#Fire Damage
jana-the-clown · 11 months
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A car battery blew up in the garage setting the whole house on fire. My brother and his roommates are okay physically, thank God, but they need help, anything is appreciated.
Even a reblog is appreciated.
Spread the link, donate if you can.
Please note that I am not comfortable giving out any personal information for myself or family, with this said please don't dm or ask me if I'd like to get in contact with any third party for the gofundme campaign. I have been drowning in such messages and as well meaning you are the offers seem a bit sketchy when I get ten in a row all with similar wording.
We are keeping the direction of the campaign within family, but thank you for the concern in that regard.
That being said reblogs are incredibly appreciated if you cannot afford to donate, and thank you for your time.
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Luna Park razed by fire, Coney Island, August 13, 1944. The next day, the afternoon paper PM had this to say:
"Our photographer climbed up on one of the big slides to get this general view of Luna Park, Coney Island, half of which was razed by fire Saturday afternoon. Arrow points to 'Dragon's gorge' where the blaze started. Loss was estimated at $500,000. When this picture was taken yesterday afternoon, firemen still were spraying the stray sparks in the ruins."
The entrance towers to Luna Park are on the upper left, the Wonder Wheel beyond. The 150-foot Wheel began operation in 1920. The fire destroyed more than half of Luna Park. Although some of the rides were repaired, wartime rationing of building supplies prevented a complete reconstruction. Instead, visitors could view the ruins for ten cents. Luna Park closed completely in 1946.
Photo: Weegee via the Int'l Center of Photography
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karniss-bg3 · 5 months
Heya folks. Unfortunately I have a bit of bad news from my end. On Friday, April 19th my apartment building caught on fire. Thankfully no one was seriously harmed but I can't say the same for the things people owned. The fire started next door to us on the bottom floor and crept its way up. We were alerted to the blaze at 2am and had to flee. We couldn't catch our cat in time before the smoke became too heavy but we are very lucky we found her later, terrified but alive. All four families, including ours, were displaced after the fire. Two apartments suffered intense damage while mine and the one below mine were spared the worst of it. However, the smoke damage was bad enough that it's deemed unfit to live in. We were only allowed in long enough to grab essentials and take a few pictures, but since then we've had to live in an extended stay hotel. Until the investigation into the cause of the fire is complete everything we own has to stay put.
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Ironically, we were gearing up to move this upcoming Friday into a new place. We were in the process of packing but never got to finish. We'd planned our budget down to the dollar to afford the move but now we're stretched thin because of all of the unexpected expenses. While our renters insurance is meant to reimburse us for out of pocket costs we don't know how long that will take and our new place will be expecting upfront payment on the day of move-in, which has now been eaten into.
I've backspaced and rewritten this paragraph at least ten times. I'm not good at asking for help, in truth. I'm proud, stubborn, and I think I can fix everything. I can't fix this. We've never been in this situation before and uncertainty is my greatest enemy.
I understand everyone is under financial strain and if you aren't able to donate I'm entirely in your corner. If you are, a link to my ko-fi will be provided at the bottom of the post. A signal boost would be appreciated to help get the word out. All proceeds will go toward lodging, food, cleaning supplies, clothing and other expenses as a result of the fire. I greatly appreciate everyone and I hope this never happens again. I would love to have some positive news soon but for now all we can do is wait. Until then, thank you for your time and stay safe out there.
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robertpallesen · 8 months
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Fire Damage, Portland, OR © Robert Pallesen
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burningthisreality · 3 months
You ever scare yourself with your own artwork?
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I drew this at about midnight a couple weeks ago
It was my Amy's idea to draw an exe of Blaze but I ended up with this (she loved it ^^)
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randoaccnt · 9 days
I feel like it's a personal attack that I'm not immune to fire damage. 😤
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yasosh · 5 months
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cold & fire damage
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redheadinmanhattan · 5 months
I know I haven't been on here forever, LIFE. I have been struggling. I just had my apartment building CATCH ON FIRE this past Saturday in nyc. I am currently homeless as Red Cross will not assist me as I only suffered "smoke damage." No, sadly, I did not have renters insurance because I can't even afford rent right now.
