#Find Out has kinda become my go to ship song lol
soupy-cosmos · 2 years
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Louie and Boyd drawings based on the color palettes from some single covers
Louie’s is Crush by Tessa Violet
Boyd’s is Find Out by Khai Dreams
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
rewatching the OVAs (netflix s2)
low key one of my fave intros art wise (we all know howling by granrodeo is my fave intro song lol) like the suits !! are so !! cute!!!
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and this frame is adorable !!
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I love the search for hawk sm theyre all so fucking cute
Meliodas casually dropping “you are my purpose in life” to Elizabeth like a month after they met is INSANE. Bc from his side, makes sense. Fell in love when they were young from opposite sides of a war, risked everything to be together, have been finding and losing each other for 3000 years. But from her side, he is a cool guy she has a crush on (who is at least 15ish years older than her) who she might have known as a child. He also just described her as his entire life’s purpose. Like bro THATS CRAZYYY
Seeing Meliodas destroy the horn of cernunos is such a badass moment to me. The way he responds to her taunting with direct action and violence rather than his usual merciful beating around the bush. My favorite Mel moments are when he is using his silly goofy little guy façade and suddenly has to drop it. This is when we see a glimpse of who he was when leading the 10 commandments: arrogant, powerful, and constantly full of rage
it just so happens that arrogant, powerful, and constantly full of rage are my most prized qualities in any character
maybe everyone knew this and im late to the game but damn that would be so cool
im pretty sure ban switches out his red leather for the long burgundy coat is bc he keeps getting stabbed front to back and the coat has a hole in the back so the weapon wont tear it lolll😭
i feel like their faces (esp meliodas’s) look a tiny bit janky in the OVAs
once again appreciating the intro 😌
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They’re so fucking cute !!
Merlin and Ban clearly don’t rlly like each other much yet and it’s so funny to me
Like these are Meliodas’s closest friends and they just kinda annoy each other a lot
it’s like fuckin icarly
Gustav: the captain and one of his fellow sins going one on one? We might neve see something like this again!
hahahahaha nooo. i mean gustav didn’t, he’s dead. but the rest will el ol el
Gil is the biggest dork to ever live and howzer is concerned. Mans is crying at watching them fight and howzer is just like … ok ??
Bartra: where the fuck is my daughter
his daughter: literally watching a cage fight
theyre literally the cutest
bestiesss (boyfriends)
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every one of these bitches is a fucking alcoholic
ban’s whole character is that he’s a depressed, violent alcoholic and I love him
my horrible secret is that im skipping through a lot of ova 3 bc im just not a kiane girlie😔
i do love diane tho she so babygirl
nakaba’s not even thinly veiled size kink strikes again. Seriously, i can fuck with it, but its so funny that every single main ship has a significant/abnormal height difference
hendy and dreyfus are so gay for each other im genuinely surprised it’s not canon
like look at this scene and tell me something lgbt is not happening here
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omg my pfp !!
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Howzer’s dad is such a dick i love it
Meliodas using the sugar spoon to full counter is literally so fucking cute, i love when they have to use dumb weapons
but also vivian lost to a tiny spoon hehe
bet gil regrets not killing vivian after she kidnaps and permanently fucks up his son ahaha🥲
Merlin being fucking terrifying saying that vivian should have realized that she is a monster is why im gay
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Meanwhile Meliodas:
I love when his face does that he’s so baby
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anyway time to start season 2!!
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chaoticbardlady99 · 11 months
Lethal Woman (GN! Reader x Astarion) Chapter 2
Title is inspired by the song Dove Cameron sings. The picture of Astarion is is by @aristenfromwarsaw on Tumblr. Nightmask and Astarion’s tattoo are off the internet, the picture of Rowan is from my PlayStation lol!
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Background- You are a Nightmask Death Bringer who was kidnapped by a Nautiloid Ship. Along with 6 strangers, you look for a solution to getting the unwanted tenants in your heads.
Trigger Warnings: Violence, death, mentions of abuse
Story begins in Act 1
(Sorry guys, it's kinda long)
Chapter Two- Astarion 
Chapter Three
   Blinking awake, Astarion jumps up from the ground in a panic- finding the nearest rock to hide behind. Astarion takes inventory of himself, looking for signs of burning or other injuries. Except… Astarion didn’t feel any burning at all. In fact, he can feel the sun and it feels good. Astarion steps out from the shadows with the anticipation of being burned alive, but again, nothing happens. Astarion feels a massive grin spread across his face. No Cazador. No burning. 
    It is a miracle and he has the Mind Flayer of all beings to thank for it. 
     Shadowheart had come across him first as he stood on the beach. She had seen past his false guise and there was a brief tumble between the two before they ultimately came to an understanding. They both had a tadpole in their heads and they both wanted it out of their heads. Astarion hadn’t felt that way at first, but becoming an ugly, tentacled creature wasn’t on his immortal agenda. 
    Slowly their group became bigger. An unremarkable wizard named Gale joined after Shadowheart so graciously pulled him out of his portal. Then there was Lae’zel, who just barely made the cut  (Astarion and Gale had managed to convince Shadowheart that Lae’zel was a valuable asset despite all her bitching). Last, but not least, they played “hero” outside of the Druid’s Grove and met the “Mighty” Blade of Frontiers. 
    Zevlor had asked Shadowheart if she would assist him in convincing Kagha not to force the Tiefling refugees out. Shadowheart had looked back at Lae’zell wearily before turning back to Zevlor.
 “Unfortunately, it’s going to have to wait. We are still looking for one more person from the Nautiloid crash. Their name is Rowan- they haven't happened to come through here have they?”
        As Zevlor and Shadowheart talked, Astarion pondered over Shadowheart’s insistence to find them. Astarion could hardly understand Shadowheart’s infatuation with this “Rowan”. 
You’re obsessed because she saved you? He scoffed before thinking, pathetic. That is how thralls are made.
However, now that Wyll had led them to this “Devil” he was searching for, Astarion understood the infatuation. 
     A clash of swords hit the air on The Risen Road. A scream of terror causes Astarion to stop in his tracks as a man comes clambering out of the wood building, tripping over his own feet as he looks behind him in fear. The group takes cover in the nearby brush to avoid detection.
   Before any of them could even blink, they watch the individual he is running from emerge from the entrance. They wore black, thick leather rogue armor that hugs their figure- accentuating their feminine silhouette. Their legs are covered in strapped in throwing knives. They hold a short sword and a dagger as they unhurriedly approach the man who is scrambling on the ground. However, the most unsettling part of the person’s armor is the slate black mask with eye holes and a mouth. Eyes glowing red, they menacingly watch their prey through the mask.
  “Please! I’m begging you! I- I’ll leave and,” the mysterious stranger tilts their head to the side as the man begs and lets out a slow melodic laugh. The man’s body becomes shaken with a sobs, “please! I don’t want to die.”
 “Well Anders,” they say, “maybe you should have thought about that before you attempted to kidnap my companion.” 
   The man, Anders, goes to speak, but the words die on his lips as your dagger goes straight through his mouth, piercing the back of his throat, and severing the connections between his spinal cord and his brain. Astarion hears Gale take a sharp breath next to him. The man slumps over and the Masked figure takes their dagger out of Anders’ mouth- wiping the blood off in the grass. 
  After cleaning their dagger, they stand up and take of their mask.. Their eyes went from a bright, crimson to reveal a completely different color- natural and beautiful. Their ponytail is caked in blood and sweat- falling out of its knot in tiny pieces. If they hadn’t just stabbed a man straight through the mouth with the same terrifying eyes of his master- he would describe their appearance as ethereal.
   “That’s Rowan!” Shadow Heart whispers.
   Gale looks at Shadow Heart as if he is trying to determine if it’s a joke or not. When Shadow Heart doesn’t show any sign of sarcasm, he looks at her with a touch of fear in his eyes.
  “You were saved by a Night mask Deathbringer?” Gale says in disbelief, a hint of poison in his voice. 
 Interesting. Astarion thinks, I wonder if a Nightmask Deathbringer is similar to a Bhaal Deathbringer. 
  Astarion has very limited knowledge on Deathbringers, seeing as they weren’t the kind of people you wanted to associate yourself with as a Magistrate. Well, and Bhaal Deathbringers were not necessarily known for their kindness or restraint- killing anyone who so much as looks at them funny. 
No, you were different- composed and methodical. He admires your handiwork with the dagger- quick and to the point. He can appreciate that.
   The whole party seems to jump at the sudden noise and he watches as you whip around on your heels. You throw your hands up in exasperation.
   “She couldn’t wait like five minutes for me to loot the place?!” You say before  pinching the bridge of your nose. 
  You groan out loud and Astarion flinches as another loud CRASH followed by more flames comes from the building. The destruction continues for another minute until a tall, crimson Tiefling comes out of the building. One horn broken, one horn intact.
 “Karlach,” Wyll hisses,”your ‘friend’ is working with Karlach.”
Lae’zel puts her sword out to prevent Wyll from sneaking forward. Lae’zel  glares at him.
“Careful, ishtik. They are deadly, but a valuable ally.”
Shadow Heart nods in agreement, “We can’t attack them. We should approach them at their camp. Maybe we can reason with them and then we can fight Karlach together.”
 “We don’t even know where their camp is,” Gale says, “we would need to be tracking them and not to be rude, but we certainly aren’t the quietest bunch.”
Astarion perks up- it’s his time to shine.
“No worries,” he states, “I’ll track them and find their camp.”
Despite the groups’ reluctance, Astarion was able to track down your camp. You weren’t there, but Karlach was loudly singing while setting up her tent. After getting back to camp, they all mutually agreed to go back at sunset to confront them. 
    Astarion walks alongside Shadow Heart, offering up some harmless flirting. She asks him about his current “relationship” status, he offers an ingenious response, and she rolls her eyes, annoyed.
 “This is what I get for trying,” She sighs.
  Astarion rolls his own eyes. Shadow Heart is alluring, but Gods does she have a stick up her ass. He felt like saying he “prefers savory” was funny. 
  The entire group had decided to go so that, if it came to a fight, you and Karlach would be outnumbered. Astarion argued that he didn’t think it would matter and you would be able to kill them all by yourself. Everyone nervously looked at each other, refusing to entertain the idea that their journey could be coming to a quick, short end. Astarion was very interested in seeing where this rendezvous goes. He has a good feeling. Wyll suddenly puts his hand up to signal for silence. One-by-one, each of his companions creep towards the clearing and peer through the brush. 
  “Remember that we are here to talk first” Shadow Heart curtly says to Wyll, “we don’t know if they know Karlach is a Devil. They could turn against her.”
 “As long as they don’t mess with the blade, they won’t feel the sting.” Wyll says under his breath. 
 If Astarion was capable of puking, that would have been his cue. Except he was rather busy studying you. Your face being reflected by the fire made you look soft- a stark contrast to the version of you he saw earlier. You have delicate features with scars wrapping around your neck- one of the scars crawling along your face under your left eye. Your hair is in a ponytail with your bangs braided into the rest of your hair- blood and dirt free. The color of your hair is earthy and bright. Your laughter echoes like wind chimes in his ears and he finds himself pitching forward to hear more. Your body is strong, healthy, and lean- your strength evident under your worn camp clothes. 
You are beautiful, but your body language suggests that you think otherwise. Your posture suggests a lack of self-esteem and the way you seem to try to cave into yourself tells him you are shy. Maybe even painfully so. This would be easy. He didn’t even need instincts for this- it was Seduction and Manipulation 101. 
Well, well, well, I may just be the luckiest Spawn after all.
   Astarion is in need of powerful allies- you just happen to meet that need. It would be easy to seduce you with honeyed words and attention. He knows that his condition may eventually be found out and he would need someone to defend him. Not to mention that his sociopathic master is probably searching for him- his master’s favorite toy. He winces at his thoughts and tries to refocus on what he can do to get rid of these obstacles. His brain begins to formulate a plan- the same “plan” he’s used for the last two centuries.
