#burned house
isamajor · 11 months
Two Weeks of Whump : day one to five
Okay I wanted to write more whump drabbles, I find the exercice quite interesting, with such few words. So yeah, I’m doing @promptsforyourwhumpfic‘s Two Weeks of Whump, with, as now usually, Skyrim’s Custom Voiced Followers.
Day 1 – Ashes
From the bustling city that was Whiterun, only whimpers and moans could be heard through the smoke and ash that thickened the air of the city. Attacked by the Stormcloaks, the city had resisted, not without difficulty or victims. The Dragonborn and his housecarl passed near the Gildergreen, miraculously spared. From a burnt and collapsed hovel nearby, a blackened hand could be seen piercing the ashes. Severio Pelagia had perished. Lydia brought her hands to her mouth, her stomach dropping. She wanted to cry but the smoke burned her eyes as much as her tears. (95)
Day 2 – Bio-weapon
Sanguinare Vampiris, they called the illness, a virus like a curse spread by the bloodthirsty creatures of the night. Fear gripped the hearts of the afflicted, for they knew what awaited them. Three days of torment and suffering, the slow progression towards an eternal transformation. Auri trembled as she began to suffer of the first symptoms after a fight against a Vampire. She knew the consequences all too well :the slow transformation into a creature she loathed. Altering one's nature was against Y'ffre's wishes. She had to find a cure, before it was too late. (98)
3 – Alcohol
The bottle of Alto wine passed silently from one to the other. In the midst of the tranquility of the place, under teh stars, neither of them managed to find sleep. So there was alcohol. To forget the horrors of the past that jumped out at them as soon as their eyes closed. Nebarra grimaced. It wasn't strong enough for him. Taliesin cracked a smile. Of all their companions, Nebarra was ultimately the only one who could understand him. He too was haunted by the war. The mercenary often verbalized it, like a litany of the horrors he had seen and experienced. (103)
4 – Cage
Iron bars for only horizon. The new home of Lucien Flavius. A cage in a fortified bandit camp on the border with Cyrodiil. Marvellous. The bandits hadn't damaged his body too much because they were hoping for a nice ransom for this young man from a good family. The bruises he suffered hurt him but the feeling of humiliation he also felt was just as stinging. Lucien felt so helpless in this situation. He pressed his blond head against the bars. He knew someone was going to save him. But when ? And at what price? (96)
5 – Broken glass
She was cornered. Next to her, the broken glass of a display case. The sounds of boots were already heard on the other side of the door. Even if she wasn't the culprit of this theft – she would have skilfully picked the display case, her – the guards wouldn't care. Her heartbeat quickened. Trembling, she wrapped her hand around a jagged shard. Remiel gritted his teeth. The glass sank into the flesh of his palm. Blood quickly coated the shard of glass and dripped onto the floor. But what could cut her could cut her assailants. (97)
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k4t3britt · 6 months
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coleoffduty · 2 months
finally rendered those baela and rhaena sketches;
baela, lady of driftmark 🌊 & her younger twin sister— rhaena of pentos 🪷
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(post on x)
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chaiaurchaandni · 8 months
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this, after biden spewed some degenerate bullshit about palestinians lying about their casualties. and the gaza health ministry released a 212 page report detailing the names, families and ID's of every single martyr, including hundreds of palestinians who could not be identified at the time of death and burial.
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shitpostingkats · 6 months
The bad kids are a great group dynamic, but also the individual team ups? Never miss.
Fig and Fabian going in to talk to Garthy O’Brien completely confident despite the fact that neither of them remember what they’re supposed to ask for. Adaine and Riz sweating profusely through making small talk but being overjoyed when they get past it and get to investigate a bloody ritual site. Fig and the Cig Figs. Fabian and Gorgug being jocks together (bonus points if there's Ragh). The Bardy Boys. Spring Break I Believe In You. Every combination of these characters is some entirely new nonsense dynamic and I am so here for it
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ive blown this webcomic shit wide open. needs some more testing but i should have something usable for the csp asset store soon.
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sleep-tight-pupper · 1 year
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reblog if your blog is actually unbelievably boring
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bluegarners · 4 months
bruce and dick are both emotionally repressed but in kind of different but parallel ways. like, the repression that bruce experiences stems from never confronting trauma or any negative emotion, whereas dick's repression stems from needing to be the emotional support for an emotionally repressed man at the ripe age of 9 and so never being able to process any emotions associated with that responsibility
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lcewarden · 1 year
apparently "I'm in the house like carpet" wasn't originally written for persona, it was actually a sample from a german royalty-free stock sound library that also includes vocal samples. to quote genius.com
The song’s lyrics are lifted from the track “Swiny House” by the German sample CD company Masterbits. Masterbits provides musical and vocal samples and is heavily used by Japanese video game soundtracks
this has led me to a startling discovery
im in the house like carpet. isolated vocals
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p4nishers · 11 months
crowley, drunk off his ass: and i was yk just some fucked up soul born in cold and rain but he was my fucking sunlight or whatever
hozier, frantically writing on a napkin: HHHMMMM TELL ME MORE
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
The way in Knives Out that the entire Thrombey family constantly subjected Marta to racism for years ranging from micro aggressions to outright threats of deportation, that she knew all their fucked up dirty laundry and how they all were constantly exploiting Harlan's wealth, that they excluded her from Harlan's funeral and each blamed everyone else for it, and that they immediately dropped all pretenses of condescending civility when the will was read, yet she spent almost the entire movie sympathetic of them and wanting to gift them the fortune Harlan left her before finally standing up for herself in the last hour
The way in Glass Onion that Helen outright hated the entire "disrupters" group for at least ~10yrs before the movie even took place and made her opinion explicitly known, that her acting as her twin sister being jilted was so easy to maintain because she hated the entire group so much, that she didn't at all humor their extremely conditional "comradery" with her cause against Miles, and that in the end when everything was said and done she didn't stick around to watch them all turn on each other because it didn't matter anymore if they did or didn't
Marta's kindness got her the house.
