“More,” you pant, clutching at his shoulder as he fully seats himself inside, pussy clenching around him at the newness of being so full of Steve.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” You nod, head falling back as he pulls back, nearly pulling out, and drives back in. In and out, in and out, beginning something you know will forever change your relationship. “Oh god.” A gasp, as he repeats the motion again and again, brushing against a part of you that you didn’t even know existed.
“You’re so tight, baby,” he grounds out. He pulls back, pulls out, and you nearly cry with the loss of him, until he smirks and pushes back in, punching your breath straight from your lungs. “It’s like you were made for me.” You could cry, you could feel tears prickling at the corners of your eyes as you lose yourself to this, to this moment — to him. “Tell me you’re mine. You’re finally mine.”
“I’m yours,” you promise, keening as he lifts your thigh higher onto his hip, driving into you in a way that makes white flash behind your eyes, “and you’re mine.”
The words you want to say bubble on your lips. The three words with the power to change everything. The three you’ve denied yourself all these years in fear of the rejection that might come should you ever utter them. But you feel them with every beat of your heart, with every roll of his hips, with every kiss he presses to your lips as you inch closer and closer to release.
And it’s there. Right there. That elusive thing you’ve only heard about with friends in mixed conversation. That blooming low in your belly, the unfurling as he continues to grind into you over and over again, the flame licking in the space where you’re irrevocably connected to him now in a way you’ve never been before.
“Steve — I’m —”
“I’m close too,” he grunts, chest pressing against yours, lips at your cheek. “Let go with me, yeah?”
It ripples through you with a broken sob, and the feeling of Steve’s hips faltering in their rhythm as he finishes, warmth spilling into you. Hearts race. Mouths come together in the middle, foreheads pushing against one another. Your hands tangle together like whispered secrets on knitted blankets, against pillows littering the floors.
Neither of you pulls away, bodies only rolling enough to face one another, his softening cock still inside of you. Fingers trail along his bicep as his other arm slides beneath your head, cradling you there. It’s all sweet and soft kisses against skin. His mouth at your brow, your cheek, your jaw…lips. Different and yet it feels like something that’s always been meant to be. A part of the two of you never tapped into.
Until now.
“So…” You nuzzle your nose against his, blinking up at his tired, blissfully hazy eyes.
“That was…”
“Perfect?” you finish, gliding your fingers through the hair curling around his ear.
“Perfect,” he agrees, index finger gliding up and down the line of your spine, “everything. Tired, hmm?”
He watches the flutter of your eyes. The telltale yawn that pours from you. The liquid form of your limbs draped over his own. Your head rests over his chest and fingers dig into his hip.
“Let me take care of you and then we can pass out, okay?”
He parts from you with a whine, limbs aching a little as you stretch and he disappears into the bathroom, only to come back with a warm washcloth to clean you with. It’s tossed across the room a moment later, the man of your heart rearranging the pillows around the floor into a better makeshift mattress, blankets already tucked low around your hips as you find him again, your bare chest pressing against his.
“Yeah, honey?”
“I just want to remind you that you’ve always been enough,” you tell him softly. Quietly. “I’ve only ever wanted you.”
“You have me,” he promises, squeezing you tighter. “I’m yours.”
And you’re his.
A beautiful thing that curls around you both as you slip into sleep.
You’re grateful for a holiday weekend, because for the next three days, neither of you leave the comfort of the bedroom. It’s there that you learn every inch of Steve. That you remember the way his fingers trace your skin, how he feels when he’s inside of you, over you and under you, what it looks like when you drive him to finish, the way he looks at you when you writhe beneath him, hands fisted in his hair.
For days, all you know is that. The complete and utter bliss of a new relationship — despite the fact neither of you have given things a title yet. And even so, you hardly feel like you need to. You’d both said those words: you’re mine, and I’m yours. Wholly and completely. In your heart you know it, in your mind, and in your body. This is what you’ve been dreaming of for years, this is what you know you want.
He’s holding you now, your back to his chest, his fingers stroking you between your thighs, the fullness of him sliding in from behind. Another arm loops over your chest, resting over your heart, keeping you close. And you pinch your eyes shut at the feeling of it, at the sound of your sweat slick skin against his, the place where you’re joined, the press of his lips against your spine, your shoulder.
