#mesh network
Solarpunk Music to Inspire Action with Thomas Cannon
On today’s episode, Ariel talks with Thomas Cannon about solarpunk music and his new album MESH NETWORK. What was the inspiration behind this work of solarpunk ambient music? What is solarpunk music, anyway, and how can it help us today to create the just, sustainable, and equitable future that we all want to live in? Join us for a discussion of the album tracks, artwork, instruments, the process of collaborative music-making, and more.
AlexisNicole / @blackforager on Instagram’s post on culturally-specific consumption of meat and veganism:
Food prices in Canadian north articles.
Country food definition from the Canadian Encyclopedia.
You can stream or buy MESH NETWORK at Bandcamp.com; bundled with the album purchase are the liner notes for each track as well as a beautiful art book.
EXCLUSIVE: Solarpunk Presents podcast listeners can get 50% off at checkout with the code “solarpunkpresents”
You can find and follow Thomas Cannon on his Bandcamp profile and at his personal website, thomascannon.me
Connect with Solarpunk Presents Podcast on Mastodon @[email protected], or at our blog https://solarpunkpresents.com/
Connect with Ariel at her blog and on Mastodon @[email protected]
Connect with Christina at her blog, on Twitter @xtinadlr, and on Mastodon @[email protected]
Support the show on Patreon or make a one-time donation via PayPal.
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geeknik · 9 months
What will you do if the Internet goes down?
The prospect of a widespread internet disruption is a genuine concern in our increasingly digital world. Our reliance on the internet for communication, commerce, and information access makes us vulnerable to the consequences of a prolonged outage. The centralization of our digital infrastructure, with a few tech giants controlling a significant portion of the cloud, exacerbates this vulnerability. A disruption to these services would have a ripple effect, impacting businesses, supply chains, and individuals alike.
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However, crises often breed opportunities. Could an internet outage catalyze the rise of decentralized, community-driven networks? We've seen glimpses of this resilience in mesh networks used during protests and the proliferation of open-source tools promoting digital freedom. Could such initiatives not only survive but flourish in a landscape devoid of the traditional internet? Personal resilience starts with individual preparedness. Backing up data, utilizing offline knowledge repositories, and adopting secure communication protocols are not just good practices; they're essential for digital sovereignty. Preparing for an internet outage isn't about fear; it's about empowering ourselves with self-sufficiency.
Financial autonomy is equally crucial. Recognizing that banks are susceptible to disruption, exploring alternatives like cryptocurrency (in cold storage) and localized trade becomes prudent. In essence, while we prepare for potential digital turbulence, let's ground ourselves with analog foundations. Community networks, contingency plans, and an adaptable mindset are our anchors. Our goal shouldn't be merely to endure a digital blackout; it should be to cultivate a resilient lifestyle that thrives regardless of our online connectivity.
Counter-cultures are not just about opposing the status quo; they're about resilience and adaptability. Our responses to restrictions can foster the emergence of more robust, diverse systems that align with our inherent need for freedom and privacy. As we navigate the delicate balance between convenience and sovereignty, let's remember to look beyond our screens. Our neighbors, local communities, and the independence of thought are pillars that cannot be gated or switched off.
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unhinged-summer-fun · 2 years
it's nice to have a friend
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Written for Danktober 2022 Day 19: Collaring + Exhibitionism, Ponytail, National New Friends Day
Puppy!Marcus Pike x *F!Reader (22+ only)
Summary: Boba wants you to make friends while indulging in something you feel too shy to ask for as much as you want it. You meet Marcus.
Word Count: 3516
Warnings: Established relationship(s), partner swapping/swinging, daddy kink (brief), pet play, public sex, reader uses she/her (see note)
*Notes: Normally, Puppy Marcus is with a reader character who uses they/them pronouns, but since he's with the Mesh Network reader mainly in this work, reader uses she/her pronouns. Marcus' partner is still there but they're referred to in third person.
[full danktober list here]
[puppy marcus collection here]
[mesh network collection here]
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You'd never seen the club look like this. Normally, it was the usual leather and latex, whips and floggers and chains, clamps and swings, sharp moans and the smack of flesh against flesh. You know, usual things observed in any given sex club. Today it had been transformed into something different.