Helen's justified fury burned Miles' down.
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k4t3britt · 6 months
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all that’s left of a house on main street
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attyattlaw · 5 months
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happy birthday to the one and only babygirl
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thealexandriaarchives · 2 months
I can't stop staring at Feyd-Rautha's walk here and what it implies about his fight with Paul now that I'm able to stop just comparing it to Timothy's killer body work matching it (or vice versa).
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Villeneuve takes the book canon, that the Harkonnens took the Atredies's morbid heirlooms of an oil painting of grandfather's death and the bull's head with his blood still dried on his horns to hang above the arena as trophies to the next level: making Feyd-Rautha the victorious young matador with the guards dressed as bull-minotaurs, circling to play banderillos and sink banderillas into the backs of the Atredies bull if it gets too close before the final faena has Feyd-Rautha pulling his opponent past him in the close, intimate passes that show off his athleticism and skill before his false blade is exchanged for the one that will be used for the killing blow and oh my god there are whole schools of thought on coming forward to meet your opponent vs waiting for them and killing with a single blow to the heart and honoring the fight and if anyone who knows how to make gifsets wants make one about this to I'd LOVE to rant more about the breakdown of these two fights and how Feyd is 1001% Matador Machismo but my point to all of this is:
Look at that Sand.
Look at his feet dig deep and kick it up as he strides out into the heart of that arena. Is it a rhythmic walk? Oh yes. Confident. Powerful. In the book this will be his 100th arena kill as he comes of age. This is his natural habitat. Where he learned his skills, for us to parallel with what we saw for Paul in Part 1.
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This matters, because it's one of the main premises for why the Fremen are so Good At Fighting. When everyone is trained to fight with shields (stun then slow) and bulky armor, and on flat, solid ground with lots of cover, it's easy to be fast and silent and terrifyingly effective against them. Gurney Halleck is shown to be one of the best fighters in the franchise and the film makes a point of showing how his (recognizable) footsteps are not suited to move quickly, lightly, and with stability on sand like they are on solid ground.
Only... Bullfighting rings aren't sandy. They're fairly hardpacked. Earth for the bull and Matador to maneuver in quickly. There is a layer of albero traditionally layered on top, a chunky yellow clay dirt that serves aesthetics but also absorbs blood quickly. The idea the sand may not be white because... With Giedi Prime who knows?! Is Fantastic.
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Paul Muad'Dib became the only Atredies to be recognized as Fremen, to see his father's dream of Desert Power recognized, to fight as Fedaykin, to be recognized as the Mahdi, the One Who Points The Way, and it is made clear to us from the opening words of a Child's History of Muad'Dib that Arrakis was his Home, and yet every major one-on-one duel he had from Jamis to Feyd-Rautha was on solid ground, giving him an advantage that made him respected as a fighter among the Fedaykin right away as part of his training.
Feyd-Rautha was the one Harkonnen who may have learned combat primarily or even exclusively with sand beneath his feet, and he died on Arrakis on the polished stone floors of a palatial residence, still trying to play by Matador rules.
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thank u for coming to my Ted Talk
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kittykat-pikachu · 7 months
list of things about mussed up houses
house of leaves by mark z. danielewski
skinamarink by kyle edward ball
the house in the ocean by mister manticore
myhouse.wad by veddge
this house has people in it by alan resnick (possible? its more like the people are the strange thing)
monster house by gil kenan (maybe not messed up in the right way for this list)
burning down the house by the talking heads (only in passing)
the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson (book)
the haunting of hill house by mike flanagan (tv adaptation of the book)
rose red by stephen king
vivarium by lorcan finnegan
changing planes by ursula k. le guin (not a house, but thematically close)
charlotte markham and the house of darkling by michael boccacino
slade house by dave mitchell
little, big by john crowley
the inner room by robert aickman
phantom architecture by phillip wilkinson
bite size terrors: erobos heaven by anoverthinker (seems like possibly the house isnt whats strange? but i dont know for sure i havent played it)
anatomy by kitty horrorshow
childhood homes (and why we hate them) by qrowscant
the house next door by annie rivers siddon
white is for witching by helen oyeyemi
haunted by poe (album counterpart to house of leaves??? holny crap)
the house with a clock in its walls by john bellairs (also has a movie adaptation)
p.t. by hideo kojima
coraline by neil gaiman (more like the creature is making the house messed up but yeah ill count it)(EDIT: okay yeah that house IS just messed up. forgot the beldam didn't make the other house)
starling house by alix harrow
the witch's house by fummy
house (hausu) by nobuhiko obayashi
the house is alive and the house is hungry by the paper chase
my house walk-through by nana825763
control by sam lake
house of bones by jeffery scott lando
lungbarrow by marc platt
if anyone knows of other things that fit this niche, any type of media, feel free to add on. i'll edit and add it to the original post. i just really like this specific niche
thank you to @bas-fish, @eggmixercortex, @ohiotpke, @posteriorpeasantpresents, @hadoom, @dougielombax, @lite-weaver, @mimillion, @elvriskastello, @apotheoseity, @hauntedhousez, @sophiewooloo, @jumbledthemes for contributing :3
i should sort this + add links putting that on my to-do list
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iero · 4 months
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BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE —Paramore x A24 (x)
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