#Flanders tattoos
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Got some cool new pieces today 🤠
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zelkam · 1 year
oughgh I wanted to get a new tattoo when I come back home for Christmas and even the tattoo artist that I wanted to go to has a spot free when I would be in the city but then my dumb ass remembered that like 3 weeks later I will be in like you-must-wear-spf90 and salt water situation and I guess this would not be the best for fresh tattoos
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flavia8 · 1 year
Just finished reading Horimiya.... it was such a slog XD
It started off alright, but around the halfway mark it dropped A LOT in quality. There's so many dropped plot threads, the pacing is wonky, the character development is lacking. LIke I genuinely wanted to quit reading it and the only reason I didn't was bc a friend recommended it to me. I cannot say I'd ever recommend it to anyone. It sucks bc it was a genuinely sweet and funny drama/romance/slice of life but then it got so boring! The characters got so stagnant and nothing really happened to progress anyone's development after a certain point at all? So many things were introduced and then dropped, never to be mentioned again. People may be like oh it just became a slice of life, so thats why it has no plot after a certain point. However, that excuse is hollow because slice of life stuff does have plots, simple ones yes but they do have them. It's like the series cannibalized itself. The characters lost dimension and stuff repeated over and over. Almost nothing got truly resolved. It was so annoying to read.
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kleefkruid · 9 months
non-profits are so bad at communication it quickly becomes hilarious, I had to fight for my life to figure out what event we're attending today. In list form for brevity:
Danny got asked to tattoo as a side activity at an event. We know the non-profit art & community venue and have done things there before so they automatically said yes
Danny asks me to come with, I ask what the overarching event is
"Oh I didn't ask"
I go on the venues website. They have only updated their concert agenda. This is not a concert.
I go on their social media, the last event they properly announced with dates and a timetable was on the 20th of august
Few days go by, two days to go. The venues instagram re-posts a story they were tagged in of an art piece in the venue. This close to the date, this must have something to do with the event!
I go to the profile of the person they reposted and scan their other pictures. They shared another art piece and tagged the artist
I go to the artists page, in their bio it says 'expo blikkenwerpers 13-15 september' AHA
I google 'blikkenwerpers and I find it on the user submitted "out in Flanders" event page. It is an art expo set up by volunteers of a non-profit
google the non-profit. Finally find out it's an established humanist org putting up an art expo for young artists (age rage unclear)
finally text Danny: it's the socialists corrupting the youth with liberal arts and free stuff
"oh good thanks"
yesterday they finally put on a notice online. Part of the text is obscured
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Sur h pe some pe pl will sho up!
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bossoftheoss · 4 months
I know less than I’d like to about this, but if several of TLT’s main cast are intended to be of Māori descent, is the skull paint supposed to be a. Flanderization? Of Tā Moko tattoos? Is it a vague metatextual nod, or is it supposed to further cement how John’s actions, rather than his words, show how far he’s fallen from upholding what he promised to protect? Or am I talking out of my ass.
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Got some more questions
1: I know you said Lois and dick definitely would say no to tattoos but what about those stick on tattoos that disappears after a couple of days or goes away when underneath water?
2: let’s say you were writing a manga/comic series about the duo, how would the series end? Happy ending, bittersweet?
3: besides comic books, do they read other types of books?, like goosebumps, diary of a wimpy kid, maybe captain underpants, etc…
4: does the duo create an in-universe comic about them and share it to the world?
5: is the comic series, war of the Superman/new krypton canon to your universe? Like Chris getting aged up and down, thara sacrifices herself to stop a red sun, etc…
1. Now those tattoos are acceptable. Here’s where also Dick and Lois differ in their approaches; Dick will allow Jake those tattoos along as the image is relatively appropriate for the public as he doesn’t want his boy to get into trouble with his school teachers and staff. Lois meanwhile is fairly lenient with whatever of those tattoos Chris wears since she can admit to having less “appropriate” ones she wore herself back in the day.
