#Fitz fic
fractionallystruckout · 8 months
47, shiranori 💛
Hello! Thank you so much! There really needs to be more ShiraNori in the world.
Send me a ship and a number and I'll write a little fic!
47. tummy kisses + ShiraNori
ShiraNori, future fic, established relationship, salaryman Shirasu, domestic fluff
"I'm back."
Kenjirou called into the apartment as he took off his shoes and placed them on the shelf. He carried his suit jacket and bag into the living room, feeling the weight of the evening begin to slip away when Nori waved at him.
"Welcome back!" Nori finished watering one of the plants by the window and carried the small watering can over with him. "You're home early. Did you only go to one bar?"
Kenjirou sighed. "There was an incident."
He held out his arm, exposing the left side of his shirt to view. Nori's whole face grew in shock as he dropped the watering can on the dining table.
"What happened?" he asked, rushing over. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine," Kenjirou said.
"Is that-"
"It's Napolitan."
Nori froze. He looked up from the splotchy red stain on Kenjirou's shirt.
"What?" he asked. "Napolitan?"
Kenjirou nodded. "I went to the bathroom at the bar. On my way back to the table, one of the other customers was making a commotion and he fell into a server... who fell into me."
"Oh," Nori said, breathing out a sigh. He sounded both relieved and confused. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Kenjirou assured him. "It was a big mess but it was a good excuse to exit the evening early."
"I'm glad you're okay," Nori said.
He looked down at the stain again. He stretched the fabric between his fingers, tugging some of the shirt out of Kenjirou's pants, trying to see the full extent of the stain. He rubbed his fingers lightly in the middle and frowned slightly.
"I wonder if this will wash out," he said. "This is one of your best shirts."
"It's just a shirt."
To Kenjirou's amusement, Nori began untucking the rest of the shirt from his pants. He took Kenjirou's jacket and bag from him and put them on a nearby chair.
"Take your shirt off," he said, starting on the buttons even though Kenjirou's hands were now free. "Maybe if we soak it and wash it right away, the stain will come out."
Kenjirou loosened his tie and pulled it off over his head. He followed directions, shrugging out of his shirt when Nori had finished with the buttons. Nori took the shirt from him and inspected it again. He looked at it closely, then brought it to his face for a quick sniff.
"It smells like Napolitan," he said with a laugh.
Kenjirou smiled. He began to untie the simple knot in his tie, almost dropping it when Nori moved to kneel in front of him.
Nori held Kenjirou's shirt in one hand as he eyed Kenjirou's midsection. He grabbed Kenjirou's waist and leaned in, the warmth of his breath ghosting over Kenjirou's left side. Nori's nose brushed against Kenjirou's skin. He took a breath and laughed again.
"What is it?" Kenjirou asked.
"You smell like Napolitan," Nori said.
He smiled and brushed his nose against Kenjirou again, more purposeful, less incidental. He kissed Kenjirou above his belt, a soft touch over what Kenjirou knew had to be tense muscles. Nori left light, warm kisses along Kenjirou's waist line until he reached his stomach and the scattering of hair below his belly button.
Kenjirou had had the required number of social drinks at the bar. He wasn't drunk but he also wasn't sober. It was hard to remember how Nori had come to be on the ground at his feet and even harder to think of anything other than running his hand through Nori's hair to encourage him to stay there.
The decision was taken away from Kenjirou when Nori stood up, the stained shirt still in hand.
"The bath just finished before you got home," Nori said. "I was going to go, but you can go first if you want."
Kenjirou watched Nori's mouth as he talked.
"And I'll start soaking your shirt."
Kenjirou hummed in agreement.
He reached out, pulling Nori to him. He kissed Nori, soft and light, much like how Nori had kissed him.
Nori scrunched up his nose. "You taste like beer," he laughed.
Kenjirou smiled, kissing Nori again, chasing his mouth as Nori tried to turn away. He closed his arms around Nori, keeping him close, drawing him back with kisses along his jaw and cheek until Nori wrapped his arms around Kenjirou's neck and welcomed him home.
A breathless minute later, Nori pulled back to look at him.
"We need to wash your shirt," he said.
Kenjirou leaned in to kiss him again. Nori pushed the stained shirt between them.
He tightened his grip on Nori and swept him up over his shoulder in one fluid motion. Nori flailed in surprise, his free hand grabbing onto Kenjirou's belt.
"Kenji!" he laughed. "We have to wash it, or it'll stain!"
Kenjirou secured Nori and carried both - Nori and his shirt - to the bathroom.
Where their washing machine was.
They could multitask.
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els-moonleaf · 28 days
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Very late to the party but finally getting around to reading @tragediegh’s amazing (!!!) fic Of Cats and Closed Doors and the beginning of chapter 11 absolutely called for another meme redraw.
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
after fitz cools off a little bit about sophie and keefe being a thing, he should drop tidbits about keefe (mostly during trust exercises) that he thinks she might find helpful since they're dating.
the thing is, instead of just stuff like, 'keefe loves frogs, so he might appreciate a gift or trip related to them, idk' he also drops things like 'btw if you just hold his hand in your hands - specifically towards the back of his head, just behind his ears - while you're talking to him, he'll probably melt haha. also his scalp is sensitive, do with that what you will, but make sure you're gentle'.
bonus points if sophie asks keefe about why every single tidbit fitz gives is correct and he goes tomato red for the first time ever and sputters out something like 'i gave fitz the lord of the snuggles title based on personal experience - he's clingy when he's tired, ok?'
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silverdragon12 · 6 days
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A wedding at sunrise 💜
Fitz and Amber's wedding scene in OCACD was so beautifully described that I had to draw it. If you have not read OCACD you should go read it 👉
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if fitz was told from keeper of the lost cities perspective what would it be called
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Under the same Moon
Pippa Fitz Amobi X fem reader
Summary: Sleep. Fascinating topic, really. Did you know that being near someone you love can actually help you fall asleep faster? It’s all about oxytocin—the cuddle hormone. When you’re close to someone you care about, your body releases it, calming your nerves and easing you into slumber.”
Warnings: infinite fluff, Pippa Fitz Amobi being a cuddle bug, insomnia comfort. Some light angst at the beginning, and panic attack Pip and Stanley Forbes mention. Pip being the ultimate girlfriend and dancing you in her arms, humming Pippa Fitz Amobi just for your amusement and request. A few curse words. Could be used as a sleep aid? but more for some comfort and of course all the hugs to Pip. SPOILER BOOK TWO MENTIONS
words: 3.3k+
Author Note: Could possibly have turned out better but alas I have some other Pip ficts lined up in the near future.
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It was always there. The sound of the bullet hitting the ground was so vivid and loud in Pip's mind, etched into the way her brain was formed. Lodged in her memory, didn't matter how much time had passed it was still there, forever looming over her like some curse she couldn't lift.