“You always.” A kiss. “Feel so.” Another kiss. “Good.” He tips your chin up and kisses your lips, swallowing your moan as you drive your hips back against his, wanting him deeper, wanting to crawl inside him if you could. “Taking me so well, beautiful.” A whine. “Gonna come for me, baby? Want it.”
You’ve been at it for hours. Or it feels like hours. He’d woken up that morning insistent on feeding you, before falling back into bed with you for the third day in a row. Had kissed every inch of you before rolling over and watching you with hooded eyes as you sunk down on him, robbing him of his very breath. That had been a frantic thing, hips rolling over him, his hands digging crescent moons into your sides, little medals for the honor of watching Steve completely crumble beneath you when his orgasm snuck up on him, knowing you’d done that.
Another whine punches from your lungs. Stolen from you as fire licks up your spine and you’re engulfed with it, clutching at his forearm and crying his name with your release, forehead slumping into your pillow as he follows soon after, hips slowing to a stop as he tugs you flush against his chest, whispering your praises against the skin of your cheek, his fingers dancing along your sweaty temple.
“I think that was our best yet,” you laugh, stroking along the hairs against the back of his arm, relishing in the shiver that ripples from him in the aftershocks of his own orgasm. “How about we shower and grab some breakfast at the diner or something?”
“Are you up to grab a tree with me for the holidays too?” At your nod, he grins against your shoulder, “maybe some ice skating and hot chocolate at the rink?”
“Is this our first date?” you tease, glancing over your shoulder to press a lingering kiss to his lips.
He hums against you, breathing a sigh, and you know the contentment pouring from him because it mirrors your own. “If you want it to be. As much as I want to stay here forever, I'm pretty sure our friends are worried we’ve fallen off the face of the earth.”
“We kind of did,” you muse, recalling the parting words on Thanksgiving just days ago now. “I haven’t slept a wink in days.”
“Says the woman reaping all the benefits in the form of endless orgasms,” he teases, laying a love bite against your shoulder, pulling away from you to rise up onto his feet, nodding his head toward the shower. “Come on.”
“No funny business,” you tease, curling a blanket around your shoulders as you follow him into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.
You only make it five minutes in before you break that promise by sinking down onto your knees.
…And naturally, he repays the favor after.
People notice Steve wherever he goes. As the town handyman, he earns a bit of attention. Smiles from those that pass by, waves as he walks down the street, calls of his name from across parking lots. So you suppose it should come as no surprise when you meander through the endless rows of trees, your hand in Steve’s, earning a bunch of stares of your own.
For a while, you’ve been simply the girl who follows in his wake. A familiar face around town while you’ve been here, and a figment of a past time to those who had been around much longer. Now, you were swiftly approaching what you knew to be a permanent fixture in the town all over again.
It feels natural — the weight of his palm in your own, fingers tangled, arms swinging in the space between the two of you, dressed in similar outfits. It’s nothing unusual in comparison to your years long friendship, though now you know what his lips feel like against every inch of you, you know that his heart against your spine thrums like a perfect tattoo while his arms circle you, you know what the weight of him above you feels like.
And even so, you earn the curious gazes of wandering eyes. The glances from those trying to garner what is happening here. You don’t mind it, though. Don’t mind the way people wonder, because you already know the truth within your heart. The depth of the feelings he has for you mirror your own, as sure as the sun rises and sets every day. The realization that this is the start to what you hope might be forever.
“How about this one?” Steve asks.
An hour later you’re both dragging a tree into his living room and decorating it in dozens of shiny lights and bulbs. He kisses you long and slow, fingers in your sweater, foreheads pressed in close, hearts even closer.
“It’s perfect,” you whisper, staring up at the tree, beautifully lit and adorned with love.
“It is,” Steve says back, but he’s not staring at the tree, he’s staring right at you instead.
The Hideout is bustling with customers. Endless rows of children constructing and decorating gingerbread houses at one table, while parents and family members alike mill about at the other tables, conversations about the upcoming holidays filtering through your ears as you pass by, handing off drinks and food.
Steve’s not here yet. A fact you notice as you watch the table of your friends grow, the group bent low together, beaming at what the other is saying, caught up in their company as day turns into night.
You’re finishing up handing off water to a table of teenagers when you notice Abi waving you over, a weary look in her eyes. It’s when your gaze travels southward you notice the shaggy blonde curls that you couldn’t forget even if you tried. Nor the pristine suit and tailored pants, the too expensive watch, that tie cinched around his neck. Green eyes drift your way from the bar, arms crossing over a toned chest. Chiseled cheekbones give way to blonde stubble, a messier look than you’re used to on Clark’s conventionally attractive features.