Seduce them, sleep with them, manipulate their feelings,  he thinks.
He smirks to himself.. This was child’s play. After he manipulates you into helping him get rid of Cazador and this tadpole, he would discard you and live his life as a free man. He would never be tortured, oppressed, or violated ever again. 
 Gale interrupts Astarion’s thoughts with a pointed question at Wyll.
“Wyll… I am pretty sure Karlach is a Tiefling.”
  Wyll turns around and stares Gale down with a look of confusion. His confusion quickly turned into irritation.
   “Karlach is a Devil, Gale,” Wyll continues, “my source is very good and is rarely wrong.”
      Venom coats Wyll’s voice.
“Testy,”  Astarion says with a shit eating grin.“I, for one, think they would both make excellent allies- Devil or not.”
    Wyll looks at Astarion with daggers before turning back around to look at the camp. Wyll freezes and reaches for his blade.
     Astarion follows his gaze and to his surprise- the camp is empty and the campfire is out. 
  Suddenly, he watches Wyll hit the ground with a hard thud. Astarion stares in shock (and admittedly, a twisted happiness) as the empty space where Wyll stood was now occupied by you.
    Astarion feels a sense of dread for Wyll as you leer down at him with red, glowing eyes.
  “Well hello,” You say sweetly, a smile stretching its way across your face with your canines showing.
   He feels a shock ripple through his body as your voice hits his ears. Your voice is soft, but fear mongering. Commanding.
 “What’s all this about messing with the Sword and getting the Blade,” your smile becomes a tinge malicious, “it appears you aren’t very good at keeping your word. All you have done is bore me.”
 Wyll growls and lunged from the ground towards you. You simply side step him, put your foot out, and he trips. 
  You smile like a cat playing with a mouse.
“Fighting with emotion will never work for youuuuu,” you say in a sing-songey voice.
  Wyll getting up off the ground, wheezing, lunges for you again. This time you manage to flip Wyll behind you on his back by using his momentum against him. You laugh heartily, obviously enjoying yourself. Astarion could hardly look away. You could have killed him by now, but you haven’t. As much as he would love to continue to watch you torment the Blade of Frontiers, he is ready to put his plan in action.
  “Gods Wyll,” Astarion says with a bored groan, “have you honestly not learned your lesson?”
  A chuckle erupts from behind a nearby tree.  Karlach  comes around the corner and gently puts her hand on your shoulder.
 “It’s okay Soldier,” she says with amusement in her voice, “I think he learned his lesson.”
      You  roll your eyes and attempt to hide a joking smile with a faux pout, “You really aren’t any fun.”
   Karlach gives you a wide grin before she looks at Wyll and the rest of the party. Your eyes wander over the party and they stop at him. If you suspect him to be a vampire spawn, you don’t show it. He gives you a charming grin and you lift your eyebrows in amusement- the corner of your mouth tugging upwards.
 Let the games begin. 
   It had taken the entire party to convince Wyll that Karlach wasn’t a devil. Astarion found it ironic that the supposed hero was so quick to blindly follow someone’s orders- and to kill an innocent no less!
 Astarion feels exhausted, but he is struggling to sleep after his nightmare. The thirst, the hunger was unbearable, but he is too consumed with figuring out how to get back to Cazador. The panic is settling in his chest.  He needs to get back or he is going to be punished severely. He’s broken the rules and he will pay. Flashes of his time in the tomb begin to appear in his mind. 
 No, I am not going back. I can walk in the sun. He pauses and comes to a realization. He’s already broken two of Cazador’s rules and Cazador hasn’t been able to keep him controlled since the tadpole had been inserted in his brain. What if he can break other rules?
 He looks around camp- his eyes settling on your sleeping form. You may empathize with him.. 
   Earlier in the day, he pestered Gale while you and Karlach set up your tents at the bigger groups’ campground. Shadowheart was assisting you both as she talked with you in a hushed tone. Gale, despite his signs of exasperation with every question Astarion asked, explained that a Night Mask Deathbringer is different from the Bhaal Deathbringers that Astarion has read about. You were part vampire, but you aren’t completely undead.  Immortal, fast, strong, and just as lethal as a Vampire Spawn. You can drink blood and you can eat food. You can charm or scare a person with a single look and you can use Ghost Step to surprise your “victims' ' as Gale referred to them. Oh, and you could be out in the sun whenever you want. It may not be comfortable for you on a very sunny day, but you won’t burn alive. He had felt so green with envy when Gale described your capabilities. He would do anything to be able to have all the strength of a Vampire Spawn with none of the unwanted side effects. However, Gale told Astarion he does not know how one becomes a Night Mask Deathbringer as it’s a secret rite within the Guild, but the Faceless have to deem you worthy. The heads of the factions within the Guild bring their “Champions” to the Faceless each year and have them fight to the death. The last person standing gets to become a Deathbringer and take orders from the Faceless. When Astarion pushed Gale further about who the Faceless is, he shrugs.
 “Honestly, I have no idea. Elminster never told me who the Faceless is, just that he hasn’t been seen since Deathbringers began to appear to enact his will.” 
 “So basically fake vampires with all the benefits and none of the side effects,” his voice comes out in a sharp hiss.
  Astarion slowly rises from his bed roll and sneaks up to you. He’s quiet as a mouse. He gently put his arms on either side of you, your neck exposed and ready for him. Right when he thinks he’s going to get away with biting you while you are asleep, you wake up with a gasp and your eyes meet him with a confused sleepiness. 
 You get up to confront him. If looks could kill, he’d be dead for real this time. 
   “It’s not what it looks like, I swear!” 
  You give him an unconvinced look.
  “I wasn’t going to hurt you! I just need some… well… blood.” he says sheepishly.
  He peers at your face and he sees your glare melt a bit. You are still guarded, but open to hearing him out.
  “I feed on animals! Boars, deers, kobolds- whatever I can get. I’m just too slow right now,” He pauses, “too weak.”
    You continue to stare at him, so he continues.
  “If I just had a little blood I could think clearer. Fight better,” his voice comes out with more emphasis than he wanted it to, “Please.”
  He tries not to wince at how desperate he sounds. Your arms uncross and you put your hands on your hip, eyes narrowing while you look at him.
 “So you weren’t trying to kill me in the middle of the night?”
   Astarion gawks at you, a hint of amusement in your eyes. 
“That’s your question?” he hisses in disbelief.
“I knew you were a vampire spawn right away,” You look at him with a wry smile and point to your canines, “fake vampire, remember?”
   Astarion mentally face palms and chides himself for maybe inquiring about your condition too loudly.
  Of course you would be able to figure out he is a vampire spawn. You are half-vampire yourself and you heard him bitterly call you a fake vampire.
   You sit back down on your bed roll and sweep your hair away from your neck. He stares at you with confusion and wide eyes.
 Are you…? No it can’t…. Possibly be this easy?
“Well come on, aren’t you going to drink?”
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himawanai · 4 months
hello hima of the wanai,
it appears to me that your blog is filled these gay robots. i imagine there is a fandom of sorts that of which you fell into, and now and had become one of the fans. tell me, how do i become such a fan of these?
i have been lurking upon your presence and have been feeling “FOMO” as the kids used to say. nowadays kids say things like “skibidi rizzler”, i do not know what that means, and yet it is also irrelevant to this topic. anyways. i want to understand your words.
how do i achieve such power? to let these voice-banks infect my mind, and become one with flesh (signalis reference). is there lore i must read and audio i must blast upon my ear holes? i want it in my brainz with a z.
with much patience, gratitude, and fur,
hello meow nonny... 🫶 thanks sooo much for ur interest in the gay robots. i've been in the vsynth fandom for a very very long time actually, i just kinda came back 😔
mucho texto under the readme but tldr; vsynth shipping is all just super meta. read more if u wanna
they're just vocal synth characters so there aint much lore besides like some flavor text/settings decided by the authors of the banks. but u can basically turn the real-life meta arnd them into lore lmaooo. adachi rei is a robot that's actually being built out of a dude's home thru crowdfunding (love you missile). utane uta (more popularly, defoko) is the standard default VB that comes w utauloid, the voice engine they're both on
so see the whole motivation behind shipping them is that rei is the only other voicebank to have no actual voice provider besides defoko. they're both completely machine synthesized w/o human samples, and defoko's flavor text also says she's a bot so there's so much fuel arnd it lol (esp. in regards to them being robots). personally for me too the idea that it took the only other provider-less vsynth 11 years to come out after u is so. rei having come out in 2019 and utau itself being out since 2008. they've got a jaded senpai-rabid kouhai thing going for me as a result, amongst other things. u can extrapolate a lot of fun details from actual community meta like this
other than that your best friend is fanwork and songs! i'm a huge fan of sho (FRAYLOVEBOT)'s few pieces of work for them and it rlly informed my view. quick search of レイウタ on twt will also net some interesting stuff. there's also the songs kikaijima and satsurikukyo that got mildly popular (there's a translation for the first song). theyre the basis for a lot of reidefo work... but ur imagination is ur limit really. most of the meat is on twitter unfortunately but i'll try my damnednest to reblog some stuff here too
hmm. well lastly rei has a lot of community memes and stuff arnd her so there's basically a big fanon around her (mostly bc of the tweet bot that's running out of a pc in the robot's head lol). defoko has some stuff that got established in 2008, they were a whole gang of initial utaus back then... miss kasane teto herself was there... it's all very find-it-yourself but it's very fun to find! hope this all caught ur interest and helped somehow
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dumbasswithapen · 9 months
You're reblogging some fantastic stuff about The Mechs (coming from a tma fan) is there anything else you can tell me about it? I'm deadly curious and very interested in seeing more of Jon Sims' work
hello!!!! I am so normal about the mechanisms (lying) but am not good at describing things so if you want, like, The Intro Post To The Mechs than @x-ca1iber has it and that’s much more fine tuned but I shall try my best! This may be… a bit of an infodump, and not very concise.
base content warnings for mechs, not this post but the mechs as a band and their stories: violence, so much violence, lots of death, war, general tragedy, British people (ew)
okay. So. The basics! The Mechanisms were a 9 person folk cabaret band who told stories in their albums and songs that were based on mythology and stories (more on that later)
Outside of these stories they played individual characters, a space, steampunk pirate crew of immortals roaming the universe aboard a sentient starship named the Aurora and finding tragedies to tell through their albums. They're, as I mentioned, immortal, through a mechanism (not to be confused with The Mechanisms, the name of their crew lol. They weren’t very creative with that) A mechanism is a replacement for a part (or in some cases several parts) of one’s body made of metal and shit, that causes regeneration if you die. And this shit isn’t light, it is totally possible to regen from being, for instance… shoved into a sun for a century. so basically, crew of immortals making stories they witness into albums and playing the roles of people in those stories.