It was here now as she typed on her computer, blue-grey eyes looking downcast as she eyed the illuminated screen in the dark hollowed room of your flat, the small space illuminated only by the small yellow desk lamp that waddled every time she typed a single letter. Pip flinched upon every touch of the keyboard, the sound of the gunfire hiding in every click and every creak of the flat. Pip inwardly cursed herself, 'You're better than this be better than this'.
She admonished herself for every weak thought and every day she would smile and laugh because it felt like in some odd morbid way she was forgetting Stanley, moving on with her life when he didn't have the chance to. It made her knuckles white and blanched when she would think about him, it wasn't as often anymore, and Pip didn’t know what was worse, having him has a ghost or forgetting him and making him into one. Before she would wake up with strangled cries in her throat and would thrash around till you would turn on the bedside lamp and take her into your arms, press butterfly kisses to her warm flushed skin, and cacoon her like some baby Joey in need of its mother's pouch. At first, pip had found it to be embarrassing. She was a young woman now, capable of so many things, she had solved two cases that even Little Kilton police hadn’t been able to. And yet every night without fail you held her close with your soft eyes and even softer hair that would tickle her sides and make her lips lift up into an eager calm grin like some sort of drug from the chemist.
Pip couldn't help but smile when she thought back to you, her grey eyes crinkled inward and she found her chest was lighter, like she could finally breathe after such a long time of her head being underwater. Her eyes moved to the clock, it was witching hour it seemed, 3 am in the small flat on the outskirts of London. When anxiety would take hold of every bone in her body pip knew that it was best to retreat back to you, it was better than having a night full of night terrors and memories of Stanley plaguing her mind.
Turning off her laptop she padded her way softly into the room, eyes taking in the way you breathed, Pip was clever enough to notice that your chest didn’t move as slow, and your eyes were open and staring at the wall like you were in deep thought. “What is a pretty girl like you doing up at this ungodly hour?” She moved to sit in the bed beside you, the soft mattress dipping underneath as she slowly pulled you to her chest, seeking that comforting warmth scent that only you could provide.
You buried your cheeks into her neck, hearing Pip giggle when your warm cheeks met her cool neck. “I’ve been thinking is all. I want to sleep but my brain won’t shut off, it’s like a bloody mouth that doesn’t know when to stop yapping. I’ve been up since you left”.
Pip sucked in a breath, she had left you at a quarter to nine hoping that you had been asleep, but now she felt even more angry with herself. “You mean you haven’t slept at all? All night?”. Her voice was filled to the brim with concern, etched into her furrowed brows and the way the soft pads of her fingers brushed against your hairline, trailing over your skin with gentle ease.
You furrowed your nose, a smile lifting your lips. Whether by utter exhaustion or simply because of being in the presence of a concerned cuddle bug Pippa Fitz Amobi you didn’t know, “It’s cute when you act all concerned pippa…but I’ve been dealing with this for a long while. I just need some melatonin. I just haven’t the time to have a drop-off at the chemist. I suppose I should soon” You smiled softly at her, but Pip knew by the bags under your eyes and the fatigued glint in your colored hues that you were positively hanging on by a thread. She was too, emotionally more so.
“I can’t sleep either. It’s Stanley” she spoke. Her grey flecks eying your soft eyes seemed to fill with hurt at the man’s name. “I’m so-“Pip sighed into your neck, feeling that rush of emotions and the way her tears brimmed out of her eyes, fast and without even acknowledging her and asking if she felt like crying and the weight that came with crying. The weighted chest and unbearable stuffy nose.
“I’m so angry”. The words rushed out, muttered into your warm skin. You instinctively moved to wrap your arms around your girl, your fingers working effortlessly in her hair, massaging her neck and kissing the inner workings of her warm forehead. You knew Pip and her utter distaste for crying, for “sniveling like a school child” she would say. You knew how clever and logical she was, how she worked well with certain aspects of life. Emotions were not one of them.
“I’m so angry at myself for feeling normal. For the first time in years, I feel like myself again. I feel happy..” at this pip clung to you, “and I feel selfish because half of me yearns for that, yearns for a life with you where I don’t feel guilty, where I can leave Stanley behind in peace knowing that I did all I could”.
But did she?
Had she really truly tried enough?
Pip was brought out of her inner thoughts by warm solid hands on her cheeks, bringing her eye level with you. You looked conflicted as you eyed her; like a million thoughts were floating around your head.
Your fingers cupped her chin gently, “that was not your fault….that was not your fault”. Your words were hard and filled to the brim with utter conviction that Pip knew you were right. Some deep part in her mind hidden away recognized you were right. Whether she wanted to admit it was difficult to say.
“You did all you could pip. God that house was on fire and you still tried all you could”. You chuckled, emotion in your eyes as you peered down at your girlfriend’s eyes. They were such a dark color of blue in this light, a deep solar system blue that you would love to peer at through bed sheets and often times upside down as you would kiss her lips before departing.
But now they were filled with anguish, and it hurt you to know that. You wished you could take it all away. The hurt, the anger, the feeling of loss. Of looking over your shoulder. But you knew you couldn’t, so you settled for being her comforter.
“I don’t want you to blame yourself anymore my love”. You wiped a tear from her pale cheeks. “Say it…it wasn’t my fault”.
It took a second, more than a second. Pip struggled to say the words, her lips shook and her eyes pooled with unshed tears, and through it all, you held her closer and leaned your forehead against hers, eye to eye, heart to heart, pulse to pulse.
“You can do it pip” you urged, your voice gentle, soft as if soothing a child.
Pip drew in a long breathe, her breathing ragged as she closed her eyes and tears fell down her pale cheeks, but soon they were open and eying you with such adoration you couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
“It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault…I didn’t…I didn’t kill Stanley”.
You wanted to cry too at her admission. Wanted to bring her close and cry into her neck and tell her that she was so strong, a solid person with a strong courageous heart. You wanted to cocoon her close and never let go. Never let the world bark and scratch at her like they had, had been ever since the case. You wanted to keep her all to yourself, some selfish part of you wanted to keep her close.
You settled for an encouraging smile, the tips of your fingers ghosting over her lips, “yeah…that was good love. You did so well”.
Pip immediately dove into your arms, landing on your lap and cuddling into like a koala would its mother, you chuckled, pulling her flush against you.
“I love you”.
The admission made your heart flutter and leap. You loved this girl too, sometimes so bad that it hurt, and you knew you would do anything for her. Anything. Pip could ask you to jump, simple, and you would ask with your adoring eyes ‘How high?’. It was almost panic-inducing how much your love-filled heart was stitched together by pip.
“I love you pippa fitz Amobi. More than you could ever know”.