His eyes narrow at your appearance. To him, you’re wearing no more than a pair of jeans you bought off of a clearance rack, and a black sweater with a hole in one sleeve after you’d gotten it caught on Steve’s truck handle. He’s seen you in designer gowns, shoes, decked to the nines with jewelry, looking like the ever dutiful daughter. And now — now his eyes roam your form with distaste, the curl of his lip making your stomach drop.
“I can ask him to leave,” Abi murmurs low against your ear as you slip behind the bar to join her, “just say the word, and he’s gone. Eddie wouldn’t mind if I toss him out. He’s kind of an asshole anyway. Asked me if I had a specific bottle of wine, and scoffed when I said we didn’t. I almost told him he could shove the credit card he slapped against the bar up his ass.”
“Sounds about right,” you grumble, giving her hand a little squeeze. “I’ll be okay. And if not, and you catch me ready to throw a glass and lose my job —”
“I’ll turn the other way and pretend I didn’t see it.”
Offering her a smile, you slip back out and round the bar, grabbing Clark’s sleeve and tugging him to a smaller table positioned away from everyone else. From here, you can see Steve when he arrives and escape if need be. Huffing, you cross your arms over your chest and tilt your head up, staring into that blank stare.
“So this is where you ran off to,” he tuts, snickering, “it’s…charming.”
“It’s where I grew up,” you tell him flatly, “it’s home.”
“Home is in the city,” he says, leaning up onto his elbows, hand coming to curl over your own. Your eyes narrow at the contact, at the feeling of his finger cradling the back of your palm. “Come home. Stop this, please? Your family misses you, your friends miss you — believe it or not, I miss you.”
You bark out an incredulous laugh. “I don’t believe that for a second.”
“Darling…” The hand around yours tightens, and you know he’s trying to narrow your window of escape, to ensure you stay rooted in place. “We had fun together, didn’t we?”
“At events, sure.”
He was kind enough. Was willing to laugh with you, to joke and tease, to talk. But there was nothing of any sort of romantic nature beneath the surface. Your marriage was intended for monetary purposes and those alone.
“You hardly even gave us a chance.”
“Clark, we were in an arrangement,” you remind him. “A mutually beneficial agreement for both of us.”
“Which has since fallen through.”
“And I am sorry about that —”
“Then come home,” he says again, eyes intent on your face. “Come. Home.”
“This is my home,” you whisper, catching the sight of Steve walking by in the window. His eyes immediately narrow at the sight of Clark across from you.
“It’s him, isn’t it?” Clark lets out a bitter laugh as Steve appears in the doorway, approaching your table cautiously. “This is the guy you ran out on me with. Him? You’re choosing him. What can he offer you that I cannot?”
“Love, Clark,” you say, voice breaking at the end, “I love him…and I — I think he loves me. So yes, I’m choosing him. I’m choosing to stay here…with him.”
He fixes Steve with a hard stare, mouth parting slightly, settling back into a firm line. “You love him?”
“Yeah,” you laugh, and it’s watery. A broken off sob at the realization of your admission. “I do. We wouldn’t be happy together. You know that. I mean…you were kissing Christina on our wedding day.”
“She’s, ah, that’s…complicated.”
“But she means something to you,” you tell him, giving his hand a squeeze. “We wouldn’t be happy. You know we wouldn’t. Tell me you can see that.”
His palm slides down his face, head shaking slowly. “Your father’s company —”
“You’re an amazing surgeon,” you remind Clark, “and my father will come around. Eventually. I’m certain. And…maybe when he doesn’t hate me for making the choices I’ve made, I can send over a glowing recommendation. We don’t have to do things just because it’s our family’s way. We can choose our own happiness.”
Clark leans back a bit, his hand falling away from yours, fingers curling around the chair beside him to make room for a perplexed looking Steve Harrington at the table. “Can I at least say hello the man my fiancée ran out on me — on our wedding day, no less — for?”
“Clark,” Steve mutters with a nod, sinking down onto the chair beside you, arm curling around your shoulders. “I’m Steve. Steve Harrington. And, uh, sorry about your wedding day.”
Clark reaches over to grip his hand. “You’re really not sorry, though,” he chuckles heartily, shaking Steve’s hand.