For a fan of tma, the most recognizable part of this is 4 people in the crew (though only 3 are major characters in tma) Jonny Sims, of course, plays Jon in tma and Jonny D’ville (he/him) in the mechanisms. (He is… perhaps not the most creative with naming his character) Jonny D’ville is the first mate (NOT captain. Though he would say he was) of the Aurora, and his mechanism is his heart. He was the first person in the crew, and the first to become immortal. He’s also the lead singer, and plays harmonica. Frank Voss plays Basira in tma, and in the mechs plays Ashes O’Reilly (they/them) an arsonist crime boss, ship’s quartermaster, whose mechanism is their lungs! Jessica Law plays Nikola Orsinov in tma, and in the mechs she plays The Toy Soldier (it/its) The Toy Soldier is… a bit of an outlier, in that it wasn’t ever mechanized, wasn’t ever “made” immortal. It is simply a sentient clockwork toy, with a voice box stolen from a human it had been in love with. (Somehow jess is typecast as an unsettling dollike entity twice in a thing created in part by Jonny sims) Its role in the crew is… really nobody knows. Occasionally it’s called mascot. It’s just kinda there and whenever it’s kicked out it finds its way back. It’s very charming, and simply happy to be involved! last, and kinda least in the context of being a tma fan, is Tim Ledsam, who plays the exterminator Jordan Kennedy in tma and Gunpowder Tim, (he/him) master-at-arms, in the mechanisms. His mechanism is his eyes.
others, who I’m not going to go into detail about, are Nastya Rasputina (she/her) engineer, Ivy Alexandria (she/her, actor uses he/him) archivist, Drumbot Brian (he/him) pilot, Marius Von Raum (he/him, actor uses they/them) and Raphaella la cognizi (she/her)
two, the albums! This is gonna be pretty quick because it’s just an overview, but there are 4 main story albums that tell self contained stories, 2 that are a collection of songs that tell single stories, and 1 EP thing that tells its own little ballad. Then there’s a live recorded version of their final show ever, death to the mechanisms. They’re all very tragic, and *very* queer stories.
first, once upon a time (in space) a story based on fairy tales, tells the story of a war through the stars. second, Ulysses dies at dawn, a film noir style telling of a dystopian world based on Greek myths. third, high noon over Camelot, a cowboy western ballad about Arthurian legend on a space station. fourth, the bifrost incident, a rock ballad about Norse myth, lovecraft eldritch horror, and one person being really fucking horny for a train (Dw about it) the other albums are a mix of myth and story retellings (Frankenstein, the story of Prometheus, a rhythm based video game called crypt of the necrodancer) and character backstory songs for the Mechanisms.
random ass fun facts because I’m out of base info and I think the mechs is really funny for something supposed to be tragedy
-one of the crew, Nastya, is in a loving romantic and sexual relationship with the starship
-there are creatures called octokittens that are half octopus half kitten. I love them.
-Jonny is Texan. Yeah. (Well technically New Texan, because he was born on a planet called New Texas, but whatever)
-I’m not going into this because it’s more complex lore but the person who “created” most of the mechanisms was a vampire named Doctor Carmilla and was a (very disfunctuonal) mother figure to at least most of the crew. They kicked her out
-Doctor Baron Marius Von Raum, one of the other crewmates, is neither a doctor nor a baron. His real name is Byron. He psychoanalizes people for fun.
-they’re all horrible people, the Mechanisms. They kill and burn and destroy and manipulate unrepentantly and take pride in breaking every law they can find (though we have explicit canon confirmation that Jonny flat out refuses to commit any sexual crimes) It makes them fun, though
-there are *so* many photos of the bandmates in character and a good part of fandom activity is just passing around those photos within the fandom like they’re Pokémon cards
-last, and very much not least, it’s quite important to note that Jonny Sims didn’t “create” the mechanisms, not like he did tma. It’s a collaboration between a bunch of great storytellers and musicians that started out as a uni band
here is a photo of the mechanisms as a whole group, because why not
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Anyway I’m going to see so many glaring issues with this as soon as I post it but I hope it makes at least some sense! Check out x-ca1iber’s post for it if something doesn’t make sense… yeah. That’s it.
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keynb · 5 months
So I usually don't share my opinions due to my worry that people's lack of media literacy will misconstrue my words, but with some of the behavior I'm seeing I felt tempted. This is not to invalidate anyone, and what I'm about to say is entirely just my thought process. If you disagree that's fine, I'm not posting this to start an argument.
Anyway, was I super mega-bummed about Buddie karaoke being cut? Of course! Is it kinda messed up that the karaoke was a big part of the promo and now we won't get to see it? Definitely, yeah I was really upset. But after thinking about it for a little bit? It's not that big of a deal and I get it. I mean I am advocating for them to, like, release some extra little bits of the karaoke moment after the episode is released or at least tell us what the song was cuz Oliver and Ryan seemed to have a good time doing it and Oliver was so nervous about singing lol. But they made it clear that this season was a very "build as we go" situation and I believe they genuinely thought they were gonna be able to include more but that it just ended up not working out that way. I don't think they meant to shipbait us or anything either, I think they focused on Buddie in the promo cuz the main event was the madney wedding and chim being missing so they didn't wanna reveal anything about that particular plot, so they focused on the bachelor party instead. I know being teased about something and hyping it up repeatedly just to have it cut completely the day before is terrible, but with the workflow they're doing right now I feel like we shouldn't have been as surprised that they ended up, like, miscalculating a bit and having to cut more than they anticipated. And I'm sure they also prioritized the Madney content more than the bachelor party (which is good cuz this episode is about them) so those clips had to go. I feel like it was just an unfortunate series of events and not intentional on anyone's part. I've decided to give them some grace because making a TV show is hard, let alone doing it all so close to the release of each episode. I AM begging for the name of the song they sang at least!! Oliver was terrified to sing so he deserves that much lol. (BTW people saying "he got DRUNK for that scene how could you!" If you're joking then that's whatever but if you mean it seriously, I would like to say that he seemed more tipsy than anything, Oliver didn't say he had to be completely wasted to do it. He said they drank a little to loosen inhibitions but I don't think they'd get DRUNK. Lol Oliver has a hard time keeping an American accent sober, you think he'd be able to do any better genuinely tipsy?)
So TLDR: I don't think ABC meant to make us feel tricked, I just think their "lay the tracks while the trains still moving" method messed up a little. I also don't think they were intentionally shipbaiting us because with Madney being the focus of the next episode, they wouldn't wanna spoil or tease anything regarding their storyline, so they mainly focused on the more lighthearted Buddie bachelor party shenanigans, and they just overestimated how much they'd be able to fit in, and Madney should be the main focus anyway as this is not The Buddie Episode. If they continue to do stuff like this (tease and hype up scenes in promo that end up being cut, whether its ship baiting or not) then I will have more of a bone to pick
Also also, not to make it all about Buddie but as an endgame Buddie truther, I would really like to make a good impression to encourage them to make the moves to make Buddie canon. Like vent on your social media as much as you'd like but don't comment on official ABC posts saying they're like traitors or smth WE GOTTA BE PROFESSIONALS GUYS, this show isnt just about Buddie!! We need to find a balance between expressing our love for Buddie so they see our passion for it but not so much to the point it becomes insane, you know? And I say that with THE utmost love.
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stardust-sunset · 11 months
For the ask game: Butters! I can't decide on which questions so... all of them! (Or how ever many you feel like answering.)
oh this should be fun-
My first interpretation of them
Honestly I just felt bad for him. I basically knew him as the kid who got grounded all the time and he seemed sweet enough, he was actually one of my faves from the beginning haha
2. When I think I started to truly like him
Honestly the Fun With Veal episode. And in the Butters’ Bottom Bitch episode where he just kept going ‘do you know what I am saying?’ I just thought it was funny lol
3. A song that reminds me of them
(Kinda a joint one) but You and Me (But Mostly Me) from Book of Mormon is SO Butters and Cartman. Also The Weight of Us by Sanders Bohlke.
4. How many people I ship them with
I don’t really do ships lol, I liked him and Charlotte tho, they seemed cute.
5. My favorite ship of them
Probably him and Charlotte
6. My least favorite ship of them
Him and Cartman. Absolutely him and Cartman.
7. A quote of them I remember
“I’d rather be a crying little pussy than a faggy goth kid anyway.”
8, My favorite outfit on them
Professor Chaos or his Stick of Truth costume
9. My least favorite outfit on them
The bear suit Paris Hilton made him wear in Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset. I felt awful for him
10. Describe the character in one sentence
Sunshine boy with horrible family members
11. What’s the first thing I think fo when I think of this character?
His accent. I dunno, I just have a knack for remembering stuff like that lol-I could honestly just listen to his voice all day, it’s soothing for me
12. Sexuality hdc!
I’m torn between him being pan and being straight lol, but I do think he’s on the ace spectrum.
13. My favorite friendship they have
Him and Kenny. Definitely
14. Best storyline they had
Butters’ Very Own Episode. I felt bad for him but it’s one of my favorite episodes
15. Worst storyline they had
Probably in the earlier seasons when he was just used as Kenny’s counterpart for the shows punching bag. Idk, it just felt like he didn’t really have any character or personality back then
16. A childhood headcanon
He lived on a farm for a little bit when he was a baby. They moved from Hawaii to say Oklahoma, then to South Park when he was three. Hence the accent. He also had a pet chick up until he was 7 or so named Toast. His parents made him give the chick away tho
17. What do you think their first word was?
Probably just mama or something. I do have a headcanon he still calls his mom (or his unofficial mother figure) mama sometimes.
18. How do I think he was as a kid?
He was probably really hyper. He subdued when he got older tho because his parents kept grounding him for accidentally breaking stuff when he would run around
19. The most random ship I’ve seen with this character
Butters x Craig. Like ???? They never interacted in the show lol-
20. A weird headcanon
Butters has a huge sweet tooth and if there’s candy or sweets in his vicinity he’ll devour it in an instant and likely suffer from a bellyache later
21. When do I think they were at his happiest?
Probably when he moved out and went to college tbh. He was just happy to get away from his toxic ass family. Or when his grandma finally dies.
22. When do I think he was at his lowest?
I do headcanon that when he’s in middle school he finally snaps. He becomes angry and kinda becomes a bully because he doesn’t feel like he has anyone who cares about him, it’s probably only for a few days at most but he just snaps at everyone, makes fun of everything everyone does, but after a few days Kenny (and maybe Cartman or Kyle) kinda confronts him and he ends up apologizing and trying to find someone to talk to.
23. Future headcanon
I wanna imagine that he lives on a farm, he has a bunch of chickens and goats (his favs) and some cows, pigs, even ducks. He gets a pet dog (a Border Collie) named Waffles. He kinda owns a petting zoo of sorts where younger kids just stop by and he educated them about animals and stuff. He also owns a bakery. He names it ‘Buttery Bliss’ or something
24. What do you think i’d a secret they’ve never told anyone?
Probably the thing with his sphincter and how he has to wear diapers in school sometimes. He probably only told AWESOM-O because he thought it was just a robot. But after that he didn’t tell anyone because he would definitely get made fun of :(
25. When do I think he’s acted the most ooc
Probably in The Worldwide Privacy Tour. Kyle even said ‘this is really out of character for you, Butters.’ so probably that lol, or in Going Native. I mean he literally wanted to kill a bunch of innocent people
26. When do I think they were being “themselves” the most?
Honestly? Probably when he was singing the Loo Loo Loo song, it kinda just showed his cuter side. Or in Cartman Sucks when his parents sent him to the Pray teh Gay Away camp because he was just so oblivious to where he was but still stood up for himself and his friends in the end
27. If they could meet a certain character from a different show/movie/book, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Hello kitty. This kid would be in HEAVEN if Hello kitty was real. Either Hello kitty or Tails the Fox. Him and Tails are pretty similar. Plus fluffy fox meets sunshine boy, they’d get along-or just him in the pokémon world. Yes.
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
Probably when he was trying to get the Hawaiian tourists killed in war
29. How do I think they’d be as a parent?
Honestly? He spoils the shit out of his kids. He’s a huge pushover, but not to the point where his kids become spoiled brats. He probably exposes them to animals early so he could get them to know what’s good and what isn’t when on the farm. He supports his children, but he’s probably a very sheltering parent if that makes sense. Has no idea what he’s doing at first but eventually gets the hang of it. He loves playing make believe with them, would totally play dress up and such.
30. The funniest scene they ever had?
When he’s Professor Chaos and trying to be all menacing and Dougie has to keep telling him the Simpsons already did his idea and he’s just like ‘aw hamburgers :(‘
Hope this is good!
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sy5starplaty · 1 year
My 3.07 “Strings That Bind Us” liveblog...
Cranberries’ "Dreams” to start us off? Okay.
Why does Jamie pulling Roy's bike along (in a pink sweatshirt & shorts no less) feel like the most obvious next step in their dynamic after "Sunflowers"?
More Jade-Nate stuff...
And Jack is totally being Keeley's "sugar daddy"... so it won't last.