Pip smiles that wide bashful smile, her grey eyes glinting as she moves from her spot on your chest, her demeanor shifting as her sneaky nimble fingers fly up your arm till they make contact with your chin, pulling gently but firmly that you felt like a deer in headlights as pip loomed over you, her eyes a deep and hollow blue, taking in everything from your sleep shirt to your messy tousled bed head, strands of wavy hair falling at your shoulders.
Pip could feel her heart soar in her chest as she eyed you, under her, under her fingertips. Something in her preened at knowing you were hers, it screamed the word ''MINE' over and over again as her eyes scanned you, leaving her dizzy and full of aching want. A want that made her want to pull you close and never let you go. Wanted her to hear your heartbeat against her ear during long nights and know that even if she was far away in her head you were across the room with your sweet smile and kind eyes. You were always there. And she needed that.
“God I don’t think I’ve told you how beautiful you are” Pip’s voice was soft yet hoarse from her crying, but her eyes were delicate as she smiled that same pip smile. The smile that made your stomach twirl and your heart face at just the sight.
At the same moment, Pip jumped from bed, so fast and sudden you didn’t even register her soft fingers as they pulled you up from your comfy bed, “I have a brilliant idea, come with me”. Her voice was tinged with excitement and a teasing smile that made your head fill with cotton.
Before you knew it pip was pulling you into your dark kitchen nothing but the shine of the moon looming over you two, a smile on her face as she briskly filled the kettle with water quite impatiently and placed it on the hob, all while eying you with bright teasing blue eyes.
“What are we doing?” You giggled as Pip moved closer to you, a new glint in her eye as she pulled you close, her hands firm in the way they held you, “Dancing” she stated, and you couldn’t help but laugh as Pip began to rock you back and forth, steady in her movements.
“There isn’t any music pip!” You giggled into her neck but you didn’t mind, not one bit. Not when Pip was laughing and her eyes had a shine to them as she pulled a certain move and twirled you around your small cramped kitchen flat. Pippa Fitz Amobi was dancing around your shared flat with wild abandon, brown chestnut curls wild as she pulled you close to her chest and rocked her body with yours, giggling and laughing along the way at your absolutely horrid dance moves. Although she could never have them, not when you looked so flushed and so beautiful.
She couldn’t help but watch you as your lips flew into a smile that filled her aching heart with joy. The type that she searched for when she was too far gone, lost in the memories that haunted her, you had always been her light in the tunnel of life. Pulling her out of the dark depths of her mind and making her feel like she was the only one in the world. She was more than the girl who solved cases, more than everything little Kilton and the world had coined her as.
Pip also just didn’t understand how you could look so devastating and heart wrenchingly attractive with your pajama shirt that rode up a few inches and your hair an unruly mess, but you were. A sight for sore eyes as she brought you fast into a twirl into her chest holding you close and laughing into your neck when you teased her about her moves.
It was only till the giggles had halted and you relaxed your body into her tight embrace that you began to watch the way Pip’s eyes eyed you. Gone was the playful joyful pip, her embrace was soft yet held a certain air to it as she began to eye your lips. A quick snap to your pink crimson cheeks most likely brought on by the wild dance in the kitchen and Pip was leaning down to connect your lips. Her fingers moved to take your chin in her palm, her kiss soft and gentle but slowly building up speed as she pushed you up onto the counter, careful not to get you close to the kettle. You responded in time, your own fingers pulling her in closer by her hair and you smiled vigorously when Pip gasped into your lips and her tongue began to tease your lips with that wild curiosity that made your stomach twist and the white-hot heat slide into your veins.
Kissing Pip was like a dream, the way your chest would ignite and fill your heart with that spark, that fluttering in your chest that you knew was love. You began peppering kisses against her jaw and nipping at her ear the way you knew she liked when the sudden scream of the kettle caused Pip to sigh against you and pull away.
Her cheeks were ruddy and her lips pink as she licked her lips, sighing into you with broken breaths.
“Like that dance did you?”.
You smiled and jumped of the counter, Pip being her usual gentlewoman self and offering you help, her fingers almost possessive as she lifted you of the counter and onto your feet.
“You just sit right there pretty girl"” she stated before going back to the kettle and pouring copious amount of milk into the mugs.
You wanted to listen to Pip and sit on the stool like the good girl you were, but you were also curious about what Pip was doing, she had never acted so in the moment filled with sporadic ideas till now.
“What are you doing? I was so distracted by your sudden dance performance I didn’t ask what you were doing” you spoke into her as you wrapped your arms around her figure, leaning your head over her shoulder slightly as she pulled some Cadbury chocolate mix into each before stirring.
“I’m making us some hot chocolate, isn’t that what your mum use to make when you were little? You mentioned when you couldn’t sleep your mum would make you some hot chocolate and you’d talk and talk till you fell asleep. I thought we could keep that tradition”
The warmth that filled your chest was light and you only smiled that shy smile, you had mentioned that to Pip maybe once in primary school, in the canteen filled with the anxious rambling pupils of Kilton grammar and you had been sure she hadn’t heard you, but she apparently had.
“I mentioned that to you in year 10 pip, I honestly thought you hadn’t heard or you didn’t quite remember” you spoke and Pip shook her head, mouth twisted in a bewildered expression, “of course, I remembered! You were the cutest thing sitting in front of me with your wild fast lips. Who else would I have paid attention to?” Pip asked, her lips warm as she pressed a firm kiss to your forehead and handed you your cup, “it’s hot so be careful”.
“Do we have any peppermint sticks? ”
“I still don’t get your obsession with those peppermint sticks” Pip spoke, shaking her head before producing one and stirring it in your cup, but she had to admit the sight of you with a candy stick between your wet pink lips was definitely something she had never seen before.
Once Pip had her cup and tasted some, her expression filled with utter kiddish glee she took you by your waist as you both stumbled back into bed, you chastising Pip to be careful over your sheet covers as you had just done a full washing the day before did pip laugh and smile, “I’m always observant and careful my love, I did solve two cases remember?”.
“Of course of course my mistake inspector Amobi” you chuckled into your cup.
Your flat was calm and quiet as you and pip some, laughs and giggles falling out of your mouths, “Cara did not say that. She would never!”
Pip eyed you with wild eyes, “have you even met Cara? That is exactly something she would say! She has an ungovernable tongue that girl”.
“Speaking of ungovernable tongues” you spoke, putting your mug down on the nightstand and moving into Pip’s lap, eyes taking in the way her eyes flew down to your mouth.
“That little make-out session you gave me in the kitchen was very well received” you spoke, smiling against her lips when she pulled you in for one more long kiss, stealing the air from your lungs and making your stomach flip with every brush of her fingers against your skin.
“Are you still sleepy?” She asked between kisses, and you chuckled. “I would totally fuck you on this bed right now if I could but my eyes are closing and I feel like I’m eating your lips” you mumbled.
Pip laughed, breaking the kiss before moving to lean her head against yours.
