#Financial equality digital tools
buzzgalatic · 7 months
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cyarsk5230 · 2 months
🚨BeyHive for Harris🚨
To the BeyHive: this is our moment to make a difference. By supporting Kamala Harris, we are standing up for a leader who fights for justice and equality. Here’s how we can come together and make an impact:
1.Spread the Word: Use your social media platforms to share your support for Kamala Harris. Create posts, share stories, and engage in conversations using hashtags like #KamalaHarris . Let’s flood the digital space with our message of unity and hope.
2.Get Informed: Educate yourself and others about Kamala Harris’s policies, achievements, and vision for the future. Knowledge is power, and the more informed we are, the stronger our support will be.
3.Volunteer: Join local campaign efforts, participate in phone banking, canvassing, or virtual events. Every hour you contribute helps bring us closer to victory.
http://4.Vote and Encourage Voting: Ensure you’re registered to vote, and encourage your friends, family, and fellow fans to do the same. Voting is our most powerful tool for change.
http://5.Support Financially: If you can, consider donating to Kamala Harris’s campaign. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps fuel the fight for a brighter future
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acceptccnow · 11 months
E-Commerce Merchant Account Trends: A Comprehensive Overview
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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Venture into the ever-changing sphere of E-Commerce Merchant Accounts, where trends ebb and flow, and staying ahead can redefine your business. E-commerce has become the pulse of countless enterprises, both titans and startups, and in today's whirlwind digital age, the ability to process credit card payments and execute seamless online transactions is the keystone of success.
The Emergence of E-Commerce Merchant Accounts The days of cash ruling the domain are relics of the past. Today, the realm of payments is governed by the convenience of plastic. Adapting to the acceptance of credit cards for e-commerce is no longer optional; it's a prerequisite. In an era where online shopping reigns supreme, businesses must furnish their clientele with secure, user-friendly payment options. E-commerce payment processing serves as the epicenter of this transformation, ensuring transactions proceed effortlessly, providing a frictionless shopping experience for customers.
The Complexity of Payment Processing Merchant processing is a multifaceted endeavor, far from one-size-fits-all. Certain businesses are deemed high-risk, stemming from a myriad of factors including their industry or financial history. Such enterprises require bespoke payment processing solutions. High-risk merchant processing steps in to provide tailored services, adept at tackling the unique challenges faced by high-risk businesses. Whether your business operates within the CBD sector or champions credit repair, specialized high-risk payment processing solutions await.
The Structure of Merchant Accounts Merchant accounts form the bedrock of e-commerce. They provide the mechanism for processing credit card payments and securely handling transactions. The merchant processing landscape encompasses a spectrum of services, from credit card payment processing systems to payment gateways. These systems work diligently behind the scenes, ensuring that financial flows proceed seamlessly from the customer's account to the merchant's.
Sailing Through High-Risk Waters For businesses entrenched in sectors such as credit repair or the CBD industry, securing suitable payment processing solutions can be an uphill journey. High-risk credit card processing and finely-tuned payment gateways designed for these industries offer a lifeline. They deliver secure and reliable payment choices, empowering high-risk merchants to operate with assurance.
E-Commerce: An Expansive Horizon Merely accepting credit cards for e-commerce transactions marks the beginning of the journey. The world of online trade is ever-evolving, and merchant accounts must evolve to remain competitive and deliver a seamless shopping experience to customers. E-commerce gateway solutions are at the forefront of this transformation, providing businesses with the essential tools to thrive.
The Potency of Merchant Processing Services In the expanse of E-Commerce Merchant Accounts, not all services are created equal. Find a steadfast ally, one that specializes in delivering dependable, secure, and customized payment processing solutions. Tailored high-risk merchant accounts and e-commerce payment processing services that acknowledge the unique challenges you face are your partners in your journey to success.
In the realm of e-commerce, staying ahead entails embracing the latest trends in payment processing. E-Commerce Merchant Accounts are the lifeblood of online businesses, and understanding the ever-evolving landscape is pivotal for success. Whether you navigate a high-risk sector or simply aim to provide your customers with seamless payment options, the right merchant processing solutions can rewrite your narrative.
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davidson-eric · 5 months
🌟 NESARA / GESARA: The Dawn of a New World 🌟
"The End of Poverty, The End of Debt, The Beginning of a New Golden Age!"
Prepare for a world where poverty, hunger, and debt are relics of the past, replaced by global prosperity and lasting peace for all!
💥 NESARA Joins Forces with GESARA 💥
In a monumental shift, NESARA, a comprehensive economic reform plan for the United States, has united its destiny with GESARA, its global counterpart. This momentous announcement heralds a profound transformation that will impact not only the United States but also a coalition of 206 sovereign nations worldwide. The linchpin of this transformation is the new financial system enshrined within GESARA.
🌍 A Global Gold-Standard Monetary System 🌍
Once GESARA takes center stage, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will declare the inception of a "global gold-standard monetary system." In this new era, all remaining fiat currencies will be exchanged for gold-backed currency, a significant step away from paper money. The march toward digital currencies will gain momentum under this revitalized financial system.
📈 A Transition Rooted in Simplicity 📈
To ensure a seamless transition, meticulous preparations have been made. The new financial system has been operational for months, securely hosted on a quantum server impervious to hacking or unauthorized access. Crucially, wealth proliferation is a cornerstone of this transformation. Newly minted wealth holders are more inclined to contribute to humanitarian efforts, ultimately fostering wealth for all.
📊 Wealth-Building Mechanisms 📊
This transformation might witness a shortage of skilled workers, which, paradoxically, is a wealth-building catalyst. The resulting surge in wages and salaries counterbalances the price drop stemming from tax reductions, sometimes up to 80% of final product costs, thus ushering in deflation. Lower energy costs, thanks to free-energy technologies, further contribute to this financial renaissance.
🌄 The Future: A Glorious Reality 🌄
Our future is poised to be a grand tapestry of innovation and abundance. Technologies once suppressed by the cabal, some dating back centuries, are finally being unleashed. For instance, the pristine waters of Antarctica will revitalize arid regions and infuse life into all flora and fauna. A world with personalized credit cards, Replicators that produce everything, and newfound awareness of the power of the mind to manifest our desires awaits. Real healthcare capable of rejuvenating our bodies, regrowing limbs or organs, and even reversing the aging process by decades is on the horizon.
💰 Liberation from Financial Chains 💰
Money and traditional banking, tools historically employed by the cabal to manipulate and control us within a debt-based economy, are slated for obsolescence. Coinage, however, will endure. With the elimination of national debts globally, taxes will be lowered for individuals and corporations. Instead, a flat sales tax of approximately 15% on new items will be implemented.
🏰 The Dissolution of the Global Elite's Pyramid 🏰
The current pyramid structure dominated by the global elite, governments, and corporations has reached its limit. This structure perpetuates class divisions and scarcity. True spiritual evolution arises when one's identity transcends material attachments. With the advent of free energy, advanced transportation, and Replicators accessible to all, true equality emerges. No one will be enslaved, people will pursue their passions with ample free time for reflection and creativity. Hoarding becomes unnecessary.
🚀 A Vision of Advanced Civilization 🚀
In advanced civilizations, concerns about food, shelter, and transportation are relics of the past. As NESARA and GESARA unfurl, we stand on the brink of a world where prosperity, freedom, and innovation thrive, and the human spirit soars unburdened by material concerns.
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marveltrumpshate · 11 months
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Civil Rights Advocacy & Litigation
Since there is no Avengers Initiative working to physically fight our way to a more equitable world, we have to rely frequently on advocacy, public education, and litigation to bend the arc of the work more quickly towards justice. If this is your personal charitable focus, you have a lot of options to choose from, from organizations working on systemic change for marginalized populations to those focusing on freeing individuals from the prison industrial complex and defeating censorship. 
For more information on donation methods and accepted currencies, please refer to our list of organizations page.
ALA "Unite Against Book Bans" Campaign
This campaign run by the American Library Association is the best way to fight against the book bans happening in several U.S. states. This fight is more crucial than ever; in 2022, the ALA recorded the highest number of censorship attempts in the past 20 years. The initiative works to halt the spread of censorship in school and public libraries across the U.S., empower individuals to fight censorship in their communities, and preserve our right to choose what to read. 