I love Chef Simi. Still can't tell if this is a shipping situation or not... but obviously not siblings.
Barbecue sauce induced hallucination... okay. I'll accept that.
ASH! I always forget his name. I shall now refer to him as Cool Hat Guy.
They're still calling him Van Damme?
Nate got Siri to call him Wunderkind? lol
Okay... needed a warning for that puke-a-thon.
They are NOT going to last. Those are NOT green flags, Keeley.
Rebecca talking about Rupert lovebombing her with a CAR... exact thing he did with Nate.
Beard Kitman is... actually kinda accurate. And Coach Will Beard is FANTASTIC.
"This is yummy. What is this?" "Water."
lol... I'm gonna need a spinoff with Will Beard.
Oh, K/J are so over.
OF COURSE IT'S ROY'S IDEA. Boy needs some joy in his life right now. I gotta say... We need this technique in ALL FOOTBALL CODES.
Hm... Not sure if that'll work Nate. But it's the thought that counts.
J: "It better be amazing!" (what you do for me, compared to all the lavishness I've bestowed upon you... and if it sucks... well, you know who has all the POWER in this relationship don't you?) RED FLAG RED FLAG
And... okay, yeah. Thoughts count. Words do too.
Yikes. Sorry Sam. I mean, you were right to call him a bigot, but that was playing with fire. Let's just be thankful it wasn't a fire, yeah? :|
Oh, that working/marching song thing... I know it, but I can't remember where it's from.
Sam rightfully swearing! And then crying in his HUGE daddy's arms.
"Big whoop"? Sam's dad is Ted! And they get on very well... brilliant.
But they were all coordinated and stuff in the locker room!
Heh... love that the 3 pub guys are so so calm about the team’s performance.
Poor Roy... making puns while Ted talks.
ASS-SQUATCH "Make it stop" ... No, it's awesome.
Lol... pre-emptive bird flips.
JAMIE! YOU'RE BECOMING THE BEST YOU CAN BE! YOU'RE BETTER THAN ZAVA, BOY. Damn, I can't believe I'm proud of him (again - I was proud of him in 2.03 but that wasn't as a footballer).
Arlo: "That was bloody gorgeous!" Yes, it was.
Yeah, knew they wouldn't win. But they didn't let Arsenal get anymore goals, so there's that.
And... TRENT! He's excited about football again! Well, about The Lasso Way.
"Yeah, but he's our dork." :D
Aw, they're not over yet? Damn. But it still feels likely. If she doesn't have Epstein connections, SHE JOKED ABOUT HAVING EPSTEIN CONNECTIONS. That's not a good thing! Unless her Epstein is not that Epstein... in which case, who's the other famous Epstein?
Keep the mirrors as they are? I get the idea, Sam, but you gotta at least cover those shards with something. IT'S A SAFETY HAZARD.
And since... Ted & Rebecca did not share a scene AT ALL... I guess I'm just shipping Sam with Simi?
Yeah, not looking positive re: tedbecca here, so I’ll wait till 3.08 to either resurrect my shipper-self or bury it.  This episode was more about the team - with added Nate & Keeley’s storylines - so I get there wasn’t really any room for tedbecca stuff. They didn’t even focus that much on Ted. But now the team is kinda working like a well-oiled machine again... I think they’ll be able to return to the main ships & their individual journeys to find their way [back] to each other. 
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cq-studios · 1 year
So I’ve been debating back and forth whether or not to do this because I knew it was gonna be a lot of work. But you know what? Screw it!
Here’s a cohesive list and description of all, 2+ hours (I think…), of my KH (mostly KHUX) animation ideas
You know… in case someone cares lol
(Four things before we start)
(If you look at a script and there’s nothing there, try looking at the comments, chances are I’ll have notes on the side)
(If a idea has a script the descriptions will most likely be more vague. I need to save time somehow lol)
(Unless it’s Xehaqus or Soriku, shipping wasn’t the intent but if that’s what floats your boat don’t let me sink it)
(No pressure to read all of these descriptions and scripts or listen to all the songs or whatever. It is so much and I know that. I honestly appreciate that you even clicked/tapped "Keep Reading" lol)
Let’s start off with my…
Pre-UX Finale Ideas
These ideas tend to be a bit outside of cannon/outdated now but they still haunt me when the song comes on
This is also the most you will get of any non-UX character lol
Song: Ready as I’ll Ever Be
Character(s)/Game Focus: KH 1 (endgame)
Description: Varian’s sections are Riku pre possession (first part when he steals ‘Sora’s’ keyblade, last part him getting possessed by Ansem). Cassandra’s sections and the “I’ll save my home and family” is the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee doing things to help (what I presume they were doing before they just kinda, show up at Hollow Bastion), and Rapunzel and her dad’s(??) sections as well as the “prove they can trust me” are Sora and the Beast.
This idea is primarily lip sync and not really specific scenes. More so just a point in time
Length: 2:04 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, as an animatic (I don’t think my description did it much justice since it really is mostly lip sync, but there’s very vivid images of it in my mind)
Song: Meet Me in the Woods
Character(s)/Game Focus: Lea/Axel
Description: An animation depicting Lea/Axel’s life starting with him and Isa finding Subject X (the “journey to the unknown”). “The darkness getting ahold of them” is referring becoming Ansem’s apprentices and their eventual initiation into the Organization because of it. The music between verses is the early days of them in the Organization then shifts to Roxas’ early days there. “How long baby have I been away” is post-Castle Oblivion. The first chorus is the Sea Salt Trio kinda becoming a trio. “Yeah the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams” is him learning about Xion being a replica. Then right after is everything falling apart for the trio. The second chorus going into the wind down is Axel/Lea’s redemption and KH3 stuff (keyblade war too before it starts to slow down). Then at the end when it really slows down is the Sea Salt Trio’s reunion.
Length: 4:23 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: I want to say yes but chances are no, this one doesn’t even have a script but I might give it one for sticking around so long
Song: Unravel
Character(s)/Game Focus: Heart Hotel/Sortas (Sora, Ven, Roxas, Xion, Vanitas)
Description: First section is UX Ven. Post first drop to "that is where I'll live on" is Xion (just her story in Days). The section ends with her dying then switches to Roxas after her death for the 'angry part' (fighting Riku) then when the music chills out a bit he returns to Sora. Then when its the instrumental of the chorus we start Vanitas' section/BBS Ventus' section. The "breakable, unbreakable" back and forth is basically their talk before their big fight in Ven's heart, which starts at the "I won't let you contaminate me!" (from Ven) but the scene cuts before they start to fight. The next part is Sora in DDD. The part where they're repeating "Don't forget me" is when Riku is in Sora's heart talking to each Sorta (and Vanitas is there too I guess). Order is the same as in the game with Vani in there somewhere (unless Xion isn't last, she needs to be the last one). The part where they repeat the first line is the scene in KH3 where its 'revealed' Sora has other hearts withing him.
Length: 5:21 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Same as the previous, I love it but I’ve built it up so much in my head I don’t think I could do it justice, I'll make it a script eventually
Song: Don’t Make Me
Character(s)/Game Focus: Lauriam
Description: This one is definitely outdated. Like it pre-dates the update where Lauriam actually finds out that the NULs know his sister is dead (the script obviously has been updated since then but I think the fact that it is that old still kinda shows). But yeah Don’t Make Me is basically Lauriam slowly becoming more suspicious of everyone and really really hoping none of them had anything to do with his sister’s disappearance. Because if they were he might just end up being a villain in their story. Again really old, so my interpretation of events were kinda off since I hadn’t seen all the cutscenes a bajillion times, but I think it’d make a fun AU.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 3:10 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: I don’t think so, the time for it has come and passed… like almost 3 years ago now
Song: Help Me
Character(s)/Game Focus: Subject X (Skuld)
Description: Subject X is in her cell and is contacted by the ghosts of the Radiant Garden scientists’ previous victims.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 1:20 (0:00-1:20)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I decided to scrap this one a while ago
Song: Cold Feet
Character(s)/Game Focus: Mostly KH 3 and 4 (whenever it comes out)
Description: Patience is the game for this one. The idea is incomplete until Riku finds Sora but here’s my thoughts so far. Before the first chorus it’s a bunch of events from Sora’s story leading up to Riku’s sacrifice. The sacrifice is then the chorus (“cold, cold feet”, is Riku stepping forward etc etc). The drop is Sora reviving everyone and resetting the timeline and stuff and the rest of KH3 if there’s enough room. The “wherever you are I wish you well” to “they’re not ringing for me” is Riku being angsty about Sora’s disappearance, looking for him and stuff. The “couldn’t do a thing to make you stay” to “one hell of a story” is Kairi being angsty about it. The pre-chorus is the stuff with the Fairy Godmother and the Final World in MelMem and there’s the cut off. The rest I just gotta wait for I guess lol
Length: Full Song?? (Depends on KH4)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Unlikely but I’ll probably script it out to soothe my mind
Song: Stuff is Way
Character(s)/Game Focus: Vanitas
Description: Basically the animation meme, just Vanitas lip syncing for most of it. The second voice is Xehanort. The images behind would just be various flashes of his life.
Length: 1:36 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: As much as I want to, probably not
Song: The Other Side of Paradise
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Basically just the scene where Ven walks in on Lauriam attacking Brain and decides it’s a good time to confess to murder. The first two lines are just Ven lip syncing. Then Lauriam attacks for the next line two lines. Darkness leaves Ventus on “caught up in a grip when we where us”. “Fingers in a fist like you might run” is Lauriam tightening his fist around his Keyblade. And the last three lines are a shot of Darkness, and shot of the NULs, and then a shot of the two standing across from each other.
I could’ve sworn I had this scripted out somewhere but I searched all my google accounts and nothing… must’ve been on paper.
Length: 1:01 (3:39-4:40)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, this one is very vivid in my mind, but its been around for years, and I still haven't touched it so...
Song: I can Go the Distance
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Purely headcanon based on how I feel Ven’s character might go in the future. Basically about Ven (Post-KH3) going out and trying to find out more about his past. Find the friends from his dream. One of the ones he mentioned he had while while within Sora (“these people I didn’t recognize and weird animal creatures” which I assume are the NULs and Chirithies/Spirits). Mostly just him singing to himself around the Land of Departure (then other worlds he’s exploring during the second half of the song). Herc’s mom and dad are Aqua and Terra.
Length: 3:03 (Full Scene)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how whether or not Ven actually goes looking
Song: I’m not Fine
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Just UX Ven vibes really, I try not to think too much about it since I’ll never be able to go forward with it.
Length: 3:29 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, the artist prefers you don’t animate their songs without permission
Song: And the Day Goes On
Character(s)/Game Focus: Xion
Description: The song is kinda goofy and nonsensical but I think it actually really works with Xion's story. The first verse is her normal, missions and some identity issues thrown in for fun. The second is her going to Castle Oblivion. The first chorus is the trio at the clocktower. The third verse is the stuff with Naminé, DiZ, and Riku. The second chorus is her going back and fighting Roxas. The post chorus is her dying and returning to Sora. And the rest of the song is post KH3, just hanging out with her pals (and Isa lol).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:12 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Mayhaps, this one is one of my favourite non-UX ideas
Song: Graveyard
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Basically Ven's journey through BBS. This one would have the lyrics on screen. The chorus would be the pretty much the same every time. The majority of the chorus would be a looping run animation. The "they say" and "to the graveyard" parts being the variables. For the former the character to the side of the text 'speaking' changes each time and the later the location Ven ends up is different each time. Everything post "it's funny how the warning signs can feel like they're butterflies" is BBS' final battle.
Length: 3:13 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I don't think so
Song: Don’t do Sadness/Blue Wind
Character(s)/Game Focus: Lauriam and Strelitzia
Description: Lauriam after realizing Strelitzia is dead and singing down the streets about how he doesn’t have time to be sad, he has to be strong and stuff. Strelitzia’s ghost follows him trying to help him feel his emotions. Then at the end he cries and Strelitzia disappears.