“I should probably get my tired girl to bed shouldn’t I? You have an early morning and it’s already 3:30. Sleep. Fascinating topic, really. Did you know that being near someone you love can actually help you fall asleep faster? It’s all about oxytocin—the cuddle hormone. When you’re close to someone you care about, your body releases it, calming your nerves and easing you into slumber.” pip spoke as she pulled you to her chest, all clever tongue as you both positioned yourself under the covers.
You smiled at her knowledge, moving to nestle your cheeks into her chest. Her fingers were soft as they drew calming circles of messages on your hair, the world calm and dark as you listened to her heartbeat, it was strong and seemed to lull your wild thoughts in your mind.
“Would you mind if I asked you a favor?” Your words were slurred, evidence of your tired state. Pippa chuckled and smiled even through her sleepy state, her fingers still managing to caress your cheeks and your hairline. Soft touches that eased your eyes closed. It reminded you of your mother and her soft eyes.
“What would this favor be?” Pip spoke, her anxiety had calmed down significantly and having you in her arms was like a dream, a way to lull her to sleep and calm her night terrors.
“Could you hum me to sleep?”. You were too tired to care how childish you sounded, but pip had a calming humming voice, soft and delicate that filled your head with warmth.
“For you anything”.
The soft hum of pip’s voice was all you needed. It only took a few moments before your eyes were closed fully and your chest rose and fell with even breathes. Pip followed behind, her fingers moving to lay over you and being you closer to her. Your calm and even breathes mixed with your warmth was the perfect calming remedy lulling her to sleep.
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myfairkatiecat · 3 months
Keefe and Fitz angst guys
“I wish I was a Vacker."
“I wish I wasn’t a Vacker.”
Maybe it was because Keefe and Fitz said it at the exact same time that the universe decided to play tricks on them. But when the two of them woke up the next morning, their wishes had been granted.
They were living in each other’s lives.
It wasn’t exactly what they’d imagined.
In other words!! Keefe and Fitz swap bodies and angst ensues :)
@permanently-stressed @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @figure-skating-avocado @autistic-daydreamer @doodle-do-wop look what I finished 👀
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talknerdytome18 · 2 months
Friendly reminder that this blog doesn't support anyone who ships Max x Pip!
If you ship them, or even consider it a "dark romance", then get the fuck away from my blog.
If you come onto my posts saying, "You can't judge people for this ship! Just let people ship what they want to ship!!!", I'm here to tell you that I will judge you if come here supporting a ship that includes a canon rapist.
This blog will completely judge you for shipping Max and Pip. That's a disgusting ship. Fuck off and do not interact with me at all if you think it's okay to ship Max and Pip.
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fractionallystruckout · 9 months
A Perfect Fit
TetsuJun, established relationship, fem!Daiya (rule 63, they're all girls), clothes stealing, the vaguest mention of implied sexual content (blink and you'll miss it)
Jun took the stairs two at a time, a fleeting sense of embarrassment causing her to move with haste.
Now that they had all passed their entrance exams, Jun and the other third years had a little room to breathe. A trip to the mall had been organized with Chris as head of planning.
Jun pushed into the dorm room with a sense of haste, spotting Tetsu easily in the small space.
"Hey, I just saw Chris and-"
Tetsu stood from where she had been sitting on Jun's bed. Jun's stride and sentence came to a halt as Tetsu turned to look at her.
Tetsu was wearing Jun's shirt.
Jun took a moment to process what she was seeing.
Tetsu was wearing Jun's shirt. The shirt Tetsu had been wearing when she arrived at the dorms was nowhere to be seen.
The shirt in question was light blue, a simple fitted t-shirt with permanently cuffed sleeves and the logo of a local sweet shop in Jun's hometown printed across the front in white. It had been stolen twice over; Jun took it from her oldest sister Tsukiko's closet when she left for college.
The shirt had never looked as good on Jun as it did on Tsukiko – or as it currently did on Tetsu.
It was a perfect fit.
Tetsu was taller than Jun which was probably the most important factor. The shoulder seams sat on her shoulders like they were supposed to, and the sleeves stopped at mid-arm instead of above the elbows as they did on Jun. The bottom hem of the shirt, which hit oddly between Jun's waist and hips, sat exactly at Tetsu's waist, just above the top of her shorts.
Any accusation of theft died on Jun's tongue when Tetsu reached for her phone on the top bunk.
"Chris says they're leaving for the mall in five minutes," Tetsu said, looking up from her messages.
Jun nodded absently to information she already knew. "I know. I ran into her on my way back here."
Tetsu nodded as if a decision had been made. What that decision was, Jun could only pretend to know.
She slipped her phone into a small bag and then clipped the bag around her waist, the band sitting just below the hem of Jun's stolen shirt. She met Jun where she stood, still frozen in the entryway.
Tetsu reached out and took Jun's hand in hers, lacing their fingers together, easy and casual.
As natural as if she'd been doing it all her life.
It had only been a month since Jun confessed and in that month Tetsu had settled into a place in Jun's life that felt both permanent and new. Rather than a seed taking root, Tetsu approached their relationship like a perennial slowly blooming in the spring, coming out into the sun after being hidden but always there.
Maybe it had always been there.
"We should go," Tetsu said, giving Jun's hand a gentle squeeze.
Jun's fingertips caught the edge of 'Tetsu's' shirt. "Do we have to?" she asked.
Tetsu laughed and Jun knew in an instant that they would be going to the mall with the others. She would go anywhere with Tetsu. Jun would cross the city, cross the world, cross the universe at Tetsu's suggestion, if only Tetsu would let her come along too.
"It'll be fun," Tetsu said with a smile. She kissed Jun too quickly on the cheek before putting on her shoes. "I'll buy you ice cream."
Jun put up no resistance as Tetsu led her out of the dorm room and down to the school gate where their friends were gathered. They walked hand in hand and she tried not to stare at the way her stolen shirt hugged Tetsu just so, tried and failed judging by the curious rise of Tetsu's brow when she caught Jun's eye.
"What is it?" Tetsu asked before they reached the others.
Jun couldn't pretend she hadn't been staring and she wasn't quick enough with an excuse.
"You look good in my shirt," she muttered.
Tetsu glanced down and then looked back at Jun. She smiled.
"So do you."
Jun stopped and looked down at herself.
She was wearing Tetsu's shirt.
Jun took a moment to process what she was seeing.
She was wearing Tetsu's shirt, a white t-shirt with a small pocket on the front and Tsubakuro, the Tokyo Swallows' mascot, peeking out from inside the pocket. It was the shirt Tetsu had been wearing when she arrived at the dorms earlier. Jun felt a warm flush race up the back of her neck when she realized what had happened. She'd unintentionally started a chain of theft: Tetsu had taken Jun's shirt because Jun had taken hers.
Which she had been wearing when she ran into Chris outside of the dining hall.