Autistic Self Advocacy Network 
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy should be a world in which autistic people enjoy equal access, rights, and opportunities and have their voices heard. For that reason, the organization is run by individuals on the autism spectrum. ASAN's primary focuses are advocating for policies that protect disability and civil rights, creating tools and leadership training for autistic self-advocates, and offering educational resources. 
The Bail Project
In their own words, “The Bail Project, Inc. is an unprecedented effort to combat mass incarceration at the front end of the system. We pay bail for people in need, reuniting families and restoring the presumption of innocence. Because bail is returned at the end of a case, donations to The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund can be recycled and reused to pay bail two to three times per year, maximizing the impact of every dollar. 100% of online donations are used to bring people home.”
The financial burden that bail places upon many arrestees means that they stay in the system disproportionately longer than necessary, disrupting their economic options and personal stability. This is particularly true if they’re poor and/or people of color. To fight bail and provide pretrial support is to fight mass incarceration and the racial and economic disparities of the bail system in the United States.
Center for Reproductive Rights
The Center for Reproductive Rights is the only global legal advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring reproductive rights are protected in law as fundamental human rights for the dignity, equality, health, and well-being of every person. With local partners across five continents, they have secured legal victories before national courts, UN Committees, and regional human rights bodies on issues such as access to life-saving obstetrics care, contraception, maternal health, and safe abortion services and the prevention of forced sterilization and child marriage.
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
DREDF is the leading civil rights organization in the United States that fights for and is directed by people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities. Not only does DREDF work directly with their clients to help them know their own rights, but they train and educate lawyers, lawmakers, and other societal gatekeepers to make sure they know those rights as well.
Electronic Freedom Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending civil liberties in digital spaces, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. They fight against online censorship and illegal surveillance, advocate for net neutrality and data protection, and more so that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for everyone. 
Innocence Project
The mission of the Innocence Project is deceptively simple: exonerate those who have been wrongly convicted through the use of DNA evidence. The reality of it involves much broader strokes covering support for exonerees rebuilding their lives post-release and criminal justice reform through targeted litigation and the implementation of laws to prevent wrongful conviction. They strive to restore freedom for the innocent, transform the systems responsible for unjust incarceration, and advance the freedom movement.
Native American Rights Fund
NARF is the oldest and largest nonprofit that defends Native American rights and provides legal assistance to Native American tribes, organizations, and individuals across the U.S. They concentrate on issues such as tribal sovereignty, land rights and treaty compliance, tribal natural resource protection, education on Native American human rights, and more.
Red Umbrella
Red Umbrella Fund is the first and only global fund dedicated to supporting the rights of sex workers. Their aim is to ensure that all sex workers can live free from criminalization, stigma, and violence, and the majority of their governance and grantmaking structures is composed of sex workers. In response to the lack of funding in this space, they focus on grantmaking and grant application and planning assistance for sex worker-led community groups and national/regional networks. 
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)
Most known for their work on the Texas/Mexico border but operating on the national frontlines of the fight for immigration rights, RAICES provides free and low-cost legal services, bond assistance, and social programs to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees. Among their many accomplishments, RAICES established the largest bond fund in the U.S., which they use to secure the release of individuals from ICE detention, and has more immigration lawyers than any other organization in Texas. These lawyers represent individuals, including children, in court, offer residency and citizenship services, assist asylum seekers, and deal with removal defense. RAICES also offers social services ranging from case management and resettlement assistance to a national hotline connecting migrants with local community resources and transit support for recently released migrants.
Southern Poverty Law Center
They’re mostly known in the U.S. as a hate group watchdog of sorts, but their work goes beyond tracking and exposing hate groups and promoting tolerance education programs. SPLC works on voting rights advocacy, children’s rights, immigration reform and family reunification, LGBTQ+ rights, economic justice, and criminal justice reform, working “with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.” Essentially, if there is injustice against a vulnerable and/or marginalized group in the U.S., SPLC aims to address and fix it.
Transgender Law Center
Transgender Law Center, the largest trans-specific and trans-led organization in the U.S., changes law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely and authentically and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression. Through its precedent-setting litigation victories and community-driven programs, TLC protects the rights of transgender and gender nonconforming people in areas spanning employment, prison conditions, education, immigration, healthcare, and more.
Violence Policy Center
Named "the most effective…anti-gun rabble-rouser in Washington” by none other than its opponent, the National Rifle Association (NRA), the Violence Policy Center has a long and proven record of policy successes on stopping gun violence. The VPC informs the public about the impact of gun violence, exposes the profit-driven marketing and lobbying activities of the firearms industry and gun lobby, offers expertise to policymakers, organizations, and advocates on the federal, state, and local levels, and more.
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financeattips · 9 days
A Primer for Beginners in Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency has taken the financial world by storm, a phenomenon held in equal parts awe and scepticism. What is cryptocurrency, and why should beginners care? This guide will answer all these questions and provide a true definition of cryptocurrency, for the uninitiated.
What is Cryptocurrency?
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At its most basic, cryptocurrency is any type of digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Cryptocurrencies — which are not issued by a central government (like the US dollar or Euro), operate on networks known as blockchains. This decentralization means that it is not owned by a single entity, like the central bank of each country.
How Does Cryptocurrency Work?
Decentralization, Transparency and Immutability are the killer features of blockchain technology which is being utilized by cryptocurrencies. A  blockchain is a distributed ledger that keeps track of all transactions across a network of computers. When a block of transactions is added to the blockchain, it means that every new transaction in completion (e.g., money moving from one account to another) makes an update on all ledgers for their users.
The opaque and unreliable centralized system is avoided, allowing the data to be secure (distributed AND only YOU hold access), prompt & transparent. Bitcoin, the first and most famous cryptocurrency is a case in point: Bitcoin uses blockchain technology to enable peer-to-peer transactions without an intermediary (like a bank).
Popular Cryptocurrencies
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Bitcoin, is the best-known cryptocurrency and there are thousands of other cryptocurrencies with various uses and functionality. Here are a few notable ones:
Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts (like dApps) on its platform.
Ripple (XRP): While Ripple is designed as a digital payment protocol, it still serves the same use case of enabling instant and cheap across borders.
Litecoin (LTC): Often dubbed as silver to Bitcoin's gold, Litecoin has faster transaction confirmation times.
Why Invest in Cryptocurrency?
There are few reasons for which a realization of benefits can seem attractive in investing this digital currency.
High upside: Cryptocurrencies can also gain value by huge percentages. For example, the early investors of Bitcoin and Ethereum are currently smiling to their bank-account.
2. Diversification: Cryptocurrencies can be added to an investment portfolio in order to diversify it thereby decreasing the risk.
3. Innovation and Technology: Investing in cryptocurrencies is an investment into the underlying blockchain technology, a revolutionary tool with many uses beyond digital currencies.
Risks and Considerations
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But of course, as with all investment opportunities there are risks when it comes to digital currencies:
Volatility: Cryptocurrency is known for its price volatility; prices fluctuate rapidly and dramatically.
Regulatory Risks: The regulatory backdrop for cryptocurrencies is definitely a work in progress and future regulations may affect the value of these digital currencies as well as how they can be used.
Security Risks: The blockchain is secure, the platform and exchange on which cryptocurrencies are stored can be hacked.
How to Start with Cryptocurrency
There are some guidelines to help beginners who want to start investing in cryptocurrency.
Do your homework — It is important to be familiar with what you are investing; important to know what you're putting your money into, services like Coursera and NerdWallet provide thorough lessons on cryptocurrency.
Pick a Secure Exchange: Go for the most secure cryptocurrency exchange to purchase and offer cryptos Common exchanges such as Coinbase, Binance and Kraken.
Protect your investments: Store cryptocurrencies in secure wallets. Online wallets are less secure whereas hardware wallets provide advanced security to store.NEO.
4. Start Small — With all the volatility in this market, it would also be prudent to instead make a small investment and then scale into your position from there as you get more comfortable with these markets.
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Cryptocurrency is a titanic heavy weight knocking the financial industry off its axis; it opens new doors for wealth and disaster as well. These are the basics of cryptocurrency that beginners need to understand and with a responsible, well-informed entering into it can lead them being successful. successful investment. Besides, due-diligence and strategic thinking at every stage are defining factors for anyone who wants to dive into the roller-coaster world of crypto-investing.