Length: 1:12 (3:53-5:05)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, as an animatic, I actually tried to start it a few years ago (here) but if it do finish it I’ll remake it
Song: Revolution
Character(s)/Game Focus: Marluxia
Description: Marluxia in Castle Oblivion having some flashbacks because of Sora and Naminé and stuff.
Script Link
Length: 0:22 (1:21-1:43)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably not, its just old and I don't really feel like it anymore
Song: Empty Crown
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ava
Description: Ava during the Keyblade War right as Kingdom Hearts is summoned.
Script Link
Length: 0:26 (3:08-3:34)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: It’s done actually, here
Song: The Valley
Character(s)/Game Focus: Franchise Wide
Description: This one covers so much in a kinda disjointed way, if it described it here it’d be like twice the length of the others. I’d recommend just reading the script.
Script Link
Length: 2:57 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: It’s up on YouTube as an open MAP (here)
Song: Crazy
Character(s)/Game Focus: Luxu/Xigbar
Description: The first verse is mostly just shots of Luxu on the hill reminiscing about what MoM told him before sending him off, then the chorus is him still on the hill singing to No Name. The second verse and chorus is the scene where Ava confronts him. The “my hero’s had the heart to lose the lives I wanna live” to “ever since I was little x2 it looked like fun” is the Forteller’s in Keyblade War and flashbacks to Luxu felling left out and stuff. The “and it’s no coincidence I’ve come” is a transition to Xigbar. The rest of the song is the scene where Xigbar summons back the Foretellers.
Length: 2:59 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably not
Song Video: The Rain
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer
Description: So this one has been tweaked a bit. Before UX ended I was pretty positive Ephemer was gonna die, so it was originally centred around that. Now though its Ephemer in the Lifeboat, floating in the water, alone, questioning what he did wrong, why none of his friends are there. Which I think works better, honestly.
Length: 0:36 (Full Video)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, I like this one a lot and it’s quite simple but I think it may get beaten out by newer projects
Song: Youth
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs (Ephemer, Skuld, Brain, Ven, Lauriam)
Description: I think this song fits so well with KHUX, I like lost my mind when I made the connection. Like that whole first verse? So on the nose it hurts. The first verse, pre-chorus and chorus would focus specifically on UX, with the first verse being Ava talking about/to Ephemer, then it following Ephemer through the events of Union X. The next verse is Subject X (Skuld) having vague memories of UX. Then next the pre-chorus and chorus follows Ven through BBS. The following pre-chorus and chorus are Marluxia. And the last “pre-chorus” is Brain in Scala (I originally thought he was the founder so my original idea kinda holds up).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 3:54 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Despite how well it works, probably not, just doesn’t ensnare me like other ideas (I say after writing a whole paragraph about it)
Song: There Right There (Gay or European)
Character(s)/Game Focus: The LowerClassmen (Eraqus, Vor, Bragi, Hermod, Urd, Xehanort)
Description: 🎶Gay or an off worlder🎶
The LowerClassmen at various points in time arguing about whether Xehanort is an off worlder or gay because as soon as he showed up Vor gaydar went off. Bragi uses advanced tactics to try and get Xehanort to admit it. And when Xehanort denies it Eraqus comes in. Also the part where Urd says “Metro, hetero, jerk” I like to imagine she’s gesturing aggressively towards Bragi, who is just staring at her confused like “I’m not even straight??” (Urd has no gaydar, fight me lol).
The script is just which character is saying what
Script Link
Length: 3:28 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably, I try to resist but this idea will win out eventually, I can feel it
UX Finale Era Ideas
You’d think there’d be more since this was one of the peaks of my hyperfixation but I actually was just writing and drawing a bunch during this time, not listening to a lot of music lol (also Neo came out and stole my attention until Christmas because I watched Tennelle and Whitney play it as they were streaming it)
I also got really stuck on making the scripts look a certain way during this time and that led to a lot of them being incomplete
Song: Blackout
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX Endgame
Description: Literally the UX Endgame, starting with Darkness knocking Ven out.
Script Link
Length: 2:11 (1:30-3:41)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how many animations I make of the same events lol
Song: Choice
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX
Description: This one, like Stuff is Way is an animation meme, semi inspired by the one Blackie Sootfur made. "Love" is Lauriam and Strelitzia since that's what their stories revolve around (different types mind you). "Brain" is, uh, well, Brain, for obvious reasons. "Heart" is Ephemer and Skuld since it was the open space and they're also besties. And "control" is Ventus since he's lowkey possessed. The rest of the meme outside of the loop is centered around Ven's whole "oops murder" plot and his and the other's reactions too it.
Script Link
Length: 0:40 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Working on it right now actually
Song: Soldier
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX Endgame
Description: Starts with Luxu and MoM talking, then some glitches on the "Ooh"s , the rest is Chi trio during the finale
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:07 (1:38-3:45)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, a lot of my ideas have very similar scenes though, so it depends on how often I animate the same events lol
Song: Warriors
Character(s)/Game Focus: The Foretellers
Description: Kinda headcannon-y at the start, which is the MoM and the Foreteller's + Luxu when they were younger. Then on the first "Here we are, don't turn away now" it turns to them while leading their Unions and stuff leading up to the war. Then there's some Keyblade War stuff in the drop.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:17 (0:00-2:17)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I try my best to stay away from headcannon-y stuff since I already have so many canon animation ideas I need to choose between
Song: My Way (Minor Cover)
Character(s)/Game Focus: Luxu/Bragi/Braig/Xigbar
Description: This used to be very different but got a new coat of paint and breath of life once DR came out. But yeah, kinda just Luxu living his lives.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 4:37 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Either this one or one you see later (Dust Bowl Dance), I would like to do one but not both since they cover primarily the same events
Song: Mama Said
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Brain reflecting on his UX days after arriving in Scala, looking at Ephemer's statue, then lying to Sigurd lol
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 0:29 (1:54-2:23)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Its short, its sad-ish. Giving it a solid maybe
Song: Guillotine
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer and Skuld
Description: Skuld has a nightmare and Ephemer comforts her and then does a dance to try and make her feel better
Length: 1:08 (0:00-1:08)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, I started it then got possessed by the next one and lost interest, but now that I’m looking back at it I’m definitely tempted to try again (just as an animatic tho)
Song: Safe and Sound
Character(s)/Game Focus: Chi Trio (Ephemer, Skuld, and Player)
Description: Basically just the Chi Trio's part of the UX finale again. Geez, guess that scene really got to me or something.
Script Link
Length: 1:36 (0:14-1:50)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep, this one’s finished, but YouTube took the original version down so here’s the original version and here’s the YouTube version (I tried my best to find a cover that lined up properly but the original syncs up best)
Song: Oh Ana
Character(s)/Game Focus: Back Cover and UX
Description: The first section is MoM, the second is the Foretellers (telling the events of Backcover from Ava's perspective), the third is the NULs (telling the events post-glitches in UX).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 1:14 (0:28-1:42)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: If I can sort out the MoM part I'd like to
Song: Bugbear
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Just UX Ven vibes again, him feeling like an imposter and stuff (because he is)
Length: 2:54 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, not enough clear images and scenes in my mind
Post-ML Announcement Ideas
Less Brain centric than you’d think but I’m making this a separate section because of the way they’re scripted and the ideas behind them. I got much more lax about how the scripts look and started think more about Ephemer and Brain’s futures.
So basically a lot of “I miss my friends” kind of angst
It’s also after I started reading Dandelion Seeds so there’s definitely inspiration from that in here too
Song: Hey There Delilah
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer
Description: Ephemer after using the Lifeboat writing letters for the other Union Leaders. Each "different section of the song"hey ther Delilah" is a different letter (and point in time). The first and second ones are to Skuld. The third one I haven't decided yet. The forth is to Brain (I don't ship them, I just headcannon its a running joke between the two of them and Skuld that Eph and Brain are secretly madly in love. Skuld started it, Ephemer went with it, Brain is amused annoyed by it lol). Then "A thousand miles seems pretty far" to "and you're to blame" is just general, to everyone, just like a montage I guess, with some memories behind him. Then the last letter is to Brain when.
Length: 3:57 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I don’t think so, the idea isn’t fleshed out enough visually, but it breaks my heart to say that
Song: King and Lionheart
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs
Description: This one is very inspired by Dandelion Seeds, I wrote it after getting caught up to the update it was at at the time (just know that in the script every time I'm like "NULs helping the Dandelions" or "NULs having fun" there's a scene from Dandelion Seeds playing in my head there lol).
It starts off with Ava, but then pretty much follows all the events of UX.
Script Link
Length: 3:06 (0:00-3:06)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Very likely, I love this one so much. But I know for a fact that I'm gonna get stuck on making Maleficent look right in my style (which is gonna be the biggest game of trial and error ever)
Song: Uncomfortably Numb
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain, Ava (and Luxu for like 2 seconds)
Description: A split screen animation telling both Brain and Ava's (the masculine and feminine voices respectively) stories (its only split screen during the parts they're both singing though). During the chorus where the singers are going back and forth so are the characters through space and time (not actually but you know lol). Brain's sections would take place during Missing Link, whereas Ava's are during Backcover/Chi. Ava's section alone is the scene where she confronts Luxu on the hill.
Length: 4:11 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: I don’t think so, because a) it all depends on how Missing Link goes and b) it isn’t super set in my head yet (like I might just change the all Brain stuff to Luxu)
Song: Faded
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer
Description: Ansty animatic of Ephemer looking for his friends in the wreckage of his home with all sorts of water symbolism.
Length: 3:33 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, not enough actual images in my head just a vibe for a concept (kinda like Hey There Delilah I guess)
Song: Masterpiece Theatre III
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs and Luxu
Description: Start of the song to a bit after the second "I'll wreck this if I have to" is UX Ven focused. Mostly angsty stuff about him being possessed. "You get separated" to "you were a friend of mine" is Ephemer during the finale. You know the drill. Player gets 'possessed' and killed, oof. Alternitively if we get a bit headcannon-y it can be after UX and him rebuilding Scala, the "You were a friend of mine" referring to a possessed Brain. All the "'cause they don't know you like I do"s are Brain in Scala. Super angry rock part is Subject X/Skuld being upset about the scientists and being unable to return to the world she sees so vaguely in her memories. Then it slows down and turns to Marluxia until the last "getting better in the worst way". After which it switches to Luxu.
Length: 6:41 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: HAHAHAH NO. Way too long and not vivid enough for some characters. I’m sorry lol
Song: We are Stars
Character(s)/Game Focus: Sora and Riku
Description: Very stylized PMV. With black and white silhouettes and funky transitions. Not very specific scene-wise but references DDD the most. I don’t know how to explain it without just saying the script so, like, check out the script if your interest is piqued lol
Script Link
Length: 0:10 (0:21-0:31)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yeah, I was thinking about making it in PowerPoint
Song: Ocean Eyes
Character(s)/Game Focus: Stelitzia
Description: Basically Strelitzia’s little intro thing she has. She sees Player get ditched by Ephemer, low key stalks Player, gets told she’s a Union Leader, needs to know whether Player is a Dandelion if a war is coming, gets murdered. All to some chill music.
Script Link
Length: 1:06 (0:00-0:42 and 2:42-3:16)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Kinda working on it now? Have a few frames done but no storyboard yet
Song: Eyes Blue X Heather
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer and Brain
Description: First chorus is an older Ephemer remembering his friends and being upset that he just can't seem to remember their eye colours. Then it switches to UX Ephemer and continues to focus on him until "you played", where it switches to both him and Brain (the scene where Brain gives him the book and his keyblade). "Jack and Rose" it switches to split screen of them both at the computers at their respective versions of Daybreak Town. "But you sunk only you froze", Brain's side of the screen consumes Ephemer's as Luxu approaches him. "'Cause you gave her your sweater", Brin spins around and tries to summon his keyblade but can't. Black screen. Then the rest of the verses are Ephemer in the wreckage of his home and the last chorus is Brain arriving in Scala.