The booths for observation and some semblance of privacy remained at the perimeter, but the tables had been removed and soft mats covered the floor, soft enough to kneel on or lay on for longer periods of time. Bolstered beds littered the rest of the club, almost the size of mattresses and covered in a number of different patterned fabrics. Loaner leashes and collars hung on a stand by the door, but most of the people here elected to bring their own. To the uninitiated, it would look like the club was expecting the attendance of a group of extremely large animals, but you knew.
Din and Fennec broke off from the group after a quick check-in with you and Boba, giving kisses and embraces before they went. You'd see Din out on the floor, you were sure, but he'd be different than the Din you knew in the walls of the Palace. You were excited to meet him.
"You can play with him as much as you want later," Boba instructed, holding the end of your leash. He could have pulled on it lightly to draw your focus, but instead he tugged on the end of your ponytail, long and wild down your back. You didn't want to wear a tail for this, but some don't even change out of regular clothes for this kind of play. "I want you to make new friends."
Something pulled inside your heart. Boba felt bad about keeping you locked away in the Palace. You knew it was for your own safety, and never felt isolated or lonely, though the concern still remained when one looked at things subjectively. Boba almost always looked at things subjectively, coincidentally.
So here you were, at the club he owned and visited with the others in your relationship. You wanted to giggle at the realization that he'd essentially planned a playdate for you, using one of your lesser-indulged kinks.
"Yes, Daddy," you said softly. You still wanted to see what Din was like, but you'd focus on having fun and meeting new people.
"I'm going to be in my usual spot. Why don't you go visit the bar and see where that takes you?" That surprised you. Your lovers all had a jealous streak a mile wide, and almost never left you unattended while in public. Their possessiveness should have scared you, they all should have scared you, but you took pleasure and comfort under their watchful gazes. For Boba to encourage you to go off on your own was outside the norm, and spoke volumes to the trust he had in you, in everyone here.
"Okay, Daddy. Should I send anything your way?"
"When you find someone you like, I'd like to meet them. And they already know to send my drink over when I sit." His smile was warm and open, none of the reserved ice that normally hid beneath his friendliness in public. So my new friend wouldn't be getting a shovel talk, that's nice to know. "Give me a kiss, princess."
You reached up, hands on his shoulders, and kissed him slow and deep, leaving you breathless and excited. You almost forgot your mission, looking the man over with desire and interest.
He smirked. "Be good, kitten."
Then he patted your butt, spun you around, and nudged you toward the bar.
It was strange not to be prioritized at the bar. Usually, with Din or Fennec by your side, the bartender would stop instantly and take your requests right away. With Boba, they typically were always at the ready. But now, by yourself, you felt… normal. It made you giddy.
When one of the bartenders winked at you in recognition, you realized it wasn't a matter of lesser respect, but the delay was probably on Boba's orders so that you be treated like the rest, lest you be targeted by ladder-climbers that didn't actually want to be your friend.
You were already having fun, and you hadn't even been in the club for more than five minutes.
Someone jostled you from the side, a tall man stumbling as he missed the last stair up from the main floor. You could see the guards tensing, reaching in their jackets, from the corner of your eye, but you made the sign for I'm okay, carry on, out of sight of the clumsy man.
He held your elbows in a steadying gesture, so the first thing you saw were his eyes. They shone brightly, and couldn't hide the surprise and emotion in them. They reminded you of Din. In fact, a lot of this man reminded you of Din the longer you looked. He had a mess of tawny hair swept off his forehead and held together by two adorable brown clips that supported some soft, floppy ears that moved naturally. His mouth was open in a small 'o' formed by plush lips. Above his eyes, his eyebrows rose upward, like he was surprised to have stumbled at all. You noted the red and gray collar around his throat, a small tag declaring his name to be Marcus.
"Hi!" he said, after shaking his head a little. You were rather distracted by the floppy ears, and laughed in a way that you hoped conveyed forgiveness.
"Hi!" you responded. He let go of you and looked you over, checking for injuries or mishaps to your getup. "Are you okay?"
"I'm Marcus," he said, and then halted as he realized that wasn't the answer to your question. You bit your lip and giggled. He was so cute. "I mean. Yes. I'm okay. Um, are you okay?" His eyebrows went back up and his eyes widened. I completely understand why you're a puppy, Marcus.