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unpluggedfinancial · 27 days
Bitcoin and Morality: How Digital Currency Could Lead to a Better Society
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In a world where financial systems are often riddled with corruption, manipulation, and inequality, the idea that a digital currency could lead to a more moral society may seem far-fetched. However, Bitcoin, with its decentralized and transparent nature, offers a glimpse into a future where financial fairness and ethical behavior could become the norm rather than the exception.
The Moral Challenges of Fiat Currency
For centuries, fiat currencies have been the bedrock of global economies. Yet, their management by governments and central banks often introduces moral dilemmas that go unnoticed by the general public. Inflation, for instance, is a hidden tax that erodes the savings and purchasing power of everyday citizens, disproportionately affecting those with lower incomes. When governments print money to bail out failing institutions, it creates a sense of injustice—rewarding the irresponsible while punishing the prudent.
Furthermore, traditional banking systems frequently exclude vast segments of the population, particularly in developing countries, perpetuating cycles of poverty and financial exclusion. These moral challenges inherent in fiat systems raise an important question: Can we create a financial system that is fair, transparent, and accessible to all?
The Ethical Foundation of Bitcoin
Bitcoin was born out of the 2008 financial crisis—a response to the widespread disillusionment with traditional financial institutions. At its core, Bitcoin embodies principles that align with ethical behavior: transparency, decentralization, and the concept of sound money.
Unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoin’s supply is capped at 21 million, ensuring that no central authority can devalue it through excessive printing. This scarcity introduces a level of trust and predictability that fiat currencies lack. Moreover, Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, meaning no single entity controls it. Transactions are verified by a global network of nodes, making manipulation nearly impossible and fostering a sense of fairness.
Bitcoin as a Tool for Financial Fairness
One of the most compelling aspects of Bitcoin is its potential to promote financial fairness. In a world where access to financial services is often limited by geography, income, or political circumstances, Bitcoin offers an alternative. With nothing more than an internet connection, anyone can participate in the Bitcoin network, regardless of nationality or economic status.
This equal access is revolutionary. It levels the playing field, allowing individuals in developing countries to store and transfer wealth without relying on unstable local currencies or predatory financial institutions. Moreover, the peer-to-peer nature of Bitcoin transactions eliminates intermediaries, reducing fees and preventing third-party censorship.
The Influence of Bitcoin on Personal Responsibility
Bitcoin’s decentralized nature requires individuals to take responsibility for their own wealth. Unlike traditional banking, where a lost password can be reset with a phone call, Bitcoin ownership comes with the responsibility of securing one’s private keys. This shift from reliance on third parties to self-reliance fosters a greater sense of ownership and accountability.
In a broader sense, this responsibility can extend beyond financial matters. As people become more accustomed to taking control of their financial future, they may also develop a stronger sense of ethical behavior in other areas of their lives. The discipline required to manage Bitcoin effectively could encourage individuals to adopt a more thoughtful and deliberate approach to their decisions, leading to a more responsible society.
A Society Shaped by Bitcoin
Imagine a society where Bitcoin is the standard. Such a society could see significant reductions in corruption, as Bitcoin’s transparent ledger (the blockchain) makes it nearly impossible for illicit activities to go unnoticed. Every transaction is recorded on the blockchain, providing an immutable record that can be audited by anyone. This transparency could deter corrupt practices and promote honesty and accountability at all levels of society.
Furthermore, a Bitcoin-standard society would empower individuals to take control of their financial futures. Without the need for intermediaries, people could transact freely and securely, without fear of censorship or confiscation. This financial sovereignty could lead to a more liberated and morally conscious population, as individuals would no longer be at the mercy of corrupt or unstable financial institutions.
Challenges and Criticisms
While the potential for Bitcoin to foster a more moral society is compelling, it is not without challenges. One of the most common criticisms is Bitcoin’s energy consumption, with some arguing that the environmental impact of mining Bitcoin could outweigh its benefits. However, proponents point out that Bitcoin mining is increasingly powered by renewable energy and that the long-term benefits of a decentralized, transparent financial system could far outweigh these concerns.
Another challenge is the potential for Bitcoin to be used for illicit activities. While Bitcoin’s transparency makes it difficult to hide such activities, the pseudonymous nature of transactions has raised concerns. However, ongoing developments in blockchain analysis and regulatory frameworks are addressing these issues, making Bitcoin a safer and more secure option for all users.
Finally, the risk of wealth inequality in a Bitcoin-dominated economy is a valid concern. Early adopters of Bitcoin have seen significant gains, leading to fears that wealth concentration could occur. However, as Bitcoin continues to gain mainstream adoption, its distribution is likely to become more equitable, especially as more individuals and institutions recognize its value and utility.
Bitcoin is more than just a financial asset; it represents a paradigm shift in how we think about money, fairness, and morality. By promoting transparency, decentralization, and personal responsibility, Bitcoin has the potential to foster a more ethical and just society. While challenges remain, the possibilities for positive change are profound.
As we move forward into a world where Bitcoin plays an increasingly significant role, it’s essential to consider not just the financial implications, but the moral ones as well. Could Bitcoin be the key to creating a better, more ethical society? Only time will tell, but the potential is there for those who dare to imagine a future where money, morality, and fairness go hand in hand.
Take Action Towards Financial Independence
If this article has sparked your interest in the transformative potential of Bitcoin, there's so much more to explore! Dive deeper into the world of financial independence and revolutionize your understanding of money by following my blog and subscribing to my YouTube channel.
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geeknik · 9 months
What will you do if the Internet goes down?
The prospect of a widespread internet disruption is a genuine concern in our increasingly digital world. Our reliance on the internet for communication, commerce, and information access makes us vulnerable to the consequences of a prolonged outage. The centralization of our digital infrastructure, with a few tech giants controlling a significant portion of the cloud, exacerbates this vulnerability. A disruption to these services would have a ripple effect, impacting businesses, supply chains, and individuals alike.
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However, crises often breed opportunities. Could an internet outage catalyze the rise of decentralized, community-driven networks? We've seen glimpses of this resilience in mesh networks used during protests and the proliferation of open-source tools promoting digital freedom. Could such initiatives not only survive but flourish in a landscape devoid of the traditional internet? Personal resilience starts with individual preparedness. Backing up data, utilizing offline knowledge repositories, and adopting secure communication protocols are not just good practices; they're essential for digital sovereignty. Preparing for an internet outage isn't about fear; it's about empowering ourselves with self-sufficiency.
Financial autonomy is equally crucial. Recognizing that banks are susceptible to disruption, exploring alternatives like cryptocurrency (in cold storage) and localized trade becomes prudent. In essence, while we prepare for potential digital turbulence, let's ground ourselves with analog foundations. Community networks, contingency plans, and an adaptable mindset are our anchors. Our goal shouldn't be merely to endure a digital blackout; it should be to cultivate a resilient lifestyle that thrives regardless of our online connectivity.
Counter-cultures are not just about opposing the status quo; they're about resilience and adaptability. Our responses to restrictions can foster the emergence of more robust, diverse systems that align with our inherent need for freedom and privacy. As we navigate the delicate balance between convenience and sovereignty, let's remember to look beyond our screens. Our neighbors, local communities, and the independence of thought are pillars that cannot be gated or switched off.
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
I’m sure everyone’s a bit Davos’d out, but as I read the WEF and Ukraine news this week, I couldn’t help but connect the WEF ideology to Europe’s self-immolation. It’s also interesting to contrast WEF ideas for societal organization to those laid out in today’s piece from Linda M. Nicholas and Gary M. Feinman who argue what made the ancient city Monte Albán so long-lasting and broadly successful was its relative equality in lifestyle, its collective action, and localized economic production. 
A commonly asked question ever since NATO’s war against Russia in Ukraine really kicked off last February is why on earth would Europe go along with the American neocons in their policies that are driving Europe towards deindustrialization and a long-lasting energy crisis while the US reaps the rewards in LNG exports.? After all, these are some of the same countries that said no to Iraq and watched Washington bungle that job, as well as Afghanistan and its regime change efforts in Syria. From Wolfgang Streeck:
This makes it all the more amazing that European countries should, apparently without any debate, have so completely left the handling of Ukraine to the United States. In effect, this represents a principal turning the management of his vital interests over to an agent with a recent public record of incom­petence and irresponsibility.