Length: 0:54 (0:00-0:54)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Ughhhhh, so tempted, but I don't think so, but I want to
Song: Lauren’s Interlude
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain and Ava
Description: Ava writes Brain a letter telling him that she has decided to fight in the Keyblade War.
Script Link
Length: 1:13 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep this one is made and up on my YouTube channel (here)
Song: Change your Mind (but a cover)
Character(s)/Game Focus: Isa, Xion
Description: Post-KH3 Isa singing this to Xion telling her that its okay if she doesn't want to forgive him and that he's willing to reconcile for his past actions, but if at any point she wants to actually get to know him, Isa not Saïx, she can.
Length: 0:55 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yeah, eventually
Song: Homeward Bound/Home
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs
Description: Similar to King and Lionheart just even more from the NULs perspective (and giving more focus to each NUL individually... except Brain... RIP lol)
Script Link
Length: 4:17 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep, this one I’m working on making an animatic of right now
Post-DR Update Ideas
Biggest difference here is that now Baldr is here and Bragi exists so we have them now lol
Song: Dust Bowl Dance
Character(s)/Game Focus: Luxu/Bragi/Braig/Xigbar
Description: Starts with Xigbar reminiscing a little in the Keyblade Graveyard post-KH3 ("the young man sits on the edge of his porch" to "given all it could yield"). Then does a full on flashback to UX, starting with MoM sending him off and ending with his confrontation with Ava, for "I've been kicked off my land" to "this same kind of remorse". The first chrous is him during the UX finale and possessing Brain. "Well you are my accuser" to the first "I am the only son" is Bragi getting threatened by Baldr then uno reversing him. The next two choruses are Braig and Xigbar stuff, all the way up until the end of KH3. Then the goes out of the flashbacks to where we left off in the first scene. He finds No Name summons and back the Foretellers.
Length: 4:44 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Like I said earlier either this one or My Way, but not both, they're too similar (but if I’m honest I lean towards this one)
Character(s)/Game Focus: Baldr
Description: Alright, first things first, this is another animation meme, please watch it first to properly understand my passion and description.
K. You back? I watched this meme once and had a vision.
The falling parts show Baldr’s victims at the point in time the animation is showing. The fact that that gives me a chance to do the sickest transition ever with Baldr summoning his keyblade and slashing his victims, turning them into the blood on his face. Ahhhhhh! The way I can end it with Baldr begging for his life and Xehanort being the one to say the last “I don’t really care now” thereby paralleling them and foreshadowing Xehanort’s future crimes. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I wanna ramble more but I don’t have any more words in me, just screaming.
If you only read one script please let it be this one I’m so happy with/proud of this idea (in case you couldn’t tell lol)
Script Link
Length: 0:54 (1:14-2:08)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes. Yes. 100 times, yes. I love this idea. I love they way it looks in my head. I just need to get a bit better at humans, and angles, and editing first
Song: Fine, Great
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Brain is having a TIME in Scala. Starts off with a bit of PTSD. Then some sitting at a board meeting where some people are complaining about the government (they want him to take over). Then Player shows up. Then I need to wait for ML to come out and fill in some blanks for me. Then it ends with Brain and Player being friends and having a conversation.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:32 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how Missing Link goes (need it to fill some of my ideas out more)
Song: Hell of a Ride
Character(s)/Game Focus: MoM
Description: Literally just Brain watching MoM (on his computer) singing about the NULs with little pictures of events behind him then it glitches at the end. Mostly a joke but it lives within me rent free.
Length: 0:15 (1:34-1:49)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably, it’s short enough
Song: When the Lights Go Out
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX Endgame
Description: Very slow dramatic retelling of the UX finale, starting with the big glitches in the sky right before Wreck it Ralph that turns to a very quick, still dramatic, retelling of each of the NULs lives afterwards that I need to edit in the script (the way its written there no longer lines up with the way it looks in my head) at the big final bit.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:46 (1:47-4:33)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, I made it simple enough up until the end that I should be able to actually finish it despite the length… but I might make it into a MAP instead if I can get enough attention from other artists for my sanity’s sake
Song: Love Don’t Go
Character(s)/Game Focus: DR
Description: Speaking of dramatic retellings. Lets change it up a little and do Dark Road this time. This ones a bit Baldr centric but it does have a decent amount of focus on what the other two active parties are doing as well.
Also in the script I say "V Gang" that's what I call Vidar, Vala, and Vali (and usually Vor but not in this case) as a group. Since, like... all their names start with V... and they work together... I dunno man lol
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:32 (0:00-2:32)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Not alone, way too animated in my brain to actually reasonably expect to finish it all by myself, even as an animatic. But I do also love it dearly
Song: Are You Satisfied
Character(s)/Game Focus: Intended NULs (Everyone minus Ven but including Strelitzia)
Description: First half of the song is Strelitzia being told she's meant to be a Union Leader, Ephemer living his life, and Brain having to deal with actually being a Union Leader + the end of UX. The second half is Skuld as Subject X, Marluxia, wrapping up with Strelitzia again, now finding Sora in Quadratum.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 3:19 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, but if I do I'll probably shorten it to just Ephemer and Brain's sections
Song: Goodbye to a World
Character(s)/Game Focus: Player and Ephemer
Description: Here I go again with the scene where Ephemer kills Player. There's a little more to it this time though, I swear. This one has a little bit more of "Ephemer built a future for his friend" flare!
Script Link
Length: 0:30 (1:44-2:14)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep, this one’s a WIP, I’m super close to finishing it (the YouTube WIP is old) but the Scala Fountain is making me procrastinate lol
Song: Skyfall
Character(s)/Game Focus: Chi Trio
Description: A really dramatic and slow animation depicting Player's sacrifice and the events before it
Length: 2:00 (0:00-2:00)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably not, I already have so many animations I want to do more with that one scene, and this one is looong
Song: Don’t Tell Your WIFE About This Game!
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Nope, this isn’t a joke, hear me out. The… drop?? meltdown?? of this song just really gives me Brain vibes, and a very specific image in my mind. I mean “you refuse to look at the guide ‘cause you think you’re way too smart”, this kid literally had the Book of Prophecies this whole time, and I mean sure, it was probably a trap but he didn’t exactly know that. And the whole video game motif fitting right in with data world stuff? Eating it up. Giving Brain a non-cannon breakdown moment? Necessary for that emotional high note (but also Brain should get to have a canon one *preemptively does vaguely threatening gestures towards ML*).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 0:40 (2:21-3:01)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, I was thinking this could be my project once we get a proper release date for ML (so I could release it the day it comes out)
Song: It’s about Time
Character(s)/Game Focus: Skuld
Description: This one covers all of Skuld’s story we know so far, minus the Subject X stuff (yes my money is still on her, thanks), with a twist. The song talks about being on a tightrope so why not put her on one. Like, she’s been through some pretty precarious situations. It’s symbolic. Also the I’d cut the song right through the middle. RIP first chorus and second verse, you didn’t fit in my vision.
Oh also this one has concept art
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Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:44 (0:00-1:07 and 2:09-3:46)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No clue, the concept art might’ve scratched my itch, but I also think it’s a fun idea, but I think all of these are fun so…
Song: Moonsickness
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Brain is upset with the way history is so muddled in Scala, has a flashback, then yells at the government
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 1:38 (3:52-5:14)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how much Missing Link fits into my current headcannons
Whoo! That’s all of them
Or, well… most of them… the ones I felt were worth mentioning.
Is this a cry for help? Definitely. Maybe.
Seriously though, thank you for getting this far into the post. Even if you didn’t read and/or listen to everything (I get it, it really is a lot). This took forever and I hope you found some enjoyment from it.
And hey, if any of these sparked your interest let me know. DM me, tell me in tags, what have you. I’d love to hear feedback
Especially if you were inspired enough to want to do a collab or have ideas for blank spots in scripts (I’ll love you forever if you want to help me /p /hj) .
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aprillikesthings · 8 months
OKAY time to do more She-Ra rewatch woooooo
I mean to get started on this hours ago pffft okay at least two episodes tonight and THEN an edible (if I watch it while high I'm not going to remember a damn thing, okay)
s1 ep5!
(At this rate I am never going to finish. On weeknights I have to watch anything in the living room, where other people are, but I can't find my wired headphones, and my laptop is an old macbook that hasn't been able to find anything on bluetooth in YEARS. I need to look harder for my damn wired headphones!!)
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I keep thinking someone super-nerdy has to have made a proper map of Etheria
Oh, they did! Of course they did. There's multiple fan maps out there, actually. Nice.
[EDIT: also her dad's retired? Like, okay. I get that the reason they say it that way is literally "he's not DEAD but he's not important to the plot" but like, that implies that he also no longer gives a single fuck about his kingdom or the fate of his people. Or his own daughter. Also retired where. Is there a retirement home for former Princesses]
ALSO as I was digging through old posts of Nate's on twitter I found out that when people get his published autobio comic signed (I've read it, but on Kindle) they've often taped over or crossed out his old name on the cover, and he thought it was sweet--though it doesn't bother him to see his old name.
But Netflix should still fix it. 😤
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Every time someone pointed out something they needed, the music stopped and then started over--that was a nice touch lol
I feel bad for skipping the intro every time but I have to admit I do not enjoy the song much. There's nothing *wrong* with it, it's just not my thing at ALL.
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Blobby creature on the left looks like a Pokemon doing a sexy dance, help
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like I know that thing is its ...nose? mouth? and it drinks from the bottle with it right after this shot but THAT LOOKS LIKE A DILDO OKAY, like one of those smallish smooth silicone ones for people new to pegging
Too hard to capture without video but Glimmer's POV literally pans up on someone with a sexy hourglass figure and she makes a little noise, ahaha
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I struggle with Sea Hawk. As a character he's great. But from my POV as a viewer he is in fact kind of annoying sometimes
"Just because Sea is in your name doesn't tell us anything about your actual qualifications" this whole scene is just lampshading the dumb names She-Ra is saddled with because of the original series in the 1980's being made to sell toys.
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"It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs!"
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I know everyone knows that Bow and Glimmer are both bisexual but still
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they're both such himbos sometimes lolol
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"Last week, on She-Ra--"
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I love the way they introduced Scorpia.
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also how did she make it to Force Captain when she's so kind and goofy
(while going through my own old spop posts I kept mentioning that I knew Scorpia would eventually change sides, but it still took WAY longer than I would've expected given what she's like)
Catra's hatred of water (and the way she consistently reacts to Scorpia just picking her up for hugs) is great, I love it when they lean into Catra being a cat
"What are you some kinda furry" no I am a furry ally, there's a difference
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...no comment
Also I get that there's all the jokes about shanties but his song actually sounds like an homage to Gaston's song in Beauty and the Beast
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The way Catra's voice goes up in pitch here is hilarious.
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I know this becomes a whole Thing that Adora can read it and almost nobody else can, but just noting that Mermista's palace's walls have First Ones writing all over them
So Mermista's dad was part of the Princess Alliance? I wonder if "Princess" is just the gender-neutral word on Etheria?
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Voice-acting Mermista must've been so much fun. I feel like she was inspired by Daria.
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This reference ages me, doesn't it lol
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See, I keep forgetting stuff. But I did watch these episodes in like 2019.
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If the characters were allowed to curse, Mermista would've said something like "what the fuck??"
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I remember watching a thing where a few SU voice actors were talking about recording "efforts," which these little kinds of sounds for when the character is doing something physically difficult.