Jun's eyes jerked towards their friends. They all knew. She could tell from Ryousuke's smirk, Miyauchi's gaze, and the way Tanba wouldn't meet her eyes.
Tetsu let go of Jun's hand and slid her arm around Jun's waist, pulling her close as Chris waved at them. Another too quick kiss to her cheek accompanied a quiet compliment that did nothing at all to calm Jun's blush.
"It's a perfect fit."
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riordanverseaddict · 4 months
Last night, I dreamt of a kotlc fanfic. It was a three part fanfic the titles were "falling for you", "loving you" and "dying for you" and oh my god it was full of angst. I was kind of sad after I woke up that these fics don't exist. Now I'm contemplating that should I write them or not because that masterpiece (which I don't remember most part of anymore) needs to be shared
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ravi singh fics please!! maybe x reader where she’s having a bad day and he comes over and they cuddle and watch a movie 🫶🏻
forever & always
ravi singh x fem! reader
when ur day falls into shambles, your boyfriend is there to pick up the pieces the best way he can
a/n: u dont know how happy i am to see a ravi request. he’s been on my mind lately esp cus my friend is reading the series !! he’s my top book bf next to peeta mellark 🫶🫶 thx sm for the request hope you enjoy !! p.s. i read the us version so it's gonna be based one that.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: mentions of small injury, minor blood, lmk if anything else
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you collapsed on your bed the moment your knees hit the mattress. burying your face into your pillow, hoping the day just fades away. you arrived home, the house empty due to your parents still working. you were relieved because you truly had no energy to greet anyone - even the trudge up the stairs was a challenge enough.
your day had been rough, to say the least. you'd woken up late, sleeping past your alarms and snoozes. when you'd awoken you had less than twenty minutes to get ready, which meant no time to come up with a cute outfit. you slapped on some jeans, a cropped graphic tee, and jewlery and called it a day. you managed to put on some lipstick and mascara in the school parking lot before you ran to clas.
in the process of running, you also fell and scraped your knee; you didn't even check the wound because you were rushing to avoid the tardy bell. spoiler: your knee was crying in pain.
you were late by a minute, yet your first-period teacher had given you a berating in front of the whole class for it. even though he literally walked in a few seconds before you.
you went toward the back of the class to put your phone in the mandatory basket with everyone else's phone, and that was when you realized you'd left your phone at home. you mentally facepalmed yourself as you remembered you'd left it on your bed when you were hastily putting on your shoes. hopefully, ravi didn't require anything urgent that couldn't wait til you got home.
you later learned, after a random kid pointed it out, that you had a splotch of red on the knee area of your light colored jeans. turned out your skin had scrapped enough to draw blood.
at lunch, pip, the prepared person she was, helped clean your cut with anitbacterial wipes and put a bandage over your knee. cara even tried to get the red stain out, but it was smudged it further around your legs.
cara apologized profusely , but you brushed it off, telling her it didn't look that bad and they were just jeans. however, inside, you were ready to lose your last straw and mourn your favorite jeans. you swore you had the worst luck today.
you repeated it over and over in your head, school's almost over you can do this. but it was certainly not over for your luckless day. the librarian, who already hated you, dress coded you for your shirt, and sent you to the office. the principal was ready to call your parents to bring you a shirt, but you quickly said you had friend who'd be abe to give you one.
to be honest, you were even sure if cara or pip had any spare clothes, and to add to your misfortune, they didn't have any spare shirts. you were ready to break down right there and then, but held it off and reassured them it was alright.
you were ready to throw the towel in and call your mom and face her wrath for disrupting her at work when connor entered the conversation saying he had an unused gym shirt. it could've fit like adress on you, but you gratefully took it.
the final bell finally rang, signaling the end of the day. you didn't waste time in packing up and look for your car keys inside your backpack. but being so distracted led you to stumble down the school stairs. you were utterly humiliated and knew multiple people had witnessed the scene. you had no choice but to just get up and walk out.
traffic was horrible on the way home, and multiple angry drivers honking didn't help. when you finally parked into your home's driveway, you leaned your head against the steering wheel and burst into tears. the events of the day weighed on you heavily. suppressing all your emotions all day made everything you were feeling just come crashing down in that moment.
after half an hour, you were calmed down, but your eyes were swollen and your throat was sore. you prayed none of the neighbors witnessed your breakdown, you think you'd start crying again if that were the case.
now, you were in bed, exhausted from your crying, and ready to just sleep whatever hours of the day were left.
the moment you closed your eyes, your phone chimed, letting you know you received a text. you knew it was ravi because you'd set his notification sound to be different. you hadn't spoken with your boyfriend all day since you forgot your phone, so he likely was asking why you didn't send him your daily random school photo. but you were just too tired to pick it up and type of reply. you told yourself you'd take a fifteen-minute nap, then call him.
your slumber was disrupted when a force was shaking your body back and forth, the repeated call of your name in the distance. you were still somewhat mentally in your dream state, so you weren't quick to respond.
"light of my life."
"my little honey butter biscuit."
your sleepiness was starting to fade away, and you were able to deliver a somewhat coherent response. you had to blink a few times to focus your vision on the face before you. it took you a moment to process ravi in your vision, kneeling in front of the side of the bed where your head lays. "ravi? what are you doing here?"
you yawn as you sit up on your bed and stretch out your spine, turning to face ravi. you rubbed your eyes a bit to keep them from drooping. ravi then immediately engulfed you into his arms, pushing you back onto the bed.
you were thrown aback by the gesture, but you would never object a hug from your boyfriend, especially given the day you had.
ravi pulled away, sitting down next to you on the bed. "oh my god, i thought something happened. you hadn't answered any of my texts and any time i called you, it went straight to voicemail." ravi anxiously explained, holding your face in both his hands.
"i'm sorry," you gave an apologetic peck to his lips, "i was gonna text you when i woke up from my quick nap after school." you went to grab your phone from the corner of your bed. you clicked the power button a few times, but it wouldn't turn on. your phone was dead, the reason why your alarm didn't go off and ravi's calls weren't going through. the world had to be playing a prank on you at this point.
"quick nap?" ravi furrowed his brows, "it's already 7 pm."
"what?" you exclaimed, wide-eyed. how could it already be so late? you were going to take a half-hour nap to recover your energy. you still had homework and chores to do before your parents got home. you went MIA almost the whole day, likely why ravi was so worried and came into your house. with all the murderous events this town has faced, you felt guilty for having him alarmed. horrible girlfriend award goes to you.
automatically, your face made its way into your hands from guilt and frustration of every going wrong today. you sighed heavily, holding back tears threatening to fall. even though you had a full crying session before coming in the house, you still had tears left to shed. you were trying very hard to not cry in front of ravi.
ravi reached out toward you, putting a hand on your back and a hand on your knee, “baby, what’s wrong?” he voiced with concern.