Could European leaders not see that the Ukrainian proxy war plan was a shortsighted one that would decimate their economies? Politico reported the following last week:
At their final summit of 2022 in December, EU leaders insisted they had heard the call. The meeting produced an instruction to the European Commission to rapidly draw up proposals “with a view to mobilizing all relevant national and EU tools” to address the dual energy and competitiveness crises hitting European industry. The issue is due to dominate an EU leaders’ summit scheduled for February 9-10.
Did it truly take European leaders 10 months to come to grips with this fact? Or is it possible that they simply not care? Davos is a reminder of these leaders’ vision of the world, which is encapsulated by the WEF and its idea of a trans-national capitalist elite. National industry is an  outdated concept to them, and Russia represents an existential threat to their ideology of oligarchic rule. The WEF essentially acts as a capitalist and war consulting firm and a gigantic lobby. Diana Johnstone, former press secretary of the Green Group in the European Parliament, writes:
[The WEF] is powerful today because it is operating in an environment of State Capitalism, where the role of the State has been largely reduced to responding positively to the demands of such lobbies, especially the financial sector. Immunized by campaign donations from the obscure wishes of ordinary people, most of today’s politicians practically need the guidance of lobbies such as the WEF to tell them what to do.
On top of such guidance, the WEF Young Global Leaders program helps spread this slime throughout the European halls of power. Here’s a list of those I could find who are currently in European government or other notable positions, and there are no doubt many more:
Alexander De Croo, prime minister of Belgium
Emmanuel Macron, president of France
Sanna Marin, the Finnish prime minister
Annika Saarikko, FInland minister of finance
Annalena Baerbock, German foreign minister
Amélie de Montchalin, French minister for the environmental transition and territorial cohesion
Tomas Pojar, Czech foreign minister
Virginijus Sinkevičius, European commissioner for the environment
Eva Maydell, member of the European Parliament from Belgium; her big priority is pushing a digital single market
Leo Varadkar, the Irish Taoiseach
Lea Wermelin, Danish Minister for the Environment
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis was only nominated for a WEF global leader of tomorrow spot, but he’s been trying to prove his worth ever since.
Chrystia Freeland, she’s deputy prime minister of Canada, but included here because of her synergy with Victoria Nuland and her fascist goals abroad, especially in Ukraine
Kalin Anev Janse is the Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Management Board of the European Stability Mechanism, which works to force austerity and privatization onto eurozone countries.
Klaus Regling, who was head of the European Stability Mechanism from its inception in 2012 until last year.
Dr. Katarzyna Pisarska, the Founder and Director of the Visegrad School of Political Studies, which brings together young politicians, civil society activists, journalists and civil servants from the countries of the Visegrád Group. You might know the Visegrad Group from its Twitter account Visegrad24 that celebrates certain elements of Ukraine’s military:
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And there are hundreds more young global leaders in finance, NGOs, media, academia, and lower levels of government, almost all of them working hand in glove to realize their common beliefs that are generally neoliberal, corporatist, undemocratic, and exhibit a disdain for the working class. Do these “global leaders” really care if what’s left of their countries’ industry needs to be relocated to the US or elsewhere? After all, to them national sovereignty is outdated. As Thomas Fazi writes at Unherd:
Samuel Huntington, who is credited with inventing the term “Davos man”, argued that members of this global elite “have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the elite’s global operations”.
The “Davos man” also believes that the working class will soon be replaced by Artificial Intelligence. He has been outsourcing jobs for years, and thinks further deindustrialization will help the green transition. Johnstone describes how the WEF-influenced Greens in Germany want to remake the country’s industry:
The Greens have not forgotten the environment, and see “climate neutrality” as the “great opportunity for Germany as an industrial location.” The development of “climate protection technologies” should “provide impetus for new investments.” Their program calls for creation of a “digital euro,” secure mobile “digital identities” and “digital administrative services.”
Indeed, the Green economic program sounds very much like the Great Reset advocated by the World Economic Forum at Davos, with a new economy centered on climate change, artificial intelligence and digitalization of everything.
Here is Young Global Leader and current German foreign minister from the Green Party Annalena Baebock explaining why she doesn’t listen to Germans’ concerns over job losses or freezing to death:
Vladimir Putin was also a WEF Young Global Leader. Here’s Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the WEF and man with the plan to discard rule by the people in favor of rule by corporate interests, bragging that Putin was a member of his Young Global Leaders program:
They don’t advertise that so much anymore, as Putin became a traitor to the WEF cause. Russia was a major topic of discussion at this year’s Davos gathering, which was themed “cooperation in a fragmented world,” by which they mean the world is now fragmented due to Russia and China’s refusal to bend the knee. Both Moscow and Beijing represent an existential threat to the WEF ideology because as Michael Hudson has explained time and again, the true battle being waged is between financial oligarchy on behalf of the Davos crowd and a mixed public-private economy in places like Russia, China, and elsewhere in the global south.
The fragmentation of western societies was not on the agenda, but European polls clearly show a break.
In the EU Key Challenges of Our Times autumn poll, 70 percent of working class respondents believe the war in Ukraine has had serious financial consequences for them personally; only 49 percent of upper class respondents believe the same. Forty-five percent of working class respondents are satisfied with the EU involvement in Ukraine; 71 percent of the upper class is.
These numbers are remarkable when considering the unprecedented propaganda campaign in Europe. As Wolfgang Streeck puts it in New Left Review, in Germany any questioning of the war is silenced even as the threat of nuclear annihilation grows:
Those disposed to undertake a close reading of the public pronouncements of the governing coalition of the willing can recognize traces of debates going on behind the scenes, over how best to prevent the Great Unwashed getting in the way of what may be coming to them. On 21 September, one of the chief editors of FAZ, Berthold Kohler, a hardliner if there ever was one, noted that even among Western governments ‘the unthinkable is no longer considered impossible’. Rather than allowing themselves to be blackmailed, however, Western ‘statesmen’ have to muster ‘more courage… if the Ukrainians insist on liberating their entire country’, an insistence that we have no right to argue with. Any ‘arrangement with Russia at the expense of the Ukrainians’ would amount to ‘appeasement’ and ‘betray the West’s values and interests’, the two happily converging. To reassure those of his readers who would nevertheless rather live for their families than die for Sevastopol – and who had hitherto been told that the entity called ‘Putin’ is a genocidal madman entirely impervious to rational argument – Kohler reports that in Moscow there is sufficient fear of ‘the nuclear Armageddon in which Russia and its leaders would burn as well’ for the West to support to the hilt the Zelensky view of the Ukrainian national interest.
The peoples’ lack of support to “die for Sevastopol” is similar to their unwillingness to go along with plans to destroy their lives and enslave them to a techno-capitalist system of exploitation, which is perhaps why plans like this are being floated:
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European polls show major divergence on labor issues, such as 52 percent of the working class rating fair working conditions as the most important to the EU’s social and economic development. Only 30 percent of the upper class feels the same way. And 66 percent of the EU working class feel their quality of life is getting worse; only 38 percent of the upper class feel the same way.
One need look no further for fragmentation between the WEF elite and working stiffs than Young Global Leader and French President Emmanuel Macron who is treated like royalty in Davos while back in France he’s faced nearly four years of gilets jaunes protests against his austerity and neoliberal policies, and some French can’t bear the sight of him:
And another:
They rolled out Henry Kissinger at Davos so he could tell the .001 percent they’ve been right all along about Ukraine, and they should now double down by rushing the country into NATO. The 99-year-old apparently wants to add to his 3-4 million body count before he kicks the bucket. As Spencer Ackerman writes:
The elite of the World Economic Forum consult one of the architects of today’s world to guide them out of the polycrisis he played a role in creating. And he inevitably reinforces the convictions of this same class, who most benefit from the way the world currently is, that they and they alone hold the keys to responsibly guiding the world out of the polycrisis. And if they further extract wealth from the wreckage of a polycrisis-wracked world, who’s to say there’s anything wrong with that? Certainly no one at Davos.
Even if these like-minded leaders lay waste to Europe, they probably think they can follow in the path of one of the WEF Young Leader trailblazers: former British Prime Minister and war criminal Tony Blair. After he left government he began “operating a dizzying, and often overlapping, web of charities, firms, and foundations that have catapulted him to the status of one of Britain’s wealthiest people.”
He travels around giving interviews warning against the dangers of populism and free public services – a task that is no doubt more difficult with Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” no longer offering him free rides.