2. A happy enough sort of ending that implies future adventures to come for the two, whether it be a mere few in universe days later or probably picking up their story years later with them grown up. They remain friends and allies no matter what, any character development arcs and directions being fulfilled through the story having merit for both future expansion and as reference for any sort of sequel series. I can see also any of the more sympathetic or at least compelling antagonists the two faced in this series having been changed by their various encounters with our heroes, leading to them returning in a sequel series, possibly as allies, either genuine or of convenience.
3. Oh for sure when they were younger, Captain Underpants was one of their go to book series. As they grew older, the Duo diversified their reading levels and portfolios though in differing directions. For example, Chris found himself draw to nonfiction almanacs, factbooks and other encyclopedias about various subjects he’s into ranging from the modern history of countries around the world to the eras of prehistoric life. By contrast, Jake looks up old classic fictional literature that are usually considered ‘grown up’ for his age but nonetheless he can enjoy. As of this writing, he’s currently midway through Charles Dickens’ ‘Oliver Twist’ after just finished with Ouida’s ‘A Dog of Flanders’
4. I can see them giving that a try given Jake being inspired by the aforementioned literary classics and Chris also having some impressive art skills of his own despite a lack of true training. They’d mostly based the stories they draw based on their own daily lives, both in and out of the costume, even basing some characters especially super villains based on their cranky, kill joy school teachers. They just pray to God, Rao and X’hal that those villains don’t become a reality because otherwise, it’ll just be plain freaky and scary
5. Only tiny elements from that arc are adapted into this canon continuity, mainly the existence of New Krypton and Thara Ak Var being present albeit being a preteen more or less about Chris’ age. Aside from Chris and Thara being younger and attending school together, the main divergence comes from the fact both New Krypton and Earth in general have more stable and warm relations between their peoples and ruling classes. It’s just Kryptonians rather prefer keeping to themselves from most Earth affairs unless it’s a crisis that affect both worlds, i.e. invasions from the likes of the Gordanians, Yellow Lanterns or even most likely Darksied and his army of Apokoliptan New Gods
(Phew) Took a while to get to these but It’s sure worth it my friend @gothicghost2000
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Weird Habits My Coworkers Have
A collection of foibles among my fellow weirdoes here at Site (REDACTED). Yes, kiddoes... Rabbit's spilling the beans again. And now... the randomness begins.
About some of our D-Class personnel (Numbers withheld to protect the D-Class, yes they are criminals but they're human too ya know):
One of our recent arrivals is obsessed with Animal Crossing. Was a real shocker to find the 'Fuck Tom Nook' tattoo on his chest. The real strange tat was the one of that stupid museum owl holding a very... adult looking fish. Below his waist even. Yikes.
We have one who is afraid of... pasta. Yes, dude freaks out over noodles. Can't even look ramen in the bowl and not lose it. Dr. Glass is working with the poor guy.
There's another one who sings. Everywhere he goes, there's a jody or a sea shanty coming out of his mouth. I don't really mind, he's got a good voice. The one he has about the Ishimura had me laughing. I like this guy, I hope he makes it.
About some of the junior researchers:
Dr. Glass' intern plays the cello, very well. If she hadn't chosen psychology, she could have been in an orchestra. She and a few others formed a quartet and give a few recitals here and there.
We have quite a few amateur golfers here. As such, I think we're the only site with a driving range and a team. They're terrible, but they enjoy the game I guess. I'd rather watch paint dry myself.
Speaking of paint... I'm not the only artist here. Dr. Pathos-Kain's assistant does fantasy paintings. I have one he did of a snowy temple, and I swear I could walk into it, it looks real enough. Iris thought it was a photograph.
We also have some jewelry makers here. My friends make stuff that puts the high-end stuff to shame.
Then... there's Doctor Bright's assistant, who juggles. Never met anyone who could juggle knives, bottles, guns, and Bright's crazy all at once, but she does it in style.
About the Doctors (here is where names get dropped)
Dr. Gears has a collection of rocks. Well, quartz crystals. He doesn't believe the crystal healing stuff, he just digs the crystal structure.
Dr. Pampas is fond of mushroom hunting.