The problem of course, is that I'm rewatching this show so I can write a fic with explicit sex in it, and so my brain is like "heheheh are these also her sex noises"
(I'm going to headcanon that and you can't stop me)
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do they ever address where he's from I forget
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I...immortal? I mean obviously we know they *can* die because otherwise their world would be literally overrun by princesses (plus, y'know, the thing later) but wait how did I miss that
ALSO I can't get a good screenshot but Kyle is playing a ball-and-cup game in EVERY SCENE HE'S IN
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wait hold on
Here's a post of Daci and doing that two different times
Also it's not far off from the ASL for lesbian, which is part of why me and Daci did it
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I am reminded of this post.
Like, is she insulting Adora or attempting to flirt?
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A bunch of fics have mentioned all the scars Adora has from Catra fighting her, and this is the first time we see that during the show; but I can't help wondering if Adora didn't already have faint scars somewhere from when they played as kids? (I know she gets much worse ones later.) It's not like a childhood in the Horde is idyllic or gentle and I doubt they were discouraged from fighting/rough-housing, and I can easily imaging a child!Catra not being good at knowing how hard she was scratching someone.
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Okay, so Catra taunts her and literally injures her, and THEN Adora is able to fix the gate?
Is she motivated by spite or the adrenaline rush/complicated emotions around seeing (and being manhandled by) Catra?
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this shot is deeply hilarious
Also yayyy Mermista has joined the Alliance
Also also I had to edit this post bc it turns out you can only have thirty images per post, whoops!
One day it will take me less than two hours to make one of these posts >_<
Catra is still convinced (or pretending to be convinced) at this point that Adora's defection is temporary, huh.
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sennaverstappendiary · 10 months
australian grand prix ✩ 02.04.2023
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SOOOOO HERE WE FUCKING GO‼️‼️‼️ my journey into f1 has finally started. now, is it because i'm dutch and max is slaying? well, that has something to do with it, but! i actually have to instead thank the other driver in my username for getting me into f1! 🥰🥰🥰
🗓️ march 23th, 2023. i was in bed, trying to sleep, and i simply couldn't. i don't know why - might have to do with recovery symptoms, but i COULD NOT sleep. and my now ex was sleeping next to me, so couldn't watch video's. what did i do instead?
wikipedia deep dive. 😁😁😁
i'm not sure how it happened, but eventually i found myself on the... "crashes in formula one" page. and being the morbidly curious little freak that i am, i scrolled through everything. one of them caught my eyes though, more than any other.
💕💕ayrton senna💕💕 - the last driver to pass away during a formula one race. i clicked on his page, and, woah. it was like something clicked inside of me as i scrolled through it. especially his rivalry with 💕💕alain prost💕💕 seemed so interesting to me... like what happened there...
needless to say: i was hooked. more than hooked, to be honest. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
i ended up scrolling, reading more and more, and i only slept when it was 5 am. the days after that were a blur of FORMULA ONE FORMULA ONE FORMULA ONE. it was genuinely the only thing i could think of/talk about. genuinely felt like i was on cr4ck... 💥💥💥
funny thing: my brother, who had introduced me to f1, wasn't even home at the time i got hyperfixated. sometimes i wonder how that would've gone. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
another funny thing: i was very sad to find out that the prosenna community wasn't thriving on tumblr 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
another VERY funny thing: i literally laughed the first time i saw lestappen. like in a mean way. i have no clue what happened but about 2 days later i was reblogging it and it was becoming my fav modern ship alarmingly quickly 🤯🤯🤯🤯
so yeah. went kinda (really) fucking crazy the week before this grand prix. of course i decided to wake up at 7 am to watch it 😁😁 god bless. i didn't gaf about fp at the time (smartest thing ive ever done, like, i should stop caring about fp now)
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qualifying was just... confusing for me seeing as i didn't understand too much. i do vividly remember how AWKWARD the picture with the top 3 was 😭😭😭 i was very sleepy and i think i accidentally woke up my (now) exin the other room PLEASE 🤣🤣🤣
the race was... i'm both shocked and glad that this was my first ever race. waking up at 7 for it was fun as fuck i can't even lie i LOVE me an early race 💕💕 i was so hyped for it!! i didn't understand much, and i didn't have any friends to chat with yet, but it was fun. if i had been into f1 longer i would've probably been more scared of the mercs leading lap after lap, but i was blissfully unaware AND very very faithful in max... just kept repeating to myself "i'm not gonna worry about it lol" which DID work in the end. i rewatched this race for this post and man. i remember not really giving a fuck about charles dnf because i wasn't THAT much into any modern drivers yet except max LOL. 🥲🥲🥲 and i remember alex's crash being way later than it actually was in the race? maybe because of the crazy fucking red flags PLEASE 😰😰😰 george's car lighting on fire... nyck flopping... my first impression of carlos being his fucking complaint about the SUN i'm screaming... what a crazy fucking race.
after the race i was gleefully telling my dad everything (his ass was NOT waking up at 7 for this which i respect greatly) and shakingly eating breakfast (i was so excited fdjhgdhfgdfh)... and then i realised... 4 weeks without f1 😵‍💫😵‍💫 whilst in the height of my hyperfix!! how did i survive!!!
anyway i'm so glad this was my first race, even though it was a really weird one dfhghdg 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 AUSTRALIA 2023 U WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS TO ME‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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✩ song of the race: Industry Baby - Lil Nas X
I just fuck heavy with this song LMFAO. also it's kinda maxcore if u think about it... i certainly think about it... 😭💕😭💕😭💕
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wifiwuxians · 1 year
ship game ship game⛵️
ok,first I want to say that xuechao makes a lot of sense,actually. jiaojiao and xue yang are actually a bit similar,if you think about it. true,we don't know about wang lingjiao's past,and I guess she at least did not grow up on the street. but both of them are pretty and love torturing people and are quite overdoing it on the revenge front.
now,since that one got asked already,pick whichever you feel like🍉:
-xuexiao💀 if you want to and you won't be getting haters on here from answering that
-sorry,I'm basic,but,songxiao🌟 I just want to read a love letter to my fav ship and who better to ask than my fav shipper of my ship
-lanlan! (at first I was like,no! song lan would not move on even after 800 years! but then I read some fics and it made sense for lan xichen and song lan to at least become close as friends)(but I want to know what YOU think so don't worry about disagreeing)
omg okay first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH for your compliments!! I am really thrilled I am your favorite songxiaoist lol 😳 Second! You are so big brained actually! Jiaojiao and Xue Yang both have come from bleak backgrounds and are trying to cling to what little they have! I believe Jiaojiao was just about sold by her family lol and she is illiterate 💔 And they are both petty batshit revenge machines! I've actually briefly considered xuechaojiao LOLLL... HMM... but okay, onwards to the
I'll give you my love letter to Songxiao first so you don't need to go digging for it hehe
I hope I won't get hate for playing the game jhdgjsg I hope everyone will be a little more mature than that
Do I ship it: I do not. (Tim Allen AHUUUAHH?) But on a single day of the year my aversion to it lessens and I'm able to retweet art of them kinda smooching so my tolerance is overall getting better, maybe? lol
Why don't I: There are many factors... I like mutually destructive toxic mess ships, right? We've established that. But I don't like ships in which one person is doing all the hurting and the other person ends up, uh. Like XXC did. "But DJ I thought you were the fixit king" I am! It's just not exactly appealing to me, and the other big factor as to why is that I just... Never really saw them that way. Like even removing their canon storyline and only leaving their dynamic, which removed from context is lovely don't get me wrong, it never registered as romantic. It registered as XXC looking out for his goofy little brother, you know? I dunno. There's nothing there for me, sorry. "But DJ the devotion" yeah. There are many ways to love someone. Even if that were romantic, it's too onesided for me.
What would have made me like it: If they actually liked each other LMAO I have no issue with the thought of them loving each other, just not romantically! Outside of canon they're pretty much cemented as family in my brain, though very rarely I'll maybe entertain the idea of some sort of QPP dynamic but then it slingshots right back into family again. Just friends who really love each other and tried to do the do only to find out they don't see each other that way is the furthest I'm willing to go for them and this is a HUGE leap from where I was a year ago LOL
A positive: I appreciate that a lot of people just really want them to love each other. Maybe try and find some healing in all the mess. I get what that's like.
Please whoever reads this don't take this as an invitation to start talking to me about it though as it still does cause me to react negatively 💀 some days I really cannot stand it at all, I'm just mature enough to not be a hater 100%
Do I ship it: I'm in the process of being converted, we will see how it goes! Kind of sucks this game doesn't have a maybe option so I'll make up the questions myself
What's drawing me to it: I, like you, was originally like "naur Song Lan has his man already thanks, and after he fixes him he's going to bed", but one of my close friends made the very good point that just because he's on a quest doesn't mean he can't be loved on the side, too! So I'd like to see Song Lan get loved on, and Lan Xichen deserves this, too, and I think stories about processing grief are very potent
Things I like about it: It seems this ship is about healing oneself and each other, and I'm a big fan of that! Both characters also complement each other well, with each having characteristics of someone the other has loved before (i.e. NMJ's righteousness, XXC's gentle energy). I also think canon gave them really sad endings, and in LXC's case it's a bit of a bitter one, too. SL's is at least bittersweet so sharing the joy is nice 🥺
What would seal the deal: Strong characterization aligned with my view of the characters! Being in character goes a long way for me, so if you've got them down pat, then I'll be more likely to give it a chance. If you add that they've both been in love before and that they're not looking for a replacement then we're set! (:
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
Vi (arcane), Warren Worthington III, Padme Amidala, and Yelena Belova for the niche questions?
Thank you!!
Niche Questions (Character Asks)
A song that reminds me of them: No Chances by Twenty One Pilots (Feet planted on grip tape With my shoulders square and my back straight Go a good base and a loose tongue Notorious in the octagon, now) What they smell like: Probably doesn't smell fantastic, given she's from the undercity and doesn't have the most consistent hygiene. Sweat, dirt, sometimes like metal or machinery (especially when she's done a lot of work with her gauntlets) An OTP: Caitvi for the win!! A NOTP: Anything that sets her up with a man tbh Favorite platonic/familial relationship: Vander acting as her father figure... makes my heart hurt A popular headcanon I disagree with: Honestly I'm not sure what the popular headcanons are for her... The position they sleep in: Changes around, since she's usually sore or injured and has to find a position that doesn't hurt too badly A crossover AU I'd love to see them in: Hm... again, sorry for the null answer, but I really don't know. I don't think about crossovers much Favorite outfit they've ever worn: She kinda only wears the one... but it is a killer fit, I must say. I love her little jacket
A song that reminds me of them: Archangel by Amaranthe (for obvious reasons) What they smell like: Depends on which version of Warren we're talking about. He could be pomade and expensive cologne, he could be cheap booze and blood, he could be leather and that steely wet-metal smell... there are options lol. An OTP: Canon-wise, him and Psylocke. But obviously I'm going to pick my own OC if that's an option lol. A NOTP: Hm... him and Scott. Not like it gives me the ick or anything, it's just really not my thing. Favorite platonic/familial relationship: I just like the whole "X-Men as found family" dynamic, so I'm going with him and the rest of the original team. A popular headcanon I disagree with: Not one specifically, but I see a lot of people trying to up his powers after he becomes the Horseman of Death, or even just in general, and... no thank you. Part of his character is that he has a very limited power set, where he's outcast from humans but isn't as powerful as his teammates and so is always occupying this slightly "othered" space, so I don't agree with the headcanons that try and add significantly to his power set. The position they sleep in: Stomach sleeper, with his wings spread out to either side. He keeps them folded back/cooped up all day, it feels good to stretch out once he's in bed. A crossover AU I'd love to see them in: Technically it already happened, but... I do love him in Marvel 1602, and the whole idea of placing heroes from different Marvel properties into a historical context. Favorite outfit they've ever worn: I love the red-and-white suit and its variations (like in X-Men Blue with the red-and-white suit and his cosmic wings), and his black-and-silver Archangel suit with the metal wings.
In all honesty I don't know enough/have strong enough opinions about her to answer these... sorry.