The problem is that before these people can cash in à la Blair, they just might get us all killed first. As Patrick Lawrence wrote at Consortium News after Angela Merkel’s (another WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow) revelations that the Minsk Accords were simply a ruse intended to buy time for Ukraine to prepare for war:
A measure of trust was essential between Washington and Moscow even during the Cold War’s most perilous passages. The Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved as it was because U.S. President John F. Kennedy and the Soviet premier, Nikita Khrushchev, were able sufficiently to trust one another. This trust no longer exists, as Putin and other Russian officials have made clear in responding to publication of the two German interviews.
Moscow and Beijing have said repeatedly since Joe Biden assumed office not quite two years ago that there is no trusting the Americans. The follow-on thought is that there is no point negotiating with them in a diplomatic context. For various Russian officials, from Putin on over and down, Merkel’s revelations seem grimly to have confirmed these conclusions.
It is a major turn that Moscow now includes the Europeans, and especially the Germans, in this assessment. Germany now tells the lies of which the American empire is made — a matter of anxiety and sadness all at once. If scorched-earth diplomacy is a fitting name for what the West has been up to in its dealings with Russia since 2014, as I think it is, the German bridge between West and East has been burnt.
The gravity of these conclusions, the implications as we face forward, are immense for the West and non–West alike. A world replete with hostilities is one we all know. A world devoid of trust and talking will prove another matter.
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oh-peachpit · 10 months
The Power of Net Marketing: Unlocking Success in the Digital Globe
Recognizing the Basics of Net MarketingIn today's electronic age, online marketing has come to be a crucial method for companies of all sizes. Whether you are a tiny start-up or a reputable corporation, utilizing the power of the web can open up limitless possibilities to get to and engage with your target market. Online marketing encompasses a vast variety of techniques and methods, consisting of seo (SEO), social media sites marketing, material marketing, email advertising and marketing, and much more.One of the
essential benefits of online marketing is its capacity to target specific demographics and geographical places, making sure that your message gets to the right individuals at the correct time. By leveraging data analytics and tracking tools, companies can acquire beneficial understandings into consumer actions, choices, and getting patterns. This enables them to develop individualized and very targeted marketing projects that are most likely to transform introduce clients. Web marketing also provides an equal opportunity for companies, enabling smaller companies to complete with larger ones, as long as they have a strong online visibility and a well-executed advertising strategy.The Perks and Challenges of Web MarketingInternet marketing uses many benefits that conventional types of advertising just can not match. Firstly, it gives an affordable method to promote product or services, especially for organizations with restricted advertising and marketing budgets. With web marketing, you have the ability to get to a global audience without breaking the financial institution. Additionally, online marketing is highly quantifiable, providing real-time data on the performance of your campaigns. This allows for fast changes and optimizations to maximize results.However, web marketing likewise includes its reasonable share of challenges. The digital landscape is frequently advancing, and remaining up-to-date with the most current patterns and technologies can be overwhelming. Additionally, with enhanced competitors, it can be challenging to attract attention from the group and catch the interest of your target audience. Building depend on and credibility online is one more obstacle that businesses deal with. Consumers are ending up being progressively wary of on the internet rip-offs and phony advertising, making it essential for companies to develop a trustworthy on-line visibility and provide value to their customers.In conclusion, web marketing is an important device for businesses in today's electronic globe.
By recognizing the basics and leveraging its advantages, organizations can unlock new chances, reach broader target markets, and ultimately drive success. While challenges exist, staying informed and adapting to the ever-changing electronic landscape will guarantee that your internet advertising efforts generate rewarding outcomes.
Read more here https://cyonlinemarketingandseo.com/philadelphia/
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Finland is increasingly looking to foreign nurses to fill its shortage of healthcare workers, but a new survey by Finland's major nursing union finds that many of these individuals are facing problems at work.
Immigrant background nurses face racism and discrimination at work, reports Ilta-Sanomat, citing a survey by nurses' union Tehy.
A significant portion of foreign-born nurses working in Finland said they believe that healthcare workers do not receive equal treatment. Some 38 percent of immigrant respondents said they felt that not all employees are treated equally at work. Among all respondents, this opinion was held by a smaller share, 24 percent.
The situation could be improved, respondents said, by investing more time and resources in orientation, language classes and diversity training.
The survey drew responses from over 18,600 Tehy members.
Ukraine veterans
Hufvudstadsbladet headlines its lead story "No one is looking after Finnish war veterans returning from Ukraine", reporting that fighters are currently left to process traumatic experiences on their own.
Finnish citizens returning from battles in Ukraine want the authorities to draw up a plan for psychological support, according to the Swedish-language daily.
Many veterans don't have the financial means to access private therapists, Markus Mattsson, a psychologist who has met many Finns returning from Ukraine, told HBL.
Finland has no official figure on how many Finnish volunteers have participated in the fighting in Ukraine. The Finnish Defense Forces claim they do not track Finns there at all, while the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service (Supo) has put the figure around ten, though saying it cannot provide an exact number.
That said, it's impossible to estimate how many Ukrainian war veterans will eventually return to Finland, the paper reports, adding that one returning veteran told the paper that more than 50 Finns have fought on Ukrainian frontlines.
Back to basics
The issue of digital devices in schools has been heating up in Finland, especially after a citizens' initiative sought to ban smartphones in classrooms earlier this year. Government negotiations this spring also took up the issue of limiting the use of smartphones in primary schools.
Helsingin Sanomat's readers are interested in news from neighbouring Sweden, where the education minister has said the country's schools are switching off digital devices.
Sweden is focusing on physical textbooks and wants to reduce the role of digital devices in education, HS reports. Over the next two years, Sweden aims to increase the budget allocated for physical educational materials by 70 percent.
The move follows research by the Swedish National Agency for Education, which suggested that students learn better when reading material from printed books rather than digital devices.
Principal Marko Leppälä Smolander of Stockholm's Swedish-Finnish school, however, told HS that the approach seemed somewhat hasty, noting that digital tools enhance learning at his school.
"As a parent myself, I can appreciate this idea of reducing screen time. It's challenging to achieve at home, so maybe the thinking is that it's something for schools to do."
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cyarsk5230 · 2 months
🚨BeyHive for Harris🚨
To the BeyHive: this is our moment to make a difference. By supporting Kamala Harris, we are standing up for a leader who fights for justice and equality. Here’s how we can come together and make an impact:
1.Spread the Word: Use your social media platforms to share your support for Kamala Harris. Create posts, share stories, and engage in conversations using hashtags like #KamalaHarris . Let’s flood the digital space with our message of unity and hope.
2.Get Informed: Educate yourself and others about Kamala Harris’s policies, achievements, and vision for the future. Knowledge is power, and the more informed we are, the stronger our support will be.
3.Volunteer: Join local campaign efforts, participate in phone banking, canvassing, or virtual events. Every hour you contribute helps bring us closer to victory.
http://4.Vote and Encourage Voting: Ensure you’re registered to vote, and encourage your friends, family, and fellow fans to do the same. Voting is our most powerful tool for change.
http://5.Support Financially: If you can, consider donating to Kamala Harris’s campaign. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps fuel the fight for a brighter future
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adasitecompliance · 1 year
How To Avoid a Website Accessibility Lawsuit
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Every day, thousands of people are unable to use and interact with websites because of web accessibility issues. This can lead to a website accessibility lawsuit for you or your company. Over the past few years, certain regulations and guidelines to prevent this have emerged – more specifically, the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
The Act was carried as a civil rights legislation, which passed in the US to protect the rights of people with disabilities, as well as prohibit any discrimination against them. As per the ADA website rules, all people with disabilities have to have equal opportunities to participate in programs, receive services, seek knowledge, and express themselves freely.
Why Is Web Accessibility Important?
Website accessibility refers to the ability of people with a wide range of physical and mental disabilities to access websites, products, systems, services, and facilities featured on a website. For instance, web accessibility means that visually impaired or blind people can purchase tickets, use apps, recharge transportation cards, and use other services offered online.
Web content should be accessible to people, even ones using screen readers and other assistive technologies and automated tools. In times when around 1 in 5 people in the U.S. lives with one or more disabling conditions, statistics show that there are more than 50 million people in the United States and around 1.3 billion around the world who have a certain form of disability.
At the same time, improved digital accessibility benefits everyone. The features that would be designed for 20% of the population can also be used by the other 80% – we all know that anyone can be affected by a disability, which is why equal access matters. Adhere to these new standards for the disabled or you are likely to face a website accessibility lawsuit soon.