"You can call me Kitty," you said in a teasing voice, admiring the way his cheeks flushed with color. "I'm fine, really. Come wait for a drink with me." Your boldness was a new development, inspired by how your lovers conducted themselves around strangers.
Marcus smiled. "Okay! It's nice to meet you, Kitty."
A quiet beat passed where the two of you looked one another up and down and processed your instant attraction for one another.
"Do you come to this place a lot? I've never been here before," Marcus said, wiping his hands over his thighs in a nervous tic he didn't try to hide. It endeared you to him. Your lovers often tried to hide their emotions as best as they could, so to see someone so open and emoting freely was refreshing.
"Did you just ask me if I come here often?" you teased, before grinning. "I do, I—" you hedged your relationship a moment, but didn't lie. "The owner's a friend. Of the club. Owner of the club. Not owner of me. I mean. Well also. And. Both?"
It was Marcus' turn to tease you, chuckling at your stumbling words. It wasn't long before he continued the conversation. "I've been in the scene for a while, but never really tried looking for a club setting until my partner and I were invited to this. This already seems super fun."
"I know, right?" you said excitedly. "I'm so used to just, being a housecat, so to speak." You gestured to your kitten ears pinned to your head.
"I'm not much of a lapdog at heart," he says, shrugging. The openness in your communication, the deeper understanding of one another, made the air almost electric between the two of you. "I've been told it'd be good for me to have more friends than the one I live with."
Oh, Marcus.
"I've been told the same."
Your conversation continued until the bartender brought your drinks over. Marcus was surprised when the tab was handled, but you weren't. You suspected that Boba wouldn't do a very good job at letting you off on your own all at once. "Let's sit down here, I'm so interested to explore."
The skirt you wore was short, which was to be expected at this club. You'd also lost your panties in the elevator ride up, that pair was busy being Boba's pocket square at the moment. Your top was kept simple for this, a comfy cropped tee that preserved just a bit of modesty, for the short walks from the car to the elevators and back. When you sat down on one of the oversized pet beds on the floor with your drink, you let yourself relax and slip into that kitten headspace the others had helped you get comfortable with. You repeated a few affirmations like a ritual prayer.
You're safe here. You will be taken care of. Everyone here likes you. You’re allowed to do what feels good.
Marcus almost stumbled as he joined you in the bed, just a foot away from you. He wore some thin cotton shorts, almost boxers. A few of the other pets around the room still wore buckles and leather, zippered hoods, and blinders in some cases. In fact, you and Marcus seemed to be in the minority, more concerned with the mindset of play than the theatre of it all. His eyes still wandered over your body, and you felt your blood rush at his open attraction. There was even a bit of a bulge forming in his shorts that you found your eyes drifting to every so often.
"I'll be honest, I was really nervous coming to this," Marcus admitted softly, looking down and away.
"Why?" you said, putting a hand on his knee.
"Just typical worries, really. What if I'm doing this all wrong, what if I embarrass my partner or upset them without knowing, blah blah blah," he pulls a face. "I'm sorry, this—"
"I know exactly how you feel." You cut him off, squeezing his knee until he looked up. "Marcus, I… I feel the same exact way."
His face shifted into one of mild confusion, his head tilting slightly to the side. You held his gaze until he broke into a blinding smile, all wrinkles in the corners of his eyes and the cutest dimple in his cheek. "I'm so glad I ran into you."
"Me too."
You finished your drinks and requested some water, just observing everyone and taking in the sights. Some pairs had already started in on creating the erotic atmosphere the club normally already provided, fucking shamelessly on any surface they wanted. The noises they made weren't the practiced and theatrical cries of ecstasy, but primal, guttural noises, pulled straight from the hindbrain and into the air. Even the pace of some couplings seemed frantic and almost panicked.
You looked to Marcus to gauge his reaction to the scene. The bulge in his pants had only grown, and he sat with his legs splayed open, taking advantage of his larger size and indulging in the space offered. You assumed he didn't often let himself take up as much space as he needed or wanted in his real life, and this was a way for him to stretch his muscles and just be. He gently pawed at his thighs, trying to keep his hands away from where he wanted to touch himself most.
He's very well-trained.