Dr. Clef likes to make his own ammunition. O5 wisely banned its use after one of the unloaded shells blew up on his desk, while he was at lunch.
Dr. Glass is fond of thick sweaters. They make him look like Ned Flanders.
Dr. Bright plays Magic: the Gathering. He's Site Champion three years running. He plays a red-black burn deck. And... whoops me every game. I'll get him yet, though.
Dr. White likes to make movies. Not the kind you're expecting, though. Nope. Dr. White is, surprisingly, into making documentaries. Mostly about birds. He's done some mockunmentary stuff too, his 'Targeting Habits of the Canadian Goose' one had the Canadians here laughing.
And finally... not even the anomalies are safe.
079 has a poster of Cortana on his wall. He saw Halo, and fell for her. It's kinda NSFW, but no one is gonna tear it down.
353 is secretly a Sailor Moon fangirl, but denies it. Hey, I like Sailor Moon too, no shame in it if it makes you happy.
076-2 is a big fan of fighting games, as expected. Turns out, he's also been infected by Elden Ring. And has refused testing until he beats the last boss.
073, however... is more into Minecraft. He's built a lot of neat stuff, including a whole ass city in the desert. If 076-2 ever found his server location... it won't last.
682 likes pop rocks and cola. We however, are not fond of his atomic fire burps after consuming them. Last time, we almost had to turn on the sprinklers, and a D-Class had third degree burns.
106 is fond of rabbits. We caught him in the site school, cooing to the class rabbit, a white angora named Cloud. It was almost too cute to recontain him right then, but we got him his own black rabbit. He named it Mickey. Mickey is cute.
And lastly, me. Hey, only fair I spill a few of my secrets too, right?
I'm very attached to my cat Liam. He's outlasted boyfriends, jobs, friendships... I swear the daft fluffball is immortal sometimes. I found him as a kitten, my first week here in fact. He looked at me, gave me the saddest, most pathetic meow ever, and... I had to take him in. He's a goofball, but I adore him. Even if he steals pens.
Not a lot of people here know this... but I used to want to act. I tried a few classes, but it wasn't my thing. I'm no actress, but writing... that I still do.
One final secret: tomorrow I have a special surprise for my young friend, 053. I'm bringing my furry pal Liam to come hang out for a while. She's always wanted a pet, well... one less grumpy than 682, even if the big scaly jerk is wrapped around her finger. So... Liam is coming for a visit. There's something else... but that's for tomorrow, folks. And on that note, goodnight.
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rolkstone · 1 year
AU pairings:
Tony/Seymour Lionel/Nick Edna/Johnny/Frankie Daws/Zane Mr. Black/Devon Gregorio/Lindsey Roger/Alfonso Joel/Alfonso Dexter/Dwight Wayne/Dan Carina/Rex Flake/Patrick Fausto/Armando Floyd/Harry Bob/Jack Bob/Dennis Bob/Jack/Dennis Lindsey/Cookie Felix/Troy Kostas/Dan Kostas/Ned Flanders I Tattoo Annie/Lyle Legs/Louie Luca/Carmine Calvino/Jack Raphael/Dave Don Vittorio/Dr. Budgie Shotgun Pete/Frank Ormand Mason/Gil Joey the Scar/Ferdinand Fernando/Clyde Russ/Ray Russ/Kyle Kyle/Angelica Ashton/Rowan Robert/Zachary
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emmatriarchy · 1 year
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what’s your phone wallpaper : some black flowers !
last song you listened to : Beggin', Maneskin's version
currently reading : novel: PJO; comics: my pull list is too long.
last movie : spoiler alert
last show : queer eye
craving : cheese
what are you wearing right now : tank top & shorts
how tall are you? : 165 cm
piercings / tattoos? : just 1 hole in each ear.
glasses ? contacts? : i got 4/20 in each eye... I'm nearsighted AF. if I don't wear glasses or contacts I see nothing.
last thing you ate? : salami sandwich
favorite color(s) : purple
current obsession : my cats
any pets : three cats: Bekah, Nala, Gustave.
do you have a crush right now?: if you see me gush about Joe, no worry, it's normal <3
favorite fictional character : Rogue & Remy, I've loved them since I was 7 years old in 1992 thanks to XTAS.
last place you traveled : Flanders, last summer
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xasha777 · 13 days
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In the neon-lit labyrinth of New Europa, a city that never slept, a figure emerged from the shadows. Her long, straight black hair cascaded down her back, blending seamlessly with her black leather attire. Her name was Raven, a skilled hacker and street-smart survivor, known for her intricate tattoos and piercing gaze.