Digital Accessibility Features That Can Benefit Everyone
Some of the most important digital accessibility features that can benefit everyone include the following:
Text-to-Speech and Voice Recognition features, help people access online services on a mobile device when driving, or when their hands are full.
Features that enable captions on media content, can help when you are in a noisy environment or in situations when you don’t want to distract others.
An option to easily magnify text by screen magnifiers, which can help disabled and people with vision impairments and difficulties, but also people who suffer from temporary eye injuries.
Besides regular business compliance, an ADA site can improve the overall marketing of the company, especially when using the right tools that are known as popular in this manner. These can assist you in avoiding a website accessibility lawsuit.
About ADA & The Web Accessibility Guidelines
Web accessibility guidelines have existed for two decades. They aim to bring usability and user experience design together, removing barriers for people with disabilities and enabling more users to complete tasks online.
Generally speaking, these guidelines are designed to provide a sufficient level of detail for any person interacting on the web. Some guidelines involve discrete and identifiable criteria (for example, embedding images and link areas with appropriate text) while others require greater amounts of professional discretion (the use of code to improve navigability, predictability, compatibility with certain software, etc.).
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Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Establishing a legal framework around digital accessibility ensures that companies give equal access to content to disabled users, and make their services accessible to a large audience. Over the past decade, companies have been rushing to embrace accessibility in order to strengthen their financial and ethical benefits. The legal requirement came into effect in 2010, known as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
This legal framework outlines all the digital accessibility requirements for every company profile in the United States. Basically, ADA compliance ensures that a set of laws is put in place to prevent any discrimination against people with disabilities. It is applicable in all areas of public life including work, school, education, and transportation services. Established by the Department of Justice, ADA compliance requires websites to enable people to use the Internet as well as online services.
Who Needs To Follow The ADA Requirements?
There are three main titles within ADA, where Title I applies to all businesses with at least 15 full-time employees. Title II of the ADA applies to state and local government compliance. Lastly, ADA Title III refers to most businesses as well as non-profit business entities in the “accommodation” and “public spaces” categories.
Online services and digital information are also considered public accommodations and require ADA compliance. Below is a summarized list of companies, businesses, and organizations that are required to comply and are at risk of ADA lawsuits in case of violations:
State and local government offices
Private business entities employing 15 or more people
Corporations that operate for the benefit of the public
Banking Institutions
Hotels and travel/tour agencies or businesses
Hospitals and healthcare institutes
Schools, universities, and educational institutions.
A document known as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is what has been the globally accepted standard defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The regulations spread through three levels of accessibility for both online and digital services, including:
Level A is the minimum level of accessibility that is required for individuals to make digital content accessible to people with disabilities.
Level AA is the medium level of accessibility that is required for individuals to access and interact with digital content, navigating it without any barriers.
Level AAA is the maximum level of accessibility that is required for individuals, where digital content needs to be accessed but also has an additional interface layer, providing the most convenient experience.
Many types of web content are unable to reach Level AAA. On the other hand, Level AA compliance is the minimum required level in order to make a website accessible.
Why Are WCAG 2.0 And 2.1 Created?
The WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1 guidelines have been created to provide a clear methodology and a unique standard for digital accessibility that meets the needs of all individuals, companies, and governments. The standard applies to a broad range of web technologies, implemented by a set of web development and web design techniques, as well as tested by a range of automated tools.
In times when many businesses or website owners don’t understand how people interact with their websites or mobile apps, having an ADA website that conforms to the regulations can help you prevent accessibility lawsuits.
Moreover, a website designed as per the latest website usability and accessibility reviews is a good way to expand your reach to a broader target audience, improve your marketing efforts, and ensure that every user has equal access to your information, products, or services.
Here, it is important to prepare the digital content including text, audio, video, graphics, and illustrations with alternatives, as well as use formats that are supported by the users’ assistive technologies.
Still, the remaining challenges include the lack of skilled developers that are trained in accessibility, as well as the lack of awareness about ADA compliance and how to build an ADA-compliant website or mobile app and avoid a website accessibility lawsuit.
U.S. Rehabilitation Act
The U.S. Rehabilitation Act is a federal law that prohibits any discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal agencies. The rule applies to programs receiving federal financial support and includes the following two sections designed for website accessibility compliance:
Section 504 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act, protects children and adults with disabilities from discrimination in schools and workplaces. There are specific accessibility criteria for online educational resources.
Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act, where government bodies and federal services are required to make electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to all people, including disabled people.
ADA Lawsuits Are On The Rise: Is Your Website At Risk?
While many still don’t understand what accessibility is and why it is important, advocates are everywhere writing guides and helping website owners understand and implement these digital accessibility rules. However, website accessibility lawsuits are on the rise and make the news nearly every day in the United States. This happens mostly because there are still no enforceable regulations for website accessibility.
The set of regulations is under Section 508 by law, where federal websites in the U.S. are required to check and meet these standards. In order to prevent ADA lawsuits, most simply follow Section 508 or the WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 AAA guidelines.
Accessibility laws are changing and are different in many countries. Besides the U.S., the UK and Canada are also starting to enforce accessibility. However, we will stick to the site accessibility lawsuits and how to prevent them by complying with the law while making your website accessible.
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Popular Website Compliance Lawsuits & Settlements
Statistics from Seyfarth show that in 2018 alone, there were a total of 2258 website accessibility lawsuits to the federal court, which was a 177% jump from the previous year. In 2019, the number of cases also increased, most of which were in the retail, food service, entertainment and leisure, travel/hospitality, self-service, and real estate industries.
One of the first federal court lawsuits filed against a big name occurred in 2006, when the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) as the plaintiff sued Target, a U.S. supermarket chain, for its inability to comply with ADA rules.
In the hospitality industry, Domino’s Pizza was one of the companies which received a lawsuit filed in federal court. In 2016, a visually impaired man sued the popular chain because his screen reader was incompatible with their mobile app, so the device could not read aloud its contents.
In 2012, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) filed a lawsuit against Netflix, for not providing closed captions in its online TV and movie streaming services. The plaintiff has taken legal action against the popular streaming service and the case quickly arrived at federal court.
Education facilities have not been exempt from lawsuits, too. Two federal class-action lawsuits were filed against Harvard and MIT by the National Institute of the Deaf (NAD) for not providing captions in their online content and courses. After four years of legal action on federal court grounds, Harvard was made liable to pay $1.5 million in litigation and attorney fees.
In most of these cases, big names could have saved themselves from litigation costs and bad publicity by simply adding some accessibility features to their website to reduce the risk of such lawsuits.
Recent posts show that even today, the number of lawsuits filed against companies in federal court actions is increasing. Many small to medium-sized businesses are on the radar, too. Among all states, New York, California, and Florida seem to be hotbeds for legal ADA-related lawsuits.
How to Comply With The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
If you want to prevent an ADA lawsuit, the only route is to plan for, design, as well as build an accessible website. This form of inclusive design should optimize content and help the visually impaired, as well as people with other disabilities, to use and interact with your website.
In fact, every business with a website, mobile app, or internet software application should hire an accessibility specialist to go over the site and ensure full ADA compliance. In order to have an ADA-compliant business website optimized for people with disabilities, you will need to hire these experts who know what needs to be changed and how to ensure compliance.
For instance, if you apply ARIA with HTML5 or your image alt tags are not written properly, you could be facing a lawsuit. However, the source of most ADA lawsuits is the actual inability to access web pages or mobile apps, especially for visually impaired or blind people who use assistive technologies.
There are some builders that are integrated within content management systems and help website owners make the site ADA-compliant. Elementor, a popular WordPress theme-building, and page design plugin are one of them. The plugin helps incorporate parallax, dynamic content, and animations that comply with the accessibility guidelines. There is also the creation of new themes, headings, and footers with full developer control.
What Can You Do To Create An Effective ADA Website And Comply With WCAG: Checklist
The WCAG guidelines outline a set of principles and techniques that make web content “perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust.” In other words, users should be able to access content, use interactive elements, navigate through web pages and apps, and use the content on their device of choice.
There are three vital ways to achieve the goals for website accessibility:
Correct use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Organization of content properly and logically, so that both humans and assistive tools can interpret its layout, including the use of text alternatives for visual content (YouTube is a good example of this – the platform was designed to automatically add captions to videos uploaded on the network).