Steve grins, because no. No, he’s not at all sorry, and you couldn’t be happier.
The three of you sit there in that restaurant for an hour, talking about plans for the future. About Christina and Steve. Christina, who is from a not so affluent family. A family his family doesn’t quite approve of, but he loves her. A fact you could even tell after seeing them together in their embrace.
In the end, Clark decides to head back to the city with the intention of making things right with the woman he loves. You also send him on the mission to talk to your parents, to convince them neither of you wants the marriage, and to let them know you’re okay since they don’t wish to contact you as it is.
Once he’s gone, you’re left to finish up cleaning your station, later announcing to your friends that you and Steve are heading for a little walk. Neither of you wants to stick around at the moment. Not when there’s so much to talk about.
Without him even saying anything, you know he’s overheard what you said to Clark. That you loved him. That you love him. Nervousness wells within you as you tug your jacket closer to your form, reaching out to lace your fingers with Steve’s, your hands swinging in the space between the two of you. Part of you wonders if you’ll ever get used to this. Part of you doesn’t, wanting merely to rest in the excitement of finally having the one thing you’ve both always wanted come to fruition.
“So…that was nice,” you say, peering up into his eyes.
The moon shines above, but Steve’s eyes are on your face. A lingering look you feel all the way down to your toes. “He’s still an asshole.” He swallows. Here it is. “Did you mean everything back there?”
“Which part?”
He pauses on the sidewalk, hands curling into your belt loops, tugging you against him. “Well, for starters, the part where you said this is your home now.”
“If you don’t mind having a roommate for a little while longer. At least, until I get back on my feet. Pretty sure my inheritance is not happening ever.”
His fingers cup your jaw, mouth brushing lazily over yours. “I’m not kicking my girlfriend out.”
It’s the first time he’s called you that, no fanfare, no need for explanation. And it feels right down to your marrow.
“Are you…asking me to officially move in?” you question, head tilting back a bit to gauge his reaction to your words.
“Are you saying yes?” He bounces on the heels of his feet a little, your palms resting against his stomach.
“I mean, an endless sleepover with my best friend sounds pretty great.”
He beams. “And then there’s that other part of the conversation I walked in on.”
“What part might that have been?” you prompt, leaning up onto your toes, biting at your bottom lip.
His fingers slide around your hips, slipping into the back pockets of your denim jeans. “The part where you said you love me.”
“I’ve loved you for years, Steve,” you tell him honestly, “I’ve…been in love with you for years. I’ve just been waiting for you to catch up.”
His nose runs down the side of yours gently. “I’m in love with you too.”
He says it so quickly, all in a rush, like he simply wants to breathe the words into existence. To make them known. To speak the secrets that have been lingering in the silent moments between the two of you for years. To give them the voice they deserve. To set them into motion, to flight, to give them the breadth to roam freely.
“All this time?” you ask, swallowing the tears that threaten to spill.
“Yeah.” He nods. “All this time, honey. Always, if you’ll let me.”
You trust that his words are true. You know within your heart he means every single one of them. You welcome the free fall, and what a beautiful, safe space to land you’ve found in Steve.
“I promise.” A kiss brushes the tip of your nose.
A giggle. “Deal.”
Two years later…
Sunlight streams in through the bedroom window. Warms your skin as a yawn spills from your lips, arms stretching against pillows, head nuzzling deeper into the mattress's downy embrace.
A warm arm slides in around your waist, a palm gliding over your stomach. “How are my girls doing?” It’s the voice of your husband that stirs you, chest rumbling against your spine, thumb stroking along your skin.
“We were just taking a nap,” you sigh, rolling over to face the man, “you finished for the day?”
“Yeah,” he says, leaning over to look at the scrunched up newborn resting near your hip. “Uncle Eddie and Aunt Abi’s new house has a nice deck now. They also decided to keep the swing in the backyard just for when you grow up a little bit more, Summer.”
Summer sleepily stares up at her father as he carefully lifts her into the crook of his elbow, bouncing her a little to help her settle when her face wrinkles with the beginnings of a soft cry.
“She’s bigger than she was this morning,” he huffs, the hairs that are getting a little too long on his head now puffing upward with the hard breath.
Giggling, you roll over to lean against his shoulder, running the pads of your finger along her chubby cheek. “She’s the same as she was this morning.”
“Do you think she missed me?” He glances up, hopeful.