Raven navigated the narrow alleyways with ease, her eyes scanning for potential threats. The city's heart pulsed with energy, vibrant signs illuminating the foggy streets. Tonight, she had a mission that could change everything.
In the heart of New Europa lay the Technodome, a colossal structure housing the latest advancements in cybernetics and artificial intelligence. But beneath its gleaming surface lay secrets that only a few knew about. Rumors spoke of a powerful artifact, the Chrono Crystal, capable of manipulating time itself.
Raven's target was the Count of Flanders, an enigmatic figure who controlled the black market of New Europa. The Count, a man of influence and mystery, was said to possess the key to the Technodome's inner sanctum. Acquiring that key would bring Raven one step closer to the Chrono Crystal.
As she approached the Count's hideout, a fortified mansion surrounded by high-tech security, Raven activated her wrist-mounted holographic interface. She bypassed the security protocols with practiced ease, her fingers dancing over the virtual keyboard.
Inside, the Count of Flanders awaited, his sharp features and piercing eyes reflecting the dim light of his opulent chamber. He wore a dark suit, his demeanor exuding power and confidence.
"Raven," he greeted, his voice smooth and commanding. "I knew you would come."
"I need the key to the Technodome," Raven said, her tone steady. "And you're going to give it to me."
The Count chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "And why would I do that?"
"Because I know about your little secret," Raven replied, her eyes narrowing. "The experiments you've been conducting with the Chrono Crystal. If the public found out..."
The Count's expression darkened. "You think you can blackmail me?"
"I don't need to blackmail you," Raven said, stepping closer. "I just need the key."
For a moment, silence filled the room. Then, the Count reached into his pocket, pulling out a sleek, metallic keycard. "Very well," he said, handing it over. "But know this, Raven. Once you step into the Technodome, there's no turning back."
Raven took the keycard, her eyes meeting the Count's. "I'm ready."
With the keycard in hand, Raven left the mansion and made her way to the Technodome. The city's neon lights flickered as she approached the massive structure. She knew the risks, but the potential reward was worth it.
Inside the Technodome, Raven navigated through the labyrinthine corridors, her heart pounding with anticipation. Finally, she reached the inner sanctum, a chamber filled with advanced technology and the glowing Chrono Crystal at its center.
As she approached the crystal, a holographic interface appeared, displaying intricate calculations and equations. Raven's mind raced, her knowledge of hacking and cybernetics guiding her every move.
With a deep breath, she activated the crystal. The room filled with a blinding light, and time itself seemed to warp around her. Raven felt a surge of energy, her body tingling with power.
In that moment, she realized the true potential of the Chrono Crystal. It wasn't just a tool for manipulating time; it was a key to a new future. With the crystal in her possession, Raven knew she could change the course of history.
As the light faded, Raven stood tall, her eyes glowing with newfound determination. The city of New Europa lay before her, and with the power of the Chrono Crystal, she was ready to reshape it in her image.
And so, the legend of Raven, the hacker queen of New Europa, began. Her journey was far from over, but with the Chrono Crystal in her grasp, the possibilities were endless.
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cathygeha · 11 months
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Cozy Up to Terror by Colin Conway
Cozy Up #7
I absolutely ADORE Beauregard Smith. His name may change along with his job and location but he remains true to type – the strong, silent, stalwart type – that has to rely on old skills though he’d much rather turn over a new leaf. Love him…but not quite like Sophia in the story did.
What I liked:
* Dayle Flanders: born Beauregard Smith, in WITSEC, moves often, trouble magnet, working as a custodian in an amusement park, has enemies after him, reader of mysteries, cat lover, grows in every book, still has a hankering to get see Daphne Winterbourne again.