"it's nothing," you responded in a cracked voice, suppressing all your emotions. a blatant lie, that didn't even convince you, and one ravi could see through.
"c'mon, it's obviously something if it has my girlfriend so upset about it. let me see your pretty face." ravi grabs your wrists and pulls them apart to uncover your sullen face. not having the energy to resist, you opted to face your head down to your lap and have your hair cover most of your face.
“dont hide from me baby.” he whispers to you. he parts your hair behind your ears and sees your face and then moves his hand to your chin, making you look up to him with watery eyes. “now, tell me what happened. or i’m gonna just stare at your really hard until you do.” he says the last part playfully, but you wouldn’t put it past him to actually do it.
looking into your boyfriend’s eyes was enough to spill your guts. and his genuine concern for you only made you love him impossibly more. you knew it was safe to cry your eyes out around him, so finally, you let your emotions through.
you choked up for a moment trying to get a word in, but all you could do was start with a miserable sob. you go to cover your mouth with your hands to reel some of it in, but hot tears are already coming down from your eyes.
immediately, ravi pulls you into his embrace, and onto his lap - your face now smushed into his chest. tears likely staining his graphic tee, but he didn’t seem to care. he rubs a hand soothingly along your back, cooing and shushing you in attempt to help calm you down. all you could do your hold onto him tight for comfort in your troubles.
it took you a few minutes before your cries were getting dulled and you were able to breathe steadily. ravi just held you the whole time, patiently waiting for you to settle, so you can recite to him the issue.
you sniffled and moved your head away from his chest, ready to finally have a proper conversation without interruption by your hiccuped breaths. ravi began wiping any wetness from your face with his hand, then removing hair from your eyes and putting it behind your ears. “do you feel better now?”
you nodded, taking a deep breathe to further calm yourself. he gives you a small smile then plants a quick kiss on your lips. “good, now tell me what has my girl all down in the dumps.”
you crack a smile at his corny phrases, slightly feeling better. you began to recount all of the day's incidents, starting from waking up late and ending with your hysteria in your driveway. all through it, ravi held you close, rubbing small circles on the side of your thigh in a calming manner.
“so that was my shitty day pretty much. it all sounds kind of stupid now that i say it out loud to someone. sorry for worrying you over dumb stuff like this.”
“hey, anything that makes you upset is reason enough for me to start worrying.” ravi’s hand trails toward the area of your knee still stained with some of your blood, “you know what, i’m boycotting stairs. i refuse to associate with anything that harms my girlfriend.” he responds in faux seriousness. you can’t help but laugh at his behavior and playfully slap his chest lightly.
“thank you. for being the best boyfriend ever,” you say with sincerity. only ravi was the type of person who could make you laugh after bawling your eyes out.
“well, i am quite ravi-singh-ing aren’t i?” ravi cockily boasts. he flips his wrist, flipping over imaginary hair dramatically.
you rolled you eyes, “oh god, are you ever going to let that go?” you one time joked his name looked like the word ravishing when he had written it down. ever since then, he loved to constantly bring it up to boost his ego.
“never. it never gets old. and you know what your amazing boyfriend proposes?” you wait for him to continue, “a movie to remedy your shitty day.”
you pretend to think about it for a moment, “okay, but i choose.”
ravi's mouth goes agape, “what! it was my idea.” he protests.
“yeah, but it’s my crappy day.” you counter back.
he narrows his eyes at you, and you give your best pleading pout, “fine, i suppose it's lady's choice tonight," he relents. "you should be ever so lucky to have such a gentleman as a boyfriend.” he adds in an overdone proper tone.
“yup. i’m just the luckiest girl.” and you meant it.
"now," ravi manured his way out of your bed and stood up. he proceeds to carry your bridal style, being careful of your knee, "let's fix up your little injury."
"babe, i can walk; my leg isn't broken." despite your small protest, you move to wrap your arms around his neck for stability.
ravi, with you in his arms, walks out of your room and toward your upstairs bathroom. "excuse me for being chivalrous." he states defensively, "you should be fawning over me with heart eyes at this moment." he says a matter of factly.
you give another eye-roll to his antics, "your right my bad, let me try again." you clear your throat for effect, "on my god, ravi, you're so dashing and charming, and your good looks just stun me." you exclaim with melodramatic affection.
ravi sets you down on the gray granite counter of your bathroom next to the sink. he looks at you with a crooked smile, "that's more like it. you just forgot to mention how you dream of me at night, but it's alright - i've sleep next to you enough nights to know how much you say my name in your sleep." he winks at you with he last bit of his sentence.
you lightly hit his chest, "are you gonna continue to admire yourself or put a bandaid on me so we can watch a movie?"
"while, i'd love to do the former, i'll go with the latter. actually," he pauses, and starts digging through his pockets in search for something, "aha! here, this should make your frown turn upside down." cue another eye roll for his corny humor. he opens his palm toward you to reveal a bandaid, a hello-kitty one.
you take it with a cheerful smile, "thank you, but why do you have this?" you look up at question him.
"you mean why do i carry bandaids for my accident-prone girl?" he rhetorically counters, while kneeling down in front of your bruised knee. "i just figured if you're hurt you can at least look cute being injured."
you can't help but smile at him lovingly as he replaced your dried bloody band-aid with the pink hello kitty one. to finish off, he places a quick kiss on it. "there, all better."
yeah, it was all better now.
"hunger games? again?" ravi questions exasperatedly. you two were currently settled under your bed sheets, facing your television. ravi is sat up with your head settled on his chest and his arm wrapped around your shoulders.
the netflix app was open, and the two of you were in the process of deciding on a film. well, you were picking, and ravi kept adding in his own personal opinion that prompted you that annoyed you enough to not choose a movie. netflix recently added the hunger games movies, and you couldn't help but want to watch it - no matter how many times you'd seen it with ravi already.
is having a movie about children dying and killing each other and government control as a comfort movie a red flag? maybe.
"are you judging me, your girlfriend, right now?" you challenge with an arched brow.
ravi holds a hand to his heart, "no, no, of course not. if my girl tells me to do something, then my only option is to obey," he replies mockingly.
you nod in approval, "exactly. glad you get it." you pat the top of his head as if he were a dog who just learned a new trick.
he mimics you and then tickles your side, causing you to jolt in your spot. "shush it, and put the movie on." you give him a glare but move to grab the remote next to you, pressing play to start the film.
as the movie began and went through, the two of you commented on scenes as they came on the tv.
"if we were tributes from the same district, would you kill me?"
"most likely." you say nonchalantly.
you scoff, "gale gets more annoying the more i watch this."
"i would kill for ceasar flickerman's job." ravi expressed.
"i just know you would've fallen off that tree on your own."
"ow!- ok sorry."
after a good three-fourths of the film, your eyes get heavier. yet, you try to remain awake and respond to whatever ravi was saying. but you decide to close your eyes for a moment, claiming you'd open them again when ravi says something. however, that never came to be because you were out like a light, the noise of violence and yelling from the screen lulling you to slumber.