“Always,” you reassure him, knowing he hates going back to work after the initial few weeks he took off to spend time with his newborn daughter. “We got an invitation to Clark and Christina’s wedding.”
“At least that wedding won’t end with a runaway bride situation.”
“Hey, that runaway bride became your wife.”
Your own wedding was a year ago now. And because Steve had helped nearly everyone around town, it became a huge event. Nearly everyone in town had gathered around as you walked down a grassy aisle to the man who always had your heart. It was there he pledged forever, a promise to keep you close and your heart closer for all of time to come.
Your parents had even come, deciding that love truly mattered above all else — though a lot of that was thanks to Clark and Christina’s influence. Those two had even become closer friends to you than you ever thought imaginable. Just four people who had come together in the strangest of circumstances, finding that sometimes the person who people deemed ‘best’ for you wasn't actually the right one — and that choosing love would overcome any other obstacle that might try to get in your way.
“That she did,” he says, leaning down to brush a kiss to your forehead.
And now you had an extension of that, in the form of a bleary eyed baby staring up at the two of you. Equal parts him and you, and everything you could have ever dreamed of and more. “Come on, I have something to show you! Summer can come too.”
“You just don’t want to let her go.”
“I never do,” he coos, leaning down to brush a kiss over her forehead, “she’s like her Mom. Has me wrapped around her finger, and she’s not even two months old.”
“I’ll say a prayer for her future suitors now —”
“Hey — she is not dating until she’s thirty and that’s final.”
You shove at him lightly as he leads you down the hall and into the newly extended part of the home. There’s a little sunroom, full to the brim with plants, and just outside on the back porch, he’s added a beautiful wooden swing that overlooks the water.
“I know you like to read out here, but I figured now that we have Summer…” He settles down on one of the cushions, making room against his hip for you to curl up next to him, watching as the sun begins to set over Hawkins. “We could come out here…as a family. I have more plans too. A seating area over there for when we have company. Maybe some stuff for when Nancy and Jonathan bring their son over for a play date. A treehouse over there.”
“I love it, Steve.”
“I love you,” he says, brushing his lips against yours ever so softly, just as Summer starts to whine in the crook of his elbow. “Oh no, sweetheart, shhh shh. Don’t cry…this mountain I must climb…feels like a world upon my shoulders…”
“Oh, come on,” you laugh as he starts to sing, sides shaking with the memory of your return to Hawkins so long ago now.
“Through the clouds I see love shine —” He continues, and Summer stares up at him like he’s hung the stars in the sky for her. “It keeps me warm as life grows colder.”
“In my life, there’s been heartache and pain,” you sing along, snuggling closer into his side, looping your arm around his and lacing your fingers with his own. “I don't know if I can face it again.”
You both break into a fit of giggles as the both of you sing-whisper out in equally as horrendous voices so as to not wake the baby that’s starting to doze off, “I wanna know what love iiiiis. I want you to show meee.”
You turn to face him, staring intently in his eyes, the song falling off, along with the laughter, as Summer’s eyes flutter shut. “Thank you for this. For all of it. This life we have together. For choosing me every day. Us. Our family.”
“Thank you,” he breathes back against your lips, kissing you as the sun sinks further along the sky, soft and pink and golden — just like the life before you and the one to come.
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How to save the Supreme Court from Alito’s ethical malfeasance
The justice’s unconscionable violations of ethics demand the court be reformed.
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Jennifer Rubin clearly explains why Alito went too far in allowing a symbol of the insurrection to fly over his home, and why the Roberts Court needs to stop slow-walking the presidential immunity decision if the Court is to regain any credibility. This is a gift🎁link so anyone can read the full article, even if they don't subscribe to The Washington Post.