Extra attributes are added to HTML and other code so that assistive devices can be used effectively, complying with the existing web accessibility standards.
From Braille readers used for hearing and reading text or images to screen readers and magnifiers for blind or visually impaired users and keyboard/joystick navigators for people who can’t use a mouse or other input controls, all of these ways ensure compliance.
How Do You Test Web Accessibility Across Different Devices?
There are two main ways to test how content shows on a website or mobile app.
The first is automated testing, which involves running a test against the latest WCAG principles. With this method, you can identify 20% to 30% of the compliance issues. That is why developers use it as a starting point when familiarizing themselves with the WCAG requirements set by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Second is manual testing, which is obviously more detailed and complex and will deliver the BEST RESULTS. Here, the testing should identify areas of partial compliance with regulations. Common tests use keyboard-only testing schemes to identify where certain issues occur for people who cannot use mouse or touch interfaces. We specialize in manual testing and correcting all errors.
Within manual testing, there is also the practice of testing pages and case scenarios with a screen reader or an emulator that shows how a webpage will respond to a user who wants to access content with text-to-speech technology.
Run a FREE SITE SCAN with us today to test the accessibility of your website.
Facing An ADA Lawsuit? Here Are 4 Steps To Make Your Site Accessible
As we mentioned above, the purpose of the ADA is to ensure that any disabled person has the same opportunity and rights as others in ensuring that digital content is accessible. Violating ADA can land you a lawsuit and some serious fines (up to $20,000 or more), and the best way to avoid potential litigation for a violation is through the four steps below.
Identify Your Barriers – Examining your business site and any of its features that could be a barrier to people with disabilities is usually the best place to start. Know that having more text is never a bad idea, as more people use assistive technologies nowadays. Put yourself in the shoes of an impaired person and try to understand whether your site is designed so you can freely navigate through its pages.
Understand The Requirements – Understanding the ADA requirements is equally important for everyone. New websites are already being designed with web accessibility in mind, and seeing what these rules require can only help you visualize and plan for new content in a better way.
Train Your Staff To Assist – If you work with a web design specialist, make sure that person is familiar with WCAG and able to align your content and marketing tools to support the ADA laws.
Hire A Professional – If you have multiple websites, or find it difficult to optimize your company website to comply with web accessibility laws, you can always seek our professional assistance to prevent an ADA lawsuit.
Hiring expert ADA consultants to audit the level of your website’s accessibility, provide guidance on remediation, and maintain accessible design is recommended if you want to lower the risk of a potential lawsuit.
Final Words
The bottom line of complying with web accessibility is that it offers a number of ways to build a reputation but also targets a broader audience. Users deserve to have equal access to content online, and many of their common tasks have been identified by regulators as essential for modern living. Therefore, it is vital to take advantage of these services and opportunities, and doing that would also prevent accessibility lawsuits.
Every organization, whether large or small, should ensure that they are aware of their accessibility obligations. In doing so, they will mitigate any risks of facing an accessibility lawsuit, but also maximize their revenue potential. In the end, wider accessibility equals a better online experience for everyone.
How good is your web accessibility? If you need help making your company website or mobile app accessible and complying with U.S. Federal regulations, contact us today. We will carry out a full audit and suggest the best ways to help your business site ensure full ADA compliance and prevent lawsuits.
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Social Media Platforms as Ideal Public Spheres
Three traits cornerstone Habermas' notion of an ideal public sphere; "unlimited access to information, equal and protected participation, and the absence of institutional influence” (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018). There is debate on whether social media platforms align with these requirements.
Arguments For:
Social media is an interactive space which empowers communication amongst active participants. Social media has democratised media content production, enabling equal participation by providing users with the tools necessary to independently broadcast their voice. This redistribution of power has established a media space where communication is on a peer-to-peer level rather than one-to-many (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018). This has empowered individuals to engage in discourse publicly.
The reliance on traditional media gatekeepers has been removed by social media platforms. The equal contribution of the public to the media landscape has decreased the influence of institutions (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018). Moreover, unlike traditional media, there are no gatekeepers on social media platforms which permit or deny the posting of content. This fulfils the requirement of a space absent of institutional influence.
Users also have unlimited access to all information available on social media platforms (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018).
Whilst social media fundamentally meets the requirements of a public sphere, its ideality is inhibited by multiple factors.
Arguments Against:
Unlimited access to information
Users are segregated into niche online communities and are not exposed to the unlimited information available on social media. Algorithms analyse user data to predict and present content which aligns with an individual’s interests. Users are repeatedly exposed to media which affirms pre-existing viewpoints, forming a filter bubble (Belavadi et. al 2020). The online community is separated into smaller ideologically homophilic circles, constructing echo chambers of opinion (Belavadi et. al 2020). Automated content personalisation ultimately limits information access by sheltering users from exposure to opposing viewpoints.
Equal and protected participation 
The exclusion of individuals from social media often arises as a consequence of the digital divide, which refers to the discrepancies which prevent certain groups' equal use of online spaces. Primary factors are the lack of access to the required technology, such as a stable internet connection and personal devices, and one's degree of competence with these technologies (James 2021). As individuals have varying access and competence which limits them in different ways, social media is not a space in which all individuals can equally participate.
Users are not protected when participating in discourse on social media. As mentioned in the Flinchum, Kruse & Norris reading; surveillance on social media can result in online activity impacting users’ life offline. This is reflected by the offline consequences faced by NBA player Kyrie Irving’s career after posting a link to an antisemetic film on Twitter in 2022 (Ganguli & Sopan 2022). Irving received an eight-game suspension by the Brooklyn Nets, and Nike terminated his contract 11 months prior to its official expiration (Doston & Vera 2022; Ganguli & Sopan 2022). Exemplified by Irving’s financial and reputational damage; users are held accountable offline for content shared on social media. Users may alter or limit their online presence to not reflect their views and reduce the risk of offline consequences.
The following video discusses the incident further and highlights the damage to Irving's reputation.
Source: Good Morning America 2022
Government surveillance is also an issue for protected participation on social media. This is exemplified by Douyin, the predecessor of TikTok launched for the Chinese market. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) monitors online activity and enforces strict internet censorship restrictions (Gamso 2021). Government surveillance prevents protected participation as Douyin users must limit their online expression, particularly on political issues, to avoid legal prosecution. 
The following video briefly explains the CCP's internet censorship practices.
Source: South China Morning Post 2020
Absence of institutional influence 
The commodification of user information breaches the requirement of a space free from institutional influence. Data is collected by platform owners and offered as targeted marketing to external organisations. Meta Inc., parent company of Facebook and Instagram, generated $116.6b USD in revenue in 2022 primarily from promotion (Meta Inc. 2022). Platforms themselves benefit economically from their existence, profiting from the data generated by users’ self expression. Thus, social media is not free from economic institutional influence.
Attainability of the Ideal Public Sphere
The reading acknowledges doubts on the attainability of the public sphere outside of theory (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018). Equal participation of all individuals requires the removal of all barriers which often stem from prominent sociocultural and economic issues in society (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018). Thus, the ideal public sphere theorised by Habermas may be unattainable in both the digital and physical space.
Reference List
Belavadi, P, Burbach, L, Calero Valdez, A, Nakayama, J, Plettenberg, N & Ziefle, M 2020, 'User Behavior and Awareness of Filter Bubbles in Social Media', in V G Duffy (ed), Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Human Communication, Organization and Work, Springer International Publishing, SpringerLink, pp. 81-92.
Dotson, K & Vera, A 2022, Kyrie Irving returns to the Brooklyn Nets after serving 8-game suspension, CNN, viewed 2 March 2023, <https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/20/us/kyrie-irving-return-brooklyn-nets/index.html >.
Flinchum, J R, Kruse, L M, Norris, D R 2018, 'Social Media as a Public Sphere? Politics on Social Media', The Sociological Quarterly, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 62-84.
Gamso, J 2021, 'Is China exporting media censorship? China’s rise, media freedoms, and democracy', European journal of international relations, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 858-883.
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smartclass · 2 years
Digital Teacher Learning App
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Code and Pixels is recognized as one of the “10 Most promising K-12 Tech Service Providers-2017” by Silicon India Magazine.
You may have given wonderful gifts to your child to make him/her happy. But this time, for a change, GIFT your child a ‘Bundle of Knowledge’ that will transform him/her from an ordinary student to a brilliant performer in school.