"okay, this is a good movie, but i refuse to watch the sequel after this too." ravi frowns when you don't respond. "baby, i was just kidding, don't give me the silent treatment." he looks down at your body, then takes notice of your closed eyes and steady breathes.
he laughs, "of course, you fell asleep, not even surprised." he leans his head down and plants a kiss on the crown of your head. he whispers to your ear, "good night. hopefully, you have a better day tomorrow, and if not, i'll always be here to cheer you up."
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heyitsrink · 1 year
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"He tasted of ginger and wine, and the air around us smelled sweet and perfumed, like lily of the valley, its delicate blossoms crushed tenderly between our chests."
• • •
These lovely words and the scenario depicted are from Ch. 19 of @tragediegh's brilliant fic Of Cats And Closed Doors
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synonymroll648 · 1 month
keefitz au where fitz is trying to get closer to keefe and notices that keefe’s an artist and goes “oh okay i’ll just become really educated on the subject so i can talk to him about it” and proceeds to become an art history nerd. on the sidelines when no one he knows is looking. and then one day after reading like five books and watching two documentaries he sees what keefe is drawing and he’s like “oh that pose seems reminiscent of this painting from [insert small ramble about a bygone classic that he doesn’t realize is considered niche]”.
when fitz is done talking, keefe tells him that he barely understood five words that came out of his mouth but it sounded cool, and he’s just a self-taught artist that managed to Get Good over the years. and asks fitz “can’t paint a line to save his life” vacker if he’s secretly a professional artist or something and if he could see fitz’s work.
fitz almost implodes of embarrassment on the spot, because holy shit his plan to avoid asking him out directly is backfiring hard
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captainsophiestark · 1 month
Grant Ward x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: The Bus kids are stuck at the Triskelion for a while since May and Coulson have a meeting with Fury, but Ward already has important plans that he can't cancel.
Word Count: 1,287
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: To the anon who sent me an idea outline for this, I hope you like it! It got merged with another idea I had, but hopefully, it's still pretty close to what you had in mind :) Thanks for continuing to read stuff for Grant Ward and enabling me to keep writing him- he's my fave, so I'm glad I have at least a few people to share the love with!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Skye's POV
"Alright. May and I will head into our meeting with Director Fury. We'll meet you back here when we're done."
I frowned at Coulson, glancing at FitzSimmons and Ward to see if any of them would say anything. As expected, FitzSimmons just looked at each other, and Ward nodded to Coulson like he'd known this was the plan from the beginning, which I super doubted.
"Okay... and what are we supposed to do in the meantime?" I asked, turning back to Coulson and asking the question that must've been on the rest of our minds. May was already halfway out of the room, and Coulson stopped mid-step to address my question. He smiled.
"I'm sure you'll think of something."
With that, he turned and headed off with May again. I watched him go for a few steps, then put my hands on my hips and turned back to the rest of my group with a sigh.
"Alright, we've been abandoned at one of the biggest SHIELD bases in the world. I probably know the least about this place out of all of us, so... how about you guys? Any ideas?"
I glanced at FitzSimmons, then looked right at Ward. He had his arms crossed, and he shook his head and took a step back the minute my gaze landed on him.
"I don't know what you all are going to do, but I have somewhere I need to be. I'll meet you back here when May and Coulson are done with their meeting. Try not to break anything until then."
With that, he turned on his heel and started marching away. I let him get a few steps, then turned to FitzSimmons.
"So we're gonna follow him, right?"
"Oh, of course."
A took a slow, steady breath, then refocused on the sample in front of me. I'd been staring through the eyepiece of this microscope for what felt like an eterity, finally getting somewhere with samples I'd been working with for months. I'd been stuck at the Triskelion that whole time, in a lab with the loudest of the loud field and ops agents coming in and out, constant noise and business no matter where we went. All of that was about to be worth it.
The rest of the lab completely faded out around me, even as I scribbled notes without looking at the paper beside me. The handwriting wouldn't be good, but it would be decent enough that I could decipher it later, and it meant I didn't have to take my eyes off the results of the experiment in front of me for a single moment. I'd carefully built my corner of the lab into what it was, a sanctuary from the noise and chaos, the perfect place to tuck away and lose myself in my research.
At least, normally it was. Today, someone had apparently decided to venture into my corner, as a hand on my shoulder made me shoot out of my chair and almost gave me a heart attack.
"Sorry!" came the frantic voice of my best friend, Mandy. "I didn't mean to scare you! I swear, I said your name, like, three times while walking over here."
I put a hand to my chest, taking half a second to catch my breath before turning back to Mandy.
"It's okay. Honestly, I don't think anything could've shaken me out of my focus without scaring me like that. Did you need something?"
"Just wanted to give you a warning. One of the ops agents broke containment and just wandered into the lab. Figured it'd be better if I interrupted you than if he did."
I sighed, long and heavy, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Are you kidding me? How did one of them even get in here-"
I turned to see the man in question and stopped dead in my tracks. Grant Ward, my boyfriend, had just stepped into the lab. I grinned.
"Oh, actually, never mind Mandy. This one's the exception to the rest of the ops people."
"Wow, no kidding. I don't think I've seen you smile like that since your experiment at the Academy won our final projects presentation."
I rolled my eyes, but didn't bother with more than that as Mandy took her leave and Grant finally made his way over to me. His smile matched mine, the two of us bringing out sides of each other most people weren't lucky enough to see.
"You didn't tell me you were coming!" I said as Grant finally reached me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tight to his chest. He leaned in to kiss me, and it lasted a few moments longer than I would've let him get away with in public if I hadn't missed him so much.
"I thought I'd make it a surprise. Our team got detoured here last minute for Coulson to have some meeting with Fury. Lucky for us, they didn't need me to be there."
"That is lucky," I agreed, the two of us sharing a smile again. Grant reached up and gently cuped my chin in his hand, pulling me back in for a sweeter, slower version of our earlier kiss. I sighed when he pulled back and settled onto the lab stool next to me, his thigh pressed against mine.
"So. Wanna tell me what you're working on?"
"Happily. But I don't want to spend all the time we have together in this lab, so don't let me get carried away-"
"Don't worry, we should have all of tonight and tomorrow morning, with a small exception in a few hours when I have to meet back up with my team. I thought I could keep you company while you finish up here, and then we could grab some dinner. I found a great restaurant in the city last time I had an undercover mission there, and it'll leave us plenty of time for you to tell me all about this project you're working on."
"Grant, that sounds perfect. How did I get so lucky with you?"
"Trust me, the feeling's mutual." We shared a smile, smaller and softer this time, but no less special. Then, Grant turned to the microscope in front of us. "So... I take it you're doing something with this?"