Among the Supreme Court’s abominations — shredding precedent to obliterate reproductive freedom, financial impropriety, partisanship — none compares to the upside-down flag, identified with violent insurrectionists, that flew over the home of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. Ethics experts and lawyers (including former judges) of all stripes expressed their outrage. “His statement — which says his wife displayed a symbol associated with a failed coup to subvert democracy because she was offended by an anti-Trump sign one of her neighbors displayed — is so incoherent it is insulting to our collective intelligence,” constitutional law professor Leah Litman emails me. “And a Justice who resides in a house that displays symbols glorifying a coup should not participate in cases that will determine whether people who participated in said coup will face any accountability.” [...] Alito (alongside Justice Clarence Thomas, whose wife encouraged coup plotters) has heard multiple insurrection-related cases, including the pending immunity case that could absolve Trump of criminal liability. In letting his home stand in solidarity with constitutional arsonists, Alito made a mockery of his oath to “faithfully and impartially discharge” his duties under the Constitution. Any other judge (especially one implicated in financial misconduct) would be compelled to resign and/or face the threat of impeachment. So what about Alito? Immediate Triage Unlike its speedy disposition of the 14th Amendment case (24 days after argument) and of many lesser matters, the court put the immunity case in deep freeze, making it near-impossible to try the ex-president before the next election....The Alito debacle only deepens the impression that the court has its thumb on the scale — or the brake — for Trump. [...] As constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe warns in an email to me, if Roberts “wants the Court to retain any credibility at all,” he must compel the court to “bite the bullet and issue its decision, ....” Then, Tribe explains, “Judge [Tanya S.] Chutkan either can hold whatever hearing the Court thinks necessary to decide exactly which charges against the former president may remain” or can begin the trial itself, which “should have been over by now.” Alito’s ethical self-immolation leaves Roberts no alternative if he wants to dispel the perception that two ethically compromised, partisan justices have thoroughly corrupted the court. (He also should implore Alito to recuse, but who believes that’ll happen?) [emphasis added]
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kalki-tarot · 3 months
What's next in this connection ? 💘
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Take a few deep breathes, ground yourself and pick only one picture from any of the four above.
Disclaimer - kalki-tarot does not guarantee any tarot predictions to be accurate and is not responsible for any actions or decisions you make in your life on behalf of this reading.
Please allow me to tap into your energy !
Pile 01
queen of cups, two of cups, the magician
Both the parties involved in this connection will feel surreal and emotionally connected to each other on a higher level. The bond will deepen and strengthen over time, and this will result in both of you coming into a mutual decision of permanent commitment in the relationship.
You guys can be higher level soulmates. You were manifesting this commitment from a long period of time. This connection is also somehow connected to your sacred soul purpose in this lifetime and hence, it will bring you alignment and a sense of emotional fulfilment.
You are asked to not ignore any signs or synchronicites your guides and angels are blessing you with. Please cooperate with your spirit guides and higher self. Don't regulate from a space of the fear of getting rejected again. You will not! Give yourself time to process your emotions.
Pile 02
6 of pentacles, knight of cups, justice
I just heard "CHUP" in my left ear, which is a command to stay silent in hindi. Maybe you are asked to keep shut about about certain things in life. You need not explain everything to everybody, especially people who don't deserve an explanation from your side.
Okay! So some of you will finally receive a clarity or communication in a situationship or talking phase kind of relationship. Other than that, if you guys are feeling that you are not being reciprocated enough in a relationship then you will be faced with circumstances to not repeat this cycle of falling for karmic people. You will be forced to do justice with yourself in the upcoming 3 days. If you try to stay in the relationship then you will get hurt, obviously what do you expect from karmic people?
After you break this cycle of not accepting breadcrumbs, universe will give you a new romantic opportunity very soon!
Pile 03
The empress, king of pentacles, 5 of swords
Wow! Both the people in this connection are finally choosing to speak the truth. You both are trying to solve some kind of fight or disagreement which happened in the last 3 weeks for some of you. I'm seeing you both will solve this thing out and move towards abundance and clarity.
The good times in your relationship is gonna start now, you guys have realized the importance of each other through the period of separation. And now you will not repeat the same mistake again. Emotionally and financially, this relationship will work out very well for you. So don't be stressed much, just keep your ego aside and try to talk to your partner with a sense of understanding and love.
Pile 04
Three of swords, 2 of pentacles, the empress
Damn, i saw a vision just before pulling these cards here, i literally got goosebumps all over my hands and I saw a female (may or may not be) doing some sort of ritual or witchcraft to attract someone in their life. I saw candles, an altar, and pink shades. I also saw the book of answers, can be significant for some. Basically, someone is too desperate to get a crush or love interest into their life.
Sorry, but this is the truth. No matter how hard you try, this connection will not work out. Take what resonates please, I'm being honest, i don't lie while doing tarot. You both have very different ideologies and ways of living life. You guys are destined to walk on two different paths, not together.
So, it's better to not waste time over something which is not good for us, remember universe only gives us what is actually good for us. Try to focus more on your own self and finances rather than someone else whom we are not meant to be with.