I used up all of my savings for that. I have exhausted all possible resources & am coming to you kind amazing people for hopefully some assistance. I found an airbnb in small town PA where my daughter goes to college, and I can stay there and work remotely for the next week, but it's $600.
If you can DONATE/SPARE even $5, I would be so freaking grateful! :-)
Venmo: @ Shelly-Kay-2 Paypal: [email protected]
Thank you for anything you can do to help! The landlord has made it abundantly clear they will be taking "as long as it takes" to repair the damages, which are on all 4 stairwells and walls, & my Doctor has deemed it unsafe for me to stay in my apartment as it suffered so much smoke damage, & I have asthma, among other health issues. Again, BLESS YOU FOR ANY HELP YOU CAN OFFER!!!
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desertleviathan · 8 months
So a very good friend of mine ran into some financial hardship recently, where his neighbor's apartment caught fire and while his own apartment wasn't burned down, it did suffer catastrophic smoke damage. A ton of his stuff is ruined, and his renter's insurance is denying his claim. If you've got a few $ to spare, he could use some help replacing all his damaged stuff and taking care of his cat.
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motherfuckingcat · 1 year
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eopederson2 · 2 years
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Regrowth After a Fire, Santiam Pass, Oregon 2014.
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robertpallesen · 9 months
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Fire Damage, Portland, OR © Robert Pallesen
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Chapter 2: Beauty of Cloud Empire
Narrated by William.
Susan: Wow!!!
William: COOL!!!
Narrator: The carved beams, painted eaves, and beautiful gardens we saw in the Cloudcrest brochure unfolded before us...
Narrator: Like an ancient scroll painting.
Narrator: Flowering trees lined the streets and residents collected their flowers to decorate their windows and doorways.
Narrator: It was during the holiday. The streets were crowded. Long lines of people waited to buy cakes and snacks from roadside stalls.
Susan: Prawn dumplings, pastries, steamed buns... I wanna try them all!
Narrator: If Susan tackled her homework with the same enthusiasm, she’d get straight As.
Narrator: In the downtown district a giant pagoda towers above the city, its uppermost roofs hidden in the clouds.
Susan: It’s ginormous!
William: It’s the Cloudcrest Pagoda, the tallest building in Cloudcrest. They say the views from the top are amazing.
Dad: It’s a nice day. The view will be excellent. We should go up!
Narrator: From the highest viewing platform of Cloudcrest Pagoda, you can take in the entire old city in a single glance.
Narrator: Colorful trees lined the winding streets in picturesque disorder.
Narrator: Chimes hung down from the eaves, tingling in the breeze, a musical composition written by the wind.
Narrator: Impossibly lifelike flower and bird carvings covered the wooden latticework on the windows.
Narrator: Beauty derived from nature, so unlike the ultramodern style found in Apple Federation.
Choose either “Which do you think is better?” or “Which do you prefer?”
If “better,” ...
You: Which do you think is better?
Narrator: I think they both have value, in terms of materials and structural elements.
If “prefer,” ...
You: Which do you prefer?
Narrator: They’re quite distinctive, aesthetically pleasing. I need to study them more closely before I can tell you which one I prefer.
Narrator: But visiting Cloud Empire Museum, I learned a thing.
Narrator: While not as cold as concrete and steel, wood is structurally a much weaker material to build with.
Interpreter: You might have noticed in Cloudcrest several buildings that look abandoned.
Guide: These structures that have been damaged by fire are no longer used.
William: Because they’re made of wood and catch fire easily...
Interpreter: Well done, little friend! Lots of buildings in Cloud Empire are made of wood.
Guide: Sadly, many very important buildings have been lost to fire in the past.
Interpreter: Here you can find some models and photographs of the buildings that have been lost.
Guide: The Cloud Tourism Bureau and Cloudcrest Council are currently discussing reconstructing some of the more impressive examples.
Interpreter: Who knows, maybe next time you visit the city, you will be able to see them for real.
Narrator: Looking at the photographs and models, an idea occurred to me.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
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craniopagi · 2 years
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