"Yes! I finally have interesting results to look at, so your visit was well-timed. Let me tell you about what you're seeing here..."
Grant leaned into the microsope, bracing one hand on my thigh as I put one arm around his shoulders and rubbed gentle cirlces there, narrating what he was seeing on the slide as I went. Within the lab, I'd gotten a bit of a reputation for liking my space while I worked. But Grant would always be the exception to that. I was on cloud nine that he was here, and I wasn't going to waste a single moment we had together.
Skye's POV
"I've never seen him smile like that!" Simmons hissed.
"And he always complains about 'technobabble' when I say more than a few three-syllable words in a sentence!" Fitz agreed. I just huffed a laugh.
"Yeah, well, he's not kissing any of us either. I think that might have something to do with the change."
Fitz and Simmons scoffed right along with me, the three of us watching the scene in the Triskelion's lab for a few more moments before finally shaking it off and heading back into the hallway. Whether or not we found something else to occupy our time until May and Coulson were done with their meeting, we at least had something to tease Ward about for the rest of our lives, which I'd take as a win any day.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinitelyforgotten @sagesmelts @gaychaosgremlin
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Thought of the day—Jealous Pippa (tame of course)
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Pippa sits with her friends, dissecting the latest campus mystery over a Jaffa cake. Her eyes scan the room, always observant. then she sees you—her girlfriend but you aren’t alone, close at your heels is the girl you’ve been tutoring in literature. You’re huddled with her on a table a couple over, books sprawled out explaining the nuances of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Pippa’s chest tightens.
‘Why is she so close to you? Why does she laugh at your jokes? Is she touching your arm? Bloody hell Pippa, focus on your friends’
Pippa’s mind races. She’s never been possessive, but seeing you with someone else ignites a fire within her. She wants to stride over, stake her claim. But she’s Pippa Fitz-Amobi—the girl who solves mysteries, not the girl who admits vulnerability. She’s more level headed than that.
‘ Why does she need a tutor? Why does it have to be my incredibly hot girlfriend? Why couldn’t it have been William from Political science? And why does that girl keep flipping her hair? Is she flirting? No, Pippa, don’t be ridiculous.”
Pippa, you’re being absurd. She’s allowed to have friends. You’re not exclusive. But damn it, she smiles at that girl like she’s the sun rising. Maybe I should just focus on the case. The missing library book. Yes, that’s it. Not the way her fingers trace the edge of her textbook.But what if she prefers that girl’s company? What if she laughs more with her? What if—
“Pip, stop. You’re unraveling faster than a locked-room mystery.”
Cara nudges her. “You’re staring at that girl again.”
“I’m not,” Pippa retorts, too quickly.
“Jealous much?” Connor says from his side of the table.
“Yes,” Pippa thinks. ‘I’m jealous of every second she spends with someone else.’
Pippa’s jaw clenches as she watches you across the canteen. The other girl—the one with the wide eyes and the innocent smile—leans in close, whispering something in your ear. Pippa’s fingers tighten around her jammy dodgers, turning them into nothing but biscuit dust, leaving Cara mortified. “I was going to ask if you wanted them but I can see they are well past being eaten” she had whispered sadly.
One day, after a particularly intense tutoring session, you invite Pippa to join you for lunch. The other girl is there too, and Pips stomach twists. The girl leans in, her lips so close against your cheek. “Thanks for helping me,” she says. And then, to Pippa’s horror, she kisses you on your cheek—a soft, lingering kiss that sets Pippa’s nerves on fire. Your eyes are wide, brain halting, wait did that just happen? Did she know who was sitting right beside you? Your girlfriend of two years?
Pip doesn’t shout. Instead, she calmly sits close to the other girl. “Mind if I sit?” she asks, her voice steady as she peers at the girl. Pip is all dark eyes and sharp quips, you can see her body language. How she sits close beside you, enough that the girl’s eyes flutter between you and pip.
The girl blinks, surprised. “Uh, sure.”
Pippa sits down, her gaze never leaving the girl’s face. “I don’t like you,” she says matter-of-factly. “But I respect boundaries. So, let’s make this clear: she’s mine.”
You watch, wide-eyed, as Pippa leans in. Her lips brush against the girl’s ear. “Next time you touch her,” she whispers, “remember that I’ve solved tougher cases.”
The girl stammers, her cheeks flushed. “I didn’t mean—”
“Good,” Pippa interrupts. Her voice calm, yet firm. Her smile so saccharine it makes your stomach twist. “Now run along.”
The girl immediately takes her bag and flits off, looking a little to eager to get away from you two. You turn to pip. She smiles at you, all to proud of herself. You don’t know wether to be angry that she just cost you a tutoring pupil, or quite swoon worthy over the performance of heroism. So you settle on the first one, not wanting pip to grow a big head. She’s already got an ego after the Andie Bell case. (That she’ll only admit to you alone)
“You know she payed me five quid per tutoring session” you piped up, eyebrows set in a firm line. You move to lay your head on the girls shoulder, taking small bites of pip’s food from her tray.
Pip laughs, her eyebrows creasing in amusement. “Well it must be luck that your girlfriend owns a true crime podcast that makes more than that a day. 5 quid is amicable, but for a girl in your position I would offer top dollar”
“I’m not taking any money from your university fund pippa” you deadpan.
Pip sulks, her eyes holding faulty hurt. “Not even a measly five quid?”.
You hold her glare, lips seeming to turn as she eyes you with those puppy dog eyes. You grab her hand in your own, lacing her finger with yours.
You watch her eyes as they flit between your eyes, and you laugh. “I can pay in the form of kisses” she suggests.
You perk up at that suddenly aware of the way pippa’s fingers are on your thigh, fingers hot to the touch.
“I’m sorry but our bank doesn’t accept eager customers”.
Pip’s face falls, her blue eyes glaring into you with wide eyes that scream ‘annoyed and very displeased girlfriend’. Pip only shakes her head, “you know I hate it when you withhold affection!” She mumbles.
You laugh, only shaking your head before kissing her cheek, “I’m only playing with you. How much would you like to withdrawal Miss Amobi?” You ask, eyes glinting as pip moves closer. Her eyes peering over at your lips, “oh I don’t think I have an exact figure at the moment” she speaks, “I’m sure you don’t have the amount money to accommodate me”. You flush, “I’m sure we can settle on a fair amount”.
Your far to busy chasing pip’s lips with your own, feeling her lips moving against yours with fervor, chasing your lips like it’s her favorite game to play. Feeling the way pip’s lips detach and tease your jaw just slightly making you giggle. “Connor can you please sit in front of me? I’m getting an eyeful of pip snogging her girlfriend and it’s making me slightly scared for her girlfriend’s life” you hear Cara mumble, but you don’t care one bit.
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
The moment you've all been waiting for...
Sophie and Keefe cheat during Legacy fic
Tagging people who were interested!
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