222 notes · View notes
cosmicmermaidwitch · 5 months
pick a pile: your 2024 predictions 🪅
paid readings: ❀ kofi ❀ info ❀
note: this is a collective message, take what resonates and leave what doesn't ! choose the picture that speaks the most to you ☆
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pile one ₊ ⊹
a song that might be significant during the year: magic shop - bts
an animal that might be of significance: walrus
in 2024 you will begin to feel indifferent about your current career lifestyle. you will notice that you need help and guidance when it comes to being overloaded with work and responsibilities. this will lead to getting new ideas on how to manage your work, not being all by yourself with it anymore. you are also going to find a new hobby, something that has been interesting you for a while but you have been too afraid to try. dont be scared to try something new, I see that youre scared of the judgement and would rather hide that passion of yours, its time to let go and free yourself from peoples expectations.
summer of 2024 is going to take a wild turn. someone new will come in, if youre in a relationship already your connection will deepen greatly. a chapter of your life and people in it will be left behind in order to fulfill this. you will be way more confident in yourself, not only when it comes to work but also when it comes to your emotions. I see you embracing the tower moment because you know the storm won't last long. your inner masculine will awaken and dominate during this period.
during the times where the leafs fall, you will be thinking of changing things up a notch. you will be pondering a lot about what kind of future you want to have. youre being encouraged to not fall down the rabbit hole of constantly being in your own head during this time. I see here that you will spend time with friends, but also with yourself a lot. be good to yourself and dont underestimate your power.
you will be entering winter with a lot of romance and passion, you and your destined person will take a step further during this time. this might take up some restless nights and make you anxious about commitment with this person. you will have to make the decision, whether or not you are ready for it, I see that deep down you are but your worries blind your vision. know that success is within you, you just have to take the path to find it.
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a song that might be significant during the year: late night talking - harry styles
an animal that might be of significance: horse
the spring of 2024 will bring a rapid change. you will be influenced a lot, but will have to find the strength and courage to go your own way. a lot of people will be removed from your life during this time, this will be a good change. it might be hard at first, go easy only yourself and remember that the universe sends and removes people from or into your life for a reason, some stay for a season and some for a lifetime. the ones that no longer serve you will disconnect from your energy.
after the turbulent energy from the spring time, things will turn out great for you in summer. when it comes to your connections, you will be much closer to the people you love and form a great divine union with them. as well as more confidence, your career life will gain a lot of fortune, you will be in luck financially. nevertheless I see you being in your head a lot during these times, you sadly doubt yourself too much.
during fall, the universe will send you to your right path after seeing how much you've been in your head. they will send you information that will spark a light of hope in you, this will lead to you finally embracing confidence and taking the steps you were too scared to take before. the exhaustion from life will be gone during this time, its a good period to go above and beyond without taking on a too heavy load.
the winter time will be nostalgic for you, a lot of people from your past will come towards you to reconnect. this will be a hard decision for you to make, since some might not have treated you the fairest. you will need to go inside and check on yourself, what do you want? is it worth to risk another heartbreak, or will they finally treat you right? these will be questions following you during those times, be cautious but remember that you are a divine being, you will know what to do when the time is right.
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a song that might be significant during the year: broken clocks - sza
an animal that might be of significance: panda
in 2024, you will finally free yourself. you will find ways to move forward and close the chapters that no longer serve you in the current times. I see you taking care of yourself a lot, being with the people you love and leaving behind the ones that have caused chaos in the past. financially, it's looking really good in spring. some fortune is on its way, maybe in ways you didn't expect it to come towards you.
during summer, I see you taking that financial gain to help people in need, your empathy peaks during this time a lot because you will notice how life has been giving you great fortunes. people will see you as a higher status after this, this could have pros and cons but nevertheless, you will have helped someone. this will grant them, but also you, happiness and fortune. remember that what you give to the world, you receive back twice as big.
fall is looking romantic and cozy, a deep emotional connection will be formed during these times. you will both take parts in healing each other, this could be past wounds or insecurities you carry around when it comes to love. this will help you regain your perspective on how you want to be treated and how you want to treat the ones you love. your love life is going to evolve to a higher status.
winter will bring similar energy, like the one you had in spring. this will be your final realization, a moment of light finally showing you the way. you and your person will make harsh decisions, but this will work out for the two of you in very good ways. the carefree energy combined with the fortune could be alarming, but for the most part it is actually the way you have always wanted to be.
reminder: a tarot reading is not absolute. this is for entertainment purposes only!! as a tarot reader, i will offer my opinion and advice, but will not interfere with the free will. any decisions made or actions taken by you as a result of a tarot reading are your sole responsibility. i will be honest in what i see and will not give false hopes or empty promises in order to keep you happy. a tarot reading does not replace professional opinion or advice. no refunds for paid readings !