A song that reminds me of them: I'm Not An Angel by Halestorm What they smell like: Something pointedly nondescript, a standard mid-range women's perfume meant to help her blend in. An OTP: Bit fan of the Yelena/Kate Bishop ship tbh A NOTP: A lot like I said for Vi... anything that places her with a man, I do not see her being straight lol Favorite platonic/familial relationship: How could I say anything other than her and Nat?? A popular headcanon I disagree with: I've seen a lot of people on tumblr headcanoning her with this whole "is standoffish at first but would be emotionally vulnerable with her S/O" and I know that's just tumblr being tumblr but like... no? Maybe she'd try to be more open with someone she trusts, but she's still fairly closed-off and that wouldn't just magically change by putting her in a romantic relationship. The position they sleep in: On her side, always facing the door, usually with a weapon within arm's reach and a getaway bag tucked under the bed. She's used to making quick escapes. A crossover AU I'd love to see them in: I could see her meeting the Robins in a DC crossover, that could be cool Favorite outfit they've ever worn: I love her more casual outfits, like in Hawkeye when she appears in Kate's apartment the first time
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rosella-writes · 2 years
OTP Asks - Hawke x Merrill: 2, 17, 18. Zev x Alistair x Mahariel: 6, 24, 32
OHO intricate intricate thank you 💚
Hawke x Merrill:
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to? Emrys is a heavy sleeper who doesn't dream much or move around in his sleep, while Merrill can be up all hours, snap awake from a nightmare, or just not go to bed at all. When she does come to bed, she moves around, and it's not uncommon for Emrys to wake up with her glommed on to him or upside down under the covers. Sometimes he'll wake up to a cold, empty room, head out to the library, and carry her on back to bed after she's fallen asleep at the desk or curled up by the fire.
17. Who fell in love first? Emrys. Merrill charmed him with her earnest nature, and they were close friends first and foremost. He's drawn to her outlook on the world, refreshed by her optimism and curiosity despite everything she's gone through, and just finds her homey and sweet and kinda soul-affirming to be around. Merrill had reservations for years, and while she admires Hawke and maybe idealises him a little bit, Isabela keeps her head on straight. She goes into a romance with Emrys with good intentions and more sense than she might have if not for her piratey friend.
18. What song fits them perfectly? Oh oofta SO. Emrys has gone through a lot of metamorphoses so it's funny to think that the song that sparked his concept matches who he ultimately becomes with Merrill, despite being very very different in the end. It's Light My Love by Greta Van Fleet. I just think it's got the sweet I associate with Merrill along with the more gritty stuff that matches Emrys.
Zevran x Alistair x Mahariel:
6. When did they realize they loved each other? These idiots are a mess. Rhiannon and Alistair loved each other hard and quick, and burnt out just as fast — Rhiannon dumped Alistair after getting chewed out by Wynne and realising that she did resent Alistair for insisting she take the lead. Then they recruited Zevran and he was such a welcome distraction... then more. Rhiannon realised she loved Zevran as they were helping the Denerim alienage — he stopped her as they were leaving the orphanage and gave her his earring as if he couldn't wait another damn minute, covered in gore and stumbling his way through what should have been a smooth one-liner. They were both idiots, messy idiots, and she knew then and there that he wasn't just her bed warmer. All throughout, Rhiannon encouraged Zevran's interest in any of their other companions. Still, she was surprised when Zevran guiltily admitted he'd been flirting with Alistair, wondering if of all of them that one was off limits. She pretended not to care. My timeline for Zev and Alistair's relationship is wibbledy wobbledy, but they really don't come into their own as a fully realised triad until well after the archdemon's defeat. In the end, Alistair has kinda always loved both of them — it's just a matter of Zevran and Rhiannon both coming to terms with and accepting it. I've explored some of it in this lil fic right here.
24. Which of them is the most competitive? Rhiannon, definitely. She's the one hollering out her kill count as she goes while the others try to just do their jobs lol. Zevran finds it a bit adorable and tries to humour her, knowing he has her beat on both talent and aptitude but usually letting her win anyway, while Alistair takes it a bit personally.
32. How do they resolve their arguments? So the triad can be... very dysfunctional, easily one of the hardest of my ships to navigate lol. Zevran winds up being the glue that keeps Alistair and Rhiannon together and softens arguments — he usually has no stake in the fight anyway, and just tries to act as a mediator where he can. Without him, Alistair and Rhiannon would not be happy together long term.
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kylorens · 2 years
Solid Snake and Finn for the ask game?
hey. send me a character/ship and I'll tell you
On the og reblog I said I won't be able to write down cohesive words but I'll try bc I usually NEVER get asks on my ask game reblogs lol THANKS &lt;3
my general perception of them
Snake: OK so if you know me, you know what I'm going to say. This man HAS ME in his chokehold, okay? This man could throw me on the ground, stomp on me and I'd thank him. Somehow in such a short time he's become one of my favorite characters of all time. He's got the heart, the look and everything. I love the fact that he never stops trying. <3 Even though the world doesn't deserve this at all!!! I love him.
also I'm more of a moobs girl but i realized the importance of ass thanks to him. I also like thighs a lot so we will sexualize the old man.
Finn: FINN IS LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAV SW CHARACTERS and I just get SO MAD thinking how badly he was treated in the trilogy. I had such high hopes for him so it was so sad to watch it all fall apart. I still think if the EU ever starts to think about continuing on where TROS left, he still could be made into a Jedi knight. I WANT TO BELIEVE. (So far the only thing we have is the LEGO movies lmfao. Even they know that Finn should be training !!)
Anyway. I always thought that giving a redemption arc to a random stormtrooper was a great idea. Imagine if he became a full on Jedi ok not going back to that whole rant I absolutely love how big hearted he is and the way he got super courageous even in the first movie alone.
OKAY I CAN'T NOT SAY IT John Boyega is hot and I'm thankful for his hair transition in the later movies - especially in TROS he was HOT ASF.
@ lucasfilm I will fight you for what you've not done for Finn.
an unpopular opinion or, failing that, a fun fact
Snake: If this was an unpopular opinion about MG in general HO BOY WOULD I HAVE A MILLION. IDK what can be said about Snake that would be unpopular. I can't think of a fun fact either. ;_; so I'll widen the question (like i want snake to widen the gap between my legs ok ill see myself out) and say that I don't like how Snake was sidelined after MGS3 was hyped so hard and he became like a secondary character the BB and this is my villain origin story,
Finn: ok again. I don't think I have anything that would be unpopular opinion about Finn since I think we majorly agree that Finn was handled very badly. But I guess I can say one thing - I don't find the way he wants to be with Rey certainly A BAD THING. She was literally the first person after Poe who believed in Finn, and him tricking her made him feel awful about it. She was one of the reasons why he had changed his ways and I love their relationship, platonic or romantic. They are the best <3
music i associate with them (if any)
Snake: OK I HAVE SO MANY I've posted lots of Muse songs with MG characters already but I'll do it again ;)
Frou Frou - Let Go (I actually have a wip with this lol)
Family of the Year - Hero (Maybe too on the nose idc)
Muse - Map of the Problematique (OK BIASED bc this is one of my top top TOP muse songs ever. kinda snox vibes actually... the animations I have in my mind every time I listen to this. I always say to myself I'm going to make something with it and never do) Muse - The Handler (Writing this down too just because I've posted this before saying it fits Snake but I had just finished MG1 then and he was all I could think about, later I felt like it could also be Raiden's song. But. He fits Citizen Erased better.) Muse - Cave
Oasis - Part of the Queue
Imogen Heap - Headlock (in my otasune playlist...)
MFÖ - Mazeretim Var Asabiyim Ben
I probably have more and will be like "ah i should have added that one" but I can't think of anymore rn
Finn: Wish it was 2014-15 and I would have been in my peak SW era and give you a million songs. I can only give meme-y songs rn
Rober Hatemo - Sana Çinden Koşarım (he sings this to Rey)
Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive (and this to Kylo lmao)
if I feel (spiritually) like I could beat them in a fight
Snake: Just NO. LMAO. I think he would just laugh at me if I even tried to.
Finn: Before TFA? Maybe. He was only a sanitation worker. But I wouldn't want to 🥺
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trashlord-007 · 2 years
So. Tana? Is that correct? Well as your secret Santa thought I'd stop in and say hello! So many questions and such a limited character count. I guess I should start with the basics....who's your bias? Is it Jongdae? Your avatar is him but I don't want to just assume. How long have your been an exol? Do you have other interests? I saw your pinned post about gaming....what games are you into? Why is your favorite color your favorite color? What is your favorite color? Do you have a favourite song? If it's not an exo song which of our boys' songs is your most cherished? Go to song for a mood pick up? What sort of things do you create? Have you ever killed a man? Favorite movie or book? Why? Best moment in fandom life? What YouTube video have you watched the most?
I'll stop there and save some for later.
Hiii, my super awesome Secret Santa!
Tana is indeed correct~ welcome to my small corner of Tumblr!
Jongdae is my bias <333 I love him so much T_T who is your bias? or biases? I know some people have multiple, especially in bigger bands. To be honest, my ult top 10 has several EXO members! But Jongdae will always be my EXO bias, and my ult bias across all of kpop!
I've been an EXOL since... Tempo! While I enjoyed their title tracks before then, bought their songs and listened to their MVs etc, I didn't truly appreciate them until I listened to the Don't Mess Up My Tempo album. Everything clicked then, and I realised I had been so wrong about them before T_T and after listening to all their previous music it became evident that they'd always be my number one~
I do have some other interests. Like you saw, I enjoy gaming. The Mass Effect and Far Cry franchises are my everything <3 no matter what else is happening, I can always return to them and find some semblance of peace... it's hard to explain. But you can fish in FC5! Sometimes I just pop the game on to do that. Or turn on ME:A to travel between planets - it has this awesome feature where it's kinda like you're piloting the ship to each one. I've been thinking of Feros and Noveria again, which are missions in the first Mass Effect. They are my favourites! and I also need to finish my AC Syndicate playthrough so I can move forward to the next--
Sorry,,, heh, I tend to ramble T_T it's a bad habit of mine. Do you game?
My favourite colour is blue but I'm not sure why! It's just... pretty. Any colours that remind me of nighttime ambiance, stars and space, etc are my favourites too. The universe is so perfect.
Favourite song... that's too hard T_T well, I'll keep it easy by saying Monster by EXO! Which is your favourite? EXO or otherwise? and which solo is your favourite? Have you listened to Xiuminnie's new song? I LOVE IT !
I have a playlist called Cheer Up, Buttercup! and the first song in it is Good Day for a Good Day by Super Junior haha. There's a lot of GGs in it too, like Twice and Saturday.
I mainly create problems.
Err, I mean, I mainly write but I'm dipping my toes in GIF-making too!
I plead the fifth.
Interstellar is my favourite movie!! (... is it becoming obvious yet how obsessed I am with space?) and my favourite book is... wow, I can't believe I'm gonna be cliché like this but... probably Wuthering Heights? Or maybe The Gunslinger by Stephen King. What about you? I'd love to talk books or movies, especially if they are horror or sci-fi haha.
Oh... why... I'm never really sure why I like the things I do but I will say that I've seen Interstellar countless times (I even watched parts of it every time I went to the dentist lol). Before that was Avatar... and the second film is finally coming out!! T_T I'm so excited! As for the books... haha, I guess what makes a piece of media/fiction wonderful is the emotions it invokes.
It's the small things, like amazing events and excited conversations, that make fandom great.
My most watched YouTube video as of late is probably one of the music playlists I use to write, like Brian Tyler - I'm Sorry [Far Cry 3 ] (1 Hour Version) or Dark Clubbing / Bass House / Dark Techno Mix 'SINFUL'.
Now, my friend, I am curious about you! What's your most played YouTube? What do you like to create? Best part of fandom? Do you listen to music when you create? and if you do, what do you listen to?
It's so exciting to have a Secret Santa! I hope this answers your questions adequately and I look forward to your response!
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