"You like it?" you asked, voice going a little softer, a bit higher. You always seemed to like playing yourself cuter, more coy and almost shy when you were in your kitten-space. Marcus looked over at you, eyes blown with interest. That puppy-eyed look from before had been replaced wholesale with an almost predatory look that excited you, had you shifting in your seat.
"I do," Marcus said, his voice dropping an octave from the excited tone he'd spoken with before. "I like watching. But I also like playing. Do you?"
"I do," you whispered, face flushing hotly. "I like you, Marcus," you said, meeting his eyes bravely.
"I like you, Kitty." Your breath caught in your throat and you almost whined in need. "Can we talk to your partner first before we play?"
Oh right.
"Good idea," you laughed before standing on shaky legs. Marcus put his hand at the small of your back, but didn't lead you. You took him over to Boba's table, where he had been watching you this whole time. The drink in his hand was barely touched. He was taking his time, then. "Hi, Daddy."
"Hello, kitten. Have you made a friend?"
You looked up at Marcus, who held himself as neutrally as possible. He was observant, you could tell, so he was definitely able to sense the authority emanating from Boba's body. "This is Marcus," you said, looking back to Boba.
"Pup, things alright over here?" a voice said from behind you. Another person had walked up, with a red and gray leash coiled at their hip. Marcus' partner, then.
Marcus nodded, ducking his head a bit in a sign of respect, not fear.
"I believe they're asking permission to play together," Boba spoke up. "I'm quite amenable to grant it, if you are. If you want, I've got a perfect view of them from here, we can observe together." Marcus' partner sized Boba up for a moment, that same neutral assessment Boba had given of them, before they nodded.
"Play nice, pup," they murmured, giving a tug to the O-ring on his collar before kissing him. They sat with Boba, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries. You grinned and looked between Marcus and Boba excitedly.
Boba gave you a soft smile and winked. "Have fun, princess."
Marcus took your hand then, lacing your fingers together and leading you back to the bed you'd claimed before. You knew now that you had an audience of two that were quite invested in the proceedings, plus whoever else was watching that you weren't aware of. "I'm excited," he said in your ear, that energetic tone back in his voice. As you moved to get back down on the bed, Marcus let his hands drift to your hips, tugging softly at your skirt. The want in his touch sent licks of flame to your core, and your breath hitched as you laid down.
Marcus slowly crawled atop you, muscles flexing softly in his legs and arms as he hovered, nearly caging you in with his body. You leaned up and kissed him, hot and deep and full of broken tension that had been building since the moment you met him. He moaned into your mouth, tongue swiping out to kiss you in whatever way felt best to him. You loved the way he nearly claimed your body with his, kisses going down your neck and behind your ear, marking you as his for the moment.
Your hands roamed his back and you hooked a leg over his hips, pulling him down so he could grind his erection against your body. He growled, a gravelly sound from the back of his throat that sent shivers down your spine. When he brought your hips to his, he pulled away from your mouth to watch your skirt flip up across your belly, revealing your cunt and the tops of your thighs. He made another needy noise when your arousal dampened the front of his shorts, pulling at them every time he rocked his hips backward. When you looked down, you could see the head of his cock peeking out of the waistband little by little, flushed red and shiny.
"Marcus," you whined in his ear, tugging at his shirt. It flew off his body then, landing on the bolster beside you. Marcus was fit, the strength of his body softened by the age that gave him wrinkles, gray hairs, and a bit of a soft belly. You loved it, hands going for it instantly and greedily touching wherever you wanted on his body. He shuddered out a moan, holding himself steady before kissing you again and turning over to his back. You raised up on an elbow above him, tracing his body with your hand and coming to rest on the waistband of his shorts. "Can I suck your cock?" you asked demurely, batting your eyes at him.
He groaned and nodded again, wiggling a little to get naked entirely. He held your thigh and urged it over his torso. "Like this. Wanna play with you too." His voice remained clipped, just the pertinent information as far as he was concerned.
You moaned and pumped his cock in your hand for a moment before putting your mouth on him. He filled your senses as you bobbed your head, getting him nice and wet and slick.