* Eckleberry: FBI agent that Beau first met and turned rat for, perhaps the best of the government supervisors so far
* The laughs and fun and puns
* Yango the Yeti-Abominable Snowman and escapades he gets up to
* Sophia the ditzy dame at the amusement park with her much more intelligent daughter
* Getting to catch up with Beau and see how he is doing – also finding out his new “handler” is probably inept and going to be trouble in the future
* Thinking about how badly things went and hoping that in REAL life the US Marshals and FBI would be a whole lot more savvy
* Wondering where Beau will end up next and what kind of scrape he will have to deal with
* So much in this story was noteworthy but…advise you start with book one and read them all!
What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Knowing that I will have to wait for awhile to find out what happens in book 8.
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely
Thank you to the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.
5 Stars  
“Colin Conway has written the most unusual hero I’ve come across in a long time. Both touching and sweet with a razor-sharp edge. This is not your grandma’s cozy.” - Libby Klein, author of the Poppy McAllister Mysteries
Hiding in the witness protection program has never been so hard—or so funny!
Beau Smith is living a lie, but it’s one the U.S. government created. As a former enforcer for the Satan’s Dawgs, Beau Smith committed crimes as acts of loyalty to the motorcycle club. When the FBI discovered Beau’s only weakness, they used it to turn him into the thing he dreaded most—a rat.
Now, Beau is hiding under an assumed name and looking over his shoulder. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to disguise a muscular man covered in tattoos, especially when he has a penchant for trouble.
Cozy Up to Terror arrives August 1, 2023.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
239 of 2023
Created by chasingghosts
What TV shows are you watching at the moment?
The Big Bang Theory, and rewatching old British sitcoms. I’d like to keep up with Gossip Girl, too. Yeah I know XD
Do you enjoy having deep, philosophical conversations?
I’m not smart enough lol. And not good with words.
Have you ever studied human anatomy?
Not, like, professionally. But it was mandatory to learn in our schools.
Do you plan to do much or go anywhere tomorrow?
I had nice adventures today, so tomorrow will be resting day with some groceries on the way, I think.
What was your favourite fairytale when you were growing up?
I can’t think of any.
Did you feel bored before you started this survey?
No, I had things to do. I have a life, you know?
Have you applied for a job recently?
No. I’ve been having the same job for almost 9 years and I have a permanent contract at work, so. There’s no need to apply for anything these days.
Do you have vivid dreams?
Sometimes I do. Mostly about trains XD
Would you have more word documents or images saved on your computer?
A fair amount of both.
Have you ever experienced severe health anxiety?
Yeah. You know, I have a neurological disorder that is really unpleasant at times.
Do you have a drink with you right now and if so, what is it? If not, what would you like to be drinking right now?
No, I don’t fancy anything at the moment.
Are you home alone right now?
Yes, my husband is on his way home from work. His son is at the football training and he’s gonna be back soon as well.
What do you use - haha, lmao, lol, rofl? Something else entirely?
Lol I think, but not in conversations. I’d rather say mo how zeg XD
What noises can't you stand to hear?
Scratching on glass, oh my. It makes me shiver.
What's your favourite pasta shape?
Penne, I think. I don’t really like long pasta.
What state, territory or province do you live in?
West Flanders.
Would you rather be sleeping right now?
Yeah, I’m gonna go soon.
Are you still in touch with anyone you went to high school with?
Yeah, but briefly.
Do you use the Notes app on your phone much? If so, what for?
I don’t. I rather use a book calendar because I enjoy writing on paper.
Who did you last have a deep conversation with?
Probably with my husband, about how my health problems affect me mentally. Because they do, they really do.
Do you prefer floral or fruity scents?
Ftuity, but not in perfume. It’s too girly.
What's your favourite non-dairy milk?
I hate all non-daily “milk”. All of them have awful taste.
Do you have any tattoos? If so, tell me about one.