Why Tuitions
Tuitions are basically meant to recall the subject that was taught in the class. Understanding ability of each student will be different in classroom. Despite sincere attempt by School class teacher, one student may understand 90% in classroom and another student may understand only 60% in classroom. Tuitions are meant to fill the knowledge gap. Whatever student could not understand in the class should be covered in the Tuitions. If “xyz” topic is taught in the School today then the same “xyz” topic must be taught in the tuition so that student will get 100% knowledge about the subject. Some parents want to engage their children in a useful manner. Instead of wasting the time, parents prefer to have their children get involved in educational activities after school hours.
Where Tuitions are failing:
Child spends 8+ hours of his time in school with almost 8 different types of teachers to educate him/her. Each teacher has his/her own method of teaching. As we have learnt, Tuitions are basically meant for revision of subject or recall of subject, what is taught on that particular day in school, but not to learn the actual subject. In the tuitions, the student is expected to recall what he learnt in the school. But, Tuition teacher is repeating the same full-length class again in the tuition on the particular concept in his/her own way which will be different from school teaching in many ways. The way, approach, method that the Tuition teacher delivers his/her lectures to a student will contradict that of the School teacher. This will confuse the student in understanding the concept. If School teacher and Tuition teacher are not on the same wavelength then student will undergo huge mental tension and get into a confused state as to whom to follow and end up with poor learning. If the classroom has 25 students, then tuitions are also having 10 - 20 people in one batch. As a parent, the purpose of sending our children for tuition is to get personal attention. In 10 - 20 members, how do you expect to get personal attention for your child? At least in school class everyone is from the same class whereas in tuition 20 members will belong to different classes. Tuition time may be around 2 hours. How much time will the tuition teacher personally spend with your child? One teacher cannot handle all the subjects efficiently. You cannot expect a Tuition teacher to be an expert in all subjects. Generally, Maths and Sciences are covered in Tuitions. What about other subjects which are equally important?
DIGITAL SOLUTION for Tuition Problems:
Digital Teacher App is the only solution. DVD /USB versions are being used by thousands of children and now, Android based APP version is available for ease of usage. Thousands of parents have trusted DIGITAL TEACHER and purchased to their children as a supplementary learning tool. Computers and gadgets fascinate children. Instead of humans teaching tuitions, they prefer a gadget teaching them. Theory and concepts are depicted in 2D/3D animations so that there will not be any misunderstanding of a concept. Student can repeat the topics any number of times till he/she is satisfied. Not only Maths and Physical Science but they can also learn Biology, English and Social Studies.( AP and Telangana Board) The new education system allows students to write the answer in their own words about the topic rather than using the bookish language. Once a student understands the topic, he can present it in his/her own way in exams. Students can learn any time at any place, any subject, any topic, and any number of times. Let us look at the financial aspect of this software. The Monthly Tuition Fees per student is Rs.1500/- (average). So, the annual fees is Rs. 18,000/. Digital Teacher is offered at Rs.200/- per month which for 10 months it costs Rs. 2000/- only BENEFIT: This amount is for five subjects which means you spend just Rs.40/- (Rs.200/5) per subject every month. And in the bargain, get the best educational platform for your child’s future.
The conventional ways of instruction have always left a huge gap in teaching-learning experience isolating the teacher from the students.A typical student may not properly comprehend and visualize what the teacher delivers in the classroom using words and static pictures without proper care about individual differences visualizing ability and the pace of learning.In this scenario, a weak student is left behind and feels neglected.Digital Teacher App is an animated, self-learning multimedia solution, which increases the interest levels and the retention power of the students.Critical concepts are being developed and packaged using multimedia based digital solutions.
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shantitechnology · 2 years
Automate these 5 tasks using ERP Software
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ERP, or enterprise resource planning, holds great potential in today's data-driven, digitally interconnected business environment. ERP automation provides numerous benefits to corporate executives and planners, including increased efficiency and the betterment of business processes.
However, not every architecture of an ERP system is the same. In order to reduce the amount of time and effort required for routine processes, the most effective ERP automation solutions entail making certain workloads and tasks open for the rules of data governance.
Automate the 5 tasks mentioned below by STERP - one of the most reputed ERP software companies in India, using ERP Software, each of which has the potential to significantly reduce labour costs for an organisation. If you're wondering whether or not to automate some ERP system features, consider all these advantages.
1.  Workloads
ERP software may automate a wide variety of tasks. Workflow and approval diagrams are a great place to start. Making use of a flowchart is possible. Auditors can examine the smooth flow of a company's processes as they progress through their many steps and procedures. The benefits of automation can therefore be realised by implementing an ERP system with careful consideration given to typical results and workload variations.
Recurring audits are also useful in this context. Further analysis of workloads is required to determine where this automation may have the most impact and how to best incorporate it into current practices.
Keep in mind that not all workloads are created equal, especially when it comes to the business process as well as automation solutions. Assessing which workloads are the most delicate and which may be automated is a key part of the appraisal process.
Workloads, like data security, can be evaluated individually for automation of ERP systems based on factors like their location in the architecture and compatibility with cloud and on-premises systems.
Analysis of ERP features like these is useful for automating tasks and getting systems closer to their "desired state," as defined by experts. STERP (formerly known as Shanti Technology) ranks among the top ERP solution providers in India that can fulfil all of your ERP software requirements.
At the end of the day, ERP systems can be integrated with other programmes that aid in the exact automation of individual jobs.
2.  Financial Planning and Forecasting:
Financial planning and forecasting are two other areas where an ERP systm may be of great assistance when automated.
Most companies struggle with cost forecasting, and creating accurate predictive budgets is a challenging process.
Budgeting software that includes a repository for approvals is, thus, an invaluable tool. Estimates can be automatically entered into budget workbooks as part of an ERP system's automation. The following forms of estimation are available to planners:
Percentage estimates
Statistical averages
Amounts of Fixed ballpark
Predictive planning is aided by assigning monetary values to approval tasks. Organizational resource planning (ERP) systems often incorporate access management as well as an identity feature, allowing for granular control over user access based on certain roles within the company. That way, the appropriate people may reap the benefits of automation while still receiving the financial information they need to make informed decisions about budgeting and forecasting in the future.
3.  Tracking Expenses:
This is yet another procedure that requires a lot of manpower at most companies. Someone needs to keep tabs on staff and employee spending, and either approve or reject expense reports for things like trael, meals, as well as other unusual expenditures.
People seeking to expense various items to an employer and the examination of the department of HR that is trying to limit the approval of expenditure are frequent targets of comedic depictions on television. Not counting the cost of a new pair of headwear or a classic automobile as an investment in the company's future is one such example.
Still, this is another area where ERP software can really shine. Rather than having a manual review of expenses, automating this process and setting standards for data governance relieves some load from human review employees. The use of automation tools provided by ERP software developed by STERP which is popularly known for manufacturing ERP software in India is highly useful.
When an ERP tool detects an expense request that is more than a specific amount, it can immediately refuse the request and transfer the data into a graphical accounting system. Human assessors will have an easier time seeing and comprehending it this way. The "digestibility" notion is an integral aspect of the corporate transparency afforded by today's ERP system configurations. If you can observe things with more clarity, you'll be able to put them to better use. This is something that is considered by developers of software at all times.
Easy and effective problem-solving in the realm of spending tracking is guaranteed by having access to the relevant data in real-time.
4.  Payment Automation:
The accounts payable department is another area where firms can benefit from ERP automation and ERP features.
In addition to paying employees, businesses must also pay their vendors and suppliers in a timely manner.
Contractor processing is an integral part of this kind of automated solution. Businesses that distribute tax records may interact with a diverse group of third parties, including consultants. Generated documentation may be required of anyone selling a product or service outside of an employee relationship. Most high-level executives have experienced the stress of trying to complete all tasks before tax season. This is a common stumbling block, and there are typically difficult logistical hurdles to overcome. If you are looking for one of the excellent ERP software providers in India, STERP is the best pick for your needs.
Once again, the imaging and visual representation of payments facilitate their resolution and tabulation.
5.  Data Reporting and Visualization:
ERP automation handles a wide range of tasks, from payroll to product creation to invoicing as well as accounts payable, allowing firms to become more nimble and efficient. Data is commonly referred to in the business world as "business intelligence," and having that insight presented visually can have significant benefits.
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