"Fuck, your mouth…" he groaned, letting his hands slide up the backs of your thighs and rest over your ass, squeezing and pushing them apart. You felt depraved, debauched, all those things you used to avoid. You loved it now, how sexy he thought you were, how he wanted to prove that to you. You moaned around him and he brought his thumbs closer to your cunt, spreading your lips and sliding through the slick arousal that had been there since you walked into the club. "So wet for me, Kitty," he moaned.
It was so easy to get lost in one another like this. He didn't care that he came quickly, only that you lapped it up from his spent cock. His endurance didn’t matter when he was like this. He wanted everything from you, he wanted you to squirt on his face, rub your tits on his cock, lick his balls and leave bites wherever you wanted. And you did, you did.
By the time he sank inside you, you were communicating in whines and whimpers, nothing but noise and feeling. Your hazy eyes met his, and when he moved, you pulled him down to kiss you again. The way he fucked you felt so other-worldly, like he was touching your bones, your soul, your nerve endings. It strummed your senses and would echo in your body long after you both went home.
You were both flushed and filthy when you roll apart, still cuddling and touching through all the fluids and sweat. One of your little kitty-ears had come off when he pulled your ponytail to fuck you back onto him, making your back arch so deeply it concerned him until he heard your broken, wrecked moan of approval. As for Marcus, you saw that he hadn't even gotten his shorts all the way off, and they were still hanging around an ankle even after however long you spent fucking each other. His ears were somehow still on his head, but they'd migrated closer to his eyebrows and were wildly out of place. The two of you matched, wearing your birthday suits and big happy smiles on your faces.
"We should play more often," you suggested, out of breath.
Marcus barked a laugh. "I'll say."
Someone approached your bed from the side, on his knees. You looked up and saw Din, wearing his tight compression shorts with a large wet cumstain on the front and a wild look in his eyes. Fennec was walking off toward Boba and Marcus' partner with a pep in her step and Din's leash in her hand. "Hi," Din said softly, sitting patiently just outside the bed. He was baring his neck to you, only slightly, just enough to show off the two blooming hickeys Fennec had left for him, and putting his heavy stainless-steel collar on display.
Marcus frowned, but you introduced the two of them to one another and invited Din in to cuddle. Immediately, he joined you and Marcus, spooning protectively around your back while Marcus guarded your front. Din placed wet little kisses over your neck, licking up the sweat slowly and methodically, like he was savoring the taste of you. "Missed you," he mumbled into your hair, clingy and sweet the way he only got when Boba or Fennec broke him down hard in a scene.
"Missed you too, Din," you whispered. "You have fun?"
He nodded softly. "Watched you. Liked it a lot." He pressed his wet shorts against your back, showing you just how much he liked it. "Your friend is cute."
You looked at Marcus, who was openly watching the two of you with sweet interest. "He is, isn't he?" you said with a smile. Marcus blushed cutely.
"Maybe next time we can all play together," Din suggested. For as quiet as he was most of the time, he didn't mince words when he knew what he wanted to say. "Would you like that?"
Marcus met his eyes. "I would," he said. The three of you relaxed into each others bodies, dozing off just a little to recover from all that excitement.
Your last thought before sleeping was about how much you liked making new friends.
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techdriveplay · 24 days
How to Troubleshoot Common Wi-Fi Issues
In today’s hyper-connected world, a stable Wi-Fi connection is essential for everything from remote work to streaming entertainment. Yet, despite advances in technology, Wi-Fi issues remain a common frustration. Whether it’s slow speeds, frequent disconnections, or devices failing to connect, understanding how to troubleshoot common Wi-Fi issues can save you from a lot of headaches. Wi-Fi…
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techdirectarchive · 1 month
How to create a Tailscale VPN connection to my Synology NAS
This article discusses how to create a Tailscale VPN connection to my Synology NAS. According to their documentation, Tailscale simplifies secure connections to your Network-Attached Storage (NAS) devices using WireGuard. Please see how to create New Users and Join Synology NAS to Active Directory, DSM Security: How to Protect Synology DS923+ NAS, and how to “Configure VPN on Windows Server: How…
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evansmithdev · 10 months
Rural Mesh WiFi: Part 4 - Software Defined Network
The juiciest part of the Rural Mesh WiFi series just dropped! Get the deets on software-defined networks ...