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skogjeger · 10 months
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Candles' Colours & Associations ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ 
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Candle magic, often referred to as "magick" (a common alternate spelling), offers an accessible and budget-friendly approach to spiritual practices. For centuries, people have incorporated candle rituals into their spiritual routines, making it an integral part of diverse traditions. Candles play a versatile role in various occasions like weddings, birthdays, spells, honouring deities and numerous other celebrations and rituals.
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𖤣𖥧˚ Candle Colour Associations
Each candle colour is associated with distinct energies, intentions, and vibrations. Understanding these associations is essential for crafting meaningful candle rituals. Candles add rather than subtract to your spells, although candles aren't always necessary and you can use any candle and associate your own meanings for them, but here are some common candle colour associations:
White: Purity, spirituality, banishing, cleansing, unveiling, healing, truth, balance, innocence, clarity, peace, new beginnings, and illumination. It represents divine light and is often used for cleansing and invoking spiritual protection.
Red: Passion, love, courage, fire, lust, anger, revenge, sex, power, survival, change, action, assertiveness, and strength. Red candles are employed for matters of the heart, to enhance energy, and ignite motivation.
Orange: Success, enthusiasm, curiosity, change, opportunities, simulation, courage, and attraction. Orange candles are used to stimulate creativity and bring positive energy into endeavors.
Yellow: Creativity, joy, motivation, positivity, relieving negativity, energy, happiness, and clarity. Yellow candles can enhance mental clarity, increase focus, and bring a sense of joy and optimism.
Green: Growth, abundance, fertility, wealth, nature, naivety, healing, and prosperity. Green candles are used for attracting financial well-being and promoting healing and renewal.
Blue: Peace, healing, recollection, psychic growth, justice, study, mental blocks, guidance, calm, honesty, harmony, intuition, and communication. Blue candles aid in deepening meditation, enhancing psychic abilities, and fostering emotional balance.
Purple: Spirituality, wisdom, divination, and higher consciousness. Purple candles are associated with spiritual awakening and seeking inner wisdom.
Pink: Love (self-love), friendship, nurturing, and harmony. Pink candles are often used in rituals focused on self-love, compassion, and nurturing relationships.
Grey: Transmutation, patience, mediating, neutralizing, balance, stability, study, calm, balance, developing psychic abilities, and wisdom. Grey candles are useful when contemplating complex issues and can neutralize negative influences.
Brown: Wisdom, grounding, tenacity, perseverance, stability, rooted, security, woods, family, animals, pets, earth, material items, practicality, rediscovery, reconnection, and balance. Brown candles serve a dual purpose: safeguarding pets and family members, as well as facilitating reconnection with friends and loved ones.
Black: Protection, banishing, endings, absorbing, safety, binding, exorcism, release, death, healing, loss, and releasing negativity. Black candles are used for purification and breaking negative patterns. Some people will also use black candles for revenge spells (white too) or breaking hexes.
𖤣𖥧˚ Metallic Candle Colour Associations
Gold: Abundance, wealth, spiritual illumination, success, good fortune, happiness, ambition, luck, and the sun. Gold candles are used to invoke prosperity, celebrate achievements, and attract positive energies.
Silver: Intuition, self-reflection, perception, awareness, defend, send-back energy, protection, and emotional balance. Silver candles are employed for enhancing psychic abilities, connecting with lunar energies, and invoking the divine feminine.
Copper: Healing, vitality, emotions, autumn, new ideas, relaxation, combining, coming together, and energy balancing. Copper candles are utilized to promote physical healing, boost energy levels, and restore equilibrium.
Bronze: Grounding, strength, autumn, foundation, and courage. Bronze candles are associated with stability, courage, and protection during challenging times.
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Final ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━
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Feel free to reach out to me if you're interested in exploring different candle colours or their associations. You can send me a message directly, drop a note in my inbox, or share your thoughts in the comments, and I'll be happy to expand on the topic!
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