I have two, the most recent one is a design of triangles and lines. Pretty much djent or math metal XD
Where are your siblings right now?
No idea. She could be partying with her friends, staying in her apartment and/or having friends over, or whatever. She lives in another country.
Which sibling are you closest to, both physically (distance) and emotionally?
I only have one sister, so her by default.
Did you attend pre-school as a kid?
Yes, I did.
What's something you need to buy soon?
I feel we have all the necessities at the moment.
Have you ever been evicted from your home? If so, did you think it was fair?
No, I haven’t.
If you could learn any language, what would it be?
Do you go to cemeteries regularly? Who do you visit?
I don’t. Just for taking pictures, though.
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S1E1: Pre-Show Stream of Consciousness/Wikipedia Read
HERE WE GO: The very first episode (sort of), "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire".
I didn’t remember if the very first episode of season 1 was the one where they go on a summer vacation and Homer almost drives them off a cliff, or a winter holiday one, but now that I’m seeing the title of it again, it is clearly a winter holiday episode.
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I have no recollection whatsoever of what happens in this episode. Is this where they get Santa’s little helper?? That is obviously on the Christmas theme. I know they get him in an early Christmas episode, but is it that early, literally the first episode? Maybe. If not I have no idea what it’s about. I remember the thanksgiving one where Bart ruins Lisa’s school thing. Wait is this that one?? Maybe it is, I just assumed the title referred to Christmas but maybe its even that thanksgiving one. I'm gonna read a bit about it before I watch it, because why not. 
OH MY GOD lmao, nothing could have prepared me for this: “Bart Simpson disobediently gets a tattoo against the permission of his parents.” Ok, I vaguely remember this now that I’m reading about it.
“After Marge spends all the family's holiday budget on having it removed, Homer learns that his boss is not giving employees Christmas bonuses, and takes a job as a shopping mall Santa.” I…..do not remember this…? I imagine I will once I see it. I guess it’s clearly neither that I thought though and those ones are still to come. 
As per Wikipedia: “Several of the scenes were laid out by Eric Stefani, brother of Gwen Stefani, the lead singer of the rock band No Doubt.” Fun! 
“Seymour Skinner, Milhouse Van Houten, Ralph Wiggum, Sherri and Terri, Moe Szyslak, Mr. Burns, Barney Gumble, Patty and Selma, Grampa Simpson, Ned and Todd Flanders, Santa's Little Helper, Snowball II, Dewey Largo and Lewis all make their first appearances in this episode. Snowball I is mentioned for the first time and Waylon Smithers can be heard over the speaker at the power plant, but he is not seen.” Also fun. I have no idea who Dewey Largo is - maybe the music teacher?
"Since airing, the episode has received mostly positive reviews from television critics. IGN's Robert Canning in a 2008 review of the episode noted, "though not the funniest of episodes, it certainly was groundbreaking. [...] With this episode, The Simpsons had its premise down, and it certainly had its edge.” I believe that edge is what I refer to as creepy - the creep zone. I don’t have a problem with edgy! I don’t know what it is but there is something in general that creeps me out about “”adult”" cartoons, until it eventually doesn’t, for some reason. Maybe we will discover why together. 
A few other reviews say it’s mediocre overall - that it’s good and bad in some ways, but otherwise fine.
It snowed here for the first time this week and is currently snowing so I guess it is apt. We still have halloween decorations up though, it feels insanely early and I like halloween more than Christmas, but we do have a tree so we have to justify having it by using it. Anyway I feel neutral about Christmas but tis the season kind of I guess. Ok time to watch, thanks for joining me! Xoxo kristyn 
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meluisart · 3 years
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I wish I had a needle and thread Fine as I could sew I'd sew that pretty boy to my side And down the road I'd go
- Shady Grove, Among the Oak & Ash
Fished a sketch of Moll Flanders out of my drafts folder for today. I didn’t expect to finish it so soon but I’m very pleased nevertheless. It was good fun!
Support me here!
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kingkarae · 5 years
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The Simpsons  LA-Z Rider coach gag
By guest animator: Steve Cut
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By andresmakishi
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