I recently had the pleasure of designing and installing a network for a family member who lives in a rural part of the country. This experience has inspired me to share the details so that other may benefit from my research and learnings. If you missed the other posts regarding this project, feel free to check them out. Rural Mesh WiFi: Part 1 – Starlink Rural Mesh WiFi: Part 2 – The Starlink…
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robpegoraro · 1 year
Weekly output: White House commercial-spyware limits, Amazon opens Sidewalk to developers, MLB's tech upgrades
This week involved my having to finish a whole more writing than what you see below, so you can imagine my relief at still being able to step away from the keyboard in time to see the Dungeons & Dragons movie with friends Friday evening. 3/27/2023: White House Exec Order Bans Government Use of Most Commercial Spyware, PCMag I wasn’t sure there was a story in this executive order until I saw…
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horse-head-farms · 6 months
with stuff like “polyhermits” do people imagine it as a full mesh network (everyone is dating everyone else) or a partial mesh network (each person is dating multiple people who are themselves dating multiple other people etc so everyone is connected even if not directly involved with eachother)
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theplushfrog · 5 months
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Hey so, I haven't seen much about this on here, but a GREAT resource for protesters, ESPECIALLY protesters who might be targeted by signal jamming cell phones.
Meshtastic is a totally open source project that basically enables radio wave texting. Think walkie-talkies but better and with texting. It's been catching on especially in Europe, but has been growing in popularity all over.
The devices use line-of-sight connections, but the fun part is that your messages can also piggy back other devices in the area to get a bigger reach (while your message stays encrypted). So the more devices in an area, the bigger signal you can use.
These are perfect for protests, concerts, hiking, or other situations where your cell signal might end up useless.
Most meshtastic devices connect via bluetooth to your phone, so you can text on your phone with the app, making it super easy to send & receive messages in a way you're already used to. There are also ones with their own keyboards so it's a fully contained texting device.
The system is totally open source, which means if you're techy, you can put together your own device for like $30-40 at cheapest. If you're not about soldering wires or 3D printing your own stuff, you can often grab these at $60-70 at cheapest. Some examples here. Just make sure you're getting one that is setup for the legal radio frequencies you can use in your country.
Right now a lot of the documentation is written for people who previously used ham radios, or are just techy sorts, so it get confusing fast, but it's quickly becoming more beginner user friendly and really is a great resource for people wishing to buck the system or have a backup system in case of emergencies.
Right now you can check out and see if there's anyone around you who have shared the location of their meshtastic nodes on these maps.
If you want more info, of course check out the meshtastic website, but there's also plenty of youtube tutorials that can help you out as well as the meshtastic discord where you can find a lot more help.
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launch-cronch · 14 days
if the deep sea cable gets chewed up, let's all use pictochat
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Episode 2.4: Solarpunk Music to Inspire Action with Thomas Cannon
Ep 2.4 SOLARPUNK MUSIC TO INSPIRE ACTION WITH THOMAS CANNON is live in the feed! Join Ariel and guest Thomas Cannon to talk about his new album of #solarpunk #ambient #music and discuss #instruments #artwork #collaborative #musicmaking and more! #podcast
On today’s episode, Ariel talks with Thomas Cannon about solarpunk music and his new album MESH NETWORK. What was the inspiration behind this work of solarpunk ambient music? What is solarpunk music, anyway, and how can it help us today to create the just, sustainable, and equitable future that we all want to live in? Join us for a discussion of the album tracks, artwork, instruments, the process…
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unhinged-summer-fun · 2 years
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Shut the fuck up thx
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techdriveplay · 1 month
How to Create a Home Network That Handles Everything
Having a reliable and robust home network is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. No matter if you’re streaming 4K content, working remotely, gaming online, or simply browsing the web, your home network needs to be powerful enough to handle everything. This article will guide you through the steps on how to create a home network that handles everything, ensuring that your digital life runs…
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zx-7 · 4 months
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evansmithdev · 11 months
Rural Mesh WiFi: Part 3 - Network Design
I recently had the pleasure of designing and installing a network for a family member who lives in a rural part of the country. This experience has inspired me to share the details so that other may benefit from my research and learnings. If you missed the other posts regarding this project, feel free to check them out. Rural Mesh WiFi: Part 1 – Starlink Rural Mesh WiFi: Part 2 – The Starlink…
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